How To Setup GRE Tunneling on RAM


How To Setup GRE Tunneling on RAM
How To
Industrial Automation & Networking
Prepared by: Matt Crites
Date: March 28, 2014
Product: SN/RAM
Software: Web Browser, preferably Chrome or Firefox.
Firmware: Legacy firmware 3.14/4.14
Setup of a simple GRE tunnel between two SN/RAM devices.
Setup GRE Tunneling on RAM
This document provides a step by step procedure for setting a GRE tunnel between two RAM devices. GRE provides no
encryption. It simply a tunneling protocol
Part 1 – Setting up GRE on the “Client”
Log into the SN/RAM Web Browser
o Type the device’s LAN/WAN IP, port 10000 into a web browser
o User Name: admin; Password: Last six digits of the device’s serial number
Go to Networking – Tunneling(VPN) Settings – GRE Tunneling
Click Add
Set the following:
o Enable Tunnel?
o Local GRE Endpoint IP/Mask:
o Remote Public IP:
Enter the cellular IP of other RAM
o Remote GRE Endpoint IP/Mask
o Leave the rest of the fields at default
o Click OK
Apply Settings
Part 2 –Setting Static Route on “Client”:
Go to Networking → Static Route.
Click Add
Enter the following settings:
o Interface:
o Use as “Any” route?
o Select Route Type:
Choose Host to Network
o Enter Target IP Address:
Enter the host IP address here
 Note: if Route type is “Network” you’ll need to enter the network on the opposite side of tunnel
o Enter Gateway:
o Click OK
Click Apply
Part 3 –Setting up GRE Tunnel on “Server”:
Log into the SN/RAM Web Browser
o Type the device’s LAN/WAN IP, port 10000 into a web browser
o User Name: admin; Password: Last six digits of the device’s serial number
Go to Networking – Tunneling(VPN) Settings – GRE Tunneling
Click Add
Set the following:
o Enable Tunnel?
o Local GRE Endpoint IP/Mask:
o Remote Public IP:
Enter the cellular IP of other RAM
o Remote GRE Endpoint IP/Mask
o Leave the rest of the fields at default
o Click OK
Apply Settings
Part 4: Setting up Static Route on “Server”:
Go to Networking → Static Route.
Click Add
Enter the following settings:
o Interface:
o Use as “Any” route?
o Select Route Type:
Choose Host to Network
o Enter Target IP Address:
Enter the host IP address here
 Note: if Route type is “Network” you’ll need to enter the network on the opposite side of tunnel
o Enter Gateway:
o Click OK
Click Apply
Part 5: Test
Go to Status --> Diagnostic Tools --> Ping
Enter the following:
o Enter Host/IP Address to test:
o Source Interface:
Click Ping
Pings should come back successful
Enter the IP of the host on other side of GRE tunnel
gre1 (can also choose the GRE endpoint 192.168.2.x)

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