Sample Assessment Materials AM20530 - VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and
Sample Assessment Materials AM20530 - VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and
Sample Assessment Materials AM20530 - VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) 601/0556/2 (120glh) Version 15 Contents 1. External sample assessments materials 3 UV21578 – Understanding the hair and beauty sector Question paper Mark scheme 4 4 15 2. Internal sample assessment materials 27 UV21579 – Hair and beauty research project UV21580 – Enterprise in the hair and beauty sector UV21581 – Marketing hair and beauty products and services UV21582 – Hair and beauty science UV21583 – Responding to a hair and beauty design brief 28 34 39 46 51 AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 2 1. External sample assessment materials External sample assessment materials are structured as follows: • Question paper • Mark scheme AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 3 VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy UV21578: Understanding the hair and beauty sector Time allowed: 1 hour 30 mins PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING BOXES IN BLACK OR BLUE INK. USE BLOCK CAPITALS. DO NOT USE PENCIL. ULN number VTCT centre number National centre number Learner surname Other names Signature PLEASE READ THE TEXT BELOW VERY CAREFULLY BEFORE ATTEMPTING ANY OF THE ASSESSMENT. You will need no other materials. Learner instructions: • • • • • Check that you have the correct question paper. Fill in the boxes above with your learner number (ULN), VTCT centre number, national centre number, your surname, other names and signature. You should attempt all questions on the paper in the space provided. Do not open this paper until you are told to do so by the invigilator. If you leave the assessment room unsupervised, you will not be allowed to re-enter. Examiner’s use Examiner number Question Mark 1 2 3 Learner guidance: • • • • • • • There are 9 questions in this assessment. The available marks for each question are shown on the right alongside that question. Total marks available: 60 There are 11 pages in this question paper, any blank pages are indicated. You may use diagrams if these assist or support your answers. You are reminded of the importance of clear English and careful presentation. Read the questions carefully before commencing. AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total 4 Question 1 The combined industries that make up the hair and beauty sector turn over more than £5 billion each year, a figure which is growing year on year. Describe two ways in which the hair and beauty sector benefits the UK economy. a) (2 marks) b) (2 marks) (Total 4 marks) AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 5 Question 2 a) List four types of hair or beauty business ownership. 1) (1 mark) 2) (1 mark) 3) (1 mark) 4) (1 mark) b) Give an explanation of each type of hair or beauty business ownership you have identified above. 1) (2 marks) 2) (2 marks) 3) (2 marks) AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 6 4) (2 marks) (Total 12 marks) AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 7 Question 3 Habia is the UK’s Hair and Beauty Industry Authority. Describe three of the roles of Habia. 1) (2 marks) 2) (2 marks) 3) (2 marks) (Total 6 marks) AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 8 Question 4 List three treatments or services offered by each of the following business types. Treatments or services offered a) Spa 1) 2) 3) b) Barber shop 1) 2) 3) c) Beauty salon 1) 2) 3) (9 marks) (Total 9 marks) AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 9 Question 5 Hair and beauty professionals must always comply with the Data Protection Act 1998. Describe two ways in which this can be done. 1) (2 marks) 2) (2 marks) (Total 4 marks) AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 10 Question 6 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must always be used when carrying out treatments and services. Describe two reasons why. 1) (3 marks) 2) (3 marks) (Total 6 marks) AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 11 Question 7 a) List two skills or attributes required by a hairdresser. 1) (1 mark) 2) (1 mark) b) Explain why each of these two skills or attributes are needed. 1) (2 marks) 2) (2 marks) (Total 6 marks) AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 12 Question 8 a) List three personal hygiene practices which are expected within the hair and beauty professions. 1) (1 mark) 2) (1 mark) 3) (1mark) b) For each of the standards listed above, give an explanation of the importance within the industry. 1) (2 marks) 2) (2 marks) 3) (2 marks) (Total 9 marks) AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 13 Question 9 There are several job roles in industries which are related to the hair and beauty sector. Describe two of these job roles. 1) (2 marks) 2) (2 marks) (Total 4 marks) END OF PAPER AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 14 UV21578 – Understanding the hair and beauty sector Mark scheme VTCT’s Chief Examiner is responsible for producing mark schemes. Mark schemes are produced at the same time as the associated assessment paper and are in place to ensure that assessors and examiners mark papers consistently and reliably. Mark schemes are mapped explicitly to the associated assessment paper. A mark scheme provides the basis on which examiners are instructed to award marks. It must be stressed that the answers given in VTCT mark schemes are exemplars; examiners are encouraged to award marks for other suitable answers that do not appear in the mark scheme. VTCT mark schemes include: • Question numbers • Questions / tasks • Suitable responses / answers to be expected • How individual marks are to be awarded • Total marks available for each question. AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 15 Question number 1 Question Total marks The combined industries that make up the hair and beauty sector turn over more than £5 billion each year, a figure which is growing year on year. Describe two ways in which the hair and beauty sector benefits the UK economy. Answer(s) Award 1 mark for each correct answer identified (to a maximum of 2 marks); plus 1 additional mark for each suitable description (to a maximum of 2 marks) • Higher employment levels lead to more disposable income. In turn people are able to spend money, this in turn benefits the economy. • Related industries such as manufacturers of equipment and products are maintained as businesses can afford to continue to buy and invest. • Financial institutions may benefit as loans and overdrafts are able to be repaid and business accounts are healthy which enables cash flow for the banks. • Sales of products are maintained which increases revenue of businesses and also the salary and commission of the staff. Award marks for any other suitable answers AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 4 16 Question number 2 Question Total marks a) List four types of hair or beauty business ownership. b) Give an explanation of each type of hair or beauty business ownership you have identified above Answer(s) a) Award 1 mark for each suitable answer listed b) Award up to 2 marks for each suitable explanation. 1 mark for a brief explanation OR 2 marks for a full/thorough explanation. • Private limited company: A private limited company is a separate legal entity. This means that profits and debts are owned by the company and not any one individual person. Limited liability is another advantage of a private limited company. This means that each owner’s liability is limited to the amount they invested into the business, and their personal money or property cannot be used to pay off company debts. • Partnership: in a business partnership, you’re running a business as a self-employed individual but all the partners share responsibility for the business. You can share all the profits between the partners and each partner pays tax on their share of the profits. • Sole trader: Is a business owned and run by an individual and there is no distinction between the owner and the business. There are fewer legal implications and there is no need to register the business with Companies House. A sole trader must register with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) for self-assessment of income tax. • Limited Liability Partnership: A Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) shares many of the features of a normal partnership – but it also offers reduced personal responsibility for business debts. Unlike members of ordinary partnerships, the LLP itself is responsible for the full extent of debts, not the individual partners. • Public Limited Company: Is usually a large well-known business. This could be a manufacturer or chain of retailers Shares are traded on the stock exchange. • Franchise: is when one acquires the right to use an existing business idea. Opening a franchise is usually less risky than setting up as an independent retailer. The franchisee is adopting a proven business model. • Concession: This is where a business is operated within another business, for example a beauty counter within a AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 12 17 large department store. The product company and the department store have a Concession Service Agreement in place which outlines arrangements for leasing of space and revenue sharing. • Independent/freelance: The hair or beauty practitioner provides services on a self-employed basis by providing services in client’s own homes. Many make-up artists also work on a freelance basis. Award marks for any other suitable answers AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 18 Question number 3 Question Total marks Habia is the UK’s Hair and Beauty Industry Authority. Describe three of the roles of Habia. Answer(s) Award 1 mark for each correct answer identified; plus 1 additional mark for each suitable description (to a maximum of 2 marks) • Leads on the development of national occupational standards • Sets the structures of national vocational qualifications (NVQs) • Provides the structures and assessment strategies for all hair and beauty qualifications • Consults with industry to shape future workforce • Conducts research and issues statistics on the hair and beauty sector • Provides support and advice • Provides training Award marks for any other suitable answers AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 6 19 Question number 4 Question Total marks List three treatments or services offered by each of the following business types. Answer(s) Award 1 mark for each suitable treatment or service listed • Spa – massage (stone therapy, Swedish, aromatherapy, reflexology); body wraps (slimming, muscular tension, cellulite); hydrotherapy (whirlpool, jets, Vichy shower). • Barber shop – shampooing; cutting; grooming; patterns (creating shaved patterns in hair); beard shaping and trimming; shaving; colouring; styling. • Beauty Salon – facials (hands-on, electrical); eye treatments (lash extensions, tinting, shaping); hair removal (waxing, electrical epilation, depilatory cream); tanning (spray tan, manual application of spray tan); make-up (day make-up, evening make-up, occasion make-up, fashion/photographic make-up, theatrical make-up); manicure; pedicure; nail enhancements (UV gel, liquid and powder, overlays, tips, wraps, nail art). Award marks for any other suitable answers AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 9 20 Question number 5 Question Total marks Hair and beauty professionals must always comply with the Data Protection Act 1998. Discuss two ways in which this can be done. Answer(s) Award 1 mark for each correct answer identified; plus 1 additional mark for each suitable description (to a maximum of 2 marks) • Correct storage of client record cards/details • Not sharing client information • Disposing of client’s personal details in the correct manner • Gaining client consent before using client details for marketing purposes. Award marks for other suitable answers AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 4 21 Question number 6 Question Total marks Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must always be used when carrying out treatments and services. a) List two reasons why. b) Give a justification for the two reasons you have given above. Answer(s) Award 1 mark for each suitable answer listed Award up to 2 marks for each suitable justification. 1 mark for a brief justification OR 2 marks for a full/thorough justification. • To ensure cross infection does not occur. • To maintain hygiene practices. • To ensure your good reputation. • To comply with legislation and local bye-laws. • To adhere to codes of practice. Award marks for any other suitable answers AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 6 22 Question number 7 Question Total marks a) List two skills or attributes required by a hairdresser. b) Explain why each of these two skills or attributes are needed. Answer(s) a) Award 1 mark for each suitable answer listed b) Award up to 2 marks for each suitable explanation. 1 mark for a brief explanation OR 2 marks for a full/thorough explanation. • Integrity and honesty – it is important to be honest at all times in a hair salon because it creates an atmosphere of trust and confidence for clients and colleagues. It is important to have a good reputation with clients and colleagues, to be recognised for your integrity, keeping promises and exceeding expectations. • Reliability and punctuality – in a hairdressing business it is extremely important to be reliable and punctual in meeting client appointments. If you are late for one appointment this will affect every other client appointment that day. Clients may have booked to have their hair done for a special occasion or evening out and they should be able to rely on you to provide the service booked at the time requested. Reliability and punctuality also demonstrate respect for colleagues. Customer retention may also be impacted. • Excellent communication and customer service skills – it is important to always be polite and friendly to customers, colleagues and visitors. Choose appropriate topics of conversation, do not use inappropriate language and do not gossip or criticise colleagues or other professionals. You need excellent communication skills in order to ascertain your client’s treatment requirements. Clients often enjoy the conversation and socialising just as much as the hairdressing service. • Personal presentation – it is important to have a professional personal appearance and for your hair and style to reflect the services offered in the salon. Presentation of the salon and staff will influence client perceptions of the business. Personal presentation also sets a sound first impression to new customers. AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 6 23 Award marks for other suitable answers AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 24 Question number 8 Question Total marks a) List three personal hygiene practices which are expected within the hair and beauty professions. b) For each of the standards listed above, give an explanation of the importance within the industry. Answer(s) a) Award 1 mark for each suitable answer listed b) Award up to 2 marks for each suitable explanation. 1 mark for a brief explanation OR 2 marks for a full/thorough explanation. • Avoid eating strongly flavoured foods • Clean teeth, fresh breath • No smoking • Clean hair, short or neatly tied back • Use deodorant • Clean body, no odour • Wear light day make-up, not too heavy or bold • Men should be clean shaven or have neat facial hair • Wear fresh clean, ironed uniform/clothing • Wear clean, functional shoes • Nails should be: o Short and unpolished for beauty/spa/massage therapists o Hairdressers and nail technicians should have carefully polished nails Award marks for other suitable answers AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 9 25 Question number 9 Question Total marks There are several different job roles in industries which are related to the hair and beauty sector. Describe two of these job roles. Answer(s) Award 1 mark for each correct answer identified; plus 1 additional mark for each suitable description (to a maximum of 2 marks) • Fashion – designer, buyer, stylist; make-up artist, nail technician (theatre and media). • Leisure and tourism – global spa managers, hotel managers, customer care • Retail and distribution – sales and marketing, sales consultant, account manager • Further education – lecturer, assessor or salon technician on vocational courses • Training – product and equipment training for professional companies and private training providers. Award marks for any other suitable answers AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 4 26 2. Internal sample assessment materials Internal sample assessment materials for each unit are structured as follows: • Unit number and title • Section 1 – Guidance • Section 2 – Assignment brief • Section 3 – Grade descriptors • Section 4 – Assessment controls AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 27 UV21579 – Hair and beauty research project Section 1 – Guidance Centres must: • administer the assignment brief presented • set the scenarios/tasks within the brief to best suit the employment context of the local area, and the availability of, and access to resources • assess the tasks in the assignment brief against the grade descriptors presented in Section 3 • adhere to the controls specified in Section 4. AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 28 Section 2 – Assignment brief Task 1 – How to prepare for a hair and beauty research project Scenario Evidence You have been asked to create an article for your school’s/college’s website entitled ‘How to prepare for a hair and/or beauty research project’. Article that includes the factors that must be considered when planning a hair and beauty project and the different project types. Criteria assessed 1a, 1b The article will help other pupils/students prepare for the hair and beauty project that they are required to undertake. Specific guidance In addition to this guidance, learners should be informed of, encouraged and given the opportunity to meet, relevant higher grading opportunities. Learners must produce an article that will help their fellow pupils prepare for a hair and beauty project. The article must detail the different types of hair and beauty projects that could be undertaken (historical, effectiveness of hair and beauty products, the provision of local hair and beauty services), and should provide real examples of projects (sunbed overuse linked with cancer, hair and beauty in the 1930s etc). The article must outline the factors that must be considered when planning a hair and beauty project. Learners should also explain the importance of these factors and how they contribute to a successful project. Learners should make their articles interesting and attractive. Work may be presented in the medium of the pupil's choosing, however, they should not deviate from the brief and must ensure that the evidence provided is tangible. Acceptable evidence may include: written/typed assignment; presentation slides/notes; visual or verbal presentation; video/audio; blog (this list is not exhaustive). AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 29 Task 2 – Hair and beauty research proposal Scenario Evidence Your school has decided to hold a themed open evening for new and prospective students entitled ‘Life in the 1960s’. Research proposal – including descriptions and justification of contents Criteria assessed 2a You have been asked specifically to research hair and beauty in the 1960s. Prior to undertaking research you must produce a research proposal. Specific guidance In addition to this guidance, learners should be informed of, encouraged and given the opportunity to meet, relevant higher grading opportunities. Learners must produce a hair and/or beauty research proposal. This must include the topic area to be researched, the research methods to be used, a timeline of activities including SMART objectives, the expected outcomes of the research, details of how the research will be presented with a justification for the proposal. Learners should describe the contents of the proposal and justify the use of the research methods and sources to be used, detailing how the project will meet the expected outcomes. Work may be presented in the medium of the pupil's choosing, however, they should not deviate from the brief and must ensure that the evidence provided is tangible. Acceptable evidence may include: written/typed assignment; presentation slides/notes; visual or verbal presentation; video/audio; blog; poster/mood board (this list is not exhaustive). AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 30 Task 3 – Hair and beauty research project Scenario Evidence Using your research proposal, you must carry out research into hair and beauty in the 1960s. Presentation of research and findings (including research log) You must present your research and findings which will be displayed at the 1960sthemed open evening. Criteria assessed 3a, 3b (include explanation of the methods used and how your research could have been enhanced by the use of primary research methods). Specific guidance In addition to this guidance, learners should be informed of, encouraged and given the opportunity to meet relevant higher grading opportunities. Learners must use appropriate research methods and sources of information to carry out research into hair and beauty in the 1960s. It is expected that secondary research methods will be used; however, learners may use primary research methods, if they wish. Learners must produce a log of the information/data collected. Learners should consider the reliability and relevance of the methods and sources used as well as the quality of information collected. Learners should explain the specific findings of their research and their conclusions, and justify these with supporting information. Learners should explain the success of the research project in meeting the expected outcomes and detail the strengths and limitations of the project, opportunities for improvement and recommendations for future hair and beauty projects. Information should be presented in a clear and appropriate format which demonstrates understanding of the topic area and of the research methods and sources used. Work may be presented in the medium of the pupil's choosing, however, they should not deviate from the brief and must ensure that the evidence provided is tangible. Acceptable evidence may include: written/typed assignment; presentation slides/notes; visual or verbal presentation; video/audio; blog; poster/mood board (this list is not exhaustive). AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 31 Section 3 – Grade descriptors Pass Merit Distinction (All Pass descriptors must be achieved to be awarded a Pass grade) (All Pass and Merit descriptors must be achieved to be awarded a Merit grade) (All Pass, Merit and Distinction descriptors must be achieved to be awarded a Distinction grade) Synoptic assessment mapping* Learning outcome 1 - Understand how to plan a research project in hair and beauty 1a Outline the types of hair and beauty projects. Describe specific examples of hair and beauty projects that could be undertaken. (E) 1b Outline the factors that must be considered when planning a hair and beauty research project. Describe the factors that must be considered when planning a hair and beauty research project. (E) Explain the importance of the factors that must be considered when planning a hair and beauty research project. (E) UV21578. LO1/LO2/3 Learning outcome 2 – Be able to produce a research proposal for a hair and beauty project 2a Produce a research proposal, outline the topic area, research methods to be used, timeline, expected outcomes and how the research will be presented. Describe the contents of the research proposal. (E) Justify the use of research methods, detailing how the project will meet the expected outcomes. (E) UV21578. LO1/LO2/LO3 Explain the success of the project in meeting the expected outcomes. (E) UV21578. LO1 Learning outcome 3 – Be able to carry out a hair and beauty research project 3a 3b Use appropriate research methods and sources of information to carry out research. (E/I). Describe the reliability and relevance of methods and sources used and the quality of information/data collected. (E) Produce a log of all information/data collected. (E/I) Explain specific findings and conclusions with supporting information. (E) Evaluate opportunities for improvement, making recommendations for future hair and beauty projects. (E) Present broad research findings and describe key areas in a structured format. * Detailed explanations of synoptic assessment opportunities are presented Section 5 of the unit specification. Key: opportunity to develop/assess English skills (E), mathematical skills (M), and information and communication technology skills (I). AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 32 Section 4 – Assessment controls Task setting Task taking Task marking High level of control Medium level of control Medium level of control Task setting: • VTCT sets the assignment brief which specifies the tasks to be undertaken. • The assignment brief provides opportunities for centres to focus on one particular area (hair and/or beauty) to best suit the employment context of the local area, and the availability of, and access to resources. Task taking: • Supervision/Authenticity o Planning, researching and producing assessment evidence must be completed under medium levels of control. o The production of assessment evidence must be carried out under direct teacher supervision, but not under examination conditions. o There must be sufficient supervision to ensure that the work learners produce is their own, learners are required to complete a Declaration of Authenticity. • Time o VTCT recommends a minimum of 15 hours is spent generating evidence for assessment. The centre may choose to allow more time, however the time must be consistent with the assignment brief. • Resources o Learners should have access to the full range of available resources to maximise their achievement opportunities. • Collaboration o Learners can work in groups to consider the evidence for the assignment, however they are required to produce their own work alone and unaided. Task marking: • Assignments will be internally marked by the centre against the unit grade descriptors, and externally moderated by VTCT. AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 33 UV21580 – Enterprise in the hair and beauty sector Section 1 – Guidance Centres must: • administer the assignment brief presented • set the scenarios/tasks within the brief to best suit the employment context of the local area, and the availability of, and access to resources • assess the tasks in the assignment brief against the grade descriptors presented in Section 3 • adhere to the controls specified in Section 4. AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 34 Section 2 – Assignment brief Task 1 – My hair and beauty business idea Scenario Evidence You are an entrepreneur Research report, including a business seeking to start up a hair and idea beauty business. You will research the hair and beauty market and identify gaps and opportunities that you could fill. Based on your research you will develop a hair and beauty business idea. Criteria assessed 2a, 2b Specific guidance In addition to this guidance, learners should be informed of, encouraged and given the opportunity to meet, relevant higher grading opportunities. Learners must use a range of sources to research the hair and beauty market and seek out local or national gaps and opportunities for new or improved hair and beauty products and/or services. Research from different sources should be compared and potential ideas described. These potential ideas should then be compared in terms of their feasibility. In their reports, learners should justify their product/service idea in terms of its USP, target market and demand and competition. They should also indicate the potential for success. Work may be presented in a format of the learner's choosing, however, they should not deviate from the brief and must ensure that the evidence provided is tangible. Acceptable evidence may include: written/typed assignment; presentation slides/notes; visual or verbal presentation; video/audio; blog; poster/mood board (this list is not exhaustive). AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 35 Task 2 – Planning a hair and beauty enterprise Scenario Evidence Criteria assessed Your idea has caught the eye of a successful local entrepreneur who has earned her fortune in the hair and beauty sector. She has asked you to produce a plan for your hair and/or beauty enterprise, with a view to helping you launch your new hair and/or beauty enterprise. Hair and beauty enterprise plan 3a, 1a Specific guidance In addition to this guidance, learners should be informed of, encouraged and given the opportunity to meet, relevant higher grading opportunities. Using their hair and beauty idea, learners must produce a realistic plan for their hair and beauty business enterprise. Learners should be guided on the format of their plan by the teacher, which should include: • • • • • key findings from their research information on the product/service, including rationale, aims and objectives, vision and concept, and features and benefits. details of how the product/service will be marketed and sold the resources require, including human, physical and financial a simple budget Learners should describe and justify the components that make up the plan, and detail how these link with the product/service. Learners should also justify how their plan will contribute to a successful hair and beauty business enterprise. Finally, learners must outline the entrepreneurial features that will be required to make their enterprise a success. To do this, learners should look at real examples of entrepreneurship in the hair and beauty sector. They should describe the features of entrepreneurship and the benefits these have had on the business they are exploring as well as on the economy and society. Work may be presented in a format of the learner's choosing, however, they should not deviate from the brief and must ensure that the evidence provided is tangible. Acceptable evidence may include: written/typed assignment; presentation slides/notes; visual or verbal presentation; video/audio; blog; poster/mood board (this list is not exhaustive). AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 36 Section 3 – Grade descriptors Pass Merit Distinction (All Pass descriptors must be achieved to be awarded a Pass grade) (All Pass and Merit descriptors must be achieved to be awarded a Merit grade) (All Pass, Merit and Distinction descriptors must be achieved to be awarded a Distinction grade) Synoptic assessment mapping* Learning outcome 1 – Understand the features and benefits of entrepreneurship 1a Outline key features and benefits of entrepreneurship to the hair and beauty sector. Describe how features of entrepreneurship benefit hair and beauty businesses, the economy and society. (E) Using real examples, explain how hair and beauty businesses, the economy and society have benefited from entrepreneurship. (E) UV21578. LO1 Learning outcome 2 – Be able to research and develop ideas for a hair and beauty enterprise 2a Carry out research into the hair and beauty market using a variety of sources. (I) Compare research from different sources and summarise findings. (E) Analyse research findings from the range of sources collectively taking into account source reliability and bias. (E) Identify opportunities for new/improved products and services. Describe ideas for new/improved products/services. (E) Select an idea for a product/service and outline its features and benefits. Compare and contrast the feasibility of ideas to inform on that selected. (E) Justify the product/service idea in terms of USP, target market and demand, and competition and explain how the idea has the potential for success. (E) UV21578. LO1 UV21579. LO1/2/3 Outline research findings from each source. 2b Learning outcome 3 – Be able to plan a hair and beauty business enterprise 3a Produce a realistic plan for a hair and beauty enterprise. (E/M/I) Outline the component parts of the plan. Describe all components of the plan. (E/M) Explain how the plan aligns with the product/service idea. (E) Justify all components of the plan and explain how they will contribute to a successful business enterprise. (E) Unit 1. LO1 Unit 2. LO1/3 Unit 4. LO1/2/3 * Detailed explanations of synoptic assessment opportunities are presented Section 5 of the unit specification. Key: opportunity to develop/assess English skills (E), mathematical skills (M), and information and communication technology skills (I). AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 37 Section 4 – Assessment controls Task setting Task taking Task marking High level of control Medium level of control Medium level of control Task setting: • VTCT sets the assignment brief which specifies the tasks to be undertaken. • The assignment brief provides opportunities for centres to contextualise the task(s) to best suit the employment context of the local area, and the availability of, and access to resources. Task taking: • Supervision/Authenticity o Planning, researching and producing assessment evidence must be completed under medium levels of control. o The production of assessment evidence must be carried out under direct teacher supervision, but not under examination conditions. o There must be sufficient supervision to ensure that the work learners produce is their own, learners are required to complete a Declaration of Authenticity. • Time o VTCT recommends a minimum of 10 hours is spent generating evidence for assessment. The centre may choose to allow more time, however the time must be consistent with the assignment brief. • Resources o Learners should have access to the full range of available resources to maximise their achievement opportunities. • Collaboration o Learners can work in groups to consider the evidence for the assignment, however they are required to produce their own work alone and unaided. Task marking: • Assignments will be internally marked by the centre against the unit grade descriptors, and externally moderated by VTCT. AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 38 UV21581 - Marketing hair and beauty products and services Section 1 – Guidance Centres must: • administer the assignment brief presented • contextualise the scenarios/tasks within the brief to best suit the employment context of the local area, and the availability of, and access to resources • assess the tasks in the assignment brief against the grade descriptors presented in Section 3 • adhere to the controls specified in Section 4. AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 39 Section 2 – Assignment brief Task 1 – Job interview Scenario Evidence You have been invited to interview for the role of marketing assistant with a local hair and beauty salon. As part of your interview you are required to prepare a presentation to demonstrate your understanding of the principles of marketing and the factors that influence how hair and beauty products and services are marketed. A presentation that demonstrates knowledge of the key marketing principles and influencing factors. Criteria assessed 1a, 1b Specific guidance In addition to this guidance, learners should be informed of, encouraged and given the opportunity to meet, relevant higher grading opportunities. Learners must produce a presentation which includes a definition of marketing, the roles of marketing in the context of hair and beauty, and the importance of marketing as a cross-business activity. Real businesses should be used to demonstrate understanding of market segmentation, marketing mix and marketing communications. The factors that influence marketing decisions in hair and beauty businesses should also be presented. Work may be presented in a format of the learner's choosing, however, they should not deviate from the brief and must ensure that the evidence provided is tangible. Acceptable evidence may include: presentation slides/notes; visual or verbal presentation; video/audio; blog; poster/mood board (this list is not exhaustive). AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 40 Task 2 – Researching local businesses Scenario Evidence Your successful presentation Research documentation (interview has secured you the role of questions, surveys, feedback cards) marketing assistant. For your Research report first assignment, your manager has asked you to carry out research into the sector and a hair and/or beauty business and report on your findings. Criteria assessed 2a, 2b, 3a Specific guidance In addition to this guidance, learners should be informed of, encouraged and given the opportunity to meet, relevant higher grading opportunities. Learners should use secondary research to investigate the sector and the products and services offered. Learners should plan and design documentation (primary research) and use both primary and secondary research to investigate a business, in particular: • the products and services offered • the use of the marketing mix to promote and sell products, and • how the features and benefits of products are used in their promotions Learners should produce a report which outlines the 4 Ps, and the products and services marketed. An analysis of findings should also be included which details the products and services offered and the marketing mix used by the business researched. Learners should address the effectiveness of the marketing mix employed and make recommendations for improvement. Work may be presented in a format of the learner's choosing, however, they should not deviate from the brief and must ensure that the evidence provided is tangible. Acceptable evidence may include: written/typed assignment; presentation slides/notes; visual or verbal presentation; video/audio; blog; poster/mood board (this list is not exhaustive). AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 41 Task 3 – Developing a marketing plan and materials Scenario Evidence Criteria assessed Following on from your market research and report, you are required to plan promotional activities and develop marketing materials for your hair and beauty business. Promotional plan 4a, 4b You must ensure the promotional activities and materials meet the set marketing objectives and are suitable for the target market*. AND Promotional materials AND Justification for activities and materials Specific guidance In addition to this guidance, learners should be encouraged and given the opportunity to meet, relevant higher grading opportunities. The centre musts set a brief for learners, which details the product and/or service to be promoted, the marketing objectives and the target market. Learners must produce a promotional plan detailing the activities to be included, including the places to promote, the methods to be used, the product/service features and benefits to be promoted, and the promotional materials to be used. Learners must design and produce an item of promotional material (leaflet, brochure etc) to promote their product/service. Promotional activities and materials should align with the set brief and meet the requirements of the target audience. Learners must provide a justification for their activities and materials, explaining how the brief is met and the target audience is reached. Work may be presented in a format of the learner's choosing, however, they should not deviate from the brief and must ensure that the evidence provided is tangible. Acceptable evidence may include: written/typed assignment; presentation slides/notes; visual or verbal presentation; video/audio; blog; poster/leaflet/mood board (this list is not exhaustive). * The centre will set the marketing objectives and the target market. AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 42 Section 3 – Grade descriptors Pass Merit Distinction (All Pass descriptors must be achieved to be awarded a Pass grade) (All Pass and Merit descriptors must be achieved to be awarded a Merit grade) (All Pass, Merit and Distinction descriptors must be achieved to be awarded a Distinction grade) Synoptic assessment mapping* Learning outcome 1 - Know the key principles and factors influencing marketing in hair and beauty 1a Define marketing and outline its role in achieving customer satisfaction. State the importance of marketing and outline the key features of market segmentation, marketing mix and marketing communication. Describe the role of marketing in achieving customer satisfaction with explicit reference to the hair and beauty sector. (E) Describe the importance of marketing across a business and the positive effect this has on the business and customers. (E) Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of how hair and beauty business use market segmentation, marketing mix and communication methods. (E) UV21578.LO1/LO2 Describe examples of how market segmentation, marketing mix and marketing communication are used by hair and beauty businesses. (E) 1b List the factors which influence marketing decisions in hair and beauty. Describe how factors may influence marketing decisions in hair and beauty businesses. (E) Explain how factors have adversely affected and/or provided new marketing opportunities for a particular hair and beauty business. (E) Learning outcome 2 – Know how hair and beauty businesses market their products and services 2a Outline a range of products, equipment and services marketed across the breadth of the hair and beauty sector 2b Outline the key components of the 4 Ps in the context of hair and beauty marketing Describe the marketing mix of selected hair and beauty businesses. (E) Explain how the 4 Ps work together as a marketing mix, and how this mix is adapted according to the products and services promoted. (E) UV21578.LO1/LO3 Analyse the results from the market research activity, comparing the strengths and weaknesses of the business's Unit 2. LO2/3 Learning outcome 3 – Be able to carry out market research in hair and beauty 3a Plan, design documentation and conduct a market research activity into a hair and beauty business. Explain how businesses use the features and benefits of products and services in their promotions and the effectiveness of AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 43 Outline the products and services promoted and the marketing activities and techniques used by hair and beauty businesses. the marketing mixes employed. (E) activities and materials. (E/M) Make recommendations to inform the development of future marketing activities and materials. (E) Learning Outcome 4 – Be able to plan promotional activities and develop promotional materials for a hair and beauty product or service 4a Plan promotional activities for a business to achieve stated marketing objectives. (M) Plan activities suitable for target market 4b Explain how the planned promotional activities and materials would enable the stated objectives to be met, and the target market to be reached. (E) Explain the limitations of planned promotional activities and materials. (E) UV21578.LO1/LO2/LO3 UV21582.LO1/3 Develop promotional materials for a hair and beauty product and/or service that are suitable for the target market and satisfy promotional objectives. (E/I) * Detailed explanations of synoptic assessment opportunities are presented Section 5 of the unit specification. Key: opportunity to develop/assess English skills (E), mathematical skills (M), and information and communication technology skills (I). AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 44 Section 4 - Assessment controls Task setting Task taking Task marking High level of control Medium level of control Medium level of control Task setting: • VTCT sets the assignment brief which specifies the tasks to be undertaken. • The assignment brief provides opportunities for centres to contextualise the task(s) to best suit the employment context of the local area, and the availability of, and access to, resources. Task taking: • Supervision/Authenticity o Planning, researching and producing assessment evidence must be completed under medium levels of control. o The production of assessment evidence must be carried out under direct teacher supervision, but not under examination conditions. o There must be sufficient supervision to ensure that the work learners produce is their own, learners are required to complete a Declaration of Authenticity. • Time o VTCT recommends a minimum of 10 hours is spent generating evidence for assessment. The centre may choose to allow more time, however the time must be consistent with the assignment brief. • Resources o Learners should have access to the full range of available resources to maximise their achievement opportunities. • Collaboration o Learners can work in groups to consider the evidence for the assignment, however they are required to produce their own work alone and unaided. Task marking: • Assignments will be internally marked by the centre against the unit grade descriptors, and externally moderated by VTCT. AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 45 UV21582 – Hair and beauty science Section 1 – Guidance Centres must: • administer the assignment brief presented • assess the tasks in the assignment brief against the grade descriptors presented in Section 3 • adhere to the assessment controls specified in Section 4. AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 46 Section 2 – Assignment brief Task 1 – Produce an educational resource Scenario Evidence Your school/college has been approached by VTCT Hair and Beauty, a manufacturer of hair and beauty cosmetics. Presentation to include: You have been asked to produce an educational resource for VTCT Hair and Beauty employees. The resource will be issued to new staff so they can learn about the hair, skin and hair and beauty products. • Hair and skin structure (anatomy) and characteristics • Factors which effect the skin and hair • Basic chemistry • Common ingredients used in hair and beauty products, including their properties, functions and effects. Criteria assessed 1a-c, 2a-d Specific guidance In addition to this guidance, learners should be informed of, encouraged and given the opportunity to meet relevant higher grading opportunities. Learners must produce a resource that can be used to educate new employees at VTCT Hair and Beauty. The resource must include anatomy of the skin and hair and the characteristics of different hair and skin types. The resource must also provide details of the factors that affect the skin and hair and how these contribute to particular hair and skin characteristics. The resource must provide information on basic chemistry and the ingredients used in hair and beauty products, including the principles and functions of different ingredients. Learners should select current real hair and beauty products, explain their ingredients and in particular detail the positive effects these have on particular hair and/or skin types. Work may be presented in a format of the learner's choosing, however, they should not deviate from the brief and must ensure that the evidence provided is tangible. Acceptable evidence may include: written/typed assignment; presentation slides/notes; visual or verbal presentation; video/audio; poster/mood board (this list is not exhaustive). AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 47 Task 2 – Devise a formulation for a hair and beauty product Scenario Evidence Hair and/or beauty product formulation The management team at VTCT Hair and Beauty was AND delighted with your educational Product justification. resource and have returned with a new brief. Criteria assessed 3a They want you to create a formulation for a new hair/beauty product. Teachers/assessors must set a specific product brief, which includes: • the type of product to be produced (shampoo, conditioner, cleanser, lip gloss, hair colour etc) • the target user profile (i.e. skin/hair type) • the effects of the product (cleansing, smoothing, colour enhancing etc) Specific guidance In addition to this guidance, learners should be informed of, encouraged and given the opportunity to meet, relevant higher grading opportunities. Learners must define a formulation for a hair/beauty product based on the brief they have been set. When devising their formulation, learners must consider the target user profile, the type of product to be produced and the beneficial effects that will be used to advertise the product. Learners must choose the ingredients that will be blended which will bring about the desired effect for the target user profile. Learners should describe the principles used to combine ingredients and the benefits the formulation will have for the given hair/skin type. Learners should also justify the ingredients used and their formulation in terms of compatibility, stability, preservation and effectiveness. Learners should present their formulations clearly and provide a supporting justification. Work may be presented in a format of the learner's choosing, however, they should not deviate from the brief and must ensure that the evidence provided is tangible. Acceptable evidence may include/consist of: written/typed assignment; presentation slides/notes; visual or verbal presentation; video/audio; poster (list is not exhaustive). AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 48 Section 3 – Grade descriptors Pass Merit Distinction (All Pass descriptors must be achieved to be awarded a Pass grade) (All Pass and Merit descriptors must be achieved to be awarded a Merit grade) (All Pass, Merit and Distinction descriptors must be achieved to be awarded a Distinction grade) Synoptic assessment mapping* Learning outcome 1 – Understand the chemistry of hair and beauty products 1a List the properties of ingredients in hair and beauty products. 1b List the ingredients in a range of different hair and beauty products. Describe the functions of a range of ingredients found in hair and beauty products. (E) Evaluate the chemical composition of a range of hair and beauty products and their effects on the skin and hair.(E) UV21578.LO2 Learning outcome 2 – Know the anatomy of the skin and hair 2a Outline the basic structure of the skin. 2b State the main skin characteristics of different skin types. 2c Outline the basic structure of the hair. 2d State the main characteristics of different hair types. Describe the structure of the skin and the different skin types and characteristics (E) Explain how factors affect the health and appearance of different hair and skin types (E) Describe the structure of the hair and the different hair types and characteristics (E) Learning outcome 3 – Be able to define a formulation for a hair or beauty product 3a Produce a formulation ensuring appropriate choice of ingredients for the desired effect. (E/M) Describe the key principles used to combine ingredients to create your cosmetic product, and the benefits of your formulation for the given skin/hair type. (E) Justify the formulation devised for your cosmetic product including choice of ingredients and substances, in terms of compatibility, stability, preservation and effectiveness. (E) UV21579.LO3 UV21580.LO2 * Detailed explanations of synoptic assessment opportunities are presented Section 5 of the unit specification. Key: opportunity to develop/assess English skills (E), mathematical skills (M), and information and communication technology skills (I). AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 49 Section 4 – Assessment controls Task setting Task taking Task marking High level of control Medium level of control Medium level of control Task setting: • VTCT sets the assignment brief which specifies the tasks to be undertaken. Task taking: • Supervision/Authenticity o Planning, researching and producing assessment evidence must be completed under medium levels of control. o The production of assessment evidence must be carried out under direct teacher supervision, but not under examination conditions. o There must be sufficient supervision to ensure that the work learners produce is their own, learners are required to complete a Declaration of Authenticity. • Time o VTCT recommends a minimum of 12 hours is spent generating evidence for assessment. The centre may choose to allow more time, however the time must be consistent with the assignment brief. • Resources o Learners should have access to the full range of available resources to maximise their achievement opportunities. • Collaboration o Learners can work in groups to consider the evidence for the assignment, however they are required to produce their own work alone and unaided. Task marking: • Assignments will be internally marked by the centre against the unit grade descriptors, and externally moderated by VTCT. AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 50 UV21583 - Responding to a hair and beauty design brief Section 1 – Guidance Centres must: • administer the assignment brief presented • set the scenarios/tasks within the brief to best suit the employment context of the local area, and the availability of, and access to resources • assess the tasks in the assignment brief against the grade descriptors presented in Section 3 • adhere to the controls specified in Section 4. AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 51 Section 2 – Assignment brief Task 1 – Presenting design ideas Scenario Evidence A fashion show for local hair and beauty employers has been scheduled. The theme of the show is ‘Science Fiction’. Presentation of design ideas Newly qualified hairdressers and beauty therapists must showcase their skills and techniques to employers by creating a total look. AND Criteria assessed 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b Justification for analysis and presentation One of the participants has asked you to help them with their design for the event and has given you a design brief to work from (issued by the centre). You must analyse the brief, then develop and present your ideas in a format that will help the participant to create a total science-fiction look. Specific guidance In addition to this guidance, learners should be informed of, encouraged and given the opportunity to meet, relevant higher grading opportunities. Learners must first analyse a design brief, in particular the client’s (participant’s) needs, the target market (employers) taking account of the specific requirements (total look based on a science fiction theme). Learners must use a range of sources to research information, and collate that which is relevant to inform their design ideas. Learners must present their design using an appropriate medium (mood board, presentation board etc) using materials, components and accessories. Learners should try to make their presentations innovative, visually attractive and well balanced in terms of text, materials, images and accessories. Learners should describe how the information gathered relates to the design brief, and should be encouraged to evaluate the quality of the information gathered in aligning all hair, beauty and fashion components and meeting the requirements of the target market. Learners must describe how the use of colour and texture and look and feel created meets the design brief. Learners should also justify how the look and feel of the presentation blends with the components, materials and media to meet the client needs and the target market. Learners should also be encouraged to suggest recommendations for future presentations of design ideas. AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 52 Work may be presented in the medium of the learner's choosing, however, they should not deviate from the brief and must ensure that the evidence provided is tangible. Acceptable evidence may include: written/typed assignment; presentation slides/notes; visual or verbal presentation; video/audio; blog; poster/mood board. (this list is not exhaustive).when analysing a design brief, prior to responding and pursuing ideas. The format of evidence may be: written/typed; presentation slides/notes; visual or verbal presentation (this list is not exhaustive); video/audio AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 53 Section 3 – Grade descriptors Pass Merit Distinction (All Pass descriptors must be achieved to be awarded a Pass grade) (All Pass and Merit descriptors must be achieved to be awarded a Merit grade) (All Pass, Merit and Distinction descriptors must be achieved to be awarded a Distinction grade) Synoptic assessment mapping* Learning outcome 1 – Understand how to analyse hair and beauty design briefs 1a Outline types of design briefs in the hair and beauty sector. 1b Outline the key features that must be considered when analysing design briefs. Describe the importance of analysing briefs prior to developing design ideas. (E) Analyse the client’ needs, target market and requirements of hair and beauty design briefs. (E) UV21578.LO2/3 Learning outcome 2 – Be able to develop and present design ideas for a hair and beauty brief 2a Use a range of appropriate sources to research information for design ideas. Describe how the information gathered relates to the design brief. (E) Collate relevant information to inform on design ideas. Evaluate the quality of information gathered in aligning all hair, beauty and fashion components and meeting the target market. (E) UV21578.LO1/2 UV21579.LO3 UV21580..LO2 UV21581.LO4 2b Present design ideas using materials and media. (I) Outline the contents of the presentation. Produce an innovative, visually attractive and well balanced presentation which will inform a final hair and beauty design. (E/I) Describe how the contents of the presentation and the look and feel created meet the hair and beauty brief. (E) Justify how the look and feel of the presentation blends with the components, materials and media to meet the client needs and target market. (E) Suggest recommendations for future presentations of design ideas. (E) * Detailed explanations of synoptic assessment opportunities are presented Section 5 of the unit specification. Key: opportunity to develop/assess English skills (E), mathematical skills (M), and information and communication technology skills (I). AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 54 Section 4 – Assessment controls Task setting Task taking Task marking High level of control Medium level of control Medium level of control Task setting: • VTCT sets the assignment brief which specifies the tasks to be undertaken. • The assignment brief provides opportunities for centres to contextualise the task(s) to best suit the employment context of the local area, and the availability of, and access to resources. Task taking: • Supervision/Authenticity o Planning, researching and producing assessment evidence must be completed under medium levels of control. o The production of assessment evidence must be carried out under direct teacher supervision, but not under examination conditions. o There must be sufficient supervision to ensure that the work learners produce is their own, learners are required to complete a Declaration of Authenticity. • Time o VTCT recommends a minimum of 12 hours is spent generating evidence for assessment. The centre may choose to allow more time, however the time must be consistent with the assignment brief. • Resources o Learners should have access to the full range of available resources to maximise their achievement opportunities. • Collaboration o Learners can work in groups to consider the evidence for the assignment, however they are required to produce their own work alone and unaided. Task marking: • Assignments will be internally marked by the centre against the unit grade descriptors, and externally moderated by VTCT. AM20530 – VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VRQ) SAMs V15 55
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