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How To Double Your Wealth Every Six Months! Copyright © 2006-2010 by http://www.about-secrets.com All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the author/publisher. The author, publisher, and distributor of this product assume no responsibility for the use or misuse of this product, or for any injury, damage and/or financial loss sustained to persons or property as a result of using this report. While every effort has been made to ensure reliability of the information within, the liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use, misuse or abuse of the operation of any methods, strategies, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein is the sole responsibility of the reader. The information contained in this publication has been carefully compiled from sources believed to be reliable and current when published; however, its accuracy and relevance cannot be guaranteed. Never invest any money that you cannot safely afford to lose. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Because this Report is published for multiple readers, it cannot possibly take into account the investment objectives, financial situation, or specific needs of any individual. Accordingly, before acting on any of the recommendations provided in this report, you must first make certain they are appropriate to your specific investment needs, objectives, or financial circumstances. To avoid any possible conflict of interest, we neither accept client funds for investment, nor execute trading instructions on behalf of clients. All orders to buy or sell securities mentioned in this publication should only be made with a duly registered broker/dealer. The reader is encouraged to seek competent legal and accounting advice before engaging in any business, financial, or investment activity. How to Double Your Wealth Every Six Months Grab Another Special Bonus Report- FREE! Revealed: How to Profit From The Internet in 24 Hours or LESS… Guaranteed! http://www.about-secrets.com/24report.htm Dear Friend, In this special bonus report, you will discover one of the quickest and easiest ways to create real wealth, by using a few very simple, yet timetested strategies. I have used these exact strategies to double my money at least every 6 months, and sometimes within ONE month. (Yes… that’s one month.) I hope that got your attention, because I’ll tell you right now… Most people will read this report, get excited for a few hours, and then walk away. Some will roll their eyes at it thinking “B.S.” and go back to doing what they’ve always done. These same people will wake up tomorrow and realize that their life, and their financial situation, is no different than it was the day before. It’s sad… but for most people, that’s just life. That’s the reality they are trapped in. Only about 5 percent of the population is ready right now to be wealthy. (And, surprise, surprise… only about 5 percent of the people are wealthy.) That number is slowly growing as more and more people get ‘infected’ with that all-important “wealth mindset.” I would like you to join me in spreading that infection… in empowering yourself, as well as others around you, to become wealthy and live life to the fullest. Share your wealth-creating strategies with others. Allow yourself to Dream big, and let others dream big too! But, that’s a subject for another day… :-) Today is about doubling your wealth fast! Please take the time to really understand and absorb what I’m about to share in this report. And then put it to work as quickly as you can! Let’s get started… Copyright © Bryan Kumar & About-Secrets Page 1 How to Double Your Wealth Every Six Months What Rich People Do, And Others Do Not There are two concepts that wealthy people understand, and use, relating to money. #1: In order to create real wealth, you have to put systems into place that make money for you automatically. Putting the incoming profits on autopilot so that they’re flowing in like clockwork, even while you’re sleeping, is something all wealthy people embrace. (In the main report, Unlimited Profits & Traffic, the author shared these strategies with you.) #2: In order to create real wealth, you have to get your money to work for you! In other words, you have to re-invest a portion of the money that you already have so that it continues to grow. Yes, even while you’re sleeping, or out having fun. Many people know about #2, but few people actually put it to use. Very few people talk about making your money grow, especially those in the business or marketing arena. Maybe, they feel it’s not the right place to bring it up. But it’s a strategy that’s just as important as making money, if not more so. Over the years, I was fortunate enough to have mastered the strategies for creating profits on autopilot. But, money is an interesting thing. I soon realized that the more money I was making, the more I was spending. Each and every month, I somehow managed to spend all, or most, of the money that I was making. Mind you, I wasn’t wasting money on useless stuff, like some people do. But it was still flowing out just as quickly as it was flowing in. I also soon found out that I was not the only one experiencing this! Most marketers and business owners were in the same situation. Money came in, and money went out… each month, like clockwork. Finally, I realized that learning how to make money was just one part of the wealth equation. The other piece was about becoming just as good at making your money grow, as you are at earning that money in the first place. Moreover, I learned that making your money grow on autopilot was the way to do it. That’s how the wealthy people are becoming wealthier. Copyright © Bryan Kumar & About-Secrets Page 2 How to Double Your Wealth Every Six Months And, that’s what this report is all about. In the report titled “Unlimited Profits & Traffic,” we shared some powerful strategies for creating serious profits for any business, most of them on complete autopilot. Therefore, in this report, I won’t show you how to make money. Instead, I will show you how to grow the money that you already have. You will need at least $300, and preferably $1000, to put the strategies in this report to work, i.e. to start doubling your money every few months. (Don’t worry, you won’t have to pay me anything. ;-) If you don’t have the money to start with, please put the strategies in the main report to use, first. Start creating some automatic money machines right away. Then, come back to this report and put the ‘money growing’ strategies to work for you. In order to make your money grow, you have to understand that… Wealth Is Eternal No matter what’s going on around you, no matter how the economy is doing, no matter what the interest rates are, and no matter how high or low the real estate prices are, some people (and businesses) are making money because of those exact situations. The wealth of this world doesn’t just vanish into nothingness. When you spend your money on something, it doesn’t disappear or die. It simply changes hands! That’s the nature of wealth. That’s the nature of money. Understanding that one simple fact about money and wealth can pretty much guarantee that you’ll always have a way to make money – if you choose - no matter what’s going on around you or in the world. I’ll show you how within the next few minutes. Copyright © Bryan Kumar & About-Secrets Page 3 How to Double Your Wealth Every Six Months If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Join ‘Em! One of my clients, runs a coffee shop. About 2 years ago, he came to me with a problem… the Starbucks stores popping up all around him were making it difficult for him to make any real profit. The reality of the matter was that no matter how hard he tried, he wouldn’t ever be able to compete with Starbucks. Sure, he could focus on excellent service and great coffee, which was one of my first suggestions to him, to help make his coffee shop unique and special in some way. Using that strategy, he may be able to build a small group of loyal customers. But, it still wouldn’t guarantee him the kind of profits to keep him in business for the long haul. This happens to be the reality that many small businesses experience every day. The second part of my advice to him was, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!” I showed him a time-tested, reliable and consistent strategy to enjoying a cut of Starbucks’ profits every single month, without ever working for them, or even stepping into their stores as a customer. What is this strategy, you ask? It’s trading the most successful companies, worldwide, using the stock market! Go ahead… take a minute to roll your eyes, or yell “bullsh*t” or say “been there, done that” or whatever it is that you need to do. ;-) And when you’re done, come back, sit down and read the next line carefully… You…Can…Double…Your…Money…Every…6…Months! Are you interested in learning how to do that easily and consistently? Without having to turn into a Wall Street wizard? If not, please give this report to someone you care about, and call it a day. Hopefully, you’ll find something else tomorrow or the next day, or the next year that will allow you to grow your money that quickly. You and I both know it doesn’t happen often. That’s just the reality of things. Copyright © Bryan Kumar & About-Secrets Page 4 How to Double Your Wealth Every Six Months If you said yes… if you’re ready to learn this simple strategy to start making serious money from the stock market, without having to become a trading wizard, you have just taken the first step to creating some serious wealth. I won’t lie to you… over 85% of stock market traders lose money! I’ll tell you why that is. And, I will also show you how you can be a part of that other 10 to 15 percent who are making money in the stock market! And, lots of it! What’s So Special About Trading? You may be wondering… “With so many money-making and money-doubling strategies out there, why is trading so special?” I could just as easily tell you to invest in real estate or gold, or multi-level marketing, or put your money into Internet advertising mediums, or some other system. So, why trading? Why is trading better? Great question… and here’s the answer… Imagine the world’s best company, run by the world’s best entrepreneurs and marketing minds. You and I obviously cannot compete with this type of company, at least not by ourselves. But the good news is… we don’t have to compete with them! We can simply plug into them, and profit from all their brilliant work! Stop everything you’re doing and think about that for a minute… Do you realize how insanely powerful that is? You’re able to get a cut of the profits of the ‘best of the best’ companies in the world, without lifting a finger to help them make their profits, or spending a single day in learning to do what they do! But that’s not all… When you’re trading in the stock market, you are able to get into anything! You can get a chunk of profits from any company that you want, without having a clue about how that business or industry works… including real estate, gold, oil, retail, you name it! Copyright © Bryan Kumar & About-Secrets Page 5 How to Double Your Wealth Every Six Months If you were to profit from any of these markets without using the stock market, you’d have to invest some serious time and effort into becoming a real estate expert, or a precious metals expert, or an MLM expert, and so on. However, if you decide to become a real estate expert, at the end of your studying and learning about this field, you’ll only be able to (hopefully) make money in real estate! That’s it! (The same is true for any other industry or niche that you decide to specialize in.) Additionally, if you decided to invest in real estate the way most people do, (i.e. by buying property,) you would need to find a property to buy, or pay someone to do it for you. You would need to maintain the property or pay someone else to do it, after you’ve bought it. And, you would need to find an agent, or look for buyers yourself, when the time comes to sell it. That’s IF the real estate market is doing well! If it isn’t, you’ll be paddling upstream. (By the way, real estate isn't the best place to invest in right now, no matter how the media wants to spin the facts.) Similarly, if you decided to invest in gold the way most people do, you would have to buy actual gold (the metal.) Then you would need to pay for storing it the right way. You would need to get insurance for it (in case someone steals it,) etc. And, since it’s a physical/tangible object, you would need more time and effort in handling it (just as is true with real estate.) Those are just two examples… Now… let’s take a look at the trading world. If you decide to invest in real estate stocks, or gold mining stocks, or anything else you’d want to invest in (including the biggest names in the world such as Google, Sears, Starbucks, Caterpillar, etc.) you will not have to deal with most of the above problems, simply because you wouldn’t be dealing with a physical product! In fact, you don’t even have to know anything about those businesses to invest in them! You don’t have to be a software programmer or an advertising expert to invest in Google…or a coffee expert to invest in Starbucks, or a bulldozer expert to invest in Caterpillar. When you invest in real estate stocks, you don’t have to worry about maintaining the property or even looking for buyers! Copyright © Bryan Kumar & About-Secrets Page 6 How to Double Your Wealth Every Six Months AND… you can make money from real estate through the stock market regardless of how the real estate market is doing! You can make money even when real estate is in a slump! You can even make money when most of the big companies are doing poorly and their stocks are falling hard! (I’ll tell you more about this later.) Can you see the beauty of this amazing money-making machine? Do you see now why this system is so much better than most other wealth-growing systems and strategies out there? While we’re at it, let’s look at a common, current event… It’s no secret that oil and gas prices are going to continue moving higher (with some temporary declines along the way.) What other investment strategy or vehicle can you use to grow your money while that happens? None that I know of. There’s nothing you can do… unless of course, you are trading and investing in oil and gas related companies, including drillers and distributors. Instead of trying to compete with a Starbucks (like my client was trying to do,) or any other major company in any niche, you can simply plug into them and get a cut of their profits! Without having to learn anything about that business, or even having to work for them for a single minute. That’s the real beauty of trading. And I hope you’ve beginning to realize the real explosive power of this system. Money Is Always In Huge Supply As I mentioned earlier, no matter how the economy or the world is doing, the existing wealth of the world doesn’t shrink. It simply gets redistributed. There are always some companies that are making a lot of money from whatever is going on in the world. If real estate prices are high, someone is making money. When real estate prices are dropping, you can bet someone else is making money. Money doesn’t vanish… it simply changes hands. And the people who know how to get in front of that money “flow” are the ones that continue to make money, no Copyright © Bryan Kumar & About-Secrets Page 7 How to Double Your Wealth Every Six Months matter what. Just over a year ago, the overall real estate market was in bull mode. It was hot! Anyone with a home to sell was able to sell it quick, and for top dollar. Home builders were making outrageous amounts of money. Everybody knew this. But few people were making money off the hot housing market aside from buying and selling real estate. Very few people were getting a cut of the profits from ‘home building’ companies by investing in their stocks, which were soaring to record highs. Most people missed that boat because they just didn’t know, or didn’t think to invest in them in that manner. Right now, gold is on a tear, along with most natural resources. As a result, gold and silver mining stocks are making a lot of money, for a small group of people! I invested in one of these gold mining stocks, in late November. I sold the stocks in mid January. My gain for that particular trade was over 300%. That’s a three hundred percent gain. In under 2 months! You’ll agree, that’s nothing to sneeze at. And, it’s definitely nothing to roll your eyes over, is it? You may be wondering… “But, what happens when gold stops doing well?” The answer is simple. You just move to the next hot trend! Remember, real estate? Unlike what most people thought, that hot trend in real estate didn’t last forever. Almost everything has to slow down at some point. But, we’re not worried about what’s slowing down! We’re interested in what’s HOT… we’re only interested in whatever is in full bull mode! We want the trends, and the leading companies tied to those trends, that are making a lot of money! That’s all we care about. And, we simply plug into them, while enjoying a cut of their profits! :-) There will always be a hot trend. When one begins to die, another will be picking up steam, and another. It’s never-ending, at least not in our lifetimes. There is always money to be made from something! Wealth is never-ending! You Copyright © Bryan Kumar & About-Secrets Page 8 How to Double Your Wealth Every Six Months just have to learn to look in the right places. And you don’t have to be a Wall Street genius to figure out which trends are hot. Just turn on the news, watch CNBC and you’ll know what’s hot. (You can also sign up for my free newsletter where I reveal the exact companies that I am personally investing it. Details are provided towards the end of this report.) Listen, every billionaire is making his/her money grow, right now, using the stock market. Almost every millionaire, who is smart enough, is also doubling his/her money in the stock market. Shouldn’t you be doing what the wealthiest people in the world are doing? Here’s the bottom line… Would you rather be doing what 95 percent of the population is doing? The ones who are living paycheck to paycheck? Or would you rather follow - and emulate - the other 5 percent of the population, the ones who are considered the wealthiest people in the world? Just think of the Warren Buffets, the Bill Gates, the Donald Trumps and the Richard Bransons of the world. Or the Martha Stewarts and the Oprah Winfreys. Each and every one of them are growing their wealth at phenomenal rates through the stock market. It’s true that they are making a lot of money through their businesses. But, they are also smart enough to realize that that’s not enough! Which is why they are also making sure that the money they already have will continue to grow! There is no reason why you shouldn’t be doing the same. In fact, if you’re not doing what they’re doing, you’re just working too hard. Get In Front Of The Money You already know that billions of dollars are continuously exchanging hands. So, all you have to do is find out how to get a piece of the action. You don't have to create a demand for anything. That's too much work, and there's a bigger chance of failure. Instead, get in front of existing demands and capitalize on them. Copyright © Bryan Kumar & About-Secrets Page 9 How to Double Your Wealth Every Six Months In fact, you don’t even have to sell products to meet those demands. You don’t have to compete with those big companies. We’re living in a time where we can simply grab a piece of their profits! And they’ll be happy to give it to you! Just think how amazing that is! If the price of oil and gas continue to rise (and they will,) you can either whine and complain about the rising gas prices (like most people do,) or you can invest in the companies that are profiting from it. Those big companies are going to ‘price gouge’ you every chance they get. Why not take some of that money back! Heck, why not turn the tables on that so that you’re profiting a lot more from them than they are from you?! It is really your choice. You can live in a world where money keeps flowing out, or you can live in one where more money is flowing in than out! It’s really all about how you choose to view the world, and then take action from what you learn. If you’re making an extra $200 right now, you can either be like most people… and spend that money on making payments on a flashy new car, the latest shoes, clothes, jewelry, etc… Or you can do what the wealthiest people in the world are doing… invest it so it continues to double every few months. In other words, you can spend the little money that you have right now and put a stop to the flow… or you can make that money grow every day, so that you can have some real ‘play money’ to enjoy life with, and still have money in the bank! Here are just some examples of how people are making money right now, simply by joining forces with those companies that are hot at the moment: • Oil and gas prices have been skyrocketing. Most people are paying through the nose. Meanwhile, Valero Energy, just one of the many related companies, has been up 176 %. (That means every $1000 invested into it turned to $1,760 in a matter of months.) • While most people dread the tax season, a few of the smart ones started buying H&R Block stocks before the tax season. They will sell it after April, and make a quick profit! • Would it be smart to invest in energy and gas stocks during cold weather? Copyright © Bryan Kumar & About-Secrets Page 10 How to Double Your Wealth Every Six Months • Right now, China is using up coal like there’s no tomorrow. Those who have invested in the company that provides coal to China are making money, and it’s just the beginning! • The American dollar is very likely to take a big hit soon. Some smart wealth creators are already buying certain funds that would increase in value as the dollar plummets. • How about investing in the actual mining companies who stand to profit most from rising prices of gold, silver, copper, titanium, steel, and now uranium? The simple fact is… No matter what's going on in the world, no matter how much bad stuff is going on, there are also unlimited wealth-creating opportunities being thrown at us all the time. The trick is to choose which you want to focus on. We can join forces with the companies who are doing well, the leaders in their field, to secure our own financial futures, and the futures of our loved ones. The bottom line is, if you want your financial situation to change, you have to change what you’re doing right now. If you want to join the wealthy, give yourself permission to step it up a notch or two. Start doing what they do! Take action. Don’t listen to those who are saying negative things about the stock market. Because it doesn’t matter what the market is doing, as a whole. Within the market, there are always certain industries and certain leading companies that are making money, hand over fist! Join them! And start doubling your money at least every six months! Copyright © Bryan Kumar & About-Secrets Page 11 How to Double Your Wealth Every Six Months Why Most Traders Lose Money, And How YOU Can Profit Big It’s no big secret that most people lose money in the stock market. Here are the main reasons why that happens: • They don't have a system: They don’t plan ahead. Most people jump into stocks without knowing anything about the stock or trading. These people are “gambling” with their money. These are also the same people (along with those who have never invested a penny in the market) who will tell you that trading is a gamble. (That’s because it IS a gamble if you jump in blindly. So is Internet marketing, or anything else for that matter.) • They don’t stick to the plan: If they do have a system, they don't stick to it. They’ll find illogical reasons to hold on to the stock when they should be selling. Or they will buy a stock at the wrong time and find reasons to justify their actions. • They let their ego and/or emotions make decisions for them. Greed and fear tend to dictate how most people trade. And, that’s why they lose. Also, sometimes they will let themselves believe that they can predict the top or bottom of a stock. No one can predict that. No one. Ego should not be part of the trading equation. My 9 Simple Rules For Winning With Stocks Now that you know why most people fail and lose money in the stock market, here’s how you can win, and win big! Before you go anywhere near a stock, you should have a game plan. A soldier would never run out into the battlefield without a strategy, unless he has a death wish. An athlete would never run out into the field without a game plan, unless he wants to lose the game. Your hard-earned money deserves just as much planning, if not more. Before buying a stock, you must know why you’re buying it. You must know what price you’re planning on buying it at, and you must also have a good idea of what price you'll want to sell at. If you don’t, you’ll be gambling with your money. And, you will lose that gamble. Copyright © Bryan Kumar & About-Secrets Page 12 How to Double Your Wealth Every Six Months A smart trader knows that you need to have a plan. And you need to stick to your plan. If you do that, you will make money. Here are my simple, yet powerful, rules for making a lot of money in the stock market: 1. Remove Ego and Emotion From the Equation. You should always know exactly why you’re buying a certain company. If you don’t know anything about the company, or it’s financials, you have no business trading it. You’re buying the company’s stock for one reason, and one reason only: to make a profit! To make your money grow. Which means, you’ve got to pick winners! You can’t buy a stock just because you happen to “like” the company. And, you should never fall in love with a stock, no matter how much you like the company or it’s products. That means, your reasons for buying a particular stock should be logical, i.e. it should be part of your plan, not part of your feelings. (Removing ego also means that you don’t have to be a Wall Street genius. You don’t need to work long and hard on finding winning stocks. You don’t have to guess at which company will do well and which one won’t. All you have to do is follow the hot trends. Watch CNBC for the financial news. Watch “Mad Money.” Let others do the work for you! (Unless you enjoy doing your own research.) 2. Do Not Buy and Hold This one builds on #1 above. Buying and holding is for suckers. To make a lot of money in the stock market, you can’t hold on to a stock, no matter how much you like it. Of course, there are certain stocks you can buy as long-term investments and hold for over a year. But for the most part, you’re in this game to make your money grow. And that means, you will be buying and selling stocks quite often. Usually within months. That’s the only way to double your money within several months. You see, most stocks do not go up in a straight line. They bounce around as they go up. Copyright © Bryan Kumar & About-Secrets Page 13 How to Double Your Wealth Every Six Months If you buy and hold, you’ll miss out on all the peaks and dips, where the real money is made. 3. Follow The Trend! You should only invest in companies that are in bull market, i.e. companies that are hot and in demand. For example, if the gold market is hot, you should invest in that. If the real estate market is slowing down or declining. You should not be anywhere near it, i.e. you shouldn’t be betting that it will go up, no matter how much someone tries to convince you otherwise. The only way to make money is to bet on the trend, not against it. If the trend is upward, you want to play it up. It’s common sense really. But, most people still don’t use it. They usually buy stocks because a friend or acquaintance heard about a “hot tip” - without knowing anything about the company or the trend for that sector. Buy a stock only if the company and the sector is trending upward. For most traders (especially beginners,) this is the best and safest way to do it. 4. Pick The Best Of The Pack After you have identified a hot trend and sector, you should only buy stocks in a company that is the leader of that sector. If you were betting on a ball game, would you make sure that you bet on the best team, or on the team that you loved most? Most people tend to bet on the team they love the most. That’s all fine and well… IF you’re doing it to support your team. But, when it comes to trading, you’re not here to support the company. You’re playing to win. You’re here to make a profit! Always remember that. Only bet on the best. Pick companies who are established, are making the most money in the sector, have the best earnings, and have the least (or no) debt. 5. Buy In Increments As mentioned earlier, no one can pick a top or bottom of a stock. And those with big egos who think they can predict a top or bottom are the ones that lose Copyright © Bryan Kumar & About-Secrets Page 14 How to Double Your Wealth Every Six Months money. Therefore, you should always buy in small increments. That means, if you plan on buying 100 shares of a company, don’t buy all 100 at once. Most stocks don’t go straight up, remember? They bounce up and down a bit. So, there is always a possibility that a stock my drop a few points just after you buy it. That’s okay, because we’re not buying all 100 shares at once. Buy 50 shares today. Then watch the stock. If it drops a few points below your entry point, buy another 25 shares. 6. Always Use Limit Orders There are two types of orders you can execute: Limit orders and market orders. Limit orders let you choose exactly what price you want to buy the stock at. Market orders simply buy the stocks for you at whatever price the stock happens to be at, when your order gets executed. That can be dangerous. Because, when you place your order, the stock may be at one price, but by the time your “market” order gets executed, the stock may have moved much higher, and you could end up paying a lot more than you should have. Therefore, always use “limit orders” which will ensure that you get the price which you asked for. And, no surprises. 7. Limit Your Losses One of the biggest secrets of making a lot of money in the stock market is to limit your losses by using a “stop loss.” Most people don’t know about this, and out of the ones who do, very few actually use it. Here’s an interesting fact about trading… if you only win 40% of the time with your trades, you will be considered an expert trader. The traders who make the most money are the ones who: 1) trade often, 2) limit their losses, and 3) let their winners ride. That means, you could be wrong 60 percent of the time and still win BIG! :-) Where else can you have those kind of odds and still win? Nowhere that I know of. But you can with trading… IF you limit your losses. Copyright © Bryan Kumar & About-Secrets Page 15 How to Double Your Wealth Every Six Months You should set your stop loss at 25 to 35% below your entry point, depending on the volatility of the stock. For example, if you buy a stock at 100, you should set a stop-loss right away at 75 (which is 25% below your entry point, of 100.) In the event that the stock starts to drop, and falls to 60, your stop loss would automatically kick you out just below 75 and limit your loss to only around 25%. Now, if you have followed steps 1 through 5 above, the chances of your stock falling 25% is not great. However, we still want to set our stop loss, just in case. Think of it as buying insurance for your vehicle. You don’t expect to get into an accident every time you get on the road. But, just in case you ever get into one, you will have some protection and your losses will be limited. IMPORTANT: As your stock moves up, you should also move your “stop loss” along with it. This is called a “trailing stop.” Example: If your stock goes up to 125, your stop loss should be set at 25% below 125. If your stock moves to 150, your stop loss should also be moved up, to 25% below 150, and so on. By continuing to move your ‘stop loss’ higher, as the stock goes up, you are making sure that more and more of your profits are being safeguarded against any sudden drops in the stock. 8. Stick To Your Plan! As discussed earlier, most people lose money in the stock market because they don’t stick to their plan. They find illogical or emotional reasons to hold on to the stock even if it’s not going the way they expected. For example, let’s say that you bought a stock today because the company is about to release it’s earnings in a month, and you are expecting the price of the stock to go up upon the earnings release. That is your plan, and your main reason for buying that stock. If the stock does not go up, after the company releases its earnings, sell the stock and move on to the next one. Don’t kid yourself and justify holding the stock for other reasons. That is not part of your plan. Stick to your plan. If the stock does not move within the time frame of your plan, Copyright © Bryan Kumar & About-Secrets Page 16 How to Double Your Wealth Every Six Months sell it and move on to the next one. Buying and holding is not part of the game plan. Remember what I mentioned above… the most profitable traders are those who trade often, limit (or cut) their losses, and let their winners ride. If it doesn't go your way, get out. And, get ready for the next trade. That’s the only way to limit your losses and win big. 9. Take Profits Often You’re in this game to make a profit. I’ve said this over and over again, and for good reason. I have seen people hold on to a stock as it doubles, triples, quadruples, or more! And I’ve seen them watch in horror as the stock falls back down to below their entry point. This is all too common in the stock market. And, it’s not the way you want to trade. (Most people lost big during the 2000 tech wreck, because of this same reason.) If your stock goes up significantly, I want you to sell a portion of it and lock in the profits! Sell 25% or even 50% of your holdings, depending on the stock and your gains. Then, let the rest of the shares ride. Remember what I said earlier… emotions have no place in trading. Greed can be your worst enemy. Don’t ever let emotions or ego dictate your trading decisions. You should stick to your plan. And part of your plan is to take profits often. And of course, continue to move your ‘trailing stop’ higher as the stock continues to move up. This will protect you, in case the stock suddenly decides to drop significantly. These 9 simple rules can help you make more money from the stock market than some of the so-called “experts” in this field are making. That is no bull. Below, I will share with you some of the companies that I’m profiting from right now… Copyright © Bryan Kumar & About-Secrets Page 17 How to Double Your Wealth Every Six Months What I Am Investing In Right Now At the time of writing this report, my two main investments are gold and oil. The easiest ways to play these commodities are to invest in their ETFs. For gold, I recommend GLD. For oil, USO is a good one. Note: I’ve been recommending gold since it was in the 600’s. Right now it’s over 1000. But, I doubt that it’s done going up yet. Remember what I told you. These investments will almost never go straight up. (But they’re all in an upward trend.) That’s why you must stick to my 9 rules, and stick to your plan. If you don’t already have a trading account, you can get one from either Etrade (etrade.com) or Ameritrade (ameritrade.com.) There are many other companies you can go through. But, you know me, I tend to go with the best and the most well-known ones. I personally use Etrade, but I’ve also heard good things from my circle about Ameritrade. Listen… I’ll repeat what I’ve said in the beginning of this report… Most people will read this report, get excited for a few hours, and then forget about it. They will wake up tomorrow doing exactly what they did the day before, and wonder why nothing ever changes. They’ll wonder why others continue to make insane amounts of money and share the success stories, while they personally continue to struggle with their own financial situation. To join the wealthy 5 percent of the world, you have to start doing what they’re doing with their money. I hope this report gives you the confidence, the steps, and motivation to at least consider investing in the winners of the world. And, if you want to continue your wealth lessons, and your wealth creation process, you can do so by going to this site: http://www.bryankumar.com/stock-tips/index.html To your automatic profits! Copyright © Bryan Kumar & About-Secrets Page 18 How to Double Your Wealth Every Six Months Sincerely, Bryan Kumar Author/Owner of “Wealth Files” and “Secret Subjects” ****** ****** ****** Grab Your FREE Special Bonus Report! Revealed: How to Profit From The Internet in 24 Hours or LESS… Guaranteed! http://www.about-secrets.com/24report.htm The information contained in this publication has been carefully compiled from sources believed to be reliable and current when published; however, its accuracy and relevance cannot be guaranteed. Never invest any money that you cannot safely afford to lose. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Because this Report is published for multiple readers, it cannot possibly take into account the investment objectives, financial situation, or specific needs of any individual. Accordingly, before acting on any of the recommendations provided in this report, you must first make certain they are appropriate to your specific investment needs, objectives, or financial circumstances. To avoid any possible conflict of interest, we neither accept client funds for investment, nor execute trading instructions on behalf of clients. All orders to buy or sell securities mentioned in this publication should only be made with a duly registered broker/dealer. The reader is encouraged to seek competent legal and accounting advice before engaging in any business, financial, or investment activity. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the author/publisher. The author, publisher, and distributor of this product assume no responsibility for the use or misuse of this product, or for any injury, damage and/or financial loss sustained to persons or property as a result of using this report. While every effort has been made to ensure reliability of the information within, the liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use, misuse or abuse of the operation of any methods, strategies, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein is the sole responsibility of the reader. Copyright © 2006-2010 by http://www.about-secrets.com All Rights Reserved. Copyright © Bryan Kumar & About-Secrets Page 19
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