
Note: This is a guide to help a chapter develop its own set of chapter by-laws. It cannot cover
every issue that a chapter might encounter, but it provides a basic outline to follow in
establishing by-laws that will work for your chapter. Remember, chapters do NOT have
constitutions. The only constitution, the supreme law of the Fraternity, is one of the three
sections of Delta Chi Law.
The chapter by-laws should be used as a tool to help the chapter in its operations and should be
referred to in the case of a dispute. In resolving disputes, the chapter should first review federal,
state and local law. Second, check Delta Chi Law. Finally, refer to the chapter by-laws.
These by-laws use the wording “chapter”. Colony may be substituted in every case, except for
Furthermore, they do not constitute legal advice. Answers to questions on acceptable alternatives
may be found by consulting Delta Chi Law, a member of the Fraternity’s Board of Regents, the
Delta Chi Law Committee or a member of the Fraternity’s professional staff.
In developing your own set of by-laws, be sure not to adopt any by-laws that conflict with Delta
Chi Law, any applicable Convention Resolutions or Fraternity policies.
By-laws - Laws of governance made by an organization.
Delta Chi Law - The Constitution, By-laws, and Regulations of The Delta Chi Fraternity.
Amendments and changes are made only by the chapters and colonies while sitting in convention
or by mail ballot. In a generic sense, Convention Resolutions, Board of Regent directives,
Executive Committee (“AA”, “CC” and “DD”) directives, and Executive Director directives are
also “Delta Chi Law”.
Student Member - An undergraduate initiate in good standing at a chapter of Delta Chi. Delta
Chi does not use the terms “active” or “brother” so as not to be confused between alumni and
undergraduate members.
Associate Member - An undergraduate member of a chapter that has not been initiated.
Historically referred to as a “pledge”.
In the context of these sample by-laws:
Fraternity – Refers to The Delta Chi Fraternity, Inc.
By-laws of the
_____________ Chapter of
The Delta Chi Fraternity
Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be the _______________ Chapter of The Delta Chi
Article II: Purpose and Policy
This chapter shall be subject to the policies, principles and provisions set forth in Delta
Chi Law and in these by-laws.
Article III: Membership
A. Eligibility for Membership
1. Any male student enrolled in any college or school of the __________________
University (College) shall be eligible for membership in the chapter.
2. No person shall be denied membership in the chapter based on race, color,
creed, sexual preference, religion, national origin, handicap, age or marital
3. No man shall be eligible for membership who is a member of another general
college or social fraternity.
4. Membership in the chapter shall be limited to student members and associate
5. Membership shall be granted by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the
student members in good standing with the chapter.
B. Academic Standing necessary to maintain membership
1. A member of the chapter must, in order to maintain his membership,
maintain a cumulative G.P.A of at least a 2.25 on a 4.0 scale.
2. If the cumulative G.P.A of any member shall fall below a 2.25 on a 4.0 scale,
that member will be placed on academic probation for the following term. At
the end of the term following the period of academic deficiency, the member
needs to report his academic performance to the chapter’s executive
committee and ABT.
a. If the member proves that he has raised his cumulative GPA to at least
a 2.25, he shall automatically be taken off academic probation.
b. If the member fails to raise his cumulative GPA he shall be placed on
involuntary inactive status until his cumulative GPA is at least a 2.25.
C. Inactive Status
1. Inactive status entails no material participation in any chapter activity or
event including, but not limited to social activities, intramural participation,
living in the house, eating meals in the house, attendance at chapter meetings
and the right of suffrage.
2. Inactive status may be granted upon a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the chapter.
Such action must be ratified by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the ABT. (See Delta
Chi Law, By-Laws, Article V, Section 1, Subsection 1)
D. Involuntary Inactive Status
1. Inactive status will be imposed by either the chapter or the ABT on any
member who is more than $50 in arrears to the chapter for more than 30 days.
2. Inactive status can be imposed by either the chapter or the ABT on the basis
of insufficient academic performance. (See Article III, Section B.)
E. Financial Obligations of Inactive Members
1. An inactive member shall not be assessed dues, fees or other monies by the
chapter during the period of inactivity.
2. All monies owed to the chapter at the time of the granting of inactive status
shall be paid immediately or by an installment plan approved by the “D” and
the ABT.
3. In no event shall debts to the chapter be invalidated by the granting of
inactive status.
F. Status of Graduate Students (See Delta Chi Law, By-Laws, Article V, Section 1.)
1. Any member of the chapter who is awarded a degree and then enrolls in a
graduate program may, at his option, maintain his status as a student
member with all the rights, privileges, duties and obligations of such.
2. Any graduate student member who does not wish to maintain student
member status shall be considered an alumnus with all the characteristics of
that status.
G. Affiliates
1. A student at _________ University who was initiated at another chapter may
petition to affiliate with the __________ Chapter.
2. Such petition may be granted by an affirmative vote of the majority of the
student members in good standing.
3. Before a petition may be granted, the “C” shall contact the petitioner's
previous chapter as well as the Delta Chi Headquarters to determine that the
petitioner is in good standing with both.
4. The petitioner must present a valid affiliation card provided for in Delta Chi
Law, Regulations, Article V, Section 1.
H. Initiation into Membership
1. In order for an initiation to be valid, The Delta Chi Headquarters must have
the following:
a. Personnel Record Form
b. Initiation Dues
c. Associate Member Dues
Note: The above needs to be in the Delta Chi Headquarters two weeks prior to
initiation and written authorization received by the chapter or a $25 fine per
initiate will be imposed for an unauthorized initiation.
d. The Ritual of The Delta Chi Fraternity shall be a mandatory
requirement for student membership in the chapter.
2. The chapter shall choose candidates for initiation into membership as set
forth in these by-laws.
I. Suffrage
1. The right to vote shall be limited to student members of the chapter who are
in good standing.
2. Good standing shall mean not financially indebted to the chapter more than
$50 for at least 30 days, not on scholastic probation and not under censure by
the judicial board of the chapter.
Article IV: Officers
A. Lettered Student Officers - The lettered officers of the chapter shall consist of the
“A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E” and “F”.
1. The “A” shall:
a. Exercise the powers usually exercised by the president of an
b. Preside at all meetings of the chapter.
c. Appoint all committees.
d. Perform such additional duties of the office of “A” as are set forth in
applicable Fraternity publications and official correspondence.
2. The “B” shall:
a. Exercise the powers usually exercised by the vice- president of an
b. In case of absence or incapacity of the “A”, the “B” shall perform the
duties of the “A”.
c. Perform such additional duties of the office of “B” as are set forth in
applicable Fraternity publications and official correspondence.
3. The “C” shall:
a. Exercise the powers usually exercised by the secretary of an
b. Keep and record accurate minutes of each meeting of the chapter.
c. Send to the Headquarters Office within three (3) days after each chapter
meeting, a report of such meeting, giving a full and accurate account of
the proceedings of the chapter since the last report. (This can be
accomplished on Delta Chi’s website:
d. Record on the Personnel Record Form provided by the Headquarters
Office the full name, class, age, and residence of each initiate and
maintain a copy of such forms in the permanent records of the chapter.
Transmit prior to initiation the original of such data to the Headquarters
Office on the said Personnel Record Forms. (This can be accomplished
utilizing Delta Chi’s website: . The forms will need to be
printed put on high quality, 8.5 x 14 paper, signed by the respective candidates
and mailed to the Headquarters at least two weeks in advance of initiation)
e. Conduct the official correspondence of the chapter.
f. Keep and preserve all the records, books, documents, and archives of the
h. Prepare an annual history of the chapter, which shall be permanently
recorded and forward a copy to the Headquarters Office, by May 1.
i. Report to the Headquarters Office by October 15 and February 15 of
each year and on forms provided by the Headquarters Office, the name
of each student member of the chapter.
Perform such additional duties of the office of “C” as are set forth in
Fraternity publications and official correspondence.
4. The “D” shall:
a. Exercise the powers usually exercised by the treasurer of an
b. Collect all Fraternity and chapter dues, fees, charges, and assessments
owed by members and associate members of the chapter and deposit the
same in a bank.
c. Forward to the Headquarters Office immediately upon collection the
initiation dues, Associate Member’s dues, and any other Fraternity
funds. All such dues and other Fraternity funds received by the “D”
shall constitute trust funds in his hands until remitted by him to the
Headquarters Office and shall not be used for any other purpose.
d. Report to the Headquarters Office at least two weeks prior to initiation
the name of each person to be initiated into the chapter.
e. Pay by check all bills authorized by the chapter.
f. Prepare and forward to the Headquarters Office all reports concerning
financial transactions of the chapter as shall be prescribed for the chapter
by the Executive Director of the Fraternity.
g. Require any student member whose account with the chapter or colony
exceeds $100.00 for three consecutive months in any fiscal year to sign a
promissory note in favor of the chapter or colony for the amount of the
indebtedness. If the member is a minor, the note shall be co-signed by
his parent or guardian.
h. Be responsible for keeping accurate financial records of all transactions.
He shall report at the first regular chapter meeting of each month, the
names of all members who are in arrears to the chapter and the amount
they owe. The “D” shall set up an annual budget with the help of the
ABT and the executive committee of the chapter. The “D” shall follow all
guidelines set for him in these by-laws, Delta Chi Law and other
publications of The Delta Chi Fraternity.
i. In the discharge of his prescribed duties, the “D” shall be subject to the
direction and control of the Alumni Board of Trustees.
j. Perform such additional duties of the office of “D” as are set forth in
Fraternity publications and official correspondence.
5. The “E” shall:
a. Exercise the powers usually exercised by the corresponding secretary of
an organization.
b. Keep a record of all information obtainable concerning the alumni of the
chapter, their occupations, and addresses.
c. Forward to the Headquarters Office at least twice each year all
information that he may have received concerning the alumni of his
d. Prepare for each issue of the Quarterly material requested for
publication therein.
e. Perform such additional duties of the office of “E” as are set forth in
Fraternity publications and official correspondence.
6. The “F” shall:
a. Enforce all directives of the “A”.
b. Exercise the powers usually exercised by the sergeant-of-arms of an
c. Be the chairman of the judicial board as is described in these by-laws.
d. Be responsible for coordinating the performance of the Ritual of the
e. Be the Risk Management Officer of the Chapter and, as such, is
responsible for ensuring that the chapter is in full compliance with Delta
Chi Fraternity’s Risk Management Policies.
e. Perform such additional duties of the office of “F” as set forth in
Fraternity Publications and official correspondence.
B. The “BB”
1. The “BB” shall be a member of The Delta Chi Fraternity.
2. The “BB” shall act as an advisor to the chapter and as a liaison officer
between the chapter and the Fraternity. He shall assist the chapter in its
relations with other fraternities and college authorities and in its scholastic,
athletic and social activities.
3. The “BB” shall serve for a period of two years or until his successor is elected
or appointed. The “BB” will assume the duties upon written oath being
received in the Headquarters Office. There will be no limit on successive
4. The chapter shall elect (or re-elect) the “BB” at the first regularly scheduled
meeting in October of every odd-numbered year.
5. The “BB” may be removed from office by a vote of four-fifths (4/5) of the
student members of the chapter in good standing. Such removal is subject to
the approval of the Executive Committee of The Delta Chi Fraternity.
6. The “BB” shall be an ex officio member of the Alumni Board of Trustees of
the chapter. (Note: he has a vote)
7. He shall have on file at the Delta Chi Headquarters all reports mandated as
well as an Oath of Office. (See Delta Chi Law, By-Laws, Article VII, Section 3,
Subsection (2)(c) and Regulations, Article VII, Section 3)
C. Officer Notebooks
1. It shall be required of each officer and committee chairman to keep a record
of all functions of his office, including both successful and unsuccessful
endeavors or plans and all relevant mailings from the Headquarters Office
during the last two years.
2. The notebook of each committee chairman shall be inspected by the “B” at the
beginning of every term or whenever the executive committee deems
3. The notebook of each executive committee member shall be inspected by the
“A” at the beginning of every term or whenever the executive committee
deems appropriate.
D. Term of Office for Lettered Student Officers
1. The lettered student officers shall serve for one year (i.e., a twelve month
period) and for conjunctive terms of academic vacations or until their
successor is duly elected and has taken the Oath of Office.
(Note: Delta Chi Law, By-Laws, Article II, Section 2, Subsection (6)
requires that each officer shall take the oath of office before assuming the
duties of the office)
(Note: The “C” and “E” are required by Delta Chi Law to serve a one-year
2. The lettered officers shall be eligible to succeed themselves.
C. Recall of Officers
1. If any officer of an undergraduate chapter fails or refuses to perform his duty
as prescribed by these by-laws or by Delta Chi Law, or has otherwise violated
his oath or failed to perform his obligations, his resignation may be
demanded by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the chapter or by a two-thirds (2/3)
vote of the Alumni Board of Trustees. In the event the officer refuses to
comply with the demand, written charges shall be filed against him and after
notice a trial shall be conducted in the manner prescribed in Delta Chi Law.
If two-thirds (2/3) of the votes are for recall of such officer, the office shall be
declared vacant and the chapter shall fill the vacancy as hereafter provided.
D. Recruitment Chairman and Associate Member Counselor
1. As soon as possible after his election, the “A” shall appoint a chairman of the
recruitment committee and an associate member counselor, with the advice of
the executive committee.
2. These men shall serve at the pleasure of the executive committee and may be
removed by a majority vote of the executive committee or by an affirmative
vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the student members of the chapter in good
E. Committee Chairmen
1. As soon as possible after his assumption of office, the “A” shall appoint a
chairman to each standing committee of the chapter.
2. The “A” shall appoint a chairman for each ad hoc committee as necessary.
3. All chairmen appointed by the “A” shall serve at the pleasure of the executive
committee and may be removed by a majority vote of the executive
committee or by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the student
members of the chapter in good standing.
Note: While the “A” has the authority to appoint chairmen per Delta Chi
Law, he may delegate this to the “B” since the “B” has the responsibility
to oversee them.
Article VI: Elections
A. Nominations
1. Nominations for the offices of “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E” and “F” shall be held
in a regular chapter meeting. Each student member in good standing and
present at the meeting may nominate up to three persons for each office.
2. The ABT shall serve as the credentials committee to ensure that all members
nominated are eligible to hold that office.
B. Eligibility for Election and Holding of Office
1. Nominees must be student members of the chapter in good standing at the
time of nomination, election and at the time of taking the oath of office. (See
Delta Chi Law, Regulations, Article VII, Section 3)
2. A member must have at least a 2.65 Grade Point Average on a 4.0 scale either
during the academic term prior to election or on a cumulative basis to be
nominated or elected to a position. He must maintain a 2.65 G.P.A. unless the
Alumni Board of Trustees of the chapter, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, allows
the officer to complete his term. Otherwise, his position will be declared
3. To hold office, a member shall be a full-time student, as defined by the
_______________ University, though the Alumni Board of Trustees of the
chapter, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote may allow exceptions to this requirement.
4. The election of the “D” is subject to the approval of the ABT.
5. Unless authorized by a two-thirds vote of the chapter ratified by a majority of
the ABT, no officer or committee chair may continue in his position if he owes
the chapter more than $50 for at least sixty (60) days.
C. Resignation to Accept Nomination
1. No officer shall be required to resign his present position in order to be
nominated for any other position.
2. No member may simultaneously serve in more than one lettered office.
D. Vacancies - Special Elections
1. In the event that a vacancy occurs in an office, such vacancy shall be filled by
a special election at the next regular meeting of the chapter or at a special
meeting called for this purpose.
E. General Elections
1. The election of all officers shall be done by a secret ballot and counted by the
“F” or, at the discretion of the “A”, an appointee of the “A”.
2. The nominee who receives a majority of the votes cast shall be declared
3. If no nominee receives a majority of the votes cast, the nominee who received
the fewest votes will be dropped from the ballot and the balloting will be
repeated until one nominee receives the majority and is declared elected.
F. Timing of Nominations and Elections and Assumption Of Office
1. Nominations for elections for the offices of “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E” and “F”
shall be held at the meeting five meetings prior to the last regular meeting of
the fall semester.
2. The election for “BB” shall be at the end of his two-year term. All other
procedures used in other elections will apply.
3. Elections will take place during the meeting immediately following
4. Those elected will take office on the second to last meeting of the fall
5. The outgoing “A” will be responsible for setting up an officer's retreat no
more than two weeks after elections. It should be as soon after elections as
possible. If he was re-elected to the position of “A”, he is still responsible. If
he is unavailable for any reason, the newly elected “A” will assume this
6. The new officers should meet with the old officers on as many occasions as
necessary, but no less than twice, to review the nature and responsibilities of
their respective offices and to go over the officer notebooks in order to
facilitate a smooth officer transition.
7. The ABT should also meet with the new officers to explain the positions and
policies of the ABT. Also the ABT shall conduct an officers training session at
this meeting. Such a meeting shall take place, if at all practical, prior to the
next regular meeting of the ABT or as quickly thereafter as possible.
G. Removal from Office
4. 1. If any student officer of this chapter fails or refuses to perform his duty as
prescribed by these by-laws and Delta Chi Law, or has otherwise violated his
oath, his resignation may be demanded by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote
of the chapter or a majority vote of the ABT. In the event the officer refuses to
comply with the request, written charges shall be filed against him and after a
notice has been given, a vote shall be taken to remove the officer in
accordance with Delta Chi Law. If 2/3 of the votes are for recall, the office
shall be declared vacant and the chapter will fill the position as prescribed in
the Special Elections section of these by-laws.
Article VII: Committees
(Note: It is the policy of the Fraternity to encourage associate member
participation in the committee system and inclusion of at least one associate
member on each committee should be given serious consideration.)
A. Executive Committee
1. Membership
a. The “A”, “B”, “C”, and “D” with the “BB” as an ex officio member
shall constitute the executive committee. (Note: “ex officio” means “by
virtue of office or position”. He does have a vote.)
(Note: Larger chapters may wish to have a larger executive committee. Other
options for the Executive Committee would be the Recruitment Chair, the
Associate Member Counselor, or a Member-at-large.)
2. Duties
a. The executive committee shall transact the day-to-day business of the
b. The executive committee shall set the agenda for all chapter meetings.
c. The executive committee shall faithfully execute any duties assigned to
it by these by-laws or by the chapter.
3. Chairman
a. The “B” shall chair all meetings of the executive committee.
b. In his absence, the “C” shall assume the duties of chairman, and the
“D” will then take the minutes.
c. The chairman is a non-voting member of the executive committee,
except in the case of a tie, in which case he may vote to break the tie.
3. Meetings - The executive committee shall meet not less than once a week
during the school year and monthly during the summer.
B. Recruitment Committee
1. Membership - Any member of the chapter may serve on the recruitment
committee at the discretion of the recruitment chairman.
2. Purpose - The primary duty of the recruitment committee is to coordinate the
recruitment efforts of the chapter. It is every member’s duty to participate in
3. Duties - The recruitment committee shall make all arrangements necessary to
conduct an effective recruitment program.
C. Associate Member Committee
1. Membership
a. The “B” shall appoint a chairman (i.e., the associate member counselor)
and three other members in good standing to make up the associate
member committee.
b. The associate member counselor shall oversee the committee and
appoint each of the following positions to the members of the
committee: scholastic development, big brother coordinator and
fraternal educator.
c. The associate member counselor may request help from any member
of the chapter.
2. Purpose - The associate member committee is entrusted with the
responsibility to develop and conduct activities designed to develop
leadership, responsibility, character and brotherhood in associate members in
every way consistent with the principles of The Delta Chi Fraternity.
D. Judicial Board (Optional)
1. Membership
a. In addition to his other duties, the “F” shall be a member and the
presiding officer of the Judicial Board.
b. In addition to the “F”, the Judicial Board shall consist of four members
of the chapter to be appointed by the “F” with the advice and consent
of the executive committee.
c. When making appointments to this committee, the “F” shall secure a
broad representation of the members.
d. In the case of a perceived conflict of interest or if a member of the
committee recuses himself, the “F”, with the approval of the executive
committee, may appoint a replacement member for any case before the
2. Term of Office
a. Once appointed, the four members shall serve for one year or until
their resignation or removal from office, as stated in these by-laws.
3. Appellate Authority
a. Any decision of the Judicial Board may be appealed to the entire
chapter no later than the next regular chapter meeting.
b. The Judicial Board must adopt rules of procedure governing appeals.
These rules are subject to the approval of the ABT.
4. Arbitration Authority
a. The Judicial Board may consider and resolve any dispute between
members of the chapter presented to it by those members.
b. The Judicial Board may adopt rules and procedures and may conduct
its business and deliberations in closed sessions.
E. General Committees
1. Standing Committees - The following shall be other standing committees,
along with those already mentioned: Social Committee, Scholarship
Committee, Intramural Committee, Fund-Raising Committee, Philanthropy
Committee and Awards Committee. Others may be created by amendment.
a. Social Committee: shall be responsible for the social calendar of the
b. Scholarship Committee: shall be responsible for developing and
administering a scholarship program to aid each member in the
“acquisition of a sound education.” The committee members shall be
required to review the Scholarship BRIEF published by The Delta Chi
c. Fundraising Committee: shall coordinate the efforts of the chapter to
raise funds FOR THE CHAPTER. Charity fund-raising shall be
organized by the Philanthropy Committee.
d. Intramural Committee: shall consist of one (1) team captain from the
various sports in which the chapter participates. The committee should
see that a team is fielded in sports in which a sufficient number of
members in good standing wish to compete.
e. Philanthropy Committee: shall coordinate the chapter's efforts to
become responsible, caring members of the community.
f. Awards Committee: shall be responsible for individual and chapter
awards each semester. Criteria for awards such be established and
approved by a majority vote of the chapter. Eligibility for each
nominee/candidate shall be verified.
2. Ad Hoc Committees
a. The chapter may create Ad-Hoc Committees as needed.
b. Ad-Hoc Committees shall exist only until their purpose has been
c. Ad-Hoc Committees existing for more than two consecutive semesters
have the option for applying for standing committee status. Failing
this, they will be dissolved automatically.
Article VIII: Alumni Board of Trustees
A. Membership (See Delta Chi Law, By-Laws, Article VII, Section 5, Subsection 2)
1. The Alumni Board of Trustees (ABT) shall consist of at least five members.
The majority shall be alumni of the Fraternity.
2. The “A”, “D” and “BB” are automatically members of the ABT. The ABT will
select from among its members a president and a financial adviser as well as
any other positions it deems appropriate. The “BB” and any undergraduate
members of the ABT are not eligible for election to an ABT position, although
they are members of the Board.
3. Board members (except the “A”, “D” and the “BB”, who shall serve ex officio)
shall be elected by the chapter to serve two-year terms that are staggered as
much as possible to provide the Board with continuity. They can be removed
from office by a four-fifths (4/5) vote of the undergraduate chapter, subject to
approval by the Executive Committee of The Delta Chi Fraternity.
B. Authority
1. The authority of the ABT is specifically set forth in Delta Chi Law and in
these by-laws.
2. All authority not specifically mentioned in Delta Chi Law and in these bylaws is reserved and retained by the chapter.
C. ABT Meetings - Shall be held once a month at times decided by the members.
Article IX: Meetings
A. Quorum
1. A majority of the student members in good standing of the ___________
Chapter of The Delta Chi Fraternity shall constitute a quorum.
8. A quorum must be present in order to conduct any official chapter business.
B. Order of Business
1. The order of business shall be:
a. Call to order
b. Roll call
c. Reading of last minutes
d. Officers' reports
e. Committee reports
f. Old business
g. New business
h. Announcements and
i. Adjournment
2. It shall be the duty of all student members to attend regular chapter meetings.
3. Robert's Rules of Order shall govern in all proceedings of meetings except
where there is a conflict with these by-laws or Delta Chi Law.
4. Proxy voting shall not be allowed by any voting member.
C. Time
1. Regular meetings of the chapter will occur on (day) of each week while school
is in session unless otherwise ordered by a two-thirds vote at a regular
meeting of the chapter.
2. Meetings shall commence promptly at (time) and shall last no longer than one
and one half hours. Meetings may be extended in length in fifteen-minute
intervals by a three-fourths affirmative vote of the voting members present.
D. Special Meetings- The executive committee has the authority to call a special meeting
in cases of emergency or urgency.
E. Ritualistic Meeting
1. The first meeting of every month shall be Ritualistic in nature.
(Note: Consult the Ritual of The Delta Chi Fraternity for instructions on
Ritualistic meetings.)
F. Associate members are encouraged to attend regular chapter meetings unless
specifically excused.
Article X: Chapter Finances
A. Expenditures- No expenditures over and above the items set forth in the budget
prepared by the “D” and ratified by the ABT and adopted by the chapter will not be
allowed without the approval of the ABT.
B. Extensions- Any student or associate member who is not in a position to pay an
obligation due to the chapter, shall apply for an extension of time in which to make
payment to the chapter by making application to the “D” no later than seven (7) days
prior to the due date.
C. Arrears
1. Any student or associate member who has not paid an obligation within 30
days after it is due shall be deemed financially delinquent to the chapter and
shall be considered in arrears if he has not applied for an extension with the
2. The chapter shall, in conjunction with the ABT, set a schedule for collection of
dues. A At the beginning of each term, all members shall sign a contract
agreeing to meet the schedule of dues assigned to them.
D. Collection of Delinquent Accounts
1. Suspension of privileges - If a member is in arrears, defined as any debt older
than 30 days to the chapter, he shall not be allowed to vote in meetings,
attend social functions, participate in intramurals, take part in ritualistic
activities or eat at the house.
2. Referral to ABT - If, after 45 days, a member still does not pay his obligations
to the chapter, his case shall be turned over to the ABT. The ABT shall review
the overdue accounts referred to them and take any action deemed necessary
to collect the bill.
3. Legal action - If the bill is delinquent more than 60 days without
arrangements made that are approved by the ABT, the chapter shall seek
legal action against the member.
(Note: Seek qualified local counsel for advice here in order for the chapter to
proceed correctly. Possible sources: an alumnus who is an attorney, a business
law professor, or an alumnus of another fraternity/sorority on the campus)
4. Expulsion - The Constitution and By-Laws of Delta Chi Law provides for and
details the procedure for expulsion of a member of the Fraternity.
Indebtedness to the chapter or to Delta Chi constitutes unworthy conduct as
defined in Article V, Section 3 of the Constitution, in Delta Chi Law.
E. Damages - Each member of the chapter shall be responsible for any damage done by
himself or his guest(s), to the chapter property and/or to property rented by the
chapter. He shall be responsible for the replacement or repair, whichever is deemed
appropriate. Appropriateness, if not mutually agreed upon, shall be determined by the
Judicial Board.
Article XI: Associate Members
A. Invitation to Membership
1. An affirmative vote of a majority of the student members of the chapter shall
be required in order to extend a bid to a prospective associate member.
Note: Other options are available for handing out bids, such as having several bid
teams, letting the recruitment chairman have the authority to hand out bids, etc.
2. A bid may be extended at any time within the limits provided by the
University or The Delta Chi Fraternity.
3. The Associate Member Ceremony of The Delta Chi Fraternity shall be
conducted for the associate members within one week of accepting a bid.
B. Termination
1. An affirmative majority vote of the student members of the chapter is
required to terminate the membership of an associate.
2. Such vote may be recommended by the associate member counselor or any
other member that deems such a vote to be necessary.
C. Requirements
1. A man must have at least a 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale to be issued a bid. He must
maintain that average to be initiated. A high school GPA of a 2.75 will be
sufficient for first semester freshmen.
2. Unless waived by the chapter, an associate must complete the associate
member program to be initiated.
D. Prohibition of Hazing - No undergraduate chapter or colony, nor any student
member or associate member of any undergraduate chapter or colony, shall engage in
the hazing of any associate member or initiated member at any time.
E. Definition of Hazing - “Hazing” is any action or situation created whether on or off
fraternity or campus premises, which produces mental or physical discomfort,
embarrassment, harassment, anxiety or ridicule, no matter how good the intent or end
F. Initiation
1. An associate member must receive an affirmative vote of the chapter in order
to be initiated.
2. Initiation shall be in accordance with the Ritual of The Delta Chi Fraternity.
3. Any attempt to alter the Ritual in any way by any member will result in
immediate motion for expulsion, if willful intent can be proved.
Article XII: Amendments
A. Chapter by-laws
1. These by-laws can only be amended in accordance with the following:
a. By a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the student members in good
b. A proposed amendment must be read to the chapter at a regular
chapter meeting and will be automatically tabled until the next regular
chapter meeting.
c. The member proposing the amendment must be present to take it from
the table for consideration.
d. If a motion is not taken from the table at the next regular chapter
meeting, it will automatically fail.
B. Written Programs
1. With the exception of the Associate Member Program and the Recruitment
Program may be amended by a majority vote by the chapter or by a twothirds vote of the committee responsible for the written program.
2. The Associate Member Program and the Recruitment Program may only be
amended by a majority vote by the chapter or by a two-thirds vote of the
executive committee.
C. Conflict
1. These by-laws can in no way conflict with Delta Chi Law. If a conflict arises,
Delta Chi Law supersedes these by-laws and the offending language in these
by-laws is automatically declared null and void.
2. The “C” is responsible for reviewing Delta Chi Law prior to the adoption of
any amendment to these by-laws in order to ensure that there are no conflicts.
This is to certify that the ________________ Chapter of The Delta Chi Fraternity,
chartered on the campus of __________________________ acknowledges adoption of
these by-laws.
Dated this _______ day of the month of __________, 19________.
_________________________________________ “A”
_________________________________________ “C”
_________________________________________ “BB”
_________________________________________ ABT President
Chapter Seal Here