WHY DID G-D COMMAND THE FAT, LIVER & KIDNEYS with SALT? Jim Black Outline • • • • • • The Altar and the Salt Covenant Honey and Leaven Forbidden on the Altar Emurin – Belongs to the L-rd The Soul of the Animal The Significance of the Virgin Birth of Yeshua The Importance of Yeshua’s Soul Everything Burned on the Altar was Salted Leviticus 2:13 And every oblation of thy meat offering shalt thou season with salt; neither shalt thou suffer the salt of the covenant of thy God to be lacking from thy meat offering: with all thine offerings thou shalt offer salt. Numbers 18:19 All the heave offerings of the holy things, which the children of Israel offer unto the LORD, have I given thee, and thy sons and thy daughters with thee, by a statute for ever: it is a covenant of salt for ever before the LORD unto thee and to thy seed with thee. (KJV) The Artscroll Leviticus comments: “The Covenant of Salt teaches that the sacrificial service, if performed properly and sincerely, preserves Israel, but if the service is neglected, it brings about destruction and exile...the commandment at the end of the verse, which extends the salting to all offerings, refers only to the sacrificial parts that go on the Altar fire...Salt, like a covenant, denotes permanence, because it preserves what was, and inhibits change. Therefore salt symbolizes God’s immutable covenant...” • Salt stops corruption • Salt preserves • Salt draws out impurities • Salt holds or retains water No Honey or Leaven was permitted on the Altar Leviticus 2: 11 No meat [Grain] offering, which ye shall bring unto the LORD, shall be made with leaven [chametz]: for ye shall burn no leaven [chametz], nor any honey [devash], in any offering of the LORD made by fire. (KJV) Components of an Animal Offering Components of Bird Offerings • its blood, whose application to the Altar achieves the covering; • requires a priest piercing the back of the bird’s neck with his right thumbnail and cutting through the neck until he severs either; • its sacrificial parts (Emurin), which are removed and burned on the Altar; • and the remainder of its meat, which is eaten by priests or the owners Components Minchah Offerings • the portion burned on the Altar; • and the remainder that is eaten • the esophagus or windpipe in the case of the bird Chataat [Sin Offering], or both in the case of the Olah [Burnt Offering]; • a bird’s blood is not received in sacred vessel, but is applied directly from the neck to the Altar wall The Fat Belongs to the L-rd! Why? Emurin Exodus 29:13 And thou shalt take all the fat that covereth the inwards, and the caul that is above the liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, and burn them upon the altar. (KJV) HebrewStrong’s Inwards (Entrails) kerev 7130 Caul yoteret 3508 (above the liver) Liver kabed 3516 Kidneys kelayot 3629 Fat chelev 2459 Heart lev 3820 Hebraic/Biblical thought looks at the Inside of a Man • the heart (lev) • the bowels (me’eh) • liver (kabed) • kidneys (kelayot) These were considered as the center of the will, mind, emotions, and spiritual powers. Kidneys (Kelayot/Reins) Psalm 16:7 …my reins [kelayot] also instruct me in the night seasons. • Gesenius identifies kelayot [kidneys] as ‘the inmost mind, as the seat of the desires and affections - Inmost soul.’ Psalm 26:2 Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins [kelayot] and my heart [lev]. • In Hebrew this usage of heart (lev) of man represents the mind. Revelation 2:23 …I am he which searcheth the reins [nephros kidneys] and hearts [kardia]… • The kidneys filter the blood. The kidneys have a very rich blood supply. They need to have large quantities of blood passing through so that it can be filtered well, and all the waste products removed. The Nephesh [Soul] • breathing animals were created as a living soul [Nephesh] just as man, but man has the eternal Spirit of G-d (Image of G-d) in addition • since the soul of the animal was symbolically understood as residing in the kidneys, bowls [intestines], etc., what a great picture that the emurin burnt on the altar teaches us: A soul for a soul; the animal nephesh for the human nephesh Genesis 2:7 …man became a living soul [nephesh]. (KJV) Genesis 1:24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature [nephesh] after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. • G-d wants man to be a living sacrifice, but in our current state we would die if that was accomplished literally. The animal’s soul becomes the medium for our soul to rise up and draw close to G-d. The Life [Nephesh] of the Flesh is in the Blood Leviticus 17:11 For the life [nephesh] of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make a Kaphar (covering) for your souls [nephesh]: for it is the blood that maketh an Kaphar (covering) for the soul [nephesh]. (KJV) The soul [nephesh] of the sacrificed animal was in its blood The blood of the animal [soul - nephesh] made Kaphar [temporary covering] for man’s soul - nephesh. This allowed G-d’s Presence to dwell among His people in an unique way Chelev • refers specifically to the fat that covers or surrounds the kidneys, liver, and the entrails • It does not refer, in its legal usage, to ordinary fat that adheres to the flesh of an animal, which is called shuman in rabbinic Hebrew • Chelev, like sacrificial blood, is forbidden for human consumption • Chelev was desired by G-d Kabed = Liver • This Hebrew word is directly related to kavod, and has the same three Hebrew consonants 1. Kavod is usually translated as the Glory of G-d, but literally means “Weighty” 2. Just as G-d’s Kavod (Weighty Presence - Dense) manifested itself in the Tabernacle and Temple, Kabed (Liver), is the largest and heaviest organ in body • The liver is a multi-lobed organ that is located at the most forward part of the abdomen. It is so far forward that it lays up against the diaphragm, the muscle that aids in breathing in mammals • The liver removes old or damaged red blood cells from the circulation, and is involved with the storage of iron and the breakdown of hemoglobin The Amazing Liver • 30% of the blood pumped through the heart in one minute passes through the body's chemical factory, which is called the liver. Here, it cleanses the blood and processes it into needed nutrition, which is distributed to the tissues. • The liver (along with the spleen), is a storage organ for blood. If there is a severe blood loss the liver expels this blood into the bloodstream to help make up for the loss. • The liver is the only human organ that has the remarkable property of self-regeneration. If a part of the liver is removed, the remaining parts can grow back to its original size and shape. It would appear that the kidneys, liver, diaphragm and the surrounding fat all are directly related to a creature being a living soul. The flow of blood and breathing that is exhibited in all living creatures seems to be centered in this inward area. The two kidneys and the liver filter and purify the blood respectively. The diaphragm controls air flow (ruach - Spirit, Breath) in and out of the body. Bowls of Mercy & Compassion – The Symbolic Seat of the Soul Isaiah 63:15 Look down from heaven, and behold from the habitation of thy holiness and of thy glory: where is thy zeal and thy strength, the sounding of thy bowels [me’ayim] and of thy mercies toward me? are they restrained? • Isaiah relates bowls [me’ayim] to that of God’s mercies. This appears to be the backdrop to the following New Testament references, which tie symbolically into the sacrifices related to the soul Philemon 1:7-8 For we have great joy and consolation in thy love, because the bowels of the saints are refreshed by thee, brother. For God is my record, how greatly I long after you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ. (KJV) Colossians 3:12 Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; (KJV) I John 3:17 But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? (KJV) Thoughts about Animal Korbanot It was G-d’s mercy that allowed a temporary covering through animal sacrifices But the only way that permanent covering/purification could be achieved is that like-blood of man be shed and applied to the Heavenly Altar The only problem is that all have descended from Adam and Eve and have contaminated sinful blood The animal’s blood was not contaminated with sin because they have no Eternal Spirit residing in a conscience The blood of bulls and goats were never intended to take away man’s sins; they were a temporary covering so that man could relate to G-d with His Presence. What was needed was a Divine Soul with Perfect Blood Yeshua’s Virgin Birth The New Testament tells us that Yeshua HaMashiach was conceived of a virgin, meaning it was only the human seed of Mary that conceived Him. About two centuries before Yeshua was born, the Hebrew Scriptures were translated into Greek by 70 great Jewish scholars in Alexandria, Egypt. The translation was dubbed, “Septuagint” in honor of the work of these seventy rabbinic scholars. When the Septuagint came to the passage in Isaiah 7:14, “a young woman (alma) shall conceive and bear a son,” they translated the Hebrew word alma (young woman, maiden) as parthenos which is the Greek word for virgin. These Rabbi’s knew some hidden meaning to Isaiah’s verse. Isaiah’s Hidden Message of Messiah’s Virgin Birth Isaiah 9:6-7 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase [l’marbeh] of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this. • No son descended from King David has ever ruled and their government had no end • Isaiah’s prophetic vision, of course, is speaking of King Messiah • The Targum on Isaiah’s text, which was most certainly read in all the synagogues of first-century Israel says: “The Messiah in whose days peace will increase upon us.” The Hidden Secret in the Hebrew Text • Hebrew Masoretic text (7-9th centuries CE) translates l’marbeh, which means, “to increase” in Hebrew, and interpolated it to mean “great pride,” and unfortunately hides a very important teaching m open mem Closed mem • In Hebrew grammar a closed mem \ can only be the last letter of a word. • In the word l’marbeh, the closed mem \ occurs as the second letter not the last in Isaiah’s original Hebrew text • In correct Hebrew grammar the second letter of l’marbeh should be an open mem m • It is very possible the Hebrew Masoretes, in trying to protect a hidden mystery in this word, covered up the closed mem \ in l’marbeh as they placed an open mem m in the place of Isaiah’s originally written closed mem \ The Hidden Meaning of the Closed Mem \ The closed Hebrew Mem \ in the middle of the word in l’marbeh refers to a “belly,” and a “womb” in Hebrew mysticism. This is highly significant that a closed mem (meaning a closed womb) would be hinted at in a context-specific prophecy about the coming of HaMashiach, at least according to the Targum Is this closed mem \ supposed to mean that the Messiah would be born in a womb that was “closed”? Commenting on this irregularity of the Hebrew word l’marbeh, the Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin 94a, relates the following: R. Tanhuni said: Bar Kappara expounded in Sepphoris, Why is every mem in the middle of a word open, whilst this is closed?—…Then the Prince of the Universe said to Him: ‘Sovereign of the Universe! It [the earth) hath fulfilled Thy desire [for songs of praise] on behalf of this righteous man.’ But a heavenly Voice cried out, ‘It is my secret, it is my secret.’ To which the prophet rejoined, ‘Woe is me, woe is me: how long [must we wait].’… Facts About Yeshua’s Body & Blood If Yeshua’s blood was tainted with the bad “fruit” of sin, 1. then the Mashiach could not bring forth a new spiritual creation and offer that to those tainted with the “bad” blood of Adam’s rebellion 2. this presents a problem for the redemption of man unless someone is able to enter the world without besmirched blood There is only one solution to this whole problem and it involves the formation of a perfect soul nurtured in a closed womb (a synonym for barren), protected from the grip of Adam’s rebellion 1. Genetically blood does not come from the mother 2. Genetically blood determined by the sperm (seed) is male Medical Facts • G-d designed conception and growth in the womb in such a way that a mother never exchanges her physical blood with the fetus. • The mother’s blood only brings the nutrients to the baby and likewise, takes away the waste. Through this process, the mother provides the red pigment for the embryo's blood because she is the one who oxygenates the cells. • The growth of blood cells begins in the white part of the bone called the marrow and the human bone structure is from the father’s genes. 1 Peter 1:22-23 Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently: Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. (KJV) • In other words, the sperm of a father (not the egg of the mother) brings forth the genes that will ultimately create bone and from out of bone, blood stem cells are created. The Soul/Blood of Yeshua The blood that Yeshua shed was a pure, sinless and undefiled type Mark 14:34 And [Yeshua] saith unto them [disciples], MY SOUL is exceeding sorrowful unto death… The blood of Yeshua was from the “heavenly” realm Yeshua is the Living Sacrifice, our model for us to fulfill the Creator’s purpose for us to be living sacrifices which culminates in the resurrection Yeshua’s perfect soul was offered up to G-d as the ultimate, unblemished, perfect and eternal sacrifice When we as believers approach G-d through the SOUL OFFERING of Yeshua, we have the perfect Mediator for us to commune with G-d The Holy Spirit provided “the seed of G-d” and conceived Yeshua within Mary’s womb. Believers in Yeshua become bornagain by the same seed of the Spirit which purifies [liver, kidneys] the soul [nephesh] with a pure heart [the inward man].