Document 6501409
Document 6501409
HOW TO INCREASE THE EFFICIENCY OF A HIGH CONCENTRATING PV (HCPV) BY INCREASING THE ACCEPTANCE ANGLE TO ±3.2° A.Yavrian1, S. Tremblay1, R.Gilbert1 and M. Levesque2 1 Opsun Technologies Inc, Québec, Canada 2 Institut national d’optique (INO), Québec, Canada e-mail :[email protected] ABSTRACT To compare the real efficiency of a HCPV to any other solar systems, we must evaluate the energy (Kwh) generated by the HCPV and the other solar systems located on the same site over the same period of time (one year) in order to take into account all the losses associated to optical, heat, wind, dust, diffused light, acceptance angle, dispersion and beam homogenization Many studies have compared the energy (Kwh/m2/year) generated by a HCPV and a silicon PV based system. These studies conclude that the energy generated by a HCPV system, in the best conditions, is not higher than 1.4 times the energy generated by a PV tracked system even if the efficiency of the photovoltaic elements of a HCPV is 2.35 times higher than those of a PV system. How can such results be explained? More and more solar system specialists associate the low performance of the HCPV to a narrowness of the acceptance angle. The goal of this Opsun’s R&D project was to find a way to enlarge the acceptance angle. Recently, Opsun Technologies Inc. realized a new type of HCPV at low cost. The most important feature of this HCPV is its very large acceptance angle coupled with high optical efficiency. The outdoor measurements using the sun as source of light demonstrated more than ±3.2 degrees of acceptance angle, while the global optical transmission was at the level of 87%. The geometrical concentration was around 380 Suns. STANDARD PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS (PV) As the price of a Kwh continues to decrease, solar energy is becoming a more important source of new electrical generation installations. In 2011, over 28,000 MW of new solar systems were installed. The solar panels using photovoltaic elements can be classified in two main groups. The first one is standard PV panels which do not use any concentrating optical element, while the second one, called HCPV, is applying extensively concentrating optics. There are very important differences between these two categories. The light power generated by the sun is 1kW per square meter on earth. The spectrum of sun radiation is significantly large; it covers from 350 nm up to 2500 nm. The sun light contains two types of radiation, direct and diffuse light. The distribution between the direct DNI and the diffuse part is strongly dependent on geographical position and weather conditions. It is also accepted that direct normal incidence radiation (DNI) is concentrated within a kind of cone allowing a ±0.275 degree field of view. A certain fraction of diffuse radiation is concentrated within an angular filed of ± 0.275° to ± 3°. This part of the sunlight beam is called circumsolar. 1 PV panels’ configuration is extremely simple. They are composed of a glass sheet, serving as a mechanical support and a protective cover on which EVA (ethylene-vinyl acetate) is used to glue the solar cells to the glass. Solar cells are made of silicon and cover the whole useful surface of a PV panel; therefore there is no need to use concentrating optical elements. The absence of concentrating optics allows the PV panel to convert direct and diffuse light. The current commercial efficiency of PV’s cells is at the level of 17% (1,2). Based on the fact that silicon has a limited spectral response (between 450 to 900 nm), commercial expectation of PV efficiency does not excess 20%. Based on 2012 second quarter PV prices, a 16% PV will allow to generate Kwh at around $0.20US in an area having high 2,600 Kwh/m2/year solar exposition. To reach the grid parity, price will have to continue to decrease by a factor of at least 50%. Doubling the efficiency of a solar system is definitively a good way to reach that goal. In contrast to PV, HCPV uses optical elements to concentrate the sun light into solar cells and also use GaAs type cells instead of traditional silicon. Multijunction solar cells in general consist of three different layers having the capability to extract the energy of different parts of the sun spectrum. Each layer is designed for a specific wavelength band. Hence, the multijunction cells have a much better spectral response than PV and therefore are able to convert the sun light into electricity with an efficiency expected to be at the level of 50%(3). Actual triple junctions solar cells lab world record is 43.5%(4,5), while the efficiency of available commercial triple junctions cells is in fact at the level of 40%(6). With such an efficiency, the end user is expecting a generation of Kwh per square meter at least twice those generated by PV. But this is not the case. Why? HCPV PERFORMANCES’ There are two types of HCPV. The first type uses refractive type optics to concentrate the sun light, while the other uses reflective. Regardless of concentrator type, HCPV contains primary and secondary optical elements. The main concentration is performed by primary optical element. In addition, secondary optics are needed to homogenize the profile of the beam. Whether HCPV is a reflective type or refractive, the HCPV can only concentrate the direct light (DNI). In refractive type concentrator, Fresnel lenses are used as primary optics, mainly because of their low manufacturing costs. However, prismatic structure of Fresnel lenses causes relatively high optical losses. Actual commercial Fresnel lenses have between 75%82% of optical transmission. Based on these elements, a HCPV using Fresnel lenses and triple junctions solar cells having an efficiency of 40% and primary optical efficiency of 80% is expected to generate a global efficiency of 32% compare to PV which is at 16%. When we were expecting that a HCPV would generate twice the energy than a PV during the same period, it was demonstrated that it is not the case. Some HCPV generate a PV equivalent efficiency as low as 19%. That means that there is an additional 60% loss of energy with HCPV. What is the main source of such additional losses? ACCEPTANCE ANGLE HCPV modules, in contrast to PV, need to be constantly aligned with respect to DNI sun beam. This is why HCPV are mounted on sophisticated trackers which follow the sun in order to guarantee normal incidence of DNI beam. If a concentrator is not perfectly aligned with the sun beam, it will lose part of the available energy. This misalignment angle 2 at which the performance of concentrator is reduced by more than 10% is called acceptance angle. To this date, the race to obtain the most efficient HCPV module has been mostly governed by the desire to increase the optical transmission of used optical elements. During this race, another very important parameter has been neglected, the acceptance angle of the complete assembly. If the impact of optical transmission and geometrical concentration ratio on the cost and on annual energy production are relatively easy to predict, the role of the acceptance angle is more complicated to evaluate and understand. Intuitively, the acceptance angle must be limited by the direct beam DNI angular divergence and the tracking system accuracy. Considering a ±0.275 degree of field of view’s DNI, and the fact that nowadays tracker precision is around ±0.1° ±0.2°, the acceptance angle ±0.5° should allow to collect 100% of the available energy. Actual HCPV’s modules demonstrate various concentration ratios, but the acceptance angle of all these HCPVs are within ±0.5° - ±1°. During the fall of 2011, GreenMountain Engineering (GreenMountain) and Institute de Sistemas Fotovoltaics de Concentracion (ISFOC, Spain) published a quite important study of HCPV performances(7). Namely, during eight weeks, the performances of HCPV systems, installed in the field, were collected and analysed. A particular attention was put on the relation between the generated energy and the acceptance angle. These studies provide an answer to the question of where additional losses of HCPV come from. ISFOC and GreenMountain demonstrated the importance of the acceptance angle. According to this study, a module having ±0.5 degree of acceptance angle would generate an additional Kwh loss of 60%, and as HCPV has an acceptance angle of ±1 degree, energy losses will be at the level of 25 %. This is obtained with tracking systems having demonstrated ±0.1° - ±0.2° degree of angular precision. In the past, similar studies were conducted with less devastating results. These experiments were performed using single module mounted on a laboratory type wellcontrolled tracker. The results change when a study is conducted with a real HCPV system installed in a field and exposed to the sun light and to the outdoor conditions as in the case of ISFOC and GreenMountain studies. Real HCPV systems use several modules assembled side by side (forming a platform) and can reach several square meters of surface area. Such systems become more sensitive to mechanical deformations and manufacturing errors. Mechanical deformations can have various origins. They can be caused by wind, gravitational forces as well as by thermal expansions. For example, gravitational forces lead to deformation of extremities of the platform or deformation of central pedestals, on which the platform is mounted (axes of rotations). These deformations are amplified by wind load which, in addition, can result in pedestal torque and shakiness (or back and forth) of whole tracking system. Taking all the above-mentioned factors into account, it becomes easier to explain the results obtained by ISFOC and GreenMountain. Thus, HCPV with low-acceptance angle will often be misaligned, hence generating significantly less energy than the predicted value. It is important to mention that the geographic location also contributes to the problem of low-acceptance angle. This is due to the presence of some energy in circumsolar 3 The high-acceptance angle of a HCPV module not only increases annual energy production, but also leads to significant decrease of the cost of HCPV’s systems; lower acceptance angle requires more sophisticated complex tracking systems. In fact, the trackers used for HCPV modules are more expensive than those used for the flat top PV modules; this is the direct results of low-acceptance angle. By increasing the acceptance angle, the trackers having lower precision can be used; hence a significant cost reduction in the final system will be obtained. achievable acceptance angle. This angle is determined by the following equation: sin sin Where α is the acceptance angle, ns is the refractive index of the optical material deposed on triple junctions solar cells surface, θcel is the incident angle on solar cell. Figure 1presents the theoretical curve representing the variation of acceptance angle with respect to concentration ratio. 8 7 Acceptance angle (deg.) radiation. As mentioned above, sun radiation is composed of DNI and diffuses radiations. However, there is still energy within angles ±0.27° to ±3°. Depending on geographic location as well as weather conditions, the energy confined between theses angles can be quite significant. Thus, a low-acceptance angle will not allow effective capture of this energy neither. 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Geometrical concentration ration As mentioned above, actual HCPV modules require the use of tracking systems whose precision is within ±0.1° - ±0.2°. Such high precision has to be maintained during 20 -25 years, which is a quite difficult task. However, modules showing a higher acceptance angle will be able to use lower precision trackers. This will reduce maintenance costs, leading to increase of customer confidence in long-term reliability of HCPV systems. OPSUN’S APPROACH OF HCPV DESIGN Opsun has concentrated its attention on the acceptance angle issue. Opsun wanted to achieve the highest possible acceptance angle without sacrifying optical efficiency. It is known that the maximum theoretical acceptance angle is limited by the concentration ratio. For a given geometrical concentration ratio there is a maximal Figure 1. The efficiency of solar cells is changing when the incident angle θcell is increased. However, for a wide range of incidence angles, this variation is still negligible. Thus, the theoretical curve presented in figure 1 was obtained with the values of ns and θcel giving the minimal optical losses. According to ISFOC and GreenMountain studies, for HCPV modules, whose acceptance angles are higher than ±1.2° - ±1.4°, there is no loss related to acceptance angle As one can see from Figure 1, the acceptance angles increase with the decrease of geometrical concentration ratio. However, the reduction of geometrical concentration ratio increases solar cells cost. Thus, the final choice of acceptance angle should take into account 4 a careful analysis of tracker system, solar cells and annual energy gain. which has a worldwide recognized expertise in optical design(8). After choosing an optimal concentration ratio, it is important to design HCPV whose acceptance angle is as much as possible close to corresponding theoretical value. At Opsun, we have developed a new type of HCPV concept which makes it possible to obtain acceptance angles close to theoretical values for very wide range of geometrical concentrations (300 – 2000 Suns). Opsun is confident to reach an acceptance angle of ±1.9° at concentration ratio of 1000 Suns. To measure the acceptance angle, Opsun HCPV system was mounted on a tracking system. The measurements were conducted in the region of Quebec City (42), between March and May 2012. The sun radiation power was constantly detected by two identical pyrometers, one to measure DNI + circumsolar and the other isotropic diffuse radiation. As mentioned above, in order to characterize the optical performances of the HCPV, short current generated by a multijunction cell was used. EXPERIMENTAL REALIZATION AND The general design of HCPV consists of two main optical elements. Namely, it contains primary concentrating element and secondary one. The role of the first element is to do the main concentration, while the second optical component is applied to increase the acceptance angle as well as to homogenize the intensity profile (flat top beam) of the concentrated beam on the solar cell. Some HCPV producers are avoiding the use of secondary optical component in order to reduce the cost of HCPV module. However, their acceptance angle is extremely low (±0.5°). In order to reach high-acceptance angle values, a secondary optical element has to be used. Therefore, Opsun’s module has been designed with both components: primary refracting focusing element and secondary one. Nevertheless, no commercially available optical elements allow for an acceptance angle of ±3°. Therefore, completely new types of optical components were designed and fabricated by Opsun. The Opsun’s concentrator is a result of fruitful collaboration between Opsun Technologies Inc. and INO (Institut national d’optique) In Figure 2, the variation of Opsun’s HCPV output with respect to the incident angle is presented. As shown, the generated energy was almost constant until the concentrator was misaligned with respect to its initial position by more than 3.2° (half-angle). The transmission of the HCPV is practically unchanged within the incident angle ±3°. However, when the module was misaligned by more than ±3°, transmission dramatically decreased. Such behaviour indicates a perfectly designed concentrator, otherwise more bell-like transmission curve would have been observed. Reciver photocurrent a.u. RESULTS 1,3 1,2 1,1 1 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 Opsun HCPV Commercial HCPV -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 DNI incident angle (deg) Figure 2. Based on the above-mentioned definition of the acceptance angle, we can certainly claim 5 that Opsun’s HCPV demonstrates a ±3.2° acceptance angle, which is very close to theoretical value of ±3.6° (see fig. 3). Slight difference between the theory and experiment is explained by the presence of a small angular divergence (angular field of view) of DNI sun beam (theoretical curve assumed collimated light). 8 Acceptance angle (deg.) 7 Theoretical value of Opsun HCPV 6 5 4 Analysis of experimental results. Obtaining such a high-acceptance angle means the possibility to generate much more annual energy than current commercial HCPV modules. Based on ISFOC and GreenMountain studies, we can make some preliminary estimations about Opsun’s module performance installed in a region where available solar energy is 2600 kWh/m2/y and average ambient temperature is 20°C (see table 1). Using the data from PV6 simulator and from NREL(9), approximate performances of 2-axis tracked PV module, a commercial HCPV, and Opsun’s HCPV modules were considered. 3 2 PV comercial HCPV comercial HCPV comercial HCPV Opsun 1X 380X 380X 380X Acceptance Angle ±90 ° ±0,5° ±1 ° ±3,2 ° Available Kwh/m2/Year 2600 2600 2600 2600 Efficiency of photovoltaic elements 17% 40% 40% 40% Diffuse light 15% 15% 15% 15% Production of Kwh/m2/Year without losses 442 884 884 884 Optical losses 6% 20% 20% 13% Kwh/m2/Year after optical losses 415 707 707 769 Thermic losses 10% 3% 3% 3% Acceptance Angle losses 0% 60% 25% 0% Annual real energie production Kwh/m2/Year 374 274 514 746 1 0,73 1,38 2,00 Type of modules 1 Experimental value of Opsun HCPV Concentration Ratio 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Geometrical concentration ration Figure 3. It is worth to note that Quebec region is not the ideal place for HCPV’s test since the energy present in circumsolar radiation could be significantly high. We expect that in the regions well-suitable for HCPV operations, a higher acceptance angle will be detected. Note that the same performance is observed with respect to elevation angle variation, since the concentrator was designed to perform in the same manner for all directions. In parallel to acceptance angle, other optical parameters play a very important role in the performance of a HCPV module. One of them is the homogeneity of the sun beam incident on the solar cells. Due to Opsun’s HCPV careful optical design, output beam is quite homogeneous for almost the whole sun light spectrum and, nearly for all incidence angles confined within the acceptance angle. Ratio of Kwh generated by HCPV/PV Table 1. The difference between a ±0.5° and ±1° acceptance angle module and Opsun HCPV is mostly explained by the curve supplied by GreenMountain and ISFOC(6). From this review, one can determine that the losses related to an acceptance angle of ±0.5° will be 6 at the level of 60% and of 25% with a ±1° acceptance angle, while losses will be at 0% with Opsun’s HCPV. CONCLUSION A new type of concentrator having very high-acceptance angle was designed and successfully tested. The demonstrated acceptance angle was ±3.2 degrees for a geometric concentration ratio of 380 Suns. To our best knowledge, this is the highest acceptance angle which has been demonstrated up to now for HCPV. We expect that, due to such high-value of acceptance angle, the annual energy production will increase significantly while tracking system, manufacturing, maintenance and installation costs will decrease. References: 1. Canadian Solar, 2. JA Solar, 3. A. Luque, Will we exceed 50% efficiency in photovoltaics? J. Appl. Phys. 2011; 110; 031301-031301-19 4. Solar Junction, 5. Sharp, 6. Spectrolab, 7. B. Stafford1, M. Davis1, J. Chambers1, M. Martinez1, D. Sanchez2, Tracker accuracy: field experience, analysis, and correlation with meteorological conditions. 1 GreenMountain Engineering, LLC, SanFrancisco, CA, and Somerville, MA, USA 2 Instituto de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos de Concentracion S.A., Puertollano, SPAIN 8. INO (Institut National d Optique), 9. 7