What is CopperString? What’s happening? Delivering a Powerful Future Newsletter 2
What is CopperString? What’s happening? Delivering a Powerful Future Newsletter 2
Newsletter 2 September 2010 Delivering a Powerful Future What’s happening? To comply with the project’s Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) requirements, the project has to gather important information relating to environmental, social and economic impacts. As part of this process, the project team will undertake a range of investigations over the next few months. Starting in September, aerial surveys called LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), will be undertaken to capture land contours and topographical data to develop detailed mapping to assist with the project’s design. What is CopperString? CopperString is a proposed project to construct a 720km core alternating current transmission line from Woodstock (south of Townsville) to Mount Isa to link the North West Mineral Province with the National Electricity Grid. In addition to supplying reliable and competitively-priced electricity to North West Queensland, the transmission line will provide opportunities for renewable energy resources located in the corridor between Townsville and Mount Isa to supply electricity to the National Electricity Market. From mid October, geotechnical investigations to test ground conditions will be carried out on land impacted by the proposed route. Consultation with stakeholders and communities between Townsville and Mount Isa is ongoing and will continue through the approvals, development and construction process. The overall impact of these investigations is expected to be minimal and landowners whose properties are affected will be consulted and informed. If all approvals are recieved construction is likely to commence in late 2011 and the project will be commissioned by late 2013. How to find out more? Register your interest to receive updates by writing, phoning or visiting the website. • Phone 1800 660 493* *Higher rates apply from mobile phones and pay phones. • Visit: www.copperstring.com.au • Email: [email protected] • Write: PO Box 7954, Garbutt, Townsville, QLD 4814 • Attend an information day CopperString Road Show - Mount Isa to Townsville As part of the CopperString project’s ongoing commitment to consult with stakeholders and communities along the proposed route alignment, the project team recently took to the road with a road show event that more than 400 people attended. The road show took place between 19 – 26 August with information displays set up in Mount Isa, Cloncurry, Julia Creek, Richmond, Hughenden, Charters Towers and two locations in Townsville. allowing an opportunity for interested members of the public to become better informed about the project in general. All the feedback received will be used to assess and develop possible delivery, design and route refinements within the project’s engineering, environmental and commercial restraints. Once developed, this information will be made publicly available through the website. Members of the community who attended the road show were able to talk to the project team, look at the information display, take away fact sheets and give their feedback. A second road show is being planned over the coming months which will provide communities with the opportunity to see how issues they have raised have been addressed and to better understand the project as it becomes more refined by the draft EIS. The road show provided the team with a better understanding of property-specific and community issues including environmental and other constraints as well as Dates and locations of upcoming information sessions will be published on the CopperString website, www.copperstring.com.au. Townsville Proposed Substation Renewable Resources Areas Proposed CopperString Route Geothermal Existing Transmission Line Solar Transmission Line (under construction) Bagasse & Biofuels Highway Wind Mount Isa Phosphate Hill CopperString: Developing the green energy spine of the north-west The CopperString project will provide a much-needed energy solution for Mount Isa and the North West Mineral Province. It also has the potential to unlock huge renewable energy reserves from wind, solar and possibly geothermal and biomass sources in the region. Through its design and construction, the project presents an opportunity to feed renewable energy such as wind, solar, biomass and geothermal plants into the National Electricity Market. Charters Towers Julia Creek Cloncurry Woodstock Pentland Richmond Hughenden Cannington These green energy sources are currently being investigated in the region. However, without a high voltage transmission line to deliver the energy into the national grid, renewable energy projects are unlikely to become viable as local demand does not currently allow the scale required for these sources to reach commercial viability. It has been reported that a ‘clean energy corridor’ in the north and north-west could meet up to a fifth of the federally mandated target to derive 20 percent of Australia’s electricity from zero-emission sources by 2020. (Courier Mail, Monday September 6, 2010.) CopperString is working to explore the potential use and benefits of the project, including facilitating a development forum on renewable sources. Environmental Impact Assessment Process As part of the Environmental Impact Assessment, the public is invited to have their say on the CopperString project, with the draft Terms of Reference (TOR) now available for comment. The draft TOR sets out the comprehensive requirements that must be addressed in preparing the project’s Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) which will assess any social, environmental or economic impacts associated with the project. If you believe something else needs to be addressed in the EIS, this is your chance to put your view forward. You can also view the draft TOR in person at: • Townsville City Council – 86 Thuringowa Drive, Thuringowa • Townsville City Council – 103 Walker Street, Townsville • Whitsunday Regional Council – 52 Main Street, Proserpine • Burdekin Shire Council – 145 Young Street, Ayr • Charters Towers Regional Council – 72 Mosman Street, Charters Towers Feedback on the draft TOR will be used to inform the range of issues relating to the project’s engineering and design, constructability, environmental constraints and community engagement that must be considered in the EIS. To view the draft TOR and make a submission, please visit the Coordinator-General’s website, www.dip.qld.gov.au or write to: The Coordinator-General c/o - EIS Project Manager, CopperString project Significant Projects Coordination Department of Infrastructure and Planning PO Box 15009 City East QLD 4002 [email protected] Submissions close on 4 October 2010. • Flinders Shire Council – 34 Gray Street, Hughenden • Richmond Shire Council – 50 Goldring Street, Richmond • McKinley Shire Council – 29 Burke Street, Julia Creek • Cloncurry Shire Council – 19-21 Scarr Street Cloncurry • Mount Isa City Council – 23 West Street, Mount Isa • State Library of Queensland, Cultural Centre, Stanley Place, South Bank, Brisbane. Delivering a Powerful Future