Differential Equations Math 225 Exam 2 (Sample) October, 2005
Differential Equations Math 225 Exam 2 (Sample) October, 2005
Differential Equations Math 225 Exam 2 (Sample) October, 2005 Open Book Open Notes Calculators Permitted Show all work (except #4) y'= 2y + 3z + 2 1. (30 pts) Solve the system of equations: z'= y − 2z + t Method 1 – Elimination: This is equivalent to the system (written in terms of linear differential operators): (D-2)[y] + (-3)[z] = 2 (*) € (-1)[y] + (D+2)[z] = t (**) Apply the appropriate operators so the y terms of both are the same, so we can subtract to get an equation involving only x: (-1)(D-2)[y] + (-1)(-3)[z] = (-1)[2] = -2 (D-2)(-1)[y] + (D-2)(D+2)[z] = (D-2)[t] = 1-2t Subtracting we get ((3) – (D-2)(D+2))[z] = -2 – (1-2t), so –z” + 7z = 2t-3 Solving this equation in the usual manner we proceed as follows: Char polynomial is -r2 + 7 = 0, which has roots r = {±√7} Thus the homogeneous solution is z H ( t ) = Ae 7t + Be− 7t Using the method of undetermined coefficients we get zP(t) = (2t-3)/7 (We can actually do this by inspection in this case, as the z” term will be zero) Thus z(t) = zH(t) + zP(t) = Ae√7t + B e-√7t + (2t-3)/7 We can now finish by plugging € back into equation (**), getting an equation in y: (-1)[y] + (D+2)[z] = t -y + (A√7e√7t – B√7e-√7t + 2/7) + 2(Ae√7t + B e-√7t + (2t-3)/7) = t Answer: y = A(2+√7)e√7t + B(2-√7)e-√7t + (-3t-4)/7 z = Ae√7t + B e-√7t + (2t-3)/7 (Note: This method can introduce extraneous constants, but when we plugged back into eqn (**) to solve for y we also solved for these constants. Had we solved for y in the same way that we solved for z – eliminate by subtracting “multiples” of (*) and (**) we would have gotten two further constants – call them C and D – which we would have had to solve for in terms of A and B in by plugging our solutions back into the two equations.) Method 2 – Matrix Methods: This system of equations is equivalent to the matrix equation X’ = AX + B, where y 2 3 2 X = , A = and B = z 1 −2 t 2 + 7 2 − 7 The matrix A has eigenvalues {√7, -√7}. The eigenvectors and 1 1 €correspond to the€eigenvalues √7 and -√7, respectively. (In other words, 2 + 7 2 − 7 2 3 2 + 7 2 3 2 − 7 = 7 and = − 7 .) Using 1 1 −2 1 1 −2 1€ 1 € these eigenvectors we can simplify our problem by diagonalizing A: We create a matrix T from these eigenvectors, knowing that the matrix T-1AT will be diagonal, with eigenvalues on the diagonal. Think of this as a change of variables, from {y,z}, to {T-1(y,z)}. We € convert our original equation X’ = AX + B by € € 1/4 Exam 2 Sample multiplying by T-1 to get the equation T-1X’ = T-1AX + T-1B. With a little manipulation we get the equation T-1X’ = T-1ATT-1X + T-1B. By defining some new names: U:= T-1X, the vector of (changed) variables, and D:= T-1AT, the diagonalized matrix, and C:= T-1B, we can rewrite this as the equation: U’ = DU + C. 2 + 7 2 − 7 −12 3 2 + 7 2 − 7 2 + 7 7 0 −1 D = T AT = = = 1 1 −2 1 1 1 0 − 7 1 2 + 7 2 − 7 −1 y v −1 U = =T X = 1 z w 1 7 7 2 + 7 2 − 7 −1 2 7 1+ 2 −1 t −1 C =T B = = 1 t 7 −1+ 7 + 1 t 1 2 7 This gives us the two first order equations: € ( ( )) ( ( )) € v'= 7v + 7 7 (1+ ( −1)t) (−1+ ( + 1)t) 7 2 € w'= 7w + € Solvable by the usual first order methods, after which we can convert back to y and z as {y, z} = {T(v,w)}. € 2. 7 7 7 2 (30 pts) Given the equation y” + 2y’ + 5y = 0 : a) (15 pts) Find the general solution. The characteristic polynomial r2 + 2r + 5 = 0 has roots r = {-1 ± 2i} The general (which in this case is the homogeneous) solution is: Answer: y(t) = a1 e(-1+2i)t + a1 e(-1-2i)t which can be rewritten as either y(t) = e-t(d1 sin(2t) + d2 cos(2t)) or y(t) = Ae-tsin(2t + φ) b) (10 pts) Solve the initial value problem y(π) = 1, y’(π) = 2. y(t) = e-t(d1 sin(2t) + d2 cos(2t)) y’(t) = -e-t(d1 sin(2t) + d2 cos(2t)) + y(t) + e-t(2d1 cos(2t) - 2d2 sin(2t)) = e-t((-d1 -2d2 )sin(2t) + (-d2 +2d1 )cos(2t)) If t=π we have sin(2t) = sin(2π) = 0 and cos(2t) = cos(2π) = 1 So 1 = y(π) = e-π(d1 (0) + d2 (1)) = d2 e-π and thus d2 = eπ And 2 = y’(π) = e-π((-d1 -2d2 )(0) + (-d2 +2d1 )(1)) = e-π(-d2 +2d1 ) = e-π(- eπ+2d1 ) 2 = -1 + 2d1 e-π and thus d1 = 3eπ/2 Answer: y(t) = e-t((3eπ/2)sin(2t) + (eπ)cos(2t)) = eπ-t((3/2)sin(2t) + cos(2t)) c) (5 pts) Characterize the solution (oscillatory – if so what frequency, exponentially dying or growing, etc) The solution is oscillatory in an exponentially decreasing envelope. The oscillations have period π. 3. (30 pts) Solve 2y” + 8y = sin(2t): We first solve the homogeneous equation 2y” + 8y = 0 2/4 Exam 2 Sample The characteristic polynomial is 2r2 + 8 = 0, which has roots r = {±2i} So yH(t) = a1 e2it + a2 e-2it or equivalently yH(t) = d1 sin(2t) + d2 cos(2t) a) (15 pts) By undetermined coefficients. Normally, a driving term of sin(2t) suggests a particular solution of form Asin(2t) + Bcos(2t). In this case, though, as the driving term is of the same form of part of the homogeneous solution, we will look for a particular solution of form At sin(2t) + Bt cos(2t). (text, pg 184) (This can also be made plain by noting that the equation has the form 2(D+2)(D-2)[y] = sin(2t), and as (D+2)(D-2) annihilates sin(2t) we can rewrite this as a homogeneous equation by operating on both sides with (D+2)(D-2), so 2(D+2)2(D+2)2[y] = (D+2)(D-2)[sin(2t)] = 0. The usual reduction of order argument gives us the form of the solutions.) Assume that yp (t) = c1 t sin(2t) + c2 t cos(2t) yp ’(t) = c1 sin(2t) + 2c1 t cos(2t) + c2 cos(2t) - 2c2 t sin(2t) yp ”(t) = 4c1 cos(2t) - 4c1 t sin(2t) - 4c2 sin(2t) - 4c2 t cos(2t) Plugging back into the original equation: 2(4c1 cos(2t)-4c1 tsin(2t)-4c2 sin(2t)-4c2 tcos(2t))+8(c1 tsin(2t)+c2 tcos(2t))=sin(2t) As {sin(2t), cos(2t), t sin(2t), t cos(2t)} are linearly independent functions, we can divide this into four separate relations, looking at the coefficients of each of these functions: sin(2t): -8c2 = 1, so c2 = -1/8 cos(2t): 8 c1 = 0, so c1 = 0 t sin(2t): -8c1 + 8c1 = 0, which gives no information t cos(2t): -8c2 + 8c2 = 0, which gives no information Answer: y(t) = yH(t) + yP(t) = d1 sin(2t) + d2 cos(2t) - (1/8)t cos(2t) b) (15 pts) By variation of parameters. Assume that the particular solution has the form: yp (t) = u1 (t)sin(2t) + u2 (t)cos(2t) yp ’(t) = u1 ’(t)sin(2t) + 2u1 (t)cos(2t) + u2 ’(t)cos(2t) - 2u2 (t)sin(2t) We assume the usual constraint: u1 ’(t)sin(2t) + u2 ’(t)cos(2t) = 0, which we will label as relation (*) for future reference. So yp ’(t) = 2u1 (t)cos(2t) - 2u2 (t)sin(2t) So yp ”(t) = 2u1 ’(t)cos(2t) - 4u1 (t)sin(2t) - 2u2 ’(t)sin(2t) - 4 u2 (t)cos(2t) Plugging these back into the original equation: 2(2u1 ’(t)cos(2t) - 4u1 (t)sin(2t) - 2u2 ’(t)sin(2t) - 4 u2 (t)cos(2t)) + 8(u1 (t)sin(2t) + u2 (t)cos(2t)) = sin(2t) 4u1 ’(t)cos(2t) - 4u2 ’(t)sin(2t) = sin(2t), which we label as relation (**) Multiply (*) by 4 cot(2t) and subtract it from (**) -4u2 ’(t)cos(2t)cot(2t) - 4u2 ’(t)sin(2t) = sin(2t) -4 u2 ’(t) = sin(2t)2 So u2 (t) = (-1/4)(t/2 – sin(4t)/8) Plugging this back into (*) we get: 0 = u1 ’(t)sin(2t) + u2 ’(t)cos(2t) = u1 ’(t)sin(2t) + (-sin(2t)2 /4)cos(2t) So u1 ’(t) = sin(2t)cos(2t)/4 = sin(4t)/8 u1 (t) = -cos(4t)/32 Plugging this back in to recover the particular solution: yp (t) = u1 (t)sin(2t) + u2 (t)cos(2t) = (-cos(4t)/32)sin(2t) + ((-1/4)(t/2 – sin(4t)/8))cos(2t) = sin(2t)/16 – (t/8)cos(2t) Thus, adding the particular solution to the general solution we get: y(t) = yH(t) + yP(t) = (d1 sin(2t) + d2 cos(2t)) + sin(2t)/16 + (-t/8)cos(2t) 3/4 Exam 2 Sample We can simplify this by defining new (still undetermined) constant coefficients c1 = d1 + 1/16 and c2 = d2 , so we get: Answer: y(t) = c1 sin(2t) + c2 cos(2t) + (-t/8)cos(2t) 4. (10 pts) State an answer and if possible give a reason. a) State whether the set of functions {x, |x|} linearly dependent over each of the intervals [-1,0], [0,1], [-1,1]. Over the interval [0,1] the function |x| is equal to the function (1)x, so obviously the set {x, |x|} = {x, x} is not linearly independent. Over the interval [-1, 0] the function |x| is equal to the function (–1)x, so obviously the set {x, |x|} = {x, (-1)x} is not linearly independent. Over the interval [-1, 1] the two functions {x, |x|} are linearly independent. This can be shown by noting that any relation between the two functions which holds for x>0 has the form (a)x + (-a)|x| = 0 but any relation between them which holds for x<0 must have the form (a)x + (a)|x| = 0. Thus, for the relation to hold for both x<0 and x>0 we must have a=0. Thus, {x, |x|} is linearly independent on the interval [-1, 1]. b) What is the behavior as t->∞ of the solution to the initial value problem given by y"−( 3 + 2e−t ) y'+(2 + 3e−t + e−2t ) y = 0 and y(0) = y’(0) = 1. € 4/4 The solution is unbounded. More specifically, the limit as t->∞ is -∞. We think of this equation as though it were a linear equation (it is) with constant coefficients (it isn’t), and analyze it in the usual manner. The characteristic polynomial is r2 – (3+2e-t)r + (2+3e-t+e-2t) = 0 which has roots r = {1+e-t, 2+e-t}, so we expect that in the interval [0, ∞] there will be two fundamental solutions {y1 (t), y2 (t)}. One fundamental solution, call it y1 (t), will be greater than et and less than e2t, while y2 (t) will be greater than e2t and less than e3t – in particular, both fundamental solutions are unbounded. (We conclude this as the real part of the two roots are both positive.) As the initial condition is set at t=0, where the two solutions behave like y1 (t)≈e2t and y2 (t)≈e3t, respectively, we expect that the solution will have the form y(t) = 2y1 (t) + 3y1 (t), and thus we expect that the solution will eventually turn negative and have a limit as t->∞ of -∞. Exam 2 Sample