How to Select and Interpret Molecular Strain Typing Methods for... Bacterial Infections: A Review for Healthcare Epidemiologists
How to Select and Interpret Molecular Strain Typing Methods for... Bacterial Infections: A Review for Healthcare Epidemiologists
How to Select and Interpret Molecular Strain Typing Methods for Epidemiological Studies of Bacterial Infections: A Review for Healthcare Epidemiologists Author(s): Fred C. Tenover, Robert D. Arbeit, Richard V. Goering Reviewed work(s): Source: Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, Vol. 18, No. 6 (Jun., 1997), pp. 426-439 Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America Stable URL: . Accessed: 02/11/2011 15:18 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. The University of Chicago Press and The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. S S SSI ma SHEA How to Molecular OS Position Strain Interpret Typing Methods of Studies Epidemiological A Review for Paper and Select Healthcare I Bacterial for Infections: Epidemiologists V.Goering,PhD; FredC.Tenover,PhD;RobertD. Arbeit,MD;Richard the Molecular ofAmerica Groupof the SocietyforHealthcare TypingWorking Epidemiology ABSTRACT Straintypingis an integralpartof epidemiological of nosocomialinfections.Methodsfor disinvestigations tinguishingamongbacterialstrainshave improveddraoverthe last5 years,duemainlyto the introducmatically tion of moleculartechnology.Althoughnot all molecular techniquesare equallyeffectivefor typingall organisms, is the techniquecurrently pulsed-field gel electrophoresis favoredformostnosocomial to aidepipathogens.Criteria Outbreaksof nosocomialinfectionscontinueto occur among patients in a variety of healthcaresettings.1,2Although fungi, viruses, and parasites can cause nosocomialinfections,bacterialagents remain the most commonlyrecognizedcause of outbreaksof disease.' In hospitals,the use of indwellingcatheters, ventilators,and a variety of other medical devices often serve as sources and conduitsfor bacteriaand make efforts to control outbreaksmore difficult.3In addition,the decreasedeffectiveness of some antimicrobialagents due to the emergence of resistantbacteria4complicatesinfectioncontrolefforts.5 Investigationsof presumedoutbreaksof bacterial infectionsin hospitals often require strain typing data to identifyoutbreak-related strainsand to distin- resultshavebeenpublished. demiologistsin interpreting Nucleicacidamplification-based typingmethodsalso are to manyorganismsandcanbe completedwithapplicable in a single day,but interpretivecriteriastill are under debate.Straintypingcannotbe used to replacea sound epidemiologicalinvestigation,but serves as a useful adjunct to such investigations (Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol1997;18:426-439). guish epidemic from endemic or sporadicisolates.6 Straintypingdata,particularlythose that are generated by using newer molecular methods, have been helpfulfor investigatingoutbreakscaused by a wide range of bacterialpathogens, including methicillinresistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA),7 enterococci(VRE),8 Pseudomonas vancomycin-resistant and Klebsiellapneumoniae.10 The moleaeruginosa,-9 cular approaches, which include pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), arbitrarilyprimed polymerase chainreaction(AP-PCR)assays, and plasmid fingerprinting (PF), have several advantages over traditional typing methods, including higher discriminatorypower,broaderapplicationto a varietyof bacterialspecies, and, at times, speed.6While many From the HospitalInfectionsProgram (Dr Tenover),Centersfor Disease Controland Prevention,Atlanta, Georgia;the Boston Veterans'Affairs Medical Center (Dr Arbeit), Boston, Massachusetts;the Department of Medical Microbiology(Dr Goering), CreightonUniversity,Creighton,Nebraska;and the Universityof Texas (Barbara E. Murray,MD), Houston, Texas;Mayo Clinic (David H. Persing, MD, PhD), Rochester,Minnesota;the Universityof Iowa (MichaelA. Pfaller,MD), Iowa City,Iowa; and Cook CountyHospital (RobertA. Weinstein,MD), Chicago,Illinois. Addressreprintrequeststo Fred C. Tenover,PhD, NosocomialPathogensLaboratoryBranch (G08), Centersfor Disease Control and Prevention,1600 CliftonRd, Atlanta, GA 30333. 95-SR-206.TenoverFC, ArbeitRD, GoeringRV theMolecularTypingWorkingGroupof the Societyfor HealthcareEpidemiology ofAmerica.How to selectand interpretmolecularstrain typingmethodsfor epidemiologicalstudiesof bacterialinfections:a reviewfor healthcare InfectControlHospEpidemiol1997;18:426-439. epidemiologists. Vol. 18 No. 6 SHEA POSITION PAPER of these newer methods now are utilized in clinical and reference laboratoriesaround the world, there oftenis disagreementon how to interpretthe results. In most cases, the focus of discussion relates to the degree of variabilityin the test results that can occur before two isolates are determinedto belong to different strains.'1 The goal of this position paper is to provide healthcareepidemiologistswith an overview of the methods availablefor analyzingbacterialisolates suspected of causing nosocomialoutbreaksand to propose criteriafor interpretingthe results of those studies. The emphasiswillbe on those molecularmethods whose utilityhas been validatedby studiesperformed in multiplelaboratorieson large sets of isolates.More traditionaltechniques,such as staphylococcalphage typing,biotyping,and pyocintyping,12are not considered here. It is criticalthatepidemiologistsunderstand and appreciatethatthe results of straintypingstudies do not substitutefor a sound epidemiologicalinvestigation. Rather,the laboratorystudies and the epidemiologicalstudies of suspected outbreaksshould be analyzedin paralleland should be viewed as complementarycomponentsof the overallinvestigation. BACKGROUND CONSIDERATIONS The abilityof moleculartypingsystemsto distinguish amongepidemiologicallyunrelatedisolates is a reflectionof the genetic variationseen in the chromosomal DNA of a bacterialspecies.'3Usually,this variabilityis high, and differentiationof unrelatedstrains can be accomplishedusing any of a varietyof techniques.14However,the factorsthat enable bacteriato cause infection often are not uniformlydistributed withina species.Thus,the organismsmost commonly associatedwithinfectionsoftenare a smallersubset of the manystrainsthat constitutea species.1"As a consequence, this subset may exhibit relatively little genetic diversity,and it can be difficultto differentiate amongstrainseven with newermoleculartechniques. Methicillin-resistantStaphylococcusaureus are an example of this phenomenon.Because most MRSA recoveredfrom patientsare derivedfrom a relatively smallnumberof clones,16there are a limitednumber of straintypes that can be differentiatedregardlessof the typing method used. While phenotypic methods often cluster isolates of MRSAinto a few broad groups, most molecular methods are capable of differentiating endemic from epidemic strains."7 CHARACTERISTICS OF TYPING METHODS Typing methods fall into two broad categories: phenotypicmethods and genotypicmethods. Phenotypic 427 methods are those that characterizethe productsof gene expression in order to differentiate strains. Properties such as biochemical profiles, bacteriophage types, antigens present on the cell's surface, and antimicrobialsusceptibilityprofilesall are examples of phenotypicpropertiesthat can be determined in the laboratory.Because they involvegene expression, these properties all have a tendency to vary, based on changes in growth conditions, growth phase, and spontaneousmutation. Genotypicmethods are those that are based on an analysis of the genetic structure of an organism and include polymorphismsin DNA restrictionpatterns based on cleavage of the chromosome by enzymes that cleave the DNA into hundredsof fragments (frequentcutters), or into 10 to 30 fragments (infrequentcutters), and the presence or absence of extrachromosomalDNA.Genotypicmethodsare less subject to naturalvariation,although they can be affected by insertions or deletions of DNA into the chromosome,the gain or loss of extrachromosomal DNA, or randommutationsthat may create or eliminate restrictionendonucleasesites. All typing systems can be characterized in terms of typeability,reproducibility,discriminatory power,ease of performance,and ease of interpretation.6The characteristicsof a numberof typingmethods are presentedin Table 1. Typeabilityrefersto the ability of a technique to assign an unambiguous result (type) to each isolate. Although nontypeable isolates are more commonwith phenotypicmethods, they have been recognizedwith most methods. For example,with PFGE,a techniquethat is almost uniformly applicable to bacteria," some strains of Clostridiumdifficileremainnontypeablebecause the chromosomal DNA is degraded, presumably by endogenousnucleases,beforeit can be cleavedproperly by the restriction endonucleases used in the PFGEprotocol.18 A reproduciblemethod is one that yields the same results upon repeattesting of a bacterialstrain. In the contextof an epidemiologicalstudy,this means that the same strainrecoveredfromepidemiologically linked patients will give the identical (or nearly identical) typing result. Poor reproducibility may reflect technical variation in the method or biologic variationoccurringduringin vivo or in vitropassage of the organismsto be examined. Over time (a few weeks to years, dependingon the species), the typing patternsproducedby DNA-basedmethods, such as PFGE and AP-PCR,will show some minor, natural variation.19,20Thus, when analyzing results, it is important to consider the length of time over which the bacterial isolates were collected. 428 INFECTIONCONTROLAND HOSPITALEPIDEMIOLOGY Tune 1997 TABLE 1 CHARACTERISTICS OFTYPINGSYSTEMS* Typing System Proportionof Strains Typeable All Biotyping Antimicrobial susceptibilityAll patterns Most Serotyping Plasmidfingerprintingt Most REAof chromosomal DNA All withconventional electrophoresis RFLPanalysiswith All DNAprobest PFGE All All AP-PCR. Reproducibility Discriminatory Power Ease of Interpretation Ease of Performance Poor Good Poor Poor Moderate Easy Easy Easy Good Good Good Fair Good Good Moderate Moderate Difficult Moderate Moderate Moderate Excellent Moderate to Excellent Excellent Good Moderate Difficult Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Excellent Good Abbreviations: REA,restrictionendonucleaseanalysis;RFLP,restrictionfragment-length PFGE,pulsed-field AP-PCR, polymorphism; gel electrophoresis; arbitrarily chainreaction. primedpolymerase * Adapted fromreference6. t ForisolatesofStaphylococcus aureusandcoagulase-negative Forthegram-negative plasmidanalysiswithrestriction staphylococci, digestionoftenis required. organisms, suchas Klebsiella, orSerratia,whole-plasmid Enterobacter, analysiswithoutrestriction digestionoftenprovidessufficientdiscriminatory power. tAs appliedto IS6110analysisofMycobacterium andribotyping. tuberculosis Notethatinterpretive criteriaforAP-PCR haveyet to be standardized. difficile,andselectedEnterobacteriaceae. . As appliedto S aureus,Clostridium The discriminatory power of a technique refers to its abilityto differentiateamong epidemiologically unrelatedisolates, ideally assigning each to a different type. Traditionalphenotypic methods, such as antibiogramtyping, serotyping, and biotyping, frequentlyshow lowerdiscriminatorypowerthannewer molecularmethods.6,13 Ease of performancereflectsthe cost of specialized reagents and equipment,the technicalcomplexity of a method,andthe effort requiredto learnandto implementthe techniquein the laboratory.Most molecularmethods requirepurchase of new equipment, some of which is costly ($4,000-$20,000).However, these methods are learned easily and are widely applicableto a variety of species. Many traditional methods also involveconsiderablecosts in laborand materials,but are restrictedto a single or relatively few species. For example, bacteriophage typing, which is used primarilyfor S aureusand a few other bacterialspecies, requiresthe maintenanceof bacteriophage stocks that constantlymust be replenished and titered, a process that is both time-consuming and labor-intensive. Finally, ease of interpretationrefers to the effort and experience requiredto obtainuseful, reliable typinginformationusing a particularmethod.At present,the interpretationof the results of molecular methods remains an area of active discussion. However,this is in contrastto methods such as bac- teriophagetyping and pyocin typing, which require significant expertise to perform and interpret and often still yield ambiguousresults. INDICATOR TECHNIQUES (PHENOTYPIC METHODS) Biotyping In the 1960s and early 1970s, identification of bacterial species frequently was undertaken using racks of tubes representing a variety of biochemical tests, and the variability of certain tests, such as indole, H2S,or pigmentproduction,served as markers for particular strains. Thus, biotyping emerged as a useful tool for epidemiological investigations. Today,identificationof bacterialspecies normallyis accomplishedby using a combinationof biochemical and immunologictests, many of which now are performed using commercialkits or automateddevices. However,biotypingusing automatedmethods relies on a variety of novel substrates,and some of these tests, such as carbohydratefermentations,are highly variableeven withinisolates of the same strain.Thus, biotyping, like most phenotypic methods, has only modest reproducibility, because microorganismscan alter unpredictablythe expression of many cellular products.Moreover,contemporarybiotypingtypically has poor discriminatory power and cannot differenti- ate among some of the current nosocomialproblem pathogens, such as enterococci, where biochemical Vol.18 No.6 SHEA PosITION PAPER diversityis uncommon.Occasionally,outbreaksare observedthatare causedby bacterialstrainsthatrepresent unusual species or unusual biotypes of common species, for example, H2S-producing isolates of Escherichiacoli. In such situations,additionaltyping techniques may not be needed. However,even clusters of unusual isolates may not always indicate a common-sourceoutbreak,as indicated by a recent report in which four isolates of Leptotrichiabuccalis, an unusual anaerobicgram-negativebacillus, recovered from blood culturesof four differentbone marrow transplantpatients,were found to be unrelated The investiby PFGEandfatty-acidprofileanalysis.21 gation of the suspected outbreakrevealed that each of the patientshad undergone dental manipulations priorto developingbacteremia.In addition,all of the patientshadbeen placedon prophylacticantimicrobial agents to which the L buccalisisolateswere resistant. Thus, each neutropenicpatientdevelopedbacteremia with his own endogenous strainof L buccalis,which served as an opportunisticpathogen.Nonetheless,it shouldbe notedthatoutbreakscan, in some cases, be causedby multiplepathogens. 429 the associationof certain Salmonellaserotypes with foodbornedisease, and the associationbetween specific pneumococcalserotypes and invasive disease, particularlyin children,serotypingcontinuesto be a valuable typing technique. Nonetheless, PFGE has been shown to resolve distinct clonal strains within individualserotypes of both Salmonellaand pneumococci, thus indicatingthat it is a more discriminatory typingtool.27,28 GENOTYPIC METHODS Overthe last severalyears, six moleculartechniques have emerged as the methods of choice for typing bacterial isolates. They are PF; restriction endonuclease analysis (REA)of plasmid DNA; REA of chromosomal DNA using frequent cutting enzymes and conventionalelectrophoresis;restriction fragment-lengthpolymorphism(RFLPtyping) analysisusing DNA probes;PFGE;and AP-PCRand other related nucleic acid amplification-based typing methods.In addition,PCR-DNAsequencingmethods are just beginningto be utilized. Plasmid Fingerprinting Antimicrobial Susceptibility Patterns Plasmid fingerprintingwas the first molecular Antimicrobialsusceptibilitypatterns also have method to be used as a bacterial typing tool.29,30 relativelypoor discriminatorypower,because antimi- Plasmidsare extrachromosomalDNA elements that crobial resistance is under tremendous selective are present in most clinicalisolates and can be idenandoften is asso- tifiedreadilyby simplecell lysis proceduresfollowed pressurein healthcareinstitutions22 ciatedwith mobilegenetic elements (eg, transposons by agarosegel electrophoresisof the lysates (Figure and plasmids).23Changes in antibiogramsalso may 1).31The numberand size of the plasmidspresent is reflect spontaneous point mutations, such as seen used as the basis for strainidentification.This strain with fluoroquinolones.24 Thus, isolates that are epi- typing technique has been used successfully for demiologically related and otherwise genetically analysis of outbreaksof nosocomialinfections29and indistinguishablemay manifest different antimicro- community-acquired infections32caused by a variety bial susceptibilitiesdue to acquisitionof new genetic of species of gram-negativerods. material over time25 or the loss of plasmids.26 Conversely, unrelated isolates may have indistin- REA of Plasmid DNA Some strains of bacteriacontain only a single guishable resistance profiles, which may represent acquisitionof the same plasmidby multiplespecies large plasmid, often in the size range of 100 to 150 kilobases (kb). Because it is difficultto differentiate (a "plasmidoutbreak"). plasmidsin this size range,especiallythose thatvary Serotyping by only 10 kb to 15 kb, some investigators have added a restriction endonuclease digestion step to Serotyping, a nonmolecular method, uses a series of antibodies to detect different antigenic try to increase the discriminatory power of agarose determinantson the surface of the bacterial cell. gel electrophoresis (Figure 2).33 While this can be Serotypingis one of the classic strain typing tech- helpful, large plasmids produce many restriction niques that has been used over the years for epi- fragments, which can make interpretation more difdemiologicalstudies of many species of bacteria.It ficult, especially when multiple large plasmids are remains a key method for typing isolates of present. Thus, for gram-negative rods, the REA step Salmonella, Shigella, and pneumococci. However, no longer is performed in most laboratories. maintaining stocks of typing sera (including the However, for analysis of staphylococci, where the >2,200antiserarequiredfor definitiveSalmonellatyp- plasmids typically are <50 kb, REA appears to increase the discriminatory power of the analysis, ing) is a majorlimitationof this method. Because of INFECTIONCONTROLAND HOSPITALEPIDEMIOLOGY 430 A B CHROMOSOME 0 PLASMID1 PLASMID2 C CLEAVEWITHBamHI 0 I June 1997 5' G1 C 3' GATe SF A E B CHROMOSOMAL FRAGMENTS -z MOLECULAR SIZE STANDARDS techFIGURE1. Schematicdrawingof the plasmidfingerprinting niqueusingagarosegel electrophoresis.Theovalon the left signifies a typicalgram-negativerod,and the circleon the rightsignifies a typicalgram-positive coccus. Cellsare lysed usingdetergentsat highpH,the chromosomalDNAis removed,and the plasmidDNA is appliedto an agarosegel thatthen is stainedand photographed. Some chromosomalfragmentsusuallyare visibleon the gel and 12-15 serve as an internalmolecularsize standard(approximately kb).PlasmidDNAwithinthe bacteriais shownin circularform.Each plasmidis numberedwithinthe cell, and its corresponding position in the agarosegel is indicatedbythe same number. because the number of restrictionfragmentsgenerated usually is <20.33Digestion also makes the patterns of the restriction fragments produced from staphylococcalplasmids easier to analyze than the undigested profiles, which often show multiple forms for plasmidsof less than 15 kb, because circular and linearforms of the plasmidmigrateat different rates than the covalently closed circularform. Plasmid fingerprintingis technically simple to perform and requires relativelyinexpensive equipment ($1,500-$3,000).At this time, the method is used primarilyas an alternativetechniquefor staphylococcal isolates, which frequently carry multiple plasmids, and for selected species of Enterobacteriaceae, which often have large distinctiveplasmids. When applyingthe plasmidfingerprintingtechnique, investigatorsmust be awareof two confounding factors. First, it is possible that plasmids can spread to multiple species of bacteria, causing a plasmid outbreak in which unusual antibiograms are recognized in multiple species. This has been recognizedboth in gram-negativerods and in staphylococci.25,34 Second, it is importantto appreciatethat the structureof individualplasmidsand the plasmid contentof a particularstrainmayvary overtime.This variabilityreflects two factors: over time, plasmids can be lost spontaneously or acquired from other organisms, and plasmids frequently carry smaller 1 -HMOLECULAR SIZE STANDARDS 2 FIGURE2. Schematicdrawingof restrictionendonucleasedigestion of two uniqueplasmids,followedby agarosegel electrophoresis. Different-sized restrictionfragmentsare denoted by the different patterns. mobile genetic elements (transposonsand insertion sequences) that promote duplicationsand deletions of DNA segments. Both plasmids and transposons often include antimicrobialresistance determinants and thus are subject to considerableselective pressure within hospitals due to antimicrobialagent use.22In general, plasmidfingerprintingis most useful for epidemiologicalstudies that are limited both temporallyand geographically.In selected instances, plasmid fingerprintingmay complementother techniques, such as PFGEanalysis,by providinga basis for differentiatingisolates that are related genotypically but are separatedepidemiologicallyby moderate time periods,such as severalmonths.35 Gel Electrophoresis Techniquesfor Analysis of Chromosomal DNA There are two methods of typing organisms based on fragment patterns produced by cleaving chromosomal DNA with restriction endonucleases. The first method, often referred to as conventional electrophoresis,uses a restrictionenzyme that cuts the chromosome into hundreds of pieces (frequent cutter), followed by standard agarose gel electrophoresis. Fragmentsthat are 25 kb to 0.5 kb are resolved into a discernible banding pattern, although a single band may contain fragments of similarsize from several differentareas of the chromosome. Largerfragmentscoalesce at the top of the gel or do not migrate into the gel. The second method, PFGE,uses enzymes that cut chromosomal DNA infrequently,generating from 10 to 30 bands, Vol. 18 No. 6 SHEA PosITIONPAPER 2 z A OI Sz 431 B A C B C MEMBRANE TRANSFER AND PROBE HYBRIDIZATION z AGAROSEGEL ELECTROPHORESIS BACTERIALCHROMOSOME (with frequent restriction sites) FIGURE 3. Schematicdrawing of restriction endonucleaseanalysisof chromosomalDNAusing conventionalelectrophoresis.The box on the rightrepresentsthe bandingpattemof hundredsof fragments afterconventional Eachbandmayconagarosegel electrophoresis. taina numberof uniquechromosomal fragmentsof similarsize. followedby a novel form of electrophoresisthat can separate fragments from 1 kb up to 1,000 kb (1 megabase).36Each method, and a variationof the conventionalelectrophoresismethod,is describedin greater detailbelow. REAof ChromosomalDNA WithFrequent Cutting Enzymes and Conventional Electrophoresis Eachrestrictionendonucleasecleaves DNAat a particularsequenceof nucleotidesthatmaybe repeated numerous times around the chromosome. The numberandsize of the restrictionfragmentsgenerated by digesting a given piece of DNA reflects the frequencyand distributionof the restrictionsites. In conventionalREA,endonucleaseswith frequentlyoccurring sites in the bacterialgenome are used to digest total DNA (plasmidand chromosome),thereby generatinghundredsof fragmentsrangingfromapproximately 0.5 to 50 kb in length (Figure 3). Such fragments can be separatedby size using agarose gel electrophoresis,and the pattern can be detected by stainingthe gel withethidiumbromide(orotherdyes) and photographingunder ultravioletlight. Different strains of the same bacterialspecies have different REAprofiles(depictedas a series of bandson agarose gels) because of variationsin their DNA sequences. All isolates are typeableby REA;however,it can be very difficultto interpretthe complexprofiles,which consist of hundredsof bandsthatmaybe indistinctor overlapping.Althoughthe approachhas been applied to manyspecies, at this time, its primaryuse is as an alternativetechniquefor analyzingC difficile.37 RFLPAnalysis Using DNA Probes In this technique, chromosomal restriction digestsproducedby frequentcuttingenzymesare sep- (CHROMOSOMAL RESTRICTION FRAGMENTS) FIGURE 4. Schematicdrawingof restrictionfragment-length polymorphismanalysisusinga DNAor RNAprobe,such as IS6110 or ribosomalRNA.The box on the left representsagarose gel electrophoresisof chromosomalDNAcleavedwitha restrictionendonuclease, and the boxon the rightrepresentsthe nylonfilterto which the DNAhas been attachedand hybridized with a specific probe. Onlythe DNAfragmentson the nylonfilterthat bindthe probecan be visualized.The organismsrepresentedin lanes A and B are whereasthe isolaterepresentedin laneC is a difindistinguishable, ferentstrain. aratedby conventionalagarosegel electrophoresis,as described above, and then the DNA fragments are transferredonto a nitrocelluloseor nylon membrane (Figure 4).8 The DNA on the membrane then is hybridizedwith a specific chemicallyor radioactively labeled piece of DNA or RNA (a probe), which binds to the relativelyfew fragments on the membrane that have complementary nucleic acid sequences. Variationsin the numberand size of the fragmentsdetected by hybridizationare referred to as RFLPs. One common typing method that uses chromosomal DNA preparationsand a ribosomal RNA probe is ribotyping.39Because all bacterial isolates have one or more chromosomalrRNAoperons distributed around the chromosome, and because those sequences are highly conserved, essentially all bacterial isolates can be typed using probes directed to the DNA sequences that encode the rRNA loci using a single rRNA probe.39However, enthusiasmfor this system has diminished,because the approachhas proven to be only moderatelydiscriminatory.4042 Restriction fragment-length polymorphism analysis using the DNA insertion element IS6110 currentlyis the method of choice for typing isolates of Mycobacterium An insertionelement tuberculosis.43 is a piece of DNAwith a definedstructurethat is able to move independentlyand to insert in multiplelocations in plasmidsor chromosomallocations,but does not containantimicrobialresistance genes or genes involvedin pathogenesis.IS6110 is present in essenand,because insertiallyall isolates of M tuberculosis, tion sequences are mobile,the numberand chromo- INFECTIONCONTROLAND HOSPITALEPIDEMIOLOGY 432 DIFFERENT ISOLATES z O 12 34 56 BACTERIALCHROMOSOME (with rare restriction sites) z S0 PFGE ELECTROPHORESIS CHAMBER PFGE ANALYSIS FIGURE 5. Schematicdrawingof pulsed-fieldgel electrophoresis, in whichchromosomalDNAis cleaved witha rarecuttingenzyme followedby electrophoresis,using a uniquechamberand current switchingprotocol.The boxon the rightis the agarosegel showing the very large DNA fragments derived from the unique electrophoresischamber. somal locations of the insertions vary greatly from strainto strain.The approachhas provenreliableand discriminatoryand, in most cases, can distinguish successfullysporadicand clusteredcases of tuberculosis.44However, for isolates with fewer than five copies of IS6110, the method has relativelypoor discriminatorypower and must be supplementedby studies using other probes. PFGE Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was first described in 1984 as a tool for examiningthe chromosomalDNA of eukaryoticorganisms (Figure5).36 Subsequently,PFGEhas provento be a highly effective moleculartyping technique for many different bacterialspecies.6,13,14,19 In this method,the bacterial genome, which typicallyis 2,000 to 5,000 kb pairs in size, is digested with a restrictionenzyme that has relativelyfew recognition sites and thus generates approximately10 to 30 restrictionfragmentsranging from 10 to 800 kb. Essentiallyall of these fragments can be resolved as a pattern of distinct bands by PFGE,using a speciallydesigned chamberthat positions the agarose gel between three sets of electrodes thatform a hexagon aroundthe gel. Insteadof applying an electric current to the gel in a single direction,as is done in conventionalelectrophoresis, in PFGE,the currentis appliedfirst in one direction from one set of electrodes, then shifts to the second set of electrodes for a short period of time (a pulse), and then shifts to the third set of electrodes. Thus, the electric field that causes the DNA to migratein the gel is providedin pulses that alternatefromthree sets of electrodes. This causes the DNA to wiggle through the gel, and the back-and-forthmovement June 1997 results in the higherlevel of fragmentresolutionseen with the technique.All species are typeableby PFGE, althoughthe isolationof intactchromosomalDNA is technicallydifficultfor some species. As noted above, the chromosomalDNA of some strains of C difficile spontaneouslydegrades during the cell lysis procedure, making this typing approach impractical.'8 PFGEhas been appliedsuccessfullyto a widerangeof bacterialspecies,both gram-positive(eg, staphylococci, enterococci,and mycobacteria)and gram-negative and pseudomon(eg, E coli, otherEnterobacteriaceae, In PFGE is one of the most reproads)." general, ducible and highly discriminatorytypingtechniques availableandis currentlythe typingmethodof choice for many species. The major difficulties associated with PFGErelateto the technicaldemandsof the procedure and initialcost of the equipment.Preparation of suitable genomic DNA requires 1 to 3 days, depending on the organisms tested, and the equipment required(includingthe electrophoresisapparatus and transilluminator)costs between $10,000and $20,000.However,once the method is operationalin a laboratory,it can be appliedreadilyto a wide range of species with onlyminimalmodifications.The interpretationof PFGEgels is relativelystraightforward, and consensus guidelinesfor correlatingvariationsin restrictionprofileswith epidemiologicalrelatedness were publishedrecently." Typing Methods Using PCR Polymerase chain reaction, which has been used for several years for the direct detection of many types of infectiousagents in clinicalsamples,45 has been adaptedfor use as a typingtool.4648 The hallmarkof PCRis the abilityto produceliterallymillions of copies of a particularDNA segment with high fidelity within 3 to 4 hours' time. The procedure requires template DNA (or RNA if a reverse transcriptasestep is used initially),which maybe present in the sample in minute quantities; two oligonucleotide primers,which flank the sequences on the template DNA to be amplified (thus defining the starting points for DNA polymeraseactivity);and a heat-stableDNA polymerase.Efficient amplification is accomplished readily for templates of less than 2,000base pairs,althoughtemplatesas large as 35 kb now can be amplifiedby using newer polymerases.A typicalPCRassay requires approximately3 hours to complete 30 cycles, where each cycle consists of a heat denaturationphase, in which double-stranded DNA is melted into single strands; an annealing phase, in which the primers bind to the target sequences on the single strands; and an extension phase, in which DNA synthesis proceeds from the Vol.18 No. 6 433 SHEA PosITIoN PAPER primers along each strand of the template DNA, thereby generatingtwo new double-strandedcopies of the originaltemplate.After30 such cycles, a single initial copy of template DNA theoretically can be amplifiedto 1 billioncopies. Arbitrarily Primed PCR ArbitrarilyprimedPCR,also referredto as the randomlyamplifiedpolymorphicDNA assay,is a variationof the PCRtechniqueemployinga single short (typically10 base pairs)primerthat is not targetedto amplify any specific bacterial DNA sequence.46 Rather,at low annealing temperatures,the primer will hybridizeat multiplerandomchromosomallocations and initiateDNA synthesis. If one copy of the primerbinds to one strandof DNA, and anothercopy of the primerbinds on the opposite strand of DNA but in proximityof the first primer,a DNA fragment will be synthesizedand amplificationof thatfragment will occur (Figure 6).46The resulting PCRproducts will represent a variety of different-sizedDNA fragments that are visualized by agarose gel electrophoresis.This approachhas remarkablegeneral applicabilityand has been appliedto typing eukaryotic species, as well as manybacterialspecies.48 and discriminatorypowerof The reproducibility AP-PCRis a subjectof activediscussionandinvestigation. Recent reports have described specific primers and andconditionsfor analyzingisolatesof C difficile49 S aureus,50and have providedformalassessments of the procedure.These studies have indicated that, althoughAP-PCRis appreciablyfasterthan othertyping systems (often 20 to 30 organismscan be completedin a single day),the methodis much more susceptible to technical variationthan is routine PCR employingprimersdirected at known sequences. In AP-PCRthere can be substantialvariationsin the efficiencywith which the primersinitiateDNA synthesis at a particularsite, dependingon even slightvariations in the pH or ionic strength of the buffers used, the temperatureof the reaction,or the source of the DNA Consequently, on independent polymerase.48,50,51 of the same strain,the numberof copies amplifications generated from a particular locus can be appreciably different,yieldingwide variationsin the intensitiesof individualfragments.These factorscan make it difficult to obtain reproducible patterns and interpretations with AP-PCR, particularly when attempting to compare isolates tested on different days. At this time, the most reliable results are obtained when a set of isolates is tested in a single amplification reaction and analyzed on a single electrophoretic gel. The comparison of AP-PCRfragment patterns obtained by testing the same isolates in different laboratories often is z PRIMER BINDING CHROMOSOMEt * AGAROSE GEL ELECTROPHORESIS FIGURE6. Schematic drawingof arbitrarily primedpolymerase chainreaction(AP-PCR) technique.Theboxon the rightrepresents an agarose gel showingthe productsof amplificationusing PCR with a randomprimer.Whenthe primerbinds in two places on to one another,a fragmentis oppositestrandsof DNAin proximity generatedthat can be recognizedby agarosegel electrophoresis. problematic,as was shown recentlyin a multicenter study.- Furthermore,standardguidelines for interpretationof AP-PCRare notyet available,andthe generalprinciplesthatare emergingforthe interpretation of othermoleculartypingdata,such as for PFGE,cannot be appliedreadily. PCR-DNASequencing Although infrequentlyused at this time, DNA sequencing of hypervariablegene sequences has While this techshown promise as a typing tool.52,53 most for not feasible is laboratories, nique currently the availabilityof less expensive DNA sequencing machines may make this techniquemore accessible in the future. WHEN TO USE STRAIN TYPING Bacterialstrain typing data are most effective when they are collected, analyzed, and integrated into the results of an epidemiologicalinvestigation. The preferredtypingmethodsfor variousorganisms are presentedin Table 2. The hospitalepidemiologist should initiate strain typing studies in consultation with the hospital infectioncontrol laboratoryor the hospital microbiology staff when investigating a potential outbreak of an infectious disease.73This may be triggeredby a noticeableincreasein the rate of isolationof a particularpathogen,a clusterof infections on a particularward, or the recognitionin the clinical microbiologylaboratoryof multipleisolates with an unusualbiotypeor antibiogram.Straintyping data should supplement,and not replace,a carefully conducted epidemiological investigation. In some cases, typingdatacan effectivelyrule out an outbreak and thus avoid the need for an extensive epidemiologicalinvestigation.In othercases, straintypingdata may reveal the presence of outbreaks caused by 434 INFECTIONCONTROLAND HOSPITALEPIDEMIOLOGY June 1997 TABLE 2 ANDCOMMUNITY-ACQUIRED PREFERRED STRAINTYPINGTECHNIQUES PATHOGENS FORNOSOCOMIAL Species Reference Method* aureus Staphylococcus Coagulase-negative staphylococci Streptococcus pneumoniae Enterococci Escherichia coli,tCitrobacter, Proteus,Providencia Serratia Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Salmonella,Shigella Pseudomonas aeruginosa Acinetobacter Burkholderia, Stenotrophomonas, Clostridium difficile tuberculosis Mycobacterium otherthantuberculosis Mycobacteria PFGE PFGE PFGE PFGE PFGE PFGE Serotyping PFGE PFGE AP-PCR IS6110RFLP PFGE Alternative Methods References PF AP-PCR, PF Serotyping AP-PCR PFt PFGE REA,PFGEs REP-PCR - 7, 11, 17,33, 35, 50, 54 11,26, 55 28, 56, 57 8, 42, 55, 58 11, 19,20, 32, 59 10, 11,29 11,27, 30,60, 61 9, 11,62-66 11,67, 68 18,37, 41, 49 43, 44, 69, 70 11,71, 72 Abbreviations:PFGE,pulsed-fieldgel electrophoresis;AP-PCR,arbitrarilyprimedpolymerasechain reaction;PF,plasmidfingerprinting(withor withoutrestrictionanalysis); REA,restriction endonuclease analysis of chromosomal DNA using conventionalelectrophoresis;RFLP,restriction fragment-lengthpolymorphismtyping using IS6110; REP-PCR,repetitive-elementpolymerasechain reaction. * Recommendationsare based on published studies and consensus opinions of experts. tE coli 0157:H7 must be identifiedby serotyping. For the gram-negativeorganisms,whole-plasmidanalysiswithoutrestrictiondigests often is sufficient. . Many strains of C difficileare nontypeableby PFGEdue to DNA degradation. more than one strain. However,undue reliance on straintypingin the absence of epidemiologicaldatais an inefficientuse of laboratoryresources.11,73 SETS OF ISOLATES MOST FOR TYPING APPROPRIATE STUDIES Sets of epidemiologicallyrelatedisolates representing a putativeoutbreakspanninga periodof 1 to 3 months are appropriateorganismsfor straintyping studies. This implies that the infectioncontrol staff and hospitalepidemiologistalreadyhave made a preliminaryassessment and have determinedthe need for strain typing data. One should not test sporadic isolates, except as epidemiologicallyunrelatedcontrols (see below). The results of testing sporadicisolates oftenare misleadingandfrequentlylead to wasted resources in both the microbiologylaboratoryand the infectioncontrolservice. Most of the techniques describedabove can be appliedeffectivelyto 10 to 30 isolates per day,especiallyin dedicatedinfectioncontrol laboratories. Control Strains In attemptingto detect single-strainoutbreaks involvingspecies that may be endemic, eg, MRSAor multiplyresistant gram-negativebacilli, it is important to include epidemiologicallyunrelatedisolates or historical controls to help differentiateendemic problemsfrom new outbreaks.Outbreakscaused by more than one organism (which occur with consid- erablylower frequencythan those caused by single strains) are much more complex to analyze and requirelarge numbersof additionalcontrolstrainsin order to recognize the outbreak strains. Although endemic strainsmay cause clusters of infections,the inclusion of historical controls from previous outbreakscanhelp determinewhetherthe recentisolates are likelyto representa new outbreak.Additionalcontrols includethe testing of well-characterizedstrains, such as S aureus NCTC 8325, E coli MG1655,and Enterococcusfaecalis OG1RF,11 to ensure that each step of the typingmethodis workingproperly. INTERPRETATION Interpretationof straintypingresults is facilitated greatly by an appreciationof the molecularbasis of genetic variabilityof bacteriaand the technicalfactors that can affectresults.Three assumptionsusually are made:isolatesrepresentingthe outbreakstrain are the recent progenyof a single (or common) precursor; such isolates will have the same genotype; and, epidemiologicallyunrelatedstrainswill have different genotypes. Ideally,straintypingwill providea clear, objective basis for identifying the outbreak strain and distinguishingit from epidemiologically unrelatedisolates. In practice,the interpretationof typing data is complicatedby the fact that isolates from an ongoing outbreakmay demonstratesome, albeittypicallylimitThe purposeof interpretivecried, genetic variability. SHEA PosITIONPAPER Vol.18 No. 6 435 TABLE 3 OF MOLECULARTYPINGANALYSES* GENERALPRINCIPLESFOR THE INTERPRETATION Microblologic Interpretation Based on TypingResults Indistinguishable Closely related Possibly related Different No. of Genetic Differences ComparedWith OutbreakStrain TypicalNo. of FragmentDifferences Comparedto OutbreakPattern 0 1 2 3 0 2-3 4-6 >7 Epidemiological Correlation Isolate is part of the outbreak Isolate probablyis part of the outbreak Isolate possibly is part of the outbreak Isolate is not part of the outbreak fromreference11. *Adapted teriais to establisha guide for distinguishingtrue differences in strainsfrom the naturalgenetic variation that occurs over time withina given strain.For illustration,assumethata set of up to 20 putativeoutbreak isolates has been typed and that the analysis has detecteda subset of isolateswith a common (modal) type, which is presumed to represent the outbreak strain.Typically,among the other isolates in the set, some have similartypes (as represented,for example, by a few bandchanges in a PFGEpattern),and some are distinctlydifferenttypes (distinctivePFGE patterns). The interpretativecriteriashould provideconsistent,objectiveguidelinesfor correlatingthe level of variationobserved between an individualisolate and the putativeoutbreakstrainwith an estimate of the likelihoodthat the isolate is, in fact, part of the outbreak (Table 3). To provide a generally applicable approach,this correlationfocuses on the numberof genetic events requiredto generatethe observedtyping variation,rather than on the types of specific changesobservedin a particulartypingsystem.In the examplecited,there is a groupof isolatesthatproduce identicaltyping patterns,ie, the presumed outbreak strain.Because only a smallportionof the organisms' genetic complementis undergoinganalysis,isolates that give identicalresults are classified as "indistinA more detailed analysis guishable,"not "identical." theoreticallycould uncoverdifferencesin the isolates that appearedto give identicalpatternsbut that were epidemiologicallyunrelated.However,when a set of epidemiologicallylinked isolates are analyzed,this is unlikelyto occur. ClassifyingMinor TypingPattern Variations The next considerationis how to classifythose isolateswithminortypingpatternvariations.A number of studiesusing PFGEand othertypingmethodsindicate that single genetic events (ie, randommutations that may destroyor create a new restrictionendonuclease site, or deletionsor insertionsof new DNAsuch as plasmids,bacteriophages,or insertionsequences) occur unpredictablyeven within the time span of a well-definedoutbreak(1-3months).Therefore,interpretivecriterianeed to accommodatesuch naturalvariation.The criteriafor interpretingstraintypingresults are given in Table 3, with their epidemiologicalcorollaries. The changes are depictedin cartoonform in Figure 7. When differencesare encounteredin the straintypingresults,it is importantto attemptto ascertainwhattype of genetic eventmayhave led to the differences. For example,if a single band increases in size, could an insertionof new DNA, such as a bacteriophageor transposon,accountforthe changein size? Woulda randommutationin a restrictionendonuclease site account for the appearanceof two smaller bandswhere a single largerbandhad been seen with other epidemiologicallyrelated isolates?Such questions oftencan be answeredby carefulanalysisof the patterns.If two genetic events have occurredand are recognizedthrough the differencesin fragmentpatterns, the epidemiologicalinterpretationfalls into a gray zone. The results may indicatethat the isolates arerelated,especiallyif theywere collectedovera long periodof time (3-6months),but there also is a possibilitythat the strainsare unrelated,and the similarity was a resultof chance.In such cases, additionalinformation, such as the use of a second strain typing method or supplementaryepidemiologicalanalysis, should be sought. This often will help to clarifythe relationshipamongthe isolatesexamined.Finally,isolates thatdifferby morethanthreegeneticeventsrepresent geneticallydifferentstrainsand shouldbe consideredunrelated.These generalprincipleshavebeen applieddirectlyto the developmentof criteriafor interpretingPFGE(Table3; also see reference11). Interpretation of AP-PCR,PF, and RFLP Techniques At this time, the interpretationof results generated by AP-PCR,plasmidfingerprinting,and the vari- 436 INFECTIONCONTROLAND HOSPITALEPIDEMIOLOGY Changes to 400kb fragment None Gain of Lose of reetrlction site 400 250&150 Resulting fragment(s) A Lane Deletion Insertlon of 50 kb region 600 C B 450 350 D E kb 600 * 500 PFGE gel 400 200 ) ) .. " ) ,, 100 75 No. of differences 0 3 3 2 2 FIGURE 7. Schematicdiagramshowingthe theoreticalchanges in pulsed-fieldgel electrophoresisfragmentpatternsof an isolate as a resultof variousgenetic events. LaneA, outbreakpattern;Lane B, gain of a restrictionsite; LaneC, loss of a restrictionsite; Lane D, insertionof DNAin an existingfragment;LaneE,deletionof DNA froman existingfragment.Opencircle(o) indicatesfragmentspresent in outbreakpattemand missingin the test isolateaftergenetic event;asterisk(*) indicatesfragmentpresentaftergeneticevent but absent fromoutbreakDattern. ous nucleic acid probe-basedRFLPmethods, including IS6110, is empiric.Forthese techniques,the gray zone between "indistinguishable"(identical typing results) and "unrelated"(clearly different results) often is large.51In part, this reflects the difficultyof definingthe effects of single genetic events in some of these typingsystems. In DNA hybridization-based RFLP studies, such as those using IS6110, two basic mechanisms may alterthe patternsobserved. The simplest is the generation or loss of a restriction site flankingthe insertion sequence (IS) element and a subsequent change in the size of the restrictionfragmentcarrying that element. Such changes often can be defined by performing DNA hybridizationusing a second DNA probe or by testing DNA cleaved with a different restrictionendonuclease.A more complex basis for changes in the RFLPpatternis the loss, gain, or movementof an entire IS element.The initialstudies applyingIS6110 typingassumed that patternsdiffering by even a single band represented genetically and epidemiologically different strains. However, more recent data indicates that the IS6110 patterns of isolates representinga definitecluster of M tuberculosiscases can differby single genetic events. Interpretation of PF Results When isolates from a suspected outbreakhave three or more plasmidsin common (excludingopen circularandlinearforms,which sometimesappearas June 1997 additionallight bands for plasmids under 15 kb in size31),as often is seen with strains of coagulasenegative staphylococci,K pneumoniae, and other gram-negativebacilli,one usuallycan say with confidence that they are indistinguishable(genetic interpretation)and thereforelikely to be epidemiologically related (epidemiologicalinterpretation)without furthertesting. With fewer plasmids,the discriminatory power of the test is decreased. Yet, experience with this technique in the 1970s and 1980s, particularly when used to analyze suspected outbreaks of gram-negativeorganisms causing nosocomial infections, was that, even when only a single plasmidwas present, the techniquewas a very good indicatorof strain identity.The problem that was recognized in the 1980s was that of the plasmid outbreak,where the same plasmid could be identified in multiple strains of a species that could be differentiatedwith other typing techniques.To a degree, with plasmids smallerthan 50 kb, the discriminatorypowerof plasmid fingerprintingcan be increased with restriction analysis of the plasmid DNA,36which often yields fragment patterns that approach the numbers of bands seen with PFGE, but this does not identify potential plasmid outbreaks. Many enteric organisms, such as Serratiamarcescens,may have only a single plasmid,andthese plasmidsoften are relatively conserved, showing similar fragment patterns after restrictionendonucleasedigestion even in epidemiologicallyunrelatedstrains. If the plasmid fingerprintand restrictionendonucleasedata do not fit the epidemiologicalpicture,it may be appropriateto seek datageneratedby using a differenttypingtechnique for analysisof such isolates. Interpretation of AP-PCRResults ForAP-PCR,interpretation of identicalfragment patternsand of patternswith three or more fragment differences (there are no restrictionenzyme sites to consider in AP-PCR)is straightforward.However, there are no hard-and-fast criteriafor interpretinga change in the size of a single band or the intensityof several bands. For strains yielding results such as these, it may be necessary to try alternate primers or to vary the reactionconditions.There is no "universal primer,"althoughprimerssuch as ERIC1,ERIC2,and repetitiveelementprimershavebeen used to type several different bacteria and fungi.51,59,74 The reproducibility and discriminatory power of each primer and amplificationprotocol need to be validated by analyzing sets of isolates that previously have been well defined by epidemiological data or independent typing studies. Such analyses are available for relatively few species (eg, S aureus and C difficile). Because varia- Vol.18 No.6 SHEA PosITIoNPAPER tion in AP-PCRcannotbe tightlycoupledwith specific genetic events, the principlesdefined previouslyfor PFGEcannotbe readilyappliedto typicalAP-PCRpatterns.The developmentof generallyapplicablecriteria for interpretationof AP-PCRdata remainsan area of activeinvestigation.51 Nevertheless,a recentmulticenter study5.demonstratedthat, althoughparticipating laboratoriesobtaineddifferentAP-PCRproducts,the same epidemiologicalclusterswere identifiedsatisfactorily.Thus,wherevariabilityof fragmentsizes can be demonstratedamongepidemiologicallyunrelatedisolates, those showingeitherno differencesor changes only in bandintensitycan be consideredepidemiologicallyrelated.Changesin two bandsremaindifficultto interpret. A COMPARISON 437 A B 1 23 4 56 7 C 1 2 3 p L 4m. 5 6 7 1234567 ]E Mbd 40 an [] 4 AID am ] dWE do , OF TECHNIQUES Figure 8 shows the typing results obtainedby using three common methods (PF, PFGE, and APPCR) to analyze six well-characterizedisolates of S aureus, for which epidemiologicalinformationwas available."As previouslyreportedby the CDC,17four of the isolates (SB02, SB04, SB06, and SB11) were associated with administrationof a contaminated anesthetic. The first three isolates were recovered fromthe same patient,andthe fourthfroma different patient.IsolatesSB13andSB17were unrelatedto this cluster,but manifestedthe same bacteriophagetype. As shown in Figure 8, all three methods correctly identifiedSB02, SB04, and SB06 (lanes, 2, 3, and 4, respectively) as multipleisolates of a single strain. However,only PFGE demonstratedthat SB11 (lane B5) was a strain subtype related to the outbreak, while SB13 and SB17 (lanes B6 and B7, respectively) appearedsufficientlydifferentto representunrelated strains.Conversely,plasmidanalysisdid not associate isolate SB11 (laneA5) with the outbreakand did not differentiatebetween SB11 and SB13 (lanes A5 and A6, respectively). Arbitrarilyprimed-PCRalso was unableto distinguishSB11 from SB13 (lanes C5 and C6, respectively).This emphasizesthe importanceof interpretingthe typing data in conjunctionwith epidemiologicaldata. At this pointin time, we recommendthat PFGE be consideredthe reference method for typingmost nosocomialbacterialpathogens (Table2). Important exceptions to this general recommendation are serotypingfor Salmonellaand Shigella,AP-PCRfor C difficile,and IS6110 RFLPtyping for M tuberculosis. Alternatetechniquescan be used when the reference technique is not availableor when further discriminationof a set of isolates is desirable. DNA-based strain typing techniques are a remarkablyuseful set of tools for complementingthe FIGURE 8. Interrelationship of StaphylococcusaureusstrainsSB02 (lane2), SB04 (lane3), SB06 (lane4), SB11 (lane5), SB13 (lane 6), and SB17 (lane 7). The isolates were comparedby: (A)EcoRI patternsof plasmidDNAwiththe 1-kb ladder restriction-fragment LifeTechnologies,GrandIsland,NY)plus EcoRI-digest(Gibco-BRL ed lambdaDNAas a molecularsize standard(lane 1); (B) SmaldigestedchromosomalDNAanalyzedby PFGEwith lambda(48.5kb) oligomersas a size standard(lane 1); and (C)AP-PCR typing 3' witha Hindllldigest utilizingthe ARB11primer5' CTAGGACCGC of lambdaDNAas a molecularsize standard(lane 1). epidemiological analysis of nosocomial outbreaks. This article and the consensus guidelines recently published by the European Study Group on EpidemiologicalMarkers75 highlightthe strengthsof molecular typing methods. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, in particular,has emerged as a technique that is broadlyapplicableto most nosocomial pathogens. Interpretivecriteria for this technique have been published.ArbitrarilyprimedPCRhas the potential to provide a rapid, alternative typing method,but has not been validatedfor manyspecies, and standardizedinterpretativecriteria are not yet available.Independentof the typing method used, the applicationof strain typing to make decisions affectingpatientcare must be made with an appreciation of the strengths and limitationsof molecular methods and only in conjunctionwith the results of an appropriateepidemiological investigation. The results of straintyping studies producedin a laboratory withoutthe correspondingepidemiologicaldata may be misleading. REFERENCES 1. EmoriTG, GaynesRP.An overviewof nosocomialinfections, including the role of the microbiology laboratory. Clin MicrobiolRev 1993;6:428-442. 2. OliveKE,BerkSL.Infectionsin the nursinghome. 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