What is a coordinate system
What is a coordinate system
What is a coordinate system? Coordinate systems enable geographic datasets to use common locations for integration. A coordinate system is a reference system used to represent the locations of geographic features, imagery, and observations such as GPS locations within a common geographic framework. Each coordinate system is defined by: • Its measurement framework which is either geographic (in which spherical coordinates are measured from the earth's center) or planimetric (in which the earth's coordinates are projected onto a two-dimensional planar surface). • Unit of measurement (typically feet or meters for projected coordinate systems or decimal degrees for latitude-longitude). • The definition of the map projection for projected coordinate systems. • Other measurement system properties such as a spheroid of reference, a datum, and projection parameters like one or more standard parallels, a central meridian, and possible shifts in the x- and y-directions. 1 GIS2 762606S Coordinates Defining the location of a point in the chosen coordination. Coordinates can be geodetic ( ,h), space (X,Y,Z) or planar (x,y or N,E). Location can be defined with the latitude, longitude and the height. Height can ortometric (H), height from the ellipsoid (h) or normal height (H). GIS2 762606S 2 Coordinate system Coordination Datum Coordinates Relationship between coordinate system, coordination, coordinates and the datum 3 GIS2 762606S Coordinate system: ETRS89 (European Terrestrial Reference System) • 3-D coordinate reference system • Origin: Earth’s center of mass • Ellipsoid: Global GRS80 (Geodetic reference system) • Projections: ETRS-TM35FIN, • Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) • Transverse cylindrical, conformal • One projection zone • Center meridian 27 E (cut) GIS2 762606S 4 • Projections: Gauss-Kruger • ETRS-GK, KKJ • Transverse cylindrical, conformal • Several projection zones (tangential) i.e., several central meridians GIS2 762606S 5 GIS2 762606S 6 Kartastokoordinaattijärjestelmä (KKJ) • Ellipsoid: Hayford 1924 • 6 projection zones, 3 wide • Yhtenäiskoordinaatisto, zone 3 Abbrev zone Center meridian East coordinate on center meridian KKJ0 0 18° 500 000 m KKJ1 1 21° 1500 000 m KKJ2 2 24° 2500 000 m KKJ3 3 27° 3500 000 m KKJ4 4 30° 4500 000 m KKJ5 5 33° 5500 000 m 7 GIS2 762606S Coordinations (coordinate reference frame): • ETRS-TM35FIN - EUREF-FIN (UTM/GRS80) • ETRS-GKn (Gauss-Kruger/GRS80), n=center meridian • KKJ (Gauss-Kruger/Hayford) GIS2 762606S 8 Some Definitions Projection: a projection is the mathematical transformation of Earth’s 3-d surface to a 2-d planar surface (a map) Datum: a point of reference from which distance measurements are made (local vs. Earth centered) Spatial Reference: includes info on the projection, projection parameters, ellipsoid, datum, units of measure, and other parameters. GIS2 762606S 9 Types of coordinate systems There are two common types of coordinate systems used in GIS: • A global or spherical coordinate system such as latitude-longitude. These are often referred to as geographic coordinate systems (e.g. WGS84). • A projected coordinate system based on a map projection such as transverse Mercator, Albers equal area, or Robinson, all of which (along with numerous other map projection models) provide various mechanisms to project maps of the earth's spherical surface onto a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate plane (e.g. EUREF-FIN). Projected coordinate systems are sometimes referred to as map projections. GIS2 762606S 10 A geographic coordinate system (GCS) is a method for describing the position of a geographic location on the Earth's surface using spherical measures of latitude and longitude. These are measures of the angles (in degrees) from the center of the Earth to a point on the Earth's surface. A GCS is often incorrectly called a datum, but a datum is only one part of a GCS. A GCS includes an angular unit of measure, a prime meridian, and a datum (based on a spheroid). GIS2 762606S 11 The shape and size of a geographic coordinate system's surface is defined by a sphere or spheroid. Although the earth is best represented by a spheroid, the earth is sometimes treated as a sphere to make mathematical calculations easier. The assumption that the earth is a sphere is possible for small-scale maps (smaller than 1:5,000,000). At this scale, the difference between a sphere and a spheroid is not detectable on a map. However, to maintain accuracy for larger-scale maps (scales of 1:1,000,000 or larger), a spheroid is necessary to represent the shape of the earth. Between those scales, choosing to use a sphere or spheroid will depend on the map's purpose and the accuracy of the data. GIS2 762606S 12 GIS2 762606S 13 Mean Sea Level, GPS, and the Geoid Traditionally topographic or bathymetric elevation is related to sea level. Geodesists once believed that the sea was in balance with the earth's gravity and formed a perfectly regular figure. Mean sea level (MSL) is usually described as a tidal datum that is the arithmetic mean of hourly water elevations observed over a specific 19-year cycle. Goce GIS2 762606S 14 Relationships between the geoid and the ellipsoid The accuracy of GPS height measurements depends on several factors but the most crucial one is the "imperfection" of the earth's shape. Height can be measured in two ways: 1. Height (h) above the reference ellipsoid (used by the GPS) that approximates the earth's surface. 2. Orthometric (traditional) height (H) is the height above an imaginary surface called the geoid, which is determined by the earth's gravity and approximated by MSL. 15 GIS2 762606S GPS elevations have no physical meaning and they don’t correlate in anyway with the height of the sea level to which traditional elevations are usually measured. (Positio 2/2008) The terms geographic coordinate system and datum are often used interchangeably. Datum is an older term. The concept of a datum is included within a geographic coordinate system. GIS2 762606S 16 DATUMS While a spheroid approximates the shape of the earth, a datum defines the position of the spheroid relative to the center of the earth. A datum provides a frame of reference for measuring locations on the surface of the earth. It defines the origin and orientation of latitude and longitude lines. Whenever you change the datum, or more correctly, the geographic coordinate system, the coordinate values of your data will change. Satellite data has provided geodesists with new measurements to define the best earthfitting spheroid, which relates coordinates to the earth’s center of mass. An earth centered, or geocentric, datum uses the earth’s center of mass as the origin. The most recently developed and widely used datum is WGS 1984. It serves as the framework for locational measurement worldwide. GIS2 762606S 17 A local datum aligns its spheroid to closely fit the earth’s surface in a particular area. • The point, origin of the datum, on the surface of the spheroid is matched to a particular position on the surface of the earth. • The coordinates of the origin point are fixed, all other points are calculated from it. • The coordinate system origin of a local datum is not at the center of the earth. The center of the spheroid of a local datum is offset from the earth’s center. • NAD 1927 (North America) and the European Datum of 1950 (ED 1950) are local datums. • Because a local datum aligns its spheroid so closely to a particular area on the earth’s surface, it’s not suitable for use outside the area for which it was designed. GIS2 762606S 18 Projected coordinate systems are any coordinate system designed for a flat surface, such as a printed map or a computer screen. • 2D and 3D Cartesian coordinate systems provide the mechanism for describing the geographic location and shape of features using x and y values. • The Cartesian coordinate system uses two axes: one horizontal (x), representing east-west, and one vertical (y), representing north-south. • In a projected coordinate system, locations are identified by x,y coordinates on a grid, with the origin at the center of the grid. GIS2 762606S 19 • A projected coordinate system is defined on a flat, twodimensional surface. • Unlike a geographic coordinate system, a projected coordinate system has constant lengths, angles, and areas across the two dimensions. • However, all map projections representing the earth's surface as a flat map, create distortions in some aspect of distance, area, shape, or direction • A projected coordinate system is always based on a geographic coordinate system that is based on a sphere or spheroid. GIS2 762606S 20 Map projections Because the earth is round and maps are flat, getting information from a curved surface to a flat one involves a mathematical formula called a map projection, or simply a projection. This process of flattening the earth will cause distortions in one or more of the following spatial properties: • Distance • Area • Shape • Direction No projection can preserve all these properties; as a result, all flat maps are distorted to some degree. Fortunately, you can choose from many different map projections. GIS2 762606S 21 Map projection classifications Map projections can be generally classified according to what spatial attribute they preserve. • Equal area projections preserve area. Many thematic maps use an equal area projection. Maps of the United States commonly use the Albers Equal Area Conic projection. • Conformal projections preserve shape and are useful for navigational charts and weather maps. Shape is preserved for small areas, but the shape of a large area, such as a continent, will be significantly distorted. The Lambert Conformal Conic and Mercator projections are common conformal projections. GIS2 762606S 22 • Equidistant projections preserve distances, but no projection can preserve distances from all points to all other points. Instead, distance can be held true from one point (or a few points) to all other points or along all meridians or parallels. If you will be using your map to find features that are within a certain distance of other features, you should use an equidistant map projection. • Azimuthal projections preserve direction from one point to all other points. This quality can be combined with equal area, conformal, and equidistant projections, as in the Lambert Equal Area Azimuthal and the Azimuthal Equidistant projections. • Other projections minimize overall distortion but don't preserve any of the four spatial properties of area, shape, distance, and direction. The Robinson projection, for example, is neither equal area nor conformal but is aesthetically pleasing and useful for general mapping. GIS2 762606S 23 Conic projections The most simple conic projection is tangent to the globe along a line of latitude. This line is called the standard parallel. The meridians are projected onto the conical surface, meeting at the apex, or point, of the cone. Parallel lines of latitude are projected onto the cone as rings. The cone is then cut along any meridian to produce the final conic projection, which has straight converging lines for meridians and concentric circular arcs for parallels. The meridian opposite the cut line becomes the central meridian. GIS2 762606S 24 Cylindrical projections Like conic projections, cylindrical projections can also have tangent or secant cases. The Mercator projection is one of the most common cylindrical projections, and the equator is usually its line of tangency. Meridians are geometrically projected onto the cylindrical surface, and parallels are mathematically projected. This produces graticular angles of 90 degrees. The cylinder is cut along any meridian to produce the final cylindrical projection. The meridians are equally spaced, while the spacing between parallel lines of latitude increases toward the poles. This projection is conformal and displays true direction along straight lines. GIS2 762606S 25 Planar projections Planar projections project map data onto a flat surface touching the globe. A planar projection is also known as an azimuthal projection or a zenithal projection. This type of projection is usually tangent to the globe at one point but may be secant, also. The point of contact may be the North Pole, the South Pole, a point on the equator, or any point in between. GIS2 762606S 26 Reasons for using a projected coordinate system The following are some reasons for using a projected coordinate system: • You want to make accurate measurements from your map and be sure that the spatial analysis options you use calculate distance correctly. Latitude-longitude is a good system for storing spatial data but not as good for viewing, querying, or analyzing maps. Degrees of latitude and longitude are not consistent units of measure for area, shape, distance, and direction. • You are making a map in which you want to preserve one or more of these properties: area, shape, distance, and direction. • You are making a small-scale map such as a national or world map. With a small-scale map, your choice of map projection determines the overall appearance of the map. For example, with some projections, lines of latitude and longitude will appear curved; with others, they will appear straight. • Your organization mandates using a particular projected coordinate system for all maps. GIS2 762606S 27 http://egsc.usgs.gov/isb/pubs/MapProjections/projections.html http://store.usgs.gov/b2c_usgs/b2c/usgs/netfile?file=//igskahcigssap05/mod /storefiles/PDF/16573.pdf http://www.uff.br/mapprojections/mp_en.html http://www.jhlabs.com/java/maps/proj/index.html http://www.fgi.fi/fgi/sites/default/files/publications/gltiedote/GLtiedote30.p df GIS2 762606S 28 Some topics covered • Default geodatabase • Downloading Data • Using ArcCatalog • Coordinates, Spatial Reference • Creating an ArcMap Project • Adding Data Layers • Renaming Data Layers and Data Frames • Some other basic features in ArcMap… 29 GIS2 762606S Downloading Data , Using ArcCatalog and Defining Spatial Reference Properties • Start ArcMap • Set up a Work Folder … save your files and work here. • ArcCatalog – ’Connect to folder’ i.e., find your Work Folder • Download data from Paituli 1. NLS, general Map 1:250000 (MLL, yleiskartta) !Not everything! 1. NLS, general Map 1:1000000 (MLL, yleiskartta) • Read the terms of use • From Noppa 1. • 10milj_kp.zip (Bedrock map 1:10000000) Unzip downloaded data to your Work Folder GIS2 762606S 30 ArcMap- Home folder • Home folder - folder location where your map document is stored • Access in the Catalog window • Changing the Home folder location – Options/Home Folder The default geodatabase • Default geodatabase, is the home location for the spatial content of your map. • It is used for adding and saving resulting datasets created by various editing and geoprocessing operations. • E.g. exporting features from a layer, the data will be saved by default in the map's default geodatabase. GIS2 762606S 31 Changing default geodatabase • the Catalog window (right-click the geodatabase you want to use as the default for your current document and choose Make Default Geodatabase) • The Map Document Properties dialog box (click File > Map Document Properties). Access to the default geodatabase is available from the Catalog window menu, and as a shortcut on the Add Data and Save As dialog boxes Selecting default geodatabase • New map document -select a default geodatabase-by default Default.gdb • Existing map document-read-only-the default geodatabase of the map document. GIS2 762606S 32