Document 6503832
Document 6503832
/ • QUESNa CARIBOO PSSERVER Sunday, Jul/ 23, 2006 QUESNa CARIBOO OBSERVER 'VjT^fj^BfS* ^^^IM' and s CO S1E3IS] CO 1^1 QBS1CI1E3BB E S S E l i n ] B G B 3 1 S ] ^BIISS •iniBSHBEI O S S EanBHSEa HOW TO PLACE ^ CLASSIFIED AD Phone or drop into our office at 188 Carson Ave., Quesnel, BC iMastetCard accepted BItl&t. Ihnsl.. Ctotk. 1t«Ui«. yard & Saiden...:.— .MB ..362 ^...VSi •<BsclMtorSeitB.......i....,..........i.,4S8 BassffiemSsna .412 FuwnllDinctnr XI: CaklRS/Ctmagst M% iiiM*Buiiaai.» Coffinwrcial , 420 tlUiaattn .424 ^ PERSONAL 5 0 ^ .428 F0rRairtorSale....-......u.;.....,...432 .KaaHWBMBtsr 80 Halls/Aidltorinms ..............;:.^..438 ,;'tost& Fottiut-•>>..»••... 65. HoosBS .440 i>,PBlSOBtIt ..*....». .....70 ' Miscalianeoos 444 . PSj^blcs..•••**>•(•.*•..•»•«•*•••.«*•.••..75 MoIiUe Homes.: .448 SfaB>«80 Modalar HonSW . . . . i , . . . . : . ..i....452 TimrToaii/Vacation„:..:..,;;;.....U Booms 1 .456 Boom » Board...,..,.........i.........4S0 WAHTtPIOg-149 Wanted .......;...i.....:....;....,......125 Seniois/Relirement Accom. 464 Shared Accommodation .....:46a WCTCHAWWSE150-249 w.;......472 AnUmiea..,.......::......;... „...155; Storage Soltes 478 *ppIlaneB«,.....;............v.. ,...180 Tourist Accommodation.. .......480 AitsaCratl«......;......,......;...;...165 Tosmllfliises :..................,....484 Aneilonj...................:;,:....170 Wanted Id Hent.,..„.,.„:i....,.......48« BBndInoMaleriaI»....„........:...»..175 Warehouses ......432 Cqmputets 180 Constgnmtntt 18$ REfll. ESTATE 5PP-599 Rrearait .,...„....,.....190 Acreage/lots .....;..;..508 Cahlos/Conages...........;; ..512 Flmrofid ...IBS . Commercial Bdsloess. 518 : Fn5 BlvB-a*a»...............i.........200 Commeiclal Property... ..,...:..524 Fumltum ..............,.,............£.,205 Condos .:.<...ii....:.;...530 GaragaSalBt ..,..i.........2tO , Ooplsi/Fdarplax ......i...:.538 Gardsn Equipinsnt.....^........^ 215 Farms/Hanclies.; .................542 «Utt8llan«o«..............;...........220 For Sale or Rent..... .........548 Mwle 2« Houses ,..........:.................554 Sportinti Cqodl..;.........; .,...2J0 ° Ulkasliois;.. SCO HJOlt ...:............2J5 Mobiles „.5afl Trada or Swap ...,;.......„..,.........240 ModuIarHomet...^ .....572 EH£UUMHI2iQ:299 Business Oppoitunltle* .......:.;.....2S4 • Open HODSO..,..........,,;, ..,,578 Caraeis..: , ::. Z58 , OHtolTbwn ,.584 Oaycam ..,...;.......262 RV sites ......530 EdueaUon ..:....Z68 Townhooses.......... „......,...598 Help Wanted.../....,........ ....270 PETS/FARM ggOJ}49 Prorestlonal ......274 Boarding ...,.„..............,..,...„.,608 Skilled Tradet...........,..;.:.........278 Farm Equipment .............,;„..,,..812 THtorlnB..... .....i....... ,.282 ; Feed4 Seed......;.......;...........,.618 Volunleerj . Fmlt/Produce/Msat........,„„„..,<i624 Horses.;,,.... .,„, .,,......630 Wo* Wanted ................Z90 U»e$loeii............i.......;.. ..638 Aeeouiitlng...........,..,..,.....,......302 Pets...; .......,.„..,;„;,.;.„,;.,.642 Appllaacei,, ...................304 Trailers ..,..........;........ 648 falMDOthte..... .,.308 BaBdlngSenilcee .....308 Eoulpment 680 CatJitea-...; ...........310 logglng/ntnlier:..„., ...670 CarpeBll»...,,.-......-.....,......:...312 Machinery............ ;....680 cwidCat«...i................;..........314 Mining..:........... :. ..690 Cleanlim.;,..,........ ........318 . RECBEATJQNAtlBlhMS Conjlrtictlon;.. .318 Alreratt :....705 Drywall.:. ,........„...,.....320 ATV"s....;........ ...710 EdueatloB/Hitorln8„........,......,;..322 Boats/Marina ,.715 Kettrie i... 324 Houseboats :....:7Z0 \ Eoaiallon .„.i.i.„...,.32B Moloreytles..., :,.....;,.. ;..72S FlBanee/MortBags „„.,..;,........,..328 RU's;......:....,.....;.........;..:,.„..73o Handyman 330 .Benlals .•.............„.....,.:,. ...735 Home Improyernent ...,.......".:.....J332 Snowmobiles...;.....,;.,... ......740 Home Support .............334 T>ado/S*ap ; .,..,...;..745 Hottte smiofl .........„;.„•„. ,338 Investment.,., ..,,.338 Canopies ...750 Janitorial,.,,. .,...340 ,, Cars...,;,...,.,... .„......782 . UndtcapingA>en]tnlng .......342 Classics.,,. ..........: :......788 MachincAVeldlag „„,344 Parts......... .....,.:.......;....;..774 Mfttellaoeout Senriees .„...........34S SUITS a 4x4's. ....780 Masle Lessons ..:.........,.....:......34S 'thickt....•*>* t7Bft Pilntli^ J50 Vans/Buses .......................782 .I^Kvfng *>...'..•.'..».*•..•'...•,,'•.•*.:,....352'. NQTlCfj/TE^qERSWIWj '.Eii0>|)ConfltfWtdd!Bs..t....i...wv...;J4'.-' BIRD WATCHERS geobirds. com is a new website for birdr ers. Sign up Free to acxess the features. For novice and experienced bird lovers alike. FOUND: SET O F KEYS FOR GMC, HOUSE KEYS AND FUEL KEY. IDENTIFY @ THE QUESNELCARIBOO OBSERVER. The Winners of Quesnel Lions Raffle (Ucense #TR-RG25710) were: Garden Tractor - Bruce Gordon Quesnel Mac iPod - David Sutton, Quesnel .•, DVD Sun-ound Sound System Jofin Bronowski. Williams Lake. MISSINGII From Dragon Lake, eariy moming of July 13th. Zodiac Tropic, with distinctive yellow/blue/yellow strip around. 9.9 white Suzuki and oinning light on top of motor. Reward. 7470883 IS Coniinji Kvfnt.s Open 8 am - 5 prri AAondayrFriday 65 J^ & Found 6 AnnivcT.sarie.s BC High Tech Foresby Tours discover adventure in the bushI The tour is a great way to entertain your visitors, a unique family reunion event or dub outing, or an awesome team-building day for staff. Call 992-1221, or visit ATTENTION A// ClubB, Gmups and Organizations. Do you have an" upcoming event? Use this space to promote and infomi the Qiliesnel readers. will celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary August 5th and would like to invite all ourfriends and aquaintances to a , open house tea. We will welcome you at •y Roberts Roost in the Black birdmeadow area ^ from 1-4 pm y,nder the tent No gifts please. 33 Obituaries B i r O S l QSG!!S(S2 B B S S S S B GSBBQB ESQEaiS g E D E J UM B C S B l ! ! ! i E K S G B < community nel Rodeo on B-B Days, Saturday. Hand painted umbrella - green with red tulips and gold bows. Sentimental - was a gift from my daughter. Please call 250297-6494 : — . L.^ Lost: Grama Amiss lost her family ring during Billy Bari<er Days. It has extreme sentimental value. It is a raised, in-egular shaped circle with B stones & spaces for 2 more. She is offering a reward if you contact her at 992-5690 or tum the ring into the R.C.M.P. office. O B I T U A R Y To place an obituary tribute please call 992-2121. T R I B U T E S Y ^ ^ O T ^ T T S T I ^ ^ T * V^DpCf.KVIltfK Obituary tributes are $45/single spot. $75/double spot arid $104/triple spot and includes archiving on our Internet site. Sexy brunette seeking generous gents. Quality & discretion assured. 991-6256 I I I I I I 'CoietoJol(bils.Rlr. ^ ' « ^CUSTOMER A P P R E C I A T I O N DAY 4:00 to 8:00 PM Friday, July 28,2006 Check out our N e w V i d e o G a m e s and WoviesAft^lth^eat prices! 459 NORTH FRASER DRIVE 992-3363 across from JO Meats 85 'IVavcl/ Tours/ A^acation ' f^:-- www.contraciingbc.coni FLOOD, Fnae, SMOKE DAMAGE www.davco.i> DAVCO WEIGHT SCALES \ www.douglaslakeequlpnienLcont DOUGLAS LAKF. EQUIPMENT : [ FRASER RIVER GM www.quesnelol) QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER T o j o i n the Website Directory, call T r i n a at 9 9 2 - 2 1 2 1 . 175 Buiklinji Materials ^ ' 1 Atourof local merchairts that you can visit on the web 3 Announcements 70 Per.sonal.s Flooring Distributor . Now Selling Direct! 8 & 12 ml Larninate, 200 choices from.................$.49sq/ft 7" unfin or pre fin Fir.....$.99sq/ft 31/4" Exotic pre fin and Oak pre fin, many choice;s.$1.99sq/ft Oak, IVlaple, Ash engineered....... ......:.. ..$2.99sq/ft TONSMOREI 1-800-631-3342 200 Free Give A>vay 210 Garage Sales 220 Miscellaneous Free to good home. Female Shepherd/Lab Cross - spade - shots - bom March/05. Call between 5-7pm only 992-9520 Moving Sale: 354 Callanan, Saturday July 22nd. 8amr4pm 992-2861 Free Catalogue of How-To Books. Send request to: William Turvey, Box 28014, RPO, Tacoma, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2W 6E2 or email [email protected] with request. Include your name and mailing address. 210 Garage Sales Moving Sale: Saturday July 22nd, 213 Fiege Rd (Southhills). Some large items, many bargains. 10am-No eariy birds. 180 Computers OBSERVER Multl Family yard sales - July 29th & 30th. 10am-4pm. Rain or Computer Servicing & Re-Shine. Callis Road • Barkerville pair. Certified and Experienced. Hwy. • Housecalls Available.: Low Rates. Gall Kevin 983-8019. July 22nd!& 23rd - 294 Roddie Also web design services and Ave., 9am-3pm. Lots of misc. lessons. and guy stuff. $1-$80. 992-6118 Visit: "Cancelled If Rain" D's Garage Sale: Saturday July 22nd. 1417 Lewis Drive. 9:30am to 4:00pm. Proceeds to charity. 3215 Pedersen Rd., Saturday & Sunday July 22 & 23, 10am2pm. Moving Sale: Saturday July 22nd 9-5pm, Sunday July 23rd 2-5pm. Also Monday - Thursday July 24th-27th 9am-5pm. 823 Avison Ave. 992-9566 Multi-family garage sale 546 Reid St. July 29th 9am-2pm. Stacking washer/dryer, fridge, freezer 747-3288 For A L L your C O M P U T E R & ELECTRIC NEEDS Come in & talli....ourstistff would be pleased to help 1055 Hwy. 97 992-2875 James & S(»ns The Right Products The Right People 'THE RIGHT CHOICE" Flooring Distributor Now Selling Direct! 8 & 12 nil Larninate, 200 choices from...* „...$.49sq/ft 7" unfin or pre fin Fir ....$.99sq/ft 3 1/4" Exotic pre fin and Oak pre fin, many choices.$l ,99sq/ft .Oak, Maple, Ash engineered $2.99sqm TONSMOREI 1-800-631-3342 VANCOUVER TICKET SERVICE Located in the Hampton Inn Hotel. Concerts, Sports. Julio, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Phantom, Rob Zombie, Tool, Mariah Carey, Marniers, Seahawks. Hotel accom available 1-800-920-0887. ALL ABOARD The Armstrong Explorerl. Steam Train/Winery Tour Sept. 2/06. $149./Adult. Lunch includedl Limited Seating! ^wvw.' 1-866-632-3456. CANADA This year more than 100 4-H Members are hand raising livestock, learning animal husbandry, purchase & marketing skills and pride in their accomplishments. The community support of their annual Livestock Show & Sale is much appreciated i,..........m rfdmHtag. EQEBEIED Lost: Left behind @ the Ques- • (Znne £ki&e f47-ooao |.077-747«O0aa ,uineeas<®slunH.ui roOFF -Perennials - Fox Glove -Lupin -Delphinium - Lavender Trees-, ShrubsMaplesWeeping Caragana Potentilla. AlbertaSpruce 160 Appliances Admiral electric range. Kitchen Aide Portable dishwasher. I\^aytag Dryer. $50 each. 992-5044 175 HuiUlin^ MattM'ial.s r TEN MILE NURSERY 4699 Ten Mile Lake Road • 992-3623 HOURS'Mon - Sot, 9-5 Sun, 2-5 B3 ""w^^ fax 250.992.5229 [email protected] Open. IVIonday to Friday 8am-5pm 3 Announcciiients Sundoy, July 23, 2006 Solid Wood Flooring: Birch, Pine & Fir. Clearing out stockll Call 250-992-1567 or leave message ® 250-991-9099 1^! What Can You Buy? • Beef • Poultry • Lamb • Pork • Rabbit • Goat For More Infonnatlon Call Melanie Baker 747-3658 Annie Gallant 747-8353 Thisi ad sponsored by Canada SHOW August AUCTION AU!|ust 2"o 5:00pill leK Fraser Park • At the buyers request, Quesnel 4-H will transport product to Rodear Meats in Williams Lake for slaughter. • Cutting and wrapping is on buyers Instructions. • Share the cost with relatives or friends. • Can't make the sale? We will prearrange a proxy buyer for you. • Pre-auctlon compllmentary.dinner B4 QUESNa OUUBOO OBSERVER Sunday, July 23, 2006 QUESNEI OUUBOO OBSERVER , Sunday, July 23, 2006 THE Classifieds Classifieds Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! www.bcclassifiedxom www.quesnelobserverxom 235 Tools 220 Miscellaneous I IL The families of the late Arthur "Art" McKenzie of the Ahbau Creek area wish to extend their heartfelt thanks to so many people who assisted in our time of sorrow. Thank you to the relatives, friends and neighbors who sent flowers and food; also those who helped with rneals throughout this difficult time. Thank you to Robert Lansdell for the lovely service, to Clint McKenzie for the wonderful eulogy and to Gharlotte Lettington (McKenzie) and Wendy Brown (McKenzie) for the special tribute to Uncle Art. To the Quesnel Ambulance crew, RGMP, the Coroner and Richard and his staff at Clayton's Funeral Home. Electric 3 - wheel scooter, hardly used. Excellent condition. $1,800 01)0.747-3190 Bissell upright carpet cleaner. $65. 992-7310 2fishtanks c/w everything - 33 gal. $125. 90 us gal. $325. 7472335 3 plate glass mirrors. 4.5x4 & 5.5x4 $99 each. 255-0438 Bell Express view satellite sys- tem $100. View @ 830 AblJOtt Drive. . Large angled ends glass display case on legs. Will accommodate glass shelves. Measures 5x3 feet, 21 inches wide. 36 inches high, isiiding doors and storage area. $150. 992-7310 9.9 Evinrude Boat motor $1500 used very little. 4 Blizzak tires 225-60R16 $400 like new. Quick Silver 9'.5" Pontoon Boat in good shape. $900 992-2064. Also a big thank you to Bonnie and the Staff at the Golden Centre for the lovely tea and Safeway for the beautiful flower arrangements. 1991 Toyota canopy, new paint, rack. Toyota box, no aist, minor damage one side. Expressview box, dish, complete plus remote $150 obo. 25P-395-2944 Well done everyone! We are so lucky to have all of you. Oak entertainment centre $200. Craftsman lawnmower. Briggs & Stratton 6.0 engine $175. Mahogany office desk. $150 obo 992-0930 254 Opportunilies 190 FireariiLS DeWalt variable speed redp- rocating saw with case, manual and 5 blades. Used little, excellent condition. $65 992-7310 Snap-On high quality tool tx>x, tools included, rectangular, top chest, side cabinet $16,000 obo. 250-397-2919 14 ^\ Specialty Ski & Outdoor retail business. Established over thirty years. This is a Share Sale. All inventories and fixed assets included. Quesnel Ski & Sports Ltd. Quesnel, B.C. [email protected] jKMPEL'S Sears 10" Craftsman motorized bandsaw. Like new $50 9922064 Is now buying, selling and consigning used Firearms. We can also supply New Firearms/Ammo and Reloading supplies. Fully Ucenced & insured. CREATE PASSIVE INCOME Leam how to retire in 2 years or less by acquiring businesses and real estate. No selling, no recmiting. Call James at 250480-8140. 195 Keis Ave. Quesnel ' 254 IJusincss Opportunities TEST DRIVE Unique opportunity to own and operate a 2 0 0 6 Pate with zero down. You must have a minimum ONE YEAR flat dedi highway experience able and willing to run CANADA / USA^ and possess good references. Steve or Andre (800)663-0099 RICH DAD POOR DAD ENTHUSIASTS Here is your chance to apply what you have leamed. Now create perfect, safe and secure assets. Remarkable limited opportunity. Free info Sign Business. Must sell. 2 vinyl cutters, computer, and programs, stock, good wilt. Bucket truck, Ltd. Co., and more Phone: 250-992-6848 BC's smallest communities create the biggest opportunities! Located on the Cariboo Highway in the beautiful interior of Williams Lake and Quesnel. Nestled in the Cariboo Chilcotin region, our opportunities Lake in central British combine all the benefits of communityColumbia. The mine is 100% based living with exceptional career owned by Tasel(0 Minesprospects to meet your needs. near the City of Williams Umited of Vancouver, B.C., a Superintendeiit Materials Management mining operation currently part of the Hunter Dicldnson . group of Companies. The moves 125,000 tons per day You will lead mine site purchasing and warehousing operations. This includes policy of sulphide ore and waste formulation, research/analysis of products rock on a 365 day per year, and services, life-cycle cost comparisons and 24 hour per day basis. negotiating agreements. You have PMAC A mill expansion currently accreditation and 5 years experience, ideally underway will increase mill in a mining environment. throughput by 25% and metal production by 30% by the fall of2007. Cun-ently defined sulphides mining Superintendent Human Resources You'll be responsible for employee relations, collective agreement administration, health continue operations for and safety, security, recruitment, fourteen years and the compensation and benefits, and training and Company is actively development. Along with at least 6 years of related experience in a ~ unionized drilling in the vicinity of environment, you ideally have a degree/ cunent pits in order to diploma in HR management. reserves are sufficient to extend that mine life, in addition to sulphide ore mining and processing, Instrumentation Mechanics Joining a major mill expansion project, you of re-starting the oxidized will install, calibrate, maintain and repair all process control instrumentation. You have material leach and . completed 3 years of apprenticeship training SX/EW operations. and have experience with Fisher Delta V, DCS, Modicon or PLC control systems gained in a mining Or wood processing environment. Gibraltar is in the process 992-2229 362 Reid Street Electricians You will conduct electrical maintenance on open pit mining, crushing and milling equipment. Ideally, you hold an Interprovincial Journeyman ticket With experience on G.E. d|esel electric drive systems, mining shovels and blast hole drills, power distribution systems, and PLC controls. our Interest Financing! We Don't SelL We Help You Buy! i LoolcForus Mid June at the Farmer's Marlcet and tlie TRACTION Traction Kamloops requites Parts Counterperson immediately. Full benefit package with pension plan. Industrial automotive or heavy duty truck experience required. Call Rick Kirkwood 1800-667-7855. ; Pf9 MOTHJRIODE Are you a Chef who loves the outdoors, has a strong work ethic and a positive attitude? Our remote fishing lodge in the Smithers area is seeking an experienced Chef and housekeeper for our 2006 season. Great pay and a once-in-a-life-time experience. Please Fax Resumes to: 250-577-3104 or email: [email protected] 272 Juniper Rd/ Quesnel South SEVEN BAYS BRIGHT & CLEAN Free Undercarriage Wash • Spot-Free Rinse AUTOMATIC CAR WASH Detailing - call for appointment Jake it Personaliy In the Cariboo Chilcotin Region of British Columbia an open pit copper/ Free .i.rijhthereintheCariboof The Gibraltar M i n e — Career Opportunities molybdenum mine located BC, the Gibraltar Mine is mid-way between Ask about okanagan Operate your own business representing Hewitt Lifts and RollA-Dock 800-544-2067 - A p p l i a n c e s L t d , of the enjoy the taste 747-0051 The Gibraltar Mine is & ' REMPEL SALES Small, organized automotive repair shop for sale in Prince Rupert. Tum-key operation. Asking $25.000.1-250-627-1646. O i t y F u r n i t u r e Come by and 258 Careers 254 1 Opportunities Restaurant for lease Prince Rupert BC. Available Sept. 1/2006. 90 seat restaurant and food service for 150 seat banquet room and 180 seat pub. The. Moby Dick Inn - busy, family owned hotel located in downtown Prince Rupert, BC. Contact John Grey @ 1-250-624r6961 for more infonnation. OKANAGAN R E S H FRUIT General Foreman, Mill Maintenance Personal Pizza & Soft Drink You will develop/administer preventive mechanical maintenance programs, and coordinate routine and emergency maintenance . of the copper/molybdenum concentrator, crushing plants, SX/EVV plant and support systems, including tailings and fresh water. You have a mechanical trades certification, 10 years experience, with at least 5 at a supervisory or General Foreman level. Senior Geologist plus tax Pick-up Only QUESNEL 263 Barlow Ave. 310-0001 ^ You are responsible for reserve/resource modeling and exploration planning and drilling for the mine area. Working closely vyith engineering operations, you will provide technical input and guidance regarding pre grade, slope stability, mine planning, and dump leaching. You have a B.Sc. in geology with 8 or more years of relevant experience in open pit mining and exploration, including resource/reserve mining. APEGBC registration or eligibility is required. D. Mechanical Engineer Involved with diverse and challenging projects, you will produce preliminary project design and cOst estimates, prepare construction schedules, develop drawings and cost estimates, and perform project' "d'dOrdlTTaVon and troubleshooting. You will also conduct • research Investigations, and failure analysis: A mechanical engineer registered with APEGBC, you have 3 years of experience In a relevant environrnent. Conditions .CUnlcal Nutrition , . Vitamins. Wlnerate,Hert)S .HomeopatiilcFonnulas For further information on Williams Lake and the Cariboo District visit the website www.landwithoutiin^ Ilf you are eligible to work in Canada, please send your resume to: The Gibraltar Mine/ Human Resources, PO BOX 130, McLeese Lake, BC VOL IPO. [email protected] Fax: 250-297-6546 WQ thank all candidates who oxpress intorest: however only those selected foran Interview will be contacted. 4 B5 B6 QUESNaOUUBOOOBSEKVER Sunday, July 23, 2006 QUESNEI CARIBCX) OBSERVER Sunday, July 23, 2006 Classifieds Fall & W i n t e r 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 SAVE ^100 o n all fall d e p a r t u r e s Valid for travel Oct. 15 to Dec. 12,2006* BOOK BY AUG. 15/06 B C . REG. #686-0 266 Education We offer Certificate training programs: MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST (Work from home,flexiblehours) PHARMACY TECHNICLVN RESIDENT CARE AIDE l-inancialfiadand Jp|? Referral Assistance . PER COUPLE CERTIFIED ELECTRICIAN 992-7002 Prepare 1-877-840-0888 SjfeDtei;i^bfir^2pft^6^ applications for a Certified Electrician for our Prince George Operations. Bradley PLCS and Control Logic. .Funded by Miiistiy . of Public Safety & Solicitor General I Interested candidates are asked to submit resumes to: CARRIER LUMBER LTD. 4722 ContinentaJ Way, Prince George, B.C. V2N 5S5 FAX: ^963-9714 GR BAKER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 992-8021 3JJLm /% ' W •ir^ous-rntrs LTD, i m ; • Residential •Commercial • Industrial • Roads'Highways • Tennis Courts • ! specialty forest products.%' ma EsiBviinis Tolko Industries Ltd. is an advanced company with marketing, resource management and manufacturing operations located throughout Western Canada. Tolko produces high quality specialty products derived from the forests. Our commitment "Customer oriented ...Results focused' leads our company In meeting the expectations of bur diverse customers In worid maritets. We are currently seeking an experienced Planning Fdrpsiter to join our Cariboo Woodlands group in Quesnel, B.C. Phone 992-9033 • Fax 992-6030 O P E N MONDAY - FRIDAY 9 : 0 0 A M - 4 : 3 0 P M PLANNING FORESTER The Planning Forester is responsible for planning activities relating to forest development planning and cutting permit development within an assigned area, which includes cut block and road layout, harvesting chance management, timber appraisal management, forest health management, implementation of ISO/CSA certification requirements and preparab'on of site plans and road permits. Efficient completion of these duties is essential in order to meet the divislonaldevelopmenttargets and budgetobjectives.The incumbent worits closely with Planning Technicians, Area Supervisors, other woodlands staff, Ministry staff and resource users as required. Hazel Krumm Ffisncilvanci oto/essionol seivic'e ' \Mtn over 40 yeais'o/penenc^ , • Kendyl Kamp . Vocaiionqi Assessmijnii Careet v'ttn i^uretT Re i<e direction girecrion v.tin ,i ' Stonaardizeci Testing 'i ' {ip'etest Personoliiy • ^ & Aptiiiide Testing) , One on One' Joo Seciich Tecfiniqups ' Career d Ernptoymeni Consulting Bill Roach The preferred applicant will possess a foresby diploma or a degree in forestiy. registered With the ABCFP as an RPF, with three to five years of related experience and a demonstrated Interest and aptitude in operational planning. The successhjl applicant will be a highly motivated individual possessing excellent communication and Interpersonal skills, and be comfortable working In a team based, results oriented environment All apptlcathins will be handled in confidence and should be forwarded by July 28,2006 quoting Posting «06-147 to: KovlnSytsma f £7/tl^. RegionatForester - Development « flf..^^ E-mail: ^iJ^^ S AU SERVICES FREE OF CHARGE 153 Reid St. www.tolkoxom *'%i„v»»*'"^ 992-7691 Employment Services Canada Tlifl Govctmrnm ol Canadi hii contrtbuteO tunding to this lnltJilly« Adopt a Shelter Cat! I* 1 U M B C SPCA carM for thouunds of orphaned and abandoned cata each year. If you can £lve a hometeM cat a second chance at happlneM, please vl»lt your local aheiter today. BCSPCA SterSfediate''' Advanced (up to grade 8 (Grade 9/10) (Grade 11) Math015/020 1 , - 'tii®^ ' T ^: Position Summary; Desniqi Services Society (DSS) is a developing First Nations child protection agency serving six Tsilhqot'in communities in the central interior (the Cariboo) of British Columbia. We are responsible for the development and implementation of a full complement of child protection services on behalf of the six member bands affiliated with the agency. The ultimate goal is to take full responsibility of child protection services and we are looking tor a supervisor with a background and experience in child protection. This is thie senior management in DSS, The Supervisor is accoimtable to the Executive Director and is responsible for the supervision of delegated staff and the development of the statutory services and programs. This position will work closely to the non-statutory supervisor. Management and administrative background, extensive experience with child protection in an Aboriginal context is a requirement. An MSW or considerable related experience - individuals with equivalent combination of training and experiei^e will be considered. Strong supervision skills, knowledge, and experience with a First Nations Social Service as well as a thorough understanding of existing legislation in BC is desirable to guide this First Nations organization through a demanding period of change, growth and service accountabilities. Knowledge ofthe Tsilhqot'in culture and the communities is considered an asset. For a detailed position description, please fax a request to the number below, biterested applicants are invited to submit a detailed resume along with three references to: The Hiring Committee - Desniqi Services Society 240B North Mackenzie Avenue, WUUams Lake, B C V2G1N6 Tel: (250) 392-6500 • Fax: (250) 392-6501 Deadline for Applications: July 28,2006 at 4:30 pm We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only screened in applicants vvriU be contacted for an interview! 266 Kducation Advanced Class One Driver 70 Help Wanted CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL Training Programs. Taylor Pro Training Ltd. 250-860-7624 or Toll Free 1-877-860-7627. Ask About our (Heavy Equipment Operators Training classes. MECHANIC required in beautiful Bulkley Valley, CV inspector, Cummins knowledge an asset, competitive wages, benefits, full time. Smithers Parts & Service (250)847-4287. Fax (250)8475048. Don't Let them forget what they have leamed during the school year. Certified teacher willing to tudor. Please call 747-1041 WORKCENTRAL INC - $2,725 amonthi Worttathomeperioiming online tasks. Serious people only. P/l or FA, Some typing skills please. Go to: www.wort^ FORmTHENEWS... Math 044 ^EngHsh 050 English 045 ::m''Cam0iWay with mm. of 5 years expenence wanted. Fnendly wori< environment, good wages.& benefits. Please forward resumes to: 1 -250-545-1632 or email to: serv- V V Bq Campus (onliriOiM|(|s^^ Compiitec,^lNlWl^ [email protected] Plant workers required: Apply with Resume (nclude ref.) Mcleods By-Products, 4559 Larttin Crossroad, Annstrong, BC VOE 1B6. Fax: 250-8386990. Attn: Brian Scott or email: [email protected] Kemess Mine Recruitment (1) Mine Maintenance Foreman (This position will worit a two week in and two week out schedule, Flights are available from Prince George and Smithers. (1) Mine Operations Trainer this position will wori< a 4 day in and 3 day out schedule. Flights ^re-available from-Vancouver, Kamloops, Kelowna, Williams Lake, Prince George and Smithers. To apply fonward a resume to: Kemess Mine Fax: (604)6398501. Email: [email protected] COMMERCIAL/RESIPENTIAUINDUSTRIAL Gary Foumler Owner/Operator Phone 250-392-2345 Toll Free 1-877-767-2345 mail [email protected] • CENTRAL VAC SYSTEMS MODERN ELECTRie Vacuum Sales & Service Bags Required Immediately 70 Help Wanted JUMP START WE CLEAN • Furnaces/Ducts • Dryer Vents / Chimneys • Ceilings / Walls • Insulation Removal ^ ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES • RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL WIRING • 991-7500 vihnnM^cric^bCiCa/quesnel your truck with exceptional revenue, great benefits and a $3000. Signing Bonus! As far as we know, we pay Class i - longhaul flatdeck operators the ^highest. rates in the business running Canada & 48 US statesi Call Steve or Andre 1 -800-663-0099. SERVICES INDOOR AIR QUALITY SPECIALISTS Joumeyman R.V. Tectinician -i::^--MatlT(J45^ ~ " ^„ B&kmingfMa^b^^^derit 1 (Grade 12) Biology050 rStudent $ucces$T800\ Services Adult Dogwood MathJ)3Q..Chemistry045 il^ C h i l d Protection QualificatiQns; •ParkingLots Driveways Fundamental Supervisor of A competitive industry benefits package is available. #223-543 Front Street GR Baker Hospital (250)992-8021 or (250) 255-0083 (cell) / Professional Opportunity with sawmill experience and have knowledge of Alan We offer FREE confidential counselling for problem gamblers and their families. hp.', D e s n i q i Services Society The successful applicant must be highly motivated | Training! Take advantage of these tuition-free and instructor-led courses available at CNC Quesnel this fall. Ks^ COUEGE wvk'W.ThompsonCC.c.T now for entry into Trades Penticton Foundry is hiring for full-time entry-level positions. Excellent wages, incentives & extended benefits. Send resume by mail, email, fax or deliver in person to: 568 Dawson Avenue, PenUcton, BC, V2A 3N8. Fax: 250-492-6933. Email: [email protected] BOBELL EXPRESS LTD. Tired of be'mg away from home for days on end? We require Class #1; B-Train Truck Dnvers with relevant expenence to wori< from our Cache creek yard. We offer steady, year round employment dnving well maintained Kenworth equipment on short haul highway work. Minimum compensation exceeds $22 hourly, plus attractive health plan benefits. Fax your resume & abstract to 250-457-9372 for our immediate consideration. Trades are becoming increasingly complex with advances in technology, mcterials and methods. As of September Z007, admission requirements will change to meet the advanced skill and knowledge expectations on the part of those entering trades training. CARRIER LUMBER LTD. iS currently accepting PROBLEM GAMBLING SERVICES Heavy Duty Mechanics and Gas Mechanics required for Chemainus shop and logging camp situated on Vancouver Island, BC. Please fax resume to (250)246-5440. Attention: Mike Cousins. Pli:99M121 SeeyonridsoiifelmJicdiisafieta mqoi I Do vou want a Health Care Career? .^•.'^'^:^'-c:''t^m sfSrf soon!'' ^ >. ""—-^afito'lay fof jwt free jafo |(it.->^ Product available to book N O W ! 430 Reid Street 270 Help Wanted 258 Careens GARIBOOTRAVEL SERVICE 87 ESTABLISHED VANCOUVER Island Fiberglass manufactunng business has full time positions for expenenced fiberglass lamination manufacturer, chopper gun. Submit resume via fax 1-(250)248-2288. , REFERENCES A MUST. __L . _ 7——. : Class 1 Driver required for super train fiat deck long haul. Mm. 1 yr. experience. We wort< on revenue shanng. Benehts available. One meal allowance per day. Call 250-682-0321. Leave message. • Belts •Hoses • Power Nozzles 607 Doherty Drive • 992-5211 ""TST Canisters • Uprights • Commercial EXPERIENCED C o o k s - starting at $ 1 2 / h r • ••• • « «.« • • • • • •• Beautify Your Hands Waitresses Advanced techniques producing beautiful sculptured nails A p p l y In p e r s o n t o Nick at RESTAURANT 310 St. Ladrent Ave^ 991-0916 PART TIME WWW . t h e b r i c k . c o m "The Brick is committed to my personal developnfent" Sim 1, RECEPTIONIST REQUIRED by a local real estate office. Computer skUls a must Call 992-7202 or drop off your resume at Re/Max Quesnel Realty 355 St Laurent Ave. m m 1 S A L E S Designs C O N S U L T A N T S U N B E L I E V A B L E TiiAIMING P R O G R A M S ! N O E X P E R I E N C E REQUIREDI Sf Floxiblo, family (rimdly work hour*. Bf'nwnnendous Income potonUal. $40,000 - $90,O0Ot per yeorl ET Equal opportunity career path* to atore, region & eales management EST Mentoring and career dovalopmant. ST Sales contests and tripa to win. ST Fantastic employee product purchase program & Brick Credit Card EtTTUIUon ralmbureameni Sf SafeftMandly workplace ""YOljiSELFII Have you ever thought of starting your own business? if you're unemployed, you may be able to access the Self Employment Benefits Program. Benefits of this Program include: • Assistance from a Certified andPodlcated Business Counsellor with assessing your business ldea» developing your business plan and helping you get your business off the ground. BT Employee recognithm profirsms & events BT Annual empktyM survey (Sfljeadtno edge trainingftdevstopmant Nobody b e a t s our benefits! FLEXIBLE BENEFITS PROGRAM: • Ongoing support wiiile your business continues to run. • MwncaJ, Dental and Vision Car©* ute Insurance • Long Tbnm pisablllty • Company 8ut»ldlzed Retirement * Stock Plan • Illness and other emorQoncy le«vo protection • Weekly financial assistance to help you cover living costs while your business gets up and running. t e a m ! p a r t off a Explote thia exdUnsi career position by Mndlr»o a maumeto; fame, LoctOotimma, Locakmtildivsa, City, Pmvince, PosUI Coda oremal: Loettkmemall • Access to relevant resource materials. If you already know you want to work for yoiirseH or Just want to look further Into self employment as a career option, please call Marc SL Laurent (APEC Certified Business Counsellor) at 991-5132 to tako the next step. & Decor V offers personalized Decorating & Staging sen/ices to suit every taste and budget Whether you are building, renovating, or moving call Cristy to get the most from your home! Did you know? Iti a hot real estate market, having your home professionally STAGED before you sell can net you 3-10% more than your ttnstaged competitor? Often resulting in multiple offers! Residential & Commercial CRISTY BRUCE r.D.D.R,A.S.P. Email: [email protected] II ^ H TTia aovommeni ot Ctnacia hn contributed funding to thit InltMlv*. / ? h 983^21^ B8 QUESNa CARIBOO OBSERVER QUESNa CARIBOO OBSERVER Sundqy, July 23, 2006 . THE Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! www.bcclassifiedxom Classifieds Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! 270 Help Wanted Maintenance Supervisor required by Ted Leroy Trucking Ltd, to oversee the maintenance of our logging and road building equipment, for our Johnstone Straits and North Island Operations. This position will be based out of Campbell River on Vancouver Island, BC. Applicant must possess a solid mechanical background and.have strong organizational and interpersonal qualities, have excellent communication skills, be computer literate and have the ability to multi-task. The successful candidate will receive £ui excellent wage and benefits package. Please fax resume with references to: Ted Leroy Trucking Ltd, (250)246-5440, Attention: Mike Cousins. Thank you for your interest, but only those selected for an interview will be cohtact••ed.-,v;.. HEiPAA^ANTED M a n a g e r needed for Quesnel music store. Knowledge of instruments a n d s a l e s a n d asset. Northern Vancouver Island logging company is currently accepting applications for the position of Woods Foreman. Fulltime pemnanent position, excellent salary and benefits package with perfonnance incentives. Previous old growth harvest expenence is preferred. Potential motivated candidates for this position are encouraged to inquire at>out apprenticeship opportunities, RPF is an asset. Please fax your resume to: Lemare Lake Logging Ltd. (250)9564888. Or email: [email protected] R)RmTHENEWS... vvrnqtieshelol^rv^^ AMATA TRANSITION HOUSE The Amata Trarisitipri House, a Feminist Collective utilizing the concensus decisionmaking process, is seeMrig a CASUAL SUPPORT WORKER to do relief vvprk.This Is a Hospital Employees Union Positipri. E M P L O Y M E N T OPPORTUNITIES Pinnacle Pellet Inc. & Houston Pelletlnc. Quesnel Office: Currently the largest wood pellet manufacturer in Westem Canada, Pinnacle Pellet is pleased to advertise the following full time employment opportunities as the result of dijrhewhusiness venture in Houston. We areciirrentfy recruiting for our company administrative office to assist with the increased administration of this new partnership and our own internal needs. — ^ We are committed to providing an environment that will allow our employees to grqw with us as individuals and as part of ourteam. We offer an exceWnt wage and benefit package. QUALIFICATIONS/EXPERIENCE Ttie successful applicant should have; • 1 -2 years experience working in a transition House, or equivalent experience. • Ability to work independently, with little supervision, under the direction of the Board of Directors. • Social Service Foundation Certificate or Transition House Modules 1-5 Certificate or equivalent. • Good communication, counseling and crisis intervention skills; knowledge and liriderstanding of the dynannics, interventions a^idtreatr^^^ violence against \/v6men; and experience working in a team environment and residential setting. -^Please phone^92-7321 to pickAipan^^ application package.'Completed packages, including enclosures, resume and cover letter should be dropped off at Anriata by 5:00 pm on the closing date of July 28,2006 (Friday). Accounting Clerk: Responsibilities Will include day to day financial matters such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger, banking, payroll and benefits administration; monthly journal entries. Assist the Financial Administrator with internal financials, year end audit preparation and audited financial statements; and financial analysis and other projects as needed. Preference will be given to applicants who: Have a High School graduation certificate Have at least 3 years of relevant experience Have a strong computer background including Word, Excel and a recognized accounting software system. , Are working toward a recognized accounting designation or have equivalent experience. - Receptionist & Office Assistant: Responsibilities will include front line telephone reception on a busy switchboard, general day to day office tasks such as filing, incoming and outgoing mail, e-mail; and banking. Assist with junior accounting functions; general office correspondence. Other general office functiohs as required. This is an entry level position. Preference will be given to applicants wlio: Have a High School Graduation certificate Have at least one year of relevant office experience Have a strong background with computers including Word, Excel and Microsoft Outlook Have experience with an accounting software program Has a customer service background Is willing to undertake additional training if required Deadline for applications Is July 24,2006 at 4:30 p.m. Please submit applications with resum6 and references to: 378ffauiihanSt 992^9405 Jean Gotro, Office Administrator Pinnacle Pellet Inc. 4252 Dog Prairie Road. Quesnel, B.C. V2J 6K9 Fax:250-747-1712 B9 270 Help Wanted T^pliGdtions are to be m a i l e d to: 1316 G e o r g e Street PrInceGeorge V2J1R3 Attn: Sandra Sunday, July 23, 2006 t NTBOnATBO Williams Lake company hiring pipe fitters, welders and plumbers. Good wages & benefits. Reply to Box 544 c/p The TWbune, 188 N. 1st Avenue, WiUiams Lake, B G V2G1Y8 Experienced Security Guard wanted for Williams Lake business. Day & evening shifts. Please submit resume and references to Box 538, c/o The Tribune, 188 N. 1st Avenue, Williams Lake, BG y2G1Y8. . Closirig date is August 11, 2006. Only those chosen for an interview will be contacted. Permanent full time short order cook wanted immediately. Homestyle cooking. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner. Experience necessary. Apply with resume. Scotts Family Restaurant, 551-11th Ave., Kamloops. BC V2C 3Y1. start your industrial safety career as a Safety Supervisor. HSE is Canada's leading supplier of industrial health, safety and environment service to petrl)leum and other industries. HSE offers a multi-faceted staff development program ensuring you a rewarding career In this essential and growing industry. To start, HSE is accepting applications for our in-house Safety Supervisor Intern program. The three-week, fulltime course plus on-the-job training will prepare you for an exciting and rewarding safety career with HSE. Positions are available throughout Alberta and British Columbia. The program will be held in Sylvan Lake, AB commencing July 31,2006. Interns will receive a salary, accommodations and meals can be provided (some restrictions apply): Full time positions will be offered to those who demonstrate the right ability, attitude and commitment to HSE. After joining HSE, you'll be given the opportunity to develop your career through cross-training In other aspects of this dynamic Industry. To fully understand the full HSE opportunity, visit our website at If you are interested in a growing career in a growing company, contact, Gerald Perreauit at 403-887-1111 or e-mail [email protected]. Drivers Required. Apply WITH current Drivers abstract & references to Mcleods By-Products, 4559 Larkin Crossroad, Armstrong, BC V0E1B6. Fax: Attention Brian Scott 250-838-6990 or email: [email protected] Woods Foreman, experienced see CHAMBERS TRUCKING LTD. DRIVERS AND LEASE OPERATORS REQUIRED Check out our new pay rates. Top wages paid. Contact Dwayne at 1-800-575-2355 VAN KAM FREIGHTWAYS LTD The following positions are available innmediately at our Surrey and Kamloops inaintenance shops.: Journeynian ThKk and Itailer HechairiM Sun«y • Monday to Friday Aftenwon Shift Kamloops •llwsday to Friday Afternoon Shift have The successfiJl^nSSates will strong communication, organization and time management skills. Journeyman tVades qualifications and C.V. Inspector's certification are required. Wa oner steady, full time jn union shop along vnth an excellent remuneration package and health and l>enefit plan. If you feel you have what takes to join our team, pieasa fax your resume to woric a ttiat it Attention: SafMyllanafler 604-587-9878 i or email careera@vanl( —DFCP by e w t s m l n s ] e! 1 0 1 5 5 Grses . R o a d , Surrey, BC or: 682 Sareee Street Vi^ Kamloops, BC mm 651 Wads Ave, Qoosnei • across from Baker School • 992-1003 Technical SuDttort The Quesnel School District requires a technical support specialist to provide front-line support to computer users throughout the district. This position will require: •A college diploma in computer technology (2 year minimum) • Novell Certification • A thorough knowledge of Windows 98,2000 and XP • Extensive knowledge of PC hardware •The ability to communicate with non-technical users •Ability to woric both independently and as a team player • A clean driving record • A desire to live in afemily-orientedcommunity with ready access to wond-class outdoor recreation. Experience with Unux would be beneficial. This Is a full time, permanent position (12-months, 40 hours/week) within the CMAW union local 2545. Wages are $22.59 per hour plus lucrative benefit package. Start Date: ASAR Position will be closed when a suitable candidate is found. / Please subrrilt resume by by email to: computer|ob® PHONE DISCONNECTED? LOWEST HOOK UP RATES. NO REFUSALS. EVERYONE APPROVED. CALL TODAY TOLL FREE 1-877-852-1122 PROTEL RECONNECT. Welder/Fabricatorrequlred full- time, for a Salmon Arm Machine and Fabricating Shop. Servicing Forestry, Constnictiort and Manufacturing Industries. " Wages will reflect experience. Benefit package. Great recreation area. Fax resume to 1-250-832-1136 [email protected] Immediate opening for an on- SUCCESS sT/ieiGovernmentof Canada has conlnbuled funding fo f/iis ini/iofiVe in full phase logging, required by Ted Leroy Ltd. a Stump to Dump Logging Contractor for their camp operations originating out of Campbell River on Vancouver Island, BC. Preference given to person experienced in high lead and or mechanical logging. You must be a team player who is safety oriented, possess good leadership qualities, have excellent Communication skills, be computer literate and have the ability to multi-task. The success candidate will work a 14 and 7 shift with an excellent wage and benefits package. Please fax resume with references to: Ted Leroy Trucking Ltd. (250)286-3661. Attention: Gary Mugford. Thank you for your interest, but only those selected for ah interview will be contacted. line Bookkeeping & Accounting position for a large Art company. Eam $600 to $1000 weekly without affecting your present job. No experience is needed, email Nicole at , [email protected] iiitinsaeai GROW WITH US FILE: Safety Supervisor AD June 6 2006 O.T.H. Enterprises is looking for 2 Company Drivers to operate Super Trains and 1 operate a 53* Step Deck: Top wages, health plan and hometime. Run BC and AB. All newer equipment, etc. Steady steel haul between Vancouver and Calgary/Edmonton. Super B drivers averaging between .60 and.66 cents/mile. Step Deck drivers averaging .50 and .60 cents/mile. Paid twice/month. Growing fast, come join in on the excHementI 1-800-667-3944 for information. ('jiiMilt! quired. Starting September. Reply/resume to Dr. Harvey Thompson #22-665 Front St., Quesnel B.C. V2J 5J5. ING TOO MUCH? PHONE DISCONNECTED AND YOU NEED SERVICE? We can helpl Call Us Todayl No Refusalsl Long Distance 2.2 - 4.4 cents/min. TOLl, FREE 1-866-747-3425 Satellite |i^tem smfJ^NWce^ •• • • from . / 5J •,, • Free installation tor first time buyer al for 2006 HS Grads & others, good pay, full/part-time, customer sales/service, no experience needed, conditions apply, wori< locally, filling positions Now: 250-277-8110 Photographer's assistant required for Bari<en/ille studio. Full training provided on camera system. $9.50 - $10.00/hr. Fax resume (250) 392-7129 or email photographer@bari< Dave's Eatery requires full and ; part time cooks. Apply in person with resume to 2010 Valhalla Rd. 747-0092 Eam $500.00 for every $597.00 sale, our automated system makes for you. Get the details. Visit: mmm Janitor required for permanent part time, could lead into full time. Some experience prefen-ed but we will train. Fax resume to 747-0689 I 1 Free Estimates Vinyl & Wood Framed Windows MadetoOrder Begble's now hiring breakfast line cooks and sisrvers. Apply in person to Julie 500 Reid Street, Quesnel. Required clerk for Cold Beer & Wine Store and Waitress/ Bartender for evening and weekends: Apply in person with re, sume Monday - Friday morning to The Red Bluff Inn. Dial-A-Phone Services: PAY- ^^59^ Attention: Summer Woric, ide- Beaver Trucking Service re- Vaughan) (Marsh Rd & Kupferschmid) Anyone interested in these routes please call Jaicey at 9922121. Satellite Radio SIRIUSH/ SATELLITE RADIO counter person. Cashier experience. Customer friendly. Drop off resume in moming ® 626 Front Street. quires Cjass i drivers, min 2 years experience. To run Alberta & BC. Benefit package and steady employment.. Reply to: 458 Dene Dr., Kamloops, BC with resume, references, and current drivers abstract or fax to (250)374-1677. Permanent carriers are required for the following: (Front) (Destiny & Mystic) (Agate & Marble) (Ellison Sub, Fem, Maple Drive & Palm) (Hilbom) (Bariow, Callanan, Grey & r*imii^^. Robins Donuts: requires front Shop & paid for it. Mystery shopper wanted for local store. Casual wori<. Email Paul ® [email protected] • THE QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER QUESNEL ELECTRONICS Certified Dental Assistant re- WE DO WINDSHIELDS FREE: Pickups Delivery/Wash & Vac We will do ALL the paperworki SAW REPAIR Complete Bandsan & Round San Sales & Service & Sharpening "WQ Sharpen EVERVnilNQ^ • Carpentry Saws & Tools • Household Saws & Tools • Carbide Service • Knife Grinding >Mill Supplies •Lubricants P/T person (20-25hrs) needed to assist witli office duties including lending, collections, and day-to-day office tasks. Send resume w/wage expectation to: Cash Factory Loans Inc. Fax: 250-979-0595 EXPERIENCED CONSTRUCTION TRADES PERSONAL: Carpenters required for bridges, hi-rises, general forming. Concrete Finisher: Experienced in Vibrating and Rub-up wori<. Crane Operator: Experienced In Mobile, and Tower Crane operations. For/'projects In the, Okanagan Valley, BC. Great pay and benefits offered. Fax resume to 250-493-7255. < "The Sharpest Deals Around* A Big $ Maker: All cash vending routeis with prime locations. Eam $5000/mo. PT. All new machines $13,500; Training includ-, edi 1-888-476-7685 27,S Skilled Trades ' i 2680 Campbell Cres. (industrial Park - end of road) 992-9119 , A B C C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Rural W i r e l e s s H i g h - s p e e d Internet ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Now aunllnhic nl Ten Miln Lake, West FiJCUir, D.ijc Lnkc Md, s.Hydrniilifi Road, KisislDy," Wanted: Server - Apply In Person @ Penlsola Restaurant, 121 Bariow Ave. »