Document 6505468


Document 6505468
Globalstar Tech Tip – How to connect GSP-­‐1700 to Mac Instructions for how to configure Mac OSX for Globalstar Data Communications with GSP-­‐1700. Contents Installation: .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Configuration Procedure .................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Single-­‐Click connection/disconnection using menu bar icon ............................................................................................ 6 Installation: 1. Turn on GSP-­‐1700. Plug the Data Cable into the Mac and also into the data connector on the bottom of the GSP-­‐1700. NOTE: If you are connecting to the GIK-­‐1700HFK carkit, connect the cable to the data connector on the right side of the GIK-­‐1700HFK cradle. 2. The Mac will detect the GSP-­‐1700 and will load the correct USB drivers. The installation process may be entirely silent, with no indication that anything has happened, or the system may display an “alert box”. If an alert box “pops up”, as shown in the image at the right, press the OK button and close the Network box. Page 1/6 Globalstar Tech Tip – How to connect GSP-­‐1700 to Mac Configuration Procedure 1. In order to configure the data interface for Globalstar, select System Preferences from the APPLE menu. 2. The System Preferences menu will be displayed. Click on the NETWORK icon in the Internet & Wireless group 3. The Network Configuration dialog box will be displayed. Make sure that the LOCK icon (lower left corner of dialog box) is unlocked The initial Network Screen, before Globalstar modem is added, does not list Globalstar or Qualcomm. If the Network Services list on the left side of the dialog box does not include entries for either Globalstar or Qualcomm click on the “+” sign below the Services list to add Globalstar to the list of available Network Services. NOTE: If Globalstar or Qualcomm are already on the list, skip to step # 9 Page 2/6 Globalstar Tech Tip – How to connect GSP-­‐1700 to Mac 4. After clicking on the “+” sign, the Network Service Interface Selection box will pop up 5. Click on the arrow for the INTERFACE drop-­‐down menu. All the known interfaces will be displayed. Make sure that Qualcomm is listed 5.1.Note: If Qualcomm is NOT on the list of known interfaces, the data cable is either not connected properly or the phone is not powered on. In either case, cancel out of the SELECT INTERFACE dialog box, and the Network box, fix the problem and return to the beginning of this document. Page 3/6 Globalstar Tech Tip – How to connect GSP-­‐1700 to Mac 6. Click on the Qualcomm CDMA entry so that you can add the Globalstar Network Service to the Mac. 7. By default, Mac OS will use the interface name -­‐ Qualcomm CDMA -­‐ as the default Service Name 8. Change the Service Name to GLOBALSTAR to make it easier to remember, and press the CREATE button Page 4/6 Globalstar Tech Tip – How to connect GSP-­‐1700 to Mac 9. Globalstar will now be listed in the left column as an available Network Service. The next step will be to specify the Globalstar Internet-­‐Connect phone number. Click on Globalstar and notice that the phone number is blank 10. Enter #777 as the phone number for Globalstar -­‐ leave account name and password blank -­‐ then press APPLY 11. The APPLY button will grey out when the settings have been saved Page 5/6 Globalstar Tech Tip – How to connect GSP-­‐1700 to Mac 12. After the Globalstar network connection settings have been saved, the last step will be to add an icon to menu bar. Although this step is optional, it is highly recommended because it will make it much easier to remember how to connect to Globalstar. Initially, the OSX Menu bar will look similar to this image 13. Click the checkbox for -­‐ Show modem status in menu bar Notice that a phone icon is added to the menu bar. Close the Network Configuration window. Single-­‐Click connection/disconnection using menu bar icon 1. When ready to connect to Globalstar, click on the phone icon in the menu bar, and click on -­‐ Connect Globalstar When ready to disconnect from Globalstar, click on the phone icon in the menu bar, and click on -­‐ Disconnect Globalstar Page 6/6 

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