
S 22JUN11 A4
Title of Paper
Minutes of the meeting of Research Committee held on 10th May 2011
Author of Paper
Rama Thirunamachandran (Chair of Research Committee)
Type of Paper:
A: Substantive Discussion Item
B: Formal Approval Item
A: Preliminary Discussion Item
C: Formal Recommendation to Council
D: Item for Report
Dates Previously Discussed:
Committee of Senate
University Executive Committee
4a. Research Excellence Framework (REF) strategy – the committee received a summary of possible
Keele Unit of Assessment submissions, and noted several REF meetings which had taken place recently.
The committee held discussions on the REF strategy in each of the Research Institutes.
b. Decisions on assessing research impact – The committee considered the summary on impact in the
REF2014, including the REF timetable. A key forthcoming date is July 2011, when the Guidance on
Submissions is published along with draft panel criteria and working methods. Members of the committee
noted the importance of disciplines being aware of differences in terms of impact.
e. Electronic deposit of research degree theses - to consider the paper from the Pro-Vice-Chancellor
(Library and Information Strategy) which has previously been discussed at RDC Forum (20 April) and
Graduate School Board (5th May 2011). Research Committee strongly supported the proposal (as had
Graduate School Board) which would now be considered by Senate.
5a. Research grant success rates – The committee consider the Management Information report on
research grant applications and their success rate. Over the last 3 financial years the University success
rate (in monetary terms) has been 20%, in the current year to date 27% of applications (over £7m) have
already been awarded, which is a significant increase to this point in previous years. The Deputy Vice
Chancellor noted that research income is projected to be £1.5m below target in 2010/11, and there is little
that can be done to rectify this expenditure on grants at this late stage. He noted the methodology behind
the targets, to bring the University in line with the sector average in each discipline, and that the expectation
was that these would be exceeded.
Key risks to be managed:
Research Excellence Framework (REF)
Research funding
Research reputation
Action Required of Senate:
To note
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Senate: Checklist of Issues to be Considered in
Respect of all Proposals
Procedural Issues
1. Is further discussion required through the Committee system?
X n/a
2. Will staff and / or students be consulted further before taking forward?
Standards Issues
3. Could there be an impact on academic standards?
Staff / Student Issues
4. Could there be an impact on employee or student relations?
5. Are there any equal opportunity issues?
Risk / Opportunity Issues
6. Do existing commitments place any constraints on the proposal?
7. Could there be an impact on student recruitment?
8. Could there be an external or internal PR impact?
9. Are there any legal implications?
22 May 2002
S 22JUN11 A4
Tuesday 10th May
The chair welcomed the forthcoming PVC for Research & Enterprise (Professor Mark Ormerod),
forthcoming KPA Chair (Oliver Wakefield) and Caroline Pugh (new Research Grants and Contracts
The minutes of the meeting held on 15th February 2011, were approved.
Matters arising
a. Research Excellence Framework (REF) strategy – the committee received a summary of
possible Keele Unit of Assessment submissions, and noted several REF meetings which had taken
place recently:
UoA 2&3 Primary Care & Allied Health Professions - 23rd February 2011
UoA 3&15 Allied Health Professions & General Engineering - 23rd February 2011
UoA 21 Politics – 24th March 2011
UoA 20 Law – 1st April 2011
Health Faculty – 28th April 2011
The committee held discussions on the REF strategy in each of the Research Institutes.
Primary Care - The Dean of Health noted that the 3 meetings in his faculty had been relatively
simple, as there would be one key return from Primary Care (in UoA 2) and maybe a second
grouping will be added to Allied Health Professions (UoA 3), however they do not want to dilute the
critical mass. They are currently focussing on the main submission and publication strategy.
The Institute for Science & Technology in Medicine (ISTM) - has between 3 to 5 major areas
including CAEP, tissue engineering, long term conditions, clinical translation and Pharmacy. The
RI Director in ISTM is developing these strands, and as the process has been started early, can
consider UoA 3 with the new medical school, or submission in individual UoAs; this is still under
EPSAM - The Dean of Natural Sciences reported that submissions to Physics (Astrophysics) and
Applied Maths are straight forward with direct mapping to UoAs. Some members of EPSAM had
previously gone into General Engineering with ISTM, but as this may not be a possibility they are
looking at UoA 7 Earth Systems and Environmental Science. The RI Director is planning to do a
dry run shortly to further examine fit. This will also help inform the potential gains and losses of the
different strategies.
Action: Following EPSAM dry run, Professor Bailey to liaise with Professors Garner and
Ferns for an update of UoA 3 submission.
Social Sciences – All the Social Science returns have been reviewed and generally
quantity/volume is going to be significantly decreased compared to RAE 2008, due to the
significant movement and none replacement of staff.
Action: Ellie James to arrange round up meeting to discuss REF strategy in Humanities and
Social Sciences with forthcoming PVC Research & Enterprise
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Humanities – The Research Institute Director and senior colleagues are working with all
members, where 3 out of 4 submissions from RAE2008 will be made.
b. Decisions on assessing research impact – The committee considered the summary on
impact in the REF2014, including the REF timetable. A key forthcoming date is July 2011, when
the Guidance on Submissions is published along with draft panel criteria and working methods.
Members of the committee noted the importance of disciplines being aware of differences in terms
of impact. It was reported that in the English impact pilot the panel preferred the impact case
studies written by the academics (and not by a central administrator/marketer). The committee
noted that ‘engagement isn’t impact’ and there needs to be some sense of transformation to show
it has made a difference.
Action: RI Directors to meet with forthcoming PVC Research & Enterprise to start
identifying Impact case studies
Secretary’s note: the exact number of case studies required (per number of staff submitted) is not
yet clear (minimum of 2). HEFCE are unable to provide clarification (as decisions on rounding up
or down per 10 fte are yet to be taken), until the Guidance on Submissions is released in July
c. REF investment – The Deputy Vice Chancellor presented the paper which had been endorsed
by University Executive Committee. It was reported that the Vice Chancellor, Finance Director and
Secretary & Registrar met last week and agreed to budget and fund the proposals, apart from the
post in Applied Maths and the clinical post in ISTM which are being taken forward separately with
the Deans. The Deans, RI Directors and Heads of School can now roll this out. It is hoped this
sends out a positive signal to colleagues in RIs.
d. HEFCE consultation on allocation method for PGR funding from 2012/13 – The committee
received the summary paper and initial thoughts on the response to the consultation. It was noted
that this again highlights HEFCE strategy to concentrate research funding in the Russell group and
a key message should be to maximise 3* and 4* for mainstream QR and the RDP supervision
Professor Ormerod introduced the paper explaining that QR funding relating to PGR students
(Home & EC) at Keele equates to just over £1m in the RDP supervision fund each year. HEFCE
proposes to link this funding stream more closely to RAE quality ratings of 3* and 4*. It was noted
that the HEFCE methodology is complicated and the proposals reduce funding for Post ‘92
Universities. The consultation mentions the proportion of RDP supervision funding compared to
Mainstream QR within each institution; Keele’s proportion is 21.4% which is slightly above the
sector average of 19.5%. The committee noted the comment in the consultation which states that
‘within this model, 80% of departments would receive an RDP supervision funding per student FTE
per annum within the ranges,’ which are all higher than the current Keele level. The committee
hoped that Keele would be within the 80%.
The Deputy Vice Chancellor noted that in response to Question 3, it should be highlighted that
differentiating between 3* and 4* is not relevant as it does not directly impact the PGR student, and
associated costs cannot be separated. The HEFCE strategy together with the erosion of PGR
studentships from RCUK (who, in subjects, are only funding studentships in doctoral training units)
will have a double effect on Keele’s ability to recruit and support PGR students.
Action: Professor Ormerod and Ellie James to finish drafting response and circulate final
version to RI Directors before submission.
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e. Electronic deposit of research degree theses – the committee considered the paper from the
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Library and Information Strategy) which has previously been discussed at
RDC Forum (20th April) and Graduate School Board (5th May 2011)
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Library and Information Strategy) presented the paper which has
previously been discussed at Graduate School Board (5th May). Thanks were noted to Paul
Reynolds and Ellie James who drafted the paper. The key driver for electronic deposit of theses is
about raising the profile of PGR research at Keele, and keeping up with the rest of the sector.
Having theses available electronically has proven to increased requests for review and therefore
citations (compared to a hard copy). It is also hoped this will drive up deposits to the University’s
research repository. It was noted that this will not change the need for hard copy submission for
examination and for lodging in the library. The paper proposes this would be mandatory for PGRs
starting in 2011/12 but would be optional for other PGR students. Professor Shepherd noted the
importance of getting PGR students used to IP issues, as part of their training for their research
career. Research Committee strongly supported the proposal (as had Graduate School Board)
which would now be considered by Senate.
f. Update from Head of Research & Enterprise Services (RES) – the committee received an
oral update from Dr Peter Hooper.
HEIF 5 – the indicative allocation is 38% lower than HEIF 4, with the first year of funding being
approximately £750k, although previously Keele had done better than expected. Keele has
responded to the consultation suggesting that using 3 year averages of HEBCIS data rather than
simply using the final year would be fairer. 33 HEIs have lost all their funding, in terms of £ per
academic, Keele is at the same level as Birmingham and Southampton. Dr Hooper is currently in
discussions with senior colleagues about how to work with this reduction in funding, where options
could include not replacing vacancies in RES, or reducing IK funds. They are currently awaiting
the final template and guidance to complete Keele’s submission by end of July.
Other activities in RES: Employer engagement support is currently being reviewed following the
departure of Lucy Delaney. At the moment there is a pilot looking at increasing the Universities
interactions with companies. Student Enterprise - there is a good crop of students going through
SPEED this year; some may be submitting an entry to Santander University network for
entrepreneurship. Work is underway with Keele International about the Santander scholarship
allocation. Regeneration and regional enterprise – Keele is currently working with Staffordshire
University on a collaborative bid for regional growth funds.
Action: The committee agreed that Dr Hooper should revisit the Enterprise strategy with the
RI Directors
g. Report on the Health Innovation & Education Cluster (HIEC) led by Keele University – the
committee received the report from the Dean of Health and noted the fantastic achievement
securing NHS funding and that it is making good progress towards future sustainability.
a. Research grant success rates – The committee consider the Management Information report
on research grant applications and their success rate. Over the last 3 financial years the University
success rate (in monetary terms) has been 20%, in the current year to date 27% of applications
(over £7m) have already been awarded, which is a significant increase to this point in previous
years. The Deputy Vice Chancellor noted that research income is projected to be £1.5m below
target in 2010/11, and there is little that can be done to rectify this expenditure on grants at this late
stage. He noted the methodology behind the targets, to bring the University in line with the sector
average in each discipline, and that the expectation was that these would be exceeded. It was
noted that some RI members have still not put in a single grant application in the last few years.
The committee noted that more applications are needed across the board, with careful internal
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peer review. It was also noted that the problem is not with early career researchers, but at the
other end of the scale, where leadership needs to improve.
b. *Postgraduate Students report – The committee received the report on PGR submission rates,
awards, supervisory capacity, with an update on PGR applications and enrolments. The committee
noted the improvements in recruitment and submission rates.
Professor Philipson noted that some progress had been made with the ESRC doctoral training centre
as the ESRC have agreed to a meeting to look at specialist pathways with Aston and Loughborough,
where Keele will point forward the view that if it is good enough to hold a grant, then they cannot argue
any studentship within a grant is not valid.
The committee considered the update report from Tim Statham, fEC Management Accountant on
the announced RCUK Efficiency Factors to be applied to fEC grants, which for Keele in group C is
a 2% reduction in indirect cost rates. It was noted that the effect of a 0% annual inflation increase
is unclear at present but finance will report back in the future.
Professor Mark Ormerod, who chaired Graduate School Board on 5th May, provided the committee
with an update. The Board discussed items on this agenda 4 d & e, and also had a lengthy and
positive discussion on PGR students gaining teaching experience, which the Board supported.
The Board also support the GTA paper with some minor HR issues, but had noted GTAs are a
good way to support PGRs. There was a discussion on utilising the £200 uplift in PGR fees for
researcher development and transferable skills training (previously Roberts funding) and the Board
had agreed this funding should be ringfenced and managed at Research Institute level, so they
can utilise funds efficiently and co-ordinate activities.
The Board also noted concerns about English language provision for overseas applications, and
the outsourced provision being provided outside Keele. Members of Research Committee noted
that this issue is being discussed at University Executive Committee the following week. The
management information on PGR students noted improvements on submission rates, but only just
meeting the Research Council requirements of 80%. For Research Degrees Committee (RDC) it
was noted that Professor Michael Murray is stepping down as Chair, and after a consultation is
being replaced by Professor Steve Allin
The committee received the report from the Research Governance Officer on the number of
applications approved for research fellowships for 2011/12.
a) *Research Ethics
The committee noted the next meeting Research Ethics Sub-Committee has been
rearranged for 24 May 2011
b) *Research Governance
The committee received the minutes of Research Governance Committee held on 6 April
c) *Research Staff Committee
The committee received the minutes of Research Staff Committee’s held on 16 March,
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a. Social Sciences Research Institute Director
The Chair was pleased to announce that Professor Barry Godfrey was to take up this position from
1st August 2011.
b. AHRC Block Grant Partnership Capacity Building Route
Professor Hughes reported the successful award with Salford University
c. Research Symposium
The committee were reminded of the PGR showcase event the following day
d. Professor Chris Philipson
The Chair noted this was Professor Philipson’s last meeting and on behalf of the committee gave
thanks for the fantastic job he had undertaken managing the restructuring of the Social Science
RIs, which was appreciated enormously.
To be arranged – see University Diary http://www.keele.ac.uk/ps/governance/universitydiary/
Apologies and attendance
Mr Rama Thirunamachandran - Deputy Vice Chancellor and acting PVC
Research & Enterprise and acting Dean of the Graduate School (in the chair)
Professor Nick Foskett - Vice-Chancellor
Professor Andy Garner – Dean of Health
Professor David Shepherd - Dean of Humanities & Social Sciences
Professor Pat Bailey - Dean of Natural Sciences
Professor Elaine Hay - Director of Institute for Primary Care and Health
Professor Gordon Fearns - Director of Institute for Science and Technology in
Professor Ann Hughes - Director of Institute for Humanities
Professor Chris Philipson - Director of Institute for Law, Politics and Justice
/Life Course Studies/Public Policy and Management
Professor Graham Williams - Director of Institute for the Env, Physical
Sciences & Applied Maths
Mr Tim Hinchcliffe - Nominee of KPA – in attendance
Dr Peter Hooper – Head of Research & Enterprise Services – in attendance
Ms Caroline Pugh –Research & Enterprise Services – in attendance
Dr Simone Clarke – Director of Planning & Academic Administration – in
Paul Campbell – Representative from Research staff
RI Manager – on rolling basis
Mr James Allman - Treasury & Research Accounting Manager
Professor Mark Ormerod – forthcoming PVC Research & Enterprise (1st
August 2011) – in attendance
Mr Oliver Wakefiled – Forthcoming Chair of KPA (1st July 2011) – in
Secretary – Ellie James, Research & Enterprise Services
Rhian Hughes
attended in her
Pauline Weston