SW Regional Wound Care Framework Toolkit
SW Regional Wound Care Framework Toolkit
SW Regional Wound Care Framework Toolkit Instructions for Finding On-line Educational Sessions & Resources on the Website 1. Enter www.woundcare.thehealthline.ca as your search, or Google wound care, or go the thehealthline.ca to the health library and search for wound care (2 words). 2. This is what the front page of the toolkit looks like. Everything that is underlined is a link to a section of the toolkit, containing a variety of instructional documents, assessment tools, teaching handouts, best practice articles and links to power point voiceover webcasts. 3. Using the information found in the South West Regional Wound Care Education Resources Outline (Table 1) to go directly to a section. You should also scroll through the various sections to see what all is there. The Power Point Voice-Over Resources links are identified by a bold header, and the actual link is in italics and underlined such as this one: Power Point Voice Over Resources: Levine Swab for Culture & Sensitivity (external link) How to find resources on the SW Regional Wound Care Framework Website June_7_2012 1 Table 1. The South West Regional Wound Care Toolkit Education Resources Outline Topic & Target Audience PowerPoint Voice-Over Segments Links to OTN Webcasts (___minutes) Other On-line Resources The Anatomy of the Skin and Physiology of Wound Healing (Nsg/ Allied Health) SWRWCF: The Anatomy of the Skin, Effects of Aging & Simple Skin Care Tips (25 min) SWRWCF: Physiology of Healing (19 min) SWRWCF: Types of Wound Healing, Intrinsic &Extrinsic Factors to Healing (34 min) SWRWCF: Secondary \ Functional Phases of Wound Healing (36) A.4 RESOURCES Sibbald, R.G., Orsted, H.L., Coutts, P.M., & Keast, D.H. Best Practice Recommendations for Preparing the Wound Bed: Update 2006. Wound Care Canada. 2006; 4(1):15-29. Used with permission. Also available at: http://www.cawc.net/images/uploads/wcc/4-1-vol4no1-BP-WBP.pdf B. 8.4.a Harris, C. and Fraser, C. (2004) Malnutrition in the Institutionalized Elderly: The Effects on Wound Healing. OWM 50(10):54-63. Used with permission. Also available at: http://www.owm.com/content/malnutrition-institutionalized-elderly-the-effects-woundhealing B. 8.4.b Fraser, C. (2010) The Identification of Barriers to Pressure Ulcer Healing: Using Nutrition/Hydration-related Blood Work. Wound Care Canada 6(2): 20-25. Used with permission. Also available at: http://cawc.net/images/uploads/wcc/CAWC_Vol8_No2_Ed_only_1.pdf Braden Scale for Pressure Ulcer Risk & Protocols (Interventions) (Nsg/Allied Health & PSW) Prevention of skin breakdown (Pressure Ulcers and Skin tears) (Nsg/ Allied Health & PSW) SWRWCF: Braden Scale for Pressure Ulcer Risk (20 min) SWRWCF: Braden Scale Interventions and Case Studies (25 min) B. 1.2 Initial Wound Assessment Screen and Braden Scale for Pressure Ulcer Risk and http://www.bradenscale.com SWRWCF: Prevention of skin breakdown from Pressure Ulcers (34 min) SWRWCF: Prevention of skin breakdown from Skin Tears and Pre-tibial injuries (34 min) D.2. PSW AND SKIN CARE: PREVENTION OF PRESSURE ULCERS AND SKIN TEARS F.3. 5 PRESSURE ULCER: Client/Patient Teaching and Learning Resources D.11 PSW RESOURCES SKIN CARE GAME- Skin Care Jeopardy F. 4.6 LeBlanc et al. (2008). Best Practice Recommendations for the Prevention and Treatment of Skin Tears. Wound Care Canada 6(1): 14-30. Used with Permission. Also available at: http://cawc.net/images/uploads/wcc/6-1-leblanc-e.pdf Wound Pain Assessment & SWRWCF: Wound Pain Assessment (41 min) SWRWCF: Wound Pain Management (27 min) B.5.WOUND PAIN ASSESSMENT TOOLS 5.1 Purpose and Instructions How to find resources on the SW Regional Wound Care Framework Website June_7_2012 2 Topic & Target Audience PowerPoint Voice-Over Segments Links to OTN Webcasts (___minutes) Management (Nsg/ Allied Health) Wound assessment BWAT (Nsg/ Allied Health) Wound assessment Parkwood Tool (Nsg/ Allied Health) SWRWCT Wound Assessment Screen (Nsg/ Allied Health) Signs and symptoms of wound infection, Levine method of swab for c&s (Nsg /Allied Health) SWRWCF: BWAT Pictorial Guide Sections: Size, Depth, Edges and Undermining (26 min) SWRWCF: BWAT Pictorial Guide Sections: Necrotic Tissue Type and Amount, Exudate Type and Amount (20 min) SWRWCF: BWAT Pictorial Guide Sections: Skin Colour Surrounding wound, Peripheral Tissue Edema and Induration, Granulation Tissue and Epithelialization (25 min) SWRWCF: BWAT Competency Testing (44 min) SWRWCF: Parkwood Wound Monitoring Tool (33 min) SWRWCF: B.1.2 Initial Wound Assessment Screen (33 min) SWRWCF: S&S of Localized Wound Infection (29 min) SWRWCF: S&S of Spreading Wound Infection (25 min) SWRWCF: Levine Method Swab C&S (16 min) Outcomes SWRWCF : Percentage( % ) reduction in Measurement tools: wound size over time (26 min) Percentage reduction in Other On-line Resources 5.2 Comprehensive Assessment of Chronic Pain in Wounds 5.3 WHO Pain Ladder with Pain Management Guidelines 5.4 Wound Pain Management Model: Coloplast 5.5 UCLA Pain Management Resource B.6.1 Bates-Jensen Wound Assessment Tool (BWAT) B.6.1.a Purpose and Instructions for Use B.6.1.b Bates-Jensen Wound Assessment Tool (BWAT) B.6.1.c Harris, C., Bates-Jensen, B., Parslow, N., Raizman, R., Singh, M. (2009). The Bates-Jensen Wound Assessment Tool (BWAT): Development of a Pictorial Guide for Training Nurses. Wound Care Canada 7(2): 33-38. Used with Permission. Also available at: http://cawc.net/images/uploads/wcc/7-2harris.pdf B. 6.2 Parkwood Wound Monitoring Assessment Tool B.6.2.a Instructions for Use B.6.2.b Parkwood Hospital Wound Monitoring Tool B.1 INITIAL WOUND ASSESSMENT SCREEN B.1.1 Purpose and Instructions B.1.2 Initial Wound Assessment Screen and Braden Scale for Pressure Ulcer Risk B.7 ASSESSMENT OF SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF WOUND INFECTION & DIFFERENTIATING BETWEEN LOCAL AND SPREADING INFECTIONS B. 7.1 Introduction B. 7.2 Signs and Symptoms: Differentiating Between Local and Spreading Infection in Acute and Chronic Wounds B. 7.3 Levine Method for wound swab for culture & sensitivity B. 9.2 Percentage Reduction in Wound Size and Wound Measurements B.9.2.a Purpose and Instructions for use How to find resources on the SW Regional Wound Care Framework Website June_7_2012 3 Topic & Target Audience wound size over time (Nsg /Allied Health) Wound Measurement: PUSH TOOL (Nsg /Allied Health) PowerPoint Voice-Over Segments Links to OTN Webcasts (___minutes) SWRWCF: PUSH Tool (27 min) Other On-line Resources B.9.1 NPUAP PUSH Tool B. 9.1.a Purpose Instructions for use NPUAP Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing (PUSH) B. 9.1.b NPUAP PUSH Version 3.0 (PDF) B. 9.3.c Houghton, P.E.; Kincaid, C.B.; Campbell, K.E., Woodbury, M.G.; and Keast, D.H. (2000) Photographic assessment of the appearance of chronic pressure and leg ulcers. OWM 46(4):20-6, 28-30. Used with permission. Principles of aseptic technique as applies to the care setting (Nsg /Allied Health) Wound Cleansing (Nsg /Allied Health) Function of Dressings (Nsg/ Allied Health) SWRWCF: Principles of aseptic technique Clean NO-touch; Sterile and High level disinfection (21 min) SWRWCF: Wound Cleansing (34 min) SWRWCF: Wound Cleansing Practice Session (38 min) E.2. LOCAL WOUND CARE: CLEANSING E.2.1.a to h: Purpose, Wound Cleansing Information, Solutions, Solution Temperatures, Cleansing Techniques , Cleansing by Wound Characteristics, Cleansing Considerations for Infected Wounds, Periwound Cleansing E. 2.2 Wound Cleansing Assessment Algorithm SWRWCF: Function of Wound Dressings (55 H.PRODUCT SELECTION AIDES min) H.2 CAWC PRODUCT PICKER SWRWCF: Matching Dressings to Wound H.2.1 Purpose and Instructions for Use of CAWC Product Picker Tool/ Characteristics including High Exudate purchase information for poster Management (32 min) H.2.2 CAWC Product Picker Tool –print as 8.5 x 14” H.4 this wil H.4 Contains Industry how-to files of all of the dressings in the HealthPro contract How to find resources on the SW Regional Wound Care Framework Website June_7_2012 4 Topic & Target Audience PowerPoint Voice-Over Segments Links to OTN Webcasts (___minutes) Principles Of Treatment Based On Etiology (Treat The Cause) SWRWCF:Prevention of Skin Breakdown from Skin Tears and Pre-Tibial Injuries (34 min) SWRWCF:Prevention of Skin Breakdown from Pressure Ulcers(34 min) Also see the SWCCAC webcasts listed in Table 2. Ostomy Care Best Practices Other On-line Resources Section F: F.1. Diabetic Foot Ulcer F.2. Pilonidal Sinus F.3. Pressure Ulcer (prevention and management) F.4 Skin Tear F.5 Surgical Wound (Closed And Open) F.6 Venous And Mixed Venous/Arterial Ulcer F.7 Malignant Wound F.8 Superficial And Superficial Partial Thickness Burns Each section contains: Background and extent of etiology , an Algorithm for care, instructions to use the self-care teaching forms, and Evidence-Based Clinical Interventions. Sections F.1- to F.6 contain Client/Patient teaching handouts and Self-care teaching tools Section F.8 contains an information handout regarding the use of hydrofiber for superficial and partial thickness burns. Best-practice recommendation articles are provided in sections F.1 to F.5 Section F.5 also contains My JP Drain Care handout. Future sections: Lymphedema, Inflammatory wounds Section G. G.1 G.2 G.3 G.4 G.5 G.6 How to find resources on the SW Regional Wound Care Framework Website June_7_2012 Background and Extent of Etiology; Instructions for use Algorithm Care Plan Peristomal Skin Assessment Tool (Coloplast) Self-Care Teaching Tool for ostomy Ostomy Teaching Handouts: My Ileostomy, My Colostomy, My Urostomy 5 4. To find videos from the South West CCAC Wound Management Program Archives, use the following link http://www.thehealthline.ca/libraryVideos.aspx?categoryID=8 or go to www.thehealthline.ca Video Library, and select SWCCAC Wound Care in the drop down box. This will open a page with all of the archived CCAC Heal sessions and wound management program initiatives. Many of these will be useful for orientation of new staff, refreshers etc., and are outlined in Table 2, along with associated toolkit resources. Table 2: SWCCAC Wound Management Resources that link to SWRWCF content. Topic Discussion about daily dressing changes Wound Assessment and Management Suggested Segments for SWCCAC Contracted Service Provider Agencies Guided Conversations: "Daily Visit Frequency as an Exceptional Situation for Healable..." March 10, 2010 Connie Harris presents information on wound care practices. June 24, 2009 - Comprehensive Wound Assessment and Management Part 1 July 15, 2010 SWRWCF Toolkit On-line Resources E.1 Determine Healability of Wound 1.1 Introduction and Purpose 1.2 Tool 1.3 SWCCAC Daily Visits as Exceptional Situation for Healable and Maintenance/Palliative Wounds 1.4 Choosing Between a Healable, Non-Healable and Maintenance Wound Section H- Product Selection Aids All of Section B: Assessment How to find resources on the SW Regional Wound Care Framework Website June_7_2012 6 Andrea Russell covers the process of determining appropriate dressing selection. 53 minutes Surgical and Infected Wounds As per section Prevention of skin breakdown (Pressure Ulcers and Skin tears) Table 1 June 24, 2009 - Comprehensive Wound Assessment and Management Part 2 July 14, 2010 Andrea Russell continues her presentation on wound assessment and management. June 25, 2009 - Collaborative Practice - Surgical and Infected Wounds Part 1 July 15, 2010 Discussing proper assessment and care of surgical and infected wounds. June 25, 2009 - Collaborative Practice: Surgical and Infected Wounds Part 2 July 14, 2010 Convatec educators continue their presentation on collaborative practice. Surgical Open Wound Toolkit May 11, 2011 Connie Harris narrates the Surgical Open Wound Toolkit presentation. June 29, 2009 - The Skin: Assessment and Management July 06, 2010 PSW Training designed to promote best practices for skin care. F.5 Surgical Wound (Closed and Open) 5.1 Background and Extent of Etiology; Instructions for use 5.2 Algorithm 5.3 Self-Care Teaching Tool - SWCCAC 5.4 My JP Drain Care- SWCCAC 5.5 My Surgical Wound Patient Handbook - SWCCAC 5.6 Evidence-Based Clinical Interventions (See 5.1) 5.7 Orsted, H.L., Keast, D.H., Kuhnke, J., Armstrong, P., Attrell, E., Beaumier, M., Landis, S., Mahoney, J.L., Todoruk-Orchard, M. (2010) Best Practice Recommendations for the Prevention and Management of Open Surgical Wounds. Wound Care Canada, 8 (1)PP. 6-34. Erratum Table 3 WCC 8(2)pp. 34. Used with Permission. Also available at: http://cawc.net/images/uploads/wcc/8-1-WCC_Vol_8_No1.pdf As per section Prevention of skin breakdown (Pressure Ulcers and Skin tears) Table 1 F.6 Venous and Mixed Venous/Arterial Ulcer 6.1 Background and Extent of Etiology; Instructions for use 6.1a Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) (See 6.1) 6.1b Cellulitis With Venous Disease (See 6.1) 6.1c Dermatitis With Venous Disease (See 6.1) 6.1d Mixed Venous/Arterial Disease (See 6.1) 6.2 Algorithm 6.3 My Venous Ulcer Self-Care Teaching Guide 6.4 My Venous Ulcer Handout How to find resources on the SW Regional Wound Care Framework Website June_7_2012 Venous Leg Ulcers October 20, 2010 - Differentiation of Leg Ulcers May 10, 2011 Presented by Andrea Russell, nurse educator for Convatec. Venous Leg Ulcer Toolkit May 13, 2011 Connie Harris narrates the implementation of the SWCCAC venous leg ulcers toolkit. 7 6.5 Evidence-Based Clinical Interventions (See 6.1) 6.5a Venous Stasis Ulceration (VSU) 6.5b VSU with Cellulitis 6.5c VSU with Dermatitis 6.6 Principles of Compression Bandaging (See 6.1) 6.7 Burrows, C., Miller, R., Townsend, D., Bellefontaine, R., MacKean, G., Orsted, H.L., and Keast, D.H. (2006) Best Practice Recommendations for the Prevention and Treatment of Venous Leg Ulcers: Update 2006. Wound Care Canada 4(1):R130-38. Used with Permission. Also available at: http://cawc.net/images/uploads/wcc/4-1-vol4no1-BP-VLU.pdf October 20, 2010 - Management of Pressure F.3 Pressure Ulcer Pressure Ulcers Ulcers May 11, 2011 3.1. Background and Extent of Etiology; Instructions for use of other sections; Presented by Andrea Russell, nurse educator for References Convatec. 3.2 Algorithm Pressure Ulcer Toolkit May 11, 2011 3.3 NPUAP Staging System for Pressure Ulcers (Updated 2007) (See 3.1) Connie Harris narrates the SWCCAC pressure ulcer 3.4 Self-Care Teaching Tool toolkit implementation. 3.5 Client/Patient Teaching and Learning Resources 3.6 Selection of Surfaces for Pressure Redistribution (See 3.1) 3.7 Evidence-Based Clinical Interventions (See 3.1) F.3.8 Keast D.H. , Parslow, N. Houghton, PE., Norton,L. and Fraser, C. (2006) Best Practice Recommendations for the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers: Update 2006. Wound Care Canada 4(1):R19-29 Used with Permission. Also available at: http://cawc.net/images/uploads/wcc/4-1vol4no1-BP-PU.pdf F.1. Diabetic Foot Ulcer Diabetic Foot Ulcers May 2011 - Management of Diabetic Foot 1.1 Background and Extent of Etiology; Instructions for use of other sections; Ulcers December 07, 2011 References 1.2 Algorithm Presented by Convatec Nurse Educator 1.3 University of Texas Wound Classification System of Diabetic Foot Ulcers Andrea Russell. Diabetic Foot Ulcer Toolkit Connie Harris narrates (See 1.1) 1.4 Self-Care Teaching Tool the SWCCAC DFU Toolkit implementation 1.5 Client/Patient Teaching and Learning Resources 1.6 Evidence-Based Clinical Interventions (See 1.1) F.1.6 i) Orsted, H., Searles, G., Trowell, H., Shapera, L., Miller, P., Rahman, J. (2006). Recommendations for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diabetic foot ulcers: Best Practice Update. 2006. Wound Care Canada 4(1):R39-51. Used with Permission. Also available at: http://cawc.net/images/uploads/wcc/4-1-vol4no1-BP-DFU.pdf How to find resources on the SW Regional Wound Care Framework Website June_7_2012 8 ii) Botros,M., Goettl, K., Parsons,P., Menzildzic, S., Morin, C., Smith,T., Hoar, A., Nesbeth,H. and McGrath,S. Best Practice Recommendations for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diabetic foot ulcers: Update. 2010. Wound Care Canada 4(1):R39-51. Used with Permission. Also available at: http://cawc.net/images/uploads/wcc/8-4-DFU%20BP.pdf How to find resources on the SW Regional Wound Care Framework Website June_7_2012 9
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