All supporting materials (except sample ... Supporting Materials for NAC Arts Scholarship Application
All supporting materials (except sample ... Supporting Materials for NAC Arts Scholarship Application
NAC ARTS SCHOLARSHIP 2014 Supporting Materials for NAC Arts Scholarship Application All supporting materials (except sample of works) must be submitted on plain A4-sized paper, typewritten, single-spaced and arranged in sequence. Please do not staple/ bind any application form and supporting documents. The following must be attached to the printed & signed copy of application form for assessment and annexed accordingly: ANNEX 1 A Personal Statement addressing all questions below: 1. What are your short-term and long-term personal and career goals? (200 words) 2. How do you see yourself contributing to the arts and cultural development in Singapore after completing your studies, and how will this course add value to your current experience and knowledge of your artistic practice or profession? (400 words) 3. Who is your role model, and why? (300 words) 4. What kind of arts landscape do you wish to see in Singapore in 10 years time, and why? (600 words) ANNEX 2 Curriculum Vitae and a list of participation in the arts such as exhibitions, performances, competitions and other activities, as well as any awards received (indicating date and place of activity). Attach reviews, if any. ANNEX 3 Certified true copy of letter of admission from the institution at which the proposed course of study is to be undertaken. If you have listed more than 1 option, please provide information on all listed institutions. Candidates awaiting admission must submit their letters of application. If you are unable to obtain certified true copies from the respective institutions, you will be required to bring the original and photostatted copy of the letter to NAC for verification, if shortlisted. ANNEX 4 Description of proposed course of study and, if available, any brochure or prospectus issued by the institution at which the proposed course of study is to be undertaken. Indicate the relevant pages if submitting brochure or prospectus. If you have listed more than 1 institution, please provide information on all listed institutions. Wherever possible, include information on tuition fees. Page 1 of 6 NAC ARTS SCHOLARSHIP 2014 ANNEX 5 Certified true copy of transcripts and certificates of past qualifications, including results at the GCE ‘O’ and ‘A’ Levels, or equivalent. If you are unable to obtain certified true copies from the respective institutions, you will be required to bring the original copy of the letter to NAC for verification, if shortlisted. ANNEX 6 Copies of Scholarships, Awards, Commendations, Prizes, and Certificates received. ANNEX 7 Confidential reference letters from two referees* who are acquainted with applicant’s artistic experience and/or achievement. Referees must not be immediate family members or relatives to the applicant. *Eligible applicants of the NAC Arts Scholarship (Postgraduate) must list their current/ previous employer as one of the referees to verify their experience in the field of specialty. NOTE: Please send Form A to both referees, to be attached to their reference letters. Referees must enclose the reference letter and form A in an envelope, sealed and signed across the envelope seal before mailing it directly to NAC. If the referees choose to hand it personally to you, the envelope must remain sealed. As this is a confidential document, the content of the letter will not be disclosed to applicant. ANNEX 8 Sample of applicant’s work, depending on his/her field of practice. Do not submit master or original copy of work. Except for manuscripts and music scores, all works must be submitted in CD, VCD or DVD. Thumbdrives are not accepted. a) Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre) (i) Applicants specializing in performance, directing, conducting or choreography must submit up to 10 minutes of recent performance(s), featuring works of contrasting styles, including at least one unedited section of ‘live’ footage from a performance or rehearsal. Applicant must be clearly visible to the viewer and pointers can be added, if necessary (e.g. centre performer in red dress in 1st clip). Please send us five (5) copies of the above VCD or DVD. (ii) Applicants specializing in music composition must submit up to 10 minutes of recent relevant work of significant excerpts, featuring works of contrasting styles, and music scores to the sound recording. Please send us five (5) copies of the above VCD or DVD, and five (5) copies of the music scores. b) Technical Design & Production Applicants specializing in technical design and production must submit proof of experience (e.g. brochure or publicity materials of projects), as well as production photographs, sketches, concept plans or drawings of set of lighting designs, if Page 2 of 6 NAC ARTS SCHOLARSHIP 2014 applicable. These materials must be submitted in PowerPoint or Acrobat format and stored in VCD or DVD. Applicant may also submit up to 10 minutes of footage of technical design works involving sound and moving images. Footage should feature works of contrasting styles. Please send us five (5) copies of the above VCD or DVD. c) Visual Arts Applicants must submit up to 10 recent relevant works in PowerPoint or Acrobat format and stored in VCD or DVD. For works involving sound and moving images, applicants must submit up to 3 minutes of their works. No original works should be submitted. All submissions must be accompanied by explanatory notes not exceeding 5 pages. Please send us five (5) copies of the above VCD or DVD. d) Creative Writing, Visual Arts Curating and Arts Research Applicants must submit between 10 and 30 pages of manuscript (e.g. short stories, poems, published articles, playscripts or a combination of the above) as well as samples of any previously published works. Please send us five (5) copies of the above work. e) Arts Management and Production Management Applicants must submit proof of experience (e.g. brochure or publicity materials of projects involved), if applicable. These materials must be submitted as PowerPoint or Acrobat format and stored in VCD or DVD. Please send us five (5) copies of the VCD or DVD. ANNEX 9 National Service record (male applicants only) – Submit a copy of Certificate of Service as proof of O.R.D or Clearance Letter, where applicable. Important note on submitting samples of works All materials including CDs and portfolios must be clearly labeled with your name and contact details. Master or original copy of works is not accepted. Please refrain from submitting group recordings whereby applicant's individual performance is not easily discernible. All recordings must be accompanied by a brief write-up of the recorded work: a) Indicate title of work & event; b) Applicant’s role in work; c) Names of artists; d) Date & venue of performance; e) Instrument and timings of each segment of work to be viewed by the panel. Page 3 of 6 NAC ARTS SCHOLARSHIP 2014 File formatting Files for static images should be submitted in PowerPoint file format (.ppt, .pptx) or Acrobat file format (.pdf) stored on a Data CD. Files with moving images should be submitted in VCD or DVD Video format. Other acceptable submissions include QuickTime Movie file format (.mov, encoded in MPEG-4) stored on a Data CD or DVD. Sound files should be in CD Audio (Redbook) format. Other acceptable submissions include Waveform Audio file format (.wav) or Audio Interchange File Format (.aif, .aiff) rendered at 16bit, 44.1 kHz, stereo stored on a Data CD. Submission and Collection of materials Applications without supporting documents will not be considered for the Scholarship. The Council shall not be liable for any loss of portfolios or samples of works if original or master copies are submitted. All submitted materials will be retained by NAC. If you wish to take them back, please indicate clearly during submission. All information provided must be complete and true, and all requests for additional information should be promptly met. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Application materials to reach NAC at the following address by 21 March 2014, 5:00pm: NAC Arts Scholarship Application National Arts Council 90 Goodman Road, Goodman Arts Centre, Block A #01-01, Singapore 439053 Page 4 of 6 NAC ARTS SCHOLARSHIP 2014 --- Please attach this checklist with your supporting materials submission. --- For official use only: To be completed by applicant Date of receipt: Application reference no.: Received by: …….……………… .……..….………….... Note: Application no. auto-generated upon submission Acknowledged by : ……………………… Applicant Name: Date of acknowledgment: …………………..... Contact No.: Signature of applicant: Note: Online submission by 14 March 2014, 11:59pm Materials to reach NAC by 21 March 2014, 5:00pm APPLICATION CHECKLIST Please tick √ Have you attached following materials required? 1 One print-out copy of the submitted application form (to be downloaded from portal). Signature must be visible. 2 Annex 1: Personal Statement 3 Annex 2: Curriculum Vitae & a list of participation and activities in the arts 4 Annex 3: Letter of Admission, if available. Otherwise, proof of application. 5 Annex 4: Information on your proposed course of study, Prospectus 6 Annex 5: Graduation certificates & transcripts of results 7 Annex 6: Copies of achievements - Scholarship, awards, commendations, prizes, certificates etc. 8 Annex 7: Letters of reference Attached (If not attached here, kindly remind your referees to mail it directly to NAC by 21 March 2014) ____ / 2 Annex 8: Sample of works in the specified format required*, with accompanying write-up, where applicable. *Five (5) copies of CD, VCD or DVD must be submitted Submitted 9 letters ___ / 5 copies 10 Annex 9: National Service record (male applicants only) 11 Have you made a copy of the application for your own record? 12 Do you wish to take back your submitted materials after the scholarship selection? YES, I want to collect the materials. NO, I do not want the materials. Page 5 of 6 NAC ARTS SCHOLARSHIP 2014 FORM A Confidential Reference To the Applicant: Please fill in your particulars below and send this to each of your 2 referees. Information on proposed course of study refers to your First Choice as reflected in your online application submission. Name of Applicant: _______________________________________ Contact No: ________________________ Programme title: _____________________________ Name of Institution: _______________________________ Scheme applied: NAC ARTS SCHOLARSHIP (UNDERGRADUATE) / (POSTGRADUATE)* (delete accordingly) To the Referee: The above applicant is applying for a scholarship from the National Arts Council to pursue his/her studies in the programme stated above. Your candid estimate of his/her artistic and academic performance, intellectual promise and qualities as a person will help the assessment panel in making its final selections. We would appreciate if you could submit your comments in a letter, attached to this form, addressing the questions below. As this is a confidential document, the content of the letter will not be disclosed to applicant. How long have you known the applicant: __________ years ___________ months Please state your relationship to the applicant: _______________________________________________ Please address the following questions in your reference letter: Q1 Describe the applicant’s creative potential and/or involvement and experience in the arts. Do provide evidence which relates to the nature of his/her motivation for working in and contributing to the arts - the originality, independence, depth of interest and sensitivity he/she displays in artistic creation, production, management or research, and quality of work. Q2 Describe the applicant’s most impressive accomplishment (Eg. memorable production, exhibition, project or research). Q3 How do you feel about the applicant’s proposed programme and choice of institution, paying particular attention to its value to the applicant’s development as an arts practitioner or professional at this point in his/her career? Q4 With reference to your experience working with the applicant, what are your impressions of his/her character, aims and values? How do fellow students, colleagues, teachers or peers regard the applicant as compared to his/her contemporaries? Does he/she have any special strengths or weaknesses? Your letter should reach NAC by 21 March 2014. Kindly note that NAC may contact you directly for further information concerning the applicant. Please fill in your particulars below and submit this form together with your confidential letter of reference in a sealed envelope to: NAC Arts Scholarship (Reference Letter), National Arts Council, 90 Goodman Road, Block A #01-01 Singapore 439053. Name: _________________________________________ Signature: _________________________________ Occupation & (Employer): ________________________________ Email: ______________________________ Contact No(s): _________________________________________ Date: _______________________________ Page 6 of 6