Voxbone How to Configure your DID's


Voxbone How to Configure your DID's
How to Configure your DID's
This tutorial explains how to use the Voxbone interface to configure your DID numbers.
Any remarks and suggestions to enhance this tutorial are welcome and should be sent to
[email protected]
1. Map your DIDs
After receiving the DID's from Voxbone you need to route them to the appropriate SIP
destination. This is achieved by mapping the DID's to a URI. The definition of a URI can be
found in our technical FAQ ( http://www.voxbone.com/faq-technical.jsf ).
There are 4 different ways to do this mapping.
A. You can map your DID's one by one, each to a specific URI.
B. You can map your DID's to a URI using the {E164} variable.
C. You can map all your DID's at once to a particular URI.
D. You can map a selection of DID's (using a filter) to a particular URI.
The sections below outline these different mappings.
A. Individual mappings
STEP 1: Log into your account on www.voxbone.com
STEP 2: Go to the menu Configure then URIs and then ALL URI's.
This document is Copyright © 2008, VOXBONE SA. All rights reserved.
STEP 3: Create your URI. The URI defines a destination that will receive the calls.
- In protocol, choose SIP.
- In URI, enter your URI.
In Description, enter whatever description you want. This field is not used for the routing.
Example of a valid URI is [email protected]
In this example, 1004 is the extension or the user in your system and is the
IP address of your equipment.
This document is Copyright © 2008, VOXBONE SA. All rights reserved.
STEP 4: Click on create. The new URI will be shown at the bottom of the page:
Note that you can edit your URI parameters by clicking on edit, and you can delete your URI
by clicking on delete.
This document is Copyright © 2008, VOXBONE SA. All rights reserved.
STEP 5: Go to the menu Configure and then DIDs.
STEP 6: Under the URI column in the bottom of the screen, use the dropdown button next to
your DID to select the URI that you previously defined. Click Apply to confirm.
This document is Copyright © 2008, VOXBONE SA. All rights reserved.
You will see a confirmation text and the URI column will be updated.
Well done, your first DID is correctly mapped and you can start using it !
This document is Copyright © 2008, VOXBONE SA. All rights reserved.
B. Mappings using the {E164} variable
The definition of E.164 can be found in our technical FAQ ( http://www.voxbone.com/faqtechnical.jsf ).
Every instance of the variable {E164} in the URI will be replaced by the E.164 representation
of the DID. This allows you to easily define just one URI for many different DID's, and you will
receive all the calls with the number in E.164 format.
Let's see with an example how this works :
STEP 1: Just like in section 1, you first have to create the URI. But this time, use the {E164}
tag in the user part of the URI. It can be used alone or with additional numbers before or after
it. This allows you to add a prefix in front of your URI's for example.
Click on create to create this new URI.
This document is Copyright © 2008, VOXBONE SA. All rights reserved.
STEP 2: go to the menu Configure and then DIDs.
Under the URI column in the bottom of the screen, use the dropdown button next to your DID
to select the new URI that you defined. Click Apply to confirm.
This document is Copyright © 2008, VOXBONE SA. All rights reserved.
STEP 3: Once confirmed by clicking Apply you will see that the {E164} tag has been
replaced by your DID number in international format in the URI column.
This document is Copyright © 2008, VOXBONE SA. All rights reserved.
C. Mapping all your DID's at once to the same URI
If you have many DID's and you want to send all the calls to the same destination it is easier
to map all your DID's at once to the same URI.
STEP 1: Go to the menu Configure and then DIDs.
STEP 2: Select the wanted URI from the dropdown menu in the middle of the screen and click
on Apply to All.
This document is Copyright © 2008, VOXBONE SA. All rights reserved.
!! Be carefull when using this feature as the mapping will be applied to ALL your DID's !!
This document is Copyright © 2008, VOXBONE SA. All rights reserved.
D. Using the filter function
You can use the filter function to view only a subset of your DID's, to find a specific DID, and
to map a subset of your DID's to a specific URI.
For example if you want to view all the DID's from the UK choose United Kingdom in the drop
down menu called From Country. After you click on Search you will see only the DIDs
containing the string +44, in other words only the UK DIDs.
You can use the same procedure to map a subset of your DID's to a specific URI.
In the below example we want to map our Belgian numbers to a specific URI.
STEP 1: Go to the menu Configure and then DIDs.
STEP 2: Choose 'Belgium' in the drop down menu called From Country.
This document is Copyright © 2008, VOXBONE SA. All rights reserved.
STEP 3: After clicking on the Search button, only the Belgian DIDs will be shown. In this case
there is only one DID left.
STEP 4: Select the wanted URI from the dropdown menu and click on Apply to all.
All the DID's containing the string +32 (in other words the Belgian DID's)are now mapped to
this URI.
This document is Copyright © 2008, VOXBONE SA. All rights reserved.
2. Assign the DIDs to your Channels
Now that your DIDs are mapped you will have to assign them to your channels in order to give
them capacity and make them available to receive concurrent calls.
There are several ways of assigning DIDs to the channels.
A. Assigning DIDs one by one to the Trunks.
B. Assigning all your DIDs at once to a specific Trunk.
C. Using the Filter Function.
A. Assigning DIDs one by one to the Trunks.
Step 1: Go to the Menu Configure and then DIDs.
This document is Copyright © 2008, VOXBONE SA. All rights reserved.
Step 2: Click on the Trunk Tab.
Note that the Trunks tab will only appear if you have purchased channels. To see how you can
purchase channels, please refer to the Manual 'How to Order DIDs' at:
Once you have purchased the channels, you will have to fulfill the Trunk Forecast in order to
receive the channels in your account. To fulfill the forecast go to the Configure menu and then
Trunk Forecast.
This document is Copyright © 2008, VOXBONE SA. All rights reserved.
Once in here, set a forecast on what percentage of the total capacity each country will be
This will not affect the capacity distribution within your DIDs, but it will give us a fair idea of
where we need to get more capacity in the future.
Don't forget to click on the Update button in the bottom of the screen.
Once your Trunk Forecast is updated you will get the channels in your account.
This document is Copyright © 2008, VOXBONE SA. All rights reserved.
Step 3: In the Trunk column, at the bottom of the screen, choose the Trunk you would like
each of your DIDs assigned to.
Step 4: Click on Apply and that's it! Your DID can start receiving calls.
This document is Copyright © 2008, VOXBONE SA. All rights reserved.
B. Assigning all your DIDs to a specific Trunk.
Step 1: Go to the Menu Configure and then DIDs.
STEP 2: Select the wanted Channel Trunk from the dropdown menu in the middle of the
screen and click on Apply to All.
This document is Copyright © 2008, VOXBONE SA. All rights reserved.
!! Be carefull when using this feature as the Channel Trunk you choose will be applied to ALL
your DID's !!
This document is Copyright © 2008, VOXBONE SA. All rights reserved.
C. Using the Filter Function
You can use the filter function to view only a subset of your DIDs, to find a specific DID, and to
assign this group DIDs to a specific Trunk.
For example if you want to view all the DIDs from the UK choose United Kingdom in the drop
down menu called From Country. After you click on Search you will see only the DIDs
containing the string +44, in other words only the UK DIDs.
You can use the same procedure to map a subset of your DIDs to a specific Trunk.
In the below example we want to map our Belgian numbers to the Worldwide Trunk.
STEP 1: Go to the menu Configure and then DIDs.
STEP 2: Choose 'Belgium' in the drop down menu called From Country.
This document is Copyright © 2008, VOXBONE SA. All rights reserved.
STEP 3: After clicking on the Search button, only the Belgian DIDs will be shown. In this case
there is only one DID left.
STEP 4: Select the wanted Trunk from the dropdown menu and click on Apply to all.
All the DID's containing the string +32 (in other words the Belgian DID's) are now assigned to
the Worldwide Trunk.
This document is Copyright © 2008, VOXBONE SA. All rights reserved.
3. Using the Default Menu
You can use the Default Menu features to define default configurations on your DIDs.
For instance you can set a default POP, URI SIP address and Channel trunk you will be giving
your newly acquired DIDs.
Step 1: Go to the menu Configure and then Defaults.
Step 2: Choose from the Default POP dropmenu, the default Point of Presence from where
Voxbone will forward the calls to your SIP endpoint. (Tip: Try to set the closest POP to your
SIP endpoint).
In this case, we use BE (Belgium).
This document is Copyright © 2008, VOXBONE SA. All rights reserved.
Step 3: Choose from the Default URI dropmenu, the default SIP address you will be giving
your newly acquired DIDs.
Step 4: Choose from the Default trunk for Zone A/B numbers dropmenu, the default
Channel Zone you want your DIDs to be set into. In this case, we use the Worldwide Zone:
This document is Copyright © 2008, VOXBONE SA. All rights reserved.
Step 5: Click on Update Setting and that's it! Your Default settings are now saved.
This document is Copyright © 2008, VOXBONE SA. All rights reserved.