PIID creation process – how to raise its maturity?
PIID creation process – how to raise its maturity?
PIID creation process – how to raise its maturity? European SEPG, Amsterdam, 15th June 2006 © 2006. 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. V1 2006-06-12 The Vector Group today Vector France Vector Informatik Vector Consulting Vector Scandinavia Paris, France Stuttgart, Germany Stuttgart, Germany Gothenburg, Sweden 11 employees 378 employees 60 employees 7 employees Vector CANtech Vector Japan Michigan, USA Tokyo and Nagoya, Japan 64 employees Vector Group 585 employees Date: April 2006 65 employees Customer Customer Center North Center South Braunschweig Munich 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 2 Strategic Business Fields T Vector supports the networking of electronic systems with tools, software components and engineering services. T For the development of electronic control units Vector offers tools for the development, calibration and diagnostics as well as software components and development services. T Vector supports the development process of electronic systems in the automotive area with consulting services as well as process tools. 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 3 Agenda T What does it mean creating PIIDs? T New approach for PIID creation T Phases of the PIID creation process T Conclusion 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 4 Agenda T What does it mean creating PIIDs? T New approach for PIID creation T Phases of the PIID creation process T Conclusion 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 5 What are PIIDs good for? Definition of PIIs: T Practice Implementation Indicators (PIIs) are footprints resulting from practice implementation. Documents Process descriptions Tools Oral/Written statements PII Database (PIID) T PIIDs support the appraisal team to conduct the appraisal effectively and efficiently. T Real-World Hint: Having bad PIIDs is worse than having no PIIDs. 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 6 Impact of PIIDs T Good PIIDs T T T T PIIDs are finished before the initial document review and readiness review start. PIIDs contain the appropriate documents for showing practice implementation and the appraisal team can rely on it. Requests by the appraisal team concerning the PIIDs are closed by the PIID creator at agreed milestones. Bad PIIDs T T T PIIDs are not finished on time. Projects and the organization are not represented adequately by the PIIDs and the appraisal team feels uncertain regarding judgement. The appraisal schedule must be revised, because discussions with PIID creators take too much time. 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 7 Agenda T What does it mean creating PIIDs? T New approach for PIID creation T Phases of the PIID creation process T Conclusion 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 8 PIID creation on higher Capability Level T Creating PIIDs effectively end efficiently means applying Capability Level 2. Generic Practices GP 2.1 to GP 2.10 PIID creation as a process on CL2 Activities for PIID creation T Understanding Capability Level 2 as a set of requirements, they lead to a detailed process with different phases and work products. 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 9 Analysis of Capability Level 2 requirements General Impact of generic Practices on PIID creation (CL 2): GP 2.1 GP 2.2 GP 2.3 GP 2.4 GP 2.5 GP 2.6 GP 2.7 GP 2.8 GP 2.9 PIID creation The PIID creation process = has impact = no impact T must be planned and tracked. T needs clear responsibility and skilled resources. T needs close stakeholder involvement. T forces work products to be put under configuration management. 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 10 GP 2.10 Concept of PIID creation process Phases of SCAMPI Appraisal ... SCAMPI Appraisal Plan and Prepare for Appraisal Start of SCAMPI PIID Creation I Conduct Appraisal Readiness Review PIID creation PIID Creation II PIID Creation III PIID Creation IV 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 11 Report Results Final Findings Phases and milestones for PIID creation Phases of SCAMPI Appraisal Start of SCAMPI Readiness Review Final Findings PIID creation Implementing generic PIIDs Generic mapping of the organization’s processes to CMMI is done. Preparing PIID implementation Mapping of project’s and organization’s specific documents to CMMI is done. Plan for the activities during implementation and maintaining of PIIDs in detail. Implementing PIIDs Revise PIIDs based on appraisal team’s feedback. 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 12 Maintaining PIIDs Agenda T What does it mean creating PIIDs? T New approach for PIID creation T Phases of the PIID creation process T Conclusion 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 13 Phase Implementing generic PIIDs I/III Impact of Generic Practices on Implementing generic PIIDs: Implementing generic PIIDs GP 2.2 GP 2.3 GP 2.4 GP 2.5 PIID-Creator: PIID creation T CMMI and process knowledge T Clear responsibility and resources Generic PIID will change due to different reasons (e.g. process improvement). = has significant impact = no significant impact 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 14 GP 2.6 GP 2.7 GP 2.8 Phase Implementing generic PIIDs II/III Phases of SCAMPI Appraisal Start of SCAMPI Readiness Review Final Findings PIID creation Implementing generic PIIDs Preparing PIID implementation Process descriptions Implementing PIIDs Generic PIIDs 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 15 Maintaining PIIDs Phase Implementing generic PIIDs III/III Real-World Example: Excerpt of a generic PIID (PA REQM) REQM SG 1 Manage Requirements DA could be Preferred DA Suggested Comment for DA could be SP 1.1 Obtain an Contracting, Customer Specification Understanding of Requirements Contracting Side 1 (chapter 1.1) of the contracting shows usually a signature of the project's client as commitment to requirements (Chapter 2.1). SP 1.2 Obtain Commitment to Requirements Kick-off Protocoll , Checklist Customer Specification, Change Request List (CRL) Kick-Off Protocol See list of participants in the upper part of the protocol. ... ... ... ... General hints for implementing generic PIIDs: T Generic PIIDs should document one preferred DA and a set of typical ones. T Generic PIIDs usually do not contain IAs. 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 16 Phase Preparing PIID implementation I/IV Impact of Generic Practices on Preparing PIID implementation: GP 2.2 Implementing generic PIIDs GP 2.3 GP 2.4 GP 2.5 GP 2.6 GP 2.7 GP 2.8 Preparing PIID implementation PIID creation PIID Creation Plan: = has significant impact = no significant impact T shows timeslots for every mapping from PA to project or PA to organizational level T documents the estimated efford for every PA a PIID is created for T clarifies the involvement of stakeholders during implementing and maintaining PIIDs (e.g. project manager, appraisal team) 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 17 Phase Preparing PIID implementation II/IV Phases of SCAMPI Appraisal Start of Scampi Readiness Review Final Findings PIID creation Implementing generic PIIDs Preparing PIID implementation Information from Appraisal Input: T T T Appraisal focus Projects ... Implementing PIIDs PIID creation plan: T T T Timeslots for projects Responsibility Involvement of stakeholders 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 18 Maintaining PIIDs Phase Preparing PIID implementation III/IV Real-World Example: Estimated efforts and work breakdown structure PA REQM PP PMC SAM MA CM PPQA Close open issues of PIID implementation Revise PIIDs after 1. readiness review Revise PIIDs after feedback of appraisal team T Estimated Efford CMMI ML2 (h / project) 8 10 6 5 4 4 3 4 Implementing PIIDs 8 8 Estimation rationale is true only for this sequence of PAs. 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 19 Maintaining PIIDs Feedback AT Phase Preparing PIID implementation IV/IV Real-World Example: PIID creation plan CMMI Level2 Appraisal: Appraisal Projects Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Project 5 RB Projecmanager Projectmanager 1 Projectmanager 2 Projectmanager 1 Projectmanager 1 Projectmanager 1 PIID-Creator Date Appraisal Plan 04.05.05 Start of Appraisal Braatz (VC) Döttling (VC) Döttling (VC) Braatz (VC) Braatz (VC) 05.05.05 06.05.05 07.05.05 08.05.05 09.05.05 10.05.05 11.05.05 12.05.05 13.05.05 14.05.05 15.05.05 16.05.05 17.05.05 18.05.05 19.05.05 20.05.05 21.05.05 22.05.05 23.05.05 24.05.05 25.05.05 26.05.05 27.05.05 28.05.05 29.05.05 30.05.05 31.05.05 01.06.05 02.06.05 REQM, PP PP,PMC PMC, SAM MA, PPQA OPL, CM Readiness Review Absent? Absent? Absent? Absent? Absent? available available available available available vacation vacation vacation vacation vacation available available available available available vacation vacation vacation vacation vacation available available available available available available available available available vacation vacation vacation vacation REQM, PP PP, PMC PMC, MA available available available available available available available available available available available REQM, PP available available available available MA, CM, PPQA available available available available available available available available available PP, PMC available available available REQM, PP available PMC,SAM MA, CM available available available available available available available available available available available available PP, PMC PMC, PPQA CM, OPL available available available available available available available available SAM, OPL available available available available 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 20 REQM, PP PP, PMC PMC, SAM MA, CM PPQA, OPL Phase Implementing PIIDs I/III Impact of Generic Practices on Implementing PIIDs: Implementing generic PIIDs Preparing PIID implementation GP 2.2 GP 2.3 GP 2.4 GP 2.5 GP 2.6 GP 2.7 GP 2.8 The PIIDs must be baselined at specific milestones (e.g. readiness review, release of Master PIID). PIID creation Implementing PIIDs = has significant impact The well-skilled PIID Creator implements the PIIDS according to the PIID creation plan. = no significant impact 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 21 Phase Implementing PIIDs II/III Phases of SCAMPI Appraisal Start of Scampi Readiness Review Final Findings PIID creation Implementing generic PIIDs Master PIID Preparing PIID implementation Process Descriptions and Project Documents Generic PIIDs Implementing PIIDs PIID creation plan 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 22 Maintaining PIIDs PIIDs Phase Implementing PIIDs III/III Real-World Examples: Excerpt of a Generic PIID and PIID: REQM (generic) SG 1 Manage Requirements DA could be SP 1.1 Obtain an Contracting, Customer Specification Understanding of Requirements REQM Preferred DA Suggested Comment for DA could be Contracting Side 1 (chapter 1.1) of the contracting shows usually a signature of the project's client as commitment to requirements (Chapter 2.1). (specific) SG 1 Manage Requirements DA SP 1.1 Obtain an Contracting (Doc Nr. 1) Understanding of Requirements Comment for DA IA OPL (Doc.-Nr. 4) Side 1 (chapter 1.1) of the contracting shows the signature of Mr. Meier as the project's client (additionally you can find him in the Stakeholderlist as requirementsprovider, Doc.-Nr. 7). Requirements of this Project can be found in Chapter 2.1. Comment for IA In Line #7 and #24 measures resulting by telecons with the requirements provider (Mr. Meier) can be found. General hints for implementing PIIDs: T Implement PIIDs for a master project first. T Search for one preferred DA and don’t spent much time for IAs. 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 23 Phase Maintaining PIIDs I/III Impact of Generic Practices on Maintaining PIIDs: Implementing generic PIIDs Preparing PIID implementation PIID creation Implementing PIIDs GP 2.2 GP 2.3 GP 2.5 GP 2.6 GP 2.7 GP 2.8 The PIIDs must be baselined at specific milestones (e.g. Revised PIID). Appointments with the Appraisal Team: T The way of communication the open issues has to be agreed on and tracked. T Milestones for revised PIIDs has to be fixed. Maintaining PIIDs = has significant impact = no significant impact 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 24 GP 2.4 Phase Maintaining PIIDs II/III Phases of SCAMPI Appraisal Start of Scampi Readiness Review Final Findings PIID creation Implementing generic PIIDs Preparing PIID implementation Process descriptions and Project documents Revised PIID 1 Master PIID Implementing PIIDs PIID creation plan T T Actions Status AT Status PIID 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 25 Maintaining PIIDs Open Issues: T Revised PIID 2 PIIDs Phase Maintaining PIIDs III/III Real-World Example: Excerpt of a PIID and appropriate open issues: REQM SG 1 Manage Requirements DA SP 1.1 Obtain an Contracting (Doc Nr. 1) Understanding of Requirements Comment for DA IA Comment for IA OPL (Doc.-Nr. 4) Side 1 (chapter 1.1) of the contracting shows the signature of Mr. Meier as the project's client (additionally you can find him in the Stakeholderlist as requirementsprovider, Doc.-Nr. 7). Requirements of this Project can be found in Chapter 2.1. In Line #7 and #24 measures resulting by telecons with the requirements provider (Mr. Meier) can be found. REQM SG 1 Manage Requirements DA SP 1.1 Obtain an Contracting (Doc Nr. 1) Understanding of Requirements IA Action to do OPL (Doc.-Nr. 4) CRL shows, that there must be newer version of the contracting. We would like to see it here. Status by AT OPEN Status by PIID Creator Contracting (Doc Nr.1) is now the one from December 2004 (Newest version). Comment PIID Creator Closed General hint for maintaining PIIDs: T F2F is preferred, don’t communicate by means of documents (e.g. Open Issues). 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 26 Agenda T What does it mean creating PIIDs? T New approach for PIID creation T Phases of the PIID creation process T Conclusion 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 27 Conclusion Proposed PIID creation Typical PIID creation Maturity: T Process: T Capability level 0 to 1 PIID creation is based on uncertain estimations of effort and is driven by ad hoc activities. T capability level 2 T The PIID creation process: T T T T Tools: T Office Tools (e.g. Excel) T Implementing generic PIIDs Preparing PIID implementation Implementing PIIDs Maintaining PIIDs. Assessment tools The proposed process was applied successfully by Vector Consulting. T Approximately 10 applications T Different organizations and Lead Appraisers T Perfectly repeatable process is based on experience and measurement values 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 28 Thank you for your attention. For additional information about Vector Consulting please have a look at: www.vector-consulting.de Author: Dr. Arnulf Braatz Vector Consulting GmbH Ingersheimer Str. 24 70499 Stuttgart 2006 Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vector. © 2006. Slide: 29