Northern Kentucky University College of Education and Human Services 3 credit hours


Northern Kentucky University College of Education and Human Services 3 credit hours
EDU 397
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Northern Kentucky University
College of Education and Human Services
EDU 397 - IECE Practicum II
3 credit hours
"Committed to the Development of All Learners"
Committed to the Development of All Learners is the theme that undergirds the Conceptual
Framework for all professional education programs in the College of Education and Human Services
(COEHS) at Northern Kentucky University. The Conceptual Framework is supported by the
missions of the university and the college and used by faculty to continuously assess and update the
curricula of the initial and advanced programs. The COEHS created its Conceptual Framework after
input from its constituents: education and arts and science faculty, candidates, staff, and community
members. The graphic depicts a framework of continuously assessing the knowledge, skills, and
dispositions that classroom teachers, instructional leaders, and school counselors must have to
facilitate student learning and academic achievement.
KERA Initiatives
As students complete and implement projects and assignments throughout their education programs
they will address all components of the KERA initiatives: Kentucky Learning Goals and Academic
Expectations, the Kentucky Program of Studies, and the Core Content for Assessment.
EPSB Themes
All NKU professional education programs address and affirm the value of diversity in education, the
importance of helping all children develop reading and literacy skills, attaining high levels of skill in
assessing the outcomes of instruction, and using those skills to develop strategies for closing
identified achievement gaps. This course will provide students an opportunity to demonstrate their
knowledge, skills, and dispositions in the particular theme(s) of: diversity, assessment,
literacy/reading, and closing the achievement gap.
The work you do in this course is subject to the NKU Student Honor Code:
Students in the education programs must also adhere to the education programs’ Code of Ethics: and the KY Code of Ethics:
Students with Disabilities
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Students with disabilities who require accommodations (academic adjustments, auxiliary aids or
services) for this course must register with the Disability Services Office. Please contact the
Disability Service Office immediately in the University Center, Room 101, or call 859-572-6373 for
more information. Verification of your disability is required in the Disability Services Office for you
to receive reasonable academic accommodations.
Melanie Caldwell
BEP 157
Telephone: 859-572-1391 Cell number: 859-496-7106
Office Hours:
By appointment
[email protected]
Student Activities, Evaluation, and Grading Policy:
Students will attend and participate in all seminar meetings and group activities. In addition the
students will complete the following course projects and ensure submission of forms their
cooperating teachers are responsible for in order to pass this course:
THREE (3) lesson plans and analysis/reflection of each lesson
TWO (2) reflections about professional growth and identified child with one professional
development plan
One family education activity
One ePortfolio
THREE (3) observation evaluation forms (TWO by the cooperating teacher and ONE by the
university supervisor)
Mid-semester evaluation by the cooperating teacher
TWO (2) Dispositions and Professional Behaviors Checklist (ONE by the cooperating teacher
and ONE by the university supervisor)
Grading Scale:
The course will be evaluated on a pass/fail basis. To earn a grade of P (pass), you will need to have:
• No more than TWO (2) absences as indicated on the Student Attendance sheet (which is
signed by the cooperating teacher)
• No absences for on-campus seminars, except for pre-approved circumstances
• Positive ratings on THREE (3) observation evaluation forms (TWO by the cooperating
teacher and ONE by the university supervisor)
• Positive rating on Dispositions & Professional Behaviors Checklist by the university
• Positive Mid-semester evaluation and positive rating on Dispositions & Professional
Behaviors Checklist by the cooperating teacher
• IECE teacher portfolio deemed “acceptable” by the ECE program faculty
• All course projects listed below deemed “acceptable” by university supervisor.
Description of Course Projects:
• Lesson Plans: Although this course is intended to place students in a non-classroom setting, it is
still necessary for you to plan, present and reflect upon three lessons that you will carry out in
your practicum placement. Your first lesson will be observed by your “cooperating teacher”.
Using the planning format that is used in your placement you will present your lesson plan to
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your cooperating teacher at least two days prior to the day you are scheduled to present so that
(s)he can approve it and/or make suggestions for changes. For lesson two, your university
supervisor will be observing and you must use the KTIP IECE lesson plan format – Task A-2.
You must submit the KTIP IECE lesson plan to your university supervisor at least two days prior
to your observation so that there is time for the university supervisor to provide feedback and for
you to make any changes necessary prior to your lesson implementation. For your third lesson,
observed by your university supervisor, you will once again follow the lesson plan format used at
your placement.
Lesson Plan Analysis and Reflections: After the implementation of each lesson you present, you
will reflect on the impact of instruction by responding to questions on Task J-1 of the KTIP IECE
templates. As part of this reflection, you must analyze how you can improve collaboration with
children, families (if applicable), and colleagues for facilitating children’s learning and
development. Your lesson analysis and reflections must be submitted to the appropriate instructor
(cooperating teacher or university supervisor) within two days of implementation.
Practicum Placement Reflections: At midterm and end of semester, you are to describe one or two
significant event(s) that occurred in your placement by discussing how you dealt with the
situation as well as how you felt about the event; talk about your strengths and areas of need for
additional professional development; considering a specific child, discuss how you have impacted
that child’s learning based on child data/outcome. You will submit both reflections to your
university supervisor.
Professional Growth Plan: after completing your mid-term practicum placement reflection, you
will complete a professional development plan using the K-TIP form Task E, Assess and Manage
Professional Growth. Your PGP should be based on the areas of strength and areas of need for
additional professional development identified in your mid-term reflection.
Family Education Activity: Through collaboration and consultation with your cooperating
teacher, identify a family education activity that will facilitate your classroom families’ ability to
promote child development. You are to first design and implement the family education activity
then evaluate the effectiveness of the activity through a survey.
You must complete all of the above assignments until the university supervisor and ECE program
faculty deems it as “acceptable”. Any of the above assignments may be used as a portfolio entry to
demonstrate student competence.
IECE teacher portfolio: See the table below for areas you need to address in your Professional
Semester III portfolio. Please note, you must receive “MET” in all areas. Your IECE teacher
portfolio needs to be submitted electronically to ECE program faculty at the end of the semester.
Evidence /
• Up to date
• Follows format
• Control of surface features
• Sufficient detail
• Updated since Professional I
• Incorporates minimum of two child development theory
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Teaching and
Clear explanation of school-home-community connection
Addressed in detail:
• School / district factors
• Classroom factors
• Student characteristics
in terms of
D English Language Learners
D Children with Disabilities (name specific disabilities, if known)
D Children of Minority Backgrounds (name specific race, ethnicity, etc., if
D Children who qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch
• Implications for instruction & classroom management as result of
experience with diverse group of children indicated
• Control of surface features
Minimum of 4 artifacts developed during Professional Semester II of which 1
must be the evaluation of the lesson observed by your university professor (with
corresponding KTIP lesson plan).
• 1 (one) reflection for Professional Semester II
• Detailed description of professional growth, including
1. impact on child/student learning and
2. impact on own teaching and learning working with applicable groups of
children from diverse backgrounds (i.e., ELL, Disabilities, Minority,
and/or Free/reduced lunch)
3. impact on personal growth as a teacher based on practicum placement
• Artifacts cited in body of reflection AND linked to IECE Kentucky
Teacher Standards (KTS) list
• IECE KTS 1-6 & 8 addressed within reflection
• All 10 IECE KTS listed at the end of reflection
• Control of surface features
Course Description and Objectives:
The purpose of this course is to offer students opportunity to Practice in assessing, planning and
implementing instruction in non-classroom early childhood settings. REREQ: Successful completion
of IECE Practicum I
The course addresses these IECE Kentucky Teacher Standards (means of assessment in boldface):
IECE Kentucky Teacher Standards
Standard I Designs & Plans Instruction
a. Designs for all children developmentally appropriate, comprehensive curriculum,
instruction, and learning outcomes aligned with program, school, district, state,
and/or federal goals. (lesson plans)
b. Includes assessments that target learning outcomes. (lesson plans)
c. Individualizes curriculum, instruction plans, and assessment strategies for ALL
children. (lesson plans)
d. Plans developmentally appropriate and activity-based instruction. (lesson plans)
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IECE Kentucky Teacher Standards
e. Plans for effective involvement of team members, including assistants, staff, and
across learning environments. (lesson plans)
f. Includes knowledge and strategies of multiple disciplines. (lesson plans)
g. Plans experiences and instruction based on family resources, priorities, and
concerns. (lesson plans)
Standard II Creates & Maintains Learning Environment
a. Maintains an emotionally and physically healthy and safe environment. (lesson
b. Creates and maintains consistent routines and schedules that engage children and
learning. (lesson plans)
c. Facilitates smooth transitions for children between activities. (lesson plans)
d. Creates and maintains individually appropriate, activity-based learning
environments. (lesson plans)
e. Adapts environments to support children with special needs and disabilities.
(lesson plans)
f. Creates and maintains culturally responsive environments to support all children
and families. (lesson plans)
g. Creates, evaluates, and selects technology, materials, and media to enhance the
environment. (lesson plans)
h. Uses appropriate, positive guidance techniques to foster children’s selfregulation. (lesson plans)
i. Designs antecedent and consequent conditions to foster children’s self-regulation
and learning. (lesson plans)
j. Facilitates mutual respect among peers through cooperative and independent
learning activities. (lesson plans)
Standard III Implements Instruction
a. Implements developmentally appropriate, comprehensive curriculum and
instruction aligned with program, school, district, state, and/or federal goals.
(lesson plans)
b. Implements instructional strategies that meet the individual needs of each child.
(lesson plans)
c. Engages children in a variety of child-initiated and teacher-facilitated
developmentally appropriate
activities. (lesson plans)
d. Provides guidance, cues, and feedback to children to foster self-management and
learning. (lesson plans)
e. Implements culturally responsive learning experiences to support children and
their families. (lesson plans)
f. Implements and supports family-centered activities that reflect each family’s
resources, priorities,
and concerns. (lesson plans)
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g. Involves team members in instructional activities. (lesson plans)
Standard V Reflects On & Evaluates Professional Practices
a. Uses data to reflect on and evaluate children’s learning. (lesson analysis and
b. Uses data to reflect on and evaluate instructional practice. (lesson analysis and
c. Uses data to identify areas for professional growth. (lesson analysis and
d. Analyzes the involvement and effectiveness of team members in instruction.
(lesson analysis and reflections)
Standard VI Collaborates with Colleagues/Families/Others
a. Participates as an effective team member and demonstrates appropriate
interpersonal skills to support collaboration in early childhood settings. (family
education activity)
b. Demonstrates effective methods of communication that value the roles, skills,
input, and expertise
of families, colleagues, and others. (family education activity)
c. Collaborates with families to promote child development and transition through
information sharing,
joint decision making, and program planning. (family education activity)
d. Collaborates with team members to promote child development and transition
through sharing
information, joint decision making, and program planning. (family education
e. Collaborates with community members and agencies to provide resources to
promote child
development and leaning. (family education activity)
f. Articulates individual outcomes and unique needs for each child to staff and
volunteers. (family education activity)
g. Provides ongoing constructive feedback to team members on professional
practices. (family education activity)
h. Uses adult learning principles in collaboration with team members. (family
education activity)
Standard VII Engages in Professional Development
a. Assesses his/her professional performance level relative to KY IECE Teacher
Standards. (reflections)
b. Identifies priority of own professional development needs. (reflections)
c. Designs a plan to address professional growth needs for all priority areas.
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d. Engages in ongoing professional activities. (reflections)
e. Shows evidence of professional growth resulting from the implementation of the
plan. (reflections)
f. Applies professional ethics, practice, and legal mandates in early childhood
settings. (reflections)
Standard VIII Supports Families
a. Assists families in articulating resources, priorities, and concerns. (family
education activity)
b. Individualizes interactions and activities that demonstrate sensitivity to
characteristics of each
child’s family and community. (family education activity)
c. Facilitates communication of legal, procedural, and program-related information
to families using
appropriate methods of communication. (family education activity)
d. Applies adult learning principles in family education activities. (family
education activity)
e. Respects and provides on-going support for the family’s preferred level of
involvement in
educational activities. (family education activity)
Tentative Course Schedule
Week of
Assignment Due Date
How and
Where to submit
Thurs Sept 3rd 8:309:30
Seminar: Orientation meeting &
Assignment Explanation
BEP 100
Thurs Oct 8th 8:30-9:30
BEP 100
Fri Oct 9th
Fri, 16th
Fri Oct 23rd
Fri Oct 30th
Seminar: K-Tip forms, mid-term
Lesson plan 1, Cooperating
Teacher observation form, lesson
Mid-term practicum placement
Cooperating Teacher midsemester evaluation &
Dispositions and Professional
Behaviors Checklist
Lesson plan 2, University
Bring completed
packet to BEP 147
Bring completed
packet to BEP 147
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Supervisor observation form,
lesson reflection
Seminar: Planning for
Professional Growth
Professional Growth Plan
Thurs Nov 5th 8:309:30
Fri Nov 13th
Fri Nov 20th
Fri Nov 27th
Thurs Dec 3rd 8:30BEP 100
Fri Dec 4th
Family Education Activity
finalize your ePortfolio, which is due to Dr. Harte and Dr. Gilbert by Dec. 14th,
Lesson plan 3, Cooperating
Teacher observation form, lesson
End of semester practicum
placement reflection
Seminar: TBA
BEP 100
Bring completed
packet to BEP 147
Berger, E. H. (2008). Parents as partners in education: Families and schools working together (7th
Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
Bredekamp, S., & Copple, C. (Eds.). (2008). Developmentally appropriate practice in early
childhood programs serving children from birth through age 8 (3rd Ed.). Washington, DC:
National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Diss, R. E., & Buckley, P. K. (2005). Developing family and community involvement skills through
case studies and field experiences. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
Division for Early Childhood of Council for Exceptional Children. (1993. reaffirmed 1996).
Inclusion. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from Division for Early Childhood of Council for
Exceptional Children Web site:
Donaldson, M. (1979). Children’s minds. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
Epstein, A.S. (2007). The intentional teacher: Choosing the best strategies for young children’s
learning. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Feeney, S., Freeman, N.K. (1999). Ethics and the Early Childhood Educators: Using the NAEYC
Code. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Kentucky Department of Education. (2003). Building a strong foundation for school success:
Kentucky’s early childhood standards. Frankfort, KY: Author.
National Association for the Education of Young Children (2005). Screening and assessment of
young English-Language Learners. A supplement to the NAEYC position statement on early
childhood curriculum, assessment and program evaluation. Retrieved from National Association
EDU 397
for the Education of Young Children Web site:
Tertell, E.A., Klein, S. M., & Jewett, J. L. (Eds.). (1998). When teachers reflect: Journeys toward
effective, inclusive practice. Washington, DC: NAEYC.
Turnbull, A., Turnbull, R., Erwin, E., & Soodak, L. (2006). Families, professionals, and
exceptionality (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
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