Tutorials : How to create multi VSPortal or VSPortal for...


Tutorials : How to create multi VSPortal or VSPortal for...
Tutorials : How to create multi VSPortal or VSPortal for reseller's.
This page last changed on Aug 09, 2010 by d.gatner.
• I. Creating a new reseller portal database
• II. Creating new VSportal website for reseller
• III. Configuration of VSResseler1 Portal
° 1)Domain configuration:
° 2)Reseller DB configuration:
° 3)Portal name configuration:
° 4)Callback configuration:
° 5)Testing:
Before making any changes please do the two steps:
1)Make voipswitch database bakup: Backup MySQL database
2)Create folder c:/installs/current_date/backup and zip the wwwroot folder there
I. Creating a new reseller portal database
1)Open "Start -> All Programs --> MySQL -> MySQL Query Browser" and login there with the database
2)Right mouse click on the schema and chose the option "Create New Schema"(Fig.2)
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3)Crete Schema Reseller1(Fig.3)
4)Relogin to MySQL Query Browser with the dafault schema „Reseller1"(Fig.4)
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5)Download the script to your desktop: reseller.sql
6)Go to File-->Open Script and open the reseller.sql script(Fig. 5)
Please remember that before Executing the reseller.sql script it must be edited with
notepad and all the words „portalDB" have to be replaced to „reseller1" or any other name
that the databases will be called
7)Execute the script(Fig. 6)
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8)After Executing the script, reseller1 database is created(Fig. 7). Mysql Querry Browser can be closed.
II. Creating new VSportal website for reseller
1)Copy the Vsportal folder to c:/installs/current_date/
2)Create a folder Reseller1 and copy there the content of vsportal folder (Fig. 8)
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3)Go to „start # run" and type „inetmgr"(Fig. 9)
4)Right click on „Default Web Site" and choose the option New # Virtual Directory(Fig. 10)
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5)Click „Next" the add the alias (same as folder name)(Fig.11)
6)Chose the destination folder to VSReseller1(Fig.12)
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7)After clicking „next" the website will be created(Fig 13).
III. Configuration of VSResseler1 Portal
1)Domain configuration:
Copy the crossdomain.xml from vsportal folder to wwwroot folder(Fig.14)
If the VSResseler1 website should be accessed from diffrend domain please add it to the
crossdomain.xml like this:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!-<allow-access-from domain="*" />
<allow-access-from domain="x.x.x.x" /><!- Where x.x.x.x is IPadress or domain->
2)Reseller DB configuration:
Open c:/inetpub/wwwroot/ VSResseler1/flex.config file and put the reseller database and his name inside
settings(Fig. 15)
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3)Portal name configuration:
Open c:/inetpub/wwwroot/ VSResseler1/web.config file and edit the key yo change the vsportal name
(Fig. 16)
4)Callback configuration:
Open C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\VSResseler1\WEB-INF\flex\services-config.xml and edit the port for
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a)Go to Start--> Run - type "iisreset" and click ok
b)Delete webbrowser history, cash and restart the webbrowser
c)Check if the website is working good(Fig.18)
If there is a problem with vsc reqest errors during accesing the VSResseler1 try to add a
"<add key="connMatrix" value="Server={0};Database={1};User
Id={2};Pwd={3};Port={4};Connection Timeout={5};pooling=false;"/>"
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to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\vsservices\web.config under <appSettings>
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