What is the HQL? HQL Process Step 1: Training Fingerprinting


What is the HQL? HQL Process Step 1: Training Fingerprinting
What is the HQL?
The Handgun Qualification License (HQL) is a
new license required for the purchase of any
handgun in Maryland. In the view of MSI and
many other organizations, this license is an
unconstitutional infringement on your second
amendment rights. MSI is actively involved in
a lawsuit against this license. The state is
effectively granting you permission to exercise
what should be a fundamental civil liberty.
Who needs the HQL?
Anyone who desires to purchase a new
handgun in the state of Maryland, new or
used, is required to obtain a HQL prior to
purchasing that handgun.
If you currently own a handgun, you are NOT
required to obtain this license to continue
owning your existing handguns. It is only
required for new purchases.
The only people who do not need to obtain an
HQL are the following:
• Licensed Firearm Manufacturer
• Active or Retired Law Enforcement Officer
• Active or Retired Military with valid ID
Curio and relic purchases are also exempt.
HQL Process Step 1: Training
Estimated Cost: $100
The first step in obtaining the HQL is to obtain
training. You do not need to take the training if
you meet any of the following:
• Qualified handgun Instructors
• Honorably discharged military
• Employee of an armored car company with
a carry permit issue for their job
• Lawfully own a regulated firearm or
• Hold a valid Hunter Safety certificate
If you are not exempt from training, you must
have completed a firearms safety training
course within the previous three years. The
course must meet the following guidelines:
• Course taught by Qualified Handgun
• Minimum of 4 hours
• Covers State Firearm Law
• Covers Home Firearm Safety
• Covers
• Covers Handgun Handling and Operation
• Requires the firing of at least one round
A list of Qualified Handgun Instructors can be
found at:
HQL Process Step 2:
Estimated Cost: $50-$75
Prior to submitting your HQL license, you must
have obtained fingerprints via any LiveScan
provider. When you go to the LiveScan
provider, give them the following information:
Agency Authorization Number: 1300004845
Agency ORI Number: MD920511Z
Reason Fingerprinted: Handgun
Qualification License
A list of LiveScan locations can be
found here:
HQL Process Step 3: Apply
Cost: $50
If you have completed steps 1 (unless exempt)
and 2 above, you are ready to apply. To apply,
you must go to MSP's website, create an
account, and fill out the online application.
Currently you MUST do this online with a
credit or debit card, there is no other way to
apply. Sorry grandma... Application Website:
At the end of the application you are required
to submit the LiveScan ID you were issued at
the time of your fingerprinting. At this time you
are done with your part and must wait up to 30
days to receive your license in the mail.
Purchasing a Handgun
Now that you have your HQL, you surely don't
have to go through the background check
process to purchase a handgun again, right?
Wrong! You must still fill out the same Form
77R every time you purchase a handgun.
After the 77R is completed, you must still wait
the 8 – 180 days to pickup your handgun.
Some FFLs will release to you on day eight,
some will not.
If this is your first handgun purchase, we
recommend spending time becoming familiar
with your firearm and practice using it at a
local range. The single shot required by the
training course is by no means enough to
become proficient in the use of your firearm.
What is MSI Doing?
MSI has fought this law every step of the way
thus far.
MSI, along with several other
plaintiffs have sued Martin O’Malley, Douglas
Gansler, Col. Marcus Brown, and the
Maryland State Police (MSP) regarding this
law. Our request for temporary restraining
order was denied by Judge Catherine Blake.
This process is ongoing, sign up for our
newsletter to be kept in the loop.
Several MSI members have become Qualified
Handgun Instructors so that we can provide
classes to those who need to take them with
this law. We intend these classes to be very
low cost or free.
What You Can Do to Help
• Go to http://www.mdelect.net and find your
representative in Annapolis.
• Tell your elected officials to support the
2nd Amendment rights of Marylanders.
• Sign up for our mailing list so you can be
kept up to date with happenings in
• Come out and join Maryland Shall Issue®
at various outreach activities throughout
the year. Educating the public that gun
owners are peaceful, law-abiding citizens
is a key part of our mission.
• Introduce a friend to firearms and self
defense, as people often fear what they do
not understand.
• Send letters to the editor of newspapers
you read, but make sure you use factual
and sound arguments.
Join Maryland Shall Issue®
Joining Maryland Shall Issue® is a great first
step to showing your support for self defense
and the 2nd Amendment in Maryland.
Membership rates are extremely affordable
and 100% of the money goes directly to
advocacy. Annual dues are $20 for basic
membership, and $50 for supporting, or
executive (voting) membership.
Join Online Today
Handgun Qualification
License (HQL)
Mail Check/Money Order to
Maryland Shall Issue®
1332 Cape St. Claire Rd #342
Annapolis, MD 21409