Arkansas Public Service Commission Docket Summary Cover Sheet
Arkansas Public Service Commission Docket Summary Cover Sheet
APSC FILED Time: 7/25/2012 2:05:19 PM: Recvd 7/25/2012 2:00:35 PM: Docket 12-055-a-Doc. 1 Arkansas Public Service Commission Docket Summary Cover Sheet (For all dockets other than Rate Cases, "TD", "C" and "TF" Dockets Must be filed with each new docket filed at the Commission STYLE OF DOCKET: (Style may be changed by Secretary of Commission) Docket Number: IN THE MATTER OF A CUSTOMER RELEASE FROM WOODRUFF 12-055-A ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE CORPORATION TO ENTERGY ARKANSAS, INC., OF A WELL BELONGING TO DENNIS STEPHENS LOCATED IN CROSS COUNTY, ARKANSAS DOCKET DESIGNATOR: U A R P Nature of Action: (See second sheet) PETITIONER/INITIATING PARTY* Entergy Arkansas, Inc. ATTORNEYS' NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE, FAX AND E-MAIL Ms. Tucker Raney, Entergy Services, Inc., 425 W. Capitol Ave., P. O. Box 551, Little Rock, AR 72203, 501-377-3500, fax 501-377-5814, [email protected] *If the initiating party is not a jurisdictional utility in Arkansas, please provide mailing address, phone, fax and e-mail for the company Pursuant to Rule 2.03(b) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, please provide name, address, phone, fax, e-mail of at least one, but not more than two names to appear on the Service List for this docket Ms. Tucker Raney, Entergy Services, Inc., 425 W. Capitol Ave., P. O. Box 551, Little Rock, AR 72203, 501-3773500, fax 501-377-5814, [email protected]; Steven K. Strickland, Entergy Arkansas, Inc., 425 W. Capitol Ave., P. O. Box 551, Little Rock, AR 72203, 501-377-4457, fax 501-377-4415, [email protected] Write a brief statement, limited to the space provided herein describing the case that you are filing. Please provide enough information to assure that the nature of your docket is clear. Mr. Dennis Stephens has requested Woodruff Electric Cooperative Corporation (WECC) to release him to Entergy Arkansas, Inc. (EAI) for three-phase electric service to a well he owns in Cross County, Arkansas. WECC's threephase service is approximately 4,124 feet from the well, while EAI's three-phase service is approximately 142 feet to his well. WECC has stated its willingness to release Mr. Stephens' well to EAI, who is willing to serve this well. Form completed by: Teresa VanWinkle Representing: EAI Date: 07/25/12 APSC FILED Time: 7/25/2012 2:05:19 PM: Recvd 7/25/2012 2:00:35 PM: Docket 12-055-a-Doc. 1 NATURE OF ACTION: Please choose at least one, but no more than three docket types Accounting Acquisition/Sales Act 31 of 1981 (Surcharge) Act 821 of 1987 (Cooperatives Rate Change) Administrative Procedures Affiliate Rules Annual Reports/Assessment Ar Energy Conservation Act (Efficiency Programs) Arbitration Arkansas High Cost Fund Arkansas Intralata Toll Pool Arkansas Universal Service Fund ARSI Arkansas Relay Service, Inc. Auto Adjustment Avoided Cost CCN Cancellation CCN Facility CCN License CECPN Cost of Gas/Energy seasonal/unscheduled Customer release/Abandonment Declaratory Judgment Depreciation Dialing/Numbering Disabilities Act of 1990 Earnings Review Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Designation Energy Policy Act Energy/Fuel Purchasing Practices EWG Exempt Wholesale Generator Extended Area Service Extension of Telecommunications Facilities Fund Extraordinary Property Loss FCC Finance (Bonds/issue & sell; stock; prom note) Grand Gulf Integrated Resource Planning Interconnection Agreements Interest/Customer Deposit Investigation/Inquiry Lifeline/link up Market Power Merger/Transfer Municipal Franchise Tax Net Metering Nuclear Decommissioning One Call Pipeline Safety Pole attachment issues Protective Order Public Utility Holding Company Act Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act Purchase Power Railroad Rates Refund Reports Resource Plan Restructuring Retail River Crossing Regional Transmission Organization Rulemaking Service Quality Shielded Outdoor Lighting Show Cause Stranded Costs Sustainable Energy Resources Terms and Conditions Territory/release/unallocated territory Transition costs Unbundling USOA (Uniform System of Accounts) Waiver/Exemption Weather Wholesale Wholesale Rate Adjustment Entergy Arkansas, Inc. APSC FILED Time: 7/25/2012 2:05:19 PM: Recvd 7/25/2012 2:00:35 PM: Docket 12-055-a-Doc. 1 425 West Capitol Avenue P. O. Box 551 Little Rock, AR 72203-0551 Tel 501 377 4457 Fax 501 377 4415 Steven K. Strickland Vice President Regulatory Affairs July 25, 2012 Ms. Jan Sanders, Secretary Arkansas Public Service Commission P. O. Box 400 1000 Center Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72203-0400 Re: Customer Release, Docket No. 12-055-A Dear Ms. Sanders: This letter is an application for customer release pursuant to the Arkansas Public Service Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure 7.04. This request involves three-phase service to a well owned by Mr. Dennis Stephens. The well is located in Cross County in territory allocated to Woodruff Electric Cooperative Corporation (WECC) in the NE corner of the NE quarter of Section 18, Township 9N, Range 3E. This request for customer release is made because WECC’s nearest three-phase service for this well is approximately 4,124 feet from this well site, while Entergy Arkansas, Inc.’s (EAI) three-phase service is approximately 142 feet to the well site. Please find enclosed a copy of the following: 1. A letter from WECC indicating its willingness to agree to the customer release for Mr. Stephens’ well. 2. A letter from EAI approving service to Mr. Stephens’ well. 3. An electrical sketch map of service facilities and plat showing legal description that identifies the approximate location of this well in Cross County. Sincerely, /s/ Steven K. Strickland SS/tlv Enclosures APSC FILEDc Time: 7/25/2012 2:05:19 PM: Recvd 7/25/2012 2:00:35 PM: Docket 12-055-a-Doc. 1 Woodruff Electri Your Touchstone Ener® Partner Cooperative Corporation 3190 N Washington St • P.O. Box 1619 • ForrestCity.Arkansas72336-1619 o (870)633-2262 • Fax(870)633-0629 June 14, 2012 Mr. Lee Peden, Area Design Supervisor Entergy Distribution Services 2005 E. Moore Street Searcy, AR 72143 Dear Mr. Peden: Dennis Stephens has requested electric service to a three phase well located in the NE corner of the NE ¼ of Section 18, T9N, R3E, Cross County, Arkansas. The account is in Woodruff Electric service territory. The well is 4124 feet from existing Woodruff three phase lines and Entergy three phase lines are 142 feet from the well. This is a customer release only for the benefit of the customer and is not a release of allocated territory to Entergy per Arkansas Public Service Commission rules. Entergy will be responsible for application to the APSC. Sincerely, Billy C. Martin Ill President/CEO BCM/jhl C: Justin Loveday (Staking Engineer) Michael Swan (VP/Corp. Service WECC) Dennis Stephens (Consumer) APSC FILED Time: 7/25/2012 2:05:19 PM: Recvd 7/25/2012 2:00:35 PM: Docket 12-055-a-Doc. 1 Date: .lune 28. 2012 Fo: Mr. Jason Broxn From: Lee Peden Subject: Customer Release from \ooclruff Electric Cooperative, Inc. to Entergy of the NE Corner of NE 114 of Section 18, T9N and R3E of Cross County Attached is a file regarding the proposed release to Entergv of a three phase ell located in territory allocated to Woodruff Electric Cooperatie, Inc. belonging to Mr. Dennis Stephens. Woodruff has declined to serve this three phase xell clue to the distance ftom their facilities (4124’) and the close proximity of Entergy facilities (142’). Mr. Brown, if you agree with this request please indicate your approval in the space provided. Entergv Corporation will be responsible for applying to the Arkansas Public Service Commission for a release to serve this customer. Please return the complete file to mc. A—SEAR—I)DC. for further processing. Approved: ro’n 1)atc: 7/LJ I2 LP dmx \ttachments •Entergy SECTION 18 RANGE 3 EAST CC 3 PHASE 4125 ENTERGY TERRITORY WECC TERRRTITORY CEOSS COUNTY . iI CROSS COUNTY flCH SCHOOL 0 2. 0 4 a PROPOSED WELL TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH ENTERGY 3 PHOSE 150 FT. FROM WELL ir APSC FILED Time: 7/25/2012 2:05:19 PM: Recvd 7/25/2012 2:00:35 PM: Docket 12-055-a-Doc. 1
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