How to Complete Performance Graphs in Content-Based Image Retrieval:


How to Complete Performance Graphs in Content-Based Image Retrieval:
VOL. 27, NO. 2,
How to Complete Performance Graphs
in Content-Based Image Retrieval:
Add Generality and Normalize Scope
Dionysius P. Huijsmans and Nicu Sebe, Member, IEEE
Abstract—The performance of a Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system, presented in the form of Precision-Recall or
Precision-Scope graphs, offers an incomplete overview of the system under study: The influence of the irrelevant items (embedding) is
obscured. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive and well-normalized description of the ranking performance compared to the
performance of an Ideal Retrieval System defined by ground-truth for a large number of predefined queries. We advocate
normalization with respect to relevant class size and restriction to specific normalized scope values (the number of retrieved items). We
also propose new three and two-dimensional performance graphs for total recall studies in a range of embeddings.
Index Terms—Multimedia information systems, information retrieval, content-based image retrieval, performance evaluation.
HE motivation for this work came up during the
experiments carried out on our Leiden 19th-Century
Portrait Database (LCPD). This database presently contains
21,094 photographic portraits with as many studio logos (on
the separately scanned backsides). These logos are manually grouped into 1,856 nonoverlapping logo classes with an
average size of almost eight relevant unordered items;
relevant class size is in the range [2, 308]. A more extensive
description of this ground-truth test set can be found in [8].
Each relevant class item was taken in turn to perform a
content-based query by example search. Evaluations were
based on the average number of its remaining relevant class
members retrieved within various scopes (number of
retrieved items), using different indexing feature vectors,
different similarity measures, and for different relevant
class sizes. By changing the size of the embedding (the
number of irrelevant items in the database) for a specific
relevant class size, we obtained a series of Precision-Recall
(PR) curves (Fig. 1) for the performance of a ranking
method based on the gray-level histogram as a feature
vector and L1 as a metric for similarity. One observes by
looking at this figure that it contains both well-performing
curves (the ones at the top) and bad-performing curves (the
ones at the lower left side). The reason behind this widely
varying performance behavior is the effect of the changing
fraction of relevant items in the database. This relevant
fraction, known as generality, is a major parameter for
performance characterization that is often neglected or
ignored. The fact that generality for a class of relevant items
. D.P. Huijsmans is with the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer
Science, Leiden University, PO Box 9512, 2300 RA Leiden, The
Netherlands. E-mail: [email protected].
. N. Sebe is with the Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam, Kruislaan
403, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands. E-mail: [email protected].
Manuscript received 5 Dec. 2003; revised 16 Apr. 2004; accepted 9 June 2004.
Recommended for acceptance by C. Schmid.
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:
[email protected], and reference IEEECS Log Number TPAMI-0399-1203.
0162-8828/05/$20.00 ß 2005 IEEE
in a large embedding database is often 0 does not mean
that its exact low level will not count. A continually
growing embedding of irrelevant items around a constant
size class of relevant items will normally (in the case of
polysemantic or noisy keys) lower the overall PR curve (for
the user) to unacceptable low levels, as is shown in Fig. 1.
In general, the dynamic growth of the database might
result in a relative growth that is equal for both relevant
items and irrelevant embedding items. In this case, the
PR graph would remain at the same generality level.
Moreover, a constant retrieval recall rate would mean that
the scope, used to retrieve these relevant items, would have
to increase with the same percentage as well. Hence, it
would be advantageous to couple the scope to the expected
size of the relevant class.
The performance characterization of content-based image and audio retrieval often borrows from performance
figures developed over the past 30 years for probabilistic
text retrieval. Landmarks in the text retrieval field are the
books by Salton [5] and van Rijsbergen [18], as well as the
proceedings of the annual ACM SIGIR and NIST TREC
Shortcomings of Single Measures. In probabilistic text
retrieval, like in [18], the NIST TREC [20] and MPEG-7
descriptor performance evaluation [9] authors often go for
single measure performance characterizations. These single
measures are based on ranking results within a limited
scope without taking into account both the size of the
relevant class and the effect of changing either the size or
the nature of the embedding irrelevant items. By their
nature, these single measures have limited use because their
value will only have a meaning for standardized comparisons, where most of the retrieval parameters, such as the
embedding, relevant class size, and scope are kept constant.
Shortcomings of Precision-Recall Graphs. In the area of
probabilistic retrieval, the results of performance measurements are often presented in the form of Precision-Recall
and Precision-Scope graphs. Each of these standard
performance graphs provides the user with incomplete
Published by the IEEE Computer Society
Fig. 1. Typical precision-recall curves for retrieval of a constant size
relevant class of eight items embedded in a growing number of irrelevant
items (max 32,000) using a ranking method based on gray-level
histogram intersection. The relevant fraction or generality for each curve
is given by its g value.
information about how the Information Retrieval System
will perform for various relevant class sizes and various
embedding sizes. Generality (influence of the relevant
fraction) as a system parameter hardly seems to play a role
in performance analysis [1], [12], [19]. Although generality
may be left out as a performance indicator when competing
methods are tested under constant generality conditions, it
appears to be neglected even in cases where generality is
widely varying (a wide range of relevant class sizes in one
specific database is the most frequently encountered
The lack of generality information in Precision-Recall
and Precision-Scope graphs makes it difficult to compare
different sized Information Retrieval Systems and to find
out how the performance will degrade when the irrelevant
embedding is largely increased. Hence, the performance of
a scaled-up version of a prototype retrieval system cannot
be predicted. The recent overview of [11] does not mention
generality as one of the required parameters for performance
evaluation. However, in [10], the same authors convincingly
show how the evaluation results depend on the particular
content of the database. These considerations led us to reevaluate the performance measurements for CBIR and the
way these performance measures are visualized in graphs
[3]. How can we make the performance measures for image
queries on test databases more complete, so that the results
of specific studies cannot only be used to select the better
method, but can also be used to make comparisons between
different system sizes and different domains? In the next
section, we argue that the present measures and, in
particular, the Precision-Recall Graph, are not only unsuited
for comparing different systems, but are often also flawed
in their use of averaging over various relevant class sizes
and embedding ratios.
In Information Retrieval (IR), the user having specified a
query would like the system to return some or all of the
items (either documents, images, or sounds) that are in
some sense part of the same semantic relevant class, i.e., the
relevant fraction of the database with respect to this query
for this user at this time. This includes target searches [2]
where one is aiming at solitary hits (relevant class size
being one).
VOL. 27, NO. 2,
In a testing environment, the performance of the
Retrieval System in its selection of database items that are
retrieved should be compared to the equivalent situation
where ground-truth has been constructed. An Ideal
Information Retrieval System would mimic this groundtruth. Such an Ideal IR System would quickly present the
user some or all of the relevant material and nothing more.
The user would value this Ideal System as being either
100 percent effective or being without (0 percent) error. In
this paper, we will refer to this Ideal System as the Total
Recall Ideal System (TRIS). In practice, however, IR Systems
are often far from ideal; generally, the query results shown
to the user (a finite list of retrieved elements) are incomplete
(containing only some retrieved relevant class items) and
polluted (with retrieved but irrelevant items).
Let us now characterize a CBIR system using the
following set of parameters:
number of relevant items for a particular
query ¼ relevant class size ¼ c;
number of irrelevant items for a particular
query ¼ embedding size ¼ e;
ranking method ¼ m;
number of retrieved items from the top
of the ranking list ¼ scope ¼ s;
number of visible relevant items within scope ¼ v;
total number of items in the ranked
database ¼ database size ¼ ðc þ eÞ ¼ d:
In this set-up, the class of relevant items is considered
unordered and everything that precedes a particular
ranking (like user feedback) is condensed into ranking
method. Since the relevant outcome of a particular query, v,
is a function of class size, c, embedding size, e, ranking
method, m, and scope, s, the performance is determined by
the particular combination of the four free parameters. We
will concentrate on retrieval settings where the embedding
items vastly outnumber the relevant class items, e c and,
hence, d e:
v ¼ fðc; d; m; sÞ:
In general, the average performance will be graphed for a
number of ranking methods to completely specify the
retrieval system performance for a ground checked set of
v ¼ vm ¼ fðc; d; sÞ:
In our opinion, a characterization of the Retrieval System
performance should be based on the well-established
decision support theory, similar to the way decision tables
or contingency tables are analyzed in [6]. From a quantitative decision-support methodology, our Query By Example (QBE) situation can be characterized for each ranking
method by a series of decision tables (see, for instance, [17])
or, as they are also called, contingency tables [6]. A decision
class size c and retain information about the effect of a
vastly growing embedding e.
Categories and Marginals for the Contingency Tables
P = Positive, N = Negative, F P = False Positive, F N = False Negative,
T P = True Positive, T N = True Negative, R = Retrieved, NR = Not
Retrieved, DB = Database size. In TRIS, v ¼ s ¼ c and T P ¼ P ¼ R.
2.2 Additional Normalization of Scope
Remembering TRIS, the total recall ideal system introduced
before, and observing the ratios in (10) and (11), we propose
to further normalize performance figures by restricting
scopes to values that have a constant ratio with respect to
the class sizes involved:
sr ¼ relevant scope ¼
table for a ranking method represents a 2 2 matrix of a
(relevant, irrelevant) versus (retrieved, not retrieved)
number of items for different choices of scope, s, relevant
class size, c, and embedding, e. It can also be seen as the
database division according to the ground-truth versus its
division according to Content-Based Information Retrieval
at specific scope. The CBIR preferred choice of contingency
table descriptors is given next to the Decision Support
naming scheme in Table 1.
In general, the aim is to minimize a weighted combination of False Positives and False Negatives:
minðF P þ ð1 ÞF NÞ with 2 ½0:0; 1:0:
2.1 Normalized Performance Measures
In this section, we will examine possible normalized views
on [0, 1] or [0 percent, 100 percent] to express system
performance in terms of expected success rate. In particular,
we would like to show how a particular class of relevant
items c is successfully retrieved within an evergrowing
embedding e. The performance or relevant outcome of the
query, v from (8), can be normalized by division through
either c, s, or d:
v=c ¼ recall ¼ r ¼ fð1; d=c; s=cÞ ¼ fðd=c; s=cÞ;
v=s ¼ precision ¼ p ¼ fðc=s; d=s; 1Þ ¼ fðc=s; d=sÞ;
v=d ¼ fðc=d; 1; s=dÞ ¼ fðc=d; s=dÞ with c=d ¼ generality
¼ g ¼ expected random retrieval rate:
Equation (12) is not very useful in this form since both a low
v and a high d will result into low performance figures
(especially in our case of d e c).
Recall and precision are widely used in combination
(Precision-Recall graph) to characterize retrieval performance, usually giving rise to the well-known hyperbolic
graphs from high precision, low recall towards low precision,
high recall values. Precision and recall values are usually
averaged over precision or recall bins without regard to
class size, scope, or embedding conditions. The fact that
these are severe shortcomings can be seen from (10) and
(11), where recall and precision outcomes are mutually
dependent and may vary according to the embedding
situation. How the dependency of precision and recall
restricts the resulting outcomes is described in Section 2.3;
how it affects the way p; r value pairs should be averaged is
described in Section 2.4. In the next section, we will further
normalize the performance description resulting in measures that are all normalized with respect to the relevant
relevant class size
s r
¼ ¼ a ¼ constant:
c p
With this relevant scope restriction, (10) and (11) become:
r ¼ fð1; d=c; ac=cÞ ¼ fð1; d=c; aÞ ¼ fðd=cÞ;
p ¼ r=a ¼ fðc=ac; d=ac; 1Þ ¼ fð1=a; d=ac; 1Þ ¼ fðd=cÞ: ð15Þ
This additional normalization of scope, with respect to class
size c, means that the degrees of freedom for performance
measures are further lowered from two to one; only recall or
precision values have to be graphed versus an embedding
measure. Our preferred choice for the constant a in (13) is to
set a ¼ 1. With this setting, one actually normalizes the
whole Table 1 (now with s ¼ c) by c, thus restricting one’s
view to what happens along the diagonal of the PrecisionRecall Graph where p ¼ r. This view coincides with a
comparison of the retrieval system under study with TRIS
(see Section 2.3).
The only remaining dependency in this set-up (apart
from the method employed) is on d=c. In (12), its inverse
was defined as generality or the expected success-rate of a
random retrieval method. Although generality g is a
normalized measure, we will not graph it as such because
this would completely obscure the performance behavior
for our case of interest, a range of e d c. Instead, we
propose to graph p ¼ r=a versus log2 ðgÞ or log2 ðd=cÞ to
make the generality axis unbounded by giving equal space
to each successive doubling of the embedding with respect
to the relevant class size.
2.2.1 PR Graphs: The Restriction to a Generality Plane
and Addition of Generality Information
The general three-dimensional retrieval performance characterization can be presented in 2D as a set of PrecisionRecall graphs (for instance, at integer logarithmic generality
levels) to show how the p; r values decline due to successive
halving of the relevant fraction. In this paper, another
attractive plane in three-dimensional Generality-PrecisionRecall space, the Precision=Recall plane (see Fig. 4), will be
advocated for the characterization of system performance.
In general, Precision-Recall graphs have been used as if
the generality level would not matter and any p; r; g curve
can be projected on a g ¼ constant plane of the threedimensional performance space. However, our experiments
reported in [4] show (at least for Narrow-Domain CBIR
embeddings) that it does matter and, therefore, PrecisionRecall graphs should only be used to present performance
evaluations when there is a more or less constant and
clearly specified generality level. Only the Total Recall Ideal
VOL. 27, NO. 2,
Fig. 2. (a) Lines along which p; r values are located at relevant class size = 4 for several scopes. (b) Lines along which p; r values for retrieved
relevant class size = 1 (relevant class of 2, 1 used for query, max 1 for retrieval) are located. (c) p; r values for ideal retrieval are 1, r for r < 1; for
scope size > relevant class size, p drops slowly toward the random level, c=d.
System (TRIS) as described for the PR graph is insensitive to
generality by definition.
Scope Graphs Contained in P-R Graphs:
Normalized Scope
In this section, we will show that although many authors
present Precision-Scope or Recall-Scope graphs, these
graphs can be directly extracted from the Precision-Recall
Information about the effect of changing the scope on the
measured precision and recall values can be made visible in
the Precision-Recall graph by taking into account that
possible precision, recall outcomes are restricted to lay on a
line in the PR-graph radiating from the origin. This is due to
the fact that the definitions of the system parameters
precision (see (11)) and recall (see (10)) have the same
numerator v and are, therefore, not independent. The
dependent pair of p; r values and its relation to scope
becomes even more pronounced when scope is normalized
with respect to the number of relevant items, as defined by
(13). We call this measure relevant scope and present
p; r values accompanied by their relevant scope line
(radiating from the origin). So, for each scope s ¼ a c with
an arbitrary positive number a, sr ¼ a, and the p; r values
are restricted to the line p ¼ r=a. In Fig. 2a, several constant
scope lines for retrieval of a relevant class of four additional
relevant class members are shown.
With these relevant scope lines drawn in the PrecisionRecall graph, one understands much better what the
p; r values mean. In the ideal case (see Fig. 2c), precision p
will run along p ¼ 1:0 for recall r 2 ½0:0; 1:0Þ and reach p; r ¼
1:0; 1:0 (the TRIS point) when scope equals relevant class size
(s ¼ c); for scopes greater than relevant class size, precision
will slowly drop from p ¼ 1:0 along r ¼ 1:0 until the
random level p ¼ c=d at s ¼ d is reached.
Also depending on relevant class size, the region to the
left of p ¼ r=c cannot be reached (solving the difficulty in
PR-graphs for selecting a precision value for recall ¼ 0:0) as
well as the region below p ¼ dr=c. This means that for the
smallest relevant class of two members where one of the
relevant class members is used to locate its single partner,
the complete upper-left half of the PR graph is out of reach
(see Fig. 2b).
Because the diagonal s ¼ c line presents the hardest case
for a retrieval system (last chance of precision being max 1.0
and first chance of recall being max 1.0) and is the only line
that covers all relevant class sizes (see Fig. 2b), the best total
recall system performance presentation would be the
p ¼ r plane in the three-dimensional GReP Graph (Generality-Precision-Recall Graph).
2.4 Radial Averaging of Precision, Recall Values
For system performance, one normally averages the discrete
sets of precision and recall values from single queries by
averaging precision, recall values without paying attention to
the generality or scope values associated with those measurements. To compensate for the effect generality values have
on the outcome of the averaging procedures, different ways
of averaging are applied, like the micro and macroaveraging used in text-retrieval [16]. In the critical review [13],
the authors state, with respect to averaging precision and
recall values within the same database, that precision values
should be averaged by using constant scope or cut-off
values, rather than using constant recall values.
The fact stressed in Section 2.3 that p; r results have
associated generality and relevant scope values also has
implications for the way average PR curves should be made
up. Instead of averaging p; r values within recall or scope
bins, one should average p; r values along constant relevant
scope lines and only those that share a common generality
value. When averaging for query results obtained from a
constant size test database, the restriction to averaging over
outcomes of queries with constant relevant class sizes
(constant generality value) will automatically result in
identical micro and macroaverages. The view expressed
by [13] should, therefore, even be refined: the recipe of
averaging measured precision, recall values over their
associated constant scope values only should further be
refined to our recipe of averaging p; r values over constant
associated sr ; g values only.
An example of the way we determine an average
p; r curve out of two individual curves with a shared
generality value is given in Fig. 3. The figure illustrates how
averaging recall values in constant precision boxes (pboxaveraging) overestimates precision at low recall values while
underestimating it at high recall values, whereas averaging
of precision values in constant recall boxes (rbox-averaging)
underestimates precision at low recall while overestimating
it at high recall values. In case of averaging discrete
precision, recall values, the errors introduced by not
averaging radially (along constant relevant scope sr ) can
be even more dramatic.
Performance (BEP) measure used in MPEG-7 for shape and
motion descriptors [9], but extended to include the effect of
generality on the performance. Another well-known associated overall measure (but without taking generality into
account) is van Rijsbergen’s E-measure, which we discuss in
the next section.
A Generalization of Van Rijsbergen’s
E -measure
To show how our GRiP Graph fits into the Information
Retrieval literature, we will discuss van Rijsbergen’s
E-measure that, for a specific parameter setting, will be
shown to be equivalent to a GRiP value for a specific
generality value.
The parameterized E-measure of van Rijsbergen [18]:
Fig. 3. Average PR-curves obtained from a low and a high-performing
PR-curve for two queries with class size 16 embedded in 21.094 images.
The figure shows how large the difference can be between radial
averaging compared to either precision-box averaging or recall-box
In the light of our user’s Total Recall Ideal System,
introduced earlier, one can highlight the system performance by restricting to the diagonal plane in GeneralityRecall-Precision space. This plane contains the precision,
recall values where relevant scopes are one (s ¼ c). Therefore, in this case, we obtain the most unifying view on
system performance with recall ¼ precision.
The two-dimensional graph, showing p; r values as a
function of g (on a logarithmic scale), will be called the
Generality-Recall=Precision Graph, GRiP Graph for short
(see Fig. 4a and Fig. 4b). For Total Recall studies, one could
present several GRiP related graphs for planes in the
GReP Graph, where recall ¼ nprecision corresponding to
the situation where the scope for retrieval is a multiple of
the relevant class size (sr ¼ n). We shall denote these
Generality-Recall=nPrecision Graphs as GRnP Graphs;
obviously, the GRiP Graph corresponds to the GR1P Graph.
By showing system performance for GR1P and GR2P,
indicating the performance for sr ¼ 1 and sr ¼ 2, the
usability of the system for Total Recall would be well
characterized. Its function can be compared to the Bull’s Eye
E ¼1
ð1=pÞ þ ð1 Þð1=rÞ
is a normalized Error-measure where a low value of favors recall and a high value of favors precision. E will be
0 for an ideal system with both precision and recall values at
1 (and, in this case, irrespective of ). Van Rijsbergen [18]
favors the setting of ¼ 0:5, a choice giving equal weight to
precision and recall and giving rise to the normalized
symmetric difference as a good single number indicator of
system performance (or rather system error):
Error ¼ Eð ¼ 0:5Þ ¼ 1 1
ð1=2pÞ þ ð1=2rÞ
The problem with this E-measure is fourfold:
An intuitive best value of 1 (or 100 percent) is to be
preferred; this can easily be remedied by inverting
the [1,0] range by setting E to its range inverted and
more simple form:
Effectiveness ¼ 1 Eð ¼ 0:5Þ ¼
ð1=2pÞ þ ð1=2rÞ
An indication of generality (database fraction of
relevant class size) is missing completely.
Fig. 4. (a) The 3D GReP Graph with the p ¼ r plane (with random and s ¼ c results for different generality values) holding the GRiP Graph. (b) The
2D GRiP Graph p ¼ r. Values for scope size = relevant class size as a logarithmic function of generality.
An indication of expected random retrieval performance is missing.
An indication of expected scope is missing; for the
user, the length of the list to be inspected is very
important, so knowing precision as a function of scope
is highly appreciated.
To best compare Information Retrieval System Performance between competing methods and among systems,
one would rather like to use a normalized triple like
f log2 ðgÞ; r; pg (log generality, recall, and precision). Then,
(18) using (10) and (11) becomes:
Effectiveness ¼
In the case of the p ¼ r plane, where s ¼ c and p ¼ r ¼
v=c, this becomes:
Effectiveness ¼
¼ ¼ p ¼ r:
cþc c
This shows that van Rijsbergen’s inverted E-measure at
¼ 0:5 will turn into our GRiP Graph (Generality-Recall=
Precison Graph) by taking into account that it is a function
of generality:
EffectivenessðgÞ ¼
¼ pðgÞ ¼ rðgÞ:
The system performance would then be given by EðgÞ or,
rather, Eð log2 gÞ (effectiveness as a function of generality).
By subtracting random performance or generality g (12)
from the E-measure (21), a simple performance measure E is obtained that indicates the gain with respect to a random
retrieval method; for large generalities, in most cases, E E when pðgÞ g and g 0:0. For comparison with TRIS at
s ¼ c, pðgÞ ¼ rðgÞ and
E ðgÞ ¼ rðgÞ g ¼ pðgÞ g;
which corresponds to the shaded area in Fig. 4b. E ðgÞ
penalizes the use of small embeddings in retrieval tests, but
will approximate EðgÞ for large embeddings.
The fact that one of the CBIR performance descriptors,
generality, is graphed logarithmically prevents us from
characterizing retrieval performance by a single overall
measure by taking the area under the graph, like the
A-measure suggested by Swets as early as 1963 [15], for
Information Retrieval and which was shown to correspond to
the area under the Recall-Fallout Graph by Robertson in [14].
We have shown that, for a complete performance evaluation, one has to carry out controlled retrieval tests with
queries for which ground-truth can provide the relevant
class sizes. The performance is measured for various
ranking methods within a range of scope and generality
Since it is often too costly and labor intensive to construct
the complete ground-truth for the queries used, we will
indicate what could be done in terms of evaluation when
knowledge about relevant class sizes c and, as a result, recall
and generality values are missing.
VOL. 27, NO. 2,
First, let us make a distinction between Laboratory and
Practical CBIR systems. We propose to reserve the name
Laboratory CBIR system for those performance studies
where complete ground-truth has become available. For
these systems, a complete performance evaluation in the
form of Generality-Recall-Precision Graphs for a set of test
queries and for a number of competing ranking methods
can be obtained.
Any CBIR retrieval study that lacks complete groundtruth will be called a Practical system study. In Practical
system evaluation, one normally has a set of queries and a
database of known size d. Because ground-truth is missing,
relevant class size c is unknown. The only two free controls
of the experimenters are the scope s and the ranking
method m. Relevance judgments have to be given within
the scopes used to determine the number of relevant
answers. Of the three Laboratory system evaluation parameters, precision, recall, and generality, only precision ¼ v=s
is accurately known. For recall, due to knowing v but not c,
only a lower bound v=ðd s þ vÞ is known. For generality,
only a lower bound g ¼ v=d is known. In general, for
practical studies, one characterizes the performance as
Precision-Scope Graphs or one uses single measures
obtained from the weighted ranks of the relevant items
within scope.
The problem with any Practical system study is that one
cannot interpret the results in terms of ”expected completeness” (recall) and the results are therefore only useful in
terms of economic value of the system: how many items
will I have to inspect extra, to obtain an extra relevant item?
Actually, with some extra effort, the analysis of a Practical
system can be enhanced to that of an estimated Laboratory
system by using the fact that generality, in terms of relevant
fraction, is identical to the expected precision (see (12)) when
using a random ranking method.
Experimenters that have access to the ranking mechanism of a retrieval system can thus obtain estimates for
generality g and, hence, estimates for relevant class size c
and recall r to complete their performance evaluation. The
extra effort required would be the making of relevance
judgments for a series of randomly ranked items within
some long enough scope for each query.
We surveyed how the role of embeddings in Content-Based
Image Retrieval performance graphs is taken care of and
found it to be lacking. This can be overcome by adding a
generality component. We also noted that one is not aware
of the scope information present in a Precision-Recall Graph
and the lack of comparison with random performance. The
present practice of averaging precision, recall values in recall
or precision boxes conflicts with the way precision and recall
are dependently defined.
We conclude that Precision-Recall Graphs can only be
used when plotting precision, recall values obtained under a
common, mentioned, generality value which coincides with
the random performance level. Therefore, to complete
performance space we extended the traditional 2D Precision-Recall graph to the 3D GReP Graph (Generality-RecallPrecision Graph) by adding a logarithmic generality dimension. Moreover, due to the dependency of precision and
recall, their combined values can only lay on a line in the PR
Graph determined by the scope used to obtain their values.
Scopes, therefore, can be shown in the PR Graph as a set of
radiating lines. A normalized view on scope, relevant scope,
makes the intuitive notion of scope much simpler. Also,
averaging precision, recall values should be done along
constant relevant scope lines and only for those p; r values
that have the same generality value.
Our recipe is as follows: From the ranking lists d, c, s, and
v are determined for each query and from these an
associated set of normalized values p; r; g; sr are computed.
p; r; g values can be used to construct the GReP graph. Note
that the sr value is only needed in the case where one wants
to average over sets of p; r values. Averaging should be
restricted to those p; r measurements that share common
sr ; g values.
For Total Recall System performance, we advocated a
comparison with the Total Recall Ideal System performance
by using a special plane in the GReP Graph, the 2D GRiP
Graph (Generality-Recall=Precision Graph), showing the
diagonal of the PR Graphs (recall and precision being equal
on the diagonal of the PR graph) as a logarithmic function
of generality. In this way, statements can be made about
what to expect from the system for the retrieval of specific
relevant class sizes in a range of embedding database sizes.
We also make a distinction between Laboratory CBIR
Systems and Practical CBIR Systems: for Laboratory
Systems, complete ground-truth is available, for Practical
Systems, it is lacking but can be estimated.
The extensions to performance graphs, suggested in this
paper, make it possible to better compare performance
figures within growing CBIR systems (by explicit mentioning of the generality level) and make it possible to infer
precision and recall as a function of normalized scope,
reducing the need for additional precision or recall versus
scope graphs next to Precision-Recall graphs. For the
evaluation of the performance, in relation to continually
growing database sizes, the GRiP Graph (GeneralityRecall=Precision Graph) offers the best overall IR System
performance overview since this graph shows how well the
system in question approaches TRIS. A simple variant and
generalization of van Rijsbergen’s E-measure was shown to
describe retrieval effectiveness in the same way.
Finally, a critical note on the usefulness of generality and
relevant scope performance measures: Because the degradation effect of a growing embedding depends on both its
size and its nature, a real comparison between systems, to
determine the better ranking methods, is only possible in
publicly available benchmarks with ground-truth test
queries, like Benchathlon [7]. We have therefore offered
our test database of B/W portraits and logo’s plus groundtruth and test queries for inclusion in such a benchmark.
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Dionysius P. Huijsmans received the PhD
degree in mathematics and physics from the
University of Amsterdam in 1982. From 1982 to
1985, he did postdoctoral research aimed at
three-dimensional reconstruction from seril sections at the Laboratory for Medical Physics in
Amsterdam. Since 1985, he has been with
Leiden University in the Netherlands as an
assistant professor at the LIACS and ASCI
Research school. His main research area is
computer imagery and multimedia searches with noisy keys.
Nicu Sebe is an assistant professor in the
Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam,
The Netherlands, where he is doing research in
the areas of multimedia information retrieval and
human-computer interaction in computer vision
applications. He is the author of the book Robust
Computer Vision—Theory and Applications
(Kluwer, April 2003) and of the upcoming book
Machine Learning in Computer Vision. He was a
guest editor of a CVIU special issue on video
retrieval and summarization (December 2003) and was the cochair of
the fifth ACM Multimedia Information Retrieval Workshop, MIR ’03 (in
conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2003), and of the first Human
Computer Interaction Workshop, HCI ’04 (in conjunction with ECCV
2004). He acts as the cochair of the sixth ACM Multimedia Information
Retrieval Workshop, MIR ’04 (in conjunction with ACM Multimedia
2004). He was also the technical program chair for the International
Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, CIVR 2003. He has
published more than 50 technical papers in the areas of computer
vision, content-based retrieval, pattern recognition, and human-computer interaction and has served on the program committee of several
conferences in these areas. He is a member of the IEEE and the ACM.