HOW TO CONFIGURE VIZTEK INTEGRATION WITH TRAUMACAD This procedure applies to OPAL-RAD and TraumaCad 2.3.X This integration is composed of 2 integration options for the users: 1. USING A TEMPLATING ICON IN THE OPAL-RAD STUDY LIST a. On the OPAL server, navigate to the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\OpalWeb\Scripts folder and open the Studylist.js file in notepad b. Search for the term ‘TraumaCad’ c. Make sure the TraumaCad section looks like the below example (the bolded fonts represents the integration argument) function openTraumaCad(studyUID, currPort, username) { setCenter(650,350); SetNavToAdmin(true); //var url = window.parent.document.location.protocol+"//"+window.parent.document.location.hostname+": "+currPort+"/TraumacadServer/MainService/index.aspx?autostart=1&kill=1&studyuid="+studyUID; var url = "http://"+window.parent.document.location.hostname+":9090/TraumacadServer/Main/index.aspx?autos tart=1&kill=1&studyuid="+studyUID; // var url = "" + username + "&DICOMRETRIEVE=[0x0020][0x000D]:" + studyUID; //alert(url);,'TraumaCad','width=650,height=350,top='+topPos+',left='+leftPos); if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()} return false; } d. Save the file e. Restart IIS on the server 1 SP2U00512_A_ How To Configure Viztek Integration With TraumaCad 2. USING THE EXTERNAL TOOLS MENU IN THE OPAL VIEWER a. Login to OPAL web on the server and select a study to launch the OPAL viewer on the server b. Click on the Main Menu icon and select Settings -> Edit (as highlighted in the screenshot below) 2 SP2U00512_A_ How To Configure Viztek Integration With TraumaCad c. Under External Tools\Integrations, click on the TraumaCadWeb option d. Modify the Arguments text box to meet the following argument: http://<SERVER_IP_OR_FQDN>:9090/TraumacadServer/Main/index.aspx?autostart=1&Studyuid=${STUID} Make sure to replace the <SERVER_IP_OR_FQDN> parameter in the argument with the server IP address or FQDN of the server you configure this on e. Click on the Update button and then on the Save button and close the viewer 3 SP2U00512_A_ How To Configure Viztek Integration With TraumaCad INTEGRATION EXAMPLES TEMPLATING ICON IN THE OPAL-RAD STUDY LIST Launch the OPAL-RAD study list and search for the study you would like to template on and click on the T (Templating) Icon in the work-list (as highlighted below) TraumaCad client will then be launched with all images from the requested study (Please note – you might be prompt to install the TraumaCad client if it wasn’t installed already) 4 SP2U00512_A_ How To Configure Viztek Integration With TraumaCad EXTERNAL TOOLS MENU IN THE OPAL VIEWER Launch the OPAL-RAD study list and search for the study you would like to template on Double click on the study line in the Study List to launch the study in the OPAL viewer Inside the OPAL viewer, right click on the image Select the External Tools menu item and then TraumaCadW (as highlighted in the screenshot below) 5 SP2U00512_A_ How To Configure Viztek Integration With TraumaCad
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