What is OpenRemote ● What is Domotics


What is OpenRemote ● What is Domotics
What is OpenRemote
● What is Domotics
Open Source and Open Standards in Domotics
○ Building Controls
○ How to get Devices, Sensors, Controllers, Panels to work
Open Source and Open Standards in Domotics
● A flexible and modular platform for
○ Home Automation
■ A/V, HVAC, Lights, Security
■ Residential/High-end Luxury, Hotels, Condos
○ Energy Management
■ Industrials, Residential
○ Healthcare
■ Assisted Living
The problem
The problems
● Proprietary solutions, so little chance of interaction within
the different solutions
● High cost to develop hardware and
Open Source
and only
Open Standards
in Domotics
as can
be used
certain vendors
● Fragmented standards
● Only high end market exists currently
● Expensive integration in panels
● Fragmented market and thus marketing
and distribution costs are high
● At least one protocol per vendor
● There are THOUSANDS of solutions available in the
market, all expensive, all proprietary, all niche... WHY?
In short
● ROI hard to achieve
Our solution
Open Source +
standard adoption +
off-the-shelf hardware
Open Source and Open Standards in Domotics
Why OpenSource?
● It is our background (JBoss, Java IT)
● Establishes de facto standard with free
access → enable ecosystem to emerge
Why OpenSource?
Open Source and Open Standards in Domotics
● Lower cost of integration
● Lower barriers entry
● Lower knowledge acquisition costs
● Create a new market equilibrium!!
In short
“OpenRemote marries open-source and business concerns.
OpenRemote adopts Open Source in order to create an
open, free-to-access, unencumbered platform for
integration with the earlier-mentioned goals of
standardization, lower cost of integration, lower barriers to
entry, lower knowledge-acquisition costs. This will enable
new business models to scale to the pro-sumer market.
Our goal therefore is a service-business based on an Open
Source product. We call this “Professional Open Source”.
Through Open Source, we are seeking to change the
industry dynamics and seed growth.
We see Open Source as a business change catalyst. While
other Open Source projects exist, none of them explicitly
seeks to drive this change.”
Cost = n x (n-1)/2
Cost = n
A standard, yes, but what kind?
● Everyone likes a standard as long as it is theirs
○ A proprietary standard is a scary proposition, no one
wants a "Microsoft" in their domain
Open Source and Open Standards in Domotics
○ Slow development of new equilibrium
● With Open Source, it can be theirs
○ Rights to modify, distribute, use are royalty free.
○ Fast development of new standards
○ Think Linux, Apache, JBoss
● Open Standard > Proprietary Standard
No really, in short
Open Source and Open Standards in Domotics
● The designer
● The panels
● The OR Box aka the “ORB”
● Beehive aka the “database”
The ecosystem
The OR Designer
Cloud based software to design panels
Open Source and Open Standards in Domotics
The OR Designer
● A CLOUD-based tool which allows to create and
customize your panels
The OR Designer
Open Source and Open Standards in Domotics
● Separate Visual development of panels from hardware
declaration (easy to program)
● Automated update in field (easy to install)
The ORB: topology
The ORB allows to integrate 3 proprietary protocols
green: KNX red: RS232 Blue: Mesh/z-wave
● Runtime brain of the system.
● Panels communicate with ORB
● Devices communicate with ORB
● Runs on Off-the-Shelf Hardware
● Understands/Speaks:
○ X10, Telnet, Http (Rest, Json and XML), Upnp
○ Serial, KNX, Lutron, Infrared
○ Zigbee and Z-wave on their way
Open Source and Open Standards in Domotics
The ORB (continued)
The panels
● Android panel
● Allow different devices to interact with each other
Source and Open Standards in Domotics
● iPhone
● Asynchronous event support
● Event triggers scripting engine
● iPad
● Internal Scheduler
● Rich Web client (GWT)
● Rule engines for complex event processing
● Fully customizable with the designer
● Redundancy for High Availability
Beehive Database
The panels
● Control your ORB (and therefore your
home devices)
● OpenRemote service and storage repository
Source and Open Standards in Domotics
● Starts programs/scripts from your panel
● Currently list infra red remote control codes.
● Receive alert/message to your panel (on
its way)
● Later stores installer profiles, pre defined panels, pre set
of rules, etc...
● Generalized metadata about installation
● Wall-mountable visible interface to
● Accessed through designer.
OpenRemote, the community
● A fantastic platform for hobbyists
● Community has many professionals
● An active open source community
OpenRemote, the Business
● Follows professional open source
JBoss, inMySQL)
Open Source
and Open Standards
● Mainly service based
○ Consulting
○ 500k unique visitors per year (google)
○ Training
○ 10 active developers
● 5000 installs
○ Maintenance and Support (dual licenses available)
● Experienced Team
○ JBoss experience, Open Source java IT.
Thank you