How to Be Happy Again? by Siegmund Mischinger Smashwords Edition


How to Be Happy Again? by Siegmund Mischinger Smashwords Edition
How to Be Happy Again?
Siegmund Mischinger
Smashwords Edition
Published by:
Siegmund Mischinger at Smashwords
How to Be Happy Again?
Copyright © 2013 by Siegmund Mischinger
All rights reserved
In the beginning there was a lie. The lie is the idea that we humans are somehow inherently flawed
and unhappy by nature and only strive to reach the unreachable goal of happiness. However, if you
go back in time to your childhood, you can easily recall that at a very young age you were naturally
curious, active and happy unless somebody made you unhappy. This is not supposed to mean that
only children are able to remain in a state of constant happiness or that you should become childish
or child-like again to achieve that. To the contrary, as a more experienced and educated individual
you can achieve even higher levels of happiness, including states of deep extasy without the aid of
any psychoactive substances. Furthermore, ancient Indian and Chinese philosophies also perceive
the state of constant happiness as naturally occuring and it is only the western culture that is
promoting the idea of most people acting like zombies and expecting others to do so. But let us start
from the beginning.
In fact most individuals today are deeply unhappy to the point of becoming suicidal. Your
neighbour or the postman that you see occasionally actually most probably hate their lives and
would like to do something about it but do not know how. The thing is they never tell it to anybody
and this will not be put on television. They are unhappy because they find their lives inadequate.
They are not what they want to be and do not do what they really want to do. Over time they will
develop depression and above a certain treshold depression makes you suicidal, similarly to sleep
deprivation. Waking up to emptiness or not being able to sleep properly will make anyone suicidal.
Regardless of what the reasons might be, most people you see everyday are trapped in a world that
is not thier own.
Some of you are reading this because you are unhappy and you want to find out "How to Be Happy
Again". Some of you are actually happy but you just wanted to make sure that you really are or
perhaps find a way to become happier. As for myself, I used to be deeply unhappy to the point of
becoming almost suicidal. But I found a way out of my dilemma and thus I can be here with you
here and share what I have learned. But I did not only regain my previous happiness, I also found a
way to a happiness that I have never perceived before. I found it by doing a lot of reading and a lot
of thinking and I am going to share it with you now. This is not going to be an obscure lecture about
philosophy, I am really going to tell you how to do it. But I am also going to mention the
philosophical aspects that led me where I am today.
So I am going to start by asking you a question that you can also ask yourselves: Who are you? And
I am not asking you about your name, age, profession or any of that nonsense usually used to
„identify” another „human specimen”. Instead, I wish to identify you as a person. In Indian
philosophy there is something called atman, defining the very core of a human being. This is what I
mean when asking who you are.
So I am asking you: do you really know who you are? And even more importantly: Are you who
you want to be?
1. Self-awareness and self-determination
While visiting Austria eight years ago I saw a phone card with a slogan: "Ich will" („I want”). It did
not say "I must" or "I should" (which by the way is a softer version of „I must” or „I am forced to”).
It specifically said „I want” and to my mind this short sentence determines you as an individual.
Some people say „You are what you eat”. I say: you are what you want. Whatever that might be.
One might say:
I want, therefore I am.
In everyday life we are constantly told not to do what we want. Right from the very beginning as
small children by our parents, then as adults by our supervisors and then as retired old people by our
caretakers – we are constantly told not to do that. So we don't and we forget what it was that we
really wanted. This separates us from our atman – the unperishable core of a person and this in turn
later leads to something called akrasia or a weakness of one's will where an individual, when faced
with a choice to be made, in spite of still posessing the full mental capacity, chooses a worse
alternative or one that goes against their own mind.
Just like slaves we are told that doing what we want is not allowed because if we were allowed to
act freely we would probably only want to do something wrong. We are also told that our life is
meant to be suffering and this is due to some kind of guilt, debt, imperfection, inferiority etc. We are
constantly kept in shame and fear – and it all represents the very characteristics of a typical slave's
life, strongly reminding us of the slaves known from the Roman Empire or later on from colonial
America. Slavery has never been really abolished. Not many of us are allowed to decide „this is
what I am” and „this is not what I am or do not want to be”.
Besides, our vocabulary is full of slave words and expressions. Slaves are not allowed to want or
demand anything (just beg) or express emotion – and this is the true origin of "please" and "thank
you" which block any individuality of reaction that would normally be expressed when a given item
is requested or received. This single word is supposed to replace an individual, personal description
of what you feel, making it impersonal and meaningless.
Therefore, slaves are only left with wishful thinking – totally spineless. This is why they cling to a
false hope and wait for manna from the sky. But in reality they are not even waiting for anything,
just expressing idleness and passiveness.
As mentioned before, in order to turn from an unhappy slave to a satisfied master of your life, you
are supposed to find and protect the core of your being – your soul, which is immaterial, simple (not
possible to divide), and most importantly: immortal (not possible to destroy, imperishable). You
obviously cannot imagine your own non-existence and this is due to the fact that your spiritual part
is simply subject to a steady cycle of rebirth (samsara) and is therefore never destroyed, which was
so vividly depicted in the recent film Cloud Atlas.
However, deprived of our basic rights on a daily basis, we seem to have forgotten what freedom
actually is. Freedom is the ability to decide. You should decide about everything pertaining to your
self and nobody else (as stated by former erotic actress and now writer Sasha Grey in her 2011 book
Neü Sex). We ought to act instead of the idle hoping. Instead of becoming submissive puppets, we
are supposed to protect our individualism from being subjected to external force.
Society tends to constantly exert its „pressure” on individuals. In terms of mental manipulation, this
takes the form of censorship and propaaganda. They use censorship to destroy or at least conceal
what they don't want you to know. On the other hand, propaganda is what they want you to think.
You are also supposed to think that law comes from supernatural force or is inherent. For example,
it is illegal to be gay in one country and illegal to be anti-gay in another. Propaganda and
enforcement of invented laws can be implemented on many levels and you are already experiencing
it as a child. For instance, your parents not letting you view erotic content are practicing
„censorship”. On the other hand, they show you fairytales about infants found in cabbage etc. And
this is „propaganda”. Your goal is to get past all that and get to the education, which is what the
world is really like. And this means books, articles, video clips or simply having the courage to
„know better” and „think for yourself”. Already in the year 1784 a German philosopher Immanuel
Kant wrote: „Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed nonage. Nonage is the
inability to use one's own understanding without another's guidance. This nonage is self-imposed if
its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in indecision and lack of courage to use one's own
mind without another's guidance. Dare to know! (Sapere aude)." Have the courage to use your own
understanding. Have the courage to liberate yourself from this sheep-like state.
2. Strength through pleasure
Another great thing to do is to liberate yourself from the common misconception conerning feeling
and reason.
Feeling is NOT the opposite of reason. In fact, if they are in accordance, you achieve
A nice example of that is the difference between a forced and self-chosen marriage.
In real yoga which is not just a fitness exercise, there are different levels (according to master
Patanjali). The first one is yama – self-control. But it should not mean self-restraint, self-censorship,
self-deceit or self-denial.
Now a question worth addressing is why is there so much hate towards body and pleasure? Why
aren't all body parts considered „good”, including feet and behind, which also can be kept clean and
healthy? Why is it socially acceptable to have a dog defecating on the pavement or having a guy
vomit in the street after drinking poison (alcohol) but kissing or even hugging in public is frowned
upon or even banned in some countries? Why is the free hug movement so controversial and even
needed? Why should nudity be a shame? Why should a naked body which is not ugly or dirty but
rather beautiful, attractive and pleasant to look at be banned?
Quite interestingly, violence is hardly ever banned even though it is rather unpleasant. What also
strikes me is that on television people are most often shown in some kind of distress. Regardless
whether it is the evening news or some kind of retarded soap series you almost never get to see
happy people, not to mention people enjoying something or in a state of deep extasy. A nice
explanation is offered by Barbara G. Walker in Restoring the Goddess: Equal Rites for Modern
Women. According to her theory the erotic dimension used to be a source of power for women so it
had been suppressed in order to make them powerless. And hence all this negativity surrounding
sensuality and the shockingly positive attitude towards violence.
We are living in a sort of an inverted world where war is peace, slave labour makes you free,
freedom is slavery (Orwell), violence is OK, nudity and pleasure are not allowed... If you are
intelligent or active people will hate you. Furthermore, we are haunted by feelings of imaginary and
incomprehensible guilt. We are fed the myth of a paradise lost being the cause of permanent lack of
happiness. Interestingly, all this pertains to people from a certain age while children find the whole
idea rather laughable, frankly awful and simply untrue.
Why and how are women being suppressed?
If you happen to be a woman, your reasons for lack of happiness are slightly more complex. The
society is making it difficult for you as well as trying to keep it secret from you.
To understand that, let's consider first: what does it mean to be a woman? Is it enough to have a
long and styled hair? To use make-up and large amounts of cosmetics? To have an interest in and a
large collection of clothes? To display silly and submissive behaviour? Men (shemales) can have
and do all that. Even though this is what we are referring to when talking about the definition of a
woman. So women as we perceive them do not really exist. What we regard as a true definition of a
woman is in actuality just a set of sterotypes. And now just think that „transsexual women” go
through complex medical treatment or even surgery as well as a change in legal status just to be
allowed to display this set of stereotypical features in a kind of a very extreme cosplay.
There's not much real difference between man and woman other than that what has been enforced
by culture. And by the way, if you remove all that, nothing is left. There is an obvious difference in
body shape and size but other than that, a woman can do all that a man can. And yet she is
consistently forced into a stereotype as if the only goal of her life was to marry and get
impregnated. A woman can indeed thruthfully desire to find an exceptional partner and/or have
children but marriage is a very perverted variant of this aimed at destroying the woman,
incapacitating her and withdrawing from society in which she had never fully participated anyway,
since prior to this she had always been kept in this partly slave-like and partly child-like state before
crash-landing in marriage. There are no really famous female classical music composers, very few
scientists and poets etc. and there must be a reason why. One 28-year old woman told me once
„They are treating me like a child. But why?” Even as young individuals women are constantly
terrorised by the future prospect of marriage (where by the way the man usually gets disinterested
quickly, with the purpose being just a boost in his social status). On the other hand, men are told
that this is the true nature of women and that they would find themselves severely disadvantaged,
ridiculed or even unable to participate in normal social relations if they didn't treat a woman in
accordance with the stereotype. Women themselves would find them weak and other men would
find them weird.
Women themselves do not widely accept feminist attempts at restoring their human rights either
because they do not understand what is going on or because they would have to first openly admit
their misery which is obviously difficult for anyone regardless of gender. So they just choose the
path of denial largely characteristic of the general insincerity mode they have been raised in, all
their life. Adding to the confusion are disoriented women who do not know other views and are
actively participating in their own suppression as well as influencing others because they think this
is the „proper” and natural state of matters. After silencing the awakening voices of reason like
Virginia Woolf, a great void emerged followed by confusion and reverting back to the not so distant
past of having women strongly repressed or even worse, totally unaware of what is being done to
them and treating the whole setting as „natural”.
I am not a feminist myself, I am not even a woman, I am a guy and yet I can see all that
discrimination and suppression! So there is still something obviously wrong with the role of women
in our society. I mean let's consider what women are usually like. Well, they are always depressed
(not energetic), cowardly (not adventurous), inactive, submissive, dishonest (do not value integrity).
Women behave like that because of the way they were raised. The role models for men are
Superman, Spiderman, Batman, Super-Duper Man etc. Women have Barbie. Well, for a time they
had Lara Croft but if something counters the stereotype it will then be broken to comply so an
active Lara has recently been done away with after widespread criticism and replaced with a much
more tame character who for example lets a Russian guy rape her in one of the scenes of the game.
So women have their spirit broken first. I once saw a boy and a girl walking with parents – the boy
was beaeting random things with a stick, while the girl stayed close to their parents, totally
paralyzed and obedient.
Later on, women have their bodies destroyed by birth while lying down which not only goes against
reason but even against the law of gravity. If a woman happens to be giving birth in an emergency
setting outside of hospital, e.g. while travelling, she will always instinctively adjust her position and
rather give birth while squatting which makes the act much faster and does not put unnecessary
strain on the stomach muscles. Even women at hospital will want to do that but they are always
„corrected” by doctors that this not „the right way” and forced to damage their stomach muscles and
in turn their voice by having a forceful labour while lying down, receiving a lot of pain and load on
their nervous system from which they may never be able to fully recover. After having their bodies
damages they often become desperate to return to their previous state and try to compensate like
Beyonce who recently started a swimming suit campaign, sadly showing her damaged but
desperately exposed body.
But even before their infamous crash-landing, I often get the impression as if women used only 20
percent of their body just like people usually only use 20 percent of the brain (see film Limitless).
They are simply robbed of their plesaure, deprived of own sensuality – strongly reminiscent of the
famous line „my life has been stolen from me” (see film The Hours). Western women even in the
absence of any signs of physical mutilation or restraints, all seem to be wearing a mental burka.
This is made possible by two factors: firstly, their rejection mechanism which in itself is needed and
useful, has been turned against them and trained to actually reject men they desire. Another one is
that they seem to be equipped with a sort of nightmarish mental traffic lights which keep controlling
them. As a result, the motorway is empty and safe but they are still not crossing it and standing
frozen instead. And all this is possible because all women receive a series of mental blocks which
are put in place in course of their „programming” and passed on to successive generations.
And that is not only my opinion. Nicole Daedone of One Taste, the author of Slow Sex: The Art and
Craft of the Female Orgasm, is wondering why she can see such a profound pleasure deficit among
the women she encounters as an advisor. She wonders why women don't allow themselves to have
sex, do not liberate themselves to do what they want to do anyway. They keep saying things like
„I'm not in love, I'll be a slut” which strongly suggests the social wiring they received.
Pleasure deficit is not only found in women. Men are not nomally allowed to express sensual
satisfaction or any other strong emotion for that matter (except maybe anger and frustration), not
expected to have high hygiene standards, use face cream or even lip gloss or have any higher
esthetic interest like fashion or art. Famous fashion designers are all male due to the same factors
which selected famous composers, but there are extremely few of them.
To simply put it, the current standards in our society dictate that men are supposed to be violent,
narrow-minded and frustrated while women are supposed to be inactive and insincere.
Why are young individuals being suppressed?
Discrimination is not only about women. At an early age people are especially capable of quick
learning and boosting both their mental powers as well as emotional richness and competence.
Sadly however, since around 18th century, young individuals are put in a state of psychosis over an
extended period which is called „childhood” when they are at least supposed to pretend mental
incapacity and emotional instability. And all that is connected with strong age discrimination – strict
censorship, meaning not only that erotic entertainment is not allowed, but also limiting insight into
the real world. To add to the incapacitation, young individuals are legally incapable which means
they cannot decide about themselves and even about any permanent changes to their body, are not
allowed to receive money for any kind of work nor travel freely, they are forced to eat against
preference, go to bed to early against their own biological clock and most importantly almost
always disrespectfully called „kids” which strongly reminds of „niggers” etc.
3. The illusion of money, love and friendship
For any individual aiming to restore and maintain the natural happiness, it is important to be
immune to the common social illusions. They are all artificial ideas introduced in many cultures at
some point, but supposed to be considered „natural” as if they had always existed and as if we
absolutely couldn't do without them.
The money trap
Money functions different than you think. First amd foremost, money is not coins and bills but an
abstract idea, a mean game based on social „magic and ritual”, aiming to hinder your access to
resources so as to force you to submit to the idea of forced labour. To simply put it, you will not be
allowed to acquire food unless you obey and do what you do not really like, so that you can receive
tokens (coins, notes or just digits on your abstract account). But don't be deceived into thinking that
you will be allowed to acquire wealth in this way. You are supposed to always be spending all or at
least most of what you receive and starting anew so as to make yourself perpetually available as a
slave.The idea is to trap you in debt - otherwise your masters (employers) would have to physically
capture and restrain you which would seem rather laughable in the 21st century. So they resort to a
mental „economical terror” instead.
One could argue that this is not terror or any kind of enforcement at all but a smart way to regulate
access to a very scarce food supply and making it more fair and just, a part of a certain biopolicy.
Interestingly however, there is actually enough food in the world for everyone and a lot of it is
simply thrown away everyday – for instance, in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung dated 7 June
2013, page 9 you can read:
„Currently according to the FAO about 870 million people are undernourished. Simultanously 1.4
billion people are overweight. Theoretically nobody has to starve: the farmers of the entire world
are currently producing 2,800 calories of nutrients per person, where on average the amount of
2,100 calories can already make a person sufficiently supplied with nutrients. Starvation occurs
currently solely due to the fact that people cannot buy food – because they are too poor or because
there are no products purchasable where they live. This is not only so in the developing and
threshold countries but also in the industrialized ones. It is estimated that in the United States 50
million people are not becoming enough to eat.”
So as you can see people are openly admitting in a major newspaper that they have actually been
producing too much for some time now and are more concerned with storage of the large piles of
food being produced rather than its scarcity. In fact this is giving away free food for humanitarian
actions is possible – there is simply too much food and a lot of it is left unpurchased and literally
ends up in the bin.
As Barbara G. Walker noted in her book Restoring the Goddess: Equal Rites for Modern Women, in
an egalitarian matriarchy the distribution of resources is based on need and work is supposed to be
creative and not enforced upon anyone. But a patriarchical society is based on hierarchy,
exploitation and repression – you have to „deserve” to stay alive and you will only be allowed to
sleep and eat if you get yourself enslaved and do work not based on creativity or performance but
rather organized around the concept of being a slave submitted to a master and being submissive.
People „raised” or actually brainwashed in patriarchical societies will usually strongly oppose
against other means of obtaining sleep or food or obtaining money like freelancing but also
begging, freeganism etc.
In order to keep you perpetually devoid of and desperate for money, you will be lured into
purchasing costly items like cars, technology, real estate etc. But all these products are not designed
to give you anything but to simply rip your money at purchase and generate additional cost
afterwards. Let's take cars for instance - all makes of cars look the same now and only have the
shape of front chassis (especially the front lights) constantly „updated”. You initially dump a huge
pile of money in order to purchase a car which is in fact a very low quality, low budget mass
product which is going to sit idle most of the time (either in front of your house or in a garage) and
simply project your „social status”. And after such purchaste „the rippers” benefit because they
have your money while the state benefits because you are poor again and more controllable.
However, if you manage to avoid such debt trap, you will be in full control of yourself – you will
unilaterally decide what you eat and when you go to sleep, which are in fact very fundamental and
very personal choices. So since money is an abstract game, a good way to make yourself immune to
it is to always play with it wisely and never forget that it is just a means of social enforcement.
So how do you get „immune” or „rich”? Well, first and foremost, you are not rich because you are
not making yourself rich. The idea of money is to pay you as little as possible and strip you out of it
as soon as possible as well. To counter this you have to divide your income into two parts and
strongly protect one of them. In this way you are going to create a zone where money is „left
alone”, is safe and can make more money. You should also make it physically impossible for you to
access the funds from this zone directly and at will. How big should you make it? That depends on
how much you absolutely have to spend everyday and how much you can acquire (not „earn” as
this is a slave term). Then it is a good idea to acquire as much as possible from multiple sources and
keep expenses low.
On a final note, since money does not really exist and is not a natural law but a repressive invention
based in fact on magic and ritual and technically an abstract game where you receive tokens, not all
people were fooled into thinking that it had always existed and has to exist and that you would
instantly die without it. One can see perfect examples of a world without money. In course of
natural disasters where large groups of individuals have their material resources destroyed, money
suddenly ceases to exist. They receive international aid which is basically supplying large amounts
of food and not expecting any money in return. Similarly, children usually eat without spending a
dime, receiving all their food from their parents for free. And since money does not really exist and
only the physical goods exist, and since money is in fact just the source of a lot of frustration and
distress and simply keeps people from doing what they really want and plays a major role in
limiting their success and whatever they endevour, one could be tempted to get rid of it completely.
Apart from the hypothetical egalitarian matriarchical societies and cultures of the distant past, this
has also been not that long ago attempted by communists. However, countries aiming at achieving
communism found themselves in a reality where other countries were still using money and
therefore they made the mistake of making the whole transformation a long-term process instead of
replacing the old system virtually „overnight”. Had those countries been isolated and self-sufficient,
they could have probably succeeded. In fact, a highly advanced and materially „relaxed” culture at
the same time isolated and self-sufficient evokes the mythical culture of Atlantis, which if finally
found and proven to be so would consitute a proof of the feasibility of a money-less world. Still,
until that happens, all we need to do to prevent material concerns from making us unhappy is to
really understand the abstract mechanisms behind money and make ourselves as immune to them as
The love illusion
Have you ever noticed how persistently the church authorities insist on love and try to promote it,
how obtrusive is the manner of presenting it to you in songs? If something exists and is desired,
why would anyone ever need to persuade you? And yet, love songs basically come in two types:
some of them will try to convince you that love is needed and natural and others will present the
effects of another „crashed relationship” leaving mental scars and dissatisfaction.
But what if... love is not real at all? If it is just another illusion just like money, equally efficient in
making you unhappy and maybe even more dangerous, as it refers to even more personal feelings?
I never seem to stop wondering: Why do lovers behave like haters towards each other? (demands,
conflicts instead of admiration, inspiration, cooperation). And also: why does the man try to enslave
or at least control the woman and the woman tries to use up the resources of the man, take an
advantage of him in the most mischievious way? On a side note, domination through enforcement
and through genuine admiration are two diffferent things. From my observations, a really strong and
attractive man is naturally and automatically admired and submitted to while a weak control freak
enforces submission over an extended period of time.
On one of my visits to Beate Uhse I had an incident which seems to cast some light on the very
nature of this love illusion we are all forcefully trained for by songs, literature, television and
religion. At some point I felt a strong attraction for a female leg clad in some sort of fancy garment.
All this happened without ever seing the face of the individual nor realising that this „person” was
in fact a mannequin. Had I still been following the trained „love-routine”, I would probably have
developed a strong attachment to a completely imaginary and inadequate concept of what the
„woman” is like, start planning for the „future” etc. and all this with... a dummy, nothing more than
a piece of plastic shaped like a female body! In fact this sort of illusion has famously been described
by Edmund Husserl and is known as the Husserl's Dame-Puppe illusion. It beautifully exposes the
lack of foundation upon which certain perception is based. Another abstract illustration of this
would be Bertrand Russell's teapot. Although his concept was developed to illustrate the naive
mechanisms of believing in an imaginary masculine, personal deity, the concept is similar. Just like
you might say that there is a giant teapot orbiting the Sun somewhere between Eearth and Mars and
argue with anyone unable to prove its non-existence, you would similarly make completely
unjustified assumptions about a person or even about a piece of plastic, solely based on the
programming you received from obtrusive songs and other sources regarding the concept of love.
For your happiness it is crucial to rediscover the true feeling behind it, namely that you like
someone and you are attracted to this person. When you actually think about it, „liking” can be
much more powerful and pleasant and authentic than exclusive and obsessive „love”. Love is
something you do to yourself because you have been conditioned to do so. It has nothing to do with
the actual person it seems to be referring to and will in fact harm this person as well as scar yourself
psychologically as your obsession and jealousy develops and is then painfully confronted with
Love is not natural but was invented and promoted by the church and is in fact very unpleasant and
destructive. Obessively attaching yourself to one partner or „getting married” is comparable to
locking yourself in a room with only one DVD to watch for the rest of your life. After some time
you would probably dislike the DVD even if it used to be one of your favourites. And most
importantly, you would become paranoid due to the simple fact of being permanently deprived of
variety, one of the driving forces behind enjoying your life, regardless whether art, cuisine or
human relations. As a result, sooner or later „exclusive love” will turn an activity you actually used
to enjoy into something boring or even obnoxious for both partners involved, turning any
relationship into a nightmare and ultimately rendering it „unsuccessful” i.e. ending in divorce,
nervous breakdown, etc. I even suppose this is the very reason why celebrity relationships initially
announced in strokes of almost „fairytale” happiness end up as mutually destructive nonsense and
the opposite of what they originally used to be.
The dreaded friendzone
What is friendship actually? In many definitions the recurring theme would be some sort of
„selfless sacrifice”. A friend would give you his or her time or even money while not expecting
anything. To illustrate this, let's imagine you meet someone in the desert. You ask this person for
water. This person gives you their last drop, having their own condition worsened as a result. Later
on this person is going to regret it. Upon directly sensing the results of their decision, they are going
to have natural second thoughts, the sort of „what did I get in return”? The very concept of selfsacrifice with nothing in return is simply another destructive religious idea and means of
exploitation. People are regularly dumbed down into not wanting to benefit but later still revert to
their natural state and actually regret it, sometimes even directly accusing their beneficiary of evil
intentions. Rather than self-destroy by sacrifice, the two people in the desert could have simply
ventured to get more water together. Help is rather lamentably another slave concept and ought to
be avoided and simply replaced by a more healthy variant: cooperation and mutual benefits. One
should expect to benefit and if this expectation is mutual and considered just and fair while being
so, it can only be a source of true joy and satisfaction from a relation and not hidden schizophrenic
hatred as seems to be designed and implemented by Christian and many non-Christian religions.
While non-erotic same sex friendship seems to be pointless, I suppose I do not have to remind of
the dreaded friendzone – the scary place where all incompetent lovers are pushed to after a failed
attempt to become of erotic interest to a woman. But since friendship does not really exist,
regardless whether same sex or not, what would be the healthy alternative? The answer is:
acquaintances. As we progress through our lives, we do in fact meet people. But there is nothing
more to it than meeting, as even the persons themselves may not be truly able to know and
understand one's own self. Still, in reality we may actually enjoy building a group of aquaintances
who seem to be beneficial and favorable to us and this group may in fact prove to better than a
family, since you can choose each and every one of them and create your "court" of people
influencing you in a pleasant, inspiring or entertaining way, just like a powerful king or a queen
would. And needless to say, monarchs tended to lead a happy life highly superior to the everyday
drudgery of their subjects and subordinates.
4. Prevent your self-destruction
You are usually told that your body is transient and other things are lasting while exactly the
opposite is true. I am only in my thirties but within my lifetime such „lasting” things as countries
have disappeared from the map overnight. There is no Soviet Union any more, there is no German
Democratic Republic. What I mean is that you do not really know where you are going to live in the
future, you may have a different house, you will surely have a different car or you may even be part
of an entirely different culture. But one thing is certain: you are still going to be within the same
body. Countries disappear and appear (Soviet Union, Southern Sudan), houses are being
demolished but in 10 and 20 and 30 years from now you will still be in this body. So treat your body
with utmost respect, care and benevolence because enjoying it is the very benefit of your
Imagine a rectangle of vitalities with sleep and food at the top corners and hygiene and
entertainment at the bottom. Nowadays a lot of individuals are recklessly deprived of sleep on a
regular basis while sound sleep is actually the very fundament of the day that follows. The flow of
high quality food may be suspended and compromised but only temporarily as it is also vital and
crucial for one's well-being. Both sleep and food deprivation are usually included in the practices of
body-hating religions in the form of fasting, midnight mass etc. Therefore, it is a good idea to
protect your body from such circumstances, unless you really agree to obey and hate your body and
destroy it through malnutrition. But I suppose you would agree that there is no sense in being a "tail
eater", "selfkicker" or "self-whipper" any more.
But: you are not your body. A nice example of that is when you go to bed. Interestingly, your body
does not know if your soul or spirit or „spark” is sleeping or not - hence the tossing and turning
right before falling asleep - your body is checking if your spirit has actually fallen asleep by
sending the "turn" impulse and awaiting response. So even though you are not really your body but
rather in charge of it, it still seems a great idea to protect it from adverse conditions as well as
religious hatred.
On a side note, age is another concept that does not really exist in the real world. In most religions
you are expected to have your body damaged to a given extent at a specific time. But you can just
avoid the damage. In many cases your body may not keep its integrity because it is malnutritioned
and a change of diet brings about a sudden improvement. One example of that is Christian Bale who
was fasting on just apples and canned tuna for his role and still managed to restore his almost
skeleton-body to a Schwarzenegger-like condition only a few years later. Which also proves the
point that it is fact possible to have your body in better condition at a later age and the whole
pressure on gradual decline of bodily abilities over time is just a religious superstition.
Real food vs. chemicals
Most people are skipping breakfast and then lying about it when asked what they had. They had
nothing, at the very „best” they had some coffee! And this after thousands of years of the tradition
of eating a brakfast that actually does something for you (ayurveda etc.). Another interesting habit is
sticking to processed foods or turning them into something even more processed. The usual excuse
is time – but nothing happened to time, it is exactly the same as it used to be thousand of years ago,
it is just than now it is usually almost entirely consumed by mindless staring at a tv screen or
waiting for your laptop to complete doing something or recover from a crash. Ironically, all this is
happening with the food availability actually much better now, with even the most exotic foods
readily available in shops and not even being expensive. But there comes this mental block of the
idea that only rich people deserve to eat well, combined with the habit of self-flagellation and selfdestruction invoked by religion.
The digestive systems of most people are flooded with milk and its derivatives and clogged with
bread, combined with diminished amounts of things like pork. On a side note, pork is prohibited by
most religions because swine very orgasmic and probably contains a substance that promotes that in
humans. On the other hand, marketing: items that pretend to be food, illusions, but in fact more like
soap – chocolate, shampoo-like „juice”, apples 400 g each while ideal for taste used to be 100,
champignons the size of apples, or even something as extreme as feces of genetically engineered
bacteria – aspartame. making you fat, fatigued, causing brain fog want you to be sick so that can
make money and keep you in check.
Bread is not food. It is a kind of poison just like milk. In fact all men should look like the musclerich action figures from 1980s Masters of the Universe but they don't because they are not getting
enough protein. And that means it should be delivering protein that is supposed to give you the HeMan muscles as well as minerals that will keep you sharp, smart and fully capable erotically. Don'
eat bread, it is not really food. It is a dangerous addictive product that has been invented to fill you
up and thus make you eat less food meaning less meet, fruit and vegetables. Furthermore, the
youngest generation is further feminized by the use of harmful soft drinks and chemically castrating
shower gels containing things like paraben etc.
When talking about eating people would usually mention „something to eat”. Well, if you really
want to live a life that can honestly be called a life and be happy, don't eat „something”, eat food.
Eat real food.
What cigarettes are doing to us
I don't smoke cigarettes for the very same reason that I do not inhale other toxic fumes from objects
being burned. In actual real-life conversations I had many smokers personally admit they are
ashamed that they smoke and they do not enjoy smoking at all. The reason for all this nonsense is
that nicotine is a much more serious drug than you think. It is actually one of the most addictive
substances in the world, even more so than marijuana. Cigarettes are nowadays placed behind bars
in shops because they are so strongly addictive while being increasingly expensive at the same time.
On the other hand nicotine will not only damage your lungs and cause caughing but also numbs
your taste buds so that you can't really taste your food. It similarly numbs your brain and reportedly
damages memory. But even if I don't smoke, I passively smoke every day because so many people
in Germany are walking or even cycling with a toxic fume dispenser (cigarette) in their hand. When
is "der Rauchzwang" (smoking obligation) going to end?
Alcohol – a great way of flushing your life down the toilet
Looking at a label on a bottle from a German Augustinerbräu beer portraying a monk with a
somewhat mischievious face, I started wondering: why are spirituality specialists (monks, priests
etc.) involved with production of a psychoactive drug that paralyzes brains and destroys lives? Why
is alcohol consumed during the mass? Why every seven days groups of people are paying a guy
who drinks alcohol and also says you should destroy your bodies and never have fun?
I don't drink alcohol for the same reason that I don't drink petrol or sulphuric acid. Yes, alcohol is
poison as mentioned before. It will make you depressed, dumb and hostile. There are shops and
restaurants specialised in selling poison. Poison has an endless variety of labels and "products"
though it is essentially always the same nonsense gunk.
Even more disturbingly, drinking poison is a social habit! You can be forced or "expected" to do it
(on a side note, if drinking poison can be socially expected then it demonstrates how irrelevant or
even irrational the social pressure really is).When I was little I thought I would never drink alcohol
because seeing how it affected other people I was afraid it would make me dumb and destroy my
brain. Then I drank it due to "social requirements". However, many years later I met a woman who
was around 23 but never drank it - she still thought what I used to think when I had been little.
While talking to her I was at a stage when I would drink only one beer on my own once every few
weeks and would usually accept other kinds of alcohol being offered to me on various occasions.
But after some time I concluded that alcohol indeed does nothing for me other than busting my liver
and fogging my brain. It does not even make me feel good, it just slows me down.
Now after a time without a single drop of any kind of alcohol in my body, I am intensely irritated by
people who drink it. They will have a pathetic illusion of being happy and at the same time behave
like idiots, piss all over the place and smash bottles on the ground leaving shrapnels that will ruin
your shoes. Alcohol has no recreational value whatsoever. Moreover, it has replaced all forms of
entertainment – people no longer have any interests or free time activities, they just automatically
reach for the beer bottle. Even publically played music has become dull and expressionless and only
a background for the consumption of the drug. Alcohol is slowly replacing having actual fun, there
are no inventive ways to have fun, just this pathetic instant replacement meant for the simpleminded.
As a food alcohol is not only worthless but actually has a very negative qi value, which means that
it will make you weak and susceptible to sickness. It will keep you down both mentally and
physically. Sometimes when I see alcoholics they look as if they were trapped in another dimension.
They can't move, they can't do anything even though they would like to. They have been sucked
into a black hole and do not have enough strength to set themselves free.
So alcohol is increasingly replacing food and all forms of entertainment, and with beer being
considered less serious or even not alcohol at all, nowadays virtually all people are drinking poison
and persuading others to drink it while securing enormous and steady income for places where
poison is sold or served.
But the government is never going to ban alcohol and tobacco completely and stop this legal drug
traffic because the state gets a share in the profit from sales. Furthermore, legal drugs (alcohol,
tobacco) play an important role in the recent depopulating and sickening biopolicy which intends to
decrease the population and make the citizens sick to keep them in check and to profit from
pharmaceuticals and medical care. And since alcohol is there to keep you from actually having fun
or doing something interesting or eating properly, it also makes perfect sense that on a holiday or a
Sunday libraries are closed but poison bars are always open – after all, it is better to keep people
frustrated, sick and retarded so that they can be manipulated like lifestock. Therefore, not drinking
alcohol and persuading others to do so would probably be considered an act of anarchy as it is in
direct opposition to what the government wants you to do and a way of boosting one's personal
liberty at the same time.
But seriously: alcohol is a Killerdroge. Don't drink it. Ever. No matter what sort or quantity. Just
don't do it. I don't and I feel like a god. Every time you think of drinking alcohol, just eat some good
food instead.
Why television is „evil”
TV is another "drug" just like alcohol and cigarettes. Similarly, it keeps you down and idle,
paralyzes your brain, does not really deliver any real entertainment (pleasure), keeps you from
doing so many pleasant things like cinema (those really interesting latest films without commercial
breaks and in excellent image and sound quality), reading, strolling, listening to good music and a
whole multitude of other activities that actually can be pleasant or thought-provoking.
As stated in a talk between Alexander Romanov, Benjamin Fulford and Chodoin Daikaku, the tv is
designed to dumb you down. And in a world where it is forbidden to think on your own, displaying
intelligence is socially frowned upon and the education system is supposed to compartmentalize
your brain (replace actual thinking with rigid categories, make you always think inside the box
instead of outside of it) such a tool of constant distraction and repression seems indispensable.
The disadvantages of cars and public transport versus natural body activity
What happened over the last 200 years is basically that people do not walk any more. They only
make those few steps to the nearest bus or car going to work. This doesn't feel right however and
they usually try to compensate by walking on artificial treadmills like hamsters – instead of actually
going somewhere. Another way of pretending that you actually live a healthy life is jogging. But
why do all those joggers I am passing have this look of agony on their faces? Jogging basically
means running at a speed that puts you in a state of constant fatigue – faster than walking but not as
fast as actually running. Added to that is a rhythm and sometimes a set of mannerisms which all
seem very wrong and unnatural. The joggers that I am passing by all have this look of agony on
their faces as if they were going to die any second. And this by the way may not be far from
actuality as this kind of nonsense places an extreme load on their cardiovascualr system and is just
physically wrong in so many ways. They never look as if they were enjoying it, their looks always
says „somebody made me do it” and their body seems to be saying „it doesn't feel right, why are
you doing this to me”. Actual running or even strolling, both being natural body functions and
reflexes, would provide much more benefit if done over a longer distance. The reason why nobody
walks very far is a mental block deeply rooted in their subconsciousness.
Nowadays people all feel compelled to use „civilized” means of transport – either the ubiquitous
public transport or the ultimate social status symbol – the car. The bus almost never goes on a
straight line between your current location and desired destination, doing its retarded zigzag insted.
Furthermore, the inside of a bus with tens of people in it is a great place to exchange bacteria and
viruses. There will always be this one sick dude caughing all over the place and infecting others so
that they could pass around the wonderful gift of flu. Cars on the other hand are wonderful ways to
squander money. A conglomerate of lots of metal outside and cheap plastic inside, that rapidly slips
in value the very moment it gets sold and then continues on a steep slope, will not only have your
money literally burnt (fuel) but will additionally drain you with various car-related taxes (which are
usually disguised as insurance), not to mention repairs or costly medical assistance in case you have
an accident. It seems most humans obviously have yet to re-discover something as simple as
walking. But as the Chinese say „Even the longest journey starts with a first step”.
The origins of self-destructive thinking
Our western civilization is a direct derivative of the late Roman Empire at its most lamentable stage
of decline. In the year 394 the last Roman Emperor Theodosius I forbade the olympics and hence
stopped the celebration of the body and the development of its capabilities. In the year 529 Justinian
I, the East-Roman Emperor of a now already deconstruct Roman Empire, banned teaching
philosophy in Athens, thus paralyzing mental progress. The thriving and enjoyment of life known to
previous generations had been replaced by obsession with tormenting, destroying and damaging the
body and paralyzing the spirit. In the year 800 Charlemagne, who protected the papacy in return for
the legitimization of his power over people (and forcibly christianized the Saxons), was crowned
emperor of the newly formed Holy Roman Empire. He created a grotesque combination of urGerman proud spirit loathing low energies and the slave-like shady mentality imposed upon the
people by clergy. This permanently tied Christianity with the state, setting up the future for
generations to come.
The Christian habits brought by force were never fully internalized by any nation converted to it.
Periodic nutrition deprivation (fasting) was supposed to strengthen the character but in actuality
rather succeeded in making individuals grumpy, frustrated and paranoid. The restrictive wedlock
had the opposite effect to what was supposedly intended, infuriating both men and women who
used to enjoy freedom in their erotic dimension. In medieval Poland the locals were deeply
dissatisfied with the process of christianization which had been started there back in 966. In the year
1032 strong pagan reaction became prominent, which culminated in a series of uprisings in 1034,
1037, 1038 and 1039. In the year 1046 the Hungarians started a rebellion aimed at abolishing
Christianity and reverting to paganism, known as the Vata Pagan Uprising.
Christianity is still interferring with the lives of everyone regardless of actual spiritual stance.
Anyone who has lived close to a Christian church is very familiar with its loud bell suddenly
booming at six o c'clock in the morning or in the evening, polluting the air with its cacophony while
you are trying to listen to some actual music. On Christian holidays all shops are closed, causing
congestion, excessive shopping and long lines on the day before, resulting in frustration and anger
which seem to be the opposite of what the „peaceful” religion claims to be about. Even the
education system is oppressive and based on a false, slave-like „reward and punishment” mentality
and not internal motivation, designed not to educate but to condition for the future role of a slave,
forcing activities instead of simply asking „What would you like to learn today?”
As for the 7-day week and idle Sundays introduced by Christianity: if you make every 7th day of
your life look the same, your entire life will consist of those days being experienced all over again,
instead of a linear progress. Once every seven days you are going to experience the phenomennon I
personally call „the weekend paralysis” when you are theoretically „allowed” to have fun or do
what you want but just have no idea what that could be, with Sunday being the worst of all when
you just wake up to an empty day due to all shops and other facilities closed and all activity
suspended. You are then limited to your own confinement which promotes idleness and at the very
best, some very foolish and irrelevant activities. Under Christian religion countries have turned into
farms of mindless eaters and their rulers secretly consider reducing their population by means of
providing unhealthy food (genetically modified or radiated) and promoting unhealthy habits. I
suppose it is very likely that many of you, deep down in your heart, consider the whole idea of
western Christian religion rather laughable and obnoxious. Perhaps it is a good idea to abandon
what you had always secretly wanted to abandon anyway and make a fresh start with a happier life
based on much older and deeply established wisdom inferred from true value.
5. The Real Goals in Life
So after you have determined who you are it is time to ask another question, namely: who are you
when you are at your best, what's your mission? In Indian philosophy this is called dharma. You are
what you want – you are your mission. Become free to be able to do it, connect to your true
essence. Every living thing desires freedom (moksha) and is seeking pleasure (kama) and avoiding
suffering, just like flowers and even trees always reaching for the sun. But most religions and
philosophies of the west deprive us of pleasure and even buddhism calls for an ultimate withdrawal
from worldly pleasures. But you have a choice. You can instead detoxify yourself physically and
mentally, you can un-castrate yourself and get back in touch with your own previously repressed
sexuality, you can un-trap your secret potential permanently, unleashing the strength and creativity
of your own personality and creating a world where you can finally be strong and smart and stop
subconsciously feeling inferior to other people.
Flower of Life
Humans as a species have already experienced 100 thousand years of existence on Earth. One
hundred thousand, not 5 thousand years, as most religions are trying to imply! Yes, the timespan
going only as far as the year 3,000 or 5,000 BC that seems to limit our understanding of history has
actually been invented and enforced upon us by religion (on a side note, the Arabs whose
archeologists are most avid at denying the possibility of the pyramids and the sphinx being much
older artifacts of some distant civilization predecessing the Egyptians, actually have their religion
derived from the religion of the Jews they so much despise while their own true religion had been
erased and forcefully replaced). However, while examining ancient monuments which might have
been created earlier than 5,000 or even 8,000 BC, a characteristic pattern has been found, present
consistently in different cultures across continents, including ancient Egypt (Temple of Osiris,
Abydos), rural Poland, Assyrian artifacts, China (Forbidden City), India (Harimandir Sahib). It is
called the Flower of Life and can be presented as either a flat pattern or a three-dimensional
geometrical figure which actually consitutes a container for other well known figures such as the
Seed of Life, Egg of Life (which is the basis for music and the speheres discovered by Kepler),
Fruit of Life as well as other energy systems and from which the golden ratio can be derived. The
Flower of Life is a design present in the shape of a developing human embryo dividing first into 2
and then 4 and 8 cells. But it is also present in deep space in the form of the shapes of various
celestial objects like galaxies and nebulae, showing the connection between human body and the
cosmos and how our bodies are magnificent and marvellous and thus to be revered and protected.
The secret force of Qi
It has been known for ages and called qi by the Chinese and in India it is called prana. It is beautiful
and delightful and powerful life force that you can experience in the joy of a hot summer day and
which is also present in the smiles of children but also in the tension of a martial arts fight or a
lightning bolt. This however should not be confused with yang from the pair of coexisting yin and
yang forces, where yin is associated with relaxed states (dark, moist) and yang represents the
dynamic ones (bright, hot). They are traditionally associated with female and male gender but are
actually present simultanously in men and women and not separated nor mutually excluded, with
deeper sources only stating that women are more yin and men more yang but the two genders still
incorporate both aspects in them. One idea is to be aware of those forces around you and follow this
knowledge in order to free your self from low energies that have been holding you back.
Restoring your true self
Always acting against your preference, turning yourself into a zombie, destroying your own body
and numbing your mind is not the only possible way to live your life. You do not have to wait for
any imaginary heaven. You can really live your life in this life. It is simply being your true self that
keeps you permanently happy. If you experience pleasure and live in accordance with yourself, you
reach happiness not as a goal to be achieved but as a natural and undisturbed, natural state of being
deeply relaxed and inspired at the same time, which could be called ananda (bliss) that will
permanently reignite those sparkles in your eyes. Don't let the widespread slave mentality drive you
into a pointless and absurd self-hate. In Japanese philosophy there are 5 elements of nature which
also represent mental concepts:
chi – world – stone – confidence
sui – water – river – adaptability
ka – fire – desire
fu – wind – smoke – open-mindedness
ku – void – sky – creativity
Be confident, adaptable, follow your passions, interests and desires, stay open-minded and creative.
The bans on physical and mental development placed by corrupt and perverse rulers hundreds of
years ago have not been broken completely up to this day. It is your turn. And even more
importantly: protect and develop yourself. Serving imaginary „others” is the primary directive in
the life of a slave or a servant. In real world with real people in real situations, those you care about
can only benefit if you yourself develop into a full-blown, independent and strong individual. How
can you assist the people you care about if you yourself are in distress?
Life as suffering is a pitifull and pathetic self-destructive concept and should be treated as such. It is
the pleasure that makes us stronger, not suffering. Strength and completeness through pleasure or
even extasy and delight are within reach of every enlightnened person. A life of value can make
yourself shockproof, waterproof and permanently place you on cloud nine. All you have to do is
just reach for your happiness with a strong hand. You do not have to change the world. Just change
your world.
Further reading:
Sasha Grey, Neü Sex, Powerhouse, 2011
Nicole Daedone, Slow Sex: The Art and Craft of the Female Orgasm, Grand Central Publishing,
Barbara G. Walker, Restoring the Goddess: Equal Rites for Modern Women. Prometheus Books,
Ursula Scheu, Wir werden nicht als Mädchen geboren, wir werden dazu gemacht, Fischer
Taschenbuch 1977
Vincent Bellonzi, Health Recklessly Abandoned, Morgan James Publishing, 2013
Gian Lorenzo Bernini – Ecstasy of Saint Teresa (1652)
Auguste Rodin, Eternal Springtime (1884)
Antonio Canova, Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss (1787)
Cloud Atlas (Tom Tykwer, Andy Wachowski, Lana Wachowski - 2012)
The Hours (Stephen Daldry - 2012)
In Time (Andrew Niccol - 2011)