Document 6514386


Document 6514386
Page B4 Henderson Home News, Boulder City News, Green Valley News Thursday, Friday, May 12 & 13, 1994
Thursday, Friday, May 12 & 13,1994 Henderson Home News. Boulder City News, Green Valley News Page 85
Go For Gin sloshes to victory Century 21 honored
The Kentucky Derby assembled
By Jim Brann
iLs best field in a number of years
but the weather failed lotoopcrI'm going to wait a week before
selecting a Prcakifess horse. I'm
Go For Gin was definitely The not abandoning Tabasco Cat as I
horse for the day as he look the licelthel 3/16 race sets up well for
early lead and sloshed his way him.. .
home in front. Early bumping
In baseball the bmsh back pitch
eliminated favorite Holy Bull and i s being challenged. A hit batsman
Tabasco Cat hit a stone wall turns into a candidate for Don
heading for home.
King's boxing stable as he chases
Those who went looking for the the pitcher's mound with fists
mud mark in the Daily Racing clenched.
Form and found Go lor Gin and
But it got na.sty over the weekStrode's Creek were cashing end when Barry Bonds challenged
tickets with unbridled glee.
New York MeLs lefthander Eric
The Prcakncss is next week and Hillman. Hillman had decked
it will be intcre.sting how Go For Bonds a week earlier, but Bonds
Gin handlers will prepare him for didn't charge the mound. He
the shorter race. It was obvious in seethed for a week before proihc Derby thai he likes to go to the nouncing ihauif Hill|rran hit him
Iront, bill if Holy Bull goes you again he would charge the mound
can bet he 'II be winging when the with his bat.
gales open.
The fiery rhetoric shouldn't be
taken lightly. There have been too
many brawls already this yearand
ba.seball has to get'tougher on
punishment to peipetrators....
Hard to believe but there wasn't
a single double-digit game last
Sunday. That juiced up ball must
have got unjuiced in a hufry
What a scary moment in the
eighth inning of Sunday's
Montreal-Atlanta game. Greg
Maddux was silting in the dugout
taking in the game when a ball off
the bat of Cliff Hoyd found its
way directly off the left side of his
Early reports stated his face
swelled quickly near his left eye
and he was taken to a hospital for
X-rays which turned outnegativc.
Maddux was expected to make
his next start agaiast Philadelphia.
Hard to believe Ben McDonald
is off to a 7-0 start with Baltimore.
Or that Bob Tewksbury is at 6-0
for St. Louis. The real surprises
though are David Cone, 5-1 with
Kansas City and Bret Saberhagcn,
4-1 with the Mcts
Let's hope the dizzinesssuffered
by Joe Carter of the Blue lays is
not career ending....
Can you imagine the American
League West doesn't have a team
with a winning record? So much
for realignment....
The Denver Nuggets upsetting
the Seattle Sonics has to be the
year's lop story to dale. Dan Issel
has to be the happiest man in
I'm glad San Antonio is out of
the playoffs. Enough of Dennis
Rodman and his foolishness....
And, that's as far as I go.
For the second year in a row,
Century 21 Action Netwoiic was
the recipient of the real estate
organization's honors for customer service.
The Quality Service Award, first
presented to franchises for 1992
service, is based on surveys relumed by clients who answered
questions about the service they
received from Century 21 brokers
and agents during the year.
According to Breesc Cousins
Rusk, "credit goes to our entire
By Ralph Reuber
strongest league Wednesday night
at Sunset Park. Upcoming tournaments for Conley and his strong
ball club include Triple Crown
this week in Cedar City, Utah, and
later this month an NIT qualifier
in Alhambra, Calif Next month
are tourneys in Colorado Springs,
San Diego and Sacramento. Good
luck to coach Ncwby and his .solid
ball club.
CLASS "C" — "Ball Park
Lounge/Dogs" this group of
scrappy athletes arc led by Tom
Valcnto. If you arc a talented
player in the Las Vegas area,
Valcnio knows about you. This
man is a soflball hound and I say
this gracefully. Tom Valcnto is
good for local soflball.
ITie "Dogs" compete in Warm
Springs Thursday Night League.
They have dominated the last two
leagues with a combined 25 wins
and only three losses. "Ball ParkDogs" arc led by Ross Portale and
former minor league standout
performer Steve Deangelis, their
top outfielder is Vic Sanchez, and
handling the mound duties is Bob
("Rat") Ratliff. "Rat Man" is one
of Las Vegas' top pilchen?. He
continues to keep hitten; off stride
and is a strong commodity in Ball
Park's success. Home run power
on this team is divided between
Warren Boars, Scot Berg and Dave
Stradcr. Other team members include Trace Gregg, John Bowers,
Allen Goodin, Joey Muniz, Paul
Gcnslcr and Jim Aulicino.
Brann, a Henderson resident,
writes a column about the sports
CLASS "D" — "Murphy's
Pub-Diamondbacks" Scot Nelson
is player-coach of the Diamondbacks and he handles both jobs
very well. He led his squad to a
.second place finish last yearin the
National Softball Association
Class D Nationals in Denver. This
season, they captured Mike
Krauss* Thursday Night County
League at the Warm Springs
Complex. The Diamondbacks arc
led by Las Vegas' top lead-off
hitter Steve (Pce-Wee) Paltillo.
Steve led ihe Henderson Industrial
Days Tournament in hitting. "Pec
Wee" had 19 hits in 22 at bats!
Otheroulstanding performances
this season were by Brian Riley,
Freddy Oddo, Terry Lindberg and
Wayne Callahan. Team members
include Ron Redmond, Kevin
Martin, Rocky Lepori, Chris May,
Rick Lembeck, Jeff Hall, Tommy
Wagner, Roger Curry, and former
UNLV stand-out Keith Kohorst.
Keep up the good work Murphy's
• Triple Crown, Cedar City,
Utah, May 14-15.
• NSA Class C & D Mesquite,
June 17-18. Contact Marty Lailcy
Player of the Week — Mike
Verso, Royal Transmission.
At a press conference April 26,
the Sam Boyd Silver Bowl was
officially renamed and will now
be known as Sam Boyd Stadium.
The name change is effective
immediately and represents a new
focus and feeling for the entire
facility, a spokesman said.
The success of recent concerts
(Grateful Dead, Paul McCartney
and U2) and many motor spon
events have brought new attention
to this facility and promoters arc
realizing Sam Boyd Stadium has
excellent potential. Each of these
past concerts and events have
enjoyed close to capacity performances, record-breaking attendance figures and record-setting
box office sales.
Jim Weaver, director of athletics for UNLV, said, "The Sam
Boyd Silver Bowl as a facility
name was too long and the Boyd
family was not receiving the
recognition they deserved fortheir
gift to the facility and the university. The new name is shorter and
creates a distinction between the
stadium and surrounding area
which make upSilvcf Bowl park."
Facility officials have also been
working with county officials to the ingress and egress of
traffic at Sam Boyd Stadium. The
county will assist by synchronizing the signals at Russell and
Boulder tlighway and Tropicana
and Boulder Highway and all the
way back to the expressway. This
will help by allowing lights to
remain green for a longer period
of time and allowing traffic to
now smoothly. Russell Road is
also being considered for an improvement project that would allow four lanes to nin in and out of
the facility.
Renovation projects for the
playing field and locker rooms
Bowling, from Page B3
to the junior bowlers early in April.
The Noon Preps & Juniors first
place winners were Christopher
Duesler, Jerame JoUey and Eric
Wise. Second place to Michael
-4*aBrmUo, Dustin Dcnningcr, Don
Stansbury and Carmine PannuUo.
First place in the Juniors and
Seniors were Thomas Harris,
Ryan Quiglcy and Geoff Wilson.
Winnccs among the Lucky
Strike Pee Wees were Nicole
Riccio, Jennifer Muiphy and Joseph Oswald. The Bantams &
Preps winners were Rachel
Walker, Brett Thacker, Amanda
Erikson and Kelley Thacker.
Bantams & Preps second place
team was Ciara Adler, Shawn
Mein, Christine Moore and Brandon Stoker.
Lucky Strilce Young American
Bowling Alliance coaches were
Rochelle Ncige, Cindy Oswald,
Myr Deputy, Pat Mahoney, Sharon Brune and Shawna Colgate.
Congratulations to all on a very
successful first year on the new
Soehlke, a Henderson resident,
reports local bcfwUn;g scores in
her weekly column.
were also announced at the press
conference. The north end zone
will be under construction for the
next several weeks to lengthen
the field for the new CFL team,
the Las Vegas Posse.
Has an office in HENDERSON
98 E. Lal<e Mead Blvd., Suite #103
Staffe(d by Board Certified^Cardiologists
John A Bowers, Sr., M.D.
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"All Rhodes Lead Home"
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Luckily for me, I get to the health club early enough in the
morning that I don't have to wait to hop on my Staiimaster
machine. But for my co-woiicer-outers, waiting in line for
cardiovascular and weight machines is common at this time of year.
The Big Wait hits twice annually. You can set your calendar by it.
It hits in January, right after Holiday Guilt sets in—remorse over the
average eight-pound weight gain that Average Citizens get along with
other gifts of the season. And it hits again in the Spring, either right
after Swimsuit Try-On Horror Day or Unpack the Shorts and Tank
Tops Day.
I think the people who cause the Big Wait are from the same cloth
as the folks who attend church only on Easter and Christmas (notice
how the church is super-crowded on those two days?). This group has
this noble idea that they' re going to pump and jump and push and pull,
and in a month's time pare down the pounds they amassed over the
past six or 12 months.
It's a noble idea but it doesn't work. A fit body — inside and out
— comes from commitment to health, not an occasional visit to the
gym. The people whose physiques you admire and want most to copy
got that way not from contributing to the Big Wait, but rather from
months and years of commitment to exercise and wise food choices.
This is a case where joining the crowd is the wrong thing to do,
unless you're planning enjoining the crowd of regulars who make
exercise part of their regular routine. That doesn't mean you haye to
work out every day of the week; it does mean that you have to make
a decision to make working out as much a part of your life as brushing
your teeth.
It's a question of priorities. When is going to be important to you
to stop dreading SwimsuitTry-On Day? When are you going to stop
wishing you had the body of a fit person and start becoming that
Here's a secret for you: People like me who are committed to
exercise don't like the people who cause the Big Wait. You come to
our gyms twice a year, then you drop out. You cause a crowd for a few
weeks or a few months, then you can't be seen around the club for six
months. But we love our buddies at the gym, the people whose faces
greet us early in the morning or first thing after work. We bond with
them; we socialize with them; we share a commitment to health with
It's time you became one of them. Make the commitment to a
regular exercise program today.
Joyce, a television medical reporter, writes a column on health.
Reduce cancer risk: Increase fiber intake
Although a high-fiber, low-fat
diet can reduce risk of cancer,
lower cholesterol and contribute
to overall improved health, most
Americans eat only half of the 2030 grams of fiber recommended
daily by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) for maintaining good
health. This spring, take advantage
of fiver-rich seasonal produce
including fresh fruits and vegetables and their skins, stems and
edible seeds.
Follow these guidelines from
Lucky Stores to increase fiber
• Water-insoluble fiber, such as
tough and chewy apple skins and
air-popped popcorn, has been
shown to reduce the risk of color
cancer up to 40%. In fact, a recent
medical journal estimated that
about 30% of all colon cancers
could be prevented if Americans
ate an extra bowl of high-fiber
cereal or its equivalent everyday.
• Never rely on supplements for
your fiber needs. If you think you
are not meeting requirements,
gradually increase your fluids and
high fiber foods over"several
weeks, since it takes the body a
while to adjust to the additional
• Experiment with high fiberfoods which may be unfamiliar
yet surprisingly delicious. Brown
rice is a good substitute for white
rice and bran cereal instead of
puffed cereals. Try adding vegetables and fmits to soups, sauces,
breads and muffins.
• Microwave or steam produce
in a small amount of water for a
short time to retain the most nutrients.
• Do not peel such fruits as
apples and pears as it decreases
the fiber content.
• The NCI recommends at least
one daily serving of vitamin C
(broccoli, citrtis fmits and strawberries) and beta-carotene-rich
produce (carrots, spinach and
sweet potatoes). They also suggest
consumingcruciferous vegetables
such as cabbage and caulifiower
several times a week to help reduce
your risk of cancer.
Read the who^s who
and the what'is what
each v/eek in the Nev/s
Introducing Premier Family Medical Center
Next To The MGM Grand Adventures Theme Park
Featuring the Finest
Steaks • Seafood • Prime Rib
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Appetizers • Desserts
id determined primarily by the
quality of family life and
Healthy parents are there to
meet their kids' needs and not the
other way around. This does not
mean you must liye for your kids
alone. Rather it is helping them
through the process of reaching
adulthood. You do this by being
in charge, having the final word,
but listening with care to your
teens' point of view. Give your
teen certain responsibilities and
make them accountable for their
actions. Establish clear rules. Make these workable for both you and
your teen. Do this cooperatively. It is critical to have good communication. Your teen should be able to talk with you. Be a safe persons for
your teen. Be open. Do not use criticisms or put downs. Rather, give
guidance and ask them how they would solve or deal with problems
that arise. Enforce consequences for broken mles.
Many books and classes are available to help you with parenting
your teen. Teens, there are also books and resources out there to help
you find the answers you are seeking. If self helpdoes not satisfy your
needs, we encourage you to seek guidance from your church, school
counselor, or from a family therapist.
Life with teens can be great. It should be. You have the right to it
So, do it! If you have any questions you would like answered
regarding this very important area of life or any other areas please
write to us in care of HBC Publications, 2 Commerce Center Dr.,
Henderson, NV 89014.
Kathleen Grace Santor, M.Ed, Ed.S., and Jim Santor, MA., MS.,
licensedmarriage andfamily therapists, write about family counseling.
5 6 4-3534
What can I do about the
way my teenager acts?
Always has an attitude!
Doesn't seem to respect me anymore! Hides out in his room for
hours with a blaring stereo and the
phone glued to his ear! WTiy can't
she ever clean her room? Old dirty
dishes laying around growing
By Jim Santor
mold, clothes all over the floor. It
all appears to be some sort of an
experiment meant to drive me
Kathleen Grace Santor
crazy! Everyone tells me my kid
is nomial! So who really has the
If you are an adult reading this, perhaps you've forgotten what it
was like when your hormones erupted as you entered adolescence,
and the urge for independence was a poweiiiil inner force that no one
but you and your peers understood. If you are atcen reading this, don't
put it down yet. We have some things to say that may make your life
a little easier, too.
What kind of behavior is a part of normal teenage development and
what is no? In the teen years Mother Nature plans for us to begin the
search for who we are. At this point in life teen's bodies, minds and
just about everything else are in a state of flux, loving and dependent
one minute, defiant and fighting for independence the next. The
attitude, the messy room and the appearance that friends are more
important than parents; arguing, "not listening," rolling theireyes and
complaining loudly when asked to do a simple chore; wanting privacy
and being on the phone endlessly. These things are to be expected. Do
not take it personally. Your teen is struggling between needing you
and resenting their dependence on you. Being a teen is like being on
a bridge between childhood and adulthood. The strength of the bridge
Join the crowd?
Silver Bowl renamed,
improvements announced
How to cooe with teen troubles
By Marilee Joyce
Royal Transmission second in Plioenix
Welcome to the soflball news, a
weekly report from Henderson
and Boulder City area men's and
co-ed sofiball teams.
Congratulations to Royal
Transmission, second; P.T.
Beckwith. third; Amichi, fourth
and Quick Silver, seventh — all
top 10 finishers in the Elby
Bushong Tourney last weekend
in Phoenix.
Our feature team this week is
Royal Transmis.sion.
They are Las Vegas' strongest
"B" team. Holding the coach's
position and one of the finest
coaches in this area is Conlcy
In the Phoenix Tournament, all
star selections were: pitcherNewcll Lcavitl, Outfield-Dave
Baxter, IB-Scot (Hondo) Berg,
3B-Brclt Johnson. Coach Ncwby
also received strong performances
from Mike Verso, whose threerun homer finished off P.T.
Beckwith; Russ Milner, who hit
line drives consistently the entire
toumcy and steady Leon Doss (a
mini Kirby Puckeu)Other team members included
Ira Ross and Bob Ames. Royal
Trans, competes in the area's
staff, all of whom are committed
to providing the best service at all
times, regardless of the client's
real estate needs."
The customer satisfaction sur
vey study. Rusk explains, was
launched by Century 21 Intema
tional in response to the industry
wide need for improving service
in every area.
The office had to earn a 90% or
better score from their customers
and clients in every category to
receive the 1993 award.
Private Dining Room
Available for Parties,
Banquets, Meetings,
Club Functions.
Call Bob LeDeli for details.
Lucatecl iicct to the MGM Grand Hotel Casino
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Family Medical Center; setting new standards in
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Premier Family Medical Center offers a wide
array of medical services, including x-ray, urgent
Appointments available • Walk-ins welcome
care, workman's compensation care and routine
lab tests. It is afFihated with Sunrise Hospital and
Medical Center, Nevada's leading health care
2531 Wigwam at Pecos —
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With one of the finest medical facilities in
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111 East Harmon Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89109