9. What sport does Junior play? a. hockey with?


9. What sport does Junior play? a. hockey with?
The Absolutely True Story of a Part-Time Indian Quiz
1. What is the physical problem that Junior was born
Water on the brain
Fetal alcohol syndrome
2. What does Junior’s dad do to his dog?
a. Gives it away
b. Kills it
c. Brings it to the vet
d. Walks it to the wilderness and leaves it
3. What does Junior throw at his teacher?
a. A rock
b. A stick
c. A book
d. A shoe
4. What advice does Mr. P give Junior?
a. Take anger-management classes
b. Get a job
c. Stop hanging out with Rowdy
d. Leave the reservation
5. Who is Rowdy?
a. The bully at school
b. Junior’s uncle
c. Junior’s best friend
d. Junior’s brother
6. Why does Rowdy get mad at Junior?
a. Junior leaves the Rez to go to another school
b. Junior embarrasses him
c. Junior ignores him at school
d. Junior steals his money
7. Who is Mary?
a. Junior’s sister
b. Junior’s grandmother
c. Junior’s love interest
d. Rowdy’s sister
8. How does Mary get off the reservation?
a. She runs away and gets married
b. She hitchhikes
c. She gets a job as a salesperson
d. She goes to college
9. What sport does Junior play?
a. hockey
b. basketball
c. football
d. soccer
10. What happens to Junior’s grandmother?
a. She dies in her sleep
b. She crashes her car
c. She is killed by a drunk driver
d. She falls through the crack in the ice
11. What does Billionaire Ted bring to the funeral?
a. A bouquet of flowers
b. Tribal dance robes
c. A spear
d. A peace pipe
12. Why does Junior say he wants to beat the Wellpinit
team so much?
a. He will make the All Stars
b. He will make the Varsity team if they win
c. He wants to please the crowd from Reardan
d. He wants to beat Rowdy
13. What does Junior do to annoy the newsman?
a. He barely talks
b. He keeps waving in the camera
c. He lies about who he is
d. He sends him away and locks him out of the gym
14. How does Junior’s sister die?
a. Shooting accident
b. Drunk driver
c. In a fire
d. Pneumonia
15. Who does Rowdy accuse of killing Junior’s sister?
a. Junior’s father
b. Her husband
c. Eugene
d. Junior
16. Who is the love interest for Junior?
a. Penelope
b. Mary
c. Regina
d. Jessie
17. Who else dies besides his grandmother and sister?
a. Eugene
b. His former best friend
c. Roger
d. His father
18. How does the reservation crowd treat Junior at the
a. No one shows up to the game
b. They cheer wildly for Junior
c. They turn their backs to him
d. They act like they do not know him
19. Who wins the final basketball game?
a. Wellpinit
b. Reardon
c. The game ends in a tie
d. The game is cancelled
20. What is the relationship between Rowdy and Junior
at the end?
a. They will remain enemies
b. Rowdy had left the reservation without a word
c. They are best of friends
d. They are on their way to repairing their
The Absolutely True Story of a Part-Time Indian
Answer Sheet
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13. __
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Name: ___________________________
The Absolutely True Story of a Part-Time Indian
1. b
2. b
3. c
4. d
5. c
6. a
7. a
8. a
9. b
10. c
11. b
12. d
13. a
14. c
15. d
16. a
17. a
18. c
19. b
20. b
Answer Key