How to make money with private label PLMA’ ANNUAL ROUNDTABLE CONFERENCE


How to make money with private label PLMA’ ANNUAL ROUNDTABLE CONFERENCE
How to make money
with private label
n Which retail strategies work best
n What manufacturers can do to help themselves
n Where do consumers fit in
26-27 February 2014 • London
Presented by the Private Label Manufacturers Association - International Council
How to make money
with private label
PLMA’S ANNUAL ROUNDTABLE CONFERENCE • 26-27 February 2014 • London
Wednesday, 26 February
rivate label builds consumer loyalty, creates a retailer’s image and gives stores a way
to compete with each other. It also generates profits. But not all retailers know how to maximize
the profits that private label can bring. PLMA’s 2014 Roundtable focuses on how some retailers make
money with private label. For them, the answer is rooted in customer relations, packaging, product
selection and sourcing practices. Manufacturers benefit when retailers do it right, too.
Learn which retailer strategies work best, what manufacturers can do to help themselves,
and where consumers fit in. Register today for PLMA’s annual Roundtable Conference and let
the pounds, euros, dollars, krone, tolars and lita add up for you, too.
12.00 - 13.00
Registration and lunch
13.00 - 13.45
Private Label in the UK:
An overview of British retailing and private label
Speaker: Adam Leyland, Editor-in-Chief, The Grocer
13.45 - 14.00
Store Tour Briefing
14.00 - 18.00
Visits to major retailers in London
18.30 - 20.30
Reception and Dinner
Thursday, 27 February
Learn from the experts
09.00 - 09.45
Strategies of the top 5 European grocers:
Speaker: Ekaterina Witham, Senior Analyst,
Institute of Grocery Distribution (IGD)
09.45 - 10.30
The role of consumers in building sales
Speaker: Naomi Kasolowsky, Global Capability
Director Loyalty, Dunnhumby
10.30 - 10.45
Coffee break
11.00 - 11.45
The impact of packaging in selling products
Speaker: Vicky Bullen, CEO, Coley Porter Bell
11.45 - 12.30
How manufacturers can help themselves
Speaker: Eric Lassau, CEO, Oralys Group SAS
12.30 - 13.30
13.30 - 14.15
Case study: Waitrose
Speaker: Andrew Stevens, Senior Analyst,
Verdict Research
14.15 - 15.15
Making money on the sell
Speaker: Chris Hoyt, President, C. Hoyt & Company
Shuttle to Heathrow airport
Guest Speaker
Adam Leyland
Ekaterina Witham
Vicky Bullen
Naomi Kasolowsky
Andrew Stevens
Eric Lassau
Chris Hoyt
The Grocer
Senior Analyst
Institute of Grocery
Distribution (IGD)
Coley Porter Bell
Global Capability
Director Loyalty
Senior Analyst
Verdict Research
Oralys Group SAS
C. Hoyt & Company
26-27 February 2014 • London
or nearly 20 years, PLMA’s annual conference
has helped member manufacturers and
retailers learn about the trends and issues facing
private label in Europe. Past conferences have
been held in Barcelona, Stockholm, Paris,
Frankfurt, Prague, Milan, and Vienna.
Hotel Information
Host hotel for PLMA’s 2014 Roundtable Conference
is the Hilton London Syon Park. Sitting on the edge
of the 200-acre Syon Park Estate, the hotel offers
stylish accommodation and the latest meeting and
event facilities including high-speed internet access.
The hotel is situated only seven miles from the
center of London and only 20 minutes from
London Heathrow airport. Upon receipt of
registration for the conference, you will receive
a link to make the hotel reservation.
Registration Information
E 425
Non-members E 525
Cancellation must be made in writing at least
10 days prior to the conference. Cancellations
received after that date will receive a 50% refund.
No refunds will be made on cancellations within
two days prior to the conference.
Private Label Manufacturers Association
International Council
World Trade Center,
Strawinskylaan 671,
1077 XX Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
Telephone: (31) 20 5753032
Fax: (31) 20 5753093
Email: [email protected]