What is Briefcase?


What is Briefcase?
What is Briefcase?
Briefcase for Relativity is an application for working with Relativity documents offline. Briefcase
downloads documents and fields allowing you to view and update documents offline and
synchronize the changes back to Relativity when you’re back online.
How it works
Briefcase downloads document image files and document fields from Relativity to a mini repository on
your laptop. Once documents have been downloaded, you may update Designation, take notes using a
new field called Briefcase Notes, and organize documents by assigning values to multi-choice field.
Briefcase uses the Relativity Services API when downloading and uploading information. This means it
preserves all auditing and security when making updates, downloading data, and accessing information
on the Relativity server.
The Briefcase client application uses Saved Searches as its source for downloading documents. This not
only utilizes the powerful search capabilities of Relativity, but also allows you to pre-configure the
subset of documents that should be made available offline.
Once a user logs into Briefcase with their Relativity account, the list of Saved Searches will appear in
Briefcase that can be used as a source for downloading documents. Once synchronized, the documents
and data from the Saved Search is available offline, without any connection to Relativity.
After working with the synchronized documents offline, you can synchronize your work back to
Relativity when you’re back online.
Briefcase is made up of two components:
1. A Relativity application that runs on the server where Relativity is hosted. This
application is deployed through Relativity’s application deployment system (ADS) and is
part of Relativity. No IIS configuration is required. The installation is fast and simple by
importing a single .rap file.
2. A Windows program than runs on laptops. This is the client application. This program is
distributed as a Windows Installer package and runs on Windows XP, 7 and 8.
A single installation of Briefcase on the Relativity server can be used for one or many
workspaces and can be used to synchronize with multiple Briefcase clients.
On the server: Relativity version 7.4 or 7.5
On the laptop: Windows XP, 7 or 8
Licensing for Briefcase is a simple per-device model. You only license the client/laptop software.
The server software has no licensing fees.