CORPUS CHRISTI (Sunday 22 June 2014)
CORPUS CHRISTI (Sunday 22 June 2014)
CORPUS CHRISTI (Sunday 22 June 2014) WELCOME TO ST JOHN’S CHURCH, DEE WHY St John’s is a place of soul-stirring worship, challenging preaching, fine art and music, warm fellowship and outreach. It remains as Dee Why’s oldest institution. We are an Anglican parish in the Catholic Tradition of Anglicanism, which: welcomes everyone seeks to live the life of Christ in community reaches out in love to others to share this life If you are a baptised communicant Christian from another Church you are welcome to receive Holy Communion with us today, or you may choose to come forward to receive a blessing. Please join us for refreshments after all services. as we celebrate CORPUS CHRISTI (Sunday 22 June 2014) 8:00am Hymns: Setting: 10:00am Hymns: Setting: Motet: Voluntary: 4:00pm 6:00pm Hymns: Psalm: Introit: Canticles: Responses: Anthem: Voluntary: Holy Eucharist 517, 520, 531 (TIS) Holy Trinity Mass (Ross) Family Eucharist with Godly Play 517, 520, 531 (TIS) Missa Sanctae Ceciliae (Brumby) Ave Verum (Mozart) Passacaglia in D minor BuxWV 161 (Buxtehude) Adult Preparation for the Sacraments Choral Evensong sung by The Cathedral Singers See Hymn Sheet 150 O Taste and See (Ralph Vaughan-Williams) Thomas Attwood Walmisley in D minor William Smith Greater love (John Ireland) Le banquet celeste (Olivier Messiaen) St John’s Anglican Church acknowledges the traditional custodians of this land and pays respect to all Aboriginal people, and to their families past and present. For more information please visit our website FROM THE RECTOR 22 June 2014 Dear Friends, The feast of Corpus Christi (the Body and Blood of Christ) gives us the opportunity to reflect on Jesus’ wonderful gift to us of himself in the Holy Eucharist. In the Blessed Sacrament we participate in and show forth Christ’s saving passion and death, receive his divine life and experience his presence and love. The Eucharist is not an optional extra for those Christians who might like this way of worshipping. Jesus commanded us to celebrate the Eucharist as the means whereby we are incorporated into the community of the redeemed and equipped by his grace through word and sacrament to serve him in the world. May our worship today bring us close to the Saviour who calls us to this sacred banquet. With every blessing, Fr Steven Salmon, Rector COMING EVENTS Sun 22 Jun Sat 19 Jul Sat 9 Aug Sat 23 Aug Sat 20 Sun 21 Sep Sat 11 Oct Sun 19 Oct Mon 3 Nov Sat 22 Nov Sun 23 Nov Corpus Christi Choral Evensong – Cathedral Singers 6:00pm Men’s Breakfast following 7:30am Eucharist Rising Stars of the Organ 2:00pm Trivia Night 6:00pm Weekend Festival of Music Afternoon Tea Dance 3:00pm Bear Cottage Benefit Concert 7:00pm Dedication Festival & Parish Lunch 10:00am All Souls’ Day – Fauré’s Requiem 7:30pm St John’s Parish Fête Christ the King – Cathedral Singers 10:00am PARISH NEWS Music notes for today’s Family Eucharist: The anthem this morning is a setting of the fourteenth-century Eucharistic hymn 'Ave Verum Corpus' (K618) composed by W. A. Mozart (1756-1791) in June 1791 at the spa town of Baden bei Wien, near Vienna. Mozart wrote the motet in a break during the composition of The Magic Flute. Written only six months before his death the motet foreshadows various stylistic elements of the famous Requiem. The opening of the motet is usually translated as follows: Hail, true Body, born of the Virgin Mary, who having truly suffered, was sacrificed on the cross for mankind, whose pierced side flowed with water and blood. The voluntary this morning is a series of variations over a fixed pedal motif, known in German as a Passacaglia and in English as a Chaconne. The organist Dietrich Buxtehude (c. 1637 - 1707) was a great inspiration to J. S. Bach who once walked over 200 miles to hear him play. Corpus Christi – Choral Evensong: Tonight at 6:00pm we welcome again The Cathedral Singers singing Evensong, to be followed by refreshments. This group was formed in 1989 and consists of around twenty people dedicated to excellence in church music and who perform a wide repertoire from the 16th to 21st centuries. Helpers needed, please to assist with bringing food for supper, welcome guests and join in the worship; please speak with Robyn Couch if you can help. St John’s Pins'n'Needles Group meets next on Tuesday 24 June, 9:30am to 12:30pm in the hall. For information, please speak with Pam Fisher (9939 6330) or Heather Andrews (9971 6132). St John’s weekday ministries will be in recess over the school holidays from Monday 30 June to Friday 11 July, including children’s and young people’s activities, and Wednesday Bible Studies. A well-earned break and opportunity to refresh for our many ministry leaders! Fr Steven and Dn Sandra will be taking leave over this time also; On 6 and 13 July, Fr John Butterworth is to take the Sunday morning services (to include Godly Play at 10:00am). Deacon Jenny will take the Wednesday Services and look after any funerals, however, there will be no other weekday services in the holidays; There will be no evening service on Sunday 6 July. Tom Edwards will sing Evensong on 13 July. School Holiday Arrangements: Happy Birthday to Heather Andrews (25th), Sally Bate, Ray Phelps (28th) Daily Mass: In the Eucharist we recall, proclaim and share sacramentally in Christ’s offering of himself on the Cross for our salvation. It is both a gift and a commandment from the Lord. The daily Mass is the engine that drives the parish! Please be part of this ministry of prayer and worship during the week if you are able, especially if you are coming in to St John’s anyway for some rostered duty or other purpose. (I might add that there could be no greater support and encouragement to our deacons Sandra and Jenny, and to me.) …Fr Steven St John’s Church and Community Centre – Sanctuary for all seeking purpose in life; finding and sharing hope and strength; a place for prayer, meditation, listening, learning, understanding, friendship, care, encouragement and action. Reading this week’s pew sheet, please reflect on ministries that focus on: Worship at St John’s. The people at worship are truly blessed – and through the sacraments we share those special moments – receiving and taking into our everyday lives God’s rich grace. Think about this: our own congregation at worship is one small part of the millions of men, women and children who gather united for this purpose – all denominations, all races, on all continents – all people on different paths and stages in their life journeys, but each seeking in their individual situation to discover and follow “the way, truth and life”. It is with this wider perspective that each Christian can believe, hold hope and convey the love that will truly transform the world. For our part there are many at St John’s who are actively working in this universal act of worship. Our Parish worship extends beyond the Sunday morning services to the homes of the sick and housebound, to the daily Mass and to other places where two and three are gathered in his name. It is not only Fr Steven, Dn Sandra and Dn Jenny, but also our servers, eucharistic assistants, leaders of different groups in the parish, organist and choir, readers and intercessors, sidespeople, those who prepare the gifts and other items used in the services, those who clean and maintain our church building and contents, and those who arrange fellowship and refreshments – all are privileged to be part of this great world-wide sacred offering. “How do we encourage those involved in our worship ministry”? Family home become too big? Too lonely? Living in a Serviced Apartment at Willandra Village you can continue to enjoy your independent lifestyle in a friendly and caring environment. With the added benefit of letting someone else look after the meal preparation, cleaning and heavy laundry. For more information call 1800 026 388. 81 Willandra Road Cromer HOW TO CONTACT US Where to find us: Cnr Avon Road and Oaks Avenue, Dee Why 2099 Parish Priest: Fr Steven Salmon SSC 9971 8694 (Office and Rectory). [email protected] 0417 359 792 (mob) The Rev’d Sandra Salmon (Hon) [email protected] 9971 8694 (Office and Rectory) 0409 412 798 (mob) The Rev’d Jennifer Barry (Hon) [email protected] 0457 396 323 (mob) Tel: Email: Parish Deacon: Email: Tel: Assistant Deacon: Email: Churchwardens: Email: Bev Bingham (on leave) Robyn Couch Tony Johnson [email protected] 0414 645 338 (mob) 0419 225 011 (mob) Tom Edwards [email protected] 0481 563 258 (mob) Children’s Ministry: Lynette Johnson Dn Sandra Salmon 0408 254 125 (mob) Pastoral Care: Lynette Johnson 0408 254 125 (mob) Director of Music: Email: Dn Sandra Salmon [email protected] (Baptism Preparation and Hospital Visitor) Administration: Office phone: Office hours: Office email: Maintenance: Postal address: Website: Other Parish Council Members: Graeme Couch 9971 8694 (Fax 9971 8252) 9:30am–2:00pm (Mon–Fri) [email protected] [email protected] PO Box 495 Dee Why NSW 2099 Heather Andrews Don Fisher Dudley Johnson Don Stephens Valda Ashover Pam Fisher Roz Peterson Katherine Ward 0417 287 131 (mob) Neridah Byrne Lynette Johnson Anne Seddon St John’s Parish seeks to be environmentally aware and responsible in our use of resources. THE WEEK AHEAD AT ST JOHN’S (on the corner of Avon Road and Oaks Avenue) The church is open during the day for personal prayer. Morning and Evening Prayer is normally said each day (except Tuesdays) at 8:15am and 5:15pm. Mon 23 Jun 9:30-11:15am Playtime 12:00noon Holy Eucharist (chapel) Tue 24 Jun THE BIRTH OF JOHN THE BAPTIST 9:00am Op Shop Sorting 9:30am-12:30pm Pins’n’Needles 10:00am-1:00pm Café (by appointment) Cottage Counselling 5:00-6:00pm Junior Choir Practice 7:15-8:45pm Senior Choir Practice Wed 25 Jun 10:00am Holy Eucharist with Healing Prayers 11:15am-12:30 Bible Study (by appointment) Cottage Counselling 5:30-8:30pm Street Mission: Wednesday Night Café Thu 26 Jun 9:30-11:15am Playtime 12:00noon Holy Eucharist (chapel) (by appointment) Cottage Counselling Fri 27 Jun SACRED HEART 9:00am Holy Eucharist (chapel) 10:00am-1:00pm St John’s Café 5:30pm Sacrament of Reconciliation (A priest is normally available in the church for Confessions from 5:30 pm to 6:00 pm or contact Fr Steven for other times) 6:15-7:45pm Youth Group (2nd & 4th Friday in month) Sat 28 Jun Immaculate Heart of Mary 9:00am Holy Eucharist (chapel) Sun 29 Jun SS PETER AND PAUL 8:00am Holy Eucharist 10:00am Family Eucharist 6:00 pm Evensong Morning Readings: Acts 12: 1-11; 2 Timothy 4: 6-8, 17-18; Matthew 16: 13-19 Children are always welcome in all our church services at St John's. In addition, at the 10:00am service there is Godly Play for children from three to twelve years, and our Crèche (unsupervised) where parents can take little ones if upset or restless while still following the service on the large TV screen. WE REMEMBER IN PRAYER Those who are ill: Ana, Sophie, Gill, Louise, Mary, Suru, Yvette, Michael Aitken, Margaret Baker, Annette Bird, Kay Burton, Stephen Butler, John Byrne, Luiz Castro, Nora Davidson, Gary Fenton, Marie Hansen, Leah Hermanns, Peter Hill, Joe Jones, Kerrie McAlpin, Ross Morgans, Anne Newell, Ken O’Donell, Elaine Rich, Tom Ridgway, Kevin Ross, Jan Smith, Brian Taylor, Joan Van Leeuwen, Stephen Ward, Noel Warr Others in need of prayer: Belinda, Larka, Anita, Donna, Russell, Thomas, Jasmine and Ryan, David, Greg, Leah, Lisa, Mark, Fay Baker, Virginia Baker, Elizabeth Balharry, Joy Beness, June Bennett, Cameron Browne, Bob & Margaret Brownley, Joy Burge, Craig Butler, Shirley Butler, John and Norma Byles, Susan Caldis, Dorothy Cole, Beryl Cornish, Betty Coward, John Cranfield, Fr Jim Cranswick, Anne Evans, Jean Field, Kevin Flicker, Clarrie and Stella Greaves, Norma Halford, Eric Hastings Snr, Michelle Hayden, Peter Huckleby, Margaret James, Sue Kinging, Alec, Midge Lee, Joanne Lucock, Grace MacKay, Lois Maze, Bob and Vivienne McMullin, Lilian Miles, Byron Moore, Grayden Moore, Joan Morgans, Del Nattrass, Rebecca O’Donnell, Jessica, Angus, Daniel and Lucy, Stephen Palmer, Bill and Karin Peters, Fiona Peterson, John Posener, Joan Preuss, Isabel Ridgway, Debby Roberts, Olwyn Rogers, Patricia Sara, Bob Satchell, Pam Seddon, Lena Simpkins, Denise Soltau, Don Stephens, Jill and Kareena Sutcliffe, Jennifer and Michael Taylor, Joan Taylor, Alle Tesoriero, Phil and Margaret Turley, Audette Vaughan, Cynthia Watts, Florence Watts, Kimberley Webster, Ted Wenning, Val West, John Wickes, Kath Yabsley Those who died recently: Joe Jones, Hilary Dowe, John McIntyre (bishop), Helen Mayall, Margaret Rodgers (deaconess), Gwen Goldsworthy Those whose anniversaries of death occur at this time: Adele Green (22nd), Reg Harris, Lois Greenwood (23rd), Alan Setchell (priest), Dot Edgley (24th), Vanessa Batcheldor (25th), Ruth Louridas (26th), Lindsay Aked (27th), Pamela Learmonth, Jenny Welch (28th) 22 June 2014 – Corpus Christi – Rostered Duties 8:00am Lee Hansen Stan Jeffery Jean Knight Lee Hansen Christopher Rynd Peter Cunningham Alma Ondevilla Roz Peterson Jill Knox Alma Ondevilla Sidespeople: Readers: Intercessor: Chalice: Servers: Morning Tea: Godly Play Judy Hayden Michelle Hayden - Storyteller: - Door person: Cleaning: Heather Andrews 10:00am Tony Johnson Wendy Johnson Dudley Johnson Cynthia Watts Chris Salmon Adam Roberts Valda Ashover Debby Roberts Adam Roberts Kathe Swales Matthew Robinson Helen Hastings Shirley Butler Sandra Salmon Robyn Couch Brass: Joan Butler 6:00pm Ray Phelps Robyn Couch Kathe Swales Roz Peterson Grounds: Don Fisher 29 June 2014 – Ordinary Sunday – Rostered Duties Sidespeople: Readers: Intercessor: Chalice: Servers: Morning Tea: Godly Play Cleaning: Rob Peterson 8:00am Chas Coward Glen Kinging Alan Plambeck Peter Cunningham Roz Peterson Glen Kinging Jess Rynd Brian Butler Jess Rynd Anne Seddon 10:00am 6:00pm Tony Johnson Valda Ashover Liz Hamilton Neridah Byrne Roger Soltau Bob Brownley Dudley Johnson Kathe Swales Debby Roberts Alma Ondevilla Adam Roberts Robyn Couch Kathe Swales Kathe Swales Kyle Cutugno Judy Hayden Heather Andrews Michelle Hayden Suzanne Park - Storyteller: Katherine Ward - Door person: Alma Ondevilla Brass: Grounds: Neridah Byrne Glen Kinging, Alan Plambeck