The Maude Reid Scrapbooks Version: October
The Maude Reid Scrapbooks Version: October
The Maude Reid Scrapbooks Version: October, 2015 Maude Reid was born in Lake Charles, Louisiana on October 31, 1882 to David John, Jr. and May (Helm) Reid. As the granddaughter of the early Imperial Calcasieu pioneer and lawman, David John Reid, Maude Reid was acquainted from childhood with other pioneer families and grew up during the period when many first or second generation pioneers were alive. She heard first- and second-hand stories of the early days of Imperial Calcasieu Parish. During her travels as a public health nurse she visited outlying communities in Imperial Calcasieu and established friendships with pioneers in those areas as well. As a friend she was entrusted not only with stories, she was also given original photographs, letters, other memorabilia and artifacts, and was allowed to copy original official records. At some point she began compiling scrapbooks and gave meticulous attention to their structure. Many are devoted to a specific topic of history. As an amateur historian she was meticulous in her transcriptions, citations and documentation. During the Depression she was appointed to submit articles to be included in the Works Progress Administration (WPA) Guide to Louisiana. In 1973 Reid donated eleven volumes of her scrapbooks to the Lake Charles Public Library. As early as 1970 the library already had a copy of the scrapbook she compiled as “an endeavor to be a memorial covering the activities of our town during the Global War from the first registration, the war maneuvers and through the second World War, 1940 – 53.” (Lake Charles American Press, page 24, 12/09/1970). In an article about her in April 1978 a librarian remarked, “It is not just a history of Lake Charles . . . It is the only history of Lake Charles.” (LCAP, p. 35, 4/30/1978). The Calcasieu Parish Public Library eventually received thirteen volumes of scrapbooks compiled by Maude Reid over a span of more than 50 years. In the 1980s members of the Southwest Louisiana Genealogical Society indexed the scrapbooks on card catalog cards. For many years this was the only method available for researching specific information from the scrapbooks. Staff members and volunteers of the Calcasieu Parish Public Library’s Southwest Louisiana Genealogical and Historical Library entered the data from these cards into a spreadsheet and made the resource available on online. The following updated version consolidates entries, eliminates duplication, and provides cross-references. Microfilmed copies of the scrapbooks are available for viewing at the Southwest Louisiana Genealogical and Historical Library in the Carnegie Memorial Library Building at 411 Pujo Street in Lake Charles. The original scrapbooks are currently housed in the McNeese State University Archives on indefinite loan. The McNeese Archives holds other Maude Reid Scrapbooks not included in this index. For a description of those scrapbooks, please see the Maude Reid Scrapbooks, Collection No. 11, McNeese State University Archives. Notes on the Index Many entries consist of family names with individuals only identified as “Mr.,” “Mrs.,” “Dr.,” “Capt.,” etc. Furthermore, some individuals are identified by nicknames or diminutives. Users are advised to examine all entries for any given surname for the most complete information possible. “Scrapbook 13A” refers to materials only on microfilm, available either at the Southwest Louisiana Genealogical and Historical Library or the McNeese Archives. Users are requested to notify the Southwest Louisiana Genealogical and Historical Library or the McNeese Archives staff of any errors. NAME OR DESCRIPTION A&P Tea Company. See "Great A & P Tea Company." Aair Medal Aarbour, John Edward (Harry) Aaron, Carlton Aaron, Earl W. Aaron, John D. and Tom Aaron, Joseph LeBleu Aaron, Leslie (Pvt.) Abadie, Marshall, (M/M) Abarra, Simplisio (Pfc.) Abate, Frank R.(Pvt) Abate, Mary Jane Abate, Tony (Mrs) Abate, Vincent (M/M) Abbeville, La. Abbey Abbey, Bel Abbey, Gilbert Abbey, Jeff (Chief of Attakapa tribe) Abbey, Martin Abbington, Jimmy Abbot brothers Abbott, Charles N. Abbott, George Abbott, James Abbott, R.J. (Mrs) Abbott, R.L. Abbott, Murray E. (Sgt) Abel, F.W. (Rev) Aberle, A.J. (M/M) Aberle, Dorothy and Jean Abernathy, Laverne P. (Mrs) Abet, John Abie, Antoine Abington, E. Butler (Rev) Ableman, Mose (M/M) Abner, John W. Aboriginal Population of America by James Mooney Abow, J. Narbonne (Rev) Abraham, August and Ralph Henry Abraham, Janice Abraham, John Abraham, Johnny Joseph Abraham, Mary Abraham, Sammy Abraham, September Abraham, Sylvia Abrahamic Covenant Abrahams, Doris Abrahams, Edith Abrahams, J.H. Abrahams, John Book/Page number 7/204 13A/18 5/83 8/18 7/345 7/201 7/236 (photo) 2/267 (photo); 10/211 7/83 (photo) 7/64 (photo), 320 10/166 7/225 7/97, 164, 306 (photo), 320, 344 (photo) 4/277, 279, 280 4/18 4/5, 42 4/33 4/5, 10, 31, 32 (photo), 41 4/33, 41 (photo), 42, 44, 45, 45, 54 10/187a 9/31 7/338 (photo) 4/39 7/336 8/303 5/29 7/336, 452, 454 2/311 2/331; 8/88 8/6 10/138 4/39 7/229 8/15; 10/193 8/196; 10/223 2/132 4/20 1/8, 10, 39, 41, 59i 7/81 10/186b 3/133 7/406 7/116 10/163, 185, 193 7/444 10/186a, 189 (photo), 193 2/202 5/157, 158 8/254 (photo) 3/56 8/295; 10/159, 162, 164, 167 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Abrahams, Nicholas J. Abrahams, Robert J. Abrego, Maud Abrego, S.V. Abrusley, Bill Absentee Military Voting Abshire Cemetery (Abbeville, La.) Abshire, Helen Abshire, Isaac (M/M) Abshire, Newton Joseph Acadia Parish, La. Acadian Art and Crafts Acadian Cottages Acadian Girls Acadian home Acadian-Chittimanchi Intermarriage Acadians Acadians--Pioneer Women Ace High Cash Store Acheson, Dean Ackerman Ackerman, Howard Acklen, J.H. (Congressman) Acklen, Mr. Acme Glass Co. Acolapissa Clan Ada, Ellen Adaise, Bayou of the Adam, Mildred Adamn, William T. (Pvt) Adams Adams, Andy C. (M/M) Adams, C.D. Adams, Charles E. Adams, Christopher, Jr. Adams, Clarence D., Jr. Adams, Coma Adams, Clay Odell (Cpl) Adams, C.V. (M/M) Adams, C.W. Adams Family: Abel (Uncle) Adams, Frank Adams, George Davis (Rev) Adams, George Matthew Adams, Jack Adams, Joan Adams, John Adams, John Quincy, President Adams, Kathryn Adams, Roy D. (Dr) Adams, S.L. (Mrs) Adams (Special Agent) Book/Page number 7/198 2/202 10/107 (photo) 2/265 4/266 7/317, 343 Old Cemeteries/24 7/109 (photo) 7/87, 115, 210, 356 7/210, 452, 454 1/210, 214; 6/18, 20; 8/278; 9/145 6/43, 55; 8/220 (photo) 6/90 (photo) 6/188 (photo) 6/37 4/3 1/2; 9/45 1/40 7/155, 273, 426, 428 10/92 3/41; 6/66 1/208 2/18 1/233 6/191, 193 4/19 5/277 1/211 13A/106 cz 7/253 (photo) 1/220 7/204, 314; 8/7 8/65 6/98 6/94, 95 3/217 10/108 7/210, 282 (photo), 314, 454 7/253, 430 8/295 4/65 9/139 1/6, 8, 29, 31, 32, 42, 59i; 2/158 1/3 7/178 10/229 3/117 1/229 8/221 5/250 10/214 13A/4 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Adams, Thomas Adams, T. Mercedes Adams, Vaughn (T. Sgt) Adams, W.B. Adams, W.C. Adams, W.H. Adaway, James Jr. Aday, Tom Adcock, Henry (Family) Addington, E.H. Addison, Converse J. (M/M) Addison, E.H. Addison, Evan Edward Addison, Leroy H. (Pvt) Addison, Mary Addison, Nelse "Adelina" (Schooner) Adrian, M. Sr. Ad Valorem Tax Aerial Gunnery School Aeronautics Authority, City AFL-CIO Volunteers African Americans. See also "Slavery." African Americans - Baptism African Americans - Day Nursery African Americans - Dogs African Americans - Education and Schools African Americans - Voter Registration African Methodist Episcopal Church African Tallow Trees Agate, Marian Agate, Ralph H. (Mrs) Agee, Virginia Agen, Annie Agen, Richard Aggs, H.G. Agnew, Harmon P. Agramonte, Aristades (Dr.) Agricultural Adjustment Administration Agricultural Agent Agricultural Dept. Delegate Agricultural Extension Service Agriculture Agriculture - Calcasieu Parish Agriculture Department, La. State Aguillard, Clarence (Pfc) Aguillard, Lena Aguillard, Maona Aguillard, T. (Mrs) Ahmed, Abhoud Pasha Aiken, Green and James Book/Page number 3/35 13A/37 c 2 7/253, 430 1/17, 18, 20 8/300 2/330; 7/451 4/142 2/233, 235 (photo) 7/304 (photo) 1/183 7/106 (photo), 345 1/183 7/201 7/106 10/175 3/160, 169 6/64 10/165 1/154 7/34 8/282 4/266, 268 (photo), 269 (photo), 270, 271, 282, 289, 290, 296, 297, 299 4/27; 5/255-258 5/257; 9/22 (photo) 5/256 1/262-263 5/145; 10/78-91 8/298 1/4; 4/114 6/66 5/252 2/403; 10/304 10/137 4/226, 229 4/222, 260 5/162 7/451 6/83 8/203 1/221 1/18 1/282; 8/203 6/56; 8/63, 185, 204, 216 8/12 8/199 7/288 8/96 (photo) 7/278 13A/12 c4,19 c1 5/13 1/146 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Ainsworth, Charles, Jr Ainsworth, H.P. Air fields and Air Bases - See names of individual bases, e.g., Randolph, Gerstner, Chennault, etc. Air Mail Service Air raid alarm system and wardens Airhart, Allen (Mrs) Airhart, Amos ( Pvt) Airhart, Anna Airhart, Arvie Airhart, Elizabeth Airhart, Elton Airhart, Ida C. (Mrs) Airplanes, B-29, at the Lake Charles Air Base Airplanes, B-47, at the Lake Charles Air Base Airplanes, B-52 Stratofortress Airplanes, Jive Bombers Airport, Lake Charles Municipal [See Lake Charles Municipal Airport] Airport, North Lake Charles [See North Lake Charles Airport] Airport Road Airview Terrace "Ajax" (tugboat) Akers, Earl N. Akers, Robert W. Akins, Bill Akins, Corbett Akins, Dorothy Akins Family Akins, J.B. Akins, Spencer B. (Col) "Akron" Airship Alabama Alabama Coushatta Indian Tribe Alabama Indian Tribe Alabama River Alamo Alaska Alba, O.W. Albert, Mr. Albert, A. Albert, A. and son Albert, J.A. Albertson, Col. Albertson, Louise Albertson, W.A. Albertson, William H. Albright, J.M. (Mrs.) Albuquerque, NM Alcede, Alma Alcide, Lourene Alcinder Residence Alcock, Anna Belle Book/Page number 1/212 1/152 8/228 7/19, 106, 122, 147, 148, 150; 10/50-52, 56 7/173, 269 7/255 (photo), 351 7/112 7/95 7/351 7/82 7/93 8/166 8/164, 165, 177-178b, 180 9/138 7/119 6/195 6/195, 197 (photo), 204 6/171 7/452, 454 1/218; 9/38, 119; 10/97, 98 10/230 13A/50 10/198g 1/206 10/266 7/16 5/242 1/196; 4/11, 26, 32 4/26, 53 2/123, 195; 4/3, 12, 16-18, 27, 131; 6/56; 4/5, 12 1/205, 233; 5/17 4/104 4/93 2/223 (photo) 2/182 2/97 (photo) 8/270 3/33 3/79; 6/8, 14 2/211 1/44, 57, 57c, 57e, 260; 3/204 5/171 6/19 5/226 4/218 1/75 7/286, 326 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Alcock, Clyde S. Alcock, Clyde S., Jr. (Pfc.) Alcock, Wrennie Alcoholic beverages (liquor). See also "Prohibition." Alderman Alderson, Delia and Reginald Charles Alderson, E.L. Aldrich, W.R. Aldridge, Mr. Aleshire, Robert W. (Mrs) Alex, Joseph Levi Alexander, A.A. Alexander, Alice Alexander, Annie Lee Alexander, A.W. Alexander, Carrie O. Alexander, Edna Alexander, George Alexander, George Griffin ( S12C) Alexander, Henry Alexander, John W. (Ens) Alexander, Kirby W. (Lt) Alexander, Louis (Cpl) Alexander, Miller H. (M/M) Alexander, Mrs. Alexander, Robert Alexander, Roy T. and W.J. Alexander, R.W. (M/M) Alexander, T.L. (M/M) Alexandria, La. Alexson, Walter Alford, David G. (Col) Alford, Mr. Alford, Steve Alford, T.G. ( Rev) Algiers, La. All Saints Day Allain, Lorraine All-American Cities Awards Allbright, J.L. Allegret, Elizabeth Allegrey, A.M. Allegut, A.M. (Mrs) Alleman, L.J. Allemandes, Bayou des Allen, Abe Allen, A. Leonard ( Rep) Allen, Barbara Allen, Benjamin, George, Hannah, and Moses Allen, Carroll Book/Page number 7/286, 343 7/64, 326, 341; 9/51 7/341 1/33, 99, 110, 138, 257 1/199, 219, 257 7/379 2/277 8/37 2/117 1/197; 7/153; 10/185 7/407 1/89; 2/284; 3/208, 223-225 7/111 7/293 5/109, 110 7/185, 217 6/17 7/346; 10/68 7/403 2/237 (photo), 331; 10/225 7/185 (photo), 217 7/216, 244 7/348 2/264, 331 (photo), 334, 336; 5/225; 6/191; 7/122, 198; 9/4; 10/213 8/193 (photo) 2/220; 8/294 7/341 (photo) 7/346, 403 4/192, 264 (photo) 1/117, 122, 126, 131, 134, 138, 148, 152, 153, 155, 157, 205, 206, 222; 3/17, 36, 187; 6/19 7/3 9/146 3/134 (photo) 3/221; 8/238 3/40, 44 4/107; 6/92 Old Places/42; 8/265 6/188 (photo) 9/137 3/201 7/98 5/317 7/8, 103, 112, 114, 193; 8/214 10/59 9/133 6/174 8/273 10/186b, 198 1/168 8/295 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Allen, Chester A. ( Tech/Sat.) Allen, C.M. Allen, D.A. (Mrs) Allen, D.R. (Mrs) Allen, E.M. Allen, Edward W. Allen, Elijah Allen, Ella Allen, Fred Allen, F.W. Allen, G.B. (Mrs) Allen, Harold James Allen, Harvey C. (Brig. Gen) Allen, Hazel Allen, Henry G. and Rea Allen, Henry L. , Jr. Allen, Jimmy Dale Allen, John Byron Allen, J.W. (Mrs) Allen, L.C. (Mrs) Allen, Lillian Allen, L.L. (Sgt) Allen, Lois Allen, O.K. (Governor) Allen Parish Allen Parish Schools Allen, R.C. Allen, Robert (M/M) Allen, Rosa Allen, Sybel Allen, William. A. (Cpl) Allgood, Frank B. ( T/Sgt) Allgood, Glen I. (T/sgt) Allgood, Janet Allgood, Sam (M/M) Allied Expeditionary Force Alligator hunting Allison, G.K. (M/M) Allison, J. Allison, Margaret Allison, Rev. Alliver, Joe Allman, Charles D. (Pvt) Allums, Kathleen Alphin, Dan Alphin's Drug Store Alridge Alsace-Lorraine Alston, A.H. Alston, Absolum Book/Page number 7/178 5/3 10/197 10/207, 229 5/238; 7/13 10/183, 187a, 191, 193, 202 1/169 1/37, 168; 2/168, 188 8/254 7/296 8/101 7/81 7/26 7/173 7/228 3/217 13A/22 7/86 2/405; 4/169; 6/17; 7/113, 297, 353 (photo); 8/223, 238; 9/1; 10/306 6/5 7/237 7/286 (photo) 10/148 1/214; 2/58; 5/251 1/119, 205, 206, 210, 213, 217, 233; 4/4, 12, 17, 97; 7/102 7/102, 173 8/213, 213a 7/93, 173; 8/229; 9/122 10/5 10/177, 186b 7/341 7/408 7/332, 408 8/2 7/408; 10/161 7/257, 258 4/135 Old Cemeteries/17 2/220; 6/22 6/91 6/25, 91 7/296 7/198 7/154 2/132 2/131 6/64 2/92 1/25 1/29 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Alston, Church W. Alston, C.N. Alston, Des, Odelia, Page, and Pete Alston, Edwin and Woodrow Alston, Hoyt L. and Nathan A. (M/M) Alston, Inez Alston, Jack Alston, John D. Alston, Napoleon Alston, N.B. Alston, Phillip Alston, Prentice L. Alston, Roy Alston, W. Alston, Warren Alta Printing Co. Alverson Alvey, James and Paul Alvin Street Alward, Ray Amalgamated Safe Blowers of America National Convention Ameche, Don Amerada Oil Co. American Academy of Dramatic Arts American Assoc. of University Women American Bird Banding Assoc. American Graves Registration Command American Heroes Day American Legion Book/Page number 1/9, 103, 106, 107, 119 1/120 Old Cemeteries/17 Old Cemeteries/21 7/74 7/66 5/79; 13A/20 1/50, 63, 120 1/58 5/55 1/134 7/151 10/219 10/37 10/37 (photo), 219 (photo) 7/155, 273, 426, 428, 435; 10/209 1/138 9/39 6/78 7/82 6/91 4/277 1/288 6/55 6/49 8/201 6/210 7/75, 77 4/277, 301; 5/252; 6/163, 166, 167, 176, 180; 7/5, 45, 66, 83, 86, 122, 155; 8/214; 9/57; American Legion Award Scholarship 10/121, 206 American Legion Drum Bugle Corps 6/172 American Legion Home 7/111; 9/9 (photo); 8/313 American Legion of Honor Hope Council #112 3/23, 41 American Legion Park 5/281 American Legion, W.B. Williamson Post 7/179; 8/15 American Lumber Co. 4/128; 10/349 American Medical Association 4/283, 284 American newspaper [See also Lake Charles American Press newspaper, Lake 1/208, 214, 233, 263, 266; 3/32-36, 236; 5/12; Charles Daily American newspaper, Lake Charles Daily Press newspaper, etc. ] 8/9, 243 American Post 7/86 American Press newspaper [See also Lake Charles American Press newspaper, 1/187, 199, 208, 266, 267; 3/42, 141; 5/9; Lake Charles Daily American newspaper, Lake Charles Daily Press newspaper, 7/155, 273, 426, 428; 8/21, 219, 246; 10/198c, etc. ] 209 American Press newspaper Building 3/95,175; 8/248 (photo) American Red Cross 1/208; 3/80, 85, 87, 141, 148; 4/80, 263-278, 280-299; 5/333, 341; 6/141, 191-210; 7/18, 35, 39, 55-67, 82-83, 86, 87, 89, 103, 113-115, 122, 133, 138, 177, 183, 193, 225, 314, 321, 327, 346, 351-355, 359, 391, 408; 8/89, 215, 218, 267 American Red Cross--Benefit 10/187a, 192, 210 American Red Cross--Canteen Corps 7/103, 112, 194, 357; 8/215 NAME OR DESCRIPTION American Red Cross--First Aid Classes American Red Cross--Gray Ladies American Red Cross--Home Nursing American Red Cross--Junior Chapter American Red Cross--Motor Corps American Rice Growers Assoc. American Shoe Repair American State Papers Indian Affairs American Water Works Assoc. American Woodman of the World Amhydrous ammonia Ammen, A.K. Among the Cotton Thieves Amsden, Carl M. Jr Amsden, Carl M.2/Sgt. Amusements Amvets-Safety Slogan Contest Amy, Doris Amy, Dudley Jr (M/M) Amy, G.W. Amy, Jessie Anacoco, La., town, bayou, creek, prairie, etc. [Various spellings occur: L'Anna Coco, Lanacoco, Lan Acoco] Anahuac, Tex. Anandale, La. Anderson, Adolph and Peter Anderson, Aline Anderson, Andy (Mrs) Anderson, A.O. (M/M) Anderson, Arney Victor Anderson, Bailey and Jonathon Anderson, Bert Anderson, Berta Wetong Anderson, Bertie or Birdie Anderson, C.C. (Mrs) Anderson, C.H. Anderson, Charles Marion and Wetona Anderson, Clayton Cotton Compress Anderson, D.A. Anderson, Dr. Anderson, Ed (Mrs) Anderson, Edwina, Ralph J., and Yvonne Anderson, Elizabeth Anderson, Ethel Todd Anderson, Evonne Patterson Anderson, George Anderson Garth (Corp.) Anderson, Gus, Mayor Anderson, Gus W. Anderson, H. Vernon Anderson, J. Anderson, J.C. (MD) Book/Page number 7/217 7/294, 353 7/111; 8/125 7/201 (photo), 328, 363; 9/150; 10/187a 7/103, 111, 115, 116; 8/215 1/214; 8/290 2/355 1/209; 4/20; 13A/3 8/195 10/210 8/192 5/319 13A/8 7/242 7/235 6/64 10/215 7/57 7/315 10/181 7/210 1/81, 92, 96, 98, 101, 110, 118, 123, 205; 5/79 1/210 3/34 5/85 3/54 13A/17 7/412; 8/7 7/86 8/202 7/82 10/127 (photo), 161 7/111, 412 7/173 5/210 7/406 6/66 9/32 3/58 6/89 (photo); 8/193, 305 7/412 (photo) 7/111, 200 8/100 7/254 6/62 7/350 1/235; 6/49, 89; 9/44 6/208; 8/280 8/340 1/162 2/128, 167 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Anderson, J.L. Anderson, J.W. Anderson, James Anderson, James Ralph Anderson, Jesse Anderson, Jessie A. (Family) Anderson, Joseph Anderson, L.C. (Dr./Mrs.) Anderson, Lena Anderson, Morris Noble Anderson, Murray Anderson, Norman (M/M) Anderson, O.A. (M/M) Anderson, Oren L. Anderson, Quenton W. (Pvt) Anderson, R.A. (Lt) Anderson, Richard Anderson, Richard (Lt) Anderson, Richard (Mrs) Anderson, Richard A. Anderson, Rita Anderson, Robert Anderson, Robert D. Anderson, Robin Anderson, Swinson Edward Anderson, W.B. Anderson, Thomas C. Anderson, Wallace McKenzie (Family) Anderson, Ward Anderson, William H. Jr. (Sgt) Anderson and Swindell Anderson and Walker Furniture Co. Andrepont, Joseph B. Andrew, James, Sr Andrews, B.H. (Rev) Andrews, Edmund Andrews, Hattie H. (Mrs. Ed) Andrews, James (Mr. and Mrs.) Andrews, James A. Andrews, Josephine Andrews, Lorena Moore Andrews, S. Andrews, S.S. Andrews, Soloman Andrews, Uris Book/Page number 1/277 4/101 1/112, 118 7/54 (photo), 67 (photo) 10/233 7/176, 254, 406 (photo), 408, 450, 452, 454, 456 7/444 1/226; 3/5, 80; 4/101; 5/9 7/111 7/201, 254, 412 (photo) 6/201 3/105; 7/14, 60, 116, 123, 124, 316, 340; 9/138; 10/16 7/67 7/67 (photo), 254 (photo), 412 (photo) 7/254 (photo), 412 (photo) 8/96 (photo) 8/73; 9/4, 38; 10/215, 236 6/190; 8/92 (photo) 10/215 8/338 4/218 2/286; 3/221; 4/218; 7/203 7/254 (photo), 412 (photo) 10/236, 237 8/280 4/98 Old Places/2 7/449 (photo) 2/315, 318, 321, 351; 4/123, 169; 5/93, 262, 270, 311; 6/3 (photo), 17; 7/8, 50, 82, 89, 98, 102, 173, 189, 269, 302, 354, 370; 8/84, 212, 219, 238, 278; 10/23, 48, 69, 107 (photo), 108, 110, 115, 117, 118b, 121, 126, 138, 139, 150, 161, 171, 187a, 188, 190, 193-197, 199a, 202, 205, 207, 210, 213-215 (photos), 226, 227 (2/205; h )7/409 228 236 (photo) 3/39 3/39, 40 8/92 1/211 2/318, 319 1/279 3/55, 79; 6/8, 14 6/4 1/159 7/111 4/237, 238 4/218 10/187a, 197, 203, 212 (photo) 1/161 8/248 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Andrus, Allen Andrus, Benjamin Andrus, C.H. Andrus, Calvert Andrus, Charles Andrus, Charles Hiram Andrus, Charles Truston Andrus, Clabby Andrus, Claiborne Andrus, Claude (Mrs) Andrus, Curtis Andrus, D.P. Andrus, David Andrus, David D. Andrus, Eliza Andrus Family Andrus, Genevieve and Leonard Andrus, George Andrus, George Frederick Andrus, Grace Johnette Andrus, Hiram or Hyrum Andrus, Huey R. Andrus, Issac Andrus, J.C. Andrus, J.W. Andrus, James Andrus, Jones Andrus, Joyce Andrus, Kelly Andrus, Leon (Sgt) Andrus, Leslie, Jr. Andrus, Lloyd C. Andrus, M.D. Andrus, Margaret Elizabeth Andrus, Mary Virginia Andrus, Morgan (M/M) Andrus, Ned Andrus, Rip Andrus, Roy Andrus, S. Andrus, S.S. Andrus, Shivine Andrus, Stephen Andrus, Van M. (M/M) Andrus, William Crawford Andrus, William E. Ange, Casey Ange, Joseph and Rita Angel, Dr. Angel, Rabbi Camillus Book/Page number 2/99 1/88, 91; 3/174; 5/55 1/132, 149 1/88, 111, 126, 133, 137; 4/81; 5/4 1/80 1/114, 116 5/55; 7/449 7/228 1/44, 75, 94, 121 13A/19 3/112, 116 10/191 1/97, 109, 145 1/117, 118, 127, 146, 159, 162; 2/130, 189; 3/23, 174; 6/109 1/163 5/77 13A/18 3/112 7/201 10/161 1/11, 14, 24, 26, 59, 171b; 5/77; 10/101, 222 8/92 1/167; 2/131 2/37 7/304 1/73, 81 4/237 10/174, 177, 187 (photo); 19/187a 8/124 7/279 10/84 4/280 3/23; 10/107 (photo) 1/143; 5/4; 10/136 10/197 10/102, 122 (photo), 171b; 3/16, 174 10/222 5/331 4/226 1/150 2/132 2/131 1/97, 148, 149 1/187, 263; 5/243; 6/185; 7/146, 206, 324; 8/61, 246, 303; 9/34, 153; 10/115, 138; 13A/53 4/81 3/55 7/82 7/406 5/312 3/105 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Angelina County, Tex. Angelina River Angelle, Robert Angelus Angier, Phillip A. Ankeney, Mrs. "Ann Ryan" (Schooner) Ann Street Ano, Emma Anslem, Joseph R. (Pfc) Anthens Square - Lake Charles Anthony, Samuel H. Anthony's Ferry Antioch Baptist Church Antique Chest Antique Show Antoine Antoine, Freddie and Mary Antoine, Walcheim Antoine's Gully Anvers (Ship) Apache Indian Tribe Appleby, H.E. Appleby, Laura Appleby, Mrs. Appollo Lodge #3751 Knights of Honor An Appreciation of Lake Charles (Poem) Arabie, Armand (M/M) and Jesse Arabie, Gatha Arabie, Jasper (S/2C) Arabie, John (Pvt) Arabie, Joseph Willis (Lt.) Aragon Club Arand, Mrs. Araughn, Henry Arboa, Lucia Arbogast, John C. Arbon, Tricia Arbor Day Tree Planting Arbour, John (Mrs.) Arcade Theatre Arceneaux, A.L. (Mrs) Arceneaux, C.B. (Mrs.) Arceneaux, Chester (Mrs.) Arceneaux, David A. (Pfc) Arceneaux, Thomas J. (Dean) and Louis, Jr. Arceneaux, F.A. Arceneaux Family Arceneaux, Jules Gordon and Lyon Keith Arceneaux, Robert E. Archery Book/Page number 1/205 4/26 1/188 8/222 8/47 (photo) 6/59, 60 1/225 1/194, 274 2/121 7/417 3/137 6/208 3/199; 13A/108 6/103 3/74 (photo) 8/187-189 1/161 7/362 1/88 1/145 10/295-302 4/26 3/186 8/193 (photo) 3/135 (photo), 178 (photo) 3/41 9/158 7/333, 346 7/305 7/217, 333 (photo), 346 7/201, 333, 346 (photo) 7/305, 333, 346, 431, 454 6/191 3/172 5/85 1/5 5/139 1/5 6/17 13A/18 1/256; 3/25, 39, 84, 165, 215; 5/9; 6/23, 63, 64, 91, 174, 175; 7/100; 8/234 7/39 7/146 7/173 3/116; 7/5 4/62 1/185; 2/59 5/77 7/95 6/208 9/127 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Architects - See names of individual firms, e.g., Dunn & Quinn, Favrot & Livaudais, etc. Ardoin, Belvin Paul Ardoin, Charlie Ardoin, Dominic Ardoin, Elena M. Ardoin, Olnay Ardoin, Ronald (M/M) Ardoin, Ulyses S. Ardoin, W.J. Ardoin, Wilmar Arfstan, Nick (Mrs.) Arkwright, R.V. (Capt.) Arledge, Curtis A. Arledge, H.A. Armbruster, Isabel Armed Service Enlistments Armentor, Leon (Mrs.) Armistead, Billy Armistead, Cecil (Pfc) and Martha Armistead, Ora Armistice Day 1918 Armistice Day 1919 Armistice Day 1933 Armistice Day Parade 1941 Armistice Day Parade 1945 Armistice Day Program Armstead, Laura Mae Armstrong, Annie Armstrong, Frank A., Jr.( Brig. Gen.) Armstrong, Hubert Earl Armstrong, John Armstrong, John W. Armstrong, Robert Armstrong's Bluff Army of the Platte Arnaz, Desi Arnett, C.L. (M/M) Arnett, Charlene, Marie, and S.P. (M/M) Arnett, Charles Arnette, W. (Capt.) Arnette, W.P. Arnold Arnold, C.D. Arnold, Clarence Avon Arnold, Claude Family Arnold Family Arnold, H.H. ( Gen) Arnold, Harvey Arnold, James P. (Dr) Arnold, Jerry Arnold, John Harvey (Lt.) Book/Page number 7/201 7/95 7/452 7/336 7/86 10/166; 13A/55 7/417 6/196 (photo) 7/64 2/301; 6/10, 14 5/117 7/64 Old Cemeteries/24 8/184 7/2 7/336 8/347 7/199 7/6 6/141 6/142 8/238 7/487 8/267 7/316 7/356 10/126 7/436 7/118 4/147; 10/68 1/183 1/52 1/30, 40, 95 13A/4 8/198 (photo) 7/193, 397 7/278 7/5, 278 2/244 4/98 10/116 7/5, 111 7/210 7/143, 183, 227, 282a, 245, 304; 10/233 1/206 7/168, 191 10/63 2/128,167; 5/4 5/4 7/245 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Arnold, John Richard Arnold, Leslie R. (Lt.) Arnold, Paul Arnold, Frederick Arrington, Robert Arrowheads Arrowood, John Arroyo Hondo Arroyo, Oscar Arsene, Bayou [Various spellings occur: Arsain] Book/Page number 7/66 7/245, 282a, 304, 454, 463; 10/233 10/230 8/94 2/121; 5/55 4/20 3/106 1/211, 212 2/150 1/15, 16, 24, 25, 81, 91, 133, 137, 147, 150, 153, 157 3/54 2/200, 210; 3/42 2/204; 4/100; 10/305 1/168 4/102 5/24 13A/85 7/404 7/361 (photo) 7/300, 340, 449; 10/161 7/340 7/82, 327, 396, 433, 437 7/146 7/396 6/83 7/437 7/345 7/327 7/395 7/6 8/198; 9/129 (photo), 130, 142, 149 7/5 1/61i Artego, Allie and Annie Artesion Well & Oil Co. Arthur, Arthur M. (M/M) Arthur, Barnabus C. Arthur Family Artie, Betty Arttuir, Stanley Clisby Arville, Johny (Sgt) Asaff, George (M/M) and Johnny Asaff, Michael Asaff, Spers Ash, George (M/M) Ash, Glen, Mrs. Ash, Gordon and Melva Mayson Ash, John Ash, Juanita Eskridge and Judy Gail Ash, Melvin G. Ash, Robert J. Ash, Robert I. Ash, Robert L. Ashburn, Karl (Dr.) Ashfor, Eddie ( Pfc) Ashton, Marcella Associations - See individual names, e.g., German Benevolent, Rice milling, Secretaries, etc. Atkinson, Cantonment [Also called Camp Atkinson or Fort Atkinson] 1/3, 192, 196, 222, 226-229; 3/172; Old Cemeteries/3-6; 13A/3, 44, 141 Attakapa Indian Tribe 1/300; 4/20; 6/56; 9/145 Atteberry, W.A., (Mrs.) 3/85 Attorneys - See names of individual firms, e.g., Plauche & Plauche, etc. Atwell, C.J., (Mrs.) 10/107 Aubey, Arthur R. 7/452 Aubey, Donald, Eli, and Lena 4/192 Aucoin, Adam, Eva, and S., Mrs. 7/163 (photo) Aucoin, Albert (M/M) 7/111, 198; 8/93 Aucoin, Eddie and Louis 4/218 Aucoin, Eunis J. 7/228, 362 Aucoin, Hatley (Mrs.) 7/282c Aucoin, Treville 1/91, 93 Audrey Memorial Hospital 4/298 Augenstien, Glenn R. and Iva, (Mrs.) 7/431 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Augner, Andrew August, Daniel (Cpl) Augustin, Paul (M/M) Augustin, Solange [or Augustus] Augustine, Devina N. (Mrs.) Augustine, Frank Augustine, Joe (Mrs.) Augustine, James Auld, Phillip Ausmus, Louis C. (M/M) Ausmus, Mary Guidry Austin, Mrs. Austin, A.C. Austin, Betty Lou Austin, Charles H. (M/M) Austin, Conrad Austin, G.L. Austin, Horace (M/M) Austin, James M. Austin, John G. Austin, John H. Austin, John J. Austin, Lambert (Mrs.) Austin, Lettie Lou Austin, Lorraine (Lt.) Austin, Stephanie (Lt.) Austin, Stephen F. Austin, Walter (M/M) Austin Shoe Store Authement, Barbara, Connie, Georgia Ann, Jackie, Jackson, Mary Louise, and Mary Lynn Authement, Eric J. and Gaspard J. Authement, Ernest Authement, Ezora Autin, Virginia Auto Dealerships and Supplies - See individual names, e.g., Frank Buick, Swith Service, etc. Auto Use Stamps Automobile, first Autry, Ronald Auxiliary personal attack ship Avant, Clarence Avendarro, N.P. Avenor Dawson Church Avery Avery, A.B. (Mrs.) Avery, H. (Mrs.) Avery Island Avery, J.M. Avery, Joy (Mrs.) Avery, Mabel Claire Book/Page number 7/296 7/400 1/1, 52, 62, 91, 103, 104, 106, 110, 128, 129, 134, 135, 138, 145, 190, 191 1/104, 108, 110, 126, 128; 6/22 Old Cemeteries/17 7/66 4/59 7/296 7/463; 10/233 5/286; 7/433; 13A/20 13A/20 6/3 (photo) 7/82 10/120 3/105; 5/110, 116, 117; 7/82, 123, 124; 8/70, 7/296 4/171 5/89, 252; 7/50; 8/70, 284, 323 7/158 10/118b 10/195 10/228 7/237 10/129, 130 10/217 7/173, 193 1/212 5/252; 7/217; 10/138, 167 7/426, 428; 10/209 4/218 7/342 4/200, 202 4/192 4/81 3/205 5/198, 199 6/90 8/282 (photo) 10/211 4/293 7/217 6/5, 7 6/4 3/147 4/3; 8/68 5/15 10/197 7/447 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Avery, Toney Avery, W. J., Mrs. Avgerino Aviation Camp Inspection Aviation Gunnery School Avirett, Florence F. and J.D. Avis, Emma Avoyelles Parish,La. Await, H.D. (Mrs.) Aycock, Clarence Aycock, Joel H. Aycock, Myrtle Ayer, Jarvis M. (Pvt.) Ayer, Louise Ayer, Mrs. Ayer, William W. (M/M) Ayers, John C. Ayers, Paul Williston (M/M) Ayers, R.M. (Chief) Aymond, Clovis P. Ayres, Anna H. Ayres, Anna Kinney and Mary Lou Ayres, Frank L. (1st. Lt.) Babbino, Mrs. Babin, Adolphe Babin, Earl Babin, Glaise J. (Mrs) and James Babin, Jean C. and W. P. (M/M) Babin, John A. (Sgt) Babineaux, Albert Babineaux, Alex Babineaux, Dorman John Babineaux, Elphie M. ( 2/Lt.) Babineaux, John Alvin Babineaux, Joseph Babineaux, Poterlice Mary Babineaux, Theodore (M/M) Babino, Bellisaire Paul Baby Week Parade Baccigalopi, Arthur (Mrs), Floyd, Susan, and Swanford Baccigalopi, John S. Bachemin, James Backhart Bacon, Edward Bacon, F.A., Mrs. Bacon, Max Bacon, Willie Bacon, Joseph (Ferry) Badcock, James M. and Vera M. Baden, Earl (Mrs) Book/Page number 9/137 10/304 6/79 3/147 7/9, 10, 13 7/341 2/22, 103, 113, 146, 149; 6/64 4/18 7/341 10/94 7/6, 452, 454 8/308a 7/397 10/178, 193 10/138 7/235, 347, 397 2/86, 284 (photo), 290; 3/221; 7/203 3/203, 395; 7/128 (photo), 140, 143, 183, 209, 277, 282 (photo), 404, 432, 452, 454; 10/107 (photo), 7/362 7/452, 454 7/360, 390 7/128 7/128, 360, 390, 395 8/338 7/279, 349 7/349, 413 7/391 7/405 7/151, 349 (photo), 405 7/95 7/229 7/201 7/302, 407 7/429 7/6 7/406 7/407 7/3, 210 3/142, 147, 148 4/218 7/452 9/4 5/82 13A/8 10/306 3/120 7/217 1/108, 115 7/311 (photo) 7/173 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Bader, Howard Badoil (Father) (Priest) Badolato, Madeline Bagdad, La. Baggett, A.J. Baggett, Charles Ray Baggett-Chief of Police Baggett, Daniel and Dennis Baggett, Dennis E. Baggett, E.E. Baggett, Elmer M. (S/Sgt) Baggett Family Baggett, Herman (Rev) Baggett, R.W. (Mrs) and Self (Rev) Baggett, Viva Baggett, Walter T. Baggett, William S. Baglio, Paul (Mrs) Bahel Memorial Hospital Bahnsen, Catherine Bahnsen, Charles (Mrs) Bahnsen, C.W. (Mrs) Bahnsen, D. and M. Bahnsen, Johanna Bahnsen, Matilda Baier, C.G. Bailey Bailey, A. Bailey, Alma, Kent, and Nettie Bailey, B. Hillman, Jr. Bailey, Billy Alfred Bailey, C.D Bailey, Don Bailey, James Bailey, John Bailey, Joseph Weldon Bailey, Joyce Bailey, Matilda Alpuente Bailey, Millie Ann Bailey, R.E. Bailey, Robert Ford Bailey, Vernon Bailey's Drug Store Baillio, Edward Willie Baillio Family Baillio, George (M/M) Bain, H.H. Bair, Ed Book/Page number 5/23 2/12, 143; 3/132 7/339 1/86, 95, 132, 149, 152, 157, 159, 162, 196, 205, 217, 220, 231, 235, 251, 289; 2/62, 175; 3/232; 5/13, 209; 6/79; 10/312; 13A/10 2/132 7/282 1/256 1/161 5/55 5/221, 307; 7/19, 20, 26, 50, 82 7/394 1/206 7/384 13A/21 10/115, 126, 205 (photo) 8/92 6/208 7/82 4/100 7/111 6/49 13A/20 5/82 2/150 5/88 9/39 2/212; 6/17 1/164 3/171 8/162 1/246 8/65 9/4, 30 10/19 (photo), 193 8/108 8/193 6/69 (photo), 70 (photo), 73-75 3/49, 171 10/68 6/70 7/74 4/136 7/89 7/95 5/177 1/230; 3/105, 112, 116 (photo), 119; 5/276; 7/92-94, 100, 138 (photo), 193, 351 (photo); 8/167, 267 2/284; 3/223, 225 9/4 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Baird, Elsie Baird, Grace Baird, Vernon Baird, William S. Baize, Tom Baker Baker, Albert Zachery Baker, Alex (M/M), Breman, and Florence H. Baker, Allie Baker, Alton V. (Family) Baker, Annie and Simeon Baker, Benjamin Baker, Bert Baker, C.C. Baker, Don P. and G.W. (Mrs.) Baker, Edwina Baker, Flora Baker, G.J. Baker, George Baker, George F. Baker, Grace Baker, Harold H. Baker, Henry Baker, Howard Baker, J.W. (M/M) Baker, James and William Baker, James C. (M/M) Baker, James Robert Baker, Jay R. (Mrs.) Baker, Jimmie (City Marshal) Baker, John B. Baker, Mary E. Baker, Maud Bake Baker, Newton D. Baker, Paul (Mrs) Baker, Ramon Baker, Richard Baker, Samuel Lee Baker Brothers Service Station Bakeries - See names of individual bakeries, e.g., Golden, Calcasieu, etc. Bal, Count Balay, Francis O.S.B. (Rev.) Baldwin Baldwin Academy Baldwin, Gene Baldwin, La. Baldwin, Mr. Baldwin, Prof. Baldwin, Prof. Male & Female School Baldwin, Ray L. (M/M) Baldwin, R.S. Baldwin, Stanley Book/Page number 6/72 4/82 4/167 (photo), 169; 5/284 7/433 10/211 3/34 2/328 (photo) 7/162 (photo) 10/37 7/442 2/195 5/211 7/82 2/265 7/185 5/331 3/180 1/288 (photo) 1/229, 288; 3/97 1/230 5/228 10/53 7/296 8/95 5/77, 326 13A/17 7/173; 8/280; 10/190 (photo) 7/95 2/267 8/270 6/82 2/85 3/97 6/83 7/115 10/197 5/54 7/437 7/155, 273, 426, 428, 435; 10/209 4/102 4/20 4/30; 10/198f 1/245 10/63 4/30 4/115 1/245; 5/170 10/10 7/39, 50, 296 5/243; 8/99 (photo) 5/243 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Baldwin, W.H. Balfour, C. (Dr.) Ball, John Ball, Lucille Ball, Munger L. Ballard, C.K. Ballard, George (Mrs.) Ballew, Richard Ballew's Ferry [Various spellings occur: Bellew's] Balli, Padre Nicholas Balmain, Mr. Balvese, John B. Banana plantation Banana Shipment Banchett, Oliver Bancroft, La. Band Director (public school) Bands - See individual names, e.g., First Regiment, Royal Italian, etc. Bangeman, E.H. (Mrs.) Banister, Roy H. Bank difference settled Bank holiday (1933) Bank of Calcasieu Bank Street Banker Banker, Willis "Bill" ( Capt.) Banker, Buddy Bankhead, Tallulah Bank-Night Shift Banks - See also names of individual banks, e.g., First National, Calcasieu Marine, etc. Bankstein, Jesse H. Bankston, Carl L. (M/M) Bankston, Dora (Mrs.) Bankston, Jesse Bannister, Roy Bannister, La. Banquette Banta, H.Q. (Prof.) Banta, R.C. (Mrs.) Banta, Mrs. Baptism, First Holy Baptist Minister Baptist Annex Baptist Church Baptist Orphanage Baptist Prairie Baptista, Sister Baptiste, Edolia Baptiste, Uncle Baptistex, P.W. (Rev.) Book/Page number 1/244, 205; 2/100; 4/96; 5/78; 10/11 5/312 9/123 8/198 10/198d 5/192; 8/198 7/268 1/168 1/9, 45, 49, 52, 61, 68, 75, 102, 106, 220 13A/46 6/98 1/168 8/268 9/60 7/81 4/97 1/277 3/80 8/61 3/205a 6/32 2/124, 213; 3/37, 123; 6/9 6/192, 207 (photo), 209 (photo) 10/116 7/214 (photo) 10/47 7/369 8/224 (photo) 2/276 6/210 2/271; 6/17, 44; 7/146, 173, 225; 8/229, 238; 9/34; 10/138 7/111 8/338 7/120; 8/287 4/96 1/209 10/21 4/283 1/49, 50 1/16 3/134 Old Cemeteries/6 2/81, 275; 3/85, 97, 134 (photo), 236 3/50, 141; 10/51 (photo) 6/81 5/226 9/123 5/176 9/15 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Barataria Barataria Bayou Barattini, Louis Barbafuma, Gianni Barbay, L.E. (Mrs.) Barbe, Mr. Barbe, Alfred M. (Judge) Barbe, Barbara Barbe, Benoit Barbe, C. Barbe, Charvey or Charvie Barbe, Claudia Barbe, Constance Barbe, Don Paul Barbe, Ernest R. Barbe family Barbe, Henry, John (Sr.), and Marie Louise Barbe Home Barbe, Louis (Capt.) Barbe, Louis D. Barbe, Louis (M/M) Barbe, Paul (M/M) Barbe pier Barbee, Raphael (M/M) [Various spellings occur: Barbie] Barber, James Richard Barber, Margaret Barber, Raymond Barber, Vernon W. (M/M) Barbershop Mug Collection Barbershop Quartets Barbie, Annie Barbie, Fred Barbier, Elaine Barbier, Elmo Barbour, Joseph H. (M/M) Barclay, J. B. (Mrs) Barden, Jessie Bardwell, Huey S. Bares, Bernard Barge, Transports Bargeman, Eurdella, Louis, Orelia, and James L. Bargeman, Floyd Nickerson Bargeman, Mae West Barham Barham, C. E. Barham, Garnett E. "Joe" (Dr. & Mrs.) Barham, Garnett Jane Barham, Janey Barker, Charles Book/Page number 1/209 1/1 4/280 13A/89 7/293 5/15 1/230; 3/105; 4/16, 78, 96; 7/296; 8/194, 296; 9/129 2/353 2/101 1/147, 155 1/143, 155, 159; 2/132 1/129 3/46 10/104 (photo), 148 5/221; 8/70, 323 1/224, 230; 8/167, 196 13A/85 1/195, 224, 289; 4/16; 8/71; 9/129; 10/121 7/327 7/64; 8/70, 323 1/230; 6/153; 7/82; 9/129 1/229; 2/243; 6/16, 44; 7/2, 8; 8/70, 323, 325; 9/34, 129; 10/221 (photo) 6/199 5/82; 6/153 7/345 4/225, 238 4/198, 213 7/146, 345 (photo) 8/4 6/209; 9/4 6/15 6/153, 156 7/57 7/169 (photo) 2/327, 328, 331, 334; 4/190; 6/16, 55; 9/34 7/111 1/255 4/280 7/296 8/135-138B,140 4/218 4/237 4/225 10/198F 10/94 2/387, 388; 7/124, 292, 436, 450, 451; 8/298, 306, 353; 9/9; 10/289; 13A/53 7/436 10/197 8/238 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Barker, Claude Barker, Earl Barker family Barker, George W. Barker, Ira Barker, Joseph Jennings Barkette, Angele (Mrs.) Barkin, Lesa Barkley, Albion (Sr.) Barksdale A.F.B. Barlow, Anna Marie Barlow, George (Mrs.) Barnard, Lawrence Barnes, Mrs. Barnes, Albert (Mrs.) Barnes, Delia Mae Barnes, Dorothy Barnes, Eddie Barnes, Frank E. Barnes, Gladys Barnes, Helen (Mrs.) Barnes, Inez Barnes, Lorena Barnes, Mae Scallen (Mrs.) Barnes, Ollie Mae Barnes, Percy Hennington Barnes, Samuel W. Barnes, T.E. (M/M) Barnes, Thomas Barnes, Virginia Barnes, William Walton (M/M) Barnes Creek Barnett, A.S.E. Barnett, A.L. Barnett, Ed (M/M) Barnett, J.M. Barnett, James Barnett, Jerri Barnett, Minnie Barnett, Mrs. (?) Barnett, Nevel Barnett, R.V. Barnett Brothers Photographers Barnette, William G. Barnett's Bluff Barnett's Place Barnett's Service Station/Tourist Cabins/Camp Book/Page number 5/117 10/68 1/44 9/128 6/82, 122 7/81 7/67 9/115 7/365 6/199 10/82 5/226 4/220 2/127 7/353 10/47 7/57 10/199a 7/438, 289 4/100 7/200 7/359 7/107 (photo) 7/438 8/254; 10/186a, 189 7/359; 9/51 7/315 2/265; 7/225, 289, 438 2/23, 53, 87; 3/33 5/205 2/286, 291; 3/221; 6/69, 70, 73; 7/61, 203, 314, 403, 408, 438 1/25, 26, 36, 46, 47, 50, 70, 76, 93, 94, 98, 101, 103, 106, 107, 110, 111, 117, 119-121, 123, 126, 134, 136, 138, 146, 151, 157, 158, 160, 161, 273; 2/132; 10/123 1/247; 3/190; 9/129 5/141; 8/67 6/28, 47 (photo) 5/273 1/192, 212, 213, 223, 274; 5/333; Old Cemeteries/5 9/112 (photo) 7/111 3/134 1/192 13A/4 6/42 4/280 2/95 10/186b, 198b 2/116, 353; 5/273 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Barney, Albert S. (Col.) Barney, George Barnhill, Cecilia Jane Barnhill, Jeanelle Barnhill, Willie John Barnum, P.T. Barnum & Bailey Circus Baron, Jack Barousse, Roy A. (Sgt.) Barr, C.A. Barr, Jess Barras, Beulah Rose and W.M. (M/M) Barras, James Ernest Barras, Joseph Sherwood Barras, Pat Barras, Raymond Barre, S.G. (M/M) Barremore, J.P. Barremore, Kelley Barremore, Lillian Barrett, H.M. (Mrs.) Barrett, Homer J. Barrett, J.A. Barrett, Prof. Barrilleaux, John Lee Barrilleaux, Louis S. (M/M) Barrilleaux, Bill Barrios, Harry (M/M) Barrios, J.A. Barrios, Wade J. Barron, Charles Barron, Chester James Barron, Earl D. and Howard L. Barros, James Ernest, Raymond, and W.M. (M/M) Barrow, J.M. Barrow, D.N. Barrowelough, Robert J. Barruse, Bruce Barry, Helen Barry, Ben Barry and Gay Ferry Barrymore, Ethel Barrymore, John Barrymore, Lionel Barteau, Mrs. Barteau, Daisy Barteau, S.H. (Rev) Bartee, Elaine Bartello, Sam D. Barter, Matilda Bartie, Alcide, Nora, Raymond, and Stella Bartie, Clarence Book/Page number 7/409 5/89 10/127 (photo) 10/186d 10/63 3/118 6/64 7/171 7/417 1/281 10/108 7/443 7/201, 378, 443 7/66 7/82 7/378 7/328 4/169 7/197, 284, 401 3/80 4/116 4/79 2/2 3/61 7/308 (photo) 5/266; 7/308 10/225 (photo) 4/95; 8/245 6/83 7/454, 452 5/13 7/64, 66, 402 7/402 (photo) 7/292 (photo) 2/132 1/63 8/180 8/236 8/330 1/207 1/9 3/207; 7/369 4/167 (photo) 6/64 3/177 1/285 (photo) 3/40 8/254 7/296 4/218 4/142 4/237 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Bartie, Marybelle Bartlett, J.W. (Rev) Bartlett, Joe Bartlett, Wm. H. Barton, Clara Barton, D.T. Barton, Patti Baruch, Bernard Barvos, E. (Mrs.) Baseball Baseball Team, 1917 O.K's Baseball Team, Juniors Baseball Team, "Skippers" Basham, O.L. (Mrs.) Bashier, Geneva Grace Basile, La. Basketball, "Little Giants" Basketball, LCRC Basketball League, Businessmen's Basketball Tournament - 1947, South Louisiana Baskets--Cane Baskets--Wooden Winnowing Basone, Albert (Mrs.) Basone, John Joseph Basone, Josie Basquez, Joseph Basquez, Lorenzo Bass, Elious (Jr.) Bass, George and Leo L. Bass, Green B. Bass, Jackson Bass, John Bass, Joseph E. Bass, Lewis J. (M/M) Bass, Patin & Brame, Attorneys Bass, Robert Wilton Bass, Roy A. (Family) Bass, Sidney J. Bass, W.T. (Mrs.) Bassham, Barbara Bassham, Burton Bassham, O.L. (Mrs.) Bassham, Opal Bassham, William Francis Bastan, A. (Mrs.) Bastian, S.N. Bastile, Old Lake Charles Bateman, J.W. Bates, Georgia Batiste, Calvin Batliner, A.J. Book/Page number 4/218 13A/1128 8/254 3/205a; 7/116 7/114 6/176 7/107 (photo) 7/367 7/239 3/98; 5/56, 58, 306; 6/88; 10/21, 222 8/13 8/13, 308 8/211 2/318 7/66 3/54; 6/197 10/190 (photo) 10/212 7/116 10/198f 4/22, 23 4/14 7/146 7/449 10/137 5/17; 6/82; 10/204 2/56 (photo of home) 7/452, 454 4/116 7/296 1/124 10/201a 5/318; 8/308 1/87, 172, 227; 2/271; 4/17; 5/262; 7/166; 8/211, 353; 10/306 10/194 7/201 13A/18 7/452 6/16 7/282c 8/254 8/216; 10/148, 159 7/111 7/66, 228 7/326 2/251 8/270 5/311 4/21 10/95 5/205; 8/284 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Baton Rouge, La. Batson, Burnham ( Col.) Batt, William L. Battaglia Brothers Battaglia, Frank Battaglia Tire Service Batte and Dren (Lumber mill) Batte, T.R. Battise Battise, Bercie Battise, Emmett, McConnie, and Winfred Battise, Solomon Battle of Calcasieu Battle of Guadalcanal Battle of Mansfield Battle of the Marshall Islands Battle Row [See also "Railroad Avenue"] Battle of Sabine Pass Battles, Martin Alfred Bauer, George G. (M/M) and Bauer Street Baughman, Mrs. Baukman, Ghris Baumgarten, Ervin Baumgarten, Fred Baumgarten, Fred A. Baumgarten, J.H. (Flo) (Mrs) Baumgarten, Nora Baumgarten, Walter Bawcom, D.M. Bawcom, Doretha and Richard Baxter, T.E. (Sgt) Baxton, A.H. Bay, La. Baya, Elizabeth Cline Bayard, Baron Bayer, Merrick ( Lt. Col.) Bayley, G.W.B. Baylis, H.B. Baylis, James E. (Gen) Bayliss, Mr. Baylor, Melvin Emily Baynard, Morris (Mrs) Bayne, I.D. Bayou Production Co. Bayous [See names of individual bayous, e.g, Johnson's, Anacoco, Choupique, etc.] Bayou Team Bayou Trailer Courts Baysinger, E.M. Baysinger, Ora Dee Baytown, Texas Book/Page number 1/50, 181, 217; 4/18, 279; 6/164 7/392 7/291 7/155 2/265 7/273, 426, 428 10/348 5/109 4/18 4/41 4/27 4/42; 44 1/225 7/106, 205, 220 6/31 7/216 1/208, 222; 5/13, 20; 6/37, 39, 41, 122; 8/58 (photo), 60, 209 1/276 7/406 6/14, 66 5/312 2/132 8/13 2/48 (photo), 49, 50, 53; 7/120 (photo) 4/77; 5/243; 10/202; 6/41; 7/20,26,124 8/145 2/48 (photo) 1/218; 5/108; 7/210; 8/306; 10/136 3/140 7/254 4/222 9/142 1/233 6/3 (photo), 174 4/81 7/81 6/92,94,95; 4/107 2/327 7/266 4/170 7/66 7/173 2/333; 4/80,98; 6/174; 10/119 8/65 4/27 6/201 5/266 7/111 3/105 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Bazee, Jennie Bazet, Randolph A. Bazine, Fred L. and M.E. (Mrs.) Bazine, Robert Louis Beach, Clark Beach, L.L. Beachley, O.T. (M/M) Beachman, John William Beadle, Lemon Beadle, Lester Beal, John Beam, Paul Bean, E.J. ( Col.) Bean, John W. Bean, Murray Bear Bone, La. Bear Performing 1895 Beard, Floyd Beard, James A. (Rev.) Beard, James Roy Beard, Joe Beard, Lorraine and Preston A. Beard, William C. Beards Beardsley & Woolman Beardsley, Alice Beardsley, Ben C. Beardsley, F.E. Beardsley, Frank H. (M/M) Beardsley, Gertrude Beardsley, Lee (Miss) Bearhead Bayou Beasly, George Beattie [Various spellings occur: Beatty, Beaty] Beattie, Florence Beattie, Guy (M/M) Beattie, Olive Beattie, Ruth Beattie, Shirley Beatty, J.B. Beatty, Pat Beaty, Dorothy Beaty, Ethel Beauchard, Paul Beaugh, Howard Beaugh, Leopold Beaumont Enterprise newspaper Beaumont Journal newspaper Beaumont National Guard Co. M Book/Page number 2/198 4/176 7/293 7/293, 296 1/168 5/77 8/88; 10/197 7/81 7/296 7/82 8/337; 1/258,288 7/216 7/177 7/296 5/265 3/187 2/78 (photo) 7/98 10/118 7/66 7/86 7/433 1/168 1/89,88 1/232, 2/252 10/53 1/208, 232; 3/45; 4/171; 6/82, 88 3/182 1/36, 44, 57, 57c, 57e, 232 (photo); 3/34; 6/14 1/60 1/63, 65, 69; 2/405; 3/90; 10/306 1/153 2/132 10/68,115,126 1/208, 214, 253, 266, 285; 3/80, 85, 86,105; 4/78, 79, 101, 168; 5/9, 12, 102, 110, 230; 6/6, 44, 63, 163, 166-168, 175-177, 180, 181, 190; 7/8, 94, 113, 114; 8/16, 185, 209, 212, 241, 243; 7/111 10/127-129 (photo) 7/107; 10/127 (photo) 2/59 8/145 3/80 9/58 4/189 7/201 7/345 1/168, 202, 213; 3/53, 122, 137, 169; 4/306 3/93 3/98 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Beaumont, Tex. Beaumont, Tex. - Paristein Bldg Beauregard, P.G.T. (Gen) Beauregard Electric Co-Op Beauregard Fair Association Beauregard Parish Beauregard Parish Schools Beauty Contest Winner Beauvior Beaver Creek Bebee, Harvey Louis Bechard, Eugene E. Bechet, Albin (Mrs) Beck family Beck, Henry C. Co. Beck, Sherman Beckham, Viva Marie Beckwith, Joe Beckworth, Joe Beckworth, Mr. Beckworth, Jonathon E. Beckworth Creek Becnel, Lynn Joseph Becton, A.D. (Rev) Beddingfield, R.B. (Mrs) Bedrinnana, F. Bedstick Beebe, James E. (S/Sgt) Beebe, Lee H. Beer, Henri (Mrs) Beer (legal) Begie, Jack Begnaud, Agnau Begnaud, John Oscar BegnNoisey P. Begue Begue, H., Katherine, and Philip Behum, Joe Beightler, Robert S. (Maj. Gen.) Bel-Bunker Lumber Mill Bel Church Bel Community Clubhouse Bel, Daisy Boyd and Della Goos Bel, Ernest (M/M) Bel Family Bel, Floyd Moss (M/M) Bel Ice Plant Bel Investment Service Bel, Jeanne Book/Page number 1/206, 210, 214; 3/187; 4/13, 26, 104-107, 281; 6/19, 91, 164; 8/292 6/91 3/117; 4/96; 5/51; 10/47 1/244 1/205 1/205, 210, 213, 217, 220, 233, 236, 244; 4/96, 97, 128; 5/79; 7/102 7/102 8/86 2/230 1/63, 99, 133, 223 7/86, 217, 229 7/6 4/62 8/202 8/196 9/123 5/109 4/96,118; 5/79; 1/205 1/92 1/70 1/61 1/205,152,136,153,155, 273 7/95 3/190; 5/216 7/111 1/90 3/196 7/401 (photo) 6/208 10/15 8/207-210 8/64 7/296 7/95 4/280 1/209 9/52 9/39 7/24,25 1/208; 2/27, 217; 3/72; 5/9, 12; 10/316, 317, 4/12 7/83, 114, 122; 8/215 4/39 1/219; 4/171; 6/82, 100; 7/103, 115; 10/204 8/202 4/39; 7/8 2/61 3/187; 4/39 1/5 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Bel, John Albert (M/M) Bel, John Albert--home Bel, Katherine Bel Lumber Co. and Mill Bel, Marie Bel Toll Road Bel, Unis A. (M/M) Belaire, John C. (Cpl) Belaire, Mary Belle Belaire, Morris (M/M) Belaire, Rodney (M/M) Belaire, T. (M/M) Belanger, Hugh J. (Corp) Belasco Belden Family Belden, James K. Belden, Margaret Belden, Robert L. Belden Street Belden, Tom Beldleman, Sherry Ann Bele, Tapper Lula Belgium Belgrade Belile, Amanda Bell Bell, Bella Mae Bell, Bertha Bell City, La. Bell, Clarence Alton and W.A. (M/M) Bell, David Arthur Bell, Florence Bell, Guy H. Bell, Harry Robert ( Sgt) Bell, Larry Bell, Louis J. Bell, Lloyd (Mrs) Bell, Martha Bell, M. McGriff (Mrs.) Bell, T.T. Bell, Thomas A. Bell, Thomas Overton (Ensign) Bell, Tom Book/Page number 1/23, 40, 61k, 226, 229; 2/61, 79, 89, 215, 221, 253; 3/10, 14, 71, 142, 204; 4/39, 101, 123, 168, 171; 5/55, 138, 221, 243, 244; 8/300; 7/198; 10/96, 123, 213, 316; Old Cemeteries/5 1/36, 47, 193, 228; 3/10, 72, 109; 5/64, 149, 228, 243, 274; 7/114; 8/205; 9/4, 136 (photo); 10/209a 3/109; 5/149 1/192, 193, 213, 214, 223, 226, 229; 2/2, 7, 139, 233; 3/72; 4/2; 5/4; 6/25, 79, 100; 10/319, 348; Old Cemeteries/4 3/10,109 3/142 1/230, 185; 2/330; 3/127, 191, 205a; 4/166, 167; 7/206, 228, 229; 10/30, 117a 7/151, 232 9/149; 10/289 7/171; 8/88 (photo); 10/214 2/387, 388; 7/238; 8/103, 198; 9/129, 130, 142 7/232 5/251 4/4 Old Cemeteries/5 3/208 3/2; Old Cemeteries/7 3/2, 208; 5/20 1/194, 223, 274; 6/199; 8/239; Old Cemeteries/4 2/171, 37 7/118 4/5 1/191 1/19 4/82 1/204 10/47 7/116 3/142; 7/219; 10/118 7/240 7/217; 8/279 10/166 1/79 7/4 (photo) 9/136 1/229, 230; 2/273; 3/97, 237 13A/19 c2p5 7/109, 206; 10/121 10/69 3/35 6/35 7/206, 228, 229, 282 10/233 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Bell, Willie Belles, Curtis L. Belleview Plantation Bellevue, Chamber of Commerce Bellinger, Ellsworth A. (1st Lt) (M/M) Bellon, Paul Bellow, Berton J. and E. (M/M) Belo, A.H. (Mrs) Belsher, Jean Belt Line Railway Train Beltley, Harry Earnest Beluche, Isidoro (Mrs) Beluche, Jacque Rene Beluche, Renato (Mrs) Beluche, Rene (Mrs) Belvin, Alton Bemont, A. Ben Greet Company Benckenstein, Charles Bendel, Sam Bendel & Levy Bender, Frank Bendixen, Carl (M/M) Bendixen, Edward (M/M) Bendixen, Herman Bendixen Home Bendixen, Hy. and Lenuis Bendixen, James Bendixen, Karl (Mrs) Bendixen, Meta (Mrs) Bendixen, (M/M) Bendixen, Robert (M/M) Bendy, B.H. Bendy, Henry C. Bendy, Henry M. and Bendy Crossing Bendy, Henry W. Benedetti, Louis (M.Sgt) Beneke, Fred Benevage, Billy Benevolent & Knights of Pythias Benevolent & Protective order of Elks Bengal Guard Marching Squad Benge, Nadine Benge, H.L. Benglis, Frank (Mrs) Benion, Charles L. Bennett, (Dr) Bennett, A.T. Bennett, Anna M. and Russell G. Bennett, Bernard (Mrs) Bennett, Ethel Book/Page number 4/123 2/331 1/249 8/19,123,124 7/432 8/167 7/336 (photo) 13A/5 2/221; 6/6 1/284; 3/36, 97 10/161 13A/48,86 13A/86 13A/45,86 13A/89 7/102 3/93 3/98,109 10/47 5/224 5/9,12 6/62 7/343 2/301, 302 5/4 3/27 2/301 7/319, 343; 10/68 10/138; 7/319 6/26 3/178; 6/28 6/26; 7/81, 321 1/27 1/120 1/12, 14, 220 1/6, 9, 14, 15, 17, 19-22, 27-29, 31, 33, 40, 43, 48, 51, 52, 54, 55, 66, 69, 73 7/119 5/110 10/197 6/84 3/180 10/128 8/119 3/204 10/223 7/296 6/91 7/291; 8/223 7/300 7/64,116 7/225 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Bennett, George Washington Bennett, Helen Bennett, Julian Bennett, Norris Bennett Oil & Gas Company Bennett, T.S. (M/M) Benoit, Alcede, Dorsile, and J. Joseph Benoit, Alfred Benoit, Alton Benoit, Amy Benoit, Anteatt Benoit, Charlie Benoit, Clarence D. Benoit, Curtis L. Benoit, Deyhart (M/M) and Doris Dey Benoit, Dolive Benoit, Donald Benoit, Duffy (Pvt) Benoit, Erastus Benoit, Erlene and Savario Benoit, Ernest Benoit Family Benoit, Fred Daniel Benoit, Hattie Benoit, John Benoit, Joseph Salvador Benoit, Louis Benoit, Louise Benoit, Mable Benoit, Marcel Benoit, Margaret Benoit, Mitchell Benoit, Nelson J. (S.Sgt) Benoit, Paul Harold Benoit, Rennie (Mrs) Benoit, Romey Benoit, S. Benoit, Sidney Benoit, Sim (Mrs) Benoit, Stanford Benoit, William (M/M) Benthugsen, Charles Van Bentle, R.W. (Mrs) Bentley, Camile G., Earl C., and P.E. (M/M) Bentley, Ella Bentley, Harry Bentley, Mable Benton, Henry C. Benton, Joe Benton, Lillie Benton, Richard Joseph (Jr) Benton, Thomas H. Book/Page number 7/86 7/8 4-2/8 7/452 8/283 4/169; 7/115, 302 7/296 7/452 7/95, 244 7/282 c 2/189 10/186 f 7/338 5/252 7/390 7/120, 154; 10/179 4/255 7/198 6/83 10/185 7/449 5/77 7/201 13A/19 c4p11,19 c3p10 7/3 7/81 7/197 (photo), 345 7/197 7/302 4/218 7/321,353; 8/244-245, 247 1/153; 2/132; 4/81 7/417 7/81 7/11 4/86 8/160 4/224 7/8 7/201,437 4/81, 95; 7/103, 111, 384, 451 1/30 8/245 7/331 2/164 8/217 (photo) 6/69, 73, 75 8/353; 9/9 6/23 7/293 7/95 7/454 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Berbard, Lawrence Berdon-Campbell Furniture Co. Berdon, Clarence E. (M/M) Berdon, Pat Bereton, Lewis H. (Maj. Gen.) Berger, Catherine Berger, P.G. Bergeron, August Bergeron, Frank Bergeron, Noland (Pfc) Bergstead, Tom Bergstedt Agency Berkley, Sir William Berlin, Germany Berman, Morris (Gen.) Bernadine, Sister Bernard, Mistrita Bernard, Adolph Bernard, Alexander Bernard, Antoine Bernard, Edwin Bernard, G.J. Bernard, Henry Bernard, Joe Bernard, Lawrence Bernard, Lorena Bernard, Louie Bernard, Louise Cart Bernard, R. Bernard, Whitney Bernhardt, Della Berni, Anthony (Capt.) Bernier, Yvette Bernkarft, Della Berrett, Dewey Berrian, Mrs. ? Berrian, Dorothy Berrian, G.W. (Mrs.) Berry, Acklan (M/M) Berry, Cynthia Berry, Dick Berry, E.A. Berry, Eli Berry, Floyd Berry, Harold R. Berry, Henderson Berry, Howard Berry, Joe Berry, Lee Berry, Pressly Berry, R.M. Berry, Radford Book/Page number 7/191 2/241, 349; 5/9, 139, 202 (photo); 8/235 1/231; 4/169; 5/56; 6/84 10/47 7/19 10/166 6/62 9/22 (photo) 4/81 7/5 5/82 10/198a 5/165 1/239 7/396 9/52 7/454 7/296 1/91 7/201 4/24,25; 6/46 5/56 10/166 8/248 (photo) 4/200 4/6 (photo) 6/31 (photo) 1/288 10/318 7/217, 237 (photo) 7/400 4/279, 280 6/188 (photo) 7/237 10/136 3/172 3/54 6/76 13A/21 c2p1 13A/130 c3p4 7/79, 204 7/296 1/146 7/3 7/64 2/132 5/238 3/176; 8/235 8/92 1/50,63 8/216 1/212; 3/33 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Berry, Ruth Berry, T.L. Berry, Teddy (Mrs.) Berry, Thomas Berry, V. (Mrs.) Berry, Washington Berry, William Bertaut, Upton Bertero, Frank R. (Lt. Col.) Berthelot, Lee Bertonniere, Perrin Bertram, Nellie Bertrand, Ada Mae, Bobby, and S.J. (M/M) Bertrand, Adolphine Bertrand, Amelia Bertrand, August Bertrand, Billy Lee Bertrand, Charles E. (WSN) Bertrand, Cyprien Bertrand, D.A. Bertrand, Dupreville Bertrand, Eddie (Mrs.) Bertrand, Edith Bertrand, Emma and L., Mrs. Bertrand, Henry Bertrand, J.A. (M/M) Bertrand, James A. Bertrand, Jerry Bertrand, Jesse James Bertrand, John Lee or Leo Bertrand, Joseph (M/M) Bertrand, Kenneth Bertrand, Lawrence J. (Sgt.) Bertrand, Leandre Bertrand, Leroy (M/M) Bertrand, Lucien Bertrand, Mable Ryan Bertrand, Patsy Bertrand, Pearl and W.J. Bertrand, Pelagee Bertrand, Terrance Lee Bertrand, Walker (M/M) Bertrand, Warner Bert's Mens' Clothing Store Berwick, Archie (M/M) Berwick, Charlie, Jim, Luther, and Percy Berwick, Hank Berwick, Josephine Berwick, Rebecca Berwick's Bay Berzas, Allen Besse, A. Book/Page number 7/111 6/174 4/116 1/159 10/69 1/33, 81, 88, 92, 94, 131, 163,167; 5/54 1/92, 96, 98, 117, 123; 7/417 1/47 9/123 7/81 4/27 7/213 (photo) 7/325 1/227 4/80 2/265; 5/307 4/218; 7/325 3/378; 7/227, 296 1/92 4/225 4/280 10/185 4/81 3/56 7/452 10/206 7/345 7/460 7/81 7/201, 217 7/146, 228, 325, 431, 452, 454 10/190,193 7/309,431 1/59 4/192, 218, 225, 259 4/147 1/223, 228; 4/309; 7/431 10/198a,198b,129g,178,206 7/227, 378 1/135,149 4/225,259 7/50, 227, 378 10/167 10/186a, 198g 8/216; 10/179 4/142 10/190 (photo) 6/7 1/172 1/172; 4/107; 6/95 7/183, 227, 282a, 431, 452, 454 3/97 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Bessette, C.J. (Mrs.) Bessetti, Clarence (M/M) Bessie Lee Hotel Bessonette, Claude Best, Helen Masterson Betha, Leon Bethancourt, Justin E. Bethlehem Shipyard - Sparrows Pt. Bethune, Woody Betlis, Walter D. Bettinger, Rev. Betty Lee Shoe Store/Slipper Shop Bevans, James Beville, Anna Marie Bevin, Thomas Beyer, Dan A. Beyer, F. Beyer, Inge Friedericke Beyer, William (M/M) Bible, Richard T. (Maj.) Bicycle Riding - Lake Charles Ordinance - 1912 Biddle, Prof. Bidstrup, Laura Mae Biel, John Anthony Bienvenu, James Bienvenu, Palmer Bienvenu, Willie Jean Bienville (Person) Bierman, H.C. (Pastor) Biessat, J.D. (Mrs.) Bifermo, Ygnacio Big Bayou Big Creek, La. Big Event For Old Timers Big Lake Misere Big Lake, La. Big Marsh Big Ridge, Cameron Big Sandy School Big Thickett, Texas Big Woods Big Woods Cemetery Association Big Woods Primitive Church Bigelow, Darrell V., Edith, Sylvia, and V.C. Biggs, Mary Biglaer, Jacqueline Van Der Bignir, Frederick Bihm, Joe C. Bilbo [Various spellings occur: Bilbeau, Bilbeaux] Book/Page number 7/97 8/93 3/226; 4/116 2/350 6/7 10/162 7/296 8/269 10/166, 186, 190, 198 2/327 4/210 7/155, 273, 426, 428, 435; 10/198l, 209 1/158,159 7/53 10/210 (photo) 6/82 1/163 2/300 5/109, 326 2/244; 6/86 3/137 2/115 4/119 7/217 3/205a (photo) 1/64, 65; 3/98 7/95 4/25 2/308,309 6/14 1/212 1/68,93 3/187 1/207 4/281 1/97, 110, 123; 2/274; 3/142; 4/281, 282, 299; 5/15; 6/199; 8/90 9/146 4/278 4/26,27 1/207, 234; 4/3 1/60, 66, 69, 80, 94, 97, 98, 102, 106, 110, 117, 123, 146, 148, 150, 152, 157, 158, 205, 254; 4/81, 84, 98; 6/103; 8/238; 13A/2 1/21 1/283; 4/79, 98; 5/4; 8/267 7/129, 185 7/302 10/230 1/40 4/232 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Bilbo, Benjamin Bilbo Cemetery Bilbo, Christopher Columbus Bilbo, E. Bilbo Family Bilbo Home Bilbo, James E. Bilbo, J.C. Bilbo, John Angus Bilbo, John (son of Thomas) Bilbo, Joseph L. (M/M) Bilbo, Laura Bilbo, Margaret (daughter of Thomas Bilbo) Bilbo, Rebecca (m. Jacob Ryan) Bilbo, R.N. Bilbo, Sarah Bilbo Street Bilbo, Susan Bilbo, Thomas (M/M) [See also "Lawrence, Ann"] Bilbo, Thomas, of Jackson Co. Mississippi and Allied Families Bilbo, William Bill, R.N. Billings, Josh Billings (Judge) Billiot, Joseph L. Billodeaux, Albert Billodeaux, Alice, Claude, and Venice (Mrs.) Bills, John A. Billups, Leonard Billups, Robert Hathaway Binder, Joseph (Lt.) Bingham, A.C. (Mrs.) Binion, Carl Hugh Binion, Earl Ashby Binion, Orvel Morel and W.S. Biossat, J.D. (M/M) Biossat, Rosa Birch, George (Major) Book/Page number 5/4 1/3, 144, 213, 222, 223, 227, 229; 5/4; 6/25; 13A/4-7,10; Old Cemeteries/2, 3, 7, 23 1/223, 227 Old Cemeteries/4 1/138, 192, 194, 225, 228; 5/79; 10/121; 13A/10; Old Cemeteries/3-6 1/3, 193, 194, 196, 227, 228 (photo), 274, 275; 2/7, 137; Old Cemeteries/5 10/118 5/14 7/210 Old Cemeteries/3, 4 1/1, 9, 29, 34, 35, 67, 69, 79, 87, 96, 98, 105, 109, 111, 112, 116, 117, 120, 124, 127, 129-132, 135, 140, 147-149, 150, 153, 193, 194, 219, 223, 257, 274; 2/7, 70, 91, 93, 138, 141, 252; 5/4, 14; Old Cemeteries/5, 6, 8 1/228 (photo); Old Cemeteries/23 1/223, 227, 228; Old Cemeteries/3, 4 1/223; 5/64; Old Cemeteries/3, 7 1/230 5/76; 1/228 1/53 (photo), 64, 181, 196, 221, 230, 258, 274; 2/7; 4/27; 8/105; Old Places/161 10/123 1/11, 20, 26, 39, 42, 47, 66, 76, 156, 192-194, 212, 220, 223, 227, 228 (photo), 274; 2/93; 5/17, 20; 6/64; 9/59; 10/6, 74, 75, 78-81, 138-140, 145-147, 149; Old Cemeteries/4,5; Old Places/153,155 10/150 1/27, 46, 49, 50, 93, 98, 120, 148, 223; 10/123, 150 1/230 8/308 13A/4 4/280 7/353,452,454 7/353 6/59,61 10/63 7/449; 8/6 7/212 1/276 7/156 (photo), 330 (photo) 7/449 7/284 (photo), 330 3/80; 7/284 8/235 (photo) 1/223, 227; 5/64 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Birch, Victor E. Birch Landing Birchfield, John (Lt.) Bird Bird, Abraham Thompson (M/M) Bird, D.D. Bird, Edward H. Bird, Frederick A. Bird, Frederick J. (Lt.) Bird, Thomas Bird, Thompson J. (M/M) Bird & Moss Bird Bluff Bird Singer - Oushola Birds, Extinct & Endangered Birds, Mexican Songbirds Birds, Migratory Birdwell, Arthur William (Jr.) Birmingham, Alabama Birney, Alice McLean Bishop, Althes, Edith, Eli, and Valery Bishop, Curtis Bishop, Desiree Bishop, Gilbert and Genevieve Bishop, Henry M. Bishop, John Bishop, Manuel. L. Bishop, R.R. Bishop, Walter H. Bishop, William Bishops, Missionary Biskerstaff, S.J. Bisland, Ruth Edith Anneslau Philson Bistrell, B. and Vincent (Mrs.) Bittras, Ann Bivens, Charley F. (M/M) and Elvais Charles Bivins, John Bizarro, El Bjornhom, Robert W. (Lt.) Black Black, A.J. Black Bayou Black Bayou Ferry Black Bob Black, Creed Black, Edwin Black, Eugene G. (Pfc.) Black, Florence (Miss) Black, Floyd Ralph Black, H.N. Black, Hugo Book/Page number 4/119 1/95 7/212 1/167; 9/199; 8/210 1/248, 249 2/220 1/249; 6/174 7/192, 194, 245, 295, 392, 396 7/192, 206, 321, 392, 396, 399 2/132 1/248, 249; 2/61, 237, 256; 3/142; 4/171; 5/280; 7/296 1/229 2/269 4/20 8/51-53 9/3 (photo) 8/201,203 7/449 8/23 10/115; 8/307 4/218 1/279; 6/56 4/225 4/191 7/452 4/142 5/55 4/116 8/2 2/132 1/16 1/132,146 1/60 1/228 6/202 (photo) 7/400 (photo) 2/131 13A/53 c2 7/212 1/184,185 1/123 1/72, 89, 94,122, 15, 153, 157; 4/282; 5/248 3/119; 6/199 4/20 4/270 7/64 7/409 1/37; 2/168, 169 7/95 5/211 7/365 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Black Jack Farmers Union Black, Mrs. Black River Black, Robert Black, Slick Black Tuesday Black, Valley or Vallie Black Water Bayou Blackburn, Frank Colbert Blackman, Bennet and Josiah Blackman, Hattie Blackman, Wilbur Blackman, W.W. Blackouts Blackshear, Jessie Blackshear, Joseph Blacksmith Shop Blackston, C.L. (Mrs.) Blackstone Café Blackwell, Ada Blackwell, Billie Blackwell, H.L. (M/M) Blackwell, Norman W. Blackwell, T.P. (Mrs.) Blackwell, Thelma Blair Blair, A. Farnell Blair & O'Brien (furniture) Blair, Carol Blair, D.H. (Mrs.) Blair, Darrell Blair, Edna Blair, James Blair, Joseph Henry Blair, Lizzie Blair, William Blair, La. (Vinton) Blair's Siding, La. Blaize, Walter J. Blake, Billy Blake, Mingo and Blake Street Blakeman, Rita Blakeman, Walter E. (Capt.) Blakenship, C.W. (M/M) Blakeslee, Alton L. Blancar, Mr. Blancar, F. (Miss) Blancar, J.A. Blancar, John Blanchard, B.J. Blanchard, Newton (LA Gov.) Blanchard, Oza (Mrs.) Book/Page number 2/130 1/157 6/195 6/17 1/160,167 9/15 6/85; 7/82 1/89 5/244, 251; 7/5, 6, 126 (photo); 10/149, 161 1/168 3/197; 5/191; 8/147, 238, 298; 9/13, 44 9/13 3/197 7/20, 26, 71, 72 10/195 (photo) 4/39 8/21, 121, 122; 3/176; 4/131 7/112 7/155,273,426 7/111 7/113 3/147, 221 7/151 7/173 3/80 1/155; 2/71 4/139; 5/317; 10/140 2/71,92,333; 6/64 7/107; 10/177, 179 10/138 8/353, 366 7/39 1/156; 2/139; 3/33, 209; 6/19, 64; 4/75 6/19 2/191; 3/19 1/215; 6/19; 10/221, 215 4/81, 87; 10/122 4/86 7/186, 187 10/198e 6/66 8/250 4/4,5 8/93 10/231 2/212 8/303 2/265 2/34, 53, 238; 3/193 4/87,95 3/35, 96, 182 4/258 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Blanchard, Paul Blanchard, Pauline Blanche Blanchette, Adam Blanchette, Horace Blanchette, Roy O. (Sgt.) Blanchette, T. (M/M) Blanchey, (Prof.) Bland, D.A. Bland, James, John, and Peyton Bland, Lucille Blankenbaker, Bonnie Blankenship, Bobby Blankenship, C.W. (Mrs.) Blankenship, Ray Blaske, J.J. Blaw-Knox Construction Co. Blaylock, James Hayden Blaylock, John A. Blaylock, T.F. Bledsoe, D.O. "Sleepy" Blessing, Edwin L. Blessing, Edwin Ellis and Larry Gene Blessing, Helen Barbour Blessing, Howard Jacob (Family) Blessing, Max (M/M) Blessing, William Ray Blessing of the Fleet Blessington, Clem A. Blessington, Howard L. Bleu, Bayou and Settlement Bleu, Bayou Bridge Bleustein Dry Goods Store Bliven, Samuel Bloch, (M/M) Bloch, Babeet Bloch Building Bloch, David [Saloon] Bloch, Solomon (M/M) [Store] Block & Kaufman Store - See Kaufman & Block Store Block Leader Organization Block, Ray Block, Sidney R. (Pfc.) Blocker, M. Blodgett Blodgett, Lewis D. (Pvt.) Blom, Frans Blondell, Joan Blood, Frank Blossat, Eugene R. Book/Page number 4/225 7/302 2/80 7/280 (photo), 336 1/207 7/348 (photo) 7/288 10/13 1/269; 10/5 1/168 10/165 Old Cemeteries/22 10/198d 10/197 10/181, 212 (photo) 6/113 8/217a, 218, 225 7/81 7/228 4/123; 10/118b 6/50 7/280 (photo), 337, 442, 452, 454 7/377, 442 7/377 7/95, 237 7/280, 377, 442 7/337, 442 4/160 6/83 7/452 1/16, 22, 24, 27, 72, 81, 102, 215; 4/12, 50 1/92, 93 3/34 7/118 1/42 10/37 2/269 2/66, 92, 107, 129, 186, 188, 232, 269; 5/224; 3/5, 105 1/174; 2/5, 35, 59, 132; 3/8, 23; 4/74, 171; 5/9, 12; 6/14; 13A/9; Old Cemeteries/25 7/146 1/104 (photo) 7/5 1/135 3/205 7/22 5/263, 264 7/118 5/4 3/187 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Blount, Elias [Various spellings occur: Blunt] Blount, James W. Blour, Esther Carol [Various spellings occur: Bloir] Blue Birds Bluestein, A. (Dry Goods) Bluestein, B. B-M Floral Co. B'nai B'rith Lodge Board of Health Board of Trade Boardman, H.G. Boat Club [See also "Lake Charles--Boat Clubs"] Boatman, J.H. Boatner Boats and Boating [See also names of individiual boats] Bob Lee Motor Co. Boberg (Rev) Bobinchuck, Bob (Pvt.) Bodin, Claude (M/M) Bodin, George (Rev.) Bodin, Eula G. Bodin, Sally [or Sallie] Scott Bodon, Shirley Boehm, Oscar Boese, Ben Boetlinger, Anna Bogalusa, La. Bogan, Charles Clifford Boggan, Thomas Boggy Bayous Bogie, Ruth Bogley, John A. (Lt.Com.) Boguard, Elizabeth Boh, John Bohn, Musser Bohrod, Aaron Boisatt, Marie [Various spellings occur: Boissatt] Bokum, Elaine D. Bokum, Geoge J. (M/M) Bokum, Stephen Boleg, A.A. (Miss) and A.P. Bolender, J.H. Boles, John K. (Col.) Boling & Roberts Boling, E.G. (Mrs.) Boling, E.H. (M/M) Boling, Harold A. (M/M) Boling, Mary Lou Boling, W.C. Bolling, A.R. (Gen) Bollinger, John, Lewis, and Peter Bollock, Rev. Book/Page number 1/191, 204, 224; 13A/3 7/302 10/161 5/232; 10/186c 5/9 5/139 10/186d 4/181, 227 1/164, 165, 166, 257, 259; 10/110; 4/280 3/16; 4/167 2/108 1/182; 5/119 (photo) 3/122 3/35 1/229, 230; 4/179, 185; 8/192; 10/317 10/198e 1/8, 59c 7/167 (photo) 3/56; 6/69 (photo), 72, 73; 7/187, 298, 304, 354 7/431; 13A/20 c2p2 7/298, 304 7/298, 304, 354 4/203 6/83 3/56 7/367 1/209 7/86 10/190,193 1/52,55 7/53 8/264 (photo) 10/197, 198g 4/271, 272, 293 9/4 1/2 1/64, 65; 3/98 7/344 7/344, 356, 392 7/392 10/78 5/266 7/139 10/198a 6/16 4/171; 9/14 6/16; 7/10, 50, 82; 8/211; 10/206 10/223 8/280 7/359 1/168 2/2 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Bollotte, Robert John Bologna, A & Co. Bologna, Frank Aloysius Bolton, Mr. Bolton, A.F. Bolton, G.F. Bolton, G.I. Bolton, J.P. Bolton, Wade H. Bolton Company Boltz, John B. (Capt.) Bomberg, Lester Bonadona, Felix (Mrs.) Bon-Air, La. Bon-Ami Mill and town Bonaparte, Napoleon Bonaparte Street Bonaventure, W. Bond, Carlton F. (Col.) Bond, James E. Bond, Joe Bond, John N. Bond, Nat W. Bondham, Miss Bonds, Calvert Bonds, Carroll Bonds, Donia Bonds, Sollamond [or Solomon] Bondy, H.M. Bone, Effie Bonevier, Hwy. Bridge Bonham, Ann Bonham, Aubrey Bonham, J.A. (M/M) Bonham, Jane Bonin, Henry G. Bonin, Octave Bonin, Theodore Bonnett, Octave Bonney, Issac Bonnin, J.W. (Mrs.) Bonnin, William Bono, Anne Bono, Bud Bono, Lucille Bono, M. (Dr. and Mrs.) Bono, Mary Bono, Mitchell (M/M) Bono, P. (Mrs.) Bono, Richard Bono, Sammy (M/M) Bonsall, Mr. Book/Page number 7/95 7/108, 155, 273, 428 7/217 6/113 1/252; 4/101 2/325; 6/113, 125 4/171 1/229; 3/97; 4/171 7/170 1/61j; 6/113 7/18 10/222 f 7/200 3/34 4/96, 128; 10/318 3/28, 42 6/66 4/280 7/60, 117 4/266 8/216 (photo) 7/452 7/88 (photo) 5/277 1/91, 97 1/73, 74, 132 13/A/19 1/10, 11, 14, 16, 33, 34, 220 1/80 7/111 4/122 2/355; 10/129, 130a 8/73 1/229, 230; 3/353; 5/87, 266; 7/294 10/63 8/6 1/135 4/280 1/88,89 3/216 8/311 4/188,192,218 10/47 10/230 7/391; 10/63 5/262; 7/173; 10/198f 7/193, 225 7/116, 198; 10/167 7/163 10/104 (photo) 10/47, 187a 4/191 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Bonsall, Ella Bonsall, Joe Bonsall, Thomas (M/M) Bonvillion, Eddie Paul Bonvillion, F.D. Bonvillion, T.D. (1st. Lt.) Bonvillion, J.A. (M/Sgt.) Book, Julius Book, Charles F. (Jr.) Book Shelf, The--advertisement Book Week Booker, Chac. E. Booker, Elizabeth Bookham, Tom Books - rare Booksh, Tom C. (Capt.) Boomerang Bombers Boone Boone, Albert (M/M) Boone, Theo (Mrs.) Boone's Ferry Booth, E.E. (M/M) Booth, Edwin Booth, Gene Booth, Reginald D. (Capt.) Booth, Robert E. Booze, J.M. (Mrs.) Borah, Edgar (Sen.) Bordages, Joe Bordages, Martin (Rev.) Bordeaux, France Bordeaux, A.J. (Mrs.) Bordelon, Dr. Bordelon, A.J. Bordelon, Almalee Bordelon, Carlyle (Dr.) Bordelon, Doralee Bordelon, Elmo (M/M), Marvie, and Woodrow J. Bordelon, Henry H. Bordelon, Howard Bordelon, Howard Moore Bordelon, Jerry Bordelon, Kathleen Bordelon, Lela (1/Lt) Bordelon, O.F. (Grocer) Bordelon, Ranie (Jr.) Bordelon, W.E. Bordelon, William Bordelon, W.P. (Dr.) Borden, John P. Borders, Bert Bordes, Alexander "Bob" Book/Page number 4/233 4/147 4/140, 143, 222 7/86 7/6; 10/63 7/334 7/5 4/274, 275, 280 8/61 10/198g 10/186 7/242 (photo) 4/18 5/60 5/270 4/4, 5 7/220 1/163 8/93 7/442 6/36 7/337 5/13 10/142 13A/128 c2p1 1/168; 2/192 3/80 1/230 1/207 13A/18 c1p2 1/224 13A/20 c1p7 3/147 6/113 10/177,179 2/266; 7/155, 273; 9/121 7/93; 10/127 7/233 7/296; 7/18 c2p8 10/63 7/314 Old Cemeteries/22 5/281; 10/144 7/431 3/157,169 7/206 7/296 1/101; 10/171b 5/243; 7/124; 10/22, 221, 222 1/212 1/234 4/27 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Bordon, A.C. Bordon, Edmund Borealis Rex (Steamer) Borel, Margie Borell, Ed Boren, C.L. Borgstede, Paul H. Borias (Father) Borman, Max H. Borne, L.A. Bosse, Jean Bernard Bostick, Laura Bostick, Leesola Boston Braves Boston, Mary Boston, Mass. Boston Tea Party Boston, W.O. (Prof.) Boston, W.O. Schools Bostwick, Edwin Boswell, Joseph R., Lucille, and W.L. (M/M) Bosworth, W. Bosworth, R.L. Bothwell, Charles (M/M) Bothwick, W.W. (Mrs.) Boucher, Madeleine Boudier, A.C. Boudier, Floyd (Mrs.) Boudier, James A. Boudier, Lynn Boudoin, Adois Boudoin, Pierre (Mrs.) and Varise Boudreau - various spellings occur: Boudreaux, Boudreux Boudreau, Bobby Boudreau, C.M. (Mrs.) Boudreau, Robert J. Boudreau, T.J. Boudreau, W.J. Boudreaux, Allen Boudreaux, Aubrey P. Boudreaux Bakery Shop Boudreaux, Belzire Swire (Mrs.) Boudreaux Bros. Meat Market Boudreaux, Charles G. Boudreaux, Charlie Boudreaux, Clarence Boudreaux, Eugene and Valsaint Boudreaux, Eulice Boudreaux, Frank Harrison Book/Page number 1/7 4/189 1/214, 221, 230; 2/65; 3/109, 131, 137, 170 (photo); 4/140, 165, 166, 295 (photo); 5/5, 140, 220; 6/42, 65, 78, 81, 132 (photo), 181; 8/128, 243; 10/293 7/286 7/82 5/229, 284 13A/128 c4p2 1/210 2/288 5/309 4/62 10/63 5/232 8/86 10/82, 85 3/72,105; 4/107 4/107 4/17, 123; 5/145; 10/69, 80, 82, 91-91f, 108 10/71-79, 84, 85, 199, 203, 205 8/323 7/442 5/15 5/110 1/208; 3/136 7/225 6/188 (photo) 10/225 (photo) 10/197 2/376 10/114 (photo) 4/287 4/218 10/186c, 198 a, b, c, 206 7/173 5/109, 243, 269 5/56 7/69; 8/366; 10/186g,186f 7/86; 8/235 (photo) 7/345 4/82 2/243 6/113 7/210, 333 (photo) 4/264 (photo) 4/262 (photo) 4/142 4/270 7/406 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Boudreaux, Garland Boudreaux, George (Jr. and Sr.) Boudreaux, Hillman J. Boudreaux, Homer (M/M), Leon Eugene, and Nancy Marie Boudreaux, James and Castex M. Boudreaux, James Walter Boudreaux, Joseph Carl Boudreaux, Latina Boudreaux, Leo and Patrick Boudreaux, Lester J. and M.A. (M/M) Boudreaux, Louis H. (Msgr.) Boudreaux, Preston (Mrs.) Boudreaux, Robert F. (T-3) Boudreaux, Rodney and Stanley (M/M) Boudreaux, Virginia Boudreaux, Wilmer Boulevard Baptist Church Bouliane, Hazel Boullion, Clay Boullion, Eleanor and Lawrence J. Boullion, Emile Boullion, Weston Boullion, Wilford (Sgt.) Bouquet, Anthony Bouquet, Isaac (Mrs.) Bourg, Eva Bourg, Joice Anne and Patricia Mae Bourg, Tom (Mrs.) Bourg, Virgie (Miss) Bourge, Jos. A. Bourge, Maurice Bourgeois and Leger Bourgeois, Ferioll L. (PFC) Bourgeois, Fred (M/M) and Phillip Bourgeois, George Elliott Bourgeois, Harold J. (M/M) Bourgeois, Harris Bourgeois, H.L. Bourgeois, Nelson Bourgeois Family Bourges, Lewis J. Bourlon, Paul Bourne, Albert D. Bourque, Charles Bourque, Edwin Larry Bourque, Ernest and Julius Bourque, Jesse Bourque, Joseph Alton Bourque, Joseph Roy Bourque, Peggy Bourque, Uable (Mrs.) Book/Page number 4/252 3/221; 8/145; 9/4 7/6 4/225, 259 7/343 (photo) 4/225 4/180-183, 186, 231; 8/2, 111, 112 6/153 4/243 7/308 (photo) 1/282; 4/301; 7/117, 303, 343, 351, 372, 431; 8/162, 265, 299, 305, 315; 9/150 4/218 7/413 9/152 (photo) 4/192, 218 8/88 6/198, 199 5/281 4/209 7/390 7/201, 254 4/218 7/138 (photo) 7/81 7/169 6/37 10/161 6/49 7/126 7/452, 454 7/300 1/32 7/5 7/430 10/161 7/241 (photo), 302, 340, 419, 431 7/406 13A/43 c3 7/151 5/77 2/100; 10/10 3/204 7/228 8/238 7/217, 238 7/201 4/266 (photo) 7/449 7/429 4/200 4/192, 218 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Bourque, V.J. (Sgt) Bourquet, Seamon Alton (2/C) Bourrique, Joe Bouse, Jim (M/M) Bouton, Nathan Boutte Boutte, Jos. L. Boutte, M. Boutte, N. (M/M) Boutte, Nettie Boutte, Noel Boutyette, C.H. [Grocer] Boutyette, Charles Boutyette, Mrs. Bowalkarm, The Bowden, M/M Bowden, Henry J. (Capt.) Bowden, Leta Bowden, J. Henry (Rev.) Bowdier, Milton Bowdon, Joseph (2nd. Lt.) Bowdon, Louise Bowen, Marian P. Bower, Resin P. Bower, Katherine or Kathryn Bowers, John Bowes Major Amateur Hour Bowie, James Bowie, Rezin P. Bowman, Charlie Bowman, Elisha W. Bowman, Elmo Bowman, J.A. Bowman, Pat (M/M) Bowman, Val Bowman, William P. (Rev.) Bown, Nancy A. Boxing Boy Scouts of America Boyce. La. Boyd, Amy Boyd, Betty L. Boyd, D.D. Boyd, John L. Boyd, William S. Boyer, Billy Boyer, Harper (Mrs.) Boyet, John M. Boyett, G.T. (Capt.) Boykin, Betty Ray Book/Page number 7/206 (photo) 7/169 (photo) 4/143 13A/18 c1p7, 8 1/168 6/92 7/452, 454 7/195 7/138, 225 8/193 (photo) 5/243 3/157, 169 6/88 (photo) 1/48 7/218 (photo) 7/354 2/258; 7/423 7/123 (photo) 2/317, 318, 323; 3/138; 7/186, 204, 244, 384; 8/7, 15, 236; 10/138, 165, 186a, b 10/179 7/198 8/254, 10/174, 178, 180, 186a,b,g, 187, 189 3/11 5/29 5/339; 6/7; 8/240, 261, 287, 296 5/77 5/271 5/29, 181; 6/34; 13A/16 5/181 7/296 2/323 4/135 5/316 7/346; 10/47 4/173 13A/7 8/70 10/222b 8/87, 88; 3/119, 190; 5/309, 174; 6/17, 172, 173, 199; 7/66, 79; 10/115, 214 3/187 7/112 9/124 10/124 7/452, 454 9/128 10/179, 186f, 190, 198 a, e, f 13A/17 c2p8, pg.17 2/331; 4/81, 96; 10/119 8/57 5/232; 6/73, 76 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Boykin, L.L. (Mrs.) Boykin, S.R. (M/M) Boylan, E.M. (Mrs.) Boyle, H.E. Boyle, Hal Boyriven, (Capt. and Mrs.) Boy's Corn Club Boy's Rescue Home (New Orleans) Boys Village Boyt, A.H. Boyum Family Bradberry, J.H. (Jr.) and Louis Braddock, Mary Braden, B.E. Braden, Billy Braden, Charles (Mrs.) Braden, Christie Braden, C.M. Braden, C.M. (Mrs.) Braden, C.W. Braden, Cyrilla Riddick Braden, W.C. (Judge and Mrs.) Braden, Willie J Braden's Store Brader, Bill Bradford, Amanda Bradford, E.R. Bradford, Patsy Ruth Bradford, W.H. Bradford Family Bradley, A. (Mrs.) and Mary Bradley & Hursh Planning Mill Bradley, Belle Bradley, Clifford A. Bradley, E.A. Bradley, Ed Bradley, Ernest J. (Jr.) (M/M) Bradley, Harry R. Bradley, Hunter Bradley, J.D. (Rev.) Bradley, James E. Bradley, John H. (PHMZC) Bradley, Mamie G. Bradley, Minnie Traer Bradley, M.J.C. (Mrs.) Bradley, (Mr.) Bradley, Nathan B. Bradley, Olive Bradley, Omar (Gen.) Book/Page number 10/84 6/176; 7/348, 390; 10/306 7/93 4/169 5/179; 7/383 2/258 8/9 3/22 6/17,44; 8/18, 171, 172, 174, 205; 9/136; 8/290 4/102 13A/19 4/17 4/100 6/73 1/151 10/194 1/8, 61j 1/232; 2/221; 3/182, 80; 5/198; 6/113, 125, 7; 10/159 5/143 1/49, 51; 6/6; 10/46, 47 1/51, 60, 256; 2/265; 3/140; 4/166, 167 (photo); 5/192, 198, 243; 6/173; 10/159 1/8 5/154 (photo) 6/69 (photo) 3/192 4/123; 6/49; 8/293; 9/38,39 10/186a, b, e, 189 7/120, 167 5/79 2/161 3/236 2/161; 3/19,174 6/208 8/194 (photo) 5/4; 7/376 6/76; 7/228 2/265 2/351,355; 6/69, 71, 73, 74 5/225 2/323; 7/95, 376 7/380 7/376 6/62 7/113; 8/216 1/234 (photo) 1/210, 233, 280; 10/315 5/232; 6/69, 73, 75 7/273,298 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Bradley-Ramsey Lumber Mill Book/Page number 1/208, 225, 280, 284; 2/174, 184; 3/24, 25 (photo), 36, 43, 59, 70, 72, 113, 114, 116, 236, 237; 5/9, 12; 6/57, 66, 80, 88; 10/309, 315, 316, 329, 347, 349 Bradley, Stella 3/19 Bradley, Susie 3/18; 6/134; 10/26, 29 Bradley, William 6/82; 7/198 Bradon, W.C. 2/265 Bradshaw, Silas 1/25, 40, 48 Bradshaw, W.H. 5/48 Bradshear, (Dr.) 5/55 Brady, Alice and William A. 8/216 Brail, R.R. 3/41 Braiman, Erving C. 7/296 Brainard, E.S. (Rev.) 8/214 Brakefield, W.A. 2/132 Braley, Berton 7/415 13A/20 c2p7 Braley, Fred (Mrs.) 10/166 Bramann, Susan Brame, Alfred 10/181 Brame, Arthur (Mrs.) 6/16 Brame, Frank 8/294 Brame, James 7/449; 10/172, 179, 186b, 186f Brame, Laurie Lee 10/127,129,130a,149,161 Brame, (Mr.) 2/306 Brame, Patin & Bass, Attorneys 10/194 Brame, Ralph C. 3/217 Brammer 6/28 Brammer, Chris 7/82 Brammer, Chris Melvin 7/201, 380 (photo) Brammer, Chris S. (M/M) 7/380 Brammer, Dorothy 8/222 Brammer, Karl (Sgt.) 7/5 Brammer, P.B. 8/338 Brammer, Pete (M/M) 8/131 Brammer, Shirley 2/302 Branch, (Dr.) 4/91 Brandau, Elizabeth (Betty) 7/53; 10/180 Brandon Money 1/279 Brandson, Carroll (Miss) 7/146 Brank, Mary 4/295 (photo) Brannen, Bruce R. (Rev.) [Various spellings occur: Brannon] 2/285; 3/222, 225 Brannen, Herbert B. 7/407 Brannon, Alma Key, Josie A., Mabel E., Mary Pearl, Maud G., Robt. D., and 4/80 Thomas Brannon, Herbert E. (Coxswain) (USN) 7/393 Brannon, James H. 4/79, 80 Brannon, Paul 3/224 (photo); 4/80; 8/6 Brannon, Robert (Mrs.) 7/39, 116 Brannon, W.T. 8/32 Brannum, Albertine 7/66 Branson, Ray L. (Mrs.) 7/112, 115 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Brant, G.C. (Gen.) Brant, Seasar Brantley, Brittain Waddell Brantley, G. Fred (M/M) Brantley, M.H. (Mrs.) Brantley, Philip Branton, Harvey (Mrs.) Brashear, Thomas Brashear City, La. Brashear, Dr.'s place Brasheer, G.B. Brasher, Fred Brasher, Lois and Milton Brasher, Phillip L. (Cpl.) Brasher, Sally Brasher, Winfrey A.(Sgt.) Brasseaus, Milton Brasseur, Armance Braswell, Sally Bratcher, Joe Braud, O.L. Brauer, Albert (Maj.) Braun, Harry Bravos, Effie Bravos, George Dimetriou Brawner, Herman (S/Sgt. and Mrs.) Bray & Clements Store Bray, C.I. Brazeale, May Brazil Brazoria, Texas Brazos River Breakell Breakell, William Breau, Dave (Mrs.) Breaux, Adam Breaux, A.J. and Murphy Breaux, Alden and Kitty Breaux, Alexis, Paul, and Raleigh Breaux, Allen Breaux, Ambrose (Mayor) Breaux, Amey Dell (Mrs.) and Maurice (M/M) Breaux Bridge, La. Breaux, Carmelite Breaux, Caesar [Various spellings occur: Brough, Cesare, Seasar] Breaux, Clamire (M/M) [Various spellings occur: Calmear, Clamore] Breaux, Clifton Breaux, D. Breaux, Dalton Breaux, Drausin and Felix Breaux, Elias Breaux, Ernest (M/M) Book/Page number 7/13 1/9 2/244; 7/339, 456; 10/136 4/171; 7/339 10/115 10/148 7/200 1/268 2/206; 4/107; 6/92 13A/5 1/146 5/204 7/361 7/347; 8/167 Old Cemeteries/17 7/219 6/208 3/125 7/129 5/314; 8/211 8/238 8/180 6/83 7/254 7/3, 201, 239, 254 7/306 (photo) 3/138 5/281 10/59; 3/148 1/206 1/210 1/226,229 1/116 1/113 7/443 8/236 6/208 4/123 4/81 7/98 5/93 7/291 4/4; 7/4 1/129 1/14, 16, 17, 33, 36, 40, 81, 90, 91, 93, 107 7/234, 427, 432 8/87 7/296 10/203 4/31 8/133 2/264, 331; 7/124, 146 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Breaux, Eusain Breaux, Florence Breaux, Gas (Col.) Breaux, Jean Baptiste Breaux, Joseph (Jr.) Breaux, Joseph A. Breaux, Joseph P. (Mrs.) Breaux, Lloyd Breaux, Loillano and Lorena Breaux, Lowlan (S/1C) Breaux, Lowland Breaux, Lucille Breaux, Mack Breaux, Noah (M/M) Breaux, Oday (Seaman) Breaux, Philibert Breaux, Phillip Breaux, Robert Breaux, Shelby Breaux, Tilden J. Breaux, Valsin Breaux, W.M. (M/M) Bredehoeft, J.K. Breedlove, Barbara Breedlove, Elaine Breese, B.A. Breg, Roy (Dr.) Brennan, Helen Brennan, W.E. Brent, Charles, Hy. (Rev) Breucher, Miss Breucher, Anna Breucher, Fred (Mrs.) Brewer, John (T-S) Brewer, Ralph Brewster, Howard Brice, D.H. and J.W. Bridal Wreath bushes Brieton, Christopher Briggs, Anna Belle Briggs, Anna Loree Briggs, Anna Relief Guild Briggs, C.E. Briggs, Charles Loree (M/M) Briggs Family Briggs, Jane Briggs, Lawrence W. Briggs, Sonny Briggs, William Briggs, W.S. Book/Page number 1/14 10/69 1/269 1/114, 116, 126, 133, 137, 139, 147, 150 7/345 2/131 13A/18 c2p12 7/246 (photo) 7/302 7/427, 432, 438 (photo) 7/234 7/246 10/197 7/146, 201 7/291 (photo) 10/13 3/120 (photo) 8/107 10/162 7/237 2/223 7/82, 246 2/333 10/230 8/93 1/229 8/22 4/272 5/56 3/84 3/173 5/202 7/113; 9/14 7/434 (photo) 7/78 10/53 7/296 6/66 4/107 3/88; 5/182; 6/176; 7/64,1112 1/596 5/232 6/62 1/69; 3/123, 191; 4/171; 5/221, 236; 6/176; 7/93, 112, 151, 173, 294, 315 (photo); 8/72, 73, 76; 9/4 5/77,221 5/221; 7/315 7/313 5/221 3/34; 4/101 4/98 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Brigham, Wm. H. Brignac, James (Cpl.) Brignac, Zora Brimstead, Mannard W. Brimstone Train Brining, W.W. (M/M) Brink, Robert E. ( S/Sgt.) Brinkley, Homer L. (Capt. and Mrs.) Brinkley, Jackson Brinkley, John R. (Dr.) Briscoe, William Brisson, Cephas Britain, B.H. Brittain, Clifton Briuce, J.W. Briunson, Barbara Broad & Boulevard Service Station Broad Street Broad Street Laundry Broad Street M.E. South Church [See also "Methodist Episcopal Church" Broad Street Market Broad Street Star Dairy Broad Street Taxi Broadway Street [drawing of] Broaks, Earl Blaine Broca (de), Paul Francoise (Count) and Rose Margaret Brocato, Joe Brocato, Pete John Brock, Jack Broddy, Sam Broderick Broderick, Miss Broderick, Catherine Broderick, John M. (T/Sgt) Broderick, Kate Broderson, Cornelius Broderson, Peter Brodhead, John L. Brodniak, Anthony P. ( Sgt) Brofsky, Phillip (Capt.) Brogger, Jacob L. (Col) Brogue, Geo. Brom, W.J. Bromfield, F.M. Bromfield, Fred Bron, C. Bronson, R.L. Brookings, South Dakota Book/Page number 6/83 7/348 13A/17 1/168 6/91 7/216 7/212 1/214; 5/95, 243; 6/180; 7/357; 8/84,152; 10/136 1/238 5/270 7/66, 81, 88, 103 7/64 7/45,86 8/202 7/296 10/197 10/209 1/180, 181, 206, 220, 221, 280; 2/17; 3/209; 5/227 (1929 photo); 6/192-194 (1947 Flood Photo), 198, 202-204 (photo), 206 (photo), 209 (photo); 8/67 (1914 photo), 105 10/209; 7/155,273,426,428 3/40, 160 7/156 3/42 7/273 2/10 7/449 1/230 7/244, 245 7/201 7/239,343 7/201 3/153 3/169 3/178 (photo) 7/404 2/215; 8/303 5/4 2/23, 28, 52, 53, 77, 158, 239 4/285 (photo) 7/269 2/258 8/231; 9/114 6/83 1/6 2/132 7/203 2/220 6/16 3/38 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Brooklyn, N.Y. Brookner, Frank (M/M) Brookner, Ralph Brooks Brooks, Chester M. Brooks, Ernest, R.B. (Mrs), and Jesse B. Brooks, "Flip," "Tootsie," and the Brooks Home Brooks, George W. Brooks, John T. Brooks-Murray Company Brooks, R.L. Brooks, Richard Brooks, Samuel M. (M/M) Brooks, W.F. (Dr) Brooks, Walter Broomfield, F.M. Brother Dave's School Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen Brotherson, Mary Brougher, Ed. Broussard, Alcede (Mrs) Broussard, Alcide J. and Charles V. Broussard, Alexcee Broussard, Alfred Broussard, Alida (Mrs) Broussard, A.L. (M/M) Broussard, Alton Broussard, Andrew D., H.N., and Lionel Broussard, Anne, Joseph Broussard, Annette Broussard, Arthur (Mrs) Broussard, Asa (M/M) Broussard, A.V. (M/M) Broussard, Bernice John and Clive Broussard, Bert Broussard, Betty Broussard, Blane, Francis, J.W. (Mrs), M.R., Numa, and Randall Broussard, Bonnie and Drozan Broussard, Bruce Broussard, Camile Istre Broussard, Clarence and Wilson S. Broussard, Clarise Broussard, Claudy Broussard, Clinton D. (Pfc) Broussard, (Congressman) Broussard, D.A. Broussard, "Dad" Broussard, Dalson Broussard, Dorsey Broussard, Dosite Broussard, Eddie (M/M) Broussard, Edgar Book/Page number 8/293 7/222,326 7/151, 222, 326, 452, 454 2/248 7/406; 8/92 7/338 (photo) 1/222 7/430 1/222; 3/23; 5/8; 6/48 1/222; 3/169 2/327,331 2/330,331 2/353; 7/339, 406 4/86; 7/93 6/17 2/132 2/174; 10/17 8/284 2/126 9/122 1/290 7/327 7/282c 2/265 13A/53 c2 7/15, 93, 156 5/5; 8/247 7/6 1/283 4/192 13A/20 c1p7 4/283, 294 2/265; 6/27 7/201 4/205 7/57 4/218 4/174 7/354 4/238 7/452 4/268, 269 (photo of home), 270 10/295-302 7/359 3/182 3/56 2/256, 261 4/149 7/8 4/44; 1/48,73; 5/55 4/225, 243 4/231 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Broussard, Edward (Mrs) Broussard, Edwin, Harlan Marie, and Howard Broussard, Edwin E. Broussard, Edwin S. Broussard, Esther Broussard, Eugene Broussard, Eugenia Nunez, John R. (Sr), Rex, Roy, and the Broussard Hotel & Restaurant Broussard, Frances Broussard, Francis I. Broussard, Frank Broussard, G.A., John C., Julien, and Marice Broussard, Gabriel C. and Wallace J. Broussard, Gus Broussard, Guy Joseph Broussard, Harlan J. Broussard, Harold (Mrs) Broussard, Harold P., John M., and Whitney P. Broussard, Helen Broussard, J.E. Broussard, J.R. Broussard, Jessie Broussard, Jimmie Broussard, Joe Broussard, Joe E. Broussard, John Broussard, Joseph Wilbert Broussard, Julia Broussard, Levi Broussard, La. Broussard, Lucille Broussard, Mary Moore Broussard, Mildredge and Travis (Mrs) Broussard, Milton Broussard, Napoleon Broussard, Nelson (M/M) Broussard, Noah Broussard, Otto Joseph Broussard, Percy and Robert Broussard, Pierre (M/M) Broussard, Private Broussard, Reece Broussard, Renee Broussard, Rodney Broussard, Russell Broussard, Ruth Broussard, Simeon Broussard, Stephen Broussard, Sosthene Broussard, Theogene Broussard, Thimoleans Broussard, Travelle (M/M) Book/Page number 2/199 7/304 6/49 5/269 10/68 7/86 4/283 7/57; 9/127; 10/129, 130a 7/228 7/296; 8/13 7/296 7/401 (photo) 6/174 7/217 7/304, 452, 454 9/1 7/338 6/188 (photo) 8/362 4/218; 10/166, 167, 169, 186f; 1-/168 7/243 (photo) 10/186f 7/304; 8/92 8/290 2/331 7/449 4/228 7/64 4/281 4/95 4/223, 225 4/265 7/459 1/89,109; 5/77 7/111; 10/211 7/244, 245 6/187b 7/290 4/218; 6/156 3/125 4/142 7/173; 10/187a 7/243 (photo), 417 2/394,401; 10/295-302 10/115, 126, 166, 174, 198e 4/155, 183, 237 4/193,197,205,265 4/205,241 1/37 1/114 4/218, 283 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Broussard, W.A. (Mrs) Broussard, W.J. (M/M) Broussard, Whitney J. Broussard, Wilfred Broussard, Zephyren Brown, Ada Nelson Brown, A.T. Brown, "Auntie" Brown, Bernice Brown, Bob Brown, Bruce K. Brown, "Hon." Bucephalus Brown, Charles E. and James A. Brown, Charlotte, Gene Ann, Janice, Jimmy, L.M. (Mrs), Naomi, Paul, and the Brown Family Reunion Brown, Chester (M/M) Brown, Clayton Isaiah Brown, Cleo (Sgt) Brown, David and E.T. (Mrs) Brown, D.C. Brown, Deanna Brown Derby Night Club Brown, Doris Brown, Duncan Brown, Elmer K. Brown, Eva and Nina Brown, Floy, Myrtle, and Rebecca Brown, Frank Brown, Frank and L. (M/M) Brown, Frank D. and Rufus J. Brown, Frank O. (Sgt) Brown, Fred C., Inc. Brown, Georgia and Samuel Moore (Dr.) Brown, George Brown, Gilbert and Monroe Brown, G.L., Jess, Thomas A., and Thomas K. Brown, Glynn Brown, Gordon A. Brown, Guilbeau (M/M) Brown, H.B. (Mrs) Brown, H.D. Brown, H.E. (Mrs) Brown, H.M. Brown, H.P. Brown, Hamilton (Rev) Brown, Harold E. (Mrs) Brown, Harvey Edward Brown, Hattie Brown, Helen and Jude R. Brown, Henry Brown, Henry M. Book/Page number 3/79 7/436 4/160 7/95, 290 1/42 7/64; 10/115, 126, 197 5/169 3/10 7/146 2/19; 5/144; 8/227 7/224 (photo) 3/94 7/324 8/69 (photo) 1/232, 280; 3/24 (Home Photo), 79, 121; 4/101; 6/8, 10, 14; 10/316 7/217, 229; 8/69 (photo) 7/73 10/148 5/143 6/69 (photo) 8/208, 209 10/112 6/83 6/82 3/80 7/111 2/24, 225, 283; 3/222 7/231 7/217 7/201, 378 7/266 1/230 13A/32 5/77 7/296 7/39, 116, 272, 350; 8/252 3/217 8/4 ,55, 60 (photo), 69 (photo) 7/350 3/140 7/272 5/112 10/53 1/9 8/216 7/68 (photo), 81 7/317 7/289 (photo) 7/120 10/115 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Brown, Henry N. Brown, Henry N. III (Pvt) Brown, Harold Leroy Brown, J. Brown, J.A. Brown, J.B. Brown, Jesse Brown, Joel Wm. Brown, John Brown, June Brown, Lacey (M/M) Brown, Lee P. (Cpl.) Brown, Leona Slaydon Prewitt Brown, Louis (Pvt.) Brown, M. (Miss) Brown, M.T. (Mrs) Brown, Marietta [or Mary Etta] Brown, Marion (Miss) Brown, Marjorie Brown, Marshall Brown, May Brown, Miss Brown, Nancy A. Brown, Newton (M/M) and Wade Brown, P.P. Brown, Perry Sanford (Major) Brown, R.A. Brown, R.L. Brown, Raymond Pressic Brown, Ruth Brown, T.E. (M/M) Brown, Toni Brown, W.H. Brown, W.J. (Dr.) Brown, W.L. Brown, W.T. Sr (M/M) Brown, Wallace Brown, Wm. Brown, Willie Jennings Browne, Jennie Marie Browne, Patricia Browne, Robt. L. Brownell, Frank Bruce, Joe (Dr) Bruce, Martha K. Bruegman, Victor R. (Mrs) Bruen, Howard (Dr) Bruin Brulet, W.J. (Dr) Brumfield Home Bruna, Andrew Brundrett, Louisa Book/Page number 7/168; 8/212, 216, 267; 10/115 7/39, 116, 120, 129, 198, 338; 9/36 7/66, 317; 8/280 3/34 10/185 2/265 13A/119 7/95 6/172; 8/69 (photo) 7/394 7/106 (photo), 124, 269; 13A/20 c1p7 7/5, 7 Old Cemeteries/25 7/194, 231 3/98 10/69 7/66; 10/77, 90-90c, 99, 185 1/64, 65; 10/65 10/47 4/192 7/337 5/277 8/323 7/337,394 8/33 7/120, 139, 140, 145, 154, 167, 235 6/113,121,125 9/57 13A/22 c2 p6 3/54; 7/107; 10/186f 5/284, 299; 10/306 3/224 6/62; 5/15, 226 2/128 1/42; 7/287 7/272, 296 7/272, 286 7/369 (photo) 7/4 7/106 10/127 (photo), 161 7/107; 10/143 1/214 2/333 8/93 7/379 (photo) 7/356, 366, 367 5/39 5/61; 7/93 8/71 7/296 7/93 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Brundrett, W.T.C. Brunette, Archie T. Bruney, Steve Wilton Bruning, Edward L. (Mrs) Bruning, Hilda Bruning, J.B. (USN) Bruning, Joe Ben Bruning, W.A. (Mrs) Bruno, Frank Bruns, Band Cox (Rep. & Mrs) Brush, Al Brushy Creek Bruton, Johnny Bruton, R.A. Bruyanties, Henry Bryan, Brother Bryan, Clovis Bryan, D.W. Bryan, Delia Bryan, Dorothy Mae Bryan, Eugenia Bryan Family Bryan, George and H. Lawson Bryan, J.M. (M/M) Bryan, James W. (Capt. & Mrs.) Bryan, James W., Building Bryan, James W., Store Bryan, Joe Bryan, John Bryan, Lee Bryan Lake Bryan, Lallie Bryan, La. Bryan, Lyman Bryan, Maurice Bryan, Neal J. (Mrs) Bryan, Singleton Bryan Street Bryan, Thomas Bryan, Williams Jennings Bryant, Billie Ruth Bryant, Charlotte Bryant, Clarence (Sgt) Bryant, J.W. Book/Page number 8/286; 5/326 7/296 7/201 6/19 7/302; 10/165 7/216 (photo) 10/161 9/14 10/198d 10/94 2/333 1/125, 136, 146, 148; 4/18 4/268 (photo) 7/296 7/152 2/84 3/228 10/125 2/173; 10/5, 52 7/39 2/188 4/102 6/83 7/14,15; 10/306 1/148, 150, 158, 166, 167, 169-172, 180, 184, 192, 219, 225, 226, 235, 257, 259; 2/6, 7, 14-17, 42, 52, 68, 75 (photo), 107, 109, 121, 125, 129132, 143, 175, 186, 188, 191, 205, 211, 213, 229, 238, 286, 289; 3/17, 35, 134, 135, 138, 178 (photo), 214, 221, 228; 4/101; 5/14, 55, 67, 77, 192, 223; 6/25, 66; 8/243; 10/4, 5, 8, 10, 19, 21a, 45, 52, 70, 201a, 201b; 13A/5, 7; Old C i 6/113 /8 1/174, 230; 1/170, 171 (picture); 2/35, 92, 232, 284; 3/223, 225 7/110, 179 1/172, 192 2/191; 3/134, 228 1/172 2/191 1/235 2/37,171,199; 3/228 5/77 2/405; 6/17; 8/238; 10/306 3/228; Old Cemeteries/23 6/66 2/50 1/65; 3/99, 109; 5/12 7/204; 10/127 7/74 7/327 10/118 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Bryant, M.G. (M/M) Bryant, Peggy Ann Buatt, J. Matt (mayor) Buch, Fred, Herbert, Louis, Ruby, and the Buch Band Buchanan, C.W. Buchanan, J.R. Buchanan, James H. Buchanan, Stuart Buchanan, W.G. Buchanan's Ferry Bucher, C.C.H. Bucher, Eva Buck, Annie Louise and Eleanor Buck, Bernice Buck, Carrol Buck, Charles F. Buck, Gurden Buck, Harold (M/M) Buck, Herbert Edward Buck, H.E. and John and the Brick Company Buck, H. (Mrs) Buck, R.R. (M/M) Buck, Richard (M/M) Buck, Solon J. (Dr.) Buck, William G. Buckingham, Mrs. Buckley, Royce Bucklin Bucklin, W.M. [Music teacher] Bucklin Family Buckly, Arthur L. Buckman, J.H. (Jr.) Buckner, A.H. Budd, Thomas Budge, Aubrey Buell, D.H. (Major) [Contractor & Architect] Buffalo Bayou Buford Buford, E.T. Buford, Truman (Miss) Buggy Rides Buhler, George (Mrs) Buhler (Town) Building & Construction Trades Council Building & Loan Office Buis, Otto Bujardin, A.M. Bulber, Francis G. Bulber, Mary Frances Bulechek, Annelle H. Book/Page number 8/73; 10/226 10/198g, 211 5/169; 8/220 (photo) 1/277 13A/18 c1p8 8/159; 9/53 1/8, 11, 20, 24, 35, 218, 220, 235; 3/73; 2/194; 10/6 5/266 1/143, 146 1/2, 11 , 14, 25, 33, 171, 143, 220 10/25 3/80 3/54 10/102 (photo) 10/94 8/230 7/451 7/82, 305 4/168; 7/305, 405 4/100 6/14 4/17, 100 1/227; 7/410 8/293 3/199; 4/302; 6/31; 8/186 1/39, 40; 2/168 4/295 (photo) 5/77 3/34 4/102 7/228 10/95 2/142 10/201c, 201b 9/44 1/30 3/37 6/17 8/274 7/64; 10/138 6/78, 79 7/286 2/272 7/155, 426, 428; 10/209 1/181 10/212 (photo) 4/232 7/93, 94, 154, 167, 231; 10/66, 136, 144f, 161, 198; 8/175 10/198 g,226 8/308a NAME OR DESCRIPTION Bulechek, R.R. (Mrs) Bulet, Ben and Ethel Bull Bull, Howard H. (Mrs) Bull, J.K. Bulla, Johnny Bullard, Hillary Buller, Benj. Buller, Edward Buller, Elam and James (M/M) Buller, Emile Buller, Ina Buller, Jonathan P. and Joseph E. Buller, Thomas Buller, Wesley Buller, William Bulloch, Ellen Bulloch, M/M Bulloch, Randolph P. Bullock, Amy Howard Wales Bullock, Arthur (Mrs) Bullock, C.J. Bullock, C.O. Bullock, E.J. Bullock, Edwin Bullock, Ernest (Rev) Bullock, Estelle Bullock, Foster Bullock, Henry E. Bullock, Howard Bullock, N.D. Bult, Fred G. (Jr) and G.E. (M/M) Bult, Phyllis Bumpus, Clifford Bumpus, Guy Bumpus, Steven Bunch, George T. Bunch's Creek Bundick, Bikk Bundick, Rodolphe Bundick, William Bundick's Creek Bundick's Lake Bundles For America Bundles for Blue Jackets, Bundles For Brittain Bundrett, William T.C. Bundy, Elizabeth Lucy Bunker, Charles (M/M) Bunker, Mary C. and Residence Bunker, Mary Kirby Book/Page number 5/117 7/391 (photo) 1/208 13A/128 c1p9 2/167 8/228,229 1/81 2/131 7/296, 327 7/49 (photo) 1/153,195; 2/130, 131, 189; 3/23; 6/109 5/226 5/55 1/145 7/452 1/115, 124, 126, 127, 146 3/38 1/251 2/265 5/160 7/173 4/171 8/238 3/116 7/81, 394 1/9, 59L; 5/160 1/234; 3/38, 134; 5/182, 232 4/27 3/217 3/112,116 5/104 7/220 (photo) 10/211 10/185,198i 8/213; 10/193 10/185 4/280 1/161 1/205; 4/118 1/150 4/96 1/103, 106, 110, 111, 120, 122, 126, 134, 138, 147, 148, 151, 152, 158, 160, 205; 4/96 1/273 7/103,112; 8/211 7/112 7/93 3/28 1/44, 46, 57, 57c, 57e, 59g, 225; 2/89, 213, 217, 218, 356; 3/22, 71, 72; 10/316 6/113,121 1/217; 5/20 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Bunker, Mrs. Bunyan, Paul Buras, Claude C. Buras, James Carroll Burbank, Fred L. Burbohm Tree Burch, Aaron Burch, Hiram Burch, Mary Burdick, P.A. (Ens) Bureaux, Alex Buress, W.A. (Gen) Burford, S.O. (Mrs) Burge, A.A. Burge, Christopher Burge, Edison Burge Family Burge, Henderson Burge, Mary Burge, Winfred E. Burgens, Andrew Burgess, Annie Burgess, Edward L. Burgess Family Burgess, John S. Burgess, L.A. Burgess, Lee Roy and Norwood Burgess, Lilly Burgess, Ray (Mrs) Burgess, Robert Lee (M/M) Burgess, W.A. Burhle, Edward L. Burials Burke & Trotti Ambulance, Undertaking, and Funeral Firm Burke, E.M. (Dr) Burke, Harry H. Burke, Helen Burke, John T. (M/M) Burke, Katherine A. Lantrip Burke, Thomas Burke, E.A. (Major) Burkett, Ernest H. Burks, Delmar O. Burks, G.M. and William T. Burks, Jack W. Burks, R.E. Burks, Sam'l R. Burleigh, W. Burles, D.J. Burleson, A.J. Burleson, Charles (Mrs) and George (Mrs) Book/Page number 2/91,220 3/237 7/228 10/136 6/208 3/101 4/142 1/168 7/107; 10/127 5/267 5/55 7/412 (photo) 10/115 4/140 1/118 10/225 (photo) 1/205 1/115 13A/18 c5p7 7/452 7/296 3/128; 6/89; 13A/21 c2p11 6/83 1/276 2/283 13A/8 c2 4/24, 25 7/306 8/22 7/299, 306 3/194 6/83 4/9; 13A/9 1/230; 2/349; 3/205; 4/281-283, 287; 5/269; 6/89; 8/15; 9/153 3/174 7/345 7/294 5/269; 6/151; 7/173, 197, 269, 401 7/227; 4/403 3/61; 7/227, 403 2/150, 164 7/64 2/217 7/296 5/77; 7/5 5/77 2/132 4/123 7/296 4/2 Old Cemeteries/17 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Burleson, E.H. Burleson Family Burleson, Minerva Burleson, W.H. Burleson's Mill Burlugh, John E. Burnett, Alfred Burnett, Charles Burnett, Hoy Burnett, James Alva Burnett, Jeannie Burnett, John Brick & Tile Company Burnett, John (Mrs) Burnett, Josie Burnett, Lee Burnett, Leo Burnett, Levelle Burnett, Margaret Burnett, Wayne Burnett, W.C. Burnett, William Burnett's Ferry Burnham, Eliot Burns, Albert S.(Corp) Burns, Charles (Rt. Rev) Burns, Eugene Burns, Frances June, Gaston (Mrs), and Milton Burns, L.B. Burns, Linnie L. Burns, Lois Burns, Marshall (Rev. and Mrs.) Burns, Ruth Burns, Thomas Burns, Wm. Burr, Aaron Burr, Harry B. and Harry H. (Mrs.) Burr, Theodesia Burras, Andres Burrell, David Burrington Family Burris, Walter Burrough, Lee (Jr) Burrough Family Burroughs, E.J. C. Burrows, Jessie Joseph Burt, Catherine Burt, John F. Burt, Mattie Burt, Misses School Burt, Mollie Burton, Charles H. Book/Page number 1/132 Old Cemeteries/5 Old Cemeteries/7 3/72 2/206; 10/348 7/296 1/140; 2/284; 3/208-210, 214, 223-225 7/118 8/339 7/66 2/169 2/2; 3/236; 5/20 6/14 2/192,193; 3/174 7/244 7/245 7/81 4/192 10/186f 6/82 1/110; 5/181 1/140 2/328 7/5 13A/128 c3p3 7/46 7/282c 5/56 7/112, 171, 173 7/116 6/55; 7/372; 8/100, 254; 9/34 7/8,66,246; 10/138,177,197,198g 1/126,136 10/10 5/48,80,81 7/119 5/80,81 5/201 1/168 1/206 3/190 2/132 1/206 8/233 7/201 7/111 8/92 1/6, 8, 14, 16, 42, 44; 2/147, 159; 10/11 2/151, 233 1/6, 8, 14, 16, 42, 226; 2/112, 147, 171; 3/18; 10/11, 25 3/121; 5/17 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Burton, E.M. (Mrs) Burton, Edith and Evylin Burton, Leslie Gordon Burton, William Thomas (M/M) Burton, W.T. Shell Company Burton's Lake Side Park Burton-Sutton Oil Co. Burwick, Thomas Busby, Arthur (Lt.) Busby, Edward Busby, Elray Busby, Floyd J. Busby, Noland (Pfc) Busby, Wilmer Miles Busch, Asahel Busch, E.J. Busch, Oral W. (Mr. and Mrs.) and Walter Busey, Birdie C. Bush, Billy Bush, F.H. (M/M) and Jesse F. Bush, Feland J. (Cpl) Bush, James R. Bushey, Howard W. (Capt) Bushnell, Clement Bushnell, Elizabeth L. Bushnell, Jesse Hall and Lloyd Joseph Businessmen's Basketball League Buss, Shirley Bussey, Birdie Bussey, Leroy Bussie, Victor Bussink, Theresa Buster's Grocery Buston, Billy Jean Buswick, J.R. and R.D. Butaud, A. (M/M) Butaud, Mary Katherine Butaud, William Joseph Butchee, Billy Butchee, Mildred Butchee, Richard Butcher E.A. Butcher, Sarah Butler, C.M. Butler, D. Louie Butler, Doctor Butler, George Butler, John Thomas Butler "Judge" Butler, Rebecca J. Book/Page number 8/192 4/79 7/201 1/230; 2/243, 266; 3/205a; 4/79; 5/110, 114, 238, 262, 267; 7/93, 155, 273; 8/153; 9/45; 10/293, 306 6/182 (map); 1/235; 8/63,223 8/222 3/205a 1/168 7/398 7/66 7/86 7/229 7/5 7/449 7/235 7/354 3/203 (photo) 7/314, 351 5/4 7/278 (photo) 7/230 (photo), 278 6/83 7/437 8/124 13A/17 c1p6 7/95 7/116 9/58 7/408 7/345 4/297,301 4/192 7/156 1/238 7/296 7/223, 213; 8/70, 323 7/223 7/86, 223 (photo), 312 10/186b 10/202 10/211 8/167 7/111 7/34 2/283 1/207 2/288 (photo) 7/95 2/49 4/81 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Butler, Roy J. (T/Sgt) Butler, Turner K. (Mrs) Butler [or Buller], Willis Butte, Ramsey Buttolphe, R.J. Buxton, Alex, Alfred, Dempsey, Erma Verdine, Gene, Henry, Jessie Mae, Joyce Ann, Lola, Ricky Lynn, Rigsby, Sherry Lynette, Sylvia, and Vallery Buxton, J.B. Buxton, William L. Buxton, Zena Byers, Bruce (Capt) Byler, Aileen and Lois Byler, W.M. Byrd, Freddie Byrd, Nancy Byrd, R.H. Byrd, Sigmund Byrd, Wm. O. (Rev) Byrnes Byrnes, James F. Byrnes, P.V. Byrun, Henry (Mrs) Bythewood, Marie C.G. & Company Bakery Cabanas, C. (Mrs) Cabell Family Cabin - One Room Cable, Geo. Washington Cable, J. Cabral, Harry R. (Jr) Caddo Indian Tribe Caddo Parish Cade, Miss Cade, C. Taylor and William Cade, Harriet Cade, Overton Cade, Walter Joseph (M/M) Cady, J. Cephas Cady, Jesse Cady, M.C. Cady, Ralph R. Caffery, E (Senator) Caffrey, Donelson Cagle, Alice Cagle, Charles and George Cagle Family Cagle, I.G. Cagle, Jeff Cagle, Kenneth (Rep) Cagle, Max R. Cagle Motor Co. Cagle, Robert B. Book/Page number 7/411 2/403; 10/304, 305 1/25, 26, 29, 34, 47, 48, 69 7/296 4/100 1/238 (photo) 7/452 7/442 1/61 7/71 10/129, 130a (photo) 8/47 (photo) 7/20 10/115, 126 7/354 9/115 6/89; 8/19,56; 9/38 7/422 7/367 10/340, 341 1/227 2/353 5/140 7/111 5/193 8/23 (photo) 10/47 5/193 13A/85 c1 4/3, 16 3/94 10/223 5/15 5/269 7/184 4/80; 5/15 7/296 9/116 (photo) 9/4 6/208 3/182 2/66; 3/35 2/101 5/4 1/206; 5/79 5/77 4/96; 5/78 6/199; 7/452, 454; 10/94 7/151 6/198, 203 7/451 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Cagle, Willie Cagle, Winifred Cagney, Mollie Costelo Cagney, William Cahill, Harley Cahill, E.J. Cahill, George Wm. Cahill, Glenn Warren and H.J. (Mrs) Cahill, Harley Cahoihi, Bayou Caillon lsland, La. Cain, Bill F. Cain, Carl C., E., and J.R. Cain, Cyril E. - Address Cain, Eugene Cain, Fred (M/M) Cain, J.H. (Sheriff) Cain, Nannie Cain, Pat Cain, Pink Cain, T.C. Cain, Thomas Cain, W. Howard Cairo Agreement Cajun hair cut Cajun Home Cajun Joke Cajun Shack Cake - 7 Feet Cala Calaboose Calcam Tractor & Equipment Co. Calcasieu - Various spellings occur: Calcasheu, Culcashu, Quedqueshoe, Quelque Shoue, Quelquechose Calcasieu Academy Calcasieu Athletic Club Calcasieu Bakeries Calcasieu Baking Co. Calcasieu Bank Calcasieu, Bayou Calcasieu Blade , The Calcasieu Bond Bldg. Calcasieu Bottling Works Calcasieu Bridge [Newspaper Article] Calcasieu Broadcasting Co. Calcasieu Building & Loan Association Calcasieu Cameron Tuberculosis Assn. Calcasieu Channel Calcasieu Chemical Assn. Calcasieu Chevrolet Corp. Book/Page number 2/125 9/45 2/91 5/33 10/203 4/171 7/86 7/362 10/181 1/33, 72, 75 6/52 6/208 7/296 7/134 1/276 7/21, 86 1/205; 4/118 2/99 10/230 1/205; 4/118; 5/79 2/265 2/131, 132 9/123 7/473 1/171 6/18 (Newspaper Picture) 6/48 8/79 (photo) 8/72 (photo) 1/209 1/160 10/190 10/191, 239 1/219 6/43 7/76 1/172, 208, 261; 2/234, 266 (photo); 3/36, 39, 114 (photo), 203; 5/9, 11; 6/6, 45, 80; 7/102; 8/71, 234, 252; 9/18, 121 (photo) 1/191, 211 1/266; 4/101; 8/243 3/42 3/61 8/293 9/149 6/80; 7/93; 8/256; 10/198h 8/61; 9/146 5/113,115 6/184 7/155,273,426,428; 10/209 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Calcasieu Forum Calcasieu Frozen Foods Calcasieu Gazette newspaper Calcasieu Guards Calcasieu Hall Calcasieu Home Guard Calcasieu Indians Calcasieu Insurance Exchange, Inc. Calcasieu Investment Co. Calcasieu Invincibles Calcasieu Jetties Calcasieu Lake Calcasieu Land and Investment Co. Calcasieu Lock Calcasieu Long Leaf Lumber Co. Calcasieu Lumber Co. Calcasieu Marine National Bank Calcasieu Medical Association Calcasieu Memorial Association Calcasieu Mercantile Co., Inc. Calcasieu National Bank Calcasieu Paper Plant [Possibly Calcasieu Sulphate Paper Co.] Calcasieu Parish Diocesan Resettlement Prog. Calcasieu Parish Industries Calcasieu Parish, La. [See also Imperial Calcasieu Parish, La.] Calcasieu Parish, La. - Attorneys and District Attorneys Calcasieu Parish, La. - Child Welfare Calcasieu Parish, La. - Civil Defense Calcasieu Parish, La. - Clerk Calcasieu Parish, La. - Constable Calcasieu Parish, La. - Coroner and Coroner's Jury Calcasieu Parish, La. - Court and Clerk of Court Book/Page number 7/111 2/264 1/66, 114, 167, 210, 266, 267; 4/101; 8/243 1/225 6/4,78 1/223 1/264; 4/7 10/198A 2/350 1/225 5/328 1/115; 4/273; 6/77 (map), 181, 182 (map), 196; 8/90 3/34, 39 9/20 (photo) 2/275; 10/347 1/280; 2/350; 10/349 1/225, 233; 2/213; 3/205a; 4/291; 7/10, 93, 117, 155, 273, 426, 428, 435; 8/14 (photo), 37, 65, 100, 224, 278; 9/120; 10/116, 186e, 198e, 8/298 1/223; 9/83 2/327; 3/112; 7/98, 115, 273, 426, 428, 435; 10/209 1/61k; 2/61, 221; 3/81, 88, 110 (photo), 111, 123, 159, 169, 205a; 6/91; 10/107, 343 1/237; 3/205a 6/208 6/182-184; 9/147 1/2, 3, 5, 18, 22, 122, 124, 130, 149, 187, 189194, 205, 209-211, 216, 217, 220, 264-271; 2/180187; 3/35, 50, 105, 172; 4/2, 10; 6/56, 77 (1870 Map); 8/22, 66, 214, 232, 253, 278; 10/121; 1/66, 69, 79, 87, 89, 98, 145, 147-150, 158-162, 178, 185, 206; 8/197 3/205a; 8/280, 353; 9/3 6/199 1/86, 87, 89, 105, 106, 107, 108, 112, 113, 115, 119, 121, 124, 267; 7/228 1/8, 62, 72 , 86, 87, 127, 128, 150, 160, 161, 218220, 256, 257 1/90, 167, 185, 202 1/82, 158, 162, 216, 279, 283 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Calcasieu Parish, La. - Courthouse, jail, and annex Book/Page number 1/3, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 37, 41, 52, 55, 76, 79, 80, 89, 90, 94, 95, 105, 108-110, 123, 124, 128, 130, 136, 143-145 (plans), 148, 150, 151, 153-164, 166, 167, 170, 172-175 (drawing), 177-180, 182185, 197, 202, 205, 210, 213, 216-218 (photo), 220, 233, 249, 251, 271 (1907 photo), 275, 289; 2/59 (photo); 3/141, 169, 180; 5/195; 6/10, 45 (1905 photo), 46, 56, 63, 108, 114 (photo), 115 (photo); 7/123; 8/85, 93, 161, 192, 214, 270 (photo), 328, 329, 331, 332, 334-339 Calcasieu Parish, La. - Election Commissioners Calcasieu Parish, La. - Engineers Calcasieu Parish, La. - Health Unit Calcasieu Parish, La. - Hospital Calcasieu Parish, La. - Judges and Justices of the Peace 1/220 1/216 6/199, 204 8/308a 1/48, 51, 53, 56, 66, 72, 80, 150, 151, 155, 157, 158, 185, 210, 220 3/227; 8/221 1/155-158, 230; 2/221; 3/41, 105, 109, 118; 5/55, 151-159 (photos); 6/55, 64, 84; 8/8, 219, 221, 222 (photo), 223, 259, 261, 303, 330, 340; 9/50 (sketches), 134; 10/107, 214 1/176; 8/231; 9/44 8/267 1/3, 5-167, 183-185, 210, 217, 218, 220; 3/23, 35, 141, 189; 6/168, 181, 187; 7/86; 8/85, 131, 192, 214, 221, 231, 252, 256, 269, 298, 304; 9/52; 10/115, 118, 121 1/79, 95, 106, 124, 141, 145, 147, 148, 157, 158, 161, 172, 173, 177, 210, 270 1/185, 206, 216; 8/298 1/92 1/31, 81, 82, 90, 98, 99, 103,104, 107, 110, 132, 163, 172, 184, 185, 206, 231; 3/139; 7/100, 102; 8/218, 254; 10/27, 108, 110, 118a-b, 119, 122, 123, 125, 131, 132, 183, 184, 191, 194, 196, 201a, 204 (1899 photo), 205, 209, 218, 227, 239, 291e 1/112, 113, 115, 119, 125, 135, 136, 140, 141, 143, 146, 148, 151, 154-160, 167; 4/20; 8/335; 9/339; Old Places/116 1/8, 27, 30, 34, 39, 42-48, 52-58, 61, 62, 65-67, 69, 71, 75, 76, 82, 108, 111-114, 118-120, 140, 149, 150, 155, 159, 161, 163, 166, 185, 199, 205, 216, 218- 220, 257 1/5, 10, 11, 24-26, 31, 32, 34, 36, 40-50, 52-59, 61-65, 67-76, 79-82, 87-91, 93, 97-108, 111, 112, 114, 115, 117-121, 123, 126, 128, 130, 131, 133138, 140-143, 145-148, 150, 151, 155, 157-159, 163, 166, 185, 205, 216-218, 220, 282; 8/252; 8/275 3/141; 6/209; 8/256, 295, 304; 10/232 7/117 Calcasieu Parish, La. - Juvenile Officer Calcasieu Parish, La. - Library Calcasieu Parish, La. - Parks Calcasieu Parish, La. - Planning Board Calcasieu Parish, La. - Police Jury and Police Jurors Calcasieu Parish, La. - Recorder Calcasieu Parish, La. - Registrar of Voters Calcasieu Parish, La. - Road Commissioners Calcasieu Parish, La. - Schools, School Administration, School Board, and Superintendent of Education [See also names of individual schools and "Education" for general information.] Calcasieu Parish, La. - Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff [See also "Sheriff" and names of individual sheriffs] Calcasieu Parish, La. - Taxes, Tax Collectors, Treasurers, and Accessors Calcasieu Parish, La. - Wards Calcasieu Parish, La. - Welfare Workers Calcasieu Parish Medical Society Calcasieu Parish Ministerial Alliance NAME OR DESCRIPTION Calcasieu Pass Calcasieu Post Calcasieu Press newspaper Calcasieu Real Estate and Oil Co. Calcasieu River Calcasieu River Bridge Calcasieu River Ferry Calcasieu River - West Fork Calcasieu River - West Fork Ferry Calcasieu Shingle Company Calcasieu Ship Building Corp. Calcasieu Sugar Refinery Calcasieu Tigers Calcasieu Trust and Savings Bank Calcasieu United Appeals Calcasieu Volunteers Calder, H. L. (Jr) (Maj) Calderera, Johnnie Joseph Calderera, Pete Caldwell, A.T. (M/M) Caldwell, Aileen Caldwell, Andrew (M/M) Caldwell, Bill Caldwell, C.E. Caldwell, Charlie Caldwell, John David Caldwell, Jonathan H. Caldwell, Martha Caldwell, Mary Cook Caldwell, W.L. (M/M) Caldwell, W.T. (Mrs) Calhern, Louis Calhoun, Ralph Calhoun Book/Page number 1/101, 103, 106, 110, 112, 118, 123, 138, 166; 2/64, 206; 3/173 1/226,229 1/101, 103, 106, 210, 211, 214, 268, 269, 271; 4/101; 6/64; 8/243 3/205a 1/20, 40, 46, 71, 76, 88, 90, 94,102-103, 106, 110, 113, 116, 121-122, 124-129, 132-133, 138, 140, 143, 147-148, 151, 156-58, 161-162, 176 (picture), 184, 190-191, 195-197, 202 (photo), 205, 209, 211-213, 218, 220, 221, 224, 227, 229, 233, 235, 240, 269, 276; 3/109 (photo), 197, 199, 232, 236-237; 4/11; 5/18 (photo),19 (photo); 6/34, 65-66, 171, 175, 181-183 (photo and map), 187, 195-198, 204; 7/87; 8/9, 16, 58, 68, 70, 87, 90, 92, 192, 194, 217a, 224, 229, 239, 253, 260, 281; 10/123; 13A/108 c2,3,4 1/168; 2/58; 3/132, 139, 130; 4/130 (photo); 6/48 (opening photo), 63, 182, 185, 178 (photo), 185, 187 (photo), 190, 199; 8/3, 26-49, 67, 71, 239, 243, 279, 281, 282, 296, 301-302, 305 (1927 accident); 9/126 (photo) 1/50, 172 1/90, 95, 116, 119, 133, 143, 145, 146, 148, 150, 153, 155, 157, 158, 220, 225; 3/87, 197; 6/197; 7/98; 8/229 1/12, 99; 3/197, 199 6/84 6/182 (Map) 1/284 (photo) 1/225 3/123 8/205; 9/121 1/225 2/244 7/95, 431 6/42; 7/228 3/147; 5/326; 7/377 7/173; 10/172 (photo) 7/173, 227 (photo); 9/8; 10/41, 118b 8/98 (photo) 2/265 2/249 3/120; 7/81, 86, 227 (photo), 292, 377 4/171 10/113 (photo), 136 10/40 8/182 7/114 3/207 10/22; 3/60 10/123 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Calhoun, W.R. Calicher, Francois (Capt) California Calkins, D.C. (M/M) Calkins, F.C. Calkins, Fred (M/M) Call, R.E. (Lt. Com) Callaghan, Daniel J. (Rear Admiral) Callaghan, J.M. ( Sgt) Callahan, C. Callahan, Eileen Callahan, Lucas Callender, Miriam Calloura, Frank (M/M) Calloura, Joe Callsen, A.C. Callsen, H.C. Callura, Sam (Mrs) Calomel Calvary Church, New Orleans, La. Calvert, Major and Emma Calvert, Leonard W. (Col) Calvert, Maey Evelyn Calvert, Ruth Calvert, W.C. (Mrs) Calvet Camalo, Catherine and Frank Camalo, Joseph (M/M) Camalo, Mike J. (Pvt) Camellias Camera Club Cameron, Alice Bishop Cameron, Alzina (Mrs) Cameron, Florence Cameron, H.F. Cameron, James H. Cameron, Donald (Mrs) Cameron Pass Cameron "Toylift" Cameron & Fulkner [Dealers in hardwood] Cameron (Salvage Work) Cameron Cattle Cameron Children Cameron Colored School Cameron Electric Co. Cameron Elementary School Cameron Ferry Cameron First Baptist Church Cameron Fur and Wildlife Festival. See also "Louisiana Fur and Wildlike Festival." Cameron Hospital Book/Page number 2/220; 4/171 8/194 (photo) 1/232; 4/104,105; 6/20, 92; 7/278; 8/23 1/35; 2/167 2/135 1/35, 37; 2/168, 169, 195 8/96 (photo) 7/183 7/167 8/22 7/375 4/214; 7/201 7/120 7/240, 359, 404 7/156; 9/3 9/39 9/38 7/97 6/28 1/7 6/91 3/179; 5/247; 8/234; 9/122 6/176 4/115 8/245 1/209 7/229 7/229; 10/47 7/229, 282, 431, 452 8/195 8/214, 238; 9/35 4/225 1/57,57e 3/80 4/169 7/452 1/46(d/o Mrs. J.E. Loxley),596 2/87 4/284-285 3/39 4/263-268, 276 4/264, 265, 267, 285 4/291 (photo) 4/300 4/264 4/284, 285, 291, 297 4/273 4/297, 298 4/285 4/272, 277 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Cameron, La. (city and parish) Cameron Parish, La. - Courthouse and Jail Cameron Parish, La. - Library Cameron Parish, La. - Police Jury Cameron Parish, La. - Schools [See also names of individual schools] Cameron Mail Boat Cameron Masonic Temple Cameron Motel Cameron Ranchers Cameron Rebuilds Cameron Refugees Cameron Relics Cameron Relief Fund Cameron Seafood Co. Cameron Telephone Co. Cameron VFW Cameron Wakefield Methodist Church Caminada Bay Camp Atkinson - See Atkinson, Cantonment Camp Beauregard Camp Blanding, Florida Camp Claiborne, LA Camp Hoy, LA Camp Hulen, Texas Camp, Irene Camp, John C. Camp Livingston Camp Maxey, Texas Camp Mors Camp Nichols Camp Polk, La. Camp, Smith and Johnson Campagne, Claude Campbell, Al (M/M) Campbell, Anne Campbell, C. Campbell, Celestine Campbell, Claude J. (M/M) Campbell, Dorothy Campbell, Etta Campbell, Gayle Campbell, Gerald Dole Campbell, J.E. Campbell, J.P Campbell, J.V. Campbell, John George (Jr) Campbell, L.O. (Mrs) Book/Page number 1/152, 157, 166, 191, 205, 209, 214, 217, 220; 2/96, ; 3/33, 38, 47, 96, 133-136, 142, 188; 4/144-164, 263-289 (photo), 294-301 (photo), 306; 6/42, 65, 68, 77, 81, 182; 8/243, 278 4/139, 140, 142, 163, 164, 272, 273, 280 (photo), 295, 299-301 (photo) 4/294, 295 4/271, 272, 294, 301 4/301 2/65 4/300 4/283 3/263 4/263-270, 285-286, 288-291, 300, 301 4/267,284 4/295 4/294 5/90 4/300-301; 9/149 4/300 4/297 13A/37 c3 7/5; 8/92 7/5 7/18,74,268; 8/233 4/96 7/11 7/111 2/331 7/45, 78 7/121 13A/8 c1p1 8/243 1/12, 20; 6/50, 201 (photo); 7/9, 10, 14, 24, 28, 33, 116, 117; 10/198i 1/136 7/81 5/4 1/215; 7/412; 10/182 4/167 (photo) 7/118 2/327; 7/272; 10/2 2/350; 7/89 6/152 6/89 7/201,449 10/53 7/93 3/204 7/201 7/111 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Campbell, J. Lewis (Jr) (Pfc) Campbell, Lou Ann Campbell, Louis Campbell, R. Potter (Col) Campbell, Thomas (M/M) Campbell, William M. (Jr) Campfire Girls Canada Canada, Barbara Canada, M. Canada, Mary Canadian Ice Follies Canady, S.A. Canal "Robinson" Canal Street Canals-Francis Canary Islanders Cane Basket Makers Cane River Canefield, Louise Canellis, James (M/M) Canellis, Georgia Canfield, Victor Canik, F.F. Canik, Louis and Stephen Canik, Paula Canik, Pauline Cannon, E.L. Cannon, Emil Cannon, Emily Cannon, Eugene M. Cannon Family Cannon, Frank (Mrs) Cannon, Iris Cannon, James N. Cannon, Mary Cannon, R.L. (Mrs) Canover, Wm. V. Canteen Corps Canter, Bess H. (S/Sgt) Canter, Columbus Canter, F.H. Canter, J.H. Canterbury, Charles L. (M/M) Canterbury, Charles A. Cantin, Mack Cantisano, Michael (Pvt) Canton, Bertha Ellen Canton, Dannie Canton, Hattie Haskell Book/Page number 7/239 10/129, 130a 5/83 7/232 8/286; 10/202, 148 13A/85 c1 3/205a; 5/337; 6/28; 7/36, 66; 8/295, 305; 9/36,58; 10/214 1/192 8/2 1/55 1/43, 50, 92 8/319 6/83 3/60 2/10; 6/66 9/4 6/53 4/22, 23 (pictures) 6/196 2/353 7/4356 1/5 7/82,113 4/114 4/203 4/218 9/27 1/159 6/151 7/111 7/106 (photo), 124, 131 5/177 1/277 7/302 8/3, 17 4/4 7/346 9/4 7/35 7/413 7/452 1/159 2/132 7/207, 253, 272(photo), 282 (photo); 10/233 7/454,463 3/23 7/119 5/29, 67, 202, 271; 7/83, 288; 10/22, 23, 26, 45, 46, 161 Old Cemeteries/10 3/51 (photo); Old Cemeteries/10 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Canton, Henry Canton, Joyce Canton, William Canton, Willie (Miss) Cantonment Atkinson - See Atkinson, Cantonment Cantrell, R.J. (Sgt) Cantrelle, Billy Canull, Jack (Sgt) Capitol Store Capitola Black [Character in Play] Caplinger, Tom Cappel, J.C. Cappell, Margaret Capreol, Edith or Edyth Captain Hall's Hotel and Saloon - See Hall, Captain Hotel and Saloon. Captain Bryan's Store - See Bryan, Captain Store Captain, Modest Captain, Octavia Captain, S.S. (Rev) Captain of Patrols Caraway, A.C. (Rev) Caraway, C.B. Caraway, William M. Carbine, Mike (Capt) Carden, Allen W. and Dorothy Cardillo, M.J. Cardone, Curtis Louis Carencro, La. Carethers, Mrs. Carethers, D.E. Carethers, Jerry Carethers, Lawrence Carew, J.W. Carey, Mrs. Carey, Joseph Carey, Pearl Carie, Felix (Jr) Carl, Frank Eugene Carl, John R. (Cpl) Carlberg, Tore J.S. (1st. Sgt) Carleson, A.W. Carleton, Bert M. (Col) Carleton, Mildred Carlin, Albert Carlin, H.A. (Mrs) Carlin, John Ira (M/M) and James C. Carline, Jessie Mae Carline, Naomi Carline, Wm. Ralph Carlisle, W.T. Carlisle, Malcolm Carlson, A..L. Book/Page number 6/28 10/186 a,b 2/73; 6/28; Old Cemeteries/10 3/80 6/54 (photo) 2/351, 355 7/281 2/356 2/21 13A/85 c2 2/128 10/115,126 3/196; 5/222; 6/7; 8/324; 9/14 (photo), 34 10/80, 108 7/111 4/123 1/11, 26, 34, 65, 69, 74, 82-187, 220, 228 7/358 2/130, 188; 5/78 7/452 5/169 7/349 5/89 7/201 1/209 8/269 8/209 7/423 7/95 2/164 6/5 10/84 3/98; 1/64-65 7/300 7/406 7/410 7/198 1/59k,63 9/110 7/107 (photo) 10/63,233 7/146 7/300 7/66 7/11 7/300 2/132 Old Cemeteries/22 2/50 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Carlson, A.W. (M/M) Carlson Jeweler Carlson, Robert I. Carlton, Paul Carlyss Home Demonstration Club Carman, W.V. (Mrs) Carmen Family Carmical, Ralph E. (M/M) Carmichael, Annie Goodrich Carmody, James M. Carmouche, Charlie Carmouche, Edward Moss (M/M) Carmouche, Paul (M/M) Carmouche, Paula Carnahan, Dorothy M. Vickerstaff Carnahan, F. Carnahan, F.E. (M/M) Carnahan, James Gordon Carnahan, Joan Rose Carnahan, Joseph Edgar Carnahan, May Richie and Tom H. Carnahan, R.E. Carnahan, T.N. Carnahan, Thelma Carnahan, Thomas (Sgt) Carnahan, Thos. K. Carnahan, Thomas Robert (Sgt) Carnahan, W.G. (M/M) Carnegie, Andrew Carnegie Library. See "Calcasieu Parish, La. - Library" Carnes, Alex Carnes, William J. Carnivals Carolini [Slave of Middleton Neyland] Carpenter, Glen Carpenter, Leroy and Sam H. (M/M) Carpenter, Leslie M. (Family) Carpenter, Matt Carpenter, Nadie Carpenter, Neil Carpenter, William M. (Dr) Carpetbaggers Carr, Audrey Nell Carr, B.F. Carr, C.E. Carr, Charles O. Carr, Chester Millard Carr, Ed Carr, Edith Carr, Henry (Mrs) Carr, John Carr, Joseph Book/Page number 1/62, 229; 3/97; 4/171 1/61j 6/122 10/167 6/35 10/126 4/102 7/242 10/40 10/177 10/186 b, g 7/225, 280, 352; 8/120; 10/82, 113 5/243; 6/48; 13A/53 2/355; 10/129 (photo), 130a, 161 7/412, 443 (photo) 6/176 7/443,412 10/161 10/186 b 7/95 4/80 6/176 4/79-80 10/47 7/443 7/294 7/412 7/321, 351 (photo), 390 4/100 1/100 1/98, 114, 115, 125, 132, 135, 137; 3/187 6/38, 79, 80, 85 1/35,39 7/378 7/315 (photo) 7/317; 10/130 (photo) 4/147 7/290 1/4; 7/82, 378 6/87 2/14 10/114 2/131 1/133 3/217 7/201 9/39 7/112 6/47 1/106; 7/225 5/55 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Carr, Nona Carr, R.C. Carr, Thomas (M/M) Carr, William Carr, William K. (Jr) Carr, William M. (Sgt) Carraway, Chas. B. Carriage Builder/Wagonshop Carrier, Ferdie Carrier, Grant Carrier, Hazel Carrier, Mildred Marie Carrier pigeons Carriere, J. Carriere, Ursia Carriere's Ferry Carriker, M.L. Carrington, D.C. Carrington, William G. Carrion's Ferry Carroll B.H. Carroll, Charles Carroll, D. Carroll, Frank Carroll, Geo. Frank (Jr) Carroll, Hawkins Carroll, J.J. Carroll, Jack Carroll, James (Dr) Carroll, Joe (Maj) Carroll, Livonia Carroll, Ollie Carroll, S.A. (Mrs) Carroll, Shirley Carroll, Thomas J. (M/M) Carroll, Walter J. (PFC) Carroll, Willie H. Carron, Edward Andrew Carroway, C.B. Carruth, T.J. Carrutheram, John Carruthers, Charles Carson, Geo. B. (Mrs) Carson, J.C. Carson, J.H. (Lt. Com) Carson, Joe (Mrs) Carson, Margaretta Carson, H.R. (Rev) Carson, La. Carstens, Elizabeth Cart, Antone Belisair, Charles, F.N., F.M., Gilbert, J.N., and R.E. Book/Page number 10/186 g 8/213 1/121; 8/93 1/168 7/228 7/225 5/55 3/236; 5/146 (photo) 2/336 6/62 10/107 (photo) 4/226,229 7/18,32 1/212 1/133, 137 1/131-134, 137, 138, 151, 153, 157, 160 8/250 2/206 9/130 1/123 3/180; 4/121 2/330 (photo) 3/117 7/124,225; 8/308a; 10/115 7/209 10/194 3/19 7/118, 119, 429 6/83 4/192 10/3 7/296, 410 6/3; 8/238; 10/306 7/53 2/130-132, 189; 3/23, 180; 4/121; 5/77; 6/109; 10/205 7/5 1/207; 7/296 7/86 2/132 1/240; 4/21,6(Old Places) 1/168 4/135 2/405; 7/112; 5/57; 10/306 10/222 (photo) 6/174 6/16 10/165 pg. 50e 4/96; 10/318 8/22,79(photo); 9/3 1/288(photo); 6/31 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Cart, Dudley J. Carter [Special Agent] Carter, Aline Carter, William W. (Avia. Cd.) Carter, Branton J. and Leona B. (M/M) Carter, C.K. Carter, Charles (M/M) Carter, Claude C. Carter, D.L. Carter, Edgar Lee Carter, Elizabeth and Pearl Carter, Epaminendas Herbert Carter, Harold and Olga Carter, Henry Carter, Howard R. (M/M) Carter, I.C. Carter, J.E. (M/M) Carter, James Clay(Sgt) Carter, Jim Carter, John M. Carter, Joseph Clayton Carter, Joseph M. Carter, L.C. Carter, Lillian J. Carter, Mamie and Walter Carter, Nellie Carter, O.B. (Sheriff) Carter, O.C. (Mrs) Carter, Raff (Rapp?) Osborn Carter, Ruth Carter, S.E. (Dr) Carter, S.O. (Dr) Carter, T.L. Carter, William Ray Carter, William W. Carter Glass of Virginia Cartoon: Uncle Sam "Still Champion" Cartoon: Weeds Carver, Ada Jack Carver, Charles and Lillie Dickinson Carver, Charles Abner Carver, Carlene, Caroline, and Clark (M/M) Carver, Dr. and Diving Horse Show [Program-1907] Carver, John Carver, J.W. (Mrs) Carver, Thomas Carville, La. Carwile, Charles Book/Page number 7/151 2/18 7/116 7/392 4/218, 225, 259 4/268-269 6/31; 8/235 (photo) 6/82 7/82 7/201 7/111 7/86 4/192, 218 5/77 3/180, 205a; 6/186b; 7/204, 217; 8/211, 217, 236, 254, 275, 286; 10/104 (photo), 148 1/181; 2/220; 3/213 6/82, 176 7/272, 287, 348, 392 4/206 10/99 7/81 9/58 4/171 7/66 2/191 5/20; 6/44 4/189, 198-199, 203-204, 222, 224, 262-263, 171272, 274, 280-282, 283, 284 (photo), 285, 291 (photo), 293 (photo), 294, 296 (photo), 297-299, 301 (photo), 302 8/199 7/348, 392 4/213 4/281 (photo) 5/229, 284 1/276 7/95,429 7/272, 348 2/230 7/419 9/14 5/119 7/378 7/201 7/331 3/162 5/77 9/14 6/208 1/288; 5/249, 250 10/187a NAME OR DESCRIPTION Carwile, Floyd Cary, Curt, E.A., and W.H. Cary, Frances Cary, H.M. Cary, H.M. (Miss) Cary, Howard Cary, (M/M) Cary, Sylvester L. Cary, William Cary, W.P. Cascio, Carl Cascio, Joe and Pete Cascio, Josephine M. Cascio, Marguerite Cascio, Mary Cascio, Philip Case, Robert Casey, Francis Casey, Geo. R. Casey, Joe Cash, Bebe Cash, Mano W. Cashen, Bob Cashin, J.W. Caskine, Noel Cassara, George F. (Sgt) Cassaro, Jacob J. Cassela, Alfib Cassell, C.F. (Mrs) Cassell, V.M. (Mrs) Cassidy, Ed Cassidy, Frances Christine Cassidy, Jeri Cassidy, John (PFC) Cassio, James Castanie Castelli, William J. Castex, Jean Castile, Eugene [Various spellings occur: Castille, Castillo] Castile, Horace (Pvt) Castille, Dechell Joseph Castille, Marguerite Castillis, Ignac Castle, A.C. (Mrs) Castle, B.F. (Maj) Castle, Billy Castle, Caroline and Henry Wendell Castle, O.H. (Mrs) Castle, Ted (Lt) Castle, Wendell (Mrs) Castle, W.G. (M/M) and W.H. Castles Book/Page number 8/248 (photo); 10/198 5/77 6/7 10/108 10/80 3/103; 7/321 3/172; 6/105 1/278; 4/98, 102; 5/77; 8/310 (photo); 10/20 3/60 4/100 7/201 7/124 (photo) 7/451 9/58 7/124, 451 7/151 5/331 6/83 7/151 10/94 7/50 7/296 1/236 (photo) 6/62 1/104 7/393 7/296 7/118 7/204 8/120 9/39 10/161 10/230 7/118 7/296 4/4 7/178, /255, 393 5/77 7/279; 10/159, 161 7/232 (photo) 5/252; 7/201 7/132; 10/166 7/296 7/112 2/258 10/194 7/297 7/93,173, 297; 5/332 8/208 10/223 7/93 3/27 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Caswell, Curry L. Catalan, Luke and Scott Catalano, Ernestine Cates, C.A. Cates, George W. (Mrs) Catfish, Price of Catfish Point Catholic, Elisha Catholic Calendar (publication) Catholic Cemetery Catholic Church. See also "Immaculate Conception Catholic Church/Cathedral" Catholic Female Seminary Catholic Girl's School Catholic Missionary Catholic Relief Service Catholic Schools (See also names of individual schools) Cating, Sidney Joseph Catlett, Patrick Catlon, Judith Cattle Industry Cattle Industry, Cameron Cavanaugh, A.B. (Judge and Mrs.) Cavanaugh, John Cavanaugh, Perry K. (Cpl) Cayney, Bill Cayouche Bayou/Coulee - See Kayouche Bayou/Coulee Cayton, L. (Mrs) Cazeaux Cazeaux, Joseph Cazeaux, Mary Cedar Creek Celestine La Tortue [Indian Chief] Cement, Lawrent Cemeteries [See also names of individual cemeteries.] Center, E.R. Central Coal and Coke Company Central School (Also called Third Ward School). Includes both Grammar and High Schools. Central School--Student photos Central Trade's Labor Council Cessford, Annie Cessford, Robert J. and Cessford Street Book/Page number 4/86 1/163 10/82 7/296 3/140 3/207 8/90; 9/20, 21 7/116 3/125 1/223; 5/4; 13A/3; Old Cemeteries/8 1/174, 217; 2/12, 275; 3/40, 46, 47; 7/431 2/153 2/232 4/20 9/139 2/232; 10/11, 191 7/95 10/126, 128 Old Cemeteries/22 1/11, 14, 18, 24-28, 31, 35-38, 41, 45-46, 48-50, 52, 55, 57-59, 64, 77-78, 80, 101, 118, 120-121, 127-128, 132, 145-146, 150, 158, 265; 3/204; 4/278 (photo); 5/95, 178, 183, 309; 6/66; 8/190, 280; 9/4; 6/56; 8/10, 63, 219, 277; 4/149, 264, 265, 267, 285 7/83, 93, 112, 173, 451; 8/162 4/294 7/417 6/41 2/267 2/57,275 6/29, 39 6/29 1/192 4/12 4/104 1/193, 257 6/105 10/318, 349 1/183, 184; 2/40; 3/203; 4/84; 5/87; 6/35, 6971, 153; 7/98-100, 102, 372; 8/71, 82, 89, 212, 220; 10/28 (1900 photo), 35, 43, 49, 50, 80, 82, 104, 109, 115, 117, 118, 118b, 126, 146, 159, 166, 187a, 191, 192, 196, 202, 203, 210, 212-217, 226; 10/30 (1905 photo of faculty), 115, 118, 122, 180, 193, 212 (photo), 225 (photo) 10/45, 46, 63, 110-112, 120, 152, 153, 208 7/123, 155, 273, 426, 428 10/44 6/66 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Cesspools Chacahoula Chace, M.G. Chachere Chachere, Noble Chadbourne, Robert (Corp) Chadwell, Ben Chadwell, C.C. (Mrs) Chadwell, Evan Chadwell, L.H. (Mrs) Chaffee, E. Chaffin, Pat H. Chaffin, Robt. J. Chafi, Winona Chafin, Audrey, Branch M., and Linda Chafin, Claude T. Chafin, Pearl Chafin, S.B. Chafin, T.A. Chain Battery Company Chaisson, Alex Chaisson, Charles J. Chaline, Anatole, G.M. (M/M), Hilda, Lillian, Vernice, Viola, and Willis Chaline, Clinton Chaline, Joseph E. Chalker, C.W. (Capt) Chalkley & son Chalkley, Annie, H., Lizzie, and "Tot" Chalkley, F.G. (Mrs) Chalkley, G. (Jr) Chalkley, Hannah Chalkley, Harold W. Chalkley, Harry G. (Family) Book/Page number 1/259 6/92 5/238 1/263 2/334 7/83 (photo) 3/28 4/226,229,238-239 3/33 9/149 2/220 2/331; 4/4; 5/313; 6/210; 8/365; 9/9 2/331; 7/360 4/81 7/360 7/6 10/32, 38 7/337 7/335 7/155, 273, 426, 428; 10/186e 2/132 1/281; 2/252 7/75 7/75, 86 7/75 (photo), 143, 183, 277, 282 (photo) 5/241 2/135 3/20 (photo) 10/45 8/73 4/17; 5/225,326,; 8/73,79(photo),134 7/296 1/208, 230, 282; 2/34, 52, 58, 238, 243, 330, 331; 3/80, 123, 148; 4/123, 168; 5/7, 59, 67, 104, 109, 110, 144, 152, 162, 168 (photo), 176, 177 (photo), 180, 204, 225, 229, 284, 315; 6/175, 190; 7/9, 11, 94, 112, 122; 8/16, 84, 90, 132 (photo), 133 (photo), 134, 185, 211,273, 290 (photo), 298, 301, 353, 366; 9/4, 9, 26, 33, 38 Chalkley, Harry O. Chalkley, H.C. Chalkley, H.R. Chalkley, I.N. Chalkley, J.W. Chalkley, Laura Chalkley property Chalmette Monument, New Orleans Chambar, (Mrs) Chamberlain, Edna D. Chamberlain, F.C. (Mrs) Chamberlain, Frank (Mrs) Chamberlain, John (M/M) 10/121 3/205; 6/163, 166 1/229 3/191 5/162 2/150 8/71 3/171 1/61i 8/57 7/116 7/64 4/69; 7/237, 360 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Chambers, General Chambers, Arnold J. (Sgv) Chambers, C.W. (Dr) Chambers, W.J.H. (Major) Chambers, William (Judge) Chambersville, Texas Champagne, Eucherish (Mrs), James J., and Lillian Champagne, Harry J. Champagne, John C. (Lt) Champagne, L.B. Champagne, Presley Bernard Champagne, Ray Joseph (Lt) Champagne, R.G. Champagne, Whitney Champion, J.F. Chance, Caroline (Dr) Chance, Leo Chandler, Carl (Commander) Chandler, Jimmy (M/M) Chandler, Lenora Chandler, Sen. Chaney, Charles C. Chaney, Grover (Mrs) Channell - Various spellings occur: Channelle, Channel Channell, Edwin H. Channell, Eliza Coleman, Ellen Joyce, Jimmy, and Johnny Channell, Emmet Wyckliffe (M/M) Channell, Fred (M/M) Channell, Katharine Channell, Kathleen Chanove, Margaret Chapman, Bill Chapman, Bob Chapman, Dick Chapman, Edse ( t-5) Chapman, John E. Chappius, P.J. Charenton, La. Charity Hospital Facilities Charity of the Incarnate Word, Sisters Charles, Floyd Charles, Joe Charles, Luke Charles, Ray (Jr) Charles, Shelly (Jr) (capt) Charles, Thos. H. Charleston Garage Book/Page number 1/210 7/223 (photo) 4/26 8/304 5/177 1/210 7/377 7/228 7/296 7/217 7/81 7/359 4/232, 234 7/95 4/116 6/153; 5/227 1/246 6/185, 186; 8/271, 279, 282 5/205; 10/223 10/95 7/411 2/131; 10/118 8/171 6/83; 7/296; 8/61 8/61 1/59g; 8/61 7/122, 146, 226; 8/61; 10/139, 148,165, 166 1/223; 2/271; 3/79, 80; 4/90, 169; 5/15, 16, 20; 6/38, 39, 63, 65, 68, 78, 80, 81, 83, 120; 8/61, 223, 243, 244, 246; 7/50, 189, 234; 10/197 8/258 4/243 7/98,118,148 7/98, 188 7/87,118 7/434 (photo) 7/228 5/169 4/2, 3, 13, 14, 22, 23, 25, 30, 31 8/304, 338 6/208 4/128 6/99; 5/70 7/444 7/98 7/439, photo 2/220 1/222 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Charleston Hotel Charleston (or Charles Town), La. Charley's Lake Charlie's Tire Shop Charline, Jos. Charlton, T.O. (M/M) Charmie, Yvonne Chartier, Amile Chase, Emma H. Chase, F.B. Chase National Bank Chastain, George M. Chastien, Jack Chatagnier, John G. Chatagnier, William S. (Pvt) Chatahoochee River Chateau Charles (Hotel) Chateaubriand Chatfield, Chester B. Chatman, Rymie Chauffe, Joe Chaugua Auditorium Chaumont, John Chaumont, Joseph Chaumont, Wesley Chaumont's Ferry Chauncey, P.H. (Mrs) Chaupique Levee Chaurin, August (M/M) Chause, Harry Chautauqua Association Chauvases Chauvin Chauvin, August (M/M), Peter, and Theodore Chauvin, Joe Zeno Chauvin, Margaret Chavanne, Anette Chavanne Bakery Chavanne, Bill Chavanne Bldg. Chavanne, C.E. Chavanne, Catherine Chavanne, Charlie Chavanne, Clara Chavanne, E.A. Chavanne, E.J. Chavanne, Edmund Book/Page number 1/52, 233, 258; 2/233, 270, 352; 4/78; 5/6, 87 (photo), 199; 6/61, 84, 88, 183 (photo), 208; 7/92, 155, 273; 8/22, 61, 65, 73, 88, 89, 105 (photo), 207-210, 283; 9/118, 154; 10/197 1/129-131, 133, 134, 138, 141, 197, 271, 272; 3/188; 6/34; 8/9; 10/121 1/214,213; 9/115 7/155 7/454 4/283,155 4/160 4/160 5/331 4/154,232 3/117 2/327,331 10/123 7/229 7/198 4/12 10/351 4/20 7/83 (photo), 118 4/142 10/177 3/155 1/185; 2/59; 4/97 1/126 2/265 1/126, 133, 137, 150-153, 157, 160 8/229 1/61,75 7/340 7/82 1/248 1/22,27 1/209 7/340 4/282 4/82 6/72,74 3/39 1/256 (photo) 10/186c,186e 4/169 6/76 10/204 2/52,37 3/93; 4/171 2/129,37,52; 5/195 10/204 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Chavanne, Frances Chavanne General Store Chavanne, Harry Chavanne Homestead Chavanne, J. Chavanne, John T. Chavanne, L. (Jr) Chavanne, Leon Chavanne, Marianna Chavanne, Michael Chavanne, P.E. (M/M) Chavanne, Phillip (Mrs) Chavanne, Ruth Chavanne Shoe Store Chaze, Elliott Chedotal, Lester (Cpl) Cheek, Earl C. Chef Menteur Chemical Industry. See also names of individual companies. Cheneaux Settlement Chene, Bayou Chenet, Pat Chenet, Ted Cheney, A.W. Cheney, Henry Samuel Cheneyville, La. Chenier Chenier, Hazel Haynes Chenier, Joseph Chennault, John S. (Col) Chennault Air Force Base (also known as Lake Charles Army Air Base/Field) Chennault Air Force Base - Chapel Chennault Air Force Base - Hospital Chennault, Claire Lee (General and Mrs. and family) Cheramie, Eule (Mrs) Cheramie, K.C. Cheramie, Kibien Cheramie, Patrick Cherokee Indians Cherry, L.E. Chesaning, Mich. Chessford, R.J. Chesson, Alex Chesson, Cecile Chesson, Eddie Angelius Book/Page number 1/206, 252; 2/132; 3/5, 39, 42; 4/145 (photo of home); 5/7, 145 (photo), 222 1/206; 2/35 5/305 1/206 (photo) 1/158; 2/125 2/265 (photo) 10/53 2/59, 276, 277, 330; 3/41; 4/167 (photo), 168; 5/150 (photo of home); 6/73, 152 Old Places/100 5/195 7/113; 10/16, 161 3/135,134; 10/45 10/161 3/34, 60 10/128 7/399 7/296 1/209 3/206; 5/94; 6/194; 8/153, 157, 185, 367, 368 10/118 5/7 10/211,174,186b,e 10/198i 2/341 7/5 3/187 9/146 7/282c; 10/107 (photo) 2/131,130 7/317 3/189, 203, 217, 226, 301; 4/297; 6/184, 195, 196, 198, 201, 203, 204 (photo); 7/188, 204, 210, 212, 215, 217, 226, 255, 291, 344, 348, 349, 357, 362, 409, 425; 8/164-166, 177-178b, 180, 192, 218, 229, 231, 233, 298; 9/36, 110, 114 (photo), 122, 133, 135, 146-149 (photo); 1/5 7/353; 8/304, 306 7/179; 9/110, 111 (photo), 114 13A/106 c1 4/302 5/90 4/266 1/224 5/205 1/232 3/41 5/55 4/82 7/81 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Chesson, John Chesson, Lilton Chesson, Maxwell Chester, John Chester, Sidney Chettimanchi Indians [or Chitemachi] Chevis, Wilson Chew, Sylvia Chiasson, Delma Chiasson, George A. Chiasson, Thomas Chicago, Ill. Chickasaw Nation Chicken Thief Bunch Chicon, O.K. Chicot, Bayou Chiggers Chighizola, Joseph (Mrs) Chighizola, Louis, Natalie, and Patronelle Child Welfare Children of the Confederacy Childrens Bureau Children's Home Childress, A.E. Childs, Earl Childs, John (Mrs) Childs, Marques Childs, R.T. Childs, Richard S. Childs, V.L. Chimney Swifts China Chincquapin Gully Chinese Sugar Can Chineworth Insurance Agancy Chinney daubings Chireno, Don Antonio Chisolm, Jim (Mrs) Chisolm, Louis (Sgt) Chisolm, Mrs. Chisolm, Thomas J. (t/Sgt) Chitty, Mary Ann Chitwood, Frances King Chloe, La. Chlorine Plant Choate, Agnes, Herman, and Lanny Choate, David Choates, Harry Henry Choate's Prairie Choctaw Indian Tribe, including Josephine, Louisa Estelle, and Oushola Book/Page number 1/185; 7/156, 235, 297 7/244-245 7/217 3/54 5/202 4/2-4, 14, 16, 22-31, 57, 61; 6/60 8/124 13A/7 c3p3 7/341 4/280 7/321-322 1/221; 3/34, 36, 61; 6/93 4/4 6/122 7/354 4/5, 18 7/34 13A/106 13A/37 1/31, 32; 3/148; 10/188 8/68 (Convention), 72 (photo) 3/21 8/22 4/119 7/296 2/80 7/383 2/132 9/137 4/157-157 5/234 3/60 1/292 1/267 10/198a 1/265 1/212 13A/17 7/321, 322 7/321 7/442 8/198 10/40 6/31,199; 7/95; 8/58,192; 10/123; 1/185, 191, 217, 220 8/54 13A/18 1/191,224 7/201 2/272; 5/195 1/195, 209, 224; 3/98; 4/7, 8, 9 (photo), 12, 1821, 32, 127; 6/56; 9/145 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Cholera Chorus Girls - 1908 Chosson, J.B.(Mrs) Choupique [Various spellings occur: Shoupeake, Shoepique, Shoupique, Show Pique] Choupique Bayou Chretien, Francis Dazincoar Chretini, Dorothy Chrish, Frances Christ, Geraldine Christ, Lawrence A.(M/M) and Ruth Marie Christ, Robert James Christensen, James R. (Major) Christensen, Lars Christensen, M.L. Christian, James Christian, Joe (Jr) (Mrs) Christian, Pat Christian Brothers Christian Church Christian Science Monitor Christian Temperance Union. See also "Temperance Movement." Christian Visitor Christian Youth Organization Christianson, M.L. (Mrs) Christianson, Robert L. Christil, La. Christine, Millie Christman, A.J. (M/M) Christman, D.H., Mrs. Christman, Ernest J. Christmas, Carl Christmas Christopher, H.E. (Mrs) Christy, Ruth Chronister, Larry Chu, Thomas Church Benefit Church, John Churches - See also names of individual churches or denominations Churchill, James Churchill, Winston Church of Christ in God Church of the Good Shepherd Church Street Cemetery (See Corporation Cemetery) Church Street Book/Page number 1/164,186,282 3/165 (photo) 10/197 1/81, 88, 91, 93; 6/19 1/25, 36, 43, 46, 73, 88, 94, 148, 150, 173, 212; 3/70; 6/87 1/159; 5/271 10/177 10/193 10/181 7/395 (photo) 2/331; 3/189; 7/395 (photo); 8/179, 192 7/223 (photo) 7/228 2/286, 290; 3/217-219 221, 224, 225 (photo); 6/145; 7/203 2/284; 3/208,214,223-225 4/17 5/82 10/118 3/36; 6/63; 8/243 8/212 3/48 (photo) 1/263; 3/236; 4/100 8/217,224 9/14; 6/49 6/208 1/236 2/120 3/53 (photo) 10/305 8/123, 366, 194 2/55 6/25; 8/116, 200, 303 7/173; 8/223 8/118 3/224 8/252 8/199 9/142 3/124; 4/301; 6/64 1/123 7/123, 366 (photo), 373 6/66; 7/370 1/3-7, 13, 16, 25, 30, 34, 42, 45, 46, 57-61 (photos), 63, 66 (1904 photo), 222; 2/154, 155, 159, 160, 166, 174, 195, 205, 275; 3/17, 40, 42, 45, 83, 98; 5/15; 6/144; 8/61, 104, 282; 10/206, 214, 233 1/222; 6/197, 199 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Chute, Charlton F. Chysfides, Helen Cibbeaux, Conway Reynolds Cibettes, Roger C. ( 1st. Lieut) Cienfuegos, Don Jose (Mrs) Cinoquin, Rolland Cinquemano, Ronald (Pvt) Cinquemon, Roland T. Circe, C.G. Circus. See also names of individual circuses. Cisco, R.F. (Mrs) Cisco, Robt. Cisco, Rupert F. Cit-Con Oil Corporation Citgo Oil Company Cities Service Corporation Citronella City Bells City Delivery Co.-Lts. City Drug Store - See also "Lake Charles Drug Store" Civic League Civic Organization Civil Air Patrol Civil/Civilian Defense. See also "Lake Charles Civilian Defense. " Civil Engineer Civil War. See also "Confederate States of America." Civilian Anti-sabotage Organization Civilian Conservation Corps Camp Claiborne, Omer (Mrs) Claiborne, Williams C.C. Clanton, J.A. (Mrs) Clapper, Raymond Clapton, Della Iles Clapton, Marjorie H. Clarence Street Clark Clark & Courts Printing Clark & Slayton Clark, Anna Louise Book/Page number 9/137 (photo) 6/44 7/86 7/167 (photo) 13A/89 c2 7/454 7/355 (photo), 431 7/228 3/204 1/120; 3/163; 4/90 7/50; 8/244, 246 9/53 (photo) 2/264; 3/187, 205a, 423, 424; 4/169; 5/93, 262, 270, 273, 320; 6/210; 7/15, 50, 60, 79, 103, 113, 299, 370; 8/30, 37, 48, 64, 220 (photo), 221, 228 (photo), 229, 243, 285, 346; 9/4, 45; 10/102, 107, 140 6/182 (map), 184; 8/314, 355-364, 368; 9/153 (photo) 8/194 1/235; 2/264; 6/68, 175 184; 7/178, 179, 224, 251, 252, 291; 8/2, 10, 16, 63, 64 (photo), 160 (photo), 192, 194, 217a, 218, 220, 223, 224, 226, 252, 299; 9/3, 142 4/176 8/222 2/61 2/5 4/100 8/214 7/88(photo),109,116,152 4/263-264,266-267,271-272,280281,285,288,293,300(photo); 8/266,231; 9/143,144(photo),145; 10/214 3/36 1/168, 169, 173, 217, 223, 225, 267, 271; 3/84, 194, 209; 6/64, 66, 84, 85; 7/46, 47, 50, 51,5356, 58, 67, 71, 112, 115, 116, 119, 120; 8/191, 258; 10/118, 121, 122, 322; Old Cemeteries/3 7/45 4/97 13A/85 c2 3/216; 6/86 5/326 8/219 7/282c; 10/11 7/123 (photo) 1/229; 2/7; 6/78; 8/62, 71 1/177, 172 2/249 1/40 10/63 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Clark, A.L. (Dr) (Welsh, La.) Clark, Bonnie Clark, Byron E. and Daniel Lynwood Clark, C.L. (Dr) Clark, Cecil (Dr) Clark, Cecil Joseph Clark, Cecil (Mrs) Clark, Celia Marie and Elizabeth Diane Clark, Champ Clark, Cline Clark, Clyde Clark, Con Clark, Connie Clark, E.M. Clark, Elanson (M/M) [or Lang; Elairson] Clark, Elexis Clark, Elma Clark, Eston D. Clark, General Clark, H.F. (M/M) Clark, Harper Clark, Harry (Mrs) Clark, Howard F. (M/M) Clark, Howard Scott Clark, Isaac Clark, J. Clark, James Clark, Joseph (M/M) Clark, John Clark, L.L. Clark, Laura May Clark, Lillian Annie Clark, Lt. Clark, Lonnie (M/M) Clark, Louella May Clark, Margaret Clark, Marguerite Clark, Mark W. (Gen) Clark, Mary Lou Clark, Mildred Clark, Mr. Clark, Nat Clark, Nell Clark, Riley Clark, Robert Leland Clark, Ruth Clark, S. (Mrs) Clark, Samuel Clark, Shelton Book/Page number 7/93 5/87 8/15 4/199, 200, 202, 206, 213, 218, 257, 262 4/263, 270 (photo), 277 (photo), 281 (photo), 283, 284, 286 (photo), 293, 297, 302, 306 4/284 (photo) 4/270 (photo) 4/226,299 2/83 10/68,147 (photo) 2/350 8/290 10/127 (photo), 129 (photo), 130a 4/171 1/15, 57e, 105, 171, 175; 2/31, 32, 38, 238, 248; 4/20, 27; 8/15, 337 6/43 7/111 7/228 5/239 7/230, 307 7/47, 48, 230 (photo), 307 (photo), 347 (photo) 7/144 7/347 7/230 (photo) 1/148, 150 1/140 1/32, 136; 6/190; 7/286 1/191, 224, 290; 4/270 (photo) 1/168; 4/270 (photo) 8/98 8/15; 4/20 7/66 6/174 2/264, 405; 4/169; 5/93; 6/100; 7/21, 124, 173; 10/138, 306 3/47 8/298 3/166 7/358, 450 10/148 10/186b, 197 3/83 7/296 7/448 10/203 (photo), 212 7/449 10/198, 198i, g, 215 1/69 1/123 7/102 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Clark, Sue Clark, Sunie Clark, W.B. Clark, W.C. Clark, W.T. (Mrs) Clark, Walter Clark, Wm. Clarke, Billy Clarke, Calvin Clarke, Charlotte Clarke, Chris Clarke, Clem S. Clarke, Edith McGinty Clarke, Edward F. (M/M) and Mack Howard Clarke, George (Mrs) Clarke, Henrietta Clarke, Lewis S. Clarke, Rochester (Mrs) Clarke, Tom Clarkson, Betty Ann Clarkson, Miller Clarry, Uriah Claudet, A.P. Clawson, Frank Clawson, Raymond Claxton, Helen Clay, Alfred E. (Rev) [methodist minister] Clay, Edward Clay, S.W. Clay, W.E. Clayel, Flavis Clayton, Howard F. Clayton, Johanna Clayton, Max Clayton, William L. Clazet, Madam Clear Creek Clear Creek Church Cleary, Wm. E. Clegg, Arnold Ray Clegg, Nellie Clem, Jack Clemens, Mabel Clemens, Marilyn Clement, Betty Jane Clement Brothers (Lumber mill) Clement, Clarence, Don Louis, and Vian Clement, Elisha Lyons (Dr. and Mrs.) Clement, F. Lamar Clement, Gloria Margaret Clement, Iris Book/Page number 8/2 7/126 2/265 7/82 5/263 8/12-13 1/168 7/190 (photo); 8/254; 10/198 a, c, f 2/189 Old Cemeteries/22 8/104 (photo) 8/238 10/107 7/215 (photo) 4/16; 6/42; 8/103, 104 (photo); 10/306 3/205a; 8/311 2/221 8/145 3/221; 7/190; 8/131; 9/52 10/106(photo) 7/120, 124 1/186 13A/88 c1 7/172 10/198e 7/113, 116 3/21, 48 7/296 4/171 8/299 7/201 2/347 Old Places/99 7/79 (photo) 7/382 9/145 10/123 2/131 7/253 7/174 (photo) 8/216 5/82 5/210 10/193 4/237, 226, 229 10/347 4/294 1/219; 3/147; 5/20, 206; 6/40 (photo), 85 (photo); 7/110; 8/139 (photo), 273; 10/68, 133 4/279, 280 10/161 2/77; Old Cemeteries/10 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Clement, Jack (Mrs) Clement, Jessie Mae Clement, Jules Clement, Kenton and Talisma Clement, L.K. (Mrs) Clement, Louis, Remie, and Ursin Clement, Marial L. Clement, S.H. Clement, Sam Clement, Steve Clement, Stephen Clements, Arthur J. (M/M) Clements, Bobby Clements, Burl (M/M) Clements, Edward Lewis Clements, E.S. Clements, Ernest Clements, Henry Clements, Jos. E. Clements, Joseph D. Clements, Kenneth Clements, Lewis Clements, Miss Clements, Theo Clements, Thomas Clemmons, Ance (Mrs) Clemons Clemons, Myrtle Clemson, Herman Clemson, C.J. (Mrs) Clendening [or Clendenning], A.J. Cleo's Dress Shop/Ready to Wear Clerc, Charles Cleveland, Grover Cleveland Street Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland, W.J. Clifton Clifton, A.L. Clifton, Asa Clifton, Austin Clifton, Buddy (Mrs) Clifton, Colin Clifton, Ella Fitzgerald Clifton, Ernest Clifton Family Clifton, Hardy and Sophia Clifton (Lumber mill) Clifton, M.G. (Mrs) Clifton, Mary Book/Page number 4/294, 237, 238 6/40 (photo); 7/110, 113; 10/68, 112, 115, 120, 126, 133, 157, 206 (photo) 4/104, 106; 6/52 Old Cemeteries/10 7/115, 173, 269 4/104 (photo) 5/20 1/258; 2/28, 52, 129; 5/55; 10/201b, c 2/68, 76 2/212 5/20; Old Cemeteries/10 1/230, 229; 7/335; 10/202 10/148 7/113; 8/13; 10/22, 171 7/335; 10/136 4/97 4/139; 6/82; 10/140 10/171 7/64 7/151 10/198g 5/281 7/8 7/95 4/274, 275, 280; 7/95 7/111 6/91 7/57 7/444 7/8, 141, 354; 8/267 1/110, 116 10/186c, 209; 7/155, 273, 426, 428 3/41 2/130 1/222 6/23 10/94 6/17 3/217 5/55 1/34, 45, 62, 76, 90, 98, 99-103,106-107,110-222, 114, 116, 131, 140 1/228 (photo); Old Cemeteries/23 (photo) 5/70 5/286 7/454 ,452 5/172 5/83 10/347 13A/20 c2p4 1/140 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Clifton, N.G. (M/M) Clifton, Nathaniel Clifton Ridge Clifton, Robert (Dr) Clifton, Susan Clifton's Ferry Cline, Bertie Cline, Billy Cline, C.E. Cline, Carl and Lucy Dee Cline, Charles Cline, Charles L. (M/M) Cline, Charles R. (M/M) Cline, Dollie Cline, Dr. Cline, Ed (M/M) Cline, George William (II) Cline, J.D. Cline, J.T. (Capt. and Mrs.) Cline, Jerry Cline, Jo Ann Cline, Katherine Cline, Laur Siling Cline, Nellie Cline, Robert L. (M/M) Cline, Rodney (Dr. and Mrs.) Cline, T.J. (Capt) Cline, W.E. (M/M) Cline, W.H. (Rev) (Dr) Cline, William R. (M/M) Clooney Brothers Clooney, Clyde Clooney Dock Clooney, Ernest Clooney, Ervin, June, and Mary Bell Clooney, George H. Clooney, Harold (M/M) Clooney, Jack (Capt. and Mrs.) Clooney, James (M/M) Clooney, John F. Clooney, Leota Clooney, Thomas J. (M/M) Clooney Towing & Construction Clothing Drive Cloutman, Edward B. (M/M) Book/Page number 1/228; 5/83, 286; 8/219; 9/34 1/55, 57, 78, 80, 89, 90, 98, 111, 112, 120, 123, 127, 132, 146; 2/131; 5/83, 173, 286; 6/208 5/172-174; Old Places/169 2/331; 8/275 Old Cemeteries/10 1/116, 122, 125, 126, 130-131, 133, 134, 137138, 140 2/191 7/334 4/119 10/102 (photo) 2/191; 5/226, 262 8/74 (photo); 9/4 3/105; 5/20, 326; 6/19, 100; 7/123, 124; 8/223 10/44 5/311 3/60, 80 7/174 (photo), 452, 454, 463; 10/223 4/168, 171, 169 3/172; 6/19 1/263; 3/173; 4/77 (photo), 78; 5/20; 8/79 (photo) 2/355; 7/268; 8/229; 10/159, 179, 186c, f, 190(photo), 198a, d 1/226 8/216 3/19 1/230; 3/105, 221; 4/77; 5/95; 6/209; 7/43, 53, 93, 106 (photo), 119, 123, 131, 162, 173, 174, 309 (photo), 333, 334, 407; 8/30, 318; 9/38; 1/226; 7/145, 154, 167, 173, 219, 225, 229, 268, 406; 8/223, 229, 236; 10/116, 139, 148, 166, 174 5/20 1/227, 281; 3/40; 4/17, 97; 5/7; 6/151; 10/306 1/208, 263; 3/16, 39, 173; 4/167; 5/20 7/173, 198 1/229 7/82 8/317 7/82; 5/86; 10/186g 2/352 2/265 7/50, 82; 10/47 2/352; 3/37; 5/54, 86, 326; 6/442 3/85; 5/86 2/70, 129, 211; 5/16, 86; 6/11 4/78 4/169; 5/86, 109, 110, 326; 7/436 6/171; 7/93; 3/232 7/310, 303 7/177 (photo); 13A/18 c3p4 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Cloutman, Evelyn (Mrs) Cloutman, W. (Mrs) Cloy, Charlie C.E. Clubs. See names of individual clubs, organizations, associations, etc. Clucas, Diann Clugston, Harvey R. (Capt) Clugston, Juella K. and Pearl Coal Chute Coastal Development Corp Coastal Observer - S.S. Coatney, Jean (Mrs) Coats, Dorothy Cobb, Irvin Cobb, Irving S. Cobb, J.A. (Mrs) Cobb, Mamie Cobb, W.T. Coca-Cola Cochran, J.S. (Mrs) Cochran, Robert (Mrs) Cochrane, C.J. (Col) Cocke, Alton (S/Sgt) Cockran, Anthony Cockran, Lewis Cockrell, Ernest Cockrell, W.W. Coco, Carl Steen (Lt) Coco, P.F. (M/M) Coco, Willie Cocodrie, Bayou Coco's Shoe Store Coe, Athan Coe, Preston Thurman Coe, Tom Coffey, Robert F. (M/M) Cohen, E. Cohen, Nathan Cohn, Harry Cohn, L.S. Coker, Bryant Colbert & Lowery and Assoc. Colbert, Ardis Colbert, Charles R. Colby, Frank Coldwater, A. (Miss) Coldwater's Shoe Store Cole, A.L. Cole, A.W. Cole, Abner Cole, Abraham Cole, Absalom Book/Page number 7/141; 9/36 7/177 1/235 (photo) 7/445 7/335, 430 7/430 6/66 8/15,192 8/102 4/197 5/252 5/251; 8/234 5/3, 270; 9/122 7/111 1/228 3/204; 4/97; 5/309 10/186g,198h 10/138 10/185 9/147 7/83 (photo) 1/71, 75, 79, 88, 95 1/74 4/171 6/86 2/331; 7/285, 312, 319, 326 5/56; 7/285, 326 7/107 (photo),57 4/18 10/186e,198g 7/82 7/217 4/87 7/50, 69; 8/73; 9/4; 10/186g 10/210 6/82 5/82 4/171 7/452 9/120 7/296 8/186 7/244; 10/209a 8/303 3/39 3/208 3/60 1/124-127,133,150,162; 2/131 1/16,20 1/10, 14, 15, 20, 21, 26, 27, 33, 35, 46, 55, 59, 63, 64, 75, 80, 88, 91, 99 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Cole, Alexandria and Hiram Cole, Alfred Cole, Anthony Cole, Artemise Cole, Aubrey Donald Cole, Billy Cole, Bertha Cole Brothers Cole, C.D. (M/M) Cole, Carroll (Mrs) and L.C. (Mrs) Cole, Catharine [Writer] Cole Cem. Assoc. Cole, Charles Cole, Clinton Cole, Cornelius Cole, Cyrus Cole, D.A. Cole, David Cole, David M. (Pvt) Cole, Ebeneezer Cole, Edith Cole, Emerson Cole, Ewell L. Cole Family Cole, Frances Cole, Florentine T. Cole, George R. (Lt. Col) Cole, Gus Cole, Harvey S. Cole Home Cole, Hulda Maude Cole, I.H. Cole, J. Cole, J.H. Cole, J. Perry (Col) Cole, J.R. Cole, Jacob Cole, James Cole, Jimmy Cole, Joe R. Cole, John Cole, John A. Cole, John R. Cole, Johnnie Gossette Cole, Jonathon Cole, Jonathon H. Cole, Leo Book/Page number 2/132 1/153 4/97 4/116 7/449 7/79 (photo) 3/196 5/79 7/397 13A/17 1/200-210; 2/73, 178,188; 6/33 Old Cemeteries/21 10/166 10/185 7/304 6/13 1/152 1/168; 4/97 7/86 1/161 7/332, 348, 407 7/82 1/98, 104, 105, 107, 111, 112, 116, 117, 120, 123, 129, 130, 171; 2/284; 3/33, 208, 210, 223, 225; 5/7, 64 1/192,206 8/93 5/55 6/199 3/195 7/332, 348, 407 2/136 (photo) 8/214 1/111 1/46 1/101, 103 7/186 1/110 1/2, 20, 32, 33, 59, 88, 92, 93, 102, 106, 123, 158; 4/174; 9/146 1/95, 104, 115, 120, 123, 127, 132, 146, 148, 151, 153; 8/337; 10/118; 13a/8(C1) 3/138 7/64 1/16,20,62,168 1/33 1/29, 56, 91, 93, 11, 115, 119, 121, 124, 125-126, 133, 137, 157 7/217 1/96-102 1/106 p1 3/197 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Cole, M.A. (M/M) Cole, M.R. Cole, Mancel A. (M/M) Cole, Manton Cole, Marshall E. Cole, Milton Cole, Mr. Cole, Neland C. Cole, Nora Cole, Phelps (M/M) Cole, R. Cole, R.R. Cole, Ray Leon Cole, Richard Cole, Robert Cole, Samuel Cole Settlement Cole, Solomon Cole, Stephen [And Ferry] Cole Street Cole, Tabitha Cole, Ursa Cole, W.R. Cole, William Coleman, Annie Coleman, Dan Coleman, Earl Coleman Field, Tex. Coleman, H.H. Coleman, Hattie Coleman Home Coleman, Iris Coleman, J.E. (Mrs) Coleman, J.P. Coleman, Johnny Coleman, L.J. Coleman, Marion Coleman, Mary Coleman, R.A. (Mrs) and Robert E. Coleman, R.L. Coleman, Robert Lafayette Coleman, Robert Leon Coleman, T.H. (Rev) Coleman, W.B. Coleman, W.H. Coleman, William (M/M) Colen, Acie K. (Mrs) Coley Creek Colgate, Guy N. Colin, Cecil Collard, Don Book/Page number 7/332 1/62,65-66 7/348 1/122 3/192 1/159 1/62 Old Cemeteries/22 3/192, 196 7/74, 301 1/58 8/279 1/246 1/90, 127, 133 1/71 1/117,127,135,136 1/24,33 1/32,168 1/32, 33, 45, 49, 58, 59, 65, 75, 93, 103, 106, 114, 135, 146, 159; 5/55 1/170, 172, 180, 181; 2/17 7/315 7/119 1/63 1/32, 45, 48, 123-125, 137, 150, 153, 158, 161 10/44 1/186 2/286 (photo), 292; 3/221 7/106 6/190; 8/281 (photo) 10/95 3/186 Old Cemeteries/22 9/34 10/95 10/148, 187a 4/171 7/22 6/144 7/395 2/225; 3/221; 6/113; 10/100 7/201 5/109 4/220 8/103 7/296 8/240; 10/223 7/294 2/131; 4/18 6/83 7/110 (photo) 7/285 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Collard, Robert C. College. See names of individual colleges Collet - Various spellings occur: Collete, Collett, Colletta, Collette Collet, Charles S. Collet, Mr. Collett, Charles C. (M/M) Collett, William Colletta, Frances Colletta, Mickey Colletta, Steve Colletta, T.D. Collette, Alice Collette, Allan Collette, Alpha Collette, Donald Allen (M/M) Collette, Edith Collette, Ida King Collette, Jodie Collette, J.H. Collette, Wilfred Colley, A.C. (Mrs) and Bernard G. Colley, Carroll C. (PFC) Collier, B.F. and Dennis V. Collier, Betty Sue Collier, Donald C. (T.Sgt) Collier's Ferry Colligan, J.B. (Dr. and Mrs.) Collin & Gissel Collins, A.S. Collins, Andrew Collins, Annie M. and Emma Louise Collins, Ben Collins, Drew Collins, E.N. (Dr. and Mrs) Collins, Eugene Collins, F.B. (Dr. and Mrs) Collins, Fred Collins, George H. (Pvt) Collins, Geoge N. (Pvt) Collins, James Collins, James W. Collins, Jessie Collins, J.H. Collins, Jimmie Collins, J. Lawton (Maj Gen) Collins, John (Cpl) Collins, Joseph B. Collins, Juanita Collins, Katherine Book/Page number 7/151 1/282 1/221 1/214; 3/205a (photo); 4/77, 80; 5/273; 7/103, 113, 119 (photo), 199 (photo), 239, 278, 355, 378, 442; 8/223 7/39, 89, 114, 120; 10/47 10/148 7/81 7/82 7/156 7/111 7/283; 8/254; 10/164 10/102 5/305, 332; 6/16; 7/45, 50, 449; 9/36; 10/115, 126, 306 3/48, 177 6/16; 10/115, 126 6/7; 8/305 1/61j 1/61, 61c, 65 7/201 (photo) 7/5 7/246 10/198 d, g, I, 208 (photo) 7/216 4/87; 5/182 7/111, 450, 451 8/299 1/218; 6/46; 10/136 6/82 5/4 6/43,88; 8/13; 10/204 10/204; 9/131, 132 (photo) 1/228; 6/82; 7/152, 352, 392; 10/168 10/185 6/14 7/74 7/66, 392 7/152 2/16 7/315 7/196 2/132 7/206, 304 7/351 (photo) 7/156 (photo) 5/313; 7/296 10/129 (photo), 130a 5/203 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Collins, L.G. (M/M) Collins, Lawton (Lt. Gov) Collins, Lula Collins Marine Divers Collins, Mattie Kinder Collins, Mildred Collins, Patricia Collins, Paul (Mrs) Collins, Peter Collins, Reuben F., Shellie, and Willie Collins, Robert Collins, William Bennie Collinson, Alice Collops, Cordell Collura, Felix (M/M) Collura, Frank and Joseph Collura, John Collura, Lena Collura, Sam Colomb, Othis Colomb, C. Colon, Cecil Colon, Marian Colonel Mulberry Sellers (play) Colorado Springs, Colo. Colt 45, Bisley Model Colter, L.W. (Lt) Columbia, Sister Mary Columbia Southern Chemical Corp. Columbus, Miss. Colvin, David P. Colyer, Charles Comanche Indian Tribe Comasoqua Bluff Combat Veterans Combre, Dorothea Combre Funeral Home Combre Park Cemetery [or Combre Memorial Cemetery] Combre, T.A. (Mrs) Combs, H. Combs, Joe Comeaux, C.L. Comeaux, Cifton and Elia (Mrs) Comeaux, E.J. Comeaux, F.J. Comeaux, Horace L. Comeaux, Harry Comeaux, Horace L. Comeaux, Louis (M/M) Comeaux, Miss Book/Page number 7/74, 156; 13A/20 c3p2 8/293 3/56 6/51 7/352 10/181 10/68 7/50 9/22 (photo) 7/296 13A/87 c3p2 7/210 3/156 6/82 7/59, 176, 220, 325; 8/252 7/293 (photo) 7/220, 325 7/173 7/59, 325 7/217 7/296 2/264; 3/189; 5/93; 7/93, 146, 228; 8/179, 211, 231; 9/114; 10/186f, 198a 7/302 2/21 3/60 6/37 (photo) 7/192 8/118 6/181, 182 (map), 184 1/223 4/194 5/281 4/10, 26 1/14; 7/217, 220 7/398 (photo) 7/176; 10/89a, 95, 99 4/287; 10/210 4/297 10/95 3/200 2/278; 3/55, 122, 127; 4/265; 6/36 (photo), 37, 51; 8/199-204 (photos) 3/38 7/280 7/96 7/171 7/454,452 7/201, 237 (photo) 7/151 7/237 3/88 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Comeaux, Raymond Comerford, T.J. Comet Commander, Allen B. and Robert D. Commander, Johnnie Lee Commander, Rose Commercial Bakery Commercial Block Commercial Building Commercial Club Commercial newspaper Commercial Securities Co. Commercial Street Commercial Tribune Common Street Community Betterment Committee Community Chest (Charity) Community Concert & Civic Symphony Como, Angie Como, Cecil Como, Everett Como, Granville Compares Family Compton, Bill Compton, E.A. (Lt.Col) Compton, John R., Robert E., and W.L. Compton, Sam Compton, William O. Comstock Liquid Methane Corp. Conally, P.J. Concert, THE Concrete Pipe Products Condon, "Whitey" Confederate States of America Confederate States of America - Memorial Day, Monuments, and Statues Confederate States of America - Veterans Confidence Lodge #17 A.O.U.W Congregational Church Congregational Educational Society of NY Congress Boots Shoes Conkling, Willie Conley, Frank Conley, Lawrence B. Conley, L.H. Conley, Walter Connally, Dick Conn, C.G. Company Connecticut Book/Page number 10/181, 193 6/89 1/264 7/449 (photo) 2/49; 8/5 4/100 3/39 3/39, 43 3/25; 5/9 6/62 2/88, 175, 176; 5/12 7/155, 273, 426, 428; 10/209 6/66 4/101; 8/243 1/206, 223, 280; 2/16; 6/200 (photo) 9/120 10/178 , 196 8/234; 10/197 2/159 8/13 (photo) 2/132 5/203 5/177 9/39 7/445 7/296 3/142; 7/296 2/334 6/182 (map) 3/60 Old Places/23 7/155, 273, 426, 428, 435 10/198e 1/129, 130, 132, 134-136, 139-142, 168, 169, 255, 269, 276; 3/41; 6/95; 8/68 (Convention), 72 (photo); Old Cemeteries/24 1/179; 6/63; 8/273, 274 1/140-142, 231, 251, 252, 276, 289, 291, 297; 2/211 (photo), 212; 3/19, 143, 180, 194, 205; 6/17, 31, 63, 89; 10/123; Old Places/4 3/23 4/11 2/182 3/150 2/190 9/153 10/299 10/195 1/207 13A/131 c1p2 3/165 8/293 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Connelly, Jim Conner Conner, Abra (M/M) Conner, Adam Conner, Allen and Mary E. Conner, Alvin (Mrs), Annabelle, and T.A. Conner, Betty Ann Conner, Elie (Mrs) Conner Family Conner, Harry Conner, Henry Conner, James P. (Sgt) Conner, John (Mayor) Conner, John F. Conner, Joseph and Olivier Conner, L.J. (Mrs) Conner, Larry Conner, LeRoy R. Conner, Marie Conner, Noland Lee Conner, Sidney John Conner, Viola Doucet Conner, Will Conner, Wilson Conner, Floyd Thomas Connor, Lou Elda Vincent Conolly, P.J. Conoco Flagship Conover, Carl (Mrs) and Margaret Conover, Elizabeth Conover Family Conover, W.B. (M/M) Conover, William Conover, W.V. (M/M) Conoway's Bayou Conrad, Hardy & Thomas Bilbo Conrad, Paul Conrad, Ray Amos Conroe, Texas Constance, Asa Constance, J.B. [Deputy Sheriff] Constant, John B. Constant, Odat (Mrs) Constant, Peter Constantinople, Turkey Constitutional Convention Construction & Building Trades Council Consumers Ice Company Contin, M. Continental Oil Company Book/Page number 5/85 4/282 7/220, 411 7/86, 220 (photo), 282 (photo), 431, 452, 454 7/411 4/218 4/225, 259 4/196 5/77 9/129 8/198 7/382 4/108 (photo) 7/296 4/192,218 13A/18 c1p7 4/264 (photo) 7/452 8/96 (photo), 101 (photo) 7/449 4/225 7/220 6/62 4/192 7/95, 452, 454 4/237 4/171 8/269 5/243; 7/8 4/148 4/102 3/80, 148; 4/148; 5/314 7/124, 370 (photo) 1/230; 7/82, 112, 115, 294 1/94 Old Places/153, 155 5/12 7/201 1/218 7/24245 4/273 10/99 13A/19 c1 p4 4/282 2/197 1/230 7/155,426,428; 10/209 3/169 3/15 1/235; 5/330; 6/182 (map), 184, 199; 7/271 (photo); 8/2, 10, 63, 90, 192, 223, 11 (photo), 194, 269 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Contois, C.F. Contois, John Contraband Bayou Contraband Bayou Wharf Contraband Days Contraband newspaper Contractors/Builders Convent Schools Conway, E. Conway, John P. Conway's Bayou Coody, Edwin Austin Cook Cook, Andrew Cook, Bertrand Cook, Dahlia Elwanda Cook, Dianne Cook, Eleanor (Dr) Cook, Eugene Cook, Hally Cook, J.M. (Mrs) Cook, Jessie C. Cook, Lyle W. (1st Lt and Mrs.) Cook, Marion (Mrs) Cook, Mary Cook, May Cook, Paul Cook, Paul (Dr) Cook, Paul S. (M/M) Cook, Richard R. (Rev) Cook, Ray (Mrs) Cook, Roy C. (Mrs) Cook, W.B. Cooke, John F. (Mrs) Cooke, Noble E. Cool, Kenneth (Lt. Col) Cooley, Berry and Ira Cooley, Billy Cooley, Burrel Cooley Family Cooley, Henry Cooley, James (Mrs) Cooley, Lowin Cooley, Myra Mae Cooley, Nelda Cooley, T.S. (M/M) Cooley, William Coolidge, President Coon Coon, Clarence Coon, C.R. Book/Page number 2/331 10/167 1/1, 2, 195; 2/214, 274; 3/66, 108 (1907 photo); 6/89, 191; 8/195; 10/122, Old Places/115 6/182, 183 (photo) 6/182 5/281; 10/144, 144e 3/36 10/191 1/155,158 8/238 1/30,73,94 7/296 5/77 3/106 8/56 10/136 10/197 7/103; 10/40 10/95 10/186g 4/91 7/296 7/345 8/305 4/218 10/31 6/191,195-196; 8/17(photo), 18, 55, 321; 9/126 6/16 5/333; 6/198; 7/103; 8/3,146 1/9 9/150 (photo) 10/235 8/70,323 8/2 7/64; 8/6 7/253 5/305 7/118 4/96; 5/78 4/121; 5/305 1/146 3/80 5/55 10/166 7/36; 10/127 5/316; 10/118, 138 2/132 6/164 10/116 1/233; 5/238 3/169 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Coon, Eli Coon, J. Norman (Mrs) Coon, Mrs. Coons, J.W. Cooper, A.F. Cooper, Allen (M/M) Cooper, Burrell (M/M) Cooper, Ella Cooper, Elvin (M/M) Cooper, Emma Cooper Family Cooper, Florence Cooper, Harold LeRoy Cooper, Henry Edward Cooper, Horace Luther and James Leonard Cooper, J.D. Cooper, L. & Company Cooper, L.W. Cooper, Lewis Cooper, Lois Cooper, Louis Cooper, M.L. Cooper, Percy Cooper, Peter Cooper, Ruth Cooper, Silas H. Co-Operative Kitchen Coopr, Josie Coosa River Copeland, Ruth Ann Copenhagen, Denmark Coplin, Henry Coplin, Jesse Coplin, L.M. Copper Pennies Coquette (Steamer) Corban, D.R. (Rev) Corbello Corbello, Bessie Henry Corbello, Bryant Augustus Corbello, Charles Corbello, Clarence (T-5) Corbello, Claude and Forest (M/M) Corbello, Clyde A. Corbello, Ella Corbello, Emile Corbello, Gus Corbello, Henry (Mrs) Corbello, Isaac (Jr) Corbello, J. Corbello, Jack (Mrs) Corbello, Jack (M/M) and Paul E. Book/Page number 2/88 2/402; 10/303 10/305 1/158 6/174 8/193 (photo) 7/391 (photo) 1/231; 6/83; 8/307 7/82, 287, 308 1/231; 6/83; 10/19 3/232 10/95 7/287 (photo) 7/308 (photo) 7/201 5/309 6/84; 1/231 1/205; 7/451 1/159 6/16 1/159, 231 4/117 6/82 5/34 4/119 2/107, 232; 5/225 3/182 1/40; 2/205; 3/18,177 4/11,26 10/161 3/70 4/226 7/196 (photo); 9/8 (photo) 7/196 7/226 6/26 3/60 1/59 7/266, 324, 397 7/266 (photo), 397, 454 1/260; 5/177 7/437 7/286 (photo) 7/201, 342 (photo) 7/173, 424 5/183 10/233 7/384 7/449 1/153 10/115 7/342 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Corbello, Jackson Jefferson Corbello, Jerome M. Corbello, Jim (M/M) Corbello, Joe Billy Corbello, Joseph Corbello, Leatrice Corbello, Leon J. Corbello, Lloyd (Cpl) Corbello, Marvin A. Corbello, Nellie Corbello, Napoleon Corbello, Walter L. Corbett, James Cordsen, Fred Cordsen, Mr. Corkern, R.O. Corkern, Percy A. (Rev) Corkin, Anthony Corkran, Anthony Corkran, George W. Corkran, J.A. Corkran, Lewis (M/M) Corkran, Louis Corkran, Volta D. Corley Corley, Mr. Corley, C.R. (Dr) Corley, Richard Corman, Katherine Corman, Ted Cormier, A.F., W.A., and W.P. Cormier, Adam (Mrs) Cormier, Albert Cormier, Alex (Jr) Cormier, Alexander Cormier, Alvin Cormier, August A. Cormier, Bobbie Gayle, Frances June, Freda Belle, Jeanette, Vernon Ray, Wanda June Cormier, C.J. (M/M), Noah F., Richard Cormier, Charles Cormier, Cleveland Vincent Cormier, Corina Cormier, Eric and Sidney Cormier, Ethel Cormier Family Cormier, Florence Cormier, Fred Cormier, Gerald E. Cormier, Helen Mae Cormier, Howard and Raymond Cormier, Jack (Jr. and Sr.) (M/M) Book/Page number 7/86 8/92 7/293, 306, 356 7/387 1/149; 2/132 10/127 (photo), 161 7/228 7/329 7/228; 8/318 7/293, 379 1/159 7/66, 292, 293, 306, 338, 356, 379 8/216 5/82 2/307 4/97 13A/20 c2p8 1/19 1/59; 8/337 2/131 7/142 1/101, 137; 2/130 2/131; 5/79 7/6, 142 (photo) 6/64 2/117 2/333 10/136, 166 5/243 8/236 7/216 4/81 13A/18 c2p12 5/55 1/93 4/142 7/296 7/341 7/356 7/216; 8/124 7/449 4/192 7/8 4/218 4/303 6/188 4/262,264 3/217 10/161 7/228 7/151, 341 (photo), 452, 454 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Cormier, Louise Cormier, Milton Cormier, Warren Cormier, Wilbert Percy Cornay, Howard (M/M) Cornay, Mickey Cornay, Howard (Mrs) Cornay, Joseph (Lt) Cornelia Institute Cornello, Claude M. (Pvt) Corner Grocery Store Cornow, Joseph Corporation Cemetery [Also called Magnolia, Church Street, or Moss Street Cemetery] Corpus Christi, Tex. Correll, C.C. and Grace Reed Corse or Corsica Hotel Corse, Paul Augustine Corse's Bridge Corthell, Joe (Mrs) Corvel - Various spellings occur: Courville Corvel, A.J. and Oscar (M/M) Corvel, Antoine and fils Corvel, Emille Corvel, Henry J. Corvel, Joseph Corvel, Leonice and Luce Corvel, Pedro Corvel, Tony Corvel, Wilson Corvello, Ponocienno Corvelo, Antoine Corvelo, Joseph Cos, Ella Cosby, J.V. (Mrs) Cosmopolitan Restaurant Cosner Cosner Family Cosner, George Cossey, Mildred Duson Costanza, C.J. (Mrs) Costello, D.B. Costello House (Rooming House & Saloon) Costello, John Costello, Mollie Costello, Tom Costume making Cotham, C.C. Cotham, Clifford G. (Sgt) Cotham, William (Pfc) Cotile, La. Cotillion Book/Page number 7/111 7/59 (photo), 341 4/226 7/201 7/116, 146 10/148 8/212 7/296 4/84 7/324 4/92 1/191 1/122, 194; 2/110; 6/10; 8/239; 13A/6-14, 20 c1p7; Old Cemeteries/5-9 1/222 6/44 (photo) 1/191 1/1; Old Places/114 1/94 4/88 7/253 (photo) 1/59, 74 1/157 7/6 1/25, 59, 67, 71, 72, 74, 79, 102 1/59 1/34 7/86 7/95, 253 (photo) 1/93 1/89, 90 1/74 4/100 4/166 2/117 10/116 4/102 5/77 5/169 7/97 2/39 2/39, 90 (photo) 2/90-91, 211; 10/123 10/123 6/88 (photo) 8/103, 104 (photo) 7/82,98 7/443 7/5 3/187 1/15 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Cottage organ Cottle, Lorenza D. and William Elisha Cottle, Major Cotton Industry Cotton States Exposition Cottonport, La. Couch, Harvey Couch, William Coudine, Richard J. Coulter, Chan (Maj) Coulter, H.B. Coumes, Chester Council, Homer E. (M/M) and Robert C. (Lt) Count, Cadence Count of Monte Christo Courage, G.J. Courrege, Jean and Lucy Court, Thomas Court House Square Court Square Court Street (See also South Court Street and North Court Street) Courtney, Mr. [dairy] Courtney, Lt. Courtney, Bobby and Charlotte Courtney, Claude Courtney, Ella Elizabeth Courtney, George A. (M/M) Courtney, J.D. (M/M and Jr.) Courtney, Joyce Marie Courtney, Maude Esther Courtney, Nell Courtney, Woodrow W. Couse [Walter & Co.] Coushatta Indian Tribe [Various spellings occur: Quasato, Quesaki, Kosati, Koasati] Cousins, Thelma Cousins, Willie Cousson, Odette Couveil, Sacriminte Couvillion, Alfred Couvillion, Allen W. (M/M) Couvillion, Clyde Henry Couvillion, Felix Joseph Couvillion, Gloria Couvillion, W.F. (Dr) Coverdale, Phillip Covington Cow Island Cow Low-Lift Cowan, Howard Coward, Allen Coward, Donald Jerry Book/Page number 1/16 1/168 3/205 1/142, 280; 3/75 (photo); 4/126; 9/145; 1/289; 2/153; 3/46 1/250 5/3 2/258 7/452 7/25 8/201 4/123 7/163 (photo) 7/8 2/21 7/340 4/81 1/168 1/184; 8/93; 6/10 1/179 1/213, 230; 8/234 2/121 1/229 10/114 (photo) 7/50,82,93 10/161 2/272; 3/86, 123, 147; 4/100; 6/16, 152; 9/34 7/239 (photo) 10/80,114 10/47 5/232 7/228 8/37 1/224; 2/123; 4/3, 5, 10-12, 16-18, 26, 31-50; ; 5/135; 6/56 3/80 7/296 4/62 1/16,18 4/280 7/344, 359, 377 (photo) 7/210 7/66 7/57 7/337 4/171 4/2 4/288 4/264-265 (photo) 7/258 1/25, 36, 47, 50, 52, 63 13A/22 c2 p 6; Old Cemeteries/22 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Coward, Elizabeth Coward Family Coward, H. Coward, Hardy Coward, Jane Coward, John Coward, Needham [or Nidham] Coward, Richard Coward, William Coward, Wilson Cowart, Austin B. Cowden, E. (Mrs) Cox, Albert (Judge and Mrs.) Cox, B.C., Clement, Ellen, Howard, and James Cox, Billy Cox, C.P. (Mrs) Cox, Carmen Cox, Dewain (M/M) Cox, E.L. (rev) Cox, Elizabeth Cox, Eugene R. Cox, Eva Cox, F.L. Cox, Febe J. (Mrs) Cox, Homer (Pvt) Cox, John (M/M) Cox, John J. Cox, John L. (Family) Cox, John W., Agency Cox, L.E. (M/M) Cox, Lee Cox, Louise Cox, Marguerite Cox, Phelom Cox, Sarah Cox, Thomas Cox, Warren Gene Cox, Willa Clare (Dr) Cox, William Coxe, John E. Coxey's Army Cozes, John Ned Crab Train, The Crabtree, Lt. Col. Crabtree, Charlie Craddock, Claire Craddock, Harris (M/M) Craddock, Jean Book/Page number 4/81; 5/4 1/196,2 05; 4/87; 5/79 1/39 1/8,11, 34, 43, 58, 65-66, 69, 71, 198, 204, 218, 220, 224-225 1/204 1/191, 224 1/8, 27, 29, 30, 32, 42, 61, 71, 218, 220 1/11, 26, 29, 33-34, 42, 69, 71, 74; 10/293 1/98, 102, 104, 106, 110-111, 224 1/71, 81, 91 7/228 8/118 7/233; 8/93, 270; 10/189 13A/19 4/188 4/169 10/63 7/306 7/282 c 4/80 7/345 4/169; 7/189 9/135 6/208 1/238 1/192 7/223 2/290, 405; 3/221; 4/169; 6/16; 7/112, 181 (photo), 203, 337; 8/88, 217a, 218 (photo), 235 (photo), 286 (photo); 10/306 10/198g 7/233 2/125 10/186 g 8/222 1/148 7/96(photo); 8/308a 7/233; 13A/19c1p8, 12 7/340 7/154 2/125; 3/189; 4/281; 10/117, 167; 13A/19 c1p12 7/100 3/98 7/201 6/91 2/258 2/49 7/111 7/192, 225 6/16 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Craddock, Samuel H. (M/M) Crader, Helen Crader, Olivia Crader, Pierre Crafford, Charles Craft, E.A. Craft Family Craft, Roy T. Craft Rushworth LTD Crager, H. Crager, L. Crager, Louis (M/M) Crager Brothers Dry Goods Store Craig, Charles E. Craig, Louis (Maj. Gen) Craig, R.M. (Mrs) Craigen, Ellen O. Cram, Kendall Cramer, Effie and George Cramer, G.A. Cramer, George's Book Store Cramer, Kenneth F. Cramers, Hubert (Msgr) Cramers, M (Rev) Crandell, Robert (Rev) Crandle, Allen D. (Pvt) Crane, Charles W. Cranfill, B.H. (Mrs) Cranford, Cicero E. Cranmer, Carl C. Cranor, J.D. Crapell, Sidney (Mrs) Crassman, H.C. Crather, Edward Craven, Henry E. (Jr) Cravens, Reunion of Residents Crawfish Crawford, Alice D. Crawford, Bayley Kirk and Belle Crawford, Betty Crawford, Bill (Rev) Crawford, Ciecero (M/M) Crawford, E.R. (Mrs) Crawford, Emma Crawford, Forrest Crawford, J.A. (Dr) Crawford, L.N. Crawford, Miss Crawford, R.W. (Col) Crawford, Robert (Pvt) Crawford, S.S. (M/M) Creach, W.M. Book/Page number 7/64, 146,173 10/210 7/181 7/201 1/57, 57e 6/95 1/205; 4/118; 5/79; 13a/2 4/171 7/155, 273, 426, 428, 435; 10/198d, 209 3/8, 60 4/101 2/39, 40; 3/8; 6/14 3/8, 25 (photo), 43, 60; 5/9 9/2 7/403 1/235 6/31 8/216 5/182 1/251(photo); 2/134; 4/171 2/221; 3/42, 157, 169, 170 8/92 2/256; 3/125, 126; 6/167, 176,180 6/208(photo); 7/282c 1/3, 9, 61; 3/189; 10/233 7/358 7/228 7/146 5/307; 7/408 (photo); 8/92 7/259 5/307 3/196 5/85 7/201 8/157-158 13A/84 c3 4/70-71 7/324 7/380 7/379 13A/19 c2 p7 7/408 5/157 3/80 4/266 2/105; 9/129(photo); 10/236 2/131 1/60 5/113 (photo) 7/118 2/80; 4/123; 5/316; 9/4 (photo) 10/53 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Creasy, Ben Creaton Band Creder, Arista Cree Indian Tribe Creed, John L. Creed, Matt Creek Indians - Early History of the Creek Indians by John K. Scranton Creel, David J. (M/M) Creel, Harold L. (Lt) Creel, J.C. Creighton, A.T. Creighton, Mrs. Crenshaw, Lee Arthur Creole Catholic Church Creole Cottonade Creole Ferry Creole Jambalaya Recipe Creole. La. Creole-Oak Grove Schools Creoles in Southwest LA Cresswell, Paul, Dorothy, and M. Cresswell, Roy Creswell, Henry Oneal Cretchien, Hollin Cretini, Juanita Cretney, Robert W. Crevasse Crewson, John Crewson, Jones Henry Criddle, (Lt) Crigler, Phillip H. (Lt) Crilllette, Albert Curtis Crochet, Edward Crochet Family Crochet, Leland Crochet, Milton J. (Sgt) Crockett, David, National Forrest Crockett, D.J. (Mrs) Crockett, Mary Cromwell, Wanda Marie Cronea, Charlie or Charley Croom, C.B. Croom's Bakery Cropper, A.B. Cropper, W.S. "Seda" Crosby, E.D. (Mrs) Crosby, E.K. (Jr. and III) (Mr. & Mrs.) Crosby, E.S. (M/M) Crosby, Harold or Harry Crosby, Joseph R. Crosby, Kenneth (Mrs) Book/Page number 10/198e 6/23 7/296 4/32 8/92 1/247 (photo); 3/189, 190 4/20 7/337 7/337, 395 8/19 2/265 6/151 7/449 4/297 1/265 3/199 6/18 4/263-266, 268-270, 273, 277-281, 283, 286, 288, 289, 294, 297, 299-301; 6/199; 8/298 4/273, 300, 301 1/200 7/349 7/6 7/238 10/157 10/193 2/283 3/194 6/83 7/81 6/174 7/118 7/449 9/21 (photo) 5/77 4/218 7/8 7/11 7/406 7/111 10/161 13A/64 c1, 110 c1 2/134, 182, 188, 249 2/35 5/202 8/71 6/14 2/331; 5/222, 262; 7/93 1/281; 2/50; 5/332; 6/140a; 8/308 3/189; 4/294; 9/116 (photo) 7/167 (photo) 4/169; 5/222; 7/128,146; 10/205, 306 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Crosby, Marcella Crosby, R., Mrs. Crosby, Robert H. (Jr) Cross, Harold R. (Jr) (Sgt) Crossman, Ernest Crossman, Marilla Crossman, Rill (Miss) Crouch, ? Crout, D.C. Crow, Chester (Rev) Crowder, Tolbert Crowell, Irene Crowell, J.S. Crowley Crowley College Crowley, Constance Crowley, Edward I. Crowley Harvest Festival Crowley, Leo T. Crowley, La. Crowley, Margaret and Thomas Crowley, Pat Crowley's Laundry Crozier, A.B. Crozier, Alice Marie Eddy Crozier, O.H. Crozier, O.B. (M/M) Crozier, Robert Cruikshank, L.J. Cruikshank, Louis Cruikshank, S.T. (Mrs) Cruikshank, Tom (Mrs) Cruise, Boyd (artist) Cruise, W.D. (M/M) Cruisers Crumpacker, E.L. (Capt) Crumpler, Archie B. and George Crumpler, Grover (Sgt) Crumpler, Henry (Mrs) Crusade For Children Cruse, Pat Cryer, John Cryer, L.J. Cuba Cuba, M.M. Cudd, Valerie Book/Page number 6/22 10/306 3/217 7/461 7/296 2/167; 10/21b 3/120 3/32 2/265 10/115 4/196 7/302 2/236 4/21; 6/41; 8/278 2/200 3/101 (photo), 102 2/131 6/18 7/422 1/208, 215, 250; Old Places/4; 6/20, 21, 41, 195; 9/31 5/169 1/208, 250 (photo), 255; 2/168, 250-253, 256; 4/101; 5/9, 12, 33, 169 (photo), 200; 7/100; 9/31; Old Cemeteries/9 1/281; 5/9 7/103 7/248, 442 8/521 (221?) (photo) 2/264, 333; 4/98; 5/93, 341; 7/89, 113, 114, 116, 124, 131, 133, 138, 141, 173, 193, 225, 314, 346, 351, 354, 395, 408; 8/215 (photo), 221, 267; 9/36, 45; 10/177 7/6, 226, 442 7/184 1/219 3/147 8/308 5/119; 8/145, 212; 9/46 (photo), 47 8/212; 9/46 1/229-230 7/196 7/296 7/222 7/208 8/88 4/199 1/159 7/39 1/98; 4/11; 6/46 10/95 10/198g NAME OR DESCRIPTION Culbertson, Cesaire H. Culey, M.M. Culin, Frank L. (Jr) (Gen) Cullinan, M.P. Culver, Essie M. Cumberland Telegraph & Telephone Co. Cummings, S.C. Cummings, Tom Edward Cunningham, Alma Cunningham, Alva Cunningham, Henry Charles Cunningham, Isaiah Cunningham, Mary Cunningham, Milton J. Cunningham, Sam Cuny, Gene (Jr) Cupp, R.B. Cupp, W.W. Curley, Charles C. Curley, I. (groceries) Curley, Mamie Curley, W.M. Curley, W.N. (M/M) Curley, Will Curley-Krause-Wachsen Currans, Dan Curry, A.L. Curtis, Beecher Cornwallis Curtis, Henry B. (Col) Curtis, Herbert Leon Curvers, Anthony (M/M) Cusic, Wayne (Dr. and Mrs) Custom Rock Grinding Plant Cut Rate Store Cuthbert, J.R. (M/M) Cutliff, Mary L Cutrer, Cecil Cutright, Lourine Cutting, Frank Cypher, William C.F. Cypress dugout Cypress Trees and Industry Dabezies, Oliver H. Daboval, A.L. (Mrs) Dache, Lilly Dade, E.F. (Mrs) Dade, Lillie [married to Frank Haskell] Dade, T.E. (Mrs) Dade, Virginia Dahiquist, John E. (Maj. Gen) Dahlbom, William Dahlen, B.C. Book/Page number 4/20 7/81 7/358 2/220 8/221 2/268 4/169 7/217 7/294 4/116 7/210 5/52 4/79; 10/198c, 198d 2/150; 3/35 10/121-122 8/79 (photo) 2/331 10/25 2/265; 4/171 2/4 3/18-19 6/126 3/19; 7/173; 10/182 3/96 1/229 6/122 2/283 10/192a 13A/128 c1p10 10/199a 9/139 2/331; 6/16; 7/120, 167, 198; 8/188, 192 6/182 Old Places/26, 27 (photo) 6/197; 8/306 10/229 8/120 10/186d,e 5/77 6/83 1/300 1/270 (photo); 8/71; 9/157 (photo); 10/319-321 2/283 7/173 7/79 1/226; 10/125 1/53; 2/273 10/118 1/53; 2/13; 6/64 7/185 5/139 4/279, 280 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Dahlen, Richard Dahms, Dwight A. Daigle Daigle, Belva Ann and Willie E. Daigle, Brad (M/M) Daigle, E.H. (M/M) Daigle, Eddie Daigle, Francis Daigle, Henry (M/M) Daigle, Horace Daigle, J.H. Daigle, J.W. Daigle, John Daigle, Joseph Daigle, Lawrence Daigle, Ova A. Daigle, Teddine Daigle, Wasey Daigle, Zepherin Dailly, A. Daily American newspaper [See Lake Charles Daily American newspaper. See also Lake Charles American Press newspaper, Lake Charles Daily American newspaper, Lake Charles Daily Press newspaper, etc. ] Daily Patriot newspaper Daily Press newspaper [See Lake Charles Daily Press newspaper. See also Lake Charles American Press newspaper, Lake Charles Daily American newspaper, Lake Charles Echo newspaper, etc. ] Daily, Robert A. Dairs, Pearl Dairy Queen Dalborn, W.M. (Mrs) Dale, A.B. (Mrs) Daley, Alfa Daley, C.N. Daley, Muriel Dalferes, Linden Dalfers, L.F. Dalgetty, Dugald Dall, Curtis (Mrs) Dallas, TX Dalovisio, Bertha, Nancy and Pauline Dalovisio, Jo Ann Dalovisio, Joe Dalovisio, Leonard Dalovisio, Pete (Pvt) Dalton, Gordon Dalton, Harry J. (Jr) (Lt) Damanchyk, Don Dameron, James H. Dance Hall Daniel, Isaac N. (Pvt) Book/Page number 10/299 2/283; 3/217 1/124 7/324 1/282; 3/221; 6/23; 8/146, 317; 9/84; 10/214 7/324, 400 7/217, 324, 400 1/116 6/113, 125; 7/312 7/229 7/400 10/177 4/139; 7/296 7/324 (photo), 431, 454 7/6 7/296 10/115, 126 10/47 7/296 1/229 5/12 6/83 4/66 6/213 (photo) 1/62 1/69 7/437 10/99 7/173, 225 7/296 6/83 3/94 5/243 3/34; 6/19 7/307 10/193, 198e 2/355 (photo) 7/340; 10/159 7/8 10/161 9/135 8/114 7/118; 8/236 2/72 7/198 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Daniel, Jasper Daniel, L.C. Daniels, C.L. Daniels, Drusilla Daniels Family Daniels, J.M. Daniels, Jo Ann Daniels, Joe (also see Dalovisio) Daniels, Jonathon Daniels, Josephine Daniels, M. (Mrs) Daniels, R.C.M. Daniels, William E. Daniels, William H. Dankin, Jane Dansby, Jimmie Darbonne Darbonne, Adam Darbonne, Morris N. Darbonne River Darbonne, Prairie Settlement Darby, C. and R. Darby, Vernon O. (Lt) Darce, Ambrose P. (Jr) Darce, Frank A. Darce, Frank H. (Jr) Darce, LeRoy Adam Darce, Lionel (PFC) Darden, Albert and Vincent Darden, Ernest (Indian Chief) Darden, Lucille Darden, Marten and Yvonne Darder, Etienne (Mrs) Dargue, Herbert A. (Maj-Gen) Dark, Alvin Dark, Juanita Dark, Lanler Dark, Margaret Dark, Ralph J. (M/M) Darling, H.N. (Capt) D'Armand, Mr. D'Armand, Susan Ann D'Armond Building Darnstead, Arthur Darrall, C.B. Dartez Dartez, Mrs. ? Dartez, Asa (Jr) (M/M) Dartez, Ernest (Mrs) Dartez, Ida Dartez, Nelson and Rogers Book/Page number 1/190 (pictures of home and barn); 2/113, 133; Old Cemeteries/11 2/132 3/41 2/112; Old Cemeteries/11 4/102 2/132 10/161 2/171 7/367, 382 5/3 8/93 7/296 7/343 7/6 9/50 4/46 1/45, 81, 95, 123, 124, 131, 133, 137, 151, 153 8/64 7/217 1/157,160 1/98 7/296 7/221 7/217 2/265; 5/243; 7/346; 8/244 8/248 (photo) 7/86 7/346 4/25 4/2-4, 6, 25, 30 4/23, 29, 30 (photo) 4/29 13A/88 c1 7/19 7/335 (photo); 8/86; 10/222a (photo), 222c-h 7/107; 10/127, 179, 222f 10/222f 10/47, 222f 7/335 8/194 (photo) 2/75; 6/87 5/7 2/140, 162, 240, 262; 8/309 3/199 2/88 6/57 6/8 7/433 (photo); 8/93 10/197 6/44 7/433 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Dartez, Norman Dartez, Rita Dartez, Robert (Pvt) Dartez, Roger A. (Pfc) Daspit, Henrietta Daspit, Leo (M/M) Daspit, Mary Daste, Verdun Daughenbaugh Daughenbaugh, Billy Daughenbaugh, Earl O. Daughenbaugh Family Daughenbaugh, Howard L. (M/M) Daughenbaugh, Patty Ruth Daugherty, Howard Daugherty, Johnnie M. Daugherty, Stan (Cpl) Daughter of the Mountains [review] Daughters of the American Revolution Daughters of The Confederacy Daughtery, Ed Daukes, John (Lt Col) D'Aunoy, Charles F. (Mrs) D'Aunoy, Fallie Daussat, Frederick Dautel, L.H. (Mrs) Dautrieve, Bernard (M/M) Davenport, J.W. Davenport, Roy (Jr) Davenport, Roy L., Mrs. Daves, Joel (Rev) Dave's Training School Davey, R.C. David, Herman W. David, Lois M. David, Ralph (M/M) and Robert Bertrand David, Ramie (M/M) David, Simonette David, Theophile Leonce Davidson Davidson, Charles Davidson, Elaine Davidson, George Davidson, George I. Davidson, George L. (Mrs) Davidson, H.A. Davidson, Harold B. Davidson, J.S. Book/Page number 10/181 7/448 7/198 7/5, 448 7/39 6/202 (photo); 7/187, 198; 8/2, 246 (photo), 305; 10/101, 139, 221 (photo), 222 7/57 4/19 7/5 10/198 g, 198i 7/111, 450, 451; 10/209a 4/102 2/51 (photo); 6/16, 55, 174; 7/123 (photo); 8/67, 211, 267, 284; 10/148, 202 8/217 (photo); 10/127 (photo) 7/309, 412; 8/147, 179 7/309, 320, 324, 338, 412 7/268 8/100 1/226, 227; 4/17, 62; 5/326; 10/186e, 198; Old Cemeteries/3 1/179; 3/31 7/309, 320, 338, 412; 9/123 8/194 (photo) 10/68, 115 10/68 2/164 7/15 Old Cemeteries/17; 13A/17 c3 p5 2/132 5/331 10/304 2/134, 160, 161, 165, 167; 3/205; 10/17 10/18 3/35 7/149 (photo), 157, 232, 442 7/183, 193, 245 7/338 7/149, 157, 232 1/290 7/237 (photo) 10/23 6/113, 121, 124 5/182, 262; 7/66; 10/115, 126, 148, 197, 206 (photo) 3/174; 10/48, 224 (photo) 5/280 2/278 4/171 10/198 g 2/129 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Davidson, Jackson C. Davidson, Joe (M/M) Davidson, John T. Davidson, Larry E. Davidson, Leonard R. and O.M. (M/M) Davidson, Loren Davidson, Russell A. Davidson Sash & Door Co. Davidson, Simon Davidson, S.M. (Mrs) Davidson, Stephen E. Davidson, Tina Davidson's Gallery/Store Davie, F.A. (Jr) (Mrs) Davies, A.F. Davies, Charles (Mrs) Davies, Coulson McKenzie Davies, Mr. Davies, Mrs. Davies, Ralph Davilla, John A. Davion, Clarence Davion, Lois Davis, A.B. Davis, Abbie Prater Davis, A.H. Davis, A.J. (Mrs) Davis, Allen Lafayette and John Wilson Davis, Andrew J. (M/M) Davis, B.C. (M/M) Davis, Brother Davis, Buck Davis, C.C. Davis, Charles (Jr) and James Austin Davis, Charles M. Davis, Clara Davis, Clifford Davis, Collin Davis, D.C. Davis, Don Davis, Edwin Adams (Dr) Davis, Elmer Davis, Eloise and Genevieve Davis, Elwyn Davis Family Davis, Fannie Laws, Sadie Mae, and Sophie Davis, F.J. Davis, Francis (Mrs) Davis, Helen Davis, Henry Homer (M/M) Davis, H.R. Davis, Irion Book/Page number 7/452, 454 7/93, 112, 115; 8/353; 9/9; 10/115 2/131 8/339 7/358 5/57 7/228 2/351; 7/155, 273, 426, 428 2/331; 7/449 3/41, 172 7/216 7/8 1/174, 178 4/17; 10/115 1/226 7/111 7/296 1/60 1/62 7/251 1/183 3/217 10/197 10/119 7/173; 10/40 9/53 (photo) 7/405 7/86 7/450 7/408 2/275 1/292, 293-294 1/205; 5/78 4/142 6/83 3/38, 48 (photo), 134, 135, 177 7/33 2/198; 10/13 7/183 9/116 9/130 7/382 5/195 7/50 1/292 7/111 4/123 1/6 7/140; 10/47 7/146, 173, 217, 225 8/364 1/205; 5/78 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Davis, J.A. Davis, James "Jimmie" H., Governor Davis, J.D. Davis, Jefferson Davis, Jefferson Parish, La. Davis, J.M. (Mrs) Davis, Joel Davis, John Jefferson Davis, Joseph (Jr) Davis, Joseph Russell Davis, Leo W. Davis, Louis Kaufman Davis, Lucille Davis, Mary Carolyn Poem(?) Davis, Mary Louise Davis, Maude Marie Davis, Milton (Mrs) Davis, (Mr) Davis, Nancy Jo Davis, Nathan Davis, Nellie Davis, P.L. Davis, "Pee-Wee" Davis, Phoebe Ruth Davis, Preston "Buck" Davis, R.J. Davis, Robert A. (Rev) Davis, Robert Lee Davis, Robert O. Davis, Roy J. (Sr) Davis, Sam Davis Service Station Davis, Sherman Edwin Davis, Simonette (Mrs) Davis, Thonice Davis Training School Davis, Ward Davis, Warren W. Davis, W.C. Davis, William Davis, W.W. Davison Chemical Corp. Daw, Robert E. (Jr. and M/M) Dawes, Charles Dawes, Curtis Dawkins, Ben C. Dawkins, Jane Daws, Charles G. (Gen) Dawson Dawson, Avenor Church Book/Page number 4/151 6/54 (photo); 7/372; 8/16, 37, 278; 9/116 2/218, 265; 8/307, 240, 241; 9/145; 10/190 (photo) 1/173, 179, 217, 220, 296; 2/202 (death of), 229 1/191, 205, 210, 213; 3/93, 94; 4/104, 108, 300, 301; 7/102 7/173 3/23, 47, 323; 5/225 4/272 7/444 7/183, 408 7/451 8/265 7/165 5/235 3/205a (photo); 10/63 7/236 8/282 (photo) 2/158 8/2 8/202 3/134 (photo), 135 2/220 10/185 1/129; 10/130a (photo) 4/274, 280 1/244 2/323 10/187a 7/452 2/328 3/162; 5/77 10/198a 7/201 1/290 4/142 1/255 4/100 1/115 10/118 2/131 2/49 8/157, 158 7/246 (photo) 9/122 5/3 8/252 8/340 8/234 4/104 7/217 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Day, Charles Day, Clyde L. Day, Gay Day Lillies Day, Pauline Day, (Rev & Mrs) Day, Rufus Day, Teddy Day, Will Day, W.K. (Mrs) Day, W.W. Dayton, M.T. (Capt) de Beauharnais, Josephine and Family De Broca, Paul Francoise (Count) and Rose Margaret De Chalmette, Ignace de Lino De Mars, Paul De Mary, Pauil D. (Pfc) De Vaca, Cabeza Deacon, (Capt) deAguayo, Marquis Dean, Austin F. (Mrs) Dean, Clara Dean, Edward F. Dean, Fanny Beth Dietz Dean, Frank Dean, John Franklin (family) Dean, K.W. (Capt) Dean, Kelly (Seaman) Dean, Kirby Dean, Paul (Lt) Dean, Robert Kelly Dean, T.R. (Mrs) Dean, William C. Dean, William F. (maj. Gen) Dear, Cleveland, Ella, Eva, Hattie, Sallie, Sarah Jane Harper, Webb, and William Houston (Dr) Dear, James Mackburn (M/M) Dearbone & Ryan Dearborn, C. Dearborn, F.W. Deason, Alvin C. Death Notices Deaton, Billy and Roy F. (M/M) Deaton, George (M/M) Deaton, Mary Carol Deaton, Norma Deaton, Ray (Mrs) ( nee Molden) Deaton, Roy Deaton, Roy E. Deaux, W.F. Deaver, John W. Book/Page number 4/78 7/296; 8/209 8/68 (photo), 72 (photo); 10/178, 186b 8/195 10/198 e 8/193 (photo) 7/300 8/68 (photo), 72 (photo) 3/32, 120 13A/18 c5 p2 2/34, 39-40, 53; 3/41 8/279 3/28, 29 1/230 13A/128 C2 P 2 3/60 7/5, 358 3/192 2/258 5/29 4/81 10/96 8/146 7/355 7/102, 309, 355; 10/233 7/102, 183, 219, 272, 277, 282, 308, 309, 320, 336, 355, 446, 454 2/331 7/102, 355 7/102, 309, 355 7/223 (photo) 7/219, 308, 309, 320, 336, 446 (photo) 7/225 7/296 7/453 5/170, 171 2/130, 131; 5/170, 171 2/252-253 7/296 4/171 7/452 1/250 1/228 7/20, 312 7/312 7/209 Old Cemeteries/6 5/229 5/284 2/264; 5/93 7/228 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Debaccho, Samuel Debaillon, Judge Debaillon, Benoit Debaillon, Renoir DeBakey Debakey Building Debakey, Lois Debakey, Michael E. and S.M. DeBarge, Sidney DeBarge, Thomas DeBlanc Family (Jerome, Louis, and Volezar) DeBradshaw, Emmett DeBrismonte, Viscomptes DeBuys DeCelier, Count D'echaux, Jules DeCordova DeCordova, Ford Decordova, Jimmy DeCuir, Fred (Mrs) DeDoux, Clayton DeDoux, Lycester (Pfc) Dee, Dorothy Dee, Mamie Deen, Babe Deen, T.R. (Jr) Deep Bayou Deep in Dixie Deep-sea diving Deer, Berry Deer, James Deer disease Deer hunting Deering Harvester Machine Dees, Al Dees, Ab Dees, Abbie Dees, Allen Dees, Annabelle Dees, Charlotte Mayo Dees, E.H. (M/M) Dees, Ellie [or Elly] Dees, Felix Dees, Garland (M/M) Dees, Hattie Dees Home Dees, Joseph, E.E. (Sgt) Dees, Laura C. Dees, Lemuel C. (M/M) Book/Page number 7/296 1/24 1/13, 15-17, 42, 62, 66, 72, 79, 80, 89, 92, 95, 96, 220 1/41 6/40 7/116 5/232 7/309 4/225 4/218 5/176, 177 2/265 4/102 1/192 3/28 1/156; 2/10 10/186c 5/204 10/167, 193 13A/20 c3 p1 8/133 (photo) 7/5 8/184 3/47 7/57 7/116 (photo) 1/115, 126, 138 3/192 8/115, 144 (114?) 10/50 1/160 1/264 1/207, 234 6/105 3/41 3/45 2/191 6/17; 7/120 2/191; 5/182 (photo); 8/206 2/207; 5/153; 6/100; 9/50 3/22, 40; 6/14 1/131, 231 (photo), 268; 2/148, 161; 3/38; 6/100; 9/50 2/135 1/15; 2/37, 126 (photo, home), 127, 197; 4/74 10/161 8/77 7/419 2/207; 3/80; 4/122; 5/153, 198; 9/50; 10/124 2/132, 171, 212; 3/22, 58, 71, 144, 178; 10/309, 310 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Dees, Lettie Dees, Lottie Dees, M.A. Dees, Mabel Dees, Mamie Dees, Mercy Dees Mill Dees, Mrs. Dees, Pearl Dees, Rene Dees, T.A. (M/M) Dees, Tede Dees Telephone Co. Dees, William H. Deesport Deever, C. Defense Plants Corp. Deffner, E. (Pastor) Deggis, David DeGiglia, Beatrice Dego, H. Alden Degraffenried, Edwin L. deGravelles, Norbert R. deGrummond, Jane Degue, Nick deGuennec, Frances DeHart, A.H. Deigman, Jesse DeJean, Maria Del, J.A. Del Rio, Vincento dela Vega, Jose Delafield Truck Lines Delafosse, Bennie Jane and Clifton Delafosse, Louis Delahoussaye, Camile Delahoussaye, Edward (Mrs) Delahoussaye, Heloise Fay Delahoussaye, Howard (Mrs) deLalois, Rita DeLaMarion Delaney, Charles DeLanglaise, Andre "Duke" Delano, Harl Delano, Laura DeLaRue, Harry and Malow DeLatte & LaGrange Contractors and Warehouse DeLauney, Louis DeLaureal, T. Hugh (Dr. and Mrs.) Book/Page number 6/8 6/44; 10/124 2/127 3/80; 5/4, 232, 243; 7/152, 232; 10/33, 40 3/16, 38, 48 (photo), 135 (photo), 144, 177 6/3 (photo) 1/56; 5/13; 348 5/277 2/191; 10/22, 23, 26, 224 (photo) 3/18, 45 1/229; 2/243, 276; 3/59, 187; 4/93, 171; 5/182, 222, 326; 6/16, 64; 7/67, 89, 93, 112-114, 133, 193, 357; 8/73, 76 (photo), 79 (photo-home), 206, 212, 215(photo); 9/4; 10/165, 291 3/19 1/231 7/228 1/56; 2/132, 171, 231; 3/71, 143; 10/310 7/93 8/8, 16, 217a, 224, 233, 238, 252 2/310-311 4/218 10/68 9/127 7/241 2/330 13a/46 c2 7/296 6/83 6/112, 113, 121, 125 6/83 8/197 (photo) 1/161 1/211 1/211 8/64 7/281 1/157 Old Cemeteries/17 4/2-3 4/6, 25, 30 4/218 3/128 1/224; 10/121 6/82 8/89 (photo) 8/124 7/337, 366 4/82 2/16; 3/213 4/281 7/450, 451; 8/298, 8/306; 10/231 NAME OR DESCRIPTION delaVergne (Count) Delaware Delhomme Funeral Home DeLoach, E.W. DeLord, Sylvia Delores Mission DeLouche Delta Land and Timber Company Delta Theater Delvecchio, Thomas L. (M. Sgt) Delvin [or Delwin], Raymond Demande, Harold Demarest - Various spellings occur: Desmarets, Demaraist, Demmarest Demarest, Louis Demarest, Tousin [or Toussain, Toussant] Demaret, Marjorie Demareta, Henry J. Demarets, Eli Demarets, Gilbert Demarets, J.D. Demarets, Mitchell C. (Jr) Demarias, Joseph Demarie, Glenn Demary, Elza G. Demere, J.B. (Mrs) Demeritt, A. (M/M) Demeritt, Albert Demeritt, Alcie (M/M) Demeritt, Amos Allen Demeritt, Andrew (Sgt) Demeritt, Andrus (Sgt) Demeritt, Dean Demeritt, Elmer E. Demeritt, Jessie Lou Demeritt, Jull Wilson Demeritt, Roy H. (M/M) Demery, Tuscan Democratic electors [1944] Democratic Executive Committee [Calcasieu Parish] Democratic Executive Committee [National] Democratic State Committee Demontie, Anastasia Demorest Contest Dempsey, Dorothy Jean Dempsey, Edward Eugene Dempsey, J. Dempsey, Jack (Commander) Dempsey, Mark Kevin Dempsey, Pamela Ann Dempsey, W.G. Dempsey, W.L. (Mrs) Dempsey, W.W. Book/Page number 6/63; 8/234 1/191 4/281 5/212 10/214 13A/109 c2 4/119 10/349 10/186d, 198 7/8 4/188, 218 6/16 2/192 1/24, 92; 7/452 7/196 7/452, 454 1/101 7/452 5/114 7/217 5/55 10/177 7/6 2/88, 100; 10/9-10 7/433; 8/93 7/125, 402 7/237, 289, 304, 339 7/66 7/404 7/237, 339 10/193 7/237 (photo), 289, 304, 433 10/159 7/95, 125 (photo) 7/6, 326, 402, 403 (photo) 1/14 8/238 1/231; 6/84 2/127 6/67 4/192 3/38 4/226, 229 4/226, 229 1/155 7/376 (photo) 4/225, 259 4/226, 229 8/70, 323 7/197 7/450, 451; 8/248 NAME OR DESCRIPTION DeNaive, L. Denechaud Family and Hotel, New Orleans Denet, W.A. Denham, Prisilla Denison, Harold (Mrs) Denison, Hattie Suttles Denmark, Copenhagen Dennis, Charlotte Ann, Emma J., Lewis W., and Louis E. Dennis, D.E. (Mrs) and Edwin Dennis, Howell Denny, Clinton H. (Pvt) Denny, Edward Denny, Fay Denny, O.D. (Dr) Denoit, Willie Densmore, Charlie Densmore, William Mildred Denton, Janelle Denton, Joe (Pfc) Denton, Pat Denvel, Col. Deon, Alus Deosher, T.W. DePan, Stephen E. DePraslin & Aeroplane DePraslin, Anne DePraslin, John Justice (Dr) DeQuincy Cemetery Association Dequincy Insurance Agency DeQuincy, La. DeQuincy Tigers Deramee, Edmond Derayoux Family Derby, Robert Derby, William DeRidder, La. DeRidder, La. - Schools DeRidder Messenger DeRidder Pickle Company DeRise, Sidney Deriso, Charles M. DeRosier, Gus, Ives, Marie Clementine, and William DeRosier, Madeline Elaine and Paul (M/M) Derosurs, A. Derouen, A. Derouen, A.D. (Mrs), Claude (Mrs), Evey, Lucy, Rita, and Tort (Mrs) Derouen, A.F. Derouen, A.J. (Jr) Derouen, Albert Derouen, Alcea, Edna, Eleanor, and Felicia; and home Book/Page number 1/167 3/36 1/131 10/16 9/14 10/40-41 3/70 7/406 7/225 (photo) 5/266 7/198 1/88 7/116 5/249 7/450 7/67 7/111 9/144 (photo) 8/106 8/305 3/49 13A/19 c1 p7 3/93 7/81 7/19 (newspaper picture) 6/19 4/167; 6/19, 64 Old Cemeteries/24 10/198a 1/206, 235; 4/94, 119; 6/43; 8/92, 278; 10/118, 318 10/187 f 13A/88 c1 5/177 5/252 2/252 1/190, 205, 236, 246; 3/180; 4/115-118, 128; 10/308, 318 1/205; 10/145 (photo) 4/96 4/116 7/452, 454 7/151 13A/21 Old Cemeteries/17 1/61, 75 1/148 7/282c 1/277 10/136 4/100 5/184 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Derouen, Amos (family) Derouen, Artmond Derouen, Arvillien Derouen, Asa Derouen, Aurelian Derouen, D. Derouen, Delane [or Delano, Derwin] Derouen, Dewey J. Derouen, Elmer Joseph and Sefton Louis Derouen, F.E. (Mrs) Derouen, Fred Howard Derouen, Gilbert Derouen, Gilbert E. Derouen, Gilbert Isaac Derouen, J.A. Derouen, J.L. Derouen, Jules Derouen, Lee J. Derouen, Leo Derouen, Linda Ruth Derouen, Marvin Derouen, Maxine Derouen, O. (Mrs) Derouen, Ozeme Derouen, Peggy Derouen, Rene Derouen, Verdie Mae Derouen, Wilson Derouin, Joseph Description of Burials Desegregration Deshotel, Ethel Deshotel, Homer (IM/M) Deshotels, Hattie Deshotels, Jesse Deshotels, Mary Evangeline (Sr) Deshotels, O.H. Deskins, Janet Marie Deslatte, E.F. (Mrs) Desmare, Albert Desmarist, E. Des Moines, Iowa Desmond, R.F. (Mrs) Desonier, David DeSoto DeSoto Hotel DeSoto Theaters, Inc. Dessarts, Alexander D'Este, Helen Destitute Families Deumite, Mahfouz and Selma Karam Book/Page number 2/264; 5/93; 7/287, 404, 406 (photo), 431, 452, 454 7/95 2/131; 5/184 5/184; 7/82 1/116-117, 123, 146, 159; 5/184 3/174 1/146, 148, 149; 5/77 7/64 7/429 7/173, 225 7/201 10/163, 166-167 7/198; 8/64 13A/108 c2 1/230 4/160, 291 10/177 8/92 1/145-146, 158 8/2 7/431 7/111 7/173 1/116, 123 10/198 d 4/87; 5/110, 315 7/302 7/228 2/131 4/9 10/92-99, 229 7/302 7/361 3/197 (photo) 5/191 (photo); 9/13 (photo) 9/13 4/183 6/16; 8/107 4/283 8/248 (photo) 1/104 7/79; 8/278 6/16 10/299 4/11-12, 26 3/36 3/112 1/100, 102, 103, 106 5/66 1/135, 139 8/252 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Devalcourt, C.D DeVaney, Lee (Mrs) Devard, Mr. Develblis, J.W. Dever, Alvin Dever, E.E.(Mrs) Dever, J. Leon (M/M) Dever, Pat Dever, Rhoda Pithon DeVerdie, Prof. and Rosa (Mme) Devers, Jacob J. (Lt. Gen) Deviers, Phillip Deville, Dewey and Gus DeVille, Milon Deville, Terrell DeVillier, Arthur Devillier, Elizabeth Duplechain DeVillier, Peggy DeVos [or deVoss], Freddie Jean DeVos, Kenneth Devosirs, Adolph Dewey Dewey, A.B. Dewey, Bradley (Col) Dewey, Thomas E. Deweyville, Tex. DeWitt City, La. DeWitt, Dorothy DeWitt, F.A. DeWitt, Floyd (M/M) DeWitt, Major DeWitt, W.F. and W. Neal DeWoody, Edgar K. deYoung, C.E. (Mrs) Di Giovanni, Dominick (M/M) Di Giovanni, Frances Di Giovanni, Frank Joseph Di Giovanni, Joe Di Giovanni, Josephine Di Giovanni, Katie Di Giovanni, Luna (Mrs) Di Giovanni, Paul Di Puma, Sidney (M/M) Diacos, Evelyn Diacos, Georgia S. (Mrs) Diacos, Harry (family) Diacos, Pete S. (M/M) Diacos, Steve (M/M) Dial, Martha Caroline Dial, Matt Dial, W.A. (Dr) Diamond King Medicine Company Book/Page number 5/15 6/68 3/60 5/77 5/20; Old Cemeteries/25 7/125, 206 7/43; 8/15 7/82 5/20 2/115 7/254 1/191, 224 7/190 (photo) 7/304 4/218 4/225, 259 4/237, 238 10/193 8/254; 10/186d 5/61 1/61 4/27 4/221 7/224 (photo) 8/238 10/198f; 6/198 1/276 10/180 8/240 6/188; 7/122 1/276 7/82 7/163 8/188, 189 (photo) 7/113, 206, 342 7/165, 342 7/201, 324, 342 7/342 10/47 7/342 7/342; 8/93 (photo) 7/125, 206, 210, 340, 342 8/252 7/456 7/344 7/5, 83 (photo), 456 7/83 (photo), 344, 348, 452, 454, 456 7/83, 344, 456 1/217 1/294 7/332 2/160 NAME OR DESCRIPTION DiBartolo, Jack Dibartolo, Rosalie DiCarlo, Chris Dick, John Henry Dickens, Abner L. Dickens, Anna Bell and Levi Dickens, Maud Dickenson, W.D. Dickerson, Byron L. Dickerson, C.H. (Pvt) Dickerson, Charles Dickerson, Louis Dickerson, Mary Evelyn Dickerson, Noah William Dickinson, Albert R. Dickinson, J.P. (M/M) and R. Allen Dickson, William C. Dierdoff, Nelda Jean Dietz, Delaine Dietz, Fannie Beth Dietz, Gene Victor Dietz, Loy M. Dietz, Mack Dietz, (Mrs) Dietz, Rosemonde Dietz, Thompson M. (M/M) Dietz, W. Dietz, W.F. (M/M) Dietz, W.P.(M/M) DiGiglia DiGiglia, Ben DiGiglia, Bennie Jane, Jimmie, Joseph, Lena, and Lavoria DiGiglia L.L. (Dr) Digiglia, Lucas (Capt) DiGiglia, Samuel J. DiGiglia, Tony (M/M) DiGiovanni, Paul A. DiGiovanni, Thomas Digmann, Tom Dihigo, Mario E. (Dr) Dikes Dillard, Alfred and Julien Dillard, Curtis Dille, J.C. Dille, C.V. Dilley, Murray B. (Lt. Col) Dillion's Dance Hall Dillon, Bonnie Mae Dillon, J. Dillon, J.L. (Mrs) Dillon, James N. Book/Page number 7/228 8/252 5/201 5/200; 10/328 6/208 7/272 5/326 7/321 7/228 7/118 13A/32 8/311 8/48 7/449 7/64 7/113 (photo) 9/144 7/335 6/69, 71, 73; 7/74 6/69 (photo), 73, 75; 7/102, 355; 10/69 7/291, 307; 10/137 7/39 7/82, 225 6/44 3/54 2/286 (photo), 290; 3/221; 5/332; 6/44, 88; 7/225 6/32 7/307 7/291 2/355; 7/156, 220 4/80 7/239 7/450, 451 7/220 7/64, 156, 220 (photo), 239 7/22, 156 7/113 (photo) 5/307; 7/272, 342 (photo), 431, 452, 454 5/82 5/232 1/295 7/209, 211 7/209, 211 (photo), 382 (newspaper picture) 8/271a (photo), 218 8/150 7/16 2/72 8/254 1/154 7/146 7/228 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Dillon, Jim Dillon, John (and Dancehall) Dillon, L. (Mrs) Dillon, Lawrence Dillon, Read & Company Dilord, Curtis Diltz, Grace Dimmick Dimmick, Betty Dimmick, Bill Dimmick, Ira C. (Pfc) Dimmick, Mary Frances Dimmick, Tom Dimmick, R.H. (Jr) Dinsmore, Andrew M. Dinwiddle, A.B. (Dr) Dirt, Lillie Dirty Dozen Disbo, George Disboe, Valentine Disch, J.H. (Rev) Dismukes, Philip Disoway, Gabriel F. (Lt Col) Displaced Persons District of Columbia Ditch, Oleas (M/M) and Sherman J. Dittman, Charles Dittman, Kurt (Gen) Dively, Harriet Division Street Dix, Dorothy Dix, G.W. (Dr) Dixie (Roto Magazine) Dixie Paint & Paper Co. Dixie Wildcats Dixieland Dixon, George Dixon, Helen Mae Dixon, John Dixon, Kenneth L. Dixon, Sonny Dizier, Roy H. (Pfc) Doan, G.L. (Mrs) Doan, P.H. Doan, Shirley Doan, Thomas H. Doane, C.H. (M/M) Doane, Colleen Doane, David Doane, Mary Belle Book/Page number 7/201 1/153; 2/72, 254; 6/64 6/68 10/197 3/117 7/454 6/76 10/186g, 198f 7/154, 302 10/198, 198a, 203, 211 7/5 7/302 10/163, 177 6/199; 9/127 2/331 2/262 4/41 1/219; 6/41 1/161 1/168 7/431 5/222 7/66 (photo) 6/208; 9/139 4/3; 8/22 7/377 9/124 (photo) 7/383 9/36 1/222, 280; 2/7, 16, 234 (1905 photo); 6/66; 8/235 1/243, 250; 4/171 4/281 (photo) 2/374 3/39, 111 10/116 4/172 1/233 7/107 (photo) 1/136; 7/157 4/298; 6/198; 7/425 7/282c 7/394 8/308 7/227 10/166, 174, 186b, 186g, 198b, 198i, 208, 211, 226 7/227 (photo) 7/207, 327, 346 10/121 7/120, 207, 327, 346, 411 7/36, 53, 154; 8/2, 22 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Dobbertine, Miss Dobbertine, Adolph Dobbertine, Albert Ferdinand Dobbertine, Carita Dobbertine, Frances Dobbertine, Gus Dobbertine, Jacob Dobbertine, Louis Dobbertine, Zum Andenkin Dobbins, E.E. Dobbs, Glenn Dobbs, Sidney Dobie, Frank Dobie, Lewis (Sgt) Doctors/Physicians. See also names of individual doctors. Dodd, C.J. (Mrs) Dodd, H.A. (Mrs) Dodd, J.C. (Mrs) Dodd, John W. and Katherine Madl Dodd, Mae Dodd, William Dodd City, Kan. Dodge, J.L. (Mrs) Dodge, John H. Dodgen, (Pfc) Dodgen, George L. Dodgers, Emile Dodsen, K.W. (Rev) Dodson, Louise Doenitz, Karl Doerietz, Admiral Doescher, Ernest Doescher, George C. (M/M) and Lowell Doescher, J.H. Doescher, John (M/M) Dogboat, Maud Dogs for Defence, Inc. Dogs for hunting runaway slaves Dog-trot Doherty, Anthony Doherty, Myrtle Inez and S.L. (Mrs) Doherty, Robert N. ( Pfc) Doice, Joseph Doiron, Adrian and Jacob Doiron, Albert Joseph (Jr) Doiron, Dudley Doiron, Edmond Doise, Augustine Doise, Clyde J. and Ives Doise, Isaac Joseph Doise, Joseph "Treiste" Doise, Yves Book/Page number 5/311 Old Cemeteries/13; 5/4 4/75; 5/82 (photo); 7/296 10/193, 198e 10/148 5/82 4/75 2/34, 53, 223; 5/82 Old Cemeteries/13 4/93 7/208 2/259 13A/15 7/167 3/36, 37; 4/283, 284 7/8, 403 (photo) 7/114 4/169 7/397 7/103, 193 6/43 6/37 (photo); Old Places/60 (photo) 8/266 2/59 7/350 7/452, 454 5/82 2/323; 5/225 10/16 7/382 7/385 7/232 7/224 (photo) 1/218 5/83, 108; 7/232, 332; 10/136 4/5 7/147 1/262-263 1/190 3/35 7/240 7/5 1/33, 37, 45, 46, 59 7/296 7/95 10/167 1/122, 129 1/157 7/51 7/201 1/137, 191 7/452 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Doison, Perry Dokum, George J. Dolan, George W. Doland, Margaret Doland, R.O. Doland, Robert (Mrs) Doland, Sam Dolby, Mr. Dolby, Mrs. Dolby, Barbara Dolby, E.S. Dolby, James Orrin (M/M) Dolby, Orrin Scott (M/M) Dolby, Pedro Dolby & Mason Real Estate Dolby Elementary School Dolby Insurance Agency Doll, M.L. (Mrs) Doll Collection Domingue, Dallas, Frances, Ida, and Lucille Dominick, Raymond H. Dominique, Elita Donahoo, Andrew Cleveland Donahue, Elbert Donahue, Charles Donald, W.L. (Mrs) Donaldson Pontiac Co. Donaldsonville, La. Donation of land for Public Buildings Donboury, J.J. Donelly & Hatfield Minstrels [1908 Program] Dongaiga Bridge Don Manuel, Bayou Donovan, J.J. (Mrs) Donovan, Pat Doolan, Harry P., James B., Katie E., Richard Perrigan, and Thomas F. Doolan, Lulan A. Doolan, Leland Doolan, R.F. Doolan, Velma Doolittle, James H. Doom, Randolph C. "Door Knockers" Brigade Dopin, Dorothy Lee Doramus, Wesley Doran, E.J. (M/M) Doran, Mary Ellen Doran, Steve Book/Page number 4/213 7/326 8/233 4/292 3/217 4/17 4/270 5/67 3/17, 44; 2/205 8/6; 10/175, 179-180 6/112 1/248; 2/244; 4/84; 5/94, 243, 280; 6/66, 86, 180, 182, 267; 7/93, 103, 173, 225, 296, 340; 8/237, 289; 10/21a, 122, 148, 192; 13A/119 1/40, 43, 226, 248 (photo); 2/274 (photo); 3/34, 169; 4/101; 6/66, 113, 121, 125; 10/25, 39, 52, 21a, 21b, 168, 216 1/211 3/34; 5/9 10/138 10/198a 5/262 8/5,50 4/218 4/188; 8/175; 9/149, 154 7/302 7/449 2/55 (photo); 7/86; 10/188 6/83 2/277; 10/11 3/39; 8/302 1/183; 4/4 1/124 4/81 3/168 1/15-16, 21-22 1/211 10/197 10/114 (photo) 7/178 (photo), 191 7/296 7/82; 1/178 (photo) 2/132 7/113 2/284; 3/223, 225; 7/196, 203, 225, 395 1/168 7/171 10/161 1/152 7/59, 173, 176, 332 8/254 7/176 (photo), 332 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Dore, Earnest Dore, Felix A. (Pfc) Dore, J.H. Dorham, D.B. Dorman, Ed Dormon, Caroline Dorr, Mrs Dorr, George Dorsey, Paul H. Dosett, J.L. (Mrs) Dosher, Donna Dosher, Jean Doss, W.L. (Jr) (Dr) Doty, C. (Mrs) Doty, Fay Doty, James V. Doty, P.B. Double Bayou, The Doubourg, J.J. Doucet, Chevis Doucet, Clarence Doucet, Everall Doucet Family Doucet, Ignace Doucet, Isabelle Doucet, Joseph Eulrick and Arthur Paul Doucet, P. (M/M) Doucet, Regile Doucet, Robert Doucette, Tex. Doughenbaugh, W.J. Dougherty, Clyde A. Dougherty, Louis Irving Dougherty, Nancy Doughtray Douglas, (Dr), Lillian Douglas, J.J. (Mrs) Douglas, John Durwood Douglas, Lizzie Douglas, Paul Douglas, R.L. Douglas, T.J. (Mrs) Douglas, William Kirtland (Rev) Dougls, Harry L. Doulange, Louis Doussat, Mildred Douvio, Dulva Pierre Dowden Dowe, Louisa Dowies, J.C. (Sgt) Dowies, Kirby Dowling, Dick Book/Page number 4/79 7/5 4/90 3/221 4/272 4/22; 10/305 6/18 (photo) 6/20 (photo) 8/3 13A/20 c2 p4 10/166 10/158, 198, 211 2/319, 323 8/93 10/185 7/228 2/327 1/112 5/56 7/81 7/455, 456 7/228 5/77 7/229 7/455 7/95 7/355 4/280 2/131 6/36 5/77 3/217 4/142 13A/21 c1 p11 8/192 (photo) 1/3 6/49 7/244, 245 1/3, 26 10/72 Old Cemeteries/22 13A/19 c1 p12 1/7; 13A/7 c4 p3 3/207 10/118 10/104 (photo) 7/201 1/163 1/168 7/289 7/452 4/126; 5/80, 173, 182, 286 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Dowling, Loyall Walter Down on the Farm [Program 1908] Downer, W.L. Downes, John P. Downes, Kirby Downes, W.P. (Mrs) Downes, W.T. (Mrs) Downing, G.B. (Mr) Downs, J.P. Downs, Pauline H. Doxey, James A. Doxey, Joseph W. (M/M) Doxey, Matilda Doxey, R.C. Doxey, Robert (Mrs) Doxey, Rupert Doxey, William Doya, Augustin Doyal, F.C. Doyce, Joseph Doyle, Anzie (Mrs) Doyle, Asley A. Doyle, Claude (Pfc) Doyle, Clyde G. Doyle, Correze (Mrs) Doyle, Elizabeth Doyle, J.J. Doyle, Jack Doyle, Jane Doyle, John (Mrs) Doyle, John J. Dozier, Willie Dpane, Carolyn Dpremus, William J. Dr. Pepper Dr. Pepper Bottling Company, Lake Charles Drake, Anola Drake, Clyde, David, and Thomas Drake, Eligs (M/M) and R.C. Drake, James Drake, Joseph Drake, W. Winans (Rev) Drake, Willie Dread-Not (Schooner) Dreamers (Poem) Dreher, Edward P. (Pvt) Dressler, Rudolph Drew, (Mr) Drew, Carrie Drew, C.M. Drew, Ella Usher Book/Page number 7/81 3/167 6/192 7/199, 439 7/191 7/49 7/199 1/41 7/49 (photo) 7/191 7/452 4/139, 143, 147, 151, 152, 191, 271, 272; 7/282; 9/149 4/261 7/282c 4/267 4/307 4/147 1/94 4/268 (photo), 269 1/20, 24 Old Cemeteries/22 7/452 7/417 7/103 (photo) 8/86 10/193 7/67 7/19, 63, 66, 86 7/342 7/111 7/60, 123-124; 8/226 4/218 8/2 8/181 10/186d, 198i 7/155, 273, 426, 428; 10/209 10/199a 4/195 (photo) 7/237 1/168 7/296 2/323; 3/57 10/84 1/122; 10/122 8/216 7/167 (photo) 10/212 (photo) 6/11 2/231 13A/7 c2 4/89 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Drew, Harrison C. (M/M) Book/Page number 1/61k, 222, 225, 226; 2/4, 130, 132, 205, 213, 221, 246, 247, 249, 253, 275, 276; 3/16, 36, 41, 71, 100, 113, 114, 116, 118, 123, 140, 143, 159, 169, 191, 205, 236; 4/87, 88, 101, 168, 171; 5/16, 20, 82; 6/17, 105; 8/253; 10/15, 20; 13A/5, 133 c2 Drew, Harrison C. Manual Training School Drew, John Drew Lumber Mill Drew Park Drew Station Post Office Drew Street Drew's Hall Dreyfous, (Mrs) Dreyfus, C. (Mrs) Dreyfus, (Lt) Dripps, Harold (M/M) Drissel, Walter Driver, (Major) Droddy, Alfred Vance Droddy, Ola (Mrs) Drolla, (Mr) Dron, H.C. Dronet, Gladys Dronett, William L. Dronette, Raymond (Sgt) Drost, Alvin G.D. Drost, Billy Drost, Doris Rita Drost, J.J. Drounette, George E. Drug stores - See names of individual stores Druids Drumhaller, D.F. Drumhetter, D.B. Drumm, Walter Bert Drummond, D.W. Dry Creek, La. 10/190 3/207 1/143, 169, 221; 3/236; 10/312, 348 3/103, 155; 5/16; 6/7, 22 (photo), 44; 8/238 3/190 2/16 2/192 2/164 2/135 3/118 10/115, 126 (photo) 2/328, 331 2/258 7/95 1/297 1/230 5/82 7/302 7/229, 315 (photo) 10/215 (photo) 7/452, 454 5/82 10/136 4/171 7/452, 454 Dry goods stores - See names of individual stores Drysdale's Methodist Church, New Orleans, La. Dubard, Charles Dubard, George Arthur Dubard, J.S. (M/M) Dubois, Zulmac Dubose, A.E. (M/M) and Minnie Hancock Dubose, (Judge) Dubourg, Peter Francis Dubus, Katheryn Duchein, Annette Duck Calling Competition - International Ducote, A.A (Dr. and Mrs.) 8/200 1/30 1/24 7/201 8/238 (photo) 1/134, 146, 205, 225, 273; 2/96; 3/192, 196; 5/79; 10/19, 50, 123, 308 3/21 7/225, 286 7/95 7/146, 286 4/229 8/192 (photo), 193 2/177 3/216 10/198e 4/70 9/117 7/155, 173 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Ducote, L.J. Ducote, Moise Ducote, Ray A. Ducournu, Lelia E. Dudley, A. Stanford Dudley, B.F. Dudley, Byron (Mrs) Dudley, Byron C. Dudley, Virgie B. (Mrs) Dudoit, Earl Dudoit, Fred Duesinf, August T. Duett, Barbara Duett, Mabel Duett, Norman (Mrs) Duffell, Albert Duffell, Warren Kaough Duffer, (Mr) Duffy, Roberta Duflot, Albert Duflot's (flower shop) Dufour, Lacey (Pvt) Dufour, Pie Dufrene, Clyde F. Dufrene, Edward J., F.L. (M/M), and Lillie Mae Nelson Dufrene, James Dufrene, R.L. (M/M) Dugal, Vera Dugan, Elaine Dugan, Myron J. (M/M) Dugas, Adam Dugas, B. (Mrs) Dugas, Batson Joseph and Eva Rita Bernard Dugas, C.A. Dugas, Cyrille Dugas, Dallas Dugas, Daneville Dugas, Dave (M/M) Dugas, Elvi (Mme) Dugas, Evelyn Mae Dugas, Waverly J. Dugat Family Dugat, Joseph Dugger, Vera Duggle, Albert Duhn, Watson Joseph Duhon, Alman [or Almon] Duhon, Amos Duhon, Andrew (Mrs) Duhon, Angel, Claris, Lee, and Valmon Duhon, Audrey Book/Page number 2/66 1/250 7/282 4/80 5/244; 7/14, 50, 116, 124; 8/21 (photo), 212 10/109, 118a, 228 3/135 (photo) 5/211 7/244 7/201 10/47 6/83 10/211 7/120 7/66 3/13 7/66 6/113 3/190 6/71 10/186c, 198i 7/401 (photo) 4/107 (photo); 6/29 7/151, 302 (photo), 390 7/390 7/95, 390 7/302 Old Places/4 7/392; 10/126-128 (photo), 137 7/47, 113, 296, 344, 356; 8/61; 10/138 7/82 7/181 7/407 7/93 1/88, 91 5/204 7/296 1/218; 5/110; 6/68; 7/113, 340; 8/147; 9/52; 10/136 1/92 10/136 7/321 5/177 1/132 10/138 7/82 7/201 7/191 (photo), 282 (photo), 431, 452, 454 7/82 13A/18 c1 p7 7/296 7/304 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Duhon, Aurelia Duhon, Benoit, Delos, Judith Ray, Lorraine, Mary Yolen, Mitchell, Shannelle, Shannon, andTheos Duhon, Bernard Duhon, C. Duhon, C.J. and Henry (Mrs) Duhon, Claiborne, Emma, and Odile Duhon, Clairville [or Clerville, Cloville] Duhon, Clarence Ludois Duhon, Clemile Duhon, Columbus (Mrs) Duhon, Cyprien [or Syprien] Duhon, D. (Mrs) and Israel Duhon, Dorothy Duhon, Dudly John (Pvt) Duhon, Ernest Duhon Family Duhon, Francois W. Duhon, George Duhon, Gerald G. Duhon, Gibbs (M/M) Duhon, Harold Duhon, J.V. Duhon, Joe and Ludgere Duhon, Joe (Mrs) and Raymond (Mrs) Duhon, Joseph Roy Duhon, Jules Duhon, Lena Duhon, Melvin Duhon, Norbert Duhon, Onezime Duhon, Richard Duhon, Robert Duhon, Rosemary Duhon, Sam E. (Sheriff) Duhon, Severan Duhon, Stephen Duhon, Watkins Duhon, Willard P. (Pfc) Dujay, Del (Capt) Duke, deChoisel Duke, George, G.M., and Mabel Claire Avery Duke, G.W. (M/M) Duke, Joe Duke, P. Duke, Robert W. Duller, D.M. Dumatrait, E.J. Dumatrait, Henry J. Dumatrait, M.J. Dumatrait, W.J. Dumatrait's Store Book/Page number 4/293 7/191 4/151 1/153, 157 7/111 4/81 1/94, 112, 137, 153; 6/68 7/3 5/55 7/282c 1/14, 25, 35; 6/68 4/192 3/54 7/358 7/201; 8/339 2/274; 5/177 7/151 7/452 7/407 8/288; 9/152 (photo) 7/429 13/A17 c2 p3; 7/191 6/68 4/294 7/201 8/280 4/218 4/280 7/149 1/55, 80, 91 10/212 (photo) 8/248 10/166 13A/20 c3 p2 1/122 7/452 6/151 7/237 5/104 6/19 7/447 7/68, 300 1/5 10/53 7/68, 300, 351, 447 2/221 7/82; 8/289 7/228 8/231 8/179 7/156 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Dummy Railroad Car Line Dums, Bernie Dun, Angus (Rev) Dunamt, Henri Dunaway, Gerald L. Dunbar, Garland Duncan, D.A. (Family) and Lucille S.M. Duncan, Herman J. Duncan, "Red" Duncan, T.S. Duncan, William Dunham, Fred (1st Lt) Dunham, Jacob Dunham, John Dunham, Rosa Mae Dunham Development Co. Dunham Price, Inc. Dunlap, R.N. (Mrs) Dunn, Albert (Mrs) Dunn & Quinn Architects Dunn, Billy Dunn, Bobby Dunn brother trial Dunn, D.O. and E.M. Dunn, Eustis Dunn, G. Lewis Dunn, Jacqueline F. Dunn, James M. Dunn, Joh L. (Lt Col) Dunn, Lewis Dunn, Louis Dunn Motor Company Dunn, Oscar Dunn, Russell Dunn, William J. (Family) Dunn, William T. Dunn, W.M. Dunn, W.P. (Mrs) Dunne's Ferry Dunning, Dorothy Dunville, La. Duouy, Louis C. Dupin, Dubby Dupin, Frank Ross Dupin, Joseph Ivy Dupin, Melvin Duplantis, Clifford A. and Wilson Duplechain - Various spellings occur: Duplechan Duplechain, Clopher Duplechain, Donna and Janice Book/Page number 3/36, 43, 121 (photo) 8/88 7/368 (photo) 7/114 2/331 2/265 7/450 4/139 7/8 2/220 5/176, 181, 182 2/244 1/91 1/74 Old Cemeteries/22 8/70 7/155, 273, 426, 428, 435; 10/209 6/14 4/218 3/189, 190, 192; 8/192, 219, 270; 9/10, 16; 10/187a, 188, 203, 205 7/283; 10/68 10/186c, 198b 8/338 13A/71 13A/131 c1 p2 9/16; 10/194, 210, 229 1/247 (photo); 3/190 1/48 7/78 8/287; 10/187a 5/270 10/198 h 2/142 7/120; 10/175 1/146; 2/131, 171; 4/91; 5/243, 252; 6/17; 7/8, 449; 10/138, 168 1/233; 2/131; 4/97 10/118 10/194 3/199 3/54; 10/53 1/233 7/454 7/98 10/161 7/338, 451 (newspaper picture) 2/244; 7/401 7/147 (photo), 304 (photo) 7/348 7/460 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Duplechain, John Duplechain, Kennert W. Duplechain, Mr. and Mrs. and Coy Duplechain, Walter (Family) Duplechan, Dealy (Mrs) and Paul Duplechan, Elias Duplechan, Napoleon Dupont, Julius Dupont, P.A. (Lt Col) Dupre, Curtis and Martin (M/M) Dupre, E.W. Dupre, George Dupre, James C. Dupre, Willard J. and Willis (Mrs) Dupree, Lester E. Dupriest, E. Dupuis, Clabert Dupuis, Frances June Dupuis, Lawrence Roland Dupuis, Matilda Kershaw Dupuis, Melvin Dupuis, Noah (M/M) and Wade H. Dupuis, Vincent (Jr) Dupuis, Walter J. Dupuy, A.J. (Mrs) and Beverly Dupuy, Louis C. Dupuy, Pat Durain, Norman Everette Durand, Archie W. Durbridge Duren, Mel Van Durham, Hugh C. (Jr) Durio, Ann Durio, Stinson A. Duris, George Durkes, Wilfred J. Durple, Adam (T-5) Durr, E.A. (Judge) Duson, C.C. Duson, W.W. Duson, La. Dutch Cove Dutch Cove Cemetery Dutch Harbor Dutch Oven Duteilli, E. Dutile, Louisette Duval, Miss Dwight, Charles (Rev) Dwyer, Katherine Dyall, Burrell Dyches, Josiah, Lucinda, and William C. Book/Page number 7/151, 313 (photo), 348 (photo) 7/390, 393 (photo), 445 7/445 7/82, 393; 8/195 7/313 7/228 7/431 8/220 (photo) 8/194 (photo) Old Cemeteries/17 2/328 2/103 7/151 7/391 (photo) 7/462 5/270 4/218 4/225, 258 7/81 4/239 4/280 7/343 7/66 4/225 5/262 7/454; 8/31 4/237-238 7/66 7/452 2/250 4/93 8/167 7/282c 7/64 9/27 7/452 7/417 2/124; 4/147 1/160; 5/169; 9/31 5/169, 251; 9/31 6/55 4/98 8/229 9/78 8/204 3/117 4/281 6/151 1/33 4/82 1/161 1/168 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Dyer, (Lt) Dyer, W.R. (Mrs) Dyess Dyess, Guy and Trudy Dykes, Adele H. (Sgt) Dykes, Kenneth Ray and Ralph Lee Dyslexia Dyson, Alvin (State Rep) Dyson, Jesse Dyson, Jules Dyson, Ludwig Martimer Dyson, Percy E. Dystra, Bouwe E & M Tool Company Eads, James Eady, Richard (Mrs) Eagle, J.A. (Family) Eagle Pass, Tex. Eagleson, Burdon Eagleson, Charles (M/M) Eagleson, Claude Eagleson, Curtis R. Eagleson Family Eagleson, Gerdy Eagleson, Robert Paul Eaker, Ira C. (Lt. Gen) Ealea, Janice Eams, Nathaniel Eans, Billie Ruth Earl, L.A. (Rev) Early, Jubal A. Early, Stephen T. Earner, Charles Dudley Easley's East - Various spellings occur: Istre East & Knapp Contractors East, Claiborne P. (M/M) East, Coleen East, Duplice East, Ed & Polly radio show East, Euclass East Family East, Gloria East, Hudson C. (Capt. and Mrs.) East, Keith East, Mary East, Mathilda East, (Mr) Eastdale Subdivision Easter sunrise service (1945) Easterly, J.B. Book/Page number 6/179 7/294 1/250 7/460 7/194 (photo) 7/86 2/387, 388 4/151, 223, 267, 271, 272, 277, 294, 301, 302, 306; 7/450, 451; 8/185 1/26, 168; 7/5 8/56 7/201 8/92 8/144 8/65 2/142 8/84 7/430 1/210 7/279, 378 4/156; 7/279, 378, 403 4/149 7/228 4/156 7/279, 378 7/201, 217, 403 (photo) 7/206 1/168 1/55 6/16 4/278 5/51 1/365-367 5/255 1/20 1/176; 9/9; 10/207 7/222, 243 (photo), 301 10/177 7/452 7/406 7/296 13A/2 10/197 6/16, 63; 7/222, 301 (photo) 6/17; 7/222 5/52 5/202 6/122 6/191, 195, 197, 204 (photo) 8/222, 254 10/77, 99 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Easterly, Rudolph P. Eastern Airlines (passenger service) Eastern Star Eastman Eastman, A.B. Eastman, A.V. (M/M) Eastman, John (M/M) Easton, Warren Eaton, Perry Eaves, Carl Eaves Family Eaves, James H. Eaves, J.B. Eaves, J.E. Eaves, (Mr) Eaves, Patricia Ann Eaves, Ruth Eaves, Una Eaves, W.L.Y. Eberhart, William Ebert, John (Mrs) Echart, Joseph Echo newspaper [See Lake Charles Echo newspaper] Echo, La. Echols, Champ Winford Echo-on the Main Line Eckart, Joseph - Watchmaker & Jeweler Eckenberger, H.C. Ecker, (Miss) Eckert, Ed Eckert, Joseph Eckhardt, J.E. (Mrs) Eckhardt, John Holloman Ecklund, A.G. (Mrs) Economos, H.D. (Mrs) Edbrooke, Albert Richard (Rev. and Mrs.) Eddleman, Clyde D. (Gen. and Mrs.) Eddleman Family Eddleman, Henry Eddleman, John Eddleman, Peter Eddleman, William H. Eddlestein, Jerry Eddr, H.G. Eddt, Beulah Eddy Eddy & Hales, Inc. Eddy & Hursh Eddy, Brett (Col & Mrs) Eddy Brother's Dry Goods Store Book/Page number 4/279-280 4/280; 7/439; 8/228, 229, 283 3/210, 218; 10/210 10/198f 8/133 5/153, 157, 162; 6/14 1/42; 2/161 2/150 5/77 7/81, 230, 308 1/205; 4/118; 5/79 1/236 (photo) 1/159, 164, 185, 205 2/351, 353; 4/123; 8/61 3/172 10/186b 2/354 7/308 5/77 7/88 (photo) 7/215 2/170 3/200, 201 7/244, 245 3/200-201 2/2, 116, 234, 247, 250 6/62 10/197 3/41 2/182; 3/41 4/85; 6/28 4/85 7/146 6/17; 7/157; 8/217 (photo) 1/9, 58-59k, 62, 157; 3/83; 5/153 7/82 (photo), 323 (photo), 328, 363, 376 1/205 7/173, 323 7/173, 328, 363 1/205; 4/118 2/286, 292, 328; 3/221 10/189 (photo) 4/171 8/192 3/98, 142 7/155, 273, 426, 428, 435; 8/305 1/229 2/244, 264; 3/141; 4/171; 5/93; 7/139, 140, 200, 296, 395; 8/265; 10/33 1/61b; 2/221, 234, 270 (1907 photo); 3/157, 169; 5/6, 199; 6/35, 61; 8/235 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Eddy, Clarence Eddy, Crowell Eddy, Davis W. (Capt) Eddy Family Eddy, George Eddy, Henry H. (M/M) Eddy, Horace (M/M) Eddy, James (M/M) Eddy, J.C. Eddy, Lenore Eddy, Mary Eddy, Maud Eddy, R.W. (Col & Mrs) Edelman, Peter Edelstein, Frances June Edelstein, Jerry Eden, Eunice Eden, Shute Edgar, C.E. (Lt Col) Edgar, Ethel J. Edgar, Robert Edgerly, La. Edgewood Land & Logging Company Edith, La. Edmond Edmonds, Jess Edmonds, Muriel Edmonds, William Marion Edmonson, Van (Mrs) Edmonson, H.V.C. Edna, La. Edson, Arthur Education [See below for general information. See also names of individual schools; Calcasieu Parish, La. - Schools; etc.] Education - Cafeterias and free lunches Education - Desegregation of Schools Education - Funding and taxes Education - Health and nutrition services in schools Education - Negro Public Schools Education - Nursery Schools Education - Parent Teacher Association Education - Public Schools Edward VII, King of England Edwards Edwards, Adine (Miss) Edwards & Fuller Mill Edwards, Arsine Edwards, Barbara Edwards, C.A. (Mrs) Edwards, C.C., Mrs. Book/Page number 2/193 4/171; 5/252; 7/200, 202, 222 7/296 4/86 6/62 2/170, 204; 3/123, 191; 4/101; 6/59, 60 5/221; 6/10, 14, 61 6/7, 14, 61 6/113 2/354; 3/57; 6/69(photo), 72, 75; 8/254; 10/47 2/157 2/193, 205; 10/22 7/222 (photo), 408 13A/2 10/211 10/186a-e (some photos), 190 10/186g, 198g, 226 10/186g 2/258 10/194 7/296 1/235; 4/87, 278; 10/118 3/112, 232; 10/344-346; Old Cemeteries/21 6/84 1/156 10/209a 7/244, 245 7/201 2/405; 10/306 3/187 10/318 6/146 10/178, 216 10/92-94, 97-98 1/112, 113, 141, 142; 10/21a-b, 22, 118, 118 b, 119, 194, 209 10/147, 149, 151, 184, 187a 5/145 5/228 5/87; 8/88, 212; 10/68, 106, 115, 120, 128 1/26, 35, 61, 62, 220, 225; 10/110, 117, 118a-b, 201a 1/230; 3/111 8/64 7/146 1/233; 3/205a; 4/91 5/93 9/22 (photo) 6/35 10/304 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Edwards, Dorothy Edwards, Frank Edwards, G.O. Edwards, George Edwards, Glenn (S.Sgt) Edwards, Henry O. Edwards, James V. Edwards, J.B. Edwards, Joan Edwards, Jonathon Edwards, L.E. (Mrs) Edwards, McKeever Edwards, Phillip Edwards, O.E. (A.E.?) Edwards, Ralph Edwards, Robert Edwards, Thomas Arthur Garrod (M/M) Edwardson, John "Captain" Edwin, Brother Edwin, William Roy Egan, W.L. (Dr) Egdmann, Dorothy Eggers, C.A. (Lt) Eggers, Earl Musgrove Eggers, John W. and Preston Eggers, S.P. Eggleston, B.F. (M/M), Laura Lee, and Roy Olin Eggleston, Jim Eggleston, J.W. Eglin, (Mrs) Eglin, Maude Eichelberger, O.H. Eiffel Tower Eighteenth Louisiana Volunteers (18th) Eighth Street Eisenhower, Dwight David Eklund, Agnes Eklund, August (Mrs) Eklund, August A. (Sgt) Eklund, Ernest Waner Ekvall, Theodore (Cpl) El Paso, Tex. Elairson, Clark (aka Lang Clark) Elam, Billy, Donna, Jim, Miriam, Ronald, and Susan Elander, Levi Elders, A.J. Eldred, E.L. (Mayor) Eldredge, T.S. (Dr) Eldridge, (Mrs) Eldridge Electric Company Book/Page number 8/181 7/296 7/82 8/72 7/290 7/455, 456 7/455 5/178 8/193 (photo) 5/80; 7/306, 318, 333, 431, 445; 9/123 (photo) 8/93 9/142 1/163 8/3 8/86-87 5/270; 7/157 (photo), 318, 446 4/96, 123; 5/192; 7/157, 318, 431, 445, 446; Old Places/90 7/166 10/185 7/81 10/118a 7/440 7/398 7/283, 359, 451 7/283 7/245 7/164 4/271 4/101 3/54 3/56 5/319, 204 3/113 1/168 6/207 (photo) 7/28, 35, 37, 257, 258-260 (photos), 376, 378, 382, 384, 448; 8/234, 298; 9/118, 121, 122 1/228 7/437, 442 7/198, 350 (photo) 7/86, 395 7/118 4/107 4/21 4/306 (family photo) 10/118 13A/8 c1 5/243 6/113, 121, 125 3/172 10/209 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Election of 1888 Election of 1889 Election of 1947 (Tax) Elections and Election Commissioners Electric Co-Op Electricity (1891) Elender - Various spellings occur: Ellender Elender, Alclatore, Rebecca, Michel, and Melissa Elender, Asa and Wash E. Elender, Bennet Elender, C. and Wilbert Elender, Jacob Elephant (Boat) Eleventh LA Infantry (11th) Confederate Elfert, Adam J. Elfert, Bobby Jean Elfert, Merne A. (Pfc) Elfert, Thomas Elflein, Vera (Caddo Greys Chapter #2105) Elfred, A.J. Elias, Charles Elizabeth, La. Elizabeth, Queen of England, Coronation of Elkins, Hoyte B. Elkins, Mary Louise Elkins, Ned and Elkins Truck Lines Elk's Club, Benevolent & Protective order of Elk's Clubhouse, Hall, Home, Lodge Elk's Minstrel Show Ellender - Various spellings occur: Elender Ellender, A.L., Alee, Bradley Ellender, Alforf and W.J. (M/M) Ellender, Allen J. (Sen) Ellender, Alcindor [or Hellinder, Alsendor] Ellender, Bel Ellender, Benny Ellender, Bertha Ellender, Carol Fay Ellender, Clifford C. Ellender, Earl J. (M/M) Ellender, Edgar Lee Ellender, Edwin (Mrs) and Tom Ellender, Emma Ellender Family, including Clyde and Ogden Ellender, George Ellender, H.L. Ellender, Harold (Jack) Ellender, James E. Ellender, John C. Book/Page number 2/131 2/200 8/311 1/42, 62, 70-72, 75, 89, 95, 97, 98, 101, 109, 110, 112, 117, 159-161, 167 1/244 2/237 Old Places/1 2/131 2/132 5/83 5/157 3/70, 370; 1/264 1/255 7/345 10/159 7/377, 345 7/337, 345 13A/166 10/181 10/159 1/233, 237; 6/37, 51 (21?) 8/169 7/294 10/127 (photo) 7/113; 8/85 3/79, 180; 6/8, 84; 9/128 2/275; 3/223, 226 (photo); 4/166 (photo); 6/143; 7/171 1/256 7/296 7/317 7/9, 13; 8/304; 10/93 1/39, 46, 49, 61, 88, 100, 107, 110, 112, 114, 122, 126, 129, 133 8/312 8/55; 10/212 (photo) 13A/21 c2 p6 8/232 (photo) 7/319 8/198; 9/129 7/95, 345 9/13 (photo) 7/345 4/79 1/39, 75, 93 5/307 7/206, 296 5/55 7/6, 452 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Ellender, John Guidry Ellender, Joseph William Ellender, Labby Ellender, Levi Ellender, Louie Ellender, Nolan [or Nolen] (M/M) Ellender, Mae Norwood Ellender, Porter (Mrs) Ellender, R. (Mrs) Ellender, Simon Ellender, William Joseph Ellender's Ferry Ellinders, Allindon Ellington Army Air Field, Russell Marks Elliott, Bruce Elliott, Charles A. Elliott, J.R. Elliott, John (Pvt) Elliott, Kenneth C. Elliott, Larry Elliott, Lois Elliott, Mary Byrne Elliott, (Mrs) Elliott, W.M. Elliott, William N. Elliott, Will Ellis, A. Ellis, A.H. Ellis, Arthur M. and Oscar Ellis, C. (M/M), Oreal (Mrs), and Sidney Ellis, Catherine L. Ellis, Charles S. Ellis, Cornelius Ellis, Evelyn I. Ellis Family Ellis, Frank W. (Col) Ellis, Henry R. (M. Sgt) Ellis Iron Works Ellis, J. Bancroft Ellis, J.F. (Hon) Ellis, James Ellis, Martha Ellis, Mercy Ellis, R.C. Ellis, Sam L. (Lt Col) Ellis, Wade Ellis, W.E. Ellison, J. Elm Bayou Elmer, Ashton Elmer, Walter R. Elms, George O. Book/Page number 7/449 4/221, 260 8/55 1/148; 10/118, 201a; Old Places/8 10/198d 5/83; 7/50 7/319 13A/19 c4 p4; 1/223 7/111 6/46, 42 4/237-238 6/171, 181 1/25 7/81, 118 13A/19 c2 p5 7/228 7/223 7/119 7/88 (photo) 8/114 8/107, 96 8/104 (photo) 6/4 3/22 2/286 (photo), 289; 3/214, 221 2/23, 37, 53, 109; 3/135 (photo) 3/34 4/171 7/296 7/362 7/346 8/335 3/123, 191; 6/60 Old Cemeteries/22 1/206 9/148 7/436 2/252; 3/34 1/208 2/110, 264 3/127; 4/280; 8/65 7/111 4/100 4/294 7/26 1/103, 106 6/62 2/220 4/18 7/82 6/95 (photo) 1/129-130; 5/17; 10/310 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Elms, Henry Elms, Mary Louise Haymark Elms, Stella Elocution Elsender, Ellender Elstner, Anna Elstner, Effie Elstner, J.C. Elstner, Jo C. Home Elstner, Joe Elstner-Ervin Grocery Store Elston & Lewis Elston, Catherine Elston, T.F. (Mrs) Elter, Alta [or Altha] Elter, George Bernard Elter, Shirley Elton, La. Elues Emad, La. Emancipation Emanuel, Victor III Emergency casualty station Emerine, Edward Capt Emerson, J.N. Emery, Russell Emmerson, William Emmett children Emmett, Ernest W. Emmett, Robert Orville Emmett, Ruby Enfume, Jonny Barbe Engelbach, Theo (Dr) Engerink, John (Rev) Engert, Bernard T. (Rep) Engine House, The (lodge house) England, James Sylvester Engle, Ed (Mrs) Engleside, E.D Gregory (Mrs) English English, Benjamine F. (Rev) English, Calvin M. English, George English, William English Bayou English Bayou Bridge English Bayou Ferry English Bayou School English investors Enright, Mary (Sister Mary Anastasia) Book/Page number 7/49 (photo), 190, 229, 329 7/229 7/49, 113, 190, 229, 329 5/344 1/11 1/64, 65; 3/98 1/64 4/171 5/149 (photo) 1/208 5/154 (photo) 2/223 Old Places/83 7/142 10/197, 223 7/95 10/185, 187a, 192, 197 4/10, 17-18, 31-33; 6/43, 173, 199 10/212 (photo) 10/340, 341 6/186 (1/186??) 3/118 7/151 7/284 8/295 7/69 5/52 3/148 7/244 5/281; 10/136 10/47 13A/89 c1 13A/128 c4 p1 6/68 10/94 3/41 10/199a 7/455 13A/19 c1 p4 4/26 1/9 7/6 8/202 7/449; 8/202 1/72, 81, 98, 100, 102, 106, 107, 116, 131, 133, 137, 145, 147-150, 161, 220, 221, 224, 273; 6/58, 63, 79, 184, 196, 197 (photo); 8/58, 89 6/63 1/16 10/118 1/208 8/252 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Enright, Thomas F. Ensign, Lewis P. (Lt Col) Ensign's Enterprise Boulevard Enterprise Club Entertainment Ephrata Army Air Base Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd - See "Church of the Good Shepherd " Episcopalian Church - First burial Epping, C.A. (Mrs) Epps, A.C. Era Club Erath, George Bernard Erath, La. Eraus, William Erbelding, J.B., (Sr) Erbelding, Lydia Erdmann, Robert S. (Major) Erickson, E.R. Ernest, E.F. (M. Sgt) Ernst, Elaine Ertegun, Mehmut Munir Erwin Heirs, Inc., M.P. Erwin, W.L. Esclavon, Celestain, Frank W., and Sam Esclavon, Edwin (Sgt) Esclavon, Ella Esclavon, Eugene Esclavon, Sarah Esclavon, Zylian Escoubas - Various spellings occur: Escoubas, Eacobas Escoubas, (Mr) Escoubas, Adolph Escoubas, Albert Escoubas & Brithers (General Store) Escoubas, E. Escoubas Family Escoubas, H. Escoubas, Hilaire Escoubas, N. Eshett Eskridge, Juanita Espargeliers, Louis (Dr) Espy, William M. Essary, J. Fred Essington, Penn. Esslinger, Edgar E. Estaville, Lawrence Estell, Eva Book/Page number 3/106 7/392 7/155, 273, 426, 428 6/44, 199; 7/17 2/227; 3/79; 4/169; 5/15, 16, 205, 305; 6/3, 6; 7/114, 128, 189; 8/15, 17, 44, 89, 223, 238, 326; 9/36; Old Cemeteries/8; 6/81, 64, 78; 10/122; Old Places/95 7/278 1/10 6/14 10/69 6/4-5 Old Cemeteries/21 4/283; Old Cemeteries/21 5/85 7/354 4/142 7/394 3/106 7/5 10/198i 7/447 3/112; 5/139, 269 1/230; 2/164; 7/113, 300; 8/280 13A/19 7/197 4/13 13A/18 c1 p10 1/148 1/163 2/211; 3/129; 6/112 1/98, 137, 148, 152, 157, 160, 235; 3/127; 4/95 2/189; 3/130 1/282 5/35, 55 1/235; 3/232 3/64 3/127; 5/28 3/19 7/296 7/437 1/159 6/83 2/51 (photo); 7/114 8/293 7/296 4/272 7/107 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Etheridge, Charles Eufemia, Sister Eugene, Nary` Eunice, La. Eureka Brass Band of Lake Charles Euwer, Robert M. Evangeline Cemetery Case Evangeline Country and Park Evangeline Iron Works Evangeline Oak Evangeline Parish Evans, Amos (Mrs) Evans, Alleen Fisk Evans, Billie Ruth Evans, Carl W. Evans, Clyde (M/M) Evans, Duval E. (M/M) Evans, Elwood and Norman P. Evans, Frank E. (Brig. Gen. and Mrs.) Evans, George Evans, Ira Evans, J.M. (M/M) Evans, John Franklin Evans, Nancy Evans, Norman Gordon Evans, R.T. Evans, Ruth McGowen Evans, T.E. Evans, Theophilus Evans, Warren D. (Sgt 2/c) Evans, Honey Boy Minstrels Evan's Precinct Everett, Frank Everett, Jodie Everett, Z.I. Evergreen Baptist Church Evrett, Abadie Ewait, Alfred J. and Lillian Ewalt, Kirk Ewer, Malcolm G. Ewett, B.S. Ewing Ewing, Annabelle Ewing, B.B. (M/M) Ewing, Beverly B. Ewing, Henry Ewing, Leo Ewing, Ray R. Exchange Chef and Club Exclusive Dress Shop Executives Dinner Club of LC Book/Page number 2/80; 4/80; 7/111, 450-451 7/451 7/82 9/145; 1-222; 6/197 2/38 (photo); 3/41; 6/33 (1890 Photo) 8/92 8/197 7/155, 273, 426, 428; 8/65; 10/209 8/68 1/210, 214; 9/145 8/118 7/68 10/166, 174, 183, 192 (photo), 198b, c, f, 211, 224 (photo) 7/217 8/73 10/192 6/83 7/43, 68, 240 (photo) 4/87 10/20 5/260; 7/240 7/201 10/114 (photo) 7/81 4/95 3/57 7/292 (photo) 1/147 7/292 (photo) 6/23 1/89 6/208; 8/223 2/191 1/263 6/81, 210; 10/210, 237 7/370 7/232 10/190, 193 (photo), 212 (photo) 7/441; 9/4 7/3 10/121 8/311 7/199, 436 7/199, 436, 442 1/102,106 7/300, 452, 454 2/331 8/72 2/353 9/115 NAME OR DESCRIPTION F. & A.M. Lodge (Lake Charles Lodge # 165) Faarghender, Clara Fabacher, Leonard (Pfc) Fabre Fagan, William Fain, Clem (Jr) Fairchild Fairchild, Albert Fairchild, E.F.M. Fairchild, E.J. Fairchild, F.M. Fairchild, Harvey J. Fairchild, Jim Fairchild, Nettie E. Fairchild, S.A. Fairchild, Sam Fairchild's Ferry Fair, The (store) Fairview Home Demonstration Club Fakos [or Facos], Gus Fal, La. Falcon Chemical Corp Fales, E.F. Falgout, E.J. Falgout, Joseph R. Falien, Bob Fall foliage Fallon, Father (Rev) Falque - Various spellings occur: Falk, Farque Falque, Hervilien Falque, Joseph Falque, Carmelian Family Furniture Store Fanariotia, Peggy Fancher, Annie M. Fancher, James Fanguy, Beverly Fanguy, Kenneth Wayne Fanguy, Verna R. Fanguy, Weston Fani, Floyd Fannett Farbacher, Andrew Farbacher, Joseph Farbacher, Leonard (Cpl) Farber, J.A. Farber, J.H. (Mrs) Farby, J.A. Farge Farichild, (Mr) Farifax, Va. Farimon, E.H. (Mrs) Book/Page number 3/33, 40 4/116 7/5 1/209 1/163 4/27 2/62 7/82 2/131 2/188; 4/96; 10/189 1/159 7/296 2/53 (photo) 7/39 2/101, 130; 4/87; 13/A/7 C2 1/158; 2/62 1/158, 160 2/351; 3/42; 7/155, 273, 426, 428; 10/198h, 6/49 7/183, 277, 282 (Newspaper picture), 454 4/96 6/182 (map) 10/20 7/186 7/452 4/294 (photo) 8/200, 204 2/191, 202 1/73 1/33, 65, 76, 81, 91, 92, 95, 217 1/88 4/285 (photo) 10/68 7/449 1/148; 4/87 10/47 7/95 10/161 6/175; 5/307 7/201 6/31 7/215 5/161 7/215 10/188, 207 7/302 7/450 1/209 4/82 1/186 2/80 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Faris, (Mrs) Faris, Carrol Farks [or Forks, Farque], Dommie Joe Farley, James Farley, Joseph (Admiral) Farley, William R. Farlow, Eddie Farlow, James C. Farm Coroner, The Farm Supply & Awning Co. Farmers Cooperative Cotton [Demonstration Work] Farmers Land & Canal Company Farmers Loan & Trust Company Farmers Rice Milling Company Farmers Union # 587 Farnslag, A. (Lt) Farnsworth, Don Farnum, William Faron, Hamilton W. Farque - Various spellings occur: Falk, Falque, Fouckes Farque, Amadee Farque, Arvillain Farque, Austin Farque, Dave Conway and M.A. Farque, Desiree Farque, Eugene Farque, J.L. (M/M) Farque, Jeanne Farque, Joseph (and Bluff) Farque, L.L. (Mrs) Farque, Semore Farque, Warren Farque, William Farque, W.W. Farquhar, (Dr) Farquhar, (Mr) Farquhar, Ben (M/M) Farquhar, Clara and Rosalie Farquhar Family Farquhar, George W. Farquhar, H.C. Farquhar, H.E. Farquhar, Hilda Shutts Farquhar Home Farquhar, Jessie H. Farquhar, Lucille Farquhar, Winnie Farquhar, William P. (Dr) Farr, Betty Jo Farr, Floyd E. Farr, J.G. Farr, Marie Book/Page number 6/40 1/120 5/15 7/411 8/289 7/228 7/120 7/444 3/237; 8/199, 200-204; 6/36-37, 51 7/155, 273, 426, 428; 10/186b 8/278 7/93; 8/283 2/245 8/283 3/23 7/116 4/168 6/64 7/183 1/150, 167; 2/88, 119; Old Places/34 1/128 2/132 7/169 1/123 1/97 2/352, 356, 405; 7/112, 113, 167; 10/306 2/352 1/7, 146 7/64 13A/21 c2 p14 10/68 2/188 10/191 1/114; 10/292 1/152, 154 2/69; 3/231; 10/37 3/80 1/206; 5/125 2/69, 199; 3/204; 7/449 1/151, 159-160 1/151 10/330 5/20, 233; 8/71 7/296 10/177, 179 2/69; 7/449 5/80 10/179 5/112, 317; 6/163, 166, 176, 180; 8/61, 214 2/131 9/150 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Farr, Mary Jo Farrand, Edward G. (Maj Gen) Farrar, Dewey L. Farrar, Joe (Dr) Farrar, R.W. (Jr) Farrell, Diane Farrell, Mary A. Farrell, Sallie Farrell, Sam Farrior, Sue (and School of Dance) Farris, Albert Farris, Blackmon and Wilborn Farris, Catherine Farris Family Farris, Michael Emile (S. Sgt) Farris, N.J. Farris, P.E. Farris, William Farrnbacher, (Mrs) Farsnworth, C.A. Fartheree, Ellen Farve, Martiel Fassold, Peter Fat Stock Show & Rodeo Fatheree, J.P. (Dr) Fatheree, Joyce Fatherss, Marcella Fatio, Don Felipe Fatjo, Tom Faubian, Buford (Maj) Faucett, Harold H. Faught, W.E., Mrs. Faulk, Alcide and Clarence Faulk, Benjamine Faulk, Elvis O. Faulk, Gilbert (Rep) Faulk, John Faulk, Joseph (and Bluff) Faulk land Faulk, Mitchell F. (Cpl) Faulk, Myrtle Watson Faulk, Paul Faulk, Rhoda and Roland Faulk, Roy (Mrs) Faulk, Tabear (Mrs) Faulk, W. Gilbert Faust, Charles C. (Family) Faust, Enos B. Faust, Hazel Faust, Helen Faver, Harry Favre, Charles Book/Page number 10/177 4/208 4/280 10/115; 5/331, 281 2/331 4/288 10/32, 38 4/294; 6/55; 8/221, 222 (photo), 261 5/114 2/350; 10/186d, 211 1/99, 123, 151 5/55 7/306 1/206 7/5, 306 1/123, 126, 134, 138 4/119 1/128 6/5 3/221 5/67 4/19, 20 2/99 8/72, 172 8/89 (photo) 10/47 7/141; 9/36 13A/89 c2 10/204 (photo) 7/351 (357?) 7/345 10/306 4/142 8/111 7/228 10/92 1/125 1/7, 220 1/160 7/417 10/40 9/117 (photo) 7/447 7/146 13A/19 c1 p4 10/94 7/238, 239, 287 (photo), 397 3/323 8/213 3/56 6/72 13A/52 c2 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Favrot & Livaudais Architects Fawcett, Anna Fawcett, Fanny Fawcett, Owen Faxon, Robert Fay, Albert Bel and Ernest Bel Fay, Charles S. (Mrs) Fay, Helen Fay, O.J. (Mrs) Fay, Oliver J. Fazende, Monsieur Fazzio, Jeal (Mrs) Fazzio, Sam Fazzio, Sam (Mrs) Fazzio, Tony (Jr) Fazzop, Jean (Mrs) Fear, T.J. (Sr) Fear, Truman Federal Reserve Act Federation of Church Societies Fee System Feeder's Supply Store Feeney, Simon Feldcamp, Fred (S Sgt) Felder, Camp (Jr) (Mrs) Felice, Homer Felix, Anthony Felix, Antoine Fell, Freddie Felter, C.W. Fenet, Ashton Fenet, Mary Fenet, J.B. Fenner, Bobby Fenton, Frank and William Fenton, La. Fenton, Marie Fenton, Reva (Mrs) Fenton, Ruth C. Fenton, S.J. Fenton, W.M. (Mrs) Ferguson, (Mr) Ferguson, E.L. Ferguson, Francis (Mrs) Ferguson, H.K. Company Ferguson, H.P. Ferguson, James William Ferguson, J.B. (Mrs) Ferguson, J.L. Ferguson, John H. (Judge) Ferguson, J.W. Ferguson, Rose Book/Page number 1/185 10/22-23, 25-26 10/45, 46 5/13 2/58; 3/197; 7/113; 9/153 4/39 4/169; 7/189 8/214 8/278 5/20 4/62 7/146 10/214 7/146, 173; 10/197 7/151 7/173 2/328 9/39 1/230 6/28 3/142 10/186g, 198e 6/83 7/219 7/215 Old Cemeteries/24 1/60 1/42, 76 6/62 1/149, 266; 2/142 8/179 10/115, 126 7/271 10/198f 5/77 4/17; 1/289; 3/34 1/227; 4/17 1/227; 4/17; 5/326 5/235 (Poem) 3/17 4/17 6/98 5/68 6/3 (photo) 8/217a, 225 8/280 7/81 7/112 3/139 10/92 3/221 1/207 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Ferguson, Stewart A. Ferguson, W.A. (Jr) Ferran, T.B. Ferrell, Kenneth W. (S.1/c) Ferrell, Myrtie Ferrell, Ralph J. (Sgt) Ferrell, Will Franklin Ferren - Various spellings occur: Ferrin Ferren, A.E. Ferren, Ed Ferren, Thomas B. Ferrugi, Joseph Ferrugine, Phillip Ferries - See also names of individual ferries or locations. Ferry Ferson, Paul (Maj) Festivals See names of individual festivals, e.g., Mardi Gras, Rice, Contraband Days, etc. Fewell, Albert E., Henry L., John G., Leon, O.A., and W.D. Fewell, Oscar H. Fewell, Thomas L. Fewell, W.S. (Mrs) Fickien, John R. Fidelma, Sister M. Field, Beatrice M. Field, Frank (M/M) Field, Margaret Field, Martha R. Field Bakery Field hospitals - photos Fields, (Mrs) Fields, Al G. Fields, Beatrice Fields Marsh Fields, La. Fifth Street (formerly Richard Street) First Ward School Fig Figaro, Eleanor Figman, Max Filkins, C.W. (M/M) Finance Investment Corp. Findlay, Gilbert (Mrs) Findlay, J.A. (Mrs) Findlay, J.H. (Mrs) Findlay, J.L. (Mrs) Findlay, (Mr) Fingerprinting in schools Book/Page number 1/224 5/331 1/210c 7/237 (photo), 400 7/352 7/315, 352 7/95, 352 4/169, 171; 5/56 4/167 (photo); 10/133 1/164, 167; 2/28, 52, 71, 101, 109; 6/99; 10/293 7/296 5/201 1/75, 90, 142, 146, 148, 150-152, 157-160, 162, 269 (drawing); 3/42, 232; 4/87; 6/65 (photo); 8/249 2/258 7/399 (photo) 7/345 7/363 7/336 1/209 5/225 10/229 6/113, 121; 8/56, 216; 9/120, 153; 10/183, 187a, 188, 190, 197, 202, 203, 207, 215, 227 10/186c, 198a 1/200; 2/73 7/23 7/30, 33 5/114 1/288; 6/64 8/216; 10/126, 128, 173, 174 1/14, 152, 160 1/276; 6/51 Old Places/54 7/98, 100, 102; 8/212; 10/109, 196, 197, 204, 207, 210, 212, 213, 216 8/204 8/318 3/165 1/253, 285 (photo); 3/38, 41 9/121 7/112, 146 7/115 7/193 7/112 2/83 10/231 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Finley, Bill and David M. (Mrs) Finley, Daisy M. Finley, Howard H. Finley, Margie Elaine and P.C. (M/M) Finley, William Perryman Finner, Bobby Fire alarm Fire companies and departments [See also individual fire companies and departments, e.g., Lake Charles Steam, Young American, New Orleans, etc.] Fire of 1911 Fire of 1912 Fire of 1913 Fire of 1914 Fire of 1915 Fire of 1916 Fire of 1917 Fire of April 23, 1910 [See "Lake Charles--Fire of 1910"] Fire pump fire station (old) Firefighters Fireman's fund Firestone, Harvey B. Firestone Rubber & Tire Company Firmature, Luke Joseph (M/M) Firmint, Arthur First aid training First Baptist Church First Christian Church First Church of the Nazerene First Congregational Church First Methodist Church First National Bank First Presbyterian Church First Regiment Band of Lake Charles First Regiment Band of Orange, Tex. First Ward Colored School First Ward School First Ward School--PTA Firth, Alvin Firth, Alva Book/Page number 7/407 7/57, 223, 447 7/223, 447 7/240 7/81 10/177 8/218 1/214; 2/23-50, 52-55, 157, 170, 171 1/249 1/300 6/63 6/108-120 6/120a 6/123-126 8/243 2/47 (photo) 1/15 6/43; 8/236 8/238 7/250 6/68, 182 (map), 184; 7/179, 212, 224, 251, 291; 8/15, 16, 63, 150, 217, 217a (photo), 218, 224, 225 (photo), 228; 9/128 7/86, 360 2/66 7/39, 50, 53, 57, 66 1/174, 275; 2/86, 93, 115, 151, 168, 191, 199; 3/13, 40, 44, 54, 89, 138; 6/28 1/4; 3/189; 6/76 6/31 3/40; 4/31 2/16, 76, 160, 197, 275, 315-324 (photo), 349; 3/47, 49, 57, 138, 145, 172; 4/97, 120; 6/48, 143 (photo); 10/186a 1/61L, 181, 226, 261; 2/61, 99, 234-236, 238, 255, 265, 267, 276, 325 (photo); 3/34, 58, 61, 105, 110-119 (interior photo on 114), 123 (branch photo), 132, 191; 6/63, 80; 7/10, 93, 155, 273, 426, 428; 8/65, 230, 256; 10/186g, 3/40 3/50 (photo), 52, 98, 120 (photo) 1/183, 185; 3/117 7/102; 10/77, 99, 118b, 119 (photo), 207, 210 1/126, 146, 187a; 7/97, 98, 100, 102; 8/212; 10/80, 109, 110, 112 (student photos), 114, 115, 117-119 (photo), 181, 185, 196, 204, 210, 2135/340; 10/185, 197 2/264 2/93, 264; 5/92, 262, 319; 7/210, 230, 314, 387; 8/5, 16, 229, 236, 264 (photo), 272, 284, 312 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Firth, O. (Dr.) Firth, Thomas P. Fischer, Louis Fischer, Phyllis Fischer, W. Fish, Allen Fish, Gertrude Fish, Louis Frank (Jr) Fish chant Fishback, Harry R. (USN) Fishburn, A.M. Fisher Fisher, Bob Fisher, Charles Fisher, Clarence Fisher, David and R. Fisher, (Dr) Fisher, Edward (Mrs) Fisher, Ethel Fisher, Forrest (Sgt) Fisher, George M. (Pvt) Fisher, H.A. (M/M) Fisher, H.J. Fisher, James Fisher, Jules G. (Sen) Fisher, Philip Ralph Fisher, R.B. (Mrs) Fisher, Robert Fisher, Sidney Fisher, W.G. (Dr) Fisher, W.G. (Mrs) Fisher, W.L. (Dr) Fisherville Subdivision Fishing Fisk, Allie Fisk, J.E. Mrs. Fiske, Mrs. Fitzenreiter, Charles (M/M) Fitzenreiter, Clara Fitzgerald, D.J. Fitzgerald, F. Fitzgerald, John Fitzgerald, Kathleen Fitzgerald, Patrick Fitzgerald, Patrick (Mrs.) Fitzpatrick, William J. (Pfc) Flag raising Flaherty, Robert Flame throwers Flanders, John W. (M/M) Flanders, Katherine Goos Book/Page number 3/37 6/73; 7/230 2/141 8/75 (photo) 10/116 7/68, 449 10/127 (photo) 7/81 8/70 7/228 2/268 7/222 7/449 2/306 7/82, 449; 10/161 7/296 3/147 7/173 7/111 7/342, 349 (photo) 7/338 7/342, 349; 10/118b 7/82 7/454 4/90 7/210 7/116 2/302 6/83 7/450, 451 7/122 1/185; 4/171; 7/113 6/197, 203 (photo), 204 (photo) 4/68, 69, 295; 6/80; 9/93 7/43 10/115 6/33 2/59; 3/147; 5/262; 6/49 2/353 4/171 1/159 1/228; 13A/20c2p4 10/197 1/161, 164, 219, 257; 2/7, 17, 211, 212, 250, 252; 5/14, 286 13A/20c2p1 7/356 8/14 (photo) 4/180; 8/2 7/398 2/243; 7/173, 198; 8/16; 9/38-39 1/57,57e NAME OR DESCRIPTION Flanders, (Mrs.) Flanders, Peggy Flanders, William (M/M) Flanner, Lloyd Thomas Flanner, Maude Flannery, D. Flek, Adolph Fleming, Alma Fleming, (Gen) Fleming, George (Mrs.) Fleming, Herman R. (Maj. and Mrs.) Fleming, Laurie Eugene Fleming, Phillip B. (Gen.) Fleming, Raymond H. Fleming, Raymond (Mrs.) Fleming, Raymond R. Fleming, Thelma Fletcher, Billy Fletcher, Emmett Fletcher, Frances Fletcher, Harold Fletcher, Jerry Fletcher, Lane Fletcher, Marie Fletcher, Sandra Lynn (Sandy) Fleur-de-lys and Calumet Fleury, Clyde R. (Sgt.) Fleury, Doris, Joseph (M/M), and R. Fleury, George Fleury, John Flint, Hattie Floeter, Harry L. (M/M) Flood. See also "Lake Charles Floods." Flood of 1914 Flood of 1940 Flood of 1950 Flood relief Florence, Billy Florence, G. [sternwheeler] Flores, Albert S. and I.H. (M/M) Florida Flotte, Henry D. Flournoy, C.C. (Mrs.) Floury, Daisy Flower Shop (The) Flowers, C.W. (Mrs.) Flowers, F.C. (Rev.) Flowers, Ira W. (Rev.) Flowers, L.D. (Mrs.) Flowers, Leslie Flowers, Paul Book/Page number 1/48 2/355; 10/127(photo) 1/61i; 2/86; 3/178 (home photo); 5/141 (photo); 10/123, 316 10/136 8/235 5/51 5/82 6/69,72,75 7/10 9/1 5/117; 7/417 7/86 7/422 6/86, 199; 7/13, 451 8/311 2/265; 5/108, 319; 10/136 1/247; 3/190 10/177, 212 (photo) 1/234 5/326; 10/126 7/452, 454 6/31; 10/177, 198f 8/212 (photo) 10/197 6/31 4/21 7/5 7/346 4/282 7/346 (photo), 452, 454; 10/233 2/77 4/94; 5/93; 2/264 8/67 8/89 8/143 5/333-336 4/69 4/4 7/331 1/196, 205; 4/11 7/10 (photo), 15; 8/100 7/315 5/67 7/155, 273; 10/186b 10/213 (photo) 6/89 2/283 7/360 10/193 6/89, 146 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Flowers, W. M.( Dr.) Floyd, C.M. (Mrs.) Floyd, Louis G. (Family) Floyd, Maria A. Floyd, Paul Floyd, William G. Flying Fortress Flying Machine Flying Saucers Flying Tigers Flynn, Errol Foard, Callie Foard, John Calvin Fogleman, George Fogleman, James O. Fogleman, J.O. Fogleman, John O. (M/M) Fogleman, Owen Fogleman, Ralph D. Foley, Arthur Jr. Foley, Bernice Foley, Leo Foley, Tom Folk, C.A. Folks, Ernest and Luther Folks, George (T-4) Folse, France Folse, L.J. Folse, S.J. Fomby, Clifton Fondell, Frances and Ruthie Fondren, H.C. Fontana, Pete (M/M) Fontana's Grocery Fontenot, A.O. (M/M) Fontenot, Adam, Preston Joseph, and Simpson Fontenot, Alexander Fontenot, Allen A. Fontenot, Artamon, H.A. (M/M) Fontenot, Arvin (M/M) Fontenot, Bonetta Fontenot, Carl, Harry, Henry, James, and Ulysses Fontenot, Charles Liarshall Fontenot, Chester and Hugh J. Fontenot, Clarence Fontenot, Coleman Fontenot, Coolige Fontenot, Curtis Fontenot, Doris Alice Fontenot, Dorothy Fontenot, Dudlas [or Dudles] Fontenot, E. (M/M) Book/Page number 2/107 4/204 7/391 7/285 5/252; 7/285 (photo) 7/151; 8/169 7/122 1/264 6/194 9/110, 112, 114 (photo) 7/214 2/34, 53; 3/16 3/135 (photo) 1/212, 224 2/331 6/176; 7/125 7/305, 438 4/32; 8/349; 9/4 7/125, 305, 395, 438 3/217 3/79 1/64; 3/98 1/208; 3/121; 5/77 2/248 3/11 7/417 6/107 7/296 8/220 (photo) 7/282a, 454 10/95 4/103 (photo) 7/82, 97 7/156 7/93; 8/219, 303; 13A/53 c4 7/81 1/115, 126 7/286, 312, 359 7/282c 7/282c; 8/245 8/2 7/199 7/449 7/151 7/228, 334 (photo) 4/280 7/201 13A/18 c3p8 10/199a 7/282c; 8/96 (photo), 101 (photo) 7/95, 237 7/224 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Fontenot, Edward Fontenot, Emile Fontenot Family Fontenot, Forest and Vennie S. Fontenot, George Fontenot, Gussie, Hilda, Michael, Sandra, Susie, and Wilda Joy Fontenot, H. Fontenot, Hadley (M/M) Fontenot, Horace Fontenot, Hypolite Fontenot, J. C. (Mrs.) Fontenot, J. L. (M/M) and J. R. (Bobby) Fontenot, Jimmy Fontenot, John Berchman Fontenot, Judy Ann Fontenot, Larry G. Fontenot, Lee Fontenot, Lenton Fontenot, Luke Fontenot, Mabel Fontenot, Marlene and Melvin Fontenot, Maxine (T.Sgt.) Fontenot, Mr. Fontenot, Murry Fontenot, Paul Fontenot, Paulin Fontenot, Robert E. Fontenot, S. A. Fontenot, Sidney Fontenot, Tanzy Fontenot, Thad (Mrs.) Fontenot, Theodule Fontenot, Thomas R. (Pfc.) Fontenot, T.P. Fontenot, Wilbert Fontenot, Wilson Fontenot, W. J. (Sgt 2/c) Fontenot, W. S. (Mrs.) Food stores - See names of individual stores. Foos, John (Mrs.) Football (early) Foote, A. S. Foote Lumber Company Foote, N. J. Foraly, George (Pfc.) Foranettorid, Petora Forbes, P. L. Force, Charles F. Force, Myrta Mae Forcell, J. H. Forchee, Green Ford Book/Page number 7/86, 229, 359 7/286 5/77; Old Places/47 7/95 7/437 4/218 7/82 4/264, 267, 295 (photo), 306 7/282 7/378 7/146 7/204 8/147; 9/52, 130 7/300, 449 4/225, 259 Old Cemeteries/22 7/8, 64 4/277 7/452 7/165 10/177 7/378, 395 3/172 7/86 7/5, 66, 201 1/156; 2/131; 3/93 7/151, 224 (photo) 4/94; 7/103, 384 8/267 8/87 (photo) 7/336 1/157 7/5 8/311; 10/84, 223 7/229 7/201, 228 7/438 7/93 8/216 10/171, 171b, 204, 219 (photo), 223 4/171 4/283 9/31 7/83 5/85 5/250 5/243 5/281; 10/136, 144 13A/83 cl 2/132 10/116 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Ford, Absalom Ford, Alma Ford, Burrell [or Burwell] Ford Foundation Ford, Frank Ford, Frank (Mrs.) Ford, G. W. (Family - Includes George and Gervais, as well as wives, Juniors and Seniors.) Book/Page number 1/164, 166, 167 7/111 1/132; 5/17; 13A/6 10/98 5/82, 85 (photo) 7/74 2/131, 351; 4/123; 5/55, 87, 115, 117, 281, 326; 7/5, 40, 119, 120, 122, 124, 139, 140, 145, 146, 179, 184-186, 193, 198, 226, 245, 272, 291, 292, 317, 320, 333, 342, 360, 378, 392, 395; 8/2, 198, 261, 305, 330; 9/1 (photo), 38, 129 (photo), 130, 142, 149, 150; 10/47, 70, 71, 92, 115, 121, 126, 128, 130 (photo), 133, 136, 138, 139, 144, 148, 161, 166, 187a, 193, 197, 202, 203, 206, 213-216, 218 (photo), 227 (photo), 228, 233, 235-237 Ford, Henry Ford, H. W. Ford, James M. Ford, Jean M. (Ens.) Ford, John Darrell Ford, John Flavin Ford, John Moss Ford, Lucius Mark Ford, Margaret Ford, Marie Anita and John D. Ford, Olyus Ford, Patrick (Dr. and Mrs.) Ford, Rachel Ford, S. C. Ford, Stephen H. Ford Street Ford, Tanya, Teddy, Tim, Terry, and Tricia Ford, Thomas R. 3/117; 4/135; 10/238 4/119 7/45, 123 7/287 (photo) 4/237,238 3/135 7/100, 449; 10/161 7/66 10/188 13A/128 c2p2 7/242 10/68, 162, 164, 203, 214, 238 5/20 7/120 1/300 1/222, 280; 2/13 10/238 (photo) 7/193, 226, 292, 333, 342, 360, 378, 392, 442, 450; 10/121, 203, 214, 238 10/19 4/87; 5/182 7/201 4/82; 7/11, 450, 451 10/182, 198f 10/148, 163, 166 10/186f, 198e 7/290 (photo) 7/208 (photo); 10/159 7/208 4/218 1/121 1/135 4/82 1/126, 131, 138 7/5, 208 10/197 10/186f Ford, W. K. Ford's Bluff Foree, Floyd Stephen Foreman, A. H. (Dr. and Mrs.) Foreman, Alvin Foreman, Barney Foreman, "Bea" Foreman, Burdetha, Fred, and M. J. (M/M) Foreman, Calvin Foreman, Carl (M/M) and Daisey Finley Foreman, C. E. Foreman, David Foreman, D. D. Foreman, Dot and Helen Foreman, Ebenezer Foreman, Edbert (Pvt.) Foreman, Elmer (Mrs.) Foreman, Gene Earl NAME OR DESCRIPTION Foreman, Frank Foreman, Harry T. Foreman, H. H. Foreman, Homer (M/M) Foreman Insurance Agency Foreman, Isby Foreman, Jacques Foreman, Jennings Foreman, Joe Foreman, John and Zena Foreman, Kathleen Foreman, Melvin S. Foreman, Nathan Foreman, R. L. (Mrs.) Foreman, Robert Arnold Foreman, Russell Pierre Foreman, Syril C. Foreman, Tyrell Foreman, Utley S. Foreman, William Forepaugh (Adam) & Sells Brothers Circus Forrest, Gen Forrest Hill, La. Forrestal, James V. Forrester, Lewis (Mrs.) Forrester, Mary Fort Fort, A. K. (Dr.) Fort, Arthur Fort, Frances G. Fort, Louise Fort, Chambersea Fort Atkinson - See Atkinson, Cantonment Fort Jessup Fort Knox, Tenn. Fort Livingston Fort Mims Fort Moultre Fort Polk, La. - See Camp Polk, La. Fort Sill, Oklahoma Fort Sumpter Fort Toulouse Fortenberry, Laura Fortier, Alcee Fortier Family Fortier, Jacqueline, Marguerite, and Michel B. Fortier, James A. Fortner, Jake D. Fortran, Mrs. Foss, A. P. Book/Page number 1/247; 3/190 7/151, 213 4/81 7/213 10/198a 13A/8cl 1/59 7/81 8/13 8/93 10/161 7/82 1/45, 49 6/47 7/201 7/95, 395 7/452 10/186b, 198d 7/228 1/16, 20, 23, 24, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43-46, 49, 50, 51, 53-54, 56, 61, 80, 104, 108, 109, 220; 10/6 3/163 5/239 3/34 7/422 5/262 10/63 1/219, 193, 194 1/222; 4/171; 6/91; 8/295 5/331 9/127 (photo) 10/115, 126 1/210 1/223, 226-227, 229; 5/29 7/74 13A/105 1/205 1/271 7/280 1/205; 13A/2 4/26 4/66, 67 10/47 5/177 13A/128 c3pl 8/68; 13A/128 c3pl 6/208 2/269 2/220 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Foss, G. A. Foss, Lila Mae Foster, Alton Foster, Alton (Mrs.) Foster, Anna Belle Foster, Augusta Foster, Benjamin Book/Page number 8/216 5/157, 158; 9/129, 134 (photo); 10/63 3/19; 10/22-23, 26, 45, 48, 171a 6/84 3/144, 178 (photo) 5/13 1/123, 229; 2/243; 4/171; 6/64; 8/308; 10/22, 23, 31, 33, 171a, 224 (photo) Foster, Benjamin M. Mrs. 2/405; 5/332; 10/306 Foster, Beula 4/123 Foster, Blair 2/355; 6/55 (photo); 10/161 Foster, Daniel 3/205 Foster, Dennis M. "Bud" (Family - Various names occur: Milligan, Milliken, 1/159, 208; 2/34, 37, 53, 128, 133, 153, 162, 171and Melville.) 173, 205, 251 (photo), 286, 289 (photo), 327, 390; 3/36, 51, 85, 135, 143, 172, 205, 214, 221; 5/20, 55, 145 (photo of home), 148; 8/13; 10/16, 21, 81, 291 10/68, 115, 126 Foster, Eloise 3/23 Foster, E. T. Foster Family 1/206 Foster, F. L. 7/195 Foster, Gloria Ann 10/89a Foster, Henry 8/92 Foster, Hubert 5/160; 6/2 (photo) Foster, Hubert E. (Mrs.) 8/240 Foster, Isaac 1/191, 224; 2/272 Foster, J. Alton 2/282, 284; 3/124, 213, 214, 221, 223-225, 234; 4/168, 169; 5/57, 160, 200, 232; 6/151; 7/114; 8/214; 10/161, 187a, 328 Foster, J. Alton (Mrs.) 3/85; 5/232; 6/55 Foster, James C. 6/83 Foster, J. S. 4/171 Foster, Louise 10/206 (photo) Foster, Maud 3/172; 10/34, 38 Foster, Mercedes [or Mercy Dees] 3/54, 144 Foster, Mrs. 2/17 Foster, Murphy J., Governor 1/232; 2/150; 3/21, 35, 96; 5/9, 12; 10/124 Foster, Roy 7/195, 233 (photo), 285 Foster, Russell (M/M) and Foster Street 8/93 Foster, Senator 3/182 Foster, Will 2/199 Foster, Will (Mrs.) 2/76 Foster's Bluff 1/38, 40, 60 Fountain, Earnest C. 7/452, 454 Fountain Family 1/276 Fountain, John M. 1/159; 3/33 Fountain, Will 4/171 Fouquiet, Everette 4/280 4-H Club 7/226; 8/253, 267, 278 Fournerat, Edmund and Ruby Lee Goodman 7/378 Fournet & Gallaugher 2/128 Fournet & Pujo (lawyers) 2/167 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Fournet, Blanche Fournet, Bruce (Mrs.) Fournet, Captain Fournet, Gabriel A. (Judge) Fournet, Gilbert Fournet, Helen Fournet, James Fournet, J. G. Fournet, J. G. (Mrs.) Fournet, J. H. Fournet, J. M. and Rosette Moss Fournet, Joe Fournet, John B. (Judge) Fournet, Louis Fournet Street Fourney, Wilmer Fourth Ward School Fowler, J. C. Fowler, Jimmie Fowler, John Fowler, John I. Fowler, John L. Fowler, Marshall Lake Jr. Fowler, Mary Beth Fox & Welty Fox, Emmons (M/M) and William Carroll Fox, Enoch Fox, George (Lt.Com.) Fox Hunting Fox, Jonas Fox, John R. Fox, Kay Foyil, Bronice France Francis, Arbeta Francis, "Governor" Francis, H. P. (Mrs.) Francis, Mary Linda Francis, Ruth Garrison Franco-German War Frangou, Spryo Savva Frank Buick Co., Inc. Frank Building Frank, Carrie Frank, Edwin Frank, E. Mrs. Frank, Estelle Book/Page number 3/18, 169, 174 7/173 3/18, 93; 4/101 1/177, 230; 2/95, 112, 114, 125, 128, 186, 230; 3/17, 18, 35, 93, 161, 204; 4/101; 5/9; 6/66; 10/57, 123, 201b; 13A/12; Old Places/38 2/243 3/18 10/44 1/230; 6/113, 121 8/273 2/351 2/58 2/189 6/179; 8/162, 325 10/32 6/66 7/82 7/98, 100, 102; 8/93 (photo), 212; 10/36 (1904 photo), 43, 106 (1950 students photo), 109, 111, 115, 118, 119, 126, 181, 196, 197 (1907 photo), 202, 205, 210, 214-216, 218 4/115 6/73, 75 4/169; 6/17 2/286, 290; 7/171 3/221 5/204; 7/201 10/197 2/223 7/329 7/345; 10/186, 187 7/367; 10/338 4/132 1/96 4/171 10/186, 186g 7/165 1/191, 195-196, 199, 206, 211, 226; 4/4 5/52 3/94 8/57, 61; 10/202, 207 10/230 5/259; 9/46 3/105 8/252 10/186a, 198g 2/17, 235 3/9; 5/198; 7/115, 302; 10/46 5/243; 7/119, 123 (photo), 124, 294 7/50 3/9, 148; 10/34, 38 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Frank Home Frank, Julius Frank, Julius Furniture Store Frank, Julius (Mrs.) Frank, Lethan Frank, Lillie Frank, Mary Crane Frank, Maurice Frank, Odell Frank, Roschel Frank, Theo Franke, W. H. (Mrs.) Frankel, Jack Frankfort, Julia Frankland, F. H. Franklin Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, Eleanor Franklin, Evalina Franklin, Frank (Mrs.) Franklin, Hayes Franklin, J. E. (Mrs.) Franklin, John Franklin, Leslie Charles Franklin, La. Franklin, Marian R. Franklin, Mrs. Franklin, N. A. (Mrs.) Franklin Street Franklin, Warren Alfred Franklin's Store Frank's & Schwing Franques - Various spellings occur: Franquez Franques, Bernard B. Franques, E. C.(M/M) Franques, Floyd C. (Family) Franques, Floyd J. Franques, Frederick C. (M/M) Franques, Hubert Walker and S. W. (M/M) Franques, Lester Edgar Franques, Lucille Franques, Roy Franques, Roy E. (Lt.) Franques, Roy F. Franzel [or Franguel], Louis Frasch, Herman Fraser, Leon Fraser, William A. Fraser, William P. (Capt.) Fraser, Willis N. Frasher, James Book/Page number 5/19, 29 (photo) 1/208; 2/47 (photo of home),132, 135, 186; 3/43; 5/9, 12, 29, 226 3/9 (picture), 43, 157; 5/9 6/14 7/452 3/9 8/108 7/322 (photo); 9/38 4/192 7/395 1/229; 3/97; 4/169, 171; 10/22 10/138 5/169 5/77 2/58 4/2, 14, 29, 30 1/249; 4/107 4/83 (photo) 13A/114 c2 7/39 8/56 8/58 5/77; 7/296 7/95, 217 4/29, 30 7/296 5/262 6/208 6/81 10/161 7/426, 428, 435 3/165 8/238 7/291 7/293, 343, 405 7/6, 293, 397 7/331, 350 7/417 7/291-293, 331, 343, 350, 352,405; 10/161 7/397 10/47 7/405 7/6, 429 1/109, 116, 124 3/118; 4/79, 98; 5/21, 24, 26-27, 35; 6/52; 7/225 2/265 7/348 3/217 1/205; 7/78 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Frazar, Alexander Frazar Family and Farm Frazar, J. D. (Dr.) Frazar, Lether E. Frazar, Lether E. (Mrs.) Frazar, Moses Cook (and Store) Frazar, Susie Frazar, W. H. Frazee, Louis Frazer, George (Rev.) Frazer, Inglis Frazer, John Frazier, Carlton Frazier Family Frazier, Fred Frazier, J. E. Frazier, J. E. (Mrs.) Frazier, Jessie (Mrs.) Frazier, Milton T. Frazier, O. R. (Mrs.) Frazier, Stanley P. Freazier, Robert C. Frederick, C. O. (Dr.) Frederick, Sidney (Mrs.) Fredericks, A. A. Fredericks, F. R. (Mrs.) Fredericks, Helen Fredericks, L. J. Free, Raymond Free America Free Persons of Color Freeland, H. W. Freeman, Abe W. Freeman, Clem (Pfc) Freeman, Edward W. Freeman, John Freeman, Lester Freeman, Marcia Freeman, Maud Freeman, Minnie Freeman, Mrs. Freeman, Richard D. Freeman, Richard Starr Freeman, T. L. Freeman, William Freeman, W. L. Freight Tax Fremaux, Leon French, Albert French Camp, La. French Claims Book/Page number 1/159, 164; 5/331 1/205; 4/96, 121 1/205; 4/96; 7/451 1/282; 5/331; 7/387, 443; 8/173, 175, 254 (photo), 298; 9/142; 10/95, 142, 174, 192 6/16 2/130, 131; 3/35; 5/77, 331; 7/296; 13A/8 cl 4/116 1/205 1/107 2/202, 208 2/208 1/98 5/52 1/205 1/156 4/101 6/14 4/189 9/128 6/35 7/151 7/296 2/331; 8/211, 353 8/118 9/52 7/146 7/327 10/182, 186f 7/38 4/5 1/82 8/223 7/452, 454 7/208 (photo) 9/4 7/208 (photo), 452, 454 5/270 10/230 8/75 (photo) 7/208 8/193 (photo) 6/83 7/437 1/229, 230; 2/ 205, 319, 321; 10/140 8/172 7/116 (photo) 1/165 9/31 10/187 4/102 1/229 NAME OR DESCRIPTION French discoveries French Opera, New Orleans French, Roy French, Roy Addison, Jr. French, Roy G. French Settlers Frey, Ferdie Frey, Lucille Fricke, William Fricke's Opera House Fridge, S. C. Mrs. Friedburg, Hans Georg Friedsam, H. J. Friend, Joseph E., Mrs. Friendly Grocery Frierson, Elder Friesen, F. (Mrs.) Friesen, F. P. Friesen, Fred Friesen, Taylor (Parson) Frink, James L. (Gen.) Frisco Rail Line Frith, Mr. Fritz, Charles (Dr.) Fritz, Herman C. M. Front Street Frost, L. L. "Jack" Frost, Meigs O. Fruge, (?) Fruge, A. B. (Mrs.) Fruge, Alexandria Jr. Fruge, Allen Robert Fruge, Amos Fruge, Barbara Fruge, Berchman Fruge, Buddy Fruge, Charles Fruge, Charles A. (Pvt.) Fruge, Charles O. Fruge, Clarence (M/M) Fruge, Evelyn Fruge, F.(fils) Fruge, Henry Fruge, Jean Pierre Fruge, Joe (Mrs.) Fruge, John Fruge, Johnnie (Mrs.) Fruge, Joseph B. Fruge, Louis' Ferry Fruge, M. J. Fruge, Mark Fruge, Mathew Book/Page number 4/31 3/31 8/293 7/86 9/38 4/22 4/156 7/111 2/77 2/20-22, 89, 98, 105, 115; 6/64 6/7 7/383 4/272 10/304 7/156 3/56 7/21 9/4 3/56 6/81 7/16 1/222 10/186c 4/272 6/83 1/230, 250, 251, 272; 2/16; 10/123 5/13 5/94, 263; 4/7 3/32 13A/21 cl pll 7/86 7/86, 244 (photo) 7/217 10/95 4/189 5/15 1/110, 133 7/193 5/55; 7/452, 454 7/244 10/89a 1/95 7/444 1/47, 50 8/105 1/126-127; 4/96; 13A/128 7/282c 7/229 1/90, 115, 126 8/226 7/66, 217 9/116 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Fruge, Percy Fruge, Pierre Fruge, Preston Joseph Fruge, Roy Fruge, Sidney Paul Fruge, Walter Fruge, William Fruge, Winner Fruger, David and F. Jr. and Sr. Fruger, Louis Fruger, Pierre Fruge's Bridge Fruhling, Harold A. (Pvt.) Frusha, Hollia Frusha, John Frusha, L. Fry, Bobby (Lt.) Fry, Harry C. (Capt.) Fry, Joseph (M/M) Fry, Mr. Fry, Patricia Fry, Ruth Fry, William J. (Lt. Col.) Frye, Edgar Lee Fulda, Lilly Fulghum, Victor Harold Fulkner and Cameron, (dealers in hardwood) Fullen, Otis Fuller, Benjamin Lemar Fuller, Dean Fuller, Joe (Mrs.) Fuller, Lois Fuller, Parrish Fuller, W. H. Fullerton, La. (and Hotel) Fullington, Artemus H. Jr. and Sr. and Gordon C. Fullington, Charles L. Fullington, Clifford Fullington, E. A. (M/M) Fullington, Gaylard Fullington, Jerry Fullington, John Fullington, Lillian Fullington, Margaret Fullwood, Edgar and Lucinda Fullwood, Lillie Mae Fulstain, Polan Fulton, George R. Fulton, Peggy Fulwider, Larry Funchess, Lloyd Book/Page number 7/81, 285 1/93 7/449 9/125 7/201 7/81 1/100, 126, 137 7/429 1/88 1/63, 73 1/59 1/157, 158, 161 7/228 (photo) 8/347 1/136; 4/96 4/96 7/352 2/258 3/105; 4/169; 7/75, 93, 352; 8/88; 10/115, 306 5/163; 1/54 7/464 10/176, 178, 179 (photo) 7/191 7/282c 8/193 (photo) 7/201, 217 3/39 6/36 7/201 8/338 8/119 6/38 3/205a; 8/238 5/204 6/50; 9/40; 13A/84 c3 7/292 7/336, 349, 352, 393, 396 (photo), 452, 454 7/296, 336, 349, 352, 392 7/396 7/296 10/114 (photo) 10/190, 193 (photo) 4/78 3/54 4/218 4/237 1/14 2/264; 5/381; 6/199; 7/131, 171-173 (photo), 184; 8/236, 353; 9/9 10/104 (photo) 7/118 8/84 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Funderburg Commission Funderburg, James H. Funderburg, James H. (Mrs.) Funderburg, J. B. Funderburg, J. R. [autobiography of] Funk Funk, Albert Funk, Billy Funk, Brown Fuqa, Nona Fur trapping Furlong, Mr. Furlough pay Furman, Betty Furman, H. I. (Mrs.) Furniture, (antiques) photos Furs, Fibiola and Jerry Fuselier, A. Rev. (Father) Fuselier, Belle, Burley P., and O. R. Fuselier, Clifton Fuselier, Fermin [Firmin] Fuselier, Francis Ivy Fuselier, Harold L. (Pfc.) Fuselier, Helen Fuselier, Horace Fuselier, Joseph Fuselier, Leroy (Pfc.) Fuselier, Marius Fuselier, Murphy C. Fuselier, P. Fussell, John W. Futch, Hubert K. Fyffe, Arthur W. Luke C. Fyffe, Pat G.I. Bill of Rights (Education, FHA Loans, etc.) Gabbert, Benjamin A. (M/M) Gabbert, C.B. Gabbert, C.W. Gabbert, G.W. Gabbert, Ruth Gabbert, William Lee Gabriel & Reames Gabriella, Mother Gabro, Leon H. Gaburo, Kenneth Gachie, Marcel Gaddis, James (Pvt) Gaertner, Pastor H. Gafford, James Gage Family Book/Page number 5/273 4/77, 78; 5/268; 6/17; 8/219, 238, 268, 308, 316; 10/42, 48, 107 (photo), 132, 134, 135 5/243 10/189 (photo) 10/131 3/207 7/100 (photo) 10/148, 186b 2/330 3/38, 268 4/138; 9/23-25 1/136 7/453 5/262 4/169; 7/189; 8/238 8/58, 59, 96, 102, 192 4/218 1/297; 2/334; 4/59 7/407 7/449 1/122; 2/132; 5/55 7/201, 429 7/5 8/84 (photo) 7/228 7/343 (photo), 401 (photo) 7/343 (photo) 7/451 7/452 6/113 10/215, 223 7/6, 406 7/326 7/326; 9/131 (photo) 7/298, 435; 8/15 5/215; 7/113, 122, 157, 225, 324, 407 1/104 (photo) 1/218; 5/108; 7/13, 15, 45, 244, 340, 453; 8/252; 10/115, 136, 140, 162 7/446 7/200 5/29; 7/324, 407; 8/86, 87, 122 (photo), 167 9/138 8/318 7/296 8/107-108 1/146 7/118 2/309-311 10/197 7/274, 275 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Gage, John F. Gagney, William Gagnon, Rene A. (Pfc) Gailer, James Gainenie, C.S. (Sr) Gaines, Cenas Gaines ferry Gaines, Forrest Gaines, Frances Broussard Gaines, George Bernard (Jr. and Sr.) Gainey, J.J. Gainey, Matt Gaithe, Eldora Galaman, J.R. (Capt) Galey, Henry Franklin Galjour, Warren (Pvt) Gallaugher - Various spellings occur: Gallagher, Gallegher Gallaugher & Fournet Gallaugher, Frank V. (M/M) Gallaugher, Franklin Arthur Gallaugher, Franklin Arthur (Mrs) Gallaugher, Henry Gallaugher, John Nicholas (Bishop, Reverend, Father) Gallaugher, Marie Gallaugher, Pat Gallaugher Street Gallaugher, Wes Gallie, (Capt) Gallier, Frankie (Mrs) Gallier, Olivier Gallier, Willis Gallio, Angelo (S.Sgt) Gallio, Victor (S.Sgt) Gallop & Stephens Architects Gallow, Calvin Galloway, A.L. (Rev) Galloway, Albert T. Galloway, Charlene Galloway, Ewing Galloway, Paul Galloway, T.W. (Dr) Galloway, Virgil (M/Sgt) Gallows Galt, E.A. (Col) Galveston News Galveston Opera Glass Galveston, Tex. Gamble, John Gamble, Ted R. Gambling Book/Page number 6/82 6/11 7/380 (photo) 1/168 7/370 8/222 (photo) 1/212 7/39 7/291 7/194, 216 (photo) 13A/4 2/132 2/50, 264 4/265 7/201 7/119 2/128 6/42, 66; 7/278; 10/204 (photo) 1/162; 2/108, 186; 5/55; 6/42, 66; 7/81, 191, 395, 417; 10/8; 13A/6, 12 2/71 3/139 1/7, 8, 10, 24 (photo), 25, 27, 41, 53, 59f; 8/318 3/18 7/278 6/66 7/257 4/292 13A/10 c3 p3 4/225 7/296 7/169 7/169; 1/181 1/181 4/56 2/158 2/323 4/237 3/69 7/91 2/259 7/178 1/163 8/194 (photo) 1/81; 13A/5 2/171 1/81, 100, 210, 214; 2/96; 3/34, 37, 45; 4/292, 293; 6/77 4/98 8/293 1/85-86 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Gambordella, A.J. Gamma Theta Modernettes Social Club Gammage, Lottie Ganacheau, Paul J. Gangwer, Earl V. (Mrs) Gani, Hallem Jack Gannon, James A. Gano, G.L. Ganson, Woodrow Wilson Gant, Othel Garand Rifle Garbage routes and trucks Garbarino, Zim (Mrs) Garber, Albert M Garber, E.B. Garber, E.R. Garber, Glenn Garber, Jared Y.(Dr. and Mrs.) Garber, Nancy Garcia, Felix Garcille, Edmond Thomas Garcille, Freddie Garcle, Hubie E. Gardemal, Zita Garden club Garden Club Memorial Fountain Garden of the Unknown Gardener, John L. (Pfc) Gardens Gardiner, A.C. (Mrs) and Bruce (Seaman) Gardiner, Alice Gardiner, Andrew S. Gardiner, James Ware Gardiner, J.H. Gardiner, Jim Gardiner, John (Mrs) Gardiner, Katherine and Marie Gardiner, S.W. Gardner, Billie Gardner, Ethel Gardner, H.G. (Mrs) Gardner, James Gardner, J.H. (Prof) Gardner, Jimmy Gardner, Samuel Parrish Gardner, S.W. Garett, W.E. (Mrs) Garigan, Don Louis Garland, Asa S. Garland, R. Garland's Bridge Book/Page number 4/293 10/210 7/100 13A/85 c1 2/402; 3/56; 6/3; 9/34; 10/303, 304, 306 7/95 8/238 9/4 7/66 8/140 4/25 8/90, 307 13A/2 c4 p12 4/244 10/210 10/202 10/136 2/331; 7/315; 8/308a; 9/38 7/119 1/192 7/201 7/452 7/228 8/308a 7/350 9/152 4/296, 297, 301 7/5 8/131, 195 (photo) 7/350 (photo) 6/100 8/250 1/185, 229; 3/14, 97, 123, 191; 4/39, 148, 171; 5/149, 277 1/221 10/210 (photo) 7/146 3/148 4/171 10/185 5/326 7/164 7/370 10/12 9/4 7/95, 164 (photo), 350 3/93 6/16 1/145 2/132 5/193 1/160 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Garlington, Emma Rose Garlington Family Garlington, L. Garlington, Madelon Joyce Garlington, Samuel Garlock, Betty Garner, Bradley (Jr), David, Isaac, Jacob H. Garner, Edwin P.(Lt) Garner, John (Mrs) Garner, Marie Louise Garnet, I.G.C. Garnett, B.J. Garrell, W.J. Garret, John Sidney Garret, W.E. (mrs) Garrett, Adele Garrett, Bill Garrett, Billie Garrett, C.A. Garrett, Donald Garrett, E.M. (Mrs) Garrett, Ethel M. Garrett, Jack Garrett, Raymond L. Garrett, W.E. Garrison, (Col) Garrison, David Garrison, D.L. (Lt) Garrison, Edwin H. (Col) Garrison, Homer (Jr) (Col) Garrison, Marie Gardiner Garrison, Marion (Mrs) Garrison, M. Clark Garrison, Stella Garst, James F. Garvan, M. Garvey, Jerry Gary, Arvy Gary, H.J. Gary, Indiana Gas Appliance Co. Gas shortage Gaschen, W.E. (Honorable) Gascon, Madam Paul Gaskin, A.C. Gasoline tax protest Gaspard, Alcin and John T. Gaspard, Altus (Mrs), C.J., Dorothy Gaspard, Ed Gaspard, Gaston Gaspard, Joseph Murphy Gaspard, Josephine Book/Page number 4/218 1/206 4/196 8/218 1/146 3/205a 1/168 7/457 5/182 2/164 1/58 7/296 7/296 9/116 7/103 7/111 7/69 10/127, 129 (photo), 130a 2/333 10/186f 7/193 7/133, 183 8/338 7/228, 338 5/87; 7/34, 193; 10/165 9/111 (photo) 7/124 7/168 (photo) 3/301; 9/114 6/54 4/39 8/326 4/263, 267 6/14; 10/29 3/189 1/264 2/335 (photo) 7/452 3/187 6/23 7/155, 273, 426, 435, 428; 10/209 9/54 3/84 2/270; 3/110 5/320; 6/174 9/15 7/151 4/218 7/64 6/83; 7/296 7/86 4/80 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Gaspard, Leon G. (S.Sgt) Gaston, Homer Gates, Chelsea Gates, Fred L. (Judge) Gates, Harry Gates, John W. Gathings, E.O. Gaubert, Albert Oxeme Gaudet, E.A. Gaudet, Oscar R. Gaudet, W.A. (Mrs) Gault, Joyce Gaunt, Delia Gaussiram, R.J. (Mrs) Gaussiran, Harold L. Gauthier, A.M. (Lt) Gauthier, Anatole Gauthier, Anaton Gauthier, Boyd Gauthier, Cornelius C. Gauthier, Jesse Boyd Gauthier, L.S. Gauthier, Miss Gauthier, Overton (Sr) Gauthier, Shelby Gauthier, W.F. Gautier, Carl Ben Gautier, Herbert Gautreaux, Edward (M/M) and Jesse Gavant, Wallace Benard Gavin, James M. (Maj Gen) Gay & Barry Ferry Gay, Barry S. Gay, Edward J. Gay, Helen Gay, Robert B. (Mrs) Gay, Virginia Gayarre, Charles Gayheart Gayle, Arthur L. (Family) Gayle, Charles F. Gayle, Charles (Mrs) Gayle, Charles T. (Family) Gayle, Edwin F. Book/Page number 7/325 9/149 10/126 13A/18c2p2 9/123 6/77 7/33 7/66 2/61 7/198, 226 1/61f 10/127, 129 (photo), 130a 1/228; 3/57; 10/107 (photo) 7/334 7/444 8/170 1/159 5/77 10/130 (photo) 1/185; 7/111, 449; 8/15, 238 10/136 5/140, 201 (photo); 1/223; 10/56 7/146 4/98 1/257 2/221 4/218 8/327 7/290 7/81 7/403 (photo) 1/9 1/10, 220 8/238 5/326 7/50 6/62 2/164; 3/216; 10/47 5/15 2/264; 3/189, 195, 205a; 4/77, 123, 168; 5/87, 95, 108, 202, 309 (photo), 314, 320, 331; 6/54, 89, 181; 7/93-95, 110, 113, 115, 124, 149, 344, 358; 8/48, 212 (photo), 254 (photo), 280, 283, 287, 308, 353-354; 9/4, 9, 38 (photo); 10/140, 5/56 3/147; 5/326 7/155, 273, 315, 319, 426, 428, 435; 10/186d, 198c, 209 1/183, 215, 280; 2/286 (photo), 290; 3/24, 203, 205, 221, 225 (photo); 5/192, 199; 7/450, 451; 6/57; 8/308; 10/26, 29, 31, 38, 40, 41, 48, 52, 171a, 221 (photo), 223, 236 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Gayle, Eleanor Gayle, Ella Gayle, Emma Gayle, Frank Gayle, Fred Gayle, George (Mrs) Gayle, Georgia or Georgie Gayle Hardware Co. Gayle, James Gayle, John (Mrs) Gayle, John Norbert Gayle, Marjorie Gayle, Mary Gayle, Mary Ellen Gayle, Ruth Thomas Gayle, Susan Gayle, Shirley Gayle, Tonny (Mrs) Gayle, William Gedge Gayle, William Gedge (Mrs) Gayle, William J. (Family) Gazebo, The Gearen, Joe Neil Geary Family Geary, Harry (Mayor) Geary, J.A. (M/M) Geary, James (Mrs) Geary, James P. (Honorable) Geary, Laura Rebecca Bilbo Geary, Mattie Geary, Mr. Geary, Paul Geary Sawmill. See Ryan, Geary, and Hanson Mill. Geary, Zola M. (Capt) Gebson, Eric (M/M) Gebson, Margaret Ged Oil Field [Vinton] Geddings, (Dr) Gedlow, John W. Gedvac, LeFlore Gee, Irene Geesey, Lloyd P. Gehring Geier, Davis Geiger, Lois Geiss, Louis Napoleon Geiswein, Martin Book/Page number 10/198b, 201 (photo), 211 10/33 10/34, 38; Old Places/2; Old Cemeteries/274 10/53 2/238; 10/221-222 1/227 6/89; Old Places/2 2/167; 10/186b 7/228; 9/4 5/169 6/73; 7/289, 395 2/353 4/78; 8/2; 10/31 2/353 7/358 7/302; 10/68 7/344 6/68 2/353; 6/17; 7/238, 344 2/51 (photo); Old Cemeteries/274 2/34, 37, 53, 238, 265; 3/41; 4/169; 5/202; 6/14; 7/289; 8/21 (photo), 131, 280 6/39 (photo) Old Cemeteries/22; 13A/22 c2 p6 Old Cemeteries/5 2/148; 3/181; 4/101, 168; 5/12, 104, 268; 6/7, 163, 164, 166, 168 (photo), 176, 177 (photo), 180; 8/308; 10/291 2/17; 7/231, 320 1/194 1/220, 223, 255; 2/14, 15, 17, 28, 37, 52, 113, 131, 133, 170, 186, 233; 3/70; 5/9, 20, 55; 8/71; 10/20b, 201c, 321; Old Places/2 1/223; 2/144; Old Cemeteries/7 2/77 2/225, 275; 3/172 8/70, 323 7/231, 320 2/356; 10/115 10/168, 127 (photo) 1/214; 3/74 (photo); 6/56 1/282 6/82 1/168 2/147 8/220 (photo) 7/451 6/210 10/177 7/66 6/83 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Geldart Plantation Gellard, Rufus General Adjustment Bureau General Services Administration General Store Genius, Frank Genius, Frank (Mrs) Gennuso, Anthony Salvatore Gennuso, Dee J. (M/M) Gennuso, Frances Gennuso, Louise Gennuso, Nat Gennuso, Sam Gentebruck, Stella Gentry, Ernest M. Gentry Family Gentry, Zola Georen [or Gerin], Rufus George, Alexander George & Swift Delivery Barn/Livery Stable George, Andrew George, (Capt) George, Charles Edward George, Charles (Mrs) George, Edgar George, Edward, Ernest J., and Jimmy George, Emile J. George, Emma Lee George, Ernest C. George, E.T. George, Fred George, Horace N. George, I.Z. George, Janell George, Jasper George, Kamille George, King of England George, P.E. George, Phyllis George, (slave) George, T.E. Georgia Gerard, Richard E. Gerdsen, Edna and Norma Gerdsen, Maryman D. Gerdsen, R.J. (Mrs) German, Willie W. German Lutheran Church German Mutual Benevolent Association German Myrtle Trees Book/Page number 5/180 7/452 4/281 1/160, 192; 3/189; 8/192, 194 6/127 1/290 8/245 7/95 7/293 10/120-122, 129 (photo), 130a 10/47 7/115 1/238, 288; 5/283; 7/100, 154, 293 (photo); 8/176; 10/161 4/81 6/82 3/194 2/220 1/153; 2/132 7/389; 9/38 2/31, 37, 135, 196, 250, 252, 253; 3/39; 5/8, 9; 6/78, 100 7/213 (photo) 4/293 7/429 7/162, 318 2/33-34, 53, 219, 249; 3/39 7/318 (photo) 2/287 (photo), 294; 3/224 10/47 7/162 (photo) 3/23 2/147, 198; 3/60 7/6 7/318 (photo), 410; 10/161 7/111 7/445 7/318 (photo); 10/159, 161 7/258 2/135 7/229, 239 1/140 1/278; 2/21, 133, 173; 5/12 1/196 7/156, 181, 335, 357, 403 (photo), 429; 8/267 7/123 (photo) 7/64 7/294 7/242, 454 2/13; 3/40 1/163; 2/95; 3/23, 41 6/66 NAME OR DESCRIPTION German Settlers German Street Germany Gerow, Leonard T. (Lt. Gen) Gerryler, William Gersen, R.J. Gerson, J.M. Gertsner, Frederick J. (2 Lt) Gertsner Air field Gertsner Field Flyers Reunion Gervase, (Sister) Getchell, Lucy Geuble, F. Gianelioni, Henry A. Giardiana, Frank Gibb, Pat Gibbs, (Capt) Gibbs, Don, Dona Lyn, Frances, Lillie Belle, Naomi, Patsy, and Russell Gibbs, Ed. (Mrs) and Kinney (Mrs) Gibbs, H.A. (rev) Gibbs, James E. (Col) Gibbs, J.B. (Mrs) Gibbs, J.C. Gibbs, J.C. (Mrs) Gibbs, Jessie Gibbs, Joseph Gibbs, Joseph C. Gibbs, J.R. (Mrs) Gibbs, Lillian Gibbs, Ralph Gibbs, Robert Gibbs, Ronald Lynn Gibbs, Thelma Gibbs, W.M. (Mrs) Gibbstown Bridge Gibbstown Ferry Gibson Gibson, Aaron Gibson, Charles H.L. Gibson, Charles H.L. (Mrs) Gibson, E.E. Gibson, E.E. (Mrs) Gibson, Elmer I. Gibson, Ernest Gibson, Eugene Gibson, Frank (M/M) Gibson, F.T.F. Gibson, H.C. Gibson, I.A. Book/Page number Old Cemeteries/10 1/222 1/119, 225; 3/70; 6/19; 8/292 7/430 10/312 7/82 2/20 2/257; 3/91 2/257 (photo), 258, 259; 3/91, 223, 225; 6/56, 63, 141, 142, 149, 151, 155, 156; 7/225; 8/243, 293; 9/122, 146; 10/122 2/293; 8/293; 9/38-39 8/295 3/205 3/133 7/82 7/186 4/128 6/36 4/287 7/282c 8/7 2/282; 4/287; 6/92 4/198 1/231; 2/128, 165, 167, 170, 202 1/42 4/218 1/178; 2/214; 4/225, 258 2/131; 3/28; 5/192 4/192, 218 3/172 7/423 Old Cemeteries/22 4/226, 229 4/226, 229, 287 7/133, 457 4/262, 264, 283 3/199; 4/282, 283 6/92 5/253, 258 (photo) 5/45; 9/38, 39 10/126, 197, 215 4/167, 171 (photo) 3/148; 5/243 2/283 8/213 2/351 1/229; 2/264, 387, 388; 3/205a; 5/92, 93, 95; 7/13, 93; 8/4, 129, 173, 198; 9/142, 149; 7/296 4/39 10/148 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Gibson, Irma Gibson, J.A. Gibson, J.A. (Mrs) Gibson, Jane Gibson, Kate Gibson, P.E. Gibson, P.E. (Mrs) Gibson [or Gepson], Uriah Gibson, Willie Mae Giddon, John W. Gideon, Lloyd H. Gideon, Robert Gieffers Gieffers, Henry Gieffers, Idabel or Ida Belle Gieffers Street Gift Mart, The Gigki, Beniamiro Gil, Vivian Gilbert, A. (Reverend, Father) Gilbert, Harry (Sen) Gilbert, Irvin L. Gilbert, Isaac Gilbert, William Gilchrist, G.N. Gilchrist, John Gilchrist, Martin Gilchrist, Sarah Giles, Bascom Giles, Benjamin F. (Maj Gen) Giles, Edward Giles, Jake Giles, Jake (Mrs) Giles, May Giles, Sarah Giles, William Gilis, J.B. (M/M) Gill Gill & Gosset Mill Gill & Platz Lumber Manufacturer Gill and Trotti Livery Stables Gill, Annie Gill, Aubrey Gill, Bryan Gill, Dan Gill, Dock Gill, Elbert (M/M) Gill Family Gill, Forest or Forrest Gill, Forrest (Mrs) Gill, G.C. Book/Page number 5/232 3/147 7/403 (photo); 8/93 2/353 10/198g 8/221, 238 7/50 1/114-115, 122, 132, 135, 168 7/66 2/85 7/5; 8/138 (photo) 9/148 2/152; 6/64 6/66; 13A/7 c1 2/403; 10/304; 13A/7 c1 6/66; 8/85 10/198h 7/288 8/235 (photo) 4/160, 297 4/90 7/193 13A/108 c2 1/168 6/62 1/191, 224 6/83 7/200 13A/111 c1 7/288 3/117 1/207, 234; 5/182 3/134 1/40, 44 1/40 5/182 7/362 3/45; 10/116 5/13 2/67 5/221; 6/78 2/191; 1/135 (photo), 174; 2/191; 10/224 (photo) 3/217 5/112; 10/148, 187a 1/207 5/82 7/327 Old Cemeteries/12 5/67, 112 7/173 1/251 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Gill, Gertrude Gill, Glenn (Pfc) Gill, Gordon Gill, Gordon (Mrs) Gill, Gussie Gill, H.C. Gill Street Gillard Plantation Gillenwater, Mitchell Gillenwater, M. (Mrs) Gillepsie, Absolum and Thomas Gillepsie, L. Gillett, Columbus (and Ferry) Gillett, G. Gillett, William Gillette, Lucy Gilley, Allen Gilley, Alton J., James, and Marie Gilley, F.P. Gilley, Thomas Gilley, William Ebert Gillis, Arthur (Rev) Gillis, Harold Gillis, Leverick & Co. Gillis, La. Gillis, La. Schools Gillis, Otis L. Gillon, A.N. (2nd Lt) Gill's Enterprise Gillstrap, Charles Gilly, Allan or Allen Gilly, George Gilly, Sam Gilman, George F. and Ida May Gilmer, Ben S. Gilmer, Elizabeth M. Gilmer, Tinsley Gilmore, Billy and Lloyd Gilmore, J.E. and Sherry Leigh Gilmore, J.Y. Gilmore, Lina Gilmore, Louis M. (Capt) Gilmore, Morris Gilmore, Shields Gilmore, Van Gilmore, Van H. Gilmore, Van H. (Mrs) Gilpin, Mollie Gilpin, Thelma Gilpin, V.A. Gilpin, V.A. (Mrs) Giltner, Paul Robert Book/Page number 10/115, 126, 206 (photo) 7/379 5/67; 7/106; 9/50 7/133,151; 8/61; 9/146 (photo) 2/191; 3/19, 44, 134; 1/22-23; 10/26, 45-46, 1/152, 217, 279 1/252; 2/16 5/180-181 10/186e 7/146; 10/148, 165 4/147 3/19 1/74, 88, 91, 92 1/87, 89 5/77 4/81 1/163, 164; 2/52; 13A/8 C1 7/199 1/132 5/55 7/449 13A/18 c5p2 7/362 3/36 10/325 10/118; 13A/22 c2p6 7/452, 454 2/259 2/190 5/139 2/28; 10/201a 7/296 2/196 7/345 8/325, 346 1/250 5/276 5/83 10/148 2/164 10/25 7/410 2/353; 7/233 (photo) 10/210 3/186 (photo); 10/148, 187a 7/233 7/146 8/217 (photo) 7/302 5/95; 8/19, 287 7/146, 294 7/95 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Gily,Barvo,Antonio Giordano, John Giovanne, Charles L. Giovanni, Edward Giovanni, James O. Giovanni, Jennings Giovanni, Joe E. (M/M) and Rita Giovanni, John and Ruth L. Giovanni, John Jennings Giovanni, John (M/M) Giovanni, M.A. Giovanni, M.A. (Mrs) Giovanni, W.A. Gipson, Dale Daniel Gipson, Daniel Oscar Gipson, Raymond E. Gipson, William E. (M/M) Gipson, Willie Frank (M/M) Giralomo's Store Giramond, Bayou Girard, Stephen Giraud, Mary Louise Girod, Gordon Girod, Mildred Girod, Nicholas Gish, O.A. Gissel & Collin Gith, Marvin Gitlkin, Nate Givens, Homer Givens, Jeanette Glade, William Gladstone, Abe Glaises, Bayou des [or Bayou de Glaze] Glannoble, Peter (Capt) Glascock, Hal E. Glaser, Bernadine Glaser, Virginia Glasgow, C.L. Glass, John S. Glassell, Alfred (Jr) Glassell, Katherine Bel Gardiner Glasspool Glasspool, Charles Glasspool Famiily Glasspool, W.A. Glasspool's Store Glassy, J.A. Gleason, Sheila Glee Clubs Glen, C.S. Book/Page number 1/212 7/73 5/56 7/86, 162 (photo) 7/64, 341 7/320 (photo) 7/341 7/440 7/228, 234, 440 7/162, 320 9/30 7/173 7/444 10/161 7/342 (photo), 449 7/234, 237, 272, 342, 391, 404 (photo), 433 7/404 7/234, 237, 272, 342, 391, 433 6/29 1/88 3/117 5/159 10/226 8/103; 10/226 5/121 6/151 8/299 7/214; 10/175, 179, 180, 198c 8/72 (photo) 3/106 8/311; 9/4 1/168 7/304 4/4, 5 7/217 7/39 5/153; 7/147; 8/8, 261, 287; 9/50 10/47 3/205a 7/452 1/230 4/39 8/227 1/137, 142, 146, 150, 155; 2/140, 143, 154, 389; 5/14; 6/48, 49; 10/290 6/48 7/296 2/284; 3/223, 225 4/171 10/186b, 186g, 178 10/33 (1900 photo), 39 5/110 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Glendale Institute Glenmor, La. Glenn Glenn, Jessie B. Glenn, L.C. (Dr) Glisson, J.E. Glorioso, John Glorioso, Ross (M/M) Glover, Henry H. (Pvt) Glover, R.M. Glover, William Glusman, Betty Glusman, Edward F. (Lt) Glusman, I.A. (M/M) Glusman, L.A. (M/M) Glussen, Ed Goad, Henry A. (Pvt) Gobell, Neil Gobert, Paul Gobiel, Neal (Mrs) Godchaux, Frank Godchaux, Jules Godeau, Dallas Joseph Godette, Hezekhiah Godfrey, O'rne Godkin, Don Essax Godkin, Louise Godsey, Frank Godwin, E.A. Godwin, W.E. Goebbels, Joseph Goen, Charles Goen, Evelyn Goering, Herman Goforth, Charles Goforth, Jean Elizabeth Gohins, William Goin, Jeremiah Going, Charles Going, Charles E. (Mrs) Goins, Joshua Goins, W. Goldberg, Sam Golddust Golden, Andrew (Mrs) Golden Bakery Golden, Forrest (1st Lt) Goldman, Cullen Goldman, Julius Goldsmith, Ben (Dr) Goldsmith, Ben (Mrs) Goldsmith, Bobbie Book/Page number 1/122; 2/165, 167, 177, 188, 198; 10/13, 14, 17 1/206; 3/34 5/238 7/362 5/82 2/223 7/83, 86, 284 7/83 7/395 5/167; 6/96 1/168; 7/296 4/169; 10/68, 127 (photo) 7/61, 295, 317 7/61 7/295 10/113 (photo) 7/167 (photo) 6/205 7/201 7/215 3/105; 8/297; 9/31 8/238 7/429 4/238 3/172 7/183, 277, 282 (photo), 454 7/213 (photo) 1/234 (photo) 2/331 1/229-239; 3/105, 112, 116, 119; 8/296 7/382 10/148 7/53; 10/166, 186b, 198, 211 8/291 (photo of car), 292 4/167 (photo) 7/154, 237; 10/127 (photo) 1/34 1/168 4/167, 171; 6/17 6/89 1/136 1/43 13A/85 c1 4/18 13A/128 c2p2 7/100, 155, 273, 426, 428 4/244 4/189 Old Cemeteries/17; 13A/17 c4 p1 7/93, 450, 451 7/112 10/68 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Goldsmith, F.A. Goldsmith, Julius Goldsmith, Marilyn Gonsoulin, Mathilde Gonzales, J.E. Gonzales, J.E. (Mrs) Gonzales, Raymond Gonzales, Tex. Gooch, Charles H. Good Hope Cemetery Good Shepherd Church - See "Church of the Good Shepherd " Goodale, Mary Reed Goode, Berta Mae and I.H. Goode, Betty Ruth Goode, Burt Goode, David H. Goode, Ira Goode, Joellen Goode, W.D. Goode, W.D. (Mrs) Goodeau, Barbe (Mrs) Goodeau, Nooney Goodeau, W.D. Goodell, E.S. (Mrs) Goodfellows Doll & Toy Fund Goodier, C.J. (Lt Col) Goodlet, (Mrs) (Dr) Goodlett, (Dr) Goodlett, Edward Goodlett, Gussie [married G.B. Downing] Goodlett, James (Dr) Goodlett, J.E. (Dr) Goodlett, Jennie Goodlett, J.G. (Mrs) Goodlett, Lucy Goodlett, Meby D.N. Goodlett, Virginia Goodloe, E.H. Goodloe, Nadia Goodly, (Mrs) Goodman, A.A. (Mrs) Goodman, Adam Lee Goodman, Allen L. Goodman, Benjamin Goodman, Daniel Goodman, Edgar Goodman, Fred and G.R. Goodman, J. Goodman, J.B. (M/M) Goodman, J.D. (Pfc) Goodman, Jennie and Leo and Goodman Grocery and Trailer Park Book/Page number 2/220 2/328 10/211 Old Cemeteries/17; 13A/17 c3 p7 4/171 10/107 (photo) 4/192 1/212 7/228 1/297 2/158; 3/177-178 8/193 (photo) 10/129, 130a (photo) 8/32, 341, 343 4/100 2/331 8/6, 71 (photo); 10/193, 198e 7/82 7/11, 173; 9/1 (photo); 10/139 7/112 10/104 (photo) 7/425 (photo) 3/79 6/44 2/258 1/13 1/6, 8, 10; 6/25 1/7 1/6, 41 5/4; Old Cemeteries/12 1/8, 14, 26, 27, 29, 30, 42, 44, 47; 2/32, 36, 59e, 59f, 59i, 128; 3/46 3/48, 136 (photo) 6/14 1/7, 27, 42, 285 (photo); 3/19, 177 1/3 3/45 8/37, 48, 299, 301 10/186a, 198a, 174 13A/18 c4 p12 13A/19 c1 p12 7/81 7/151 1/128; 7/95 5/195; 6/113, 121; 7/201 (photo), 296, 441 7/296; Old Cemeteries/17; 13A/17 c4 p12 7/289 1/160 7/441 7/228 Old Cemeteries/17 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Goodman, Joseph Goodman, Julius (Mrs) Goodman, L.R. Goodman, Marvin Leon and R.A. (M/M) Goodman, Michael Breaux (Mrs) Goodman, Perry Goodman, Ruby Goodpine, La. Goodreau, Eddie Goodrich, Airlarnce Goodrich, Floyd Milford Goodrich, Frances Goodrich, G.W. Goodrich, John S. (Lt) Goodrich, M.W. (Mrs) Goodson, Benjamin Goodstein, Walter Goodwill Air Tour - Louisiana [1946 ] Goodwin, Carrie Goodwin, C.H. (mrs) Goodwin, C.S. Goodwin, William Goodwyn, M.A. (Miss) Goolsbee, T.K. Goos, Albert Bel Goos, Albert D. (Lt) Goos, Albert (Mrs) Goos Boulevard Goos, Carl, Henry, Jack, Mary Pilley, and Mary Samantha Goos, Catherine Goos, Chester Goos, Christian and Medora Goos, Daniel J. (Capt) Book/Page number 1/157; 6/98; 7/296 2/137 7/296 7/285 (photo) 7/201 7/178 10/177, 186a 1/222 2/330 10/136 7/81, 126 (photo) 8/82 7/126 7/235 (photo) 7/111 1/134 7/55, 343; 8/266 6/187 (photo) 5/52 7/293 6/62 1/87 2/223 1/226; 13A/19 c2p5 5/138, 214; 7/296 7/200 13A/10 c4p6 6/66, 197 6/89 2/86 4/95 6/26 1/197, 225, 226, 264, 272, 284; 2/79, 96, 174, 238, 249, 264; 3/25, 70, 138, 209, 225-233; 5/7, 42, 55, 67, 74, 82; 6/26, 27, 64, 66; 8/9; 10/12, 121, 309, 312, 315, 327; 13A/108 c4; Old Cemeteries/6; Old Places/1, 23, 26 (photo), 61(photo), 63, 105, 111 Goos, Daniel J. (Mrs) Goos, Della M. Goos, Elijah D. Goos, Evelyn Goos Family Goos Family Cemetery Goos Ferry Goos, Fred Goos, Gordon L. and Leno (M/M) Goos Home Goos, John Goos, Laura Mae Armstead Goos Lumber Mill 2/140; 6/27 1/226; 2/79; 5/55 7/296 10/186f, 175 1/192, 226; 3/232 5/4; 6/66 3/63 10/123 7/356 (photo) 6/27, 28 2/155 Old Places/27; 7/356 1/208, 280; 2/91, 275; 5/13; 6/26; 10/309, 315, 347 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Goos, Mary Frances Goos, (Miss) Goos, Ruth Goos, S. (Mrs) Goos, Tessie Strahan Goos, T.H. Goos, Walter Goos, Walter J. Goos, Walter S. Goos, Walter S.(Mrs) Goosby, S.T. Goosport Goosport Civic League Goosport Fire Station Goosport Park Goosport Recreation Center, Pre-school class 1943 Goosport School Gordon, A. Gordon, A.C. (Mrs) Gordon, A.J. Gordon, Alexander Charles [Cashier-Watkins Banking Co.] Gordon & Mitchell Gordon & Von Phul Drug Store. See also "Gordon's Drug Store." Gordon, Bernice Gordon, Bertha Gordon, Brown Gordon, Eleanor Gordon, Fred E. (Lt) Gordon, H.H. Gordon, Jack Gordon, Jennie C. Gordon, J. Waddell Gordon, Lesa Gordon, (M/M) Gordon, S. Waddell Gordon, S. Waddell (Mrs) Gordonair, J.H. (Mr) Gordon's Bluff Gordon's Drug Store. See also "Gordon & Von Phul Drug Store." Gordy, John D. Gordy, Kathy Gordy, M.B. (Mrs) Gore Family Gore, J.D. (Mrs) Gore, Robert Book/Page number 10/186b 1/226 8/308a 3/80, 85; Old Places/10 8/3 6/89; 5/93; 8/269 2/253; 3/17, 72, 174; 4/148; 5/276; 6/210; 7/370; 8/309 8/7, 162, 304 3/47; 7/203; 8/214, 256, 269, 298; 10/123 8/93, 238 8/275 1/208, 221, 226; 2/95; 3/36, 70; 6/48, 66, 79; 7/116; 8/9, 23, 84, 87, 90; 10/121, 309, 316; Old Places/64 8/318 8/85 (photo) 6/66; 8/69; 10/213, 214 10/114 10/191 1/3 1/59f,i 1/26 1/6-8, 14, 16, 26, 27, 29, 30, 36, 42, 47; 2/37; 3/120, 121 2/128, 167 1/61L, 64, 208, 229; 2/75, 221, 234, 240, 275; 3/156, 161, 163, 164, 166; 6/87 4/123; 5/7; 7/15; 8/188, 309 4/166 4/147 7/147, 334 7/398 4/97; 10/325 6/4-5, 7, 12 5/4 2/240 5/236 3/60 1/61i; 3/157, 159; 4/169, 171; 5/7; 6/87, 91 8/219 5/326 1/90 2/75, 351; 3/98, 102, 169; 4/78; 5/7; 6/25, 87 (photo), 91; 7/155, 273, 426, 428, 435; 8/309; 10/186g, 189e, 209 4/147 6/182 7/111 1/205; 4/118 5/209 4/80 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Gore, Virgil Gore, William Gorgas, Wiliam C. Gorham Gorham, Albert Gorham & Mitchell (Law Office) Gorham, Annabella Gorham, Daniel Barlow (Judge) Gorham, Daniel Barlow (Mrs) Gorham, Drew and Minnie Gorham, E.L. Gorham, Edward Gorham, Edwin Gorham, Ellanora Gorham Family Gorham, Harrison Dres Gorham, J.E. (Judge) Gorham, Julia Gorham, Mary Gorham, Mary Jane Gorham, (Mrs) Gorham, W.E. (Mrs) Gorham, William E. Gorham, W.R. Gormly, Bat Gormly, (Brothers) Gormly, Elizabeth Gormly, Henry Austin Gormly, R.A. Gospel Singing Concert Gossen, J.W. (Mrs) Gossett, Andrew Gossett, A.S. Gossett, Bill Gossett, Emmett (Capt) Gossett Family Gossett, G.M. Gossett, Galveston Gossett, Harley Gossett, Jim Gossett, Johanna Gossett, Morgan Gossett, Ruth Gossett, R.W. Gothreaux, Murphy J. Book/Page number 7/168; 10/166, 167 1/96, 111 5/3 1/106 1/215; 3/26; 6/25; 10/32-33, 38, 52, 221 1/172 6/210 (photo); 7/406 (photo); 10/48 1/40, 168, 208, 230; 2/26, 75 (photo), 128, 161, 165, 205, 219, 231, 253, 286; 3/17, 19, 26 (photo), 36, 107 (photo of house), 203, 214; 4/78; 5/9, 12; 6/113; 10/22, 23, 26, 36, 45, 46, 109, 161, 171, 186b, 187a, 191, 3/26 (photo), 80, 174; 4/167 (photo); 6/153 3/26 (photo) 6/17, 210 8/13; 10/23, 26; 1/204; 10/221 (photo), 224 (photo) 3/26 (photo); 6/17; 10/171 8/214 6/25 7/296 10/110 3/26 (photo); 10/26, 29 7/8 10/115, 126, 197, 226, 235-236 2/204 4/214; 7/173 1/221; 3/26 (photo); 5/146; 6/67, 151; 7/67, 111, 298, 451; 8/73, 74 (photo), 104, 145, 236, 324; 9/4 7/449 3/197 8/208 10/115 7/174 (photo) 9/39 3/216 6/208 2/189; 3/98 4/169 10/177 7/351 Old Cemeteries/12 2/131 2/80; 3/67 (photo of home) 7/201 1/234 (photo) 2/81, 86 7/81 3/80 4/171 7/338 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Gothreaux, Myrle H. Gouaux, Fernand H. Gouaux, V.C. Gouchaud, "PeeWee" Goudeau, Andree Goudeau, Barbe Goudeau, Barbe (Mrs) Goudeau, Florence Goudeau, Henrietta Barbe Goudeau, L.A. Goudeau, Lionel Goudeau, (Mr) Goudeau, Renee Goudet, Edward (Mrs) Gould, Cecil Gould, Jeffie Gould, W.C. Gouldi, J.C. Gouldin, Carl A. and Edgar D. Governors, Southern Conference of Gowanlock, James Nelson Gowdy, Walter Grabow Riot Grace Grace Church, St. Francisville, La. Grace, J.E. Grace, Tom (Jr) Grace, W.R., Davison Chem. Div. Graceland Cemetery Gradwohl, David Gradwohl, H. Gradwohl's Store Grady, Henry W. Grafton, Conrad Grafton, Dale M. Grafton, Della Grafton, L.L.(Mrs) Grafton, Louis Grafton, Maxine Gragard, Everett (Capt) Gragg, Ray (Mrs) Graham, Brownie Graham, George Graham, George (Mrs) Graham, Gilbert Graham, Gilbert (Mrs) Graham, Harold Graham, James Graham, J.F. (Mrs) Graham, J.H. (Mrs) Graham, Leo B. Book/Page number 7/229 7/296 5/56 4/190 7/90; 10/193 7/190 2/51 (photo); 7/146, 173, 225 3/136 (photo) 3/186 (photo) 5/56 4/167 (photo) 2/212 10/179 7/146 4/123 3/134 (photo) 2/258 2/161 7/177 10/95 5/62 7/34 8/338 10/207 13A/7 4/171 5/331 6/182 (map), 184 2/256; 3/132, 138, 205; 4/282; 6/32 2/169 2/37 5/13 5/13 6/69 (photo), 72; 7/133 6/69 (photo), 70, 73; 7/122 (photo), 133 (photo), 140, 183, 227, 282 (photo), 452, 454, 7/457 7/122 7/133 6/73, 75; 7/133 7/327 10/138, 148 6/72 13A/38 5/326 2/331; 5/94; 7/15 4/169; 7/112 7/81 3/106 7/146 7/111 7/296 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Graham, (Mr) Graham, W.B. Graham, W.D. Graham, Willard (M/M) Graham, William Granau, E.L. Grand Bayou Grand Chenier Schools Grand Chenier, La. Grand Coteau, La. Grand Entertainment Grand Jury Room Grand Lake, La. Grand Lake School Grand Leader, The Ladies Clothing Grand Marais Grand Point or Pointe Grand River Grande Terre Grandma Joe Grange, J.G. Granger, Albert Granger, Alexander Granger, Azemie Granger, Baptiste and Clairville Granger, D.L. (Mrs) Granger, Edson Granger Family Granger, Henry (Mrs) Granger, Holden (Mrs) Granger, Issac Granger, J.B. Granger, Jean Baptiste Granger, John Granger, Joseph Jupiter Granger, Joseph Granger, Joseph V. Granger, Josephine Granger, Lee Granger, Leo (Mrs) Granger, Marcella Granger, Mitchell Granger, (Mr) Granger, Oscar (Mrs) Granger, Oscar Rhudell Granger, Sarah Granger, Treville Granger, Wilson Joseph Granger's Grangier, Gilbert Grannison, W.M., Reverend Book/Page number 2/352 5/314 5/202 9/133 5/77 2/331; 4/190; 8/186-187 4/281 4/283, 300, 301 4/147, 161, 263 ,268-270, 272,277, 280, 282-283, 288-290, 292 1/210 1/14-15 1/155 1/146; 4/5, 22, 29, 31, 290; 6/77; 8/90 4/300 5/139 1/59, 149, 153 1/81, 91 4/4 13A/37 c3 Old Places/29 (photo) 3/61 7/201 7/327, 330 (photo) 7/268 1/75 Old Cemeteries/24 7/95 1/192; 2/274 9/149 5/28 7/229 13A/8 c1 1/1, 26, 30, 33, 45, 47, 92 1/94, 112, 114, 146, 148, 159 2/132; 5/17 13A/21 c2 p14 7/228 4/81 13A/132 c4 p3 6/49 1/168 1/228 1/72, 87 13A/19 c3 p10 7/217 Old Cemeteries/21 1/74, 87, 91 7/81, 95 1/123 6/152 8/239 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Grant, Annie Bullitt Grant, U.S. Grantham, J.M. Granville, Charles Grapes, W.A. Grater, Charles Gratton, Charles and Enoch Grave, J.A. Grave, J.A. (Mrs) Graves, Jack (Sgt) Graves, Jack (Mrs) Graves, Mary Todd Graves, Patrick Hurst and William Benjamin (M/M) Graveyard Gravolet, E.W. (Rep) Gray Gray, Absolom Gray, Amy and Jim Gray, Carilee Gray, Earl (M/M) Gray, Elisha Gray, Elizabeth Gray Estate Gray Family Gray, F.H., H.M., and Gray Street Gray, G.W. Gray, Glenn Gray, H.N. (Dr) Gray, Hardy Gray, Henry Gray, Henry, Memorial Legion Home Gray, Irving Gray, Jack Gray, James Gray, James Earl Gray, James (Mrs) Gray, John Geddings (Ged) Gray, John Geddings School Gray, Lelia Gray, L.F. Gray, Mary Jane "Molly" Gray, Mathilda Geddings Gray, Richard Gray, Robert Gray, Ruby Book/Page number 3/26 (photo) 1/229; 3/137 5/77 5/77 5/207 10/177 7/82 1/63 1/61 I 7/190 8/3 7/111 7/338 1/257 10/92, 94 1/226 1/168 1/53 7/57 7/106, 240, 303, 440; 8/72, 162 1/136 7/332 5/13 1/44 (photo); Old Places/125 6/66 5/331 10/187a 1/53, 159; 10/125; Old Places/125 2/2 1/282, 283; 2/69; 5/206, 309; 8/314 9/57, 146; 10/99 7/64 7/303, 440 (photo); 8/107, 317; 10/161 2/16, 168 10/193 2/124 1/279, 282, 283; 2/2, 12, 69, 95, 132, 237, 238, 264; 5/206; 6/13, 64, 66, 83; 8/277 10/289 1/53; 10/44 7/451 1/7, 8, 53, 56, 57, 57e, 59h, 60, 61i, 62; 2/68; 3/48 (Photo), 85, 174, 177 1/56, 214, 283, 213 (home-photo); 2/69, 388; 3/71; 4/114; 5/206, 225, 263, 264, 309; 6/11; 8/57, 70, 198, 313, 314, 323; 9/9, 10 (Photo), 129, 149, 289, 309 7/440; 8/92 6/72; 7/198, 229, 303, 440 (Photo); 10/47 1/53; 5/153; 9/50; 10/22, 23 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Gray, Sidney L. (Mayor) Gray, Sidney L. (Mrs) Gray, T.A. (Comm) Gray, Thomas R. Gray, William Kirkman (M/M) Graye, James A. (Family and Home) Gray's Bluff Gray's Ranch Great A & P Tea Co. Great Britain Great Depression-1930's Great Southern Telephone Co. Great Swamp Greathouse, Arlen, Lawrence, and Greathouse Farm Greathouse, Geo. E. Grebe (Ship) Greek Cargo ship Greelfeif, J.D. Green Green, Albert Granville (Sr. and Jr.) and Thomas J. Green, Annie Green, Billy Green, (Capt) Green, C.H. Green, E.H. Green, Edith Green, Edward Green, Edward (Mrs) Green, Elizabeth Green Family Green, Frank Green Frog Restaurant Green, (Gen) Green, George L. and Percy W. Green, Gertrude Green, H.N. and James R. Green, H.R. Green, Hart Green, Hugh Green, Ida K. Green, J.R. Green, John, Moses, and Wiley Green, Katherine Green, Mary J. Green, Michael Green, (Mr) Green, (Mrs) Green, Myrtle Book/Page number 3/189; 4/281, 294; 6/69 (Photo), 73; 7/303, 440 (photo); 8/107, 147, 162, 175, 179, 186, 187, 194, 231, 317, 338; 9/4, 114, 123, 127, 142; 7/440 7/438 7/240, 303, 440 (photo) 1/96, 283; 5/206, 225, 276, 309; 8/57, 277, 313, 314; 9/9, 57; 10/148 1/59k, 61i, 62; 2/223; 3/41, 80, 121, 148; 4/171; 5/233, 332; 6/8, 16, 44, 113, 121 3/143 1/283 7/155, 273, 426, 428; 10/209 4/26 8/191 2/268, 269; 6/100 4/4-5 8/13 (photo) 7/6, 7 6/171, 172, 174 8/195 (photo) 1/157 1/54 7/253 2/147; 3/17, 47 10/210 (photo) 1/210 2/132 3/232; 4/95 8/119, 308a 10/52 3/11 10/224 (photo) 5/79 1/61 6/199 3/29 7/296 7/200 4/171 3/41 3/47 10/22 7/402 2/284; 3/105, 223, 224-225 1/161 1/32, 33; 4/81; 10/38 1/27 1/168 2/70 7/98 7/123 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Green, Ned Green, Nelson Green, Odis Green, Olivia D. Green, Percy (Mrs) Green Powell Home Green, Richard Green, Rufe Green, S.R. Green, Sallie Green, W.B. Green, William Green, William H. Green, William L. Greenberg, Ben and Jake Greenberg, Dave (Family) Greenberg, Harold Greenberg, Marvin Greene, Glen Lee (Dr) Greene, J.E. Greene, Juanita Greene, Larry O. Greene, Vercial J. (2nd Lt) Greene, Ney L. "Grand Sachem" Greenleaf, Carl Greenleaf, Carl (Mrs) and Home Greenroad [or Greenrood], Curtis, Delma, Henry, Jonnie Ray, and Joseph Greenroad, Harry Green's Bluff, Texas Green's Brigade Green's Ready-To-Wear Store Greenwich Village Greenwood Cemetery (Jennings, La.) Greenwood, E.A. Greenwood, Henry Greer, E.W. Greer, Howard Greer, Hudnrll T. Greeson, E.E. Greeson, E.T. Greeson, Thomas A. Gregg, Bessie Gregg, Prairie Community Gregory, C.W. Gregory Saloon Gregory, T.M.(Mrs) Greig, Alma, Carol, Daniel, and Rose Dauterive Greig, Carlos (Prof) Grein, George E. Grein, George L. Grein, Ray Grein, Ruth Book/Page number 2/211 9/15 8/347 9/15 7/146; 10/185, 197 3/185 (photo) 1/95 3/11; 10/31 2/265 2/112; 3/69 6/174 1/161; 2/131 7/228 7/64 7/228 7/198, 228, 319 7/228, 282 (Photo), 319, 454; 10/47, 233 7/228, 454; 10/233 3/216 10/19 7/107 (Photo), 120; 10/169 8/92 7/432 3/98 5/205; 8/93 8/93 (photo) 8/3 5/82 1/213, 206; 4/125, 127 1/225 7/93 8/192 4/100 7/99 (photo) 5/85, 243; 8/235 (photo) 8/209 5/152 6/208 2/264, 331; 5/205; 8/283, 140 8/88 6/96 7/111 4/283 2/132 1/221 7/146 Old Cemeteries/17 2/95, 102, 120; 5/66; Old Cemeteries/17 8/15 6/19 8/103 10/29, 130a NAME OR DESCRIPTION Grein, S.R. (Mrs) Greiner, Paul Greiner, Paul (Mrs) Gremillion, Red Greondyke, R.W. (Mrs) Gresham, Billy Gresham, G.A. Gresham, J.L. (M/M) Gresham, Joe Greunther, Alfred M. (Gen) Greveling, Jacob Grevemberg, Oralie Grevenberg, Roy (Mrs) Grey, R. (Dr) Greyhound Bus Terminal Gribble, Billie Grieble, Lou Griff, Archie Griffen, Ernest (Mrs) Griffen, Ted Griffen, Willie (Sgt) Griffin, Charles Griffin, Grace Griffin, Mike Griffin, Pat Griffith, Alva Griffith Bayou Griffith, Clayton Griffith Coulee Griffith, David Griffith, Dora Welch Griffith, Dudley Griffith, Edytha Griffith, Elizabeth Griffith, Eula Mae Griffith, Gayle Griffith, Georgia Griffith, Henry Griffith, Ira L. (M/M) Griffith, Jonathon Griffith, Josh and Nathan Griffith, Joshua Griffith, Mary Eliza Griffith, May Foreman Griffith, Preston (Mrs) Griffith, R.R. Griffith, Sam Griffith, ZADOC Grigg, Alma Grigg, Clarke (Mrs) Book/Page number 9/14 2/19, 34, 53, 240; 3/41, 197 (Photo), 204; 5/138, 154; 6/39, 48 3/80 7/82 6/16 7/90, 156 (photo), 200, 220, 288, 235, 241, 316, 454, 452 7/200 7/190, 288, 316 2/220 4/199 6/83 4/100 10/223 1/153 3/105; 8/283 5/252 8/33 6/83 4/192 5/331 7/384 10/186f, 198g 7/111 5/77 7/100 4/135 5/17; 10/312 7/193 (photo), 315, 320 6/78 10/312 4/210, 218 4/210, 225 4/80 4/149 7/315 5/266 10/107 (photo) 1/74, 87, 91-92, 168 7/193, 315, 320 1/87 Old Cemeteries/24 1/112, 121, 127 Old Cemeteries/23 7/193 4/18 2/353 2/243; 7/296 1/123, 132 8/73 9/4 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Grigsby, Enoch, Joseph, and Nathaniel Grimaldi, Sallie Grindol, John Grissom, Ann Grissom, Ervin Earl Grissom, Margie or Marjorie Grissom, Robert Griswold, Richmond Grocers and Groceries - See names of individual stores. Groom, (Mrs) Groom, C.B. and Sallie Cunningham Gros, Carmaletta Gros, Kenneth G. Gross, Blanche Gross, Dallas Gross, Evelyn Gross, J.L. (Mrs) Gross, Leo (Mrs) Gross, Marguerite, Sue Gross, W.J. (Mrs) Grosse, Armand Gros Tete, Bayou Grosze, Lavern Grosze, Naomi Louise Grosze, Theo Grotzinger, John R. Grout, Dudley Grout, Edward A. Grout, Everett (M/M) Grout, Jack (M/M) Grout's Shingle Mill Grover, Edna Grover, Merwin G. Grover, Walter E. Grubb, Loren L. Gruenther, Alfred (Gen) Grunik, Helen, Joseph, and Paul Grunik, John Guadat, Albert Guam Avenue Guano, Islands Guaranty Trust Co. Guardinia, Mary Guatemala expedition Gude Construction Co. Gudehus, Bobby Dwain, Charles (Jr), Frances, and Pauline Guderian, Heinz (Gen) Guedry, Will S. (Mrs) Guenther, Karl Emmett Guerie, Elisien Guerin, Albert, Alphonse (Jack), Blanche, Castillo, and Eve Bonin Guerre, Louis F. (Gen) Book/Page number 1/168 2/147 2/335 (photo) 10/177 7/183, 277, 282, 454 7/22, 107, 324 (Photo); 10/129, 130a (photo) 10/166, 198f 8/75 Old Cemeteries/9 Old Cemeteries/11 6/16 7/68 7/8 3/140 10/69 7/122 (photo) 7/115 10/127 (photo), 129 (Photo), 130 7/111 10/203, 185 4/31 10/198a, 198b 10/161, 165 10/167 7/456 2/132; 10/348 7/296 8/193 (photo); 9/44, 131 1/235; 8/193 (photo) 3/232 4/25 2/258 13A/54 c1 8/364 4/206 9/27 5/229, 284; 9/26 (photo), 27 5/83 8/218, 219 1/265 9/130 8/23 5/263 3/184, 185 7/118 7/383 10/107 (photo) 2/265; 7/86 1/109 13A/18 8/231, 233 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Guess, Edward Preston Guest, Dee Myers Guest, Edgar Gueydan, Henry L. Gueydan, La. Guidro, Pierre Guidroz, Earl Guidroz, Harry and Paul Guidroz, Paul (M/M) Guidroz, Rodney Guidroz, Sidney Guidry Guidry, Albert Guidry, Ashley (S/Sgt.) Guidry, Augustin Guidry, Betty Irene Guidry, C. (M/M), Linnis, and Mary Vincent Guidry, Daisy B. Guidry, Dorothy Guidry, Duas Guidry, E. (Mrs.) Guidry, Edward L. (M/M ) Guidry, Eugene Guidry, Evans Guidry Family Guidry, George Guidry, Dr. H.J. Guidry, Mrs. H.W. Guidry, Harry Guidry, Henry Guidry, Hermogene Guidry, Hipolite Guidry, Inez Judy Guidry, J. Guidry, Janius (Family) Guidry, Jean Guidry, Jess Willard Guidry, Joachim Guidry, John Guidry, Joseph Guidry, Jules Guidry, Leo A. Guidry, Leo T. Guidry, Lois Guidry, Louis Guidry, Mallius John Guidry, Marion Sidney Guidry, Mary Rebecca Guidry, Menisk Guidry, Mr. Guidry, Mrs. Guidry, Patrick and P.J. Book/Page number 7/449 2/357-358 2/277 3/182 4/283; 8/89 1/110 7/441 7/447 7/363 7/363 (photo), 447 (photo) 4/447 (photo); 7/363 (photo) 1/92, 164 7/66; 13A/20 c2 p4 7/401 (photo) 1/30, 49 10/161 7/211 (photo) 8/70, 323 7/391, 411 5/204 8/93 7/50 13A/20c2 p4; 1/149 10/177 6/48 4/123 2/333 7/294 10/166 13A/20c2 p4; 5/286 1/145 1/211 7/401 1/161 7/391, 411, 424 1/42, 43, 55 7/81 1/32 9/57 1/10 1/162, 163 7/130 (photo), 396 (photo), 431 7/454 7/130, 396 1/166 7/201 7/449 4/237 7/391 (photo), 411, 454 1/70 2/17 13A/20c2 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Guidry, Patrick H. Guidry, Pierre Guidry, Preston L. Guidry, Rebecca May Guidry, Robert Guidry, Rose Marie Guidry, Russell John Guidry, Theogene F. Pvt. Guidry, Trevelle Guidry, Ursain Guidry, V.J. Guidry, Warren Guidry, Wesley Guidry, Whitney (Mrs.) Guidry, Will Guilbault, Marius Dastre Guilbeau, Connie H. Guilbeau, Conway Guilbeau, Easton J. (Pfc.) Guilbeau, Hugh F. (Capt.) Guilbeau, Rodney Guilbeau, Mrs. Rodney Guilbeau, Verna Guild, C.G. & Co., Bakery Guild, Charlie Guillement [or Guillmet, Guillomet], William A. Guillement, William A., Mrs. Guilliam, Edith Guillory, C.A. Blacksmith Shop Guillory, George Guillory, Harry Guillory, Mrs. Helen Guillory, Howard J. Guillory, Isaac Guillory, Isaac (Mrs) Guillory, J.B. Guillory, John Guillory, Joseph Irving Guillory, J.E. (M/M) Guillory, Jerry Ann, Loretta, and Nina Guillory, Lastie G. Guillory, Leon Dupre Guillory, Lenus J. and Roosevelt H. Guillory, Leroy Guillory, Lester Guillory, Louis Guillory, Martha Guillory, Oliver E. Guillory, Ollie (Mrs) Guillory, Sam Guillory, Sidney Book/Page number 7/228 1/32, 116 7/64 4/226, 229 7/410; 10/177 8/308a 7/210 7/331 1/258, 259; 8/337 1/26, 45, 52 7/396 7/391, 424 13A/12 6/68 8/305 7/201 6/68 10/63 7/417 7/357 4/218, 273 4/189, 196, 225, 229 10/147 (photo) 5/140 6/44 1/59k, 61, 63; 2/325; 3/93, 103, 111; 4/171; 5/142 1/59c 10/47 6/103 7/406 6/32 7/283 7/352 7/199 7/391 7/168 7/296 7/95 9/131 7/282c 1/156; 5/14 7/66 7/452 2/328 4/218 Old Cemeteries/24 13A/18c4 p12 6/83; 7/82 10/197 2/54; 3/199; 9/114, 116, 124, 125 4/39 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Guillory, Theo (M/M) Guillory, Warren Rigley Guillory, Willis Guillory, Wilmer Guillot, Pauline Guillot, Willis Adrian Guillotine, E.E. Guillotine, J.J. Guillott, V.J. Guinn, Mack Farland Guintard, Cecelia Guintard, Charles Guintard, E.B. (M/M) and Jeanette or Jeanie Guintard, Louis Guintard, Robert (Family) Guirmger, Hugh Gulf & Watkins Railroad [See "Kansas City, Watkins & Gulf Railway"] Gulf Beach Highway Gulf Breezes Gulf Coast Trip Gulf Menhaden Company Gulf, Mobile & Miami Steamship Co. Gulf National Bank Gulf of Mexico Gulf Oil/Refinery Co. Gulf Ports Association Gulf, Sabine & Kansas City Railroad [See also "Kansas City Southern Railroad"] Gulf Shipping Lines Gulf States Utillities Gulles, Cossie Esco Gulliver, Louis J. (Commander) Gully, Antoine's Gum Cove Ferry Gummic, Davey Gun Clubs Gun Collection Gundy, Thomas Gunn, A.J. Gunn, Betty Irene Gunn, Bobby A. Gunn, Elmer C. (Rev. and Mrs.) Gunn, Emma Gunn, Frank Gunn, Frank (Mrs) Gunn, Gordon S. Gunn, Hattie B. Gunn, J.V. Gunn, Jack (and Cash Store) Book/Page number 7/345 7/217 7/228 6/68; 7/201, 283, 331; 8/240, 261, 353 Old Cemeteries/22 7/39 6/190 8/245 8/45 7/437 10/47 7/400 (photo); 10/162, 175, 176, 186 7/400 5/314 7/244, 338, 400; 10/63 7/296 5/114 1/221-222; 8/258 Old Places/50 4/272, 298 6/167 2/267; 3/197; 4/277; 5/154; 8/37; 9/118, 121, 127 1/196, 273 1/132; 2/17; 5/339; 8/64; 10/186g,d 8/16 2/205 9/2 2/261; 3/105; 6/3, 17, 182, 199, 204; 7/67, 107, 153, 155, 273, 426, 428; 8/195, 216; 10/186g, 198b, 209 7/201 6/171-174 1/145 3/199 7/296 3/15 5/260 1/168 2/49-50 2/355; 8/6; 10/68, 127 (photo) 7/229 2/80, 323, 356; 3/56, 57 5/4 1/59k, 63; 4/171; 5/8; 6/112 2/44; 6/14 7/147, 334 (photo) 7/298, 334 5/226 1/229; 2/243; 7/155, 156, 273, 426, 428, 435 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Gunn, Lula Gunn, R.J "Dick" (M/M) Gunn, R.J., Mrs. Book Store Gunn, "Sonny" Gunn, W.C. (Mrs) Gunselman, Delma Gunter, W. (P/O) Gunter Field, Ala. Gunter, Tex. Gunthier, "Dutch" Guree, Robert Gurley, Larey Thomas Guth Dairy Guth, Harold (Mrs) Guth, Lyle W. (Mrs) Guthrie, Clarence W. Guy, Bayou Guyer, Axel (Pfc) Guynes, James Maurice Guzzino, Lawrence Gwynne, Gwendolyn K. Gyles, May and Sarah Gystell, George Haakon (King of Norway) Haar, George Haas, Jerome Haber Family Haber, J.P. Haber, Mary Ellen and M.P. (Mrs) Hachet, Edwin J. Hackberry Island Hackberry, La. Hackberry School Hackett, Albert Hackett, Bobby and R.O. (Mrs) Hackett, James K. Hackett, N.B. Hackett, Robert Hackett, U.E. Hackett's Bakery Hacks Hadden, Earl and Staley Haden, Perry Andrew Hadley, E.L. (Mrs) Hadley, Dorothy Hadley, Herbert Hadley, M. Hagar [or Hager], Jesse Book/Page number 6/42 (photo) 2/33, 34, 40, 41 (home photo), 44, 45 (photo), 162, 247; 3/22; 6/42, 64 1/174, 221, 251; 2/234; 6/42, 113 10/186 7/297 5/4 7/88 7/81 1/222 5/226 7/296 7/296 10/186e, 198b 10/138 7/50 7/217 1/65 7/83 (photo) 7/86 7/3 5/243 2/205 1/146 7/259 7/296 8/170 4/102 4/100 4/17 2/265 1/29, 33, 39, 42, 45, 60, 65, 81, 87, 91-95, 112, 122, 137, 138, 152 1/46, 75, 88, 91, 107; 4/104-106, 267, 287, 293; 6/68, 199; 7/111 4/293, 300, 301 8/82 13A/19 c1p13 5/3 13A/18 c4p8 7/296 4/150, 291, 294; 10/53 5/9 6/34 (photo) 8/139 7/201 10/115, 126 (photo), 139 7/53 10/137 3/60 1/167; 2/269; 3/15, 23 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Hagar, John Hagar, Mr. Hage, George Hage, Nafty Hage, Naste (Mrs) Hagenbeck, Wallace [Wild Animal Show] Hager, Bud, Jerald, T.E., and W.R. Hager, Frank (Mrs) and Roel Hager, John Hager, Leona, Mary, and Will Haggart, Robert Haggerty, John L. (Lt) Haigler Hailstorm - 1953 Haines, Hazel Haiti Halbert, Nathan Hale & Eddy, Inc. Hale, Jack (Capt) Hale, James (M/M and Ferry) Hale, J. Lyons "Red" Hale, Johnson L. (Lt) Hale, (Mrs) Hale, Professor Hale, Randell W. Hale, Richard (M. Sgt) Hale, Robert (M/M) Hale, Rowland Hale, Sam (Capt) Hale, W.B. Haley, Arthur Haley, Wade C. (Mrs) Halfin, Robert (Mrs) Halisy, James Hall, A.B. Hall, Albert Hall, Ann Laura Smith and William M. (Family) Hall, Carl Walker Hall, C.E. Hall, Cecil D. (Mrs) Hall, D.M. Hall, Dominick Augustin (Judge) Hall, Ema Hall, Green, Capt.(Family and Hotel and Saloon) Hall, H.T.W. Hall, Harry (Mrs) Hall, Hazel Hall, James Book/Page number 1/95, 159, 210, 225; 2/238; 7/296; 13A/18 c5p1; Old Places/149 1/90,153-154 3/189 7/15, 100 7/111; 10/165, 185 6/23 Old Places/149 13A/20 10/290 13A/18 8/254 (photo) 2/258 10/131 8/168 10/107 (photo) 1/210 1/168 7/155, 273, 426, 428, 435; 8/305 7/238 (photo), 241 1/121, 124-126, 138; 2/268; 4/147; 7/102 7/84 (photo) 7/400 (photo) 3/43 10/23, 171a 7/64 8/180 1/128; 2/319; 3/85; 4/123, 169; 5/326; 6/16, 45; 7/84, 198, 296; 10/16,118b 1/59e 6/182 10/25-26 6/83 4/199, 205 7/146 1/168 4/87, 95 7/82 7/380 7/429 3/191 10/138 5/115 13A/51 c2 3/14 1/8, 10, 13, 14, 36, 37, 44, 162; 2/37, 57, 62, 63, 98, 107, 122, 154, 174, 201, 276; 2/224, 225; 3/14, 46, 70; 5/13; 6/29, 64, 66, 113 8/338 7/272 1/36 1/124-125 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Hall, James A. and Virgil M. Hall, James T. Hall, Jay Hall, Lloyd I. (Pfc) Hall, Louis A. Hall, Lutie Hall, Marjorie Hall, Monty C. Hall, Morris Hebert Hall, (Mrs.) Hall, R.B. Hall, Robert Hall, S. Hall, Sophia Hall, Thad Hall, Thomas Hall, Wayne Hallmark, James Milton Halloran, Florence Halloway, Pete Halloway, Tom Halloway, William P. (M/M) Halloween Hall's Ferry Halore, Lastie . Halpin, John E. Halpin, W.J. (Mrs) Halsey, "Bull" (Admiral) Halstead, Felix Halstead, F.G. (Mrs) Halton, L.E. (M/M) and Marion Jeanette Halton, Myrtle (Lt) Halton, Travers Lee (Lt) Halton, James T. Halverson [or Halvolsen], Andrew Ham, Benjamin Ham, Cephas R. Ham, C.H. Ham, C.K. Ham, H.R. Ham, Isaac Hamand, Emma Hamand, Margaret Hamblin, Zacheus Hambrick, Joseph Eugene Hamburg-American Freighter Shipping Lines Hamburgh, La. Hamby, Monroe G. Hamby, William R. (M/M) Hamer, P.M. Hames, Richard H. Hamil, A.B. Book/Page number 7/296 7/228 4/277 7/5 7/99 (photo) 10/23 10/47 5/89 7/201 2/204 2/245 1/98,120,123,126-127,162; 7/81, 294 2/265 1/57, 57d&e 6/208 6/89, 190; 9/38 10/186 g & f 4/66 7/217, 348, 431 10/198d 6/122 10/192 8/265 1/162 5/177 7/228 5/326 7/451; 8/15 5/205 2/271 6/153 7/116 2/258 1/168 2/146; 5/82 1/19, 21, 26, 57 1/19 1/51 1/23, 28 1/11 1/136 6/176; 10/161 6/176 1/279 7/5 (photo) 5/280 3/187 6/82 7/39, 45, 116 1/229 7/64 8/65 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton & Welsh Mill Hamilton, Benjamin Joseph Hamilton, Bonnie Mae Hamilton, C.W. (Dr) Hamilton, Chester C. Hamilton, Coralie Houston Hamilton, D.L. (Rev. or Prof.) Hamilton, Edward (Dr.) Hamilton, Edward (Mrs) Hamilton Family Hamilton, Fay M. Hamilton, Floyd Hamilton, Floyd (Mrs) Hamilton, F.M. Hamilton, Freeman Hamilton, H.W. (Mrs) Hamilton, Helen Ruth Hamilton, Hugh Hamilton, Issac Hamilton, Jeptha (Rev.) Hamilton, Jessie Mae, Samuel P. (M/M), and Thomas J. Hamilton, John Hamilton, Joseph Hamilton, June Hamilton, Lola Hamilton, Lydia Blanche Hamilton, Madison Hamilton, May Hamilton, (Mrs) Hamilton, Norman Houston Hamilton, Randall Hewitt Hamilton, Sallie Dear Hamilton School Hamilton, Vance Jr. Hamilton, Verna Hamilton, Vernon (Mrs.) Hamilton, William Hamle, Janelle Hamlin, Cyrus Hammand & Wentz Hammand, Emma Hammand, Margaret Hammer, Wilbur F. Hammett, R.H. (Rev) Hammock, George Hammond, C.E. (Rev) Hammond, D.M. Hammond, F.S. Hammond, H.A. (Mrs) Hammond, J.E. (Rev) Book/Page number 3/117; 5/80 1/159 7/86 10/185, 197 2/238 7/217 7/350 1/206; 10/19 1/291, 293-296; 3/147; 4/283 (photo); 10/221, 222 (photo) 5/326; 7/111 1/206 7/410 6/151; 10/118b, 205, 126 7/338, 360, 430; 10/126,165 4/169; 10/59, 140 6/66 7/8 3/226; 8/2 8/236 1/127; 7/430 1/206; 3/217 7/290 (photo) 1/110, 114, 123, 126, 138, 146, 152; 7/419 1/111,120 10/138 3/112, 116, 119 10/48 7/283; 10/164 10/126 1/296 7/360 7/338, 350 (photo), 360 5/171 10/71, 205, 210, 214, 223 7/296 10/186e, 198g, 221, 226 7/116 1/32, 45, 73, 89; 2/132 7/218 (photo) 3/205 1/261; 2/221 (Real estate); 5/139 1/51; 6/17; 10/23, 26, 30, 45, 46 10/30 8/291 3/180 5/55 1/39-40 6/203 (photo) 3/36 3/137 1/59i NAME OR DESCRIPTION Hammond, J.J. (Rev) Hammond, Otis (Mrs) Hammons, Lucille Hammons, P.E. (Mrs) Hamner, Walker W. Hampshire, Jacob Hampshire, John Hampson, Fred Hampton, Albert Miller Hampton, Bert Hampton, Charles Burt Hampton, Charles P. (and Mill) Hampton Family Hampton, George Wade Hampton, Mary Lovonia Hamshire Hamshire, John Hanagan, Dorothy Hanagan, W.H. (Mrs) Hanagriff, Walter M. (Family) Hanauer, Edmund M. (Mrs) Hanchey, Ada Hanchey, Clint W. Hanchey, Edmee Hanchey Family Hanchey, Graydon, Marguerette, Richard R., and S.L. (M/M) Hanchey, H.G. (M/M) Hanchey, James W. and John Hanchey, Jeff F. Hanchey, Kinney Hanchey, (Mr.) Hanchey, Paul Herman Hanchey, William B. (and Bridge) Hanchie, Ben Hancock County, Miss. Hancock, John Hancock, Pete Handley, E.T. Handley, Gerald Parks Handley, Jack H. (Mayor & Mrs) Book/Page number 1/8 7/209, 211 7/11 5/209 6/83 1/80 1/92 7/212 5/4 8/252 1/218; 4/77, 82; 7/373; 8/256 (photo), 309 2/130, 150, 286; 3/214; 4/82, 87, 95; 13A/5 3/232; 4/86 4/82; Old Places/114 4/81 1/220 1/11 7/377 7/442 7/202, 210 3/105 7/131; 8/216 (photo); 10/148 7/370; 9/52; 10/118, 192 7/401; 10/138 1/225; 4/121 7/401 1/160; 7/266 1/158 2/132 1/205 3/172 7/201, 266 1/157, 158, 160, 161, 185, 205; 4/96; 5/79 7/82 1/205 8/192 6/50 7/291; 8/217a (photo) 7/86 1/226, 227; 2/51 (photo), 402; 5/110, 262, 273, 319; 6/210; 7/3, 5, 53, 54, 60, 67, 69, 82, 87, 89, 94, 98, 103, 106, 109, 113, 117, 119 (photo), 123 (photo), 131, 143, 154, 166, 178, 195, 299, 308, 337, 342, 370, 372; 8/221, 223, 238, 241, 308; 10/164, 303, 306 Handley, Jay (T.Sgt) Handley, Walterine Handley, W.B. Handley's Café Handy, Wilson (Pvt) Haneburge, Frank Hanes, George G. 7/272 7/87, 89, 308 4/96 5/139 7/232 4/143 7/245 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Haney, Ray G. Hanks, Ivy J. Hanks, Nihla H. Hanks, Ralph Hanks, Samuel G. Hanks, Wallace Hanley, Richard Hannan - Various spellings occur: Hannon, Hannen Hannan, Custer (Mrs) Hannan, Gordon P. (Family) Hannan, John, Mrs. Hannan, Paul (M/M) Hanner, Harry M. Hannon, H.C. Hannum, Frank H. (Mrs) Hansen - Various spellings occur: Hanson Hansen, Annie Hansen, Capt. Hansen, Clarence and Sidney P. Hansen, Elizabeth Hansen, Ferdinand William Hansen, Henry O. (Sgt) Hansen, Hubert, Jacob Hansen, Jena Hansen, Jim (Capt) Hansen, John (Capt) Hansen, Mr. Hansen, Nettie Hansen, Thomas (Capt) Book/Page number 3/217 4/280 7/39, 394 4/294 1/168 6/208 10/63 10/223 7/6, 177 (photo) 7/177 10/180, 185, 187a, 198i 7/93 6/176 7/402 1/7, 27; 2/228 2/233; 5/257 7/296 2/112 2/300 7/380 10/161,162 2/301 3/137; 4/165; 5/5, 82 5/82; 7/355 2/302 1/42, 44; 2/76, 169 1/154, 155, 225; 2/3, 14, 16, 37, 39 (rice mill ad), 170, 228 (photo of home), 248, 269; 3/70, 236; 10/320, 321 Hansen, Thomas (Mrs) 1/8,13 Hanson, Harry 9/4 Hanson, Joe 6/28a Hanson, John 10/133 Hanson, Mrs. M. 2/307 Hanson, R.C.(Mrs) 4/81 Hanson Shingle (Saw/Cypress) Mill. See also Ryan, Geary, and Hanson Mill. 1/208; 5/13; 8/71 Hanszen, Harry C. (Family) 4/39; 5/270 Hantz, Albert ( Mrs) and Willie Mae 7/11 Happy Lane Program 1908 3/166 Harbott, Fred William, Jr. 7/201 Harcrow, V.S. 3/200 Hardeman, Carlton (Col) 5/240 Hardeman, Martha Ruth 10/211 Hardeman, William 10/167, 186b, 211 Hardeman, W. P. 2/264 Harden, Blair 10/212 (photo); 5/207 Hardiman, Raymond Brown 7/81 Hardin, C.E. 1/230; 4/142, 171 Hardin, C.E. (Mrs) 6/16; 10/306 Hardin County, Texas 1/210; 3/53 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Hardin, Earl Hardin Family Hardin, Herbert (Mrs) Hardin, John B. (Col) Hardin, John S. Hardin, Josephine Hardin, Lela ( Mrs) Hardin, Mrs. Hardin, Pujo & Porter Hardin, Thos. H. Hardin, William Kenneth Harding, Harry T. (Capt) Hardtner, Harry (Mrs) Hardtner, Henry E. Hardtner, Henrietta Hardy, C.H. Hardy, Charles, A. Hardy, C.R. (Rev) Hardy, F. J. [real estate] Hardy, Frank (Mrs) Hardy, Geo. W. , Jr Hardy, James and the Pace Family Hardy, Roland Hardy, Tom (Mrs) Hare, John (Mrs) Hare, Monroe Harford, James Hargrave, Elizabeth Hargrave, LeRoy Hargroder, John Earl Hargrove Brothers Funeral Home Hargrove, Elvin Hargrove, Jo Hargrove, John W., Margaret, and Maurice Hargrove, Mary Ann Hargrove, M.V. ( Dr.) Hargrove, M.V. (Mrs) Hargrove, W. R. Harkey, Ira Harkey, William Clinton (Mrs) Harlan, George Harlan, Jess Harlan, Lee Harlan, Ray Harless, Betty Harless, Carroll Harless, Denver Lee (M/M) and H. C. (M/M) Harless, Evelyn Harless, Ivan (Family) Harless, Jerry Harless Lumber Co. Harless, Ray Book/Page number 4/205 1/210; 5/181 7/111, 384 8/46 7/452 5/169 7/111 6/3 (photo) 1/230 7/6,151 7/449 7/184, 196, 212, 215 (photo), 219, 245; 8/236 5/229 5/229, 284; 8/151; 10/337, 338 5/284 1/103 1/97, 98, 100, 104, 107-109; 187; 5/7; 10/6 13A/20, c1, p 1 2/2 2/68 9/45 (photo) 8/192 7/201, 300 2/169 6/35 4/295 (photo) 1/87 8/212 (photo) 7/98 7/66 1/297 7/452 8/103 7/332 5/17 4/91; 7/451; 10/133 (photo) 10/133 (photo) 2/108; 7/451 5/23 7/295 7/184, 296 4/122 5/117 3/181, 186 (photo); 8/229, 283, 302 10/215 (photo), 236 7/252, 340, 392, 454; 10/159, 162, 233 7/340 7/392 7/340, 392 2/288 (photo); 3/216, 217; 7/317, 340, 356, 392 3/199 7/323 (photo), 340, 392 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Harless, Ted (Realty) Harley, Bill Harley, Dick Harley, Dick (M/M) Harley, E. H. Harley, Richard S.Sgt) Harley, Richard M. Harlinger Army Gunnery School Harlow, John Harmanson, O.A. Harmon Harmon, Alvak, Burch, Frank R., and Howard Harmon, Annie Harmon, B. Harmon, B.H. (M/M) [mail carrier] Harmon, Benson Harmon, Beugon (Mrs) Harmon, Calvin W. Harmon, Charles S. Harmon, Dale Harmon, Dan Harmon, David Harmon, D.B. Harmon, D.B. (Mrs.) Harmon, D.H. Harmon, D.S. Harmon, D.S.A. Harmon, D.S.A. (Mrs) Harmon, Frances Harmon, Frank (and Dry Cleaners and Tailor) Harmon, Frank (Mrs) Harmon, Jacob Harmon, John Harmon, Joyce Harmon, Kenneth Doyle (M/M) Harmon, Mary Eugenia Harmon, M. Benson Harmon, Mr. Harmon, Roy Harmon, W.J.S. Harp, Bertha Worthington Harp, Robert Harp, Shirley Ann Harpe, R.T. ( Mrs. ) Harper, A.D. Harper, A.E., Calvin, C.V. "Buddy," Dutch Harper, B.C., Jack Harper, Benjamin F. (Rev) Harper, Churchill A. Harper, H. Book/Page number 7/340, 392; 9/121; 10/159, 186 10/47 10/101 (photo) 7/233 7/304, 312 7/304 7/233 (photo), 312 7/122 22/132 3/130 2/34 3/138 1/103 5/202 1/167; 3/138 (photo) 1/172; 4/11 4/7 3/140 Old Cemeteries/25 6/69 (photo), 72, 75; 10/69 1/170; 10/171, 219 (photo), 220 (photo); 2/37; 3/138; 4/20; 5/13; 7/119 (photo), 204; 8/52 1/65, 69, 71, 75, 78, 79, 81, 86, 90, 92, 94, 102, 106, 146, 153, 168 3/221; 4/78; 10/114 10/115 2/108 1/104 2/130, 133, 170, 173, 248; 10/21, 62 6/151 7/53 4/123; 7/155, 273, 426, 428; 10/186e, 198a 7/94; 9/45 1/91, 93 1/168 10/161 7/302 8/15 7/131 2/53 10/148, 203 5/8 8/308; 10/45, 46 3/323; 5/225 10/161 7/146; 76/403 4/154 1/246 4/147 1/168; 13A/19 c2 p2 3/187 7/296 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Harper, I.G. "Sheriff" Harper, J.B. Harper, James D. (Rev) Harper, Mary Ellen Harper, Patricia Ann Harper, Robert H. Harper, Sam E. Harper, Woodrow Wilson Harrell, Alice Pearl, E.B., Mary Helen Harrell, Evelyn Harrell, Harwood M. (Homer), Lt. Harrell, Morris Harrell, Patricia Bourg and Richard M. Harrell, Rene (Mrs) Harrington, Charles B. Harrington, Grace Harrington, Ida Harrington, J.E. Harrington, Joe Harrington, Lawrence Harrington, Maria Higgins, Poems by Harrington, William Harrington, W.R. Harris, Archie (Mrs) Harris, Arthur T. Harris, Charles R. Harris Construction Co. Harris, Eliza Iles Harris, G.A. (Mrs) and Van (Mrs) Harris, Garrad or Garrard Harris, Gleason LeRoy Jr. Harris, I. O. Harris, Isham G. Harris, Jay Harris, Jewel Harris, John V., J.W. (M/M), and Travis Harris, Jonathan Harris, Jud Harris, Lionel V. Harris, L.L. Harris, L.L. (Mrs) Harris, Mark Harris, Mary Lou Harris, Mary W. Harris, Nixie Harris, Paul P. Harris, Read Harris, Richard (Pvt) Harris, Robert Book/Page number 3/38 2/132 2/323; 5/225 8/254; 10/177 6/182 2/323 5/55 7/66 4/119 5/232 7/195 (photo), 269 (photo), 307; 10/63 7/269 7/217 7/195, 217, 307 4/171 5/216 3/56,147; 4/123; 7/66, 97,100; 8/288; 10/166, 187a, 206 (photo), 215, 114, 115, 138, 155, 184, 185, 196; 1/126 4/199 5/65 4/86; 7/321 2/357-373 6/82; 10/13 8/258 1/42 7/258 4/280 8/226 1/245, 291 7/146 4/101; 5/12 7/449 4/169 5/239 13A/128 c3 p2 4/82 13A/19 1/87 3/60 5/281; 7/151 1/291; 6/16 2/318 (photo 6/3); 4/123; 5/332; 6/3; 8/198; 9/129, 130; 10/69 7/452, 454 Old Cemeteries/22; 13A/22 c2 p7 8/221 7/111 2/329 (photo) 2/92 7/119 7/116 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Harris, Roy Harris, Sidney Harris, S.J. (M/M) Harris, T.H. Harris, Uriah Harris, William H. Harris, Willie Reed Harrison Harrison, Alfred John Harrison, Anna Harrison, C. (M/M) Harrison, Claude Harrison, Doris Harrison, Lela Harrison, L. H. Harrison, Margie Jean Harrison, Nicholas Samuel Harrison, Richard Harrison, T.J. Harrisonburg, La. Harrop, John W. (Family) Harrop, Katherine Harrop, Margaret Harrop, (Miss) Harrop, Mollie Harrop, Patrick J. (M/Sgt) Harry, Helen Harsch, Joseph Hart, Ann Hart, David Hart, Fred A. [Insurance] Hart, Fred A. (Mrs) Hart, Gussie Hart, H.W. Hart, Isaac T. (Family) Hart, Lamar (Mrs) Hart, Rosa Hart, Susan Augusta Hart, Thomas Frederick Hart, Thomas Frederick (Mrs) Hartel, Kent Harter & Rice Harter, S.R. Harthausen, Frank D. Hartig Family Hartley, Arthur Hartley, John (Dr. and Rev.) Book/Page number 10/167 3/197; 5/277 1/42; 2/182 10/26, 59, 69, 123 1/168 3/205; 4/102; 10/21a 13A/19 c2 p1 7/10 7/370 6/16; 8/275 3/16 10/94 10/115,126 13A/117 c3 7/291 Old Cemeteries/22; 13A/22 c2 p7 10/199a 3/98; 6/100 1/229; 5/82 4/84 1/266; 4/169, 171, 190; 5/9, 11, 12; 7/360, 410, 453; 8/23; 10/82 10/32, 33, 38, 115, 126, 206 (photo) 10/29-30 6/35 10/22-23, 26, 45-46, 161 7/395, 417 9/44 9/122 3/226; 8/2 2/335 (photo) 4/167 (photo), 169; 5/260; 10/198a 4/167 (photo), 169; 6/3; 7/103, 189; 8/223; 9/146 13A/20 c1 p7 6/176 5/225, 260; 7/93, 119 (Photo), 124, 146, 198, 423; 8/73; 10/53, 165, 206 5/269 5/182, 259; 6/17; 7/93, 94, 124, 384; 8/73, 74 (Photo), 76-79, 81 (Photo), 84, 104 (Photo), 107, 145, 206, 306; 9/4; 10/198i&l 13A/18 c5 p8 10/159, 179, 186a,f,g, 198a,b,c,g, 205 7/423 2/331 2/250 6/60 7/242 8/60 2/238 1/9, 58L, 62, 63; 4/171; 6/6 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Hartley, Victor Hartman, Adam Hartman, Maurice Ramsey Hartman, Walter A. Hartmann, John F. Hartman's [or Hortman's] Ferry Hartman's Ferry Road Hartwell, (General) Hartwell, R.I. Hartzog, Bernard, Charles, Joseph F., Percy, and Susan M. Harum, David Harveson, Arnold VFW Post Harveson, Caldonia (Mrs) Street and Eloner Harveson, Clement H. (S 2/c) Harveson, Donie Harveson, Elizabeth Harveson, George Harveson, Harold [or Herald, Herold] Harveson, H.R. (M/M) Harveson, Hugh Harveson, Pauline Harveson, Preston The Harveson (Ship) Harveson, William Franklin (M/M) Harvey, Charles (Lt. Col.) Harvey, E.D. Harvey, Joseph Homer Harvey, Ned Harvey, Susie Hasell, F.W. Hasha, Royce L. Haskell Haskell & Levingston Haskell, Ellen J. Haskell Estate, House, and Institute Haskell, Frank Haskell, Frank (Mrs) Haskell, Hattie Haskell, J. George Haskell, Julia Ellen Smart Haskell, Jefferson Davis Haskell, Mrs. Haskell, Mulvery Haskell, P.E. Haskell, Pete Haskell, Samuel O. Haskell, Sarah Knox Book/Page number 10/221-222 (photo) 13A/107 c2 7/406 13A/44 c1 2/283 1/143, 146, 148, 150-152, 157-160, 162; 3/232; 6/65, 79; 13A/107 c2, 108 c1 3/62 (photo) 3/205 9/29 (photo) 3/137 5/163 7/304 6/28 7/432 (photo) 2/191 5/4 7/45,144 7/43, 45, 126, 142-144, 183, 277, 282a (photo), 288, 304, 431, 439, 454; 10/233 6/28; 7/432 7/144 6/28A 2/191; 7/144 7/142 6/27, 28; 7/144 7/81 7/82 7/81, 343 4/140 2/191 7/451 7/228 10/110 2/29 5/4; Old Cemeteries/12 2/4, 73, 75, 85, 92, 99, 104, 151, 192, 226, 234; 4/25, 74; 6/64, 113 1/148, 258; 2/73, 131, 198; 3/23; 4/167 (photo); 5/17; 10/100, 109, 118a 1/53; 10/125 2/73 5/54; Old Cemeteries/12 2/191, 276; 4/167 (photo); 5/67 5/4, 65 3/60; 5/71; 6/11 5/67 5/9 10/14 5/54 2/73; 5/65 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Haskell, William H. (Family) [Insurance] Book/Page number 1/97, 98, 100, 102, 104, 106, 109, 110, 120, 128130, 132, 135, 142, 145, 146, 151, 154-156; 2/23, 37, 53, 60, 73, 74 (photo), 85, 87, 88, 107, 110, 129, 170, 158, 169, 182, 188, 214, 246, 252; 3/123, 158, 191; 4/95, 123, 169; 5/7, 9, 16, 29, 54, 55, 63, 66, 67, 72, 74, 75, 191 (Photo), 192, 243, 262, 263, 271; 6/3, 8, 14, 18, 65, 66, 100, 151; 8/6, 273, 287; 10/293, 304, 306; 13A/17; Old Cemeteries/8; Old Places/97 Haslam, L.F. Hasselbrock, Adalbert Hassett, William D. Hassink, Theo (Rev) Hastie, (Mrs) Hastings, G.C. Hatch, Arthur and Leon S. Hatch, C. Noble (M/M) Hatch, F.H. Hatch, John Hatchell, Curtis E. (C) Jr. Hatcher, William B. (Dr) Hatcheson, Olga M. Hatchette, Charles V. (Dr. and Mrs.) Hatchette, Dorothy McCanne Hatchette, Martha Hatchette, Stakely (Dr) Hatchette, Stakely (Mrs) Hatfield & Donelly Minstrels [1908 Program] Hathawa, Mr. Hathaway, Aline Hathaway, Charles Hathaway, Glenn Hathaway, Ora Hathaway, W.G. Hats (Women's apparel) Hatsushimo, Hirohito's horse Hatton, Marmaduke S. and William E. Hatton, Myrtle Hatton, Norris Haucier, Charles Haug, Edward R. (Rev) 4/171 7/228 7/364, 366-367 9/139 4/89 2/223 1/215 2/402; 10/303-305 2/142 9/39 7/438 10/133, 136, 137 7/66 6/16; 7/204, 434 (photo); 8/280, 298, 353; 9/9 7/434 8/6; 10/187 5/34, 83; 7/53, 124, 450, 451; 8/279, 280 6/16; 8/61; 9/34; 10/115, 138, 214 3/168 3/172 7/111 2/23, 37, 53 10/212 (photo) 2/23,53 2/244 1/6, 9, 145; 9/134 (photos) 8/15 1/168 7/39 13A/19 c2 p5 10/212 (photo) 3/204; 4/418; 7/50, 283, 384, 423; 8/213, 280; 13A/20 c3p4 7/111 9/50 Old Places/94 10/161 3/48 (photo) 5/331 4/280 10/30 7/198, 201; 8/213 2/283 Haug, Hallie Hauitgren, Warren C. (Rev) Haunted Stream Haupt, Bertha Haupt, Hope Hauptmann, Watson Hauser, George Hausey, Belle Hauver, Emery Bertrand Havans, Paul B. NAME OR DESCRIPTION Havenar, Lucille Havenar, Sidney Mathewson Havens, Andy, Arsene, C.L., Coland, Eddie, Jefferson Rank, Jerry, Lonnie, and Sylvan Havens, Cedric V. Havens, (Miss) Havens, Wylder Osborne Haviland, Barbara Moses Haviland, Fred (Family) Haviland, Sally Hawkens, Moore Hawkers & Peddlers Hawkins, Albert (Capt) Hawkins, Benny Sherman Hawkins, (Capt) Hawkins, Charles Tessier Hawkins, E. P. (Mrs) Hawkins, Emily Hawkins, Erskine Hawkins Grand Chenier Club Hawkins, Griffin T. (Family) Hawkins, J.A.F. "Alphabet" Hawkins, J.M. Hawkins, John A. Hawkins, Josephine Hawkins, J.S. (Capt) (and Hotel) Hawkins, J.T. Hawkins, Lora Hawkins, Migonette Hawkins, Mr. Hawkins, Patricia Hawkins, Raleigh and Ruth Olivia Hawkins, Richard Hawkins, W.M. (Mrs) Hawkins, W.W. (Lt) Hawks, J.G. Hawk's Nest Haxthausen, Frank David (Sgt) Haxthausen, Louis (Family) Haxthausen, Myda (Mrs) Hay, Carl Edward Hay, D. Hay, F.C. Hay, F.G. Hay, Frank Ray Hay, Franklin Hay, James Hay, Oscar A. Hay, William Hayden, Charles Book/Page number 7/142 (photo), 223 7/86, 142, 223, 227 13A/18 c5 p7 7/314 10/50 7/314, 406 7/286, 293, 314, 320, 332, 339, 346 7/23, 286, 314, 320, 332 (Photo), 339, 346 7/346 8/197 1/80,155 2/23, 53, 199; 3/20 (photo), 134 (photo) 7/95 2/98 7/296; 8/196 7/112 7/50 7/119 8/298 2/265; 5/56, 192; 7/82, 208, 243, 312; 8/92, 196, 197 (Photo), 237; 9/52, 129 1/163, 164, 167; 2/14; 5/4 4/169 3/33; 5/55 1/167 2/2,189 3/204 2/82; 8/196, 293 10/64 2/192 7/53 10/199a 7/243, 312 5/263 7/282c 3/35 8/197 7/121 (photo), 157 (photo), 230, 235, 237 7/64, 121 (photo), 157, 206, 211, 230, 300, 304, 417 7/157, 417 7/201, 228 3/106 1/119 1/115, 123-125, 128, 132, 161 7/95 1/110, 148 1/21, 97, 114, 117 7/452, 454 1/115 5/230 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Hayden, Raymond W. (Family) Hayden, Russell Hayes, Alvin Hayes, Alvin (Mrs) Hayes, Arthur Hayes, Arthur (Mrs) and Edna Mae Hayes, C.C. Hayes, Cecil (Mrs) Hayes, E.A. and E.O. Hayes, Elmer (Mrs), Evelyn, and Evenet/Ernest? Hayes, Frances Ann Hayes, Garland Hayes, Horace Hayes, Ira H. (Pfc) Hayes, Jessie Hayes, Jimmie Hayes, Joe D. Hayes, John Hayes, La. Hayes, Maggie Hayes, Mildred Hayes, Norman Edward Hayes, Reggie Hayes, Robert S. (M/M) Hayes, Rutherford B. and S. H. Hayes School Hayes, Thomas Hayes, Toliver or Tolliver Hayes, William Hayman, Thomas Haymark, J. Haymark, Jacob Haymark, Joseph Haymark, Mary Louise Haynes, Charles Haynes, DeWitt I. Haynes, H.H. Haynes, Jewell Haynes, (Lt. Col) Haynes, Robert L. Haynes, W.H.M. (Mrs) Hays, Calvin Hays, Ina Marie Hays, Maggie Hayward, Helen Hayward, Willie Faye Hazel, Jack C. Hazel (Steamer Ferry) Hazel Kirk (melodrama) Hazzard, E.N. (M/M) Book/Page number 7/412 (photo), 437; 9/14 7/66, 81 1/215; 10/52, 219, 221 (Photo) 7/282 c; 10/221 8/244, 248 (Photo); 10/31, 40 7/146 3/217 9/14 1/155 7/282 c 10/198i 4/171 4/192 7/380 (photo) 5/179; 10/22 2/134, 188 5/93 Old Places/160 4/281 3/19 6/72 7/86, 452, 454 2/34, 53 7/447 3/93 10/118 1/132; 7/452 (Newspaper picture) 1/167; 2/131 1/168; 7/447 8/6 5/85 5/82 5/204; 7/82 7/229 7/100; 10/161 7/296 7/451 7/111 7/25 6/208 7/112 10/198 a,b 5/232 10/23 8/330 10/199a 2/288, 294; 3/224; 4/100 1/38, 54, 273; 2/173, 175, 272; 3/19, 33, 47, 64, 109, 126, 129-132, 139, 232, 233 (photo), 236; 6/58, 65, 78, 81; 8/71, 143, 243; 10/124 2/20 2/276; 3/123; 6/5, 7; 10/16; 1/61k NAME OR DESCRIPTION Health for Victory Club Heard Family Heard, George Heard, Grover Edward Heard, Irene Heard, James Heard, J.E. Heard, Jesse Heard, J.H. Heard, Joe (Mrs) Heard, Peggy Heard, Roy Christian Hearn, Lafcadio Hearn, M. Hearsey, H.J. Hearst, Phoebe Apperson Heaten, Hal Heath, F.W. Heath, John A. Heath, L. C. Heathley, Helen M. Heaton, Hal Hebert, A. Hebert, Abby Hebert, Adam Wallace Hebert, Adolphe Hebert, A.J. (Mrs) Hebert, Aladin Hebert, Albert Hebert, Albert I. Hebert, Albert L. Hebert, Albert Rock Hebert, Alcide Hebert, Alexander Hebert, Alfred Hebert, Alpha, Noah, Walter Peter Jr., and Webster Arsane Hebert, Alvin (Mrs), Felix, Minor (Mrs), Murry Hebert, Amos (Mrs) Hebert, Ann, H.P., J.E. (Mrs) Hebert, Belizaire, F.A. Hebert, Ben Hebert, C.H. Hebert, Charles Hebert, Chester (Rig) Hebert, C.J. Hebert, Cleveland Hebert, Clifford Hebert, Clophe P., Able, Cleopha, George Wilse Hebert, Cyprien Hebert, D. Hebert, Dally, Fred Marvin Hebert, Davey Lee Book/Page number 7/131, 132, 272 1/205; 5/79 1/159; 4/115 7/81 8/67 5/55 1/151, 157 1/135 1/158 7/354 9/9, 145 (photo) 7/201 4/75; 5/133; 9/145 1/155 13A/5 10/115 4/301 7/451 6/208 3/98; 1/64-65 4/282 (photo) 4/296-297 1/28 7/64 7/244-245 1/147,150 4/59 1/89 7/406; 10/161 7/312 7/279 8/282 2/131 1/5-7, 9, 22-24, 55, 58, 80, 91, 217, 220; 5/77 2/49; 7/296 7/201 7/282c 7/338 7/111 1/153 6/88; 7/192 8/100 5/9, 12, 113, 121, 125; 10/163, 198a,e,i 4/128 10/167, 185, 187a 7/452 7/66, 407 7/296 1/91-92, 95, 99 3/123, 191 7/5 (photo) 4/191; 8/92 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Hebert, Delmar C. Hebert, Desiree Hebert, Delino Hebert, Donald Hebert, Dorothy Hebert, Dorsalie Hebert, Dumini Hebert, E.B. (Mrs) Hebert, Edwin C. (S.Sgt) Hebert, Elbert Hebert, Eloi Hebert, Elwar and Sarvan Hebert, Eraste Hebert, Ernest Hebert, Ethel Hebert, Ezra Hebert Family Hebert, Fern Hebert, Florn (Pvt) Hebert, Francis Hebert, Francois Hebert, Frank (M/M) Hebert, Garland (M/M) Hebert, George Hebert, George (Mrs) Hebert, George Numa Hebert, Gilbert (M/M) Hebert, Guy Kingsbury Hebert, Harry Hebert, Harry J. (M/M) Hebert, Henry and Xavier Hebert, Herbert Hebert, Herman W. Hebert, Hoyt H. (Mrs) Hebert, Hoyt H. Hebert, H.P. (Mrs) Hebert, Ira E. and Mary Hebert, Ira W. Hebert, James Hebert, J. E. Hebert, Jean Baptiste Hebert, Jeanne Hebert, Jerry Hebert, J. Harry (Police Chief) Hebert, Joachim Hebert, Joe Hebert, John Hebert, John Martin Hebert, Joseph Hebert, Joseph L. (T/5) Hebert, Joseph P. Book/Page number 8/92 1/145, 146, 287; 4/100 5/201 4/198, 225, 258; 10/198d 8/212; 10/159 1/156 5/55 10/115 3/363; 7/348 13A/19 c1 p13; 9/17 (photo) 1/123; 2/131 1/97 4/139, 261, 294 5/140, 141 (photo), 201 8/167 7/66 1/224; Old Places/47 10/106, 197 7/192 1/97, 104, 81, 92, 117 1/158 7/278, 312 7/130, 146, 191, 196, 219 5/56; 8/13 (photo), 115 7/50 7/201, 429; 8/311 7/50, 212 7/86 2/265; 7/177 (photo); 9/43 8/93 8/280 13A/19 c1 p13 7/278, 312 5/262 2/321; 4/123; 7/151, 177 7/8, 103; 8/267 7/355 7/452, 454 7/296, 452, 454 8/98 (photo) 1/123, 145-146 10/159 10/198d 5/221; 6/43, 54, 198, 199; 7/398; 8/5, 270, 311; 9/123; 10/202 1/80, 88 8/248 (photo) 6/72; 7/8, 290, 319 7/129, 342 (photo), 404 1/26, 29, 33, 90, 92, 103, 107, 146; 7/217 7/448 1/117, 123, 137, 141 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Hebert, Joy Hebert, J. Sidney (Mrs) Hebert, J.W. Hebert, Kenneth Hebert, L. Hebert, L.A. (Dr) Hebert, Laonise Hebert, Lastie Hebert, Lena and Stella Hebert, Lesma Hebert, Lester J. Hebert, Linda Hebert, Lionel H. Hebert, Louis A. (Dr. & Mrs) Hebert, Lyness Hebert, Margaret Hebert, Marteal (Mrs) Hebert, Martin (Rev.) Hebert, Maxine Hebert, Melvin (Mrs) Hebert, Melvin Billy Hebert, Mr. Hebert (Sgt) Hebert, Natalie Hebert, Nedia Broussard Hebert, Neola Hebert, Oday Hebert, Oneida Hebert, Orther Charles Hebert, Pat Hebert, Paul Hebert, Pierce A. Hebert, Placide Hebert, Prudent Hebert, Richard Hebert, Roland Hebert, Stephen P. Hebert, Sustain Hebert, T.A. Hebert, "Tata" Hebert, Theresa and Yvonne Hebert, Tom (M/M) Hebert, Truman Hebert, Valsin or Valcin Hebert, Vernon Lee Maynard Hebert, Violet Hebert, Virgil L. (Pvt) Hebert, Wallace (M/M) Hebert, Wanda Hebert, Wayne (USN) Book/Page number 5/262; 10/127 (photo), 161 1/173 10/53 7/130 (photo), 146, 191 (photo), 196, 219 1/110; 5/184 1/287; 3/203; 5/77 13A/114 c2 1/91, 97, 101 7/200 4/280 4/280; 5/90 10/148 8/244, 248 7/289, 448, 450, 451 4/188, 192, 218 10/149, 164 6/43 (photo) 2/343, 347; 8/7 7/177 8/3 7/217, 363, 406 1/18, 19, 153-154 7/138 (photo) 10/127, 129, 130a 4/283 7/304 4/42 10/63 2/331; 7/81, 289 (photo) 10/197 7/326; 10/143 1/149 1/24, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40-44, 51, 5356, 58, 59, 65, 69, 70, 79, 92-98, 109, 118, 131, 132, 135, 137; 7/95; 8/337 7/95 8/14 (photo) 6/16 5/56 1/17, 97, 146 1/159 5/73 7/107 (photo) 7/217 4/190 1/34, 98 7/201, 449 10/47 7/395 1/288; 5/3, 56; 7/225, 312, 406; 8/282 (photo) 10/193 7/212 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Hebert, Wilbert Hebert, Wilfred A. Hebert, Wilfred J. Hebert, Wilfred Mark Hebert, Willard Hebert, William (M/M) Hebert, Willie Hebert, Wilson Raymond Hebert, W.S. (M/M) Hebert's Hebert's track Heck, Christopher Heck, William M. Hecker, La. Hedberg, Stanley M. Hedrick, Wyatt C. Heidingsfelder, Rabbi L. Heidt, A. (Mrs) Heidt, Horace Heidt, R.E. (Mrs) Heimendinger, Harry (M/M) Heimendinger, Helen Heimendinger, Henry (M/M) Heimendinger, Jerianne Heimendinger, J. (Mrs) Heimendinger, Julian (M/M) Heimendinger, Kip Heinemann, Karl-Heinz (1st Sgt) Heinemeyer, Marvin Heinen, J.H. Heinen, Richard J. Heintt, C.A. Heinze, Hackbury (Mrs) Heirtzler, Beverly Heitzler, Lucretia Heitzler, Sally Helbling, C.A. Helbling, C.A. (Mrs) Helbling, Catherine Helbling, Clement Helena (U.S. Cruiser) Helicopters Hellman, Victor Hellmann, Evelyn Helm, Earnest J. (S/1c) Helm, Elizabeth Helm, Emma Helm, Mary Helm, May Helm, Miss Book/Page number 7/129 (photo), 296, 129 (photo) 4/301 5/56; 7/296 7/95, 230 2/351, 352, 355; 6/72; 7/209, 227, 393, 404, 406 7/313 7/82 7/429 3/93; 7/173, 227, 290, 342, 393, 404; 8/162, 186, 187 1/117, 123 8/124 1/220 6/83 2/272; 8/87 2/283 8/196 2/202 9/34 10/224 2/271; 7/112; 8/71 7/307 7/89, 103, 114, 133, 142, 290, 306, 307, 332, 363 4/171; 7/142, 290, 314, 454 7/307, 454 3/105 7/142 (photo), 234, 269 (photo), 290 (photo), 306, 307, 314, 332, 363, 452, 454; 10/233 7/234, 269, 307, 454 7/192 7/398 2/330; 3/123, 191; 4/97 2/286 (photo), 292 3/120 6/149 3/57 8/254 10/198a, 206 5/56 7/57, 111; 10/139, 166, 202, 214 7/107 (photo), 154 10/31, 40 7/182 (photo), 183 4/264-265 (photo) 10/186g 10/186e 7/438 6/42 10/12; Old Cemeteries/12 2/149, 166; Old Cemeteries/12 13A/12 c2 p1; Old Places/102 1/226 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Helm, June Helm, July Helm, Roger H. Helm, Virginia Helman, Alexander Helmendenger, Henry Helms, Edmund Helms, F.H. Helms, J.L. Helms, Marguerite Helms, Marion D. (Pfc) Helms, Pat Helms, W.E. (M/M) Helms, Walter (Rep) Hemenway, Johanna Clayton M. Hemenway-Johnson Furniture Co Hemenway, W.H. Hemler, Lillian Hemphill, Floy Hemphill, Joe C. Hempstead Henagan, Agnes Lorraine Henderlite, Harry Henderson Henderson, Anabelle Henderson, Annelle Henderson Family Henderson, George and Ora A. Henderson, Henry C. "Pete" Henderson, I.J. Henderson, James Henderson, John Henderson, Jonas (Prof) Henderson, Leo Craig Henderson, (Mrs) Henderson, Pearlie Dees Henderson, R.C. Henderson, R.C. (Mrs) Henderson, Robert M. Henderson, Stephen Hendrick, Carl Hendrick, Virginia Hendricks, B.F. Hendrickson, E.H. (Mrs) Heneberry, John Henle, Fritz Hennagan, Agnes Lorraine Hennegan, Henry (Mrs) Hennessey, David Hennigan, Betty and Joyce Hennigan Family Hennigan, Gilbert F. Book/Page number 2/105 10/12 6/83 Old Cemeteries/12 2/331 4/171 10/209a 2/347 8/220 (photo) 8/119 7/5 10/198, 198i, d, 208 (photo), 211 10/211 6/54; 7/219, 354; 8/237; 10/209a Old Cemeteries/12 5/139; 10/198g Old Cemeteries/12; Old Places/100 5/83 10/34, 38, 64 5/266 1/155-156 Old Cemeteries/22 8/279 8/3 7/152 (photo) 5/117, 232; 7/10, 116 (photo), 232 4/87 6/83 5/309; 8/277 5/13 2/132, 354; 7/232; 9/50 1/191, 204, 211, 224; 3/56 10/69 7/81 7/173 5/117 5/243 7/146 3/187 1/211, 224 7/86 6/74 4/169 6/49 2/190 8/129 13A/22 c2 p7 10/197 2/11 10/114 (photo) 1/205; 4/118; 5/79 1/205, 276; 8/198; 9/4, 52, 129; 10/192 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Hennigan, H.F. and M. M. Hennigan, James Hennigan, J.E.M. Hennigan, Joe (Lt) Hennigan, L.E. (M/M) Hennigan, Lloyd Henning, E. M. (Mrs) Henning, Eli Henning, John Henning, John L. (Family) Henning, John T. (Family) Henning, Jolan and Josephine Henning Methodist Church Henning, Thomas Henning, W.T. (M/M) Hennington, Annie Hennington, E.L. Hennington, Julia Hennington, Lizzie Hennington, Vernon L. Henricksont, Donald Lamont Henrietta, M. Sr. Henrietta (Schooner) Henriette (Steamer) Henriksen, John Henry & Knapp Henry, Arthur H. Henry, Betty Henry, Bonnie Henry, Charles Henry, El Ray Henry, El Ray (Mrs) Henry, Gertrude Henry Gray ( Tugboat) Henry, Hutch Henry, James Henry, Jane Ann Henry, Jo Ann Henry, John Henry, Katherine or Kathryn Henry, Lee Roy (M/M) Henry, O. Henry, Peter C. (M/M) Henry, Robert Lee (Mrs) Henry, Rosalie F. Henry, Samuel P. Henry, Samuel T. Henry Street Book/Page number 5/77 4/218; 10/185 2/132 8/267 3/204; 8/93; 10/185, 197 8/14; 10/181 3/54 1/283 1/166, 283 1/283; 2/330; 3/123, 191; 4/171; 7/215 (photo), 335 1/283; 4/79, 98; 8/229; 9/149 7/215 1/283; 6/35 2/131 4/98; 7/450, 451; 8/229; 9/149 2/101,161-162 7/203 2/100, 101; 10/10 2/100, 102-103, 113, 115; 10/10 2/286, 291; 3/221; 5/3; 6/208; 10/223 (photo) 7/449 8/120 13A/5 3/60 7/81 1/29 7/266 10/127 (photo), 129, 130a (photo) 7/328 5/229, 284 1/5; 2/264, 284; 3/123, 191, 112, 225; 4/77, 79, 171; 5/93, 229, 284; 6/48, 49; 7/89, 113, 133, 193, 314, 395; 8/128, 130, 167, 240, 252; 10/16 3/80; 7/146; 10/194, 306 7/8 6/171 10/179, 186a, c,189 (photo) 4/142 (photo); 7/95 7/281, 408 8/2 8/179 10/175, 179, 186a,c,g, 189 (photo), 198 4/143; 7/281, 296, 328, 408, 450, 451 1/243 7/281 (Newspaper photo), 328, 408, 409; 8/293; 9/38 8/318; 10/185, 197, 214 7/449 1/225; 2/69, 206; 3/35, 37, 123, 191; 6/77 7/296 8/195 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Henry Who [Book Review] Henry, Wilma Lee Henshaw, A.B. Henshaw, Barbara Henshaw, H.M. Henshaw, H.M. (Mrs) Henshaw, Marjorie Henshaw, Mary Manning Henshaw, M. E. Hensley, Jay D. and Joe A. Hensley, Jeanette Hensley, Nellie Hensley, William R. Henson, Annie Herbert, Emma Herbert, Frank A. (Pvt) Herbert, I.A. Herbert, Ira Herbert, Isadore L. (T.Sgt) Herbert, Victor Herbs Hercules Powder Company Herderlito, Harry Herding Glade Hereford - Various spellings occur: Herford Hereford, Drew D. (Family) Hereford, Frank L. (Family) Hereford, Fred Hereford, J. Lee Hereford, J. Lee (Mrs) Hereford, J.R. Hereford, L.S. (Mrs) Hereford, Mollie Hereford, Robert M. Hereford, Robert M. (Mrs) Hereford's birching Hering, Thomas Victor Heritage, Agnest Heritage, J.G. Herlong, Daniel Webster Herlong, Lozell or Lozelle Herlong, Rose Herlong, Theophilas, Jr. Herlong, T.L. (Family) Herman, L. Herman, T.L. Hermann, Oscar (Pastor) Herndon, (Mrs) Book/Page number 8/219 10/186 a,c,189 (photo),198a 5/109 8/2 5/204 7/173 8/229 (photo) 10/211 7/268 7/417 7/359 7/173, 417 7/6, 327, 359, 417 1/42 7/307 7/32 4/171 7/219; 10/118 7/307 5/3; 8/234 6/36 6/182 (Map), 184 6/190 1/160 4/119, 167 (photo); 13A/17 c1 p2; Old Cemeteries/17 1/230 (photo); 3/112, 116, 119; 4/119, 168; 5/20, 95, 110; 6/48; 7/112, 184, 296, 363, 441 (photo); 8/240, 353; 10/113 (photo) 2/264 5/83 6/76 9/44 3/80 7/8 2/327; 4/169; 5/8 3/80; 5/87, 262 7/477 7/66 7/111 1/122 5/252; 7/45, 126 (photo), 144, 304 7/45, 144; 10/161 7/200 10/161 5/252; 7/45, 142 (photo), 144, 173, 288, 304, 437, 458; 9/83 2/220 5/252; 7/43, 5, 126, 304, 454 2/311 3/121 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Herndon, Lexie Herndon, T.V. (Rev.) Herr, Arthur C. Herr, C.A. Herr, Viola Herren, Larry Herreral, General Herrin, Bradley W. Herring, H.T. (Col.) Herring, William P. Herrington, Albert "Bud" and Ellen Herrington, Cady Herrington, Joseph A. (M/M) Herrington, Margaret Herrington, Maria Herrington, Ray H. Herrington, W.R. Herron, A.F. (Mrs) Herron, A.S. (Mrs) Herron, H. (Miss) Herron, Ramona Herron, Raymond Hershey, Lewis B. Hertfelder, A. L. (Mrs) Hertfelder, JoAnn Hervey, L.S. (Mrs) [Millinery ad] Hesser, Earl J. Hession, Bill Hession, Ruth L. Hester, A. (Mrs) Hester, C.E. (Mrs) Hester, John K. Hester, John K. (Mrs) Hester, Katherine Marie Hester, Regina Hetherwick, (M/M) Hetrick, Rosa Hetzel, Emma and John (Mrs) Hetzel, Jocelyn Marie Hewett, Charles S. Hewett, H.B. (Dr.) Hewitt, Abraham (Mrs) and Edward Hewitt, Alma Murrell and Pearl Marie Hewitt, J.T. Hewitt, W.M. Hews, William Heyd, John Heywood, Alba (Col.) Heywood, Dewey Heywood, W. Scott Heywood, W. Scott (Mrs) Book/Page number 5/179 7/117, 157, 384 7/378; 8/6 8/17 4/77; 8/312; 10/178 10/148 5/80-81 4/280 7/298 3/187 5/74 5/73 2/212; 5/73; 7/206, 234, 304, 336, 441 7/234 5/70, 72-74; Old Places/14 (photo) 9/60 6/85; 8/241 8/72 (photo) 8/60 (photo), 188 2/169 7/53; 10/186b, 178, 198a,d,g,I, 206 10/198b 7/451 7/11 10/127 (photo), 161 2/2 5/204 8/308 a 6/49 1/42 2/402-403; 10/303-305 8/180, 186-187 8/189 (photo) 4/29 7/100 6/151 10/23 1/288 10/161 3/103 2/264; 5/93; 7/110, 171; 8/15 ,240, 261, 267, 280, 287, 353; 9/84 5/34 7/240 1/168; 6/84 7/296 1/149 1/218 3/92-94 4/93 4/90, 100, 104-106 (Photos); 6/52; 8/282 4/93, 104, 106; 5/206, 207; 8/223 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Hezekiah, Rosa Lee Hibbs, Dorothy Ruth and Treva Jean Hickey, Theodore Hickman, Archie E. (M/M) Hickman, Curtis E. (Family) Hickman, Donald Hickman Family Hickman, G. Hickman, Gabbert Hickman, George W. Hickman, Jay Hickman, Jay (Mrs) Hickman's Hickman's ferry Hickman's Pure Food Store Hickory Branch Hickory Creek Hickory Flat, La. Hicks, Arthur Hicks, Christopher K. Hicks, (Col.) Hicks, Dur and Norman Hicks, Ernest and James H. Hicks Ferry Hicks, Jack Hicks, Jackie Hicks, Jerry Hicks, J.J. Hicks, Leonard (S.Sgt) Hicks, Melvin Hicks, Thomas Hidalgo, Alva Anthony, Irvin or Irwin, Ivan, Joseph, and Stella Hidalgo, (Mrs) Hidden Hand, The (play) Hierbrandt., P.F. Hiett, Henry Higginbotham, Ebby Joseph Higginbotham, Garver Higginbotham, J. Benjamin Higginbottam, Nelson Higginbottam, Wilson Higgins, Mary High School Park Subdivision Highland, Eugene (T. Sgt) Highland Memorial Gardens Hightower, Forrest Hightower, J.V. Hightower, Jeff (Mrs) Hightower, T.J. Hildebrand, F. Book/Page number 10/210 10/68 10/94 4/123; 5/3; 7/126, 312, 359; 8/72; 10/63, 164 3/123, 191; 4/168, 169; 5/3; 7/296; 8/72; 9/58 7/102; 10/185, 198i 13A/2 1/116 (photo) 7/126, 312; 10/47 1/61, 96 2/333; 8/72, 317 3/57 1/117 1/61, 98, 101, 123, 146 8/72 1/123, 136, 146, 148, 153; 2/101; 5/305 1/273 1/66, 72, 75, 80, 81, 87, 91, 97, 98, 101, 107, 110, 150, 153, 157; 2/96, 123; 3/187; 4/17, 18, 20; 13A/10 7/296 1/15, 16, 18, 20, 55; 10/6 1/26 5/4 7/199 1/36, 46, 51, 52, 93 8/321 10/189, 198d 10/186a 1/206 7/268 1/228 (photo) 1/11, 16, 40, 48, 90-92 7/290, 318 (photo) 7/146 2/21 7/156 1/157 7/201 4/293 2/283 1/10; 13A/18 c2 p12 1/19, 22, 24; 13A/18 c2 p12 6/62 6/45, 191, 194, 200 (photo) 7/356 4/278, 296, 297, 301, 478, 496, 497 10/68, 167 1/234 7/116, 173; 10/115 7/156 5/311 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Hildebrandt, Ava Hildebrandt, Christian Hill Hill, Bobby Hill, Charles A. Hill, David "Tex" Hill, Edmund W (Gen.) Hill, George Hill, Howard Hill, James P. (Maj.) Hill, Jim Hill, Joe Hill, Max Hill, Susan Hill, Thelma Hill, William Hillebrandt, Acton Hillebrandt, Barry Hillebrandt, Jackie Hilliard, Dorothy Hilliard, Henry Hilliard, J.M. (Dr) Hillyer-Deutsch-Edwards Mill [Sometimes includes "Fuller"] Hilton Hilton, C.W. Hilton, Mr. Hilton, T. Hilton, Winnie Himel, Carl (M/M) Himel, Frank Himel, Julia Hinchcliffe, Hattie Hinchee, B.H. (M/M) Hinchee, Jean Parker (Mrs) Hinchee, Warren Douglas Hines, Carter Hines, Cassa D. Hines, E.L. Hines, Gaynell Hines, George B. (Family) Hines, Larno J. Jr. and Sr. and Nancy Hines, Lou Anne Hines, Lucy D. Hines, Morys (Mrs) Hines, R.L. Hines, Thomas Guards Hines, T.R. Hinestown, La. Hinsley, Joseph W. (Dr) Book/Page number 2/164 1/168 9/112 (photo) 10/197 4/108 (photo); 7/384; 8/150 9/110 7/269 7/251 9/127 (photo) 7/33 1/207 8/340 8/72 (photo) 10/198 b 7/111 1/262; 7/268 1/279(photo); 8/147,152,338 10/230,235 7/93, 109 (photo) 10/129(photo),130a 10/68 1/164 1/233; 3/205a; 4/91; 10/338 1/220 10/121 1/21 1/17-18 10/126 6/91,117; 8/7, 19, 124; 9/26, 122, 133; 10/159 7/296 10/129,130a 13A/18 c3 p5 7/149, 195, 444; 8/70, 323 7/444 7/149 (photo), 195, 205, 444; 10/63, 136 7/296 8/2 7/296, 340 10/193 1/228 (photo); 2/80, 402; 3/57, 141, 205; 4/167 (photo), 168; 5/184, 262, 268, 313; 7/110, 120, 198; 8/2, 211, 261, 305; 10/53, 148, 183, 187a, 188, 190, 197, 202, 205, 214, 215, 236, 303 7/245 10/115, 306 3/54 7/50 10/59 1/250 2/330-331; 9/30 3/187 4/272, 274 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Hinson, Duncan Hinson, Earl Deleon Hinton, Cleary (Mrs) Hinton, D.A. Hinton, D.A. (Mrs) Hinton, David (Mrs) Hinton, Earl Ray Hinton, E.M. Hinton, Herbert Holloman Hinton, John Hinton, Juliana Guillory Hirohito (Emperor) Hirsh Building Hirsch, Louis Hirsch, Louis Clothing Store Hiscock, Lawrence Hiser, William F. Hitchison, I. Hitler, Adolph Hixson, Edley (Mrs) Hixson, E.M. Hixson, James E. (Family) Hixson, Joan Hixson, John Carroll Hixson Funeral Home Hi-Y Club Hoag, Charles Hoag, Herbert H. (M/M) Hoag, Lula V. Hoag, Percy (Lt) Hoard, Governor Hob Nob Drive In Hobart, Mathilde Hobbie, Joe Hobdy, Anna (Miss) Hobson, Richmond Pearson Hochrein, George W. (Lt) Hockey, J.E. (Mrs) Hockley, C.F. and R.L. Hocutt, F.G. (Rev) Hodgdon, G.M. (Mrs) Hodge Fence & Lumber Co. Hodges Hodges, A.C. Hodges & Bilbo Indian Trading Post Hodges & Ryan Trading Post/Store Hodges, Augustus Hodges, Benjamin ("Bo") Hodges, Beulah Book/Page number 2/131 7/201 7/119 (photo) 7/296 7/234, 434 7/269 7/201,288(photo) 6/43 7/95 5/222 10/237 (photo) 7/422; 8/15 5/9 2/23, 39, 40, 182; 3/41 2/240 (photo) 1/229; 3/97; 8/101 6/83 1/168 7/380-383, 502-511; 8/292; 9/128("Great Mercedes" photo) 5/262; 10/223 2/331 2/80; 5/262; 7/317 8/228 (photo) 7/317 (photo) 1/297; 3/138; 4/278; 5/147; 6/28, 87, 201; 8/61, 101 10/53 (photo) 5/77 3/19, 123; 4/103; 6/83; 7/326 10/194 (photo) 7/32331 4/102 10/198b 4/82 10/130 (photo) 3/80 3/155, 161 7/205 5/232 8/158 (photo) 3/40 1/594 1/208; 2/237, 275; 3/24 (photo); 6/50 (photo); 10/348 1/105,217 8/228-229 1/196 1/105, 300 1/98 1/274 6/151 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Hodges, Courtney H. (Lt. Gen) Hodges, E. Hodges, Elmira (Mrs. Joe Bilbo) Hodges Family Hodges Home Hodges, Howell (Mrs) Hodges, James Hodges, James P. (Gen) Hodges, J.R. Hodges, Maria (Mrs. James Hodges) Hodges, Ona (Mrs) Hodges, Ruth Smith Hodges Street Hodgesville, La. Hoefer, Bill Hoeffer, J.V. (Mrs) Hoeffer, Price Hoernicke, Samuel (Rev) Hoffer's Sportswear Hoffman Hoffman, Arthur Hoffman, Charles W. Hoffman, E.W. and F.G. (M/M) Hoffman, Hannah Hoffman, Henry Hoffman, Jacob Hoffman, Julius and Leonora Hoffman, Leon Hoffman, Sid Hofforth, Florence Hoffpauir, A. A. Hoffpauir, Asa Hoffpauir, Archie Edward and T.L. (M/M) Hoffpauir, B.L. (M/M), Claudia, and Francis Hoffpauir, Clyde I. (Pvt) Hoffpauir, Crawford Carlyle (Family) Hoffpauir, Edith Hoffpauir, E.E. (Mrs) Hoffpauir, Elwood Hoffpauir, G.E. (Mrs) Hoffpauir, Gerald J.E. (Mrs), and Lloyd Hoffpauir, Glen [or Glenn, Glyn] Hoffpauir, Jessie Hoffpauir, Larry J. (Sgt. 2/c) Hoffpauir, Louise Book/Page number 7/355 6/174 1/192, 274; Old Cemeteries/6 1/225; 10/121; Old Cemeteries/6 1/32 (Photo), 274, 275 (photo); Old Places/107; Old Cemeteries/6 7/50 1/26, 75, 95, 99-101, 111, 114, 119-121, 131, 140142, 192, 194, 196, 272, 274; 3/209; 5/17, 64; 7/131; 8/306; Old Cemeteries/6 7/226 8/232 (photo) 1/275; 6/16; Old Cemeteries/6 2/282c 13A/22 c2p7; Old Cemeteries/22 1/183, 194, 196, 220, 221, 274, 280; 2/16; 3/209, 218; 4/27; 6/29, 66, 191, 200, 209 (photo); 8/72, 105; Old Places/55, 161 1/274 6/174 7/430 7/384 2/13, 301, 307, 312 7/155, 273, 426, 428, 435; 10/198e, 209 5/37 8/252 7/452,454 7/437 (photo) 8/235 (photo) 6/83 5/27 8/56 1/266,285(photo); 3/120; 5/9,11-12; 8/56 7/93; 8/56 5/331 7/82 7/66; 10/126,197,206(photo) 7/228 7/204 (photo) 3/138; 7/198 5/281; 7/81, 198, 199, 204, 283, 452, 454; 10/136, 233 5/157 13A/19 clp12 10/210 (photo) 4/201 13A/18 3/138; 7/86; 9/51 7/173; 10/197 7/359 2/355 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Hoffpauir, Lucy Hoffpauir, Luther Hoffpauir, Mathern Hoffpauir, (Mrs) Hoffpauir, Nathan Hoffpauir, Samuel R. Hoffpauir, Tessie Hoffpauir, Thaddeus Earl Hoffpauir, Travis (M/M) Hoffpauir, Van Craw Hoffpauir, Verena Hog Island and Pass Hogan, E.B. Hogan, Mrs. Hogan, Sarah Hogg, Mike (M/M) Hogne, Evelyn Hogsed, E.J. Holbrook, A.J. and J.B. Holbrook, Alfred Holbrook, Charles V. Holbrook, J.M. (M/M) Holbrook, L.B. (Pfc) Holbrook, R.J. (Mrs) Holbrook - Stevens Lumber Co. Holbrook, W.E. Holbrook, W.E. (Mrs) Holbrook, William Henry (Family) Holcker, R.L. Holcombe, B.F. Holcombe, Charles Holcombe, R. Gordon (Dr. & Mrs) Holcombe, T.B. Holden, Edith Jewel and Joe Ben Holden, Sam (Family) Holdsworth, M.P.J. Hole, Charles W. Holl, Albert Holl, George A. and Harry (M/M) Hollacher, Clinton M. Holland, C.S.E. Holland, Dan Holland, Frances E. Holland, Fred Holland, Grace G. Holland, Hugh G. Holland, James Holland, Lewis J. Holland, Lucille Holland, Mary Jane Book/Page number 5/252; 7/141; 9/36 3/138 7/454 6/47 7/143, 183, 277, 282a (photo) 7/151 10/185 7/201 3/138; 7/82, 356, 359 7/296 7/165 4/5; 7/122, 133, 137, 138 3/204 1/135 1/129 5/270 7/43 4/97 7/229 7/202,210 7/451 7/74, 202, 253 7/74 13A/5 6/51 1/218; 5/108; 7/13; 8/221 (photo), 256, 267, 269, 309; 9/52; 10/115, 136, 140 10/11 7/229, 253 5/110 3/204 5/77 3/105, 147; 5/276; 6/91; 7/93, 408, 450, 451; 8/298; 10/231 8/220 (photo) 4/82 4/81, 82, 95; 7/358 (photo); Old Cemeteries/24 5/162 3/43, 61; 4/101; 6/93 2/312 7/164 (photo) 7/64 8/141 7/452 8/247 (photo) 7/82 7/311, 405 7/311 1/159; 2/132; 7/201 1/136,142 7/200 7/121 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Holland, Royce Holland-Shaddock Inc Holland, S.S. Holland, Vinson (Mrs) Holland, W.D. Holland, Wesley Holland, William Hollander, Carl Holle, Charles G. Holleman, Albert E. Holleman, G.W. Holleman, J.B. (Mrs) Hollenbeck, Dan H. (M/M) Hollenbeck, D.O. Holleran, Florence Holleyman, G.W. Holleyman Home Holleyman, Ruth Holliday, John Raymond Hollier & Richard Men's Clothing Hollier, Caroline Hollier, Cleve Hollier, Cleve (Mrs) Hollier, J.E. Hollier, Raymond Stephen Hollier, Sidney Hollier, S.J. Hollingsworth, C.W. and James C. Hollingsworth, La. Hollins [or Hollis] & Trepagnier Jewelry Store Hollins, Arthur (Family and Insurance Agency) Hollins, G. Hollins, Harry Hollins, J. Hollins, Milton Jr. Hollis, Arthur Hollis, Juanita Hollis, Marjorie Hollis, Marshall Ervin Jr. Holloman, John Blanchard (Family) Holloman, Myrtle Holloway Holloway, A.J. (Mrs) Holloway, Edith Holloway, Elton Book/Page number 13A/18 c1p10 4/282; 5/226; 7/93; 10/198h 5/226; 9/8 7/282c 6/190; 7/456; 8/61,115,244,246(photo); 10/187,214 6/83; 7/296 1/88, 95, 99, 117, 123, 132, 135; Old Cemeteries/23 2/306; 7/193 8/144, 159 7/296 1/229,230; 5/330; 7/82 3/20; 5/74 7/205, 210 3/204 7/235 5/262; 7/218; 8/5, 16, 70, 116, 214, 323 8/67; 3/108 7/111; 8/5 7/86 5/140 5/232 7/82 7/50 6/176 7/86 2/34, 53; 3/16 4/171 7/407 4/97 2/116, 252, 270; 3/25, 34; 5/9, 12 3/105, 112, 160; 4/171; 6/208; 7/93, 112, 115; 8/254; 10/185, 186a, 198a 3/40 10/185,193 3/44 4/192,218 3/116 (photo), 119 7/346 8/254 7/436 2/265, 402, 403; 3/134; 4/77, 84, 85, 167, 169; 5/243, 270, 326; 6/8, 16, 28, 47 (photo); 7/110, 152 (photo), 189; 8/22, 68 (photo), 139, 147, 219, 238, 303, 318; 9/45; 10/52, 53, 69, 170, 303, 304, 306; 13A/53 c4 7/200 6/91 8/326 1/61i 9/58; 10/192, 198d,f, 221 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Holloway, George Holloway Grocery Hollub, Eugene J. Holly Beach, La. Holman, Jennie Holman, Oliver I. (Col.) Holmes, Ernest S. Jr. (Col) Holmes, Governor Holmes, J.W. Holmes, Katherine Holmes, Norma Lee Holmes, O.D. Holmes, Ralph (Family) Holmes, W.B. Holmes, Willie Holmes, W.S. Holmes, W.W. (Dr. or Rev.) Holmesville Holmwood, La. Holst, H.H. (Mrs) Holt, Mr. Holt, Oron Mack Home Guard Home Hotel Home Ideal Laundry Home Insurance Agency Home Remedies Home Supply Company Homes. See also names of individual home owners. Homeseekers Excursion Hominy making Honduras, Central America Honeycutt, C.H. (M/M) Honeycutt, Margaret Honeycutt, Melba Hood, Clarence (Capt.) Hood, John T. (Family) Hood, Rachel Hood, Warren Hoo-Hoo Lumberman's Organization Hoo-Hoo Race Track, Park, and Fair Association Hooker Furniture Co. Hooks, M.S. (Mrs) Hoop & Stave Factory Hooper, Albert Hooper, Estel L. and Ruby Taylor Hooper, G.R. (M/M) and Joseph N. Hooper, Harold Homer Hooper, Lawrence A. Hooper, Peter Book/Page number 13A/21 c1p8 7/156 7/452, 454 4/263, 281-282, 286 (photo), 288, 299 2/219; 3/167, 169; 6/25 7/445 9/135 Old Places/151 5/307; 7/82 4/218 10/199a 7/95 7/39, 50, 66 (photo), 67, 79 (photo), 81, 117 2/37,171 2/249 4/148 2/319, 323; 5/225 4/18 2/272; 6/199; 8/293 5/182 1/235 7/449 1/250 6/39 5/9; 10/198h 10/198a 4/93 10/198a 6/30 6/93 6/36 1/205 7/78; 10/185 7/93 10/114 (photo) 4/280 3/227; 4/90, 139, 142; 6/16; 7/283, 462; 8/3, 70, 113 (photo), 219, 221, 232-234; 9/34; 10/194, 304, 306; 13aA/53 c4 10/68, 115, 121, 126 7/283; 8/228; 10/137 3/205 1/232; 3/32; 5/15; 6/88 1/233 8/93 2/162, 191 7/303 7/245 7/427 (photo) 7/66, 95, 303, 357 7/6 7/86, 249 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Hoosier, Gilbert, Henry, Leslie, Mattie, and Phillip Hoover, Allen E. Hoover, Herbert (President) Hoover, Mary Frances Hoover, Mr. Hoover, Nancy Hoover, W.D. Hoover, W.D. (Mrs) Hoover, W. Farrin Hoover, Windy Hoozier, John Hopkins, C.W. Hopkins, Harry Hopkins, J. Hopper, J.E. Horcher, Charles H. (Mrs) Horcher, Gladys Horcher, Margaret Ann Horland, George Horn, Abner Horn, Abner (Mrs. Ethel) Horn, Bryant Horn, Dorothy Horn, Lee Ann Horn, Robert L. (M/M) Horn, Tillie Horn, Walter Horn, Willliam K. Horne, Captain Horne, Carolyn Charles, and Robert G. Horne, John (M/M) and Marie Hornsby, Ruby Myrl Horon, Doris M. Horridge - Various spellings occur: Horrage Horridge, George Horse & Wagon Horse Shoe Liquor Store Horseless carriage Horses and Horse Racing Horsley Family Hortan, H.S. Hortig, Professor Hortig, Franz Joseph Hortig, Paul Hortig, Frank Hortman, Adam Hortman Ferry and Road Hortman, Mary Hortman, Sally Horton, Herbert Stanton (M/M) Book/Page number 4/116 1/230; 7/395 3/54; 6/32 10/126, 197 6/98, 153 10/206 (photo) 3/86 6/16 8/84 13A/71 c3 5/79 4/101 8/254 13A/52 c2 8/20 7/302 7/111 7/107 (photo) 2/264; 5/93 7/201; 10/226 7/146, 173; 8/145 2/265 10/193 10/226 7/255 (photo) 7/266 10/186e 7/255 (photo), 377 13A/4 7/235 10/106 (photo) 10/161 7/377 4/86; 6/57 1/61k; 2/188, 204, 221, 270; 3/123, 159, 169, 191; 4/87; 5/199, 221; 6/59 6/54 (photo) 6/191, 193 (photo) 4/256 1/265; 4/55, 56; 8/124, 277 3/194 7/82 2/66, 71, 77, 106; 6/64 1/230; 2/103; 5/239 10/22-23 1/275 1/126, 134, 142, 159, 269; 3/73; 10/52 1/143, 146, 148, 150-152, 157-160, 162; 3/62 (photo), 232; 4/87; 6/79; 13A/108 c1 1/162 10/52 7/163, 290, 297, 391, 433 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Horton, John W. Hoskins, Baker Hoskinson, Jim Hospins, Richard L. (S.Sgt) Hospitals - See names of individual hospitals, e.g., Lake Charles Memorial, St. Patrick's, etc. Hotchkiss, Hiram and Maria E. Hotel de Westlake Hotels [See names of individual hotels, e.g., Majestic, Charleston, Howard, etc.] Houck, E.R. (Rev) Houck, John Houle, Ray Houma Indian Tribe House, Alice Clare House, Allen Floyd House Bluff House, C.B. House, C. Gould (Dr.) House, Delise Marie House, Dorothy House, E. Claude (M/M) House Family House, G.W. (Mrs) House, H.H. House, Henrietta House, J.W. House, John House, Marilyn House, Mary and S. Clause House of Gold (poem) House, Robert E. (Mrs) House, Robert E. Lee "Bob" (and column "House of Sports.") House, T.W. Houseboat Household Furniture Company Houser Houser, Marilyn Houses and Early homes Housing problems, shortages, etc. Houssiere, Charles R. Houssiere, Henry, Memorial Funeral Home Houston Houston, Ann Houston, Bonnie Jean Houston, Bruce Douglas (2nd Lt) Houston, Carlee Houston, Coralie Houston District Navigation Co. Book/Page number 7/217 5/266 8/6 7/212 1/282 3/129 (photo) 6/5-7 6/62 4/204 4/176 10/215 (photo) 7/66 1/99 9/15 7/296 8/119 10/185 4/77, 79; 5/83 1/206 2/59 3/204 10/127 (photo) 8/338 8/238 10/68 8/250 5/186-190 7/116 2/284, 294; 3/112, 116, 224; 6/88; 8/230 (photo), 232, 240, 244, 261, 308; 9/84 3/34 3/195 (photo) 7/273, 426, 435; 10/209 1/92 10/177 6/30; 8/100; Old Places/33, 126 (photo) 3/203; 4/169; 5/343; 6/49, 54; 7/226; 8/224; 9/133 2/330 4/100 4/107; 6/164 Old Cemeteries/7; Old Places/2 10/63 6/69, 70 (photo), 72; 7/6, 221, 233 (photo), 286, 292, 358 6/72-74 6/69 (photo); 7/360 3/37 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Houston, F. Houston Family Houston, Frank Houston, Frank (Mrs) Houston, Gerald Houston, Gully Houston, H.E. Houston, Joyce Houston, Marjorie Nell Houston, Napoleon N. Houston River Houston, Sam (General) Houston, Sam State Park Houston, Texas Howard, Edmund Howard, Edward Howard, Ellsworth Howard Family Howard, Frank Howard, Homer Howard Hotel/House Howard, James Howard, James (Mrs) Howard, Jane Howard, John (Pvt) Howard, Joseph Howard, Lelia Howard, M.E. (Mrs) Howard, Mary Howard, Melvin Howard Memorial Library Howard, (Mrs) Howard, Ralph Howard, Reece Howard, Roy A. Howard, Odille Howard, Virginia Howard, W. Elray Howe, Dorothy Ann Howe, (Dr.) Howe, E.W. Howe, Frank C. Howe, George (Dr.) Howe, H.V. (Dr) Howe, M.F. (Mrs. Dr.) Howe, M.H. Howe, M.I. (M/M) Howe, William Morris Book/Page number 1/142 1/206 Old Places/2 7/221, 233, 338, 350 4/226, 278, 282; 8/335 1/148 10/26 6/69 (photo), 72-74 10/127 (photo), 129 (photo), 130a 7/203 1/155, 273; 2/272; 3/199, 236; 9/83 1/173, 210; 2/157; 4/10, 26, 210; 6/86; 9/129 Old Places/72 (photo); 3/199, 205a; 8/299; 9/115 1/175, 205, 210, 214, 221, 233; 3/34, 37, 71 1/155 1/136 10/233 1/44 2/147 9/44 1/200; 2/151, 216-218 (photos), 220 (photo); 3/25 (photo), 179; 5/9 1/8, 10, 27, 29, 30, 87, 159i, 216; 5/55; 13A/5 1/8, 10, 13, 16, 51; 2/154, 155 1/238 7/118 2/186 1/49, 51 2/87 1/10, 171 7/452, 454 1/209 2/217; 10/8,10 1/46, 50g; 2/147 5/77 7/296 10/22 7/113 5/262; 10/140 2/355; 10/127 (photo), 129 (photo), 130a 10/108 1/243 2/238, 286 (photo), 290; 3/112, 116, 119, 221; 4/78, 123; 7/10, 119 (photo), 123 (photo); 8/211; 10/221, 222 (photo) 13A/35 5/82 6/14 5/9 7/300, 323 7/81, 300, 323 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Howell, David N. Howell, Frances Howell, Henry Howell, J. Key and Thaddus Howell, R.J. (Mrs) Howell, Robert F. (Lt.Col) Howell, Robert P. (Family) Howell, R.T. (Mrs) Howell, Shelton (Pfc) Howell, Sylvanie T. Jr. (Lt) Howes, T. (Rev) Hoy, James Hoyt, John Hoyt, R.F. Hoza, Frank David Hubbard, John B. (Rev) Hubbard, Lewis Hubbard, Walter W. Hubbell, Clara M. Hubbell, Henry L. (Rev) Huber, Albert B. (Maj) Huber, A.R. (M/M) Huber, Elta (Mrs) Huber, Harry Huber, Harry (Mrs) Huber, Julia W. Huber, Mary Huber Motor Company Huber, Peggy Huber, Sammy Huber, Sue Huber, Thomas L. Huckabee, Hunter H. Huckingham, Mrs. Huddle, Hunter T. Huddle, Hunter T. (Mrs) Huddle, Katherine Huddleston, La. Hudgins, Doyle James Hudson, Anita Hudson, Belle Hudson, D.C. (M/M) Hudson, James Ralph Hudson, Madge Hudson, Mrs. Hudson, Nellie Hudson, Nita Hudson, Otis W. Jr. Hudson River Lumber Company Hudson, S.C. (M/M) Hudson, Thomas Book/Page number 8/275 1/228 1/108, 115 7/296 9/9 7/339 2/339-342; 5/262; 8/298, 306, 353; 10/53 4/123 7/5 7/348 1/282 5/205 2/286 (photo), 291; 3/221 5/238 7/66 3/221 (photo) 3/121 7/231 3/48 (photo), 177; 10/21 2/270; 10/20, 21, 37, 65, 191, 194 7/344 7/89, 93, 113, 116, 133; 10/115, 164, 186b 8/96 (photo) 2/354; 5/243; 6/210; 7/69; 8/15, 353; 9/9 10/148 9/9 7/64, 67, 83, 87, 103, 114, 115 (photo), 124, 171173, 179, 181, 184, 187, 193; 8/215 (photo) 2/356; 5/202 (photo); 6/66 7/107 (photo); 10/127 (photo),161 10/186b (photo) 7/244, 302 2/330; 4/168; 5/110, 176, 262, 315; 7/244 8/22 1/37 1/4; 8/213, 295; 9/38 7/112 7/119 (photo) 3/187 7/294 (photo) 10/186e 6/99; 10/32-33, 38 7/278, 359; 8/213 7/229 (photo), 278, 359, 442 10/47 1/153 6/99; 10/32-33 10/186b 7/452 4/128; 10/318, 349 7/229 10/186b,f,g NAME OR DESCRIPTION Hudson, Thomas T. Hudson, Thomas Wayne Hudspeth, G.W. Huey, Frances and Margery Huey, Olive Huff, Florine Huff, George Allen Huffman, Harold R. Huffman, H.B. (Mrs) Huffman, Henry (Mrs) Hufft, Raymond (Brig. Gen.) Huger, D.L. (Rev) Hughes, Annie Hughes, Carol Anne and Mary Beth Hughes, Edward Hughes, Gene Hughes, Lorraine Hughes, Mrs. Hughes, William D. Hulbert Family Hulbert, J.W. Hulen, Basic Training Camp Hulin, Earl Joseph Hull, Cordell Hull, G.H. Hull, Sec. of State Hulsey, Smith Howard Hultgren, Warren C. (Rev) Hultman, S.J. Hults, E.A. Human Bridge Human, Robert Humble, J.M. Humble, Lloyd Darwin Humbred, Samuel R. Hummer Hump Back Mary (schooner) Humphrey, Donald Elmer Humphrey Family Humphrey, Jack Humphrey, Jennie Humphrey, J.J. (M/M) Humphrey, "Old" Humphrey, T.E. (M/M) Humphrey, Thomas J. (Cpl) Humphrey, widow Humphreys [or Humphries], Helen Humphreys, W.F. (M/M) Hundley, Katherine Hungarian Refugees Hungerford, Anne and J.D. (Mrs) Hungerford, Ida and Kenneth V. Book/Page number 6/99 7/449 1/150,158 6/176 10/59 2/350 7/95 7/338, 345 2/356 6/16; 7/225 4/189, 277, 373; 5/205; 6/86 6/62 3/144 7/118 1/163; 2/264 1/216; 6/32; 8/186, 336 5/83 1/161 1/156 4/102 2/132 7/8 7/406 7/422 2/220 7/42 7/66 13A/18 c4p7 8/8, 280 5/238 7/398 (photo) 1/247; 2/264; 3/190 2/132 7/437 7/228 1/185 10/122 7/235, 329 4/102 10/193 10/104 (photo) 7/235 10/37 7/329 7/223 (photo) 1/155 8/103 (photo), 312 4/98, 100; 8/245 7/165 9/139 7/284 (photo) 7/412 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Hungerford, J.A. (M/M) and Stanley J. Hunott, Roy Hunt, Alan Hunt, E.C. Hunt, E.C. (Mrs) Hunt, Elayn Hunt, Floyd (Family) Hunt, J.E. (Maj) Hunt, Walter E. (Dr) Hunter, Charley Hunter, Conrad B. Hunter, David Hunter, Edwin F. (Judge) Hunter, Edwin Wallace (Dr. and Rev.) Hunter, Holly Hunter, Jack D. (Pfc) Hunter, Julia Louise Hunter, Muriel Hunter, W.H. Hunter's Ladies Tailoring Com. Hunter's Paradise Hunting Huntingdon, C.P. (Col.) Hurd, George Hurlburt, Frankie (Mrs) Hurlburt, Leona Hurley, Ivan (and Radio Shop) Hurricane Audrey Hurricane Bertha Hurricane Carla Hurricane Debra Hurricane Home Building Bee Hurricane Mercedes (New Orleans) Hurricane of 1918 Hurricane of 1919 Hurricane of 1920 Hurricane of 1921 Hurricane of 1922 Hurricane of 1923 Hurricanes Hursey, Archie, Evalena, George, and Levander Hursh, Allan (Mrs) Hursh & Bradley Planning Mill Hursh & Eddy Hurvale, Oriska Huser, Robert Louis Husfield, Rudolph (Mrs) Hussmann, W.(Pastor) Huston, C.B. Huston, Inez Huston, J.H. Book/Page number 7/280 10/301 10/179, 180, 185, 186a, 189 (photo) 6/210; 7/268; 10/176, 186a, 189 (photo), 198g 7/269; 8/229(photo) 7/107, 192 7/235 3/141 8/280 6/77 5/270; 7/98; 8/56 7/198; 8/98 (photo) 3/189-190 1/4, 6, 10, 16, 59f 7/340 7/419 10/136 7/330 (photo) 8/297 3/43 1/203 (photo) 1/207 (scene), 265, 283 (photo); 3/193, 194; 5/287-299 6/77 3/106 7/119 (photo) 3/57 7/102; 8/280; 10/186e, 198g 4/187-306 4/277 4/305 10/301-302 4/282 8/67 1/219 1/222 1/288 6/143-161 7/113 8/84 4/263, 264, 271, 272, 275, 277, 280; 8/320, 327 13A/19 7/173 3/236 1/229 10/63 7/201 7/173 2/310 1/103,110 3/54 5/139 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Huston, Margaret Hutchins Hutchins and Munn (Lumber mill) Hutchins, A. Hutchins, Anthony Hutchins, Brian Hutchins, Briston Hutchins, Bryant Hutchins, Bryant (Mrs) Hutchins, Charles L. Hutchins, David Hutchins, Eugene Hutchins, Eugenie Reid Hutchins, F.B. (Mrs) Hutchins, Foster Hutchins, George F. Hutchins Home Hutchins, Lizzie Hutchins, Lorena Hutchins, Marguerite and Thomas B. (Mrs) Hutchins, Marjorie Hutchins, May Hutchins Mill Hutchins Street Hutchins, Thomas B. Hutchins, William L. (Family) Hutchinson, A.C. Hutchinson, B.V.M. Huthnach, E. Hutsell, Clyde Hutton, Barbara Hutts, Thomas B. Huvall, Bernice Huvall, Gwendolyn Huvall, Joe Huvall, Lloyd Huvall, Simon (M/M) Huvall, Willard R. Hyacinth, Sister Hyamis, Alex Hyatt, Edwin Enoch Hyatt, Jimmie Lee Hyatt, La. Hyatt, Lee Hyatt, Leon Miles (Family) Hyatt, Levi Book/Page number 3/147 Old Places/164 10/348 1/87 3/137 1/154 1/191 1/210, 266; 2/72, 87, 141, 214; 6/64 1/178; 2/10 1/3 2/34, 53, 196, 199; 3/174 2/87 2/71; 9/2 6/49 3/157,160 6/46,82 1/262; 5/180 2/113 3/16, 174, 178 (photo) 3/174 2/352 2/177 2/7, 175 6/66 2/265; 5/243; 7/312 (photo); 8/83 (photo), 145; 9/4 1/40, 114, 123, 142, 143, 148, 157, 163, 166, 178, 219, 262, 266, 267, 282; 2/6, 10, 15, 65, 71, 87, 95, 113, 115, 117, 119, 137, 141, 161, 162, 196; 3/11, 71, 178 (photo); 4/101; 5/14, 55, 146; 6/66, 109; 10/10, 12, 326; Old Places/104 2/84 1/7, 10, 14, 16, 25-29, 46, 59e,f,g,I; Old Cemeteries/13 2/220 7/22 5/251 2/208 2/350; 9/45 10/157 7/296 7/201; 8/353; 9/9 7/303 7/303, 243 1/226 2/34, 26, 39 10/136 Old Cemeteries/22; 13A/22 c2p5 4/97 9/156 5/195; 7/100, 173, 339; 10/161 1/218 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Hyatt, Philip Hyatt, R. E. Construction Company Hyatt, Roy Hyatt, Sadie Hyatt, T.E. Hyatt, T.E. (Mrs) Hyatt's Shoe Store Hyde, Columbus J. Hyde, George Cleveland (Rev.) Hydroplanes Hyland, H.F. Hymal, W.J. (Mrs) Hymes, Alex Hymes, Paul I Am an American Iagelke, Henry Iazellke Iberia Parish Ice plants. See also names of individual plants. Ideal Cement Company Ieyoub, Daniel Phillip Ieyoub, Daniel and Kalil Ieyoub, Phillip (Mrs) Ihle, Charles Ihle, Marjorie Ile, Jean Charles Ile, John Iles Iles, B. (Mrs) Iles, Belle Iles' Bridge Iles Creek Iles, Dan (Mrs) and Van Iles, D.C. (Dr) Iles, D.D. (Mrs) and Lydia Iles, Dempsey (Jr. and Sr.) Iles, D.P. (Mrs) Iles, E.J. Iles Family Iles, Frank and Harrell Iles, George G. Iles, Grover and home Iles, Harold Iles, Harold (Mrs) Iles, Howell W. Iles, Jeff Iles, John Iles, Maria Book/Page number 10/185, 193 8/46 2/278 Old Cemeteries/22; 13A/22 c2p5 5/77 3/180 1/206; 2/35 3/216-217 2/100; 10/10; Old Cemeteries/12 1/229 5/238 6/100 1/217; 2/53; 3/40, 41, 204; 4/101; 5/12, 243; 6/32 6/32 7/67 13A/9; 2/94 2/250 1/214 2/237, 260, 261 (1905 photo); 5/280 6/182 (map); 9/128 10/163 10/212 (photo) 7/146; 10/139 7/296 10/129, 130a 13A/88 c1 13A/8 c1 1/123 9/34 3/80 1/160 1/94 3/192 1/244; 3/147; 4/171; 7/93, 450, 451; 10/11 3/196 1/11, 14, 21, 25, 29, 30, 35, 36, 38-41, 43, 44, 46, 49-51, 53, 57, 95, 97, 110, 111, 113, 115, 117, 118, 120, 128, 134, 135, 146, 149, 158, 161, 191, 205, 224; 4/96, 118, 121; 5/79; 13A/3 10/11 1/206 1/196 1/161 2/331 5/170 (photo) 1/245; 2/131, 150; 5/170-171 1/244-245 1/100, 104, 110, 111, 117, 123, 134 1/296; 2/101 1/95, 103, 106-107, 117, 134 5/52 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Iles, Mollie Iles, (Mrs) Iles Precinct Iles, Sam J. (Family) Iles' Settlement Iles, T.J. Iles, William Iles, William Jr. Ilgenfritz, Harry Illinois illiteracy Immaculate Conception Catholic Church/Cathedral. See also "Catholic Church." Immigrants naturalized Imperial Calcasieu Parish, La. See also "Calcasieu Parish, La." Ina Lehr Co. Inde, Bayou D' Inde, Bayou D' Bridge Inde, Bayou D' ferries Inde, Bayou D' School Independent Naval Stores (Company) Independent Order of Odd Fellows Lodge #26 (Friendship) Independent Order of Odd Fellows Lodge #59 (Anchor) Indian Bayou Indian Bayou Ferry Indian Bayou March Indian Bend Indian Bluff Indian "Tom" Indian Trading Post Indian Village, La. Indianola, Texas Indians (Native Americans) - Art, Culture, Food, Churches, Games, Baskets, Pottery, etc. Indians (Native Americans) in general. See also names of individual tribes. Indians (Native Americans) in Louisiana Indigent children Indigo Industrial Lumber Company Industrial Plants. See also "Petroleum Industry." influenza - 1918 Ingraham, L. Dale Ingram, E.H. Ingram, James Ingrassia, John P. Book/Page number 1/206; 5/170, 171 1/291 1/89 4/77; 5/170, 171, 243; 7/282c; 10/11 1/35, 50-51, 63, 66-67, 88, 95, 97, 110 2/132 1/51, 74, 76, 205, 296; 2/132; 4/118; 5/79 1/34, 36 3/16, 120 (photo) 1/199 8/265 1/230; 3/132; 8/196, 315; 10/350 8/252 1/185, 191, 205, 213, 216, 223; 3/92-94, 96; 6/64; 8/278; 10/206 3/167 1/25, 36, 39, 42, 45, 46, 75, 91, 93, 94, 131, 160, 210, 212, 215, 264, 273; 4/79; 6/103; 10/2, 292 1/286 (photo) 13A/108 10/57 10/324, 325 3/23 3/41 1/12, 125, 220; 5/208; 8/95 3/197, 199 1/93 4/22 2/272 1/240 1/196, 274, 300; Old Cemeteries/6 1/91, 93, 99, 224; 4/17, 26, 31; 6/43 13A/135 p2 1/300; 2/376, 378; 4/19, 27, 35, 51, 52; 8/116 1/155, 156, 161, 173, 189-191, 194, 199, 203, 205, 213, 223, 224, 229; 2/123; 4/4, 10, 11, 1416, 19-21, 28; 5/127; 7/259-260; 8/204; Old Places/30, 51 2/376, 378; 4/3, 11, 13 (map), 27, 29; 9/145 1/31-32 1/250 3/205a; 10/318 1/233, 235, 237; 5/97-101; 6/56, 176; 7/290292; 8/8, 10, 63, 119, 129, 139, 230 (photo); 10/122; 13A/10 1/288; 7/111 3/157,160 7/370 8/221 8/251 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Integration Inter-Church Youth Council International Folk Festival International Trade Mart Interstate Waterways Convention Intracoastal Canal Iota, La. Iowa, La. Iowa, La. - Oil Field Iowa, La. - Schools Irby, Ben E. Ireland Iris Iris Street Ironside, (Lord) Irvin, Lawrence D. Irvin, Moore Irvine & Irvine Irvine, Rex Irwin, E. Irwin, I.N. Irwin, Jason (Mrs) Isaacs, J.W. Isaacs, Walter Isbell, Jeff Island of Unwanted Women Island of Woods Israel, Eloise Isreal, J.D. (Capt) Istre [Various spellings occur: East] Istre, Clabby Istre, Elward John and Vincent Istre, Terry Anthony Italy Item, The (newspaper) Ives, Walter J. (Maj) Ivey, W.E. (Capt) Iwan, Julia Iwan, M.L. (Mrs) J & L Steel Barrell Co. Jabbo - Ski King II Jaccuzzo, James V. Jack - Slave of John Hampshire Jackson, A. (Mrs) Jackson, Alphonse B. Jackson, Alton (Mrs) Jackson, Andrew Jackson Barracks Jackson, Clay Jackson, Clifton W (Sgt) Book/Page number 10/95, 98-99 8/222, 254 6/34 8/198 3/182 3/140, 199; 4/278; 6/182 (map), 190; 8/8 (photo), 90, 92, 136-138b, 141, 144, 155; 9/261/288; 6/31 1/290; 3/34; 4/86; 5/13; 6/199; 8/2, 63, 278; 10/122 4/123 10/118 6/51 1/199 8/195; 13a/1 1/200; 2/16 7/352 7/228 4/218 1/61j 1/64; 3/98 2/273 3/123 10/108 4/169 10/179 5/281; 7/121 (photo) 4/4 4/12 7/289 6/86 10/198f 7/228 7/407 7/81 1/191; 6/23; 8/23 3/91 7/268 1/225 5/226 3/56 6/48 7/180 (photo) 4/280 1/92 9/34 2/283 6/17; 8/326; 9/34 1/1, 229; 2/210; 4/280 7/451 5/273 7/417 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Jackson County, Tex. Jackson Courthouse Jackson, (Dr) Jackson, Henry S. (Family) Jackson, J.H. Jackson, Joe (Pvt) Jackson, John E. Jackson, Joy Jackson, La. Jackson, Leanna Jackson, Loula Mae Jackson, Marie Jackson, Mattie Jackson, M.G. (Mrs) Jackson, M.T. (Rev) Jackson, Pearl Jackson, Shelby Jackson, Stephen Jackson Street Elementary School Jackson Street Methodist Church Jackson, Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson, William Jacksonville, La. Jacob, Bayou Jacob, Donald McLean Jacob, Elvina, Joyce, and Mary Jacob Family Jacob, Joseph Edward Jacobs, Alberta Jacobs, Charles Bennett Jacobs, E.M. Jacobs, Gordy Jacobs, I.W. (Capt) Jacobs, Jake B. Jacobs, James H. Jacobs, J.E. Jacobs, Joe Jacobs, Leona Jacobs, Margaret Jacobs, Mary Virginia Jacobs, Phil (and Store) Jacobs, Sydney (Dr.) Jacobsen, Harry B. (Capt) Jacobsen, Marx Jacobsen, S.B. Jacques, W. (Mrs) Jacquet, Harold Jadwin, Edgar (Gen) Jaencke Dredging Company Jaencke Family Jaenke, Frank Book/Page number 1/186 Old Places/148 1/267 2/114; 7/248, 282a, 454 2/130-131; 4/96 7/119 8/152; 9/4, 150; Old Cemeteries/24 9/19 1/123 7/66 8/116 9/22 (photo) 10/77 10/69 4/123; 8/275 7/111 9/116; 10/92, 94, 217 1/168 10/237 3/40; 6/66 6/66; 2/99, 100 2/131 2/272 4/31 2/4; 3/83 7/222 Old Places/15 7/222, 235 (photo), 282a; 10/233 7/339 7/81 4/96 Old Cemeteries/22 7/402 (photo) 6/83 2/132; 7/339 7/454 2/327; 4/171; 8/235; 10/118b 10/32, 38 6/72-74 7/165 2/57 (photo), 141, 235, 249, 252; 3/36, 39, 148; 5/9, 12 9/146 (photo) 7/59 (photo), 81 2/354 7/173 5/211 5/25 6/176 8/279 4/102 5/206; 4/100, 104, 106 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Jahn Avenue Jake's Cash Store James, Albert James Ferry James, Gaynelle James, Harry James, Jesse James, John W. James, Jules (Adm.) James, Lee James, Malcolm James, Robert L. (M/M) Jan, (Father) Janauschek, Madam [actress] Janeux, John Janice, Dave (S.Sgt) Janice, Evan Janice, Inez Judy Guidry Janice, J.R. Janis, Alexis Janis, Baptiste Janise, Allen (Sgt) Janise, John (Mrs) Janise, Pete (M/M) Janise, Wilbert (Family) Janisse, M. Jannen, L.Y. Janot, Mayuse Jansen, Jens Jansen, John Jansen, J.P. January, Albert January, Arceneaux and Charles January, Frances January, Leroy (Cpl) Janvier, Charles Jardell, Bernett Jardell, Daniel J. Jardine, Louise Jarmon, Alice Dautrieve Jarnagan, R.J. (Mrs) Jarreau, Hunter Jarreau, L.U. Jarreau, Rollo C. Jarrett, Mack (S.Sgt) Jarvis, A.B. (M/M), Robert B., and Rose Ethel Jarvis, J. Jasper, Tex. Jastremski, Leon (Gen) Book/Page number 6/66 7/155, 156 5/77 1/157-158 4/218 8/254 9/15; Old Places/40 2/283 7/376 7/302 5/266 1/229; 3/105, 205a; 5/92, 95, 110, 155, 314; 7/93, 113, 123 (photo), 124, 193, 299; 8/229, 267, 330; 9/9 1/210 2/22 7/86 7/396 7/5, 154 (photo), 401 7/401 8/3 1/90-91, 93, 100, 128 1/90 7/154 (photo) 10/185 7/401 7/154 (photo), 218, 401; 8/93 1/128 2/220 7/81 2/28, 52 5/202 3/120 4/218, 237 4/142 4/268-269 7/442 2/256 4/280 7/64 1/64, 65; 3/98, 177 13A/17 c3p7; Old Cemeteries/17 4/169 7/78 4/280 2/262 7/442 7/209 (photo) 3/106 1/210; 4/65; 8/192 2/164 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Jaubert, Charles C. Jax Beer Jay, James Albert Jay, Margie Jaycees Jayhawkers Jayner, N.E. (Rev) Jaytee's Furniture Company Jaywalker ticket Jean Charles, Bayou Jeane, Austin C. (Family) Jeane, Gilmer Baxter Jeane, Grover S. Jeane, Travis Jeanerette Band Jean LaCroix, Bayou Jeanmard, Jules (Rev) Jeanpierre, Alexander Jeans, Alvie R. (?) Jean's Hosiery Shop Jeans, Robert Jeansone, Carl T. Jeansonne, Charles Jefferies, Douglas Jeffers, Charles Jeffers, Robert Jefferson, Clarence Jefferson County, Tex. Jefferson Davis Parish, La. See "Davis, Jefferson Parish, La." Jefferson, Elton Jefferson, Emily and Esther Jefferson, Joseph (actor) Jefferson, Thomas (President) Jefferson, William W. Jeffries, Carson Dunning Jeffries, Charles W. Jeffries, James Jeffries, Peggy Jellinger, Peter John Jena, La. Jenkins Jenkins, Arthur Jenkins, Bobby Jenkins, Daniel Jenkins, E.D. Jenkins, E.S. Jenkins, Erval Jenkins, Eunice Jenkins, George W. Jenkins, Harry N. (Sgt 2/c) Jenkins, J.J. (Mrs) Book/Page number 2/265; 5/243; 7/114, 120, 133, 156, 193, 198, 408; 8/150, 267 8/208, 209 7/86 7/423 4/286; 9/84 pg 40 3/88 10/186d 9/120 13A/18, 88 7/64, 149; 10/115, 126 (photo) 7/201 7/39, 149 (photo) 5/281 3/98 13A/43 9/150; Old Cemeteries/17 4/39 7/452 9/121 5/66 7/338 1/250 7/314 4/198, 204 4/200 7/345 1/168; 4/126 7/452, 454 7/66 2/21; 3/166; 4/69; 6/33, 64 1/226, 229 3/166 5/281; 9/58; 10/136 3/186; 8/338 2/131 1/129-130A; 10/137 7/86 1/222 1/208; 10/118a,b,131 4/280 10/197 5/60 1/104 (photo) 1/184; 10/100-101 (photo), 110, 221-222, 228 7/398 3/19, 48 3/217 7/338 7/146 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Jenkins, J.M. Jenkins, Mollie or Molly Jenkins, Nathaniel and house Jenkins, Nolan Louis Jenkins, Professor Jenkins Rheumatic Annihilator Jenkins, W.D. Jennings Band Jennings Bulldogs Jennings Community Hotel Jennings, Harold Edward Jennings, La. Jennings Oil Field Jennings Times Record (newspaper) Jensen, Christian Jensen, Earl E. Jensen, Harry and Tom Jensen, H.J. Jensen, Jessie May Jensen, Lawrence Jensen, Sam (Mrs) Jepson, Uriah Jernigan, O.M. (Mrs) Jerome, Edward Jessen, Alice Jessen, Benny, Don (Mrs), and Elena Jessen, Bertha Marie Jessen, Christian C. and Maurice E. Jessen, Dan (Mrs) Jessen, D.G. (Mrs) Jessen, Dorothy Jessen, D.W. (Dr. and Mrs.) Jessen, George Jessen, Herman Jessen, H.J. and Mina Jessen, H.M. Jessen, Ida May Jessen, Johannah Jessen, M.H. Jessen, Margaret Jessen, Marie Jessen, Max M. (S.Sgt) Jessen, (M/M) Jessen, Raymond Jessen, Rosalie Jessen, Walter Jessie, Charles Jessup, Floyd B. and J.E. (M/M) Jessup, Fred Jessup, Jerry Book/Page number 9/31 3/18, 232; 4/79, 95; 10/21b, 52 3/36 7/81 2/238 1/208 2/68 3/98 10/198f 4/108 (newspaper photo) 7/95 1/277, 278, 288; 4/11, 17, 87, 93, 98, 100, 102109 (newspaper photo), 277, 281; 5/77; 6/52, 199; 8/63, 278, 310 4/105; 5/207; 6/52 (photo); 8/282 3/93 5/4, 82 7/64 8/229 8/19 4/82 5/25 7/332 1/112 7/50, 112 8/280 4/119 7/321 2/303; 7/348, 360; 8/308a 7/228 7/227 7/329 6/72, 75 2/28, 52, 96, 107, 128, 135; 3/60; 6/14 6/42 2/77; 13a/9 2/302 7/82 7/348, 360 6/26 2/312 1/64, 65; 3/98 6/26 (photo); 7/360 2/302; 7/348, 360 6/156 7/348, 360 1/61i 9/55, 127 7/296 7/356 (photo) 7/82; 8/293; 9/38-39 10/177 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Jester, Elaine Jesuit Fathers Jesuit High School Jeter, Mr. Jett, Abraham, James, and John Jett, Alfred (M/M) Jett, W.A. jetties Jewel, F. (M/M) Jewell, Bloxom Jewell, Tom Jim & Jerry Contracting Firm Jinks, George W. (Cpl) Jinks, Isaac M. Jinks, Lillian Jitney Jungle Jnsen, A. (Miss) Joacimi, Aimie Joacimi, Antoine and Paulin (Mme) Jodl, Gustaf (Gen) Joffrion, Ellis Peter Joffrion, Paul L. John, Amos John, Cooper (Judge) John, Douglas John, Ed John, Gustave A. John, Harris P. (S.Sgt) John, Iwana Mae John, Louis John, Martha Johnny Doughboy Johns Johns, Charley (Gov) Johns, Helen Hope Johns, H.L. (Rev) Johns, H.L. (Mrs) Johns, Leland I. Johns, Persis Johns, Roy Johnson Johnson, Alice Johnson, Algia J., John I., and Oliver G. Johnson, Andrew Johnson, Andrew (Mrs) Johnson, Anthony and Lawrence (M/M) Johnson, A.R. Johnson, Arnold Lee Johnson, A.T. (Mrs) Johnson, Aug Johnson, A.V. (Pvt) Book/Page number 4/218 1/210 10/127, 130 2/115 1/168 7/233 2/265 6/181; 8/90 3/147; 8/209 7/173; 8/23; 10/80, 114, 126, 165, 185, 197, 204, 206 (photo) 10/92, 94 6/19 7/230, 238 6/46, 82 4/78 3/39; 7/155; 10/186d, 198d 2/302 1/91 1/92 7/281-283, 289 8/102 (photo) 7/452, 454 4/39 4/95 4/42 4/34 1/208, 233, 237; 5/161 7/396 4/47, 49 6/151 4/48 10/186 4/31 10/95 8/217 2/323, 404; 7/5; 10/136-137, 305 10/136, 306 7/151 10/136 10/137 13A/2 3/19 7/5 8/193 (photo) 8/192 (photo) 7/405 (photo) 2/331; 9/118 7/297 (photo), 436 4/283 5/82 7/419 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, Buford, Cleveland, J.T., Lanice (Mrs), Mike, Rubin, and Sarah Chevallier Johnson, Burgess Johnson, (Capt) Johnson, C.E. Johnson, C. E. (Mrs) Johnson, Charles Johnson, Christian Johnson, Desmond W. Jr. and Willard J. Johnson, Donald Johnson, D.S. Johnson, Ed Johnson, Edwood Johnson, Ella Johnson, Elmo Johnson, Elmore, Mary Ann Johnson, Evelyn Faye Johnson Family Johnson, F.F. Johnson, F.F. (Mrs) Johnson, Franklin and H.W. Johnson, Fred Johnson, Fred Jr. Johnson, Fred (Mrs) Johnson, George C. Johnson, George W. Johnson, Gerald W. Johnson, Harry H. (Maj. Gen) Johnson, Hazel Marie Johnson, Henry (M/M) Johnson, Hibbard O. and William B. Johnson, Hilda and Margaret Johnson, Hugh B. (Capt) Johnson, Hugh (Mrs) Johnson, James Johnson, James Allen Johnson, Jean (Pfc) Johnson, J. Edgar "Dick" Johnson, J. Edgar (Mrs) Johnson, Jefferson Johnson, Jerry (Capt) Johnson, J.F. Johnson, J.Howell and Lumber Company Johnson, J.J. Jr. (Prof) Johnson, J.M (Mrs) and W.T. Johnson, Joel Parish, Leo Dale Johnson, John Johnson, John L. Johnson, John R. (Lt) Johnson, John Willis Cantey (Rev and Mrs.) Johnson, Joshua Book/Page number 1/168 13A/18 10/207 6/181 8/241 7/11 4/188, 203 13A/5; 7/296 7/345 2/331; 7/348 4/115 7/100; 8/93, 309 4/452 3/192, 196 10/203 10/187a 10/199a 1/206; 3/232 6/16 6/55; 7/272 2/132 6/36; 7/184, 279, 322 (photo); 8/236, 267, 280 8/267 9/34 7/229 5/281; 10/144 7/374 7/286 6/182 7/297, 356 7/228 7/111 5/177 7/173; 10/165 5/270 7/298, 307, 331, 372 7/184 (photo) 4/77, 78; 5/268, 273 3/57; 10/115, 306 8/296 5/104; 7/118 2/341 8/181 10/69 3/192 7/95 1/45, 73, 89, 94, 168; 2/301; 5/82; 7/82 7/66 7/184, 195 1/9, 59L, 61i, 63 1/30, 43, 191, 224; 3/187 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Johnson, Kathryn Johnson, Keen Johnson, Laura Vincent Johnson, Leroy Johnson, Leslie Gordon Johnson, Lillian Johnson, Lloyd (M/M) Johnson, Lois E. Johnson, Lucien R. Johnson, Lucille and Tessie Johnson, Mary Alice Johnson, Milton Johnson, (Mr) Johnson, Murray Johnson, Myrtle Johnson, Naomi Johnson, Neils J. (M/M) Johnson, Ocie Johnson, Ogden Johnson, Olophan S. (Family) Johnson, Ora D. Johnson, Patricia L. Johnson, Paul Johnson, Paul B. (Gov.) Johnson, Robert Johnson, Roy Johnson, R.P. Jr. Johnson, Saddle or Saddler Johnson, Shelton H. (S.2/c) Johnson, S.J. Johnson, S.L. and West J. Johnson, S.R. Johnson, Terry Johnson, Thad Johnson, Theodosia Johnson, T.J., W.F., and W.I. Johnson, W. (Capt) Johnson, Walter D. (P.O) Johnson, Warren Johnson, Wilfred Johnson, W.J. Johnsons Bayou, La. Johnsons Bayou, La. - School Johnson's Music Store Johnston Johnston, Catherine Johnston, Clarence A. Johnston, Eleanore and James Johnston, Freddy Johnston, George A. Book/Page number 10/189 (photo) 7/474 4/293 7/452 7/217 5/262 8/317; 10/197, 198g 7/451 7/452, 454 5/232 4/81 7/437 1/73 5/266 7/146; Old Cemeteries/22 8/3 7/307, 331, 392 5/271; 7/88 1/207, 234 3/217; 7/103, 246 (photo); 8/295 2/264; 3/205a; 7/116; 8/212, 232 (photo), 333; 9/36, 84; 10/213 8/173 2/301; 4/95; 6/77 7/43 10/163, 166 7/312 (photo) 2/327 (photo), 331 1/205, 244; 4/96, 115, 121; 5/78; 13A/2 7/356 4/100 7/82 4/82 2/336 3/192; 4/132 4/119 7/296 5/71-72 7/266 (photo) 1/98, 107, 125 7/151 2/220 1/26, 81, 91, 92, 101, 112, 118, 122, 123, 126, 133, 137, 138, 210; 2/96, 274; 8/277 4/300, 301 10/198d 7/176 9/186a; 10/187, 193 10/202 13A/52 c2 7/118 7/151 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Johnston, Lucien R. (1st Lt) Johnston, W.H. Johnston, William Jolet, T.W. Jolly, Nicholas Jolly, Suggs (Mrs) Jolson, Al Joly, Gerald J. Jones Jones, A.B. (Col) Jones, A.J. Jones, A. L. Jones, Albert N. (Rev) Jones, Alex (Cpl) Jones, Alva Jones, A.R. (Rev) Jones, Arnold Jones, Arthur Jr. Jones, A.W. Jones, B. Jones, Bart (Mrs) Jones, Bill Jones' Bluff Jones, Bruce Jones, Burrel Jones, Casey Jones, Catherine Jones, Cecil or Cecile and Stephanie Jones, C H. Jr. [indian agent] Jones, Charles Jones, Chris Jones, Clara Louise Jones, C.M. (Mrs) Jones, Curtis R. (S 1/c) Jones, Delma or Delmas (Mrs.) Jones, Deronda (Mrs) Jones, D.H. Jones, Don (Mayor) Jones, Dorothy Jones, Dudley B. (Maj) Jones, Edison E. Jones, Effie Norwood Jones, Emily Jones, Eugenia and Willie Jr. Jones' Ferry Jones, Gail and Jimmy Jones, George (and Insurance Agency) Jones, Gloria Jones, Guy R. (Dr) Jones, Hal Jones, H.B. Jones, H. E. Book/Page number 7/235 10/53 4/79; 7/118 1/208; 3/133, 158, 169; 6/14 13A/89 c1 10/223 7/320 7/117 1/61 6/98 10/19, 21a 8/93 3/189 7/397 4/39 10/20 10/166 10/84 10/210 1/73 6/176 9/4 2/272 10/63 1/168; 10/185 13A/50 c1 5/77 4/218 4/26 7/296; 9/44 1/74 7/154 3/54 7/348, 419, 433 4/192, 278 (photo) 7/200 7/314 7/384 7/447 7/118 7/452, 454 2/357-358 6/185 7/438 1/112 4/278 (photo) 1/125, 146, 155; 10/198a 7/100 8/22 8/67 1/153; 2/223; 5/55; 10/348 6/62 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Jones, Henry Jones, Horace Lynn Jones, Hugh Jones, J.A. (Rev) Jones, James Jones, James Benjamin and Ray A. Jones, Jasper W. Jones, J.E. Jones, Jean (Mrs) Jones, Jeanne Jones, Jennings B. Jones, J. Hunter Jones, J.J., S.C., and L. Ora Jones, John Osborn Jones, John R. Jones, John W. (M/M) Jones, Jones Jones, Joseph P. Jones, K.D. Jones, K.D. Jr. Jones, Laurie (Lt) Jones, Lennis (Capt) Jones, Lloyd M. Jones, Lucian or Lucien Jones, Lucille Bond (Mrs) Jones, Mamie Jones, Mary Jones, Mary Ann Jones, Mary C. Jones, Mau. (Mrs) Jones, (Mr) Jones, M.T. (and Lumber Company/Mill) Jones, Myrtle Jones, N.J. (Rev) Jones, N.P. (Rev) Jones, Paul Jones, Pete Davis Jones, R. Jones, Randall (1st Lt) Jones, Raymond (1st. Lt.) Jones, Raymond Eric (Lt) Jones, Robert Jones, Robert (Mrs) Jones, Roy Anthony Jones, R.W. Jones, Sam Houston (Gov & Mrs) Book/Page number 4/142; 7/296 9/52; 10/92 7/94, 178 4/98 10/80 7/177 (photo) 7/53, 282c; 8/22, 162, 223, 227, 280, 311 2/58 7/111 5/205; 6/42, 44; 10/40 4/150, 272 4/119; 6/83 7/296 7/86 7/400, 452, 454 (photo) 3/227; 6/204, 400, 419; 9/83 7/286, 452; 10/108 5/84 6/69 (photo), 72-73; 10/63 10/136 7/196 7/429, 445 7/433 (photo) 2/101, 132 7/163, 290, 297, 319, 391, 405, 432 5/262 4/13 8/2 Old Cemeteries/25 3/80 2/195 1/147, 153, 156, 157, 160; 2/2, 132, 192, 275; 2/89, 248; 3/71, 72, 236; 5/138; 10/347 6/151 8/230 7/82; 13A/18 c4p10 4/147 7/217 10/316 7/178 7/6, 163 (photo), 290, 297, 319, 391, 405 (photo), 417 7/321, 433 1/205; 2/131; 4/96, 116; 5/77-80; 8/70, 323 1/205 7/81 4/171 1/62, 244; 2/264, 280; 3/197, 205; 4/77, 78, 96, 116; 5/93, 98, 249, 276, 281; 7/2, 10, 12, 43, 93, 94, 117, 123, 144, 178, 186, 187, 251, 291, 451; 8/16, 37, 233 (photo), 236, 264 (photo), 267, 305, 311, 352; 9/38, 142; 10/115, 133, 136, 236, NAME OR DESCRIPTION Jones, Sambola (Col.) Jones, Sarah I. Jones, Sid Jones, Stella Jones, T.C. Jones, Theo Jones, Vera L. Jones, Walter Jones, W. Alton Jones, Yvonne Jones, Zachariah Jonte Jonte, Charles V., Eugenie, and Jane Jonte, Estelle Jonte, (Mrs) Jordan, Annie Jordan, E.C. Jordan, J.G. Jordan, J. Luther Jordan, John T. Jordan, Lisa Jordan, Professor Jordan, R.C. Jordan, W.R. Jordan, W.R. (Mrs) Joseph Charles [no surname] Joseph, (Rev) Josephine, Choctaw Indian Joseph's Drive Inn Joskin's, Cyrus (Honorable) Jouban, A.M., Eugene, Joseph, and M. Joubert, Ina Jourdan, Noel Journeay, Tom Jowers, James W. Joy, W.R. Joyce, Margie Joyner, Amy Joyner, George Joyner, Mary Joyner, (Miss) Joyner, N.E. (Rev) Juanita, La. Judd, A.H. Judge, Frank Judice, Louis Judice, Shelly Judicial System (including juries, jurors, and Justices of the Peace) Judis, D.P. Judo Book/Page number 2/164 8/221 2/335 (photo) 2/352 2/258 6/16 7/66 6/22 7/250, 251; 8/2, 355 6/72, 75 1/95, 119, 124, 138; 8/337 1/206; 10/108 5/195 5/195; 10/31 1/206 1/58 10/118 5/266 2/283 2/334 5/119 13A/5 10/218 1/58 (photo), 59k, 61, 63; 3/61; 5/160; 7/287 3/79 1/217 1/44 4/19 9/139, 141 3/94 4/116 5/226; 8/118 13A/52 c2 9/4 7/233 3/42 8/228 (photo), 229 10/197 8/13 13A/20 c2p12 3/16 2/319, 323; 3/88; 5/225 10/318 7/115 7/398 6/53 4/39 1/44, 90, 106, 107, 115, 116, 127, 128, 134, 139, 145, 151, 161, 204, 267; 5/339; 6/208; 8/269; Old Places/3, 45 7/296 7/350 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Julian, William H. July Fourth Celebrations and Parades Jumonville, Margie Mae Junctioneers Juneau, John B. Jung, Harold Frederick (Family) Junior Junction Junkin, F.H. Junkin, Fred Juranko, Joseph Justman, William J. Juvenile Commission Juvenile Delinquincy K & M Store K - Armand Co. K - Building Kahn, Jules A. Kahn, Theo Kaiser & Kawitsky Kaiser, E. Kaiser, Mark Kaiser, Maurice (Mrs) Kalan, Marty (Pvt) Kaltenborn Kandle, R.P. (Dr) Kane, Annie Ruth Kane, Clarence L. (Sgt) Kane, Harnett Kane, Henry B. Kane, Henry B. (Mrs) Kane, Lucille Kane, Tommy Kanewski, William J. (Family) Kann, Gabe (Dr) Kanoy, Charles C. (Family) Kanoy, Clarence Kanoy, Daryl Hampton (Family) Kanoy, Jean Kansas Kansas City Blues Kansas City Bridge Co. Kansas City, Mo. Kansas City Southern Railroad Kansas City, Watkins & Gulf Railway [See also "Kansas City Southern Railroad" and "St. Louis, Watkins & Gulf Railroad"] KAOK radio Kaough, Arthur Daniel Kaough, Archie R. Kaough, Dorrisse (Mrs) Kaough, Eleanor Book/Page number 4/157-158 2/33, 35 (photo), 44 (photo), 165; 3/98, 155; 5/15, 59-61 2/352 10/198f 8/167 7/245 (photo), 346, 347, 395 10/198g 2/330; 4/78 6/162 9/27 6/83 8/311 6/41; 8/221, 232 7/156 8/100 3/105 7/338 2/330 2/186 2/87 2/126 7/50 7/29 7/365 7/131, 450, 451 10/199a 7/417 8/275 2/325; 3/43 6/15 10/95 7/26 7/226 (photo) 2/112-113 7/198; 10/126, 165 10/198g 7/198, 201; 10/115, 126 10/198a 1/199; 8/277 8/234 8/27, 293 3/36; 6/93; 8/293 1/205, 233; 3/232; 5/9; 6/77, 181, 190, 199; 8/10, 140, 281, 283; 10/122 1/208, 225, 233, 284; 2/133, 162, 245; 3/17, 34, 36, 43, 97, 169; 6/46, 93, 181; 10/122 6/199 7/81 10/182 6/68 10/186 f,g,198e NAME OR DESCRIPTION Kaough, Evelyn Kaough, Heirs Kaough, Joseph Kaough, J. Warren Kaough, Leo Book/Page number 10/166 6/113,121,125 5/55 7/296 5/232; 7/296; 10/63, 101 (photo), 171b, 222 (photo) Kaough, Martin 3/139 Kaough, Marvin 10/31, 40 Kaough, Mary 2/62, 72 Kaough, Mattie 4/293 Kaough, Myrtle 3/80 Kaough, Ollie and Pearl 3/13 (photo) Kaough, Pat 10/179, 186e, 189 (photo) Kaough, Patricia Ann 10/177, 193 Kaough, Patsy 2/350; 7/201 (photo); 9/186a; 10/182, 187 Kaough Place 2/272 Kaough, Raymond 7/82 2/272; 13A/108 c2 Kaough, Sarah Ann 1/47, 58; 2/132 Kaough, Thomas Kaough, Warren 2/238; 10/221 Kaough, Wilfred 10/222 (photo) Kaough's Landing 5/86 Kapakos, Eunice 5/67 Kaphaut, John 3/33 Kaplan, Abrom 4/283 Karam, Tom 4/39 Karankawa Indian Tribe [Various spellings occur: Caronsheway, Carancawa] 1/210; 4/58, 59; 6/56 Karsh, Della 5/270 Karsh, Elmer J. (Pfc) 7/5 Kase, C. 2/108 Kaufman & Block Store 2/5, 92, 186, 235; 3/36, 105 Kaufman & Reims 1/181 Kaufman, Angelica 8/188 Kaufman, Ben (M/M) 3/105; 7/93 Kaufman, Bertha and Charlie 10/64 Kaufman, Bessie 5/225 Kaufman Building 2/275-276; 3/105, 137; 5/9; 8/100 Kaufman, E. (Mrs) 4/123 Kaufman, Ed 6/149 Kaufman, E.H. (Mrs) 5/332 Kaufman, Elias R. (M/M) 2/48, 277, 284, 286, 290 (photo), 325; 3/85, 108, 112, 113, 116, 119, 218-225 (photos); 4/78, 88, 169; 5/58, 95, 102, 110, 155-158, 225; 6/17, 168 (photo), 175, 177 (photo), 208 (photo); 7/8, 14, 50, 53, 67, 93, 115, 116, 122, 123 (photo), 124, 147, 195, 357; 8/16, 61, 84, 85, 88, 173, 179, 185, 198, 212, 221, 223, 231, 282, 295, 330, 340, 353; 9/9, 13, 38, 45, 129, 142, 146 (photo), 149; 10/16, 159, 165, 213, 306 Kaufman, Ely S. (M/M) 10/143 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Kaufman, Leopold (and Mercantile Company) Book/Page number 1/125, 177, 208; 2/2, 29, 37, 42, 52, 59, 92, 113, 122, 129, 133, 170, 202, 221, 223, 232, 238, 239 (photo), 248, 252, 256, 276, 284, 325; 3/23, 36, 39, 105 (home photo), 111, 113-116 (photos), 118, 119, 159, 169, 213, 223; 4/74, 78, 101; 5/9, 12, 55, 141 (home photo), 153 (business photo), 157, 158, 220, 225 (home photo); 6/24 (photo), 48, 80, 113, 121, 125; 8/253; 10/16, 21, 60, 143, 328; 13A/9 Kaufman, Louise and Sara Kaufman, Maxie Kaufman, M.M. (Mrs) Kaufman, Samuel 3/105 10/22-23 7/111 1/185; 2/57; 3/17, 157, 169, 213; 4/169, 171; 5/9, 23; 6/116 1/215; 4/171; 10/52, 221 1/227; 4/171; 7/93 3/148 7/50 Old Places/17 2/186 7/223 (photo) 3/60 7/86, 156, 164 (photo) 7/119 1/75, 81, 91, 93, 120, 129-132, 147, 148, 150, 153, 156-158; 2/154; 6/98, 184, 187, 191, 197, 204, 206; 8/87, 289; 10/123 2/351 3/44; 4/84; 10/18, 65 6/16 2/147 2/97, 128, 150, 170, 196; 3/12; 5/192; 10/8; 13A/6, 11, 12 2/167 2/186 3/12, 48,177; 6/15 5/77 2/147, 244; 3/9 (photo), 12, 45; 6/46, 82; 10/204 (photo) 4/95 5/4 5/282 2/147; 3/12 2/277 3/12 (photo) 2/71 3/12; 2/147 3/12 10/161 1/226; 10/8 1/208; 2/5, 23, 53, 112, 113, 167, 172 (photo), 203; 3/5, 12, 19, 23, 39, 41; 5/9 Kaufman, Sidney A. Kaufman, W.C. (Family) Kaufman, William Kaufman, William (Mrs) Kaufman's Corner Kawaitsky [or Kawalsky] & Kaiser Kawalski, Peter P. (Sgt) Kay, (Mr) Kay, George Lewis (Family) Kay, Danny Kayouche Bayou/Coulee [Various spellings occur: Cayosha, Cayochi, Kyoshi, Kioches, Kiosh, Kioshi, Kyosh] Kay's Market Keachie College Kean, Ruth Kearney, Alice Kearney, Andrew Jackson Kearney, A.R. Kearney, A.S. Kearney, Belle Kearney, C.H. Kearney, Charles R. Kearney, D.A. (Mrs) Kearney, Florence Kearney Home Kearney, Irene Kearney, J. Johnston Kearney, Johnson Kearney, Judge Kearney, Laura Kearney, Lilledge Kearney, Lorena Kearney, Maggie Kearney, Milledge D. "Bud" (and Drug Store) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Kearney, Milledge D. "Bud" (Mrs) Kearney, M.R. (Miss) Kearney (town) Kearse, Lorena Keck, Charles H. (Sgt) Keel, Charles Keener, Annie and Laura Keener, Caledonia or Callie Keener, Frank, Georgia E., Marcellus, and Richard Keener, George Keener, J.L. Keener, (Mr) Keener, Prof. Keener, Rona/Rosa? Keener, Samuel S. Keener, William R. Keeney, J.E. (Prof) Keeney, Laura Kegley, Wilson Keith, George Keith, Ida Belle Keith, Jim and William R. Keith, Mary Jane Keith, Paul E. Jr. Keith, Richard Keith, William (Mrs) Kelier, Clifford L. (Lt) Kellaher, M.F. (Pfc) Kellaher, Michael (Mrs) Keller, Alice Keller, Charles E.F. Keller, Charles H. Keller, C.L., Dennis (M/M), and Jack R. Keller, Douglas Alvin Keller, George Keller, Helen Keller, John (Family) Keller, Jules J. Keller, Nick Keller, Stephanie Keller, Violet Leone Keller's Smithy Kelley, A.D. (Mrs) Kelley, A.E. (Mrs) Kelley, D.N. Kelley, George W. Kelley, Gladys Kelley, J. (M/M) Kelley, James B. Jr. Kelley, J.D. (Mrs) Kelley, J.J. Book/Page number 1/42; 6/15 2/71 2/272 10/45-46 7/223 (photo) 10/78 2/203 2/147; 3/16, 47, 135, 178 (photo); 5/223 8/219 3/51 (photo) 3/44 4/79 10/21-23 1/51; 2/203; 3/19,109 (photo); 5/153; 6/64; 9/50; 10/26, 38 2/323 4/98; 5/27, 28, 109, 110; 7/111, 450 10/25, 26, 48, 191 10/23 7/228 1/168 7/111 1/207 10/129-130a (photo) 7/307 (photo) 8/198 (photo) 4/17 7/228 (photo) 7/118 7/269 5/66 3/216 7/296 7/84 (photo) 7/81 8/64; 9/142 5/342 7/445 6/208 1/171; 2/134 7/445; 8/71 (photo); 10/211 10/136 1/171 3/80 7/197 5/85 3/217 7/325 7/284 7/64 6/7 8/121 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Kelley, John Elwood (M/M) Kelley, (Mrs) Kelliker, Michael (Mrs) Kellis, L.C. (Rev) Kellog Kellog, E.L. Kellog, (Mr) Kellogg, M.W. Company Kellogg, William (Gov.) Kelly Kelly, Albert (USN) Kelly, Alverd, George, Thomas Kelly, Bertie Mae Kelly, Charles Kelly, D.A. (M/M) Kelly, Dan Kelly, Dorothy Kelly, Dorsey (Mrs) and M.M. Kelly, D.Q. Kelly, Emmett Wilson Kelly, Father Kelly, Fireman Kelly, Frank Kelly, Frank (Mrs) Kelly, George Frank Kelly, George James and Thomas John Kelly, Gladys and William H. Kelly, Grover C. (Mrs) Kelly, Harold (M/M) Kelly, Hatton W. and Joseph H. Kelly Home Kelly, Hoyt Kelly, Jesse V. Kelly, John (Capt) Kelly, Joseph O. Kelly, M. (Father) Kelly, Mattie B. Kelly, Michael Kelly, Nolan C. Kelly, R.A. (Mrs) Kelly, Rachel Kelly, R.D. Kelly, Will (Justice of the Peace) Kelly, William Kelly Weber & Co. Grocery and Wholesale Kelly Weber Fertilizer Plant Kelso, George Y. Kelso's Bayou Kelso's Saw Mill Book/Page number 7/299 1/125 7/146 2/151 1/233; 8/224 5/77 6/133 7/178, 179, 251, 291; 8/238, 280 1/298; 2/14 4/272; 5/201 7/227 (photo), 239 7/379 10/63 4/171 3/85,147; 5/221; 9/146; 10/118f, 318 5/82 5/331 6/51 1/227; 2/236; 3/186; 5/202 (photo); 8/194 7/86 2/12, 66, 106, 153; 3/46; 10/11 7/284 4/277; 6/191, 196, 197; 7/83, 103, 112, 113, 119 (photo), 123; 8/73 1/227; 7/193 4/272; 8/366 7/227 (photo) 7/326 7/176 7/227, 379 7/6 3/145 7/176, 228, 452, 454; 10/233 4/171; 6/83 1/103, 107, 115, 118; 10/118 7/5, 284 2/153; 3/46 10/185 1/115 7/228 7/146 7/325 7/304 13A/15 7/290 2/223; 3/158, 169, 232; 5/9, 154, 202; 6/88, 91, 162, 163, 181, 182; 7/93, 110, 155, 273, 426, 428; 8/254, 283; 10/186e, 198e, 209 1/235; 4/95; 6/181; 8/223 1/92 1/126, 129, 133,136 1/60 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Kemmerbly Brothers Kemmerly Motor Company Kemp, Beryl (Mrs) Kemp, Thomas Kemper Family Kendall, David Gordon, Harry H., and William M. Kendall, Helen B. Kendall, James E. Kendall, Malcolm Davies Kendell, John S. Kendrick, Mary Kendrick, Virginia Kenley, (Major General) Kennedy, David D. (Capt) Kennedy, Edward Kennedy, F.B. Kennedy, Inez Kennedy, J.E. (Mrs) and John Kennedy, J.W. Sr. Kennedy, Kemble K. (Mrs) Kennedy, Lucian or Lucien (M/M) Kennedy, Marguerite Kennedy, Minnie Kennedy, (Mr) Kennedy, Viola Kenney, George C. (Gen) Kenney, J.E. (Prof) Kennon, Robert F. (Gov) Kent, E.H. Kent Family Kent, James Kent, John Kent, J.T. Kent, Lillian May Kent, M.A. Kent, Olla Kent, W.T. Kentucky Keowan, Joe Kern, Claring John and Loacadie (Mrs) Kerr, Lucius H. Kerr, Robert Erskine Kersand, Billy, Minstrels [Program 1907] Kersey, Carline Kershaw, Edna and Joyce Kershaw, Newton Kerwin, Dale A. (Sgt) Ketchum, Horace R. (Lt) Key, Jack (Mrs) Key, Tucker (Pvt) Key West Book/Page number 10/186a 6/199 7/141 4/280 1/131 7/140 (photo) 7/390 7/452, 454 7/86, 140 (photo), 390 13A/31 7/313, 361; 8/244, 247 (photo) 6/72 2/258 7/223 (photo) 7/382-383 4/151; 7/384, 450-451 6/15; 10/21-22,32, 38 6/7 2/283 6/67 1/266, 285; 3/121; 5/9, 11, 12; 6/7; 7/293, 344, 359; 10/22, 33 10/161 10/21 3/18 7/123 (photo) 7/157, 200, 241, 433 10/124 1/237; 3/221; 6/203, 204; 10/92, 94 7/451 1/205; 5/79 1/158, 161; 2/131 1/128 10/118 10/136 3/217; 5/217 5/4 Old Cemeteries/22 6/92; 7/474; 8/278 7/178 4/116 1/168 8/191 3/164 10/229 8/111 4/231; 8/111-112 7/223 (photo) 7/231 10/238 (photo) 7/119 6/92 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Keyes, Ethel Marion and Letha Belle Keys, Edward Keys, H.A. Keys, Leonard Khoury Khoury, E.J. Khoury, George (and Record Shop) Khoury, John J. Khoury, J.Z. Khoury, Kamiel J. Khoury, Michael (Family) Khoury, Mitchell Khoury, Sara or Sarah Khoury, Thomas F. Khoury, Virginia Lee Kibbe [or Kibbi, Kiber], William (Dr) Kibler, Philip W. Kibler, Philip W. (Mrs) Kibodeaux, Forrest A. Kibodeaux, Horace B. and Rufus T. Kieches Point Kiene, Julia Kienle, J.A. Kiff, Joseph L. Kilbourne, Charles Kilgore, J.B. Kilgore, L.L. Killebrew, N.L. (Sgt) Killen, R.S. Killen, R.S. (Mrs) Killen Field (Football Stadium) Kilman, Arthur Kilmer, Joyce Kilner, Joseph Naquin Kilpatrick, Virginia Kimball, Charles Kimball, Charles D. (Mrs) Kimball, Elaine Kimball, G. Allen Kimball, Harrison Kimball, Mollie Kimball, Stephen T.D. Kimball, Steve Jr. Kincade, Ray Kincade, Shirley Kincannon, (Mrs) Kinder Brothers Kinder, Hattie Kinder, Herbert Book/Page number 10/199a 4/268 (photo); 7/452 4/97 6/83; 13A/42 c1p2 10/116 8/268 7/185; 9/123(photo); 10/186g, 198e 2/286, 290; 3/218, 219 (photo), 221, 225; 6/113, 124; 7/50, 82, 113; 8/268, 353 7/318 (photo) 2/286, 292; 3/218, 219 (photo), 221, 224, 225; 7/120, 304 7/181, 212, 215 (photo) 7/181 7/185, 318 2/265 10/197 1/147, 219, 257; 2/7, 91, 138; 5/14; Old Cemeteries/8 2/286; 7/203; 8/61 7/146 7/444 7/6 1/9 7/153 5/238 4/232 5/251 4/94 10/78; 4/98, 100 7/205 8/230; 10/126, 163, 172, 198f,g, 202, 222f 7/173 3/204; 7/398; 10/186f, 197, 202, 210 1/156 8/238 7/201 5/262 1/215; 5/280; 10/32, 33, 38, 52, 221 2/201; 7/146, 173; 10/68, 186 b 8/2 9/48 (photo) 1/156 10/205 7/378 8/103 (photo) 5/266 4/218 6/16; 7/11, 14, 112, 122; 8/211; 10/306 2/165 2/169, 198 2/33, 198 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Kinder, H.T. Kinder, Hubert "Hub" Kinder, James A. Kinder, Justice Kinder, La. Kinder, Mattie Kinder, Mollie Kinder, Nettie Kinder, Robert Kinder, Samuel Kinder, Samuel (Mrs) Kindergarten Toys Kinder-Scally, Mary Jane King King, Agnes King, Alvin O. (Gov) King & McCoy Law Firm King, Annie King, A.S. King, A.T. King, Betsy Bee King, Billy and Joyce Mae King, Charles King, C.G. King, E. and Lee King, Ed. S. King, Edgar George King, Edgar W. (Col.) King, Edna King, Floyd W. and John H. King, Frances King, George Merritt (Family) King, George Merritt, Memorial YMCA King, George W. King, Jean L. King, Jean M. King, Joe King, John E (Judge) King Lumber Company King, Mable King, Merwin King, (Mr) King, Robert (Family) Book/Page number 4/171 10/204 (photo) 2/13, 23, 36, 37, 53, 62, 86, 102, 110, 113, 115, 148, 190, 195, 198, 200, 201, 246; 3/100, 204; 4/97; 5/66, 77; 6/56, 64, 103, 143; 10/36, 108, 109 3/61 1/289; 3/34, 236; 4/5, 11, 20, 31, 32, 35; 6/43, 191, 195, 197; 10/318, 325 7/352 2/198, 201; 10/22-23, 31, 68, 186b, 224 1/51; 2/169, 197; 3/18 2/198 1/208; 2/23, 53, 201; 3/100; 5/4, 66; 6/113, 2/37 4/6 (photo) 13A/19 c3p2 1/211 7/50 1/214; 6/17, 171-174; 7/93, 405, 450, 451; 8/167, 283, 308, 349, 353; 9/9; 10/40, 104 7/380 6/152 7/82, 100; 8/305 1/230 10/148 7/118 8/258 7/224; 8/217a, 218 7/82 7/296 7/81 7/150 3/80, 173; 10/194 8/266 7/405 1/229; 3/97, 123, 191, 205, 236; 4/17; 5/202 (photo); 6/181; 8/71, 211, 247, 258, 338; 10/16, 64, 194 8/211 (photo) 10/318 2/331 1/222 10/186 b 5/83 4/95; 10/347 3/173, 177; 4/81, 95 9/153 2/272 2/119, 122, 246-248, 250, 265; 3/23, 186; 5/73, 74; 7/285, 302, 447; 8/84 (photo), 93 (photo), 266, 282 (photo); 10/22, 31, 33, 171, 204 NAME OR DESCRIPTION King-Ryder Company King, Van King, Voris King, Wilfred King, W.M. (Rev) Kingdom, Franklin Kingery - Various spellings occur: Kingrey Kingery, A.J. Kingery, Carl Kingery, Charles Edwin (M/M) Kingery, Donald Kingery, Edwin Kingery, Ellsworth Kingery, Joel Kingery, Wayne Kingery, W.S. (M/M) Kingery, W.W. Kingham, Bert Kingham, J.F. (Mrs) and Mark Kingham, J.M. Kingrey - Various spellings occur: Kingery Kingrey, J.A. (M/M) Kingrey, J.J. Kingrey, J.K. Kingrey, J.S. (Mrs) Kingrey, Lula M. Kingrey, Mollie Kingrey, (Mr) Kingrey, Nolan Marcell Kingrey, William Kingrey, Zilla Kings Bayou Kings Restaurant Kings Specials, Co. B and D Kinison, Fred M. Kinkead, J.A. Kinnard, Alberta, M.C., and Stephen Decatur Kinney, Anna Kinney, E. Jr. (1st Lt) Kinney Family Kinney, Florence Kinney, John Kinney, L.E. (Mrs) Kinney, Lou (Mrs) Kinney, L.W. Kinney, L.W. (Mrs) Kinney, (Mrs) Kinney, Reid Book/Page number 10/318, 349 1/226; 2/327, 331; 7/204; 10/179, 180, 186e, 189 (photo) 2/330, 189, 216-217; 6/182; 7/405 10/84 13A/19 c3p2 7/375 10/198f 2/132 10/205 7/198, 328, 329, 452, 454; 10/176, 183, 187a, 188, 197, 202, 215, 227, 233 7/328, 340; 10/159 10/63, 136 7/328; 10/172, 175-176, 179, 186f, 190 (photo), 198a,f,I,211 1/161 7/328; 8/92, 217; 10/68, 159, 162, 164, 167-169, 172, 173, 182 2/283; 4/17, 39; 7/451; 8/280 8/98 (photo) 6/152 8/70, 323 8/323 5/210 2/126 2/155 4/17 8/56 2/196 2/352 7/201.3 7/82 8/119 1/125 2/92 1/225 8/137 8/37 7/296; 13A/20 3/80; 10/107 (photo) 7/166 2/170 3/80 1/132 6/15 3/79; 9/34 2/204; 3/203 3/18, 174, 177, 178; 6/8, 59 2/115, 193, 205 2/35 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Kinsella, Ellen Kiplinger, Elaine Kiplinger, Gloria Kiplinger, J.A. Kiplinger, Lester L. Kiplinger, Lester L. (Mrs) Kiplinger, Phillip W. (Family) Kiplinger, Reed Kirby, Alton (Mrs) Kirby, Clarence A. Kirby, John Henry Kirby Lumber Company Kirby, Mark Kirby, Martha C. Kirby, Mary Kirby, Maxwell (Maj) Kirby, (Mr) Kirby, (Mrs) Kirby, Samuel Adams & Company Kirby Street Kirby Street Grocery Kirbyville, Tex. Kirk, H.J. Kirk, H.J. (Mrs) Kirk, Martha Kirk, R.C. Kirkendall, James S. Kirkland, Jack Kirkland, W.H. Kirklin, T.E. Kirkman Kirkman, Ella Kirkman, Ellen Cline Kirkman, E.R. Kirkman Family Kirkman, Gardie Kirkman, Homer Kirkman, Jack Kirkman, James Benjamin Kirkman, James Benjamin (Mrs) Kirkman, Jimmy Kirkman, L.B. Kirkman, Lee Book/Page number 13A/19 c1p12 10/129-130a (photo) 10/127 3/187 4/123; 7/123 (photo), 198, 350 (photo); 8/305; 10/53 8/189 (photo) 2/330; 4/169; 6/199; 7/205, 217, 219, 234, 269, 309, 314, 333, 444; 9/8 10/197 10/229 5/20 13A/118 c2p1 10/349 1/10 1/119, 124 2/216, 218; 5/20 2/259; 1/66 1/210 1/128 1/10, 69, 71, 76, 79-82, 87, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95, 96, 105, 119, 174, 184, 197, 213, 217, 223, 225, 252; 2/6, 12, 145, 216, 217, 219; 4/72; 5/20; 6/34, 64; 8/9; 10/6-8, 70, 121; Old Cemeteries/7; Old Places/1 1/130, 169, 180-182, 192, 232, 300; 2/16; 3/107, 145; 4/27; 6/207 (photo); 8/72 6/113 8/119 7/380 8/93 8/120, 313 10/210 5/266 8/213 7/449 10/217 1/226 2/76, 137, 248 1/6-7, 16, 27 9/134 (photo) 1/192 7/66; 10/64, 110, 115, 126, 151, 197, 215, 236 10/223 (photo) 2/147 1/148, 219, 257; 2/7, 85, 108, 132, 138, 164, 212, 250; 5/4, 7, 14; 10/201c; Old Cemeteries/11; Old Places/106 1/274 2/249 2/132, 133, 171 5/4; Old Cemeteries/11 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Kirkman, Mary Kirkman, Minnie Kirkman, Nancy Kirkman, Nannie Kirkman, Rosalie Kirkman, Sam Kirkman Street Kirkman, William H. (Dr) Kirkpatrick, A.C. Kirkpatrick, Claude Kirkpatrick, Eugenia Kirkpatrick, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, Terry Kirkpatrick, Traitt or Truitt Kirkwood, Bertha Kirkwood, E.J. (Mrs) Kirkwood, Homer Kirkwood, Lorraine Kirkwood, W.A. Kirkwood, Willie Kisachey [or Kisatchie], Bayou Kisatchie National Forest Kiser, L.E. (M/M) Kiser, Russell Almer Kish, L.P. Kisler, Floyd Earl Kisler, Joe Kitchen, George F. Kite, LeRoy M. Kite Flyers Kitterman, Glenn Kittredge, Alberta Kittrell, C. (Col) Kiwanis Club [See also "Lake Charles Kiwanis Club"] Kjerulff, Anton P. (Family) Kjerulff, Lauritz (Lt) Kjerulff, Mary Frances Klaus, Hannah Klein, Bernard Klein, J. Arthur (Rev) Klein, O.A. Kleinman, Manuel Kleinpeter & Co. Real Estate Kleinpeter, Eddie Kleinpeter, Elizabeth and Napoleon Bonaparte Book/Page number 1/164, 283; 2/69 Old Cemeteries/11 2/86, 147, 164; Old Places/99 2/69 2/196 1/255 1/210, 220, 232, 274; 2/7; 3/303; 6/66; Old Places/56 1/16, 114, 127, 128, 144, 151, 153, 154, 164, 217, 219, 257, 269, 283; 2/7, 10, 17, 66, 69, 114, 138, 142, 143, 155; 5/14, 17, 27, 35, 279; 7/451; 8/365; 13A/8 c1; Old Cemeteries/11 2/331; 6/17, 67; 8/295 6/72 7/111 10/130 (photo) 2/335 (photo) 10/63, 113 (photo) 10/64 8/219 5/67, 262, 270; 6/174; 7/67, 89, 103, 111, 114, 133, 193, 408, 430; 8/261, 267; 10/31, 40, 219220 10/101-102 (photo) 2/131, 280; 3/160, 169; 6/78 10/104 (photo) 1/211 6/50; 10/338 5/82; 7/411 7/95, 411 9/141 10/136 10/47 4/171 6/83 3/204 10/102 (photo) 10/37 7/13 5/281; 6/162, 171, 172, 174, 185; 7/10; 8/195, 214, 258; 10/214 7/122, 128, 147,151 ,279 7/122 (photo), 128 (photo); 10/47 7/53 5/326 4/281; 7/86 13A/7 c3p5 8/285 7/93 2/4 7/88 3/29 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Kleinpeter, Noelie Kleinpeter, Thomas (Judge) Kleinpeter, Thomas (Mrs) Kleinpetre Klepper, H.G. (Rev) Kles, Charles (Sgt) Kline, Bill (Sgt) Klinke, Peter (Sgt) Klock, Ed. J. Klondike School Klotz & Marx Klotz, Leon KLOU Radio Knapp & Henry Knapp, Arthur (Family) Knapp, Bradford Knapp, D'Armond, Frank R. Jr., and Harvey Arthur Knapp, (Dr) Knapp, Ed Knapp, Edward Knapp, Edwin Knapp, Elizabeth Hotchkiss and Maria K. Knapp, Ethel Knapp, Evelyn Knapp, Fred Knapp, George D. Knapp, Heitman Knapp, Helen Knapp, Herman (Dr) Knapp, Ida Knapp, Jack Knapp, Jimmy Knapp, Laura O. Knapp, Lelia Knapp, Lillie Knapp, Lyman M. (Family) Knapp, Marie Knapp, Mary Woodruff Knapp Memorial Arch Knapp, Minnie Knapp, N.A. (Mrs) Knapp, Nicolas Knapp, Patricia Knapp, (Professor) Book/Page number 1/36, 37; 2/161, 168; 3/19, 29-31; 8/303 1/36, 77; 2/4, 135, 165, 167, 168, 246, 247; 3/23, 28-31, 35; 4/79, 98; 5/9c3, 192c2; 6/113c4, 121c3, 125c2; 10/21a 2/161, 168; 3/30-31, 174; 1/36-37 4/31 13A/17 c4p3; Old Cemeteries/17 7/419 7/138 (photo) 7/384 7/296 4/300, 301 2/186 2/148 6/89, 199, 204 1/229 1/229; 7/8, 190; 9/146; 10/69 1/208, 282; 2/189; 8/253 7/296 2/34, 74, 234; 5/9; 6/87 8/234, 241, 317; 9/4 10/191 2/264; 3/203, 205, 205a, 226; 5/62, 206, 333; 6/23, 45, 48, 159; 7/124, 141, 226, 289, 302, 311, 441, 447; 8/2, 61, 223, 244, 247, 252-253, 258, 263, 265, 270, 273, 275, 278, 282, 293, 311; 9/36; 10/194 8/236 3/19; 7/57, 107 (photo) 8/214 2/23, 34, 53, 75 4/100; 8/13 (photo) 6/197 (photo) 2/192-193, 204; 3/174 5/20; 6/62 6/8, 15 9/51 10/193 7/141; 8/311; 9/36 4/100; 7/119 (photo) 2/191, 230; 3/19, 134 (photo) 6/176; 7/146, 173, 334, 350 (photo) 4/79 5/20 8/253 1/282; 2/148, 161, 166, 276; 6/59 1/42 1/282 10/121 2/262, 275; 4/81; 10/122 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Knapp, Seaman A. (Family). Could be Seaman Arthur or Seaman Asabel (see below). Book/Page number 1/194, 225, 270; 2/163, 165, 204, 205, 213, 276, 330, 405; 3/9, 16, 36, 41, 77, 148, 169; 4/87, 97, 167; 5/204, 326, 332; 6/10, 24 (photo), 59, 105; 7/5, 114, 308, 449, 451; 8/3, 9, 236, 252, 277; 10/16, 20, 36, 306; 13A/133 c2p5; Old Places/18-20 1/208, 282; 2/244; 3/26 (photo of home), 85, 123, 191; 4/86; 6/46, 82, 83; 7/67, 111, 140 (photo), 190, 306, 340; 8/133, 223, 253, 278, 287; 9/4 Knapp, Seaman Asabel (Dr) 1/282; Old Places/16 (photo) Knapp, Ted (Pfc) 3/205a Knapp, W.A. (Dr) 1/8, 10, 14, 15, 27, 30, 44, 52, 59e,I; 2/5, 36-38, 53, 134, 148, 162, 182, 186, 190, 211, 229, 238, 246, 265; 3/22, 23, 41, 204; 4/171; 8/ 309 Knapp, Willie 6/117 Knapp-Mayo Abstract Company 2/163; 4/97 Knapp's Drug Store 2/35, 75 (photo), 89, 167, 240 (photo); 5/7; 6/33, 87; Old Places/6 (photo) Knappville (area of LC) 1/221; 3/36, 43 Kneltz, George S. (T.Sgt) 7/223 (photo) Knepper, Elwin (Sgt) 7/73 Kniffen, Fred B. (Dr) 4/14-16; 5/82 Knight, E.A. (Mrs) 1/59g, 46 Knight, Elray 7/81; 10/63 Knight Family 1/205; 5/79 Knight, Jo 7/235 Knight, Leo M. (Family) 7/246 (photo), 402 Knight, Lizzie 1/44, 57, 57e Knight, Susie 10/11 Knight, W.B. 10/118 Knights of Columbus 5/279 (photo of hall); 6/176, 180, 181, 201 Knights of Honor, Magnolia Commandary #30 and Reliance Lodge # 3278 3/23, 41 Knights of Pythias 1/14, 16, 52; 2/35, 148; 3/17, 22, 41, 47; 6/84 Knispel, Fred 8/293; 9/38 Knobloch, Clay (Lt. Gov) 1/298; 2/150 Knock, E. Barrett 7/33 Knoll, Percy A. 6/83 Knothole Club 8/211 Knott, S.A. 5/77 Knott, Sarah G. 6/34 Knowler, George 7/82 Knowles, Helen C. 7/220 Knowles, Jesse M. (Family) 7/128, 174, 220, 274, 321, 431, 441, 454; 9/116; 10/233 Knowlton, Homer 7/118 Knox, Bertha 4/80; 6/16; 7/64, 112, 149, 354, 430; 8/198, 238; 9/34, 129; 10/306 Knox, Beverly 7/417 Knox-Blaw Construction Co. 8/225, 217a, 218 Knox, J.A. 6/176 Knox, L.H. (Mrs) 7/430 Knapp, Seaman Arthur (Family) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Knox, Milton Knox, Robert Lewis Koch, Vincent Koenig, M. (Mrs) Koerner, Henry Koeth, Frances Kohlfeldt, Fred Kohnke, Red Kokanour, P.M. Kolb, Allison Kolb, Reece Konkel, Charles Frederick Koonce, Albert Koonce, George Leno Koonce, Gus Koonce, J.J. Koonce, K.A. Koonce, Leon A. Koonce, Margie Koonce, Robert Koonce, S.W. Koonce, W. Koppelman, Van C. (Lt) Koppie, Thurmond Korean War Koropel, Jaroslav (Dr. and Mrs. And Nina) Korr, R.E. Korsmeyer, Cecile Korsmeyer, E.W. Korsmeyer, Jerry Kosokoff, Helen (Lt) Kossman, J. Kountz, Tex. Kovack, Alfred Kowatz, Rosa Kow-Kat Club KPLC Radio KPLC TV Tower Kraft, Clarence O. (Judge) Kramer, Al Kramer, (Arch-deacon) Kramer, George Kramer, M.L. Kramer, Richard S. Kratzer, Eddie Krause, Alma Krause & Managan Lumber Company/Mill Book/Page number 5/266 1/61L; 4/123, 171; 5/317; 7/149 (photo), 417, 430 (photo), 452, 454; 10/233 4/174 8/93 4/171 4/278 9/39 4/264, 271, 296; 8/336; 9/114 1/277 10/94 6/199 7/201 8/347 7/95 5/204 8/269 8/273 3/217 10/82 7/218 (photo) 2/132 7/296 7/235 4/142 8/106; 9/110 6/208 (photo) 5/193 8/108 2/331 6/16; 9/4 7/160 2/307-308 1/218 7/83 (photo) 2/76 8/216 6/43, 191, 199, 209; 8/17; 10/198b 6/183 (photo) 8/305 7/82 1/59e 6/17 2/243 7/451 7/452, 454 3/54; 6/2 (photo) 1/225, 235, 259, 275, 352; 3/63, 205, 236; 5/8, 34 (photo), 87 (photo), 202; 6/100, 195 (photo); 7/155, 426, 428; 8/64; 9/128; 10/198f, 209, 310, 311, 319 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Krause, Della Bel Krause, Dudie Krause Family Krause, Fritzi Krause, H.C. Krause Home Krause, Karl and Katherine Bel Krause, Kay Krause, (Mrs) (Actress) ( Miss Holman) Krause, Otto Krause, R. Krause, R. (Mrs) Krause, R. Sr. Krause, R.A. Krause, Rudolph E. (Family) Krause-Wachsen-Curley Kraussee, Arthur L. Krebs, A.B. Krebs, Anton R. Krebs, Bernard Krebs, B.L. Krebs, George and William Julian Krebs, Jack Krebs, William E. (M/M) Kreeber, Leo (Gen.) Kreeger, Della (Mrs) Kreeger, (Dr) Kreeger, George (Dr) Kreeger, George (Mrs) Kreeger, (Mrs) (Actress) (Miss Holman) Krenke, R. (Pastor) Kress Store Krielow, Louis Krielow, W. Krielow, William (Mrs) Krijpse, Maurice Kristoffsen, H. (Capt) Krueger, Walter (Gen) Krug, James A. Krusse, Harry Book/Page number 1/300; 4/39; 7/8, 120, 125, 357; 8/240; 10/186a,f, 188, 198a,b,d 9/4 3/72 2/54; 3/227; 5/221; 8/48, 76, 114-115, 197, 206, 261, 319, 327; 9/38, 126; 10/107, 137, 120, 127-129 (photo (pg 127)), 130a, 169 8/293; 9/38-39 6/164 (newspaper picture) 8/240 10/148, 157, 226 2/20 2/20, 219; 3/157, 160, 169 2/311; 3/105; 4/171; 5/55, 102, 229, 232; 6/168 (photo), 177 (photo); 7/133, 193; 8/185 5/243, 332; 6/17; 8/219, 273; 10/306 2/64 2/265 1/15, 214, 225, 235, 300; 2/38, 223-225, 232, 236, 238, 284, 286, 289, 331; 3/18, 141, 213, 215, 221; 4/95, 168, 170 (photo); 5/8, 46, 127, 155, 160, 231, 233, 276, 284; 6/2, 100, 175; 7/89, 103, 112, 113, 115, 125 (photo), 217, 395; 8/16, 61, 215 (photo), 232, 305, 330; 9/45; 10/16, 226, 311; 13A/133 c3p6 1/229 5/216 6/190 7/465; 8/115, 241, 246 (photo), 249; 9/52; 10/31, 214, 219, 220, 223 9/52; 10/104 (photo) 8/151 9/52 9/52; 10/222 (photo) 3/79, 103, 141; 4/169; 6/15, 68, 117,120; 8/42, 243; 9/52 6/201 7/111 3/147 3/141; 6/16 3/85; 9/35 5/312 2/307 3/113, 116; 6/80 1/227 5/139 4/100 10/186 e 5/115 7/19, 25, 27, 28, 34, 37, 67, 82, 173, 376 (photo) 7/368; 8/278 5/216 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Kruttwchnitt, J. KSIG Radio KTAG TV Station Ku Klux Klan Kulberg, John (Mrs) Kulberg, Raoul Kul-ka-shoo, Indian Chief Kuntz, Edna Kunze, Clayton (Mrs) Kuppler, J.P. (Pastor) Kurtz, A. Kurtz, Alice Kurtz, Edna R. Kurtz, Harry (Mrs) Kurtz, Joyce Kurtz, Otto Kurtz, Otto (Mrs) Kurzweg, V.J. Packet ship Kushman, Frances Kushner, Abe Kushner Brothers Jewelers Kushner, Florence Kushner, Jacob Aaron Kushner, Louis (Family) Kushner, Maurice Kushner, Sam Kushner, William Kuss, E.W. Kuttner, A.J. Kuttner, A.J. (Mrs) Kuttner, Eugene C. (Family) Kuttner, Helen Kuttner, James H. Kuttner, James H. (Mrs) Kuttner, Jennings (Mrs) Kuttner, Jewell Kuttner, Jimmy (Col) Kuttner, Rosemary Kuttner, William J.B. KWSL Radio Station Kyger, Eugenia Bryan Kyger, John C.F. Kyle, Howard Winston La Beneta Creek La Rosa, Ben S. (Sgt) Labadie, Odette LaBarbara, Frank A. LaBassor, (Rev) Labata, Lena LaBato, Joe (Mrs) and Sam (Mrs) Book/Page number 2/84 8/17 8/168 3/197; 10/99 7/173; 8/223 10/166 3/197; 4/17; 10/99 10/306 7/116 2/310, 312 7/296 8/288 4/48 7/64, 116 10/179, 180, 186a, 187, 189 (photo), 193 10/186d, 198h 6/76 4/4-5 7/113 8/293; 9/38-39; 10/102 2/99, 117, 354; 6/162; 7/155, 273, 426, 428; 10/186e, 198e, 209 5/57 7/95 3/203; 5/232; 7/296, 337; 10/102 (photo), 115, 231 3/224; 7/198; 8/70, 323; 10/102 5/225; 8/70, 323 7/151, 437; 10/137 2/304-305, 313 6/22 7/300 7/151, 227 7/294 6/180; 7/197 6/86; 7/5, 296; 10/115 5/4; 7/173 10/63 8/327 7/293, 448 2/244; 7/6, 294, 448 8/308a 5/223 5/223 7/86 1/212 7/118, 119 7/408 7/450-451 13A/19 c1p2 8/23 7/82 NAME OR DESCRIPTION LaBauve, Albert (Mrs) LaBauve, E.G. LaBauve, Edwin LaBauve, Ennis J. LaBauve, J.E. (Mrs) LaBauve, Leo LaBauve, Milton McCloy LaBauve, (Mrs) LaBauve, Placide LaBauve's [or LaBove's] Bayou LaBell Marie, 1908 program Labesse, J.E. Labesse, J.E. (Mrs) Labode, Francois LaBoe, Clarence (Mrs) labor Labor Day LaBove, Jimmy LaBove, Lorena Labue, Pearl LaCasse, Breville Lacassine, La. Lacassine, Bayou Lacassine Railroad Lacassine Game Reserve LaCaze, Belezaire and Joe LaCaze Family LaCaze, J.B. (Mrs) LaCaze, Louis LaCaze, Soulange [or LaGage, Sulonge] LaCaze, William D. Lacefield, Jerry Melvin Lacefield, Woodrow Lacey, Lee Lacey, Lee (Mrs) LaCombe, Bayou LaCombe, Ades (Pvt) LaCombe, George LaCombe, George (Mrs) LaCombe, Gus (Mrs) LaConte, Leo (Pfc) LaCour, Azenor, Cecelia, and Syperian LaCour Family LaCour, Fritz (Dr) LaCraix, Charles W. LaCroix, C. (Mrs) Lacy, Clayton Lacy, Clayton (Mrs) Lacy, I.L. (Mrs) Lacy, Judy Lacy, L.L. (M/M) Book/Page number 6/152 5/7, 56 6/167; 8/135 7/6 7/301 3/125 7/201 6/151 1/74; 13A/6 1/103, 106, 125 3/168 3/9, 36-37, 22, 41 6/7, 15 1/168 4/218 8/223 3/38; 8/231 (photo) 4/264 (photo) 4/218 4/192 1/157 1/93, 99, 101, 109, 110, 116, 117, 123, 146, 149, 153, 157, 273; 2/83; 4/12; 10/119 1/91, 157, 195 10/122 4/282 1/296 1/292 8/245 1/294-296 1/296, 297; 4/96; 5/79 4/96 7/95 2/351-352 4/79 6/155 4/19, 20 7/236 (photo) 7/107 (photo) 7/111, 173 7/146 7/118 5/177 5/176 7/217, 450-451 7/228 7/173 10/226 7/146 7/111 10/226 7/396 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Lacy, Lennie Lacy, Pauline Lacy, Tonie or Tony Ladies Aid Society Ladies Aid Society, Baptist Church Ladies Fashions Ladies Library Society Ladies of LC, aid and assistance Ladies Tailoring Company Clothing Store Ladies of W.O.T.U. Ladiner, A.R. Ladner, L.V. Ladner, Louise LaFargue LaFargue, A.D. LaFargue, A.H. (Dr) LaFargue, A.H. (Mayor) LaFargue, A.J. LaFargue, Alvin Henry LaFargue Building LaFargue, Lady Leah LaFargue, Laura and Murphy J. LaFargue, Myron (Mrs) LaFargue, Patricia LaFargue, Paul LaFargue, Madam Paul "Gascon" LaFasco, Frank A. Lafaye, J.L. Lafayette Parish Lafayette, LA Lafite, Clarisse Lafiteaux, John Lafitte Lafitte Bridge Lafitte, Captain Lafitte, Alexander Frederick Lafitte, Jean Lafitte, Pierre Lafitte Cutoff Lafitte Historical Marker Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop Auction Lafitte's Grand Terre Replica Lafitte's Operation LaFleur, Claney "Blanc" LaFleur, Dallas J. LaFleur, Eddie (Family) LaFleur, Ellis (Sgt) LaFleur, Israel LaFleur, Joe and Rufus Book/Page number 7/66 6/7; 7/93 7/396, 452, 454 5/15 3/169 3/149-154 (1906 photos); 6/79, 80 4/100 1/16 3/43 Old Places/42 4/123 7/6 8/93 1/209 3/35 4/98; 7/184; 8/338; 9/131 (photo) 9/45 2/164 4/79 2/269 8/305 7/205 4/80 8/2, 305 4/169 2/56 7/6, 7 4/171 1/116, 209; 4/281; 6/43 1/36, 175, 225; 2/82; 4/108, 279; 5/4; 6/93, 199; Old Places/42 13A/52 c2 13A/52 c2 1/2, 191, 209; 6/34; 9/129; Old Places/113 13A/49 c1; 8/37 13A/20 13A/51 c1 13A/7 (possibly pg 77), 19 c1p2; 1/195, 214; 2/274; 3/108; 4/175; 5/121-122, 176; 6/78, 181; 8/9, 47, 62, 214; 10/122 5/121 5/229 13A/55 c5 13A/85 c1 13A/128 c1p4 Old Places/112 7/66 7/452 7/363 (photo), 430 7/240 (photo), 244 3/120; 6/91; 7/82; 8/70; 9/52 7/442 NAME OR DESCRIPTION LaFleur, Leroy (Pfc) LaFleur, Mayo (M/M) LaFleur, Pauline G. LaFleur, Stanley (Pvt) LaFolle, Alex M. (Sgt) LaFosse, J.M. LaFosse, Lee LaFourche, Bayou LaFourche, J.A. (Mrs) LaFranc LaFranc, George Dewey LaFranc's Tavern Lafton, Jimmy Lager, Alton Lagniappe LaGrange, A. LaGrange, Adolph Julius LaGrange, A.J. LaGrange, C.F. LaGrange, Fabius LaGrange Family: Cecil, Charles, Clifford, and Joseph A. LaGrange, Mason LaGrange, Pierre LaGrange Schools LaGrange, Simileon LaGrange, Victor (Mrs) LaGrone, Otis LaGuardia, F.H. Laguens, D. Peter Laguna Madre Lahood, John J. Jr. Laigle, Teddine Laine, Dick Laing, Harvey Laird, Clayton Laird, Martha Jane Lake, Calvin B. Lake, Charley Lake, Frank Lake, Gordon Lake, Gordon (Mrs) Lake, Harry and Otis K. Lake, J.K. Lake, Mattie Lake, Robert (Mrs) Lake, Rudolph K. Lake, Thornton Lake, T.R. Lake 29 Lake Arthur Camp Meeting Book/Page number 7/240 (photo) 9/240, 315 4/39 7/315, 240 7/357 5/307 8/220 (photo) 2/263; 6/92 4/192 3/138 7/81 1/171 1/234 (photo) 7/296 6/29 5/56; 4/169; 6/176 7/66 2/337 7/88 (photo) 1/157 7/223 13A/108 c2 1/73 1/221; 7/100, 102; 10/118, 126, 186, 196, 198f, 218 1/89 7/112, 173; 10/223; 2/331 7/452 7/51 2/283 13A/18 c1 7/266 (photo) 10/115 13A/132 c1p2 1/277; 4/107 7/429 10/161 3/39, 235; 7/296; 10/328 9/110; 10/94 10/193, 212 (photo) 2/238; 10/221-222 (photo) 7/340 3/235 3/17 7/111 1/69 7/296 2/354 10/53 4/283 2/338-348 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Lake Arthur, La. Lake Boudreaux Lake Catahoula Lake Charles. General information. For City offices, entities, and agencies, see entries beginning with "Lake Charles - City." See also "Charleston, La. and Charley's Lake." Lake Charles Academy Lake Charles Air Base/Field - See Chennault Air Force Base Lake Charles Airport [See Lake Charles Municipal Airport] Lake Charles Airport - North Lake Charles Alkali Plant Lake Charles American Press newspaper [See also Lake Charles Commercial newspaper, Lake Charles Daily American newspaper, Lake Charles Echo newspaper, etc. ] Lake Charles Ammonia Plant Lake Charles & Northern Railroad Lake Charles Army Air Base/Field - See Chennault Air Base Lake Charles Army Flying School Lake Charles Army Recruiting Station Lake Charles Art Colony Lake Charles Assoc. of Commerce. See also "Lake Charles Chamber of Commerce" and "Lake Charles Board of Trade." Lake Charles Bakery & Family Grocery Lake Charles Band Festival Lake Charles Bank & Trust Lake Charles Baptist Society Lake Charles Beauty Contest "Miss Lake Charles" Lake Charles Board of Trade. See also "Lake Charles Association of Commerce" and "Lake Charles Chamber of Commerce." Lake Charles Boat Club Lake Charles Bottling Works Lake Charles Bowling Alley Lake Charles Brass Band Lake Charles Building & Loan Assoc Lake Charles Businesses Lake Charles Camera Club Lake Charles Carriage & Implement Book/Page number 4/17, 113-114, 149, 281; 5/251; 8/71, 293; Old Places/4 4/287 4/4 1/2, 3, 182, 193 (photo), 199, 202, 208, 212, 217, 221, 224, 257, 259, 260, 261, 271-273 (photos); 2/138-218, 270 (Photo); 3/23, 65, 104 (photo), 118, 137; 4/13, 28, 72, 108; 5/123-133 (photos), 137 (photos), 139-143 (photos), 167, 234 (photos), 257 (photos), 262, 311-325, 337; 6/19, 40-42, 45, 48, 49, 63-66, 78, 79, 81, 91, 93, 163, 177 (photo), 183, 189 (map); 8/8-11, 14, 22, 23, 62 (photo), 67, 70, 71, 94, 105, 127 (photo), 185, 193, 212, 219, 224, 277, 280, 287, 288, 313, 325; 9/5-8, 49, 58, 115, 120, 121, 124, 142, 157 (photo); 10/121, 208; Old Places/20, 24, 106, 173 1/225 6/187c 5/238 1/183, 184, 186, 195, 205, 210, 212, 214, 225; 3/37-40, 49-51, 54, 80-95, 99, 105, 106, 116, 117, 120, 124, 127, 137-139; 5/10-12, 230; 7/93; 8/115, 244-249; 9/134 8/233 6/66, 79 (bridge) 7/65-67, 74, 79, 81, 83, 86, 88, 95, 117-119 7/437 5/262 3/118, 203; 4/297; 6/68, 187, 190, 199, 209210; 8/48, 90, 218, 293, 304; 9/10; 10/202 13A/5 7/218 (photo) 1/226; 2/19, 256; 3/39, 138, 197; 5/224; 6/48; 7/10, 155, 219, 273, 426, 428, 435; 8/15, 227, 293; 10/114, 186a, 198b, 209, 343 2/69 3/136; 6/182 3/16, 17, 98, 105, 117-118; 5/9; 6/63, 181 1/229-230; 2/242-243 (photo); 3/119; 5/15; 6/197 1/281 10/186b, 198i 1/15; 2/199 3/111 3/34; 5/33, 139; 7/109, 181 6/188; 8/167; 10/115 3/60, 34 (newspaper ad); 5/8, 143 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Lake Charles Chamber of Commerce. See also "Lake Charles Association of Commerce" and "Lake Charles Board of Trade." Lake Charles Charity Hospital Lake Charles Chemical Company Lake Charles Churches, population Lake Charles Citizen's Council Lake Charles City Directories Lake Charles City Market Lake Charles - City Aeronautics Authority Lake Charles - City Annexation Lake Charles - City Bus System Lake Charles - City Attorney Lake Charles - City Charter-Amendments Lake Charles - City Clerks and Secretary Lake Charles - City and Town Council, Aldermen Lake Charles - City Courthouse and Jail Lake Charles - City Engineer Lake Charles City Fire Company/Department/Stations Lake Charles - City Hall Lake Charles - City Hall Museum Lake Charles - City Docks Lake Charles - City Health Board Lake Charles - City Judge Lake Charles - City Mayor Lake Charles - City Parks and Recreation Lake Charles - City Police Department Lake Charles - City Schools. [See also names of individual schools and Calcasieu Parish, La. - Schools]. Lake Charles - City Sewer System Lake Charles - City Traffic & Safety Com. Lake Charles - City Treasurer Lake Charles Civilian Defense. See also "Civil Defense." Lake Charles Clubs and Organizations [See also names of individual clubs and organizations.] Lake Charles College Lake Charles Colored Chamber of Commerce Lake Charles Commercial newspaper Lake Charles Community Club Lake Charles Cooks Lake Charles Country Club Book/Page number 3/132; 4/168, 169, 294, 301; 8/15, 64; 9/84 6/184 (photo) 8/194 3/124 9/116 6/77; 8/18, 278; 9/138 1/273; 3/34, 42, 133; 10/321 8/282; 10/122 6/49; 8/70, 286, 289, 296, 323-325; 9/41-43 4/168 1/10, 180, 199, 219 1/220 1/82, 158, 162, 163, 210, 216, 257, 279 1/148, 163, 172, 181, 219, 258; 2/133, 173, 186; 3/23; 5/14; 8/162, 219; 10/109, 118 1/94, 95; 3/107 (photo); 8/234 (photo), 270 (photo); 9/11 (photo), 16 (photo); 13A/12 1/181 1/43 (photo), 167, 169, 181, 232, 272; 2/23 (photo), 82; 3/23, 117; 6/201; 7/86; 8/85 (photo), 114; 10/202 1/3, 180-182 (photo), 218, 233; 3/111, 117, 118; 6/63, 64, 114; 8/149, 150, 229 (clock); 9/83 13A/55 c1 1/214; 3/75 (photo); 8/271 3/139 1/199 1/3, 172, 180, 199, 219, 230, 257; 2/173; 6/2 1/248; 4/17, 27; 7/116; 8/135, 232; 10/193, 1/257 (photo); 2/171; 5/221, 307, 339; 6/199; 7/152 3/140; 7/370, 387; 10/22 (1894 class picture), 23 (1895 class photo), 66, 67, 92, 100, 105 (1895 class photo), 108-113, 118-122, 126, 134, 187, 190, 197, 202, 205, 207, 209a, 217 (photo), 214; Old Places/154 8/289; 9/5-8 (photos) 9/10 1/257, 259 9/38 3/88 2/182, 270; 3/36, 64, 236; 5/108, 281; 10/20, 21, 65, 100 (1911 photo), 115, 119, 122, 140-144, 191, 194, 204 6/210; 9/15 1/221, 253, 261, 266; 3/236; 5/13; 8/243 3/118 8/294 1/229; 2/242 (1931 photo); 6/64, 180-181; 10/104, 312 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Lake Charles Daily American newspaper Lake Charles Daily Press newspaper Lake Charles Debating Club Lake Charles Defense Plants Lake Charles Drainage Lake Charles Drug Store Lake Charles Echo newspaper Lake Charles Electric - 1891 Lake Charles Expressway Lake Charles Farmers Union # 587 Lake Charles Federal Building Lake Charles Fire of April 23, 1910 Lake Charles Firsts - Attorneys Lake Charles Firsts - Bathtub Lake Charles Firsts - movie Lake Charles Firsts - Store/Trading Post Lake Charles Firsts - swimming pool Lake Charles Firsts - television Lake Charles Firsts - train Lake Charles Floods - 1913, 1947, 1949, 1953-1957 (photos) Lake Charles Florist Lake Charles Flying School Lake Charles (Freighter) Lake Charles Furniture Company Lake Charles Grain & Grocery Co.Inc. Lake Charles Gun & Cycle Shop Lake Charles Gun Club Lake Charles Harbor & Terminal Dist Lake Charles Hebrew Benevolent Association Lake Charles High School Lake Charles High School--band and choruses Lake Charles High School--basketball team, girls Book/Page number 1/214; 3/96, 100, 118; 6/63; 8/219 1/168, 208, 214, 253, 263, 266, 272, 285; 3/42, 46, 97-99, 118, 119, 182; 4/101; 5/9, 12; 6/44; 8/61, 243 2/155 7/224 6/184, 207; 8/163 2/5; 3/159, 169; 6/87 1/147, 149, 158, 161, 166, 167, 172, 180, 200, 208, 210, 214, 253, 258, 266; 2/10, 21, 22, 66, 175, 176, 189; 3/28, 44, 46, 47, 49, 123, 130, 236; 4/17, 101; 5/12; 6/64, 66; 8/243; 10/201 a,b,c; 13A/4, 5, 7c1; Old Places/94, 110 3/137 8/194 3/23 3/117, 146, 180, 184, 186, 187, 189 1/178-181, 184, 217; 6/46, 108-126; 8/65 1/10 2/210 6/39 Old Cemeteries/6 8/333 6/208 (photo) 1/214 6/127-131, 133-135, 191-209; 8/125 10/186d 7/103, 348 8/269 7/155, 273, 426, 428, 435; 10/198f, 209 10/186g, 198e 5/226 3/15 3/117, 232; 6/166-167, 175, 179, 181-182; 8/16, 63, 283 3/223, 225 1/183, 184; 2/186 (photo), 270 (1907 photo); 3/36, 121, 139, 142; 4/277, 282; 6/23, 55, 63, 66, 88, 199, 200 (photo); 7/100, 102; 8/197, 211213, 305; 10/34 (class photo), 37 (class photo), 38 (class photo), 42 (photo), 44 (class photo), 47 (class photo), 64 (class photo), 100 (1911 photo), 101 (1911 photo), 103 (class photo), 104 (photo), 107 (class photo), 109, 110, 113, 115, 116, 117 (1924 photo), 120-122 126, 133, 158 (class photo), 161, 162, 168, 170, 176, 186a-d, 187a, 189 (class photo), 190, 193, 197, 198, 198a-i, 199, 204, 206, 207, 210, 213, 214, 216, 218, 222-224, 233 3/189; 6/6, 17; 8/71, 254; 9/84; 10/102, 115, 180, 182, 186, 187, 198 10/102, 107 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Lake Charles High School--Cheerleaders Lake Charles High School--Clubs and organizations Lake Charles High School--fire Lake Charles High School--football team Lake Charles High School--free lunches Lake Charles High School--Graduation (1943) Lake Charles High School--Homecoming Lake Charles High School--Kilties Lake Charles High School--Publications Lake Charles Homes - 1936 Lake Charles Homestead & Loan Lake Charles Hotel Lake Charles Ice, Light & Water Co. Lake Charles Implement Company Lake Charles Industries. See "Industrial Plants." Lake Charles Institute Lake Charles Institutions - 1916-17 Lake Charles Kiwanis Club [See also "Kiwanis Club"] Lake Charles Labor & Trade Council Lake Charles Lakefront development Lake Charles Ledger Lake Charles Literary Society Lake Charles Little Theatre Lake Charles Loan & Trust Lake Charles Lodge, A.O.U.W. Lake Charles Lumber Company Lake Charles Lyceum Lake Charles Mardi Gras, 1880 Lake Charles Medical Society Lake Charles Memorial Hospital Lake Charles Memorial Roll [Also called the "Honor Roll"] Lake Charles Methodist Church Lake Charles (Miss) (1960) Lake Charles Municipal Airport Lake Charles Municipal Band Lake Charles National Bank Lake Charles Normal School Lake Charles Office Building Lake Charles Office Supply CO. Lake Charles Oldest Boiler Lake Charles Oldest House Lake Charles Omnibus Line Lake Charles Opera Company and House [See also "Opera Houses"] Lake Charles Oyster Packing House Book/Page number 10/129 (1941 photo), 130 (1940 photo), 175 (1944), 186, 198 10/186b, 188, 198b,c 10/202; 11/254-269 (photos) 1/215; 10/52 (1899 photo), 101, 116, 186, 10/186a-g, 222 10/218-219 10/160b-d 10/198, 198a, 203, 211 3/166; 7/218; 10/127 (1940 photo), 128, 129 (1939 photo), 130 (1939 list), 174, 186, 187 (1945 photo), 207 (photo), 208 (photo); 10/186, 186f, 198b-c, 206 3/58-59; 5/276 1/232 2/10, 214 (photo) 1/249; 2/203, 261 (1905 photo); 6/196 (photo); 7/166 2/351; 6/206; 7/93, 155, 426, 428, 435; 10/209 1/225; 10/201b 6/63 8/236 4/301 9/120, 142 6/112 2/112, 114; 6/64 5/119, 300-306; 7/109; 8/71, 73-83 (photos), 107, 108, 103, 104 (photo), 145, 212 (photos), 306, 307, 327; 9/4; 10/198L 2/276 3/41 2/186; 3/72 3/168 13A/11 8/304 4/277; 6/17, 184, 199, 209, 210; 9/9, 10 (photo), 16 (photo) 7/143; 8/93 3/47 6/182 6/192 (flood photo) 6/23 1/226; 2/236 (photo), 325; 3/58, 111 10/133 8/283 10/198 d 7/100 6/42 (photo) 2/167 3/159; 6/113 3/158 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Lake Charles Pilots Association Lake Charles Pipeline & Supply CO. Lake Charles Planing Mill Lake Charles Pleasure Boat Owners, 1906 Lake Charles Port Book/Page number 6/42, 182 7/99 1/232 (photo); 2/273; 3/39, 42, 148; 4/101 3/97 1/233, 235; 3/117, 119, 173; 4/77, 78; 5/102104, 106-107, 109-115, 237 (photo), 274, 338; 6/56, 162-164 (photo), 166-169 (photos), 171179 (photos), 181, 182 (photo); 8/12 (photos), 16 (photos), 63 (photo), 70, 102, 142 (photo), 153-156, 176, 177, 263, 264, 272, 281, 312, 366; 9/2, 84, 119, 120; 10/186; 13A/133 c1p7 Lake Charles Post Offices, Mail service, and Postmaster. See also "Postal Services, Routes, Guides, Rates, Carriers, etc." 1/251; 2/289-293; 3/42, 118, 143-145 (photo), 146, 189, 190 (photo), 205; 8/84, 90 (photo), 302; 10/290-294; Old Places/93 1/248 Lake Charles Poster Advertising CO. Lake Charles Press newspaper [See Lake Charles Daily Press newspaper. See also Lake Charles Weekly Press newspaper, Lake Charles Daily American newspaper, Lake Charles Echo newspaper, etc. ] Lake Charles Printing Co. LTD Lake Charles Public Library Lake Charles Railway Company--Minutes [See also "Lake Charles Street Railway Company" and "Lake Charles Railway, Light & Waterworks"] Lake Charles Railway, Light & Waterworks [See also "Lake Charles Railway Company--Minutes" and "Lake Charles Street Railway Company"] Lake Charles Railways [See also names of individual railroads, e.g., "Kansas City Southern Railroad," "Missouri Pacific Railroad," etc.] Lake Charles Rat Steal Show etc Lake Charles Rice Mill Lake Charles Road Lake Charles Saloon Lake Charles School of Practical Nursing Lake Charles Seminary Lake Charles (Ship) Lake Charles - Snow. See also "Snow." Lake Charles Southwest Citizen newspaper Lake Charles Steam Engine Co. Lake Charles Steam Laundry Lake Charles Street Railway Company [See also "Lake Charles Railway Company--Minutes" and "Lake Charles Railway, Light & Waterworks"] Lake Charles--Streets. See also names of individual streets. Lake Charles Teachers Association Lake Charles Telephone Building Lake Charles telephones Lake Charles Theatre Lake Charles Times, newspaper ? Lake Charles Tourism Lake Charles Trust & Savings Bank Lake Charles Victory (ship) 3/157 5/55, 157-159; 8/330, 340; 9/50 (sketches), 134 2/246-253 3/141 3/121 3/207 1/208, 226; 3/97, 105, 118, 144, 234 (photo); 5/9, 200; 6/66; 8/253, 278; 10/328 3/60 2/88, 222 8/57, 96, 100, 101 1/269 8/223 5/310 3/114 3/41 3/61; 7/100 2/61; 5/6; 10/331 2/17; 3/24-27, 32, 34, 36, 39-43, 48, 50, 52, 59, 70, 97, 98, 105, 108-111, 114, 118-122, 133, 137, 170; 5/17, 20, 326; 6/8, 9, 66; 8/256; 9/10; Old Places/59 10/197, 213, 215 4/82 (photo) 2/268; 9/115, 154 3/169 4/101; 8/243 5/265; 6/35; 9/37; 10/351, 352 6/80; Old Places/1 7/334, 337, 341; 8/251 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Lake Charles Weather Bureau Lake Charles Weekly Echo newspaper [See Lake Charles Echo newspaper. See also Lake Charles American Press newspaper, Lake Charles Daily American newspaper, Lake Charles Commercial newspaper, etc. ] Lake Charles Weekly Press newspaper [See Lake Charles Daily Press newspaper. See also Lake Charles American Press newspaper, Lake Charles Daily American newspaper, Lake Charles Commercial newspaper, etc. ] Lake Charles Weekly Tribune newspaper Lake Charles Yacht Club Lake City Building Lake City Division # 6 U.R.K. of P. Lake City Hotel and Saloon Lake City Jewelry Store Lake City Restaurant Lake Front Casino. See also "Shell Beach Casino." Lake Front Road (see also Lakeshore Drive and Shell Beach Drive) Lake House Hotel Lake Machine & Foundry Co. Lake Mermentau Lake Paint & Wallpaper CO. Lake Ponchatrain Lake Providence Levee Lake Radio Service Supply CO. Lake Shore Drive Lake Side Steam Laundry Lake Street Lake Terre Noir Lakeland, La. Lakey, Mary Alice Lalanne, Gus Lalanne, Robert Kutner Lalkins, F.D. L'Allemande, (General) Lalonde, Aaron Lalonde, C. (M/M) Lam??, G.A. Lamar, Charles W. Jr. Lamar, L.O.C. (Lt. Col) Lamb, George (Mrs) Lamb, J.H. Jr. Lamb, Leon C. Jr. Lamb, Mary Jane and Virginia Lambe, Robert H. Lambert Lambert, Adam Lambert, A.J. and Boyd D. Lambert, B. Lambert, Benjamin Lambert Chemical Company Book/Page number 8/17 4/101 1/229-230; 6/64 5/9 3/41 2/275 3/43 5/144 (photo) 4/170 3/108 (1907 photo) 1/14, 170, 172, 178, 191; 2/62, 63 (photo), 107, 171, 201, 222 (menu), 224, 225; 3/70; 5/9, 13; 6/64, 113 2/249 1/97, 109 10/186a, 198e 1/209; 6/92, 194 3/194 7/155 5/232, 233; 6/187; 8/37 3/5, 52; 5/139, 202; 7/155, 273, 426, 428, 435; 8/50; 10/186e, 98c 8/195 1/211 3/46 4/198 7/59, 87 7/95 3/172 13A/38, 40 7/334 (photo), 431, 452, 454 7/334 3/15 8/162 1/251 3/41 4/279 7/151 10/127 (photo) 8/92 10/198 f 9/3 6/208 1/132 1/89 6/151 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Lambert, David Lambert, Donald Lambert, Ernest Lambert, Gertie Lambert, Greene (Lt. Cmdr) Lambert, Irma Richard Lambert, Joe (Mrs) Lambert, L.L. (M/M) Lambert, Mary K. Lambert, Phillip (Pvt) Lambert, Ray E. Lambert, Richard Lambert, Thelma Dennisto and Valdemar C. Lambert, Valcour Lambert, William Lambley, Betty Jean Lamkin, Jack Lamkin, Jack (Mrs) Lamkin, R.G. (Mrs) Lamont, Frank Lamont, Thomas (Capt) Lamourie Post Office Lamovsky, Joseph (Pfc) Lampirez, Freddie Lampirez, Marguerite Lampkin, E.F. Lampous, Steve Lamprieg, Thomas Lamson, Captain Lanagan, Mary E. Lanagan, Morena Lanagen, Mrs. Lanbiesse, Willard Lancaster, Edward Lancaster, Frances Lancaster, H.P. (Mrs) Lancaster, James (Mrs) Lancaster, W.B. (Mrs) Lancles, Ben (Family) Land, E.C. Land, E.S. Land, Hal Land, H.W. (Mrs) Landau, Sara Landers, Juanita and Lloyd Landis, B.S. Landreneau, Evan Landrum, J.E. Landry Landry, A. and John Landry, A.J. (Sgt) Landry, Ardnell (Mrs) Book/Page number 1/98, 101, 148 7/301; 10/159, 161, 233 7/296 7/57 7/301 7/337 7/50 7/301, 335, 337 2/348 7/301, 337 7/64 1/183 7/335 (photo) 8/13 (photo) 5/55; 10/123 7/107 (photo) 1/230; 4/123; 5/243; 7/119, 124 10/223 7/146 2/30, 52 5/12 2/153 7/118 7/64 8/183-184 (photo) 8/232 7/229 7/82 13A/35 2/191 2/302 2/158 7/296 10/94 7/123 (photo) 4/17 5/195 8/93 7/391 10/78 8/223 1/234 (photo) 6/44 10/138 13A/22 c2p2; Old Cemeteries/22 10/26 7/201 2/220 10/116 1/161 4/222; 7/231 7/292 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Landry, Barry Dude and Robert Arnold Landry, Belin Landry, Benson Hubert Landry Brothers Landry, Charles A. Landry, Clara Landry, Clifford Landry, Corinne Landry, Cullen Landry, Cyril J., Ernest, Leonard W. Landry, Dan Landry, Dan (Mrs) Landry, Dan J. Landry, David (Mrs) Landry, Dorothy Landry, Earl J. (Pvt) Landry, Edith Landry, Edouard Landry Family Landry, Fred Landry, Harris Landry, Hubert Joseph Landry, Irving Landry, J. and L. Landry, J. Alfred Landry, J. Alfred & Company Landry, J. Alfred (Mrs) Landry, James Landry, J.B. Landry, Jean Landry, Jeff Landry, J.L. Landry, Joseph Landry, J.S. Grocery Landry, J.S. (Mrs) Landry, J. Tom Landry, L. (Mrs) Landry, L.C. Landry, Lee Landry, Leonard M. Landry, Lise Landry, Londre Landry, Louis N. Landry, Louise Landry, Lucas Landry, Margie and Minnie Landry, Marie Landry, Marvin Landry Memorial School Book/Page number 7/449 7/99 (photo) 7/66 1/208; 2/201 7/294 5/5 7/151, 295 3/46 4/280 7/5 4/95; 5/66 2/76 1/229; 2/131-132, 237, 256; 3/97; 4/171; 5/280 9/1 (photo); 10/187a 4/218 6/64; 7/197 (photo) 3/80 1/153 3/232; 5/77 4/95 7/95 7/231 (photo), 332 7/201 3/18 2/61, 80, 102, 131, 237, 256; 3/18, 118, 137, 173; 4/171; 5/55, 198, 280 2/203; 13A/9 5/83; 7/93; 8/273; 10/51, 67 7/345; 10/187 3/19 7/345 7/326 5/3 1/126, 137; 2/132; 7/296 7/156 7/146 5/3; 8/72 1/226 4/62 10/47 2/265 10/119 10/7 (photo) 7/151 13A/20 c2p9; 10/7 (photo) 7/296 7/197 2/71; 10/129-130a (photo) 7/452 1/221; 3/189; 5/340; 7/75, 89, 98, 102, 111, 116, 119, 387; 8/51 (photo), 67, 89, 118, 185, 198f, 214, 218; 10/212 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Landry, Mitchell and Richard Landry, (Mrs) Landry, Obry J. Landry, Oscar Landry, Pontal (Mrs) Landry, Pantalion Landry, Paul O. Landry, Preston Landry, Randolph Edward Landry, Robert Landry, Robert & Co. Organization Landry, Robert J. (Family) Landry, Ruth Landry, S.A. Landry, Sandy Landry, Sheriff Landry, Sully (Mrs) Landry, Theodule (Mrs) Landry, Telesphore Landry, Virgil C. Landry, Warren Landry, Wilbert Landry, W.S. (Mrs) Lane, Bobby J. Lane, Caro Lane, Enloe Lane, Hazeldine Lane, Horace G. Lane, Jack Lanerie, Genevieve Lang, Alfred Lang, E. (Mrs) Lang, George Lang, J.M. Lang, Otho Henry Langford, Daniel R. Langford, Emma May Langlais, Andrew Langlais, Elie Langlais, Hilaire Langley, A. Langley, Albert Langley, Andrew Langley, C.E., Lucius, and Nattie (Mrs) Langley, Conrad A. Langley, David E. Langley, Della Langley, Dennis Langley, Deo Langley, Dolzie, Donizin, and Jackson Book/Page number 10/167 7/234; 10/10 7/452, 454 10/44 13A/20 c2p9 1/63, 75 7/66, 248 7/217 7/432 2/119, 126, 186; 4/29 (photo); 8/317 2/99 7/231, 332; 8/93; 9/4; 10/185, 197 7/53, 57, 112, 131-132, 153, 246, 320; 8/216, 267; 10/148 9/131 10/197 5/168 7/282 c 2/6; 10/8 1/116-117, 127 7/295 2/376 7/452 13A/18 c3p5 8/92 6/16 10/165 10/136 7/451 10/185 5/232 6/83 4/167 (photo) 2/182; 4/24-25 5/77 7/66 7/345 4/81 1/50, 70-71, 74, 79, 81 1/32, 37 1/35, 48 1/103 7/217, 229 1/87-92, 98-102, 104, 106, 110, 114, 120, 124, 127-128, 131, 134, 145 13A/21 7/321 2/132 4/41 1/159 4/46 4/39 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Langley, Eli or Ely Langley Field, Va. Langley, Frank Langley, Henry R. Langley, Iselle or Izelle Langley, Jeff Langley, John Langley, Joseph Langley, (Mrs) Langley, Ora Langley, S. Langley, Severin Langley, Sidney Langley, William Langley, Wilson (Sgt) Langley, Zepherin Langlois, Desire Langstan, Caton Langston, Glenn H. (Pfc) Language through Pictures [review] Lanham, (Governor) Lanier, James C. Lanier, John S. Lanier, Johnny and Sherry Lankenau, F.J. (Pastor) Lannier, Seaborn H. Lant, N.E. Lant, Norman Lantrip, Bob Lantrip, Katherine or Kathryn Lantrip, William W. (Family) Lantz, Rodney P. Lanz, Charles H. (M/M) Lanz, Emma Lanz, Henry (Mrs) Lanz, H.H. Lanz, H.W. Lanza, Mike (Enterprises) LaParie, Leon (Mrs) LaParisienne Laperouse or Lapeyre Lapeyrouse, L.J. LaRavia, John (Mrs) LaRavia, Johnnie LaRavia, Ruth LaRay, G.E. (Mrs) Larcade, Bill Larcade, Henry D. (Family) Laredo, Tex. Large, Harry W. Lark, Bill Book/Page number 1/14, 104, 115, 116, 158 7/74 7/429 1/168 2/147; 3/8 4/10, 17; 13A/21 c3p7; Old Cemeteries/21 1/22, 104, 145, 146, 158 1/24, 124, 125, 133, 136, 145 4/5 7/452 2/37, 171 1/159; 2/6, 131 5/77 1/46, 108, 129, 135 7/361 1/120, 127, 132; 2/250 13A/20 c3p1 3/217; 9/116 (photo) 7/417 8/100 3/182 1/150; 2/132 3/35 4/218 2/307 5/55 2/58; 8/32, 37, 48, 302 6/190 7/449; 10/162, 167, 172, 173, 179, 180, 186f 7/227, 403 7/173, 269, 297, 325, 379 8/92 5/87, 312; 7/296 6/7; 10/48 9/34 3/123, 191; 4/171; 5/143; 6/8, 15 3/79-80; 5/332; 6/8, 15 3/189 10/197 7/273 1/209 4/176 7/173 7/120 8/229 7/282 c 3/187 3/187; 7/144, 324, 342; 8/84, 223, 251, 252, 286, 289, 304, 355 1/210 8/236 5/266 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Larkin, Mattie Larnson, Bill LaRocca, A.J. and Benny LaRocca, B. Charles and L. Charles LaRocca, Carl LaRocca, Carlo LaRocca, Carol (Pvt) LaRocca, Jack LaRocca, Leon (Mrs) LaRocca, Nick P. LaRocca, Pauline Larpenter, Elton (Pfc) Larsen, Harold D. (Pfc) Larson, Dorothy Larson, Louis Larson, Margaret Larson, M.E. (Mrs) LaRue, D. LaRue, Nancy Lary, Robert C. LaSalle LaSalle, Alcide LaSalle, Alphonse, Leonard (Mrs), and Marilyn Ann LaSalle, Ernest, George, and Leonard LaSalle, Eugene LaSalle, Gilbert LaSalle, Leona LaSalle, Lillie Faye LaSalle, William Laski, Harold Lassere, Eldon (Mrs) Lasserre, Lloyd J. Last Island Lastie's Marsh Lastrap, Mary Lastrapes, M.K. LaStrappe, William G. Laterriere, Lloyd Latham Family Latigue, Alice and Jackson Laughlin, Albert Jr. Laughlin, Burly Harvey Laughlin, Floyd E. (Pvt) Laughlin, M.C. Laughlin, Riley J. Laughlin, W.R. Launey, C.E. Launey, John Fernand Jr. Launey, John Victor Launsberry, Minor Lauraine's Mill Laurant, Harry E. Book/Page number 3/14-15 5/82 10/210 (photo) 10/181 7/244; 10/114 5/283; 7/162 (photo), 245 7/401 7/82 10/185, 197 7/6 7/358, 401 7/5 7/397, 230, 284, 419 10/47 6/83 10/127 (photo), 161 7/230, 397; 9/14 4/171 10/82 6/82 4/4 7/452 4/225 4/218 4/237 4/268, 270 4/237-238 4/191 4/287 7/352 6/68 7/228 4/192 1/148, 150 7/111 2/188 3/142 7/29 8/202 7/395 7/286; 2/292; 3/216 7/81 7/198 3/106 7/151 10/201a 1/230 7/66 7/86 7/296 1/159 3/217 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Laurent, Beatrice Laurent, H. Laurent, Millie Rich Laurent, (Mrs) Laurents, Babe LaVasseur, (Rev) Lavergne Family Lavier, Joe LaVille team Lavoi, Dennie J. and J.A. (M/M) Law, George (M/M) Law, Robert Lawes, Robert Lawes, Robert (Mrs) Lawless, Carrie Lawless, Dick and Howard Lawless, Lillian Lawrence, Alvin M. Lawrence, Ann Lawrence, Charles (Mrs) Lawrence, D.H. (Sheriff) Lawrence, George Lawrence, Hardy (Mrs) Lawrence, Kan. Lawrence, Pattie Duson Lawrence Street Lawrence, T.D. (Dr) Lawrence, William Romand Lawrsine, Louis Laws, Clarence Laws, Florence Laws, (Mr) Laws - Patrol and Stocks Lawson, Agnes Lawson, Donald Lawson, James N. (Cpl) Lawson, John P. Lawton, Al (Mrs) Lawton, H.W. (Gen) Lawton, J.A. Lawton, Polly (Pally?) Lawton, Urline Layne, La. Company Lazaro, (Congressman) Lazear, Jesse W. (Dr) Le Vieu, Ervin V. Lea, Marc or Mack Leach, Grady (Capt) Book/Page number 10/197 7/50 2/50, 264 10/185 5/82 13A/19 c1p2 5/77 7/296 4/27 7/216 (photo) 1/38, 40, 43, 44, 46, 47, 53, 57c&e, 58, 59h&k, 61i, 63, 66; 2/169, 176, 197, 202, 205; 3/17, 105, 112, 116, 119, 232; 4/77, 101, 168; 5/8, 276; 1/46; 6/83 1/59g; 7/5, 67, 111, 451; 10/223 7/116, 133; 8/213; 10/213, 223 3/136 (photo) 8/13 6/194 7/228 1/193, 194; 5/20; 10/138-140, 145-147, 149; Old Cemeteries/6 4/166 1/232 3/217 1/233 3/34; 4/25 5/169 1/171, 180, 194, 223, 224, 233, 236, 274; 2/7; 6/28a, 66; 8/84 6/16 7/201 1/157 10/99 7/111 3/65 1/79-80, 82-87 3/48 (photo), 177 10/177 7/430 7/452 1/31 5/269 3/234 10/53 4/79 1/230 3/96 6/83 7/229 1/97, 107 7/221 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Leach Wrecking Company Leache Leader of Patrol Leaderbrand, Ralph Leaggo, Joseph Leahy, William D. Leake, Ennis R. Leake, Eva Leake, Florence Leake, John Leake, Robert Leake, Robert E. Leake, Robert (Mrs) Leake, Sarah Leake, William Lealock, (Dr) Leaman, Dale Leaming, Fenn A. (Mrs) Lear, Ben (Lt. Gen) Lear, John Leary, Raymond L. (Lt) Leatherbee, Mary Leathers, T.P. (Capt) Leaton, Lucille LeBartis, Johnnie Lee LeBas, Iris J. LeBato, Anthony LeBato, John (M/M) LeBato, Marie LeBato, Nola LeBauve, O'Neil LeBauve, Pierre LeBauve, Teogene LeBeouf, Bobbie Jean and Sampson D. LeBert, Calvin J. LeBert, Dudley Lawrence LeBert, Harry (Pfc) LeBert, Henry LeBert, Lee (M/M) LeBert, Louise LeBert, (M/M) LeBert, Morris (S 2/c) LeBert, Raymond Roy LeBesse, J.E. LeBlanc, Abel Joseph LeBlanc, Albert (Mrs) and F.O. (Mrs) LeBlanc, Alberta LeBlanc, Alcede LeBlanc, Alonzo LeBlanc, Ambroise (Mrs) LeBlanc, Andrew D. Book/Page number 9/118 7/296 1/120 8/15 (photo) 7/95 7/367, 422 7/228 1/61i, 64 2/318 10/198 f 1/61i, 222, 229, 230; 2/242, 243; 3/103; 5/158; 7/296; 8/104, 236; 9/4; 10/164, 166, 169, 198d 7/449; 10/170 (photo) 3/79; 7/122 10/104 (photo) 7/82, 296; 10/102 (photo) 1/19 8/305 2/403; 10/304, 305 7/35 7/46 7/216 8/71, 76 (photo) 5/169 7/66; 10/186b, 197, 198f,g 4/226 3/196 2/336; 10/186d, e, 182, 198f 7/303 (photo); 10/197 10/198 g 7/100; 10/139 7/296 1/87 4/147 4/82 7/452 7/449 7/207, 288, 308 (photo), 454 7/201 7/348, 207, 288, 308 7/308 7/429 7/348 (photo) 7/429; 8/92 2/220 7/86, 296 8/93 4/189, 225 4/189, 225, 226, 229; 7/95 4/79; 10/118 6/43 6/208 NAME OR DESCRIPTION LeBlanc, Armeeda and Dudley LeBlanc, August, Donald, Ernest, Gloria Mae, Jessie Mae, Jimmie Jo, Laura Bell, Monroe, and W.L. LeBlanc, B. (Mrs) LeBlanc, C.H. LeBlanc, Charles and Raymond LeBlanc, Earl Louis LeBlanc, Edward LeBlanc, E. Joseph LeBlanc, Ezab LeBlanc, F.L. and W.E. LeBlanc, Fred LeBlanc, Gaston LeBlanc, George J. and Jessie G. LeBlanc, Gladys and Jane LeBlanc, Gussie LeBlanc, Harry (M/M) LeBlanc, Henry (M/M) LeBlanc, James LeBlanc, James (Mrs) LeBlanc, Janice LeBlanc, Janie Marie LeBlanc, Joan LeBlanc, John LeBlanc, Joseph LeBlanc, Joyce LeBlanc, Laritha LeBlanc, Lawrence Arthur LeBlanc, Lawrence Joseph LeBlanc, Lionel LeBlanc, Lola LeBlanc, Louis LeBlanc, La. LeBlanc, M. LeBlanc, M.E. LeBlanc, Melanie LeBlanc, (Mr) LeBlanc, O.L. LeBlanc, Ortere LeBlanc, Otis F. LeBlanc, Pat LeBlanc, Preston L. (S.Sgt) LeBlanc, Reginald G. LeBlanc, Sidney J. LeBlanc, Sidney J. (Mrs) LeBlanc, Simon, Sylvester J. LeBlanc, Thomas LeBlanc, William and Hotel LeBlanc, Wilson LeBlanc's Ferry LeBland, Anna LeBleu Book/Page number 6/188 (photo) 4/214 10/185, 197 8/250 4/218 7/66 4/142 7/449 3/142 5/56 10/94 7/272, 280 7/199 6/55 5/83 7/340; 10/185, 197 4/294; 10/185, 197 4/116 10/11 4/225, 229 4/226 7/282 c 6/16 4/218; 7/296, 410 7/107 (photo) 4/225 7/95 7/406 4/186 10/127 (photo) 1/126; 2/132; 8/220 (photo) 10/325 1/155 2/211 4/226, 229 1/75 2/265 1/161 4/39 8/2 7/340 4/226, 229 8/146 10/115, 126 (photo) 7/296 2/335 (photo) 3/226 (photo) 7/452 1/151 4/218 2/212 NAME OR DESCRIPTION LeBleu, Acey LeBleu, Albert LeBleu, Alton LeBleu, Alvin H. (Cpl) LeBleu, Ambrose LeBleu, Ann LeBleu, Arsand (M/M) LeBleu, Arsene LeBlue, Arson LeBleu, Arson Jr., Palmer (Mrs), and Preston LeBleu, Athan Matheu LeBleu, Barthelmy LeBleu, Beatrice LeBleu, Belonie LeBleu, Carlos LeBleu, Carolina LeBleu, Clade LeBleu, Clyde LeBleu, Coleman and Brothers LeBleu, Collins Jr. and Jackson LeBleu, Conway LeBleu, Conway (Mrs) LeBleu, Eliza LeBleu, Elmo LeBleu, Eloise Minerva LeBleu Family LeBleu, Felonise, Madam LeBleu Ferry LeBleu, Francois LeBleu, Fred LeBleu, Fremont LeBleu, Gayle LeBleu, Grace LeBleu, Henry (Mrs) LeBleu, Holster LeBleu Home LeBleu, J.B. LeBleu, J.C. LeBleu, J.C. (Mrs) LeBleu, J.M. and J.W. LeBleu, John LeBleu, John C. LeBleu, John Mearl LeBleu, Joseph (M/M) LeBleu, Joseph Clifton LeBleu, Kittie LeBleu, Laonise (Madam) LeBleu, Leandre LeBleu, Lillie Book/Page number 1/191 7/81, 449 7/131 7/284 (photo) 13A/18 c3p9; 8/61 6/16; 10/198c, 211 4/96, 267 (photo) 1/9, 11-13, 15, 18, 191, 217, 218, 220, 224; 2/274; 10/121; 13A/55 c2, 114 c2 5/79 13A/18 7/201 1/92 1/232; Old Places/32, 530 (photo) 1/133, 145, 147, 150 1/160 1/224; 10/121 7/160 (photo) 4/123 7/95 7/296 4/264, 272-273; 6/69 (photo), 73; 10/47 4/150, 294 (photo) 13A/114 c3 7/183, 282a (newspaper picture), 277, 454 1/230; 2/274 1/224, 230; 5/195; 8/60; 13A/55 c2 1/116, 119 1/158, 161 1/90, 112, 122, 126-128, 133, 156 3/139; 7/81, 95 5/307; 13A/18 c3p8, 9 10/101, 221 (photo), 222 (photo) 1/261; 8/23 7/112 6/82 Old Places/28, 31 (photo) 1/133 1/147, 156; 2/59, 211, 274; 3/23, 35; 8/256, 269, 309; 10/123; 13A/114 c1; Old Places/130 13A/119; 7/75; 8/58 7/82 6/32 7/345 7/217 1/156, 185, 220, 232, 260, 261; 2/150, 212; 6/31; 8/23; 13A/18 c3p8; Old Places/29 7/449; 8/90 9/115 1/217; Old Places/441 1/75 7/173 NAME OR DESCRIPTION LeBleu, Loree LeBleu, Lula Mae LeBleu, M.A. LeBleu, Mace (Maie?) LeBleu, Mark LeBleu, Martin LeBleu, Martin A LeBleu, Martin Camersac LeBleu, Melba LeBleu, Metayor (M/M) LeBleu, Moise LeBleu, (Mr) LeBleu, (Mrs) LeBleu, Oreta Paul LeBleu, Pascal and Willard LeBleu, Paulin LeBleu, P.C. LeBleu, Poley D. LeBleu, Poley D.(Mrs) LeBleu, Raymond J. LeBleu, Sarah LeBleu, Simeon LeBleu, Skeen LeBleu, Zepherin LeBleu's Point LeBoeuf, Buster and Velda LeBoeuf, Delino LeBoeuf, Eli LeBoeuf, Elizabeth and R.J. LeBoeuf, Jeannette LeBoeuf, Loree L. LeBoeuf, Louis (M/M) LeBoeuf, L.V. LeBoeuf, Olga LeBoeuf, Samuel L. LeBoeuf, Sarphin and Willie LeBoeuf, Sarphin (Mrs) LeBoeuf, Trisemond LeBouef LeBouef, Effie LeBouef, George (Mrs) LeBouef, Harold LeBouef, James LeBouef, Joseph C. (Sgt) LeBouef, Stanford (Mrs) LeBove, Anatize LeBove, Elme LeBove, Elton and Simon LeBreton, Edmond LeBrun, Lynn Book/Page number 7/50 7/154 (photo) 1/108, 110, 129 1/224; 10/121 5/108; 10/136 1/11, 16, 81, 90-93, 95, 191, 195, 224; 2/274; 4/72, 77; 8/58, 337; 10/121 1/24-25 ,55, 57, 59, 62-63, 65-66, 69-70, 100, 102-104, 106, 112 1/218, 224; 6/34; 8/147; 10/121 2/350 7/95, 284, 354; 10/118 1/64, 74, 81, 89, 97; 6/99 3/172 Old Places/30 (photo) 7/86 7/169 (photo) 1/25, 36, 90 1/112-113 1/185; 2/351; 6/82; 13A/114 c2, 126 3/80 7/96 7/395 13A/18 c3p8; 1/158 7/296 1/97, 110; 3/140 6/98 4/218 7/296 8/335 4/203 13A/43 c3 7/452, 454 1/122, 124, 136, 138; 4/218 5/25 4/298 4/81; 7/252, 254 4/237 4/226, 229 4/82 1/124 4/225, 258 4/294 2/334 4/192 7/327 7/111 4/192 4/218 4/142 8/129 2/265 NAME OR DESCRIPTION LeChaux, Azelie Leche, Richard W. (Gov.) Lechtenberg, Wendel Joseph LeCompte, Allen LeCompte, A.R. (Judge) LeCompte, A.R. (Mrs) LeCompte, La. LeCoq, James LeCoq, Jean LeCorgne, Mercedes Ledbetter, Howard Ledbetter, James H. (Family) Ledbetter, J.L. (Mrs) Ledbetter, Mamie L. Ledbetter, Parker LeDeaux, Leno LeDeaux, W.A. LeDeux, Clayton Ledia LeDoux, Adam (M/M) and John Ira LeDoux, Albert, J.M., John D., John E LeDoux, Alexander LeDoux, Alvard, Dorcinas Joseph, and John Ivy LeDoux, Ambroise LeDoux, Amos, Elven LeDoux, C.C. (Mrs) and Joseph (Mrs) LeDoux, Earl F. LeDoux, Euman, Irving, and Wilton LeDoux, Irving (Mrs) LeDoux, Joseph LeDoux, Pierre LeDoux, P.J. LeDoux, Tibitha LeDoux, Vallory LeDoux, Walter Lee, A.W. Lee, C.B. Lee, Charlie Steve Lee, Daniel and Nathaniel Lee, Davis Lee, E.A. (Mrs) Lee, E.L. Lee, Glenn (AFC) Lee, Gray Lee, H.H. (Mrs) Lee, Ira Lee, Irene C. Lee, James Lee, J.M. (M/M) Lee, John Lee, Julius Book/Page number 1/125 5/110-112 7/449 7/451 8/198; 9/129 2/402, 405; 5/327; 10/303, 306 3/187 2/284; 3/223-225 1/214, 264; 2/12, 13, 126, 139; 3/208-210, 214; 6/64; 8/337 8/67 5/281 7/335 7/43 7/119 4/297, 301; 9/123 5/117 1/24 9/4 4/5 7/331 (photo) 13A/19 1/24, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38-41, 45, 94, 279 7/201 5/83; 13A/19 c3p10 7/6 13A/18 2/334 8/106 7/173 1/81, 91, 98, 122, 126, 129; 7/253 7/228 5/307 4/241; 5/83 7/296 7/324 8/97, 99 (photo) 2/256 7/95 1/127 10/98 6/5, 7 5/251 4/265 7/296 5/211 7/95, 206, 210, 211 6/99 2/269; 6/83 7/204, 285 1/102; 7/449 7/204 (photo), 285 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Lee, L.L. (M/M) Lee, Mark Lee, Martha Lee, N.E. Lee, R.A. (M/M) Lee, Ralph Robert Lee, Raymond Clifton Lee, Richard Lee, Robert E. Lee, Sam Lee, Sandra Lee, T.P. Lee, Wallace (Pvt) Lee, W.E. Lee, W.E. (Mrs) Lee, Will Lee, William (Mrs) Lee, W.M. (Mrs) Leeds, Paul (Rev. & Mrs) Leeds, T.P. Leeper, Harold (Mrs) Lee's Construction Company Lee's Old Crossing Leesburg, La. Leesville, La. Lee-Young Oil Company LeFebvre LeFleur, Clarence LeFleur, Clebert LeFleur, Paul (Mrs) LeFort, Alexis J. (Mrs) LeFort, Altha Mae LeFort, Joseph Alex and Margaret Elaine LeFranc, John LeFranc, Louis LeFranc, Mary LeFranc, Thomas LeFranc's Wharf Legare, Cecille Legare, Johnnie Lege, Leon (Mrs) Lege, Milton Legendre, Leonce Leger & Bourgeois Leger, Arise (Mrs), Collin, Fred, Marious Leger, Dorise N. (M/M) Leger, Emile (Mrs) Leger, Francis Leger, Joseph Leger, Nathise Book/Page number 9/13 1/102 2/85; 7/245 1/136 10/197 7/201 7/449 9/142 1/251, 257; 2/159; 9/44 4/88 10/215 2/131; 5/211 7/198 2/337; 3/148; 4/168; 5/251; 8/238 3/85; 4/123, 169; 5/262, 332-333; 7/113, 128, 189; 9/146; 10/306 1/208 6/8; 13A/17 c4p12; Old Cemeteries/17 6/211; 7/20 4/10-12, 17, 31-33, 35, 36, 40, 41, 46, 54; 13A/20 c3p4 5/15 7/111 8/192 1/95 1/217; 2/64; 3/37,188; 6/64; 8/243 1/205-206, 222; 2/96; 3/188; 6/16 3/120 1/209 7/151 7/217 10/44 4/142, 225, 258 4/221, 258 4/278 13A/22 c1p1 1/120, 130, 132, 151, 153; 2/14; 5/14 13A/17 c1p10 5/55 2/16 2/42 10/68 13A/18 c1p7 4/280 5/250 1/32 13A/20 Old Cemeteries/17 7/50 1/97, 98 13A/20 c1p11; 7/296 7/296 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Legett, Louis A. Leggett, J.H. Legion Field Legion of Honor Leglise, Victor Charles LeGros, Laurent Lehman, Bryan Jr. Lehman, Rudolph Lehman's Store Leib, Phillip E. Leichty, Dave A. Leichty, P.J. Leidig, Raymond Leighton, Lou Ann Leithead, A.J. Leithead, A.J. (Mrs) Leithead, Albert L. Leithead, J. Leithead, James Leithead, Lorena Leithead, (M/M) LeJeune, Artelus LeJeune, Carlton J. LeJeune, Clement LeJeune, Clifford, Elroy LeJeune, D. Peter LeJeune, Dwight Lafayette LeJeune, Edna M. LeJeune, Elmer LeJeune, E.N. (Rev) LeJeune, Etienne LeJeune, Hillman Joseph LeJuene, Julian LeJeune, Melvin H. LeJeune, Norbert LeJeune, Pierre LeJeune, Sidney LeJeune, Verangine LeJeune, Wendell LeJune, Frank and John LeLeaux, Ed LeLeux, George LeLeux's Bakery LeLouche, Lester Lemare, Henrietta Lemerise, George W. Lemfest, Blossom Lemke, Archie Lemke, Billy Lemke, Merton Lemke, (Mrs) Lemley, Joseph H. Book/Page number 2/283 4/97 10/133 7/296 7/95 5/77 10/94 13A/8 c1 1/159 7/110 (photo) 7/21 (photo) 5/243 2/331; 7/198 2/352 3/221 5/326; 6/19 7/203 1/155 2/330-331; 5/205; 6/199; 9/38, 57; 10/197 2/352; 3/57 8/193 (photo); 10/198i 7/331 (photo) 7/324, 452 5/252; 7/244-245 7/452 2/283 7/81 7/324 7/311 3/57 1/160 7/95 4/96; 5/79 7/217 5/252 1/35 7/296 4/47 10/177 4/193 7/321 7/217 6/25 7/423 4/226, 229 6/208 10/34, 38 4/123 10/68 7/82 10/223 7/229 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Lemmonds, Thomas H. Lemoine, Benny Francis (Family) Lemoine, Herbert and P.A. (M/M) Lemoine, Jean Lemoine, Robert A. Lemoine, Susan Lemoine, Warren W. (Family) Lemoine, W.J. Lemon, Mable Lemons, Thomas H. Lenoir, Bayou Lensing, Alfred Charles Lensley, Bruce (Lt) Lenz, Louis Leo XIII, Pope Leob, S. Leon, Sam Leon Springs Training Camp, Leon, Tex. Leonard, A.B. Leonard, John Leonard, Katie Leonard, Thomas H. Leone, Camille, Lena Timpa, L.J., Loretta, and Margie Ann Leone, Sam Leonhardt, John (Mrs) Leonhardt, Mary Leonhart, (Mrs) Leopold Leopold, Robert L. Leper Colony LePlongeon, Alice D. LeRay, G.E. (Mrs) Leroyle, Hennessy Lesher, Mabel Grier (Dr) Lesley, James William Leslie, Billie Jo and Delores Leslie, D.G. Leslie, Porter A. (Pvt) Lester, George (Mrs) Lester, M. (Mrs) Lestrappes, M.K. (M/M) Letard, John Leug, Carl Levacon, V.J. (Col) Levees Leveque Leveque, Alma and J. Malcolm Leveque, Aloysia Leveque, Charles Leveque, D. Leveque, Daniel Book/Page number 7/183, 277, 282a (newspaper picture) 7/5 (photo), 153, 185, 284, 408, 412, 451 7/358 1/250 7/95, 313, 378, 411, 442, 451 7/412 5/56, 204; 7/153, 313, 378, 412, 417, 441, 442, 451 4/77, 115, 124 4/192 7/454 1/87 7/5 (photo) 7/227 5/17 3/49 2/265 10/233 3/81 3/216 5/155; 8/363; 9/55, 136 7/111 8/230 7/339 7/229, 339, 431, 451, 454, 463 7/107 (photo), 112, 173, 225, 268; 8/229 7/218 (photo) 7/93 6/170 4/168 5/249-250 4/175 10/11 3/158 8/275 4/116 4/218 2/341 7/285 8/303 7/347 1/37; 2/167-168, 174 10/196 3/221, 225 8/194 (photo) 1/114, 125, 141, 142; 3/194 8/23 6/119 2/256 5/195; 7/238, 292 5/12 2/140, 189; 3/19; 5/66; 6/119, 153 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Leveque, Eugene J. (M/M) Leveque, Francis Leveque, Howard Leveque, J. Leveque, James Howard (Family) Leveque, J.D. (M/M) Leveque, Jim Leveque, Jonte Leveque, Julia Leveque, L. Leveque, Louis Leveque, Louis (Mrs) Leveque, Louise Leveque, Malcolm Leveque, Marie Leveque, (Mrs) (Millinery and Dressing Making Co.) Leveque, Ocie Johnson (Mrs) Leveque, (Post Mistress) Leveque, Sam Leverick, Gillis & CO. Levie, Jimmy Levings, Lillian Theresa Levingston - Various spellings occur: Livingston Levingston & Haskell Levingston Brothers Abstract Company Levingston, Clyde Levingston, David H. (M/M) Levingston, David M. Levingston, D. Frank Levingston, Ernest L. Levingston, Eva Levingston, Frank Levingston, G.A.(3rd Lt) Levingston, Georgie (Miss) Levingston, Kenneth Levingston, Kenneth (Mrs) Levingston, Sam L. Levingston, Sam W. (Capt) Levingston Title Company Levingston, William Levingston, William (Mrs) Levy & Bendel Levy, Armand Levy, Armand Mens Clothing Store Levy, Bonnie Book/Page number 5/56, 195; 7/238, 292 5/271, 272; 6/119; 9/45 1/219-220; 6/119; 8/61; 9/153 3/95 1/216 (photo); 3/159, 169; 4/37; 5/271, 272; 6/119; 7/88 (photo), 168, 228, 337, 343; 8/303 2/14, 17, 106, 158, 216, 390; 10/291 6/118; 9/4 5/195 1/226 1/160; 3/169, 214, 221 1/145, 147-149, 156, 159, 162, 178, 266; 2/10, 214, 286; 3/33; 4/101; 10/8 1/178; 2/125 3/18; 10/21B 7/168 (photo); 8/294 3/18; 6/119; 10/136 2/2, 34, 189; 3/43 7/337 1/270 3/18-19 3/36 7/282 c 10/199a 2/129 4/97; 5/7; 7/155, 426, 428, 435; 8/305; 10/209 8/250 1/64, 221, 222, 242, 266, 285; 2/198, 264; 3/85, 137, 187; 4/75, 97, 114; 5/7, 11, 12, 119, 233, 280; 6/23, 25, 55, 77, 99, 123, 173, 210; 7/82, 93, 141, 173, 281; 8/13, 65, 150, 219, 250, 289; 9/14; 10/14, 23, 26, 33, 191 6/19 2/250; 6/19, 99 7/193, 397 8/73 2/37, 73, 170 3/9 (photo) Old Places/100 2/286-287, 291; 3/217-218, 219 (photo), 221, 224; 4/97; 5/7; 6/163; 7/203, 225; 8/65, 219 7/107 8/219 5/104, 115; 6/163 1/253; 4/83; 8/65 7/82, 95 7/445 5/9, 12 2/235; 3/169, 221; 4/167, 168, 171 3/157; 5/139 (photo), 144 (photo) 7/173, 268, 283; 8/229 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Levy, Ethel Levy, Florian Levy, Mary Levy, Max M. Levy, Samuel & Son Insurance Levy, Samuel (Mrs) Lewis & Clark Lewis & Elston Lewis, Ann Hart, Lloyd Ogdan, and Vergis Agnes Lewis, Austin Lewis, Austin (Mrs) Lewis, Bessie B. Lewis, Charles A. Lewis, C.S. Lewis, Curtis Molan Lewis, D.W. Lewis, Ellen C. Lewis, E.N. (Mrs) Lewis, Ethel Lewis, Fielding "Col" and Thomas Lewis, Fred Lewis (freedman) Lewis, George H. "Alabama" Lewis, Hazel and Vories (M/M) Lewis, H.H. (Brig. Gen.) Lewis, Issac Lewis, J.G. Sr. and Octavia Lewis, Jack Lewis, Jasper and Solomon Lewis, Jerry Lewis, John W. Jr. Lewis, Johnnie Lewis, Joshua (Judge) Lewis, Leon Lewis, Lonnie R. Lewis, Malbert Lewis, Peggy Lewis, Sally Lewis Street Lewis, Thaddeus Lewis, Thomas A. Lewis, Thomas F. Lewis, W.F. (Mrs) Lewis, Wiley Lewis, W.S. Lewis, W.W. (M/M) Lewis, W.Z. (Rev) L'Herault, Edward C. Libby, John M. and Libby Street Libeert, Alf Liberty Bell Book/Page number 3/147 6/210; 8/77 (photo), 287, 293; 9/38-39 7/93 3/105 10/198a 2/271; 8/22, 273; 9/34 1/249 2/223 10/199a 2/286 (photo), 291; 3/221; 7/124, 300, 312, 318, 329, 408; 8/275 7/112, 173, 408; 8/61; 10/185 9/15; 10/95 7/296 2/132 7/86 3/60 1/255 3/180 4/79 3/128 6/69 (photo); 7/73, 75 1/153 5/309 7/400 7/432 (photo) 9/22 (photo) 10/210 6/72 4/39 10/148, 179, 212 5/243 9/15 13A/128 c1p9 6/83 7/452 7/400, 451 8/305, 308a; 10/197 10/197 6/66 1/151, 157, 159 2/284; 3/223 1/168 7/116 1/181 7/451 7/318, 329, 408; 10/118 4/297, 301 7/343 6/66 5/12 9/48 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Liberty (Cargo Ship) Liberty County, TX Liberty Creek, LA Liberty Street Liberty, TX Library of Congress Lichty, Joe Liddle, Carlton Lieb, Phillip E. (P/O) Liechty, Beulah, J.H., and P.J. (Mrs) Life Magazine Liggio, Jack Liggio, Luke Liggio, Newt (Mrs) Liggio, Sam (M/M) Lightall, (Mr.) Lightner, Fred L. Ligou (Ligon?), Captain Liles, Cliff (Mr) Liles, Clyde Liles, James M. and Jesse J. Liles, Myrna Josephine Liles, Ralph Liles, Sam Lillieburg, Hilda M. and Matt Lilly, Charles Lilly, James M. Lilly, Martin B. Lilly, Pat Limbocker, A.N. Limbocker, Warren Limbocker, W.Y. Limbocker, W.Y. (Mrs) Limbrick, Alvernia Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln County, MO Lind, Jenny Lindberg, Charles A. Jr. Lindsay, Bolden and Monroe Lindsay, Burkett Lindsay, C.B. and Drug Store Lindsay, Coleman Lindsay, James E. (Mrs) Lindsay, J.E. Lindsay, J.T. Lindsay, (Mrs) Lindsay, Rufus Lindsay, Wendell G. (Family) Lindsey, Ben (Family) Lindsey Family Lindsey, J.A. Lindsey, Mason Lee Book/Page number 8/253 1/92, 205; 5/176 3/187 2/10 1/210, 212 6/34 7/82 6/176 7/88 7/21 7/466-482, 483-486, 487-511; 8/76-79, 84 2/330 (photo) 10/126 (photo) 10/115 8/252 2/160 nothing 3/98 7/93 7/452 2/132 10/127 (photo), 161 9/38 5/221 4/119 5/281; 10/136 5/226 6/83 8/13 (photo) 4/169 8/305 7/212 10/202 7/444 3/205; 5/13 1/186 1/186 5/251 1/161 1/146, 158 2/5, 167 4/90, 97 7/50 7/122 1/117 1/37; 2/168 1/161; 2/131 7/113, 173, 198, 398 7/311 (photo), 340; 10/233 5/79 7/124 7/340 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Lindsey, Raymond Joseph Lindsey, Russell Lloyd Liner, Henry W. Jr. Lingow, Benjah Linkswiler, Charles and Robert A. Linkswiler, Gilbert Linkswiler, Minnie Linn, Ed Linnekohl, Lena Linscombe, Sandy Lintz, H.M., Dr. (First Baptist Church) Lintzen, Geneva Lion's Club Liprie, Anthony Paul Liprie, Frances Rose Liprie, Jack J. Liprie, Leon (M/M) Liprie, Martin Lipton, Thomas Lisbon - Town of Liskow, C.R. Liskow, C.R. (Mrs) Liskow, Cullen Liskow, Cullen (Mrs) Liskow, George Lisotto, Bernando Lisotto, Mary Littell, Camille Litten, Frederic Nelson Little Betsy Little Chenier, La. Little, C.N. Little, C.W. Little, C.W. (Mrs) Little, Charles Little, Ellen LeBleu Little, Emma Hortense Little, Henry (M/M) Little, Jean Little, Jeanne Little, Macie and Z. (Mrs) Little Mexico The Little Mission Church Little, (Mr) Little, (Mrs) Little Productions Littleton, Joe Litton, Amos Litton, Laverne Litton, O.B. Book/Page number 7/201 7/444 7/452 3/194 7/305 4/112; 7/203 7/203, 305 10/222 c 9/14 6/44 10/304 13A/17 c3p4; Old Cemeteries/17 6/201; 7/110; 8/213, 213a, 295, 300; 10/115, 186c, 187a, 202, 290 7/164 (photo) 10/161 7/6 7/164; 8/252; 10/185 10/225 (photo) 3/84 1/7, 217-218, 220, 235 1/230 7/112 4/39; 5/276 7/173 6/96 7/66 5/283 3/205a (photo) 8/324 Old Places/4 4/283, 299 1/37 2/168, 205 10/21 1/208 13A/114 c2 13A/55 c3 2/351; 8/58-60 (home), 269; 13A/53 c4, 55 c3 10/198 d 7/268; 8/229 (photo); 10/159, 198a 7/111 4/98 1/4 (photo) 2/192 2/204 7/152 7/241 7/296; 10/107 (photo), 171b, 222 (photo) 10/127 (photo), 129 (photo), 130a 6/69 (photo), 73; 7/297, 298 (photo), 334; 10/180, 186 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Litton, Willowdean Live Oak Hotel Livery Stables. See also names of individual firms. Livingston - Various spellings occur: Levingston Livingston, David Livingston, Edward Livingston, Frank Livingston, Georgia Livingston, John J. (Col) Livingston, Tex. L'lle, Jean Charles Lloyd, Arthur S. (Rev) Lloyd, Charles B. (Sgt) Lloyd, C.J. Lloyd, George W. Lloyd, Jo Lynn Lloyd's Fashions Lloyd's Grocery Store/Fruit & Produce Co. Lobbyists, The Gall of Lock, Audrey Lock, Della Lock, Elaine and Irma Lock, Fred Lock, George (Captain and Mrs.) Lock, George (Schooner) Lock, Letitia Lock - Moore Lumber Company/Mill Lock, Nellie Goos Lock Park Locke Locke, Leon Locke, Leon (Mrs) Locke, Miriam Locke, Viola Locke, Viva N. (Lt) Lockport Gun Club Lockport, La. Locks Locks - salt water locks Lodge, J Norman Lodges. See also names of individual lodges. Loeb, (Mrs) ? Loeb, Robert E. Book/Page number 10/177 5/251 1/278; 6/78 4/26-27 3/98 3/216 2/70 1/164; 2/198 7/394 4/3 13A/18 1/61c 7/445 10/210, 214 13A/5 10/230 10/198h 3/98, 138 10/209a 8/75 (photo) 10/53 1/61i 2/189, 195; 1/35, 37, 57e 1/26, 37, 44, 46, 47, 57, 57c,e, 59i, 59k, 61b, 61i, 62, 63, 225, 230, 280; 2/18, 61, 140, 158, 174, 176, 189, 225, 229, 253, 256, 264, 276, 325; 3/16, 24, 47, 71, 114-116, 118, 119, 121, 131, 141, 147, 178, 232; 4/16, 101, 167, 168, 171; 5/9, 12, 55, 104, 118, 153, 158; 6/128, 130; / / 10/122 3/17, 47 1/47, 225; 2/134, 202, 268, 275; 3/112, 131, 232, 236; 4/95,293; 1/225; 5/139; 10/312, 327, 341, 344-346, 348 1/57, 57e 1/180; 3/39, 147; 5/104, 118 3/99; 10/110 2/277 (photo); 3/88, 100, 103; 4/168, 171; 5/202 (photo), 268, 326; 6/63, 163,166, 167, 171, 172, 174, 176; 8/214; 9/26; 10/109, 118a, 6/6 10/107 (photo) 10/31, 38 7/157, 171 3/15 3/232; 4/16; 10/312, 333 9/20 (photo) 8/223; 9/53 7/174 (photo) 3/40-41 3/8 8/46 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Loeffler, Harold (Pvt) Loffland, Riley Loften, W.E. Loftin, Albert Loftin, B.A. Loftin, Clarence S. and O.E. Loftin, Grover (Mrs) Loftin, J.B. (M/M) Loftin, Jessie Loftin, Jimmy Loftin, Joseph B. (Mrs) Loftin, S.H. (Mrs) Loftin, Ted (Seaman 1/C) Lofton, Frankie Glayds Lofton, Jack Jr. Logan, George L. (Lt) Logan, John Logan, Judd Logan, Thomas (M/M) Logan, W.H. (Mrs) Logan, Will F. Logerman, John Logg, Aladin Logion, Marjorie Lognion, Dorothy Lognion, Elaine Lognion, George Lognion, Louisa Mae Lognion, Lucide (Miss) Lomax, Stanley H. (Lt. Col) London, England Lone Star Cement Company Lone Star Livery & Feed Long, A.L., Senator/General Long, Al Long, B.A. Long Bell Farm Land Corp. Long Bell Lumber Company Long, Bessie Long, Carl (Rev) Long, Cedric Marshall Long, D. Allen Long, Earl K. (Governor) Long, Green Long, H.H. Long, Huey Pierce Long, Huey Pierce Fish Hatchery Long, James A. and Vera A. Norwood Long, Johnnie (Mrs) Long, Josh Long Point Bayou Book/Page number 7/118 7/459 2/132 4/96; 7/296 2/132 7/239 (photo) 5/216 7/84 Old Cemeteries/17 1/234 (photo) 7/89, 405 10/115, 126 (photo) 7/84 (photo), 89 (photo), 405 10/199 a 10/84 7/209 (photo) 8/76 8/143 6/16; 7/209 5/211 6/83 1/153 7/296 9/145 (photo) 7/302 10/177,186a,b,c 7/95 8/247, 249 2/223 7/161, 282a, 295, 454 3/34 6/182 (map), 184 5/13 2/159 5/117 8/11 4/115 1/212, 280; 3/24, 236; 4/128; 6/80, 88; 10/316, 340, 341, 347 3/172 3/222 7/449 2/283 4/272; 8/23, 37, 48, 49; 10/94, 218 5/55; 10/123 10/325 1/205; 3/197; 4/2; 5/251; 6/67, 86; 8/48 4/20 7/358 (photo) 7/50 7/82 1/122 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Long, Russell Long, Sarah Alice Long, Vernon Long, W. Longanecker, Ira Longhorn Cattle Longleaf Yellow Pine Longman, Kenneth F. Longshoremen Strike Longville, La. and Lumber Mill Lonthier, Isaac Loomis, C.W. (Dr) Looney, Robert H. Jr. (Maj) Lopez, Adolphe Lopez, Alex Lopez, Allerdoes Lopez, Darmoncourt Lopez Family Lopez, George Lopez, Victorian Loree, Charles L. Loree, C.R. Loree & Loree Grocers Loree & Thompson Grocery Loree, William (Family) Lorenz, Joseph John Lorgron, Martin Lorie, A.A. and Joseph Loring, Irving L. Loring, Margaret Lormand, Alex and James Lormand, Ellen N., F.R. (M/M), Matoil, Richard Wilbert, Samuel, Willis, and Wilson Lormand - Nevils Family Reunion Lormand, Rufus Lorrain, Elias (Mrs) and Gabriel (Mrs) Lorrain, John L.D. Lorrain, Louis Lorrain's Mill Los Adais Los Angeles, Calif. Lost Tribe, The Lott, E. (Mrs) Lott, Jack (Family) Lott, Leighton Lott, Lorraine Lott, Penny B. Lottery: Anti-Lottery League Lotz, W.J. Louaillier, Joseph A. Book/Page number 8/130; 10/218 4/119 7/95 7/296 2/259; 6/156 1/235 (photo) 1/189 (photo); 3/76; 10/307-319 7/228 5/117 4/96, 128; 10/319, 349 7/300 1/229; 2/221; 3/97, 147; 10/118a 7/66 (photo) 4/98 6/174 1/166 1/157 5/77 13A/77 (photo) 1/149 2/221, 113; 3/123, 191; 4/171; 5/3; 6/60; 8/72 1/229 3/123, 160, 169, 191; 4/86; 5/61, 154 (photo); 8/72 1/49; 2/252; 3/39; 5/3, 9; 8/72 1/59g; 2/170, 204; 3/59, 88, 123, 191; 5/221; 6/15, 59-61, 113; 8/72 7/5 (photo) 7/296 3/46 6/83 8/103 (photo) 5/169 13A/17 Old Cemeteries/22 6/208 7/282 c 5/55 1/167; 2/130, 131; 13A/8 c1 2/131 5/29 7/278 4/32 7/320 8/69 (photo) 7/6, 167, 320 10/175 7/167 1/230; 3/174 2/203 6/83; 7/296 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Louis, Aneeta, Helena, and Sidney Louis, Aury Louisiana. General information. For state offices, entities, and agencies, see entries beginning with "Louisiana State." Louisiana & Pacific Railroad Louisiana Anti Saloon League Louisiana Avenue during the 1947 flood Louisiana Bankers Association Louisiana Boy (movie) Louisiana Bridges Louisiana Cavalry Louisiana Coal & Petroleum Company Louisiana Confederate Organization Louisiana Conservationist Louisiana Conservative Review Louisiana Courier of Oct. 22, 1819 Louisiana Day Louisiana Democratic Central Comm. Louisiana Dental Society Louisiana District 7 Louisiana Education Association Louisiana Engineers Society Louisiana Fed. of Women's Clubs Louisiana Fish & Oyster Company Louisiana Fur & Wildlife Festival. See also "Cameron Fur and Wildlike Festival." Louisiana Grain & Milling Company Louisiana Historical Society and Quarterly Louisiana Industrial Fair Louisiana Infantry. See also Louisiana State Guard. Louisiana Infantry, First Volunteer, Band (1898) Louisiana Irises Louisiana Library Commission Louisiana License Plates Louisiana Lottery Louisiana Maneuvers Louisiana Motor Transport Assoc. Louisiana Oil Jubilee Louisiana Parent Teachers Assoc. Convention Louisiana Parishes, names of Louisiana Petroleum & Coal Co. Louisiana Power & Light Co. Louisiana Press Association Louisiana Purchase Louisiana Reservation Louisiana Rice Milling Co. Louisiana Seccession Louisiana Seminary of Learning & Military Academy Louisiana Social Welfare Conference Louisiana State Board of Education Louisiana State Board of Health Book/Page number 4/19 13A/89 c1 1/142, 209, 211; 3/95; 4/20-22, 26, 32, 104-108; 5/193; 6/20, 54, 56; 8/68, 272; Old Places/46 3/236 3/94 6/193 6/64 8/2 Old Places/45 1/225 6/87 1/141 4/279 4/2, 14 13A/31 6/17 8/197 10/112 1/230 10/94 8/37 2/271; 3/87; 5/327, 328; 6/4-6, 28; 10/303 4/4 4/283 5/139 4/4; 8/71 6/176 1/225; 3/142; 4/141; 6/39, 45, 86; 8/243 2/207 (photo) 1/222 4/294 6/67 5/51 7/16-18, 24-38 8/285 4/93 10/120 8/305 6/87 8/98, 198 2/164 1/226 (boundries), 227, 229, 276; 4/31; 6/54, 56 4/26 2/54, 352; 7/93; 8/63; 10/96 8/272 1/122, 148, 150 6/16 1/231; 6/84; 10/94, 117 1/164-166, 257, 259; 4/280; 10/110 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Louisiana State Bond Louisiana State Commissioners of Elections Louisiana State Commissioner of Public Roads Louisiana State Department of Agriculture Louisiana State Dept. of Conservation, Mineral Division Louisiana State Dept. of Public Health Louisiana State Forestry Commission Louisiana State General Assembly Louisiana State Governor [See also names of individual governors] Louisiana State Guard and National Guard. See also Louisiana Infantry. Louisiana State Highways and Highway Commission Louisiana State House of Representatives Louisiana State Legislature Louisiana State Library Commission Louisiana State Lieutenant Governor Louisiana State Parks Commission Louisiana State Police/Troopers Louisiana State Railroad Commission Louisiana State Secretary Louisiana State Senate Louisiana State Tax and Tax Collector Louisiana State University Louisiana State Warrants Louisiana State Wildlife & Fisheries Comm. Louisiana Story (movie) Louisiana Sulphur Mining Co. Louisiana-Texas Railroad. See also "Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Louisiana Towns & Cities. See also names of individual towns and cities. Louisiana Western Railroad. See also "Morgan's Louisiana Western Lourene, Alcide Lout Family Louveau, Jean Georges (Major) Louvie, Clooney Louvier, Lee Louviere, Allen Louviere, Arthur W., George (M/M), and Mattie Ryder Louviere, Ernest P. (T. Sgt) Louviere, Frank Louviere, Fred Louviere, Julie LaFleur Louviere, Ronnie Louviere, Roy L. Louviere, Victor, Warton, and Willard Love Alley Love, Charles H. Love, J.G. Jr. Love, Meyer J. Book/Page number 3/103 1/10, 24, 39, 42, 47, 55, 62, 67, 73, 74, 89, 123, 146, 148, 161 1/88, 111-126, 128-131, 133, 135, 137, 145-153, 156-158, 160-161 8/199 8/64 6/16 10/338 1/124 1/162 3/89, 98, 120; 6/82, 84, 86, 176, 180; 7/3, 5, 6, 139, 140, 186, 187 (photo), 198 5/208; 6/190 1/192; 3/93, 94 3/182l 10/92 8/221 1/192 8/229 4/264; 5/307; 8/170 6/67 6/67 1/206 1/147, 154 1/114, 209; 6/55; 10/18, 186c 1/32 4/279-280 4/180-183, 186; 8/110-112 2/114 6/92 1/209; 3/60, 62-63, 70-71, 93-98, 97, 100, 105, 107, 125-126, 128-129, 132, 138, 169, 171; Old Places/60 1/184; 2/70, 86, 256; 3/69, 188; 6/77 4/218 8/202 9/124 (photo) 4/264 (photo) 7/64 7/86; 8/218 7/233 (photo) 7/442 8/218 4/81 5/15 2/335 (photo) 7/228 7/296 2/7 3/60; 6/82 9/44 2/266, 331; 9/121 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Love, Meyer J. (Mrs) Love, Nellie Love, R.L. (Mrs) Love, Robert K. Lovejoy, Samantha Lovelady, George M. Lovelass, Alpha Raymond and Mary Katherine Lovers Lane/Retreat/Bridge Love's Mens Store Lovett Family Lovett, James Lovett, Sal (M/M) Loving, Jerry and Refuge Low, John B. Low, J.W. (Mrs) Low, Robert Lowe, Julia Lowe, W.W. (Family) Lowell, Truxton Lowrey, Charles & Colbert and Assoc. Lowery, Geraldine Lowery, John Lowery, Lee Lowther, V.P. (Tire Service) Loxley Loxley & Martin Hardware Company/Lumber Company/Tram Loxley, J.A. Loxley, J.E. Loxley, J.E. (Mrs) Loxley, Lenora Loxley, Mary J. Loxley, Miss Loxley, Mrs. Loy, W.H. Lubain, Hosey Lubin, O. (Mrs) Lubin, Simon (Pvt) Lublin, Maye Lucas, A.F. Lucas, Anthony (Capt) Lucas, Clinton M. (Mrs) Lucas, Edward Lucas, E.W. (Mrs) Lucas, King Lucas (Town) Lucia, Joseph Lucy, Sister M. Ludgate, W.B. Book/Page number 7/115, 122, 146 10/32, 38 8/308a 13A/19 c4p4 1/283 7/452, 454 7/191 1/214; 2/17, 256 (1916 photo); 3/78, 107, 135 (photo), 229 (poem), 230; 5/116; 6/78, 81; 9/138; Old Places/59 (photo) 2/351; 7/155, 273, 426, 428; 10/186c, 198d, 208 1/205; 5/79 7/5, 213 (photo) 7/213 6/51 5/55 2/271 7/296 8/193 (photo) 5/95; 7/178, 220, 224 (photo), 291, 294, 327, 353, 408, 423, 445; 8/16, 267 5/28 9/120 10/130 (photo) 5/4 7/302 7/102 2/189; 3/236 1/36, 47, 208, 232; 2/131, 253, 255; 3/34, 237; 6/47 2/131 1/36, 232 (Hall); 2/130, 275; 3/182 1/35, 36, 44, 46, 48, 59g 1/57d,e; 3/177 1/57 & 57e 1/60 2/195 6/124 7/3 13A/198 p12 7/442 7/442 4/93 4/105, 106; 6/52 7/50 13A/108 c2; 2/272 7/115 7/93 2/272 4/25 5/226 2/39 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Ludgate, William Richard Ludington, La. and Mill Lueg, Carl (Rev) Lufkin, TX Lum, John Crispe Lumber Industry. See also names of individual companies and types of lumber. Lumber Schooner Lumbley, Betty Jean Lumbley, Donald Lumbley, M.R. (Mrs) Lumbley, Wilhemina Lumpkin, Mark Lund, Verna L. Lundin, W.E. (Family) Lundy, T.E. Lunita (town) Lunn, John Crispe Lupfer, (Mr) Lupton, George H. (Dr) Lusby, James Vernon Lusby, Tony Lusby, Vernon Lusby, V.O. (M/M) Lusby, W.B. (M/M) Lusby, William (Capt) Lusher, R.M. Lust, Louis L. (Cpl) Lutcher, H.J. Lutcher-Moore Lumber Company Lutcher, Nellie Lutcher, Susie Lute, Albert and Alberta Lute, Aritholia Ladd and B.W. Lute, Artholia (Mrs) Lutheran Churches Luttrell, Hal Lyerly, Arnold A. Lyerly, Shirley Mae Lykes Brothers Steamship Company Lyle, A.L. Lyle, Guy R. Lyles, Albert Haynes Lyles, Archie (Family) Lyles, Cleg Lyles, David Lyles, D.T. Lyles, Fate, George W., Glenn (Miss), and Mark Lyles, H.C. Book/Page number 5/5 4/96, 128; 10/318, 349 6/28 1/206, 221 7/217 1/155, 187-189, 193, 198, 226, 233, 264, 265, 272; 2/18, 96, 273, 278; 3/68 (photo), 72, 75 (photo), 170 (photo), 232, 235-237 (photo); 4/128; 5/42-46, 53, 54, 57, 178, 329; 6/56, 57, 64; 8/71, 151, 152, 181, 185, 214; 9/40; 10/3071/289 (photo) 8/217; 10/129-130a, 161 (photo) 5/252 6/16; 10/138 7/111 2/335 7/240, 286 8/20, 57, 345 9/54 2/272 7/217 7/328 10/50 7/244, 337 10/167, 175 7/154, 336, 399; 10/161 7/336 7/244 2/244 1/225 7/208 (photo) 1/214; 8/151 6/57 8/24, 86 8/24 4/218 9/15 8/275 7/386 10/179, 185 7/81, 82, 117, 118 7/118 5/232; 6/175; 8/5, 102, 269, 365 7/296 6/67 7/449 4/189; 13A/22 c3p4 6/174 13A/22 c2p1; 1/205 1/159 13A/22 1/159; 2/130-131 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Lyles, Hiram Lyles, Jack D. (T.Sgt) Lyles, J.K. Lyles, Margaret Lyman, Charles W. (Rev) Lyman, Frank Lynas, Jerry Lynch, Ed Lynch, James A. Lynch, Margie Lynd, Jimmie Lynn, Violet Lynx (Schooner) Lyod, Josephine Lyon, General Lyons, Abel Lyons, A.C., D.C. (Mrs) Lyons, Adela Lyons, A.J. Lyons, A.L. Lyons, Albert (Mrs) Lyons, Alvin Charles Lyons & Nix General Store Lyons, Anna Lyons, Annie Lyons, A.O. and Gus Lyons, Asa and Daniel Lyons, Augustus Lyons, Benjamin Lyons, Betty Claire Lyons, B.H. Lyons, B.J. Lyons, Charles Lyons, Chief Lyons, Curley Lyons, David Lyons, David A. Lyons, David H. (Sheriff) Lyons, D.D. Lyons, Dewey, Floyd, Frank, and W.M. Lyons, Doctor Lyons, Ellie Lyons, Elmo (Mrs) Lyons, Erastus J. (Dr) Lyons, Ernest Lyons, Evelyn Lyons Family Lyons Ferry Lyons, George S. (Dr) Book/Page number 1/205; 4/97; 5/95; 13A/22 c3p8 7/379, 441 7/379 8/273; 10/185 1/3, 208; 2/203; 3/40; 6/83 9/53 (photo) 4/295, 306 8/179 6/82 5/157-158 6/72 8/245 13A/21 7/342 5/239 1/44, 73, 120, 132, 192 7/245 2/68; Old Places/100 5/9; 7/225 2/59; 8/15 1/228 7/66 1/168 4/85 1/106, 102; 2/147 3/61 5/82 2/85, 150, 152; 13A/7 c1 1/91, 94, 114, 117, 123, 127, 148, 160 10/68 1/206; 4/96, 171; 5/78 4/119 1/161; 7/6 6/149 2/191 1/98, 101; 2/108, 147; 3/138; 9/142; Old Places/108 1/111, 119, 138, 141, 142, 146, 159; 3/187; 1/120, 124, 127, 128, 161, 163, 166, 167; 2/119, 131; 5/55; 8/15 2/121 7/296 3/37, 147; 6/25 7/452, 454; 13A/21 c1p1 Old Cemeteries/21 1/164, 222, 269; 2/107, 131, 147, 167, 186, 212, 246; 3/23; 4/85; 5/9, 17, 55; 6/38 7/6 6/7 4/87; 1/196 1/47, 59, 88, 91, 93, 95 4/119; 7/451; 10/11, 204, 206 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Lyons House Lyons, Irene Lyons, Isaac Lyons, Iven Lyons, Izora Lyons, James A. Lyons, J.C. (Dr) Lyons, Jeff Lyons, Jeff (Mrs) Lyons, J. Horace Lyons, J. Horace (Mrs) Lyons, J.J. Lyons, J.L. Lyons, John Lyons, John Jr. Lyons, John L. Lyons, John (Mrs) Lyons, John Richard Lyons, Johnnie K. Lyons, Joseph Lyons, K.M. (Dr) Lyons, Luke Lyons Lumber Company Lyons, Malichi M. Lyons, Minnalee Lyons, (Mr) Lyons, (Mrs) Lyons, M.S. (Mrs) Lyons, Nancy Lyons, N.D. (Mrs) Lyons, Nell Lyons, Newton J. Lyons, O.L. Lyons, O.S. Lyons, Oscar F. Lyons, Pearl Quitman Lyons, Samuel (Family) Lyons Street Lyons, S.W. Lyons, Ted Lyons, Thomas Lyons, T.L. Lyons, W.A. Lyons, Wallace S. Lyons, Washington Lyons, William Book/Page number 1/281; 2/275 2/76-77 2/130-131 1/160 2/68; 6/66 1/222, 229; 2/68; 3/15, 97; 5/52, 307; 10/186 2/211 1/257 (photo) 2/234 3/187; 6/46, 82, 229; 7/110, 171; 8/84, 228, 302; 10/129, 133, 291 7/115 1/166 1/206; 2/131 1/11, 14, 25, 30, 45, 55, 62, 70, 72, 92, 103, 110, 112, 114, 127, 132; 13A/96 1/45, 68 2/131 3/147 7/86 10/201a 1/75, 89, 97, 116 7/384 1/117, 123 2/275 1/148; 5/55 3/148 1/52, 81 1/222 6/89 1/172 9/13 (photo) 10/108 4/79 1/151, 159 13A/8 c1 1/100, 110, 146, 152, 159; 2/286; 3/214, 221; 6/66 Old Cemeteries/10 1/11, 44, 73, 88, 95, 103, 110, 132, 145, 184, 185, 205; 2/58, 108; 3/33; 4/96; 5/78, 173; 7/296; 8/337 6/66 2/132-133, 171 4/81; 7/447; 8/230 1/93, 120, 123, 138, 157, 158, 160; 3/33; 10/118 1/148 2/132 7/228 1/146 1/26, 33, 40, 44, 46, 49, 51, 55, 53, 55-56, 59,6063, 65-67 ,71, 75, 88, 148, 157 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Lyons, W.J. (M/M) Lyric Theater Lyston, Thomas Lytal, J.T. Mabrey, Neal H. See also names beginning with "Mc." MacArthur, Douglas (Gen) MacArthur, Farles Clarence MacBeth MacDonald, Ethel (Mrs. J.G.) Mace, H.L. (Mrs) Mace, R.T. (Col) Mack, Albert, Ella, and Metre Mack, Alva and J.C. Mack, Charles Dwight (Mrs) Mack, Charles Dwight (Rev) Mack, Connie Mack, J.C. (Mrs) Mack, J. Gordon Mackenzie, Minnie Eugenia MacKenzie, (Mrs) MacLaren, W.S. Maclean, W.E. MacLeod & Woolman Grocery MacLeod, Catherine MacLeod, Charlotte MacLeod, Fred (Mrs) MacLeod, Gertrude MacLeod, J. Allie MacLeod, J. Allie (Mrs) MacLeod, Ramsey MacMahill, Arthur Gayle MacPherson, J.A. (Mrs) MacPherson, James C. Jr. and Jane H. MacPherson, J.C. MacPherson, J.C. (Mrs.) MacPherson, William Mac's Camera Shop Madden, Royal G. Maddern, Minnie [actress] Madison, Alice and James Madison, Frances and R.L. (M/M) Madison, George Madison, Harold Lee (Pvt) Madison, J. Madison, Pete Madison, Robert (Mrs) Madison, Ruth (Mrs) Madison, Tex. Book/Page number 7/349 3/164-166, 168; 10/107 2/7 2/220 4/199 7/42, 173 (photo), 421, 424, 464, 465; 8/15, 291 7/201 2/22 8/145 7/133 7/26 4/81 2/347 1/34 1/8, 33, 59i; 2/166 1/221; 3/179; 5/58; 8/234; 9/122 4/17 6/208 1/6 1/32 5/153, 162 8/157 5/144 (photo) 7/103 2/232, 405; 3/80; 5/270, 333; 7/89, 114, 133, 183, 189, 193, 321, 346 ,395; 8/267; 9/146; 10/29, 306 7/121 3/205a; 5/232, 333; 7/30, 86, 89, 103, 113-114, 120, 133, 193, 217, 395, 405, 408 7/45, 79 (photo), 113, 124, 296 7/11, 50, 146; 8/211; 10/138 7/204; 8/254; 10/161 7/118 7/122 7/356 2/267; 7/103, 124, 379; 10/196 4/169; 6/16; 7/8, 34, 111, 128, 173, 302; 9/36 7/452 10/198 b 7/452, 454 2/20; 6/64 1/254 (photo) 7/349 10/94 7/201, 329, 349 (photo) 13A/20, 21 6/155 5/83 7/329 1/210 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Madison Wells (Lumber mill) Madl, Joseph (M/M) Maestri, Robert S. Magaw, Edna L. Magee, Conway (Dr) Magee, Frank N. (Cpl) Magee, Mabel and Ora Maggiore & Riemers Contractors Maggiore, Felix (M/M) Magnesium Factory/Plant Magnolia Cemetery (See Corporation Cemetery) Magnolia Club Magnolia Dramatic Club Magnolia Grove Magnolia Nursing Home Magnolia Oil/Petroleum Company Magnolia Saloon Magruder, (Gen) Magruder, J.B. Maguire, William A. (Capt) Mahaffey Family Mahaffey, Thomas C. Mahan, Buster F. Maher, Joseph B. (Com.) Mahon, Robert P. Mahoney, Jean Mahoney, J.F. Mahoney, Rae (Miss) Mail. See Post Offices, Postal Services, etc. Mailey, Alfred L. Main, Jacqueline Maiser, Frank Maiser, Sarah Davis Maiser, Willie Maison, Daisy Reed Maitland, Lester J. (Col) Majestic Barber Shop Majestic Hotel Book/Page number 10/347 7/82, 397 8/238 8/84 10/168, 198g, 232 7/430 2/191 1/229; 5/139 5/201; 7/335, 338 6/184; 8/280 Majestic Storage Garage Major, (Mr) Malagarie, John L. (Pfc) Malaria - Mosquito War Maler, Harold Malin, W.A. Mallard, Charles Mallard Bay 8/196 10/30 7/5 7/170 7/296 3/179; 9/12 13A/108 c2 4/281 2/102 2/86, 149, 22; 3/33 6/65 6/42 6/182 (map); 8/63, 64 6/122 5/239 2/130 7/46 4/102 4/100, 104, 106; 5/77, 206 7/64 7/229 3/89; 7/296 10/127 (photo), 129, 130a 3/204; 7/190; 8/240 7/190 5/55 8/181 2/88, 73; 6/113 5/29, 271 5/67 6/44 (photo) 7/207 9/121 1/15, 288; 2/91; 3/4, 97, 101, 164, 179 (1906 photo), 180; 4/77, 78; 5/3, 56, 244, 246; 6/16, 19, 46, 48, 55, 91, 103, 164, 171, 174, 176, 180; 7/10, 155, 224, 273, 291, 376, 426, 428; 8/16, 65, 88, 208, 209, 223, 227, 232, 234, 263, 293; 9/12 (photo), 118, 119 (photo), 121 (photo), 122 (photo); 10/186f, 209, 215, 342 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Mallard Junction Mallet Family Mallett, Jean Mallett, John Mallett, Onezieme Malloch, LeRoy Mallory, James Malloy, Carol or Carroll Malloy, Fay Malloy, J. Malloy, J.A. Malloy, James Malloy, Joseph C. (Capt) Malloy, Kathleen Malone, Claude Malone, Cleve P. Malone, Georgia Malone, Jim Malone, John Malone, John Clifton Malone, John H. (Chf Petty Off.) Malone, Mary Ette Malone, Virginia Mamou, La. Mamou Prairie Mamoulides, Mitchell (Mrs) Managan, Adrienne Managan, Angelee Managan Carroll Bldg. Materials Inc Managan, Clarence (Mrrs) Managan Family Managan, Jean Managan, Lucille Managan, Luther (Mrs) Managan, Marilyn Managan, Martha Managan, Pat Managan, Ralph Managan, R.E. Managan, R.E. (Mrs) Managan, Terrel Managan, Vyra (Mrs) Managan, William Henry (Family) Managhan, A.D. Manchester Mancuso, Alphonse (Sgt) Mancuso, Anthony Mancuso, B. Book/Page number 2/272 5/77 1/48 1/14 1/159 7/123-124 (photo) 1/52 6/73, 76; 7/429 6/72-74; 2/352 4/171 5/56, 160, 243; 6/118; 7/181; 8/99 (photo) 1/55 7/290 3/189; 4/301; 8/231, 308; 9/118, 122, 124, 129; 10/197 1/288 7/335, 380 1/230 8/267 4/287; 5/13; 7/377 7/217 7/288 (photo) 1/37; 2/168 7/57 2/376; 4/110-111 1/209; 4/18 7/456 7/107 (photo), 204; 10/127 (photo), 170 (photo), 179, 187 7/107 (photo) 7/155, 273, 428 10/165 3/72, 232 2/355; 7/204; 10/120, 127, 129, 130a 3/54 7/184 1/107 (photo); 7/204; 10/176, 178-179, 180 2/355; 7/204; 10/127 10/47, 48 4/123 9/128 10/138 7/282c 7/111 1/225, 230, 235; 2/202; 3/205 (photo), 232, 236; 4/95, 171; 5/8, 46, 229, 284; 6/48; 7/189; 8/229, 240 7/451 2/272 7/165 (photo), 350 8/229 7/165 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Mancuso, B. T. Mancuso, Buster Mancuso, Charles Mancuso, Francis Harry and Tiney George Mancuso, Genevieve Mancuso, Giovanna Mancuso, Henry Joseph Mancuso, James Mancuso, Jimmy Mancuso, John (Mrs) Mancuso, Mary Agnes and T. Mancuso, Mary M. Mancuso, Sam Mancuso, Theresa Mancuso, Tony Mandell, Cuthbert Mandell, Richard Mandell, T.H. Mandell, T.H. (Mrs) Manena, Frank (M/M) Manena, Patsy and Peggy Manena, Pete (Corp) Manielle, Andrew (Family) Manielle, F.A. (Mrs) Manielle, S.A. (Mrs) Manino, Johnny (M/M) Manitzas, Dorothy Manley, Arthur W. Manley, Claude R. Manley, Conrad Manley, Marcus C. Mann, Charles Mann, G.C. (Mrs) Mann, Gretchen Mann, Jeannette Haslan (Mrs) Mann, L.B. Mann, Louis D. Mann, Louis D. (Mrs) Mannelle Homestead Manning Manning, Charles Manning, Harry B. Manning, L.P. Manning, Mr. Manning, R.A. Manning, William H. Manouvrier, Paul B. Mans, Johnny Mansfield, Battle of Mansfield, La. Manson, David W. Book/Page number 5/243, 265 5/201 7/81, 296 7/201 10/127, 129, 130a 10/159 7/95 10/162 10/47 10/68 7/417 7/350 7/82, 165 (photo), 225 10/161 7/417; 10/167 6/135; 9/4 3/165 5/8; 6/134; 8/104; 9/4 5/270; 6/3, 17; 8/214, 238; 10/29 7/449 10/114 (photo) 5/208; 7/449 6/88; 7/345 10/236-237 10/178 5/201; 8/93 8/180 8/304 4/171 7/35; 8/304 2/323 7/43, 305, 447 7/305, 447 7/43, 200 3/56 7/445 2/332; 8/2, 48, 49, 71, 142 (photo), 179, 353, 354; 9/9 9/142 2/231 (photo) 2/34 13A/19 c2p11 1/247; 3/190 3/197 2/53 7/296 1/52 4/100; 7/452 1/277 6/31 1/267; 3/7 6/82 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Mansueto, Joe Mansueto, John Mantz, John W. "Bill" Mantz, Paul Manual Training School Manuel, Abe, Dolly Ann, Dorothy, Mabel, Maureen, and Timothy Manuel, Abram (Cpl) Manuel, Alfred (M/M) and Joseph Wallace Manuel, Bruce J. and D. (M/M) Manuel, Calvin J. and E. (Mrs) Manuel, Cleven Manuel, Curl J. (Pfc) Manuel, Delridge Joseph Manuel, Dudley Manuel, Edna Manuel, Harry (Pfc) Manuel, Hazzie, Jimmy, Leanna, and Rose Manuel, Henry (Family) Manuel, Hiram Manuel, Hosea (Sgt) Manuel, Joe Manuel, Kenny Manuel, Kossuth Manuel, Leona (Mrs) Manuel, Maurice Joseph Manuel, Miguel Manuel, Varice Many, James B. (Col) Many, La. Maple Fork Maples, James Maplewood Housing Corp. Maplewood Hunting Lease Maplewood, La. Maplewood, La. Schools Maraist, M.J. (M/M) Maralise, C. Marble Tournament (National) Marcantel - Various spellings occur: Markentel, Marcantell Marcantel, Antoine Ferry and Bridge Marcantel, Cursey L. Marcantel, Desire Marcantel Family Reunion: A.B. (Rev), "Bud" Marcantel, John E. Marcantel, Joseph Marcantel, Leon Marcantel, Levi Marcantel, L.M. Marcantel, Max Marcantel, (Mrs) Marcantel, Pat (Mrs) Book/Page number 10/182, 198f 10/182 8/231, 233 (photo) 9/114 3/140 4/218 7/110, 194, 328 7/346 (photo) 7/59 7/297 (photo) 7/345 7/400 7/201 2/244; 7/6 7/302 7/81, 98, 402 7/110 7/110, 193, 328 7/133, 268, 376 (photo), 402 7/133, 402 (photo) 7/82, 156 7/64 4/282 7/157, 194, 220, 232 (photo) 7/110 (photo), 143, 157, 183, 193, 220, 232, 277, 282a, 454 7/5 (photo) 7/282 c 1/229 1/196 1/131 2/327 6/199 4/282 8/88, 92, 167, 226 (photo); 10/198i 10/196 7/308 4/116 10/194 1/21, 24, 25, 37, 46, 50, 145 4/42, 44; 6/43 1/146 6/43 7/151 1/153 1/150; 2/132 1/98 Old Cemeteries/17 7/296 7/293 13A/20 c4p4 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Marcantel, Tobe Marcantel, Villeneuve Marcantel, Vilmont Marcantel, Zenon Marcantelli, Francisco Marceaux, Wesley Marcello, Luke Marcenac, Earl Marcenac, J.M. Marcenace, Adlan Marcenace, J. (Mrs) Marcenace, Julia March of the Negro (book) Marchand, C.H. Marchand, C.J. (Mrs) Marchand, George Marchand, O.J. (Mrs) Marchand, W.M. Marchman, C.D. Marchuk, William T. (Pvt) Marciano, Rocky Marcks, J.D. Marcus Electric Service Mardi Gras Mardi Gras - Mamou Riders Marek, Frank (Dr) Marek, Myles Cecil Margaret Place Margil, Father Marianites of the Holy Cross - Sisters Mariast, Morton Maricle - Various spellings occur: Mericle, Merkle Maricle Family: Addie, Alberta, Burl Burrell, Carl, Clarence, Clyde, Collis, Colvin, Cordelia , Dorothy, Emerson, George, Harm, Henry, Houston, H.W., James E., Lonnie, Mamie, Marion, Mary V., Mattie, Mayo, Meldon, Nola, Nora Lee, Peter, Pinkney, Ponder, Ramon, Riley, Shelby, Simon, Varnile, Wavy Maricle Family: Derwood and Simon Maricle, William S. Marine Exploration Co. Marine Telephone cable Mariners' Medal Marion, D.J. Marion, Francis (Gen) Marion (Gen) Marion, La. See also "Old Town Bay and Road." Book/Page number 5/307 1/133 2/130-131, 157 1/90, 127, 136 6/43 7/95 7/451 7/81, 429 4/123 7/82 7/173 7/112, 173, 111 8/268 2/331 10/126 (photo) 3/112 10/115 8/275 6/82 1/239 10/222 b 2/312; 3/41 6/208 1/221; 2/22, 111, 112,118, 119; 3/133 (Parade photo); 5/169; 9/125 (photo); 13A/11 6/34 8/338 7/201 2/13, 83; 5/15; 6/66 5/29 1/178, 226; 2/154, 189; 3/169; 10/118; 10/188 1/297 Old Cemeteries/22 1/297; 7/120 (photo), 123 (photo) 8/65 8/20 6/187 b 5/56 1/220; 6/53 8/9 1/12, 15, 16, 21, 22, 24, 26, 34, 38, 42, 48, 50, 51, 61, 63, 65, 67, 81, 89, 91-93, 95, 105, 127, 140, 174, 184, 194, 197, 202, 205, 210, 213, 214, 217, 220, 223, 224, 233, 235, 268, 289; 2/136, 272; 3/73; 6/53, 56, 64; 8/9, 62, 214; 10/121, 308; Old Cemeteries/7; Old Places/1, 143 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Marion, La. - Schools Marionneaux, Susan Kay Mariotte, Florence Mark, Jerome (Rabbi) Mark, Phillip W. (Pfc) Markel - Various spellings occur: Maricle Markel, Frank Markel, (Mr) Marks, A.I. Marks, Leo Marksville Bulletin (newspaper) Marler, Dave (Mrs) Marlin, H.D. (Dr.) Marlow, James Marquart, Bernece S. Marquart, Samuel Marriner, B.A. Marriner, B.A. (Mrs) Marrow, Chic Marryat, Frederick (Capt) Marsh, Alma Orpha, L.O., Mary Emma, and O.M. Marsh Bayou Marsh Bayou Bluff Marsh, (Capt) Marsh, Cora Marsh, Floy Marsh, Ida Marsh, Jennie Marsh, (Miss) Marsh, Mollie Marsh, (Mr) Marsh, O.M. Marsh, Otis B. (Pfc) Marsh, Owen Marsh Point Marshall, Alberta Mae Marshall, Alfred Marshall, Alice Cagle (Mrs) Marshall, C.H. Marshall, Clara Marshall, Clarence E. and William Marshall, C.N. and Ruth Marshall, Dan Marshall, D.E. Marshall, Fred Marshall, George (Gen) Marshall Islands (Battle of) Marshall, John Marshall, John Beekman Book/Page number 10/186c, 196 10/211 10/198 3/222; 4/281 7/395 2/264; 5/93 5/284 6/197 7/95 blank 8/245 8/353 7/204 7/296 3/35 2/264; 5/112; 8/71, 73, 74 (photo); 9/4 2/271, 405; 5/305, 332; 6/16, 55; 7/8, 39, 50, 89, 113, 114, 116, 120, 133, 193, 217, 408; 8/215, 267; 10/306 3/87 13A/115 Old Cemeteries/11 1/93, 106, 107, 126-128, 133, 158, 161 1/7, 11, 218, 220 2/211 1/232; 2/76, 148, 173 10/22, 26, 32, 38 3/23, 173 2/189; 3/23, 173 2/169 2/161 3/135 (photo) 1/226, 232; 2/112, 135, 173, 323; 10/201c 7/5, 437 3/204 1/19 10/199 a 1/277 4/189, 225, 258 6/151 2/203, 208 7/296 7/200 7/300 4/86 7/43, 69, 200 (picture), 448 (photo) 7/35 7/216 1/208, 219, 263; 2/274 (photo); 3/182; 4/101; 10/223 (photo) 1/263; 2/208 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Marshall, John E. Marshall, John T. (Lt Col) Marshall, Laura Frances Marshall, Mary and Pete Marshall, Nate Marshall, Nate (Mrs) and Valerie Mae Williams Marshall, Nida A. Marshall Plan Marshall, Robert B. (Dr) Marshall, Rush Martel, B.A. (Judge) Martel, B.R., D.A., Haves, Natalie, Nathan A. (M/M) Martha Street Marti, Frederick Louis Martin Martin, Abe Martin, Adrian, J.A. (Dr), and L.A. Martin, Allen Martin, Allen Rogers Jr. Martin, Archie Martin, Arlene Z. Martin, A.W. (Mrs) Martin, Babs Martin, Bob Martin, Charles Martin, Charles E. and Gladys Martin, Charles L. (M/M) Martin, Charles P. Martin, Chester P. (Mrs) Martin, Claude Martin, (Dr.) Martin, Ed Martin, Ed (Mrs) Martin, Edgar Martin, Edward Martin Family Martin, Felix Martin, Fred C. Martin, G.M. (M/M) Martin, Grace Martin, Harry Martin, Hunts Martin, Hyram Lee Martin, Ira Martin, James A. (Sgt) Martin, Jane and Lydia H.B. (Mrs) Martin, Jimmy Martin, Jo Ann Martin, Joe Martin, John Book/Page number 5/52 7/411 5/252 4/203 7/43 7/448 8/192 8/282 2/333; 3/93; 4/189; 7/450, 451 7/69, 200, 448 (photo) 1/271; 4/101; 6/64 13A/18 6/66 7/217 3/236 1/243 7/296 2/238; 5/307; 7/296; 10/101 (photo), 102 (photo), 221, 222 (photo), 171b 7/95 5/77 2/262 8/93; 10/197 1/66 1/244; 5/78 5/220, 119, 296; 8/145 7/334 5/243; 7/176, 403 3/93; 4/171; 6/169 (photo), 177; 7/6, 343; 3/55 7/451 1/208; 3/147; 6/91 5/220; 7/124 1/227; 7/15 4/201, 210 7/93, 282a, 454, 463; 10/233 3/83 4/237 8/338 5/56; 7/106 1/61i, 64, 65; 3/80, 98; 4/122; 8/287 10/211 5/117 4/280 3/186 7/223 (photo) 1/57 & 57 e 7/113; 8/227, 240 10/159, 179, 180, 198a,d,f,g,i 2/248; 6/39 1/8; 5/77; 7/296; 8/298; 10/187 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Martin, John G. (Dr) Martin, John H. Martin, J.P. Martin, J.T. ( lunch room) Martin, Lawrence Martin, L.C. Martin, Linda Martin, Loleta Martin, Lucius C. (Pvt) Martin, Mayo Martin-Milligan Grocery Martin, Mona Lee Martin, (Mr) Martin, Myra/Mira Weber Martin, Oscar Martin, Otis Martin, Pete Martin, Robert Martin, Roy O. (Mrs) Martin, Ruth Amie Martin, Sally/Sallie Martin Street Martin, Tom Martin, Virginia Martin, W.A. Martin, W.J. Martin, W.L. (M/M) Martin, Wade Martin, William Martin, William J. (Family) Martin, William (Mrs) Martin, William R. Martin, Xavier (Judge) Martin, Zachariah Martin's Ferry Maruin, Emma Marx, Adolph S. Marx, Adolph S. (Mrs) Marx, Julia Muller Marx, M. Marx, Marjorie Marx, M.J. Marx, Simon Mary Mildred and Mary Stanislaus [Nuns] Mary Street Maryman, John A. Masar, Elizabeth Mash, Alice Cagle (Mrs) Mason & Dolby Real Estate Book/Page number 1/44, 57, 57c,e, 59k, 61i, 63, 208; 2/265; 3/36, 80; 4/101, 171; 5/9, 232; 6/100; 8/256; 9/146 1/230; 6/66 2/167 2/4; 4/171 7/81, 82 8/243 (photo), 249 7/195 7/39 7/198 7/125 (photo), 195 3/60; 4/101; 5/9, 154 10/127 (photo) 1/81 7/8; 10/41 2/127 7/125, 195; 8/92 6/113 1/35, 57; 10/198 8/221 10/179 7/116; 9/146 (photo) 6/66 6/201; 7/296 8/120, 313 4/96 2/275; 5/153 8/120 8/148, 238, 253, 346 1/57& 57c, 232; 4/101; 6/83, 122; 10/118b 1/8, 44, 46, 59k, 61i, 62, 63, 66; 5/115; 6/66; 7/296 6/8, 15 7/106 (photo), 417 1/211 1/14, 21, 25, 36, 47, 73 1/96 7/61 2/264, 332; 4/77, 168; 5/262, 276; 7/75, 82, 113, 268, 281, 384; 8/2, 6, 235, 305, 353; 9/9 7/112; 10/115 2/350, 355; 4/78 2/148 10/187 a 8/235 2/182; 8/235 6/208 (photo) 1/252; 2/16 6/46 2/350 10/157 3/34; 5/9 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Mason Bayou Mason, Edward Jr. Mason, Edwin Jr. Masonic Fraternity/Lodge/Order Masonic Fraternity/Lodge/Order - Masonic Building/Hall/Temple (Cameron) Masonic Fraternity/Lodge/Order - Masonic Building/Hall/Temple (Lake Charles) Mason, J.C. (S.Sgt) Mason, J.M. Mason, L.F. Mason, May (Mrs) Mason, (Mr) Masonry Masor, Edward (Family) Massa, Charles Massaque, Joseph Massart Massiana, Roy Massie, George L. (Mrs) Massingill, A. Francis Massman Construction Mastadon Masterson, Helen Maston, H.E. Matall, A.D. Matall, Hubert (Family) Matches Mateer, Bill Mateer, Robert Materne, Alton Alexander Materne, Augustus Materne, Benjamin and Nat Materne, Carroll H. Materne, C. Ernest (Mrs) Materne, David Lester Materne, Eddie (M/M) Materne, J.H. Materne, Joseph (M/M) Materne, Murphy Mathew - Various spellings occur: Matthew Mathew, Joseph (Pfc) Mathews, Clifford A. and Minnie W. Mathews, J.T. (Rear Adm.) Mathews, (Prof.) Mathieson Alkali Works Plant Book/Page number 3/193-194 7/6 7/452 1/183-185; 2/106, 227, 280-294; 3/22, 33, 40, 105, 140, 147, 183 (1909 photo), 185 (1910 photo), 192, 205, 208-225; 4/267; 6/91; 7/225; 8/61, 64; 10/118b, 133 4/300 1/6, 14 (photo), 16; 2/16, 91; 3/41, 209, 213, 215, 218, 223 (photo); 6/144; 8/104, 211; 10/123, 291, 294 7/363 3/34; 4/101 2/131 8/219 3/134 7/203 7/253, 294, 332 (photo), 454, 463; 10/233 3/106 1/137 8/64 10/182 7/122 4/94, 119 8/293 1/209 8/240 Old Cemeteries/4 7/8 7/288 (photo), 349, 356 1/249 10/167, 182, 186f,g 10/185 7/86, 355 5/17 7/296 7/151 7/272; 8/7 7/449 6/47 (photo) 2/132 6/47; 7/355; 8/93 3/197 7/5 7/157 7/251 4/79 1/230, 235; 5/227; 6/68, 183, 184, 217a, 267; 7/12, 291; 8/10 (photo), 63, 90, 223, 231, 233 (photo), 238, 280, 305, 365; 10/186c, 192 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Mathieu & Moss Mathieu, J.H. Mathieu's Drug Store Mathis, Audrey Mathis, Carl A. (Sgt) Mathis, Charles Mathis, F. Mathis, F.J. (Mrs) Mathis, Joseph Matt, Nelson J. Matt, Woodlief Matte, Joseph Dalton Matter, G.E. (Mrs) Matter, Joe Mattes, Earl M. Matthews, Betty Jean Matthews, Charles Matthews, Earl Matthews, Ezola Mae Matthews, James H. Matthews, J.H. (Mrs) Matthews, J.W. Matthews, Lottie Joe Matthews, Sylrew and Ura A. Matthews, William W. Matthews, W.W. (Mrs) Matthewson, Oran Mattingly, Jack Mattingly, Marjorie Mattiza, C.A. Mauer, William E. (Cpl) Maund, Fred (Mrs) Maurer, Carolyn Maurer, Irving V. Maurer, I.V. (Mrs) Maurer, M.V. Maurice (firm/shop) Maxfield, Alcee (Family) Maxfield, Janelle Maxfield, Katherine Maxfield, Mary Ann Maxfield, Oscar Maxfield, Oscar (Mrs) Maximillian Maxson, Yorrick Maxwell, Franklin Maxwell, Hendricks F. Maxwell, S.W. May, Allen Cecil Book/Page number 4/80 4/171; 5/138 2/235; 6/39; 5/224 6/72; 10/47 7/64, 401 8/346 2/302 5/326 2/28, 52 7/151 Old Places/108 7/429 8/308 9/130 (photo) 2/332 9/4 6/83 6/36, 51 10/199 a 4/297 6/61 8/228 9/4; 10/197 7/118 2/332 9/4, 34 6/83 10/203 8/254 (photo); 10/174, 180, 186a,e, 189 (photo) 3/221 2/259 1/277 10/129 (photo), 130a 1/230; 5/110 (photo); 7/12, 13 (photo), 83; 8/353, 354; 9/9 5/109, 205, 332; 6/17; 7/103, 184, 354; 8/88, 326; 10/306 5/238 2/99, 353 3/116; 4/228, 229, 291; 7/5, 6, 233, 439, 449 10/197 7/449 8/254; 10/186a,g; 187, 189 (photo), 193 2/351; 3/112, 116, 119; 4/78; 7/106 (photo), 146, 165; 8/213, 220, 261 9/14 5/239 5/52 7/245 7/244 3/123, 191; 4/78, 171 7/406 NAME OR DESCRIPTION May, Bobby May, Daniel May Day Celebrations May, Harry W. May, Herbert (Mrs) May, J.M. (Mrs) May, John May, Juanita May, J.W. May, Oscar A. May, Pearl May, S.D. Company May, Seth May, Sherman May, Steve May, William G. Mayapple Mayeaux, Donald Arcile Mayer, A.W. Mayer, A.W. (Mrs) Mayer, Dumitile Mayer, Florence, Ivan, and Maurice W. Mayer, Willie Mayfield, Charles Alvin Mayfield, Ernest R. Maynard, (Captain) Mayo, Alvin Mayo & Poe Shingle Company Mayo, Augustus M. Book/Page number 7/124 (photo) 7/335; 10/167, 172, 176 6/64 2/323 7/215 10/197 1/152; 10/233 7/133 1/162 7/452, 454 7/124, 335 6/191, 193 (photo) 7/370 4/204 2/336 (photo) 7/228 8/199 7/235 2/356; 4/78; 5/225 3/105; 7/93 4/81 3/105 5/225 7/287 7/150 5/70-72; 8/258 10/192 1/168; 6/84 1/174, 194, 208, 210, 221, 226, 229, 268, 282; 2/16, 75, 86, 110, 112, 148, 161 ,163, 166, 192, 193, 238; 3/16-17, 23, 56, 117, 187, 214, 221, 392; 4/79, 97, 100, 167 (photo); 5/7, 57, 59, 192, 232, 261, 262, 279, 280; 6/56, 59; 10/39, 69, 182, 293, 310 Mayo, Augustus M. (Mrs) Mayo, Bert Mayo, C. Mayo, Citadel Mayo, Claudius Mayo, Claudius Augustus Mayo, Claudius Herman (Rev. & Mrs.) Mayo, Claudius (Mrs) Mayo, Dewitt, Doris Dagma, Fayrene, Giles Edward or Elwood, and Hundley (M/M) Mayo, Dorothy Helen Mayo Family Mayo, Gussie Mayo, Helen Mayo, Howard Robert and James Arthur Mayo, James Mayo-Knapp Abstract Company Mayo, Laura 1/194; 3/23, 62, 79, 91, 174; 6/8, 15; 8/253 6/82 3/41 5/267 1/162; 2/246, 247; 7/120; 10/47 4/97; 8/65; 9/116 (photo) 4/79; 8/236, 253; 10/192 8/347 7/45, 455 10/136 5/261, 262 1/30 10/35, 47 8/3 10/186 g, 198d 2/163; 4/97 1/35, 37; 2/168-169, 192, 197; 3/135 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Mayo, Leo M. Mayo, Leon (Lt) Mayo, Letitia (Mrs) Mayo, Lottie Mayo, Lucy Mayo, Malina Langley Mayo, Marvin Mayo Memorial Church Mayo, Mollie Mayo, (Mr) Mayo, (Mrs) Mayo, Nellie Mayo, Ruth M. Mayo, Seaman A. Mayo, Seaman A. (Mrs) Mayo, Thaddeus Mayo, Thaddeus (Mrs) Mayo Title Guaranty Company Mayo, Virginia Mayo, Walter R. Mayo, Ward Ella or Wardella Mayo, W.B. Mayo, William Mayo, W.S. (Mrs) Mays, J.M. (Mrs) Mays, Roland Franklin Mazilly, Carroll (Lt) Mazilly, James A. (M. Sgt) Mazilly, L.E. Mazilly, L.N. (Mrs) Mazilly, Sam (Mrs) Mazilly, S.C. See also names beginning with "Mac." McAdams, C.L. McAdoo, William Gibbs (Mrs) McAlpine, Mark McBee, Silas McBride, Clyde S. (M/M) McBride, C.R. McBride, Frank (Mrs) McBride, Larry McBride, Lottie (Mrs) McBride, Luther McBride, (Miss) McBride, Stephen D. McBride, Thomas Joseph Book/Page number 7/241 7/190 7/200 2/148 2/102-103 9/50 7/45 (photo), 143, 154, 183, 277, 282f, 454-456 4/97 2/102-103 2/192, 213 2/204 2/169 4/97; 8/3 1/230; 2/354; 3/119; 4/79, 97; 7/82, 113, 449; 8/3; 10/182 3/57; 8/216; 10/138, 148, 165 1/123, 128, 146, 155, 159, 163, 166, 168, 208, 232, 158, 266, 282; 2/32, 86, 103, 108, 122, 131, 207 (photo of home); 5/55, 82; 6/25, 84; 8/250; 9/50; 10/61, 124, 201a,b 2/239 (photo); 6/15 3/90; 4/97; 6/100; 7/155, 273 10/166 5/117 ,262; 7/93, 123-124, 138 (photo), 146, 210, 309 (photo), 351 (photo), 354; 8/240, 261, 353; 9/9 2/354; 3/57 4/171 1/15; 2/38, 147, 189, 207, 238; 3/41, 120 7/146 10/185 7/201 7/167 7/402, 403 2/131 7/402 6/202 (photo) 8/339 7/296 8/223 (photo) 2/112 1/61 8/214 8/150 7/282c 10/187a 8/308a 6/85 10/223 7/345 7/244, 245 NAME OR DESCRIPTION McBride, W.S. McBurney, A.R. McBurney, H.B. (Mrs) McCabe, James Preston McCabe, J.L. McCabe, Joan McCain, Angus Bouie (Family) McCain, (Captain) McCain, Cora P. McCain, Curtis (Mrs) McCain, Edward McCain, Ethel Edgar McCain Family McCain, Jim McCain, J.M. McCain, Joe McCain, Kenneth A. McCain, Kenneth (Mrs) McCain, Max McCain, Olive McCain, Thomas McCain, Thomas (Mrs) McCain, T.I. McCall, Carroll H. McCall Corps Sewing Classes McCall, H.L. McCall, Inez McCall, John McCall, J.T., Lynn, Robert, Sybil, and Virgie McCall, Martha McCall, Millege McCall, M.W. McCall, Norman McCall, Norman (Mrs) and Phyllis McCall, T.H. McCall, Thelma McCall, Thomas McCall, Thomas W. McCallum, Burton Grover McCanless, Edgar (Dr) McCann, Eugene Clay McCann, F.H. McCann, Henry McCann, J.R. McCann, Mildred McCanne, E.O. (Mrs) McCanne, Marion McCannon, W.F. McCarthy, Dennis McCarthy, Effie (Mrs) Book/Page number 5/85 5/309 3/56 7/95, 130 (photo), 433 7/130; 8/293; 9/38-39 8/2 2/16; 3/4, 47; 5/5; 8/128, 269, 280; 10/186; Old Places/129 3/188; 5/140; 6/152 5/17 7/460 7/296 3/229 3/108 3/67 (photo) 3/15; 2/162 1/221 8/128 7/50 8/280 10/53 3/137; 5/5, 140; 8/128 10/194 2/323 2/264; 5/93; 8/216 (photo); 9/4 7/175 10/53 10/165; Old Cemeteries/21 2/206 4/150 Old Cemeteries/21 4/147 7/82 4/201, 204, 240, 257 4/225, 258 7/103 7/57 4/161 4/139, 150; 7/354; 8/223 7/201 2/331 7/66, 95 3/120 1/230 6/180; 10/47 7/66 7/112; 10/138 7/204 4/115 13A/6; 5/90, 228, 248, 253-254; 6/90; 8/315; 9/16 5/182 NAME OR DESCRIPTION McCarthy, F.M. McCarthy, William McCaughan, Doris McCaughan, Thomas McCaughey, Howard Owen, Jerry, Margaret, Owen, and Thelma McCauley, Elizabeth McCauley, Jerome B. (Col.) McCelland, Dewey McCelland, Margaret (Miss) McChord, W.C. (Lt.Col) McClain, Ann McClain, Edmonia McClain, Ferina McClain, Harry T. (M/M) McClain, Issac (Family) McClain, Jeanne McClanahan, William G. McCland, John McClaren, H.B. McClatchey, Lloyd D. (Family) McClelland, Andrew Jackson McClelland, Archie B. McClelland, M.A. (Mrs) McClelland, Marguerite McClelland, Max McClelland, Myrtle McClelland, Thomas McClelland, William McCloy, Fred Jr. (Pfc) McClung, Raymond (Rev) McClure McClure, Emma McClure, John G. McClure, Mary Lou McClutchin, Mertis and Vaughan McCollister, Don T., Juanita, and M.M (M/M) McCollister, J.C. McCollister, John McCollister, L.B. McCollum, L.F. McCollum, Walter (Sgt) McComb, Jennings McComb, (Maj. Gen) McComb, Percy McConnell, Charles E. (Cpl) McConnell, Edward (T-4) McConnell, Jim McConnell, Thomas (Lt) McCool, Thomas McCormic, (Mrs) McCormick McCormick & Company Book/Page number 5/109-110 13A/6 8/312 10/163, 167, 211 4/82 2/149 7/188 7/296 7/178 2/259 7/162, 245 10/199a 7/354 4/78; 5/266 (photo); 7/7162 (photo), 245 7/354, 452, 454 10/186 b,c,189 (photo) 7/459 7/296 5/9 7/300, 434 (photo) 1/146, 148, 149; 4/84; 6/28 7/228, 234 2/100; 10/10 7/250 3/19, 134 (photo); 4/84-85; 6/47 (photo); 3/18-19, 134 (photo); 4/84-85; 6/28; 10/52, 65 1/159 1/100, 120, 127, 132, 94 7/5 9/36 10/116, 166-167 7/165, 168 2/328; 7/451 10/161, 198d 6/72 7/297, 447 6/83 7/296 5/326 8/194 (photo), 355 7/459 (photo) 4/98, 102 1/227 7/201, 424, 430 7/118 7/419 8/75 (photo) 7/74 4/272, 293 1/148 1/119, 123, 131, 141 5/12 NAME OR DESCRIPTION McCormick, "Bill" McCormick, C.C. McCormick, Clarence E. (Pfc) McCormick, C.M. McCormick, Eddie, Emma, Lena, Philomena, and William McCormick, Ida Mae McCormick, J.H. McCormick, Jim McCormick, John McCormick, John (Mrs) McCormick, Mack McCormick, Mary McCormick, Mike McCormick, (Miss) McCormick, Rosa McCormick, Valerie McCornell, Thomas (Lt) McCorquodale McCorquodale, Blanche McCorquodale, Charles McCorquodale Family McCorquodale Ferry and Road McCorquodale, Helen McCorquodale, John McCorquodale, L.D. McCorquodale, William McCoy, Allen (Mrs) McCoy & King Law Firm McCoy, Charles A. McCoy, Charles A. (Mrs) McCoy, Ernest O. McCoy, George W. (Dr.) McCoy, Gordon H. (Col.) McCoy, Helen McCoy, Jean McCoy, John McCoy, P. McCoy, Wendell B. (Col) McCracken, Howard McCrackin, Willie McCranie Family McCranies McCreary, P. (Dr) McCreary, P.L. (Mrs) McCroskey, Samuel J. McCusker, Joseph H. McCutchan, A.M. McCutchan, Myrtis McCutchan, Vaughan Book/Page number 5/3 4/100 7/411 2/37, 190 2/231 6/16 2/110, 119, 122, 129, 132, 211 2/34, 53, 231 1/261, 266; 2/32, 88, 89, 129, 175, 231 (photo home & family); 3/4; 4/101; 8/243; 10/50 2/216-216 2/23, 53 1/261 2/23, 34, 53, 231 3/4 2/33, 53, 231 8/119, 308a 7/65 1/61, 136 6/72, 75 7/272 (photo) 1/276 1/152, 157-158 7/53; 10/189 (photo), 186a,b,d,e (photo), 187, 174, 180 1/152 4/235 1/159 2/80 7/380 1/208; 3/45, 100, 161; 5/9, 192, 269; 6/82, 83 3/80 4/280 5/250 7/185 3/19 7/215 3/17 2/223 7/171, 174, 178, 184, 196 (photo), 212, 215 (photo); 8/218 6/83 2/49 5/79 1/205 2/331 10/231 7/452 4/294 5/3 4/82; 5/252; 6/69(photo) 6/69 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION McDade, Paul L. McDaniel, Gervel McDaniel, Harvey McDaniel, Inez McDaniel, J.E. McDaniel, Leland (Lt) McDermott, Mike McDonald, Albert B. McDonald, A.R. McDonald, B.A. (Mrs) McDonald, Bruce (Mrs) McDonald, Cecil McDonald, Charles McDonald, Ethel Janet McDonald, E.W.(Mrs) McDonald, Garfield McDonald, James McDonald, J.M. McDonald, Milford Monroe McDonald, Ruth (Pvt) McDonald, Thomas H. McDonald, W.G. McDonald, William McDonnell, H.A. McDowell, Bert (Family) McDowell, Betty Boykin McDowell, Ethel McElroy, Charles McElveen, Andy McElveen, George McElveen, William Cullen (Family) McEmery, John (Governor) McEmery, (Senator) McEnery, Samuel D. (Governor) McFadden's Hats McFaddin McFaddin, James, William Jr. and Sr., and David H. McFarlain, A.D. McFarlain, William J. McFarland, Bridget Mary, Earl C., and J.E. (M/M) McFarland, J. McFarland, Ronald C. McFarlane, C.W. (M/M) McFatter, Donald McFatter, John McFatter, J.W. McFatter, (Miss) McFatter, Prentice McFatter, Sammie Rue McFatter, Thomas M. (Family) McFatter, W.E. McFerron, William Book/Page number 7/269 7/269 7/201 7/282c 6/45 2/283 4/199 6/83 5/9 7/173 7/173, 225 13A/21 c1p8 10/162 8/252 6/16 8/308 a 7/437 4/96 7/201 7/184 (photo) 8/220 5/192; 6/15 1/168, 296 1/232 7/300, 343, 345, 348, 378, 390, 397, 399 (photo) 7/300, 345 7/345 2/331 10/212 8/288 4/80; 7/300 (photo), 301 1/298; 2/152, 170 3/182 1/298; 2/131, 150; 5/192 6/25 4/87 1/168 2/130; 4/98 7/441 7/307 (photo) 1/161 7/391, 394, 454 7/391 4/217 2/130 2/132 10/50 Old Cemeteries/22 10/136 4/123; 7/238, 239, 287 (photo), 356, 410 4/115 1/168 NAME OR DESCRIPTION McFillen, Athalie (Mrs) and E.Gillis McFillen, John Henry McGaffey, John McGann, F.J. and William McGann, Mary McGann, (Miss) McGarth, Rita McGasson, H.E. (Mrs) McGee, Allen M. McGee, Amie (Mrs) and Joseph L. McGee, Aurora McGee, (Dr) McGee, Ezie McGee Family McGee, Noble McGehee, C.C. McGehee, Gorge (Sgt) McGehee, J.H. McGehee, William McGinnis, Betty McGinnis, R.G. Home McGinty McGinty, A. (Mrs) McGinty, Alex McGinty, Cyrus McGinty, Edith McGinty, Janet McGinty, (Mr) McGlasson, Dan McGlasson, H.E. (Mrs) McGlasson, Margaret (Mrs) McGovern, John McGowan, Genevieve McGowan, Marguerite and Marian McGowan, Marshall McGowan, Mildred McGowan, Ralph McGowen, Clifton (Mrs) McGowen, Donald R. (1st Lt) McGowen, Henry (Mrs) McGowen, Henry W. (Capt) McGowen, Maude McGrath, Addie McGrath, Albert J. (Capt) McGrath, John J. McGrath, Mary McGrath, Rita McGraw, James McGraw, John (Mrs) McGraw, Morris (M/M) McGrew, A.E. McGruder Book/Page number 7/183 (photo) 7/183, 406 1/168 7/296 10/102 (photo) 10/198 c 7/433 10/185 7/444 7/359 1/51 6/67 6/208 1/205; 4/118; 5/79; 13a/2 7/228 1/237 2/259 1/6 1/81; 2/258 8/254; 10/177 5/148 (photo) 2/219 3/60 2/276 10/185, 212 (photo) 10/107 (photo) 10/177 2/275 10/148, 193 7/146, 173; 10/191 7/111 4/274, 280 6/69, 70 (photo), 72, 75 10/63 7/102; 10/95 6/69 (photo),72, 75 7/88 (photo), 110 (photo), 166, 326 9/14 7/464 10/115 4/123; 5/251; 7/5, 6, 162 (photo), 266 7/200 2/164 9/123 6/83 5/177 7/448 4/218 6/16 1/59g, h 9/138 3/29 NAME OR DESCRIPTION McGuen, James Larry McGuffey's Reader McGuire, Katherine McGuire, Vernon Ed McGuire, William Edward McHenry, W.H. (Mrs) McHiggins, (Mrs) McHugh, John McHugh, Joe H. McIlhenny, Edward (Mrs) McIlhenny, G.H. McIlveen, Charles McInnis, Albert S. (T.Sgt) McInnis, Anita Louise McInnis, Curtis M. McInnis, Marjorie McInnis, W.T. McIntosh, J.M. (Lt) McIntosh, T.B. McIntyre, Bonnie McIntyre, G.C. McIntyre, Ross T. (Admiral) McIntyre, Woodrow Wilson McIver, Adie (Jack), K.C., Louise, and photo of home McIver, Joseph Beckman (Family) McIver, K.C. (Mrs) McIver, Kenneth McKay, A.J. McKay, Archie (Mrs) McKay, Daniel McKay, Florine Stoddard McKay, George H. McKay, G.H. (Mrs) McKay, G.S. and Thomas Hector McKay, J. McKay, John Gordon (Pvt) McKee, Effie May McKee, John Winn McKee, Joseph M. McKee, J.R. (M/M) McKee, Marjorie A. (Mrs) McKee, Richard Neil McKee, Robert McKee, Robert (Mrs) McKee, Robert A. (Lt) McKellar, Betty Sue McKellar, Elaine McKellar, Lou E. (Mrs) McKellar, William E. (Family) McKenzie, Christie McKenzie, Gordon Book/Page number 13A/22 c2p7 10/118 8/57, 61, 311, 353; 9/3 7/3 7/95 3/54 5/83 4/148 3/205a (photo) 4/3 1/168 2/331 7/223 (photo) 10/187 a 8/340 10/129-130 (photo) 5/97, 155, 326; 6/43, 210; 7/15, 212; 8/48, 143, 149, 162 ,238, 240-241, 313, 325; 9/55 13A/20 7/451 10/68 1/243 7/365-366 10/136 3/11 7/173, 438; 9/83 6/15 3/16 2/286, 290 (photo); 3/221 13A/19 c4p6, 20 c3p8 7/300 1/223, 228; 7/176; 9/59 (photo) 7/296 8/195 1/236 2/250 7/176 3/54 1/228; 7/399 2/17; 4/169; 7/59, 430 1/228; 4/123; 7/438 7/430 10/161 2/351, 355; 7/11; 10/47 3/57 7/438 10/186 b, 198d 10/129-130a, 147 (photo), 149, 161 7/50 7/225 (photo), 226 10/198 d 7/296 NAME OR DESCRIPTION McKenzie, James F. McKenzie, (Miss) McKenzie, (Mrs) McKenzie, Roy McKerley, C.O. McKerrow, Keith (Mrs) McKie, Martha McKinley, Marc McKinley, William (President) McKinna, Mack and Mary Ann McKinna, Pat McKinna, Patsy McKinney, Charles B. (M/M) McKinney, Cleve McKinney, Grover C. (Dr. & Mrs.) McKinney, Harold L. McKinney, J.C. (Mrs.) McKinney, Joe and Lewis J. McKinnon, Vector McKinsie, Esther Strahan (Mrs) McKnight, A.A. (Rev) McLain, Harry Thomas III McLamore, Otis Reid McLane, James Daniel McLaughlin, Ida (Mrs) McLean, James McLean, Marcel McLean, Robert J. (Sgt) McLeland, William McLelland, Myrtle McLeod, Tom McLeod, William L. McLin, Joseph Harold McMahon, Blanche McMahon, J. McMahon, James E. McMahon, J.B. McMahon, J. Herman McMahon, J. Herman (Mrs) McMahon, Joel McMahon, Joline McMahon, Lloyd McMahon, Thomas McMahon, W.A. McMahon's Chapel McManus, Ann McManus, D. S. McManus, Earl and Mary McManus, Emmett McMaster, B.F. (Mrs) Book/Page number 2/286; 3/221 1/208 1/275 7/59 4/265 7/301 1/64, 65; 3/98 6/208 3/118; 4/4; 6/22, 86 3/204 (photo) 10/186 g 10/186 a, 189 (photo) 3/200, 201 (photo) 7/297 3/147; 6/151; 7/93, 172 (photo), 295, 297, 301, 450, 451 7/6 3/147 6/82 6/82 8/3 9/116, 154 (photo) 7/424 (photo) 7/201 7/201 10/115 4/263; 6/195; 8/190; 10/99 7/452 7/436, 410 1/55, 73, 88 6/47 (photo) 13A/21 c1p11 1/233; 10/148, 187a, 226 7/201 7/119 1/153 1/205; 2/131, 132; 4/96, 121 2/128, 131, 167; 3/36; 4/101 3/60; 4/121 10/145 1/159 3/187; 4/28 9/54; 5/204; 8/36, 128, 294, 314; 9/16, 26, 134 (photo) 1/156 6/152 4/87 2/355 5/313 10/194 (photo) 7/82 7/269 NAME OR DESCRIPTION McMillan, Herrick Parker McMillan, Malcolm (Pvt) McMillan, Marvelle McMillan, O.J. McMillan, Richard D. McMillan, U.W. McMurry, Bernice McNair, Leslie (Gen) McNamara, J.M. McNamara, Kathleen McNamara, T. McNamara, T.E. McNeel, G.P. McNeely, J.I. McNeese McNeese, Emma. See "Squires, Emma McNeese" McNeese, Estella and Mary Beecham McNeese, George McNeese, Haley, Susan Bilbo, and Timothy McNeese, John McNeese, John (Mrs) McNeese Junior College/State College/University McNeese, Laura Butler McNeese, Oswald McNeese, O.W. McNeese, Stella McNeese, William McNeil, Harold McNess, George McNulty McPhail, Leland (Ens) McPherson, Eleanor McQuaig, Jim McQuen, James Larry McRone, James McShan, Ellen McShan, William E. McVenn, Tom McWhirt, Martha McWilliams, Dorothy McWilliams, G. A., Hydraulic and Dredging Company McWilliams, Richbourg Gaillard Book/Page number 10/64 7/118 10/198g 2/333; 7/111 7/263 2/283 7/111; 8/102 (photo) 7/35 6/151 10/166 10/118 4/119 4/171 7/384 8/13, 264 10/123 6/197 1/223 1/167, 185, 223; 2/2, 98, 167; 3/35, 169; 4/96; 5/77, 159; 6/42; 7/296; 8/308; 10/9, 10, 12, 19, 21-22, 24, 27, 37, 39, 40, 54-59, 61 (photo of home), 70, 78, 118, 122-124 (photo), 126, 133 (photo), 166, 168, 201b, 205, 228 2/207 1/282; 3/123, 191, 221, 222; 5/331; 6/42, 118, 173, 198, 199, 231; 7/120, 145, 150, 154, 214, 219, 229, 370, 387, 435 (photo); 8/34, 70, 84, 86, 87, 192, 198, 212, 219, 221, 223, 254; 9/37, 49, 129; 10/59, 95, 115, 116, 126, 130, 133, 136, 137, 179, 186c, 187a, 192, 194, 204, 214, 217 10/166 1/215, 223; 7/296; 8/308; 10/22, 26, 32, 33, 38, 52, 56, 166, 204, 219 (photo), 221 (photo) 3/98 10/23, 26, 224 (photo), 224 1/223; 10/123, 223 8/318 6/202 (residence photo); 9/138 1/226 8/263 7/111 8/14 (photo) 13a/22 c2p7; Old Cemeteries/22 2/220 4/149 4/147 5/82 7/53 3/54 6/190; 8/279, 281 (photo), 299 4/21 NAME OR DESCRIPTION McWirter, Etta (Mrs) Mead, Briggs Meade, Fred (M/M) Meade, Harold E. Meadows, Issac and Store Meadows, J.C. Meadows, M.C. Meadows, William C. Mearns Family Mearns, William D. Mearns, William (Mrs) Mears - Various spellings occur: Mere, Miers Mears, Frederick (Mrs) Mears, Goldie Mae and Willie Pink Mears, William L. (Sgt) Meaux, Carl Meaux, G.C. (Mrs) Meaux, Jack Meaux, James and John Meaux, J.H. (M/M) Meaux, John H. Meaux, Leon Meaux, Wady Meaux, W.W. (Capt) Meche, Eugene Medicine, Medicinal plants, remedies, etc. Medicine Shows Medicis, Harvey Medus, Allen Medus, Champ and Lucy Medus, Woodrow Meek, C.H. Meek, John W. (Cpl) Meeker, Eloise Meeks, Willard (Mrs) Meeting the Train Meigs (Migues?), J.H. Dr. Meisler, Stanley Meitzen, J.B. (Mrs) Melancon, Alice, Corrine Melancon, Eva L. Melancon, Harry P., Hugh, Louisette Dutile, Peggy, Sue, and Walter (M/M) Melancon, Jacquelyn Ann Melancon, John Albert Melancon, John Robert Melancon, Martha Mary Melancon, Michael and Norma Melancon, Sidney Melancon, Thelma Melancon's Ferry Melanson, Eugneia (Mrs) Book/Page number 7/350 2/169, 199; 3/134, 135 (photo) 1/61i; 2/223 7/269 1/162; 3/188; 13a/9 2/60 5/77 1/123, 132 1/44 2/29, 42, 52, 107, 148, 238; 3/214, 221; Old Places/99 1/8, 10, 13; 2/154 7/444 7/433 7/307, 433 Old Cemeteries/17 4/97 10/186 4/263 (photo) 4/218 4/151 5/243 7/228 8/137 7/151 4/93; 6/36; 8/219 2/160-161; 5/117 7/183, 277, 282a, 454 7/13, 123, 205, 210 7/75 10/139, 179 5/243 7/204, 320 10/197 10/197 6/39 4/82 4/200, 257 9/45 6/188 (photo) 7/313 (photo) 4/281 4/225, 259 7/3 4/225 10/136 4/218 4/218, 225 10/197 1/161 7/409 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Melbourne, Arabella Melendy, Berthel Thomas Melendy, W.A. (M/M) Meling, J.F. Mellen, Greenville Mellon, Andrew Melody Maids Melson, Walter Douglas Melton, John L. (Mrs) Melton, Richard W. (Lt) Melville Melwick, (Mr) Memorial Day Memorial Hospital. See "Lake Charles Memorial Hospital." Menard, Alton Menchel, Julius Mendenhall, Joan Meneeley, Lois Menefee Saw Mill Menendez, Joseph C. (Dr) Meng, James Merton Menhaden Fish Plant - See Gulf Menhaden Company Meno, Alve (Pvt) Menuet, Lawrence G. Menuet, (Mrs) Mercedes, a New Orleans Hurricane Mercer, E.R. (Mrs) Mercer Family Merchant, Glendon H. Merchant, Helen Merchant, Jewell E. Merchant Marines Mercier, Alfred Mercier - Peery, (Mme) Mercy Train Mere - Various spellings occur: Mear Mere, Alcee Mere, Eva, Theophile, and Mrs. Z. Mereanditti, John (Cpl) Meredith, Burgess Meredith, Doyle E. Merino, Tony Merkle, George C. Mermentau, La. Mermentau River Mermentau River Bridge Mermentau River Locks Merrick, Edwin T. Merricle, Benjamin Sr., B.W., and W.J. Book/Page number 5/52 7/201, 347 (photo) 7/347 5/82 8/16 1/230 7/10; 8/254 7/95 8/318, 325 7/178 pg 9-145; 4/4 4/81 7/462 7/81 7/296 7/118 7/302 8/71; 10/348 7/2 7/201 7/419 2/327; 4/169 3/80 8/67 13A/18 c5p2 1/44 7/217 10/197 3/217 7/75, 83; 8/223 1/36; 2/175 2/197 4/267 7/228 7/303 7/183 (photo) 9/122 7/228 5/201 5/229 1/80, 87, 97, 101, 109, 118, 131; 2/143; 8/223, 253; 10/123 1/87, 88, 91, 103, 106, 110, 116, 121, 124-126, 138, 149, 151, 153, 157, 177, 192, 211, 214, 223; 4/12, 270; 8/90 9/155 (photo) 8/159, 160 2/142 1/7 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Merrill, E.C. Merrill, F.W. Merrimac & Monitor Merriman, W.E. Merritt, Bessie Weaver Merritt, W.H. Merry, J.F. (Capt) Merry Maidens Embroidery Club Merryville, La. Mertena, Bill Mertz, Fay Mertzweiller, Bernard J. (Family) Mesenbrink, Edward D. Messerschmitt Messina, Joe Messina, Morris Messina, Sam Corpelius Mestepey, Ida Mestepey, J.A. (M/M) Mestepey, Jimmy Meteors and meteor showers Meteyarde, Lawrence (Dr) Methodist Churches. See also names of individual churches. Methodist Episcopal Church Metre, Van (AFC) Metreyeon, Claude Metropolitan Market Mettz, A.L. (M/M) Metz, Harlan Metzger, J.E. (Mrs) Metzger, J. Emery Metzke, Mary Mexican Songbirds Mexican War Mexico Meyer, Adolph Meyer, A.J. and L.E. Meyer Building Meyer, C.W. Meyer, Carrie Reims (Mrs) Meyer, Christian Meyer, E.J. (Mrs) Meyer, Erler Meyer, Ernest Meyer, Florence Meyer, Henry Meyer, Henry (Mrs) Meyer, Inez Meyer, J.E. Meyer, Katie Book/Page number 1/158 2/332 1/252 5/266 10/40 3/41 4/102 9/14 1/205, 236; 2/87; 3/180; 4/21, 96; 5/77 4/190, 269 7/173, 225 7/280, 354 2/332 7/130 6/149 10/210 (photo) 7/86 7/211 (photo) 8/93 7/340; 10/172, 179 8/146, 204 8/71 2/76, 339-348; 3/21, 169 1/226; 2/112, 275, 340; 3/85, 97, 169; 6/201 4/265 10/210 (photo) 2/135 7/60 (photo), 126, 225 7/60-61 (photo), 126 (photo) 9/34; 6/16 2/327-328 (photo), 332, 334, 336 10/68 9/3 (photo) 1/173; 2/229; 6/86 1/173, 212, 223; 3/45; 6/92 1/167, 185, 266; 2/29, 42, 52, 60, 77, 122, 129, 148, 164, 189, 238, 251, 253; 3/23, 35, 41, 61, 111, 160, 169, 204, 213; 4/101; 5/9; 6/89, 109 8/309 3/42 3/23 10/40 5/200; 10/328 2/153 2/238 2/37, 76-77, 147, 171, 246; 6/89 2/112; 6/88; Old Places/2, 274 1/185; 2/286; 3/221; 4/169; 8/61 4/167 (photo) 10/34, 38; Old Places/2, 274 1/229; 6/89 2/26, 30-31, 76 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Meyer, L.A. (Mrs) Meyer, Lucien (Mrs), Lynn David, and Paul R. Meyer, Walter Meyer, William Meyer, William & Bro. Meyers, Charles Meyers, Clifford L. (Mrs) Meyers, Dennis Meyers, Hebert Meyers, Henry (Mrs) Meyer's Home & Drugstore Meyers, Irving J. Meyers, J.F. (Rev.) Meyers, L. Meyers, Ray Meyers, (Sgt) Meyers, T.L. Mhire, Edison (Mrs) (Clementine) Mhire, Horace Mhire, Lise Mhire, Robert MIA Micella, Morris and Victor Micelle, John (meatpacker) Micelle, John (Family) Micelle, John J. Micelle, Rose Marie Michacik, Gladys (Mrs) Michael, James E. [blacksmith] Michael, John H. Michael, Simeon Michel Michel, Freeman Michel, Simeon Michel, Valerian Michie, Emma C. Michie, Gordon Michie, J.G. (Mrs) Michie, Mark Michie, Mark (Mrs) Michigan Michigan Mill Mickelwait, Claude B. (Mrs) Mid Continent Oil & Gas Association Mid South Chemical Co. Book/Page number 8/93 7/243 (photo) 6/89 1/52, 167, 174, 210, 266; 2/15, 17, 30, 36, 77, 88, 97, 129, 186, 233-234, 237, 246-247, 251-252, 260, 268, 275; 3/111; 5/9, 55; 6/100; 8/337; 9/154; 10/291 1/166 1/168 7/391 6/172 7/296 3/85 1/174, 258; 2/108, 235; 3/39, 111 (photo); 6/91 7/64 4/115 7/50 4/210 3/203 7/187, 206, 304 4/225, 259 4/151 4/226, 229 4/203 1/238-239 10/167 7/155, 273, 426, 428; 8/70, 323; 10/209 7/443 (photo) 7/228, 338 10/69 7/112 5/139 6/83 1/112 2/94 7/81 1/138 1/160 5/3, 57, 136 (photo), 243, 262, 281, 314; 6/103, 176; 7/11, 93, 173, 179, 268, 281, 298, 376, 378; 8/145, 223, 232, 234, 327; 9/39, 122 (photo), 118; 10/306 4/169; 9/122 4/78 3/197; 7/119 (photo), 124, 370; 8/232, 332; 9/118, 122 7/107, 302 1/199; 10/314, 315, 334 1/280; 10/316 7/321 6/87 6/184; 8/192 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Middleton, E., Jacob, and M.L. Middleton, Jack Davis Middleton, Troy H. (Col.) Middleton, W.R. Midkiff, Velvia Mae Midlam, Edward W. Midnight Mass Mier prisoners Miers, Charles Spurgeon (Lt) Mier's Old Place Miers, William Miers, William Sr. Miglietta, Ethel (Mrs) Migues, Annie Nelson Migues, B. Migues, E.E. Milam, Ben Milam, Mason (Mrs) Milam, S.R. Milazzo, Louis Milazzo, S.R. (Mrs) Milazzo, Tony Miles, Charles Miles Construction Company Miles, James E. (Cpl) Miles, J.F. Miles, J.R. Miles, J.R. (Mrs) Miles, Noble O. Miles, William James Milford Furniture Company Milford, G.C. Milford, G.C. (Mrs) Milford, I.A. (Mrs) Milford, John T. Milford, Virginia Milgram, J.B. Military Maids Organization Military Police - Female Military Road Milk Delivery Mill Boarding House Mill Creek Mill Street Millard, Henry Millard, J.M. (or J.H.) (Dr.) Miller, Abe Miller, Abram (Mrs) Miller, Acie Miller, A.D. Miller, Agnes Book/Page number 2/210 7/66, 452, 454 5/108 4/115 7/57 2/327, 332 2/106 13A/21 c3p2 7/226 1/155 1/111, 153 2/131 3/207 5/211 13A/18 c1p8 2/334 1/233 2/238 6/176 5/201; 7/151 7/331 5/201; 7/296 2/131 10/207 7/151 6/176 10/209 6/153; 7/93; 9/14 (photo) 7/228 7/406 2/94, 239, 356; 7/155, 273, 426, 428, 435; 10/186f, 198c, 209 2/264; 7/93 7/288, 349, 356 7/358 7/198, 296; 10/198i 10/47 8/293 7/11, 18, 49 7/184 1/148, 152-153, 155, 157, 219 8/101 Old Places/67 (photo) 1/95 1/222; 2/16; 8/215 1/168 1/257, 259; 2/265 10/219 (photo) 13A/18 c4p9 7/266 8/150 2/302-303; 7/294 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Miller, A.L., A.O., and John L. Miller, Albert Miller, Albert Martine Miller, Alcede, Armandy, F.V., and Pat Miller, Alford Ray and Peter B. Miller, Alfred J. Miller, Alfred R. (Cpl) Miller, Allison T. Miller, Alva Miller, Amber Miller, Amberry Miller, A. McVay Miller, Annie Miller, Arceneaux Miller, Arelien (Mrs), Ben, and Tesae (Mrs) Miller, B.E. Miller, Bessie Miller, Bonnie Miller Brothers Garage Miller, Bruce W. Sr. (M/M) Miller, "Buddy" Miller Building Miller, C. Miller, C.A. and Drozan Miller, C.A. (Mrs) and Dempsey Miller, Carrie Miller, Carter E. Miller, Cecil D. Jr. Miller, Charles Miller, Charles Ferdinand Miller, Charles (Mrs) Miller, Claude O. and Dennis Miller, Cleveland (Mrs) and Malize Broussard (Mrs) Miller, Clifford C. (Pfc) Miller, Cora Miller, Cynthia Dean Miller, Dale Miller, Daniel Miller, David Miller, David B. Construction CO. Miller, David (Mrs) Miller, Donald Miller, Donna Miller, Dorothy Irene Miller, (Dr.) Miller, Earl Miller, Earl J. Miller, Earl L. Miller, Earl L. (Mrs) Miller, Earl (Mrs) Book/Page number 3/192 2/352; 4/169 7/165 (photo) 7/296 7/95 7/228 7/410 6/48 4/225; 13A/18 c4p9 13A/22 c1p4,17 c1p12; Old Cemeteries/17 1/161 6/46 4/218; 7/204 4/196, 238 4/104 (photo) 2/59 8/96 (photo) 4/225, 259 6/147 7/354 10/186 g 3/138 10/53 4/139 7/282 c 10/19 7/239, 243, 329 7/444 1/235; 2/121, 189, 232; 3/17, 23, 63; 4/94, 101; 5/9, 12, 46; 6/109; 7/430; 9/15; 10/148, 177, 193, 310 7/245 7/430 7/217 4/282 7/417 10/126, 138, 188 4/226, 229 8/144, 155, 270 1/47, 50; 4/225, 259 1/146; 7/110 (photo), 179; 8/213, 287 6/87; 9/138 5/83 10/166 4/274-275 (photo) 10/161 5/229, 284 4/42; 8/104 7/266, 282a, 431, 454 2/286 (photo), 292 (photo) 6/17; 8/326 1/277; 2/271 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Miller, Earle Construction Company Miller, E.B. Miller, E.B. (Mrs) Miller, Edgar Miller, Edmond D. (Dist. Attorney/Judge) Miller, Edmond D. (Mrs) Miller, Edolia, Emma, Eun (sp?), Janet, and Norma Miller, Edwin Miller, Elizabeth Miller, Ellen, Lucy May, and Martha Lee Miller, Elodie Thibodeaux [wife of Victor Miller] Miller, E. (Mrs) Miller, E.R. Miller, Ernest Miller, Ernest (Mrs) Miller, Ernest W. (S.Sgt) Miller, Estelle Miller, Eugene J. Miller, Eugene (Mrs) Miller, Eva Miller, Evelyn Phyllis Miller, Fabiola Miller Family Miller, F.L. Miller, Fleta and Jessie Miller, Floyd Miller, Frances Miller, Francois Miller, Frank Miller, Frank, Dry Cleaners Miller, Franklin (M/M) Miller, Frank T. Miller, Fred Lee Miller, Fred W. Miller, Freddie G. (F2/c) Miller, Freddie (Mrs) Miller, Frederick Miller, Fritz Miller, George Miller, George Wesley Miller, Gilbert L. (Mrs) Miller, Glover S. (M/M) Miller, Glyn H. Miller, Harry Miller, Harry W. Grocery Miller, Haywood W. Miller, Hazel Maxine Miller, Herbert J. (Pvt) Book/Page number 2/325 2/124 (129?); 3/34, 121, 204 6/15 3/85, 105; 4/88; 9/52 1/57e, 171, 180, 208, 230; 2/59,128; 3/5, 13 (photo of home), 23, 34, 35; 4/147; 5/9, 20, 104, 192, 195; 6/113, 117, 121 6/8 4/218 4/259 3/121 7/239 4/225, 226, 258 7/225 3/120 3/192, 197; 4/218; 7/300; 10/221-222 (photo), 101 (photo), 171b 7/122, 173; 10/148 7/333 6/91 7/74 4/161 13A/20 c1p11; 7/239 7/243 4/273 1/205; 3/72; 4/121; 5/77; Old Places/47 2/264; 3/189 3/13 7/384 4/218, 274-276 (photo) 1/35 3/218; 7/354; 8/350 1/61i 2/286, 291 (photo); 3/189, 221, 223; 7/304; 8/240, 261, 366 3/219 (photo) 7/81 7/6 4/225, 259; 7/403 4/226, 229 4/221, 259 2/238; 10/221 1/161; 6/83 2/391; 3/192 (photo), 196 (photo); 10/292 7/39 7/296, 333 7/88 (photo) 4/225 5/139, 144 (photo) 2/223; 4/171; 7/217, 229 7/308 7/167 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Miller, Herman (Mrs) Miller Home Miller, I. A. and J.E. Miller, James Miller, James B. (2nd Lt) Miller, J.B. (Family) Miller, Jean F. Miller, Jennings B. (Family) Miller, J.J.W. Miller, Joe Miller, Joe (Mrs) Miller, Joe T. Miller, John B.F. Miller, John F. Miller, John H. (Family) Miller, John J. Miller, John (M/M) Miller, John N. Miller, Juanita Miller, Judge, Titus Miller, Judy Miller, Julian Miller, Julius Miller, Karen Miller, Kate Miller, L.A. Miller, Laramae (Mrs) and Lenford Miller, Leon Miller, Leon (Mrs) Miller, Levi Miller, Lila Lee Miller, Mabel Miller, Mackie V. Miller, Marsden Miller, Martin Miller, Mary Miller, Mathilda Miller, Max (M&M) Miller, McVey and Merrick Miller, M.D. Miller, Michael and Pierre Valcour Miller, Miguel Miller, Mr. Miller, Nina Miller, Norris J. Miller, Oliver (Mrs) Miller, Orville Miller, Phillip Miller, Ray Miller, R.E. (Rev) Book/Page number 8/326; 10/214 6/57 (photo) 2/132 1/146; 13A/18 c4p9; 4/218 7/281 7/240, 337 1/48 7/240 (photo), 281, 300, 329, 337, 347, 376, 378, 392 1/149, 158; 2/85, 131, 150; 3/35 6/151 13A/19 c1p7 2/332; 7/304 (photo); 10/68, 186 1/116, 123, 126 1/24, 90, 99; 4/265; 13A/93 c3 5/307; 7/6, 239 6/83; 7/82; 10/50 1/92; 4/218, 292; 5/82; 7/74, 103, 403, 450, 451; 8/267 4/221, 225, 259 2/354 5/6 4/274-275 (photo) 7/346 2/288 (photo); 7/235 4/274-275 (photo) 10/225 (photo) 3/192; 6/109 4/271 (photo) 1/265; 3/192, 196 3/196; 4/218 2/189; 3/23, 192, 196 7/120 5/232 10/139 7/363; 10/47 4/205, 218; 7/100; 10/166 2/191 3/58; 6/57 2/302, 306; 3/130; 7/294; 8/2 6/82 4/147; 7/296 4/147 8/45 3/172 10/224 (photo) 8/167 4/294 10/101, 107 (photo) 4/171; 8/205 8/343, 347 13A/21 c2p13 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Miller, Rex O'Neal Miller, Robert (M/M) Miller, Rosa B. (Mrs) Miller, Roy T. (Mrs) Miller, Ruby (Mrs) Miller, Rubye I. Miller, Sam and Zoe Miller, S.N. Miller, T. & Sons Contractors Miller, Tessier Miller, Thomas H. Miller, Thurston Miller, T. (Mrs) Miller, Urain M. Miller, V.A. (Dr) Miller, Valsin Miller, Warren Miller, Watson B. Miller, Watts Miller, Wayne Miller, W.E. (Mrs) Miller, William Miller, William (Mrs) Miller's Ferry Millet, Donald J. Millet, Fritz Milliare, John T.P. Milligan, (Mr) Milligan, H.B. Milligan-Martin Grocery - See "Martin-Milligan Grocery" Milliken, Daniel Millikin, Doug Milliman, Edward Millis, Jack (Mrs) Millowday, Hovert Milloy, Albert E. (Sgt) Mills Mills, B.C. (Dr & Mrs) Mills, Beryl Belle and Eva Grace Mills Construction Company Mills, E. Mills Family Mills, I.J. Mills, Laura Mills, Merita Mills, Orvill Mills, Pelham (M/M) Mills, Ted Mills, Walter Mills, Wood T. Book/Page number 7/201 2/325; 4/300; 7/173; 10/107 (photo) 7/347 7/111 4/274-276 (photos) 7/240, 286, 354 10/50 4/96 1/300; 5/155; 6/184; 7/155, 273, 426, 428, 435; 8/104, 270; 10/188, 207, 209 1/64, 65; 3/98; 10/24 2/131 10/203 7/405; 8/216 1/122 2/344 4/225, 258 4/261, 274-276 (photos); 6/62; 13A/18 c4p9 5/250 10/230 10/210 (photo) 8/245 6/83; 7/201; 10/162 7/146 1/151 8/198; 9/129, 130, 142, 149; 13A/84 10/222 (photo) 6/83 4/101 2/223; 3/34, 39, 159, 169; 4/101, 168, 171; 5/5, 20, 116, 154 (photo) 3/205 10/301 8/326 7/50 7/81 7/6-7 5/77 3/4, 37, 40; 5/9 10/64 10/207 3/60 3/173 3/100 5/4 4/26; 5/208; 7/22-24, 29; 8/72 10/171 b, 222 (photo) 5/262; 7/459 10/104 7/452, 454 6/83 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Book/Page number Millspaugh, Richard D. Millspaugh, William Millspaughs Bluff Milner, A.E. (Mrs) Milner, Dorothy Milner, Sherill Milsted, E.W. (M/M) Milsted, Joseph Raymond Milton, H.D. Mims Brothers Mims Family Mims, H.M., Mrs. Mims, Kenneth M. Mims, L. Mims, Lee (Mrs) Mims, Mary (Dr) Mims, Norma Mims, P.D. Mims, P.O. Mims, Sam Mims, Sarah Mims, Sumpter Mina, Francisco Xavier Minden, La. Miner, George and Gloria (M/M) Minneapolis, Indiana Minnis, Jack (Mrs) Minnix Minor Minor, Lawrence D. (Sgt) Minter, Mary Miles Minton, Nelson Mintor Minute Maids Minute Women at War Miracle, Sally Miracle Settlement Miracle, Shirley Mae Miracle, Simon Mire, Louis Mires, Earl Mires, David Miss Fortune II Mission Church Missionary Baptist Church Mississippi, Terry Mississippi Mississippi River Mississippi State College C.E.C. 10/229 1/168 1/10, 25, 30, 33, 220 1/288; 6/31 10/198 g 10/186 b 7/288 7/201, 288 (photo) 1/44 4/96l; 5/79 1/205 10/305 7/217 1/159, 205; 2/130, 131; 4/118; 5/79; 13a/2 7/113, 225 1/205; 7/246; 8/221, 244 4/293; 9/144 1/205; 4/118 13A/2 8/273 1/276 1/205, 276; 4/118; 5/79 13A/89 c1 3/141 10/116, 127 (photo), 159, 162, 164, 167-169 7/278 4/195 5/77 2/200 7/401 (photo) 6/64 2/332 1/59 7/107 7/107, 109, 280 1/297 1/294 7/118 1/292, 294-297 7/338 7/296 1/81, 59, 61 7/205 1/10 Old Cemeteries/7 1/13 4/21, 19; 1/196, 199 4/18, 25, 32 Old Places/132, 133, 135, 156 Millspaugh - Various spellings occur: Millapaw, Millfaw, Millspaw NAME OR DESCRIPTION Missouri Pacific Railroad Missouri Pacific Railroad Depot Missouri Pacific Shuttle Train Mistletoe Mistretta, Albert M. Mistretta, Bernard Joseph Mistretta, Frank Joseph (Family) Mistretta, John (Mrs) Mistretta, Pauline (Mrs) Mistretta, Sam Mitchell Mitchell, Absey Mitchell, Alsie Mitchell, Allen Mitchell, A.M. (M/M) and Eldrid Mae Stein (Mrs) Mitchell & Gordon Mitchell & Gorham (Law Office) Mitchell, A.R. (Family) Mitchell, Charles Mitchell, Clarence Mitchell, Danny, Granger, and Tom G. (M/M) Mitchell, D. Edwin, Della, and Gene (Mrs) Mitchell, Dean B.F. Mitchell, Don Mitchell, Dorothy Mitchell, Eula Ryan (Mrs) Mitchell Family Mitchell, Floyd R. and Homer Mitchell, George Mitchell, Godfrey Douglas Mitchell, Ida Mitchell, Ira Mitchell, James Mitchell, Jerry Mitchell, Joe Mitchell, John - Ferry Mitchell, John Purvoy(?) Mayor Mitchell, John W. Mitchell, Kay Mitchell, Landon [or Larson, Lanson] D. (M/M) Mitchell, Marjorie Ann, Rosa Lee Mitchell, (Mrs) Mitchell, P. Mitchell, Paul Mitchell, Perry (Rev) Mitchell, Robert Mitchell, S. (Pvt) Mitchell, Silimum Book/Page number 1/208, 233, 284; 2/17, 245; 3/36, 45, 114; 6/66, 93, 166, 179, 181, 182, 199, 200; 7/98, 110; 8/10, 37, 283, 289, 318; 10/122 1/80; 6/200 (photo), 206 6/176 8/200 7/302 7/302 (photo), 431, 452, 454 7/66, 302 7/200 7/237 7/200, 237, 315 (photo) 1/106 2/199; 6/91 2/189 1/228; 7/96 7/346 2/128, 167 1/172 1/168, 173; 2/125, 128, 157, 164, 186, 202, 211, 247, 265; 3/6 (photo of home), 113, 114, 116; 4/171; 5/9, 192; 8/308; 10/123 1/219; 6/83; 7/296 10/99 1/228 7/283 (newspaper picture) 5/281 9/27 8/273 1/223, 228; Old Places/6 1/205 7/296 1/227; 10/235 7/201 1/173 7/340 1/92 1/227 1/61i 1/88 2/258, 259; 8/293 7/6 1/228; 8/68 (photo), 72 (photo) 5/281; 7/63, 81, 112, 115, 118 10/199a 2/258; 1/80 1/168 10/143 Old Cemeteries/17 7/346 (photo); 10/338 7/346 1/61 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Mitchell, T.A. Mitchell, T.E. (Mrs) Mitchem, Bob Mitchem, H.A. Mix, Frank Mize, Harold M.K. Institute Moag, Rogers (Rev. Father) Mobil Gas Mobile Mobile, New Orleans & Texas Railroad Mobley, John Eskell Mock, Charles (Rev) Mock, J.W. (Capt) Modisette, J.O. Modjeska, (Mrs) Modlish, G.P. Moebius, Joyce Moeling, F.D. Moeling, Frederick Moeling, Irene (half sister of Albert Bel) Moeling, La. Moeling Street Moeling, Walter (Family) Moeller, Jacquelyn Moeller, Jean or Jeanne Moffatt, Fred T. (Rev) Moffatt, Johanna Clayton Moffett, C.D. Moffett, Jessie (Mrs) Moffett, Ruth (Mrs) Moffett, Worth Scott Moise, Alvert (M/M) Moise, E.A.(Mrs) Molar, J.W. Molasses Molbert, Agnes Molbert, Edward J. Molden, Laura Mae Bilbo Molden, (Mrs) Molden, Murray Molden, William M. (Mrs) Moler, Harold Moler, Hebert Molless, Charles L. and Laura Molter, Bennett and Mona Pujo (Mrs) Monasento, John Monceaux, John Monceaux, Sam Monceaux, Wallace Book/Page number 4/171 7/173 10/190 (photo) 8/192 5/12 10/233 2/188 8/5 10/186 g 4/26 6/95 7/296 1/8 7/113 2/330 6/33 2/330 10/177 2/284, 286; 3/214, 221, 223-225 3/209, 214; Old Places/26 1/36; 3/10, 47 10/319 8/87 1/15; 2/38, 238; 3/72, 174, 191, 123; 4/171; 5/29; 7/93, 296, 407 10/193, 211 8/254; 10/159, 186a, 189 (photo), 198a,f 5/268; 9/45 Old Cemeteries/12 4/123 4/225, 258 7/111 7/228; 10/185, 187a 7/340 2/271 3/148 4/76 7/294 3/197 (photo); 7/288, 296 1/193, 194, 223, 227, 228 (photo); 13A/6, 50 c4p19; Old Cemeteries/6 1/274, 338 10/102 (photo) Old Cemeteries/6 7/64, 119; 10/101, 107 (photo), 222 (photo) 7/296 7/358 1/230 10/167 7/201 7/452 7/452, 454 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Monday, Alpha, John, and Onia Monday, C.B. Monday, C.B.(Mrs) Monday, Clarence Monday, "Doc" Monday, J.C. Monde Mondello, Luke Paul Money Trust Investigation/Probe Money, Old, & Rare Coins Mong, Rogers (Rev. Father) Monitor & Merrimac Monk, J.R. Monk, Thomas J. Monroe, Berlin Joseph Monroe, (Capt) Monroe County, Michigan Monroe, D.M. Monroe, Frank A. Monroe, G. (Mrs) Monroe, George (M/M) Monroe, James, President Monroe, Jerry Monroe, La. Monroe, P.L. (Capt) Monroe, T.F. (Capt) Monsell, Hazel Montagne, C.J. Montague, (Cadet) Montalbano, Joe (Pfc) Montalbano, M. (M/M) Montalbano, Margaret (Mrs) Montalbano, Paul Montalbano, Peter Montalbano, Phillip's Camp Monterey Montgomery, Bernard L. (Gen.) Montgomery, Bernice Montgomery, Carrie Lou Montgomery, Daisy Montgomery, (Field Marshall) Montgomery, George W. Montgomery, J.W. Montgomery, Letitia Montgomery, Ruth Montgomery, Thurston Montgomery, Vernon Montgomery, Vernon (Mrs) Montgomery, Will (M/M) Monticello, Frank Grocery Store Monticello, Phil Ray and Sammy Monticello, Sara Ann Book/Page number 5/4 5/160 7/165 1/215; 10/52 10/221 (photo) 5/9 5/82 7/95 1/230 3/117 8/5 1/252 4/171 6/208 7/95, 217 2/206 3/34 2/220 1/230 8/143 1/228; 3/57, 186 (photo) 1/229 2/244 3/7, 15 3/9 (photo) 3/37 8/100 4/98 2/258 7/169 (photo), 286, 445 7/169, 445 7/286 10/148 7/296 8/126 3/45 7/257-259 5/205; 8/278 10/199a 2/198 7/382 7/296 8/167 5/252 7/39, 116 7/176 (photo), 363 3/112, 116; 7/217 10/126 8/278 10/186c 10/212 (photo) 10/211 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Monticello, Tony Anthony Montie, Alvin Montie, E. (Mrs) Montie, J.W. and P.H. (Mrs) Montie, Volasir Montie, W.J. Moody, Audrey Claire Moody, Clyde (Pvt) Moody, Doris Moody, T.C. (Dr) Moody, T.C. (Mrs) Mooer, Riley C. Mooney, Ed (Mrs) Mooney, H.K. (Gen) Mooney, James Mooney, Pierce Redwine Moonshine Moore Moore, Adam Moore, Adeline, Frances, Makely, Roberta, Willie Mae, and Zelma Moore, Alex (M/M) and Willard Moore, Annie Moore, Arris, Claude, and Stephen Moore Avenue Moore, A.W. Moore, Benjamin H. Moore, Bessie May Moore, C.A. Moore, C.A. (Mrs) Moore, C.J. Moore, Cliff (M/M) Moore, Dan Moore, D.E. Moore, Duffy (Mrs) Moore, Earl T. and James A. Moore, Ernest M. (Brig. Gen) Moore, Florence N. Moore, Frank R., Guy Moore, Fred Moore, Fred (Mrs) Moore, G.B. Moore, Geneva (Mrs) Moore, Henry Moore, Joseph (Family) Moore, Jules Moore, Kilburn Moore, LaVerna Moore, Lynn, Lyma, and Sidney Olive Moore, Mable and Mecilla (Mrs) Moore, Martha Jane Moore, Mary Book/Page number 7/201 7/86 4/192, 218 4/218 4/147 4/150 2/350, 352, 402; 9/45; 10/303 7/429 6/73, 75 2/350, 353 7/18, 302 6/66 7/288, 290, 304, 326 9/148 4/20 7/429 6/122 8/64; 10/101 4/237-238 4/214 7/338 2/150; 4/17 4/218 6/66 9/57 7/452 5/222 7/93 7/302 5/82 3/221; 7/234 1/206, 295; 2/132; 7/241 1/205 7/282 c 7/228 7/43 (photo) 7/119 (photo) 6/83 4/171; 6/82; 7/168 (photo) 7/457 8/151 5/77 4/142, 218 1/185, 214, 291, 293-295; 2/59, 131; 3/44, 141; 4/121, 171, 214; 5/192, 232; 6/16, 82, 176 1/123 7/191 3/157, 160 7/81 4/237 2/355; 7/109, 119; 10/129 (photo) 5/77; 7/338; 10/197 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Moore, Matt Moore, Mayo Moore, M.H. (Mrs) Moore, Norris Moore, Paul (Mrs) Moore, P.E. Moore, P.E. (Mrs) Moore, Perkins & Company Moore, Riley Moore, R.O. Moore, Rosie Moore, Sam Moore, Steve Moore, Sylvia Moore, T.F. (Mrs) Moore, Tommie Moore, T.V., Mrs. Moore, (U.S. Attorney) Moore, Walter Moore, W.F. (Mrs) Moore, W.H. Moore, William Moore, W.J.(Rev) Moore, Woodrow Moore's Big Store Moorman, Walter (Col.) Moquip, Hugh Fletcher Mora, Dora Mora, Gregario and Jose M. Moran, John Troy Moran, Mildred Moran, Nadia Carpenter Morasco, Anthony J. Morasco, Frank S. (Cpl) Morasco, Nick (M/M) Morasco, Rosalie More, John B. Moreau, Dallas Joseph Moreau, Dallas Joseph (Mrs) Moreau, Joseph H. Moreau, Joseph Roker Moreau, Maurice Moreau-Liset, Louis Moreaux, Arcade Morel, Georgia Lee and Jimmy Morel, Leo L. (Family) Morel, L.G. Moreland, Mary Moreland, (Mrs) Moreno, Charles L. Morgadanes, Dolores Book/Page number 6/113, 125 1/206, 295; 4/96; 5/78 7/111 4/142, 214 7/237 1/206; 4/97 10/11 2/186 1/161; 2/162 5/314 2/147 4/225 7/452, 454 6/153 3/55 10/104 (photo) 10/305, 306 3/142 7/82 7/133 10/101 (photo), 171a, 222 (photo) 1/168; 5/280; 7/95 8/230; 10/69 4/192, 218 1/292-296 5/79 7/66 4/24-25 (newspaper picture) 1/211 7/288, 290, 304, 326 4/120 7/288 7/237, 450 (photo) 7/236, 406 7/237 10/177 1/19 4/81, 95; 7/81, 184 7/184; 8/198; 9/129 7/436 7/437 8/5 3/216 7/81 7/300 5/252; 7/146, 220, 240 (photo), 300 (photo), 431, 452, 454; 10/233 7/82, 300; 10/186e, 224 5/262; 7/123 (photo) 7/292 c 7/452, 454 5/263-264 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Morgan, Alton (M/M), Doyle L., and William A. Morgan, Alvin Morgan, Aylmer L. III (Capt) Morgan, Ben (Mrs) Morgan, Bert D. and James E. Morgan, Bert (Mrs) Morgan, Byron Percival Morgan, Charles Morgan City, La. Morgan, Clarine Morgan, Doris Morgan, Dorothy Icephene or Isabel Morgan, Ernest D. (Family) Morgan, Emanuel Morgan, Florida Morgan, George Morgan, Gladys Butler (Mrs) Morgan, H.C. (Mrs) Morgan, James Kirby Jr. and Lester James Morgan, James R. (Family) Morgan, James T. Morgan, J.L. Morgan, John Morgan, John K. L. Sr. Morgan, J. Pierpont Morgan, Kenneth M. Morgan-Lindsey Variety Store Morgan, LuLu Morgan, Mary Jane Morgan, (Mr) Morgan, Nell Morgan, Ray Morgan, (Rev. Father) Morgan, Robert Morgan, Robert Alton Jr. Morgan, Shirley Morgan, William Raynor Morgan, Willis G. (Pfc) Morgan's Louisiana & Texas Railroad. See also "Louisiana-Texas Railroad." Morgan's Louisiana Western Railroad. See also "Louisiana Western Morgan's Steamship & Railway Morganthau, Henry Moriarity, Bill Moriarity, Ed Moriarity, George Leslie Moriarity, Juanita and L.C. (Mrs) Moriarity, Richard Morissey, John Moritz, Georgia Williams Mornhinveg, Frank Morningreg, Frank (Mrs) Moro, Gregorio Book/Page number 7/314 (photo) 6/54 7/380 7/64, 116 7/228 7/50 7/95 6/92, 95; 7/81, 338 1/172, 175, 183, 214, 271-272; 4/4, 29; 6/92 7/246 10/148, 159 10/161 7/39 (photo), 202, 292, 338 8/279 8/24 8/36, 293 5/262 3/180 7/201 7/402 (photo) 2/287 (photo); 3/220 (photo), 221, 224 3/220 1/40 7/151; 9/84 1/230; 4/87 7/6 1/233 4/87 10/229 1/81 4/166 10/68, 168 4/283 6/46, 82 7/66 8/72 (photo) 7/202, 210, 292 7/320 4/87; 6/95, 181 2/82; 8/9, 63 13A/4 7/181, 367 10/164 5/252 7/176, 202, 253 7/176 10/167, 175 2/212 8/195, 131; 5/223, 241 3/45 3/136 (photo) 1/224 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Moro, Jose Marin Moroe, Ralph (Mrs) Moroso, John A. Morough, James Morphy, Clifford (Mrs) Morrill, John (Rev) Morris, Agnes Morris, Anna Belle Reeves Morris, Bell Morris, Buddy Morris, Carol Morris, Clyde (M/M) Morris, Curtis C. Morris, Dewitt Morris, Eugene Howard Jr. Morris, Fred Morris, George R. Morris, Gipson M. (S.Sgt) Morris, Glenn E. Morris, Grace Morris, Harry Morris, Howard Morris, Irene Louise Morris, Jack L. (M/M) Morris, Jack M. (Pfc) Morris, Jim Morris, Keath Morris, Lyndell Morris, M.C. (Mrs) Morris, M.G. Morris, Ned Morris, Rosemary Morris, Ruby Morris, Sybil Morris, Thomas E. Morris, Vonceil Morris, W.D. (M/M) Morris, Weldon West Morrish, N.H. Morrish, Tony H. Morrison, deLesseps S. (Mayor) Morrison, Farnham L. Morrison, F.O. Morrison, Hugh Morrison, Jimmy Morrison, Robert Morrogh, John F. Morrow, A.L. Morrow, John Morrow, La. Morrow, Manuel Book/Page number 1/212 6/68 7/174 (photo) 2/70 2/265 2/342 10/59 Old Places/165 7/111 6/205 7/306 3/186; 7/165 7/6, 222, 306, 307 (photo), 452, 454 5/23 7/449 10/101 (photo) 5/134 7/396 (photo) 7/236, 452 3/54 7/6, 165 (photo), 306, 307; 10/47 3/146 7/240 7/173, 307, 323, 328 7/306-307, 356, 337, 405 10/166 7/296 7/294; 10/127 (photo), 129-130 7/146 5/110 10/171 b, 222 7/409 (photo); 10/127 (photo), 129-130a 7/337, 405 7/302 2/258 7/306-307 5/307; 7/337, 405 7/86 7/244 7/244, 452 13A/128 c1p10 7/6 4/169 3/157, 160 4/226 4/97; 5/262 1/31, 34, 41-45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 53-58, 61, 64-67, 69, 70, 72, 75, 76, 79, 80, 86-96; 8/337 5/205 1/59 9/145 7/102 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Morrow, (Mr) Morse, Arthur and Charles K. Morse Family Morse, G.H. Morse, L.L. Morse, Roy E. Morse, Roy F. Morton, Clara Morton, Joseph (Mrs) Morton, (Mrs) and Nettie Morton, Stella Morton, Winston Aubrey Mosca, Angie Mosca, Helen Mosca, Louis Mose, Alfred (Pfc) Moseley, Betty Jane Moseley, Frank L. (Family) (Flora) Moseley, Lanier Mosely, Cyrus and Glenda Mosely, S.J. Mosely, Willie P. Moser, Phillip D. (Pfc) Moses, Barbara Moses, Bert Moses, Branch R. (Cpl) Moses, Clement (M/M) Moses Family Moses, Inez Moses, James Moses, L.H. Moses, L.T. Moses, Paul Mosqueda, Tommie (Mrs) Moss, Abram H. (Dr) Moss, Abram H. (Mrs) Moss, Alfred Moss & Bird Moss & Mathieu Moss & Platz Commissary Moss & Riddick Mill/General Store Moss, Anna Moss, Ben Moss, Bertha Moss, Betty Ann Moss, B.F. Moss Bluff Moss Bluff Ferry & Bridge, 1933 photo Book/Page number 1/81 7/296 4/80 4/98 4/100 4/171 1/64, 65; 3/98; 6/88 3/48 (photo) 7/177 3/173 3/135, 173 7/95, 177 7/402 10/177 7/402; 10/161 7/5 7/331; 8/254 (photo); 10/179, 180, 186a,f, 187, 189 (photo) 7/324, 331 6/73 4/192 2/269 7/452, 454 7/320 5/243; 7/64, 112, 346 6/83; 10/209a 7/402 8/256 1/206 10/95 1/134 3/23 4/98 8/347 4/192 1/208, 257, 259; 2/2, 14, 15, 17, 59, 112, 125, 143, 167, 215, 229; 3/10, 14, 72; 5/9, 17, 149; 7/234; 9/136; 10/123 6/15; 7/133, 234 1/98, 107, 111, 117, 120, 123, 127, 137; 10/312, 313 1/230 4/80 6/87 1/259; 2/73, 75, 89, 233, 240, 256 Old Places/1 2/64; 4/165; 5/5; 10/293 2/318, 350; 3/57 7/111; 8/261 (photo) 3/46; 5/85 1/176, 244; 2/272; 6/47, 58 6/57 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Moss Bluff--Phone service Moss, Brackly and Frankie Moss Buildings Moss, C.D. Moss, C.D. (Mrs) Moss, Charley Moss, Clara A. and Cora Moss, Clement A. Moss, Clement D. Moss, Clement Murphy (M/M) Moss, Columbus J. Moss, Columbus (Mrs) Moss, Dallas Moss, Delia Moss, (Dr) Moss Drug Store Moss, E.C. (M/M) and Mary Ruth Moss, E.H. Moss, Elza Vincent (Mrs), George Theo, G.W. (Mrs), Jonathan W., and Richmond A. Moss, Emma Moss, Erwin Moss, Erwyn (Mrs) Moss, Erastus Moss, Ezra Moss Family Moss, Floy Moss, Francis Theodore Moss' Gully Moss, H. Moss, Henry Moss, Herbert Henry Moss, Herman (Rev) Moss, Hugh Moss, Ida Moss Industry--St. Landry Parish Moss, Joe Moss, John A. (Mrs) and Robert Lee Moss, John Hardie Jr. Moss, Johnson Moss, Joseph Moss, Joseph Johnson and Oliver Joseph Book/Page number 8/343 7/139 (photo) 3/8 1/157, 183, 184; 2/61, 236, 284; 3/210, 213, 223, 230; 4/168, 169, 171 2/356; 3/57; 6/82 8/308 3/46 7/123 (photo) 2/59 2/68, 76, 77, 189, 321; 4/277; 5/155; 6/151; 7/100; 8/16, 218, 238, 256, 261, 308; 10/138, 160-162, 188, 192, 193 5/319; 13A/20 c1p7 6/68 9/142 4/13; 10/22, 32, 33 3/38; 5/36; 10/201b 6/39 7/107 (photo) 1/126, 151, 152 13A/20 10/22, 23, 26 7/304 7/111 13A/44 c5p4, 10 c1p5 1/98, 104, 107, 111, 117, 133; 6/83 1/192, 224, 230 10/22, 23 7/81 1/148 1/157 1/6, 7, 11, 12, 25, 28, 45, 48, 60, 66, 74, 87, 93, 107, 111, 112, 126, 132, 133, 135, 137, 147, 150, 152, 212, 217, 220, 286; 4/116; 10/2, 4, 290, 292; 13A/3; Old Places/1, 115, 116 1/20, 22, 23; Old Places/112 1/297 7/133, 183, 277, 282A (photo); 10/233 2/189 9/145 1/286 8/280 7/201 1/15, 30, 34, 37, 38, 40-43, 47, 48, 54, 58, 60, 74, 76, 95, 116, 220, 261; 2/272; 13A/108 c3; Old Places/116 1/91 7/66 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Moss, Joseph Valentine Moss, Kennedy Moss Lake Moss, Leland H. (Dr) Moss, Leland H. (Mrs) Moss, Lee Moss, Lee (Mrs) Moss' levee Moss, L.N. Moss, Lucien Kennedy Moss, Lucius L. Moss, Madison Moss, Mary Moss, Mattie Summers (Mrs. Lucius L.) Moss, Medora Moss, (Mr) Moss, Olin Moss, Olin (Mrs) Moss, Oliver Moss, Oliver (Mrs) Moss, Oliver Ryan Moss, Ora Moss, Paul Moss, Paul (Mrs) Moss, Pearl Moss, P.O. Moss, Ralph Moss, R.E. Moss, Rose Moss Street Moss Street Cemetery (See Corporation Cemetery) Moss, T.O. (Mrs) Moss, Vivian Moss, Walter E. Moss, Walter (Mrs) Moss, Walter O. (Dr) Moss, Wullard Mossville, La. Mossville Progressive Organization Motor Corps Mott, C.H. (Col) Mott, Harvey (Capt) Mott, Wilmer Motte, Elmer Lee Mouchette, Achille Book/Page number 1/47, 58, 76, 94, 95, 98, 103, 105, 110, 112, 113, 115, 118, 119, 121, 124, 128-131, 138, 140, 141, 149-151, 154, 155, 158-160, 163, 210, 219, 267; 2/6, 17; 5/17, 183; 8/337; 13A/18 c5p9 2/350; 10/179, 180, 186a, 198 2/272; 8/263; 10/312, 313, 334 1/208; 3/36, 38, 41, 147; 4/101; 5/9, 158, 269; 10/59 2/59; 6/5-7; 9/34 2/68, 76, 77, 148 6/8, 10, 15, 44 1/91, 93 10/191 10/193 1/230; 2/351, 353; 4/75; 5/56, 156, 158; 6/43, 210; 8/48, 162, 167; 9/43, 54; 13A/50 c3p13 7/296 2/112 3/79; 10/107 (photo) 2/69 1/18, 153, 154; 3/122 (102?); Old Places/113 2/238; 7/93; 10/221 7/112, 225 1/110; 2/212; 10/347; 13A/108 c3, 118 2/88, 272; 5/20; 10/3; Old Places/31, 114 1/159; 2/108; 5/55; 10/293; 13A/8 c1; Old Places/2, 7, 117 2/68, 189 1/208, 230; 3/46; 6/131 2/256 5/20 2/61; 4/168, 171 6/151 9/39 Old Places/31 1/222; 2/13; 3/145, 146; 8/205, 238; 10/123 7/67 7/173, 225 5/4 7/173; 10/231 1/230; 6/151; 7/113, 119, 124, 151, 450, 451; 8/353, 354; 9/9, 50, 150; 10/53 7/68 2/272; 4/277; 5/195; Old Places/126 9/142 8/212 1/251 2/244 7/229 7/449 1/134 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Moug, Rogers (Rev. Father) Mouhot, Andrew Mouhot, C.D. (M/M) Mouhot, Herbert Daniel Mouhot, Louis Joseph Mouhot, Russell Mound City Life Insurance Co. of St. Louis Mount, Austin B. Mount Hope Lumber Co. Mount Hope Street Mount Lebanon University Mount Marion School Mount Pilgrim Baptist Church Mountain handicrafts Mouton, C.H. (Gov.) Mouton, C.O. Mouton, Dallas (Mrs) Mouton, Delores Mouton, Earl (M/M) and Lucinda Mouton, Edwina (Mrs) and Maurice Mouton Family: Ambrose and Rhuel Mouton, Jean Mouton, Joseph D. (T-5) Mouton, Joseph L. Mouton, J.R. (Mrs) Mouton, Marguerite D. Mouton, Millard J. Mouton, Roland (Mrs) Mouton's Brigade,Crescent Regiment Movies Mowery, Bob Lee Mud Bayou Mud Lake Mud Pass Mud Supply Inc. Mudd, David Elliot, George H., Leola, Rodney Paul, and Sheryl Ann Mudd, Leopold Mudd, Marcellus (Mrs) Mudd, Tillie Mudgett, Isaac N. Muhle, Arthur (Mrs) Muirhead, B.R. Mule Cars Muller - Various spellings occur: Mueller Muller, Dora Muller, Fritz Muller Home Muller, J. (Mrs) Muller, James E. (Maj) Muller, Julia (Mrs) Book/Page number 8/5 7/233 (photo) 1/228 7/81 7/95 10/177 2/142 8/147, 179 2/65, 236, 248, 275; 3/71, 236; 5/146; 6/66; 10/316, 348 6/66 10/18 10/50 10/210 6/90 2/142 5/56 4/192, 218 4/238 4/218 7/237 5/77 5/4; 9/57 7/413 7/64 4/100 7/39 4/86 4/237 1/282 5/208; 8/162 8/173, 198; 9/129, 142 1/122 1/122, 92 1/115, 121, 124, 126, 138 9/138 4/225, 260 1/87-89, 96, 98, 100, 118, 122-124 4/225, 237, 260 4/192, 273 5/17; 6/113, 121, 125 4/265 7/291 2/260-261 (photo) 10/23; 2/241 2/152; 13A/7 c1 6/25 3/60; 4/101; 5/9, 11-12 7/36 1/222; 2/147; 6/9; 8/235 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Muller, Maurice J. (M/M) Muller, (Mrs) Mullers Department Store Mullett, Fred Mullett, Marie Mullett, Thomas Mullin, Gene Mulverhill, (Mr) Munday, Clingman Munday, C.P. (Dr) Munday, J.C. (Dr) Munday, J.C. (Dr) Drugstore Munday, Pearl Mundell, Florence Munford, Mary Y. Munger, H.E. Munn, Georgie Munn, James Munns, Edward (Capt) Munson, Russell W. (Lt Col) Murchison, Duncan Murdock, Gordon and Lyall (M/M) Murey, Si Murphy, Alice Murphy, Annie Murphy, A.V. (Mrs) Murphy, A.W. (Pfc) Murphy, B. Murphy, Carolyn (Caroline) Murphy, Doug Murphy, Edward Murphy, E.J. (Col) Murphy, E.M. Murphy, Francis (Mrs) Murphy, Fred Murphy, Iris Murphy, J. Morden (Lt Col) Murphy, John B. (Gen) Murphy, May Murphy, Nola Murphy, Oleed (Jr & Sr) Murphy, Richard J. (S. Sgt) Murphy, Thomas Murray Murray, Bill Book/Page number 1/222; 2/147, 241; 3/105, 123, 191; 4/78, 168, 171; 5/326; 7/112; 8/145, 233, 287 6/80 1/61L, 222; 2/57, 223, 235, 241 (photo), 276, 349; 3/60, 61, 137, 148, 160, 169; 6/43, 55, 91, 206; 7/80, 93, 107, 155, 273, 372, 426, 428, 435, 439; 8/15, 86, 235, 341; 10/186c, 198a 7/296 6/119 2/323; 5/4; Old Cemeteries/12 2/327, 332 6/98 6/17 1/170, 208; 2/102, 196, 201b, 275; 6/25, 48; Old Places/97 1/164, 167, 257, 259; 2/81, 86, 112, 128, 167, 256; 3/5, 23; 5/55, 149; 13a/9 2/92 2/125, 147, 191 7/173 7/18 3/41 2/76 3/71 6/89 7/191 8/92; 10/186b,f, 198i 8/205 (photo) 6/122 5/170 4/237; 13A/84 7/64, 116 7/357-358 6/62 4/225, 260 4/275 1/212 4/189 7/450 4/283 7/98; 10/148 7/66, 120; 10/174, 185, 187, 198g, 208 7/407 (photo) 7/363 (photo) 6/82 7/358 7/151 7/189 1/125 1/226; 2/248 1/208; 2/222; 6/100; 10/342 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Murray Brooks Hardware Co., Inc. Murray, Charles D. (M/M) Murray, Donovan Edward Murray, Jane Murray, John D. Murray, K. (Mrs) Murray, Katherine Murray, Maggie Murray, William Murray, William (Mrs) Murrell, Clan Murrell, C.W. Murrell, John Murrell, John T. Murrey, A.J., I.R. (Mrs), and Melvin Murrey, Estella Murrey, I.R. Murrey, P.M. Murrogh, John F. Murry, Addie (Mrs) Muscogee [or Muskhogea] Indian Tribe Muse, Catherine Muse, Edwin (Family) Muse, Ethel Muse, J.H. Muse, J.M. Muse, Marshall G. Musey Musgrove, Gordon and Family Muskrat industry Musselwhite, S.A. Musser, B.M. Musser, B.M. (Mrs) Musser, Morgan J. Musser, V.M. (Mrs) Mutersbaugh Mutersbaugh, Alice Mutersbaugh, Alonzo Mutersbaugh, A.M. Mutersbaugh, A.M. (Mrs) Mutersbaugh, Claudia Mutersbaugh, Grant Mutersbaugh, Grant (Mrs) Mutersbaugh Home Mutersbaugh, Robert Mutersbaugh Sash & Door Co. Mutersbaugh's Planing Mill Book/Page number 1/61k, 222; 2/2, 249, 264, 275, 351; 3/39, 43, 112, 157, 169; 5/9; 6/48, 100; 7/155, 273, 426, 428, 435; 10/186e, 198c, 209, 342 1/41; 2/131, 155, 158 7/81 8/2 3/234 1/62 1/57, 57e 2/99 5/3, 8; 6/48 1/42, 44 5/79; 4/115 8/164 13A/16, 17 4/115 5/195 10/40 5/114; 6/116 2/86 1/29 7/115 4/12, 16 2/264 7/217, 219, 288, 318, 320, 359 (photo) 3/205 a; 5/93; 7/246 3/97, 123, 191; 6/113, 121, 125 5/3 2/327 6/40 1/292-293, 295 8/326 3/217 1/229-230; 2/243; 3/205a; 5/110; 9/45 13A/53 c4 2/243; 4/256; 5/208, 243; 7/110, 161; 8/231; 10/53, 187 6/16 10/108 10/107 (photo) 7/296 2/319; 7/7 (photo), 113; 8/7, 278, 305; 9/8; 10/188, 207 7/75 2/352 1/232 (photo); 2/148, 172 (photo), 173, 273, 275; 3/39, 42, 121; 4/101; 5/146 (photo); 4/17 5/146 (photo) 5/108; 10/140 5/9 1/170; 3/108 (office); 5/146 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Muth, Alice and Joseph Muth, Iris Muth, J.H. (Mrs) Muth, Joseph (Mrs) Mutte, (Mrs) Mutual Benefit Health & Accident Assoc. My Creole Saidee - Program 1908 Myers, Albert Myers, Andrew and William Morcise Myers, Arthur Lee Myers, Bruce Myers, Clara (Mrs) Myers, Clifford Lee Myers, Frances M. Myers, Gilford (Pfc) Myers, G.M. and T.A. (M/M) Myers, Hebert A. (S.Sgt) Myers, Ida (Mrs) Myers, Ivan Joseph Myers, Jack Myers, J.M. Myers, John F. Myers, Joseph and Uda R. Myers, Leon (M/M) Myers, Nelson J. Myers, R.E. Myers, S.J. Myers, Walter J. Myers, William Myer's Crossing Myhand, Estelle Myhand, Joe C. Myhand, Mary Myhand, Octavia Hutchins Myhand, William H. Myles, Joseph Jr. Mylius, Ann Mylius, Barbara Mylius, Marilyn Matilda Myrtle Kennedia Institute Mystery of Grandfather's Coat [review] Nabors, J.M. Nabors, W.A. (Mrs) Nacogdoches, Tex. Naff, Nancy Nagem, Saleem Nagem, William E. Nagem, William E. (Mrs) Nagem's Grocery Naggett, David Nalley, John C. (Pfc) Book/Page number 5/259 7/8 7/103 7/114-115, 183, 193; 8/267 8/215 (photo) 10/198g, 209, 426, 428 3/166 7/64 7/201 7/163 5/307; 7/14, 20, 82 7/328 7/163, 391 (photo) 5/55 7/5 7/74 7/6, 326 (photo) 6/32; 7/200 7/282a, 431 8/75 (photo) 7/156 4/117 7/6 7/291 7/235, 291 (photo) 4/171 3/157, 160 7/452 1/159 1/161 10/37, 110 2/37 10/107 (photo) 3/81 3/81; 7/296 10/84 8/2 8/254 10/180 1/42; 2/147, 164; 10/11, 17 8/100 2/220 4/169 1/211 7/176, 403 10/186 f, g, 198f, i 2/286, 292; 3/217, 220 (photo), 224; 4/264; 7/198 7/173, 225 7/156 1/161 7/5 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Nance, Ada (Mrs) Nanny, Mother's Club Nanunce, Manuel J. Napier, J.O. Napier, Louis Napoleon Napoleonic Veteran Napoleon's Alabama Farmers Naquin, Alphonse, Mrs. C.J., Elphege, Ernest, Gabriel, and Whitney Naquin, Antoine Naquin, Victor Nash, Agnes Nash, Frances Nash, G. (Rev) Nash, Manuel Nash, W.B. Book/Page number 9/131 7/200 7/454 2/283 13A/20 5/70, 260 6/29 6/53 13A/18 13A/88 c1 13A/88 c1, 43 c1 4/201 10/47 Old Cemeteries/17 4/142 1/247; 3/56, 187, 189, 190; 7/15, 189, 192, 443 (photo); 10/214, 215 (photo), 236, 291 10/215 Nash, W.B. (Mrs) 3/14 Nason, George Nason, R.H. 1/280; 2/225; 3/24 (photo of home), 115 (photo), 122; 4/101, 171; 5/150 (photo of home); 6/24; 10/314, 315 Nason, William 10/20 Nason Villa 1/280; 3/14, 38; 6/24 Nassar, Michael and Phillip 6/198, 203 (photo) Natali, Frank Alexandra 7/429 Natali, George Peter 7/444 Natalie, Charles 7/82, 156 Natchez Indian Tribe 4/12, 21, 25 Natchez (Steamer) 3/46 Natchez Trace 8/273 Natchitoches, La. 1/210-212, 229; 3/232; 8/22 National Association for the Advancement & Protection of the Majority of 10/96 the White People, Inc. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 9/116; 10/95-97, 99 National Bank of Commerce 3/34 National Folk Festival 6/34 National Geographic 8/68 National Guard. See "Louisiana Guard and National Guard" and "Texas National Guard" National Jewish Hospital, Denver, CO 3/105 National Recovery Administration 8/203 National Rifle Assn. 4/123 National Rivers & Harbors Congress 8/194 Native Americans. See "Indians (Native Americans)" and individual tribes. Natural Food Products 4/76 Naturalized immigrants 8/252 Naugle, Irene (Mrs) 3/56 Naumann, William (Mrs) 6/27-28 Navajo Indians Tribe 4/26 Naval Stores 10/321-325 Navard, Andre (Mr) 13A/129 c1p2 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Navarra, Sam Navarre, Joseph W. and T.J. (M/M) Navarre, Simon (Mrs) Navarre, Virginia (Mrs) Navarro Home Navarro, Sam (Mrs) Navigation Bond Election Navrro, Josie (Miss) Navrro, R.E. Nazzaro, Joseph J. (Col) Neal, Charles A. Neal, Della Neal, Harry Neal, Harry (Mrs) Neal, J.H. Neal, J.M. Neal, Lucile Neal, Mitchell Neal, (Mr) Neal, Paul Neal, Sara D. (Lt) Nealey, C.P. Nealls Neame Neblett, Robert Caldwell (Dr) Nebular Hypothesis Neches River Nectoux, Louis (Mrs) Neeler, William Neely, George D. Neely, George D. (Mrs) Neely, Howard Neely, Howard (Mrs) Neely, J.M. Neely, John Neely, Mary Lou Neely, Myrtle Neely, Peggy Neely, Robert M. Nehi Bottling Company Neibert, Everett James Neibert, James R. Neibert, J.B. Neibert, William N. Neil, Albert Neil, Angie Neil, Joseph Neil, Paul and Tony (M/M) Neil, Vincent Book/Page number 3/12 7/311 (photo) 4/104 7/111 5/282 5/240 3/140 7/173 5/84 9/146, 148 8/36 1/263; 2/192; 3/17-18, 48-49, 121, 174, 177178; 7/189, 217 3/18, 121 1/42; 3/173 3/118; 4/101; 8/243 5/12 5/52 1/191, 224 2/192 7/396 7/168 1/50, 62, 66 10/116 4/128 13A/11 c1 1/187 4/18, 26 1/228 1/192 1/230; 2/264, 286, 333; 3/105, 221; 4/78, 171; 5/110, 232, 313; 7/113, 124, 450, 451; 8/61, 211, 240; 9/45; 10/16 7/11, 115, 122, 173, 225 6/197; 8/366; 9/4, 119 6/16 5/77 1/296; 7/347 7/330 (photo) 7/8 2/350; 5/232; 10/68, 127(photo) 8/92 7/155, 273, 426, 428, 435 1/208 3/182 4/101; 8/243 6/82 7/304 10/186 d, e (photo) 1/35 7/164, 341 (photo) 7/341; 8/167 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Neile, John Neile's Grocery Neilson, A.G. & Company Nelken, S.W. Nellteroads Nelms, O. (Miss) Nelson Nelson, Aaron Nelson, Alfred Nelson, Austin A. (M/M) Nelson, Bessie Smith, Christian, Edward E., Isabelle, James D., and Lucy Medus Nelson, Betty Nelson, Betty Jo Nelson, Billie Jo Nelson, Carol Nelson, Caye A. Nelson, C.C. (Capt) Nelson, Charley Nelson, Chris and W.D. (Mrs) Nelson, Clifford (Pvt) Nelson, Coadie (Pvt) Nelson, Dave Nelson, Della Mae Nelson, Donald Nelson, Emile Nelson Family Nelson, Floy Nelson, Fred Nelson, F.W. Nelson, George E. (Mrs) Nelson, Godfrey N. Nelson, Hale (Capt) Nelson, Henry, H.J. (Mrs), and Leland Nelson, H.H. Nelson, H.J. Nelson, Howard Nelson, Jack Nelson, Jesse J. Nelson, Laurence Wesley Nelson, Lefty Nelson, Lucille Nelson, Mildred Nelson, Milton J. Nelson, M.N. Nelson, Myrtis (Mrs) Nelson, R.I. Nelson, Russell A. Nelson Truck Lines Nelson, Vickie(?) Nelson, V.J. Book/Page number 5/252 7/156 2/327 5/29 2/233 5/12 10/110, 116 1/168 7/201 3/105; 4/78, 168; 5/57, 61, 110, 229, 284; 7/82, 333; 8/64; 10/222 7/75 10/129 (photo), 130a 8/72 (photo) 8/108; 10/174, 180, 186a, 189, 192 (photo) 7/66 8/213 4/153-154 3/70, 72 7/311 (photo) 7/157, 183, 277, 282a, 431, 452, 454 7/147 (photo) 4/135 10/127 (photo) 7/291, 243 5/55; 7/75 1/205; 4/121 2/353 2/264, 332; 5/88-90; 6/151; 9/124 7/296 8/56 7/67 7/178 8/193 (photo) 2/193 1/235 (photo); 4/87 10/198 a, e 5/82; 7/75, 333 (photo) 10/109, 118a, b 7/81 10/186 c 4/218 5/326 2/286, 292 (photo) 3/204 3/196 7/111 2/264 8/64 7/452 1/154 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Nelson, W.A. (M/M) Nelson, Wade Nelson, Walter Douglas Nelson, W.B. Nelson, W.D. Nelson, William D. Nelson, William W. Neraz, Rev. Father Nesmith, James A. Neste, Van (Mrs) Nettie (Boat) Nettleroad - Various spellings occur: Nettlerode Nettleroad, (Capt) Nettleroad Family Nettleroad, Joseph Nettles, John (Mrs) Netzloff, R.L. Neubrecht Neuller Neutral Land/Strip/Ground/Territory or "No Man's Land" [between Texas and Louisiana] Nevard, H.N. Nevels - Various spellings occur: Nevil, Nevils, Neville Nevels, James Nevels, Mary Ruth Never Herd of Such A Chair Nevil - Various spellings occur: Nevel, Nevels, Nevils, Neville Nevil, Henry (Mrs) Nevils, A.B. (Mrs) Nevils, Albert Nevils, Alvin L. Nevils, Ardulus Nevils, Artelus Nevils, Augusta (Mrs) Nevils, A.W. Nevils, Ellen Buller, Marius, and William Nevils, Frank J. Nevils, Henry (Mrs) Nevils, James Nevils-Lormand Family Reunion Nevils, Luke, Pierre (Family) Nevils, Nealy (Family) New Brunswick, Canada New, John New, Leonard C. New Deal New Drug Store New Emmanuel Baptist Church New Episcopal Church New Iberia, La. New Jersey New Orleans & Texas Railroad Book/Page number 3/192, 196; 5/307; 10/126 (photo), 192 4/96, 121 7/95 7/454 7/143 7/75 (photo), 183, 277, 282a 7/45, 94 1/210 7/228 2/271 2/65 2/269 1/251; 2/17 2/143; 5/14 4/245 8/134 10/116 8/65 1/205, 211; 3/63; 13A/1, 3; Old Places/48 (photo) 2/223 2/130, 131; 4/224; 13A/8 c1 4/224 Old Places/15 (photo) 7/442 6/49 7/3 7/452 4/59 13A/17 c1p8 9/144 (photo) 2/283 4/59 4/59; 13A/17 c2p8 7/377 4/59; 7/95 Old Cemeteries/22 4/59; Old Cemeteries/17 7/244-245, 290 (photo); 10/161 6/188 6/83 4/280 6/32; 8/207 8/100 10/210 1/8; Old Places/42 1/175; 3/33; 4/2, 4; 6/93; 8/68, 258 8/23 6/95; 13A/4 NAME OR DESCRIPTION New Orleans Bee New Orleans Brewing Company New Orleans Canal & Banking Co. New Orleans Charity Hospital New Orleans City Park Horse Race Track New Orleans Democrat, The New Orleans gun clubs New Orleans Harlequin newspaper New Orleans, Jackson & Great Northern Railroad New Orleans Jewish Home New Orleans, La. New Orleans, Opelousas & Great Western Railroad New Orleans Picayune newspaper New Orleans Times-Democrat newspaper New Orleans Times-Picayune newspaper New Orleans Volunteer Fire Dept. New Orleans Women's Club New People's Theatre New Road , The (newspaper) New Tram Saloon New York Candy Kitchen New York Chase National Bank New York, NY New York Nursery School New York Times Newberry, Farrar Newberry, Penn. Newchurch, Billy Newcombe, F.E. Howard Newcomer, Betty Jean Newcomer, Charles Wilber Newcomer, Donald Newcomer, Frank B.(M/M) Newcomer, Fred Marvin Newcomer, Gloria Newcomer, Walter Newell, James F. Newell, S.P. (Family) Newhouse, Sam Newland, Al (Mrs) Newland, Albert Newland, Charlie Bell Newland, J. (Mrs) Newland, John Newland, Lelia Newland, Lilia Newland, M.A. Newland, M.A. (Mrs) Book/Page number 3/141 5/139 3/34 2/124; 8/89 3/140 13A/5 3/15 3/95 6/92 2/202 1/1, 81, 97, 100, 163, 185-186, 195, 197, 205, 209-210, 213-214, 223, 230, 235, 250, 298; 2/15; 3/33, 36, 38, 46, 48; 4/2, 4, 107, 279-280; 6/53, 92, 194; 8/23, 68, 293 4/107; 6/92, 94, 95 1/81, 200, 201 3/96 6/138, 139 2/46 (photo) 3/171 3/167 1/266; 4/101 5/20, 140 2/276 3/117 1/208, 214, 222; 3/34 10/105 (photo) 7/67 2/265 2/202 7/302 1/59k; 3/122 (photo of house); 4/171; 5/150; 10/329 7/407; 10/193 7/95 10/186a, 198a 10/206 7/95, 217, 229 8/254 (photo); 10/159, 186e, 198a, g, 206 13A/18 c4p8 7/291, 384; 8/16, 238 (photo), 353; 9/9; 10/192 7/397 (photo) 4/169 8/229 10/219 (photo) 8/254; 10/198a, b, e, f, g, 206 7/225 10/68 10/113 (photo); 7/109 7/302 3/186 (photo) 10/115 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Newlin, Albert K. Newlin, Al (Mrs) Newlin, A.W. Newman, Alex Newman, Ben Newman, Ernest Newman, H.& C. Newman, Jefferson D. (Lt) Newman, Max Newman, Randolph Newman, T.K. (M/M) Newport, G.E. (Mrs) Newport Industries, Inc. Newsom, Norma Newspaper Carriers (1895) Newspapers [See also names of individual newspapers, e.g., Lake Charles American Press newspaper, Lake Charles Daily American newspaper, Lake Charles Commercial newspaper, etc. ] Newstadt's Shoe Store Newton, Asa Thomas and Lawrence Newton, Franklin M. Newton, Moss Clarence Newton, Texas Ney, Catherine Elizabeth Ney, Frederick Ney, Helen Ney, J.E. (Mrs) Ney, William Albert Ney, W.O. (Dr. & Mrs.) Neyland, Middleton Neyland, Richard Neyland, Watson Neyland, William Nezat, Justin Nez Pique, Bayou and Ferry [Various spellings occur: Neqicky, Nexipicee, Nexipicky, Nexpique, Nezipicky, Nezpique, Nez Coupe] Nezzio, Ann Nezzio, Frank (Mrs) Nezzio, Paul Nibletts Bluff (including the Cemetery) Nicaise, Charles, Euphrosine, Ginivieve, and Jean Nicaragua Nichaus, Nick Nicholas, Henry P. Nicholas, J.P. Nicholls, Ed (Capt) Nicholls Family Book/Page number 7/82, 123 (photo), 124 7/146, 173; 10/148 4/90 5/82 7/296 7/452 3/35-36 7/81 (photo), 208, 229, 452, 454 3/33 7/88 (photo) 7/81, 229 6/19 7/155, 273, 426, 428 4/122 1/266; 8/248 (photo) 1/268; 3/60, 61, 67; 172, 173; 4/101 2/351; 7/155, 273, 426, 428; 10/186f, 198c, 209 7/86 6/82 7/296 2/177, 272 7/283, 287(photo) 2/341 7/107, 109; 8/229(photo); 10/127 (photo), 129130a 7/328 7/81 7/173, 268, 278, 283; 8/229 (photo); 10/138 1/33, 35-36, 39-40, 50, 279 1/42, 61, 65, 69, 75, 95 5/177 1/11, 47, 69, 75 7/228 1/14, 17, 21, 24, 33, 37, 46, 59, 63, 75, 80, 88, 91, 93-95, 99, 115, 123, 126, 133, 137, 150-152, 153, 157, 160, 191, 195, 211, 223; 4/12; 13A/37 c1 10/163 10/187 a 7/307 (photo) 1/45, 49, 52, 61, 96, 131, 136, 146, 152-153, 155, 157-158, 205-206, 220, 276; 2/87; 3/187; 4/81, 87, 107; 5/28; 10/118; 13A/11; Old Cemeteries/24, 38, 40, 42, 43 13A/52 6/19 4/280 3/15; 6/82 3/15 2/65 4/86 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Nicholls, Francis T. Nicholls, Governor Nichols, A.M. Nichols, Augustin Nichols, David W. Nichols, Durham, H.A., J.M. (Mrs), and Wade H. Nichols, E.H. (Capt) Nichols, Francis Tillou Nichols, H.E. Nichols, Isaac Nichols, Jackson and T.J. Nichols, James Nichols, J.C. Nichols, J.I. Nichols, John (Mrs) Nichols, Joseph Nichols, Joyce Nichols, Lee Nichols, Pete Nichols, Ross Nichols Street Nichols, William Nichols, W.S. (Judge) Nicholson, George Nicholson, M.C. Nick, Emile and J.I. Nick, May Nickelodeon Nickelson, Bernice Nickelson, Clara Nickey, Billy Nicolaeff, Peter (Pvt) Nicosa, John Niewald, W.H. (Pastor) Nigeria, Badagry Niles, David K. Nimitz, Chester W. (Adm.) Nisby, Mercedes Niv, J.G. (Mrs) Niwad, Genevieve Nix & Lyons General Store Nix, Belton Toney Nix, Fred Nix, H.G. Nix, J.E. Nix, John Nix, John (Mrs) Nix, John E. (Mrs), Martha, and Nix Street Nix, John Henry (Sgt 1/c) Nix, T.G. (M/M) Nix, W.D. Nixon, Haskell L. Book/Page number 6/86; 5/159 1/232, 298 5/77; 10/19 10/21a 7/64 3/180 2/70; 5/4 1/162; 2/131; 6/66 2/332 2/131; 4/96 5/77 3/120 4/115; 7/451 4/96 4/166 1/205; 4/118 7/107 (photo) 1/205; 4/118, 121 5/52 2/132 6/66; 8/85 1/96, 110 8/202 13A/5 7/439 (photo) 4/80 6/46 3/164 7/95 10/181 4/7, 9 (photo) 7/118 10/235 2/312 13A/130 c1p1 7/422 7/421 (photo) 10/199a 7/248 7/116 1/168 7/220 (photo), 234, 248 2/248 1/146, 153, 157; 3/33; 5/55; 6/66; 13A/8 c2 1/229; 3/97 8/21 (photo) 2/68 6/66 7/401 (photo) 7/220, 234 1/148 7/151 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Nixon, James H. Nixon, J.H. (Mrs) Nixon, Joseph H. Nixon, Kelly Nixon, Olie (Mrs) and X.L. Nixon, Thomas E. (T.Sgt) Nixon, W.T. Nixport Beer Garden Nix's Ferry No Mans Land. See "Neutral Land" and "Rio Hondo" No Vel Shop Noah, Alfred Noah, O.H. Noamand, (Miss) Noble, Bessie Noble, Charles Noble, Clyde E. Jr. Noble, C.O. Noble, C.O. (Mrs) Noble, David (M/M) Noble, Dorothy Miller Noble, E.D. Noble, Grace E. (Mrs) Noble, John Noble, John H. Noble - Trotter Rice Mill Nobles, Kate Noel, Claudius Noel, Elda M. and Helen Nolan, A.W. (Family) Noland Family Noland, Iveson B. (Rev) Noland, Sam Noland, Willis Wade Nolley, Samuel B. Nolte, Vincent Non Partisan Civic & Political League Noonan, Bill (Sgt) Noonan, Robert H. Nope, Creighton Nope, Darrell Nope, J.F.(Mrs) Nope, Joseph Fielding Nordyke, Gail Jr. Norgress, Joseph Norgress, Rachael Norman Norman, Betty Sue Norman, Beverly Norman, James C. and Rena (Mrs) Norman, L.A. Book/Page number 5/55 7/165 2/131 7/201 7/337 7/406 5/270 13A/7 c1; 2/152 1/151 2/350 10/193 8/15 3/54 10/304 5/266, 276 7/345 (photo) 1/230; 2/243; 3/123, 191; 4/104; 5/206; 8/64, 214 3/85; 5/263; 7/93, 103, 112; 8/326 8/93 4/72 4/98 7/345 10/197 1/239 5/160; 10/96 3/21 7/95 7/194 1/227; 7/93; 9/44 1/206 1/9; 2/132 1/295 9/44 (photo) 1/96-104, 106; 10/6, 110 13A/134 p3 8/240 7/154 7/151 7/95 8/14 (photo); 10/181 10/185 7/201 10/159, 214 8/71 8/71, 73; 10/126, 138, 197-198g, f 7/410 7/109; 10/129-130a (photo) 7/337, 410 (photo) 7/307 5/262; 9/45 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Norman, Leslie Norman, Nanette Normand, Allen Norred, Edward J. Norris and Cain (Lumber mill) Norris, (Captain) Norris, Kay Norris Mill Norris, (Mr) Norris, (Mrs) Norris Point Norris, W.B. Norris, W.B. (Mrs) North America Land & Timber Co. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Officers North, Beatrice North Church (old) North Court Street (See also Court Street and North Court Street) North Lake Charles Sawmill North, Marion, Margie, or Marjorie North, Minnie Southerland North, Newton E. North, Newton S. North, Robert I. North, W.S. Northcutt, Frances (Mrs) Northern King Northrop, E.H. and Hubert A. (Sgt) Northrop, E.H. (Mrs) Northrop [or Northup], Fredrick (Rev) Northy, Don Norton, Allen (Mrs) Norton, Betty Norton, Evelyn Norton, Gladys Norton, Henry A. Norton, James W. Norton, Mabel, Stock Company Norton, Margaret Elizabeth Norton, Mary Norton, Nettie and Stella Book/Page number 10/166, 179-180 10/174, 179 10/166 6/82 10/347 2/18; 3/129-130; 6/89; 9/131 8/2 3/36, 71; 1/147; 2/186 3/69 3/64; 6/89 1/225; 3/69 (photo), 71; 5/42; 10/311 1/147, 225; 2/70, 130, 248, 275; 3/126, 128 (photo of home), 236; 4/95, 101; 5/42, 82; 7/296; 10/311 3/128 1/229, 230; 2/124, 183, 257; 3/34, 83; 5/7, 161163; 6/77; 8/9, 133; 10/122, 127 (photo), 314 8/194 (photo) 6/42; 8/226; 9/59 4/107 1/169-172, 175, 178, 179, 272, 300; 2/10; 8/214; 10/123 3/237 (photo) 2/265, 354-355; 10/121, 127, 129-130a, 137 1/57 e 1/57e, 59k, 61b, i, 63; 2/255 (photo), 265 (photo), 276; 3/16, 58, 86, 98, 105, 112, 115-119; 4/78, 123, 168; 6/63 (photo); 7/113; 8/295; 10/16 2/265; 3/105, 112, 116, 119; 4/78; 5/311; 7/67, 111; 8/293; 9/38, 39 8/92 7/5 8/353 1/221 7/199 (photo) 6/49 1/9 7/188 7/146 2/355; 10/174, 179, 180, 186a, g, 187, 189 (photo), 193 2/355 8/67 2/264; 4/77; 5/155, 316; 7/82, 89, 208, 387; 8/330; 9/116 (photo), 150; 10/92, 118, 170, 196, 218 (photo), 229 8/37 2/21 10/186a, 193 9/33 3/135 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Norwood, Charles Norwood, D.I. Norwood, Earl (Mrs) Norwood, Earl R. (Sgt) Norwood, Garland E. (Sgt) Norwood, George Jessen (Mrs) Norwood, H.C. (M/M) Norwood, Margaret Ellen (Mrs) Norwood, N.W. (M/M) Norwood, Tom Willie Norwood, Vera Nosacka, Joseph (Mrs) Not Dead Yet Notestine, F.E. Notestine, F.L. Novak, E.J. Novak, E.J. (Mrs) Novelty Wood Works Nuestra Senora De Guadalupe de Albuquerque de los Nacogodoches Mission Nugest, Larry Nugiba, Adam Nunez, Alice, Loretta, and Verde Nunez, Alvin, Francis, and Jesse Nunez, Amos Harry Nunez, Asa and Reggie Nunez, Bernice (Mrs) Nunez, Delores and Donnie Nunez, Edras Jr. Nunez, Eulice Nunez, Eulice (Mrs) Nunez, Gabe Nunez, George Nunez, George (Mrs) Nunez, Joe (Mrs) Nunez, John B. Nunez, Joseph A. Jr. and Richard Jerome Nunez, Lee (Mrs) Nunez, Ova (M/M) Nunez, Red Nunez, Rickey Nunnelly, Merriola (Mrs) Nuremburg, Germany Nursery School Nursing Profession Nutria Industry Nutrition Nutt, A.C. Comedy Nutter, Catherine (Mrs) Nutter, Howard Nutter, James C. Nutter, J.M. (M/M) and William Howard Book/Page number 7/296 5/205 7/146 7/5 7/84, 295, 399 7/357 7/399 1/223 7/84 7/95 7/84 (photo), 357, 358 (photo) 9/27 1/212 2/340, 343 2/328 4/168 6/17 3/34 13A/109 c3 10/230 4/237 4/218 4/142 10/136 4/283 13A/18 c4p9 4/243, 282, 283 7/296 4/218, 225, 260 4/192 7/156 (photo) 4/287 4/294 4/237 4/189, 225, 229, 278 4/282 4/282 c 4/289, 290 (photo) 4/270 4/243 6/50 8/292 5/228 8/101, 117-120, 183-184 8/185 7/153, 213, 272; 8/216 6/23 7/200 9/51 7/6; 10/47 7/230 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Nutter, Ralph Nye, Richard Nyers, Arthur Lee Nylon Stockings Oak Grove Baptist Church Oak Grove, La. Oak Park Development Corp. and Subdivision Oakdale, La. Oakley, William J. (Family) Oakley, Winnie Oakney, Donald J. Oakwood Cemetery Oates, Marvin Franklin Oates, Walter B. Oberdick, Dan (Pastor) Oberlin College Oberlin, La. Oberlin News newspaper O'Bier, H.H. (Rev) O'Bierne, Nellie (Mrs) O'Blanc, Alsee Jr. O'Blanc, Placide O'Blanc, Welfred Emmerie O'Blar, John O'Blar (Hebert), Placide Oblate fathers O'Brian - Various spellings occur: O'Brien, O'Bryan O'Brian, Hugh Wallace O'Brien O'Brien, Alton (Rev) O'Brien & Blair O'Brien Building O'Brien, E.A. O'Brien, Francis O'Brien, J. O'Brien, Jeremiah O'Brien, Jerry (Family) O'Brien, John O'Brien, Julia O'Brien, Lily O'Brien, Martha C. (Sgt) O'Brien, Nellie O'Brien, R.J. O'Brien, Robert (Ted) O'Brien, R.P. (Mrs) O'Brien, Sallie O'Brien Street O'Brien, William E. O'Bryan, Dan O'Bryan Home Book/Page number 5/281; 7/183, 277, 282 (photo), 452, 454; 10/130 (photo), 136, 233 7/118 7/66 7/439 4/297 4/273; 10/118 6/204, 210; 8/15, 70; 9/9 1/233, 237, 247, 297; 3/34; 4/3, 91, 266; 6/191 7/146, 198; 10/192 7/306 3/221 13A/21 c3p5 Old Cemeteries/22 6/83 2/311 2/183 3/34; 4/97; 5/77; 7/278 3/60 13A/18 c3p3, 21 c4p1 3/172 7/229 7/296 7/449, 201 1/100 1/97 1/210 7/151, 295 1/155; 2/71 1/239 2/71, 92, 333 (furniture); 6/64 1/222 7/451 10/212 (photo) 2/129 1/156; 4/75 1/155; 2/56 (photo of home), 233 (photo of home), 269; 3/43, 110, 209; 6/19, 60; 10/11 2/248 3/42 3/80, 112, 116; 10/224 7/431 1/222 3/23, 204 1/219 1/40 1/40, 42; 2/205 6/66 7/250 6/82 3/10 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION O'Bryan, Lucius O'Bryan, Pat O'Bryan, Robert F. O'Bryan, Robert P. O'Bryan, Thomas H. (Mrs) Occupy Baptist Church and Cemetery Ocean Springs, Miss. O'Conner, Frankie Ocraman, Ralph O'Dally, James Odd Fellows Anchor Lodge #59 IOOF Odeas, "Old Man" Odin, (Bishop) Odom, David Odom, Elisha Odom, Eva Odom, J.Fred Odom, Leyton H. Odom, Margaret Odom, Oliver Odom, R.H. Odom, Robert Hunt Odom, Roy H. Odom, Thomas (Mrs) O'Donnell, Bill O'Donnell Funeral Home Officer, H.R. (Mrs) Offinger, Daniel E. Jr. and M/M D.L. Ogden, (General) Ogden, Harry Ogden, H.W. Ogden, Wesley Ogea, Adeline Ogea, Andrus, Simeon, and Walus Ogea, Corine Ogea, Ira Joseph Ogea, James Luther (Mrs) Ogea, Joseph (Pfc) Ogea, Lucy Ogea, Luther Ogea, Robert J. (Cpl) Ogg, Richard Park Oghorne, Clyde Oglisby, (Prof) Ogonowski, Edward P. (Capt) Ohio Ohio State Band Ohland, Vernon (S.Sgt) Ohlmeyer, Harriett (Mrs) Ohlmeyer, Harvey L. Ohlmeyer, L.P. Ohlmeyer, L.P. (M/M) Book/Page number 2/244; 6/46, 82; 10/204 8/328 4/171; 6/82 1/230; 2/246, 247; 3/36, 41; 5/9, 192 3/186; 4/80 1/297 1/197; 2/174 Old Cemeteries/22 4/287 5/3 3/33, 41, 204, 223, 225; 6/32 5/77 1/210 1/168 1/10, 14, 24, 35, 58-59, 67 5/269 6/67 7/296 7/66 1/66-67 2/128, 167, 182; 4/97 3/42 5/331 7/50 8/366 4/294 13A/20 c1p3 7/235 2/15 5/307 3/35 8/238 4/82 7/296 7/450 7/437 7/449-450 7/5 13A/18 c3p9 7/449-450 (photo) 7/289, 395 7/201 9/22 (photo) 5/77 7/219 1/199; 4/106 3/103 7/178 5/262 7/434 7/402 7/224 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Ohlmeyer, Paul (Sgt) Ohlmeyer, Paul H. (Sgt) Ohlmeyer, Paul L. (S.Sgt) Ohlmeyer, Paul Louis (S.Sgt) Ohlymeyer, Harvey L. Oil Industry. See "Petroleum Industry." O.K. Grocery & Market Oklahoma Oklahoma Indians Old Harp Singers Old Ironsides Old Market Hall Old Pampa Old Spanish Trail/Trace Old Timers Picnic Old Town. See "Marion, La." Old Town Bay and Road Oldest Historical Spot Oldroyd, Alice Wilson Olds, James O'Leary, John Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp. Oliver, Betty Oliver, Curtis P. (T-5) Oliver, D. Harold Oliver, Dora Williams (Mrs), E.A., Leonard, L.T., O.K., and P.B. Oliver, Ed Oliver, E.J. Oliver, H. (Mrs) Oliver, Henry (M/M) Oliver, Herman (Mrs) Oliver, Howard A. Oliver, Leo Pierre Oliver, Luke Oliver, N.E. (Mrs) Oliver, Upton J. Oliver, W.L. Oliver, Wylie B. Oliver, Zachary Taylor (M/M) Olivier, A. and Herman (Mrs) Olivier, Andre Olivier, Andrew Olivier, C.B. (Mrs) and Upton Olivier, Ernest Olivier, James J. Olivier, Louise Olivier, L.P. and O.K. Book/Page number 7/195-196, 271, 288 7/138 (photo) 7/225, 248 7/226 7/224, 402 10/186b, 198 4/2-3, 13, 19, 104; 8/277 4/4, 26 6/90 6/6/136-137; 170-171, 172 (photo), 172 (program for), 172 (history of), 173-174 1/43 (photo) 5/77 1/210-212, 214, 217, 219, 224, 229, 233; 3/192; 5/178; 6/187; 8/9, 62, 63, 207, 209, 214, 220, 221, 268; 10/118, 121 8/193 (photo) 2/137 (photo); 6/47, 195, 197, 198; 10/308 Old Cemeteries/3 5/184-186 1/96, 98, 110, 146 9/115 6/182 (map), 183 (photo), 183-184 (principal products) 2/353 7/349, 397 7/366 13A/20 3/120 8/269 9/34 7/349, 397 13A/10 c2p4, 53 c4 7/245 7/201 6/83 3/54 7/229 4/171 7/171, 172, 174, 178, 184; 2/265 4/18 5/83 4/62 4/3 7/332 5/108; 7/42, 340, 423; 8/256 (photo), 304, 309; 10/140 7/332, 431, 452, 454 6/43, 55; 8/220 5/286 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Olivier, Mary Olivier, Roy Anthony Olmstead - Various spellings occur: Olmsted Olmstead, Betty Lou Olmstead, Charles Olmstead, Earl Olmstead, P.E. (M/M) Olney, Ollie Olsen Olsen, Elias Olsen, Emma Olsen, Ole Olson, Ernest A. (Pfc) Olson, Willie One Room Cabin O'Neal O'Neal, Georgia Lee O'Neal, M.D. (Mrs) O'Neal, M.L. O'Neal, Richard O'Neil, Jack (Mrs) O'Neil, James O'Neil, Jim O'Neil, John O'Neil, J.W. O'Neil, M.D. (Mrs) O'Neill, Charles O'Neill, James Ontario (Boat) Onxley, Philbert Opelousas Courier newspaper Opelousas Indian Tribe Opelousas Journal Opelousas, La. Opelousas Parish, La. Opelousas Rifles Company Opelousas Road Opelousas Street Opelousas, The Open Air Exhibitions Opera Houses. See also names of individual Opera Houses. Operation Alert Operation Rescue Oppenheimer's Cut Rate Store O'Pry, Dabney O'Pry, Garland and Wesley (Mrs) O'Pry, Ida (Mrs) O'Pry, Rodney Optimist Club Book/Page number 10/22 7/95 7/53 7/43 7/82, 296, 441 3/236; 7/441 7/307 (photo) 10/23 6/19 10/224 (photo), 23, 26 5/82 7/419 8/13 (photo) 8/23 (photo) 10/326 10/136 13A/38 (c3p1); 6/17; 8/326; 9/34 7/296 7/314 2/197 2/21 (actor); 6/64 7/82 3/71 2/95 9/34 8/234 6/33 3/60 7/315 1/131, 262, 263; Old Places/66 4/16; 9/145 1/163 1/14, 45, 47, 59, 61-62, 66, 80, 82, 126, 130, 133, 136-137, 155, 184, 192, 204-205, 214, 232, 262263; 3/45; 4/17-18, 28, 32; 6/31, 66; 8/214; 9/144; Old Places/4 1/37 6/86 1/33, 46; 6/28 6/66; 8/192, 289; 10/113 (photo - house) 6/92 3/164 5/16; 6/78; 8/243 9/143 6/202-203 5/139, 144 7/297, 401 7/297 7/253 7/95, 297 8/88 NAME OR DESCRIPTION O'Quain, Adam A. O'Quain, Daniel O'Quain, Eldridge O'Quain, J.C. O'Quain, John O'Quain, Wilford Oquin, William O'Quinn, Alvin O'Quinn, Earl (Family) O'Quinn, Ernest O'Quinn, Treville Orange Grove Stadium Orange Grove Cemetery Orange Land Company Orange, Texas Orange Trees Orcutt, H.A. (Mrs) O'Reilly, Alma O'Reilly, Lily Orendorff, (Captain?) Orendorff, Seth B. Orphey, Fae Orr, George Orr, Joseph Orr, Lynn Orr, (Mrs) Orr, W.J. Orrin Street Ortego, Absie John Ortego, Adam Ortego, Joseph Thomas Ortego, William and Zina Mae Ortmeyer, Frank (Mrs) Ortmeyer, Harry Ory, Butler Edward or Edward Butler Ory, E.L. (Family) Ory, Eugene Ory, Eula (Mrs) and Jane Schley Ory, Jim Ory, Lucille Ory, S.J. (Mrs) Ory, Valeria Ory, V.J. Jr. (Seaman) Osborn, Maie (?) Osborn, W.H. Osborn, William Rapp Osceola - Grave of Osteen, Albert S. Jr. (Pvt) Oswald Ott, Claribel Ott, Cora Book/Page number 7/6, 434 8/92 7/6 7/340 7/6, 452, 454 7/6, 452, 454 1/126 7/343 7/5, 291; 8/347 7/296; 10/130 (photo) 1/94 8/327 1/223, 230; 3/126, 132 3/34 1/206, 210, 213, 214, 225, 230; 2/82, 96; 4/3, 87, 127; 6/91, 93, 164; 10/131 1/194; 3/38 3/54 6/119; 10/30 5/4 3/98 4/171 7/111 1/212 7/455 5/331 4/89 6/113 1/248; 6/66 7/201 7/95 3/204; 7/81 7/253 6/89 1/6, 42 7/237; 10/161 7/237, 338 (photo) 7/296; 10/185, 198g 7/338 2/23, 53 7/50, 61, 124 5/6 8/308a 7/240 (photo), 425 (photo) 3/43 1/97 3/193 Old Places/90 (photo) 7/266, 395 8/13 8/214 2/358 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Ott, George Ott, Mary Higgins Ott, Paul Shattuck Ott, R.A. Ott, Sam Ott, T.E. (M/M) Ott, W.T. Ottinger, Daniel Edgar (Family) Ottinger, Mike Otto, Kenneth Otto, W.L. (Mrs) Our Lady of LaSalle Church Our Obligation ( poem) Ours, Hiram Oury, Michael Oushola (Bird Singer) (Choctaw Ind.) Ousley, Angie and Louis Francis Ousley, Clarence and Lenora Ousley, James, Julian, and Wallace Ousley, J.S. "Bud" (Pvt) Ousley, William Cole Out, Elice Overman, Glenn Overstreet, Virginia Henry Overton, John (Senator) Overton, Winston Overton, Winston (Mrs) Owen, Allison (Gen) Owen, Frances Owen, George Owen, G.T. Owen, James Mason Owen, T.L. Owenby, Richard Owens, A.D. Owens, E.W. (M/M) Owens, Fred (M/M), Jack (Mrs), and Pat Owens, Helen Ruth Owens, Jimmy and Marvin Owens, J.O. (M/M) Owens, J.Walker Owens, Linda Marie Owens, Oscar Owens, Phyllis E. Owens, T.W. (Rev) Owens, Wayne L. Owens, Wayne LeJoie Owens, W.L. Owens, W.Lynn (Mrs) O.W.L. Social Club Oxford, Betty Book/Page number 7/73 2/357 7/66, 397 6/176 2/220 7/397 7/296 7/112, 315, 412, 431 (photo) 7/412 8/6; 10/198e, 198 7/425 (photo) 8/199 3/231 1/191, 224; 13A/3 7/118 4/20 5/218 5/210 5/216 7/185 (photo) 5/209-219 (photos and poems) 8/3, 321 2/333 7/201 5/110; 7/9, 411; 8/223, 238, 304 1/44, 57c, e, 59k, 61i, 63, 180, 185; 4/96, 171; 5/9; 6/56 3/148 13A/128 c1p10 8/84 1/191, 224 7/13 7/201, 452, 454 7/141 6/90 13A/50 c3p17 7/232, 306; 8/362 8/193 (photo) 6/73, 75 4/201 5/271 8/185, 187; 9/127 10/197 7/226, 338; 8/32 4/218 3/216 7/232 7/81 7/234 (photo) 8/88 4/100 10/198a NAME OR DESCRIPTION Oxford, Robert Paar, Norman Pacanas Indian Tribe Pace, Dominico Pace, Hardy, Jess, Mahala Isacks, R.C. (Sheriff), Rebecca, Willie Pace, J.E. and Jo Anna Pacific & Louisiana Railroad Pacific Ocean Pacific Plans Packard Packman, Henry (Mrs) Packman, H.I. (Gen) Packman, J.A. Packman, Max Packman's Jewelry Paddon, Patricia Paddon, Raymond Padget, M.L. (Mrs) Padgett, Lois Padgett's Implement Store Padrisot, P.F. (Father) Page, Frank Page, Robert (Pvt) Pageot Real Estate - C.G.C. Paige, Sam Paine, Hamilton Painter, David Painter, Jeanine Painter, Joseph John Paitenent, W.J. (Capt) Palace Grocery Palace Saloon Palais Royal (See Riff's Palais Royal) Palermo, Anthony Palermo, Frank Palermo, I. (Mrs) Palermo, Julia Palestine Baptist Church Palgo, Isabell Palliassot, J. Palmamo, Joe Palmer, C.R. (Mrs) Palmer, Judy (Mrs) Palmer, Paul E. Palmer, Silas Palmer, T.F. and W.F. Palmer, T.L. (Mrs) Palmer, T.S. Palmer, Walter Palmer, William (Brig. Gen) Palmetto braiding Palmetto House Book/Page number 10/212 (photo), 226 7/423 1/209 5/260 8/192 8/50 3/236 4/107 7/473 1/162 3/85 6/210 (photo) 6/113, 121, 125 2/286 (photo), 292; 7/72 (photo), 201 10/186b, 198g 2/350, 355 2/350 3/147 3/54 6/125 1/210 5/77 7/118 2/4 6/62 2/351 2/332 10/186 f 7/449 1/251 1/281; 3/25, 60, 138; 5/9 1/288 7/86 7/399 (photo) 7/156 10/161 1/205 10/210 13A/52 c2 10/182 4/97 7/272 2/332 1/168 3/17 6/15 6/62; 4/101 6/62 7/401 (photo) 6/55 4/16 (sketch) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Palmetto, La. Palumbo, Deltha L. Pan Am Oil Company Panama Canal Pancho, John Panebinto Groceries, V. Panfilov, Basil Pantall, Jack Papania, Lucas P. (Pvt) Papania, Mike papaw fruit Papin, Iva Mae Papin, John (M/M) Pappas, Mary Louise Pappas, (Mess Sgt) Parades. See also names of holidays and celebrations. Paragon Drug Store Paramount Theater Paratroopers Pardee Family Parent Teacher Assn. Paret Family Paret, George Lock (Family) Paret, Letitia (Mrs) Paret, Lock (Family) Paret, Milnor L. (Mrs) Paret, M.P. (Mrs) Paret, O.I. Parfait, Jean Baptiste Parham, R.H. (Lt) Paris, Anna Paris Exposition Paris, Tex. Parish, Allen Parish, David Parish, E.D. Parish, Eliza Ann Parish, Robert Park, G.G. Fences Park, Marvin Stewart Park, Sam Park, Thomas Leon Parker, A.D. Parker, A.O. Parker, Benjamin Parker, Berton H., Charles M., and Ed Parker, Calvin "Buddy" Parker, Charles H. Book/Page number 9/45 7/378 4/279 5/24-25 4/39 2/5 8/299 10/186 b 7/411 2/335 (photo) 8/199 3/57 7/348 10/47 7/25 6/80, 167 (photo), 169 (1926 photo), 176; 8/93 (1889 photo); 9/113 (photo) 4/80 7/100; 10/186g, 198a; 6/64, 174; 7/218; 8/162, 216, 258; 9/157 7/35, 258 5/77 10/68, 115 Old Places/111 5/8; 6/48; 7/113, 225, 235, 343, 347 (photo); 8/319; 10/344-346 Old Places/11 7/82, 119 (photo), 234, 343, 357 (photo); 8/189 (photo) 2/2 2/330; 5/55, 222, 276; 7/191 1/230 4/175 7/26 9/27 3/113 6/19 3/94 6/83 10/118, 162 5/4 2/323 2/5 7/95 2/236 7/86 4/280 2/283 1/19, 135, 155, 161 6/83 6/122 6/208 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Parker, Christiana L. Parker, Dempsey Parker, E.C. (Mrs) Parker, George Parker, Georgia (Mrs) Parker, Guy L. and William H. Parker, Hillary (Pvt), Robert A., and Susan Parker, Irene Parker, Jack and Jean Baptiste Parker, James Parker, J.C. (Mrs) Parker, Jesse (Family) Parker, John Parker, L.A. and L.J. Parker, Lank Parker, Lorena Parker, Louis (Family) Parker, Luther J. Jr. Parker, Mildred Parker, Pearl Parker, Richard A. Parker, Shirley Ann Parker, Susanne Parker, Thomas J. Parker, Willard (Pvt) Parkerson, J.G. Parkerson, W.S. Parkin & Reed Parkin, H. (Mrs) Parking Meters Parks, Dorothy Parks, Harold D. (Major) Parks, K.E. (M/M) and Willard Parks, Robert L. Jr. and Sr. Parlange, Charles Parnell, Fred D. (M/M) Parnell, La. Parra, Leland Parrett, Theo Parrish, Donald Parrish, Edwin D. Parrish, Jackie Parrott, Emily Parrott, Verna Parrott's Seed Store Parroy, John (Major) Parry, Alice Parry, (Miss) Parry, Sheffield Bridgewater Parry, W.W. Parson, Bess H. Parson, Minnie Book/Page number 7/66 7/86 7/112 5/15 8/280 7/296 7/429 (photo) 7/172 (photo) 7/118 2/323; 5/225; 9/15 5/171 7/197, 329, 362; 10/136 7/81 2/265 7/86 5/326 7/5, 448 7/228 10/129-130a (photo) 7/116 7/338 10/161 7/448 5/55 7/292 (photo) 2/249 3/21 2/253 3/14-15 8/296, 299 10/166 7/118, 181 7/329 (photo) 7/177 (photo) 3/35 7/112, 115; 8/238 10/319 10/187 a 1/60-61i 10/179 7/39, 120, 173, 217; 8/211; 10/187a, 196 10/187 a 1/61i 8/214 7/155, 273; 10/186a, 198c 2/258 3/18, 48 (photo), 135, 177-178; 6/15 3/173 7/86 6/82 7/67, 111 3/60 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Parson, Roland Parsons Parsons, C.D. Parsons, John W. Parsons, Thomas Partin, Billy Wayne Partlow, Bessie and W.S. (Mrs) Partridge, John Partridge, Joseph (Family) Partridge, Paula Parvin, Robert Passani (?), N.J. Passenger Pigeons Passion Play Pasteur, Louis Paszkiewicz, Jan Patch, C.E. Pate, James Pater, W.J. Pathfinder Parade Patin, Bass & Brame, Attorneys Patin, John A. Patin, Wilbert Pierce Patorno, John Patrician Realty Patrick, Charles Patriot Patriot - The (newspaper) Patterson Patterson, Amy Patterson, (Commodore) Patterson, C.V. Patterson, Daniel Todd Patterson, Harry G. [Sulphur] Patterson, J.W. Patterson, Mary Jo Ann Patterson, Mildred Patterson, Paul Patterson, (Rev. Mr.) Patterson, Robert P. Patterson, Vera Patterson, W.E. (Mrs) Patterson, William E. Pattillo, George A. Patton, Charles J. Patton, Frank (Mrs) Patton, W.F., Mrs. Paul, Madame Paul, Ben (Mrs) Paul, Benjamin Book/Page number 7/82 10/121 6/82 1/95, 96, 105, 210; 5/183 9/142 Old Cemeteries/22 5/177 5/77 4/123; 5/87, 155, 157, 243, 281; 7/112, 115, 122, 173, 198, 294; 8/240, 293, 330; 9/38 7/109 (photo), 294, 353 (photo); 10/129-130a 2/323 4/107 1/241; 8/53-54 7/231 3/113 9/139 8/267 8/347 8/269 5/68 10/194 4/39; 3; 2/267 (photo); 5/318; 8/323, 10/300 7/3 13A/87 c2 2/264 9/9 3/38; 8/243 5/12 5/77 4/166 13A/21 4/139, 142; 8/197 13A/19 7/93 5/309 Old Cemeteries/22 5/119 7/300 2/182 7/34, 178 6/67 (photo) 4/17 2/276, 284, 286 (photo), 289, 327, 330; 3/213, 214, 221, 223; 4/17, 168, 171; 5/8, 143 1/168 7/151 7/282 c 10/306 2/234 4/22-23 4/2-3 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Paul, Davey Crockett Paul, Dorothy Paul, Eugene H. (Pvt) Paul, Jake Paul, Kenneth (Rev) Paul, Marian Paul, Pauline Paul, Samuel H. Pauley, Ida Nell (Mrs) Pauley, Leonard Pauley, Leonard A. (Lt. Col) Pauley, Leonard E. (Capt) Pauley, Pearl (Mrs) Pauley, Raymond (Capt) Pauley, Raymond H. Pauley, Rosemary Kuttner (Mrs) Pauley, Sharon Pauley, Sharon Ann Paullin, James (Dr.) Paulsen, Alfred (Mrs) and Brenda Paupers Pavell, Anna Pavell, T. Pavia, Louis P. Pavia, S.P. Pavia Insurance Company Pavilvosky, Nagegda (Dr) Pavrot Pavy, Edward Pawnee Bill's Historic Wild West Show, 1907 program Payne, Bernerd W. (T. Sgt) Payne, Harriet Payne, Mary (Mrs) Payne, Sara and Susan Payne, W.H. Payne Family Payton, Jimmy Payton, Sidney (Mrs) Peace, Henry Peace, Pearl Peach Tree Village Peake, (Mrs) Peake, Cora Peake Home Pearce Pearce, A.N. (Mrs) Pearce, Bill Pearce, Bill (Mrs) Pearce, Delbert, Jack, John H., John L., Wesley W., and Wylie B. (M/M) Pearce, E.D. Pearce, Eunice Pearce, Myrtle (Mrs) Book/Page number 1/240 8/308 a 7/198 9/15 13A/48 c3p4 10/178, 198a 4/25, 30, 60 8/293 7/331, 395 9/38 2/244 6/203; 7/6, 293, 331, 343, 448; 9/121 7/173, 293, 331, 437, 439, 448 8/92; 9/38 7/6, 325, 331, 395, 437 7/293, 448 7/437 7/331 7/365, 367 8/67 1/135-136, 141, 148 4/75 5/82 3/160, 169 4/171 5/139 8/299 1/209 10/94 3/161 7/223 (photo) 8/71 (photo); 10/193 7/342 7/118 1/289; 3/221; 5/50 8/202 4/218 4/225 1/168 8/68 (photo) 4/26 2/16 3/47 3/205 6/122 6/8, 15, 44 7/206, 304 7/280 7/279 (newspaper picture) 7/296 13A/38 c3p1 7/225 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Pearce, George (Rev) Pearce, W.F. (Mrs) Pearce, William Wesley Pearce, Wylie B. Jr. Pearl River Pearl River Steamer Pearson, Drew Pearson, Henry Thomas Pearson, Hill (Mrs) Peasley, Frank Peason, La. Peavy-Burns (Lumber Company) Peavy, J.B. Pecan Island School Pecan Island, LA Pecan Trees Pecorino, Charles Store Pecorino, Rosa, Joe, John, and Pecorino Home Pecorino, Frank Pecorino, Jack Pecorino, Jack (Mrs) Peddlers & Hawkers Pederson, B. (Mrs) Pederson, Brandt Pederson, Lise Pederson, Marie Pedro, Nat Peel, Clyde H. Peery, (M/M) Peery, Mercier (Mme) Peetz, Elizabeth Pefferkorn, George (T5/G) Pelafigue, Jean (Sgt) Pelafigue, Pete (Sgt) Pelafigue, Pierre (Corp) Pelegrin, L. Pelet's Barber Shop Pelican-Babcock Hook & Ladder Co. Pelican Market & Grocery Pelican Oil Purchases, Inc. Pelican Rice Company Pelican Well Tool Company Pellegrin, L.O. Pellegrin, Lionel Pellerin, Adam Pellerin, Alexandre Pellerin, J.A. (M/M) Pellerin, James and S.A. Pellerin, Jules Pellerin, Jules A. Book/Page number 13A/22 c1p9 2/403; 10/304 7/95 2/265 1/247; 4/18; Old Places/110 1/226; 2/79 6/67; 7/37; 8/219; 10/209a 7/296 7/272 10/19 10/341 10/318 4/268 (photo) 4/265-266 4/2, 173-174, 177-179, 185, 197, 265, 279-280, 199; pg.9, 146 5/222; Old Places/111 7/155, 156 5/201 7/156 7/98, 100, 228 5/226 1/80, 155 2/405; 10/306 9/35 10/160c, 161-162 10/68 4/279-280 7/296 1/36, 2/193 2/2 (ad - voice), 175; 10/14-15 3/70 7/395 7/5, 320 7/138 (photo) 7/5 10/119 1/171 1/180; 2/30, 34 (photo), 175, 190; 3/23, 40, 41, 117, 204; 5/224 7/156 8/64 3/144 8/65 Old Cemeteries/22 10/196 7/138 Old Places/4 10/115 10/210 10/186 b, 198f 8/56 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Pellerin, Rosetta (Mrs) Pelletier, Gerard (Rev) Pelletteri, James E. (Lt. Col.) Pelly, R. (Mrs) Peloquin, Alphonse V. Peloquin, Anna Peloquin, Antoine Peloquin, Edgar (M/M) Peloquin, F. Peloquin, Felicia Peloquin, Hebert William Peloquin, Leo Peloquin, Maxie (Pfc) Peloquin, Norris (Pfc) Peloquint, Antoine Peloquoin, Bridget (Mrs) Pemberton, G.L. and M.S. (Rev) Pencheff Pencil Collection Pender, Donnie Suetta and J.C. (M/M) Pender, Frank Pendleton, S.E. Penfield, Cad Traer (Mrs) Pengue, Tony (Cpl) Penicout, Andre Penington, Anne Penitentiary Penney, J.C. Company/Store Pennington, Frank, May Isabel, Virginia Helm Pennington, B. Franklin Pennington, Frank (Mrs) Pennington, May Isabel and Virginia Pennison, Johnny (Mrs) Pennison, Lelia (Mrs) Pennison, Marilyn Pennoyer, (Mr) Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Railroad Wreck (1943) Penny Candy Penoyer, Katherine Penoyer, Lewis Penoyer, Miss Pension Board Penton, Floyd C. Jr. People's Drug Store Percy, J. Hereford Jr. Percy, P.M. (Mrs) Pereira, N.A. (M/M) Pereira, Ruby (Mrs) Pereira, Neil A. Perello, George B. Perello's Food Store Book/Page number 7/111 3A/43 c1 7/396 7/295 7/452, 454 7/302 1/31, 109 7/307, 411 1/138 5/286 7/66 7/296 7/411 (photo) 7/411 (photo), 201, 307 1/12, 25, 220 1/289 7/212 10/116-117 8/195 (photo) Old Cemeteries/22 5/331 3/40 6/61 7/233 4/21 10/198 c 1/160, 163, 167, 204 2/92, 351; 3/105; 8/167 Old Cemeteries/12 2/132, 166, 177 2/166 2/177 7/146 8/96 (photo) 10/177 1/280 1/199; 8/293 8/219 6/29 6/57 2/205; 10/314, 315 10/315 8/238 8/92 2/4-5 13A/7 c4p10 10/11 7/288 7/200 5/266 7/201 7/156 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Perez, Leander Periera, Ruby (Mrs) Perillioux, Oscar (Mrs) Perk, A.J. Perkins Perkins, Addison Perkins, Allen Jefferson (Family and Home) Perkins & Miller Lumber Mill Perkins, Arthur and Buddy Perkins, Ben Perkins, Billy Perkins, Bob Perkins, C. Perkins, Calvit, Huey, Ralph, R.M., and T.J. Perkins, Catherine Perkins Cemetery Perkins, Charlene Perkins, Charles Perkins, Claiborne Perkins, Claborne (Mrs) and Felix (Mrs) Perkins, Dosite Perkins, Dr. Perkins, D.S. (Dr) Perkins, Edgar Jr. Perkins, Edgar (Mrs) Perkins, E.H. (Mrs) Perkins, Eli Perkins, Ellen L. and Jewel Perkins, Evan Perkins Family Perkins, Frances Irene and Theodore Carl Jr. Perkins, Frank Jr. Perkins Ferry Road Perkins, F.W. (Mrs) Perkins, George, Joseph D., and W.R. Perkins Grove Perkins, H. (Mrs) Perkins, H.A. Perkins, Henderson Perkins, Henry Perkins, Isaac Perkins, Ivan A. Perkins, J.A. Book/Page number 7/186; 10/94 7/395 7/291 3/36 1/196, 211, 226; 8/64 2/131; 5/4 1/43, 121, 146, 157, 158, 162, 204, 225, 235; 2/16, 68, 106, 128, 130, 131, 167, 186, 265; 3/23, 27 (home photo), 35, 42, 63, 64, 111, 113, 114, 116, 214, 232; 4/75, 95, 101, 169, 171; 5/17, 46, 82; 6/78, 83, 190; 8/276; 10/186g, 310 1/204, 225, 229, 283; 2/62, 185, 256, 275; 3/63, 64, 97, 169, 232, 233 (photo), 236; 5/8, 34, 46; 10/310, 327, 329, 341 Old Cemeteries/17 10/33, 52, 171a, 214, 221 10/193 1/294-295 1/128 5/4 1/283 Old Cemeteries/24 10/68 6/210; 8/240-241 1/121; 2/69 6/15 3/35 3/147; 10/108 1/206; 4/79, 96, 98, 171 2/336 10/231 10/11 1/159, 283; 2/93, 131, 148; 4/79; 5/27; 8/365; 10/347 4/119 1/146 1/205, 206; 3/72; 4/87; 5/79; 13A/2 8/167 7/95, 337(photo) 2/271 (photo) 8/273 7/296 2/13, 33, 83, 165; 3/19, 117; 5/15; 6/66, 80, 78, 133; Old Places/173 13A/21 c3p8 5/9 2/58, 131; 5/78; 10/19 1/292, 294 1/153 1/158, 159; 2/130-132; 3/23; 6/109; 10/201a; 13A/17 c2p8,8 2/189 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Perkins, J.A. Jr. Perkins, J.A. (Mrs) Perkins, Jack Perkins, James Perkins, James Jr. Perkins, James A. Perkins, James K. Perkins, J. Layton Perkins, John Perkins, John A. Perkins, John W. Perkins, Judge Perkins, Lavonia Perkins, Levi Perkins, Lewis Perkins, Logan Postell and R.B. (Dr) Perkins, La. Perkins, Madam Perkins, Maranda or Miranda Perkins, Margaret (Mrs) Perkins, Marian or Marion Perkins, Morris Perkins, Oliver Perkins, Paul Perkins, Pearl Snyder (Mrs) Perkins, Phillip Seymour Perkins, Postell Perkins, Reese and ferry Perkins, Robert (Mrs) Perkins, S. (Dr) Perkins, S. A. Perkins, Samuel Perkins, Stacy (Mrs) Perkins, Stephens Perkins, Tede Perkins, Tom Perkins, Velma Ruth Perkins, W.A. Perkins, W.E. (Mrs) Perkins, W.F. [groceries] Perkins, Willard (Mrs) Perkins, William Perkins, W.W. Perrelin, J.A. (Mrs) Perrilliat, Ricky Construction Co. Perrin, Cecil Book/Page number 2/265 5/16 8/13 (photo) 1/11 ,23-24, 42, 44-46, 49-51, 53-54, 56-57, 59, 61-67, 74, 94, 132, 145, 152 1/98, 146 1/159; 2/131 2/272; 13A/108 c3 2/265; 5/204 4/96 2/59, 131 5/4; 7/452 5/239 4/82; 5/82 5/82 1/29 4/80 2/272; 10/345 1/136 1/72, 116, 123, 127, 132-133 5/4, 17; 6/11 1/292-296; 7/66 7/445 2/100 2/330; 6/72 Old Cemeteries/25 7/201, 296 2/333; 7/111 1/5-8, 11-13, 16-23, 61, 71, 81, 89, 92, 110, 117121, 123, 125, 126, 135, 158-160, 191, 204, 211, 217-228, 235; 2/189, 271; 3/23, 63, 73 (photo), 197, 202; 5/208; 6/64, 79, 109; 10/309; 13A/7, 38 4/47 2/325 1/111 7/14, 26, 74, 81, 89 1/297 5/55 2/34, 53; 6/149 7/69 10/166 8/15 7/8 2/4 1/238 (photo) 1/162, 166, 205, 225; 4/82, 79, 98; 5/4, 27, 78, 331; 8/92 2/213 10/115 8/23 7/187, 198 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Perrin, Elaine, Horace, Marie, and Mary Perrin, Ray (Mrs) Perrin, Shep F. Jr. Perro, Betty Lou Perrodin, Ferrell Perrodin, A. Perrodin, Alexander Perrodin, Athan Perrodin, Larry Calvard Perry, Bertha (Mrs) Perry, Buddy (Mrs) Perry, Clara and Tony Perry, Dorothy Perry, Erastus J. Perry, Frank Perry, Fred, Harold, James, and Thelma Perry, Grace Perry, Henry Perry, J.L. Perry, Joe (Mrs) Perry, John Perry, Joseph R. (Sgt) Perry, J.P. (Mrs) Perry, Lionel and Pamela Ann Perry, La. Perry, M.O. (Brig. Gen.) Perry, Robert Perry, Theodore M. (T-5) Perry's Bridge Pershing, (General) Persia (Iran) Person, (Maj. Gen) Person, William E. Personal Finance Co. of LC Personalities Pertee, A.P. Pertiut, Theo Pervy, Benson Pery, Bertha (Mrs) Peshoff, Clarence Peshoff, Daniel (M/M), Gilbert, Ruby, and Wilfred J. Peske, (Mr) Pessilliat (Ricky) Construction Co. Petain, Henri Phillipe (Marshall) Pete, Maria L. (Mrs) Peter, Cline Peters, Frederick Lyles (Family) Peters, Garnet (Miss) Peters, J.M. Peters, Jo Peters, Joe Peters, Johanna Louise Book/Page number 13A/106 5/157 10/173 10/199 a 2/128, 167 4/87 4/81 2/58; 4/81, 87; 9/45 7/95 7/111 13A/40 c3p1 10/96 7/36, 116, 141; 8/295; 9/36 7/296; Old Cemeteries/21 2/378-384; 10/96-97 (photo) 2/380 4/82 13A/89 c1 2/132 6/35 2/333 7/223 (photo) 13A/18 c4p4 10/96-97 (photo) 1/12 4/190 7/206, 304 7/326, 413 1/144; pg 1, 3 3/106, 141 8/219 4/265 7/296 8/180 Old Places/96, 98 10/78 7/78 (photo) 7/296 7/111 4/237-238, 287 7/433 (photo), 436 2/34, 53 8/23 7/259 Old Cemeteries/17 2/211 5/95; 7/359 6/15 4/154 8/6; 10/179, 186a 10/186 a 10/193 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Peters, Lisle Peters, Lisle (Mrs) Peters, Louise (Mrs) Peters, Walter L. Petersburg, La. Peterson, A.A. (Dr) Peterson, Arlie (Mrs) Peterson, Ed and Eric Peterson, Nels Peterson, Willard (M/M) Petit Jury Petitjean, Joe Petre, Bayou Petrie [or Petry], E.J. Petroleum Administration Petroleum Chemicals Inc (PCI) Petroleum Industry Petroleum Tower Petry, Eldridge (Cpl) Petry, J.E. Petry, Milton W. and Sylvania Pettibone, Holman D. Petticoat - Sorosis Petticoat Island Petticrew, Lloyd Pettifer, E.W. (Mrs) Pettifer, Shirley Pettifield, Charles and George Pettijohn [or Pettyjohn], Charles B. Pettis, R.L. Petty, Ann Petty, Daniel (Family) Petty, John Charles Petty, Margaret Petty, Minerva Petty, Patty Petty-Simmons, Bertha Peveto - Various spellings occur: Pevoteau Peveto, Calvin Peveto, John Peveto, Joseph Peveto, Michel Peveto, Virginia Peyton, Dallas and Peter Peyton, Edith and O.W. (Mrs) Peyton, Ralph Peyton, Ralph (Mrs) Peyton, T.B. Sr. Peyton, T.H. (Mrs) Pfeiffer, George and Louise Book/Page number 2/264; 4/123; 7/156, 334; 8/221, 229, 228 (photo) 7/115, 173, 225 7/8 6/82 1/205; 4/118; 5/79; 13a/2 1/277 6/7 5/252 5/82, 85 Old Cemeteries/17 5/339; 8/296 9/4 1/209 5/266 7/224 6/182 (map), 184; 8/192; 9/128 1/233; 4/100, 104-106, 295; 5/42, 105, 204, 206; 6/101; 8/56, 62-66 (1948 map), 277; 10/2958/196 (photo) 7/413 13A/17 c3p5 7/244 9/128 (photo) 3/150 (photo) 4/4-5 10/162 10/197 7/173 10/194 7/454 6/176 10/47-48 7/238, 290, 328, 362, 452, 454-456, 463; 10/233 7/452 10/180, 186a, e, 189 (photo), 455 1/226; 7/204 5/281 (photo); 7/109 13A/48 c1p1 4/142 1/114 1/92, 118, 119, 122, 135, 137, 146 1/92, 112, 122, 168 13A/21 c2p14 4/142 7/305 8/280 7/50; 10/306 2/283 8/245 8/100 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Pfoertner, Margaret Pharis, John Pharr, J.N. Pharr Family Pharr (Steamboat) Pharris, Arthur (M/M) Pharris, Henry F Pharris, Loree Pharris, Valery K. Phelmpergo, Thelma Phelps, Victor L. Philadelphia Philadelphia, Mississippi Philbrick Philharmonic Society Philips, A.E. Phillip Jacob Store Phillips Phillips, Anne Phillips, Ben Phillips, Chester Gordon Phillips, Clyde W. Phillips, Clyde W. (Mrs) Phillips, Cora Phillips, Curtis, Edward W. and Louis Jr. Phillips, Edward Walton (Jr. and Sr.) Phillips, George (Mrs) Phillips, George Z. Phillips, Hardy (Dr) Phillips, H.C. (Mrs) Phillips, Henry Phillips, J.C. Phillips, J.C. (Mrs) Phillips, J.E. and Leo Phillips, J.E. (Mrs) Phillips, Jack Phillips, Jack (Mrs) Phillips, Johnnie T. (Lt) Phillips, Loyal Phillips, Marie L. (Mrs) Phillips, Martin Phillips, Murphy (Rev) Phillips, Norma Phillips, Pete Phillips, Phil Phillips, Porter J. (Pvt) Phillips, Ralph Leonard Jr. Phillips, R.D. (Mrs) Phillips, Spencer Phillips, T.Oscar Phillips, Walter (Mrs) Book/Page number 10/186 e 1/115 5/9 1/205 6/58 1/228 7/229 10/197 7/452, 454 10/95 7/433 4/107; 6/19; 8/293 4/32 1/225 4/100 4/116 3/36, 39 5/251 10/197 4/98 7/201 5/262; 7/10 (photo), 19, 26, 50, 60, 69, 82, 113, 119, 123, 209 7/146, 173, 225; 10/306 10/210 7/452 10/192, 193 7/111 3/33 1/206 3/228; 5/223 8/192 (photo) 3/227; 7/173 3/192 7/200 (photo) 6/49; 10/166 10/166 7/146 7/226 9/48 (photo) 6/53 2/132 Old Cemeteries/22 5/332 7/110; 10/175, 179, 186a, f, 189 (photo), 192 9/123 (photo) 7/198 7/325 3/29 8/50, 265 2/286, 292 (photo) 4/189; 8/288 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Phillips, William Phillip's Bluff Philmon, Edith (Miss) Philomena, Sister Philson, Edith (Miss) Philson, James (Rev) Philson, Miss Philson, Ruth Edith Annesley Phoenix Building Phoenix Hall Phoenix Hook & Ladder Company Physicians/Doctors Piazza Picard, George Picard, Laura Picard, M.H. and Michel Picard, Russell J. (Sgt) Picard, William J. (Pfc) Picheloup, Paul Pickard, Don Louis Pickerel, Grace Pickerel, Jerry Pickerel, Mark C. (judge) Pickering Lumber Company, W.R. Pickett, Eva Pickett, J. (Mrs) Pickett, John Pickett, Prentice S. Pickett, S.K. (S.R.?) Pickett, Selzar Pickin, Albert Picnics Picot, Lillie B. Picton, D. M. Piel, Ernest Pier, The Pierce, Almon N. (Dr) Pierce, Almon N. (Mrs) Pierce Brothers Pierce, C.V. Pierce, (Dr.) Pierce, Edward L. Pierce, E.W. Pierce, G.L. Pierce, Herchel Pierce, Josephine L., Dr. Pierce, Lucille Pierce, Mabel Pierce, Minor L. Pierce, Myrtle Pierce Oil Corporation Book/Page number 2/131 13A/10 1/49 2/149 10/65 1/51, 60 1/56 1/57, 57e, 51 3/42 3/39 2/30; 3/23, 41, 117, 138 3/36, 37; 4/283, 284 5/201 7/229, 311 (photo) 13A/18 c3p9 6/83 7/2 (photo), 19 (photo), 234, 229, 454, 452, 311 7/5 2/336 6/47 7/8 7/117 3/227; 4/139, 301; 5/192; 7/219; 8/222; 9/128 4/128 10/44 1/62 3/35 7/75 4/171 1/219 8/101 6/65-66, 78, 81 10/80 1/230 2/306 3/101, 102, 156 (program 1907) 1/221; 3/37, 182, 183 (home photo); 5/9, 147 (home photo) 4/169; 5/332; 7/189 7/426, 428, 435; 10/209 7/370 3/147 6/82 4/171 8/247 (photo) 10/177 10/305 10/37 13A/18 c5p11 7/151 7/57 2/16 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Pierce, Paul Pierce, Sadie Lock Pierce, S.H. Pierce, Sullivan Pierce, S.W. Pierotti, Bea (Mrs) Pierotti, F. (Mrs) Pierottie, Raymond Dallas Pierre & Teenom Pierrotte, E.L. Pierrotte, F. (Mrs) Pierson, Marcus (Dr) Pierson, Ruby Pierson, T. Gilbert Pietre, J.F. (Mrs) Piggly-Wiggly Pigman, Paul O.H. Pilchard, Carolyn Pilchard, C.F. Pilley Pilley, Jack Pilley, Jack W. (Mrs) Pilley, Thomas Pilsbury, A.L. (Mrs) Pinado Pinder, Burnell Pinder, John Pinder, Robert L. Pinder, Wilbur Lee Pine cone harvest Pine Grove Pine Grove Church Pine Grove, La. Pine Island Pine Knot Special [railroad] Pine Street Pine Tree, The Pine Woods Ping, Hop man Pingel, Louise Pinion, Billy Pinkley, Rex E. Pinkney, Archie B Pintado, E. Pioneer Club Pioneer Office Building Pioneers, the Pioneer's cabin Pipelines Pipes, George D. Pipes, W.H. Book/Page number 8/318 6/62 8/275 1/146 10/118 7/357 (photo) 7/112 7/95 1/221-222, 242-243; 6/55; 7/141; 8/250, 258 4/189 7/173 8/61, 280; 10/231 7/302; 8/247 (photo), 249 4/136 Old Cemeteries/17 7/155, 273 13A/85 c1 8/2; 10/202 8/150 6/89 (photo) 1/235; 6/89; 8/193 (photo) 8/193 (photo) 6/83, 89 2/403; 10/304 8/208 (photo) 5/281; 10/82 2/131 7/296 Old Cemeteries/22 9/32 1/159 2/131 10/118 1/156-157; 3/187; 6/98 8/362 1/222; 2/7; 6/28a; 8/205 1/215 1/127 5/33 4/75 6/201 9/135 7/442 2/265; 8/149, 209 8/321 1/15; 6/88, 183 (photo); 9/23, 63, 64; 8/105, 196; 9/4 1/4 1/205 8/156 7/296 2/131 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Pipley, Eli W. Piracy in the Gulf of Mexico 1816-23 Pirates Pitcher, Molly Pithon Alley Pithon Coulee Pithon Coulee pumping station Pithon, Denise Sallier Pithon Family Pithon Gulley Pithon, Michel Pithon, Mr. Pithon, Seruis Pithon Street Pitkin & Brooks China Store Pitkin, La. Pitman, T.J. Jr. Pitre, Atney Pitre, Blossom Pitre, Charles A. Pitre, Columbus Pitre, Don Louis Pitre, Eulese (M/M) Pitre, George Pitre, Jennings J. and Loyd Pitre, John Pitre, Marshall Pitre, Mary (Mrs) Pitre, Ray P. (Corp) Pitre, Robert L. (Cpl) Pittman, John Pittman, R.H. Pitts, A.L. Pitts, Robert L. (Lt) Pitzer, Charles Pizanie, A. (Mrs), Audry, Felix, J. Alvin, and Margaret Pizanie, Alvin Pizanie, Ferdinand J. Pizanie, Harvey Lee Pizanie, Irene (Mrs) Pizanie, Verdie Pizzati, John Plaisance, James A. (Pvt) Plantation cabins Plaquemine Plat, Dan Book/Page number 13A/52 c2 13A/31 Old Places/114 7/151, 154, 155 1/194 3/108; 1/105, 194, 210, 220, 299-300 (photo); 2/7; 5/116 (photo); 6/47 (photo - 1896), 191, 193, 209; 8/67, 71; 9/55, 138; Old Places/122 , 128, 129 1/299 (photo) 1/105 1/167, 192, 194, 225; 10/121 2/17 1/5-9, 15, 17-21, 26, 28, 37, 47, 55, 67, 79-80, 82, 88, 96, 98, 105, 120, 124, 147, 217-220, 252, 300; 2/6; 3/4, 108; 5/17, 64; 6/53; 8/269; 9/156 (photo); 10/6; 13A/135 p2; Old Places/1271/18-19 1/104 6/197 5/221 6/50; 1/238, 297 9/51 7/338, 452 7/294 5/159; 7/95 1/219; 2/59 1/80, 93 7/338 5/229, 284 7/296 3/186; 8/13 6/13 1/289 7/5 7/151, 300, 327 2/190 4/272 7/451 7/290 (photo) 10/186 f, 198f, i 7/338 8/56 7/64 7/81 7/338, 345 7/338, 345, 431, 452, 454 5/201 7/198 5/254-255 4/4, 31 5/82 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Platt, Clyde C. Platt, Milton Platts, Emma Platz & Moss Sawmill Platz, B. (Miss) Platz, Babette Platz, Barbara Platz, John and Minnie Platz, Peter Plauche, A. Lane (Lt./jg) Plauche & Plauche Attorneys Plauche, Billie Plauche, Daniel O. (Cpl) Plauche, Emma Lillian Winter (Mrs) Plauche Insurance Company Plauche, J.W.(Mrs) Plauche, Janette Plauche, Katherine Plauche, Lane (Ens) Plauche, Laney Plauche, Locke Plauche, Locke (Mrs) Plauche, Mary Ruth Plauche, Mercedes Plauche, S.E. Plauche, Samuel Wilmore (Family) Plauche, Thomas C. Plauche, Thomas C. (Mrs) Plauche, Thomas J. Plauche, Vance Plauche, Wade (Family) Plauche, William Plauche, W.S. (Mrs) Pleak, Dana (Mrs) and S.M. (MD) Pleasant, Burl Pleasant, Gondola and Obel Pleasant, Ruffin G., Governor and Lt. Col. Pleasants, Charles Pleasants, John Pleasure Park Pleasure Pier Pleasure Pier Theatre Pleimann, Jacquetta Plessy, Homer Adolph vs Ferguson Ploegsma (sp??), Charles L. Plumbers & Steamfitters (Pipe Fitters) Union Plummer, (Capt) Plummer, L.F. (Lt) Poatowsky, Sybil (Mrs) Book/Page number 7/296 7/228 Old Cemeteries/7; Old Places/2 2/70, 89; 10/347 2/302 2/147; 3/178 2/312 5/4 1/167; 2/284; 3/23, 41, 72, 208-210, 214, 2237/212 (photo) 6/42 6/72 7/432 7/434 10/198 a 9/142 10/226 10/129, 130a 7/139 (photo) 8/108 8/103 7/112 9/121 10/211 8/267 2/271, 277; 4/123,169; 5/114, 262; 6/176; 7/50, 112, 434 (photo); 8/198, 223, 238, 280, 366; 9/129, 130, 149; 10/304, 306 2/277; 4/171; 5/56 3/85; 4/123 7/81, 395 2/350; 5/155, 156, 281; 7/9, 13, 66, 119, 124, 143, 201 (photo), 204; 8/162, 214, 261, 330 5/56, 243; 7/432; 10/197, 215 5/60, 62 6/16 2/223 8/300 4/142 2/144, 258; 4/101 3/194 1/168 3/38 3/109 (photo), 155, 161 1/65 (1907 photo) 10/235 10/92-93 2/332 7/93, 155, 273, 426, 428; 10/209 5/104 2/258 7/173 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Pocahontas Poche, J.A. Poche, Marie Poche, Ralph (Mrs) Pocher, Radford Lee Podl, Alfred (Gen) Podrasky, Annie Podrasky, George (Family) Podrasky, Read George Podrasky's Shore Store Poe, A.J. Poe, Amanda Mayo, Augustus T., and Edgar Allen Poe & Mayo Shingle Company Poe, Betty Jane Poe, E. Poe, Edith Poe, Emma Poe, Florence Poe, Frank Poe, Harry Augustus Poe, John Henry Poe Land Company, Inc. Poe, Louis Cooper Poe, William A. Poe, William R. Pohle, F.J. (Maj) Pohorelsky, Alice, Gene, Janette, and Kathy Pohorelsky, Victor Poindexter, Governor Point au Chien, Bayou Point Bonita Steamship Point Coupee Parish Pointed Rhymes for Trying Times Poirson, Victor (Mrs) Polachek, Joe (Rev) Polaire, Etoile Polio vaccine Polite Polk County, TX Polk, Governor Polk, James K. Polk, Leonidas, Bishop, Major General Polk, M.B. (Bro) Polk, William (Family) Poll boxes Poll Parrott Shoe Store Pollach, Sam (Sgt) Book/Page number 1/2; 3/137 2/283 10/185 7/74 7/118 7/383 6/41 4/169; 5/3, 56; 6/40 (photo of home), 41; 7/86 6/37 2/350; 6/40, 135; 7/155, 273, 426, 428, 435; 10/186d, 198g, 209 1/104 6/84 1/168, 208; 6/84; 8/71 5/83; 10/127 (photo), 129-130, 161 10/118 1/231; 6/83-84 6/83 1/231; 6/83 5/83; 6/83, 84 1/231; 6/83 1/167, 168, 180, 181, 225, 226, 231; 2/99, 100, 103, 172 (photo), 199, 248; 3/17, 71, 93; 5/66, 146, 191 (photo), 192; 6/77, 83, 84, 134; 8/21 (photo), 52, 71, 307; 10/21a, 118, 124, 191, 321, 326 6/84; 7/273, 426, 428; 10/209 1/231; 6/83 4/171; 6/84; 8/327 1/231 7/18 9/139, 141(photo) 2/355 (photo); 9/139, 141 7/41 13A/43 6/171 1/209; 3/46 7/415 2/403; 10/304 2/328 3/216 10/231, 232 4/18 4/3, 10, 18 5/239 1/12, 59 1/11, 12, 17-19 (photo); 13A/7 c397 13A/55 c1p1 1/12; 4/268; 5/229, 284 1/156 8/100 7/216 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Pollard, J.D. Pollard, T.T. Pollet, Joe (Mrs) Polson, B.F. Pom Pon submarine Pomeroy, Annie Pomeroy, Charles (Mrs) Pomeroy, Charles T. Pomeroy, Fanella (Miss) Pomeroy, Henry Pomeroy, Mary Pomeroy, (Mrs) Pomeroy Park Poncar Indians Ponce Indian Tribe Ponchatrain, Lake Poncho Poncho, Joe Poncho, Mary Ponder, A.L. Ponton, Harwood D. (Family Pool, Dennis Pool, W.G. (Dr) Poole Family Poole, Frank (Pfc) Poole, George F. Poole, Henry A. Poole, W.H. Pope Family Pope, George Pope, IE.I. (Miss) Pope, Libbie Pope, N.D. Pope, N.D. (Mrs) Populist Party Porche, Cyril (Mrs) Porche, Joseph A. and Olive Porrier, Wilton J. Port Allen (Steamer) Port Arthur, TX Port Barre, LA Port City Rabbit Club Port Printing Company Portage, Bayou Portal, Marie Porter, Allie Porter, C.R. Porter, C.V.(Mrs) Porter, Charlie Porter, Florence Porter, Hardin Porter, Hardin & Pujo Book/Page number 1/135 1/207 1/277 6/50 (photo) 10/186 b, c 6/89; 8/3; 9/131 6/89 (photo) 7/3, 229 3/80 5/56 10/30 3/148 8/193; 9/131-132 (photo) 1/229 5/176 6/92, 194; 1/209 4/18 4/37 4/17 8/325 7/11, 89, 113, 185 7/296 5/81 1/276 7/413 2/265 2/286, 292; 3/221 2/131 2/170 3/60 1/59g 10/65 2/188, 273; 3/59, 237; 6/60 6/15 4/101 4/200, 202 7/379 7/452, 454 6/65 1/185; 4/4, 88, 277; 6/77; Old Places/4-6, 46 pg 9, 145 (population in 1931: 674) 7/173 10/186f, 209; 7/155, 273, 426, 428 4/29 4/150 7/296 2/220 6/5-6 7/82 3/172 6/91 1/230 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Porter, Harold (Mrs) Porter, Horton Porter, Jeannine Porter, June Porter, Mary Porter, Mary Gayle Porter, Neil (Miss) Porter, Paul Porter, Thomas F. (Family) Porter, William Porterie, (Mr) Portie, Abia Portie, Chester Lewis Portie, Ervis Portie, Ervis (Mrs) Portie, Ethel Portie, John S. Posey, R.E. Jr. Post of Calcasieu Post Office Café Post Office Hardware Company Post Office News Stand Postal Services, Routes, Guides, Rates, Carriers, etc. See also names of individual post offices and towns. Post, Wiley Postell, James (Mrs) and Sherryl Lynn Postell, Septime Postlewaite, A.H. Posture Week (National) Poter, Edmund A. (Pfc) Potsdam Declaration Potter, Frank J. (Mrs) Potter, George Potter, George (Mrs) Potter, Homer Potter, Pat Pottorff (or Potorff), W.J. (Rev) Potts, Charles E. Jr. Potwell, J.G. Poulet, A.C. Poulet, (Mr) Pousson, Alfred Joseph Pousson, Elmer L. (Pvt) Pousson, Ida Poutra, Elmer Harry (Family) Poverty Point, La. Powell, Annie (Mrs) Powell, Arline Book/Page number 7/21 6/116 8/2 2/355; 8/319 8/75 (photo) 10/40 5/326 8/298 1/230; 2/284; 3/56, 139, 223-225; 4/77 (photo), 78; 5/87, 112, 243, 270, 312; 6/16, 174; 7/60, 113, 123 (photo), 124, 139, 140, 186, 198, 296; 8/73, 318, 319; 9/4, 146; 10/100, 165 7/234, 228; Old Places/2 6/83 7/296 7/3 4/275 4/218 7/111 7/39 2/283 1/226, 229 7/153 10/198b 3/42 1/208, 210, 253; 2/143; 3/146, 181, 186, 189, 190, 226; 4/179, 185; 8/84, 90 (photo), 163; 10/290-294; 13A/9; Old Places/49 5/251 8/282 (photo) 4/98 4/171 10/120 7/401 (photo) 7/422 7/303 3/54; 7/228 7/173 5/119; 7/303 10-186a-187, 189 (photo), 198d 4/297, 301 7/452 3/123 5/55; 13A/2 c1p7 2/17 7/95 7/424 Old Cemeteries/17, 22 7/81, 228 (photo) 4/52-53 5/269 6/153 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Powell, Barbara Powell, D.C. Powell, D.C. (Mrs) Powell, DeWitt Powell, E.E. Powell, Ed Powell, Frank Powell, George David Powell, G.M. Powell, Green Powell Hall Powell, Henry Charles (Pvt) Powell, Ilet Powell, John Powell, Joseph B. Powell, Joseph E. Powell, Joseph Green Powell, Joseph Green (Mrs) Powell, Lizzie Powell Lumber Company Powell, May Powell, Oscar D. Powell, Percy F. (Mrs) Powell Taylor & Company Powell, V.H. (Mrs) Powell, W.H. Power, Thomas S. (Gen) Powers, Elias Powers, Jake Powers, S. Russell (S.Sgt) Pradia, Joseph Pradia, Matthew Prager, Louie Prairie duChene, Wisc. Prairie Swallow Prater & Williams Grocery Store Prater, Charles Prater, C. Lee, Lee J., and Newton J. Prater, Edwin Prater, Elsie Prater Family Prater, Geneva Prater, Hampton Prater, Herman R. Prater, Hilda Beth Prater, James Newton Prater, Jasper Prater, Jasper N. Prater, J.N. Prater, J.Norton Book/Page number 3/31 1/185; 2/265 8/273 2/91,193 5/77 8/347 8/308; 10/171a, 219(photo) 7/81 10/20 6/146 6/201 7/201, 301 (photo) 1/215; 10/52, 221(photo) 1/230 7/296 6/83 1/229; 2/133, 162, 221, 223, 236; 3/97, 191, 236; 5/141 (home photo); 6/147; 7/86 6/15 2/147 1/235; 2/275; 3/236; 6/88, 181; 7/93, 155, 273, 426, 428, 435; 8/71, 233; 10/317, 318, 348 5/4 7/151, 301 (photo) 10/115 4/107 8/275 2/269 9/114 5/77 7/296 7/423 4/244 4/285 (photo) 3/114 (photo) 2/197 1/19 5/199 1/101, 158, 267; 7/82; 13A/8 c1 7/296 1/62, 74 6/69 (photo), 73, 75 5/79 5/326 1/127, 148 7/444 10/166, 224 7/203 1/158 5/55 2/130; 3/7, 115; 6/66 5/307 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Prater, John A. Prater, John T. Prater, Joseph A. "Jap" Prater, Lloyd Prater, L.N. Prater, Malcolm L. (Pfc) Prater Street Prater, William H. Prater, W.J. Prater's Crossing Prather - Various spellings occur: Praither Prather, Charles F. (Mrs) Prather, H.C. Prather, William Pratt, C.R. (Mrs) Pratt, Chester G. (Pvt) Pratt, Charle R. (Pvt) Pravdia, Paul Prayer Preager, A.L. "Jack" Preager, L.N. Precht, Calvin (Mrs) Preis, Dot Preis, Rowland Alvan (Family) Prejean, Ada Martin (Mrs) Prejean, Clomere (Mrs), Edward, and Otis Prejean, Emery Joseph Prejean, Harvey Prejean, Hester Prejean, J.R. Prejean, Louis E. Prejean, Louis E. (Mrs) Prejean, Ralph Premeaux, Chester George Premeaux, Ulysse Prendergast, John (Pvt) Prentis, (Mrs) Prentis, Will Prentis, Will (Mrs) Prentiss, Mark (Mrs) Presbyterians and Presbyterian Churches Prescott, Adrian (Mrs and Sgt) Prescott, C.T. Press, The newspaper [See Lake Charles Daily Press newspaper] Preston, Erline Preston, Alyce Prestwood, L. Pretchett, J.W. (Mrs) Prewitt Prewitt, Edward L. Prewitt Street Book/Page number 7/82 7/95, 217, 229 6/24 (photo) 2/221 3/16 7/5 6/66 1/11, 34, 39, 42-43, 46, 68-71, 73-76, 78, 80-81, 87, 91, 131, 134, 146, 220; 2/132 8/256 (photo), 309 1/93 5/226 5/13 1/192, 266 7/146 7/118 7/198 4/218 1/257 3/11 3/11; 4/171 6/49 4/82 7/190 (photo), 205, 429, 456; 8/305; 10/47 7/93 1/290 (photo) 10/199 a 1/247; 3/190 7/111 3/201 (photo) 7/116; 8/212, 318 10/166 10/186 g 7/201 7/296 7/22 7/277 2/277 10/11 10/44 1/208; 2/192, 205; 3/18, 85, 142, 147; 4/26; 7/110 3/168 10/166, 186g, 198d 10/143 7/296 10/223 (photo) 2/212 5/20 6/200 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Price Price, Ada (Mrs) Price, Andrew Price, Ben A. Price, Brenda, Edwin (Mrs), and Goldie Price, Douglas Price, Ernest Price, Elbert W. Price, Evelyn Price, Fred Price, Hal and Thomas H. Price, Harold Price, Jimmy (M/M) Price, J.J. (M/M) Price, J.J. Jr. Price, Joseph Price, Justus Price, Ona Marie Price, Sterling (Gen) Price, Thomas C. (Mayor) Book/Page number 2/200 10/29, 30 (38?) 2/200; 3/35 4/280 4/218 8/88 7/290, 456 2/332 10/44 3/186 (photo); 6/82; 10/164 3/186 (photo) 6/82; 8/217 (photo); 10/159, 161 7/93 7/290 5/56 7/133 (photo) 10/166, 198e 10/129, 130a (photo) 3/194; 5/239 2/48, 49, 55, 265; 5/92, 97, 155, 156, 243; 6/19, 20, 43, 191, 199, 210, 425, 427; 7/50, 123 (photo), 387, 418, 423, 436; 8/5, 49, 67, 70, 93, 114, 147, 149, 162, 240, 241, 264, 270, 286, 289, 296, 308, 325, 330; 9/38, 48 (photo), 52, 84, 150; 10/164, 190 (photo), 215 (photo) Price, T.O. Price, Virginia Price, W.H. (Mrs) Price, William Price, W.L. (Capt) Prickett, Lucy Pride, The Pridgen, Robert Prien Lake 7/439 8/6 10/185 3/194; 7/296 4/189, 193-194 7/66; 8/288; 10/126, 155, 185, 197, 206 (photo) 13A/34 2/351 1/191, 229, 300; 3/70, 131; 4/293; 6/42, 68, 188 (photo); 8/231, 283; 10/312 4/287 2/114 7/82 1/210 10/162 4/189 4/211 4/287 7/429 7/338, 345 4/194, 195, 211 7/119 4/275 4/189, 211 7/217 4/257 4/218 Prien Lake Cemetery Priest, J.S. (Col) Priestley, Gerard Priest's Travels (account of - 1850) Primeaux, A.J. Primeaux, Alice, Arvin Primeaux, Armand Primeaux, Charles Primeaux, Chester George Primeaux, Clarence Primeaux Family Primeaux, Frances Primeaux, Gary Primeaux, J.B. Primeaux, Minos Francis Primeaux, Roland Primeaux, Wade NAME OR DESCRIPTION Primeaux, Wallace Jr. (Rev) Primeaux, W.D. Sr. (Capt) Primitive Baptist Church Primm, J.D. (Mrs) Primm, Pauline Primrose, Ethel Prince, John (Capt) Princess Theatre Prischepenko, B.G. (Capt) Pritchett, James W. Jr. (Cpl) Pritchett, Neva S. (Mrs) Pritchette, (Mrs) Proctor, Albert Proctor, Sadie Proctor, Simon Prodia, Audrey Prohibition. See also "Temperance Movement." Prohibition Parade Prokasky, Elmer A.N. (Cpl) Prones, LeRoy Propeller Club Propes, Chester (Mrs) Propes, Mary Proshee Proshee, William Protestant Cemetery Protestant Episcopal Churches, History Provost, Olin (Mrs), Raymond L., and Telismore (Mrs) Prudhomme, Dometile Prudhomme, Nat (Mrs) Prudhomme, Maude Ryan and R.E. Prudhomme Oil Company Pruitt, Annie Ferguson (Mrs) Pruitt, Dick Pruitt, Edgar J. Pruitt, Frank O. Pruitt, L.W. (Mrs) Pruitt, Marse Jr. Pruitt, Ray C. (1st Lt) Prussia Holstein (country) Pryce, A.W. (Dr) Puckett, Sam Bishop Puerta, Virginia Lee Pugh, Ben L., Jr. Pugh, Jesse Pugh, Lucille Pugh, W.S. (Judge) Pujo, A. Pujo, Adolphe Pujo, A. J. Book/Page number 4/297 4/273 (photo) 1/283; 4/79, 98 7/173 7/396 10/159; 9/35 5/5 6/19, 64 7/291 7/396 10/197 10/228 Old Places/28 5/252 7/444 4/237 3/51 (photo), 54, 172 3/52 (photo) 7/223 (photo) 10/185 10/198 7/123 (photo) 6/7; 9/83 5/62 5/60 2/91; Old Cemeteries/8 1/2 7/212, 215 (photo) 6/187b (photo) 7/146, 243, 417 13A/19 4/281 7/331, 336, 396 10/186 g 7/452 2/327-328 (photo), 332 (photo) 8/204 4/225, 259 7/331, 336, 397 3/70 8/275 2/332; Old Cemeteries/22 Old Cemeteries/22 7/345 1/135, 138 10/197, 198 b, c, g 6/174 1/69 1/156 2/170 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Pujo, Amedee Pujo & Fournet Pujo, Arsene P. Pujo, Arsene P. (Mrs) (Gussie Brown) Pujo, E. (Miss) Pujo, Eliza Pujo, Evalina (Miss) Pujo Family Pujo, Hardin & Porter and Pujo Committee Pujo, Marguerite Pujo, P. Pujo, P.A. Pujo, Pascal (Paschal) Pujo, Paul Pujo, Rose Pujo Street Pujo Street Skating Rink Pujol, Joe, residence Pujol, Miguel Pujo's Pujo's Settlement Pujo's Store Pulliam, Marjorie Pulver, Calvin C. Pumpelly, R.J. Pumpelly, R.J. (Mrs) Pumpkin Bayou Puneky, Claire Purcell, R. Alvin (Capt) Purdue, John A. (S. Sgt) Pure Food Store Purpera, Vincent Purple Heart Purser, B.H. Pursley, Walter Purvis, H.B. (Capt) Purvis, Marie Pusateri, Gus (Pvt) Pushlar, John Book/Page number 1/1, 47, 63, 92-93, 96, 98, 112, 128, 151; 2/137, 272, 284; 3/33, 208, 210, 223-225; 5/20; 10/4, 309; 13A/108 c3; Old Places/119 2/167 1/36, 208, 230; 2/33, 37, 53, 59, 53, 59, 102, 128, 130-131, 137, 174, 246, 256, 250-251, 274, 253; 3/23, 28, 46, 88-89, 115, 117-118, 161, 182; 4/101,171; 5/9, 59, 66, 153, 157-158; 6/91; 13A/6 3/79; 9/34 8/303 1/275 1/35, 42-43 1/192, 206 1/230 Old Places/7 1/155 1/154, 163 1/160, 230; 2/92 1/1, 114, 121-123, 143, 148, 230, 272; 2/16, 137, 272, 274; 3/205; 5/17, 20, 63; Old Places/119120 2/272 1/153, 174, 208, 211-212, 217, 230, 232, 251, 274-275; 2/16, 56 (1878 photo), 215 (1879 photo), 270 (1907 photo); 3/145, 203, 205; 4/27; 5/196 (photo); 6/19; 8/64, 105, 196, 234; 10/123; Old Places/57 (photo) 2/42 9/151 13A/19 c2p11 1/75, 117, 123 1/107, 110 1/272, 291, 292 7/226 7/345, 452 2/332 7/116; 4/211 1/91 3/7 7/22 7/223 (photo) 3/169; 5/3, 9, 11; 7/155-156, 273, 426, 428, 435; 8/72; 10/186a, 198h, 209 4/280 7/140, 144 1/183 7/188, 196 6/54 3/80; 10/197, 226, 236 7/119 6/83 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Putman, Wilbur Pyatt, Bonnie, Dela, and James A. Pyatt, Lela (Mrs) Pye, H.H. Quaghagen, Frank Quaid, Cleburne (Rev) Qualiman, F. Qualls, Billy Qualls, Kent Qualls, Marilyn Quarantines Quartarare, Vincent J. Quartararo, U.J. (Mrs) Quasebarth, Adolphe Quatre Parish Company Quebodeaux Quebodeaux, Atyole Queen of Assyria - Semiramis Circus Queue de Tortue, Bayou Quick, James S. (Pvt) Quick, William James (Family) Quick Sand Academy Quigley, R.M. Quilts and Quilting Quilty, Elizabeth Ann Quilty, George Quilty, M.A. (Dr. & Mrs) Quilty, Paul Quilty, Sam Quincy Lumber Company and Railroad Quine, Sherman Quine (coach) Quinilty, Abel Quinine Quinn, Dorris Quinn, Duran F. Jr. Quinn, Ed Quinn, Gus G. Quinn, J. Quinn, J.E. (Mrs) Quinn, Laura Annie Quinn, R.H. Quinn, Robert J. Quinn, Rosemary Quirk, Charles (Family) Quirk, Wilfred G. Raab, Rabbi & Mrs. David Raaphorst, J.W. Raas, Mr. Raas, Pauline Rabb, William (M/M) Book/Page number 13A/42 c1p2 7/208 (photo), 320 8/84, 87, 90 (photo) 4/115 4/119 3/216-217; 13A/48 c3p4 1/123 10/47 5/307; 10/148 8/83 (photo) 1/164-166 7/229, 363 7/146, 173 2/253 10/198f 3/195 3/198 2/120 13A/31 7/198 7/164, 292, 306, 379, 395, 442; 8/274 10/118 3/143 1/265; 2/1, 262 (map); 9/1-2 (photo) 10/113 (photo) 9/153 3/205; 7/147, 152 1/232; 2/286 (photo), 290, 221, 350; 4/171; 8/61, 316; 9/4 6/176; 10/101 (photo), 102 8/283 10/198 f, g 10/186 f 2/376 6/28 1/279; 9/58 7/452 5/56 1/229, 230; 3/189; 8/213a, 270; 9/188 5/82 8/196 4/237-238 6/62 8/238 (photo) 10/115, 126 7/297 (photo), 436; 9/49; 10/214, 223 7/297 (photo) 9/59-60 (photo) 9/139 2/239 3/105 2/220 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Raborn, George Racca, Althea Strahan (Mrs) Racca, Annie Racca, (Cpl) Rachel Family Rachel, Lillian Rachel, W.F. Racket Store Racoon Hunting Racquette (Indian game) Radeka, Mrs. Radeke, Clarence A. and Ernest Rader, Robert F. Rader, Robert F. (Mrs) Radford, A.L. Radio Programs and Stations. See also names of individual stations. Radium (town) Radtke, Ralph R. (Chaplain) Rae's Beauty Shop Raetzsch, A.T. Ragan, Jennie Lee Raggio, Gordon (Mrs) Raggio, Thomas L. (Capt) Raggio, Warren Raggio, Warren (Mrs) Raggy, Aleck Ragland, Charles Ragley, LA Ragley Lumber Company Ragley, W.G. Rahbanny, Halin Sabeh Rail Fences Railroad Avenue Railroads, Rail lines, Rail companies, bridges, tracks, employees, etc. [See also names of individual railroads, e.g., "Kansas City Southern Railroad," "Missouri Pacific Railroad," etc.] Railway Express Company Rain Tree Rainach, W.M. (Sen.) Rainer, Charles D. Rainer, Luise Rains, Emory Rains, Louise Rains, Marion Elmer Rains, Ruby Rainwater, DeWitt (Rev) Rainwater, James A. Ralston, John Ralyea (Royer??), L. Ramby, W.S. (Mrs) Book/Page number 4/3, 135 8/3 4/218 7/206, 304 5/177 10/64 4/171 1/252 8/02 2/376, 378; 4/27 (newspaper article) 6/155 6/83 1/230; 5/109, 110, 243; 7/13, 58, 124; 8/124, 229; 9/45 7/342; 8/251 8/213, 213A 10/186b 2/272 7/221 7/155, 273 2/332 10/138, 148 10/231 7/190; 8/338 1/280; 3/24; 7/190 6/16; 10/231 1/156 7/296 6/28; 8/197; 10/123 10/349 4/128 7/95 4/57 1/221-222, 231, 246; 2/7; 6/37, 39, 41, 48, 66, 199; 8/84; 10/123 1/160, 162; 2/81-84, 275; 6/74 (lantern photo), 91, 92, 94, 95 (bridge photo), 181, 214, 283, 284; Old Places/27 (photo) 7/79; 8/104 4/29 (newspaper picture) 10/94, 99 6/208 3/205 8/202 2/351, 353 7/217 8/240, 261 13A/19 c3p2 5/55 6/62 4/171 7/146 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Ramby, W.S. (Rev) Rameau, Pierre, King of Honey Island (fiction) Ramey, Vinnie Ramey, Vinnie (Mrs) Ramie, Grady The Ramos (Boat) Ramsay - Various spellings occur: Ramsey Ramsay, Charles Ramsay, H. Kyle Ramsay, John J. Jr. Ramsay, Katharine (Mrs. W.H.) Ramsay, William Ramsay, William (Mrs) Ramsey, Ann Ramsey, H.J. Ramsey, James (Family) Ramsey, Lelia Randel, B.W. (Mrs) Randell, Joseph E. Randolph Field Air Base Randolph, Frank Randolph, John Randolph, P.A. Randolph, Robert S. (Sgt) Raney, E.E. Ranier, A.S. (Dr) Rankin, Helen Stevens (Mrs) Rankin, Henry Rankin, Jeannette Rankin, Louise Ransbottom, C.E. Ransdell, Joseph E. (Senator) Rapides Rapides Parish Rasberry, H.C. Rasberry, Samuel W. Rasbury, L.C. Rasch, James Alvin and Walter (M/M) Rasmussen, John (Rev) Rasmussen, John L. (Mrs) Rasmussen, Larry Rasmusson Raspberry, Garvin (Pfc) Ratcliff, A.J. Ratcliff, A.L. Ratcliff, Albert I. Ratcliff, C. Ratcliff, Gertie (Mrs) Ratcliff, Henry H. Book/Page number 13A/20 c4p2 13A/56-62, 64 a, b, c, d, e 1/247 3/190 8/70, 323 2/64, 117; 3/20; 6/64-65; 10/292, 293 1/280; 2/236; 4/171 1/64, 65, 183-185, 229; 2/286; 3/97, 98, 213, 222; 10/33, 40, 100, 109 7/228 3/79 1/232, 280; 2/221, 276; 3/24, 38, 58, 59, 113, 114, 116, 118; 4/171; 5/146 (photo of home), 153, 198, 199; 6/57, 80, 103; 8/256; 10/315 1/35; 2/195; 3/79; 5/8, 16; 6/8, 10, 11, 15; 1/227 2/284; 3/223-225 7/240 (photo) 3/80; 10/104(photo) 7/133 3/155 4/265; 7/118 3/93, 95-96 7/460 1/129-130 7/272 8/20 2/332 6/51 4/218 7/44 8/100 1/230 3/84, 87, 89, 161, 182 1/79-80, 97, 110 1/42, 37, 80, 87, 90, 121, 192, 205-206, 237, 291 10/70 7/296 2/283 7/395 (newspaper picture) 2/48, 322 6/16 10/210 (photo) 5/82 7/177 (photo) 10/126 10/162 7/66, 120, 228; 10/163, 166, 167, 173, 183 5/90 13A/19 c3p3 4/198, 213 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Rathburn, Vivian Earl Rather & Staub, Architects Ratliff, K.E. (Mrs) Ratliff, J.E. Ratliff, Lucille Ratliff, Robert Ratliff, T.J. Ratliff, T.R. Raulins, B.D. Rault, Elgene J. Rauscher, Henry (Mrs) Ravia - Various spellings occur: Rovia Ravia, Bonnie Rae Ravia, Frank (M/M) Ravinsky, Gabe Rawhide, LA Rawitzki, G. Rawley, J.X. (Mrs) Rawley, James and Willadena A. Rawlins, Charles (Mrs) Rawlins, C.W. (Mrs) Rawlins, Katherine Rawlins, Martha Josephine Rawls Rawls, D.H. Rawls, Donald Milton (Family) Rawls, Janet Rawls, Mary Rawls, (Mrs.) Rawls, Myrtle (Mrs) Ray, A.A. (Mrs) Ray, Bill and Maxine Ray, Charles F. Ray, Claude E. and Willie A. (M/M) Ray, Rebekah Ray, R.S. Ray, Willard Rayburn, Thomas D. (Capt) Rayburn, Tom R. Rayfield's Store Raymond, Allen Read, Dillon & Company Read, Haskell Read, John Simmons (Family) Read, Joseph Read, Mattie and Minnie Read, Solomon Read, Stephen Decatur (District Judge) Read, William A. Book/Page number 7/66 5/155 8/282 (photo) 5/108 1/228 1/228; 8/282 1/12; 9/142 (photo) 8/198; 9/129 2/323 8/220 7/342 7/107 (photo) 7/284 2/122 1/291 2/119 6/68 7/362 (photo) 10/138 5/87 5/232 10/127 (photo), 161 7/255 7/394 7/125 (photo), 200, 237, 253, 302, 312, 314, 321, 327, 391, 400; 10/126 (photo), 174 10/158, 207(photo) 10/11 7/173 10/115; 7/200, 302, 400 10/115 8/145 3/217 13A/19 1/297 4/97 7/268 4/279-280 3/189 1/158 7/202 3/117 Old Cemeteries/21 2/351; 7/142 (photo), 221, 235 (photo) 1/149, 153 2/68 1/145 2/68, 69, 87, 97, 106, 131, 172 (photo), 186; 3/58; 5/9, 55; 6/77; 10/9, 19, 118, 201a-c; Old Cemeteries/20; 13A/20 c4p6 1/159, 209; 4/20; 8/253 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Readeaux - Various spellings occur: Rideaux, Rideau Readeaux, Ozie Reagan, J.J. Reagan, John H. Reagan, J.W. (Rev) Real Estate Agents. See also names of individual companies. Reams, Ora Moss Reams, Paul E. Reaney, J.F. Reasseau, Rubin Reaux, L.J. Sr. Reaves, Betty Lou Rebsamen, Paul Reconstruction Finance Company Records, Flo Red Bird Café Red Hussars marching squad Red Light District Red Men's Emblematic Float Red River Red River Rebels Red Rock Cola Bottling Company, Lake Charles Red Star Drug Store Red Store Redbones and the Red Bone Riot Reddell, Dudley Reddell, M.J. Redding, Oscar Redding, Robert Redehaver, Katherine Redeke, Frank Reder, Thelma M. Reder, Willie Joseph Redman Bag & Bagging Co., INC. Reed Reed & Parkin Reed, Charles Reed, Clementina Venable Reed, Coleman B., Gilbert, and Percy Reed, Coleman D. (M/M) Reed, Daisy, Grace Reed, E.B. (Mrs) Reed, Emily Reed, Ewing Reed, Frank, Thomas R., and Walter Reed, H.O. Reed, Housin or Houison Reed, Huttson Reed, Ida Weldon Reed, Jack A. (Cpl) Reed, James C. Reed, James F. (Lt Col) Book/Page number 10/84 2/220 5/79 6/153 3/36 3/80; 10/22, 110 7/296 8/65 10/167 4/283 5/326 10/148, 179 6/32; 8/8 5/244 4/80 10/128 3/36 3/98 1/211; 4/5, 18; 6/195-196 1/252 10/198f, 209 2/356 1/260; 2/65 1/191, 237, 291-297 7/452 4/100 10/203 8/248 (photo) 7/121 (photo) 7/66 7/66 10/199a 2/354 6/83 2/253 6/83; 7/282c 1/186 4/142 7/63, 394; 10/140 6/44 7/63 5/226 4/192 6/83 2/124 7/384, 452, 454, 463; 10/233 1/277 Old Cemeteries/23 7/384 5/181 7/244 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Reed, J.F. Reed, Joe Reed, Joe F. Reed, John Reed, John G. Reed, Johnny Reed, Joseph E. (Pfc) Reed, Joseph F. Reed, Lelance Frank Reed, LeRoy Reed, Lillian Reed, Lindsey Reed, Marion Reed, Mary Reed, Maude Reed, Milton D. Sr. (Pvt) Reed, (Mrs?) Reed, N. William (Mrs) Reed, Osmond Reed, Raymond Reed, Russell J. Reed, Savia Reed, S.D. Reed, S.G. Reed, Solomon Reed, W.H. Reed, Y.O. Reeds, Ammye, E.C. (Mrs), Flavia Martha, Hamilton, Raymond Reese, D.H. Reese, John (M/M) Reese, Louise Reese, Weiman or Welman Herman Reeves Reeves, Almon Reeves, Betty Lou Reeves, C. Reeves, Christopher Reeves, Clara Cagle Reeves, C.W. Reeves, D.H. Reeves, D.W. Reeves, E.C., E.H., and William Walter Reeves, E.L. Reeves, E.S. Reeves, George Reeves, George Jr. Reeves, George (Mrs) Reeves, George Sr. Reeves, George B. (Rev) Reeves, George W. Book/Page number 1/266 1/285 (photo); 4/101; 6/44 1/208, 253; 8/243 4/218 7/452 4/191 7/5, 254 5/12 7/66 7/81 5/182; 7/94, 302; 8/73-754, 79, 145; 9/4 3/197 8/73 13A/130 c3p4 3/135-136 (photo) 7/198 3/134-135 (photo) 7/112, 171-173 (photo), 179, 181, 184; 8/71, 74 (photo), 104; 9/4; 10/306 7/449 10/185 2/376; 7/407 7/254 13A/12 4/171 1/167 3/200-201 (photo) 4/97 6/68 3/23 5/243; 7/405; 8/240 7/413; 10/47, 185 2/302; 7/201, 405; 10/136 10/116 7/345 5/326 1/72 1/20, 67 13A/20 c3p7 10/118 2/132 8/214 Old Cemeteries/17 1/123 1/107 3/208, 210; Old Places/1 (photo) 2/284; 3/208, 223-225 5/83 1/122, 149, 151, 153, 158, 160; 2/284; 3/33, 223225 5/225 2/323; 13A/19 c4p6), 20 c3p7 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Reeves, Gerald F. Reeves, Glenda Kay and Royce Reeves, Green Reeves, Harvey Lee Reeves, H.H. (Nick) Reeves, Homer R. Reeves, Isaac Reeves, Isham Reeves, Jack Gerald, Laura Jackson, and Robert Reeves, James Mott Reeves, J.C. (Mrs) Reeves, "Jim" Reeves, Joe A. Reeves, John Reeves, La. Reeves, L.E. Reeves, Leroy B. Reeves, Malloy and Robert W. Reeves, Margaret Reeves, Newton and Robert Russell Reeves, Raleigh J. Reeves, Ray (Miss) Reeves, R.D. Reeves Temple CME Church Reeves, Thomas D. Reeves, V. Reeves, V.R. Reeves, W.H. Reeves, William Reeves, William G. Reeves, W.L. Reeves, W.R. Reforestation Camps Refugio, TX Regan, Gerald Regan, James H. Regan, Josephine Regan, Robert Regard, John E. Reichley, Paul Reid, Absalom Reid, Alexander Lawrence Reid, Alexander Lawrence (Mrs) Reid, Alfred J. Reid, Andrew Jackson Reid, Annie Reid, Clegg Book/Page number 7/300 8/348 1/16, 107 7/217 7/185 7/296 1/89, 107, 114, 124; 5/55 1/14, 26, 46, 54 13A/19 c4p6 1/185; 2/131; 3/35 10/138 8/347 7/229 1/146; 2/131 1/230; 4/97; 6/84 13A/50 c1 7/452 7/6 3/192, 196 7/201 5/108; 13A/19, 20 8/308a 7/298 6/201 2/70; 3/33 2/58 1/218; 8/269, 347; 10/136 13A/46 c1p4 1/158-159 1/46, 88, 132 4/171 1/300; 7/451 5/241 1/210, 212 10/186b, 192, 198e, f 7/345, 450 7/278, 288, 405 (photo), 450 (photo) 7/82 5/159 5/205 1/134, 138 1/150, 156-160, 163-164, 232, 258; 2/37, 130, 133, 150, 153, 173; 3/23; 5/116; 10/21; 13a/50 c1 2/37 2/4, 165, 167, 177, 189, 191, 196, 238; 7/296; 10/14, 101, 221, 222 (photo), 171a, b 2/162 1/228; 2/191; 10/22-23, 26 1/66; 10/101 (photo), 171b NAME OR DESCRIPTION Reid, David John Book/Page number 1/11-116, 118-120, 122, 123, 125, 129-131, 134136, 140, 141, 145-147, 149-151, 157-158, 160, 164, 194; 2/23, 29, 36-37, 42, 52-53, 69, 91, 105, 120, 122, 131, 149, 150, 155, 168, 177, 238, 246, 284; 3/10, 17, 33, 35, 61, 97, 173, 208-210, 223225, 312; 5/4, 9, 12, 17, 159, 280; 6/100; 8/243; 13A/120 c1p18; Old Places/1 1/175, 258, 266; 2/10, 12, 16, 66, 126, 138, 142, 143, 162; 3/180; 4/101; 5/183; 6/26; 7/166; 10/8, 294; Old Cemeteries/6, 8, 12 Reid, David John, Jr. ("Kinney") 1/175, 185, 266; 2/85, 121, 124, 150; 13A/120 c1p13 Reid, David John (Mrs) 1/8, 10, 13, 16; 2/154-155, 166, 205; 3/16; 1/34, 40, 44 Reid, David John, Sr. (Sheriff) 1/232, 267, 268; 2/190 Reid, Earl 2/254, 353 Reid, Emily (Lt) 7/63 2/65, 87 Reid, Eugenie 1/192; 6/90, 106 (photo) Reid Family Reid, Fred 2/37, 190, 223 Reid, Genevieve 5/232 Reid, Gilbert 4/192 Reid, Grandfather 2/215 Reid, Hannah Bahnsen, Hannah M., Joseph Sidney, Kinney Arlington, May Old Cemeteries/12 Helm Reid, Henry A. 1/160; 4/77, 78 (photo); 3/138, 205; 4/78-79 (photo); 7/203, 309 (photo), 354; 8/223; 9/52, 128; 10/13, 22, 198f, 202 Reid, Henry A. (Mrs) 5/262 Reid, Henry A., Jr. (M/M) and Henry A. III 10/211 (photo) Reid, Henry A., Jr. (Sheriff) 4/214, 215, 226; 7/387; 8/213, 237, 270, 288 Reid, Henry A. Sr. 8/270 Reid, Henry A. (Sheriff) 3/139, 140, 384; 4/284, 301; 6/198, 199, 204; 7/45, 384, 418, 423; 8/72 (photo), 328, 334, 339 Reid, Henry C. Jr. 7/110 (photo) Reid Home 8/71 Reid, J.A. 3/23 Reid, Jack 2/147, 175; 4/135; 10/123 Reid, Jack (Mrs) and Matilda 1/228 Reid, Jackson 2/110 Reid, James Carrington 7/201 Reid, James V. (Rev) 2/344 Reid, Jimmie Marie 7/347 Reid, J.M. 1/149, 151 Reid, John 2/94, 140 Reid, John David 1/210; 6/56 Reid, John M. 1/151, 158; 2/4, 67, 85, 125 Reid, Joseph 1/122, 127; 2/150; 7/82 Reid, Joseph Clegg 13A/120 c1p13 Reid, Joseph S. 1/167; 2/117 Reid, Julia 3/57; 5/232 Reid, Kate (Mrs) 10/11 Reid, David John (Judge and Family) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Reid, Kinney Reid, Kinney (M/M) Reid, Kinney Jr. Reid, Kinney Sr. (M/M) Reid, Kinney (Sheriff) Reid, Kinney Arlington Reid, Kinney E. Jr. Reid, Kinney E. (M/M) Reid, Laura Reid, Lindsey Reid, Martha (Mrs. John M.) Reid, Mary Reid, Maude Reid, (Miss) Reid, (Mrs) Reid, Robert Reid, Sheriff Reid, Solomon Reid Street Reid, Thelma Reid, Wanda Reid, William Reilly, Boatner Reilly, Mrs. Reilly, Vydah McCallen Reimer Family Reimers & Maggiore Contractors Reimers, Fred Reimers, Henry Reimers, Johanna Reimers, Magdalena Reimers, Meta Reimers, Peter Reimers Residence Book/Page number 1/208; 5/5; 6/25, 91, 119; 7/166, 225, 297; 8/222; 10/123; 13A/120 c1p13 7/306, 354 7/297, 333 7/333 8/15 1/34 7/306, 334, 354 7/166, 334 2/191; 10/22, 26, 30, 45-46, 108, 110, 161 3/199 (photo) Old Cemeteries/7 2/239 1/3, 213, 220-221, 228; 2/1, 33, 35, 53, 67, 140, 192, 198, 238, 264, 271, 277, 280, 402; 3/56, 173174, 205a; 4/79, 123, 169; 5/93, 192, 232, 243, 262, 270, 281, 305, 312, 326-328, 332-333, 340; 6/3 (photo), 7-8, 16, 44, 48, 55, 174; 7/39, 66, 89, 103, 111, 113-114, 120, 128, 132-133, 138, 141, 153, 166, 177, 183, 189, 193, 217, 246, 346, 395, 408; 8/2, 8, 9 (photo), 20, 22, 50, 61-62, 119 (photo), 120, 162, 173, 193 (photo), 198, 213214, 215 (photo), 216, 219, 238, 240, 251, 261, 265, 267, 275, 287, 305, 311, 326, 337, 353, 354; 9/1(photo), 2-3 (photo), 15, 33-36, 45, 129 (photo), 130, 142, 146 (photo), 149, 150 (photo); 10/22, 68, 70, 77, 110, 114-115, 118b, 126, 133, 138-130, 147-149, 155, 159, 165-166, 168, 170, 177, 183-185, 187-188, 191, 195 (photo), 196198, 202, 205, 207, 214-215, 223, 236-237, 303; 13A/120, 1, 53 c2; Old Places/25, 131 10/186b 7/146 1/47 2/152, 199 1/160 1/221, 280; 6/207 (photo) 6/100 7/53 7/399 (photo); 8/95 1/230 1/214 1/213 6/28 1/229; 5/139 10/219 (photo) 2/37, 171, 301 2/302 2/300 2/301; 6/26 2/16, 223; 6/28; 10/201c 5/145 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Reims & Kaufman Reims, Armand Reims, Blanche Reims, C. Reims, David Reims, Rosa Reina, J.C. Reinauer, Ben Reinauer, I. & Son Reinauer, Jules (M/M) Reinauer, Louis Reinauer Real Estate Reinauer, Sol (M/M) Reinauer's Company Reinhart, (Col.) Reinstein, B. Reiny's Variety Store Reiser, Bobbie (Miss) and Laura Reiser Brothers Reiser, C.A. Reiser, Chris E. Reiser, Ed. and Herman Reiser, Jeanette Reiser, Lottie Reiser, Lou Jane (Mrs) Reiser Machine Shop Reiser, Nancy Nell Reiser, Susie Reiser, Theodore B. Reiser, Theodore B. (Mrs) Relics Religious rites (e.g., parades, baptisms, Eucharist, etc.) Relyea, Lorenze Remage, (Dr.) Remage, Laura (Mrs) Rembert, John P. Rembert, John Zoder Rembert, Vernon S. Renfro, Will Renfroe, A.G. (Mrs) Renfrow, Mary Rentrop, Billy Ray Rentrop, H.A. (M/M) Rentrop, Morgan F. Rentrop, Robert Burns Renz, Thomas Bernard Renz, W.A. Reon - Various spellings occur: Rion, Ryan Reon, Adam, Albert, and Anderson Book/Page number 1/181 2/239 (photo) 10/64 2/170 2/4, 37, 39, 40, 94, 239 (photo - home and market), 250; 3/17; 5/47 2/147; 5/224 10/167, 186 10/31, 40 3/61, 160 4/123; 7/50, 93, 146, 201; 8/15, 196; 10/202, 3/197; Old Places/3 6/196 1/183,185; 2/39, 241, 286 (photo), 289 (photo); 3/105, 213, 221; 4/171; 6/88; 7/93 3/43 7/33 4/80 4/80 3/80 7/20 4/169 2/197; 3/232; 5/143 1/228; 5/143 8/2 1/228 7/111 5/143 (photo) 10/148 10/115, 126, 197, 206 (photo), 207, 236 1/227, 286 (photo), 291 (photo); 3/221; 5/143; 7/203 10/236 Old Places/83 1/10, 16; 8/286 6/62 3/60; 4/100 4/100 7/331 (photo) 7/81 7/296 2/259 6/153 8/353 10/163, 179, 198 7/390 7/5, 390 (photo) 7/66 7/86 4/268 (photo) 13A/19 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Reon, Alexander Stephen Reon, Armogene and Eugene Reon, Artemise Reon, Joseph Reon, Lastie Reon, Lewis Reon, Louis Reon, May Ola Reon, Narcisse Reon, Stephen Republican Party Republic Steel Company Resbech, Frank Rescue Home - Boy's Resenman, Samuel Restlaff, Mismark Retail Merchants Association Returning Board Revelle, E.A. Revere, Paul Reveries of a Bachelor (Program 1908) Revia, Lizzie Review Club, Lake Charles Rexinger, (M/M) Reynaud, Alfred Johnnie Reynaud, Eugenia Reynaud, R.C. (Prof) Reynolds Reynolds, Ben Reynolds, Billie Pat Reynolds, C.E. (Mrs) Reynolds, Claude I. Reynolds, Dave Reynolds, Everett Henry Reynolds, Fred (and Restaurant) Reynolds, G.S. Reynolds, John (Family) Reynolds, Marjorie Reynolds, (Mrs) Reynolds, Thomas Reynolds, Thomas (Mrs) Reynolds, Thomas B. Reynolds, Thomas R. Reynolds, T.V. (Mrs) Reynolds, Sudie Rhea, M.W. (Mrs) Rhea, Winston Rhode Island Rhodes, Amelia, Leon Jr., Mitchell, and Owen Book/Page number 7/86; 13A/19 c1p7 4/13 Old Places/131 1/35, 122, 129, 132; 5/55 1/145, 153; 2/132; Old Places/131 1/224 1/195; 6/53 13A/10 c1p7 1/157, 158; 2/132 1/150 8/238 10/342 1/228 3/22 7/367 7/229 7/109 1/162 3/218-219 (photo) 4/107; 13A/128 c1p8 3/1908 13A/19 c3p3 3/79; 6/6, 16, 55; 9/34-36 2/220 10/199a 8/24 4/123; 7/66, 113, 124, 176, 225; 10/69, 78, 89a, 210 1/226 6/83 10/166, 186g, 198g 7/146 3/204; 7/198 8/121-122 (photo) 7/449 2/83; 5/9; Old Places/101 3/217 3/204; 7/198, 449; 8/37, 244, 248 (photo) 5/109; 6/7 3/80; 6/112 2/65, 67, 73, 75 (photo), 83, 98, 102, 103, 106, 107, 117; 3/33; 6/97 3/33 2/64, 86 2/119, 121, 128, 186, 189 (photo); 3/214, 221; 10/292 6/113, 121 2/268; 6/100 10/185, 202 8/14 (photo); 10/148, 202 1/191 7/413 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Rhodes, B.B. Rhodes, Gloria Catherine Rhodes, Harold (M/M) and Ruth Marie Rhodes, M. (Mrs), Neal Cyril, and Patricia Rhodes, Melba Rhodes, Ross Rhodes Scholarship Rhodes, Travis D. Rhodes, Venice Joseph Rhodes, Wilfred J. (Pfc) Rhodriguez, Alice Rhodriguez, Frank and H.E. Rhor, Ferdie and J.W. (M/M) Rhorer, Allen Rhorer, "Bill" Rhorer, Genevieve Rhorer, Glenn Rhorer, James H. Rhorer, J.B. (M/M) Rhorer, J.H. (Mrs) Rhorer, John W. Rhorer, Jules Rhorer, J.W. (M/M) Rhorer, L.O. (Mrs) Rhorer, Marceline Rhorer, (Mr?) Ribbeck, Al W. (Mrs), Carl R., and Robert W. Ribbeck, Albert Ribbeck, Cecil E. Ribbeck, (Mrs) Ribbeck, Phil Ricci, Luigo Rice, C.A. Rice, Grantland Rice industry,culture, association, festival, farming, etc. See also names of individual mills. Book/Page number 2/283 10/161 8/182 (photo) 7/232 (photo) 5/252 5/178 10/204 4/230 7/86 7/5 4/119 7/168 (photo) 7/299 7/201; 8/88 (photo); 9/50 5/3 10/68, 127 (photo) 9/38 7/296 7/287 10/138 7/235 7/81, 287 4/97; 7/235 8/308 10/121, 129 (photo), 130a 3/93 13A/119 7/66, 82 7/64 Old Places/43 (photo) 9/145 (photo) 7/288 1/131 10/187a 1/197, 225, 233; 2/263; 3/74 (photo), 235; 4/105, 106, 149; 20, 21 (newspaper photo), 31; 5/160-163,165-166,281; 6/2, 6/3, 54, 64, 66; 8/12, 13 (photos), 95-99 (photos), 102 (photo), 131, 176, 182, 183, 195, 278, 289, 322; 9/4, 1921 (photos), 29-31 (photo), 33; 10/328 Rice, Jesse Ricebird, Rube Rich, J.W. Rich, Ommie R. Richard, Aaron and Freddie Richard, Adam (M/M), Alfred (Mrs), Barbara, Celestine, Dorothy, Earline, Henrietta, Laudice (Mrs), Leonard, Luke, Marcia, Nell C., and Patricia Richard, Agnes Richard, Aldis Joseph, Emma, and Savia Ann Richard, Aldis (Mrs) Richard, Alfred Richard, Alice 2/131 7/117 6/62 7/64 7/243 4/218 4/218; 2/250 4/225, 259 4/199, 209 4/139 7/289 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Richard, Alton Richard, A.M. Richard, Amos Richard & Hollier Men's Clothing Richard, Andrew Richard, Arthur (Mrs), Numa (Mrs), and Theophile (Mrs) Richard, A.S. Richard, Beatrice LeBleu ("Madam") Richard, Billy Richard, Brent Richard, C. Brent (Mayor) Richard, C. Harold Richard, C.L. (Dr.) Richard, C. (Mrs) Richard, Charles Richard, Charles M. Richard, Charles M. (Mrs) Richard, Charles W. Richard, Charley Richard, Clarence Richard, Clarisse Ann Richard, C.O. (Mrs) Richard, Docile, Oscar, Raymie, and Robert M. Richard, Dudley Richard, Edmond and Emery J. Richard, Effie (Mrs) Richard, Egoldia Mae Richard, Elias Richard, Elroy A. (Pfc) Richard, E.M. Richard, Enos and Horace Richard, E.P. Richard, Eula Richard, Eulice (Mrs) Richard, Evelyn Richard, Fabien Richard, F.D. (Mrs) Richard, Florestine Richard, Forrest (Pfc) Richard, Franklin L. Jr. Richard, G.B. (Mrs) and G.N. (Mrs) Richard, George Richard, Gilbert (Mrs) Richard, Gurnie J. Richard, Harold Richard, Helen Weber Richard, Henry Richard House (Hotel) Book/Page number 4/192, 218 2/110 4/39 5/140 4/192; 8/97 (photo) 4/196 1/231 3/108; 7/112; 8/80 (photo), 83 (photo); Old Places/34 10/148, 186b 1/181; 2/68, 75 (photo), 147; 4/85; 8/21 2/45, 133, 265; 3/23, 60; 4/97; 5/158; 8/21 (photo) 8/338 1/208 Old Places/34 7/169; 9/4 1/185, 208, 232 (photo); 2/59, 115, 119, 122, 129, 130, 132, 148, 152, 173, 205, 250; 3/23, 35; 4/171; 6/112, 113; 8/161 6/176; 8/273; 9/34; 13A/53 , 114, 119 7/192, 196 (photo), 427 3/32 7/201 7/93 5/270 7/296 4/268-271, 282 (photo of home) 7/5 4/203-204, 225, 259 7/305 4/123; 5/130, 142 7/5, 345 2/199 4/142 8/238 7/282c 4/213, 250 10/69, 120 1/126 4/201 4/80 7/402 8/92 1/42 3/39; 7/449 7/334 7/452, 454 2/352 1/227; 5/326; 6/162; 7/93 4/225 2/151, 214 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Richard, Ike Richard, Inez Richard, John Dennis Richard, Joseph Richard, Joseph (Mrs) Richard, Joseph V. Richard, Joyce Richard, Julien Richard, Julien Grocery Richard, J.W. Richard, Lawrence M. Richard, Leslie Richard, Lois Richard, Louis Richard, Margaret Cosse Richard, Mark Richard, Mark (Mrs) Richard, Mary Sue Richard, Melanie, R.S., and Thilibert Richard, O.B. Richard, Oliver Gonzard Richard, Oliver Gonzard Jr. Richard, Oliver Gonzard (M/M) Richard, Otto D. Richard, Pearl Richard, Percy Mark Richard, R. Richard, Raymond (Cpl) Richard, R.J. (Mrs) Richard, R.L. Richard, Robin Richard, Rudolph L. Richard, Rudolph (Mrs) Richard, Sam M. Richard, Sam (Mrs) Richard, Stanton "Tan" Richard Street (now Fifth Street) Richard, Valerian Richard, V.B. Richard, Vian Richard, Walter E. Richard, Walter E. (Mrs) Richard, Willis "Skeet" Richard, Zedore Richards Richards, Dean B. (Lt) Richards, Merlin T. Richards, Robert Richardson Book/Page number 7/64, 187 1/7; 2/68 7/81 8/97 (photo), 339 13A/19 c3p3 2/3, 234, 246 10/95 1/166, 178, 255; 2/14, 97, 107, 108, 150, 214, 256; 3/25; 4/85 2/270 2/264; 5/93; 7/111, 450, 451; 8/238 7/452, 454 4/298, 306 4/270 2/265; 7/398 4/84; 9/1, 13; 10/142 4/139, 143, 151, 160; 8/267 4/211 8/2 4/200 4/171 4/77; 7/113, 192, 427; 8/272 7/201, 311 7/311, 427 7/228 7/345 4/225, 226, 260 8/130 7/169 6/68 7/184 10/166, 186e 2/264; 7/69, 296 7/115, 167 3/105; 5/95, 262, 319; 7/10 (photo); 8/16, 173, 228 (photo), 229, 236, 353; 9/9, 127 (photo); 10/172, 187 8/58 4/85 (photo) Old Places/54 1/98, 135 1/277 4/268 4/234, 272; 5/112; 9/146 (photo) 9/37 2/34, 53 4/270, 294 10/116 7/196 7/64 3/207 3/45 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Richardson, Albert (Mrs) Richardson, Amy Richardson, Charles A. Richardson, Charles A. (Mrs) Richardson, C. Lanier (Dr.) Richardson, C. Lanier Jr. Richardson Family Richardson, Francis D. Richardson, G.W. Richardson, G.W. & Company Richardson, Helen Richardson, Irene Richardson, James W. Richardson, Jay Fulton Richardson, L.C. Richardson, Mary Richardson, Mollie or Molly Richardson, R.B. Richardson, R.C. (Maj. Gen.) Richardson, R.R. Richardson, S.A. Richardson, Skaler Richardson, William (Billy, Willie) Richardson, William E. (Pfc) Richey, Daniel W. Richey, Gordon L. (Lt) Richey, Leonard Richey's Ferry Richmond, C.A. Richmond, Eloise Richthoven, Baron Rickenbacker, Eddie Riddelle, Katherine (Mrs) Riddick & Moss Mill/Store Riddick, Edgar L. (Ed, Eddie) Riddick, Emma Riddick, (Mr.) Riddle, Rollen L. Rideout, Anson F. Jr. Rider, Florence Rider Jewelry Company Riegel, L.F. Riesel, Nathan and Victor Riesen, Paul Riette, Florence Riff, Lloyd Riff, Lloyd E. Riff, Lloyd I. (2nd Lt) Riff, Lloyd L. Riff, Lottie Riff, M.H. Book/Page number 7/328 8/106 5/326; 7/86, 191; 8/104, 320, 321 5/243; 7/39, 113, 116, 196, 225 1/215; 2/193 (photo of home), 211; 3/45; 6/25; 10/22, 23, 26, 32, 33, 38, 52, 221 (photo) 4/171 4/121 4/172 1/147, 149, 158; 2/109; 13A/8 c1 2/97 2/193; 10/37 6/197; 7/200 6/83 7/66 2/167; 5/9 2/193; 10/210 1/245; 2/101; 10/10 8/48, 274 7/37 8/48 10/104 (photo) 2/193 2/193, 327; 13A/19 c2p5 2/131; 7/289 (photo), 328 7/452 7/235, 242 5/284 1/149 2/220 8/6 8/292 7/119; 8/228 7/111 1/259; 2/73, 75, 89, 233, 240, 256 2/147, 323; 10/204 (photo) 2/112 2/229 7/452, 454 7/452 8/101 (photo) 7/155, 273, 426, 428, 435; 10/186d, 198b, 209 7/131 9/115 (photo) 7/423 8/245 5/281; 10/233 7/65 7/151 (photo), 283, 354, 452, 454 7/245 6/7 2/332 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Riff, Maury Riff, Sol (M/M) Riff's Palais Royal Rifles, Gerand Riggs, John F. Riggs, Pleasant B. Rigmaiden Rigmaiden, A. Rigmaiden, Abbie Rigmaiden, Ab. Esq. Rigmaiden, Albert Rigmaiden & Smith Rigmaiden Building Rigmaiden Café Rigmaiden Cemetery Rigmaiden, Edward Rigmaiden, Eli and John Rigmaiden, Eliza Rigmaiden, Esther Rigmaiden Hotel Rigmaiden, J. Rigmaiden, Jacob or Jake Rigmaiden, James Rigmaiden, James A. Rigmaiden, James Jasper Rigmaiden, J.J. Bakery Rigmaiden, J.B. (Rev) Rigmaiden, Jim Rigmaiden, Livonia Rigmaiden, Mary Ann Rigmaiden, Shirley Rigmaiden, Thomas Rignaud, Therese Rebaud (Mme) Riley, Elaine Pujo Riley, George (Mrs) Riley, John Riley, Mary Riley, Paul Riling, Francis M. Riling, George L. Jr. (Pfc) Riling, George L. (Mayor and Mrs) Riling, (Mr) Rillian Rimmer, L.G. (Mrs) Ring, Jerry Ringling Brothers Circus Rink, The (Department Store) Book/Page number 7/204, 283; 10/186 2/244, 266; 6/87; 7/10 (photo), 65, 109, 123 (photo), 151, 245, 283, 354; 8/238; 9/121 3/33; 7/155, 273, 426, 428; 10/186c, 198d, 209 4/25 7/296 1/168 2/73 1/282; 2/59, 65, 107, 128, 133, 173, 186, 286; 3/35, 221; 9/154; 10/21 13A/40 c4p5 2/211, 212; 3/127; 5/77 10/4 1/229 2/276 1/61j Old Cemeteries/24 1/110 13A/25 c3p3 Old Places/1 8/194 1/261; 2/19, 91, 213, 234, 261; 3/141, 197; 6/48, 49; 8/209, 293 2/132 1/257; 2/211, 133, 171; 5/55; 10/4 2/33 10/3, 7 1/231; 3/34, 197; 5/138, 154; 6/48 3/197; 5/9, 154 (photo); 6/39 9/142 1/286; 2/19; 3/197; 6/39, 91; 10/13 2/169, 191, 198; 10/22 3/127 Old Cemeteries/22 1/50, 121, 134, 225, 279, 286; 2/214, 389; 8/9; 9/129; 10/2-4, 290; Old Cemeteries/17; Old Places/1, 8 13A/106 c1 1/230 10/40 7/6 10/107 6/124 7/191, 334, 405 7/324, 395 2/50; 3/226; 5/68; 7/191, 334; 8/273, 308 4/167 (photo) 7/269 7/177 2/188 8/297 3/39 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Rinney, Edward Rio Grande Rio Hondo. See also "Neutral Land" Rion - Various spellings occur: Reon, Ryan Rion, A.J. Rion, Beth Roster, Robert D., and W.L. (M/M) Rip Van Winkle Riparian rights Ripley, Clyde Vivian Ripley, Ed. J. Ripley, Louis (Mrs) Ripley, W.P. Ripley, W.R. Ripple, C.E. Riquelmy, Charles Riquelmy, Edwina Riquette, Nicolas Riser, (Mr) Riser, R.D. (Mrs) Riser, James E. (Capt) Riser, L. (M/M) and Luther Ristine, Richard (Lt) Ristom, George (Mrs) Ritchie Children Ritchie, D.C. (Mrs) Ritchie Family Ritchie, S.L. Ritchies, Hiram Ritchie's Ferry Rittenhouse, Ellis B. Ritter, James Ritter, Joseph W. Ritter, Otto (Major) Ritter, Richard Ritter, William Rivals, The (program 1908) River Road River Trade Days Rivers, Arvin Rivers, Darbonne Rivers, Lucille Rivers, Pearl Rivers, William Rives, J.C. Rives, Jeanne Rivette, George Rizzo, A. Rizzo, Ray Roach, C.B. Roach, C.B. (Mrs) Roach, Cindy Book/Page number 1/93 1/212; 4/107 1/190-192, 196, 205, 211-213, 224; 3/63, 232; 9/129; 13A/3 7/296 7/226 (photo) 2/21 8/37 10/136 5/270 5/216 2/33, 53 3/117; 5/59 8/147, 152 10/198 a, e, g, 206 10/186g, 198i 13A/89 c1 4/95 6/16 7/299 (photo), 350, 453, 454; 10/233 7/299, 350 2/259 7/354 3/148 4/100 4/102 5/229 1/168 1/153 8/264 (photo) 5/77 6/83 7/361 1/52 1/52, 89 3/166 6/196 (photo) 1/213 3/190 1/157, 160 7/174 4/116 13A/87 c1 7/15 10/127 (photo), 129-130a, 186d 9/9 2/4 8/213 8/80 7/93, 103, 112, 173 13A/49 c4p4 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Roach, Clement A. Roach, Ed (Mrs) Roach, Elmer, George (Family), and Warren Roach, Franklin (Pfc) Roach, Harry Roach, Harry Allen Roach, Newton A. Roach, Warren (Mrs) Roads - Public, levees, overseers, markers, etc. Roanoke, La. Roaten, W.C. Robbins, Charles E. (2/Lt) Robbins, J.E. (Mrs) Robbins, J.S. Robeline, La. Robell, John David Roberson, Ned Robert, Aras Robert, J.B. (Mrs) Robert, Joachim Robert, PO.J. Robert E. Lee - Showboat Roberts Roberts, Albert and P.E. Roberts, Alfred (1st Lt) Roberts, Alfred (Mayor) Roberts, Alfred (Mrs) Roberts, Alfred E. Roberts, A.N., A.W., G.K., and John L. Roberts & Boling Roberts, Bennie and W.G. Roberts, B.F. (Mrs) Roberts, Byron L. Roberts, Carolyn Roberts, Carrie I. (Mrs. Frank) Roberts, Claude Roberts, Clifford C. (Pvt) Roberts, Dan Roberts Family Roberts, F.M. (Mrs) Roberts, Frank Roberts, Frank (Mrs) Roberts, Frank N. Roberts, Dick Roberts, G. Book/Page number 8/318; 10/95 5/157 7/350 7/430 7/124; 8/353; 9/52 7/201, 379; 9/9 7/64 8/69 (photo) 1/9, 14, 15, 24, 25, 32, 33, 35-37, 39, 40, 42, 61, 63, 72, 73, 75, 76, 80, 81, 87, 88, 90-95, 106-108, 110-126, 128-131, 133, 135,137, 141, 142, 145153, 156-158, 160-161, 220, 236; 11/95 5/77; 8/63 1/233 7/417 8/196 3/216 5/29 8/238 (photo), 252 2/132 1/149 7/455 1/63 8/213 1/182 (1930 picture) 5/82 13A/18 7/186 3/216-217 7/225 3/123, 191; 5/221; 6/201; 7/198, 322 (photo); 8/57, 61, 212 (photo), 236, 280, 311 7/296 10/198a 7/43 7/111 8/92 8/2 3/79 3/190 7/198 10/230, 235 1/205; 4/118 10/11; 13A/20 c1p3, 1 1/61k, 208, 225; 2/170, 213, 221, 276; 3/84, 85, 105, 123, 159, 169, 191; 4/87, 101, 168, 171; 5/141 (photo of home); 6/60, 168 (photo), 175, 177 (photo); 8/16, 133; 10/16, 140 3/85 7/228 1/279; 2/335 (photo); 6/198; 8/335; 9/123 7/352 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Roberts, J. Baylor Roberts, J.C. Roberts, J.C. Sr. Roberts, J.C. Sr. (M/M) Roberts, J. G. (Mrs) Roberts, John G. (Rev) and Maggie Roberts, J.H. Roberts, John Roberts, John C. Jr. Roberts, John H. Roberts, Joseph Roberts, L.E. Roberts, Lorena Roberts, Melvin E. Roberts, N. (Mrs) Roberts, N.A. (Mrs) Roberts, Noble T. Roberts, Paul Roberts, Paul (Rev) Roberts, Paul E. (Dr.) Roberts, R.A. (Mrs) Roberts, Richard Roberts, Richard (Mrs) Roberts, Richard A. Roberts, S.T. Roberts, Sam Cleveland Roberts, Samuel Roberts, Tyce Roberts, W.H. (Rev) Roberts, William G. Roberts, William L. Roberts, Wilmer Robertson, Everett Robertson, (Mrs) Robertson, Bruce R. Robertson, Constance Robertson, Eileen Robertson, Ernest L. Robertson, Gabriel Robertson, George F. Robertson, Gordon Robertson, J.D. Robertson, John W. Robertson, M.A. and Seth Robertson, M.L. (Dr) Robertson, Martha (Miss) Robertson, O.H. Robertson, Robert F.(Pvt) Robertson, Row D. Robertson, S. (Mrs) Book/Page number 8/68 4/123 7/185, 197 7/206, 354 13A/19 c4p6 13A/20 5/162, 163 4/100; 5/77; 13A/50 c3p20 8/287 4/98 1/168 6/176 2/354; 7/146; 9/150 (photo); 10/126, 138, 197198g, 215 7/337 (photo) 7/146 10/185 7/295 6/28 9/127 3/221 7/244 4/223, 281-282, 294; 6/202(photo); 7/244; 10/202 10/143 7/197 (photo), 185, 206, 248, 354; 8/339 7/451 7/66 1/155, 159 1/205; 4/118; 5/79 2/93 6/46, 82 7/343, 405 7/300 Old Cemeteries/21 6/49 4/97 10/161 10/68 7/296 1/146 6/83 10/193 4/96 8/209 5/55 4/25 2/101 7/82 7/345 7/452, 454 8/93 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Robertson, S.M. Robertson, Samuel Robertson, Valmae (Mrs) Robertson, W. G. Robichaud, A.J. (Rev) and Joseph E. Robichaud, Joseph Emile Robichaux, Gilbert L. Robichaux, Malcolm F. Robichaux, Namese Thomas Robideaux, Clifton C. Robideaux, Darius Robideaux, Earl R. Robideaux, Wilmer Rondel Robinaux, Lefsoy Robinson Robinson & Company Robinson, Arthur Ennis Robinson, B.L. (Col.) Robinson, Billy Robinson, Clavin C. Robinson, Constance Robinson, Dewey A. (Sgt) Robinson, E.T. Robinson, Earl Robinson, Earl R. (S.2/c) Robinson, Eddie Robinson, Elvia E. and W.B. Robinson, Enna Mae Robinson, Eugene J. (Pvt) Robinson, Frances Robinson, Gabriel Robinson, George (Family) Robinson, George A. (2nd Lt) Robinson, Gloria Robinson, Goodlow Robinson, H.L. (Dr) Robinson, H.L. (Mrs) Robinson, Henry Hubert Robinson, Hubert Robinson, J.B. Robinson, J.C.M. Robinson, James Robinson, Jerry Robinson, Jerry Ann Robinson, Joe Robinson, Jimmy and Schley (Mrs) Robinson, John Robinson, Joyce Marie Robinson, Julia Robinson, L.E. Robinson, Leon Bert and Margaret J. Robinson, Lizzie Book/Page number 3/35 3/143 6/49 8/70, 323 7/443 7/95 7/296 7/452, 454 7/3 7/338 8/134 7/228, 234 7/95 7/296 4/18 1/229 7/201 9/28 7/201 (photo); 8/254; 10/185 7/64 7/300 7/272, 336 5/77 7/378 7/438 2/169 7/116 (photo) 4/47 7/198 10/186 b, c 1/131, 148 7/350 7/434 7/302 1/236 (photo) 4/98 8/311 10/136 5/281 7/184 5/15 9/15 10/186b 7/286; 8/299 (photo); 10/159, 187, 198a, i, 206 1/230 10/185 2/220 10/68 10/166 3/123, 191 7/66 4/34 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Robinson, M.S. (Dr) Robinson, Mark Robinson, Mildredl Robinson, Minor Robinson, (Mrs) Robinson, N.H. Robinson, Nancy C. Robinson, Richard Robinson, S.B. (Dr) Robinson, S.B. (Mrs) Robinson, S.D. Robinson, Shirley Robinson, V.A. Robinson, Virginia (Mrs) Robinson, W.M. Robinson, Yvonne Robinson-Duff, Frances Robinson's Bluff Robira, John Robira, John J. Robira, John J. (Mrs) and Robert Y. Robira, Rita Robison, J.T. Robnett, Joe James Jr. (Lt) Robson, Robert Rocca, Carlo Jr. (Pvt) Rocca, Loretta (Mrs) Rocheblane Rochelle Rochester, Willie Rochon, Amy Rock Rock Building Rock, Charles T. Rock, Charley Rock, Edna Rock, Edna F. Rock, Elizabeth Rock Family: Charles, Daniel L., David, Elmira, George III, and Gordon Rock, George (M/M) Rock, George A. (Lt) Rock, George H. (Family) Rock, George T. Rock, George T. Hardware Store Rock Grinding, Custom Rock, H.H. Rock, H.H. Jr. Rock, H.W. Rock, Harold Rock, Harold H. (Pvt) Rock, Herman Rock, Herman W. Book/Page number 5/228 4/10, 12 4/33 7/363 3/48 (photo); 9/112 9/139 8/223 (photo) 7/378 (photo); 10/84 5/262; 7/45; 8/13(photo); 9/45 2/356; 7/173; 10/115 4/123 10/181 10/53 7/397 7/296 10/186g 6/55 1/131 4/77 (photo) 4/78; 5/117, 192 7/346 13A/50 c3p11 1/212 7/266 6/72-73 7/358 8/220 4/27 1/222 9/22 (photo) 7/111 10/110 6/112 7/64 7/187, 206, 304 1/220; 7/340; 8/7, 252, 282 8/147-148; 9/130 (photo) 10/22, 33, 65, 224 (photo) 2/170; 8/282 (photo) 8/252 6/46 2/244; 6/82; 7/458 (photo); 8/282 (photo) 2/223; 3/160; 4/87, 101; 5/116; 6/60,66 3/34, 39,169; 5/9 6/182 4/171 3/123, 191 1/229; 3/159, 169 4/168; 10/23 7/198 1/208; 2/193; 6/113, 125; 10/118a 3/237 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Rock, Kingsley Rock, Marguerite Rock, Martha Rock, Rosalie Rock Street Rock, W. Rock, W.W.(Mrs) Rockaway (Steamer) Rockefeller Game Refuge Rockwell Rodehaver, Katherine Rodeos Roderick, E.C. Roderick, E.J. Roderick, Edith Rodgers, C.W. Rodgers, Jim Rodgers, (Mr) Rodie, F.S. or R.S. Rodrigue, A.S. Rodrigue, David Adam and L.B. Rodrigue, Doris Rodrigue, L. Rodrigue, L.B. (Mrs.) Rodrigue, Marie Rodrigue, S.B. (Mrs) Rodriguez, J. Rodriguez, Ignace Rodriguez, Ignacios Roe, Ann (Mrs) Roe, Ethel Johnson Roe, Viola Roesener, P. (Rev) Roettig, Hans (Col) Rogan, John E., Mrs. Rogeau, Griffin Rogen, Rufus Rogers, Bob Rogers, Ben F. (Rev) Rogers, Carry J. Rogers, Charles (Mrs) Rogers, Elizabeth Rogers, G.B. Rogers, G.B. (Mrs) Rogers, G.B. (Rev) Rogers, Gloria Bernice Rogers, Harrison Rogers, Harry E. and Stanley F. Rogers, Issac Rogers, Jack J. (Cpl) Rogers, Jacob Rogers, Joe (Mrs) Book/Page number 2/238; 7/296; 10/33, 221-222 (photo) 5/232 8/282 (photo); 10/129-130a (photo) 7/119 6/66 2/273 6/15 1/19 4/280 2/245 7/121 (photo), 179; 8/213 6/54; 8/72, 172 7/82 4/87 10/147 3/57; 8/297 5/82 3/60 5/200; 10/328 7/82 7/129 (photo) 5/232 7/50 10/126 (photo) 4/81 10/115 1/155 2/132 1/156 7/111 5/217 4/199 2/307 8/194 (photo) 10/304 7/300 13A/21 c1p8 10/198e, 226 3/205 7/345 4/283 10/177 3/134 2/191, 199 1/263; 2/188, 192, 202; 4/243, 101 10/161 1/97 7/296 7/81, 429 7/362 2/132 4/193 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Rogers, John Rogers, Katherine and Lucille Rogers, L.W. Rogers, Leslie W. Rogers, Mabel Rogers, Muriel Clare Rogers Second Hand Store Rogers, Walter H. Rogers, Will Rogers, William F. Roguier, Michael Roher, Hazel Swizer Rohrs, Gary and Jack Rojas Jewelry Shop Rolfing, Anna Johanna, Emelie Friedrike Rolfing, Gus Roller, Robert (Mrs) Rollins, Betty Lou Rollins, Doris Rollins, G.K. Rollins, Joe Rollo, Edith Rollo, John Rollo, Tom Rollo, Walter Rollo, Walther (Mrs) Rollo, William Thomas Rolloson, Fred A. (Family) Rolloson, George Rolloson Stationary Company Roman, A.B., Governor Roman, Joe Romano, Dominic and Mitchell Romeo (Mail Boat) (Schooner) Romero, (Miss) Romero, Albert J. Romero, C.J. Romero, Claude Romero, Euralie (Mrs) Romero, Filmore Romero, Fred Romero, Gilbert Romero, J.R. Romero, Lee J. Romero, Robert Romero, Leo J. (Pfc) Romero, Theo Romero, Victor Romine, Leon (Mrs) Ronning, R.D. Roome, W.C. Book/Page number 8/14 (photo); 10/181, 203 3/80 6/174 7/83 (photo) 10/101 (photo) 10/136 2/275 2/131 1/243; 5/251 7/229 8/71 1/235 (photo) 10/301 7/155, 273, 426, 428 Old Cemeteries/10 5/82 7/452 10/68 6/16; 8/108 8/343, 345 5/52 10/101 (photo) 2/223; 3/42 6/151, 153 13A/69 c1 7/111 7/95 7/93, 441, 442 7/145 2/73, 355; 7/155, 273, 426, 428, 435; 8/67; 10/186a, 198e, 209 1/192, 202 7/296 7/335, 338 (photo) 3/188; 10/122 6/151 7/345 3/197 7/201; 8/167 8/70, 323 7/300 10/177 7/296 8/70, 323 7/162, 396(photo) 4/280 7/5, 437 3/60 1/142 13A/18 c2p12 4/206 13A/18 c4p8 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Roos, G.A. Roosevelt Depression Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Elliott Roosevelt, Franklin D., President Roosevelt Hall Roosevelt, Theodore D., President Root, Ben and Jim Root, George Root, Hattie Root, James Root, Robert (Mrs) Root, Sarah Willie Roper, James F. Roquemore, W.P. Rorris, R.J. Rosalis, Antonio Rose, Ann Rose, Arthur and Edward Rose, Bill Rose Bluff Rose, Crawford A. (Mrs) Rose, Elizabeth Shutts, Jennette C., and William A. Rose, George J. Rose, James R. (Lt) Rose, Kenneth Rose, Kenneth K. Rose, Kenneth Kirk Rose, (Mr) Rose Petroleum Company Rose, Revis Y. Rose, William (Mrs) Rosenblatt, John (Rabbi) Rosenthal, David R. Rosenthal, Eliza Rosenthal Family Rosenthal, Maurice Rosenthal, Relief Richards (Mrs) Rosenthal, Sheldon Rosenthal Shingle Mill Rosepine, LA roses Rosetta, Lucy Rosetta, Tony (Cpl) Rosette, Charles Rosette Social Rosfeld, David V. Book/Page number 8/150 6/32 6/63; 7/191, 365-369, 374 (wedding photo); 8/234 7/367 3/205a; 4/148; 5/3, 243; 6/32; 7/4, 41-44, 76 (photo), 81, 364-375 (photos), 422, 478-486, 489492; 8/238; 9/122; 10/198a 6/63; 7/370; 8/234; 9/122 1/230; 3/118; 5/288, 296; 7/371 (funeral photos), 374 5/82 4/79, 147 2/146 2/146, 265 5/332 8/19, 229 1/159 8/226 7/219 1/212 7/231 4/218 10/338 1/47, 230, 235, 283; 2/69, 96, 272; 8/224; 10/7, 309; 13a/10; Old Places/1 2/403; 10/304 7/278 2/131 7/184 6/190 7/283 7/239 (photo) 3/60 2/350 7/296 8/5 2/328, 332 3/81; 5/192 4/80 6/41 10/326 10/40 4/227, 281 5/139, 146 (photo); 10/326 4/96; 6/172 8/203 7/377 7/86, 377 7/82 3/38 7/452, 454 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Rosfeld, David V. (Sgt) Rosfeld, Frank Rosner, Adrienne Ross, Gil and Malice Ross, J.H. Jr. (Mrs) and Susan Ross, Jesse G. (Family) Ross, John Ross, Sid Ross, Stoyte (Mrs) Ross, Stoyte O. Ross, W.B. Ross, W.B. (Mrs) Ross, Willie Rosseler, Walter F. (Pfc) Rossenwald, Lessing J. Rossignol (town) Rosteet - Various spellings occur: Rostech Rosteet, Arthur Rosteet, Arthur (Mrs) Rosteet, A.V. (M/M) Rosteet, Babe Rosteet, Babe (Mrs) Rosteet Building Rosteet, Ernest Charles Rosteet Family Rosteet, Grace LeBleu Rosteet, Harry Rosteet, J. Rosteet, J.A. Rosteet, John H. Rosteet, Joseph W. Rosteet, Joseph W. (Mrs) Rosteet, Magie Rosteet, Miguel Rosteet, Miquel's, mother Rosteet, Miguel Store Rosteet, (Mr) Rosteet, (Mrs) (and Lorena Walker) Rosteet, Paul Rosteet, Ray Rosteet School Rosteet Terrace Rosteet, Willie Rostrum, Eugene Rotary Club Rotfort, Sol (Lt) Book/Page number 7/356, 442 7/356 10/198a, d, e 7/118 6/27 7/397 1/123 4/274 7/50 7/65, 81, 94, 117-118 6/176 7/115 5/52 7/5 7/89 2/272 1/232; 2/131, 148; 6/80 3/174 10/192 1/217; 8/23 (photo of home) 6/99 2/3 7/300, 449 1/224 12A/119; Old Places/31 (photo of home) 7/82 1/257 5/138 4/171 1/217, 260 (photo), 261; 2/60, 148; 3/23; 6/80, 109; 7/229 8/58; 13A/114 c2 3/4 1/146, 147, 177, 208, 219, 259-261 (photo of home); 2/7, 14, 37, 92, 106, 116, 129, 138, 170, 186, 211, 213, 216, 221, 234, 246-247, 251, 253; 3/4,23, 111, 123, 179, 191; 4/169; 5/14; 6/53; 8/23, 234; 13A/41 c2p4 2/215 1/216, 260 (photo); 2/35 1/220 Old Places/31 (photo) 1/230 10/186a, b, c, 192 8/289; 10/118 6/195 (photo), 204 (photo) 2/116 3/217 8/279; 2/326-337; 6/171-172, 174; 8/88, 214, 195 7/241 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Roth, F.F. (Mrs) Roth, Frank, Ida Myrtle, and Robert Lee Roth, Frank (M/M) Roth, Frank V. Jr Roth, John Houston Roth, Lillie (Mrs) Rothkam, E.L. (Mrs) Rothkamm, (Mrs) Rothkamm, Fred Rothkamm, Fred B. (Mrs) Rothkamm, Fred S. Jr. Rothkamm, H.J (Mrs) Rothkamm, Harold Rothkamm, Harold L. Rothkamm, J.E. (M/M) Rothkamm, Joseph K. Rothkamm, Warren Glenn (Pfc) Rothkamm's Meat Market Rothwell, R. P. Rouge, Adam Rougeau - Various spellings occur: Roujot Rougeau, Edward Rougeau, Leola Rougeau, Linda (Miss) Roughton, Bert G. (Lt) Rougier, Michael Roujot [or Rougeau], Caliste Jr. Rounds, Ben W. (Sgt) Rounds, Frank (Mrs) Rounds, Leslie R. Round-Up Boys Rouquette, Abbe Adrien Rousell, Emma Rouse's Racket Store Roush, Ernest Cary Rousseau, (Father) Rousseau, Herman and R.J. Rousseau, J.J. (Msgr) Rousseau, Joseph Rousseau, Jules Rousseau, Louis Rousseau, Rubin Roussell, Eli John Roussell, Emma (Mrs) Roussell, J.B. (Mrs) Routh, Betty Routh, Cope Routh, E.E. Routh, Elizabeth Routte, N. (M/M) Roux, Daniel Book/Page number 10/197 7/378 (photo) 7/313 7/229 7/197, 286, 313 7/197, 378 7/396 7/173 1/222, 260; 2/248; 6/124 6/19 7/296 7/146 3/221 2/286, 291(photo) 7/339 7/452, 454 7/151, 339 6/113 5/26, 28 9/149 7/5, 161, 227, 232 (photo), 321, 392, 438 7/321 13A/18 c2p7 7/184 8/76 (photo) 1/96 7/83 (photo) 8/3 9/128 (photo) 3/354 (photo) 4/20 4/122 2/234, 276, 325; 4/101 7/201 2/256 10/210 (photo) 4/6 (photo) 7/64 4/2 10/212 (photo) 10/167 7/449 7/112 5/251 10/198a 6/89; 8/37, 230, 238 (photo), 244, 246 (photo); 9/37, 50 8/238 (photo) 10/186 b 7/226 4/275, 2/280 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Roux, Ed (M/M) Roux, Ellen Roux, J.E. Roux, John Roux, Maud (Mrs) Roux, W.M. (Mrs) Rouyer - Various spellings occur: Royer Rouyer, Elmore C. Rouyer, F. James Rouyer, James Rovia [or Ravia], Lodia (Mrs) Rowan, Willie Lee Rowe, L.W. (Mrs) Rowe, Miles G. Rowe, O.R. (Mrs) Rowe, R.M. Rowe, Thomas W. Rowehl, Alice Rowland, Elise Whitman Rowson, E.F. Roy, Anthony Dalton Roy, Cecelia (Mrs) Roy, Edith L. (Mrs) and Frances Roy, E.H. (Mrs) Roy, E.L. Roy, Everett Roy, Ferdinand Roy, Frozien Roy, Henry Roy, J.L. Roy, L.P. Jr. Roy, Lilly Roy, May Roy, R.J. (Mrs) Roy, V. L. Roya, Joe Royal, John Royal Crown Cola Royal Heneley Regatta Royal Italian Band Royer - Various spellings occur: Rouyer, Roya Royer, Aladin and Louis P. Royer, Budrow, C. Royer, Cleveland Royer, Donald and Remus Royer, Edward Royer, Edwin, Edyar, Felix, Frederick, Marcel, Meliza (Mrs) Royer, Gus Royer, John Jr. Royer, John J. Royer, John Q. Royer, Lester Book/Page number 8/193 (photo) 2/301 1/176 2/296 7/111 4/285 (photo) 2/283 2/332 6/191 13A/19 c3p3 7/246 7/50 2/131 7/169 5/77 1/168 2/378 8/120 4/171 7/449 8/235 (photo); 10/40 4/112 7/294 2/243 9/23-25 1/15; 2/38, 238 4/147 1/257; 2/23, 53 10/198 8/238 10/102 4/80 7/203, 305 10/59 7/201 5/52 10/198g 1/229 5/201 Old Cemeteries/25 1/134 7/201 4/116 13A/40 c4p5 13A/19 5/223 10/161 7/442 7/451 7/217 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Royer, Lezime, Christine Royer, Louis Alvin Royer, Marx (Mrs) (Hester Ann) and Lucinda Royer, Maynard Royer, Mickey Royer, Napoleon Royer, Onezime Royer, Valentine Royer, William H. (Pfc) Royston, T.T. (Mrs) Rubber Industry Rubn, John R. (Pfc) Rucker, Womack H. Ruckstuhl, Clay E. Ruckstuhl, Juan and Niles Ruckstuhl Twins Rudenko, L.G. (Lt. Gen.) Rudesal, E.G. (Mrs) Rudisill, H.C. Rudolph, R.R. Rue, A. (Mrs) Rue, Aubrey Ruehlin, Elizabeth Ruion (Reon?), Joseph and Ruion Point Rummery, Dixie Rummery, Mae Runaway Slaves Runnels, Allen and Hiram Runnels, Van Runte, Ed (Mrs) Runte, Harry Lee Runte, J.E. Runte, John Runte, John (Mrs) Runte, John A. Runte, John Frederick Runte, Jim Runte, Louie Runte, Louis Runte, Louise Runte, (Mrs) Runte, Robert "Runte's Rube" Band Rupert, Charles Rural Louisiana Ruscoe, C.A. Rush, Betty Rush, F.H. Rush, H.F. Rush, Nell Clark and Pamela Mae Russel, Donald J. Russel, W.P. Jr. Book/Page number Old Places/1 Old Cemeteries/22 Old Cemeteries/21 7/339 (photo) 10/185 13A/4 c4p5 1/36, 39, 63, 75, 102, 121, 133 2/132; 5/55 7/5 5/182 8/217a, 218, 224-225 7/413 7/66 2/265; 7/82; 8/248 (photo) 10/177 8/77 (photo) 7/291-292 4/285 (photo) 4/189 4/157-159 7/103 9/44 8/2 1/25 6/73, 75 6/72, 74 1/262-263 1/168 10/95 7/146 7/296 3/41 2/34, 37, 53, 170; 3/23, 33 2/271, 354; 6/16-17 7/124; 8/235 (photo) 7/201 2/352; 10/179, 186f,g, 198f 3/33, 39 1/278; 2/37-38, 190, 199, 238; 3/120; 5/201 1/15 2/353 3/33; 7/296 3/98 6/83 1/244 10/118 8/2 7/124 5/281 7/448 6/61 (photo) 3/41 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Russell, Charles W. Russell, Claudie Russell, Colton (Cotton?) Russell, Esther Lelia Russell, (Mr) Russell, (Mrs) Russell, (Prof.) Russell, R.J. (Dr) Russia Russian Tanker Russum, William A. (Pfc) Rust, Pauline (Mrs) Ruston, LA Rustville, Reunion of Residents Ruth, Babe Rutherford Rutherford, Abbie Rutherford, Arnold Rutherford, Arnold (Mrs) Rutherford, Arthur and Jo Ann Rutherford, Benjamin Franklin Rutherford, Edward (Mrs) Rutherford, James Rutherford, Joe (Mrs) Rutherford, John E. Rutherford, John W., Walter, and Willie (Mrs) Rutherford, Mathilda (Mrs) Rutherford, Ralph Rutherford, Rosa Rutledge, C.E. (Dr) Rutledge, C.E. Jr. (Dr) Ruysenaars, Connie Ryan - Various spellings occur: Reon, Rion Ryan & Dearbone Ryan & Geary Sawmill/Lumber Company [Also called: Geary, Hanson & Ryan Shingle Mill] Ryan & Hodges' Store/Trading Post Ryan, Ann or Annie Ryan, Asa Ryan, Bennie Stoddard (Family) Ryan, Christine, and Melissa Ryan, Daisy Ryan, Dan Ryan, Daniel (Mrs) Ryan, David I. (1st Lt.) Ryan, David John Ryan, D.E. (Mrs) Ryan, Dennis Kelly Ryan, Dorothy (Dot, Dottie) Book/Page number 7/408 4/80 7/82 10/199a 1/234 (photo) 7/100 10/19 5/82 8/206 8/299 7/5 5/156-158; 7/147; 8/261 (photo) 3/54 13A/84 c3 5/56; 9/122 4/283 4/142 4/218, 280 4/229 4/218 4/149, 223, 225, 260 13A/18 c4p5 4/149 4/227 (photo) 4/273 (photo) 13A/18 4/237 1/98, 121, 127, 135 4/223 2/336 9/116 (photo) 8/213 1/193, 197, 211 2/252-253 1/168, 225; 2/89, 157, 275; 3/236; 6/84; 8/15; 10/347; Old Places/1 1/105, 300 1/191; 3/28, 30, 45, 71, 125, 129, 130 (photo); 4/116 1/100-101, 106, 110, 117, 120, 129-130, 141-142, 147-148, 157-158, 163; 2/17, 141; 13A/16; Old Places/2 1/218, 223, 227, 228 (photo); 7/82 Old Places/7 2/144; 3/80, 174; Old Places/2 1/228 (photo); 3/19, 138 Old Cemeteries/7 7/297, 300, 309, 327, 334 1/223; 7/207, 297, 300, 309 6/89; 7/185 1/228; 4/123; 7/95, 120, 238 (photo) 3/80; 7/185, 200, 238 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Ryan, D.W. and J. Ira Ryan, Ed Ryan, Ed (Mrs) Ryan Family Ryan, Frances Ryan, George Ryan, George Edward Ryan, George (Mrs) and Preston (Family) Ryan, George (Old Uncle George) (Slave) Ryan, George W. Ryan, Hazel Ryan, Inez Ryan, Isaac Ryan, J. Anderson Ryan, J. L. Ryan, J. Lawrence Ryan, Jacob (M/M) Ryan, Jacob & Sons Rice Mill Ryan, Jacob Jr. Ryan, James Ryan, James L. Ryan, John Jacob Ryan, Joseph Ryan, Joseph Jr. Ryan, Joseph Lawrence Ryan, K. (Miss) Ryan, Katinka Ryan, Kay Ryan, Laura Sallier Ryan, Lawrence Ryan, Lawrence (Mrs) Ryan, L.E. (Mrs) Book/Page number Old Places/2 2/132, 220; 6/78, 112-113, 116, 163 (photo of Livery Stable) 6/15, 44 1/196, 225, 233; Old Cemeteries/5, 6; Old Places/15, 159 5/222 1/160-161, 167, 174, 192, 194, 228; 2/14, 16, 114, 155, 211, 275; 5/17, 64, 73; 6/48; 8/256; Old Cemeteries/5 1/223 1/228 1/105, 205, 213, 214, 223, 275; Old Places/6872 (photo), 160 1/164, 223, 233; 2/85, 119; 5/55; 7/238 (photo); Old Cemeteries/7; Old Places/2 7/442 8/119 1/223; 5/17; Old Places/1-2, 149 2/148, 186; 5/4; Old Places/2 1/153-155, 275; 2/14, 16 5/20; Old Places/2 1/29, 36, 56, 80, 87, 88, 94-101, 104, 105, 107109, 111, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 121, 124, 128, 134, 140, 142, 144, 147, 151, 153, 155, 174, 184, 191, 196, 197, 205, 210, 213, 214, 217, 219, 223225, 228, 257, 258, 264, 272, 286; 2/7, 12, 105, 115, 136, 143, 144, 157, 174, 233, 246-248, 251, 253, 256, 269, 284; 3/70, 208-210, 214, 223-225; 4/72, 74, 116; 5/7, 14, 20, 55, 64, 70, 73, 82, 83, 116, 161, 183; 6/34, 56, 64, 89, 181; 8/9, 71, 256, 258, 337; 9/59; 10/2, 3, 23, 121, 307, 320, 321; 13a/3, 20 c2p6; Old Cemeteries/1-5,7; Old Places/1-3, 6 (home), 10, 15, 77, 274 (photo of home) 2/80, 86, 104; 13A/5 1/14, 24, 30, 32-34, 36, 38-41, 43-44, 47, 49-50, 58, 60, 62-63, 193-194, 236, 255; 2/144-145; 3/70; Old Places/7, 158 5/4; Old Places/149, 157 7/400, 442 1/129-130 1/78, 81, 89 1/31 1/151, 223; 2/14 8/303 1/223, 227, 228 (photo); 2/165; Old Places/5 10/81 1/225; 2/12; 5/29; 6/64; 8/337; 13A/19 c4p3 13A/19 c4p3 10/126 (photo) 13A/18 c5p2 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Ryan, Lester and Sydney Ryan, Marie Rebecca Ryan, Martin "Pap" Ryan, Mary Ann Ryan, (Miss) Ryan, (Mr) Ryan, (Mrs) Ryan, Norman L. Ryan, Rebecca Ryan, Richard Ryan, Ruby Ryan, Sarah Ryan Street Ryan, Susan Ryan, Thelma Ryan, Thomas Ryan, William O. (Brig. Gen.) Ryan, William Porter (M/M) Ryan, W.L. Rybiski, A.J. Rybiski, A.J. (Mrs) Rybiski, A.J. Jr. Rybiski, David Rybiski, Davis Mike Rybiski, Frankie (Mrs) and Mable Rybiski, M.M. (M/M) Rybiski's Cleaners & Dryers Rybiski's Rabbits Ryder, Andrew D. Ryder, Florence and Iva Lee Ryder, Savue, Jr. (Savie?) Ryland, LA Ryon - Various spellings occur: Reon, Rayon Ryon, Eugene Ryon, Joseph Saal, Teresa Saali, J. A. Book/Page number 10/179 1/223, 227, 228 (photo); 8/68 (photo), 72 (photo), 219, 303; 9/34; Old Cemeteries/23 1/191; 2/70, 132; 3/71, 129, 131; 10/312, 327; 13A/8 c2 5/83; Old Places/7 1/226 2/275; Old Places/11-13 5/70 7/207, 210 1/193 8/15 8/96 (photo) 10/7 1/52 (photo), 167, 169, 170, 172, 174 (1890 photo), 175, 180, 182 (1928 photo), 184, 197199, 205, 206, 208, 210, 214, 221, 222, 225, 226, 230, 232, 251, 274; 2/7, 10, 232 (1880 and 1907 photos), 233 (1882 photo), 234 (1903 photo), 235 (1905 and 1914 photos), 270 (1907 photo); 3/58 (photo), 117 (1889 photo), 180, 203, 215 (photo); 5/196, 197 (photo); 6/19, 34 (1895 photo), 35 (1910 photo), 45 (ca. 1906 photo), 48, 56, 63-66, 91, 106 (photo), 196, 197, 199; 7/48 (1917 photo); 8/62, 65, 67 (1946 aerial photo), 71, 93, 105, 197, 214, 223, 235, 243, 252, 271; 9/124, 151, 152 (photo); Old Cemeteries/4; Old Places/161 13A/20 c2p9 7/96 (photo) Old Cemeteries/3-4 7/19 1/223, 227 7/296 4/123; 5/243 3/147 3/227; 7/173 7/272 7/271, 308, 417 7/417 4/169; 7/308 7/155, 426, 428; 10/186g, 209 3/227 7/217 8/96 (photo) 7/6 3/187 1/73 1/14, 73 7/123 (photo) 9/83 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Sabathier, Ada Marie Sabathier, J.D. (Lt. Com.) Sabathier, Joseph A. (Capt) Sabin, G.N. Sabine Sabine Bluff Sabine Canal Company Sabine City, TX Sabine Island Sabine Lake Sabine (locomotive) Sabine Parish - Silver mine Sabine Pass Sabine Pass (Battle) Sabine Pilot's Assoc. Sabine Rice Lands Inc. Sabine River Sabine River Bridge Sabine River Ferry Sabine Road Sabine Station Sabine Towing Company Sabine Tram Company Sacco Sacco, Josephine Sacco, Vincent Sacred Heart Academy Sacred Heart High School Sacred Heart Knights of Peter Claver Sacremento's Ferry Sadler, Genevieve Sadler, Lester Sadler, Margie Sager, M. Sagrara, ("Doctor") St. Andrew Street St. Anna's Church, New Orleans, La. St. Bernard Parish and Territory St. Charles Academy St. Charles Barromeo Convent St. Clair, Duncan St. Clair Flats St. Clair Hotel St. Clair, O. (Mrs) St. Cosme St. Dizier, Albert J. (Mrs) Book/Page number 7/300 (photo); 8/173; 9/142 8/96 (photo) 7/300, 357 10/195 (photo) 1/47-48, 52, 55, 60, 75-76, 81, 88, 91, 93-94; Old Places/49 1/81 3/112; 4/88 3/187 2/272 8/277 6/102, 104-105, 107 2/269 1/94, 210, 230; 4/126; 6/181 1/276 6/163 3/122 1/9, 14, 19, 30, 40, 43, 68, 73, 90, 94-96, 110112, 126, 131, 133-134, 136-138, 143, 146, 148, 151-152, 158-160, 177, 190, 192, 196, 205-206, 210-212, 220, 227 ,229, 240, 291, 296; 3/188, 192, 237; 4/18,107; 6/5, 95, 175, 199; 8/202, 3/192 1/20, 72 1/14, 25, 102-103 2/101 6/171 10/318 6/40 8/252 7/384 8/318 2/380 10/210 1/71 10/186g, 211 2/332 10/177 7/88 (photo) 3/125 6/66 1/16 1/209; 4/27 1/214, 215, 226; 3/37; 6/114; 7/89, 98, 102, 111, 116, 387; 8/212, 243; 10/118 1/178; 2/167; 10/18, 51 (photo) 1/168 2/220 3/97; 6/112, 113, 121 6/113 4/60 7/146; 10/197, 215 NAME OR DESCRIPTION St. Dizier, Albert J. (Principal) Book/Page number 6/23, 49, 70; 7/98, 100, 102, 120, 124, 198, 372, 386; 8/265, 280; 9/14; 10/115, 126, 138, 139, 148, 159, 165, 187a, 195-197 (photo), 202, 206 (photo), 214, 215, 218 (photo), 226 St. Dizier, A.M. (M/M) 7/59, 176, 224 St. Dizier, Annette 10/230 St. Dizier, Earl A. (Pvt) 7/176, 224 (photo) St. Dizier, Joe 2/49 (photo); 8/13, 84 St. Dizier, Roy H. "Zippo" (Pvt) 7/59, 358 St. Gaudens, A. 2/36, 37 St. Gaudens, (Mr) 2/158 St. John, Bayou 1/212 St. John Streets 6/66 Saint John's Lutheran Church 2/295, 314; 3/132 St. Joseph's Day Altar/Feast/Table 5/240, 278, 279, 282, 283, 285; 7/499; 8/252 St. Julian, William 6/83 St. Landry Parish, La. 1/8, 15, 28, 42, 80, 82, 97, 125, 160, 184, 191, 192, 196, 202, 205; 2/21, 211, 213, 217, 218, 220, 223, 288; 3/112; 4/18, 107; 9/145; Old St. Louis, Mo. 3/36; 6/19, 93 St. Louis, Mo. - World Fair 1/230 St. Louis pressed brick 1/181 St. Louis, Watkins & Gulf Railroad [See also "Kansas City, Watkins & Gulf 2/245, 325; 6/35, 77 Railway"] St. Luke's Church 1/13 St. Mark's Community Center 4/21 St. Mark's Church 1/13 St. Mark's Episcopal Church 8/71 St. Martinville, La. 1/210; 4/2-4, 29; 6/37; Old Places/4, 9, 145 St. Mary Parish, LA 4/25, 29 St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church 8/187-189 St. Patrick's Hospital 1/221; 3/107 (photo), 119; 5/226; 6/89, 184, 199, 208; 8/61 (photo), 84, 93 (photo), 223; 9/150 (photo); 10/197 St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church 3/40 St. Paul, Minnesota 1/222 St. Paul's College (Covington, La.) 4/20 St. Peter's Church 4/12 St. Romain, Chester A. (1st Lt.) 7/379 St. Romain, Phillip 7/226 (photo), 353 (photo) St. Romain, P.J. (M/M) 7/353; 8/303; 9/34; 13A/53 c4 St. Tammany Parish, LA 4/19-20 Saizan, Alvin 10/172 Saizan, James Edward 7/81, 86 Sale, Archie 4/171; 10/44, 221 (photo) Sale, A.W. 8/338; 10/220 (photo) Sale, Margaret 7/66 Sale, Nettie 8/308 Sale, Sadie 10/32, 38 Sale, Tony 10/219, 223 Salem Ferry 2/272 Sales, (Mr) 1/81 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Sales, Winston Salk, Jonas E. (Dr) Sallerd, Frank Sallier, Anselm Sallier, Anselm (Madame) Sallier Cemetery Sallier [or Salia], Charles or Carlos Sallier, Charles Anselm Sallier, Clothilde Sallier, Delilah Sallier Family Sallier, Joseph (and Feed Store, Estate, etc.) Sallier, Joseph (Mrs) Sallier, Malvina Sallier, Ollie A. Sallier Settlement Sallier, Severine Sallier Street Salling, W.J. Sallings, James W. Sally, Violetta Salmen, Harold (Mrs) Saloons Salsbury, Helen Salsbury, S.C. Salt domes and mines Salter, Frank Salter, Mary Turner Salter, William H. Salvage campaign Salvation Army Salvia, Stella Salvo, A.O. (Mrs) Salvo, C.A. Salvo, Orlando Samford, Joe (Mrs) Sample, Harry M. Jr. Samuels, Boddy Samuels, Leon San Antonio de Bejar Mission San Antonio, TX San Benito San Filipe, TX San Jacinto, TX San Patricio, TX Book/Page number 4/218 10/231 5/117 1/23, 35-36, 38-44, 46-49, 51, 53-57, 61, 72, 74, 79, 82, 90, 93, 96, 100, 105, 112-114, 121, 225 1/112 5/4; 6/53; 13a/4, 6, 12, 15-16 1/1, 163, 191, 195, 213, 224, 274, 233, 300; 2/144; 4/72, 77; 5/4, 92, 128; 6/34; 8/9, 62, 185, 115, 129; 9/115; 10/121; 13a/3; Old Places/82, 83, 115, 164 1/219 2/67, 85 1/113-114, 121-122 1/224; Old Places/170-171 1/11, 16, 25, 29, 49, 59, 62, 72, 74, 81, 91, 93, 96, 98, 105, 107, 114, 120, 135, 145, 151, 153, 155, 261; 2/213; 3/111; 6/99; 8/23 2/116 5/17 7/296 2/144 5/20 6/187; 8/212 2/265 7/296 4/78 7/451 3/176 (photo); 6/64 10/22 5/313 3/33; 5/21; 6/52 2/288 (photo), 294; 3/224; 4/277 10/80 7/6 7/238 4/263, 267-268, 280, 285, 299; 5/267; 6/192, 194, 199 4/218 7/116 8/293; 9/38 10/166 6/36 7/79 (photo) 4/225 6/32 13A/109 c2 1/210, 212, 222; 3/38, 45 4/140 1/212 1/205 1/212 NAME OR DESCRIPTION San Pedro de las Adaise Sanate Adiva Sanctuary (film) Sand Gully Sandefer, J.Y. Sandelin, John N. Sanders, Daniel Robert Sanders, Edwin J. (Capt) Sanders, Eleanor Guidry and Jewell R. Jr. Sanders, Hattie (Mrs) Sanders, H.C. Sanders, Jared Y., Governor and Lt. Governor Sanders, Jesse Sanders, Jim and Spotswood (Judge) Sanders, Joe Sanders, Joel Sanders, John B. Sanders, Joseph E. Sanders, J.W. Sanders, Mearl Sanders, O.L. Sanders, Pauline (Mrs) Sanders, Ralph (Mrs) Sanders, William Sandersville Sandifer, E.D. (Mrs) Sandlin, Cecil M. (T-5) Sandlin, E.L. (Col.) Sandox, Ernest and Noah (M/M) Sands, Isaac Sandusky, William H. Sanford Sanford, Louis (Mrs) Sangrain, Antoine Francois (Dr.) and Jean sanitarium Sanner, Ernest, Evelyn, Garfield, Jim, Lasand, and Tophile Sanner, Laura and (Mrs) Raymond Sanner, Raymond Sans, Root Santa Anna Santa Cecelia Conservatory Santa Claus Santa Fe Railroad Santiny, Ruby Santmeyer, Mary Santo, Cavelier Santo Domingo Santo, J.L. and home Santoro, Billie Sap & Salt Sapp, Lulu Sons of the American Revolution - Calcasieu Chapter Book/Page number 1/211 13A/109 c1 9/123 1/125, 143, 148, 157 7/452 8/238 4/7-8 (photo) 7/223 (photo) 7/235 7/332 1/282 2/283; 3/182; 4/95; 5/269 4/280 8/202 10/94 2/284, 286; 3/208-210, 214, 221, 223, 225 9/121 2/283 1/205; 4/118; 9/129 (photo) 7/6, 64 4/189 10/68 2/405; 10/306 1/205; 4/118; 5/79 1/205; 4/7 6/49 7/406 (photo) 7/20 7/291 (photo) 6/151 13A/54 c1 2/220 7/93 1/249 4/89 4/293 6/68 4/293; 7/450-451 5/82 1/193, 224; Old Cemeteries/5 6/23 6/25; 7/204 1/233 13A/106 c2 6/61 3/27 (photo); 6/113; 8/23 1/210 8/23 5/278 10/209a 1/37, 42; 2/45, 168 1/226 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Saramant Ferry Sargent, E.M. Sarkow, Eli (Mrs) Sartor, Thomas R. (Dr) Sartwelle, Paschal T. Sartwelle, Paschal T. (Mrs) Sarvant [or Savant, Savaunt], Joseph Oscar Sarvaunt, Amos and Bernice Sarvaunt, Richard Sarver, F.V. and Jessie Sarver, J.C. Sass, Ben Sassafras Island Sasser, J. (Mrs) Satterlee, R.B. Sattler, Herman John Sattler, J. Saturday Evening Post Saucier, A.O. (Mrs) Saucier, Carol V. and Clarence (M/M) Saucier, Frenchie Saucier, Gloria Saucier, M.D. (Mrs) Saucier, P.B. Saucier, Sidney C. Saunders, Franklin Saunders, Grover Saunders, Hardin Saunders, Hugh Saunders, J.B. Saunders, Joel Saunders, Pink Saunders, Thomas Saunders, Thomas (Mrs) Saunier, Adias Saurage (Savage?), Norman Savage, Henry W. Savage, Percy G. (USN) Savage, Porter Savage, Walter Raymond Savant - Various spellings occur: Sarvaunt, Savaunt Savant, Columbus C. (Pfc) Savant, Elize and Frank H. Savant, Harrison (Lt) Savant, Harry Savant, Kelly Savant, L.E. (Mrs) Savant, Pierre Savario, George (Mrs) Savario, Jesse Savaunt, Gertrude Savoie, Adam Book/Page number 1/12 7/93 10/231 4/97; 7/451 7/67, 111, 451 7/122 7/234 7/355 2/55 (photo); 6/122; 7/355 7/171 7/95, 333 2/250 1/72 4/119 6/69 (photo), 73 7/81 2/306 2/378; 10/96 7/82 7/227, 331 10/167, 177 7/118 8/68 (photo) 5/211 10/107 (photo) 1/136 7/201 1/229, 256; 6/64; 10/118 1/295 1/138 2/323 1/162 3/43; 4/101; 6/93 6/62 9/131 (photo) 8/236 3/165 7/228 (photo) 5/266 7/201 7/2 7/6 7/321 5/82 7/228 10/223 1/289 (photo) 5/226 5/232; 10/47-48 7/289 4/290 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Savoie, Amanda, Eugene (M/M), John (Mrs), and Lynn Savoie, Andrew J. Savoie, Charles Frank and Ozeme Savoie, Delores Ann Savoie, Herbert Savoie, Ina Jane, Lulu, Mary, Rudolph Savoie, I.R. (Dr. & Mrs) Savoie, James A. (Mrs) Savoie, James B. Savoie, Lenzie Joseph Savoie, McKinley Savoie, Oscar Savoie, Paul L. Savoie, Raymond (Sgt) Savoie, Sandra Louise Savoie, Thamia or Thania Mae Savoy, Clement Savoy, Emily Savoy, Linda Savoy, Norris Savoy, Octave (Mrs) Savoy, Preston L. (Judge) Savoy, Preston L. (Mrs) Savoy, Samuel Savoy, Valcourt Sawmills - See "Lumber Industry" Sawyer Sawyer, Thomas Saxon, Benjamin Saxon, Lyle Sayas, Jacqueline Says, A. Says, Luther (Family) Says, Jordan Andrew Says, O.W.Sr. Says, T.J. Scaife, William (M/M) Scaife's Barber Shop Scale, Beaujay Scalfi, R.A. Scalisi, Bernard Scalisi, Giralamo Scalisi, Jerome Scalisi, Joseph Scalisi, L. (M/M) Scalisi, Luke Scalisi, Marlena (Mrs) and Paul Anton Scalisi, Mary Scalisi, Maurice (M/M) Scalisi, Rose Scalisi, Sam Book/Page number 4/218 7/452 7/296 4/225, 258 6/156 4/192, 218 9/145 (photo) 4/191 4/139 7/81 4/192 7/64, 82 7/151 7/233 4/225, 260 4/192, 218, 290 (photo) 7/429 4/192 8/108 8/87 (photo) 4/59 4/142; 7/93, 450, 451; 8/92, 198, 221; 9/129 (photo), 142 7/173 7/452 1/122 9/112 (photo) 10/198, 211 1/159, 160 4/175; 5/270 10/199 a 1/160 7/205, 208 7/82, 201 3/217 10/186 f 5/247; 7/64, 82, 306 2/354 7/118 4/115, 117 5/201; 7/222, 269 (photo) 2/11 (photo), 65 7/129 (photo), 222, 228 7/95, 246 (photo) 7/246 7/129 7/165 6/23 7/269 5/232 7/296 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Scalisi, Tom (Mrs) and Grocery Scallan, E.S. (Mrs.) Scallery, H. (Miss) Scallon, Mary Scally, Hannah Scally, Thomas Scanlan, Gladys P. (2nd Lt) Scanlon, Bill and Nancy Scarber, Lynda Lee Scarber (Scarborough), George Scarborough, Cecil Scarborough, Daniel Scarborough, Edwin M. (Maj.) Scarborough, H. (M/M) Scarborough, Harvey (M/M) Scarborough, Jerry Scarborough, Jimmy Scarborough, John Scarborough, Leroy Scarborough, M. (M/M) Scarborough, Mrs. Scarborough, Ray Scarborough, Stanley R. (Lt.Col) Scarinzi, Victor Scarlett Bird [review] Scarlett, Ida Scarlett, Leila or Lila Scarlett, Mabel Scarlett, T.W. (Mrs) Scarlett, Warren Guy Scatic, Howard Joseph Schacht, Sid (Pvt) Schaffer, Charles Grant Schaffrath, William B. (Maj.) Scharnhorst, Charles Scharwzer, (Mr.) Schauer, Doris Schauer, H.B. (Mrs) Schauffler, W.G. Jr. (Col.) Scheen, (Mrs) Schepp, Charles (Family) Schermehorn, (Miss) Scheufens, Frank Joseph Schexnayder, Harold Schexneider, Malton Anthony Schexneider, Obrie Schexnider, Aubrey Schexnider, Joseph Schexnider, Melvin J. Book/Page number 7/156; 8/93 7/146 3/169 7/289 1/222; 6/9, 80 1/163 7/357 7/118 6/182 1/147, 148 7/217, 237 (photo), 325, 347 1/122 1/214; 7/231 7/237; 10/197 7/325, 329, 347 (photo) 7/237 7/344 (347) 7/231, 282 (newspaper picture), 452, 454; 10/47, 233 7/151, 237 (photo), 325 (photo), 329, 347 (photo), 452, 454; 10/233 7/347 2/393; 3/180; 10/294 6/83 7/231 2/332 8/100 10/197 1/61i; 3/108; 4/74; 7/66, 146; 10/37, 68, 115, 126, 139, 155, 166, 187a, 196, 215 3/54 7/430 7/81, 430 7/449 7/117 10/26, 29, 33, 38, 186, 221 (photo) 7/393 8/366 3/176 (photo) 10/178 10/138 7/65-66 6/5 7/5,329 1/60 7/66 4/280 7/201 7/95 7/206 7/64 7/228 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Schexnider, Onice (Pvt) Schexnider, Pierre Schexnieder, O.J. Schilling, Charles Schilling, (Miss) Schily (Schilz?), Charles S. Schincommander, Tony Schindler, Aggie Schindler, Agnes and Annie Schindler, Alma Schindler & Seckendorf Builders/Carpenters Schindler & Valverde (ship builders) Schindler, Casper Schindler Cobbler Shop Schindler, Elizabeth Schindler, Ernest Schindler, Ernest Charles Schindler, Ernest J., John Casper, and Lydia Schindler family Schindler, Herman Schindler, Inez Schindler, Jane Schindler, Nancy Schindler, O.T. Schindler, O.T. (Mrs) Schindler, Otto Schindler, Otto (Mrs) Schindler, Tell Schindler, Walter H. Schindlers Food Store Schlatre, Michael Schleaser, Albert Schlegel, Adelia Schlegel, Annie Laurie Schley, Jane (Mrs) Schlicher, Robert Schlumberger Schmid, Ernest Schmidlapp, C.J. Schmidt, Carl Schmidt, Charles Schmidt, F.C. Schmidt, (Miss) Schmidt, Nancy Schmidt, Sidney C. Schneider, John Ray Schneider, Max Schnider, G.B. (Mrs) Schochet (Saucier?), Sidney C. Schollenberger, James (Lt) Book/Page number 7/222 7/217 7/187, 304 8/308 4/117 6/82 5/201 2/76 2/147 6/19; 8/235 (photo) 2/63, 230 2/120 2/14-15, 117, 125, 134, 143,189, 234, 246, 275; 5/14 2/269 2/112 10/187 7/201, 429; 8/5 6/19 1/192 1/171 6/19; 7/202; 10/115, 126, 148, 165, 193, 197, 206 (photo), 215, 226 10/165 10/161, 177, 197 2/28, 52, 122, 129 2/37 2/231; 3/13; 5/3; 6/19 3/51 (photo) 2/108 7/296 7/155-156, 273, 426, 428; 10/209 4/192 6/83 8/189 7/116, 64; 8/288 8/308a 6/21 (photo) 10/198c 2/306 5/238 10/193 (photo) 3/120 (photo); 5/85 1/94, 112, 132, 127 10/197 8/2 2/265 13A/18 c2p7 2/286 (photo), 292 (photo); 3/224 5/83 10/107 (photo) 7/216 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Schonfeld, John Henry Schonover, Mamie Ray Schools. For general information, see "Education." See specific parish and city names for information about a particular area. See names of individual schools. Schooner Bayou Schooners [See also names of individual schooners] Schoonover, Mamie Rae Schoonover, Roy (M/M) Schrader, Louis Schrader, Paul Schramm, G.D. (Mrs) Schramm, Gus (Mrs) Schreier, G.A. Schriber, John Schriever, J.G. Schroeder, Fred (Mrs) Schroeder, Fred W. Schroupulos, George E. Schroupulos, Peter Schuler, A.G. Schultz, Arti Schultz, Esther Schultz, Paul (Mrs) Schumacher, E.D. Schumann-Heink, Ernestine (Madam) Schuster, Alfred M. Schutz, Clarence Schwab, W.A. Schwartz, Harold Schwartz, Louis Machine Company Schwartz, Maurice T. Schwartz, Roy (Mrs) Schwarzbacher Schwing & Frank's Schwing, Cammille and Demmy Schwing, Ivan Schwing, Moore & Sugar Schwing, (Mr) Schwing Residence Schwing, William F. Schwing, W.T. Scimemi, Bruce and Michael (Mrs) Scimemi, Jasper (Mrs) Scimemi, Tony (Mrs) Scofield, A.P. (Rev) Scofield, C.I. (Dr) Scofield, Cyrus Scofield, Elder Scofield, John Scoggins, Carnell Scoggins, Dorothy Book/Page number 7/86 8/6 9/20 1/264; 2/230 (photo); 10/122; pg 120 10/186b, 198d, f, 192, 211, 213 (photo) 8/295; 10/192 6/83 10/116 7/146 7/173 8/3 6/83 2/84; 4/102 7/146 5/252, 320 4/169 5/139; 6/79 5/205 2/302, 306 8/96 4/223 4/272 5/3, 247; 8/234; 9/122 7/444 2/306 3/97; 1/229 7/304 2/249 8/194 (photo) 7/451 2/34, 53 3/165 1/64-65; 3/98 1/64-65; 3/98; 4/171; 8/308 1/180 2/212 1/258 2/128, 167 1/251; 2/172 (photo); 4/101 7/74, 332, 441 10/185, 197 10/185 2/80, 132; 10/201b 4/11 10/20 2/81 2/327 (photo); 332(photo) 7/107 (photo), 204; 10/127(9?) (photo) 4/169; 7/204; 10/68, 169, 177 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Scoggins, Freda Scoggins, S.O. Scoggins, Verna Scoggins, V.S. (Mrs) Scoggins, Wanda Scott, Bangle Scott, B.C. (M/M) Scott, Betty Scott Brothers Furniture Co. Scott Brothers Undertaking Scott, Everett R. (Family) Scott, George Brackley Scott, Harry R. Scott, Helen Scott, Irma Scott, James W. Scott, John S. Scott, LaRue (Mrs) Scott, Lurton Scott, Maude Scott, Mildred Scott, Natalie Scott, Nell Scott, Robert Scott, Russell Scott, S.M. (Dr) Scott, Stanley Scott, Winfield Scoval or Scoville Scraps - Cabin Boy Scribner, Lansen (Mrs) Scribner, S.B. Scripture, George Scroggs, Arnold Scroggs, Helen Scrub Racing Scully, James Scurlock, J.F. Sea Fever (Sailboat) Sea Scouts Seabury, Samuel Seagraves, Clinton L. Seagraves, John (Mrs) Seal, LeRoy Seale, Joseph B. (Sgt) Seale, W.A.K. (Dr) Seale, W.A.K. (Mrs) Seals, Dorothy Seals, Lamont Book/Page number 2/344, 350; 5/326; 7/93, 107; 10/133(photo) 2/243 7/146 7/269; 10/138 8/6; 10/166, 174, 179, 183, 186b, f, 198b, 211, 226 10/166 9/45 6/69 (photo), 72-73, 75 5/154 (photo) 5/33 2/243, 286 (photo), 291 (photo); 3/219 (photo), 211; 7/82, 302, 329; 10/102 10/161 8/157 7/57 10/165 7/296 7/6 10/185 1/215; 10/52, 221(photo) 10/126, 139, 166, 196-197, 215 5/326; 7/66, 120; 10/126, 138, 177, 186e, 197, 198g, 215, 235 7/312, 329 4/267 7/217, 413 5/162 3/147; 4/97 10/171a, 221, 222 (photo), 238 1/229; 3/117 4/115 4/4 3/144 9/44 7/173 7/64 10/186a, b, 189 1/265 3/157, 160 2/323 8/91 (photo) 10/182 1/2 7/255, 452 7/255 4/280 7/417 2/264; 5/93; 7/450, 451 8/308a 9/40 8/238 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Seaman, Clyde L. Seaman, George A. Seaman, Johnnie Baxter Seaman, Rhoba Seamons, Cassius Clay Seamons, Donald D. Seamons, Earl L. Seamons, Roy Russell Searle, Esther Sears, Maude C. Sears, Roebuck & Company Seasums, Davis (Rev) Seaton, E.A. Seay, Marion Sebastian, John Sechreist, Stuart W. Seckendorf, August Second Regiment of Lake Charles Band Second Regiment of Orange, Tex. Band Second Ward School Secretaries Sedelia, de, Fray Antonio Sedlock, Steve See, Doris Ann See, Ed See, H. (Mrs) See, Harry (Family) and Marjorie See, Hugo H. See, Richard See, Vera See, W.L. (M/M) Seed, Allen H. Jr. Segregation Segrist, (Mr) Segrist, Ora Segura, Peggy Joyce Seiler, L.L. Seiley, Agnes and Henry H. Seiss Cable Company Seiss, Ed Seitz, Charles Sekerka, George (Sgt) Selby, (Dr) Selby, Frederick C. Selby, Marjorie L. Selective Service Self Self, Burlie Book/Page number 7/345 5/55 7/217 1/282; 8/253 7/191, 272 7/95, 272 (photo) 7/6 7/191 9/2 1/59g 7/155, 273 1/60 1/128 7/60 1/11 9/30 2/119; 3/23, 41 3/52 1/185 2/201; 6/40; 7/98, 102; 8/212, 239; 9/126 (1958 photo); 10/34 (1906 photo), 36, 78, 109, 110, 111 (1938 photo), 112 (1936 photo), 115, 118b, 126 (photo), 154, 187a, 192, 196, 210, 213, 1/219; 8/312 13A/89 c2 1/15; 2/38, 238 2/355; 10/177 5/305; 7/116 7/173 1/228 7/296 10/136, 144 7/8, 115, 340(photo) 7/340 9/137 (photo) 9/116; 10/92-95, 97-99 3/172 8/235 (photo) 10/199a 3/34 7/312 8/64 10/139 6/83 7/171 8/304 7/228; 8/192, 296, 323; 9/130 7/119 (photo) 1/230; 3/142; 7/63, 64, 81, 83, 95, 111, 217, 226, 228, 339, 363, 406, 437, 449, 450; 8/92, 102 1/192, 224 10/193 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Self, Margie (Lt) Self, W.P. (Mrs) Sellars, Ida Belle Sellers, Chester P. Sellers, Joseph E. Sells, George Wakefield Sells, James and Peter Sells, John A. (M/M) Sells, Miriam Sells, Warren Hanson (Ens) Selph, O.L. Semo, Joe (Grocery) and Sam F. Semple, H.C. Senac, Clarence Seneschal, O.H. Sennett, Chapman, and Hughes Sennett, James Sensat, A. Sensat, Harry Sensat, Joseph Sensat, Philbert Sensat, Wilson Sentilles, Ellis Joseph Serafino & Toce (Grocers) Seraphine, Sister M. Serice, Catherine Louise, George, and Samuel James Serice, Katheryn Serice, Troy Serpent, Bayou Serum, Phillip Serum, Ruth Service Drug Company (Store) Service Ice Company Sessums, Davis (Rev) Setliff, F.L. Setton, William A. Sevareid, Eric Seventh Street Grade School Seven-up and the Seven-up Bottling Company Severance, A. (Prof) Severs, Albert F. (Family) Severs, Mary Louise Severs, W.W. (Mrs) Sevez, Francois (Gen.) Sevice, Troy Sevier, Chris Sewall's Point Sewell, H.F. Book/Page number 7/358 7/173; 10/185, 197 9/45 7/282a, 454 2/131 4/225, 258 4/142 7/403 7/107 (photo), 294 7/403 (photo) 4/188 6/84 10/119 7/86 3/41 10/309 4/272 5/192 7/6, 197 7/217 7/197 7/229 7/86 1/281 5/226 4/80 7/302 7/296 1/12, 21, 25, 37, 59, 73, 74, 80-82, 91, 93, 94, 107, 108, 116, 133, 137, 147, 150, 157, 273; 5/73; 6/196 7/149 (photo), 183, 195, 196 (photo), 277, 282a (photo), 452, 454; 10/233 5/157; 7/173, 196 4/80; 6/73; 7/155, 273, 426, 428, 435; 10/186b, f, 198d, 209 6/100; 7/155, 273, 426, 428 1/41, 44-46, 59e, j, 60(photo) 9/30 7/228 9/122 10/187a 7/155, 273, 426, 428, 435; 10/186b, 189g, 209 10/9, 201b, c 7/318, 407 10/187a 8/2, 305; 10/115 7/383, 389 7/296 1/247 (photo); 3/190 6/162-163 (photo), 175, 181 13A/4 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Sexton, Luther Seyers, William (Mrs) Seymour, Gladys Cox (Mrs) Shaddeau, Sue Shaddock, Clarence L. (Capt) Shaddock, Cora P. (Mrs) Shaddock, Evelyn Shaddock-Holland Shaddock Insurance Agency Shaddock, James Shaddock, Linda Shaddock, (Mr) Shaddock, Nedra Shaddock, Peter (Mrs) Shaddock, R.M. (Mrs) Shaddock, Sallie Kate Shaddock, Tom Shaddock, Wade Shaddock, William B. Shaddock, William B. (Mrs) Shaefer, (Mrs) Shafer, Charles Grant Shafer, Eleanor and R.A. Shafer, Paul W. Shaffer, Dora Becker Shaheen, Azeez Shaheen, Edward L. Shaheen, Harry L. Shaheen, Jacob (Family) Shaheen's Store Shanghai, China Shankland, E.R. Shannon, Robert (Mrs) Shapiro, Morris Shapiro, Richard Sharon, Jules A. (USN) Sharp, I.W. (Rep.) Sharp, James Sharp, Junius B. Sharp, Monroe J. Shattuck, Alton (Mrs) Shattuck & Spiro (Gents Furnishing Goods) Shattuck, Belle Shattuck, Benjamin Franklin Shattuck, Charles Shattuck, Ditch Shattuck, Ella Shattuck, Elodie Shattuck, Frank Shattuck, Harry (Mrs) Book/Page number 3/21 7/146 10/183 10/230 7/305, 320, 352, 395; 8/287 7/320, 352 2/355; 6/69(photo), 73, 76; 7/254 (photo); 10/186a, 189 4/282; 5/226; 7/93; 10/198h 8/100; 10/198a 6/72, 75-56 7/305, 352 2/212 6/72-73, 75 7/111 13A/20 c2p4 10/126, 185, 197, 206 (photo), 215, 229 8/308a 8/308a; 10/167 5/142; 6/82; 10/118b 7/352 3/173 6/66; 10/40-41, 52, 122 10/226 7/33 6/66 7/296 4/301; 7/64; 8/150, 197(photo), 313; 9/57 (photo) 10/161 7/303, 304 (photo), 306, 334, 359, 442 2/73 8/278 4/98; 5/77 7/93 2/283 7/213, 272 7/228 (photo) 4/90 8/340 2/283 7/203 7/146 3/34 1/251 1/159; 2/153 1/215 (photo); 10/52, 221 (photo) 4/293 3/136 (photo) 10/166 1/64, 65, 256; 3/98; 10/31 8/245 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Shattuck, Jack Shattuck, Jane (Mrs) Shattuck, John Shattuck, Martha Bell Shattuck, (Mr) Shattuck, (Prof) Shattuck, Simeon O. Book/Page number 10/186f, 198e 3/178 (photo); 5/223; 6/15, 62 2/153; 3/41 3/205 1/1, 15, 241 5/170 1/15, 167, 181, 202, 203, 226, 251; 2/33, 37, 42, 53, 108, 109, 122, 130, 131, 133, 150, 151, 153155, 165, 173, 190, 244, 286 (photo), 289 (photo); 3/16, 22, 23, 32, 41, 117, 143, 204, 210, 214, 221; 4/90, 97, 167; 5/9, 12, 55, 59, 88; 6/17, 26, 37, 66, 82, 99; 8/52, 214; 10/2, 3, 8, 9, 21, 201b; Old Places/1, 39, 87, 91 Shattuck, Sophia Shattuck Street Shaurer, H.B. (Mrs) Shaver, Claude L. and Wilma Jeanne Shaw, Arthur (Dr) Shaw, Carl Dean Shaw, Charles M., Marjorie Truehart, and the Shaw Hotel Shaw Family Shaw, Floyd C. (Family) and Ruth (Mrs) Shaw, H.D. Shaw, John (Family) Shaw, Myrle Shaw, Rex Shaw, Robert J. Shaw, Whet Shea, Betty Shea, Edward (Mrs) Shea, Doris Shea, H.C. Shea, Helen Shea, Lester Shea, Stephen (Mrs) Shea, William H. (Pvt) Shealy, J.N. Shearman, Hugh Shearman, Marjorie, Thomas Jr., and William Shearman, Thomas B. Shearman, Virginia Shebba, Abraham Nicolas Sheep Industry Shehda, Abraham Nicklas Shelby County, TX Shelby, (Gen) Shell Bank (Westlake) Shell Beach Casino. See also "Lake Front Casino." Shell Beach Cemetery Shell Beach Drive 6/99 6/66 7/146 5/331 8/173 7/201 4/82 5/77 7/407 (photo) 5/212 4/82; 8/108, 338; 10/140 10/121 10/31, 40 6/82 10/219 (photo) 10/127 (photo), 179 7/64, 112, 146; 10/148, 235 8/228 (photo) 5/181 8/308a 7/228 5/236; 10/118b, 205, 236 7/409 (photo) 3/141 9/48 (photo), 115 8/242 5/223; 8/241-242, 246 (photo), 353; 9/9 8/242; 10/198 a, h, 203, 211 8/252 2/243 (photo); 5/242 7/81 6/36 5/239 1/205, 235; 4/95 3/99, 164, 166, 168 1/287 1/56, 182 (1918 photo), 213, 214, 224; 6/162, 183, 197, 199, 202; 8/71, 254; 9/121, 129 8/217 Shell Beach Pavillion NAME OR DESCRIPTION Shell Beach Pier Shell Beach Theatre Shell, H.H. (Rev) Shell Laundry Shell Oil Company Shellman, Frank Shellman, Fred Shelly Shelton, Dorothy Shelton, H.(Lt) Shelton, J.D. Shemberland (program 1908) Shepard, A.J. (Mrs) Shepard, Arthur J. Jr. Shepard, Nancy Shepherd Shepherd, D.P. Shepp, Charles "Lefty" Sheppard, A.S. Sheppard, Connie Sue Sheppard, Morris (Rep) Sheppard, Olin (M/M) Sheppard, Slim Sheppard's Bakery/Bread Sherard, Della Alma Sheridan, Frank W. Jr. Sheridan, (General) Sheriff [See also "Calcasieu Parish, La. - Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff" and names of individual sheriffs] Sherman, Andrew Sherman, (General) Sherman, Helene Sherman, Jesse S. and Ferry Sherman, (Rev) Sherman, Tessie S. Sherwood, Robert W. Shetler, Carl (Family) Shetler, Don Shickelgruger & Company Shidler, Elizabeth Shidler, Eugene (Mrs) Shields, Emert (Capt) Shields, Pete Shields, Richard (S.Sgt) Shields, Santos Shields, Theodore A. Shilery, H.C. Shindler, Florence Book/Page number 6/162, 78; 7/11; 8/209, 211 1/64; 3/98 6/5-6 2/350 6/182; 8/63 1/5; 2/39, 238 1/171; 2/37-38, 190 3/52 7/171 7/26 5/266 3/168 10/185 8/291 8/108; 10/235 4/18 5/51 7/228 8/267 10/185, 186b 1/230 6/43; 7/123 (photo), 296, 322 (photo); 8/13 (photo), 261, 287; 9/84: 10/183, 187a, 188, 190, 197, 202, 205, 215 10/150 7/155, 273, 426, 428; 10/186a, 198a, 209 8/240 8/277 2/14 1/44, 48, 51, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60-62, 66, 79, 80, 94, 123, 161, 163, 164, 166, 167, 175, 177, 179, 185, 196, 208, 210, 216; 6/199; 8/288 8/364 3/93 10/68 1/10 1/297 1/220 7/93 7/342, 343 (photo), 431, 436 (photo), 452, 454; 9/123 (photo) 7/342, 436; 8/217 (photo) 7/108 7/173; 10/165 5/182 2/259 9/60 7/216 7/29 10/186c, g 7/79 6/19 NAME OR DESCRIPTION ship building industry. See also names of individual companies. Ship Channel Shipley, Richard L. (Cpl) Shipman, Harold Shipp, E.D. Shipp, E.D. (Mrs) Shipp, James K. Shirah, J.W. Shirley, Bonnie Shirley, D.A. Shirley, Daniel Shirley, David Shirley, Homer Clifton Shirley Homer Clifton (Mrs) Shirley, June J. Shirley, Lou Shirley, Louis E. Shirley, Ralph Shirley, Ralph (Mrs) Shirley, William Shively, (Miss) Shivers, Allan B., Governor Shoat's Creek shoemaker Shoffer, Charles Grant Shook, C. Judson Short, Bobby Short, Dewey Short, Dudley Robert Short, Kenneth (Mrs) Short, Robert Short, Ruth (Mrs) Short, Sally Shoumatoff, Elizabeth Shout, William Shoutwell, Jess Shove, G.H. Showalter, D.B. Shreier, G.A. Shreve, Carl J. Shreve, Charles Shreve, Earl Perry and Eddie Shreve, Lydia Fruge Shreve, Olaf P. Shreve, Robert Shreveport, LA Shreveport gun clubs shrimp industry Shrimpboats Shuff, Alex and Leonard Shuff, Cyrus Book/Page number 1/264; 2/126 4/267; 5/111-113, 115; 6/56, 171, 179, 181-184 (map), 267; 8/8, 16, 92, 194, 217a, 223, 224, 286 7/167 7/296 7/451 8/245 7/436 6/100 10/47 4/96 1/133 1/157; 2/130-131 7/183 (photo), 197; 8/56, 283 10/138 7/337, 350 4/199 7/451 5/271; 7/288; 10/163, 198f, I, 211 2/318; 10/115 7/204, 337, 348, 350, 397, 442; 10/161, 235 3/48 (photo) 10/95 1/146 1/171 1/215 7/81 10/198 f 7/33 5/252 10/138 7/408 7/111 10/211 7/375 7/182 6/44 1/185 10/59 8/146 7/126 (photo) 8/212 (photo) 7/326 7/239 7/126, 239 10/187a 1/141-142, 206; 8/68 3/15 3/207; 4/141, 143-146 3/207 (photo); 4/294; 8/214 (photo) 7/378 1/159 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Shuff, Dallas (Mrs) Shuff, Robert (Family) Shultz, Rosa (Mrs) Shumaker, Casey (Pfc) Shumaker, T. (Mrs) Shumway, Ed Shuttleworth, Francis (Mrs) Shutts, Eleanor Ruth Shutts, Elizabeth Shutts, Elmer E. Book/Page number 7/336 7/325 (photo) 4/244 7/5 7/379 6/162 6/5 2/355; 10/129-130a, 127, 161 2/355; 7/179; 10/129 (photo), 130a 1/61i, 229, 230; 2/243, 264; 3/205a (photo); 5/92, 93, 95, 102, 110 (photo), 155, 157, 262; 6/163, 166, 168 (photo), 176, 177 (photo), 181, 182 (photo), 185, 187, 190, 191; 7/9, 10, 13, 79 (photo), 93, 94, 123, 179; 8/46, 48, 64, 67, 88, 90, 194, 198, 229, 236, 298, 301, 305; 9/50, 115, 119, 129, 130, 134 (photo), 142, 149; 10/190; 13A/133 c1p1 Shutts, Elmer (Mrs) Shutts, F. Shutts, F. & Sons Shutts, Frank 1/62; 10/115 1/229; 3/97 10/190 1/181, 255; 2/221; 3/36; 4/171; 5/44; 6/116, 181; 13A/133 c3p6 2/276 2/238, 264, 337, 402; 3/24; 5/67, 93, 104, 110, 266; 7/13, 113, 296; 8/228 (photo), 229, 304, 306; 10/104 (photo), 221, 222 (photo), 303-305 1/229-230; 2/243; 6/182; 7/124, 236, 268, 288, 323 7/146; 10/306 1/61i; 3/231 7/294; 8/229 10/129-130a (photo) 10/115 1/209; 4/60 7/228 7/82 13A/52 c2 7/88 (photo) 7/201 5/82 9/147-148 2/335 (photo) 10/178 8/64 4/169 10/348 1/206 6/208 2/59 2/131 13A/21 c1p7; Old Cemeteries/21 13A/105 (photo) Shutts, Frank (Mrs) Shutts, Fred (M/M) Shutts, Harry Shutts, Harry (Mrs) Shutts, Hilda Shutts, Mary Katherine Shutts, Virginia Sibille, V.H. (Mrs) Sibley, John (Dr) Sibley, Sheldon C. Sibley, Shelton Siblot, Joseph Sickels, Robert Sidan, Ralph Carl Sidberry, E.D. Lumber Company Sidwell, Lowell G. (Col.) Sierra, Austin Siess, Gretchen Siess, Robert E. Siess, Robert E. (Mrs) Sigler, Charles (Lumber mill) Sigler Family Sigler, James Monroe Sigler, J.D. Sigler, R.E. Sigler, Thomas Ellis Signette, Bayou NAME OR DESCRIPTION Sigourney, (Mrs) Sigur, Nina Silas, Edward Roosevelt Silas, Mary Jane Silchensiedt, Albert B. and Irene Butler (Mrs) Silchensiedt, Lucile Silcott, (Mr) Siling, Emma Siling, Frank Siling, Laura Siling, Mamie Siling, Mary Silk, George Sills, Wilson W. Silman, Albert Silvia, Melvin, Richard (M/M), Tom, and William T. Simar, Lloyd E. (Sgt) Simeon, Osceola Shattuck Simmes, B.B. (Gen.) Simmons, A.A. Simmons, Anthony Simmons, Atroth Simmons, Benjamin Simmons, Bernard Simmons, Bunny (Mrs) Simmons, Calvert Simmons, Calvin Simmons, C.C. Simmons, C.H. Simmons, David Simmons, Earsell Strahan (Mrs) Simmons Family Simmons, H.R. Simmons, Hannah Simmons, Henry Simmons, Issac Simmons, J. Simmons, Jacob Simmons, James Simmons, Jerry Simmons, L.L. Simmons, Mark Simmons, (Mr) Simmons, O.L. Simmons, Ocie Virgil Simmons, Ralph Simmons, Roy L. Simmons, S. Simmons, Sarah (succession sale) Simmons, Solomon Book/Page number 1/189 3/80 10/199a 10/95 7/362 (photo) 7/302; 8/213, 220; 10/129 (photo), 130a 3/172 3/173 10/20 3/18, 23, 48 (photo), 173, 177 3/48 (photo), 173 3/23 4/180 1/168 8/252 7/6, 289 7/417 Old Places/86, 39 2/142 4/87, 95 1/88 7/201 1/146 5/55 7/111 1/111, 135 1/97, 146; 5/55 4/17-18 2/132 1/5-7, 18, 28, 33, 73, 116, 119, 123, 138, 217, 8/3 1/206 4/146 1/168 8/259 1/123, 146 1/66 1/8, 20, 28, 33, 34, 95, 114, 115, 118, 121, 123, 218 1/103, 106, 127, 168, 244; 7/345 4/98 4/10, 12 4/81, 95 1/18 10/26 7/66 1/116, 123 7/296 1/104 2/156 13A/20 c4p9; 1/73, 78, 88, 94-95, 99, 102-103, 106, 111, 120, 123, 127, 131, 721 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Simmons, Valentine Simmons, W.C. Simmons, W.H. Simmons, William Simon, Albert (Mrs) Simon-Baker Simon, Clemmie Marie and Lillian Mary (Macy?) Simon, Harvy (P/off) Simon, John (Pfc) Simon, Johnny (M/M) Simon, Justine Simon, Millie Simon, P.L. (Mrs) Simon, Wallace Simonin (de), Arthur A. (Pvt) Simonin (de), Maurice Simpich, Frederick Simpson Simpson, A.B. Simpson, Alfred E., Applen E., Harold W., and Ovida Rogers Simpson, Brian Simpson, Charlie (Mrs) Simpson, Earl (M/M) Simpson, Eugene (M/M) Simpson, F.M. Simpson, J.G. Simpson, J.M. Simpson, J.P. Simpson, John A. Simpson, June Simpson, Letitia Lock (Mrs) Simpson M.E. Church Simpson, Mrs. Simpson, O.H., Governor Sims Sims, E.K. Sims, E.R. Sims, Harvey J. Jr. Sims, J.R. Sims, S.R. Sinack, James Sinclair, (President) Sindik, Nicholas John Singer, Bill Singer, LA Singletary, A.C. Singletary, C.M. (Mrs) Singletary, J.M. Singletary, Jim Singletary, Joseph Singletary, Margaret Singletary, (Mrs) Book/Page number 1/117, 120; 5/55 10/118 1/229; 3/114-115 (photo), 97; 4/171 1/24, 45, 95, 146-147, 159; 3/60; 5/77 13A/21 c3p8 5/82 10/199a 7/227 7/5 8/93 10/229 5/5 10/185 7/229 7/417 9/10 (photo) 8/68 3/32 2/220 7/216 (photo) 10/197 7/293 7/296 1/42, 48 2/388; 8/192, 314; 9/128 (photo) 4/171 8/355 5/211 1/57e; 3/221; Old Places/26 10/47 1/57 e 3/141, 186, 205a; 6/6; 8/194, 280 1/60 5/102; 6/163, 164, 166-168, 176, 177, 180 1/217 2/289; 3/209, 214, 221, 223-225 1/140; 2/286; 3/33, 208, 210 7/405 (photo) 7/296 1/151 1/183 2/250 7/201, 343 5/82 1/205; 4/96 2/132 2/271; 8/236 4/232, 234 4/277 10/193 4/218 1/160 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Singletary, Norma Jean Singletary, Theophilus G. Jr. Singleton, Allen Singleton, Armand Jr. Singleton, Bob (Mrs) Singleton, Charles Singleton, Charles (Mrs) Singleton, D.A. Singleton, D.C. Singleton, Delia Singleton, D.S. Singleton, Edward Singleton Family Singleton, Fannie and V.K. Singleton, Gross, Harry, Irene (Mrs), Russell, and Willie Singleton, Henry (Rev) and Myner Singleton, John (Sgt) Singleton, Joseph Singleton, Lewis Singleton, M.E. (Dr) Singleton, M.M. Singleton, Mid Singleton, (Mrs) Singleton, Myrtle (Mrs) Singleton, R. Singleton, Robert Singleton, S.B. (Dr) Singleton, Thelma Singleton, Viola Singleton's Settlement Sinitiere, Elton J. Sinnot, John Sinnott, (Miss) Sinotte, John (Mrs) Sirman, John W. Jr. Sirmans, Chuck (M/M) "Sister." See names of people called "Sister," e. g. Hyacinth, Bernadine, Mary, etc. Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word Sisters of the Incarnate Word Sistrunk, Andrew J. Sistrunk, (Dr) Sittig, Frank, Hilliard (Family), Joseph, Leni, and Mary L. Higginbotham, Predose (Mrs) Sittig, Jules and Victor Sitting Place Sittig, Thomas Jr. (Pfc) Sittig's Bluff Sittig's Saw Mill Sitzer, Ralph C. (Lt) Six Mile Creek Skating Rink Book/Page number 10/161 7/345 10/185, 187a 7/437 10/223 1/244 1/244; 13A/20 c1p3 1/106 1/94, 99, 103, 107, 111, 120, 123, 127 1/172; 10/4 1/103 10/185, 198g, 211 1/206 2/101 13A/20 2/132 7/186 (photo) 7/452 1/21, 35, 58 2/101; 13A/20 c1p2 2/112-113, 148, 186; 5/4(7?) 1/296; 5/170 1/131, 134, 138 1/247 (photo) 1/25 1/35-36, 40, 51, 350; 7/198 2/128; 1/131 7/246 4/237-238 1/51-52 7/452, 454 2/220 1/35 13A/19 c4p4 8/92 10/197 6/208 9/150 7/64 6/91 13A/18 13A/8 c2 2/272 7/5 Old Places/1; 2/136; 10/308 1/92; 10/308 4/265 1/52, 88, 94, 273 1/13; 2/42, 117, 154 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Skelton, W.A. Skidman, Mattie Skidmore, Haddie Skiles, A.W. Skillman, Helen Marie Skinner, F.L. Slack Slack, Becky Slack, Jack Slack, Shirley Slack, Torbert (Family) Slang Slater, Ben R. Slater, Joseph (Lt) Slaughter, Danny Slaughter, Edward D. Slaughter, Glen A. Slaughter, Jack E. (Family) Slaughter, Ruby (Mrs) Slaves and Slavery. See also "African Americans." Slayton & Clark Slaydon, Elias Slaydon Family Slaydon, W.J. Slaydon's Mill Slight, Mary Ruth Sliman, J.L. (Mrs) Sloan Sloan, Claude Sloan, Mary Joyce Sloan, Paul M. Sloan, R.C. Sloane, Cora Sloane, Mary and T.J. Sloat, Dwain "Lefty" (Sgt) Slocum, Edna Slocum, Erwin and W.E. Slocum, William C. Slow Poke, The (program 1908) Small Business Administration Small, P.L. (Rev) smallpox and vaccine Smallwood, P.L. Smart & Cooper Co. Smart Family Smart, Julia Book/Page number 7/222 4/218 4/218 3/146 10/199a 4/171 6/17 5/262; 7/107, 111, 201, 204; 10/127, 177 7/296 6/69-70 (photo), 72; 10/129-130a 5/87; 6/69-70 (photo), 73-74; 7/81 (photo), 112, 124, 143, 183, 277, 282a, 357, 452, 454; 10/138, 233 8/191 7/186-187 7/212 10/179 7/229 7/5, 320 (photo), 392 7/116, 226, 245, 321, 324, 394, 452, 454; 8/209; 10/233 7/111, 394 1/39, 40, 52, 55, 65, 69, 85, 86, 109, 140, 174, 186, 262, 263, 267, 268; 8/256; 13A/130, 134 p2; Old Places/152 1/40 1/96, 115, 118, 123 1/205 1/90 (96?), 115, 118, 123, 132, 135, 146, 152153, 155, 205; 2/130-131; 5/78; 13A/8 c1 1/153, 159; 2/131 2/355 10/185 10/116 2/8, 80; 10/293 10/8, 127 (photo), 186 6/82 1/160, 167 4/80 2/80 7/117 10/210 7/296 2/286 (photo), 291; 3/221 3/168 4/285 10/199a; 8/275 1/164; 8/214 (program); 10/110, 233 2/55 (photo) 1/231; 6/84 1/205; 4/87; 5/79; 13a/2; Old Cemeteries/12 2/73, 107; 5/67 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Smart, Martha Perkins Smart, (Miss) Smart, Nathan (Deacon) Smart, Ralph Smart, Ray (Mrs) Smart, Tom Smart, William Smart, W.W. Smart's Lumber Company Smedes, Robert Smee, Thomas Smelser, Rex Smiley, Sally (Mrs) Smiley, Wesley B. Smiley, Wesley B.. (Mrs) Smith Smith, A.D. Smith, A.Frank Smith, Albert Smith, Alline Mae Smith, Alwyn Jr. Smith & Rigmaiden Smith, Andrew G. (Chief) Smith, Ann Smith, Archibald Smith, Ardery (Miss) Smith, Arneria and Loretta Smith, Arthur Lee Smith, Arthur Stilwell Smith, Audrey Smith, Baldwin B. (Col.) Smith, Bertha and Kenneth C. Smith, Betty Smith, Bill Smith, Bonnie Mae Smith brothers Smith, Buck Smith, (Capt) Smith, C.C. Smith, C.C. (Mrs) Smith, Charles Smith, Charles Astor and Edward Smith, Charles E. Smith, Charlie (Mrs) Smith, Charlotte Smith, Clifford (Cpl) Smith, Clyde Barton Smith, D.B. Smith, Dean and Dorothy Lee Book/Page number 5/4 1/231 2/80 5/67 3/56 4/20 1/148, 160; 10/312 1/167, 289; 5/50 3/232; 10/347 5/15 10/7, 68, 429 9/84, 116 (photo) 7/111 7/248 (photo); 8/366 7/173 1/211 10/78 2/318-319 6/83 10/136 6/182 1/229 7/410 10/148, 211 1/93, 98, 191, 224 7/189 4/218 7/66, 201, 296 4/88 7/111, 113, 141; 9/36 7/448 7/74 7/118; 10/148, 186 a, d, e (photo),187, 189 7/118, 206, 304, 410 2/354; 7/314, 338, 363; 8/198, 305; 9/129 (photo), 150 (photo); 10/115, 126, 153, 165, 197, 206 (photo), 226 1/235 5/168 3/38 7/203; 8/238 13A/53 c4; 5/305-332; 6/16; 7/146; 8/22, 219, 254; 9/34; 10/306 2/174 7/201 1/282; 2/102-103 8/93 8/275 7/459-460 (photo) 7/234 (photo), 333 5/169 Old Cemeteries/22 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Smith, Diann and Louis E. (Mrs) Smith, Dock and Irma Smith, Dollie (Mrs) Smith, Don Q. (Mrs) Smith, D.Y. Smith, E.J. Smith, Elsie Eaves Smith, Elmer D. Smith, E. Payson Smith, Eunice Smith, Fleming Smith, F.M. Jr. (Mrs) Smith, Frank Smith, Frank A. Smith, Frank A. (Mrs) Smith, Fred T. (Mrs) Smith, Frederick C. Smith, Frederick H. (Gen.) Smith, George Smith, George William (MD) Smith, Georgiana Smith, Gerald L.K. Smith, Gertrude Smith, Gloria Smith, Gordon Smith, Gordon Hughes Smith, Gossett Smith, Goulding (Mrs) Smith, Gus Smith, H. Smith, H.A. (Mrs) Smith, H. Alexander (Sen.) Smith, Hammas Ray (Pvt) Smith, Hamos Smith, Harold Smith, Harry L. Smith, Harry (Mrs) Smith, H.C. Smith, H.D. (Mrs) and Walker (Mrs) Smith, H.H. (Mrs) Smith, H.R. (Mrs) Smith-Hughes Vocational Agricultural School Smith, I.H. Smith, I.L. (Mrs) Smith, James Smith, James A. Smith, James B. Smith, James Monroe (Dr) Smith, James S. Smith, James T. and W.H. Smith, J.B. Smith, Jean Ann Book/Page number 9/133 (photo) 8/56 5/20; 6/16; 7/8 7/111 8/279 7/82 1/236 2/334 5/15 6/72-74, 76 1/98 7/302 1/185; 3/213; 4/79; 7/131 1/214; 2/286; 3/105, 221; 8/209, 241-243 3/85 1/227; 10/223 1/121 7/407 4/118; 1/5, 11, 21, 26, 35, 51, 72, 96, 98, 116, 1/121; 13A/7 c4p7 7/118 6/67 3/54 10/68 2/351, 355 7/81 3/221; 7/203; 8/295 7/115 4/114 1/164 7/171 8/23 7/204 (photo) 7/460 10/167 4/119, 171; 7/103, 111, 450-451 7/177 10/99 6/16 7/173 9/34 4/97 5/55 6/49 1/117 3/217, 222, 224 (photo), 225, 287, 294; 7/442 1/168; 8/295 10/140 3/42; 7/226, 219 1/123 10/118; 7/39, 82 10/198a, 198g, i NAME OR DESCRIPTION Smith, Jeff Egbert (Jr) Smith, J.H. Smith, John Smith, John B. Smith, Johnnie E. Smith, J. Singer Smith, J. Singer (Mrs) Smith, J.V. (Mrs) Smith, J.W. Smith, Laura Smith, Lawrence Lee Smith, L.E. Smith, Ledoux E. (Mrs) Smith, Lloyd (Mrs) and William N. (Jr) (Mrs) Smith, L. (Mrs) Smith, Lucille Smith, M.A. Smith, Mac Smith, Marcus (M/M) and Woodry Smith, Margaret Smith, Marie (Mrs) Smith, Marshall J. Smith, Marshall Marvin Smith, Martha Jane Smith, Mary Smith, M.M. Smith, Morgan Smith, Morgan (Mrs) Smith, (Mr) Smith Music Store, J.S. Smith, Nathan and Solon Smith, Nita Smith, O.L. (Capt) Smith, Pat Smith, Patricia Smith, Paul C. Smith, Percy Smith, Phineas E. Smith, Pierre Smith, Pink Smith, Raymond (M/M) Smith, R.E. Smith, R.H. Smith, Robt. B. Smith, Roy Smith, Roy T. Smith, Roy P. Smith, Russell L. Smith, Ruth Smith, S.A. (Rev) Smith, Shirley George Book/Page number 7/429 3/40 1/101; 10/185 1/91 7/452 3/42, 158; 4/169, 171; 5/140; 6/168 (photo), 177 (photo) 4/166; 6/5-7; 3/79; 10/306 10/185 8/3, 321 5/316 2/244; 7/201; 8/92 2/153; 8/162 2/262 7/50 10/44 6/74-75, 72 5/82 10/117 7/406 7/302; Old Cemeteries/22 5/262 9/3 7/86 8/75 (photo) 1/283; 5/222 4/119 7/451 1/276 5/277 5/144 (photo) 1/92 10/229 1/231 1/5 10/90 1/112; 5/318 1/185 2/124 1/161, 93, 111 8/248 (photo) 7/204, 460 8/233 2/283 2/332 3/217; 7/413 8/293 6/208; 9/38-39 7/212, 215 (photo), 219 7/8, 115 3/95 7/95 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Smith, Short/Shorty Smith, Thomas Smith, Walter B. (Gen) Smith, W.Graham Smith, William Smith, William A. Smith, William D. Smith, William (Jr) Smith, William Lawrence (Jr) Smither, E.C. Smither, Harriet Smithers, Lucille (Mrs) Smithhart, C.G. Smith's Café Smith's Ferry Smith's Music Store Smith's settlement Smithsonian Institution Smoke house Smoke-Whiskers, Johnny Smyth Junction Smythe, Ann Quilty Smythe, Howard B. (Flight Connander) Snaffter, Samuel (T/Sgt) Snatic, Harry S. Snatic, Jules (Family) Snatic, Sally B. Snell, Adrien Lee, Martha, and Phyllis Snell, C. Ben Snell, Geo. M. Snell, (Miss) Snell, Oscar Snider, H.S. Snider, Julian Snider, M.M. Snider, Miles Snider, Miles (Mrs) Snodgrass, Alice Snodgrass, (Miss) Snow, Anne Snow, Elliott (Rear Adm) Snow, Lucy Anne Snow, T.R. (Jr) (Capt) snow of 1895 snow of 1896 snow of 1897 snow of 1898 snow of 1899 snow of 1948 Snow of 1949 Snow of 1958 Book/Page number 7/206, 304 1/130 7/389 2/265 1/13, 25, 60, 75, 87, 117, 191; 10/309 2/232 1/168 1/46 7/359; 10/161 7/82 4/26 7/424 (photo) 10/99 2/351 1/87 2/221; 3/158, 169; 5/144 (photo) 1/73 4/3 6/56 (photo) 13A/89 C1 3/142 7/147 (photo), 152 7/152 7/225 4/215, 220, 221; 6/201; 7/185 (photo), 202, 397 (photo), 444 (photo); 9/116 (photo) 7/82, 185, 202, 312 7/344 7/434 (photo) 1/230 6/99 3/43 2/34, 177, 253, 250 1/85 7/296 3/205a 8/103 10/223 5/277; 9/45; 5/311 1/209a 10/127 (photo) 13A/20 10/161 10/215 (photo) 1/277 5/6 6/25 6/106 8/241 8/55 9/150, 151 (photo), 152 (photo) 9/126 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Snyder Snyder, A.E. (Mrs) Snyder, A.M. (Mrs) Snyder, John Snyder, Robert A. Social Hygiene education Social Security Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (S.P.C.C.) Sockrider, Guy Sockrider, Guy F. Sockrider, Guy W. (Sen) Sockrider, Hernan Sockrider, J.W. Socony-Vacuum Co. Softball Termites (Sports team) Soileau, Alfred B. Soileau, Andrew Soileau, Antoine Soileau, Earlene Soileau, Godfrey Soileau Prairie Soileau, Vetile Soileau, Yves (Sgt) Sokolosky, Custer Carl Solari, Archie and Jimmy Solari, Floyd Solari, Floyd (Jr) and Sherman Solari, Sherman (Jr) Sole, Archie Solomon Family Solomon, Godfrey C. Solomon, Harrell A. Solomon, Harrell A. (Mrs) Solomon, Sam Somervell Expedition Somewhere in France (poem) Sommers, George Sommers, Jane (Mrs) Sompayrac, (Mrs) Sompayrac, Paul Ambroise Songe, Harry Songe, Harry (Mrs) Songe, Lloyd Sonnier, A.B. (Mrs) and Alexson (Mrs) Sonnier, Anita (Mrs) Sonnier, Arthur, Raymond, and Varise V. Sonnier, Austin Sonnier, Cecil Sonnier, Clay Sonnier Electric Company Sonnier, Eugene Sonnier Family Book/Page number 5/77 4/17 1/228 3/112, 116 3/94 8/275 3/205a; 4/284 3/21-22, 48 8/15 9/52 10/92; 4/297, 301 10/230, 233-235 5/77 1/233 10/203, 210 7/217 7/201 1/91 4/199 1/33 1/20, 95, 157 7/431, 454, 452 7/338 7/201 10/212 (photo) 10/167 5/252 7/449 1/215; 10/52 5/226 6/82 2/265; 5/243 7/146 2/34, 53 13A/21 c3p2 7/412 7/407, 454 7/407 3/88 1/43, 44, 57e, f; 3/42, 93, 98; 5/9 7/392 7/272, 287, 348 4/280 7/282c 7/111 7/296 7/6 10/179 6/174 4/297, 301 4/289, 290 5/77 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Sonnier, Houston Peter Sonnier, J.O. Sonnier, Leonce Sonny's Mayonnaise Company Sons of Harmony Sophus, Walter (Pvt) Sorelle, Henry M. Sorensen, Lawrence Sorenson, A.C. Sorkow, Eli (Mrs) Sorosis Petticoat Sorrelle, Don E. Sorrells, J.E. (Mrs) Sorrells, Tim Soule Commercial College Soulier, Lewis Sour Lake, TX Sousa, John Phillip Sousley, Franklin R. (Pfc) South Boulevard Baptist Church South Carolina South Court Street (See also Court Street and North Court Street) South, Donald South LA Basket Ball Tourn. 1947 South Pacific - Hallowed Grounds South Ryan Street South Street South Street Theatre Southern Alkali Corp. Southern Amusement Company Southern Associations for Colleges Southern Bell Telephone Company Southern, Douglas L. Southern Fireside (magazine) Southern Furniture Company Southern Gentleman's Organization Southern Industries Company Southern Pacific Railroad Southern Pacific Railroad Bridge Southern Pacific Railroad Depot Southern Pacific Railroad Lunch Rooms Southern Pacific Railroad Truck Transports Southern Real Estate & Loan Guarantee Investment Agency Southlands (Ship) Southwest Building and Loan Association Southwest Citizen (Lake Charles newspaper) Book/Page number 7/95 7/213 (photo) 7/452 10/198c 3/216 7/400 13A/50 c1 5/84 8/267 10/231 3/150 (photo) 2/131 6/16; 7/430; 10/231 7/118 1/282 7/296 1/210 5/3; 8/234 7/380 (photo) 6/198 1/217, 220, 205 1/171, 174, 179; 2/10 6/63 10/198f 7/181 (photo) 8/93 8/70 5/340 8/8, 26, 54, 63 3/112; 6/88, 147; 7/93, 100, 155, 273, 384, 426, 428; 8/167, 283; 10/115-198h, 209 10/214 6/199, 206; 7/21; 8/20, 235; 9/127, 149, 154, 7/201 8/325 2/20, 89; 3/39; 6/428; 7/273, 426 10/97-99 1/237 1/81, 175, 183, 208, 210, 214, 220, 224, 225, 233, 235, 250, 270, 272; 2/7, 82, 354; 3/105, 142, 187, 200; 4/87, 107; 6/26, 29, 31, 33, 41, 59, 64, 66, 88, 91-96, 98, 101-103, 105, 107, 163, 171, 174, 181, 187, 190, 199; 8/9, 63, 67 (photo), 196, 205, 209, 281, 283-285; 10/122, 123 8/44 2/89, 232; 3/24 (photo), 34; 6/25, 39 (photo) 2/4, 167 8/164 2/163 6/163 (photo) 5/12 1/279; 3/53; 6/91; 8/340 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Southwest Livestock Show & Rodeo Southwest LA Historical Assoc./Society Southwest LA Hospital Association Southwest LA Reserve Officer Assoc. Southwest LA Trade Schools Southwest News (newspaper) Southwestern Historical Quarterly Southwestern Louisiana Institute (AKA USL; ULL) Southwestern LA Produce Company Southworth, E.D.E.N. (Mrs) Souza, Marion Sovetskaya Neft Soviet Prison Camps Spaatz, Carl A. (Gen.) Spaight, A.W. Spain Spalding, Herman K. (Sgt) Spalding [or Spaulding ], Raymond C. (Family) Spangler, Eva Spangler, Matthew Mac Spangler, (Mrs) Spanish American War Spanish Land Grants and Claims Spanish Moss Spano, John SPAR Spar (Steamship) Sparkman, John J. Sparks, Mary Sparks, John Sparks, T.P. (Mrs) Spaulding, C.E. (Mrs) Spear, Joseph Spearing, Arch Deacon Spearing, James (Rev) Spearing, Jessie (M/M) Spearing, John Farmer Spearing, Joseph L. Spearing, Joseph (Rev) Spears, David Spears, David R. Spears, G.W. Spears, James Spears, J.B. Spears, Joe Spears, Joseph Pleny Spears, Maxwell (Mrs) SPEBSQSA Specialty Store Speed Family Speed, J.D. Book/Page number 6/54 8/173, 198; 9/129, 130, 149; 13A/84 8/353-354 8/208 7/96; 10/192 8/8, 11-14, 24, 86, 91, 94, 96 4/26 4/25; 5/252; 10/95 3/144 2/21 6/16 8/299 (photo) 1/238-239 7/258 5/182 1/196, 211, 226; 4/11 7/315, 404 7/82, 198, 296, 315, 404 1/61i 7/345 6/3 (photo) 2/207; 3/9, 84; 6/39, 44, 46 1/190, 211, 212, 229, 235; 8/192 5/133-135 7/81, 156, 413 7/229 6/171 7/33 3/80 4/88 3/147 7/311 7/202, 205; 5/262, 314 1/59e 1/8 1/57e; 10/65 1/46, 59g, I; 7/296 1/208 1/8, 44-48, 57d, 58, 55 (photo), 59c, g, j, 60; 3/40, 42, 45; 10/65 7/82 7/338 6/62 7/201 2/333 5/243 7/217 6/201 8/317 2/17 1/206 2/220 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Speed, J.H. Speegel, Charles Speery, Adelaide Speery, Barbara Ann Spell, Adam (M/M) and James H. Spell, Donnie Spell, Winfred C. Spence, Ed Spence, Elias Spence, E.S. Spence, John Spence, John A. Spence, John T. Spence, Lorena Spence, Nellwyn Spence, Rena (Mrs) Spence, Rene Spence, S.E. Spence, S.E. (Mrs) Spencer, A.H. (Mrs) Spencer, Allen W. Spencer, B.F. Spencer, Curtis (Mrs) Spencer, Earl Wesley Spencer, Edward and Marian Spencer, Emily Spencer, Everett Spencer, Florence Marion Spencer, Frances Spencer, J.L. Spencer, Joseph Moris (Pvt) Spencer, L.E. Spencer, Lorena Spencer, Mal Spencer, Morris Spencer, N. Curtis (Mrs) Spencer, Raymond C. Spencer, Rose (Mrs) Spencer, Thomas A. Spencer, W.H. Spence's Pasture Spenser (Spencer??), S.A. Spetich, S.S. (Sgt) Spickis Spiers, Clarence K. Spike Family Spikes, James and Washington (and ferry) Spikes, Sophia Spillar, A.H. (Mrs) Spillar, Andrew Spillar, J.L. (Mrs) Book/Page number 4/171 7/220, 221 (photo), 281 (newspaper photo) 5/120, 277 8/2; 10/202 7/334 (photo) 5/307; 10/215 (photo) 7/363 6/85 1/271; 6/85; 7/326 4/169 1/101-104, 106, 116, 120, 219, 271; 2/7, 14, 138 1/107, 110, 121, 123-124, 127-128, 130, 138, 141, 146, 154, 210, 257; 5/14; 6/64; 8/243; 7/228 7/115, 146, 183 10/47-48 8/235 (photo) 8/229 5/14 13A/18 c3p9 8/280 7/6 5/77 8/216 5/252; 7/395 8/101 8/22, 100, 311 6/69 (photo), 73, 76; 10/130 (photo), 136 10/161 10/129-130a (photo), 127(photo) 7/205 7/326 3/34 7/225 5/117 5/252; 7/205, 210; 8/101 10/148, 165 7/363 8/119 6/82 1/262-263 6/45 4/100, 104, 106; 5/206 7/205 1/61 6/82 1/205 1/117, 136 5/77 2/265 10/221 (photo), 52; 1/215 10/126 (photo), 115 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Spillar, James Coley Spillar, L.C. (Mrs) and Robert Joseph Spillars, Ruth Spiller, James J. Spiller, Margie Spiller, Madge Spiller, Mary Ellen Spindletop Spindletop, Susie Spinella, Antoinette, Faith Ann, and Peter spinet Spinks, Leslie Spinks, Otis W. (Rev) spinning wheel Spirit of Calcasieu (Bomber) Sponte (or Spoute), Louis Spooner, A. (Mrs) Spooner, Allan (Mrs) Spooner, Eloise (Miss) Spooner, (Mr.) Sprague, Charles Sprague, M.F. (M/M) Springer, John Springer, John (Mrs) Spykes, James Square Dance Squires, Emma McNeese Squires, Keitha Squires, Lloyd Loring Squires, Lloyd Loring (Mrs) squirrel Stacey, Gus (Jr) Stafford, Andrew Stafford, M.N. Stafford, Raymond (Mrs) Stafford, Rollie stage coach/wagon Stagg, Bennie Stagg, Billie Stagg, David Stagg, David (Mrs) Stagg, Edward E. Stagg, E.W. Stagg, G.W. Stagg, John Stagg, Josephine A. Stagg, Joy Lucille Stagg, Preston J. (Sr) Stagg, W.L. (Rev) (Jr) Book/Page number 7/201 7/327 (photo) 7/93 7/296 10/194 7/100 8/108; 10/186g, 211, 104 (photo) 1/281; 4/104-106; 6/52 1/243 7/407 (photo) 8/9 (photo) 3/216-218; 8/6, 75, 254; 10/192-193, 198g, 198, 202, 206, 210, 183 2/344 6/43 (photo) 7/172 (photo) 4/198, 204, 213 3/147 6/15; 10/45 3/80 1/229 4/26 8/251 4/140 5/184 1/146 1/15 1/51; 2/223; 5/14; 7/54; 8/308; 10/27 (photo), 133 (photo), 136 2/350 1/228; 2/223; 4/171; 5/77, 262; 6/140; 8/308; 10/31, 34, 40, 109, 123, 205, 228 1/223, 228; 5/243; 10/56, 166; Old Places/76 8/201 7/118; 2/352-353 10/123 4/102 (photo) 7/320 3/60 2/8 (photo); 6/66 2/68 10/177 4/218; 13A/18 c4 p8 13A/18 c4 p9 8/241, 244 7/244; 8/230, 236, 246 (photo) 7/291 13A/22 c2 p5; Old Cemeteries/22 7/431 10/161 2/334 2/264; 7/384; 10/161 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Stakelum, W.H. Stalcup, E.C. Stalin, Joseph Stalingrad Stalnecker, Edward Stalnecker, F.I. (M/M) Stalnecker, F.J. Stamps, J.J. Standard Dredging Company Standard Oil & Gas Co. Standfield, James M. Standfield, J.D. Stanfield, Jack Stanford, Gabriel Stanislas, M. (Dr) Stanley, Butler Stanley, D.T. (Mrs) Stanley, Edward Stanley, Floyd George Stanley, Hays Stanley, Jack Stanley, Leland Floyd Stanley, Thomas B. (Gov) Stanley, Walter Stanley's Studio Stanolind Oil & Gas Co. Stansbury, Beulah, June, and M.C. Stansbury, Ike Stansbury, Laddie Stansfield, James Stanton, Gertrude Stanton, John H. Stanton, T.H. Stanton, Wylie Stapler, W.D. (Lt) Stark, H.J. Lutcher Stark, Mance D. Stark, W.H. Starks, LA Starles, James Starling, Pete (T.Sgt) Starling, Walter T. (Pfc) Starnes, Charles Tip Starnes, Richard W. (Lt) Statue of Justice Statue of Liberty Staub & Rather, Architects Stave & Hoop Factory Steadman, Eugenia Steam Laundry Steam Locomotive Steam Shovel Book/Page number 4/168 5/243 7/366 (photo) 7/291 10/198b,198e (photo),198f, 192, 211 10/192 3/217 1/236 (photo) 8/279 1/230; 8/95 7/452, 454 2/131 4/280 2/248 8/120 10/102 (photo) 1/235; 10/145 7/75 7/86 6/178 5/77 7/201 10/95 4/217, 224 10/186e 4/100; 8/64 7/219 2/211 7/205, 219 (photo), 290 1/157 3/54 1/44-45, 52 2/107 2/256 6/149 4/135 7/452 4/87, 125 1/238-239, 246; 3/54 3/120 7/401 (photo) 7/5 7/66 7/223 (photo) 1/178 3/113 5/155 2/191, 162 10/47 5/200 3/202 (photo) 8/197 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Steamboat Landing steamboats and Steamboat travel Stear, Bertha K. (Mrs) Stear, Byron L. Stear, Frank N. (M/M) Stear, Kate (Mrs) Stearns, W.W. Stebbings, Astrid Christine Stebbings, Carol Stebbins, Chapin Stebbins, Charles Fay (S/Sgt) Stebbins, Edward A. Stebbins, Edwin A. (Mrs) Stebbins, Harcourt Stebbins, L.A. (Mrs) Stebbins, Maud Fay (Mrs) Stebbins, (Sgt) Stebbins, Thornwell F. Stebbins, Wilmer Steed, John R. Steed, John W. Steed, Phillip Steed, Phillip (Mrs) Steed, Tom (M/M) Steed's Fish Market Steed's Ice Company [Cameron, La.] Steel, C. Spencer Steele, Charles Steele Gwendolyn Steele, Hazel Steele, O.B. Steely, C.M. (Mrs) Steely, Jimmie Steen, Barbara Steen, Cecil Steen, E.M. Steen, Gordon Ellender Steen, J.A. (Mrs) and Lloyd W. Steen, Margarete and Tom (Mrs) Steen, Tom Stefan's Camera Shop Stehr, J. Stehr, Rose Stehr, "Toots" Steidley Steidley, J.A. Steidley, Rex W. Steidly, James J. Steidtman, Dorothy (Mrs) Steidtmann, C.E. Stein, Elaine Stein, Eldride Mae Book/Page number OP/49 2/134; 4/129-130; 5/232; 8/202 7/217 7/296 7/217, 235, 348, 431, 454 3/121 6/176 8/252 8/75 (photo) 7/336, 337, 392; 10/161 7/222, 269, 281 7/222, 392 7/336-337; 10/306 7/222; 10/82, 129 (photo) 2/277 7/222, 281 7/359 7/222, 394 6/174 2/286 (photo), 291(photo); 3/221; 4/143 7/203 4/143; 7/203 7/156 4/143, 272 7/155, 273, 426, 428 4/307 8/15 6/113 7/283 6/72-73 2/131, 150 3/138 10/167 10/149, 175, 177, 186c 5/83; 8/235 (photo); 10/177 5/319 5/83; 7/217, 229 7/332 5/83 5/6, 83; 2/265 9/121 2/306 10/178, 198 10/198d 3/38 4/95 7/296 4/116 7/154 7/296 10/166 7/346; 10/127 (photo), 129 (photo), 130a NAME OR DESCRIPTION Stein, Ervin Stein, Eldridge (M/M) Steinberg, Phillip (Pvt) Steine's [or Stine's]Ferry Steinhagen, Harvey Steinkraus, G.A. Steinmayer, R.A. (Dr) Steitzlein, Gus Stella Street Stelland, Frances (Mrs) Stelle Stelly, A.M. Stelly, James Stelly, Jessie E. Stelly, Jimmy Stenius, C. Stephen F. Austin College Stephens & Gallop Architects Stephens, Alex L. Stephens, Carley, Collier, Frank, Gene, Sally, and Willie Stephens, Clyde Stephens, (Dr) Stephens, H. James Stephens, Homer Stephens, L.W. Stephens, Mary Stephens, William "Collie" Stephens, William P. Stephens, W.O. Stephenson, C.E. and Jack S. Stephenson, Charles Stephenson, George, Gilbert, James, John Jr., Lydia, and William Stephenson, Jimmie Stephenson, Larry Sterling, A.R. Sterling, Arthur (USMC) Sterling, Bill Sterling, Ross S. (Gov) Sterling, Ross W. (M/M) Sterling, William Stettinius, Edward Steven, Carolyn Steven, (Rev) Stevens, Arthur (CWO) Stevens, Eva (Mrs) Stevens, H.M. Stevens - Holbrook Lumber Co. Stevens, Kenneth Stevens, Thaddeus Stevens, Walter J. Stevens, W.L. Steven's Home Book/Page number 7/301 (photo), 392 7/309, 346, 392 7/118 1/116, 119 8/290 2/303, 305 2/262 7/217 1/222 7/395 10/116 5/56 7/100; 8/55 7/6 5/83; 7/340; 10/162, 168-169 2/265 4/27 1/181 2/283; 3/217, 221 1/276 2/332; 7/8, 59 (photo), 176; 9/153 3/147 7/39 7/296 4/171 1/276 (photo); Old Cemeteries/22 Old Cemeteries/22 10/209a 3/124 7/391 (photo) 4/287 1/168 7/120 4/194, 272, 286 (photo), 293 1/148 7/404 2/23, 53 3/228 3/138 2/37, 190; 3/42; 5/50, 55 7/382 1/244 5/277 7/298 13A/18 c4p12 2/352; 6/51 6/51 5/243 3/93 1/230 2/244 1/296 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Stevenson, Barbara Stevenson, Daniel Jr. and Janice Gail Stevenson, David (Family) Stevenson Family Stevenson, George M. Stevenson, James Coleman Stevenson, Kerry Stevenson, Ludington, and Van Shack (Lumber mill) Stevenson, T.J. Stevenson, W.R. Stevenson, Walter Ames Stevenson, Walter Stevenson, Walter J. Stewart, Andrew (Pvt) Stewart, Arsene L. Stewart, Augustus Stewart, Barbara Jeanne Stewart, Bernice H. Stewart, Bruce (M/M) and Tommie Lou Stewart, Charles Stewart, C.P. (Mrs) Stewart, Eugene Young Stewart, Gale Nelson and James Dexter Stewart, Harry Stewart, James Stewart, James (M/M) and Woodrow Stewart, J.O. Stewart, John Stewart, Martha Missouri Stewart, Mary Eva Stewart, Morris R. Stewart, Nole S. (Mrs) Stewart, Ophellia (Mrs) Stewart, Pearl Harper (Mrs) Stewart, Robert W. Stewart, Russell George (Family) Stewart, T.W. Stewart, Virgil Stewart, W.F.& Company Stewart, William Blackbourne Stewart, William D. Stiles, Edwin Lee Stiles, John Still, Gerald Stilley, Laura Stillman, James A. Stilwell, Arthur Stine, Alexander Stine, Arnold, C. (Mrs), and Jackie Stine, Ed (Mrs) Stine, Edward J. Stine, Eldrid Mae Book/Page number 10/198g 8/282 8/282 (photo); 10/47 4/86 6/83 7/86 10/230 10/349 9/2 6/62 7/217 1/230 7/198; 8/238 (photo) 7/244-245, 289 (photo) 4/279, 301 1/112 10/161 Old Places/49; 4/292 7/266 7/296; 10/107 (photo) 3/51 (photo) 7/217, 229 Old Cemeteries/22 8/97 (photo), 338, 347 10/137 7/289 (photo) 2/59; 5/77; 10/145 2/327, 330, 332; 4/142 6/36 10/121, 126 8/70 3/80 7/437 1/246 7/278 7/84, 437 (photo) 4/96 13A/17 2/157 6/82; 7/86 7/296 7/168 (photo) 7/204 4/188 5/228 1/230 8/140 1/148, 157 7/305 6/49 8/280 10/147 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Stine, Eldridge (M/M) Stine, Erwin W. and Rolligh M. Stine, Ethel Stine, Eunice Stine Hotel Stine, Jasper Stine, John Stine, J.W. Stine, Mary Margaret Stine, Phillip Stine, Roland Stinking Gully Stinson, B. (Mrs) Stinson, Fred Stinson, Harry Stirgell, Gaye Stirling, Henry (Mrs) Stitts, Fred Stitzlein, Carrie Stitzlein, (Chief) Stitzlein, G.H. Stitzlein, Gus (M/M) Stizlein, T.K. Stoat's Creek Stockett, Norman (Rev) Stockman, George R. Stockton, J.V. Stockwell, Angell Stockwell, Billy Stockwell, Dorothy Stockwell Family Stockwell, F.B. (Mrs) Stockwell, Frank Stockwell Hotel Stockwell, John A. (M/M) Stockwell, Lambath Stockwell, Margaret Stockwell, Marshall (Family) Stockwell, Mary Lou (Mrs) Stockwell, Oliver Stockwell, Oliver (Mrs) Stockwell, Ruby (Mrs) Stockwell, Sallie Stockwell, Spencer L. Stockwell, Spencer L. (Mrs) Stoddard, Ben R. Stoddard, Bennett Stoddard, Harry Gordon Stoddard, Herbert Anderson Stoddard Home Stoddard, J.B. (Mrs) Book/Page number 7/301 7/296 3/112, 116; 7/302 10/129-130a (photo) 3/137 4/80 1/99; 4/147 4/139; 7/296 10/136 4/147 5/252 6/198 8/118 10/94 7/4 (photo) 13A/22 c2p5 13A/7 p9 3/120 10/186a, 189 (photo) 2/48 6/43; 10/188 7/20, 124; 8/93, 238; 7/120(photo); 8/93 4/266 1/146 6/16 7/296 2/332 7/432 10/47 3/57 3/142 4/87 8/254 3/37 3/140; 7/83 2/351, 355 3/57; 6/69 (photo), 72; 10/47 7/449; 8/235 (photo); 10/115 5/262 2/51, 352; 4/123; 6/185, 210; 7/15, 157, 319, 432; 8/186, 305, 353; 9/9, 150; 10/119(5?) 7/173,432 7/200 6/69 (photo), 73, 75 7/250 7/269 1/219, 257; 2/7; 5/14; Old Places/2 5/4 7/437, 442 7/95 5/226 1/228 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Stoddard, J.R. Stoddard, Joe (Lumber mill) Stoddard, Johnny, L.W. (Mrs), and Thelma Stoddard, Lawrence and R.B. (M/M) Stoddard, Martha Stoddard, Puella Stodder, Sula B. (Mrs) and Vernon Stofeld, L.P. and Troy P. Stoke, Harold W. Stokely, Betty Sue Stoker, Bert Alvin Stoker, Clyde Stokes, V.P. Stokoe, E.C. (Mrs) Stoma, Fred Stone & Kennedy Stone & Milligan Real Estate Stone & Webster [or Weber], Contractors Stone Bank Stone, Bevie (Mrs) Stone, (Dr) Stone, Felix (Family) Stone, Jack Stone, J.W. Stone, Lane Stone, (Miss) Stone, Nancy Stone, Pearl Stone, Robert R. Stone, Robert R. (Mrs) Stone, Saul Stone, William D. Storer, Billy Storer, Clarence Storer, Elizabeth Storer, Geo R. Storer, James Storer, John Storer, William Storer, William (Mrs) Storey, L.E (Mrs) Storey, L.U. Storey, Lancelot L. (2/Sgt) Storm Reporting Service Storter, N.A. Story, Dave Story, Lena Stouff, Emile Stough, Allen Stough, Margaret Book/Page number 2/37, 171 10/348 7/242 (photo) 7/207 5/4; Old Cemeteries/7; Old Places/2 2/147 7/169 (photo) 7/392 10/213 (photo) 10/193 7/201 6/72 4/171 6/7 10/198b 1/208 5/9 5/227; 8/8 2/236 (photo); 3/111 7/399 1/217 6/49; 7/142 (photo), 399; 8/289; 10/136 5/211 4/143 7/142 1/60 2/355; 7/93, 154; 10/127 (photo), 129 (photo), 130, 161 7/111 3/121, 203; 6/174; 7/450-451; 8/70, 295, 323324; 10/69 7/112; 10/148 13/85 c1 3/34, 39, 121; 4/101; 5/116 2/350 5/243; 7/296 8/2 7/296 3/93 6/113 13A/84 10/214 7/8 7/282c 7/377 8/226 5/110 9/321 (32) 3/215a 4/29 (photo) 10/148 10/198d, e NAME OR DESCRIPTION Stout, Ben (Pvt) Stout, Don Stout, F.N. Stout, Herbert B. (Pfc) Stout, James B. (Pfc) Stout, J.C. and Lumber Company Stout, J.E. Stout, Joseph Horntton Stout, Ned Stout, W.H. (M/M) Stovall family Stovall, Hazel Stovall, H.P. (Mrs) Stovall, Wm. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe, R.W. (Mrs) Strack, Francis L. (Lt) Stracner, Leon Strahan, Alfred L., Ansell, Alzina, Burton, Murlin, and Warren Strahan, Charles (Family) Strahan, Dorothy Strahan, Glenn Strahan, Neil Strahan, V.H. (Brig. Gen.) Strain, Dot (Mrs) Straley, Birdie L. (Mrs) Straley, Dewey E. (Family) Strange, John M. (Sgt) Strange, W.G. Strank, Michael (Sgt) Strassburg, France Strategic Air Command Stratojet bomber Strattman, E.M. (Mrs) Stratton, Elton Straube, D.E. (Mrs) Straube, Robert Straugh, Percy C. Strause, Minnie Strauss, Kenneth Streater, Donald Streater, Elizabeth Greene Streater, Florence Streater, Garry Streater, George (Mrs) Streater, Gerry Streater, G.G. Streater, Gorham Streater, Jane Streater, Julia Gorham (Mrs) Streater, Kenneth Streater, Nick Book/Page number 7/349 4/271, 275 5/4 7/390 (photo) 7/5, 411 2/275; 6/124; 10/348 2/332 7/95 10/47 7/349, 390 1/206 7/66; 10/126, 206 (photo) 8/93 2/132 5/208 6/16 7/445 13A p21 c2 p8 8/3 7/177 (photo), 190 7/190 10/193 8/3; 10/177 7/191 9/123 7/404 7/295, 404; 10/47 7/376 4/121 7/380 (photo) 3/105 9/114, 138, 147-148 9/148 (photo) 7/146 7/187, 206, 304 7/352 7/352, 363 (photo) 7/296 1/186 8/196 8/208 2/349; 3/230; 4/120; 5/236 (poems) 5/243 1/5 3/26; 10/40 10/211 6/100 8/300; 10/230 10/230 3/203; 8/70; 10/41 2/358 10/212 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Streater, Winnifred Streater, W.S. (Mrs) Street car/railway street lights street numbers street parking Strickland, Carl Strickland, D.A. Strickland, Fay E. (Pvt) Strickland, Ina (Mrs) Strike it Rich (TV Program) Strikes Stroderd, Marvin (Mrs) Strohe, R.W. (Mrs) Stronach, John Strong, Robert W. (Mrs) Strother, Bessie strother, Delores Strother, Howard D. Strother, James Strother, W.J. Strother, Willie A. Stroud, Anne Stroud, Bob Stroud, Grover C.(Family) Struck Gas (program 1908) Struck Oil (newspaper article) Stuart, Aimee Stuart, James Stuart, Ruth McEnry Stubblefield, Reid (Mrs) Stubbs & Hall, Cash Groceries Stubbs & Sons (flour mill) Stubbs, E.A. Stubbs, Ed Stubbs, Ernest Stuckey, C.A. (Capt) Studer, Albert Stunkard, McClellan F. Jr. (Lt Col) Sturdevant, Damon P. Sturgell, Faye Sturlese, Adam C. Sturlese, (Capt) Sturlese, Laurent Sturlese, Steve Stutes, Leo Stutes, Mary Ruth (Mrs) Stutes, Ray Stutes, Reuben Stutes, Valson Stutzman, Austin G. Book/Page number 2/352 2/356, 405; 5/237, 270, 312; 6/7; 8/238; 10/115, 305, 306 1/208; 2/237; 6/45 8/186, 187, 342 8/330 8/170 3/112, 116; 7/436 2/283; 3/217 7/401 7/436 4/277 1/237 Old Cemeteries/17; 13A/17 c3p4 2/328 6/98 7/39 7/113 10/186g 4/18 1/159 2/131 7/452 10/192 (photo) 8/87, 90 (photo) 1/297; 7/5, 82 3/168 4/104 1/92 1/123 10/47 5/216 1/61b 1/281 1/281 (photo); 4/101 6/44 3/138; 6/44 7/26 6/92 7/118 6/82 Old Cemeteries/22 7/452 2/206 4/147 4/189, 225 7/151, 168 (photo), 329 7/329 7/168 7/296 7/151 7/228 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Stutzman, David Thomas Stuyvestant, Peter, stamp Styron, Carlton Styron, Gaynell Suckley, Margaret Suddith, Luther J. Sudduth, James E. Sudduth, L.M. Sudwicher, Helen and Herbert (Mrs) Sugar Creek Sugar industry and mills Sugar, Leon Sugar, Leon (Mrs) Sugartown and Post Office Sugartown Male & Female Academy Suire, James Sullivan Sullivan, Andrew Sullivan, Billie Sullivan, Charles (Mrs) Sullivan, Clara Sullivan, Ed Show Sullivan, Henry Edward Sullivan, Jack Sullivan, John T. Sullivan, L.A. Sullivan, Levi Sullivan, Maggie Sullivan, (Miss) Sullivan, Pat Sullivan, Paul Sullivan, Paul (Mrs) Sullivant, George (Mrs) Sulphur, La. Sulphur, La. Schools Sulphur Mines and Mining. See also "Union Sulphur Company." Sulphur "Vigilantes" Summer concerts Summerall, H.W. (Mrs) Summerall, Ray Summerfield, Arthur E. Summers, Alice Summers Ice, Storage & Provision Company Ltd. Book/Page number 7/81 2/42 4/294 (photo) 4/218 7/367 6/123 4/281; 8/144, 144 (photo), 187 6/116-117 6/68 1/110-111, 120, 126, 134, 138, 146, 149, 151152, 160, 244-247, 273 1/81, 284; 3/36; 4/177-178 1/185, 212, 230; 2/286; 3/214, 221; Old Places/3; 6/113 1/61i 1/106, 103, 117, 122-123, 125-126, 134, 138, 146, 149, 158, 205-206, 235, 244, 247, 296; 2/69, 96, 132, 188; 4/96; 5/1, 170-171; 9/130; 10/1011; 13A/10; Old Places/67 1/205, 244; 2/100; 4/115, 121; 10/24, 118 4/222, 225, 258, 260 2/220 5/169 6/73 5/326 Old Cemeteries/12 8/189 13A/68 10/198 5/13 2/265; 6/176 7/82 8/295 5/277 2/211 1/15; 2/20, 38, 86, 89, 102-103, 122, 128, 131132, 238, 286; 3/213-214, 221; 5/66; 6/46 (photo); Old Cemeteries/12 1/6; 2/37 7/455 1/205, 206, 283; 4/79, 98, 104, 105; 5/27; 6/91, 199; 8/92, 214, 226, 229, 254 4/277; 10/119 1/151, 283; 2/93, 114; 3/27 (photo), 170 (photo); 4/80; 5/21-41, 47-49; 6/52, 56; 8/214, 9/131 6/39 7/199 7/82 3/189 3/205a; 7/173 3/157 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Summers, Mattie Sumpter, Mims Sumrall, H.D. Sumrall, R.R. (Mrs) Sunday, Billy Sunders, F. Sunflower Club Sunlight Baptist Church Sunny South (ferry) Sunset, Albert Super highway program Superfine Social Club Superstitions Surles, Jack (Family) Susan (slave of Middleton Neyland) Susloparoff, Ivan (General) Sustain, Polain Sutherland, Clarence (Mrs) Sutherland, Harry Sutherland, Iris Sutherland, Marion Sutherland, Minnie (Miss) Sutherland, Wanda Cash (Mrs) Sutherland, Wesley (Mrs) Sutherlin, Margaret Sutter, Ellis D. (2nd Lt) Sutter, S.A. Suttles Suttles, Carl Suttles, Harvey Suttles, J.B. Suttles, J.C. Suttles, Joe Sutton, J.G. Sutton, J.J. (Mrs) Sutton, James J. Sutton, Jean Sutton, Joe Sutton, John and Sutton Oil Company Sutton, Mable (Mrs) Sutton, O.E. Sutton, W.O. (Mrs) Suway, Paul V. Suydam, Bernard Suydam, Blanche (Mrs) Suydam, Charles Americus Suydam, Edward K. Suydam, Jack Suydam, Johnnie and Judie Suydam, W.F. (Mrs) Swaim, Albert (Col.) Swain, E.R. Book/Page number 2/57 13A/2 3/41 9/14 1/62; 3/117 1/110 3/41 4/277; 6/201 2/226 7/95 8/220 10/210 8/200, 252 7/394 (newspaper photo); 10/186 1/35, 39 7/383 1/15 6/89 9/44 7/302 2/265 3/16 5/270 7/50 8/61, 280, 311 7/338 5/77 2/95; 10/8 4/147; 7/296; 8/207 1/285 (photo), 266; 5/9, 11-12; 10/224 (photo) 2/138; 3/33 2/134, 250 1/266, 285 (photo); 5/9, 11-12; 8/13 5/269 7/146 8/70, 323 10/175, 179-180 6/62 8/65 7/57 2/245 10/118 7/205 4/171; 5/200; 10/328 7/346 7/201 7/229 7/338, 341, 346 7/338 7/341 3/84 6/176 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Swain's Bayou Swan, Gene Swan, Louis Swann, Ann Swann, Louis A. Swann, Louise Swann, Mickey Swanson, Gustave Swanton, John R. Swartz, Fritz Swearengen, Ita and Samuel Walter Sweeney, Andrew Sweeney, B. Sweeney, Barney Sweeney, Bernard Sweeney, E.D. Sweeney, Ed Sweeney, G.C. (Mrs) Sweeney, Harold Melvin Sweeney, J.R. Sweeney, John H. Sweeney, N.F. (Mrs) Sweeney, Oliver Sweeney, Robert Sweeney, Shirley Sweeney, Sidney W. Sweeney, Sidney W. (Mrs) Sweeney, Travis Sweeney, Val Sweeney, Woodrow Sweet & Woodring Sweet Lake Land & Oil CO. Sweet potatoes Sweetlake, LA Sweetlake, LA School Sweitzer, William F. (Pfc) Swenson, Gordon V. (Lt) Swere (or Swire), Piere (Mrs) Swett, Scriven Jr. Swice, Andrew Swift Swift & George Delivery Barn Swift, Bill (Lt) Swift, D.E. Swift, D.R.(Bob) Swift, Elsa Book/Page number 2/272 2/354 5/232 13A/19 c4p4 4/171 2/353 7/204; 10/164 6/83 4/13, 20 6/83 9/132 (photo) 4/292 2/4 (ad - ship builder), 28, 52 2/132 1/159 7/82 5/114 4/204 7/95 6/176 4/147 8/7 5/4 7/118 7/107 (photo) 2/338, 346-348; 4/139, 147; 5/114, 229, 284; 7/20, 50, 82; 8/7, 268; 10/140 2/271, 344; 4/142; 5/284; 6/17; 7/113, 189; 8/326; 9/34 4/204, 239 10/177 5/262; 8/7, 146 1/229 8/132 8/219 4/270, 278; 6/77, 199; 8/71 4/300 7/356 7/205 4/142 7/185 2/286; 3/221; 7/203 10/108 2/250, 252-253, 250; 5/9 7/300 1/278 1/278; 2/33, 57(photo), 135, 221; 3/39, 41, 123, 191; 4/101, 171; 5/12, 138, 143, 269; 6/113; 13A/133 c3p6 7/8 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Swift, Goulding W. (Family) Swift-Kirkwood Livery Stable Swift Packing Plant Swift, Robert Swift, R.W. Swift Service Auto Supplies Swift-Trotti Livery Stable Swilly, James M. Swindell & Anderson Swindell, Charles Sydney, Epaphroditus Syevenson, Dan Sylestine Sylestine Bronson Cooper (Indian Chief) Sylestine, Curry Keene Sylestine Family Sylestine, Kent Sylvester Sylvester, Charles (Mrs) Sylvester, Huebert Sylvester, Willis (Mr) Symbol of Victory Symphony Club syrup making Tabb, L.W. Taberski, Robert L. (T.Sgt) Tabor, James R. (Mrs) Tabor, Peggy Tadlock, Ardis Tadlock, Marie Taggart, Eugene Taggart, Lloyd Taggart, Lloyd (Mrs) Taggart, Marianne Taggart, Ralph Taggart, Ralph (Mrs) Tails by Telespo Tal, LA Talbert, Bessie Mae Talbert Family Talbert, Gloria Talbert, "Pee Wee" Talbert, Ruth Talbert, Wilfred Talbert, Wilfred (Mrs) Talbot, A.J. Talbot, Abner Talbot, Altha (Miss) Talbot, B.M. Talbot, B.M. (Mrs) and W.H. Book/Page number 7/112, 119 (photo), 124, 133, 173, 183, 212 (photo), 238, 239, 314, 326, 357, 408; 8/88, 267, 338 2/276; 3/160, 169; 5/139, 269 1/221; 5/274, 308-309; 8/10, 63, 163, 277 3/93 7/81 7/155, 273, 426, 428; 10/186b, g, 198g, 209 2/57 (photo) 2/132 3/39 1/6, 42; 2/159 1/186 7/82 4/18 4/26-27 4/27, 36 (photo) 6/33 (photo) 4/34 5/52 10/185 7/363 4/241 Old Places/85 (photo) 3/79 4/177-178; 6/36 2/330, 332 7/212 2/223 10/148 10/186 3/57 4/75 5/243 5/195 5/195; 10/192 (photo) 8/240, 295 9/34; 13A/53 c4 8/100 6/51 1/228 1/206 8/69 (photo) 10/186e 4/226 1/228; 10/222 1/228; 10/115 2/327 (photo), 332 2/132 3/80 3/123, 191; 6/57 8/238 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Talbot, Carolyn, Cess (M/M), Jimmie, Penny, and Roddy Talbot Family Talbot, Mount (Mrs) Talbot residence Talbot, Roselma Talbot, Vida (Mrs) Talbot, Wilford Talbot, Wilkie Taliaffero, Leland M. Taliaffero, Marjorie (Mrs) Taliferro, James A. Tallapoosa River Tally, Lewis A. Talmadge, Herman, Governor Tama County, IOWA Tamasi, Art Tampa, George (Mrs) Tanas, Placide Tangipahoa Parish Tangrey, Sanders Joseph Tankel, Morris Tankel, Rachel Tanner, Arthur Lee Tanner, Carolyn (Mrs) Tanner, Ruby Tanner, Thomas Tanners Ferry Tante Pauline Tarawa - Battle of Tarawa Telephone Company Tarbes, FRANCE Tarleton, Sam Tarver, Dixie Tarver, Leo N. Tarver, Roy Tarver, W.A. (M/M) Tasco, Carrie Lee, Gracie May, John, W.M. Jr., and William Tate, Daphne Tate, David Tate, Dick Tate, Earl Tate, Homer Tate, Honore Tate, Jules Tate, Paul C. Tatman, C.V. (Dr) Tatsch, Rudolph C. Tattlock, (Prof.) Tatum, Ray (Lt) Book/Page number 7/282c 2/170 10/138 6/57 (photo- 1923) 5/232 7/111 10/221 2/238 7/64 8/221-222 (photo) 7/296 4/26 7/452, 454 10/95 3/34 7/82 7/456 1/10 4/17-18 7/81 9/121; 10/198g 8/104 (photo) 10/199a 9/145 (photo) 8/221-222 (photo) 1/99, 116 1/116, 149 4/6 (picture) 7/205, 207, 210-211, 225, 465-472, 475 7/223 (photo) 1/230 1/276; 3/189; 9/123; 10/222f, 223 8/221-222 (photo) 7/229, 308 7/66 7/308 4/81 7/109 (photo); 10/120, 129 (photo), 130a 7/241, 255, 313, 362 (photo), 370, 379, 396; 8/229, 233 6/17 4/218 8/16 4/280 5/91 6/34 4/18 7/117 2/258 8/170 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Taussig, Ed Taussig, Ed Ford Building Taussig, Ed (Mrs) Taussig, Florence Taveney, Elmer L. Tavenay, Janette and John Taxes. See also "Louisiana State Tax" and "Calcasieu Parish, La. Taxes." Taylor Taylor, Archie L. (M/M) Taylor, Arthur S. Taylor, Carol Taylor, Caroline Taylor, Carr Kinder Taylor, Carrie Taylor, Charles Taylor, Charles F. Taylor, Charles Otto Taylor, Clifford Eugene Taylor, D.C. Taylor, Dick (General) Taylor, Doris Dey Benoit (Mrs) Taylor, Edgar Taylor, Ernest Taylor, Frank Taylor, (General) Taylor, George Taylor, Grace Taylor, H.B. Taylor, H.D. (M/M) Taylor, Helen Anne Taylor, Herbert J. Taylor, Hester Taylor Home Taylor, Huet Edgar Taylor, Irene Taylor, Jack C. Taylor, James Taylor, J. Az Taylor, Jesse L. Taylor, J.O. Taylor, Joe Gray Taylor, Joseph D. Taylor, Kate Taylor, Mary Irene Taylor, M.E. Taylor, Mervyn Lee Taylor, Mr. Book/Page number 2/264, 332; 5/95, 116, 223; 7/92, 94, 106 (photo), 113-114, 119 (photo), 124, 133, 155, 183, 193, 273, 277, 314, 322 (photo), 354, 426, 428, 435; 8/217a, 228-229, 261, 267, 279, 353; 9/9; 10/161, 186g, 207-208, 213 9/138 (photo) 7/50, 245, 346, 408; 8/267 7/395 7/228 8/70, 323 1/40, 154, 156; 8/311 10/22 7/352, 390 6/82 6/55 7/111 6/143 1/64-65; 3/98 4/265; 5/77; 7/272 2/59; 4/171 7/5, 66, 339, 360 (photo) 7/352, 390, 397 2/38, 199, 238; 3/41, 120 3/205 7/352, 390 1/219; 3/120 (photo); 6/13; 10/23, 171a 1/15; 2/38, 192-193, 199, 238; 3/120 (photo), 174 7/296 1/186 2/207; 3/103, 120 (photo); 6/82; 7/452, 454 5/317; 7/8, 173, 225, 272, 303 6/89 8/96 10/192 (photo) 2/329 1/207; 3/127, 160; 10/120 1/221 Old Cemeteries/22 7/39, 83, 87(photo), 116 3/157, 160 1/59k, 61i, 63; 3/83 2/283 5/204 10/26 13A/134 p2 7/452 5/244 7/150 (photo), 194, 272, 317, 325, 339, 352, 360 3/120 (photo) 10/130 (photo), 136 1/58, 15 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Taylor Powell & Company Taylor, Robert Taylor, Roy (Family) Taylor, R.S. Taylor, Ruby Taylor, Ruth Thomas Taylor, R.V. Taylor, S.A. (Miss) Taylor, Tommy Sawyer and Winifred L. Taylor, T.T. (General) Taylor, Zachary Taylor's Army Tea Growing Teachers [See also "Education"] Teagle, Raphael Teal, William Teche, Bayou Book/Page number 4/107 2/328 7/272, 339, 360 7/150 10/129-130a; 7/165 7/360 5/205 2/129 7/236 3/41 3/7; 6/86 1/205 4/176 3/34; 10/19, 100, 108-110, 125, 146 10/78 1/120, 148 1/209, 210; 4/4, 14, 22, 23, 25, 29, 31; 4/108; 6/37; 9/145 7/260 (photo) Tedder, Marshall (Air Chief) Teekell, Lloyd 10/94 Teen programs 8/217 Teenstra, C.P.M. 2/329 (photo) Teer, Ben A. 7/228 Tee's Esso Service Station 10/198f Teets, Emerson 6/83 Tehr, Ina 6/113 Teije, W.F. 5/77 Tejas Indian Tribe 13A/109 c1; 4/3 Telephones, Telegraphs, and Directories. See also names of individual 1/235 (photo); 2/11, 215 (photo); 3/205; 4/300companies and "Lake Charles telephones." 301; 6/64, 100; 8/57, 175, 252; 9/149, 154 (photo) Telescope 9/145 (photo) Teletype machines 8/248 (photo) Television. See also names of individual stations and "Lake Charles Firsts - 8/6, 162, 175, 182a; 9/149 (photo) television." Temperance Movement. See also "Prohibition," "Womens Christian 1/163, 226; 2/86; 3/50, 171; 6/40 (photo); Temperance Union," "United Friends of Temperance," and "Christian 13A/53 c4 Temperance Union." Temple, Henry E. (Lt) 7/184 Temple, Leonard 1/31, 40, 60 Temple Sinai 3/105; 7/93 Templet, Edna 4/17 Templeton, Catherine 4/119 Templeton, Fay (actress) 2/20; 5/66; 6/33, 64 Templeton, H. (Lt) 6/174 Templeton, LeRoy 7/296 Ten Mile Creek/Fight 1/133-134, 137-138, 153, 273, 291-295 Tendell, Nita 5/244 Tennessee 1/173 Tennessee Belle (packet) 4/4 Tennessee Mountaineers 6/90 Tennessee Tribute 4/270 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Tepetate Oil Field Teresi, Mary Tereson, Gus Ternie, Fred Terra Junction Terral, Doris Terral, Loyce Terral, Vance Webb Terral, Winfred Monroe and Edna Lorraine Terrall, Abel Terranova, C.A. Terranova, Charles Terranova, Frank P. Terranova, Joe T. (Sgt) Terranova, Paul (Family) Terranova, Peter Terre Noir, Lake Terree, John K. Terrell Terrell, (Capt) Terrell, Drue Terrell, Edith and William Terrell, Evelyn Terrell, F.M. (Mrs) Terrell, Fannie (Mrs) Terrell, Jarrett Terrenova Terresara, B. Terrill, C.W. (Mrs)l, Loring, and Wayne Terry, A.J. (Rev) Terry, Dana (Rev) Terry, Henry W. (Col.) Terry, Mary Terry, MISSISSIPPI Terry, Wayne Lavoyd Tessier, George Testa, Louis P. (Lt) Tevis, Andrew Jackson, George W., and Nancy Tevis, Dean Tevis, Lawrence Tevis, S.C. Texado, Bill Texado, Edith Texado, Elizabeth Texado, George (M/M) Texado, Tommy Texado, Virgis (Mrs) Texado, William TEXAS Texas & Pacific Railway Book/Page number 8/63 7/434 (photo) 5/82 4/116 5/2 7/22 7/22; 10/129 (photo), 130a 7/201 7/194 1/212 10/53 7/156 7/81, 200 7/407 7/163, 206, 359; 10/139 5/201; 7/200; 10/161 1/211 1/14 8/64 4/100 10/186b, 198e 7/246 (photo) 10/216-218 (photo) 3/147 3/80 6/17 10/116 5/82 4/119 5/4 13A/20 c4p2 7/392 7/294 1/13; 3/46 7/81; 8/70, 323 10/94 7/181 1/168 1/210, 213, 243; 4/1, 4, 128; 5/78; 13A/118 10/204 (photo) 4/171 7/228 7/113 10/104 (photo) 7/205 7/113 (photo), 230 (photo) 7/169 7/169 (photo), 230 1/185, 205-206, 210, 212, 229, 233, 279; 3/60; 4/26-27, 32, 104-105, 107, 169, 281; 5/193; 6/20, 92, 198; 8/192; Old Places/4, 49 3/36; 6/93 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Texas-Louisiana Boundaries Texas Rangers Texas Regiment - 15th Thacher, Ella Hoover (Mrs) Thames, Amos Thanksgiving Holiday, set by law Tharp, Clyde Tharpe, Alice Lee Grosjean Thayer, Charles Theall, Harry Paul Theall, J.M. (M/M) Theall, Joseph Theall, Ruby (Mrs) Theall, Sam Theall (tailor) Theard, Delvaille H. Theatre, The (program 1907) Theatres - See also names of individual theatres Theaux, Pierre Theobald, O.J. (Mrs) Theobald, O.J. Jr. (Mrs) Theodolite Theomanna Octigitria - S.S. Theriot, Adolph (M/M), Arisse, Arnold, Auspie, Debbie, Edgar (M/M), Jerry, J.M. (Mrs), Louana, Lou Ann, M.R. (Mrs), Peggy, Raphael (M/M), Ronald Joseph, and Saville Theriot, Arthur J. JR. Theriot, A.S. Theriot, Bryan Neldon, Gerald Wade, Keith Seville, Ursin, and Valien (Mrs) (Yvonne) Theriot, Carola Theriot, Claudius "Dutch" Theriot, Clarence Theriot, Dale James Theriot, Dallas Theriot, Dallas (Mrs) Theriot, Elvin Theriot, Frank Theriot, Gaston, Liquor Store Theriot, George Theriot, George Feed Store Theriot, George Super Food Market Theriot, Granville Theriot, Hebert Theriot, Herman Theriot, Homer A. (T-5) Theriot, Hubert (M/M) Theriot, Jack, Merrill, and Robert Theriot, Jean B. Hubert Theriot, Joseph R. Theriot, Lezin (Lezia) Theriot, Lionel A. Book/Page number 6/54, 56; Old Places/46 6/54; 8/202 13A/21 c3p4 3/54 1/168 8/218 6/190 6/67 1/122-124, 126 7/66, 347 (photo) 4/123; 7/239, 347 7/239, 285 (photo), 411 7/285 4/123 5/224 4/90 3/159 7/370 2/218, 222, 225; 4/101 7/173 8/238 (photo) 8/17 8/175 (photo) 4/218 7/217 4/191 4/225, 260 8/83 (photo) 4/161 7/282 c 4/243, 282-283 4/226 4/192 7/6 4/192, 218 7/155, 273 4/218; 5/252; 7/82, 296 7/155 4/80; 6/194 (1947 flood photo); 7/273 4/189, 194, 225, 260 7/296 7/311 (photo) 7/413 4/142 (photo), 218 5/252 4/223, 259 7/452 4/225, 258, 260 4/139, 142-143; 8/280 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Theriot, L.P. Theriot, (Mrs) Theriot, Nick (Mrs) Theriot, Oliver (Family) Theriot, Saville (Mrs) Theriot, Simon Theriot, Terry T. Theriot, Vian Theriot, Vida Savoie Therrell, Bertha Viola (Mrs) and C.C. Thibault, John S. Thibeau, Celeste Thibeaux, Aros Thibodeaux Thibodeaux, Adam Thibodeaux, Alfred J. Thibodeaux, Calvin, Carl, Ella Mae, Jessie Marie Thibodeaux, Charles Thibodeaux, Clarence and Cledes Thibodeaux, Clauness and Rodney Joseph Thibodeaux, Dennis (Sgt) Thibodeaux, Felix (M/M) Thibodeaux, Horace (M/M) and (Rev. Mr.) Thibodeaux, Houston Thibodeaux, Ira Thibodeaux, Jessie Claiborne Thibodeaux, Joe (M/M), Louis, and Walter Thibodeaux, J.P. Thibodeaux, Keith, Lionel J. (M/M), and Terrell J. Thibodeaux, Marva Thibodeaux, Milton (Mrs) Thibodeaux, Oda J. Thibodeaux, Olite (Mrs) Thibodeaux, Roy James Thibodeaux, Terrence (M/M) Thielen, Herbert Thielen, H.S. Thielen, Jack Thielen, J.E. (Dr) Thielman, George Thies, Charles B. (T. Sgt) Thies, Daisy B. Thigpen, Mary (Mrs) Third Regiment of Orange TX Band Third (3rd) War Loan Third Ward School (See Central School) Thirtyseventh (37th) Signal Co. Thom, Glenn Thomas Thomas, Augustus (actor) Thomas, A.V. Thomas, A.W. Book/Page number 7/399 (photo) 7/146 6/47 4/218, 282, 283 4/199 7/201 4/237 4/139 4/237, 283 6/149 1/183-184 7/131-132 7/452 4/107 7/229 7/6 4/287 4/287; 7/237 7/201, 293 7/86 7/187 (photo), 198 5/117; 7/293 13A/109 c1 7/198, 237 8/275 7/293 (photo), 431, 452, 454 7/237 4/123 8/198 (photo) 10/95 10/185 4/139; 7/229 6/43 (photo) 7/201 7/293 8/19 9/45 7/283; 10/186 4/191 2/132 7/396 7/396, 409 (photo) 5/251 3/117 7/276 7/32 10/101 (photo) 10/198f 2/22 2/276; 3/111 3/113-114, 116; 4/78 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Thomas, Burnes B. Thomas, (Capt) Thomas, Cecil Lee Thomas, Charles Thomas, D.O. Thomas, D.W. Thomas, E.C. Thomas, Elijah Thomas, Ellias Thomas, George W. Jr. Thomas, Ira (Mrs) Thomas, Irma Jean and Lorena Mae Thomas, Jane Thomas, Jefferson Davis and Oscar Max Thomas, John W. Thomas, J.S. Thomas, L.E. (M/M) Thomas, L.L.(Mrs) Thomas, Lloyd Joseph Thomas, L.T. Thomas, Magnus Richard Thomas, Medora Thomas, N.O. Jr. Thomas, Ogden U. Thomas, Quentin R. (Lt) Thomas, Ray H. Thomas, Richard Thomas, Robert E. Thomas, Ruby Thomas, Ruth Thomas, T.P. Thomas, U.A. Thomas, Walter Thomas, W.E. (Mrs) Thomas, W.H. Thomas, William Thomas, William B. Thomas, William C. (Family) Thomas, Willie (Sgt) Thomas, W.P. Thomas, W.P. & Company Thomas, W.W. Jr. Thomasini, Alfred and Gloria Thomason, B.H. (M/M) Thomason, Mr. Thomason, R. Ewing (Rep) Thomley, Cyril L. Thompkins, W.S. Thompson Thompson, A.B. (Lt) Thompson, Adella, Carrie, and Olive Book/Page number 7/228, 234 8/71 7/66 2/335 7/116 (photo) 10/109 4/95; 5/266 1/168 7/228, 282c; 9/44 7/229 3/147; 6/16; 9/34 10/199a 10/186b 7/201 8/217a 3/97 2/284; 3/210; 7/360 7/8 7/429 3/223 10/161 8/214 8/196 7/161 (photo), 325; 10/47 7/343 7/64 10/159 7/228 5/209 2/353; 10/169 5/77 3/114, 118 5/256 1/16 2/245 10/233 3/106 (photo); 7/296 5/110; 7/183, 277, 282a (photo); 10/138 7/431 2/35, 148, 249 2/3, 5 7/88 (photo) 6/23 (newspaper picture) 13A/21 c1p3; Old Cemeteries/21 1/60 7/33 7/452, 454 3/204 1/211; 4/18 7/238 1/297 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Thompson, Alexander (Professor & Mrs.) Thompson, Alice Thompson, Allen B. Thompson & Loree Grocery Thompson & Warmock (Painters & Paper Hangers) Thompson, Arad (M/M) Thompson, Bithy (Mrs) Thompson, Bowder Julian (M/M) Thompson, B.R., B.T., and Ira W. Thompson Bryan & Associates Thompson, Catherine Ann, F.I. (M/M), and Mary Frances Thompson, Charles Thompson, Clifford A. (Family) Thompson, Daniel Kenney Thompson, David E. Thompson, Dempsey Thompson, DeWitt Thompson, Dorothy Brown Thompson, (Dr.) Thompson, D. Zena Thompson, Estelle Thompson Family: D.A. and William Thompson, F.E. and I. B. Thompson, Henry Thompson, Hugh B. Thompson, James Thompson, James C. Thompson, James D. Thompson, J. E. (Mrs) Thompson, Jerry Thompson, J.J. Thompson, John Thompson, John D. (Pvt) Thompson, John F. (Capt ) Thompson, Joyce Thompson, J. Stuart (M/M) Thompson, Julia and Marguerite Thompson, Lamar Thompson, LeRoy Thompson, Lloyd Thompson, L.W. Thompson, Mary Thompson, Maude (Mrs) Thompson, (Mr.) Thompson, Ola Thompson, Patricia Book/Page number 1/40, 49, 208; 2/162, 168, 182, 191, 207, 237, 255, 260, 275; 3/17, 48(photo), 121; 4/97; 5/77; 6/35, 77; 9/33; 10/21a; Old Places/18 10/107 (photo) 7/39 (photo), 67 (photo), 286, 436 (photo) 2/252; 3/39; 5/3, 9; 8/72 3/39 1/44, 46-50, 57c, d; 2/170; 3/39; 5/3; 6/15, 5960; 8/72; 10/20 1/238 7/217 (photo), 283 (newspaper picture), 335, 7/296 2/264 7/269 1/104; 7/254 7/116, 269 7/95 4/121 1/205; 4/121 10/185 5/1 3/147 1/50; 3/18, 80, 121; 5/13; 10/26, 29, 38, 40, 64, 109 7/283 1/205 6/82 4/39 2/131 1/161 4/169; 7/39, 399 3/83 8/219 10/190 (photo) 1/230; 7/39, 67, 286, 436 1/89 7/195, 207 2/259 10/198e 1/214, 221, 229; 2/390; 3/120, 205; 5/164; 6/42; 7/343, 394; 8/128, 219, 273; 9/34; 10/291; Old Places/93 7/335 3/112, 116 10/199a 7/286 8/131 2/125 7/362 5/68 8/229 5/241 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Thompson, Paul Thompson, Piercy Thompson, Quenton R. (Lt. & Mrs) Thompson, Ralph (Sheriff and Mrs.) Thompson, Robert Pittman Thompson, Sallie K. (Mrs) Thompson, Stuart Thompson, Stuart (Mrs) Thompson, T.A. (U.S. Representative) Thompson, Thomas H. Thompson, "Uncle Tom" Thompson, Verne Arthur Thompson, William F. Thompson, William Jr. Thompson, W.M. Thompson, W.W. Thompson, W.W. (Mrs) Thompson's Bluff Thomson, Ewell (Eavell?) Thomson, Jeanne Thomson, Margie Thomson, Nancy Thomson, Tom Thomson, T.S. (Mrs) Thorn, Leo Thornal, Theodore (M/M) Thorne, Frank H. Thornton, A.A. (Mrs) Thornton, Albert Asbury (Lt) Thornton, Dorothy Thornton, E.M. and John M. Thornton, Frank M. (Pvt) Thornton, Hunter Thornton, J.H. Thornton, Kathleen Thornton, Lillie Thornton, Marthat (Mrs) Thornton, Mohns (Mrs) Thornton (slave of M. Trahan) Thornton, Willis Thorp, C.A. Thorp, Edward Thorp, Marie (Mrs) Thorp, Richard Thorson, JoAnn Thrall, (Mrs) Thrash, (Mrs) Threadgill, W.A. Threadgill, W.A. (Mrs) Three (3) Coulies Three Maries Book/Page number 4/294 2/252 7/344 (photo), 394 (newspaper picture) 1/237; 4/39, 42; 7/195, 207 7/235 (photo), 335, 363; 8/327 7/363 1/22, 208 6/17, 66 3/189-190 (photo); 4/192, 203, 206, 271-272 (photo); 6/204; 8/194; 9/114, 146 7/345 8/19,229 7/201 1/205; 4/115, 118, 121 4/96 2/132, 188; 8/220(photo) 3/221 7/302 3/205 10/171 10/177 10/230 10/197 5/82 5/83 7/183, 277, 282a (photo) 13A/18 c3p5 9/4 7/357 7/219 2/353 7/185 (photo) 7/403 6/69 (photo) 2/351, 355; 6/72, 76; 7/363 5/182; 10/126, 128, 138, 174, 187 8/221 13A/18 c5p7 4/28 1/52, 55, 65, 69 13A/7 p8 3/221 10/68 4/166 10/177 10/198 a, d, I, 206 3/59 3/173 7/113; 8/283 7/193; 8/215, 267 1/59, 88, 93 1/9, 33, 46, 50 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Threshing Machine Thristelwaite, John R. Throner, O.A. (Rev) Thrower, Osgood A. Thurber, John (M/M) Thurman, Allen G. Thuron, Jeanne Tibbletts, Geraldine Tice, William P. (Capt) Tidwell, F.F. Tidwell, Paul O. Tieman, Fred Tierney, I. J. Tierney, John and Renee Tieste, FRANCE Tifft, John A. (Maj) Tifft, John A. (Mrs) Tigers Tigerville, LA Tilbury, David Tilbury, Margaret Tilbury, Ruth Tiller, Bert Tilley, Larry I.V. Tilley, S.O. Tillman, Chuck Tillman, Henry N. Tillman, Hower Prentis Tillman, J.O. (Rev) Tilman, Fred Time service Timpa, Joe Timpa, John Paul Timpa, Sammy Charles Timpa, Vincenso Tinkess, Ivan Roy Tiny Tim's Wedding (1924) Tipton, C.M. (Maj) Tisdale, A.D. Tissue, James L. (Capt & Mrs) Tissue, Lou Ann Tobin, Virginia Toce & Serafino (Grocers) Toce, F.A. Todd, B. Todd, B.V. (Mrs) Todd, C.S. (Mrs) Todd, J.G. (M/M) and William F. Todd, John Todd, (Mr) Todd, Zim Todd, Zim (Mrs) Book/Page number 9/17-18 (photo) 8/280 3/52, 51, 172; 4/171; 6/6 2/323 7/346; 10/223 (photo) 2/130 10/186 d, e (photo) 7/109 (photo) 7/214 (photo) 7/111 7/345 9/38 7/188 (photo), 327 7/327 1/230 7/184 7/50 1/78, 127, 132, 145, 151; 10/198f 6/95 8/258 (photo); 10/148 10/68, 161 10/68 3/221 2/265 6/118 9/125 6/82 7/238 5/204 8/293 9/127 5/201 7/86 7/95 7/296 7/300 6/69-70 (photo), 71-73 (program), 74 4/190 8/221 7/116, 245, 279, 313 (photo) 7/245 6/69 (photo), 73, 75 1/281 1/281; 2/223; 3/15; 6/113, 121, 125 1/91 2/271 4/242 7/286 1/70, 74, 79, 88, 102-103, 107; 5/7 1/71, 75, 89 8/280 4/17 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Toft, Arthur Toinette, Jacques Toland, M.W. (Mrs) Tolbert, Charles Tolbert, C.W. (Mrs) Tolbert, James H. Tolbert, "PeeWee" Tolbert, Robert Toledo Times Tolen, William Toleon, George Toliver, Margaret Toliver, Mary Tombigbee River Tomlinson, L.O. Tommasi, Alvert V. Tommasi, Louis Tommasi, Tom Tomme, L.B. Tompkins, C.W. (Rev) Tompkins, Earl D. Tompkins, Roy Linton Tompkins, T.D. Tomshany, Robert (Pvt) Tonakawas Indian Tribe Toney, Everette Earl Tongess, (Mrs) Toniette, A. Toniette, Eugene Toniette, Jacques Toniette, J.N. Home Tonti Tooke, J.W. Toomer, Ben Toomer, Cora Day Toomer, H.B. Toomer, Henry and Isaac Toomer, John Sheldon (Family) Toomer, (Mr?) Toomer, (Representative) Toomer Street Toomey, La. Topeka, KS Topp, Janie (Dr) Topp, O.W. (Dr) Topsy, LA Torian, E.W. Tornado - 1941 Tortomase, Katherine Tote, David A. (Col) Touche, Edma Book/Page number 7/83 (photo) 4/98 13A/20 c2p12 10/163, 166-167 7/146 7/64 10/167, 198i 10/167, 185 10/116 5/87 (84?) 7/304 9/15 6/185 4/12 2/283 8/92 7/44a (449?); 8/92 7/20 10/99 3/44 7/6 7/86 7/296 7/118, 119 4/18 7/429 3/172 8/13 (photo) 7/296 5/26-28 5/148 (photo) 4/27 6/151 1/37, 39; 2/161, 168, 192-193 5/4 4/171 5/17 1/37, 39; 2/59, 161, 168, 192-193; 3/205; 4/169, 171; 5/17, 192; 7/286; 8/197 3/93 3/182 8/218 2/271; 6/199 3/38 6/208 2/332 6/197 6/96 5/341 7/171 7/384 4/80 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Touchet, Clovice Touchton, J.W. and Ovie (Mrs) Touchy, Armant Charles Touchy, B.A. Touchy, Cassius Touchy, Doris Pithon Touchy, Henry H. (M/M) Touchy, J.V. Touchy, L.C. Touchy, L.V. Touchy, (Mr) Touchy, Stewart Henry Touchy Street Touchy, Victor Amant Francois Touchy, Victor (Mrs) Touchy's Bakery Touchy's Store Touro Infirmary Tousand, Adam, Arthur, Frank, John, Joseph, and Wilbert Tousand, Charles Toussaint Toussand, Delorious Tower, D.C. (Mrs) Townsend, Jacob Townsend, (Mr) Townsley, Sylvester F. Trade School Trader, T.R.B. (Rev) Traer, W.E. (Dr) Traffic study Trahan, Adam Trahan, A.P. and Harlton (Mrs) Trahan, Archie and Henry Trahan, Billie Jewel Trahan, Billy Trahan, Bobby Trahan, Calvart and Ray M. Trahan, Clara (clarence?) (Mrs) Trahan, Claude, Eugene M., and Uriah Trahan, Cleveland (M/M) Trahan, Curtis Trahan, Dallas J. Trahan, Dannaise Trahan, Edward (Mrs) Trahan, Ernest Trahan, Esterwood Trahan Family Trahan, George Trahan, Gus Trahan, Janice Trahan, J.C. Trahan, JoAnn Book/Page number 7/6 13A/20c2 7/95, 194, 227 (photo), 350; 10/136 2/222 2/133, 171 5/20 2/351; 3/186 (photo); 5/20; 7/146, 194, 227 2/6 2/102, 148, 196 2/98 2/275 7/81 Old Places/52 1/153, 180, 219; 2/70; Old Places/17 2/68 1/180 2/17 2/202 13A/18 8/124 2/94 10/95 7/116 1/168 1/73 6/83 10/119 1/39 6/62 6/187 4/283 4/218 4/142 10/159, 186a, 189 (photo), 198a, b, d, 206 2/355; 10/179 10/193 (photo) 7/81 7/282c 7/296 7/449; 8/69 (photo) 7/429 5/89; 6/191; 7/314, 378; 8/355 1/150 7/282c; 13A/18 c1p7 4/86 7/82 2/274 7/378 (photo); 10/186 8/220 (photo) 4/225, 259 6/72-73 10/211 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Trahan, John Trahan, John A. (T. Sgt) Trahan, John B. Jr. Trahan, Joseph Trahan, Lester Lee Trahan, Lillian Trahan, Lucille or Lucy Trahan, Lynn Trahan, Martin Trahan, Michel Trahan, (Miss) Trahan, Peggy Trahan, Pierre Trahan, Richard Trahan, Russell Willie Trahan, Shirley Trahan, Sid Trahan, Vester S. Trahan, Wesley Trahan, Willie E. (T.Sgt) Trahan, Wilson A. Trahan's Store Trainer, J.E. Trains. See also names of individual railroads. Tramel, Cecil B. Tramel, Natalie Joyce Tramonte - Various spellings occur: Tremonte Tramonte, Angelo V. Tramonte, Anthony (Mrs) Tramonte, Frank Tramonte, Mary Ann Tramonte, V.A. Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress Transportation from Schooner days to present Trant, Dean James B. Trautmann, Karl (Rev) Travel - 3 Centers of Traveler's Aid Society Traveney, Elmer L. Travey, (Mrs) Travis, W.B. (Col.) Traylor, Niel B. (Family) Traylor, William Blake Treadway, Sue Treasure Bayou Treasure Hunting Trecht, John Treeolite Trees of Southwest Louisiana. See also names of individual trees. Trembling prairies Treme, Bernadine Book/Page number 7/5, 13 (photo), 234, 269, 314 7/434 (photo) 7/315 1/80, 88 7/81, 331 4/225, 259 7/66, 404; 10/35, 126, 138, 197, 198g 10/197 7/3, 6 1/52, 55, 65, 69 10/186 7/98; 10/148 6/156 10/101, 171b, 221 (photo), 222 7/66 8/120; 10/68 4/158, 159 7/64 4/98 7/336 7/452 6/127 9/128 (photo) 1/214; 3/200-202 (photo); 6/94 (photo), 95 (photo) 7/452 10/161 7/151 10/197 5/283 10/166 10/167 3/100 10/122 5/93 2/310-311 Old Places/49 3/141 7/228 6/7 5/17 7/271 7/449; 10/164 Old Cemeteries/22; 13A/22 c2p5 8/324 6/89; Old Places/82 8/338 8/65 1/187, 272; 5/107 6/94 7/451 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Treme, Roland Tremonte - Various spellings occur: Tramonte Tremonte, Nick (M/M) Tremonte, Veto (Family) and Victor Robert Treszevant, Blanche Tribune Triche, Charles Triche, Homer William Trieste's Point Triglio, Marino (Mrs) Trimble, Ernest Hope Trimble, W.E. Trimble, W.W. Trinity River Trion, William H. Triplett, Frank Triplett, James A. Triplett's Food Store Trische, Bisley Triste's Tritico, Frank Tritico, I.T.(Lt) Tritico, Joseph (Family) Tritico, Russell T. Tritico, Sam R. (M/M) Trocchiano, Frank Trosclair, Bob Trosclair, Ralph Trotter, Betty Rae Trotter, Howard H. Trotter, J.Howard (M/M) Trotter, Maxie (Mrs) Trotter, Rubha or Rubia Trotter, W.E. Trotter, W.P. (Mrs) Trotti, Arthur, I.J., and Tom G. Trotti, Billy Trotti, Charles Lester Trotti, Joshua A. (Mayor) Trotti, Joshua A. (Mrs) Trouard, Clifford J. (Pvt) Trouard, Firnand (Mrs) and O.V. (Mrs) Trouard, Jack Trouard, Jimmy Trouard, Junius Trouard, Louis F. Trouard, Melvin C. Trouard, Raymond M. (Family) Book/Page number 7/286 5/240; 7/238; 8/252 7/429 (photo) 10/198 8/243 4/238 7/437 1/72, 126, 133, 137, 150, 153, 157 5/240 7/217 2/330, 332 5/319 1/210, 226, 229; 4/18; 6/53 1/168 1/287 7/125 (photo), 206 7/156 9/116 1/75 7/64, 208, 412 7/384, 412 7/206, 269, 332, 337, 384, 395, 410 (photo), 412, 442; 8/304; 9/119; 10/226 8/92 7/269 4/279, 280 4/273 4/218 8/6; 10/166, 183 8/218 3/205a (photo); 5/95, 110, 119 (photo); 7/93; 9/45 7/225, 281 6/69, 72-73, 75 6/176 7/64, 116, 173 5/269 5/268 7/86 2/17, 216; 3/85, 87; 4/77, 78 (photo), 170, 171; 5/138, 228, 229, 268-270, 284; 6/2 (photo), 82, 83, 113, 121, 125, 149; 7/64; 8/23, 308, 309 4/169; 7/189; 8/286; 9/36 7/198 8/93 10/162, 167, 172, 179-180, 186 8/308a 7/81, 162 (photo), 304 6/83 7/338 7/391 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Trouard, Sterling Trouard, Willie (M/M) Trousdale, Ella Trout Creek Troy, Edwin P. (Sgt) Troy, T.S. (Dr) Truck Home True, George W. True, John True, John (Mrs) Truk, Battle of Trull family Truman Truman, Harry S. Truman "recession" Trummel, H.E. (Mrs) Trumps, Warren G. Trussell Trussell, (Miss) Trussell, Olive Trussell, Virginia Truth or Consequences Truxillo, H.W. Tuberculosis, film on Tucker Tucker, Ed Tucker, George Tucker, Hattie Tucker, Henry St. George (Rev) Tucker, Marie (Mrs) Tucker, R.W. (Rev) Tucker, Willie Mae Tugboats Tugwell, A.P. Tulane University Tulane University Alumni Association Tulane University School of Medicine Tullidge, Edward K. (Dr) Tullos, A.J. Jr. Tully, Grace Tung Oil Production Tunica Indians Tupper Tupper, G.A. and Sue Tupper, Glen (Mrs) Tupper, Helen (Mrs) Turbeville, A.R. Turbeville, Mildred (Mrs) Turboy, Will Turk, Norris Harold Turkey Bayou Turkeys and Turkey calls Book/Page number 7/429 (photo); 8/295 7/162, 304 6/208; 8/312 2/269 7/223 (photo) 7/296 3/41 6/82 5/110; 7/124 5/57 7/223 1/206 4/27 7/364-368, 382, 422, 424, 427, 487-488; 8/90, 6/32 7/93, 112, 171, 173, 225, 384 7/6 7/98 7/100 10/126 10/138 8/86-87 2/132 10/133 1/208 8/91 5/339; 7/110, 174 (photo) 1/61i 7/243 3/146 2/323; 5/225; 8/308 7/57 8/5, 214 (photo) 8/338; 10/94 1/209, 222, 230; 2/262; 3/117; 8/70 7/214 6/85 13A/77 (photo) 2/332 7/367 5/231 4/12, 16, 31 5/77 4/218 4/225, 259 7/406 8/213a 7/111 2/220 7/201 10/210 1/215 (photo); 3/202 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Turnbow, B.W. Turnbull, Eric Turner, A.C.R., Henry, and Turner's Mill Turner, Archibald Turner, Charity Turner, Edmund H. (S.Sgt) Turner, H. Barnes Turner, Hershel L. Turner, Howard (Dr) Turner, John Turner, Joseph Turner, LeRoy G. Turner, Mary Turner, Milton Turner, Rose Turner, Rufus Jessie Turner, Ruth Turner, Stephen W. Turner's Ferry Turney, Charles A. Turney, Pete "Judge" Turney, William Turnley, Doris Turpentine industry Turpin, Joan Turrentine, Gordon Turtle Bayou Tuten, Clothilde Tuten, Frank (Mrs) Tuten, J.D. Tuten, J.G. (Dr) Tuttle, C. Fletcher (Pvt) Tuttle, John H. Tuttle, Joyce Tuttle, Mary A. (Mrs) and Witt Tuttle, S. Tutwiler, Temple Tutwiler, T.W. Twain, Mark Twatchman, A.L. (M/M) Twatchman, Jack (Cpl) Twining, Emily (Mrs) Two Sisters Tygrett, Hazel (Mrs) Tygrett, H.V. (Mrs) Tyler, Ann Tyler, Betty Jo Tyler County Tyler County Dogwood Festival Tyler, D.G. Book/Page number 1/234 (photo) 8/317 2/130-132 1/159 7/111 7/223 (photo) 2/283 7/63 10/78 1/168 1/168, 245, 246 7/452, 454 10/23 3/53; 4/48, 267, 273, 284, 286; 5/48; 6/30, 36, 52; 8/195, 205; 9/143 6/42 7/201 4/81 1/68, 72 1/126, 132, 134, 138, 151-152, 158 3/111, 113-114, 116 3/111 3/41 10/126 6/51, 57; 10/321-325 10/197 8/207 1/210 3/205a; 7/246; 8/220, 311 5/222 4/171 3/147; 4/167 (photo) 7/198 1/57c, 181; 2/284, 286, 289 (photo); 3/213, 214, 221, 223; 6/113, 121, 125; 8/121 8/71 (photo) 1/57e 1/61i 7/178 7/224 (photo) 5/210 7/396 7/221 (photo), 396-7, 64 6/62 4/292 7/111 7/112 10/148 10/148, 186e, 198 4/26 5/282 2/267 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Tyler Family Tyler, James Tyler, J.W. Tyler, Maude Tyler, Maurice John Tyler, O. (Mrs) Tyler, Thomas R. Tyler, Tom (Mrs) Tyler's Bridge Typhoid fever Tyrone, IRELAND Tyson, Edward (M/M) and Murphy J. Tyson, John Thomas Tyson, Lee Udden, Sam M. Ulmer, Grace Uncle Rube Underhill, Duane L. (Pfc) Underhill, Edwin Thomas Underwood, (Dr) Underwood, Jack C. (Mrs) Unemployment Compensation Ungar, Mary Elizabeth Unidentified Flying Objects Union Oil & Gas Corp. Union, Parfait Union Sulphur Company Union Sunday School United Daughters of Confederacy United Flying Service United Friends of Temperance United Gas Co. United Nations United Optical Stores United Service Organizations United States United States Agriculture Department United States Air Force Thunderbirds United States Army United States Army 3rd Armored Division United States Army 4th Helicopters United States Army 36th infantry band United States Army 156th infantry Company A and F, Baton Rouge and Breaux Bridge United States Army Air Base United States Army Infantry United States Army Infantry Volunteers, Company K United States Army Reserve Officers Training Corps Book/Page number 1/206 1/145 1/149 7/64, 116 7/201 7/451 4/171 3/80, 135-136 (photo) 1/151, 158 10/113; 3/141; 4/280 2/149 7/347 (photo) 7/201 10/177 2/332 7/66, 120; 10/126, 138, 148, 186b, g, 197, 198g, 211, 215, 307-329 1/292, 296 7/356 8/252 1/150 7/391 5/266 10/47; 5/232 6/194 6/182 (map) 3/216 1/283; 4/98; 8/63-64 2/68 3/141; 4/84; 6/17, 63, 89; 7/124; 8/22, 272, 303; 9/34; 10/186c; 8/20, 218 6/54 1/162-164 4/67; 6/204; 7/107, 155, 273, 426, 428, 435; 8/198, 365; 10/209 7/258, 411; 8/278 7/155, 273, 426, 428 7/49, 89, 97, 108, 121, 157, 302, 317, 410; 8/211; 10/11 1/211, 196; 4/4, 31 8/203 9/114 4/264; 7/8, 33, 73, 154, 229, 236, 309, 453; 7/10 4/276 7/10 7/8 8/229 1/223, 226, 227, 229 6/83 6/199; 8/219; 10/63, 150 NAME OR DESCRIPTION United States Army Reserve Training Center United States Army rookies 1940 United States Army - Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (W.A.A.C.) United States Army - Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) United States Census of 1840 United States Census of 1850 United States Census of 1860 United States Census of 1875 United States Census of 1880 United States Census of 1930 United States Census of 1940 United States Census of 1950 United States-China treaty United States Coast Guard United States Congressional & Judicial Committees - 7th & 15th United States Constitution Amendments United States Corps of Engineers United States Customs House United States District Court United States Employment Service United States Fish and Wildlife Service United States Food Administration United States Government United States Hotel United States Housing Administration United States Indian Bureau United States Interior Department United States Land Office United States Liberty Loan Bonds United States Marine Corps United States Maritime Commission United States Mexican border United States National Guard. See also individual states. United States Naval Reserve United States Navy United States Navy Day/Week United States Navy Ships in the Calcasieu River United States Navy (Volunteer) United States Peaceful P United States Post Office, Postmaster, stamps, mail, etc. United States Post Office building construction (1909) United States Post Office Drew Station United States Post Office substation United States Post Office Westlake United States Public Roads Administration United States Public Safety Department United States Representatives to Congress (1894) United States Savings Stamps United States Senators - 1894 United States Ship "Astoria" United States Ship "Cleveland" (cruiser) Book/Page number 9/123, 128 7/5 7/83, 87, 89, 116, 160, 212 7/152 5/83 1/210 5/83 2/18 2/85 4/20 8/268 9/52 1/264 7/66 6/84 10/92, 93, 192 8/16, 90 1/178; 2/214 6/208 7/436 8/201 3/82 1/179, 192; 4/19 2/181, 219, 232, 260, 275; 3/13; 6/9 1/300; 4/263; 6/54; 7/5; 8/15 4/3 4/26 1/105 3/117 4/24; 6/54 8/102 6/54 2/244; 6/191, 199, 203; 8/92 6/190, 198; 7/67; 8/92, 96 6/185 (photo), 186 (photo); 7/302; 8/3, 2636/187b; 7/314; 8/263; 10/186 8/276, 279 6/64 8/264 3/180, 181(photo), 183, 186-190, 223, 225-226, 232; 6/172; 8/194, 228, 266; 13A p7 c2 3/183 (photo), 184(photo) 8/219 (photo) 8/87 3/190 8/299 6/54 3/35 7/106-107 3/35 7/106 6/164, 167, 168, 176-177, 179-182; 9/119 NAME OR DESCRIPTION United States Ship "Constitution" (frigate). Includes visit to Lake Charles in 1932 United States Ship "Harveson" United States Ship "Hatfield" (destroyer) United States Ship "Lynx" United States Ship "Maurice Joseph Manuel" United States Ship "Missouri" United States Ship "Pampano" United States Ship "Pompon" United States Ship "Quincy" United States Ship "Sarsfield" United States Ship "Seaman A. Knapp" United States Ship "Turner" (destroyer) United States Ship "Vincennes" United States submarine United States Supreme Court United States Treasury Dep't. United States Weather Bureau University Methodist Church Unkel, Frances Peter Unkel, P.J. Upper Creek Indian Tribes Upshaw, R.W. Upton, Irene Upton, Malcolm R. Upton, Thomas J. Upton, Thomas S. (Rev) Urania, La. Uranium-235 Urdiales, Pedro Urlee's or Urlen's Urqaleck, Louis Paul Usher, Alice Usher, Ella Usher, Ellen Rebecca Usher, Robert Utemeyer, Samuel Vacation spots Vacksen, A.G. Vaders, Edwin Vagleo, Vic Valderouge, LA Valdes, Leon Valdes, nNno Valdetaro, Antoine Valdetaro, Michel Valdetero, Ignios Book/Page number 6/170-174 (photo) 7/144, 439, 458 1/229 13A/20 7/220 8/293 7/439 8/263-264 (photo) 7/106 6/182 8/250 (photo) 6/187b (photo); 7/439, 449; 8/263 (photo), 264; 10/186b, c 7/106 8/263 (photo) 1/163; 10/92-95, 97, 98, 163 1/279; 7/273; 8/279 4/271, 272, 275, 277, 280; 5/333; 6/191, 195, 197, 198; 8/3, 17, 18, 226, 320, 321 6/89; 8/7, 56; 9/19 7/217 5/77 4/12 8/65 3/177 7/296 2/323 3/47 10/337, 338 7/413 10/193 1/115, 133, 137, 157 6/195 2/165, 177, 196, 198; 14, 121; 3/178 (photo), 10/13, 1/6, 14, 40, 44, 173, 222, 226, 260; 2/165, 167, 177, 198, 200, 205, 275; 3/178(photo); 10/13-15, 121 1/7 1/209 1/230 13/A/8 6/63 5/13 7/296 3/34 7/64 10/222b (photo) 1/131 1/116, 118, 149 5/77 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Valentine, Ellie Pearl Valentine, Joseph Vallein, Louise Vallery, Beulah M. Vallery, Bobbie Vallery, J.E. (Mrs) Vallery, John Vallo, Burney (T-5) Valnerdi, Joe Valpariso Valtierro, Samuel Valverde & Schindler (ship builders) Valverde, Eugene Valverde, Joe Valverde, Maude C. Vamvoris, George Van (de), Van Bishop Van Arsdale, M.L. Van Conner, Margaret Van Conover, Wm. (Mrs) Van Der Kamp, William Van der Ver, Father (Catholic priest) Van Duren, Melvin C. Van Duzee, E.N. Van Duzee, William Van Dyke, Joshua Van Dyke, (Mrs) Van Evers, Frank Van Gorder, Crin Del (Mrs) Van Hoene, C.A. Van Hook, Betty Jane Van Hoort, Nico Van Hooser, Murray Van Meter, George Van Norman, Dorothy Van Norman, H. A. (Mrs) Van Norman, Lelia Patricia Van Norman, Russell Howard Van Scoy, I.W. Van Shark Lumber Company Van Slyke, Glen Warren Van Zandt, Dorothy and Lucille Vanaman, A.G. Vandaworker, Robert Joseph (Capt) Vandeluur, F.A. Vandercook, C. Vanderwall, Hendrick Vandyke, Lawrence Vandyke, Sarah Bartie Vanicor, Milton Vann Hotel Book/Page number 10/161 6/56 1/102 1/227 8/273 10/185 10/210 (photo) 7/413 3/37 1/172-173 7/118 2/120 Old Cemeteries/11; 5/4 5/13, 54 Old Cemeteries/11 3/217 1/208 2/328 8/73 8/74 (photo) 1/156 3/40, 125, 132 9/51, 135 2/264 10/193 4/218 2/204 7/118 8/312 9/127 (photo) 10/186b 9/139 (photo) 4/294 7/425 (photo) 3/226; 10/193 7/173 3/226 3/237; 6/49; 7/15, 141, 201, 450; 8/295; 9/36; 10/115 6/112, 113, 125 10/318 7/244, 245 5/272 4/199 7/225 4/116 10/53 4/279 4/218 4/237-238 7/217, 234 8/227 (photo); 3/197; 6/49 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Vardaman, James Varmel, M.A. Varnado, Cody Vasquez, Guillermo (Dr) Vassar, Janice Marie Vasse, Lionel Vasser, Matthew Vatter, A.J. Vaugh, John D. Vaughan, I.J. Vaughan, Johnny (M/M) Vaughn, Edmond, Jacob, and Wilda Mae Vaughn, Frank Vaughn, Harry (Gen) Vaughn, Marilyn Veazy, Ada and Robert Willie Veazy, Buford, George, Glenn, Marshall, and Martin Veazy, Desire Langlois and Fred (Mrs) Veazy, Estelle (Miss) Veazy, L.A. Veazy, P.O. (M/M) Veazy, Paul Veazy, Paul Leonard Veazy, Ulysse (M/M) Veazys of Pecan Island Vega (de la), Jose Veillard, Eugene (Rev) Veillon, A. (Mrs) Veillon, Alfain and Hallie Veillon, Felix (T/Sgt) Veillon, Harry (Gen) Veillon, Joseph Veillon, Lina Velma Lykes (steamship) Venable, Lawrence Adam Venable, Lucius (Mrs) Venable, Joseph Venator, Florence (Mrs) Venator, Vern Keith Vencenza, Vivian Vendy, John Venissat, W.A. (Mayor) Venner, Ernest Venner, J.C. Ventrella, Charles (Capt) Venturella, Joseph Verdine, Alford, Edith, Fannie, LeRoy, and William Andrew Verdine, Jayson and Wiley Vermilion Bay Vermilion Bayou Vermilion Lock Book/Page number 7/422 1/111 5/307; 8/288, 339 4/222; 6/199; 8/22, 50, 61, 311, 353; 9/3; 10/188, 214; 7/451 Old Cemeteries/22 9/10 (photo) 2/265 7/156 4/230 10/26 13A/18 c1 4/147 4/218, 280 7/422 8/312 7/393 13A/18 c1 p7 Old Cemeteries/20 2/117, 120 3/221 1/283 6/147; 7/283 (photo) 7/451 (newspaper picture) 4/173; 13A/18 c1 p7 9/146 1/211 13A/17 c2 p4 7/325 7/199 (photo) 7/404 9/125 7/199 (photo), 325 (photo) 4/189 6/171 7/86 4/294 1/87 7/57 7/217, 363 8/252 1/146 4/86 7/64; 10/233 7/282A 4/280 7/434 1/238 (photo), 239 (photo) 7/296 4/2 1/224, 286 9/20 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Vermilion Parish Vermilionville Vermont Vernado, Willard J. (Pvt) Vernel, Alexander Verner, Earnest G. Vernon, Delmayne Vernon, Mrs. Vernon, Nera [actress] Vernon Parish, Louisiana Vernon, Richard Vernon, Vera Veron, Delmayne Veron, Dyer (Family), Earl, George, and Louis Verret, A.J. (M/M) Verret, A.L. (M/M) Verret, Arthur Verret, Clara, Lillie, Marie, Mrs. Paul, and Mrs. Walter Verret, Cyril Allen Verret, Dewey Verret, Dewey (Mrs) Verret, Gloria Teresa Verret, Jean (Mrs) Verret, Jesse J. Verret, Joseph Claude Verret, L.D. Verret, Leroy J. Verret, Prosper Verret, Roland J. (Pvt) Verrett, J.J. Verrett, Robert Very Idea Shop, The Vesper, Arthur (Mrs) Vestal, Peggy Vestal, Skipper Vestal, Truett Hodges Vestal's Veteran's Affairs Veterans of Foreign Wars and Auxiliary Veterans, Refinery Jobs Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall (Cameron) Veterbo, Leon V-homes Via, George (2nd Lt) Viator, Antoine Austin and Eugene (M/M) Viator, Mary (Mrs) Viator, Paul (Jr) Viator, Winnie L. (Family) Vicari, Frank Vicari, Leon (Mrs) Viccellio, Edith (Mrs) Book/Page number 1/225; 8/278 2/141; 5/4 1/217 7/119 5/78 7/454 7/454 1/60 2/21 1/152-153, 191, 205, 206, 231; 2/97; 3/111 7/201 6/64 7/95, 200, 209, 282a (photo), 431 7/200, 209 10/115, 126 (photo) 7/432; 10/68 5/204 7/282c 7/449 1/218; 7/354; 8/131 6/49; 7/184 10/161 7/119 (photo) 2/218 (photo); 9/52 7/66 10/118 7/300 1/185 7/432 (photo) 7/100, 359(photo); 8/323; 9/43; 10/196 4/265 5/259 10/185 7/204; 10/177, 198a 1/5 7/210 10/196a, 198e 7/446 4/266; 6/174, 199, 201; 7/66, 218, 304, 454; 8/218 7/178 4/291 2/129 7/106 7/167 7/391 (photo) 7/359 7/6 7/324, 349, 359, 424, 429, 435 (photo) 10/198 10/115, 126 (photo) 6/7 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Viccellio, Bertha (Mrs) vice war Vick, W.J. Vickerstaff, Dorothy Margaret Vickery, John H. and W.L. Victery [or Victory], Harry Victery Victor Grain Co. Victoria, Queen of England Victoria, Texas Victorian, Erly Victorin, Urban Victorine Vidor Nursing Center Vidrine, C.E. Vidrine, Curtis (Rev) Vidrine, Earl Vidrine, Eliza and Teet Vidrine, L. Vidrine, Lancon, Theomile (M/M), and Willard Vidrine, Theresa Vidrine, Virgil Wilfred Vidrine, Wilfred Vidrine, William Vienna Viesca, Texas Vigilante Committee Viglia, E.A. (Pfc) Viglia, Joseph (Family) Viglia, Lena Viglia, Mary Ann (Ensign) Viglia, Theresa Vigliero, John A. (Monseigner) Vignaud, Beulah Vignaud, Nick (Pvt) Vilcan, Ada, Alvin, Holland, Janet, Joy, and Thomas Vilcan, Henry (Mrs) and Millard Vilcan, Robert Villa, Pancho Ville Platte Villenewe (de), LeBlanc Vincent Vincent, A.J. Vincent, A.J. (Rev) Vincent, Aladin (Senator) Vincent, Amar Vincent, Amar (Mrs), Dupre, J.L. (Mrs), Lawrence (M/M), Myrtle, and Samantha Vincent, Amelian Vincent, Amos Book/Page number 6/19 7/18 2/132 7/412 2/132 1/230; 7/183, 277, 452, 454 7/282a (newspaper picture) 7/93 3/118 1/59, 210 1/46 1/75 4/13 6/36 5/56 7/431 10/177 4/13 7/82 7/294 (photo) 8/217 (photo); 10/179-180, 186b, c 7/86 8/244, 248 (photo) 7/228, 454, 452 6/19 1/212 Old Places/3 7/450 5/326; 7/145 (photo), 450 10/47 7/145 (photo), 359, 437, 450 8/308a 1-230 7/356, 424 3/197; 4/123; 7/187, 206, 211, 304, 424, 356 (photo) 4/24-25 (newspaper picture) 4/6 (photo) 4/29 (photo) 6/86 1/125, 250 1/168 1/146, 286 1/160; 5/56; 7/154 4/222; 5/286; 13A/20 c2 p2 1/213; 2/131, 214; 3/35; 4/79, 95, 167; 5/51, 105, 173; Old Places/167, 168 5/83 6/68 4/237 4/283; 8/5 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Vincent & Welch Vincent, Ann Vincent, Anna Mae Mack Vincent, Arnold, Claude H., and David J. Vincent, Arnold (Mrs) Vincent, Arthur J. Vincent, Bailey Vincent, Bailey (Mrs) Vincent, Benson Vincent, Billie Rae Vincent Brothers Vincent, Burl Vincent, Charlotte Vincent, Claude A. Vincent, Crawford J. Vincent, Curley Vincent, Curtis (Cpl) Vincent, Dallas Vincent, Dallas (Mrs) Vincent (Deputy Sheriff) Vincent, Dora, Laura Jean, and Mona Ray Vincent, Dosite Vincent, D.P. Vincent, Durphy, Jule, and Zellan Benoit (Mrs) Vincent, Durphy (Mrs) Vincent, Ellyan W. and W.E. Vincent, Ernest Vincent, Eugene Vincent, Evelyn Vincent Family Vincent, Francis Vincent, Francois Vincent, Floyd Vincent, Floyd (Mrs) Vincent, Frederick James Vincent, Hazel Vincent, Helen and M.M. (Mrs) Vincent, Hollis Vincent Home Vincent, Hulda Vincent, Ida and Wilbur N. Vincent, Inger (Mrs) and Murl Vincent, Ione Vincent, Issac Vincent, Jane Marie Vincent, Jesse J. Vincent, Jessie (Mrs) Vincent, J.M. Vincent, John A. Vincent, John Wesley (Mrs) Vincent, Joseph Book/Page number 1/230; 8/64 8/73 2/344 7/296 7/173 6/176 2/221 6/22 4/78, 139; 5/109, 110; 6/68; 7/103; 8/267 8/254 (photo); 10/186a, 189 (photo), 198a, e 13A/3 10/238 8/2 7/111, 296 4/225 4/204, 289 (photo), 290 7/181 4/225, 226 4/192, 277 4/272 4/192 1/159, 281 (photo); 2/107, 131; 3/23, 35 4/222, 257 4/283 4/226 7/326 4/218, 283 1/98, 110 7/67, 111 4/86; 5/172-174 1/26 5/172 5/56; 7/93 6/68; 7/146, 173 4/225, 260 7/93; 8/73-75 (photo), 104; 9/4 3/80 6/43 5/175 (photo) 8/222 (photo) 7/269 7/111 7/107 (photo); 8/212 (photo) 1/75, 89, 94, 98, 107, 111, 117, 122, 129, 133, 137, 146, 55 7/98 5/262 7/116 3/139 2/85, 150; 5/55 8/193 (photo); 9/132 (photo) 6/68; 9/130 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Vincent, Joseph J. Vincent, Joseph N. Vincent, J.S. (Mrs) Vincent, Lastie (M/M) Vincent, Lester (Mrs) Vincent, M. (Mrs) Vincent, M.A. (Mrs) Vincent, Mac Vincent, Martin Van Vincent, Maurice Vincent, Maurice (Mrs) Vincent, Melien Vincent, Mordelo L. (Family) Vincent, (Mr) Vincent, (Mrs) Vincent, N. Vincent, Nathaniel Vincent, N.E. (M/M) Vincent, Noah Vincent, Nora Vincent, Olivia Vincent, Onezime Vincent, Pear Vincent, Pearl (Mrs) Vincent, Pierre Vincent, Raymond (M/M) Vincent, Rodney Vincent, Roy (Family) Vincent, Ruby Vincent, S. Vincent, Samuel Vincent, Sarah Vincent school Vincent Settlement Vincent, Simeon Vincent, Soney (M/M) Vincent, Stanford L. Vincent, Tony Vincent, T.P. Vincent, Valentine Vincent, Virginia (Mrs) Vincent, Wade Vincent, Wayne Vincent, Willadene Vincent, William Vincent's Cleaners & Hatters Vine, Maurice (Mrs) Book/Page number 5/172-173; 7/296; 9/130; Old Places/169 7/6 7/225 1/94-95, 107, 112, 152; 2/131; 7/81; 8/75 (photo); 10/306 10/148 3/88, 147; 6/15 7/146 4/204, 289-290 (photo) 5/286 4/283; 5/56 6/68; 7/173, 269; 10/115 1/89 1/229, 230; 4/98; 5/53, 155, 157; 7/111, 231; 8/64, 88, 330, 353; 9/4, 9 10/21b 2/204 2/130 1/146, 152; 2/131; 5/174 (home) 6/68; 7/146, 352; 8/280 10/221-222 (photo) 2/238 4/82 1/90 1/11, 14, 25 7/39, 173, 225; 1/395 1/39, 46, 48, 50, 61, 72, 76, 88; 5/172; 10/2, 4; Old Places/1 6/68; 8/280 6/184; 7/352, 419; 9/127 7/20, 50, 82, 293; 8/56; 10/115, 167-168f, 169 4/222, 259 (359?) 1/103-104 5/94; 7/69, 296 Old Places/1 10/119 3/109; 6/35, 68, 194, 254 1/39, 74-75, 88, 95, 97-100, 102-104, 106, 110111, 114, 120, 122, 127, 129, 132, 135, 151,162; 8/337 1/16; 6/68; 7/146; 10/185 9/121 5/270 4/263 1/151 9/36 4/265 10/159, 186c, 198a, d, e, g 7/64, 116 2/130-131; 3/35; 5/82, 173 7/155 Old Cemeteries/21 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Vines, Dewey L. Vines, Dick, Don, and Hoyt (Mrs) Vines Olive Colony Vining, W.L. Vinson, Fred Vinson, Murphy (Deputy Sheriff) Vintello, Carmela (Mrs) Vinton, Iowa Vinton, La. Vinton, La. Schools Vinton Oil Field - See Ged Oil Field Virgilio, Adam Virginia Bridge Company Virginian, The (play) Visitors from North Vital, Clora Mae Vitello, Emile (Mrs) Vitello, Niobe Viterbo Building Viterbo, Harold Viterbo, Leon (M/M) Vizard, Anthony Voelker, Frank Voge, Bertha (Mrs) Voge, Joyce Vogel, Louise Volandt, W.F. (1st Lt) Vollmer, Lorin and Nancy Irene Volstead, Mr. Voltz Voltz, Clara (Mrs) Voltz, Joseph (Tin shop) Von Eye, Edward Von Krosigk, Ludwig Von Leuwen, Karl Von Phul Von Phul & Gordon's drugstore Von Phul, Dietrich Von Phul, Frank A., Henry Von Phul, Frank (Mrs), and Julia Von Phul-Sangrain Co. Von Seydiltz, Walter (Gen.) Vondervoorst, (Mrs) Vondy, John Voorhies, J.M. (Mrs) Voorhies, L.J. Jr. Voorhies, M.A. Voris, Mark Book/Page number 7/151 7/282c 6/53 4/168 7/367, 422; 8/298 4/273 7/339 6/58-59; 2/170 1/283; 2/ 272; 3/37, 191; 4/81, 86-89, 95; 6/5862, 91; 7/11; 8/67, 238, 252, 254, 277, 293; 10/122 10/119 7/6 8/37, 48 3/157-158 Old Places/84 10/199a 7/173; 10/68, 115, 126 10/159 10/317 3/105 2/3, 37, 190, 197, 284; 3/58, 93, 213-214, 220, 222, 223; 4/171; 5/200; 10/328 10/325 9/116 7/360 10/197 10/104 (photo) 2/258 7/233, 235(photo) 2/38 2/224 2/249 2/4, 249 2/215 7/382 4/242 3/98, 102 1/61L, 64, 208, 229; 2/75, 221, 234, 240, 275; 3/156, 161, 163, 164, 166; 6/87 1/248 3/139, 159; 4/171; 5/7; 6/87, 91; 8/309 Old Cemeteries/25 1/248-249 7/383 3/43 3/33 7/173 7/88 (photo) 4/154 6/62 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Vos, Eugene L. Voters and Voting Vuillemont, Leonard S. Vulliamy, Gerald A. (Lt) Wabash Railway Wachsen, A.G. Wachsen, A.G. (Mrs) Wachsen, Arthur Wachsen-Curley-Krause Waco, TX Waddell, Alice Waddell, A.W. (Rev.) Waddy, Johnny Jr. Waddy, "Ol" Wade, Alvin Glenn Wade, Annie M. and Forest Wacey Wade, Betty Wade, B.H. Wade, Clyde Edward Wade, Frank Verne and William Kenneth Wade, Glen Wade, Kenneth Wade, Margaret (Mrs) Wade, Mary Wade, Mary Donaldson (Mrs) Wade, Mary Ruth Wade, Russell Wade, Walter Lee Waden, Lizzie (Mrs) Wadlington, Robert L. (Mrs) Wadsworth, Matt Wager, L.E. Waggnor, Earl Allen and Reginald (M/M) Wagner, Barbara Wagner, George Wagner, James T. (S.1C) Wagner, James F. (Pvt) Wagner, Ruth Wagnon, (Dr) Wagnon, G.W. (Mrs) and Willa Wagnon, O.W. (Mrs) Wagster, Augustus or Austus (M/M) Waguespack, James and Joseph J. Wainwright, Adele Wainwright, Annie Mae (Mrs) Wainwright, Eva Wainwright, F.A. Wainwright, Freddy Wainwright, John D. (Capt) Wainwright, John W. (Capt) Wainwright, Jonathan (Gen.) Wainwright, Roy Book/Page number 7/452 7/343, 317; 8/147-148, 152, 298 8/236 7/207 6/93 3/123, 191; 4/171 3/79 3/232, 236; 5/46, 142, 150 1/229 2/101; 13A/21 c3p3 6/151 2/323; 5/225 4/218 6/90 7/95, 183, 320 (photo) 7/304 10/180 8/48 7/95 7/320 7/82 10/68, 167, 172, 175 7/183, 320 8/87 4/26 8/86 (photo) 10/99 7/449 13A/19 c1p12 13A/18 c2p5 2/335 (photo) 3/217 7/339 10/198g 3/192 7/438 7/198 10/126 1/122 3/196 3/192 7/329, 338, 151; 10/159, 186 4/280 7/445 7/173 3/172 2/220 8/92 6/163, 166, 168 (photo), 177 (photo) 6/177 7/444, 445 (visits LC), 445 (photo); 8/271 4/189 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Wainwright, Walter Wainwright, W.E. Wait, Annie Mae (Lt) Wait, Bert Wait, B.J. Wait, B.T. Wait, E.G. Wait, Kenneth Ray Waite, Harry Waite, Harry (Mrs) Waite High School Waits, Bever Waits, Lillie (Mrs) Waitt, A.H. Wake Blvd. Wakefield, Dick Wakefield, George W. Wakefield, James A. Wakefield Memorial Methodist Church Wakefield, (Mrs) Wakefield, T.J. Waldemeier, Helen (Mrs) Walden Hotel & Business College Walden, (Professor) Waldman, Nathan (Lt) Waldo, Ednard Waldron, A.A. (Mrs) Waldron, Jack (Mrs) Waldron, Sarah Crane (Mrs) Waldrup, Glenn Walkaarte, Clara and Ida Walker, Allen Walker, Alson H. (Family) Walker, Asa Walker, B.S. Walker, (Capt) Walker, Charlotte Walker, D.M. Walker, E.B. Walker, E.H. Walker, Frank M. Walker, Fred E. Walker, Fred L. (Gen.) Walker, Gene (Rev) Walker, H.M. Walker House (Hotel) Walker, James Walker, J.B. Walker, J.H. Walker, Jimmy (Mayor) Walker, John F. Book/Page number 4/192, 218 5/221, 307 7/437 7/184, 354 7/384 7/103; 8/267 7/296 7/217 2/23, 53; 5/66 3/178 (photo) 10/116 7/201, 406 1/247; 3/190 2/37, 134 8/218-219 1/208; 5/3 1/87, 89, 92, 118, 121, 123-125, 127, 132, 146 2/220; 4/142 4/295 (photo),263 3/173 2/162, 190; 3/186-187; 10/291 7/112 6/113 3/64 7/86 4/270 9/150 (photo) 4/255 7/111 7/154 1/37; 2/168 1/168 7/254 1/132, 135 4/81 2/74, 226; 6/64 5/3 7/434; 8/283-284 3/200 8/275 2/332 7/296 7/367 3/217 6/174 2/73, 275; 3/75, 171, 176, 217, 226 (photo), 234; 5/9; 6/33, 38, 79 1/159 3/39 1/212 3/119 1/47 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Walker, John (Mrs) Walker, Joseph Walker, J.Routh Walker, J.T. (Capt) Walker, Julia Walker, Katherine Walker, Lorena (Mrs) Walker, Martin James Walker, Mary (Mrs) Walker, Norman Walker, R.D. (M/M) Walker, Richard Lankston Jr. Walker, R.M. (Lt) Walker, Robert Walker, Ross Walker, Ruth (Mrs) Walker, William Walker, W.R. (Mrs) Walkins, J.B. Walkins, T.H. Wall (?) Wall, Charles Wall, C.J. Wall, Emma W. (Mrs) Wall, I.D. Jr. Wall, Reginald Wall Rice Mill Wall Tailoring Shop Wall, Taylor (Rev) Wall, Walton and the Wall-Jordan Grocery Co. Wall, W.B. Wall, W.C. Wallace Wallace & Walter Mens Clothing Wallace, F.B. (Mrs) Wallace, Frank Wallace, George Wallace, James Jelks Wallace, Julia (Mrs) Wallace, Mildred Wallace, Ray Wallace, Sam W. (M/M) Wallace, William Walling, R.A. Wallis, Charles Bertern Jr. Walmsley, Mary Walnut Grove Walnut Hill, LA Walsh, Carrie (Mrs) Book/Page number 3/178 (photo) 2/73, 276; 10/198 e, i 1/255 7/222 (photo) 2/74 9/150 (photo) 5/226; 7/173 7/308 6/113, 121 1/209 7/396 7/66 7/33 7/239 (photo), 396 4/154 7/119 7/459 10/214 2/124 7/314 3/32 5/160; 10/47 3/235 1/57 e 4/171 7/296 3/97, 235; 5/160 (photo) 2/275 4/263, 297, 301 5/160 3/235; 4/171 3/235; 5/160; 6/88 4/27; 7/367 2/350; 3/112; 5/201; 7/93, 155, 273, 426, 428, 435; 10/186g, 198b, 209 1/250 4/94; Old Cemeteries/24 7/198; 8/305 7/201 3/141 7/100 6/210 7/327; 8/216 5/210; 6/83; 7/327 7/201 7/406 10/26, 29, 38 1/290 (photo); 2/120, 171; 3/117; 5/6, 9, 123; 6/11, 25, 65, 78, 80, 132, 164, 168, 187; 8/71; 13A/107c3 (photo); Old Places/121 3/187 4/123; 6/46; 8/261 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Walsh, Father (priest) Walsh, Gertrude Walsh, J.J. Walsh, J.J. (Mrs) Walsh, Lizzie Walsh, (Mrs) Walshe, Frank S. Jr. Walter, Kenneth (Pfc) Walter, L. Couse & Co. Walters, Ben B. and J.R. Walters, F.C. Walters, Stanley (Mrs) Walters, William and Walter's Gold Band Walther, G.B. (Mrs) Walther, George B. (Pvt) Walton, G.T. Walton, Izaak Waltrip, James (Rev) Wamsley, Mary Wannage, Frederick W. War of 1812 Ward, Billie Lee Ward, C. Ward, Charlene Ward, Daniel G. Ward, Daniel S. Ward, Darrell Ward, D.L. Ward, E.K. (Mrs) Ward, E.P. Ward, E.T. Ward, E.W. (Mrs) Ward, Harriet (Mrs) Ward, H.Q. (Prof) Ward, James H. Ward, John C. Ward, M.C. Ward, Noah Ward, Roy Ward, R.R.L. Ward, Ruby Asterbelle Ward, Thomas Ward's Alley Wardwick, Annie Ware, Charles S. (Mrs) Ware, E. (Miss) Ware, Ephamie Ware, J.A. Ware, James Ware, James (Dr) Ware, James (Mrs) Ware's Black Powder Book/Page number 3/132 3/54 6/152; 8/238 4/169; 7/128, 189; 9/36 2/101 6/3 (photo); 8/223 5/93 7/425 (photo) 8/37 7/405 7/88 (photo) 6/68 3/165 5/57; 10/197 7/198 2/132 9/83 2/347 1/51 7/345 1/286; 13A/86 C1 10/186g 1/64, 66-67, 72, 79-80 1/107 (photo), 109 1/59 1/101, 128, 134; 5/17 7/282c 1/123 7/302; 8/303 8/228 (photo) 8/179 2/272 7/112 10/21, 165, 191 7/296 1/29, 45, 55, 80 1/66 8/190 7/129 (photo), 284, 430 8/338 Old Cemeteries/22 10/118 1/180; 2/72, 154 4/192 6/17; 8/326 10/69 7/66 5/9 2/167; 10/39, 51, 191 2/75 (photo), 211, 221, 232 3/174 3/157 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Waring, Robert Wark, A.E. Warlick, Thomas J. Warm Springs, GA Warmoth, H.C. Warner, D.C. (M/M) and William Max Warner, Frances (Mrs) Warner, G.C. (Mrs) Warner, Jessie Mae Warner Jewelry Warner, Lillian (Miss) Warner, Ralph (Mrs) Warner, W.D. (M/M) Warner's Rust Proof Corsets Warnock, O.D. Warren, Albert (Capt) Warren, (Chief Justice) Warren, Frank Warren, Hoyt R. Warren, John W. Jr. (Pvt) Warren Methodist Episcopal Church Warren, Nan Warren, Robert W. (Col.) Warren, Webster H. (Lt. Col.) Warren, Wesley Wars. See names of individual wars. Warsaw Medical School Warshaw, Lesley (Mrs) Wartell, Felix Wartell (Lumber mill) Warth, Edward William, Judith Ellen, and Rachel Glendora Wasey, E.F. (M/M) Wasey, Florence Wasey, George Wasey, John L. Wasey, LA Wasey, May Kirkwood (Mrs) Wasey, Nat (Mrs) Washburn, Edgar Woodson Washburn, Edgar Woodson (Mrs) Washiel, A. Washington Washington, A.G. (Rev) Washington & Lee University Washington, Betty and George Washington, C.H. Washington, Clorinda Washington DC Washington, E.H. (Rev) Washington, Gladys Ellen Washington, Ida Book/Page number 1/64-65; 3/98; 5/202 2/10 2/323 7/366-367 2/142 7/405 5/243 7/110 6/40; 7/173, 197, 226, 386; 10/193, 224-225 10/198c 1/60 5/232 8/102 3/150 (photo) 3/36 5/83 10/92-93 4/169 8/285 7/198 10/210; 6/81, 197 8/285, 10/216 (photo) 7/392 7/26 9/130 (photo) 1/271 10/231 4/13 10/347 4/226, 229 1/61i, 62; 2/17, 272; 3/17, 169; 4/171; 5/104; 6/15; 13A/108 c4 10/33 2/191; 10/204 (photo); 13A/108 c4 1/208; 4/169; 7/155, 273, 426, 428; 10/198a, 2/272; 3/232 8/238 2/76 7/201 7/146 1/161 4/25, 27, 32; 8/278 7/16, 50, 82, 124, 300, 358 2/148 3/128 7/82 8/256 4/3; 8/22 8/230 7/66 4/218 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Washington, John Washington, LA Washington, Luther Jr. Washington, V.E. (Rev) Wasson, John (Pfc) Watcheim, Antoine Watchin, A. Watchin, Pauline Watchin, S. Watchin, Sema Watchine, Dulva water hyacinth water problems: consumption, drainage, etc. waterfowl Waterman, J.B. Waterman, Theodore A. Watermelon Bay watermelons Waters Waters & Greeves Machine Shop Waters, Betty Waters, Irene Elizabeth Waters, J.H. & Son Waters, J.M. Waters, Maxine Waters-Pierce Oil Company Watkins Watkins, Ann Watkins, B. Watkins Boulevard and Watkins City, La. Watkins, Claude Watkins, David Watkins Estate Watkins Family Watkins, "Foo Foo" Watkins, Frances Watkins, Grayson B. (Family) Watkins, H. Moss Watkins, Inez Watkins, Jabez B. Watkins, Jabez B. Bank Watkins, Jabez B. (Mrs) Watkins, James Watkins, J.E. (Mrs) Book/Page number 4/199, 205; 5/52 4/13, 107; 9/145(population) 8/296 9/22 (photo); 10/95 7/360 1/88-89, 92 1/76 1/92, 124 1/66 1/81 13A/19 c4p5 5/62-63 8/342, 349, 351-352 4/137 (photo) 6/167 7/363 6/65; 8/214 8/203 1/226 2/5 10/147 (photo) 10/161 3/97, 236 1/229 10/198a 3/61; 2/250 6/35 10/126 (photo), 120, 129-130a, 161 1/266 6/77 1/328 10/202, 212 (photo), 225 (photo) 4/135 1/206 10/186g, 198e 10/180, 186b, 198a, d 7/240 (photo), 282a (newspaper picture), 454; 10/233 2/332; 8/186, 240, 287 7/111, 377 1/210, 221, 225, 233, 270; 2/43, 124, 245, 257, 275, 276, 390; 3/8, 17, 20, 25, 34, 49, 118, 120, 143, 205; 4/72, 86, 97, 101; 5/9, 20, 162, 164 (photo), 230; 6/56, 64, 77, 93, 181; 7/189; 8/10, 32, 185, 243, 253; 9/129; 10/21, 21a, 122, 168, 291; 13A/133 c4p8 1/3, 7, 26, 171, 221, 225; 2/24, 43, 153; 3/1, 2, 17, 25, 34, 36, 67, 110, 120, 121, 185, 236, 276; 6/77; 10/122; Old Places/21 (photo) 1/221; Old Places/21 4/123; 7/190, 377; 8/9, 214 6/16 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Watkins Land Company Watkins, Margaret Watkins, Monnie Watkins, Moss Watkins, Moss (Mrs) Watkins, (Mr) Watkins, (Mrs) Watkins, Pauline Watkins Railroad [See "Kansas City, Watkins & Gulf Railway," "Kansas City Southern Railroad," and "St. Louis, Watkins & Gulf Railroad"] Watkins, Richard Watkins Saw Mills Watkins Street Watkins Syndicate Watkins, T.H. (Dr) Watkins, T.H. (Mrs) Watkins, Thomas J. Watson, Albert N. Watson, Billie Watson, Bitsy Mathis and S.A. (Mrs) Watson, B.S. (M/M) Watson, C.A. Watson, C.H. Watson, Cliff Watson, Dick Watson, Edward B. (Bill) (M/M) Watson, Eleanor Watson, Elizabeth Watson, F.G. Watson, Francis Watson, Frances B. (Cpl) Watson, Frances B. (Mrs) Watson, Francis C. (Dr) Watson, Frank Watson, Gilbert Watson, Glen Buck (Mrs) Watson, Harry Watson, Jack Watson, James I. Watson, James I. (Mrs) Watson, J.B. Watson, Jess A. (Lt) Watson, Jim Watson, J.J. Watson, John (M/M) Watson, John Edward Watson, J.W. Book/Page number 5/12 8/6; 10/187, 198i, 211 10/198f 2/264; 7/92-94, 172 (photo); 8/211 7/114-115 1/232; 3/34 3/121 3/80 7/185, 194, 240 (photo); 10/136 3/143 6/197 8/278 1/208; 2/59, 356; 3/44, 80, 141, 147; 4/78, 168, 171; 5/20, 153, 158, 198, 199, 280; 6/91, 103; 7/450, 451; 8/70; 8/256, 296, 306, 318; 10/16 3/142; 6/15; 7/50, 103, 114, 138, 183, 193, 194, 346, 395, 408; 8/215, 267 7/95 7/193 (photo), 348 6/73 7/336 9/142 (photo) 7/296 6/174 6/62 8/230 4/169; 5/93; 6/17, 69; 7/93, 116, 379, 408, 456; 8/212, 353; 10/115, 138, 183, 187a, 188, 190, 192, 197, 202, 205, 213, 215 (photo), 221 10/127 (photo), 164 7/66, 98, 100; 10/126 4/171 7/350; 8/61 7/198 7/231 1/222; 8/61 6/69 (photo), 73, 76; 7/228 8/61 7/408 5/82, 319; 6/54; 7/191 (photo), 441 4/235 2/264; 5/93; 7/296 7/8 7/340 7/336 (photo) 8/75 (photo); 10/185 10/118 1/293-296; 7/189, 205, 225 7/189 (photo), 205, 225, 230 3/41 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Watson, Kenneth Watson, Kenneth (Mrs) Watson, Lenore Watson, Leo Watson, L.G. (M/M) Watson, Mack Watson, Mary and Tom (Mrs) Watson, Monnie Watson, Nellie (Mrs) Watson, Peggy Jane Watson, Percy J. Watson, Roy Frenchie Watson, Roy M. Watson, Tom Watson, W.C. Watson, William E.(S.Sgt) Watson, Willie J. Watson, Woody Watson's Ice Cream Factory Watt, J.A. Watts, J.R. Watts, J.T. (Mrs) Watts, Lena Watts, Merle Watts, Thomas Watts, William Wade Waves Waxia, LA Weapons War (Army demonstration) Weasel, Katherine Weatherby, Hal Weatherill, John Weather-record temperatures Weaver, Allen T., (Jr) (Mrs) Weaver, Benj. Weaver, Cecil Weaver, H. A. Weaver, M.E. (Rev) and Weaver Street Weaving Webb, Ernestine, J.E. (Mrs), and Margaret E. Webb, G.H. Webb, Mary Lee Webb, R.C. (Dr) Webb, Ruth Weber, Anna Weber Building Weber, Dick Weber, Donald Weber, Fred Weber, Fred C. (Mrs) Weber, J.M. Weber King Manfacturing/Lumber/Grocery Co. Book/Page number 7/93, 198 8/2, 302; 10/138 3/226; 8/2 7/228 3/80; 5/182; 7/193, 348 10/186b 7/111 5/281 6/26 10/178 7/438 (photo) 7/95 8/238 5/208; 8/280; 9/116 (photo) 2/84 7/235 2/265 10/163, 221 7/155, 273, 426, 428, 435; 10/186e, 198c, 209 7/296 3/221 7/332 2/198 7/107 (photo) 8/192 2/332 7/165, 410 8/197 7/166 10/199a 2/333 4/147 1/277; 6/164 (newspaper photo); 9/54, 55 7/272 2/283 8/322 2/129 6/66 6/43 (photo) 7/390 3/15 7/107 (photo); 10/177 4/171 8/247 (photo), 249 10/32, 38 1/232 7/462 7/118 1/281; 6/13; 10/40, 224(photo); 13A/20 ca p9 7/111 5/82 1/222, 281; 2/283; 4/78; 8/71, 283 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Weber, Mira Weber, Myra Weber, (Mr. ?) Weber, (Mrs) Weber, Paul Weber, Willis Page (M/M) Webster, Robert M. (Brig. Gen) Webster's speller Wedemeyer, A.C. Wedemeyer, Bruce Wedemeyer, Eleanor Wedemeyer, Gordon Louis Wedig, Wm. (Rev) Weed, Caleb B.K. (Rev) Weed, (Mrs) (?) Weed, W.F. (Mrs) Weeden, Ada and Dollie Weeds, Willie Weekes, Billy Weekly Calcasieu Gazette [See Calcasieu Gazette newspaper] Weekly Echo newspaper [See Lake Charles Echo newspaper] Weekly Press newspaper [See Lake Charles Daily Press newspaper] Weeks, A.J. Weeks, B.G. (Jr) Weeks, Betty Weeks, Bob Weeks Grove Weeks, J.R. Weeks, Richard Wegener, Adeline Wegener, Barbara Wegener, G.J. (Rev) Wegener, Gottfried (2nd Lt) Wegener, Lawrence (Pfc) Wegener, Theodore (Rev and Mrs) Wehner, A.H. (Mrs) Wehner, August W. Wehner, Barney (Mrs) Wehrt, Adolph W. (Capt. and Mrs. and house) Wehrt, A.N. (Mrs) Wehrt, (Capt) Wehrt, Charlie Wehrt, C.J. Wehrt, Ed Wehrt family Book/Page number 10/32, 33, 38 10/40 3/99 1/227 7/117-118 1/226, 227, 281; 3/110; 4/17, 78, 101, 168, 169, 171; 5/95, 102, 109, 202 (photo), 276, 311, 317; 6/8, 15, 16, 44, 88, 168 (photo), 175, 177 (photo), 181; 7/93, 110; 8/16, 185, 283, 340; 7/281 10/118 5/281 10/198d; 7/283; 5/257 7/300, 408; 9/126 (photo); 10/126, 197, 216 2/252; 7/300 (photo), 400, 408, 456 2/311 1/9, 71; 3/83; 6/91 3/80 7/234 2/191 7/296 1/229 10/185 1/230 8/103 (photo) 2/335 5/15 8/311 7/43, 191 10/47 10/186g, 198d 2/309, 311 7/408 7/419, 437 (photo) 2/295, 297, 300, 302, 305, 311; 3/132; 4/75; 7/189, 238, 248, 348, 384, 408, 419, 437 (photo), 448; 10/115 7/113 3/147; 5/20 7/146, 173; 8/88 2/70, 113-114, 116, 134, 232-233, 301; 3/129 (photo), 130, 132; 10/327; 13/A pg 8 c2; Old Cemeteries/10 6/15 4/95; 6/65, 81; 2/173; 10/312 3/129 (photo), 130 8/134 3/19 3/232 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Wehrt, Fred (Capt) Wehrt, Hazel Wehrt, Mary Ryan and William Weil, Alma Weingarten, Inc Weiss, Carl (Dr) Weiss, Fred Weiss, Gerald (Mrs) Weiss, (Mr. ?) Weitale, Edsel V. Weitz, John S. (Dr) Welborn, Brown Welborn Family Welborn, James Welborn, W.B. Welbourne, J.G. Welch & Vincent Welch, Anderson (Mrs) Welch, A. P. (M/M) Welch, Ben Welch, Buford E. Welch, C.B., Frances, and Sharon Welch, Henry Welch, James Welch, J.L. (Mrs) Welch, Lee Welch, O.W. Welch, Patricia Welch, Russell Henry Welch, S.J. Welch, Timothy Makor Welch, Wesley Welcome (Schooner) Welder, Julia Welemeyer, E.H. Welfare and Welfare Workers. See also Calcasieu Parish Child Welfare and Welfare. Welland, S.G. (Mrs) [Milinery] Wells & Van Schaick Wells, Bennett Wells, D.C. Wells, Edward L. Wells, Edward L. (Mrs) Wells, E.F. Wells, Ellen Wells family Wells Fargo Co. Wells, Fred Book/Page number 3/131 3/126, 129 (photo), 130; 6/65 Old Cemeteries/10 10/214 8/167 5/251; 6/67 5/211 10/231 3/120 7/79 (photo) 8/280 1/152 1/205; 5/79; 13A/2 1/81, 96, 98 1/205; 2/118, 130, 131; 4/96; 5/79 4/171 1/230; 8/64 8/93 4/273 (photo); Old Cemeteries/23 4/91, 273 7/6 4/273 (photo) 1/149, 153, 157 1/121, 127 7/141 1/229, 230; 3/189; 8/179, 64; 9/146 4/62 8/2 4/225, 260 4/88; 7/184 7/201 1/219; 7/163 2/62 5/180, 181-182, 176 8/194 6/16; 7/151; 8/57; 10/207 5/140 4/128 7/73 4/87 2/69, 101; 3/15 3/34 2/68 Old Cemeteries/12 1/206 2/164; 8/104 6/122 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Wells, George H. (Family) Wells, Grace Wells, Gussie Wells, Jessie (Mrs) Wells, J.F. Wells, J. Madison (Governor) Wells, Julia Wells, Mary Lee Wells, Mildred Wells, R.F. Wells, Susie (Miss) Wells, William W. Welsh, Austin Welsh, Clara Belle Welsh, Coleman D. Welsh, David Welsh, Doc Welsh, Fannie B. Campbell and S.J. (Mrs) Welsh, F.K. Welsh, Henry Welsh, James (Capt) Welsh, J.E. Welsh, Jim Welsh, Jim (Mrs) Welsh, J.J. (Mrs) Welsh, La Welsh, Miles Welsh, Simon Wm. Welsh, S.J. Welsh, Wesley W. (Mrs) Welsh, Webster Welsh, W.H. Welsh, W.W. Welty & Fox Welty, Edith P. (Mrs) Wene, Marrion A. Wentz, Arthur A. Wentz, Buddy Wentz, Clara (Mrs) Wentz Family Wentz, Helen Wentz, John Book/Page number 1/153, 155, 164, 197, 219, 255 (photo), 257, 266, 270-272; 2/6, 7, 10, 33, 53, 69, 76, 83, 101, 113, 114, 125, 128, 131, 134, 143, 156, 161, 165-167, 186, 188, 192, 193, 211, 212, 228 (photo of home), 238 (photo), 280, 309, 385; 3/19, 33, 36, 41, 117, 169, 175 (photo of office), 188, 214, 221; 5/9, 14, 55, 59; 13A/4-5; Old C i /12 3/19 2/169; Old Places/100 5/271 4/100 1/219; 5/14 2/161 4/242 2/355 6/82 2/76-77, 161; 1/42 3/205a 6/83 10/161 1/257; 2/130, 131, 156; 8/250; 10/21a, 124 1/102 2/86 8/67 2/131 1/95, 110; 2/8, 80, 130, 131, 143, 156, 389; 5/77; 10/290, 293 1/103, 106-107; 5/7 8/99 (photo) 8/198 9/129 6/17 8/326 2/130; 5/77; 6/56, 66; 8/23, 214, 278; 10/122, 123 1/101 6/173 2/264; 3/105; 10/118 1/57d, e 10/224 5/56 2/59; 4/171 2/223 9/137 (photo) 7/228 2/354; 3/204; 4/97; 6/58, 60; 10/56, 100, 109, 118a 10/197 6/15 2/170 1/226, 227; 4/17; 5/326; 7/66; 10/34, 38, 126, 138, 168, 197, 198g, 236 1/219; 2/192-193; 3/120; 6/82 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Wentz, Lois Wentz, Lola Wentz, Louise Wentz, Lundell A.(Cpl) Wentz, Mark D. (Family) Wentz, (Mr) Wentz, (Mrs) Wesley, W.E. Wesley's Lane Wesling, Harry Williams Wesson, H.E. West, Abel West, A.J. West & West Combined Shows (?) West, Charles Livingston West, Clarence J. West Family: Denise, Lucille, Madeline, and Mahlon H. West, George West, George (Mrs) West, H.M. West, Jim West, J.J. West, Julia West Kirby Street West Lake Charles, La. See also "Westlake, La." West, Louise West, Milley West, Miss West, (Mrs) West, P.W. West, Richard West, Sidney (Mrs) West, Simon R. West, W.D. West, Willie West, Willis Westbrook, A.D. Westbrook, R.J. and Robert Western Auto Associate Store Western Construction Company Western Electric Manufacturing & Supply Western Railroad, Louisiana Western Union Westlake Citizens Band Westlake Drug Store Westlake Herald newspaper Westlake Hotel [See Hotel de Westlake] Book/Page number 4/17; 5/326; 9/146 (photo); 10/22, 23, 26 8/61 2/193; 3/174 7/5 1/185; 2/284 (photo), 286, 290, 354; 3/221, 223225 (photo); 4/97; 5/268; 6/25, 46, 82; 7/61, 203; 8/240, 308; 9/44, 83 2/213 2/204 1/164 1/117 7/201 4/171 1/120, 127, 134 8/277 3/164 10/199a 7/228 4/116 2/242; 7/110 (photo); 8/195, 213 a, 295 5/271; 6/16; 8/195 5/202 6/63 4/115 7/53, 10/186g, 198i 1/179 13A/10; 3/232 7/294 1/104 10/30 1/103 4/96, 116 (photo of home) 1/11, 14, 26, 44, 73, 192; 3/187 1/297 4/96 7/451, 452 4/96; 7/452 1/89 4/268-269 7/194 (photo) 7/155 10/207 9/155 1/184; 2/70, 86, 256; 3/188; 6/77 6/88; 8/229 3/18 7/107 3/38; 4/95 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Westlake, La. See also "West Lake Charles, La." Westlake, La. Schools Westlake Parent Teachers Assoc. Westlake Post Office Westlake Rams Westlake Rice Mill Westlund, Charley Westlund, Ernest Westman, Hulda (Mrs) Weston, Charles Weston, Delores Jean, Jimmie, M.E. (M/M), and Norma Sue Westport, LA Wetherill, Helen Wetherill, H.J. (Mrs) Wetherill, J.N. Wetherill, Melvin Wetherill, Melvin (Mrs) Wetherill, S. Leslie Wetherill, S.P. Wetherill, Tony Wetherill, Winona (Mrs) Weyand, Ronald Whale Oil Lamps Whalen, Tommy Wharton, George (Jr.) Wharton, George F. (Mrs) Wharton, George F. (Rev) Wharton, G.W. (Mrs) Wharton, L.S. Wharton, (Marshall) Wharton, Mary (Mrs) Wharton, Robert R. (Sgt) Wharton, TX Wharton, Victor L. (Dr. & Mrs) Wharton, William L. Whatley, Dorothy (Mrs) Whatley, R.A. Whatley, W.E. Whatley, W.H. Wheat binder Wheat, Kenneth E. Wheatley, Grace Wheeland, H.R. Wheeldon, Bobby Wheeldon, Harry Wheeldon, H.R. (Mrs) Book/Page number 1/196, 205, 214, 215, 235, 273; 2/95; 3/47, 206, 232, 233, 236; 4/13; 6/49, 65, 79, 89, 94, 162, 181, 184, 187, 190, 199, 204; 8/16, 69, 70, 71, 88, 193, 243, 305; 9/44, 131, 132; 10/309, 319 6/89; 7/98, 102; 10/119, 196, 198f 8/88 1/247 10/198f 3/39 5/82 4/142 6/42 1/276, 300; 6/198 8/226 (photo) 1/291 4/81 7/290 4/77, 81, 171; 5/311 4/81; 7/15; 9/52; 10/187 7/115 5/202 2/131, 172 (photo) 10/22 7/8 7/118 4/107 2/336 (photo) 10/159 7/119 (photo); 10/115 1/7, 9, 26; 5/108, 270, 314; 7/3, 93, 94, 263, 384, 423; 8/61, 265; 9/153; 10/16, 47, 136, 167, 186a, 198a, e, d, g, 200, 226 7/122 (photo) 8/207 (photo) 13A/4 8/74 (photo) 7/5 8/23 2/332, 350, 351; 5/315; 7/119, 120 (photo), 124; 10/192 7/296 4/257 4/197 2/132 4/192 1/215 (photo) 7/452, 454 7/111 3/186 10/190, 193 (photo), 203 6/39 8/235 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Wheeldon, J.A. (Mrs) Wheeldon, L.J. and Welding Works Wheeldon, L.J. (Mrs) Wheeler, Burton K. (Sen) Wheeler, Delmar Wheeler, George A. Wheeler, Joe Camp #1 Wheeler, Linda Wheeler, Marlene Wheeler, Nadine Wheeler, Robert Anthony Wheeler, W.A. (M/M) Whelchei, Robert Barber (Lt) Wheldon, Ollie M. Whetsel, H.V. (M/M) Whidden, B. Whiddon, Burla Whiddon, Eli Whiddon Family Whiddon, William E. Whiskey Bay Whiskey Chitto (aka Whiscachita, Whiskachitto, Whiscachito, Whiskechitto, & Whiskichitto) Whitaker, Alexander (Rev) Whitaker, James C. (Rev) Whitaker, J.H. Whitaker, Mike (M/M) Whitaker, R.B. (Mrs) White White, A.W., Foster L., and Molly R. White, Bascomb White, Ben White, Charles White, Dale, Harold E., and Maxine White, Della and Ella Dee White, (Dr) White, Edna Ruth White Family White, Forrest K. (Family) White, G.E. (Miss) White, George White, George T. White, George T. (Mrs) White, George William White, Harold (Mrs) White, Harlow White, Hazel Lucille and Jeanette White, H.B. (Dr. & Mrs) White, Homer White, Huey White, Hugh (Governor) Book/Page number 7/146; 10/115, 139, 166 6/196 (photo) 7/173; 8/93 7/411 8/88 6/174 6/46 10/197 10/226 10/161 7/227; 10/136, 212 (photo) 7/227 7/74 7/66 9/142 1/164 6/49 2/131 1/205 7/452 4/4, 5 1/45, 49, 88, 94, 95, 107, 111, 120, 123-126, 133, 134, 136-138, 147, 150-153, 158, 160, 161, 205, 273; 2/122, 244; 4/18; 6/51; 8/253 1/2 13A/18 c3p3 4/39 6/151 7/111 4/87 7/390 10/167, 186 10/177, 186e 1/156 7/278 13A/21 3/147 10/186 a,c, 189 (photo), 198 a, f, i 4/102 6/17; 7/209 10/69 6/113, 121 8/61 3/85; 7/93, 173 7/87, 296 7/457 5/77 10/161 7/93 13A/20 c2p3 7/5, 138 (photo) 10/97 NAME OR DESCRIPTION White, Irma E. and Lora B. White, Isaac (Pfc) White, Jess Willard White, Jim White, J.Lester White, J. Lester (Mrs) White, Jodie White, John G. (Capt) White, John Homer White, J.W. (Mrs) White Lake White League, The White, Leroy A. White, Linton Lamar White, L.W. and R.L. White, Marshall Earl White, Martin White, Maursel (?) White, Merrill White, M.L. White Musical Instrument Company White Oaks White, Patty Lou, Polly Anne, or Pollyanna White, Robert Charles White, Sam W. (M/M) White, S.C. White, Simeon White, Thomas White, Wade H. and W. Charlton White, Wimon Whitehead, Don Whiteside, Phillip Whiteworth, J.D. (Mrs) Whiting, Bob Whitlock, Carrie (Mrs) Whitlock, John Edward Whitlock, Mary E. (Mrs) Whitlow, Joseph F. (Maj) Whitman Whitman, B.A. Whitman, Ben Whitman, Ed Whitman, Elsie Whitman, Howard Whitman, John H. (S.Sgt) Whitman, Joseph Whitman, Louis Whitman, Merle (Miss) Whitman, W.C. Whitman, W.S. Whitman's Ferry Whitney Go Carts Book/Page number 7/66; 10/69 7/395 7/95 10/167, 186g, 198e 1/277; 4/169; 6/64; 7/451 3/80 7/204, 283; 8/254 4/129-130 5/286 7/115 4/265; 8/90 2/15; 6/86 7/296; 9/37 7/217 10/95 7/95 1/11 4/107 7/452, 454 10/118 6/23 2/272 2/350; 6/69 (photo), 73, 76 7/87 7/59 1/124, 125, 135, 137, 138 1/132 10/211 7/296 4/147 7/355 7/66 8/308 10/162 6/62 7/300 9/153 7/239 10/22 4/171 13A/8 c1 8/13 3/57, 205a; 8/265, 311, 313 7/266 7/290 2/131 8/230 7/66, 294, 302 6/82 3/60 2/130; 4/121 5/139 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Whitney, (Mrs) Whiton [or Whitton], Herman Frasch Whitsell, Charles Whittaker, William Booth Whitten, Ebbie Whitten's Ferry Whitthagster, Autus Whittick, Willie Whittington, Agnes Whittington, Bill and Charlotte Whittington, D.E. Whittington, Jean B. (Mrs) and Jesse W. Whittington, O.J. (Mrs) Whittington, Oscar Whittock, Carrie (Mrs) Whittock, John Edward Wichita, KS Wicker, E.R. Wicker, James (Mrs) Wicker, Robert G. Wickiser - Various spellings occur: Wickeiser Wickiser, Anna Kelsey Wickiser, Florence Wickiser, Frank and Rachel Anna Wickiser, Uriah Heath Widcamp, Valerie Widenmann, H.J. (Mrs) Wiencke, Malvina Sallier Wiener's Fashion Emporium Wiggans, E.D. Wiggens, Joseph H. (Capt) Wiggins, Jim Wiggins, J.T., Nedra Elaine, and Sussie Wigglers (old people) Wigzell Insurance Agency Wigzell, J.H. (Mrs) Wigzell, John Wilbanks, J.M. (Mrs), Wilbourn, James Wilbourn, W.B. Wilbourn's Settlement Wilbur, Cleo (Mrs) Wilburn, Brown Wilburn Family Wilburn, Garrett Wilburn, J. Wilburn, W.B. Wilcox, C.B. Wilcox, F.W. (Mrs) Wilcox, (Lt) Wilcox, Nettie (Nellie?) Book/Page number 7/173 1/229, 230; 5/28 7/82 7/296 10/126, 138, 189 (photo), 197, 198 a, g, 215, 230, 236 1/151 (157?) 8/6 2/189 2/161, 168; 1/37 7/284 (photo) 2/199 7/177 (photo) 7/285 8/274 6/62 7/300 4/13 7/329; 10/204 10/204 7/296 8/297 4/100; 5/228; 10/34, 38, 64 8/101 8/101, 297 8/192 (photo) 1/226 5/17 2/221 3/60 7/417 6/91 7/332 (photo) 4/5 2/386; 10/198 1/228; 6/16 (photo); 8/193; 13A/120 c1p13 4/167 (photo) 13A/18 c4p4 1/41, 89 4/171 1/81 7/3 10/118 8/202 1/47 1/263 1/43 4/171; 10/329 8/273 10/186c 5/173; 7/222, 235 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Wilcox, Robert H. Wildcat Wildcat scalps Wildeman, C.J. Wilder, A.E. (Rev) Wilder, O.E. Wildlife Refuge Wildman Family Wildman, James Wilfert, Joseph C. (Lt) Wilhite, H.C. Wilkerson, Horace Wilkerson, Horace (Mrs) Wilkerson, James (Gen) Wilkerson, Jeannine Wilkerson, Oscar Jack (Sgt) Wilkins, A.C. Wilkins, Aaron W. Wilkins Family Wilkinson, A.B. (Rev) Wilkinson, A.C. Wilkinson, Edward N. Wilkinson Family Wilkinson, Frank Marion Wilkinson, George Wilkinson, H. Marshall Wilkinson, J.B. Jr. Wilkinson, Oree Y.(?) (Pfc) Wilkinson, Rose Barteau Wilkinson, W.A. (Mrs) Willard, E.C. (Mrs) Willard, Frances Willard, Harry Willard, John Willard, (M/M) Willet, Marie Willhart, Helen (Mrs) Williams Williams, A.A. Williams, A.B. Williams, Absolom, Charles, Hezekiah (Jr. and Sr.), and Oliver H. Williams, A.J. (Rev) Williams, A.L. Williams, A.L. (Mrs) Williams & Prater Grocery Williams, Annie Williams, Arthur Williams, Benjamin Williams, Billy and Gregg Book/Page number 5/294 6/196 (photo) 1/157 (151?) 4/171 13A/18 c5p4 2/131 4/157-159 4/102 5/77 7/235 5/229, 284 10/198g 2/271 Old Places/48 (photo) 10/198a, d, e 7/5 (photo), 66, 339 2/330; 4/100, 104, 106; 5/206 7/296 4/102 2/341 8/19 7/151 1/206 7/95 1/168 6/83 2/164 7/254 1/285 (photo) 6/5-7 7/146; 9/14 (photo) 6/7; 7/386; 8/288; 10/82, 115, 126, 148, 151, 152, 163, 166, 196, 197, 202, 206 (photo), 213, 215, 225 8/366 6/62 7/442 7/246 7/334 2/34 8/339 3/214, 221, 286 1/168 8/230 2/34, 53, 59, 252, 276; 3/34, 41, 111, 118; 4/78, 101; 7/113, 146 6/15 5/199 7/66, 10/34, 38, 68, 115, 126, 187, 197, 215, 236 5/52 1/96 4/287 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Williams, Blanche Williams, Boy, Joe, Kinney, and Polly Williams, C.L. (M/M) Williams, C.M. Williams, C.P. Williams, C.W. (Rev) and Jacob Williams, Charles F. Williams, Clyde M. Williams, Clyde (Mrs) Williams, Cyril H. (Mrs) Williams, Delphine and J.R. Williams, Dick and Miria Williams, D.J. and W.A. Williams, Dorothy Williams, Dryden Williams, Ed Williams, E.G. Williams, E.H. Williams, Edgar Williams, Edwin Harold and John Kenneth Williams, Elizabeth Williams, Elnora and L.E. (Mrs) Williams, F.A., Jane Martin Dunbar, and Mary Adella Williams, Fred Williams, Frederick Joseph Williams, G.A. Williams, Genevieve Williams, Gus Williams, Harold Williams, H. Edgar Williams, Henry Williams, Homer Williams House Williams, H.S. Williams, I.D.L. Williams, J.A. Williams, Jake Williams, James Williams, James A. Williams, James H. Williams, J.H. Williams, Jim Williams, J.J. Williams, J.L. and Williams Street Williams, J.L. (Mrs) Williams, John Williams, John Sharp Williams, Joseph L. Williams, Josiah P. Williams, J.P. Book/Page number 7/66; 10/157 4/39 5/271 7/93, 94, 100 1/73 13A/20 3/34 2/356 6/16; 7/173 7/281 4/13 5/4 4/171 7/100 2/33, 169 1/215; 6/13; 10/52; 10/221 (photo) 1/130 8/231 10/33 7/201 4/82; 8/96, 102; 9/4; 10/188 7/111 4/18 2/167, 169 7/81 8/281 7/117 7/398 7/6 10/40 3/166 7/338 6/64 4/100 4/100, 104, 106; 5/206 4/101, 142, 171; 7/82; 10/48, 100, 109, 110, 118a, 161, 219 (photo) 2/199, 211; 5/77 1/219; 10/23, 56, 223 (photo) 3/83; 4/39; 10/45, 46, 131, 186b, 187a 7/300 7/113 8/13 1/205 6/66 1/40 1/97, 119, 120, 125, 127, 132, 133, 135-137, 146, 149; 6/57; 7/425 1/65 1/59; 3/123, 191 1/72, 73, 89, 94 1/94 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Williams, Langbourne M. Jr. Williams, Lester (Pvt) Williams, Luther (Lt) Williams, Martha McCulloh Williams, Marvin Williams, Mary B. Williams, May Williams, (Mr) Williams, (Mrs) Williams, Nathaniel Williams, Ned Williams, Nettie Williams, O.B. (Mrs) and Walter Melvin Williams Opera House Williams, O.S. (M/M) Williams, Pearl Williams, Price (Mrs) Williams, R.P. (Judge) Williams, Sadie Williams, S.E. Williams, Sidney Williams, Stella Williams, Sunny Williams, Susie Williams, Thelma Hart (Mrs) Williams, Thomas Williams, Thomas Clinton Williams, Thomas E. Williams, Thomas M. Williams, Valerie Mae Williams, Walter H. Williams, Warren B. Williams, Wayne O'N. Williamson, D.C. Williamson, Hazel Williamson, Irene Williamson, Jack Williamson, J.Philson (Rev) Williamson, K. (Mrs) Williamson, Leon (Rev) Williamson, Louie Philson (Mrs) Williamson, Mary Belle Williamson, R.L. (Capt) Williamson, W.A. Williamson, W. B. (See also American Legion - W.B. Williamson Post ) Williamson, W.B. (Mrs) Williamson, W.D. Williamson, Willie Williard, T. Willich & Co. Book/Page number 5/25 2/259 4/100; 7/212 5/166 4/86, 192, 218 7/66, 176; 10/77, 165, 178, 196, 210, 237 7/66; 8/50; 10/40, 126, 185, 187, 197, 236 1/19; 2/53 3/172 4/243 5/311 2/198; 10/32, 38 7/336 (photo) 1/52, 174; 2/20, 22, 34, 35, 164, 169, 174, 188, 232; 3/17; 5/13; 6/25, 33, 46, 110 7/239 2/169 7/455 1/208; 6/152; 10/187a 6/61 3/217 7/296; 10/197 5/17 7/82 4/33 (photo) 13A/18 c5p8 1/11, 26; 5/77 5/207 10/308 1/5-7, 11, 18, 20, 22, 57-59, 61, 68, 70, 217, 220; 4/96; 5/79 7/448 7/296 6/83 7/228 1/229; 2/221; 3/97; 4/171 6/16 7/165 2/352; 4/123; 7/231 (photo); 10/53 2/283 7/146 1/297 1/60 10/207 (photo) 8/228-229 4/169 1/230; 3/88; 4/166, 168, 277; 6/166; 7/231 3/80, 88; 9/57 9/9 7/201 2/220 2/355 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Willich, (Mrs) Willie, Archie W. Willie, Henry Willie (steamer) Willie, Winnie Willis, Azelia, Sylvester Willis, Charles Willis, Charles F. Willis, Charles M. and Charlotte Willis, Charles (Mrs) Willis, Choicey (Mrs) Willis, Doyle (Lt) Willis, Edwin (Rep) Willis, Franklin A. Willis, G.C. (Mrs) and Thomas Willis, G.W. (Mrs) and T. Willis, John Willis, William Doyle (M/M) Willow Drive Willow Island Willow Lake Willow Marsh Willow trees Willrich, Della Willrich, Jake (Mrs) Wilmer, Joseph Pere Bell Wilmoth, T.C. Wilson, Anna L. (Mrs) Wilson, Asbury, Francis, and Thomas A. Wilson, Billy Wilson, Bob (Judge) Wilson, C.H. and E. Wilson, C.P. Wilson, Clarence Wilson, Clement Wilson, Constance Wilson, Coyd J. Wilson, David Wilson, Ed Wilson, E.E. (Mrs) Wilson, E.H. (Mrs) Wilson, Elizabeth Wilson, F.W. (Mrs) Wilson, George W. Wilson, H.A. Wilson, Henry Maitland (Gen. Sir) Wilson, Houser C. Wilson, Inez Wilson, James Wilson, Jimmie Wilson, John D. Wilson, Joseph Robert Book/Page number 10/7 7/327 7/252, 454 2/65, 95, 98 8/311 4/218 4/200 6/208 4/192 4/193 1/297 10/186 4/203, 206 7/452 1/27 1/7 1/168 7/401 (photo), 441 3/206 (photo) 1/125, 126, 138 4/278 1/95 2/306 13A/20 c2p12 7/8 1/21 (photo), 22, 23, 25 4/154 3/172 5/76 7/118 1/234 (photo) 7/296 7/198 7/430 2/131 8/182a, 183a 7/228 6/43; 7/243, 273, 370; 8/287; 9/149 4/39 6/49 6/68 5/232 7/115 7/93 5/25 7/254 7/241 10/47 8/278 8/308a 6/82 7/95 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Wilson, Mabel Wilson, Margery Wilson, P.E. Wilson, Robert Wilson, Roy Wilson, Theron Wilson, Tullie L. Wilson, W.H. Wilson, W.M. Wilson, W.P. (M/M) Wilson, W.W. Wilson, Wanda Wilson, Welcome E. Wilson, William F. (Family) Wilson, Woodrow (President) Wiltz Fund Wiltz (Governor) Wimberly, Annie Geary Wimberly, E.I. Wimberly, F.F. Wimberly, Henry O. Wimsey, (Mrs) Winans, Fonville Winberry, John (Mrs) Winch, Orozan (Mrs) Windham, Ann Windham, Betty Ann Windham, D.L. Windham, David Windham, Dorothy Windham, Edward D. Windham, Frances and New Windham, Katherine Windham, Moses Windham, Ned (Mrs) Windham, Patsy Windham, Perry M. Windham, W.L. Windham, W.R. (Mrs) Windham, Waverly V. Jr. Windrow, Stella Windsor, M. Windt, L.W. Winfree, H.A. Winfree, Henry Winfree, (Mr) Winfrey, Abraham Winfrey, H.O. (Pvt) Winfrey, Homer Wing, Benjamin Wing, Ellerage, Eugene, Ira, and Wilfred '(House) Wing, George W. and German Book/Page number 7/111 8/73, 107, 108, 145, 254 4/98 1/97 7/86 7/410 6/83 10/99 6/113 7/293 4/220 7/173 4/271, 272 (photo) 7/112, 239, 293, 302 3/141; 6/86 2/103 1/298; 2/110 1/223, 228 (photo); Old Cemeteries/23 5/243 10/94 2/332 3/38 7/88 (photo) 7/301 4/265 10/186b 10/186c, g 10/11 7/98; 10/148 10/193, 198e 7/10 (photo) 5/243 8/2 1/61 8/103 10/202 7/345 4/97 7/173 7/452 5/52 2/265 8/3 5/12 5/9 3/38 1/168 7/332 7/151 1/95 13A/21 2/132 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Wing, Jonathan Wing, Leonard Wing Place Wing Residence Wing, William Wingate, Bailey Wingate, David Wingate, D.R. (Judge) and Edward Wingate Family Wingate, Hubert Newton Wingate, Johnnie (Miss) Wingate, Robert Wingate, Rosana Wingate, Thomas Wingfield, Ralph E. Winhers, C.T. Winkler, Robert Winn, Alvin E. (T/4) Winn, James Winn, Raymond L. (Gen) Winn, Thomas H. Winnebago Indian Tribe Winnright, Joe Winslow's Soothing Syrup (Mrs) Winstead, R.M. Winston, Sally Winter, Elsie Winter, Emma Lillian Winter, F.C. (Mrs) Winter, F.D., Frank Jr., and Gertie Winter, Ida Mae Winter, John C. Jr. Winter, John C. (Mrs) Winter, K.C. Winterbottom, Walter Winterhaler, Callie Keener Winterhaler, Caroline K. Winterhaler, Charles H. Winterhaler, Charles H. (Mrs) Winterhaler, Emile R. (Capt. or Cmdr.) Winterhaler, Emma Winterhaler, Justine Winterhaler, Lily Winterhaler, Otto Winterhaler, Sophia Winterhaler Street Winterhaler's Feed Store Winters Boat Service Shop Winters, Max L. (Sgt) Book/Page number 1/112, 147, 148; 5/55 7/3, 234; 13A/21 c4p6 1/133 1/125 1/25, 47, 60 1/207 4/121 5/79 1/205; 4/121 7/81 5/77 1/205; 4/118 1/163 2/131; 4/90 7/228 10/95 3/106 7/401 (photo) 1/168 6/201; 9/148 5/251 1/229 5/82 6/28 10/104 (photo) 4/218 7/218 (photo); 10/177, 180, 186a, 189 (photo) 7/434 6/16; 10/306 8/103 (photo) 2/350; 6/42; 10/48, 198f 8/280 6/68 7/93 7/5 (photo) 1/57 5/223; 7/234; 9/34 1/7, 15, 181; 2/37, 38, 103, 182, 190, 238; 3/47, 98, 99, 103, 120 (photo); 4/171; 5/153; 6/6, 66; 7/234, 296 3/38, 135 7/234, 300, 319 (photo), 450 1/7, 37, 280; 2/174 1/61i 1/36, 37, 40, 43; 2/168, 205; 3/17, 19, 48 (photo), 177 2/221; 3/43; 4/171 3/70 6/66 3/158, 169 6/191 7/223 (photo) NAME OR DESCRIPTION Wintle, Thomas (M/M) Winzor, Darleen, F.M. (M/M), and Virginia Dronette Winzor, W.O. Wisby's lane Wisconsin Wisdom, Lucy Wisdom, Margaret Wisdom, Roy C. (Family) Wisdom's Moving & Storage Co. Wise Dope Wise, F.L. (Mrs) Wise, Jerry Wise, William J. Wisherd, Edwin Wishman, Effie Mae Witherwax, Henry Witherwax, James Witherwax, Louis Withrow, Annie Withrow, (Miss) Wittler, David B. (Dr) Wittler, L.G. Woelper, William & Company Wolf, A.H. Wolf & Tiger Scalps, Bounties, Certificates, etc. Wolf, J.H. Wolf, Ralph F. and Willie Wolf Street Wolfe, R.A. (Mrs) Wolfe, Rickey Joseph Wolfe, Thomas Wolford, M.P. Wolverston, Harold A. Wolverton, Judy Womack, Bill (Mrs) Womack, Byrne (Mrs) Womack, T.A. (Mrs) Womack, W.W. Women lawyers and in courts Women's Bond Forces Women's Business & Professional Clubs Women's Christian Temperance Union (W.C.T.U.). See also "Temperance Movement." Women's Clubs and Organizations Women's Guild Women's Invasion Women's League of America Women's Literary Club Women's Rights and suffrage Women's Society Wood, D.J. Book/Page number 3/135 (photo) 7/452 7/81, 429, 452 (photo) 1/120, 126, 134, 138 1/214 7/205 6/72, 74 5/260; 7/3, 15, 82, 113, 205 (photo); 8/240; 9/38; 10/115 10/198g 10/131, 132, 134, 135 5/271 5/193; 8/330 8/293; 9/38, 39 5/136 4/32 7/296; 8/209 2/265 6/54; 8/247 (photo) 6/61 1/51 2/264; 3/205a; 8/251 6/49 13A/5 6/62, 66 1/36, 49, 50, 59, 78, 80, 127, 265 2/332 7/296 6/66 1/288 4/282 (photo) 2/99 7/88 (photo) 7/288 4/297, 301 10/185 7/161 8/93 10/187a 6/208; 8/296, 313 8/229 4/122; 5/311-325; 6/7 2/161; 3/21, 23, 38, 49, 54, 172, 177, 178 (photo); 4/100 5/228, 232; 6/4-6, 16-17; 7/124 1/8 8/229 (photo) 4/100 4/100 6/4-5 1/13 4/171 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Wood, Dora Bell Nelson Wood, E.C. (Mrs) and Rafe (Mrs) Wood, Elmer Dennis and Owen Alton Wood, Harold Wood, James B. Wood, Jeff and Mitch Wood, John A. Wood, John M. Wood, Kenneth L. Wood, M.M. Wood, Macon Wood, Norman (M/M) Wood, Thomas Wood, Wayne Woodard, B.M. Woodard, Boyd Woodard, Curtis Sylvester Woodard, Kirby Jones Woodbury Congregational Church Woodcock, Dorothy Mae Wooden bridges Wooden Mortor & Winnowing Basket [sketch] Woodfin, Cecil (Miss) Woodford Hotel Woodgett, Henry Woodhead, Ben S. Woodle, Johnnie H. (Pvt) Woodley, Edmund Woodmans Woodmen of the World Woodring & Sweet Woodring, Dan Woodring, Dan (Mrs) Woodring, D.W. (M/M) Woodring Home Woodring, Laura Woodring, Samuel T. Woodring, Samuel T. (Mrs) Woodring, T.C. Woods, C.S. Woods, Emma King Woods, Hamp Woods, James Woods, Joe Woods, M.M. Woods, Shirley Woods, Tighe E. Woods, Waymond Woods, Williams Woodson, John Thomas and Wahno (Mrs) Woodville, Tex. Woodward, Edward, Elizabeth, Joe, and Robert Book/Page number 7/75 6/47 4/243 10/198d 1/5, 6, 9, 217, 220 1/205 1/279 2/283 Old Cemeteries/22 1/122 10/167 4/218, 221 7/314 10/166 7/50, 53, 124 7/120 7/201 7/217 7/116 10/161 6/78 4/14 5/241 2/223 4/218 6/176, 180 7/419 2/327, 332 2/62 2/265; 3/40; 5/243; 6/174; 8/149, 150; 10/210 1/229 1/230; 7/296; 10/102 (photo) 5/136; 7/115, 225 1/227; 6/88 2/270 (photo) 7/8 2/327; 3/123, 140, 147, 191, 236; 4/169; 5/158 3/148 3/59 5/211 10/40 5/77 2/99 8/13 (photo) 6/113 7/296 9/133 7/452 1/150, 153 7/253 (photo) 4/3 9/153 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Woodward, Floyd W. Woodward, P.H., William H., and Willie Canton (Mrs) Woodward, Thomas B. (Cpl) Woodward, Tubal C. Wool, Lloyd (Mrs) Woolfley, Clement Carol Woolfley, Dufour, Mary, Ursula Woolfley, Francis (Family) Woolfley, Margaret Woolfley, (Mrs) Woolfley, R.A. Jr. (Pvt) Woolfley, Rosalie Woolley, Mae Woolman & Beardsley General Hardware Woolman, Betty Lee Woolman, G.B. (Mrs) Woolman, George H. Woolman, Georgia or Georgie Woolman, Warren Woosley Building Woosley, (Captain) Woosley, Elizabeth Woosley, Floyd S. Woosley, Gertrude and Mary Bell Woosley, Harry (Family) Woosley, James Hinton Woosley, Terrell Woosley, Terrell (Mrs) Wooten, Doris Wooten, W.A. Wooten, W.B. (Col) Word Family Work, A.E. Works Projects Administration World Events - 1890-1939 World War I World War II World War II - Bataan Death March Book/Page number 7/296 7/328 7/288, 319; 8/108; 10/144 1/163 7/353 3/204; 7/86, 440 7/440 2/244; 6/203 (photo); 7/296, 315, 434, 440 (photo); 10/101 7/66, 440; 10/115, 126, 197, 215 10/223 7/434 7/434, 440 4/119 1/232; 2/252; 3/39 10/186b, 186e, 198a, d, e 3/172 2/223; 3/15, 43; 4/101 2/350, 352; 4/122 7/296 3/39 4/170 7/99 (photo); 10/193 4/107 (photo) 7/8 6/180; 7/69, 115, 122, 147, 173, 185, 225, 325 (photo), 353, 377, 409, 442; 8/211, 217 (photo); 10/138, 161 2/332; 7/86; 9/38 1/230; 4/123, 168; 5/95, 110, 326; 6/168 (photo), 177 (photo), 180; 7/3, 5, 111, 123 (photo), 124, 155, 273, 281, 309 (photo), 327, 426, 428; 8/214, 228 (photo), 229; 9/142; 10/198a, 209 7/98, 99, 115, 225; 10/115 5/114 10/53 6/163, 166, 168 (photo), 176, 177 (photo), 180 1/205; 5/79 2/10 1/221; 4/100; 7/116 3/118-119 1/230; 3/90, 114, 147; 6/138-141; 7/296; 8/234, 235, 243, 290 4/108; 7/2-511; 8/214, 243, 263, 264, 290, 298, 304 7/454, 462; 10/130a NAME OR DESCRIPTION World War II - Bonds, Funds, Loans, etc. Book/Page number 3/84-88, 142, 205; 7/10, 75-80, 91-94, 103, 106110, 116, 119, 142, 143, 154, 158, 159, 171-173, 179, 181, 184, 185, 210, 211, 214 (photo), 218, 219, 222, 269, 273-275, 277, 309, 322, 323, 379, 380, 393 (photo), 398, 428, 446; 8/218-220, 223, 228, 229, 258, 274, 293; 10/186b,g World War II - Brides and Marriages World War II - Calcasieu Parish Volunteers World War II - Casualties World War II - Civilian Defense Council World War II - D-Day World War II - Draft and recruitment 7/150, 443 (photo), 448, 449 7/5 7/183, 452, 454, 455, 458, 461; 8/218 7/123 7/244, 256-259, 261-266, 381-383, 462 1/230; 3/142; 7/2-4, 66, 79, 81, 83, 86, 95, 111; 8/92 6/92; 7/82, 197, 278 1/179; 7/55, 86, 121 (photo), 192, 205, 388, 389; 8/85, 258, 293; Old Places/44 7/171, 269; 8/218 7/380 (photo) 3/161; 7/78, 153; 8/258 7/82, 189, 282a, 298 7/81 7/456; 9/83; 10/198, 211, 233 7/40-42, 68; 8/218, 219 7/8; 8/230, 282 7/61, 119, 134-137, 231; 8/218, 219, 223, 298, 312 3/226; 7/14, 69, 70, 85, 86, 89-91, 95-102, 104, 105, 108, 116, 121 (photo), 123, 212, 241, 274, 329; 10/188, 148, 156, 157 7/82, 188 (photo); 10/10-11 7/87, 106 7/82, 86, 106, 107, 109, 123, 195 7/401 (photo), 436; 8/15; 9/110; 10/209a, 233 4/418; 7/75, 110, 299, 384; 8/293 7/385-387, 389 7/421-427; 9/51 7/431 5/8, 246a; 6/44; 7/66, 79, 189 2/51; 6/190; 7/86, 89, 99, 224, 250, 251, 291; 8/217a, 223 7/146 10/225 (photo) 7/338 10/138 10/186f 2/125 7/26 7/98 9/130 (photo) 1/292 7/97, 317 (photo) 7/183, 227, 282a (photo), 454 World War II - England (local servicemen in) World War II - German POW's, weapons, etc. World War II - Italian Campaign World War II - Iwo Jima - Mt. Suribachi World War II - Japanese involvement and POWs World War II - Lake Charles involvement World War II - Liberator Bomber Squadron World War II - Memorials and Monuments World War II - Pearl Harbor World War II - Post War Relief, Building Program, etc. World War II - Prices & Rationing World War II - recycling, resource conservation, scrap aluminum/iron/metal/paper/rubber World War II - soldiers life, recreation, training, etc. World War II - Solomon Islands World War II - United States (homefront, responses, etc.) World War II - veterans and reunions World War II - Victories and Surrenders World War II - Victory in Europe World War II - Victory in Japan World War II - War Manpower Commission World War II - Women in the war effort World War II - Workers, Plants, Production, etc. Worley, George (Mrs) Worley, Jack Worley, Martha Worley, Melba Worley, (Miss) Worrell, Stephen Worthington, Ross Wotton (Wolton?), H.A. (Mrs) Wrase, Alfred F. Wray, Bob Wren, Julie Wright, Albert E. NAME OR DESCRIPTION Wright, Billy (Sgt) Wright Brothers Wright, Charles F. Wright, J.D., Pearl, and R.W. (Dr) Wright, Jack Wright, L.M. (Lt) Wright, Mary Wright, (Mrs) Wright, Paul (Mrs) Wright, Sol Wright, Ted Wright, Thomas C. Wright, Walter B. (Pvt) Wright, W.B. (Lt.(jg)) Wright, Winkie Wright, W.W. Wrigley, Alpha Griffin and Laura Wrigley, Angus C. (Cpl) Wrigley, George W. Wrigley, Olen N. (Pfc) Wrigley, R.L. Wrong, E.B. (Mrs) Wulff, Wilbur Adolph Wumster, F.R. Wurzlow, Helen E. Wyble, C.L. (Sgt) Wyckliffe, John C. (Col) Wykoff, F.R. Wylds, Hazel Dare Wylie, Elinor Wyman, Eugene W. and Nancy Naff (Family) Wyman, T.R. Wyman, Truett and Hotel Wyman, Willard C. (Gen) Wynn, June Wynn, Robert H. Wynn, Robert H. (Mrs) Wynn, Robert W. Wynn, T.K. Wynne, Ethel Wynne, W.W. (Maj) Wyse, F.L. (Mrs) Xavier, Benoit Yalta Conference Yamashita (General) Yancey, (Mrs) Yankee Johnny Yankee Mill Yawn, James C. (Capt) Ybarbo, Gil Yea, ----- (Ambassador) Yeacher, C.R. Book/Page number 7/216 3/118 2/132; 5/55 4/119 7/228 4/265 6/7 6/4 6/16 5/165; 9/31 10/198g 7/399 7/22 7/272 10/211 3/197 7/49 (photo) 7/5, 49 (photo) 1/266; 2/141 7/413 4/264 3/79; 4/166; 6/6 7/217, 229 8/238 4/176; 13A/43 c1 2/244 3/98 1/160 6/176 7/151 7/176, 403 8/88 8/65 7/417 10/187a 2/317, 323; 5/274; 6/163, 166, 180 2/277 2/323 5/266 3/156 (photo) 2/259 5/271 1/65 7/366 (photo) 8/291 5/262 1/156 1/231 7/223 (photo) 1/212 9/111, 112, 114 (photos) 10/53 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Yeager, James Nicholas Yeager, Jesse Nicholas Yeager, J.N. Yeager, J.N. (Mrs) Yeager, Scott (Mrs) Yearling Law Yearling Money Yeatman, Betty Yeatman, Cleary Yeatman, Frank Yeatman, Frank A. Yeatman, Frank (Mrs) Yeatman, Frank R. Yeatman, Frank R. (Mrs) Yeatman, Pearl Yeats, Kate Yehle (Warrant Officer) Yeldell, B.O. (Capt) Yellot, Albert (Mrs) Yellow Fever and Quarantines Yelverton, Frank (Mrs) Yelverton, Hosea O. Yelverton, Jessie Yennie, Henry J. Yocum, Christopher A. and Thomas D. York Supply Company Yost, Paul M. You, Barbette and Dominique Youmans, Callie B. Young Young, A.L. (M/M) Young America Fire Company Young, Austin Young, Bill Young, Charles (Mrs) Young, Chester Young Churchmen Young, Cleo Young, Daisy G. Young, Dores Young, Douglas (Mrs) Young, E.H. Young, Elsie Young, Emmett Young, English Young, Gary Young, Gayle Young, H.K. (Mr) Young, Hypolite Young, Ida Book/Page number 10/26, 29, 224, 228 10/118b 3/85, 147; 5/146 (photo of home); 8/21 (photo) 10/45 3/84 1/26, 29, 77, 78, 127, 128 1/39, 62 2/353; 5/232; 10/48 10/129 (photo) 3/25 8/215 7/225 2/327; 3/86; 4/75, 169; 5/222; 6/66, 103; 7/89, 103, 113, 114, 133, 193; 8/267, 295; 2/350; 8/93, 216; 10/138, 165, 187a, 213 7/111 2/158 8/233 7/18, 33 7/39 1/164-165, 257, 264; 2/70, 177; 7/64, 82-83, 9495; 10/108 9/142 7/228 10/198a,d 7/228 1/168 10/198b 10/92 13A/51 6/75-76 1/81 7/50 2/30; 3/23 6/83 8/122 7/87 9/121 1/5 1/205 7/66 7/431 2/80 3/15 7/150, 152 (photo), 294; 8/270 7/15, 120, 123, 124, 155, 273, 426, 428; 10/209 5/79 10/179 10/166, 186e, 198e, 198f, 211 5/83 1/19, 45, 95 4/78 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Young, J.J. Young, J.O. Young, James Young, Jefferson Young, Jake Young, Jesse and his ferry Young, Jim M. Young, John (Mrs) Young, John T. (Mrs) Young, Joseph Young, Joseph A. Young, Joseph Adolph Jr. Young, Julian Young-Lee Oil Company Young, Loree (Family) Young, Louis Young, May (Mrs) Young Men's Business Club Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) - George M. King Memorial Young, N.C. Young, Ozeman Young, Paul Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor Young, Peter Young, Poley (Mrs) Young, R.A. (Dr) Young, Robert Lee Young, Robert W. Young, R.S. Young, R.T. (Dr) Young, Shelby N. (Hon.) Young, S.J. Young, S.M. Young, Stella (Mrs) Young, Terrell Young, Verner Young, Walter (Mrs) Young, William Young, W.S. (M/M) Youngblood, Elizabeth Youngblood, J.W. Youngblood, Margaret E. (Mrs) Young's Shoe Store Youth Shop, The Yucatan, Silan Yzik, Benjamin Yznaga, Oscar A. (Capt) Zabaski, John Zable, David (Mrs) Book/Page number 1/205; 4/96, 118; 5/79 2/283 1/123 1/117, 118, 122, 123, 146, 149, 152 7/452 1/126, 133, 137, 150, 153, 157 7/6 7/150 7/152 1/168 7/228 7/217 1/14, 26, 45, 57-59, 93, 123, 134, 138, 146, 151 1/221; 3/120, 205a; 4/100 7/412; 8/247 (photo), 249; 10/115, 175, 287 10/101 (photo), 171b, 222 8/117 (photo) 4/281; 9/84 3/23; 5/232; 6/201; 7/14, 117, 204; 8/115 (photo), 211, 217, 222, 224, 254, 258, 275; 10/11, 214 8/211 (photo) 2/265; 3/40 1/230 1/120, 123 2/192 1/25 13A/19 c1p7 2/344 7/95 6/82 7/151 10/210 3/49, 51, 97; 4/171 4/123 1/229 7/412 9/146 (photo) 10/166, 211 7/116; 8/212; 10/115 1/52; 7/296 8/213 4/166 5/168 6/16 1/285 10/186d, 198b 13A/77 (photo) 7/69 4/265 7/82 3/21 NAME OR DESCRIPTION Zachry, Clay Zampine, Ione Zawadzky, (Dr) Zeigler Zeigler, Billy B. Zeigler, G.O. Zelm, J.W. Zempter, Harry J. (Mrs) Zepeda (de), Jose Cayetano Zerda (de la), Nepomunceo Zhozen, Stanley Ziegler, Paul Zielemeir, Joe Zielke, George Zierath, George A. Zigler Family Zimmer, Fred Zimmerle, "Aunt Tot" (Mary Bertha) Zimmerman, Courtney L. Zimmerman, Esther (Mrs) Zimmerman (father) Zimmerman, Paul (M/M) Zinck, H.A. (M/M) Zinck, Jim M. Zinn, Martin Jr. (Mrs) Zion Lutheran Church Zook, Martin L. Zypien, Margaret S. Book/Page number 4/171 4/218 1/271 10/131 2/288 (photo); 3/224 3/60 5/266 7/146 1/211 1/212 4/265 8/214 6/83 7/204 6/82 4/102 3/197 Old Cemeteries/17 1/241 6/32 7/119, 293 5/83; 7/93 10/211 10/198, 211 (photo), 226 7/112 2/307 7/296 8/18
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