OUTPATIENT PHARMACY (PSO) PHARMACIST’S USER MANUAL Version 7.0 December 2007 (Revised March 2014) Department of Veterans Affairs Product Development Revision History Each time this manual is updated, the Title Page lists the new revised date and this page describes the changes. If the Revised Pages column lists “All,” replace the existing manual with the reissued manual. If the Revised Pages column lists individual entries (e.g., 25, 32), either update the existing manual with the Change Pages Document or print the entire new manual. Date 03/2014 Revised Pages Patch Number All, i-x, 42, 158, 160, 161-162, 207-208, 216, 217. 218-219, 220, 251252, 279, 281, 289290 PSO*7*421 PSO*7*433 Description Renumbered pages throughout entire document. Changed November 2010 footer dates to December 1997 per client instructions. Renumbered pages throughout entire document. Modified Revision History. Print from Suspense File Entering a New Order – ePharmacy (Third Party Billable) ePharmacy Menu NDC Validation Third Party Payer Rejects – View/Process Third Party Payer Rejects – Worklist (Discontinued TRICARE and CHAMPVA prescriptions no longer appear on the Third Party Payer Rejects - Worklist [PSO REJECTS WORKLIST]). Reject Resolution Required Rejects Added material throughout relating to new Reject Security Keys PSO EPHARMACY SITE MANAGER Access to the EPHARMACY SITE PARAMETERS [PSO ePHARM SITE PARAMETERS] option requires the new PSO EPHARMACY SITE MANAGER security key. Revised table showing Site Parameter actions and screen-shot showing related dialog. Added option names throughout. Added revised ePharmacy Site Parameters Screen and related subscreen sections; removed discontinued functionality. Added additional index references. Added Lookup National Clean-Up Utility Data 09/2013 i – x, 2, 39, 39tt, 39uu, 39uu2 – 39yy, 39ggg November 2010 PSO*7*372 PSO*7*416 (C. Powell, PM; K. Kapple, Tech Writer) Added two new documents to Related Documentation section Added Order Check information to Chapter 14 Changed Chapter 14 heading to Processing Order Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual i Date Revised Pages - 39hhh, 39ooo, 39qqq, 54 54a, 55-60l, 84, 86, 95, 99, 169 170, 172, 174, 178 Patch Number i, ii, vii-x, 48-48d, 9596, 160b160d, 167167d, 169170, 177 178 PSO*7*391 01/2013 i-x, 4, 6, 8, 11, 18a-18d, 28, 29, 30a, 30c, 30d, 39y, 39bb, 39ff, 39hh, 39qq, 39tt 39uu2, 39vv, 39ww39ww2, 39mmm, 53, 58, 60-60o, 66, 73, 77, 79, 80, 83, 89, 100, 155, 171-176, 177-178 PSO*7*390 09/2012 i, iib, vii, viii, 83a – 83d, 89 – 91b, 99, 107a, 170m PSO*7*386 03/2012 i, viii, 8, 15, 24, 35-36, 41, 160, PSO*7*367 05/2013 ii Description Checks Updated screen captures with new checking messages Added Chapter 14.5: Dosing Order Checks Added references to the Dosing Order Check User Manual Updated Index (D. McCance, PM; G. Tucker, PM; G. Scorca/D. Hoff, Tech Writers) Updated Revision History Updated Table of Contents New security key named "PSDRPH" introduced. Updated Changes to OERR. Added Changes to Processing a Prescription section. Added Hash Counts and DEA Certification section. Added two System Error messages. Updates to Index (Niha Goyal, PM; John Owczarzak, Tech Writer) Added Check Drug Interaction Added Creatinine Clearance (CrCl) and Body Surface Area (BSA) to the Patient and Medication Profile displays. Added drug allergy changes Added Clinic Order section Updated Glossary Updated Index (D. McCance, PM; G. Tucker, PM; G. Scorca, Tech Writer) Added section on HOLD and UNHOLD functionality. Updated Flagging and Unflagging Pending Orders. Updated Activity Log for HOLD/UNHOLD comments. Added PSO TECH ADV key information. (Niha Goyal, PM; John Owczarzak, Tech Writer) To add functionality to Outpatient Pharmacy for the printing and storing of FDA Medication Guides. Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Date Revised Pages 170a, 170e170l, 170m170n, 177178 03/2012 i, vii, 63,107a107b,160160b,171, 172, 173 02/2012 i-ii, iia-iib, vviii, 10, 1314, 36-37, 43, 48a-48b, 50, 67, 67a67n, 75, 111, 117-119, 122-123, 123a-123b, 125-128, 128a-128b, 130-134, 134a-134b, 135-138, 138a-138b, 139-140, 140a-140b, 141, 141a141b, 142146, 147149, 149a, 150-154, 156a-156b, 157, 170e170f, 171178 November 2010 Patch Number Description Updates to Index (N. Goyal, PM; B. Thomas, Tech Writer) PSO*7*354 PSO*7*385 Update to TOC Automated Dispensing Device (ADD) enhancement ADD, DNS, OPAI added to Glossary. (Niha Goyal, PM; John Owczarzak, Tech Writer) Removed incorrect listing of View Additional Reject Info (ARI) action Added signature alerts Updated wording for ¾ Days Supply Hold Added rounding functionality for ¾ Days Supply Hold Added new actions Submit Multiple Actions (SMA) and Suspense Date Calculation (SMA) Added new option View ePharmacy Rx (VER) Corrected earlier formatting errors Corrected typos Updated Service Code values Updated changed security key names Added TRICARE and CHAMPVA examples of rejects on a new order Updated name of TRICARE CHAMPVA Bypass/Override Report Updated screen shots related to patch changes Updated wording based on reviewer feedback Added CHAMPVA functionality Added separate section to list changes to security keys Added CHAMPVA to Glossary (S. Spence, PM; C. Smith, Tech Writer) Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual iii Date Revised Pages Patch Number PSO*7*359 Description 10/2011 i-ii, v-viii, 4, 7-10, 36, 5658, 64, 66, 95, 118, 120124, 126127, 128128b, 135137, 139145, 146146b, 148, 149-149b, 150-153, 154-154b, 155-156, 165, 175-178 Added new action View Additional Reject Info (ARI) Expanded ECME Numbers to twelve digits Updated screen shots related to patch changes Added TRICARE to Glossary Corrected typos Corrected formatting errors from 11/10 reissue (S. Spence, PM; C. Smith, Tech Writer) 09/2011 i,vi-vii, 30a30f PSO*7*382 Added information regarding the new [PSO HRC PROFILE/REFILL] option. (N. Goyal, PM; J. Owczarzak, Tech Writer) 04/2011 i, viii, 8, 170a-170d, 177-179 PSO*7*343 To add functionality to Outpatient Pharmacy for the OnDemand Displaying of FDA Medication Guides. Display FDA Medication Guide [MG] added to Other OP Actions [OTH] Updates to Index 04/2011 i, vi, vii, viii, 5, 8, 10, 2727b, 28, 30, 39-39nnn, 40, 54-54t, 58, 59, 6060l, 78, 82, 159, 163, 167-180 PSO*7*251 (T. Leggett, PM; B. Thomas, Tech Writer) The following changes are included in this patch: -Outpatient List Manager Screen Views -Added HP and H to Hold Status -Removed DC code; Added DF,DE,DP,DD and DA -Added to Hidden Action List: IN - Removed DC code; Added DF,DE,DP,DD and DA, and - Added HP and H to Hold Status -Replaced Medication Short Profile -Inserted enhanced Order checks, Outpatient Pharmacy generated order checks -Added IN to Screen Scrape -Modified New Order Screen Scrape -Inserted Drug Allergy Screens -Updated Glossary and Index to start on odd pages (G. Tucker, PM; G. Scorca, Tech Writer) 11/2010 iv All PSO*7*358 Added information regarding TRICARE Active Duty Bypass/Override details (S. Spence, PM; G. Johnson, Tech Writer) Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Preface This user manual describes the functional characteristics of Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0. It is intended for pharmacists and technicians who are familiar with the functioning of Outpatient Pharmacy in a Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC). November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual v (This page included for two-sided copying.) vi Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction................................................................................................. 1 Documentation Conventions................................................................................................................ 1 Getting Help........................................................................................................................................ 2 Related Manuals.................................................................................................................................. 2 Chapter 2: List Manager ............................................................................................... 3 Outpatient List Manager ...................................................................................................................... 3 Using List Manager with Outpatient Pharmacy .................................................................................... 6 Entering Actions ................................................................................................................................. 6 Outpatient Pharmacy Hidden Actions .................................................................................................. 7 Speed Actions.................................................................................................................................. 8 Other Outpatient Pharmacy ListMan Actions .................................................................................. 9 Other Screen Actions....................................................................................................................... 9 Chapter 3: Using the Pharmacist Menu..................................................................... 11 Patient Lookup .................................................................................................................................. 11 Chapter 4: Using the Bingo Board ............................................................................. 13 Bingo Board User .............................................................................................................................. 13 Enter New Patient ......................................................................................................................... 13 Display Patient's Name on Monitor ............................................................................................... 13 Remove Patient's Name from Monitor ........................................................................................... 14 Status of Patient's Order ............................................................................................................... 14 Chapter 5: Changing the Label Printer ...................................................................... 15 Change Label Printer ......................................................................................................................... 15 Chapter 6: Changing the Suspense Date .................................................................. 17 Change Suspense Date ...................................................................................................................... 17 Chapter 7: Check Drug Interaction ............................................................................ 19 Check Drug Interaction ..................................................................................................................... 19 Chapter 8: Evaluating Drug Usage ............................................................................ 21 DUE Supervisor ................................................................................................................................ 21 Enter a New Answer Sheet ................................................................................................................ 21 Edit an Existing Answer Sheet .......................................................................................................... 21 Create/Edit a Questionnaire ............................................................................................................... 21 Batch Print Questionnaires ................................................................................................................ 22 DUE Report ...................................................................................................................................... 22 Chapter 9: Enter/Edit Clinic Sort Groups .................................................................. 23 Enter/Edit Clinic Sort Groups ............................................................................................................ 23 Chapter 10: Using the Interface Menu ....................................................................... 25 External Interface Menu .................................................................................................................... 25 Purge External Batches...................................................................................................................... 25 Reprint External Batches ................................................................................................................... 25 November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual vii View External Batches ...................................................................................................................... 26 Chapter 11: Using the Medication Profile ................................................................. 29 Medication Profile............................................................................................................................. 29 Medication Profile: Short Format ...................................................................................................... 29 Medication Profile: Long Format....................................................................................................... 30 Chapter 12: Using the Medication Reconciliation Tools.......................................... 37 Medication Reconciliation ................................................................................................................. 37 Chapter 13: Using the Pharmacy Intervention Menu ............................................... 39 Pharmacy Intervention Menu ............................................................................................................. 39 Enter Pharmacy Intervention ............................................................................................................. 39 Edit Pharmacy Intervention ............................................................................................................... 39 Print Pharmacy Intervention .............................................................................................................. 39 Delete Intervention ............................................................................................................................ 40 View Intervention ............................................................................................................................. 40 Chapter 14: Print from Suspense File ....................................................................... 41 Print from Suspense File.................................................................................................................... 41 Chapter 15: Processing Order Checks ...................................................................... 45 Processing Order Checks ................................................................................................................... 45 Allergy/ADR Order Checks (PSO*7*251)......................................................................................... 84 Therapeutic Duplication .................................................................................................................... 87 Chapter 16: Dosing Order Checks ........................................................................... 105 Chapter 17: Pull Early from Suspense .................................................................... 107 Pull Early from Suspense ................................................................................................................ 107 Chapter 18: Queue CMOP Prescription ................................................................... 109 QUEUE CMOP Prescription ........................................................................................................... 109 Chapter 19: Releasing Medication ........................................................................... 111 Release Medication ......................................................................................................................... 111 Changes to Releasing Orders function - Digitally Signed Orders Only ............................................. 114 Changes to Releasing Orders function - ScripTalk ........................................................................ 116 Changes to Releasing Orders Function – Signature Alert ................................................................. 117 Changes to Releasing Orders function – HIPAA NCPDP Global ..................................................... 117 Chapter 20: Returning Medication to Stock ............................................................ 119 Return Medication to Stock ............................................................................................................. 119 Chapter 21: Ordering/Processing a Prescription ................................................... 121 Rx (Prescriptions) ........................................................................................................................... 121 Patient Prescription Processing ........................................................................................................ 121 Duplicate Drug Order Check ........................................................................................................... 126 Entering a New Order ................................................................................................................. 139 CPRS Order Checks .................................................................................................................... 145 viii Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Clinic Orders .............................................................................................................................. 153 Entering a New Order --ePharmacy (Third Party Billable) ............................................................... 158 Editing a New Order ................................................................................................................... 171 Using the Copy Action................................................................................................................. 177 Holding and Unholding a Prescription ........................................................................................ 183 Flagging and Unflagging Pending Orders ........................................................................................ 189 Barcode Rx Menu ........................................................................................................................... 192 Barcode Batch Prescription Entry ............................................................................................... 192 Check Quality of Barcode ........................................................................................................... 192 Process Internet Refills ............................................................................................................... 193 Complete Orders from OERR.......................................................................................................... 194 Flagging and Unflagging Pending Orders................................................................................... 197 Changes to Finishing Pending Orders Process - Digitally Signed Orders Only............................ 200 Finishing an Order from OERR with Multiple Institutions ........................................................... 201 Finishing an ePharmacy Order ................................................................................................... 201 Activity Log................................................................................................................................. 201 Discontinue Prescription(s) ............................................................................................................. 205 Edit Prescriptions ............................................................................................................................ 206 ePharmacy Menu............................................................................................................................. 207 Ignored Rejects Report ................................................................................................................ 208 ePharmacy Medication Profile (View Only) ................................................................................ 209 NDC Validation .......................................................................................................................... 211 ePharmacy Medication Profile Division Preferences ................................................................... 212 ePharmacy Site Parameters ........................................................................................................ 213 Third Party Payer Rejects - View/Process ................................................................................... 214 Third Party Payer Rejects - Worklist ............................................................................................... 218 Other Rejects .................................................................................................................................. 247 Reject Resolution Required Rejects ................................................................................................. 251 View ePharmacy Rx ........................................................................................................................ 252 MailMan Message for Open/Unresolved Rejects ............................................................................. 252 Alerts for Discontinued CMOP Prescription .................................................................................... 253 Discontinued by a Background Process ....................................................................................... 253 Discontinued by a Foreground Pharmacy Process ...................................................................... 254 List One Patient's Archived Rx's...................................................................................................... 254 Manual Print of Multi-Rx Forms ..................................................................................................... 254 Reprint an Outpatient Rx Label ....................................................................................................... 254 Signature Log Reprint ..................................................................................................................... 256 View Prescriptions .......................................................................................................................... 256 Restrictions to Providers on Controlled Substances Orders .............................................................. 256 Chapter 22: Updating a Patient’s Record ................................................................ 259 Update Patient Record ..................................................................................................................... 259 Chapter 23: Verifying Prescriptions ........................................................................ 261 Verification ..................................................................................................................................... 261 List Non-Verified Scripts ................................................................................................................ 261 Non-Verified Counts ....................................................................................................................... 262 Rx Verification by Clerk ................................................................................................................. 263 Verifying ePharmacy Orders ........................................................................................................... 263 Chapter 24: CPRS Order Checks: How They Work ................................................ 265 November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual ix Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 265 Order Check Data Caching .............................................................................................................. 265 Hash Counts and DEA Certification ................................................................................................ 266 Chapter 25: Error Messages..................................................................................... 269 Chapter 26: FDA Medication Guides ....................................................................... 271 Displaying an FDA Medication Guide ............................................................................................. 271 Printing an FDA Medication Guide ................................................................................................. 273 Site Parameters................................................................................................................................ 274 FDA Medication Guide Printer Selection......................................................................................... 274 The Default FDA Medication Guide Printer .................................................................................... 275 Reprinting an FDA Medication Guide ............................................................................................. 276 Changing the FDA Medication Guide Printer .................................................................................. 278 Prompt During Label Print .............................................................................................................. 278 Label Log and CMOP Event Log Display........................................................................................ 278 Audit Trail for FDA Medication Guide Printing .............................................................................. 278 Automatically Printing FDA Medication Guides is Optional ............................................................ 278 Chapter 27: Security Keys ........................................................................................ 281 Security Keys .................................................................................................................................. 281 PSO TRICARE/CHAMPVA ......................................................................................................... 281 PSO TRICARE/CHAMPVA MGR ................................................................................................ 281 PSO TECH ADV ......................................................................................................................... 281 PSO EPHARMACY SITE MANAGER.......................................................................................... 281 Glossary ..................................................................................................................... 282 Index ........................................................................................................................... 289 x Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 1: Introduction The Outpatient Pharmacy (OP) software provides a way to manage the medication regimen of veterans seen in the outpatient clinics and to monitor and manage the workload and costs in the Outpatient Pharmacy. The Pharmacy Ordering Enhancements (POE) project (patch PSO*7*46 for Outpatient Pharmacy) improves the flow of orders between Inpatient and Outpatient Pharmacy as well as between Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS) and backdoor pharmacy. The primary benefits to the veteran are the assurance that he or she is receiving the proper medication and the convenience of obtaining refills easily. The clinicians and pharmacists responsible for patient care benefit from a complete, accurate, and current medication profile available at any time to permit professional evaluation of treatment plans. Utilization, cost, and workload reports provide management cost controlling tools while maintaining the highest level of patient care. Documentation Conventions This Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Manager’s User Manual includes documentation conventions, also known as notations, which are used consistently throughout this manual. Each convention is outlined below. Convention Example Menu option text is italicized. There are eight options on the Archiving menu. Screen prompts are denoted with quotation marks around them. The “Dosage:” prompt displays next. Responses in bold face indicate user input. Select Orders by number: (1-6): 5 <Enter> indicates that the Enter key (or Return key on some keyboards) must be pressed. <Tab> indicates that the Tab key must be pressed. Type Y for Yes or N for No and press <Enter>. Press <Tab> to move the cursor to the next field. Indicates especially important or helpful information. Indicates that options are locked with a particular security key. The user must hold the particular security key to be able to perform the menu option. November 2010 Up to four of the last LAB results can be displayed in the message. This option requires the security key PSOLOCKCLOZ. Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 1 Getting Help ?, ??, ??? One, two or three question marks can be entered at any of the prompts for online help. One question mark elicits a brief statement of what information is appropriate for the prompt. Two question marks provide more help, plus the hidden actions, and three question marks will provide more detailed help, including a list of possible answers, if appropriate. Related Manuals The following manuals are located on the VistA Documentation Library (VDL) at: http://www.va.gov/vdl. Main Package Documentation: • Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Release Notes • Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Manager’s User Manual • Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual • Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Technician’s User Manual • Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 User Manual – Supplemental • Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Technical Manual/Security Guide • Dosing Order Check User Manual • VistA to MOCHA Interface Document Additional Documentation: Additional documentation related to specific projects is also located on the VDL. For example, there may be several different Release Notes documents, which apply to specific projects. Also, there may be several sets of “Change Page” documents, which apply to changes made only for a specific package patch. 2 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 2: List Manager The screen displayed when processing an order has changed dramatically from the previous version of Outpatient Pharmacy (e.g., v. 6.0). The new screen was designed using List Manager. This new screen gives more information and easier accessibility to vital reports and areas of a patient’s chart. Please take the time to read over the explanation of the screen and the actions that can now be executed at the touch of a key. This type of preparation before attempting to use List Manager will reduce the time and effort needed to become skilled in order processing with this new version of List Manager. Outpatient List Manager Screen Title Header Area Allergy Indicator Patient Information Feb 09, 2006 16:31:03 Page: 1 of 2 OPPATIENT17, ONE <A> PID: 000-12-3456 Ht(cm): 175.26 (08/06/2000) DOB: AUG 30,1948 (52) Wt(kg): 108.18 (01/14/2006) SEX: MALE + Eligibility: SERVICE CONNECTED 50% to 100% SC%: 70 RX PATIENT STATUS: SC LESS THAN 50% Disabilities: List Area (Scrolling region) 1313 TWIN OAKS LANE HOME PHONE: 555-555-8361 CELL PHONE: WORK PHONE: ANYVILLE ALABAMA 12345 Prescription Mail Delivery: Regular Mail Message Window Allergies Verified: PEANUTS, + Enter ?? for more actions EA Enter/Edit Allergy/ADR Data DD Detailed Allergy/ADR List Select Action: Quit// PU EX Patient Record Update Exit Patient List Action Area Screen title: The screen title changes according to what type of information List Manager is displaying (e.g., Patient Information, Medication Profile, New OP Order (ROUTINE), etc.). Allergy indicator: This indicator displays when there has been information entered into the ALLERGY field for the patient. The indicator displays “NO ALLERGY ASSESSMENT” if there is no allergy assessment for the patient. Header area: The header area is a "fixed" (non-scrollable) area that displays patient information. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 3 List area: (scrolling region) This area scrolls (like the previous version) and displays the information on which action can be taken. Message window: This section displays a plus (+) sign, minus (-) sign, or informational text (i.e., Enter ?? for more actions). If a plus sign is entered at the action prompt, List Manager will "jump" forward a page. If a minus sign is displayed and entered at the action prompt, List Manager will "jump" back a screen. The plus and minus signs are only valid actions if they are displayed in the message window. Action area: A list of actions display in this area of the screen. If a double question mark (??) is entered at the "Select Item(s)" prompt, a "hidden" list of additional actions that are available will be displayed. Order Status and CMOP Indicators Example: Showing more Indicators and Definitions Medication Profile OPPATIENT16,ONE PID: 000-24-6802 DOB: APR 3,1941 (65) SEX: MALE CrCL: <Not Found> Copay Indicator ePharmacy Indicator Pending Orders Flagged Order Non-VA Meds Orders # RX # DRUG May 22, 2006 10:44:56 Page: Allergy Indicator 1 of 1 <A> Ht(cm): 177.80 (02/08/2004) Wt(kg): 90.45 (02/08/2004) Non-VA Meds on File BSA (m2): 2.11 Last entry on 01/13/01 ISSUE QTY ST DATE Return To Stock Indicator LAST REF DAY FILL REM SUP ------------------------------------ACTIVE---------------------------------1 503902 ACETAMINOPHEN 500MG TAB 60 AT 05-22 05-22 3 30 2 503886$ DIGOXIN (LANOXIN) 0.2MG CAP 60 A> 05-07 05-07 5 30 3 503871$ HISTOPLASMIN 1ML 1 A 03-14 03-14R 5 30 4 100002042$e NALBUPHINE HCL INJ 10MG/ML 1 A 03-14 03-14 5 30 5 100002040$ SALICYLIC ACID 40% OINT (OZ) 1 S 03-14 03-17 5 30 ---------------------------------DISCONTINUED---------------------------------6 503881 BACLOFEN 10MG TABS 30 DC 04-07 05-01 2 30 7 100002020A$ TIMOLOL 0.25% OPTH SOL 10ML 1 DE 02-03 02-03 5 30 --------------------------------------HOLD------------------------------------8 100001942 ABDOMINAL PAD 7 1/2 X 8 STERILE 1 H 09-28 09-28 5 30 ----------------------------------NON-VERIFIED--------------------------------9 100002039$ BACLOFEN 10MG TABS 30 N 03-14 03-14 5 30 ------------------------------------PENDING-----------------------------------10 AMPICILLIN 250MG CAP QTY: 40 ISDT: 05-29 REF: 0 11 SIMETHICONE 40MG TAB QTY: 30 ISDT: 05-30 REF: ------------------------NON-VA MEDS (Not dispensed by VA)---------------------GINKO EXT 1 TAB ONCE A DAY BY MOUTH Date Documented: 01/13/01 IBUPROFPEN 50MG TAB Date Documented: 12/10/00 Enter ?? for more actions PU Patient Record Update PI Patient Information Select Action: Quit// NO SO 3 New Order Select Order All orders are sub-grouped by like statuses and then listed alphabetically within the sub-group. 4 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Order Status: The current status of the order. These statuses include: A Active S Suspended N Non-Verified or Drug Interactions HP Placed on hold by provider through CPRS H Placed on hold via backdoor Pharmacy E Expired DA Auto discontinued due to admission DP Discontinued by provider through CPRS The Status column may also reflect the type of Discontinue action performed on the order: DF DE DC Discontinued due to edit by a provider through CPRS Discontinued due to edit via backdoor Pharmacy Discontinued via backdoor Pharmacy DD Discontinued due to death A “B” will be appended to the above statuses if the Bad Address Indicator was set and there was no active temporary address at the time of the last label activity. CMOP Indicators: There are two separate indicators when the drug in an order is marked for Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacy (CMOP) processing. This ndicator is displayed after the Order Status if applicable. > Drug for the prescription is marked for CMOP T Displayed when the last fill is either in a Transmitted or Retransmitted CMOP state. (This indicator can overwrite the “>” indicator. Copay Indicator: A “$” displayed to the right of the prescription number indicates the prescription is copay eligible. ePharmacy Indicator: An ‘e’ displayed to the right of the prescription number indicates that the prescription is electronic third-party billable. Return to Stock Indicator: An “R” displayed to the right of the Last Fill Date indicates the last fill was returned to stock. Pending Orders: Any orders entered through CPRS, or another outside source, that have not been finished by Outpatient Pharmacy. Non-VA Meds: Any over the counter (OTC) medications, herbal supplements, medications. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 5 Orders: prescribed by providers outside the VA, and medications prescribed by the VA, but purchased by the patient at an outside pharmacy are displayed here. Non-VA Meds orders cannot be placed or updated in Outpatient Pharmacy. The user can input information about a patient’s use of Non-VA Meds only through CPRS. However, the user can use either CPRS or Outpatient Pharmacy menu options to view Non-VA Meds data in a patient’s medical records. Third Party Rejects Any prescriptions that are rejected by third-party payers because of Refill Too Soon (code 79) or Drug Utilization Review (DUR - code 88) are displayed in this section. Example: Showing Rejected Prescriptions Medication Profile OPPATIENT16,ONE PID: 000-24-6802 DOB: APR 3,1941 (65) SEX: MALE CrCL: <Not Found> # RX # August 12, 2006@12:35:04 Page: 1 of 1 <A> Ht(cm): 177.80 (02/08/2005) Wt(kg): 90.45 (02/08/2005) BSA (m2): 2.11 ISSUE LAST QTY ST DATE DRUG REF DAY FILL REM SUP ----------------REFILL TOO SOON/DUR REJECTS (Third Party)---------------------1 51368009$e DIGOXIN (LANOXIN) 0.05MG CAP 90 A> 02-16 02-16 3 90 2 51360563e OXYBUTYNIN CHLORIDE 15MG SA TAB 180 S> 02-15 05-06 0 90 ---------------------------------ACTIVE--------------------------------------3 100003470e ABSORBABLE GELATIN FILM 1 A 11-04 11-04 5 31 4 100003461 ACETAMINOPHEN 650MG SUPPOS. 10 A> 11-04 11-04 1 10 5 100003185e ALBUMIN 25% 50ML 2 A 08-01 08-01 5 5 -----------------------------------DISCONTINUED------------------------------6 100003530 ANALGESIC BALM 1 POUND 1 A 01-08 01-08 3 90 7 100003400 APPLICATORS, COTTON TIP STERILE 10 A 09-23 09-23 5 31 + Enter ?? for more actions PU Patient Record Update PI Patient Information Select Action: Next Screen// NO SO New Order Select Order Using List Manager with Outpatient Pharmacy List Manager is a tool designed so that a list of items can be presented to the user for an action. For Outpatient Pharmacy, the List Manager does the following: • Allows the pharmacist or technician to browse through a list of actions • Allows the pharmacist or technician to take action against those items • Allows the user to select an action that displays an action or informational profile • Allows the user to select a different action without leaving an option. Entering Actions Actions are entered by typing the name(s), or synonym(s) at the "Select Item(s)" prompt. In addition to the various actions that may be available specific to a particular option, List Manager provides generic actions applicable to any List Manager screen. A double question mark (??) may be entered at the "Select Action" prompt for a list of all actions available. The following is a list of generic List Manager actions with a brief description. The synonym for each action is 6 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 shown in brackets following the action name. Entering the synonym is the quickest way to select an action. Action Description Next Screen [+] Move to the next screen (may be shown as a default). Previous Screen [-] Move to the previous screen. Up a Line [UP] Move up one line. Down a Line [DN] Move down one line. Shift View to Right [>] Move the screen to the right if the screen width is more than 80 characters. Shift View to Left [<] Move the screen to the left if the screen width is more than 80 characters. First Screen [FS] Move to the first screen. Last Screen [LS] Move to the last screen. Go to Page [GO] Move to any selected page in the list. Re Display Screen [RD] Redisplay the current. Print Screen [PS] Prints the header and the portion of the list currently displayed. Print List [PL] Prints the list of entries currently displayed. Search List [SL] Finds selected text in list of entries. Auto Display (On/Off) [ADPL] Toggles the menu of actions to be displayed/not displayed automatically. Quit [QU] Exits the screen (may be shown as a default). Outpatient Pharmacy Hidden Actions The Outpatient Pharmacy hidden actions will display with the previous hidden actions once a completed or finished order is selected and a double question mark (??) is entered at the "Select Action" prompt. The following hidden actions appear on the Medication Profile screen and can only be applied to one order at a time. Action Description Activity Logs [AL] Displays the Activity Logs. Copy [CO] Allows the user to copy and edit an order. Check Interactions [CK] Allows a user to perform order checks against the patient’s active medication profile with or without a Prospective drug. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 7 DIN Displays available drug restriction/guideline information for the Dispense Drug and Orderable Item associated with the selected medication order. IN Intervention Menu Hold [HD] Places an order on a hold status. Other OP Actions [OTH] Allows the user to choose from the following sub-actions: Progress Note [PN] Action Profile [AP] Print Medication Instructions [MI] Display Orders' Statuses [DO] Non-VA Meds Report [NV] Display FDA Medication Guide [MG] Reprint FDA Medication Guide [RM]] Patient Information [PI] Shows patient information, allergies, adverse reactions, and pending clinic appointments. Pull Rx [PP] Action taken to pull prescription(s) early from suspense. Reprint [RP] Reprints the label. View Reject [REJ] Allows the user to view and resolve the Refill Too Soon or Drug Utilization Review returned by the third party payer for a specific prescription/fill claim. Unhold [UH] Removes an order from a hold status. Verify [VF] Allows the pharmacist to verify an order a pharmacy technician has entered. Speed Actions These Outpatient Pharmacy actions are referred to as “speed actions” and appear on the Medication Profile screen. These actions can be applied to one or more orders at a time. Action Description Reprint [RP] Reprints the label. Renew [RN] A continuation of a medication authorized by the provider. Refill [RF] A second or subsequent filling authorized by the provider. Reprint Signature [RS] Reprints the signature log. Discontinue [DC] Status used when an order was made inactive 8 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 either by a new order or by the request of a physician. Release [RL] Action taken at the time the order is filled and ready to be given to the patient. Pull Rx [PP] Action taken to pull prescription(s) early from suspense. Inpat. Profile [IP] Action taken to view an Inpatient Profile. CM Action taken to manually queue to CMOP. Fill/Rel Date Disply [RDD] Switch between displaying the FILL DATE column and the LAST RELD column. Display Remote [DR] Action taken to display a patient’s remote prescriptions. Other Outpatient Pharmacy ListMan Actions Action Description Exit [EX] Exit processing pending orders. AC Accept. BY Bypass. ED Edit. FN Finish. Other Screen Actions Action Description Edit/Enter Allergy/ADR Data [EA] Provides access to the Adverse Reaction Tracking package to allow entry and/or edit of allergy adverse reaction data for the patient. See the Adverse Reaction Tracking package documentation for more information on allergy/ADR processing. Detailed Allergy Display [DA] Displays a detailed listing of the selected item from the patient's allergy/ADR list. Entry to the Edit Allergy/ADR Data action is provided with this list also. Patient Record Update [PU] Allows editing of patient data such as SSN, birth date, address, phone, and outpatient narrative. Patient data can also be updated using the Update Patient Record menu option. If implementing Other Language Modifications, either can be used to set a patient's other language preference. New Order [NO] Allows new orders to be entered for the patient. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 9 Exit Patient List [EX] 10 Exit patient’s Patient Information screen so that a new patient can be selected. Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 3: Using the Pharmacist Menu The options on the Pharmacist Menu are intended for use by pharmacists. Example: Accessing the Pharmacist Menu Select OPTION NAME: PSO USER1 Pharmacist Menu Outpatient Pharmacy software - Version 7.0 The following options are available on the Pharmacist Menu: • Bingo Board User ... • Change Label Printer • Change Suspense Date • Check Drug Interaction • DUE Supervisor ... • Enter/Edit Clinic Sort Groups • External Interface Menu ... • Medication Profile • Pharmacy Intervention Menu ... • Print from Suspense File • Process Drug/Drug Interactions • Pull Early from Suspense • Queue CMOP Prescription • Release Medication • Return Medication to Stock • Rx (Prescriptions) ... • Update Patient Record • Verification ... Patient Lookup The ability to look up a patient by prescription number or wand a barcode with the prescription has been added to the patient lookup prompt on the following options. • Bingo Board User ... [PSO BINGO USER] • Medication Profile [PSO P] • Rx (Prescriptions) ... [PSO RX] • Update Patient Record [PSO PAT] The help text for patient lookup reads as follows. Enter the prescription number prefixed by a # (ex. #XXXXXXX) or Wand the barcode of the prescription. The format of the barcode is NNN-NNNNNNN where the first 3 digits are your station number. - OR Answer with PATIENT NAME, or SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, or last 4 digits of SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, or first initial of last name with last 4 digits of SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Do you want the entire NNNNNNNN-Entry PATIENT List? November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 11 (This page included for two-sided copying.) 12 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 4: Using the Bingo Board This chapter describes the options available on the Bingo Board User menu. Bingo Board User [PSO BINGO USER] The Bingo Board User menu enables use of the bingo board display. The options on this menu allow a patient’s name or a number to be displayed, entered, or removed from the bingo board display located in the pharmacy area. When the routing for an order is set to “Window”, the entering of prescription orders stores information in the bingo board PATIENT NOTIFICATION (Rx READY) file. For new, renew, pull early from suspense, refill orders, barcode refill/renew, and finish process for orders entered via CPRS, the date and time is captured when the order is stored in this file. The same occurs for partials, except the time is captured when a prescription number is entered. Releasing the prescription places the name or ticket number of the patient on the bingo board monitor if a display group exists and stores data in the WAITING TIME file. The options on this menu are used to manually enter, display, or remove a patients name or number from the monitor. The following options are available on the Bingo Board User menu: • Enter New Patient • Display Patient’s Name on Monitor • Remove Patient’s Name from Monitor • Status of Patient’s Order Enter New Patient [PSO BINGO NEW PATIENT] Use this option to manually enter the name of a new patient on the bingo board. Each prescription number for the patient’s order must also be entered. A "Ticket #" prompt displays if ticket number was chosen as the method of display in the Enter/Edit Display option on the Bingo Board Manager menu. Enter the ticket number and at the next prompt enter each of the prescription numbers for that patient. Display Patient's Name on Monitor [PSO BINGO DISPLAY PATIENT] Use this option to begin displaying the name or number of a patient whose prescription is ready. The message, "PRESCRIPTIONS ARE READY FOR:" appears as fixed text on the display November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 13 screen. This option displays the following reminder for ECME billable prescriptions: “*** This Pharmacy Rx requires a patient signature! ***” Remove Patient's Name from Monitor [PSO BINGO DELETE PATIENT] After the patient picks up the prescription, remove the name or ticket number from the display either manually or through the barcode reader. It is recommended that a patient’s name be removed from the monitor as soon as the prescription is picked up. Status of Patient's Order [PSO BINGO STATUS] This option enables checking of the number of prescriptions a patient has ready, the division, time in/time out, and the prescription number(s). There are four possible statuses: Status Description Pending Active order input via CPRS that is in the PENDING OUTPATIENT ORDERS file. Being Processed Order that is in the PATIENT NOTIFICATION (Rx READY) file, but not displayed. Ready For Pickup Order that is in the PATIENT NOTIFICATION (Rx READY) file and is being displayed. Picked Up Order that has been picked up. Example: Status of Patient's Order Select Bingo Board User Option: Status of Patient's Order Enter Patient Name: OPPATIENT17,ONE 08-30-48 000123456 NO NSC VETERAN OPPATIENT17,ONE has the following orders for 10/31/06 Being Processed: ***Entered on OCT 31, 2006*** Division: GENERAL HOSPITAL Time In: 10:27 Rx #: 500416, Pending: Orderable Item: ACETAMINOPHEN Entered By: OPCLERK28,FOUR Drug: ACETAMINOPHEN 325MG TAB UD Ready For Pickup: Division: GENERAL HOSPITAL Rx #: 1022731, Time In: 10:36 Time Out: Provider: OPPROVIDER24,TWO Time In: 10/31/06@06:46 Routing: MAIL Time Out: 10:46 Enter Patient Name: <Enter> 14 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 5: Changing the Label Printer This chapter describes the Change Label Printer option. Change Label Printer [PSO CHANGE PRINTER] This option allows the user to change the printer to which labels are printed. Select Outpatient Pharmacy Manager Option: Change Label Printer Select LABEL PRINTER: LABELPRT2// <Enter> LABELPRT2 OK to assume label alignment is correct? YES//<Enter> ALBANY's FDA Medication Guide Printer(s) on file: BIRM1$PRT L8150$PRT Select FDA MED GUIDE PRINTER: HOME// SUP 1 SUPPORT LEXMARK LASERJET SUP HALLWAY - LINE 111 2 SUPPORT LINE PRINTER ROOM 273 3 SUPPORT TEST PRINTER ROOM 269 Choose 1-3> 1 SUPPORT LEXMARK LASERJET SUP HALLWAY - LINE 111 96// Right Margin: This device cannot be used for printing FDA Medication Guides. Please, contact your IRM and ask them to update the Windows Network Printer Name for this device. Select FDA MED GUIDE PRINTER: HOME// L8150$PRT November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 15 (This page included for two-sided copying.) 16 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 6: Changing the Suspense Date This chapter describes the Change Suspense Date option. Change Suspense Date [PSO PNDCHG] This option allows the suspense date to be changed for a specific prescription or all prescriptions for a patient. The new suspense date will become the fill/refill date automatically. The opportunity is also given to delete a specific prescription, or all prescriptions for a patient, from suspense while in this option. If a refill is deleted from suspense that has not yet been printed, the refill information will be deleted from the prescription, and the various fill dates will be adjusted accordingly. This option does not produce a label. When processing a drug/drug interaction, the profile will list the status of the interacting drugs as pending (P). November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 17 (This page included for two-sided copying.) 18 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 7: Check Drug Interaction This chapter describes the Check Drug Interaction option shown on the Pharmacist Menu [PSO USER1]. Check Drug Interaction [PSO CHECK DRUG INTERACTION] This option allows a user to check drug interactions between two or more drugs. Select Pharmacist Menu Option: CHECK Drug Interaction Drug 1: WARFARIN 2MG TABS BL110 ...OK? Yes// (Yes) Drug 2: SIMVASTATIN 40MG TAB Lookup: GENERIC NAME SIMVASTATIN 40MG TAB ...OK? Yes// (Yes) CV350 Drug 3: Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please wait... *** DRUG INTERACTION(S) *** ============================================================ ***Significant*** with SIMVASTATIN 40MG TAB and WARFARIN 2MG TABS CLINICAL EFFECTS: Increase hypoprothrombinemic effects of warfarin. ============================================================ Press Return to Continue...: Display Professional Interaction monograph? N// YES DEVICE: HOME// SSH VIRTUAL TERMINAL Right Margin: 80// -----------------------------------------------------------Professional Monograph Drug Interaction with SIMVASTATIN 40MG TAB and WARFARIN 2MG TABS This information is generalized and not intended as specific medical advice. Consult your healthcare professional before taking or discontinuing any drug or commencing any course of treatment. MONOGRAPH TITLE: Inhibitors Selected Anticoagulants/Selected HMG-CoA Reductase SEVERITY LEVEL: 3-Moderate Interaction: Assess the risk to the patient and take action as needed. MECHANISM OF ACTION: The exact mechanism of this interaction is unknown. The HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor may inhibit the hepatic hydroxylation of warfarin. The HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, which are highly plasma protein bound, may displace warfarin from its binding site. Press Return to Continue or "^" to Exit: Professional Monograph November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 19 Drug Interaction with SIMVASTATIN 40MG TAB and WARFARIN 2MG TABS CLINICAL EFFECTS: Increase hypoprothrombinemic effects of warfarin. PREDISPOSING FACTORS: None determined. PATIENT MANAGEMENT: Patients should be monitored for changes in prothrombin time when a HMG Co-A reductase inhibitor is added to or discontinued from warfarin therapy, or if the dosage of the HMG Co-A reductase inhibitor is adjusted. DISCUSSION: Case reports in the medical literature and to the manufacturer have documented an interaction between lovastatin and warfarin. A case report has documented an interaction between pravastatin and fluindione (an orally administered indanedione anticoagulant), suggesting that pravastatin could also interact similarly with warfarin. Information concerning a potential interaction with simvastatin is conflicting. A case report has documented an interaction between simvastatin and acenocoumarol while another case report showed no interaction with warfarin. One group of authors reported three case reports of increased international normalized ratios (INRs) following the addition of fluvastatin to warfarin therapy. The addition of rosuvastatin to patients stabilized on warfarin resulted in clinically significant changes in INR. Press Return to Continue or "^" to Exit: Professional Monograph Drug Interaction with SIMVASTATIN 40MG TAB and WARFARIN 2MG TABS REFERENCES: 1.Ahmad S. Lovastatin. Warfarin interaction. Arch Intern Med 1990 Nov; 150(11):2407. 2.Hoffman HS. The interaction of lovastatin and warfarin. Conn Med 1992 Feb; 56(2):107. 3.Iliadis EA, Konwinski MF. Lovastatin during warfarin therapy resulting in bleeding. Pa Med 1995 Dec;98(12):31. 4.Personal communication. Merck & Co., Inc. 1991. 5.Trenque T, Choisy H, Germain ML. Pravastatin: interaction with oral anticoagulant?. BMJ 1996 Apr 6;312(7035):886. 6.Grau E, Perella M, Pastor E. Simvastatin-oral anticoagulant interaction. Lancet 1996 Feb 10;347(8998):405-6. 7.Gaw A, Wosornu D. Simvastatin during warfarin therapy in hyperlipoproteinaemia. Lancet 1992 Oct 17;340(8825):979-80. 8.Trilli LE, Kelley CL, Aspinall SL, Kroner BA. Potential interaction between warfarin and fluvastatin. Ann Pharmacother 1996 Dec; 30(12):1399-402. Press Return to Continue or "^" to Exit: Professional Monograph Drug Interaction with SIMVASTATIN 40MG TAB and WARFARIN 2MG TABS 9.Crestor (rosuvastatin calcium) US prescribing information. AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP February, 2012. Copyright 2012 First DataBank, Inc. -----------------------------------------------------------Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit: Display Professional Interaction monograph? N// O 20 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 8: Evaluating Drug Usage This chapter describes the options on the DUE Supervisor menu. DUE Supervisor [PSOD SUPERVISOR] This menu provides options to create a questionnaire based on the criteria of a Drug Usage Evaluation. An answer sheet can also be printed for the provider's use in answering the questionnaire. The answer sheet can be distributed to the clinic so that the provider may complete it when ordering a medication being evaluated. An answer sheet can also be generated (optional) when a patient's Action Profile prints, if the profile contains a medication being evaluated. The provider's responses can be entered into the DUE ANSWER SHEET file. The following options are available on the DUE Supervisor menu: • Enter a New Answer sheet • Edit an Existing Answer Sheet • Create/Edit a Questionnaire • Batch Print Questionnaires • DUE Report Enter a New Answer Sheet [PSOD CREATE ANSWER SHEET] In this option the user enters answers to a DUE Questionnaire. This creates an answer sheet entry in the DUE ANSWER SHEET file. These answer sheets can be kept online for statistical and/or compliance studies. Answer sheets are stored in the file using a sequence number. This number is automatically generated by the computer and should be written on the hard copy of the answer sheet immediately so that it can be used later in editing or deleting the entry. Edit an Existing Answer Sheet [PSOD EDIT ANSWER SHEET] Edit a DUE Answer Sheet entry using this option. Ordinarily, the sequence number is available when editing the Answer Sheet; however, the file can be searched if the provider, drug, or questionnaire is known by typing ^S at the "SEQUENCE NUMBER" prompt. The search displays all of the entries containing the combination of provider, drug, or questionnaire used in the search. Create/Edit a Questionnaire [PSOD DUE BUILD QUESTIONNAIRE] To create a questionnaire, first select one or more drugs being evaluated. After selecting the drugs, create a set of questions to be used on the questionnaire. These questions do not have to be November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 21 added to the DUE QUESTION file since they are being added through this option. The questionnaire must be marked as “Active” and “Active for Profiles” for the Answer Sheet to automatically print with the Action Profiles. A summary can be printed for the questionnaire using the DUE Report option. For this reason, when creating a questionnaire, the user should strive to make each question a yes, no, or unknown type question. Questions having a free text or numeric type answer are ignored in the summary. The PRINT DUE QUESTIONNAIRE site parameter needs to be set to “YES” for the questionnaire to print with the Action Profile. Batch Print Questionnaires [PSOD BATCH PRINT QUESTIONNAIRE] To print a blank for of a selected questionnaire, enter the number of copies and a printer device. These questionnaire answer sheets can be distributed to providers to complete when ordering medications being evaluated. DUE Report [PSOD DUE SORT AND PRINT] This report displays entries from the DUE ANSWER SHEET file. A summary of this report, showing the number of answer sheets, number of questionnaires, and a breakdown of all yes/no/unknown type questions is available. This breakdown shows each question number and the number of times it was answered yes/no/unknown, or unanswered. For this reason, when creating a questionnaire, the user should strive to make each question a yes, no, or unknown type question. Questions having a free text or numeric type answer are ignored in the summary. 22 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 9: Enter/Edit Clinic Sort Groups This chapter describes the Enter/Edit Clinic Sort Groups option. Enter/Edit Clinic Sort Groups [PSO SETUP CLINIC GROUPS] This option enables a group of clinics to be identified that will print together for the action/informational profiles. Example: Enter/Edit Clinic Sort Groups Select Pharmacist Menu Option: ENTer/Edit Clinic Sort Groups Select Clinic Sort Group: ? Answer with OUTPATIENT CLINIC SORT GROUP NAME Choose from: CLINIC 1 Clinic 2 You may enter a new OUTPATIENT CLINIC SORT GROUP, if you wish Answer must be 3-30 characters in length. Select Clinic Sort Group: CLINIC 3 Are you adding 'CLINIC 3' as a new OUTPATIENT CLINIC SORT GROUP (the 6TH)? Y <Enter> (Yes) NAME: CLINIC 3// <Enter> Select SORT GROUPS: ? Answer with SORT GROUP SORT GROUPS You may enter a new SORT GROUP, if you wish Enter name of clinic to be included in the sort group. Answer with HOSPITAL LOCATION NAME, or ABBREVIATION Do you want the entire 122-Entry HOSPITAL LOCATION List? N (No) Select SORT GROUPS: 2 EAST Are you adding '2 EAST' as a new SORT GROUP (the 1ST for this OUTPATIENT CLINIC SORT GROUP)? Y (Yes) Select SORT GROUPS: <Enter> November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 23 (This page included for two-sided copying.) 24 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 10: Using the Interface Menu This chapter describes the options on the External Interface Menu. This menu is locked with the PSOINTERFACE lock. The PSOINTERFACE key should be assigned to all persons responsible for performing these functions. External Interface Menu [PSO EXTERNAL INTERFACE] This menu contains the following options for using an external interface device. • Purge External Batches • Reprint External Batches • View External Batches Purge External Batches [PSO INTERFACE PURGE] This option purges entries from the PHARMACY EXTERNAL INTERFACE file. Example: Purge External Batches Select External Interface Menu Option: Purge External Batches Enter cutoff date for purge of External Interface file: 022807 Purge entries that were not successfully processed? (FEB 28, 2007) NO// <Enter> Purge queued to run in background. Select External Interface Menu Option: Reprint External Batches [PSO INTERFACE REPRINT] This option enables the reprinting of labels for batches of prescriptions that have been sent to the external interface. Example: Reprint External Batches Select External Interface Menu Option: Reprint External Batches Enter a date/time range to see all batches sent to the External Interface. Start date/time: 022807 End date/time: 030707 (FEB 28, 2007) (MAR 07, 2007) Gathering batches, please wait... BATCH QUEUED TO PRINT ON: PATIENT: ALBANY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------1 November 2010 FEB 28,2007@08:06:14 OPPATIENT12,ONE Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 FEB FEB FEB FEB FEB FEB FEB FEB FEB FEB 28,2007@08:10:56 28,2007@08:19:20 28,2007@08:38:17 28,2007@08:50:32 28,2007@09:15:35 28,2007@09:33:48 28,2007@09:39:31 28,2007@10:36:51 28,2007@13:37:24 28,2007@13:46:07 Select Batch(s) to reprint: OPPATIENT12,ONE OPPATIENT22,ONE OPPATIENT28,ONE OPPATIENT9,ONE OPPATIENT9,ONE OPPATIENT18,ONE OPPATIENT1,ONE OPPATIENT10,ONE OPPATIENT4,ONE OPPATIENT8,ONE (1-11): 5,6 Batches selected for Reprint are: Batch 5 Queued for FEB 28,2007@08:50:32 by OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Batch 6 Queued for FEB 28,2007@09:15:35 by OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Reprint the FDA Medication Guide? No// YES Before Reprinting, would you like a list of these prescriptions? N// <Enter> O Are you sure you want to Reprint labels? Y// <Enter> YES.. Select LABEL DEVICE: [Select Print Device] LABEL(S) QUEUED TO PRINT! Select External Interface Menu Option: View External Batches [PSO INTERFACE VIEW] With this option, batches of prescriptions that have printed from the external interface can be viewed. Example: View External Batches Select External Interface Menu Option: View External Batches Enter a date/time range to see all batches sent to the External Interface. Start date/time: 022807 End date/time: 030707 (FEB 28, 2007) (MAR 07, 2007) Gathering batches, please wait... BATCH QUEUED TO PRINT ON: PATIENT: BROWNS PLACE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------1 FEB 28,2007@08:06:14 OPPATIENT12,ONE 2 FEB 28,2007@08:10:56 OPPATIENT12,ONE 3 FEB 28,2007@08:19:20 OPPATIENT22,ONE 4 FEB 28,2007@08:38:17 OPPATIENT28,ONE 5 FEB 28,2007@08:50:32 OPPATIENT9,ONE 6 FEB 28,2007@09:15:35 OPPATIENT9,ONE 7 FEB 28,2007@09:33:48 OPPATIENT18,ONE 8 FEB 28,2007@09:39:31 OPPATIENT1,ONE 9 FEB 28,2007@10:36:51 OPPATIENT10,ONE 10 FEB 28,2007@13:37:24 OPPATIENT4,ONE 11 FEB 28,2007@13:46:07 OPPATIENT8,ONE Select Batch(s) to reprint: (1-11): 5,6 Batches selected for Viewing are: 26 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Batch 5 Queued for FEB 28,2007@08:50:32 by OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Batch 6 Queued for FEB 28,2007@09:15:35 by OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Print list to the screen or to a printer: (S/P): Screen// <Enter> Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit: <Enter> RX # NAME -> OPPATIENT9,ONE BATCH 5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------2820 NADOLOL 40MG TAB ACTIVE Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit: <Enter> RX # NAME -> OPPATIENT9,ONE BATCH 6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------2821 MICONAZOLE NITRATE 2% LOT 60ML ACTIVE END OF LIST November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 27 (This page included for two-sided copying.) 28 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 11: Using the Medication Profile This chapter describes the Medication Profile, its different formats, and how it can be used in patient care. Medication Profile [PSO P] The Medication Profile displays a profile of all prescriptions on file for a particular patient. The prescription display includes all Non-VA Med orders also. The user may view this information directly on the screen or request it to be printed. The medication profile is available in two formats: short or long. Medication Profile: Short Format The short format displays the following information: • patient name • eligibility • reactions • prescription number • Sig • quantity • last fill date • address • • • • • • • • DOB narrative prescriptions drug name status issue date refills remaining. The short report format of the fields for Non-VA Med orders include the drug name or orderable item name, dosage, schedule and date documented. The short format displays the status in an abbreviated form. The following is an explanation of the codes: Code Status/Description A Active B Bad Address Indicated DF Discontinued due to edit by a provider through CPRS DE Discontinued due to edit via backdoor Pharmacy DP Discontinued by provider through CPRS DC Discontinued DD Discontinued due to death DA Auto discontinued due to admission E Expired HP Placed on hold by provider through CPRS H Placed on hold via backdoor Pharmacy N Non Verified P Pending due to drug interactions S Suspended $ Copay eligible November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 29 E R third-party electronically billable Returned to stock prescription (next to last fill date) For the Patient Prescription Processing, Complete Orders from OERR, and Action Profile (132 COLUMN PRINTOUT) options, if a temporary address has no end date, the following text is displayed in the Status column: “(Temp address from XXX 99,9999 till (no end date))”. Example: Medication Profile – Short Format Medication Profile OPPATIENT16, ONE PID: 000-55-3421 DOB: DEC 2, 1923 (82) SEX: MALE CrCL: <Not Found> Jun 12, 2006@22:33:13 Page: 1 of 1 Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): 100.00 (06/24/2003) Non-VA Meds on File BSA (m2): Last entry on 1-20-05 # RX # DRUG QTY ST ISSUE DATE LAST REF DAY FILL REM SUP ----------------REFILL TOO SOON/DUR REJECTS (Third Party)---------------------1 2390$e DIGOXIN (LANOXIN) 0.05MG CAP 90 A> 02-16 02-16 3 90 2 2391e OXYBUTYNIN CHLORIDE 15MG SA TAB 180 S> 02-15 05-06 0 90 -------------------------------------ACTIVE-----------------------------------3 2396 AMPICILLIN 250MG CAP 40 A> 06-12 06-12 0 10 4 2395 AZATHIOPRINE 50MG TAB 90 E 06-10 05-03 3 90 ----------------------------------DISCONTINUED--------------------------------5 2398 FOLIC ACID 1MG TAB 90 DD> 05-03 05-03R 3 90 6 2400 HYDROCORTISONE 1%CR 1 DE> 05-03 05-03R 11 30 7 2394 IBUPROFEN 400MG TAB 500'S 270 DC 05-03 05-03 3 90 8 2399 MVI CAP/TAB 90 DP> 05-03 05-03R 3 90 9 2402 TEMPAZEPAM 15MG CAP 30 DF 06-01 06-01 5 30 10 2392 THIAMINE HCL 100MG TAB 90 DA> 05-03 05-03R 3 90 --------------------------------------HOLD------------------------------------11 2393 WARFARIN 5MG TAB 90 H 05-03 3 90 12 2401 FUROSEMIDE 40MG TAB 90 HP 05-03 2 90 ----------------------------------NON-VERIFIED-------------------------------13 2397 BACLOFEN 10MG TABS 30 N 03-14 03-14 5 30 ------------------------------------PENDING----------------------------------14 CAPTOPRIL 25MG TAB QTY: 180 ISDT: 06-12 REF: 3 15 MULTIVITAMIN CAP/TAB QTY: 30 ISDT: 06-12> REF: 3 ------------------------NON-VA MEDS (Not dispensed by VA) --------------------GINKO EXT 1 TAB ONCE A DAY BY MOUTH Date Documented: 01/13/01 Enter ?? for more actions PU PI Patient Record Update Patient Information NO SO New Order Select Order Select Action: Quit// Order #4 is highlighted (reverse video) to indicate that it has recently expired. Orders #5,7,10 are highlighted (reverse video) to indicate that they were recently discontinued. Hold Type display codes are shown in red. Discontinue Type display codes are shown in red. Medication Profile: Long Format The long format displays all information contained on the short format as well as the following additional fields: • physician’s name • clerk code • fill date • total allowable refills • dates of refills/partial fills • which division filled it 30 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 • whether the prescription was filled at the pharmacy window or by mail The long report format of the fields for Non-VA Med orders include the start date, CPRS order #, status, documented by, order check(s), override reason, override provider, and statement of explanation. Example: Medication Profile – Long Format Select PATIENT NAME: OPPATIENT,ONE 8-5-19 666000777 NO VETERAN OPPATIENT,ONE WARNING : ** This patient has been flagged with a Bad Address Indicator. LONG or SHORT: SHORT// LONG Sort by DATE, CLASS or MEDICATION: DATE// <Enter> NSC All Medications or Selection (A/S): All// <Enter> DEVICE: HOME// [Select Print Device] GENERIC INCOMING TELNET OPPATIENT,ONE (TEMP ADDRESS from AUG 28,2006 till (no end date)) LINE1 DOB: AUG 5,1919 ANYTOWN PHONE: 555-1212 TEXAS 77379 ELIG: NSC CANNOT USE SAFETY CAPS. WEIGHT(Kg): CrCL: <Not Found> DISABILITIES: HEIGHT(cm): BSA (m2): ALLERGIES:_________________________________________________________________ ADVERSE REACTIONS:_________________________________________________________ Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit: <Enter> Outpatient prescriptions are discontinued 72 hours after admission Medication Profile Sorted by ISSUE DATE Rx #: 100001968Ae Drug: LOPERAMIDE 2MG CAP SIG: TAKE TWO CAPSULES BY MOUTH EVERY DAY QTY: 60 # of Refills: 5 Issue/Expr: 12-15-05/06-16-06 Prov: OPPROVIDER16,TWO Entry By: 10000000013 Filled: 01-14-06 (M) Last Released: Original Release: Refilled: 02-19-04 (M) Released: Remarks: Division: ALBANY (500) Active 4 Refills Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Non-VA MEDS (Not Dispensed by VA) GINKO BILLOBA TAB Dosage: 1 TABLET Schedule: ONCE A DAY Route: MOUTH Status: Discontinued (10/08/03) Start Date: 09/03/03 CPRS Order #: 12232 Documented By: OPCLERK21,FOUR on 09/03/03 Statement of Explanation: Non-VA medication not recommended by VA provider. ACETAMINPHEN 325MG CT Dosage: 325MG Schedule: Route: Status: Active Start Date: 09/03/03 November 2010 CPRS Order #: 12234 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 31 Documented By: OPCLERK21,FOUR on 09/03/03 Statement of Explanation: Non-VA medication recommended by VA provider Patient wants to buy from Non-VA pharmacy The Intervention menu hidden action has been included in the Patient Information, the Medication Profile and Detailed Order ListMan screens when utilizing the following options: • Patient Prescription Processing [PSO LM BACKDOOR ORDERS] • Complete Orders from OERR [PSO LMOE FINISH] • Edit Prescriptions [PSO RXEDIT] See “Using The Pharmacy Intervention Menu” for more details.Medication Profile and Refill [PSO HRC PROFILE/REFILL] This option was originally requested by the Health Resource Center (HRC) to provide a new standalone option similar to that of the ePharmacy Medication Profile (View Only) [PSO PMP] option for the Compensation and Pension Record Interchange (CAPRI) system. It allows users to view a medication profile as well as refill prescriptions for a specific patient. Example 1: Medication Profile with default view Patient Medication Profile Jun 04, 2007@19:22:16 Page: 1 of 1 OPPATIENT,ONE <A> PID: 000-12-5678 HEIGHT(cm): 175.26 (11/21/2006) DOB: NOV 28,1900 (111) WEIGHT(kg): 108.18 (08/09/2007) CrCL: 78.1(est.) (CREAT:1.0mg/dL 2/19/99) BSA (m2): 2.29 SEX: MALE EXP/CANCEL CUTOFF: 120 DAY ISSUE LAST REF DAY # Rx# DRUG [^] QTY ST DATE FILL REM SUP 1 100004112 ALBUTEROL INHALER 1 A 04-21-07 04-21-07 11 7 2 300483e ALPRAZOLAM 0.25MG TABS 30 DC 06-14-07 06-14-07 11 30 3 100004113 AMITRIPTYLINE 10MG TAB 60 A 04-21-07 04-21-07 11 30 4 100004075e CABERGOLINE 0.5MG TAB 7 E 05-18-05 05-18-05 6 7 5 100004155 DESIPRAMINE 25MG 90 S 02-23-07 02-11-07 11 90 6 100004022$e DIGOXIN 0.05MG/ML ELIX (60CC) 30 A 02-01-07 02-20-07 10 90 7 100004081 METAPROTERENOL 5% SOLUTION 10ML 15 DC 06-02-07 06-03-07 11 15 8 100004082 METAPROTERENOL 5% SOLUTION 10ML 10 DC 06-02-07 06-03-07 11 10 9 100004083 METAPROTERENOL 5% SOLUTION 10ML 15 A> 06-02-07 06-23-07 11 15 10 100004079 NICOTINE 10MG/ML SOLN NASAL SPRAY 1 A> 06-02-07 06-23-07 11 15 11 100003298 SIMVASTATIN 20MG TAB 5 DC 05-28-05 04-27-07 3 30 12 100003298A SODIUM CHLORIDE 0.9% NASAL SOLN(O 1 A 05-10-07 05-10-07 11 30 13 100004070e VALSARTAN 80MG TAB 5 S 06-28-07 05-31-07 11 30 PENDING (2 order) 14 ALBUTEROL INHALER RF 06-03-07 2 30 15 AMITRIPTYLINE 10MG TAB RN 06-02-07 3 10 Non-VA MEDS (Not dispensed by VA) (1 order) 16 TAMOXIFEN CITRATE 10MG TABS Date Documented: 06/04/07 Enter ?? for more actions CV Change View PI Patient Information GS Group by Status RF Refill Select: Quit// SIG Show/Hide SIG The following options are available as Hidden Menu actions on this screen: DR RX 32 - Sort by Drug - Sort by Prescription LF ID - Sort by Last Fill - Sort by Issue Date Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 The CV (Change View) action allows the user to change some characteristics of the screen above. The user can also save and/or delete preferences, which will be used every time the user runs this option. The users can have one set of preferences for each Division defined. Example 2: Change View action Enter CV at the “Select” prompt to change the view preferences. OPPROVIDER,ONE's current default view (ALBANY): --------------------------------------EXP/CANCEL CUTOFF : 120 DAYS SORT BY : DRUG NAME SORT ORDER : ASCENDING DISPLAY SIG : NO GROUP BY STATUS : YES DISPLAY ORDER COUNT: YES Delete this default view? NO// <Enter> EXP/CANCEL CUTOFF: 120// 120 DAYS SORT BY: DR// DRUG NAME SORT ORDER: ASCENDING// ASCENDING DISPLAY SIG: OFF// OFF GROUP BY STATUS: OFF// ON DISPLAY ORDER COUNT: ON// OFF Save as your default View? NO// YES Saving...OK! Example 3: Patient Information action Enter PI at the “Select” prompt to view patient information. Patient Information OPPATIENT,ONE PID: 000-12-5678 DOB: NOV 28,1900 (111) SEX: MALE Jul 12, 2011@13:28:53 Page: 1 of <A> Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) 2 Eligibility: NSC, VA PENSION RX PATIENT STATUS: OPT NSC Disabilities: POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER-100% (SC), 2222 CENTRAL AVE HOME PHONE: CELL PHONE: WORK PHONE: ALBANY NEW YORK 01280-7654 Prescription Mail Delivery: Regular Mail Cannot use safety caps. Allergies Verified: PENICILLIN, Adverse Reactions + Enter ?? for more actions DD Detailed Allergy/ADR List Select Action: Next Screen// November 2010 EX Exit Patient List Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 33 Example 4: Medication Profile with SIG expanded Enter SIG at the “Select” prompt to show/hide the Rx SIG. Patient Medication Profile OPPATIENT,ONE PID: 000-12-5678 DOB: NOV 28,1900 (111) SEX: MALE CrCL: <Not Found> # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Jun 04, 2007@19:22:16 1 of 1 <A> HEIGHT(cm): 175.26 (11/21/2006) WEIGHT(kg): 108.18 (08/09/2007) EXP/CANCEL CUTOFF: 120 DAY BSA (m2): 2.29 ISSUE LAST REF Rx# DRUG [^] QTY ST DATE FILL REM 100004112 ALBUTEROL INHALER 1 A 04-21-07 04-21-07 11 SIG: TAKE 1 PUFF BY MOUTH EVERY DAY FOR 10 DAYS 300483e ALPRAZOLAM 0.25MG TABS 30 DC 06-14-07 06-14-07 11 SIG: TAKE ONE CAPSULE BY BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING 100004113 AMITRIPTYLINE 10MG TAB 60 A 04-21-07 04-21-07 11 SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING 100004075e CABERGOLINE 0.5MG TAB 7 E 05-18-05 05-18-05 6 SIG: TAKE 2 TABLET(S) BY BY MOUTH EVERY 12 HOURS 100004155 DESIPRAMINE 25MG 90 S 02-23-07 02-11-07 11 SIG: TAKE 2 TABLET(S) BY BY MOUTH EVERY 12 HOURS 100004022$e DIGOXIN 0.05MG/ML ELIX (60CC) 30 A 02-01-07 02-20-07 10 SIG: INJECT 1000IM EVERY DAY 100004081 METAPROTERENOL 5% SOLUTION 10ML 15 DC 06-02-07 06-03-07 11 SIG: INJECT 1000 IM EVERY DAY 100004082 METAPROTERENOL 5% SOLUTION 10ML 10 DC 06-02-07 06-03-07 11 SIG: INJECT 1000 IM EVERY DAY 100004083 METAPROTERENOL 5% SOLUTION 10ML 15 A> 06-02-07 06-23-07 11 SIG: INJECT 1000 IM EVERY DAY 100004079 NICOTINE 10MG/ML SOLN NASAL SPRAY 1 A> 06-02-07 06-23-07 11 SIG: APPLY 1 PATCH ON SHOULDER DAILY 100003298 SIMVASTATIN 20MG TAB 5 DC 05-28-05 04-27-07 3 SIG: TAKE 2 TABLET(S) PO FOUR TIMES A DAY 100003298A SODIUM CHLORIDE 0.9% NASAL SOLN(O 1 A 05-10-07 05-10-07 11 SIG: TAKE 2 PUFFS EACH NOSTRIL EVERY 8 HOURS 100004070e VALSARTAN 80MG TAB 5 S 06-28-07 05-31-07 11 SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING PENDING (2 order) ALBUTEROL INHALER RF 06-03-07 2 SIG: 1 PUFF BY MOUTH EVERY DAY FOR 5 DAYS AMITRIPTYLINE 10MG TAB RN 06-02-07 3 SIG: TAKE 2 TABLET(S) PO FOUR TIMES A DAY Non-VA MEDS (Not dispensed by VA) (1 order) TAMOXIFEN CITRATE 10MG TABS Date Documented: 06/04/07 SIG: TAKE 2 TABLET(S) PO FOUR TIMES A DAY Enter ?? for more actions CV Change View PI Patient Information GS Group by Status RF Refill Select: Quit// Page: DAY SUP 7 30 30 7 90 90 15 10 15 15 30 30 30 30 10 SIG Show/Hide SIG Example 5: Group By Status action Enter GS at the “Select” prompt to group/ungroup list by Rx status. Patient Medication Profile OPPATIENT,ONE PID: 000-12-5678 DOB: NOV 28,1900 (111) SEX: MALE CrCL: <Not Found> # Rx# 1 2 3 4 5 6 34 100004112 100004113 100004022$e 100004083 100004079 100003298A Jun 04, 2007@19:22:16 1 of 1 <A> HEIGHT(cm): 175.26 (11/21/2006) WEIGHT(kg): 108.18 (08/09/2007) EXP/CANCEL CUTOFF: 120 DAY BSA (m2): 2.29 ISSUE LAST REF DRUG [^] QTY ST DATE FILL REM ACTIVE (6 orders) ALBUTEROL INHALER 1 A 04-21-07 04-21-07 11 AMITRIPTYLINE 10MG TAB 60 A 04-21-07 04-21-07 11 DIGOXIN 0.05MG/ML ELIX (60CC) 30 A 02-01-07 02-20-07 10 METAPROTERENOL 5% SOLUTION 10ML 15 A> 06-02-07 06-23-07 11 NICOTINE 10MG/ML SOLN NASAL SPRAY 1 A> 06-02-07 06-23-07 11 SODIUM CHLORIDE 0.9% NASAL SOLN(O 1 A 05-10-07 05-10-07 11 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual Page: DAY SUP 7 30 90 15 15 30 November 2010 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DISCONTINUED (4 orders) ALPRAZOLAM 0.25MG TABS 30 DC 06-14-07 06-14-07 METAPROTERENOL 5% SOLUTION 10ML 15 DC 06-02-07 06-03-07 METAPROTERENOL 5% SOLUTION 10ML 10 DC 06-02-07 06-03-07 SIMVASTATIN 20MG TAB 5 DC 05-28-05 04-27-07 SUSPENDED (2 orders) 100004155 DESIPRAMINE 25MG 90 S 02-23-07 02-11-07 100004070e VALSARTAN 80MG TAB 5 S 06-28-07 05-31-07 EXPIRED (1 order) 100004075e CABERGOLINE 0.5MG TAB 7 E 05-18-05 05-18-05 PENDING (2 order) ALBUTEROL INHALER RF 06-03-07 AMITRIPTYLINE 10MG TAB RN 06-02-07 Non-VA MEDS (Not dispensed by VA) (1 order) TAMOXIFEN CITRATE 10MG TABS Date Documented: 06/04/07 300483e 100004081 100004082 100003298 Enter ?? for more actions CV Change View PI Patient Information GS Group by Status RF Refill Select: Quit// 11 11 11 3 30 15 10 30 11 11 90 30 6 7 2 3 30 10 SIG Show/Hide SIG Example 6: Refill action Enter RF at the “Select” prompt to request a refill for one or more prescriptions as shown below. This action is also available after selecting a specific prescription. Enter ?? for more actions CV Change View PI Patient Information GS Group by Status RF Refill Select: Quit// RF Refill Barcode Refill? NO// Select Orders by number: (1-16): ? SIG Show/Hide SIG This response must be a list or range, e.g., 1,3,5 or 2-4,8. Select Orders by number: (1-16): 2 FILL DATE: (5/2/2011 - 11/2/2011): TODAY// (JUL 12, 2011) MAIL/WINDOW: MAIL// MAIL Now refilling Rx# 100004113 Drug: AMITRIPTYLINE 10MG TAB Qty: 120 Sig: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH FOUR TIMES A DAY RX# 100004113 has been suspended until 07-12-11. NOTE: The system has the flexibility to sort the Medication Profile by different columns (RX, drug name, date, etc). When selecting a range of prescriptions from the Medication Profile to be refilled, selection is not limited to active prescriptions. If discontinued or expired prescriptions are included in a range, the system will display a message stating the status of each prescription as they are processed within the range. For example: • Cannot refill Rx # 100002897, Rx is in DISCONTINUED status. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 35 (This page included for two-sided copying.) 36 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 12: Using the Medication Reconciliation Tools This chapter describes the tools available to perform Medication Reconciliation functions via the CPRS Reports tab and CPRS Notes tab. Medication Reconciliation The Medication Reconciliation functions may be performed via the use of four tools. The tools utilize Health Summary components and Text Integrated Utility (TUI) data objects to create a list of current medications. These Medication Reconciliation tools also leverage the Remote Data Interoperability (RDI) software to include medication data from other sites. Tool 1 is a Medication Reconciliation Profile health summary component. This report creates an alphabetical list of outpatient prescriptions, unit dose medications, documented non-VA medications, and remote VA medications. This summary can be used at transition points in a patient’s care, (admission, discharge, etc.) to identify medications that need to be continued, new items to be ordered, old items to be discontinued, or orders that need to be changed. Tool 2 is a Medication Worksheet component. This report provides a grid-formatted list of active and pending medications suitable for giving to a patient at a clinic visit or upon discharge from the hospital. Tool 3 is a TIU data object provided as an alternative to the Medication Chart health summary process. The unique aspect of this object is that the list, generated for the patient, includes recently expired medications but not recently discontinued medications. Tool 4 is a series of TIU data objects and health summary components that retrieve remote active medications and remote allergy/ADR data. For a complete list of functionality, please refer to Medication Reconciliation Tools Implementation Guide. Upon completion of the steps listed in the Implementation Guide, users will be able to retrieve reports useful for Medication Reconciliation by selecting the newly created Health Summaries on the CPRS Reports tab or by using the newly created TIU templates and objects from the CPRS Notes Tab’s Templates Drawer and/or any progress note titles in which they have been embedded. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 37 (This page included for two-sided copying.) 38 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 13: Using the Pharmacy Intervention Menu This chapter describes the options in the Pharmacy Intervention Menu. This menu is locked with the PSORPH key. Pharmacy Intervention Menu [PSO INTERVENTION MENU] The Pharmacy Intervention Menu enables the user to enter, edit, print, delete, or view interventions in the APSP INTERVENTION file. The following options are available on this menu: • Enter Pharmacy Intervention • Edit Pharmacy Intervention • Print Pharmacy Intervention • Delete Intervention • View Intervention Enter Pharmacy Intervention [PSO INTERVENTION NEW ENTRY] When it is necessary to interrupt the filling of a prescription to contact the provider in order to change, clarify, or cancel the prescription, use this option to add a new intervention entry into the APSP INTERVENTION file. Edit Pharmacy Intervention [PSO INTERVENTION EDIT] Using this option, an already existing entry in the APSP INTERVENTION file can be edited. Print Pharmacy Intervention [PSO INTERVENTION PRINTOUT] Print a captioned printout of pharmacy interventions for a certain date range with this option. The report prints out on normal width paper and can be queued to print at a later time. The subtotal on this report represents the number of interventions for a specific type of intervention where the recommendation for the intervention was accepted. The total is the sum of all interventions in which the recommendation was accepted. The sub count on this report is the number of interventions for a specific type of intervention over the specific date range. The count is the total number of all interventions over the specific date range. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 39 Delete Intervention [PSO INTERVENTION DELETE] This option can be used to delete an intervention from the APSP INTERVENTION file. An intervention can be deleted only on the same day that it was entered. View Intervention [PSO INTERVENTION VIEW] This option displays pharmacy interventions in a captioned format on the screen. More than one intervention can be viewed at a time. 40 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 14: Print from Suspense File This chapter describes the Print from Suspense File option used for printing suspended prescriptions. Print from Suspense File [PSO PNDLBL] This option allows the user to print labels from the RX SUSPENSE file. First, enter the “Print Through” date. Any prescriptions with a suspense date on or before the date entered will print. Additionally, if a patient has at least one prescription on or before the date entered, any other prescriptions for that patient that are in suspense will be printed for the site parameter specified number of days to be pulled from suspense. For example, if today’s date is entered and Patient A has a prescription to be printed through the that date, all of Patient A's prescriptions between the date entered plus the number of days set in the local site parameter will be printed. If there are no prescriptions for Patient A through the date entered, no labels will print. Labels can be sorted by the patient name, the SSN, or the DEA Special Handling code. If sorted by DEA, the labels must then sort by patient name or SSN. Sorting by DEA will send the labels to the printer in three groups: First group – will contain all the prescriptions with drugs that contain an “A” (narcotics and alcoholics) or a “C“ (controlled substances-non narcotic) in the DEA Special Handling field. Second group – will contain all the prescriptions with drugs containing an “S” (supply) in the DEA Special Handling field. Third group – will contain all others. If a patient has prescriptions in suspense that fall in all three categories, that patient's labels will be printed three times, once in each group. Only one job is tasked for all of the prescriptions in the batch; therefore, if the job is queued by mistake, only one tasked job must be undone. Any prescription that is put in suspense for the "Print Through Date" between the times the job was queued until the time it actually runs will be included in the job. Labels for each job printed from suspense will be part of a batch. Each batch is identified by the Division, the user who queued the batch, and the date/time that the job was queued to begin. Prescriptions pulled early from suspense will not be part of a batch, so they will not be able to be reprinted through the Reprint Batches from Suspense option. Prescriptions with an FDA Medication Guide associated will automatically print along with the labels (if one is available). In order to ensure that the documents are sent to an actual printer users will be required to enter a valid printer for printing the FDA November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 41 Medication Guides at this option if one has not been selected when they logged on to the Outpatient Pharmacy Division. A short profile for every patient for whom a label for a new prescription is being printed will also be printed if the local Profile with New Prescriptions site parameter is set to Yes. If a patient has partial prescriptions with regular fills, only one set of trailing documents will print for that patient. (In V. 6.0 trailer documents were printed after each partial.) If a prescription is determined to be an ePharmacy prescription (e.g., third party electronically billable), an electronic claim will be sent by the Electronic Claims Management Engine (ECME) to the third party payer. TRICARE and CHAMPVA prescriptions are exceptions, as noted in the TRICARE and CHAMPVA section. The communication events between Outpatient Pharmacy and ECME are recorded in the ECME Log section of each prescription. The ECME log can be viewed in the patient Medication Profile screen (Activity Log option - AL) and also from the View Prescriptions option. If the claim submission returns a Refill Too Soon (79) or Drug Utilization Review (88) reject, the label is not printed for the prescription and it is moved to the Refill Too Soon/DUR section of the patient Medication Profile screen until the user resolves the reject. The prescription will also display on the Third Party Payer Reject Worklist. If the claim submission returns a Reject Resolution Required reject, the label is not printed for the prescription and it is moved to the Reject Resolution Required section of the Third Party Payer Reject – Worklist. ¾ Days Supply Hold Because of the great number of refill-too-soon third party claim rejections that can occur due to prescriptions being filled too early, the system verifies that ¾ of the days supply has elapsed on the previous fill before the ePharmacy prescription may be refilled. The following list describes this functionality. • ePharmacy prescriptions are delayed from being sent to CMOP and printed for local mail until ¾ of the days supply has elapsed. For CMOP suspense, a partial day will be rounded up (ex.: ¾ of 30 days will be 23 days). With the release of PSO*7*367, this rounding functionality will also be available for local mail suspense. • An activity log entry will state the date/time that the Rx will be allowed to be removed from suspense. The activity log will be defined on the initial evaluation. The following is an example of the log entry: 4 06/18/08 SUSPENSE REFILL 2 OPHARM,ONE Comments: 3/4 of Days Supply SUSPENSE HOLD until 6/20/08. • To fill the prescription earlier, users may pull these types of prescriptions early from suspense. Host Errors Prescriptions (ePharmacy only) will be prevented from being filled/sent to CMOP when a host processing error occurs as a claim is submitted through ECME. Host processing errors are identified by reject codes M6, M8, NN, and 99 which are returned by the third party payer. The following conditions apply when this scenario occurs. 42 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 • The transmission of the prescription fill will be delayed 1 day in hopes that the host processing issues will be resolved by the third party payer. • An activity log entry will state the date/time along with a comment stating that the Rx/fill was left in suspense hold due to a host processing error. The following is an example of the log entry:2 06/25/08 SUSPENSE ORIGINAL OPPHARM,TWO Comments: SUSPENSE HOLD until 6/26/08 due to host reject error. • The Pull Early from Suspense function is not impacted by this added functionality. Users may pull these type prescriptions early from suspense. There is no user interaction for this function. It initiates when the Print from Suspense [PSO PNDLBL] option is initiated for CMOP prescriptions. TRICARE and CHAMPVA If there is an override or bypass for a TRICARE or CHAMPVA prescription and there are no open claim rejections for that prescription, then an electronic claim is not generated from suspense, and the label will be printed when the prescription is processed from suspense. This exception applies to TRICARE and CHAMPVA ePharmacy billable prescriptions and nonbillable prescriptions. If a claim is submitted from suspense for a TRICARE or CHAMPVA prescription, the prescription will be displayed on the Third Party Payer Reject worklist if the claim submission returns any type of reject. Also, non-billable TRICARE and CHAMPVA prescriptions will be displayed on the Third Party Payer Reject worklist. A user must resolve the reject or submit an override before the prescription can be processed through suspense. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 43 (This page included for two-sided copying.) 44 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 15: Processing Order Checks This chapter describes the option used for processing order checks. Processing Order Checks [PSO ORDER CHECKS VERIFY] Using this option, information for medications that have been marked as a drug/drug interaction or a dosing order check warning can be processed. This allows prescriptions with drug/drug interactions or a dosing order check warning to be processed, deleted, or bypassed. An assigned signature code, which will not appear on the screen, must be entered to complete any of these actions. The pharmacist will then be given the option to Verify, Delete, Quit the process, or leave the prescription in a Non-Verified status. The Electronic Signature code Edit option can be found under the User's Toolbox menu in Kernel V. 8.0. When processing a drug/drug interaction or dosing order check warning, the profile will list the status of the interacting drug orders to be processed as non-verified (N) This section describes the Drug/Drug Interaction enhancements made to the Outpatient Pharmacy application included in PSO*7*251 and Maximum Single Dose Check enhancement in PSO*7*372. Legacy VistA Drug/Drug Interactions have been enhanced to utilize First DataBank’s (FDB) Drug Information Framework (DIF) business rules, APIs and database to provide more clinically relevant Drug Interaction information. No changes have been made to the existing user actions for critical or significant Drug Interactions. The pharmacist will have to log an intervention for local, pending and remote critical interactions and have the option of logging an intervention for local and remote significant interactions. No action is required for Non-VA medications orders. FDB custom Drug Interaction tables will be used to store custom changes to FDB standard reference Drug Interaction tables. FDB Drug Interactions that are designated as critical in VistA will have their severity level modified to ‘1’. All FDB Drug Interactions that are designated as significant in VistA will have their severity level modified to ‘2’. Any Drug Interaction in VistA that is not in FDB will be added to the FDB custom tables. For these interactions a custom monograph will be created with a clinical effects section. The following Outpatient Pharmacy order entry processes have been enhanced: • Entering a new order via backdoor pharmacy options • Finishing a pending order • Renewing an order • Editing an order which results in a new order being created. • Verifying an order November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 45 • Copying an order • Reinstating a discontinued order If a dispense drug is associated with an active Non-VA med order, that dispense drug will be used for the Drug Interaction order check.If no dispense drug is associated with an active NonVA med order, the first active dispense drug marked for Non-VA med use associated with the Orderable Item will be used for the Drug Interaction order check. If there are no active dispense drugs marked for Non-VA med use that are associated with the Orderable Item, then the first active dispense drug marked for Outpatient use associated with the Orderable item will be used. If there are no active dispense drugs marked for Outpatient use associated with the Orderable Item, the first active dispense drugs associated with the Orderable Item will be used. If there are no active dispense drugs associated with the Orderable Item for the Non-VA med order, no Drug Interaction order check will be performed. Drug interaction order checks will be performed against pending orders. The software will display to a non-pharmacist (does not hold PSORPH key) when entering a new order via pharmacy backdoor options or when finishing an order entered through CPRS the same Drug Interaction warning information as shown to a pharmacist. See examples below: Example: Critical Drug Interaction with Local Rx ***CRITICAL*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: INDINAVIR 400MG CAP and Local Rx#: Drug: SIG: Processing Status: Last Filled On: 2443 AMIODARONE 200MG TAB (ACTIVE) TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH THREE TIMES DAILY Released locally on 11/08/06@08:55:32 (Window) 11/08/06 The concurrent administration of amiodarone with indinavir,(1) nelfinavir,(2) ritonavir,(3) or tipranavir coadministered with ritonavir(4) may result in increased levels, clinical effects, and toxicity of amiodarone. Example: Significant Drug Interaction with Local Rx ***SIGNIFICANT*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: WARFARIN 5MG TAB and Local RX#: 2443 Drug: ASPIRIN 325MG TAB (ACTIVE) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH THREE TIMES DAILY Processing Status: Released locally on 11/08/06@08:55:32 (Window) Last Filled On: 11/08/06 *** REFER TO MONOGRAPH FOR SIGNIFICANT INTERACTION CLINICAL EFFECTS 46 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Example: Significant Drug Interaction with Remote Rx *** Significant*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: WARFARIN 5MG TAB and LOCATION: Drug: SIG: Last Filled On: <VA or DOD facility> Remote RX#: 10950021 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB (ACTIVE) TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING 11/08/06 *** REFER TO MONOGRAPH FOR SIGNIFICANT INTERACTION CLINICAL EFFECTS Example: Critical Drug Interaction with Remote Rx ***CRITICAL*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: INDINAVIR 400MG CAP and LOCATION: <VA or DOD Facility> Remote Rx#: 2443 Drug: AMIODARONE 200MG TAB (ACTIVE) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH THREE TIMES DAILY Last Filled On: 11/08/06 The concurrent administration of amiodarone with indinavir,(1) nelfinavir,(2) ritonavir,(3) or tipranavir coadministered with ritonavir(4) may result in increased levels, clinical effects, and toxicity of amiodarone. Example: Critical Drug Interaction with Non-VA Med Order ***Critical*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: WARFARIN 5MG TAB and Non-VA Med: CIMETIDINE 200MG TAB Dosage: ONE TABLET Schedule: AT BEDTIME The pharmacologic effects of warfarin may be increased resulting in severe bleeding. Example: Significant Drug Interaction with Non-VA Med Order ***Significant*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: WARFARIN 5MG TAB and Non-VA Med: ASPIRIN 325MG TAB Dosage: ONE TABLET Schedule: <NOT ENTERED> *** REFER TO MONOGRAPH FOR SIGNIFICANT INTERACTION CLINICAL EFFECTS Example: Critical Drug Interaction with Pending Order ***CRITICAL*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: INDINAVIR 400MG CAP and Pending Drug: AMIODARONE 200MG TAB SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET EVERY 8 HOURS The concurrent administration of amiodarone with indinavir,(1) nelfinavir,(2) ritonavir,(3) or tipranavir coadministered with ritonavir(4) may result in increased levels, clinical effects, and toxicity of amiodarone. Example: Significant Drug Interaction with Pending Order ***SIGNIFICANT*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: WARFARIN 5MG TAB and Pending Drug: ASPIRIN 325MG TAB SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET EVERY 8 HOURS *** REFER TO MONOGRAPH FOR SIGNIFICANT INTERACTION CLINICAL EFFECTS November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 47 The FDB standard professional Drug Interaction monograph is shown below: This information is generalized and not intended as specific medical advice. Consult your healthcare professional before taking or discontinuing any drug or commencing any course of treatment. MONOGRAPH TITLE: Anticoagulants/Salicylates SEVERITY LEVEL: 2-Severe Interaction: Action is required to reduce the risk of severe adverse interaction. MECHANISM OF ACTION: Multiple processes are involved: 1) Salicylate doses greater than 3 gm daily decrease plasma prothrombin levels. 2) Salicylates may also displace anticoagulants from plasma protein binding sites. 3) Salicylates impair platelet function, resulting in prolonged bleeding time. 4) Salicylates may cause gastrointestinal bleeding due to irritation. CLINICAL EFFECTS: The concurrent use of anticoagulants and salicylates may result in increased INR values and increase the risk of bleeding. PREDISPOSING FACTORS: None determined. PATIENT MANAGEMENT: Avoid concomitant administration of these drugs. If salicylate use is necessary, monitor prothrombin time, bleeding time, or INR values closely. When possible, the administration of a non-aspirin salicylate would be preferable. DISCUSSION: This interaction has been reported between aspirin and warfarin and between aspirin and dicumarol. Diflunisal, sodium salicylate, and topical methyl salicylate have been shown to interact with anticoagulants as well. Based on the proposed mechanisms, other salicylates would be expected to interact with anticoagulants as well.The time of highest risk for a coumarin-type drug interaction is when the precipitant drug is initiated, altered, or discontinued. REFERENCES: 1.Quick AJ, Clesceri L. Influence of acetylsalicylic acid and salicylamide on the coagulation of blood. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1960;128:95-8. 2.Watson RM, Pierson RN, Jr. Effect of anticoagulant therapy upon aspirin-induced gastrointestinal bleeding. Circulation 1961 Sep;24:613-6. 3.Barrow MV, Quick DT, Cunningham RW. Salicylate hypoprothrombinemia in rheumatoid arthritis with liver disease. Report of two cases. Arch Intern Med 1967 Nov;120(5):620-4. 4.Weiss HJ, Aledort LM, Kochwa S. The effect of salicylates on the hemostatic properties of platelets in man. J Clin Invest 1968 Sep; 47(9):2169-80. 5.Udall JA. Drug interference with warfarin therapy. Clin Med 1970 Aug; 77:20-5. 6.Fausa O. Salicylate-induced hypoprothrombinemia. A report of four cases. Acta Med Scand 1970 Nov;188(5):403-8. 7.Zucker MB, Peterson J. Effect of acetylsalicylic acid, other nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents, and dipyridamole on human blood platelets. J Lab Clin Med 1970 Jul;76(1):66-75. 8.O'Reilly RA, Sahud MA, Aggeler PM. Impact of aspirin and chlorthalidone on the pharmacodynamics of oral anticoagulant drugs in man. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1971 Jul 6;179:17386. 9.Dale J, Myhre E, Loew D. Bleeding during acetylsalicylic acid and anticoagulant therapy in patients with reduced platelet reactivity after aortic valve replacement. Am Heart J 1980 Jun;99(6):746-52. 10.Donaldson DR, Sreeharan N, Crow MJ, Rajah SM. Assessment of the interaction of warfarin with aspirin and dipyridamole. Thromb Haemost 1982 Feb 26;47(1):77. 11.Chesebro JH, Fuster V, Elveback LR, McGoon DC, Pluth JR, Puga FJ, Wallace RB, Danielson GK, Orszulak TA, Piehler JM, Schaff HV. Trial of combined warfarin plus dipyridamole or aspirin therapy in prosthetic heart valve replacement: danger of aspirin compared with dipyridamole. Am J Cardiol 1983 May 15;51(9):1537-41. 12.Chow WH, Cheung KL, Ling HM, See T. Potentiation of warfarin anticoagulation by topical methylsalicylate ointment. J R Soc Med 1989 Aug;82(8):501-2. 13.Meade TW, Roderick PJ, Brennan PJ, Wilkes HC, Kelleher CC. Extra-cranial bleeding and other symptoms due to low dose aspirin and low intensity oral anticoagulation. Thromb Haemost 1992 Jul 6;68(1):1-6. Copyright <Insert Current Year> First DataBank, Inc. 48 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Following the drug interaction monograph prompts, when a critical or significant drug interaction is generated with a local, pending, Non-VA med or remote medication order, users not holding a PSORPH key shall be presented with the next prompt in the current order entry dialog. They shall not be shown any intervention prompts or dialog. Following the Drug Interaction monograph prompts, when a significant Drug Interaction is generated with a local, pending, or remote medication order, the user will be presented with ‘Do you want to intervene?’ prompt for the following processes: • New order entry via backdoor pharmacy options • Finishing a pending order • Renewing an order • Copying an order • Editing an order which results in creation of a new order • Verifying an order • Reinstating an order Example: Critical Drug Interaction with Local Rx – No Monograph –Backdoor New Order Entry ***CRITICAL*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: INDINAVIR 400MG CAP and Local RX#: 2443 Drug: AMIODARONE 200MG TAB (ACTIVE) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH THREE TIMES DAILY Processing Status: Released locally on 11/08/06@08:55:32 (Window) Last Filled On: 11/08/06 The concurrent administration of amiodarone with indinavir,(1) nelfinavir,(2) ritonavir,(3) or tipranavir coadministered with ritonavir(4) may result in increased levels, clinical effects, and toxicity of amiodarone. Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// No Do you want to Continue? Y// n RX DELETED NO Or Do you want to Continue? Y// ES Do you want to Process medication INDINAVIR 400MG CAP: P// ROCESS Enter your Current Signature Code: SIGNATURE VERIFIED Remote data not available - Only local order checks processed. Press Return to Continue... Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for INDINAVIR 400MG CAP PROVIDER: OPPROVIDER, ONE RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 49 Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O VERB: TAKE Available Dosage(s) 1. 400MG 2. 800MG Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: 1 400MG You entered 400MG is this correct? Yes// VERB: TAKE DISPENSE UNITS PER DOSE(CAPSULE): 1// 1 Dosage Ordered: 400MG YES NOUN: CAPSULE ROUTE: ORAL// ORAL Example: Significant Drug Interaction with Local Rx – With Monograph – Backdoor New Order Entry *** Significant *** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: WARFARIN 5MG TAB and Local RX#: Drug: SIG: Processing Status: Last Filled On: 2411 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB (ACTIVE) TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING Released locally on 11/08/06@08:55:32 (Window) 11/08/06 *** REFER TO MONOGRAPH FOR SIGNIFICANT INTERACTION CLINICAL EFFECTS Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// Y es Device: Home// <Home would print to screen, or a specific device could be specified> Professional Monograph Drug Interaction with WARFARIN and ASPIRIN This information is generalized and not intended as specific medical advice. Consult your healthcare professional before taking or discontinuing any drug or commencing any course of treatment. MONOGRAPH TITLE: Anticoagulants/Salicylates SEVERITY LEVEL: 2-Severe Interaction: Action is required to reduce the risk of severe adverse interaction. MECHANISM OF ACTION: Multiple processes are involved: 1) Salicylate doses greater than 3 gm daily decrease plasma prothrombin levels. 2) Salicylates may also displace anticoagulants from plasma protein binding sites. 3) Salicylates impair platelet function, resulting in prolonged bleeding time. 4) Salicylates may cause gastrointestinal bleeding due to irritation. CLINICAL EFFECTS: The concurrent use of anticoagulants and salicylates may result in increased INR values and increase the risk of bleeding. PREDISPOSING FACTORS: None determined. PATIENT MANAGEMENT: Avoid concomitant administration of these drugs. If salicylate use is necessary, monitor prothrombin time, bleeding time, or INR values closely. When possible, the administration of a non-aspirin salicylate would be preferable. DISCUSSION: This interaction has been reported between aspirin and warfarin and between aspirin and dicumarol. Diflunisal, sodium salicylate, and topical methyl salicylate have been shown to interact with anticoagulants as well. Based on the proposed mechanisms, other salicylates would be expected to interact with anticoagulants as well.The time of highest risk for a coumarin-type drug interaction is when the precipitant drug is initiated, altered, or discontinued. REFERENCES: 50 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 1.Quick AJ, Clesceri L. Influence of acetylsalicylic acid and salicylamide on the coagulation of blood. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1960;128:95-8. 2.Watson RM, Pierson RN, Jr. Effect of anticoagulant therapy upon aspirin-induced gastrointestinal bleeding. Circulation 1961 Sep;24:613-6. 3.Barrow MV, Quick DT, Cunningham RW. Salicylate hypoprothrombinemia in rheumatoid arthritis with liver disease. Report of two cases. Arch Intern Med 1967 Nov;120(5):620-4. 4.Weiss HJ, Aledort LM, Kochwa S. The effect of salicylates on the hemostatic properties of platelets in man. J Clin Invest 1968 Sep; 47(9):2169-80. 5.Udall JA. Drug interference with warfarin therapy. Clin Med 1970 Aug; 77:20-5. 6.Fausa O. Salicylate-induced hypoprothrombinemia. A report of four cases. Acta Med Scand 1970 Nov;188(5):403-8. 7.Zucker MB, Peterson J. Effect of acetylsalicylic acid, other nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents, and dipyridamole on human blood platelets. J Lab Clin Med 1970 Jul;76(1):66-75. 8.O'Reilly RA, Sahud MA, Aggeler PM. Impact of aspirin and chlorthalidone on the pharmacodynamics of oral anticoagulant drugs in man. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1971 Jul 6;179:17386. 9.Dale J, Myhre E, Loew D. Bleeding during acetylsalicylic acid and anticoagulant therapy in patients with reduced platelet reactivity after aortic valve replacement. Am Heart J 1980 Jun;99(6):746-52. 10.Donaldson DR, Sreeharan N, Crow MJ, Rajah SM. Assessment of the interaction of warfarin with aspirin and dipyridamole. Thromb Haemost 1982 Feb 26;47(1):77. 11.Chesebro JH, Fuster V, Elveback LR, McGoon DC, Pluth JR, Puga FJ, Wallace RB, Danielson GK, Orszulak TA, Piehler JM, Schaff HV. Trial of combined warfarin plus dipyridamole or aspirin therapy in prosthetic heart valve replacement: danger of aspirin compared with dipyridamole. Am J Cardiol 1983 May 15;51(9):1537-41. 12.Chow WH, Cheung KL, Ling HM, See T. Potentiation of warfarin anticoagulation by topical methylsalicylate ointment. J R Soc Med 1989 Aug;82(8):501-2. 13.Meade TW, Roderick PJ, Brennan PJ, Wilkes HC, Kelleher CC. Extra-cranial bleeding and other symptoms due to low dose aspirin and low intensity oral anticoagulation. Thromb Haemost 1992 Jul 6;68(1):1-6. Copyright <Insert Current Year> First DataBank, Inc. Do you want to Intervene? Y// NO Remote data not available - Only local order checks processed. Press Return to Continue... VERB: TAKE Available Dosage(s) 1. 2.5MG 2. 5MG . . . OR Do you want to Intervene? Y// ES Remote data not available - Only local order checks processed. Press Return to Continue... Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for WARFARIN 5MG TAB PROVIDER: OPPROVIDER,ONE RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE OPP 119 See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O VERB: TAKE Available Dosage(s) 1. 5MG November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 51 2. 10MG Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: 1 5MG You entered 5MG is this correct? Yes// VERB: TAKE DISPENSE UNITS PER DOSE(TABLET): 1// 1 Dosage Ordered: 5MG NOUN: TABLET ROUTE: PO// ORAL PO YES MOUTH Example: Significant Drug Interaction with Remote Rx - With Monograph –Backdoor New Order Entry *** Significant*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: WARFARIN 5MG TAB and LOCATION: Drug: SIG: Last Filled On: <VA or DOD facility> Remote RX#: 10950021 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB (ACTIVE) TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING) 11/08/06 *** REFER TO MONOGRAPH FOR SIGNIFICANT INTERACTION CLINICAL EFFECTS Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// Y es Device: Home// <Home would print to screen, or a specific device could be specified> Professional Monograph Drug Interaction with WARFARIN and ASPIRIN MONOGRAPH TITLE: Anticoagulants/Salicylates SEVERITY LEVEL: 2-Severe Interaction: Action is required to reduce the risk of severe adverse interaction. MECHANISM OF ACTION: Multiple processes are involved: 1) Salicylate doses greater than 3 gm daily decrease plasma prothrombin levels. 2) Salicylates may also displace anticoagulants from plasma protein binding sites. 3) Salicylates impair platelet function, resulting in prolonged bleeding time. 4) Salicylates may cause gastrointestinal bleeding due to irritation. CLINICAL EFFECTS: The concurrent use of anticoagulants and salicylates may result in increased INR values and increase the risk of bleeding. PREDISPOSING FACTORS: None determined. PATIENT MANAGEMENT: Avoid concomitant administration of these drugs. If salicylate use is necessary, monitor prothrombin time, bleeding time, or INR values closely. When possible, the administration of a non-aspirin salicylate would be preferable. DISCUSSION: This interaction has been reported between aspirin and warfarin and between aspirin and dicumarol. Diflunisal, sodium salicylate, and topical methyl salicylate have been shown to interact with anticoagulants as well. Based on the proposed mechanisms, other salicylates would be expected to interact with anticoagulants as well.The time of highest risk for a coumarin-type drug interaction is when the precipitant drug is initiated, altered, or discontinued. REFERENCES: 1.Quick AJ, Clesceri L. Influence of acetylsalicylic acid and salicylamide on the coagulation of blood. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1960;128:95-8. 2.Watson RM, Pierson RN, Jr. Effect of anticoagulant therapy upon aspirin-induced gastrointestinal bleeding. Circulation 1961 Sep;24:613-6. 3.Barrow MV, Quick DT, Cunningham RW. Salicylate hypoprothrombinemia in rheumatoid arthritis with liver disease. Report of two cases. Arch Intern Med 1967 Nov;120(5):620-4. 4.Weiss HJ, Aledort LM, Kochwa S. The effect of salicylates on the hemostatic properties of platelets in man. J Clin Invest 1968 Sep; 47(9):2169-80. 5.Udall JA. Drug interference with warfarin therapy. Clin Med 1970 Aug; 77:20-5. 6.Fausa O. Salicylate-induced hypoprothrombinemia. A report of four cases. Acta Med Scand 1970 Nov;188(5):403-8. 52 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 7.Zucker MB, Peterson J. Effect of acetylsalicylic acid, other nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents, and dipyridamole on human blood platelets. J Lab Clin Med 1970 Jul;76(1):66-75. 8.O'Reilly RA, Sahud MA, Aggeler PM. Impact of aspirin and chlorthalidone on the pharmacodynamics of oral anticoagulant drugs in man. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1971 Jul 6;179:17386. 9.Dale J, Myhre E, Loew D. Bleeding during acetylsalicylic acid and anticoagulant therapy in patients with reduced platelet reactivity after aortic valve replacement. Am Heart J 1980 Jun;99(6):746-52. 10.Donaldson DR, Sreeharan N, Crow MJ, Rajah SM. Assessment of the interaction of warfarin with aspirin and dipyridamole. Thromb Haemost 1982 Feb 26;47(1):77. 11.Chesebro JH, Fuster V, Elveback LR, McGoon DC, Pluth JR, Puga FJ, Wallace RB, Danielson GK, Orszulak TA, Piehler JM, Schaff HV. Trial of combined warfarin plus dipyridamole or aspirin therapy in prosthetic heart valve replacement: danger of aspirin compared with dipyridamole. Am J Cardiol 1983 May 15;51(9):1537-41. 12.Chow WH, Cheung KL, Ling HM, See T. Potentiation of warfarin anticoagulation by topical methylsalicylate ointment. J R Soc Med 1989 Aug;82(8):501-2. Copyright <Insert Current Year> First DataBank, Inc. Do you want to Intervene? Y// NO Press Return to Continue... VERB: TAKE Available Dosage(s) 1. 2.5MG 2. 5MG . . . OR Do you want to Intervene? Y// ES Press Return to Continue... Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for WARFARIN 5MG TAB PROVIDER: OPPROVIDER,ONE RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE OPP 119 See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O VERB: TAKE Available Dosage(s) 1. 5MG 2. 10MG Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: 1 5MG You entered 5MG is this correct? Yes// YES VERB: TAKE DISPENSE UNITS PER DOSE(TABLET): 1// 1 Dosage Ordered: 5MG NOUN: TABLET ROUTE: PO// ORAL PO MOUTH Example: Critical Drug Interaction with Remote Rx - No Monograph – Backdoor New Order Entry ***CRITICAL*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: INDINAVIR 400MG CAP and LOCATION: <VA or DOD facility> November 2010 Remote RX#: 2543789 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 53 Drug: AMIODARONE 200MG TAB (ACTIVE) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY 8 HOURS Last Filled On: 11/08/06 The concurrent administration of amiodarone with indinavir,(1) nelfinavir,(2) ritonavir,(3) or tipranavir coadministered with ritonavir(4) may result in increased levels, clinical effects, and toxicity of amiodarone. Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// No Do you want to Continue? Y// n RX DELETED NO OR Do you want to Continue? Y// ES Do you want to Process medication INDINAVIR 400MG CAP: P// ROCESS Enter your Current Signature Code: SIGNATURE VERIFIED Press Return to Continue... Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for INDINAVIR 400MG CAP PROVIDER: OPPROVIDER, ONE RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O VERB: TAKE Available Dosage(s) 1. 400MG 2. 800MG Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: 1 400MG You entered 400MG is this correct? Yes// VERB: TAKE DISPENSE UNITS PER DOSE(CAPSULE): 1// 1 Dosage Ordered: 400MG YES NOUN: CAPSULE ROUTE: ORAL// ORAL Example: Critical Drug Interaction with Non-VA Medication Order – Backdoor New Order Entry – No Monograph Select Action: Quit// NO New Order Eligibility: SC LESS THAN 50% SC%: 40 RX PATIENT STATUS: SC LESS THAN 50%// DRUG: WARFARIN Lookup: GENERIC NAME 1 WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB BL110 2 WARFARIN 5MG TAB BL110 CHOOSE 1-2: 2 WARFARIN 5MG TAB BL110 Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please Wait... ***Critical*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: 54 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 WARFARIN 5MG TAB and Non-VA Med: CIMETIDINE 200MG TAB Dosage: ONE TABLET Schedule: AT BEDTIME The pharmacologic effects of warfarin may be increased resulting in severe bleeding. Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// No VERB: TAKE Available Dosage(s) 1. 5MG 2. 10MG Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: 1 5MG You entered 5MG is this correct? Yes// Example: Critical Drug Interaction with Pending Order – No Monograph –Backdoor New Order Entry ***CRITICAL*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug INDINAVIR 400MG CAP and Pending Drug: AMIODARONE 200MG TAB SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET EVERY 8 HOURS The concurrent administration of amiodarone with indinavir,(1) nelfinavir,(2) ritonavir,(3) or tipranavir coadministered with ritonavir(4) may result in increased levels, clinical effects, and toxicity of amiodarone. Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// No Do you want to Continue? Y// n RX DELETED NO Or Do you want to Continue? Y// ES Do you want to Process medication INDINAVIR 400MG CAP: P// ROCESS Enter your Current Signature Code: SIGNATURE VERIFIED Remote data not available - Only local order checks processed. Press Return to Continue... Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for INDINAVIR 400MG CAP PROVIDER: OPPROVIDER, ONE RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O VERB: TAKE Available Dosage(s) 1. 400MG 2. 800MG Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: 1 400MG You entered 400MG is this correct? Yes// VERB: TAKE DISPENSE UNITS PER DOSE(CAPSULE): 1// 1 Dosage Ordered: 400MG November 2010 YES Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 55 NOUN: CAPSULE ROUTE: ORAL// ORAL Example: Significant Drug Interaction with Pending Rx – With Monograph – Backdoor New Order Entry *** Significant *** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug WARFARIN 5MG TAB and Pending Drug: ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING *** REFER TO MONOGRAPH FOR SIGNIFICANT INTERACTION CLINICAL EFFECTS Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// Y es Device: Home// <Home would print to screen, or a specific device could be specified> Professional Monograph Drug Interaction with WARFARIN and ASPIRIN This information is generalized and not intended as specific medical advice. Consult your healthcare professional before taking or discontinuing any drug or commencing any course of treatment. MONOGRAPH TITLE: Anticoagulants/Salicylates SEVERITY LEVEL: 2-Severe Interaction: Action is required to reduce the risk of severe adverse interaction. MECHANISM OF ACTION: Multiple processes are involved: 1) Salicylate doses greater than 3 gm daily decrease plasma prothrombin levels. 2) Salicylates may also displace anticoagulants from plasma protein binding sites. 3) Salicylates impair platelet function, resulting in prolonged bleeding time. 4) Salicylates may cause gastrointestinal bleeding due to irritation. CLINICAL EFFECTS: The concurrent use of anticoagulants and salicylates may result in increased INR values and increase the risk of bleeding. PREDISPOSING FACTORS: None determined. PATIENT MANAGEMENT: Avoid concomitant administration of these drugs. If salicylate use is necessary, monitor prothrombin time, bleeding time, or INR values closely. When possible, the administration of a non-aspirin salicylate would be preferable. DISCUSSION: This interaction has been reported between aspirin and warfarin and between aspirin and dicumarol. Diflunisal, sodium salicylate, and topical methyl salicylate have been shown to interact with anticoagulants as well. Based on the proposed mechanisms, other salicylates would be expected to interact with anticoagulants as well.The time of highest risk for a coumarin-type drug interaction is when the precipitant drug is initiated, altered, or discontinued. REFERENCES: 1.Quick AJ, Clesceri L. Influence of acetylsalicylic acid and salicylamide on the coagulation of blood. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1960;128:95-8. 2.Watson RM, Pierson RN, Jr. Effect of anticoagulant therapy upon aspirin-induced gastrointestinal bleeding. Circulation 1961 Sep;24:613-6. 3.Barrow MV, Quick DT, Cunningham RW. Salicylate hypoprothrombinemia in rheumatoid arthritis with liver disease. Report of two cases. Arch Intern Med 1967 Nov;120(5):620-4. 4.Weiss HJ, Aledort LM, Kochwa S. The effect of salicylates on the hemostatic properties of platelets in man. J Clin Invest 1968 Sep; 47(9):2169-80. 5.Udall JA. Drug interference with warfarin therapy. Clin Med 1970 Aug; 77:20-5. 6.Fausa O. Salicylate-induced hypoprothrombinemia. A report of four cases. Acta Med Scand 1970 Nov;188(5):403-8. 7.Zucker MB, Peterson J. Effect of acetylsalicylic acid, other nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents, and dipyridamole on human blood platelets. J Lab Clin Med 1970 Jul;76(1):66-75. 8.O'Reilly RA, Sahud MA, Aggeler PM. Impact of aspirin and chlorthalidone on the pharmacodynamics of oral anticoagulant drugs in man. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1971 Jul 6;179:17386. 56 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 9.Dale J, Myhre E, Loew D. Bleeding during acetylsalicylic acid and anticoagulant therapy in patients with reduced platelet reactivity after aortic valve replacement. Am Heart J 1980 Jun;99(6):746-52. 10.Donaldson DR, Sreeharan N, Crow MJ, Rajah SM. Assessment of the interaction of warfarin with aspirin and dipyridamole. Thromb Haemost 1982 Feb 26;47(1):77. 11.Chesebro JH, Fuster V, Elveback LR, McGoon DC, Pluth JR, Puga FJ, Wallace RB, Danielson GK, Orszulak TA, Piehler JM, Schaff HV. Trial of combined warfarin plus dipyridamole or aspirin therapy in prosthetic heart valve replacement: danger of aspirin compared with dipyridamole. Am J Cardiol 1983 May 15;51(9):1537-41. 12.Chow WH, Cheung KL, Ling HM, See T. Potentiation of warfarin anticoagulation by topical methylsalicylate ointment. J R Soc Med 1989 Aug;82(8):501-2. 13.Meade TW, Roderick PJ, Brennan PJ, Wilkes HC, Kelleher CC. Extra-cranial bleeding and other symptoms due to low dose aspirin and low intensity oral anticoagulation. Thromb Haemost 1992 Jul 6;68(1):1-6. Copyright <Insert Current Year> First DataBank, Inc. Do you want to Intervene? Y// NO Remote data not available - Only local order checks processed. Press Return to Continue... VERB: TAKE Available Dosage(s) 1. 2.5MG 2. 5MG . . . OR Do you want to Intervene? Y// ES Remote data not available - Only local order checks processed. Press Return to Continue... Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for WARFARIN 5MG TAB PROVIDER: OPPROVIDER,ONE RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE OPP 119 See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O VERB: TAKE Available Dosage(s) 1. 5MG 2. 10MG Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: 1 5MG You entered 5MG is this correct? Yes// VERB: TAKE DISPENSE UNITS PER DOSE(TABLET): 1// 1 Dosage Ordered: 5MG NOUN: TABLET ROUTE: PO// ORAL PO YES MOUTH Example: Significant Drug Interaction with Local Rx – Finishing Pending Order – No Monograph + BY Enter ?? for more actions Bypass November 2010 DC Discontinue Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 57 ED Edit Select Item(s): Next Screen// FN FN Finish Finish Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please Wait... ***SIGNIFICANT*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: WARFARIN 5MG TAB and Local RX#: 2498 Drug: ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB (ACTIVE) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING Processing Status: Released locally on 11/08/06@08:55:32 (Window) Last Filled On: 11/08/06 *** REFER TO MONOGRAPH FOR SIGNIFICANT INTERACTION CLINICAL EFFECTS Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// No Do you want to Intervene? Y// NO Was treatment for Service Connected condition? YES// Are you sure you want to Accept this Order? NO// . . . OR Do you want to Intervene? Y// ES Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for WARFARIN 5MG TAB PROVIDER: OERRPROVIDER, ONE RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE See 'Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O Rx # 2500 10/19/07 OPPATIENT, ONE #30 TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME WARFARIN 5MG TAB OERRPROVIDER,ONE # of Refills: 11 OPPHARMACIST,ONE SC Percent: 40% Disabilities: NONE STATED This Rx has been flagged by the provider as: NO COPAY Was treatment for Service Connected condition? YES// Are you sure you want to Accept this Order? NO// Example: Critical Drug Interaction with Local Rx – Finishing Pending Order – No Monograph + Enter ?? for more actions BY Bypass DC ED Edit FN Select Item(s): Next Screen// FN Finish 58 Discontinue Finish Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Oct 19, 2007@07:48:33 Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please Wait... ***CRITICAL*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: IBUPROFEN 600MG TAB and Local RX#: 2498 Drug: ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB (ACTIVE) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING Processing Status: Released locally on 11/08/06@08:55:32 (Window) Last Filled On: 11/08/06 In some patients, NSAIDS have been associated with an increase in the hypoprothrombinemic effect to anticoagulants. Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// No Do you want to Continue? Y// NO Pending OP Orders (ROUTINE) OPPATIENT, ONE PID: 666-45-6754 DOB: JAN 1,1945 (62) Oct 19, 2007@08:55:12 Page: 1 of 4 <A> Ht(cm): 187.96 (07/05/1994) Wt(kg): 77.27 (07/05/1994) CPRS Order Checks: CRITICAL drug-drug interaction: ASPIRIN & IBUPROFEN (ASPIRIN TAB,EC TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING [ACTIVE]) Overriding Provider: OERRPROVIDER, ONE Overriding Reason: TESTING SIGNIFICANT drug-drug interaction: IBUPROFEN & WARFARIN (WARFARIN TAB TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME [PENDING]) Overriding Provider: OERRPROVIDER, ONE Overriding Reason: 325MG 5MG SIGNIFICANT drug-drug interaction: IBUPROFEN & METHOTREXATE (METHOTREXATE TAB 2.5MG TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY [PENDING]) Overriding Provider: OERRPROVIDER,ONE + Enter ?? for more actions AC Accept ED Edit Select Item(s): Next Screen//. . . OR DC Discontinue Do you want to Continue? Y// YES Do you want to Process medication IBUPROFEN 600MG TAB : P// ROCESS Enter your Current Signature Code: SIGNATURE VERIFIED Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for IBUPROFEN 600MG TAB PROVIDER: OERRPROVIDER, ONE RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE See 'Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O Rx # 2501 10/19/07 OPPATIENT, ONE #90 TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH THREE TIMES A DAY WITH FOOD OR MILK November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 59 IBUPROFEN 600MG TAB OERRPROVIDER,ONE OPPHARMACIST,ONE # of Refills: 11 SC Percent: 40% Disabilities: NONE STATED This Rx has been flagged by the provider as: NO COPAY Was treatment for Service Connected condition? YES// Are you sure you want to Accept this Order? NO// Example: Significant Drug Interaction with Pending Order – Finishing Pending Order – No Monograph + Enter ?? for more actions BY Bypass DC ED Edit FN Select Item(s): Next Screen// FN Finish Discontinue Finish Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please Wait... ***SIGNIFICANT*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: WARFARIN 5MG TAB and Pending Drug: ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING *** REFER TO MONOGRAPH FOR SIGNIFICANT INTERACTION CLINICAL EFFECTS Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// No Do you want to Intervene? Y// NO Was treatment for Service Connected condition? YES// Are you sure you want to Accept this Order? NO// . . . OR Do you want to Intervene? Y// ES Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for WARFARIN 5MG TAB PROVIDER: OERRPROVIDER, ONE RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE See 'Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O Rx # 2500 10/19/07 OPPATIENT, ONE #30 TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME WARFARIN 5MG TAB OERRPROVIDER,ONE # of Refills: 11 60 OPPHARMACIST,ONE Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 SC Percent: 40% Disabilities: NONE STATED This Rx has been flagged by the provider as: NO COPAY Was treatment for Service Connected condition? YES// Are you sure you want to Accept this Order? NO// Example: Critical Drug Interaction with Pending Order – Finishing Pending Order – No Monograph + Enter ?? for more actions BY Bypass DC ED Edit FN Select Item(s): Next Screen// FN Finish Discontinue Finish Oct 19, 2007@07:48:33 Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please Wait... ***CRITICAL*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: IBUPROFEN 600MG TAB and Pending Drug: ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING In some patients, NSAIDS have been associated with an increase in the hypoprothrombinemic effect to anticoagulants. Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// No Do you want to Continue? Y// NO Pending OP Orders (ROUTINE) OPPATIENT, ONE PID: 666-45-6754 DOB: JAN 1,1945 (62) Oct 19, 2007@08:55:12 Page: 1 of 4 <A> Ht(cm): 187.96 (07/05/1994) Wt(kg): 77.27 (07/05/1994) CPRS Order Checks: CRITICAL drug-drug interaction: ASPIRIN & IBUPROFEN (ASPIRIN TAB,EC TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING [ACTIVE]) Overriding Provider: OERRPROVIDER, ONE Overriding Reason: TESTING SIGNIFICANT drug-drug interaction: IBUPROFEN & WARFARIN (WARFARIN TAB TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME [PENDING]) Overriding Provider: OERRPROVIDER, ONE Overriding Reason: 325MG 5MG SIGNIFICANT drug-drug interaction: IBUPROFEN & METHOTREXATE (METHOTREXATE TAB 2.5MG TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY [PENDING]) Overriding Provider: OERRPROVIDER,ONE + Enter ?? for more actions AC Accept ED Edit Select Item(s): Next Screen//. . . OR DC Discontinue Do you want to Continue? Y// YES Do you want to Process medication IBUPROFEN 600MG TAB : P// ROCESS Enter your Current Signature Code: SIGNATURE VERIFIED Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for IBUPROFEN 600MG TAB November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 61 PROVIDER: OERRPROVIDER, ONE RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE See 'Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O Rx # 2501 10/19/07 OPPATIENT, ONE #90 TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH THREE TIMES A DAY WITH FOOD OR MILK IBUPROFEN 600MG TAB OERRPROVIDER,ONE OPPHARMACIST,ONE # of Refills: 11 SC Percent: 40% Disabilities: NONE STATED This Rx has been flagged by the provider as: NO COPAY Was treatment for Service Connected condition? YES// Are you sure you want to Accept this Order? NO// Example: Critical Interaction –Renewing an Order OP Medications (ACTIVE) OPPATIENT,THREE PID: 000-00-0000 DOB: JUL 1,1934 (73) Feb 14, 2008@07:25:28 Page: 1 of 3 <A> Ht(cm): 167.64 (10/16/1993) Wt(kg): 68.18 (10/16/1993) Rx #: 2530$ (1) *Orderable Item: WARFARIN TAB (2) Drug: WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB (3) *Dosage: 2.5 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: TABLET *Route: ORAL *Schedule: QHS (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME (5) Patient Status: OPT NSC (6) Issue Date: 02/13/08 (7) Fill Date: 02/13/08 Last Fill Date: 02/13/08 (Window) + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR Partial RL Release ED Edit RF Refill RN Renew Select Action: Next Screen// RN Renew FILL DATE: (2/14/2008 - 2/14/2009): TODAY// (FEB 14, 2008) MAIL/WINDOW: WINDOW// WINDOW METHOD OF PICK-UP: Nature of Order: WRITTEN// W WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// NO Do you want to enter a Progress Note? No// Now Renewing Rx # 2530 NO Drug: WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please Wait... ***CRITICAL*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB and Local RX#: #2527 Drug: CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB (ACTIVE) 62 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME Processing Status: Released locally on 09/08/07@08:55:32 Last Filled On: 09/08/07 (Window) The pharmacologic effects of warfarin may be increased resulting in severe bleeding. Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// No Do you want to Continue? Y// NO RENEWED RX DELETED OR Do you want to Continue? Y// ES Do you want to Process medication WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB: P// ROCESS Enter your Current Signature Code: SIGNATURE VERIFIED Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB PROVIDER: OPPROVIDER, FOUR RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE FPP 119 See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O 2530A WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB # OF REFILLS: 11 ISSUED: 02-14-08 SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME FILLED: 03-04-08 ROUTING: WINDOW PHYS: OPPROVIDER, FOUR QTY: 30 Edit renewed Rx ? Y// Example: Significant Interaction – Renewing an Order OP Medications (ACTIVE) OPPATIENT,THREE PID: 000-00-0000 DOB: JUL 1,1934 (73) Feb 14, 2008@07:15:31 Page: 1 of 3 <A> Ht(cm): 167.64 (10/16/1993) Wt(kg): 68.18 (10/16/1993) Rx #: 2531$ (1) *Orderable Item: INDOMETHACIN CAP,ORAL (2) Drug: INDOMETHACIN 25MG CAP (3) *Dosage: 25 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: CAPSULE *Route: ORAL *Schedule: TID (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: TAKE ONE CAPSULE BY MOUTH THREE TIMES A DAY (5) Patient Status: OPT NSC (6) Issue Date: 02/13/08 (7) Fill Date: 02/13/08 Last Fill Date: 02/13/08 (Window) + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR Partial RL Release ED Edit RF Refill RN Renew Select Action: Next Screen// RN Renew FILL DATE: (2/14/2008 - 2/14/2009): TODAY// (FEB 14, 2008) MAIL/WINDOW: WINDOW// WINDOW METHOD OF PICK-UP: Nature of Order: WRITTEN// W WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// NO Do you want to enter a Progress Note? No// November 2010 NO Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 63 Now Renewing Rx # 2531 Drug: INDOMETHACIN 25MG CAP Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please Wait... ***SIGNIFICANT*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: INDOMETHACIN 25MG CAP and Local RX#: 2530 DRUG: WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME Processing Status: Released locally on 01/08/08@08:55:32 Last Filled On: 01/08/08 (Window) *** REFER TO MONOGRAPH FOR SIGNIFICANT INTERACTION CLINICAL EFFECTS Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// No Do you want to Intervene? Y// ES Remote data not available - Only local order checks processed. Press Return to Continue... Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for INDOMETHACIN 25MG CAP PROVIDER: OPPROVIDER,FOUR RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE FPP 119 See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O 2531A INDOMETHACIN 25MG CAP QTY: 90 # OF REFILLS: 11 ISSUED: 02-14-08 SIG: TAKE ONE CAPSULE BY MOUTH THREE TIMES A DAY FILLED: 03-04-08 ROUTING: WINDOW PHYS: OPPROVIDER,FOUR Edit renewed Rx ? Y// . . OR Do you want to Intervene? Y// NO Remote data not available - Only local order checks processed. Press Return to Continue... 2531A INDOMETHACIN 25MG CAP QTY: 90 # OF REFILLS: 11 ISSUED: 02-14-08 SIG: TAKE ONE CAPSULE BY MOUTH THREE TIMES A DAY FILLED: 03-04-08 ROUTING: WINDOW PHYS: OPPROVIDER,FOUR Edit renewed Rx ? Y// Example: Copying An Order – Critical Interaction OP Medications (ACTIVE) OPPATIENT,TWO PID: 666-33-3333 DOB: JUL 1,1934 (73) 64 Feb 14, 2008@09:20:04 3 <A> Ht(cm): 167.64 (10/16/1993) Wt(kg): 68.18 (10/16/1993) Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual Page: 1 of November 2010 Rx #: 2530$ (1) *Orderable Item: WARFARIN TAB (2) Drug: WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB (3) *Dosage: 2.5 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: TABLET *Route: ORAL *Schedule: QHS (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME (5) Patient Status: OPT NSC (6) Issue Date: 02/13/08 (7) Fill Date: 02/13/08 Last Fill Date: 02/13/08 (Window) + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR Partial ED Edit RF Refill Select Action: Next Screen// co CO New OP Order (COPY) OPPATIENT,TWO PID: 666-33-3333 DOB: JUL 1,1934 (73) RL RN Feb 14, 2008@09:20:04 Release Renew Page: 1 of 2 <A> Ht(cm): 167.64 (10/16/1993) Wt(kg): 68.18 (10/16/1993) Orderable Item: WARFARIN TAB (1) Drug: WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB (2) Patient Status: OPT NSC (3) Issue Date: FEB 14,2008 (4) Fill Date: FEB 14,2008 (5) Dosage Ordered: 2.5 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: TABLET Route: ORAL Schedule: QHS (6)Pat Instruction: SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME (7) Days Supply: 30 (8) QTY (TAB): 30 (9) # of Refills: 11 (10) Routing: WINDOW + Enter ?? for more actions AC Accept ED Edit Select Action: Next Screen// ac Accept ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Duplicate Drug in Local RX: Rx #: Drug: SIG: QTY: Provider: Status: Processing Status: 2530 WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME 30 Refills remaining: 11 OPPROVIDER, ONE Issued: 02/13/08 ACTIVE Last filled on: 02/13/08 Released locally on 02/13/08@08:55:32 (Window) Days Supply: 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discontinue Rx #2530 WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB? Y/N YES Rx #2530 WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB will be discontinued after the acceptance of the new order. Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please Wait... ***CRITICAL*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB and RX: #2560 Drug: WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB (ACTIVE) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME Processing Status: Released locally on 02/18/08@08:55:32 Last Filled On: 02/18/08 November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual (Window) 65 The pharmacologic effects of warfarin may be increased resulting in severe bleeding. Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// No Do you want to Continue? Y// ES Do you want to Process medication WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB: P// ROCESS Enter your Current Signature Code: SIGNATURE VERIFIED Remote data not available - Only local order checks processed. Press Return to Continue... Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB PROVIDER: OPPROVIDER,ONE RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE OPP 119 See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O Nature of Order: WRITTEN// . . . OR Do you want to Continue? Y// NO Duplicate Drug Rx #2530 WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB was NOT Discontinued. Example: Copying an Order – Significant Interaction Medication Profile OPPATIENT,TWO PID: 666-33-3333 DOB: JUL 1,1934 (73) SEX: MALE CrCL: <Not Found> # RX # Feb 14, 2008@08:56:40 Page: 1 of 1 <A> Ht(cm): 167.64 (10/16/1993) Wt(kg): 68.18 (10/16/1993) BSA (m2): 1.78 ISSUE QTY ST DATE DRUG LAST REF DAY FILL REM SUP -------------------------------------ACTIVE-----------------------------------1 2528$ AMINOPHYLLINE 200MG TAB 120 A 02-13 02-13 11 30 2 2529$ ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB 30 A 02-13 02-13 11 30 3 2527$ CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB 30 A 02-13 02-13 11 30 4 2531$ INDOMETHACIN 25MG CAP 90 A 02-13 02-13 11 30 5 2530$ WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB 30 A 02-13 02-13 11 30 DC Discontinue PR Partial ED Edit RF Refill Select Action: Next Screen// co CO New OP Order (COPY) OPPATIENT,TWO PID: 666-33-3333 DOB: JUL 1,1934 (73) Orderable Item: (1) Drug: (2) Patient Status: (3) Issue Date: (5) Dosage Ordered: Verb: Dispense Units: 66 RL RN Feb 14, 2008@08:56:43 Release Renew Page: 1 of 2 <A> Ht(cm): 167.64 (10/16/1993) Wt(kg): 68.18 (10/16/1993) ASPIRIN TAB,EC ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB <DIN> OPT NSC FEB 14,2008 (4) Fill Date: FEB 14,2008 325 (MG) TAKE 1 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Noun: TABLET Route: ORAL Schedule: QAM (6)Pat Instruction: SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING (7) Days Supply: 30 (8) QTY (TAB): 30 (9) # of Refills: 11 (10) Routing: WINDOW + Enter ?? for more actions AC Accept ED Edit Select Action: Next Screen// ac Accept ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Duplicate Drug in Local RX: Rx #: Drug: SIG: QTY: Provider: Status: Processing Status: 2529 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING 30 Refills remaining: 11 OPPROVIDER, ONE Issued: 02/13/08 ACTIVE Last filled on: 02/13/08 Released locally on 02/13/08@08:55:32 (Window) Days Supply: 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discontinue Rx #2529 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB? Y/N YES Rx #2529 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB will be discontinued after the acceptance of the new order. Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please Wait... ***SIGNIFICANT*** Drug Interaction with ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB and Local RX#: 2530 DRUG: WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB (ACTIVE) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME Processing Status: Released locally on 01/08/08@08:55:32 Last Filled On: 01/08/08 (Window) *** REFER TO MONOGRAPH FOR SIGNIFICANT INTERACTION CLINICAL EFFECTS Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// No Do you want to Intervene? Y// n NO Remote data not available - Only local order checks processed. Press Return to Continue... Nature of Order: WRITTEN// WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// . . . OR W Do you want to Intervene? Y// ES Remote data not available - Only local order checks processed. Press Return to Continue... Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB PROVIDER: OPPROVIDER,ONE RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE OPP 119 See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 67 Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O Nature of Order: WRITTEN// Example: Verifying an Order – Critical Drug Interaction OP Medications (NON-VERIFIED) Feb 13, 2008@08:49:48 Page: 1 of 2 PSOPATIENT,TWO <A> PID: 000-00-0000 Ht(cm): 167.64 (10/16/1993) DOB: JUL 1,1934 (73) Wt(kg): 68.18 (10/16/1993) Rx #: 2528$ (1) *Orderable Item: AMINOPHYLLINE TAB (2) Drug: AMINOPHYLLINE 200MG TAB (3) *Dosage: 200 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: TABLET *Route: ORAL *Schedule: Q6H (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY 6 HOURS (5) Patient Status: OPT NSC (6) Issue Date: 02/13/08 (7) Fill Date: 02/13/08 Last Fill Date: 02/13/08 (Window) + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR (Partial) RL (Release) ED (Edit) RF (Refill) RN (Renew) Select Action: Next Screen// VF VF PSOPATIENT,TWO ID#:000-00-0000 RX #2528 ISSUE LAST REF DAY RX # DRUG QTY ST DATE FILL REM SUP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NON-VERIFIED--------------------------------1 2528$ AMINOPHYLLINE 200MG TAB 120 N 02-13 02-13 11 30 2 2529$ ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB 30 N 02-13 02-13 11 30 3 2527$ CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB 30 N 02-13 02-13 11 30 4 2531$ INDOMETHACIN 25MG CAP 90 N 02-13 02-13 11 30 5 2530$ WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB 30 N 02-13 02-13 11 30 Press RETURN to Continue: ***CRITICAL*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: AMINOPHYLLINE 200MG TAB and Local RX#: 2527 Drug: CIMETIDINE 300MG (ACTIVE) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME Processing Status: Released locally on 11/08/08@08:55:32 Last Filled On: 11/08/08 (Window) Concurrent cimetidine and theophylline derivative therapy may result in elevated theophylline derivative concentration levels, prolonged elimination half-life, and decreased clearance. Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// No Do you want to Continue? Y// NO Medication Profile PSOPATIENT,TWO PID: 000-00-0000 DOB: JUL 1,1934 (73) SEX: MALE CrCL: <Not Found> # 68 RX # DRUG Feb 13, 2008@08:50:04 Page: 1 of 1 <A> Ht(cm): 167.64 (10/16/1993) Wt(kg): 68.18 (10/16/1993) BSA (m2): 1.78 ISSUE QTY ST DATE Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual LAST REF DAY FILL REM SUP November 2010 ----------------------------------NON-VERIFIED--------------------------------1 2528$ AMINOPHYLLINE 200MG TAB 120 N 02-13 02-13 11 30 2 2529$ ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB 30 N 02-13 02-13 11 30 3 2527$ CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB 30 N 02-13 02-13 11 30 4 2531$ INDOMETHACIN 25MG CAP 90 N 02-13 02-13 11 30 5 2530$ WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB 30 N 02-13 02-13 11 30 Enter ?? for more actions ED . . (Edit) RF (Refill) RN (Renew) OR Do you want to Continue? Y// YES Do you want to Process or Cancel medication? Rx #2528 DRUG: AMINOPHYLLINE 200MG TAB: PROCESS// Enter your Current Signature Code: SIGNATURE VERIFIED Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for AMINOPHYLLINE 200MG TAB PROVIDER: PSOPROVIDER,TWO RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE TPP 119 See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O RX: 2528 PATIENT: PSOPATIENT,TWO (000-00-0000) STATUS: Non-Verified CO-PAY STATUS DRUG: AMINOPHYLLINE 200MG TAB QTY: 120 30 DAY SUPPLY SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY 6 HOURS LATEST: 02/13/2008 # OF REFILLS: 11 REMAINING: 11 ISSUED: 02/13/08 PROVIDER: LOGGED: 02/13/08 CLINIC: NOT ON FILE EXPIRES: 02/13/09 DIVISION: HINES (499) CAP: SAFETY ROUTING: WINDOW ENTRY BY: PSOPHARMACIST,ONE VERIFIED BY: LABEL LOG: # DATE RX REF PRINTED BY =============================================================================== 1 02/13/08 ORIGINAL OPCLERK,ONE COMMENTS: From RX number 2528 Drug-Drug interaction PATIENT STATUS : OPT NSC COPIES : 1 Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Remote data not available - Only local order checks processed. Press Return to Continue... EDIT: (Y/N/P): N// O VERIFY FOR PSOPATIENT,TWO ? (Y/N/Delete/Quit): Y// ES Example: Verifying an Order – Significant Drug Interaction OP Medications (NON-VERIFIED) Feb 13, 2008@08:51:40 Page: 1 of 2 PSOPATIENT,TWO <A> PID: 000-00-0000 Ht(cm): 167.64 (10/16/1993) DOB: JUL 1,1934 (73) Wt(kg): 68.18 (10/16/1993) Rx #: 2531$ November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 69 (1) *Orderable Item: INDOMETHACIN CAP,ORAL (2) Drug: INDOMETHACIN 25MG CAP (3) *Dosage: 25 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: CAPSULE *Route: ORAL *Schedule: TID (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: TAKE ONE CAPSULE BY MOUTH THREE TIMES A DAY (5) Patient Status: OPT NSC (6) Issue Date: 02/13/08 (7) Fill Date: 02/13/08 Last Fill Date: 02/13/08 (Window) + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR (Partial) RL (Release) ED Edit RF (Refill) RN (Renew) Select Action: Next Screen// VF VF PSOPATIENT,TWO ID#:000-00-0000 RX #2531 ISSUE LAST REF DAY RX # DRUG QTY ST DATE FILL REM SUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACTIVE-----------------------------------1 2528$ AMINOPHYLLINE 200MG TAB 120 A 02-13 02-13 11 30 2 2529$ ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB 30 A 02-13 02-13 11 30 ----------------------------------NON-VERIFIED--------------------------------3 2527$ CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB 30 N 02-13 02-13 11 30 4 2531$ INDOMETHACIN 25MG CAP 90 N 02-13 02-13 11 30 5 2530$ WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB 30 N 02-13 02-13 11 30 Press RETURN to Continue: ***SIGNIFICANT*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: INDOMETHACIN 25MG CAP and Local RX#: #2530 DRUG: WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB (ACTIVE) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME Processing Status: Released locally on 02/13/08@08:55:32 Last Filled On: 02/13/08 (Window) *** REFER TO MONOGRAPH FOR SIGNIFICANT INTERACTION CLINICAL EFFECTS Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// No Do you want to Intervene? Y// NO RX: 2531 PATIENT: PSOPATIENT,TWO (000-00-0000) STATUS: Non-Verified CO-PAY STATUS DRUG: INDOMETHACIN 25MG CAP QTY: 90 30 DAY SUPPLY SIG: TAKE ONE CAPSULE BY MOUTH THREE TIMES A DAY LATEST: 02/13/2008 # OF REFILLS: 11 REMAINING: 11 ISSUED: 02/13/08 PROVIDER: LOGGED: 02/13/08 CLINIC: NOT ON FILE EXPIRES: 02/13/09 DIVISION: HINES (499) CAP: SAFETY ROUTING: WINDOW ENTRY BY: OPCLERK,ONE VERIFIED BY: PATIENT STATUS : OPT NSC COPIES : 1 Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Remote data not available - Only local order checks processed. Press Return to Continue... EDIT: (Y/N/P): N// O VERIFY FOR PSOPATIENT,TWO ? (Y/N/Delete/Quit): Y// NO . . . 70 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 OR Do you want to Intervene? Y// ES Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for INDOMETHACIN 25MG CAP PROVIDER: PSOPROVIDER,TWO RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE TPP 119 See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O RX: 2531 PATIENT: PSOPATIENT,TWO (000-00-0000) STATUS: Non-Verified CO-PAY STATUS DRUG: INDOMETHACIN 25MG CAP QTY: 90 30 DAY SUPPLY SIG: TAKE ONE CAPSULE BY MOUTH THREE TIMES A DAY LATEST: 02/13/2008 # OF REFILLS: 11 REMAINING: 11 ISSUED: 02/13/08 PROVIDER: LOGGED: 02/13/08 CLINIC: NOT ON FILE EXPIRES: 02/13/09 DIVISION: HINES (499) CAP: SAFETY ROUTING: WINDOW ENTRY BY: OPCLERK, ONE VERIFIED BY: PATIENT STATUS : OPT NSC COPIES : 1 Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Remote data not available - Only local order checks processed. Press Return to Continue... EDIT: (Y/N/P): N// O VERIFY FOR PSOPATIENT,TWO ? (Y/N/Delete/Quit): Y// YES Example: Reinstating A Discontinued Order – Critical Interaction Rx #: 2473 (1) *Orderable Item: AMINOPHYLLINE TAB (2) Drug: AMINOPHYLLINE 200MG TAB (3) *Dosage: 200 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: TABLET *Route: ORAL *Schedule: Q6H (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY 6 HOURS (5) Patient Status: SC LESS THAN 50% (6) Issue Date: 06/25/07 (7) Fill Date: 06/25/07 Last Fill Date: 02/12/08 (Window) + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR (Partial) RL Release ED (Edit) RF (Refill) RN Renew Select Action: Next Screen// DC Discontinue Are you sure you want to Reinstate? NO// YES Comments: TESTING Nature of Order: SERVICE CORRECTION// S =============================================================================== 2473 AMINOPHYLLINE 200MG TAB Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please Wait... ***CRITICAL*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: AMINOPHYLLINE 200MG TAB and November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 71 Local RX#: 2527 Drug: CIMETIDINE 300MG (ACTIVE) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME Processing Status: Released locally on 02/13/08@08:55:32 Last Filled On: 02/13/08 (Window) Concurrent cimetidine and theophylline derivative therapy may result in elevated theophylline derivative concentration levels, prolonged elimination half-life, and decreased clearance. Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// No Do you want to Continue? Y// NO PI Patient Information PU Patient Record Update PI Patient Information Select Action: Quit// 5 Medication Profile PSOPATIENT, TEN PID: 000-00-0000 DOB: JAN 1,1922 (86) SEX: MALE CrCL: <Not Found> # RX # SO Select Order NO SO New Order Select Order Feb 14, 2008@11:43:17 Page: 1 of <A> Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) 1 BSA (m2): _______ ISSUE LAST REF DAY QTY ST DATE FILL REM SUP DRUG -------------------------------------ACTIVE-----------------------------------1 2472 CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB 60 A 06-25 02-12 11 30 2 2526 INDINAVIR 400MG CAP 90 A 02-12 02-12 11 30 3 2469 RIFAMPIN 300MG CAP 120 A 06-25 02-12 11 30 4 2525 WARFARIN 5MG TAB 30 A 02-12 02-12 11 30 ----------------------------------DISCONTINUED--------------------------------5 2473 AMINOPHYLLINE 200MG TAB 120 DC 06-25 02-12 11 30 6 2533 AMIODARONE 200MG TAB 180 DC 02-14 02-14 11 30 7 2465 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB 30 DC 06-25 02-12 11 30 8 2471 CARBAMAZEPINE 200MG TAB 90 DC 06-25 02-12 11 30 9 2524 WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB 90 DC 02-12 02-12 11 30 Enter ?? for more actions ED . . (Edit) RF (Refill) RN Renew Or Do you want to Continue? Y// ES Do you want to Process medication AMINOPHYLLINE 200MG TAB: P// ROCESS Enter your Current Signature Code: SIGNATURE VERIFIED Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for AMINOPHYLLINE 200MG TAB PROVIDER: OPPROVIDER, ELEVEN RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE EPP See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O Prescription #2473 REINSTATED! Prescription #2473 Filled: JUN 25, 2007Printed: JUN 25, 2007Released: ** Do you want to print the label now? N// O 72 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 ED (Edit) RF (Refill) RN Renew Example: Reinstating A Discontinued Order – Significant Interaction Rx #: 2465 (1) *Orderable Item: ASPIRIN TAB,EC (2) Drug: ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB <DIN> (3) *Dosage: 325 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: TABLET *Route: ORAL *Schedule: QAM (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING (5) Patient Status: SC LESS THAN 50% (6) Issue Date: 06/25/07 (7) Fill Date: 06/25/07 Last Fill Date: 02/12/08 (Window) + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR (Partial) RL Release ED (Edit) RF (Refill) RN Renew Select Action: Next Screen// DC Discontinue Are you sure you want to Reinstate? NO// YES Comments: TESTING Nature of Order: SERVICE CORRECTION// S ================================================================================ 2465 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please Wait... ***SIGNIFICANT*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB and Local RX#: Drug: SIG: Processing Status: Last Filled On: 2524 WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB (ACTIVE) TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME Released locally on 02/12/07@08:55:32 02/12/07 (Window) *** REFER TO MONOGRAPH FOR SIGNIFICANT INTERACTION CLINICAL EFFECTS Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// No Do you want to Intervene? Y// NO Prescription #2465 REINSTATED! Prescription #2465 Filled: JUN 25, 2007Printed: JUN 25, 2007Released: ** Do you want to print the label now? N// . . OR Do you want to Intervene? Y// YES Do you want to Process medication CARBAMAZEPINE 200MG TAB: P// ROCESS Enter your Current Signature Code: Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for CARBAMAZEPINE 200MG TAB PROVIDER: OPPROVIDER, ELEVEN RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE SIGNATURE VERIFIED EPP See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 73 Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O Prescription #2471 REINSTATED! Prescription #2471 Filled: JUN 25, 2007Printed: JUN 25, 2007Released: ** Do you want to print the label now? N// O Example: Editing An Order – Creating a New Order – Critical Interaction Medication Profile OPPATIENT, ONE PID: 000-00-0000 DOB: JAN 1,1922 (86) SEX: MALE CrCL: <Not Found> # RX # Feb 14, 2008@12:26:38 Page: 1 of <A> Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) 2 BSA (m2): _______ ISSUE LAST REF DAY QTY ST DATE FILL REM SUP DRUG -------------------------------------ACTIVE-----------------------------------1 2473 AMINOPHYLLINE 200MG TAB 120 A 06-25 02-12 11 30 2 2537 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB 30 A 02-14 02-14 11 30 3 2471 CARBAMAZEPINE 200MG TAB 90 A 06-25 02-12 11 30 4 2472 CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB 60 A 06-25 02-12 11 30 5 2526 INDINAVIR 400MG CAP 90 A 02-12 02-12 11 30 6 2469 RIFAMPIN 300MG CAP 120 A 06-25 02-12 11 30 ----------------------------------DISCONTINUED--------------------------------7 2533 AMIODARONE 200MG TAB 180 DC 02-14 02-14 11 30 8 2536 DIPYRIDAMOLE 25MG TAB 30 DE 02-14 02-14 11 30 9 2524 WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB 90 DC 02-12 02-12 11 30 + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR Partial ED Edit RF Refill Select Action: Next Screen// ED RL RN Release Renew Rx #: 2537 (1) *Orderable Item: ASPIRIN TAB,EC (2) Drug: ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB <DIN> (3) *Dosage: 325 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: TABLET *Route: ORAL OP Medications (ACTIVE) Feb 14, 2008@12:26:38 Page: 1 of OPPATIENT, ONE <A> PID: 000-00-0000 Ht(cm): _______ (______) DOB: JAN 1,1922 (86) Wt(kg): _______ (______) 2 *Schedule: QAM (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING (5) Patient Status: SC LESS THAN 50% (6) Issue Date: 02/14/08 (7) Fill Date: 02/14/08 Last Fill Date: 02/14/08 (Window) + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR Partial RL Release ED Edit RF Refill RN Renew Select Action: Next Screen// 1 Current Orderable Item: ASPIRIN TAB,EC Select PHARMACY ORDERABLE ITEM NAME: ASPIRIN// AMIODARONE AMIODARONE TAB New Orderable Item selected. This edit will create a new prescription! Press Return to Continue... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Duplicate Drug in Local Rx: Rx #: 2533 Drug: AMIODARONE 200MG TAB SIG: TAKE TWO TABLETS BY MOUTH THREE TIMES A DAY 74 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 QTY: Provider: Status: Processing Status: 180 Refills remaining: 11 OPPROVIDER,TEN Issued: 02/14/08 Discontinued Last filled on: 02/14/08 Released locally on 02/14/08@08:55:32 (Window) Days Supply: 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Press Return to Continue: Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please Wait... ***CRITICAL*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: AMIODARONE 200MG TAB and Local RX#: Drug: SIG: Processing Status: Last Filled On: 2526 INDINAVIR 400MG CAP (ACTIVE) TAKE ONE CAPSULES EVERY 8 HOURS Released locally on 02/12/08@08:55:32 02/12/08 (Window) The concurrent administration of amiodarone with indinavir,(1) nelfinavir,(2) ritonavir,(3) or tipranavir coadministered with ritonavir(4) may result in increased levels, clinical effects, and toxicity of amiodarone. Display Professional Interaction Monograph? N//No Do you want to Continue? Y// NO Rx #: 2537 (1) *Orderable Item: ASPIRIN TAB,EC (2) Drug: ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB <DIN> (3) *Dosage: 325 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: TABLET *Route: ORAL *Schedule: QAM OP Medications (ACTIVE) Feb 14, 2008@12:27:09 Page: 1 of OPPATIENT, ONE <A> PID: 000-00-0000 Ht(cm): _______ (______) DOB: JAN 1,1922 (86) Wt(kg): _______ (______) 2 (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING (5) Patient Status: SC LESS THAN 50% (6) Issue Date: 02/14/08 (7) Fill Date: 02/14/08 Last Fill Date: 02/14/08 (Window) + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR Partial RL Release ED Edit RF Refill RN Renew Select Action: Next Screen// . . OR Do you want to Continue? Y// ES Do you want to Process medication AMIODARONE 200MG TAB: P// ROCESS Enter your Current Signature Code: SIGNATURE VERIFIED Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for AMIODARONE 200MG TAB PROVIDER: PSOPROVIDER, THREE RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE TPP See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 75 Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O Example: Editing An Order – Creating a New Order – Significant Interaction Rx #: 2537 (1) *Orderable Item: ASPIRIN TAB,EC (2) Drug: ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB <DIN> (3) *Dosage: 325 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: TABLET *Route: ORAL *Schedule: QAM OP Medications (ACTIVE) Feb 14, 2008@12:27:09 Page: 1 of OPPATIENT,TWO <A> PID: 000-00-0000 Ht(cm): _______ (______) DOB: JAN 1,1922 (86) Wt(kg): _______ (______) 2 (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING (5) Patient Status: SC LESS THAN 50% (6) Issue Date: 02/14/08 (7) Fill Date: 02/14/08 Last Fill Date: 02/14/08 (Window) + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR Partial RL Release ED Edit RF Refill RN Renew Select Action: Next Screen// EDIT Edit Select fields by number: (1-19): 1 Current Orderable Item: ASPIRIN TAB,EC Select PHARMACY ORDERABLE ITEM NAME: ASPIRIN// AMIODARONE AMIODARONE TAB New Orderable Item selected. This edit will create a new prescription! Press Return to Continue... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Duplicate Drug in Local Rx: Rx #: Drug: SIG: QTY: Provider: Status: Processing Status: 2533 AMIODARONE 200MG TAB TAKE TWO TABLETS BY MOUTH THREE TIMES A DAY 180 Refills remaining: 11 OPPROVIDER,TEN Issued: 02/14/08 Discontinued Last filled on: 02/14/08 Released locally on 02/14/08@08:55:32 (Window) Days Supply: 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Press Return to Continue: Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please Wait... ***SIGNIFICANT*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: AMIODARONE 200MG TAB and Local RX#: Drug: SIG: Processing Status: Last Filled On: 2469 CIPROFLOXACIN 750MG TAB (ACTIVE) TAKE ONE TABLET EVERY 12 HOURS Released locally on 02/12/08@08:55:32 02/12/08 (Window) *** REFER TO MONOGRAPH FOR SIGNIFICANT INTERACTION CLINICAL EFFECTS Display Professional Interaction Monograph? N//No Do you want to Intervene? Y// ES Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for AMIODARONE 200MG TAB 76 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 PROVIDER: OPPROVIDER,ELEVEN RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE EPP See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O . . OR Do you want to Intervene? Y// NO You have changed the Orderable Item from ASPIRIN to AMIODARONE. Do You want to Edit the SIG? NO// YES Available Dosage(s) 1. 200MG 2. 400MG Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: 1 200MG You entered 200MG is this correct? Yes// VERB: TAKE// TAKE DISPENSE UNITS PER DOSE(TABLET): 1// 1 YES Example: Backdoor New Order Entry by Non-Pharmacist – Critical Interaction with Non-VA Med plus Significant Interaction with Local Rx Enter ?? for more actions PU Patient Record Update PI Patient Information Select Action: Quit// NO New Order NO SO New Order Select Order Eligibility: SERVICE CONNECTED 50% to 100% RX PATIENT STATUS: SC// DRUG: WARFAR Lookup: GENERIC NAME 1 WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB BL110 2 WARFARIN 5MG TAB BL110 CHOOSE 1-2: 2 WARFARIN 5MG TAB BL110 Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! SC%: 80 Please Wait... ***Critical*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: WARFARIN 5MG TAB and Non-VA Med: CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB Dosage: ONE TABLET Schedule: AT BEDTIME The pharmacologic effects of warfarin may be increased resulting in severe bleeding. Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// No ***SIGNIFICANT*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: WARFARIN 5MG TAB and Local RX#: 2443 Drug: IBUPROFEN 600MG TAB (ACTIVE) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH THREE TIMES DAILY Processing Status: Released locally on 11/08/07@08:55:32 (Window) Last Filled On: 11/08/07 *** REFER TO MONOGRAPH FOR SIGNIFICANT INTERACTION CLINICAL EFFFECTS Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// Yes November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 77 Device: Home// <Home would print to screen, or a specific device could be specified> Professional Monograph Drug Interaction with WARFARIN and IBUPROFEN MONOGRAPH TITLE: SEVERITY LEVEL: as needed. Anticoagulants/NSAIDs 3-Moderate Interaction: Assess the risk to the patient and take action MECHANISM OF ACTION: The exact mechanism is unknown. Some NSAIDs may displace anticoagulants from plasma protein binding sites. NSAIDs also have the potential to produce gastrointestinal ulceration and bleeding. Some NSAIDs may impair platelet function and prolong bleeding times. CLINICAL EFFECTS: In some patients, NSAIDs have been associated with an increase in the hypoprothrombinemic effect to anticoagulants. PREDISPOSING FACTORS: None determined. PATIENT MANAGEMENT: If concurrent therapy with anticoagulants and NSAIDs is warranted, patients should be monitored for an increased hypoprothrombinemic response when NSAIDs are added to the patient's drug regimen. In addition to routine monitoring of INR values, the patient should be observed for signs of increased effect, including bruising or bleeding.The time of highest risk for a coumarin-type drug interaction is when the precipitant drug is initiated or discontinued. Consult with the prescriber before initiating, altering the dose of, or discontinuing either drug. DISCUSSION: The effects of NSAIDs on the hypoprothrombinemic response to anticoagulants appears to vary between patients as well as with different NSAIDs. Documentation is frequently contradictory - while studies have shown several NSAIDs to have no effect on the pharmacokinetics of warfarin, case reports have documented increased effects with and without bleeding when these same NSAIDs were administered concurrently with warfarin.While celecoxib has been shown not to affect platelet aggregation or bleeding times and had no effects on the anticoagulant effect of warfarin in healthy subjects, increased prothrombin times and bleeding episodes, some of which were fatal, have been reported, predominantly in the elderly, in patients receiving concurrent therapy with celecoxib and warfarin.Rofecoxib has been shown to increase prothrombin times in subjects who received concurrent warfarin therapy.If concurrent therapy with anticoagulants and NSAIDs is warranted, it would be prudent to monitor patients closely for increased anticoagulant effects. REFERENCES: 1.Thilo D, Nyman D. A study of the effects of the anti-rheumatic drug ibuprofen (Brufen) on patients being treated with the oral anti-coagulant phenprocoumon (Marcoumar). J Int Med Res 1974;2:276-8. 2.Boekhout-Mussert MJ, Loeliger EA. Influence of ibuprofen on oral anti-coagulant with phenprocoumon. J Int Med Res 1974;2:279-83. 3.Penner JA, Abbrecht PH. Lack of interaction between ibuprofen and warfarin Curr Ther Res Clin Exp 1975 Dec;18(6):862-71. 4.Michot F, Ajdacic K, Glaus L. A double-blind clinical trial to determine if an interaction exists between diclofenac sodium and the oral anticoagulant acenocoumarol (nicoumalone). J Int Med Res 1975;3(3):153-7. 5.Marbet GA, Duckert F, Walter M, Six P, Airenne H. Interaction study between phenprocoumon and flurbiprofen. Curr Med Res Opin 1977;5(1):26-31. 6.Slattery JT, Levy G, Jain A, McMahon FG. Effect of naproxen on the kinetics of elimination and anticoagulant activity of a single dose or warfarin. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1979 Jan;25(1):51-60. 7.Jain A, McMahon FG, Slattery JT, Levy G. Effect of naproxen on the steady-state serum concentration and anticoagulant activity of warfarin. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1979 Jan;25(1):61-6. 8.Loftin JP, Vesell ES. Interaction between sulindac and warfarin: different results in normal subjects and in an unusual patient with a potassium-losing renal tubular defect. J Clin Pharmacol 1979 Nov-Dec; 19(11-12):733-42. 9.Carter SA. Potential effect of sulindac on response of prothrombin-time to oral anticoagulants. Lancet 1979 Sep 29;2(8144):698-9. 10.Ross JR, Beeley L. Sulindac, prothrombin time, and anticoagulants. Lancet 1979 Nov 17;2(8151):1075. 11.Stricker BH, Delhez JL. Interactions between flurbiprofen and coumarins. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) 1982 Sep 18;285(6344):812-3. 78 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 12.Dahl SL, Ward JR. Pharmacology, clinical efficacy, and adverse effects of piroxicam, a new nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent. Pharmacotherapy 1982 Mar-Apr;2(2):80-90. 13.Rhodes RS, Rhodes PJ, Klein C, Sintek CD. A warfarin-piroxicam drug interaction. Drug Intell Clin Pharm 1985 Jul-Aug;19(7-8):556-8. 14.Flessner MF, Knight H. Prolongation of prothrombin time and severe gastrointestinal bleeding associated with combined use of warfarin and ketoprofen. JAMA 1988 Jan 15;259(3):353. 15.Griffin MR, Piper JM, Daugherty JR, Snowden M, Ray WA. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use and increased risk for peptic ulcer disease in elderly persons. Ann Intern Med 1991 Feb 15;114(4):257-63. 16.Gabriel SE, Jaakkimainen L, Bombardier C. Risk for serious gastrointestinal complications related to use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. A meta-analysis. Ann Intern Med 1991 Nov 15; 115(10):787-96. 17.Shorr RI, Ray WA, Daugherty JR, Griffin MR. Concurrent use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and oral anticoagulants places elderly persons at high risk for hemorrhagic peptic ulcer disease. Arch Intern Med 1993 Jul 26;153(14):1665-70. 18.Hilleman DE, Mohiuddin SM, Lucas BD, Jr. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug use in patients receiving warfarin: emphasis on nabumetone. Am J Med 1993 Aug 9;95(2A):30S-34S. 19.Mieszczak C, Winther K. Lack of interaction of ketoprofen with warfarin. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1993;44(2):205-6. 20.Celebrex (celecoxib) US prescribing information. Pfizer Inc. December, 2006.21.Vioxx (rofecoxib) US prescribing information. Merck & Co., Inc. March, 2004. Copyright <Insert Current Year> First DataBank, Inc. Do you want to Intervene? Y// ES Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for WARFARIN 5MG TAB PROVIDER: OPPROVIDER,ELEVEN RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE EPP See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O . . OR Do you want to Intervene? Y// NO VERB: TAKE Available Dosage(s) 1. 5MG 2. 10MG Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: Example: Finishing a Pending Order by Non-Pharmacist ***Critical*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: WARFARIN 5MG TAB and Non-VA Med: CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB Dosage: ONE TABLET Schedule: AT BEDTIME The pharmacologic effects of warfarin may be increased resulting in severe bleeding. Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// No ***SIGNIFICANT*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: WARFARIN 5MG TAB and Local RX#: 2443 Drug: IBUPROFEN 600MG TAB (ACTIVE) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH THREE TIMES DAILY Processing Status: Released locally on 11/08/07@08:55:32 (Window) November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 79 Last Filled On: 11/08/07 *** REFER TO MONOGRAPH FOR SIGNIFICANT INTERACTION CLINICAL EFFECTS Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// No Do you want to Intervene? Y// ES Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for WARFARIN 5MG TAB PROVIDER: OPPROVIDER,ELEVEN RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE EPP See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O . . OR Do you want to Intervene? Y// NO Rx # 2559 03/04/08 OPPATIENT,ONE #90 TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY EVENING WARFARIN 5MG TAB OERRPROVIDER,ONE # of Refills: 3 PSOPHARMACIST,ONE SC Percent: 80% Disabilities: NONE STATED Was treatment for a Service Connected condition? YES// Example: Pharmacist Verifying Order with Two Drug Interactions OP Medications (NON-VERIFIED) Mar 04, 2008@11:55:21 Page: 1 of OPPATIENT,ONE <A> PID: 666-00-0000 Ht(cm): _______ (______) DOB: JAN 1,1910 (98) Wt(kg): _______ (______) 2 Rx #: 2560 (1) *Orderable Item: WARFARIN TAB (2) Drug: WARFARIN 5MG TAB (3) *Dosage: 5 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: TABLET *Route: ORAL *Schedule: QPM (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY EVENING (5) Patient Status: SC (6) Issue Date: 03/04/08 (7) Fill Date: 03/04/08 Last Fill Date: 03/04/08 (Window) + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR (Partial) RL (Release) ED Edit RF (Refill) RN (Renew) Select Action: Next Screen// VF VF OPPATIENT,ONE ID#:666-00-0000 RX #2560 ISSUE LAST REF DAY RX # DRUG QTY ST DATE FILL REM SUP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 -------------------------------------ACTIVE-----------------------------------1 2550 IBUPROFEN 600MG TAB 270 A 03-03 03-04 3 90 ----------------------------------NON-VERIFIED--------------------------------2 2560 WARFARIN 5MG TAB 90 N 03-04 03-04 3 90 ------------------------------------PENDING-----------------------------------3 FAMOTIDINE 20MG TAB QTY: 180 ISDT: 03-04> REF: 3 4 INDOMETHACIN 25MG CAP QTY: 270 ISDT: 03-04 REF: 3 5 LOVASTATIN 10MG TAB QTY: 90 ISDT: 03-03 REF: 3 6 NIFEDIPINE 90MG SA TAB QTY: 90 ISDT: 03-03 REF: 3 -----------------------Non-VA MEDS (Not dispensed by VA)----------------------CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB 300MG TWICE A DAY Date Documented: 03/03/08 Press RETURN to Continue: ***Critical*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: WARFARIN 5MG TAB and Non-VA Med: CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB Dosage: ONE TABLET Schedule: AT BEDTIME The pharmacologic effects of warfarin may be increased resulting in severe bleeding. Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// No ***SIGNIFICANT*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: WARFARIN 5MG TAB and Local RX#: 2443 Drug: IBUPROFEN 600MG TAB (ACTIVE) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH THREE TIMES DAILY Processing Status: Released locally on 11/08/07@08:55:32 (Window) Last Filled On: 11/08/07 *** REFER TO MONOGRAPH FOR SIGNIFICANT INTERACTION CLINICAL EFFECTS Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// No Do you want to Intervene? Y// NO RX: 2560 PATIENT: OPPATIENT,ONE (666-00-0000) STATUS: Non-Verified DRUG: WARFARIN 5MG TAB QTY: 90 90 DAY SUPPLY SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY EVENING LATEST: 03/04/2008 # OF REFILLS: 3 REMAINING: 3 ISSUED: 03/04/08 PROVIDER: LOGGED: 03/04/08 CLINIC: BARB'S CLINIC EXPIRES: 03/05/09 DIVISION: HINES (499) CAP: SAFETY ROUTING: WINDOW ENTRY BY: OERRPROVIDER,ONE VERIFIED BY: ACTIVITY LOG: # DATE REASON RX REF INITIATOR OF ACTIVITY =============================================================================== 1 03/04/08 PATIENT INST.ORIGINAL COMMENTS: Patient Instructions Not Sent By Provider. PATIENT STATUS : SC COPIES : 1 EDIT: (Y/N/P): N// NO VERIFY FOR OPPATIENT,ONE ? (Y/N/Delete/Quit): Y// ES PI Patient Information Medication Profile OPPATIENT,ONE PID: 666-00-0000 DOB: JAN 1,1910 (98) SEX: FEMALE November 2010 SO Select Order Mar 04, 2008@11:55:31 1 of 1 <A> Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) Non-VA Meds on File Last entry on 03/03/08 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual Page: 81 CrCL: <Not Found> # RX # BSA (m2): _______ ISSUE LAST REF DAY QTY ST DATE FILL REM SUP DRUG -------------------------------------ACTIVE-----------------------------------1 2550 IBUPROFEN 600MG TAB 270 A 03-03 03-04 3 90 2 2560 WARFARIN 5MG TAB 90 A 03-04 03-04 3 90 ------------------------------------PENDING-----------------------------------3 FAMOTIDINE 20MG TAB QTY: 180 ISDT: 03-04> REF: 3 4 INDOMETHACIN 25MG CAP QTY: 270 ISDT: 03-04 REF: 3 5 LOVASTATIN 10MG TAB QTY: 90 ISDT: 03-03 REF: 3 6 NIFEDIPINE 90MG SA TAB QTY: 90 ISDT: 03-03 REF: 3 -----------------------Non-VA MEDS (Not dispensed by VA)----------------------CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB 300MG TWICE A DAY Date Documented: 03/03/08 Enter ?? for more actions PU Patient Record Update PI Patient Information Select Action: Quit// NO SO New Order Select Order For orders with multiple drug interactions, the user is presented with a drug interaction monograph display prompt and intervention prompt after each drug interaction warning is displayed. Example: Multiple Drug Interactions Another New Order for OPPATIENT,ONE? YES// Eligibility: SERVICE CONNECTED 50% to 100% SC%: 60 PRISONER OF WAR RX PATIENT STATUS: SC// DRUG: WARFAR Lookup: GENERIC NAME 1 WARFARIN (COUMADIN) NA 2.5MG TAB BL110 2 WARFARIN 5MG TAB BL110 CHOOSE 1-2: 1 WARFARIN (COUMADIN) NA 2.5MG TAB BL110 Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please Wait... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------***Critical*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB and Local RX#: 2376 Drug: CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB (ACTIVE) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME Processing Status: Released locally on 11/08/07@08:55:32 Last Filled On: 11/08/07 (Window) The pharmacologic effects of warfarin may be increased resulting in severe bleeding. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// No ------------------------------------------------------------------------------***SIGNIFICANT*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: WARFARIN 2.5MG TAB and Local RX#: 2378 Drug: ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB (ACTIVE) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING Processing Status: Released locally on 11/08/07@08:55:32 (Window) Last Filled On: 11/08/07 *** REFER TO MONOGRAPH FOR SIGNIFICANT INTERACTION CLINICAL EFFECTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Display Professional Interaction Monograph? No// No Do you want to Continue? Y// YES 82 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Do you want to Process medication CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB P// ROCESS Enter your Current Signature Code: SIGNATURE VERIFIED Remote data not available - Only local order checks processed. Press Return to Continue... Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB PROVIDER: OPPROVIDER, ONE RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O . . . Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please wait... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------***Critical*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: WARFARIN (C0UMADIN) NA 5MG TAB and Local Rx#: Drug: SIG: Processing Status: Last Filled On: 509974 AMIODARONE 200MG TAB (SUSPENDED) TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH THREE TIMES A DAY Not released locally (Window) 11/08/06 Pending Drug: AMIODARONE HCL (PACERONE) 200MG TAB SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY 8 HOURS The concurrent administration of amiodarone and an anticoagulant may result in an increase in the clinical effects of the anticoagulant and an increased risk of bleeding.(1-22) It may take several weeks of concurrent therapy before the full effects of this interaction are noted. The effect of amiodarone on anticoagulant levels may continue for several months after amiodarone is discontinued. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Display Interaction Monograph? No// NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------***Critical*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: WARFARIN (C0UMADIN) NA 5MG TAB Local Rx#: Drug: SIG: Processing Status: Last Filled On: 502214 KETOCONAZOLE 200MG TAB (ACTIVE) TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH THREE TIMES A DAY Not released locally (Window) 11/08/06 The anticoagulant effect of warfarin may be increased. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Display Interaction Monograph? No// NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------***Critical*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: WARFARIN (C0UMADIN) NA 5MG TAB and Non-VA Med: CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB Dosage: 300MG Schedule: TWICE A DAY November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 83 The pharmacologic effects of warfarin may be increased resulting in severe bleeding. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Display Interaction Monograph? No// NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------***Significant*** Drug Interaction with Prospective Drug: WARFARIN (C0UMADIN) NA 5MG TAB and Location: Drug: SIG: Last Filled On: <Remote facility name> Remote Rx#: 502211 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB (ACTIVE) TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING 11/08/06 Non-VA Med: ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB Dosage: 325MG Schedule: EVERY MORNING *** REFER TO MONOGRAPH FOR SIGNIFICANT INTERACTION CLINICAL Display Interaction Monograph? No// NO Do you want to Continue? Y// ES Do you want to Process medication WARFARIN (C0UMADIN) NA 5MG TAB: P// ROCESS Enter your Current Signature Code: SIGNATURE VERIFIED Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for WARFARIN (C0UMADIN) NA 5MG TAB PROVIDER: RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O Allergy/ADR Order Checks (PSO*7*251) This section will detail the Allergy/ADR order check display within Outpatient Pharmacy. Outpatient Pharmacy displays the same Allergy/ADR warning only once if both a drug class(es) and drug ingredient(s) are defined for the Allergy/ADR. The drug class and drug ingredient will be listed on the single display. The user is prompted to intervene once. If no intervention is chosen, the standard order entry dialog will resume. Local and remote Allergy/ADRs are combined. If no Allergy Assessment has been documented for the patient for whom the medication order is being processed, the user will be forced to log an intervention for every medication order entered until the allergy assessment is resolved. See examples below: Remote Allergy/ADR – New Order Entry Backdoor – Both Ingredient and Drug Class defined for Allergy/ADR Select Action: Quit// NO New Order PATIENT STATUS: SC// 84 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 DRUG: DILTIAZEM Lookup: GENERIC NAME 1 DILTIAZEM (DILACOR XR) 240MG SA CAP CV200 N/F This drug will not be processed without Drug Request Form 10-7144 2 DILTIAZEM (INWOOD) 120MG SA CAP CV200 3 DILTIAZEM (INWOOD) 180MG SA CAP CV200 4 DILTIAZEM (INWOOD) 240MG SA CAP CV200 5 DILTIAZEM (INWOOD) 300MG SA CAP CV200 Press <RETURN> to see more, '^' to exit this list, '^^' to exit all lists, OR CHOOSE 1-5: 1 DILTIAZEM (DILACOR XR) 240MG SA CAP CV200 N/F This drug will not be processed without Drug Request Form 10-7144 Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now doing allergy checks. Please wait... Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please Wait... A Drug-Allergy Reaction exists for this medication and/or class! Prospective Drug: Causative Agent: Historical/Observed: Severity: Ingredients: Signs/Symptoms: DILTIAZEM (DILACOR XR) 240MG SA CAP DILTIAZEM OBSERVED MODERATE DILTIAZEM (REMOTE(SITE(S)), ITCHING,WATERING EYES, ANOREXIA, NAUSEA,VOMITING, ANXIETY, DROWSINESS, DRY MOUTH, DRY NOSE, RASH, Drug Class: CV200 CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS (REMOTE(SITE(S)), Provider Override Reason: N/A - Order Entered Through VistA Do you want to Intervene? Y// NO VERB: TAKE Available Dosage(s) 1. 240MG 2. 480MG Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: . . . OR Do you want to Intervene? Y// ES Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for DILTIAZEM (DILACOR XR) 240MG SA CAP PROVIDER: PSOPROVIDER,THREE RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE TPP 119 See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O VERB: TAKE Available Dosage(s) 1. 240MG 2. 480MG Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: Local Allergy/ADR – New Order Entry Backdoor - Only Drug Class defined. Another New Order for PSOPATIENT, TEN? YES// November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 85 Eligibility: NSC RX PATIENT STATUS: OPT NSC// DRUG: SEPTRA Lookup: GENERIC NAME SEPTRA DS TAB AM650 ...OK? Yes// (Yes) Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now doing allergy checks. Please wait... Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please Wait... A Drug-Allergy Reaction exists for this medication and/or class! Prospective Drug: Causative Agent: Historical/Observed: Severity: Signs/Symptoms: SEPTRA DS TAB SULFADIAZINE/SULFAMERAZINE/SULFAMETHAZINE HISTORICAL Not Entered ITCHING,WATERING EYES, ANOREXIA, NAUSEA,VOMITING, ANXIETY, DROWSINESS, Drug Class: AM650 SULFONAMIDE/RELATED ANTIMICROBIALS (LOCAL), Provider Override Reason: N/A - Order Entered Through VistA Do you want to Intervene? Y// ES Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for SEPTRA DS TAB PROVIDER: PSOPROVIDER,FOUR RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE FPP 119 See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you Available 1. 2. like to edit this intervention ? N// O Dosage(s) 1 TABLET 2 TABLETS Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: 1 1 TABLET You entered 1 TABLET is this correct? Yes// YES VERB: TAKE ROUTE: PO// ORAL PO MOUTH Schedule: BID (TWICE A DAY) LIMITED DURATION (IN DAYS, HOURS OR MINUTES): Local & Remote Allergy/ADR – Multi-ingredients, Pending Order ED Edit Select Item(s): Next Screen// Pending OP Orders (ROUTINE) PSOPATIENT,THREE PID: 000-00-0000 DOB: FEB 2,1939 (69) + *(1) Orderable Item: (2) Drug: Verb: (3) *Dosage: *Route: *Schedule: (4) Pat Instruct: Provider Comments: 86 FN Finish NEXT SCREEN Mar 24, 2008@21:56:03 Page: 2 of 3 <A> Ht(cm): 167.64 (06/10/1993) Wt(kg): 68.18 (06/10/1993) SULFAMETHOXAZOLE/TRIMETHOPRIM TAB SULFAMETHOXAZOLE/TRIMETHOPRIM DS TAB TAKE 1 TABLET ORAL Q12H Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Instructions: TAKE 1 TABLET PO Q12H SIG: TAKE 1 TABLET BY MOUTH (5) Patient Status: OPT NSC (6) Issue Date: MAR 24,2008 (7) + Enter ?? for more actions BY Bypass DC ED Edit FN Select Item(s): Next Screen// FN Finish EVERY 12 HOURS Fill Date: MAR 24,200 Discontinue Finish Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now doing allergy checks. Please wait... Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please Wait... A Drug-Allergy Reaction exists for this medication and/or class! Prospective Drug: Causative Agent: Historical/Observed: Severity: Ingredients: SULFAMETHOXAZOLE/TRIMETHOPRIM DS TAB SULFADIAZINE/SULFAMERAZINE/SULFAMETHAZINE HISTORICAL Not Entered SULFAMETHOXAZOLE (LOCAL), TRIMETHOPRIM (LOCAL AND REMOTE(S)) Signs/Symptoms: ITCHING,WATERING EYES, ANOREXIA, NAUSEA,VOMITING, ANXIETY, DROWSINESS, Drug Class: AM650 SULFONAMIDE/RELATED ANTIMICROBIALS (LOCAL AND REMOTE(S)), Provider Override Reason: N/A - Order Entered Through VistA Do you want to Intervene? Y// ES Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for SULFAMETHOXAZOLE/TRIMETHOPRIM DS TAB PROVIDER: PSOPROVIDER, 11 RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE PP 119 See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O Rx # 2611 03/24/08 PSOPATIENT,THREE #20 TAKE 1 TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY 12 HOURS SULFAMETHOXAZOLE/TRIMETHOPRIM DS TAB PSOPROVIDER, 11 PSOPHARMACIST,TWO # of Refills: 1 Are you sure you want to Accept this Order? NO// Y Therapeutic Duplication This section describes enhancements to the existing VistA Duplicate Class order checks. The current VistA Duplicate Class checks have been enhanced using the FDB business rules and database, as well as the FDB Enhanced Therapeutic Classification (ETC) system. The Duplicate Class check will now be referred to as the Duplicate Therapy order check. This order check will continue to be performed against active, pending, non-verified orders on hold (initiated through pharmacy or CPRS), expired and discontinued orders. The timeframe for inclusion of expired orders is determined by the display rules on the medication profile. The timeframe for inclusion of locally discontinued orders is determined by the following formula: Discontinued Date (Cancel Date) + Days Supply + 7. This check will be performed on active Non-VA Medication orders. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 87 No changes have been made to the existing user actions for Duplicate Therapy order checks. Users will continue to have the ability to discontinue the order. The existing order will only be discontinued upon acceptance of the order being processed. No discontinue actions can be performed on remote outpatient orders, Non-VA medications, discontinued, and expired orders or orders placed on provider hold through CPRS. If the CANCEL DRUG IN SAME CLASS outpatient site parameter is set to ‘No’, no discontinue action is allowed on any duplicate class order. Any remote Outpatient order (from another VAMC or Department of Defense (DoD) facility) using data from Health Data Repository Historical (HDR-Hx) or Health Data RepositoryInterim Messaging Solution (HDR-IMS) that has been expired for 120 days or less will be included in the list of medications to be checked. FDB custom tables will be used to store custom changes to the duplication allowance for a FDB therapeutic classification. Each duplicate therapy class is assigned a duplication allowance. The duplication allowance for a therapeutic allowance determines whether or not the therapeutic duplication warning will be displayed to the user. The Vendor's (currently FDB) Enhanced Therapeutic Classification (ETC) System is now used in place of the VA Drug Class for the Duplicate Therapy (formerly duplicate class) order checks. Duplicate Therapy order checks will no longer be processed in pairs. Each duplicate therapy warning includes as many outpatient medication orders as it applies to. A duplicate therapy warning is only displayed if the number of duplicate therapy matches exceeds the duplication allowance specified for the FDB duplicate therapy class. The following processes use the enhanced functionality: • Entering a new outpatient medication order through pharmacy options • Finishing a pending outpatient medication order • Renewing an outpatient medication order • When a new outpatient medication order is created via an edit • Verification of an outpatient medication order entered or finished by a non-pharmacist • Copy of an outpatient medication order • Reinstatement of an outpatient medication order See illustrations below: Example: Local RX =============================================================================== *** THERAPEUTIC DUPLICATION(S) *** FAMOTIDINE 20MG TAB with Local Rx#: 2561 88 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Drug: SIG: QTY: Processing Status: Last Filled On: CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB (DISCONTINUED) TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME 30 Days Supply: 30 Released locally on 3/4/08@08:55:32 11/08/06 (Window) Class(es)Involved in Therapeutic Duplication(s): Peptic Ulcer Agents, Histamine-2 Receptor Antagonists (H2 Antagonists) =============================================================================== Example: Remote Rx =============================================================================== *** THERAPEUTIC DUPLICATION(S) *** SUCRALFATE 1GM TAB with LOCATION: <VA OR DOD FACILITY> Remote Rx#: 65343 Drug: RANITIDINE HCL 150MG TAB (EXPIRED) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY QTY: 180 Days Supply: 90 Last Filled On: 11/08/06 Class(es)Involved in Therapeutic Duplication(s): Peptic Ulcer Agents =============================================================================== Example: Pending Order =============================================================================== *** THERAPEUTIC DUPLICATION(S) *** NIZATIDINE 150MG CAP with Pending Drug: FAMOTIDINE 20MG TAB SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY TWICE DAILY Class(es)Involved in Therapeutic Duplication(s): Peptic Ulcer Agents =============================================================================== Example: Non-VA Med Order =============================================================================== *** THERAPEUTIC DUPLICATION(S) *** FAMOTIDINE 20MG TAB with Non-VA Med: CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB Dosage: 300MG Schedule: TWICE A DAY Class(es)Involved in Therapeutic Duplication(s): Peptic Ulcer Agents, Histamine-2 Receptor Antagonists (H2 Antagonists) =============================================================================== If the CANCEL DRUG IN SAME CLASS outpatient site parameter is set to ‘No’, the following information is shown for the duplicate therapy warning: ================================================================================ *** THERAPEUTIC DUPLICATION(S) *** NIZATIDINE 150MG CAP with Local Rx #2561 (ACTIVE) for CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB Local Rx #2572 (PROVIDER HOLD) for SUCRALFATE 1MG TAB Remote Rx #2571 (DISCONTINUED) for RANITIDINE HCL 150MG TAB Pending Order for FAMOTIDINE 20MG TAB Non-VA Med Order for CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB Class(es)Involved in Therapeutic Duplication(s): PEPTIC ULCER AGENTS, HISTAMINE-2 RECEPTOR ANTAGOINSTS (H2 ANTAGONISTS) =============================================================================== November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 89 If there is more than one remote, local, pending or Non-VA med order involved in the therapeutic duplication, the order details will be displayed one after the other. If the same drugs are involved in multiple therapeutic duplications, a single therapeutic duplication warning will be displayed and multiple therapeutic classes will be listed. If the CANCEL DRUG IN SAME CLASS outpatient site parameter is set to ‘No’, no discontinue action prompt will be presented. After all the therapeutic duplication warnings are displayed and if the CANCEL DRUG IN SAME CLASS outpatient site parameter is set to ‘Yes’, the user will be asked if they want to discontinue any of the orders. See Examples: Discontinue RX #2580A SUCRALFATE 1GM TAB? Y/N Discontinue Pending Order SUCRALFATE 1GM TAB? Y/N The system will only allow a discontinuation action on active, pending, non-verified and orders placed on hold by pharmacy. The system will display the following information for the numbered list of orders: • Prescription number (if applicable) • Dispense Drug (Orderable item if dispense drug not assigned to order) • Indicate if the order is pending (with text ‘Pending Order’) See example below. 1. Pending order AMLODIPINE 5MG/ATORVASTATIN 10MG 2. RX #2426 LOVASTATIN 40MG TAB The discontinuation of selected orders by the system will occur at the time the user accepts the order that is being processed. Discontinue order(s)? Y/N Y es 1. RX #2577 AMLODIPINE 5MG/ATORVASTATIN 10MG TAB 2. RX #2581 CHOLESTYRAMINE 9GM PACKETS Select (1-2): 1 Duplicate Therapy RX #2577 AMLODIPINE 5MG/ATORVASTATIN 10MG TAB will be discontinued after the acceptance of the new order. Discontinue order(s)? Y/N Y es 1. RX #2577 AMLODIPINE 5MG/ATORVASTATIN 10MG TAB 2. Pending Order CHOLESTYRAMINE 9GM PACKETS Select (1-2): 2 Duplicate Therapy Pending Order CHOLESTYRAMINE 9GM PACKETS will be discontinued after the acceptance of the new order. 90 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 If the user fails to accept the order that is being processed or exits before accepting the order, the system shall not discontinue the order(s) selected. The message displayed to the user shall contain: • Indicate that discontinuance was for Duplicate Therapy • The prescription number or text ‘Pending order’ if order status is pending. • Dispense Drug (Orderable item if dispense drug not assigned to order) • Ending with text ‘NOT Discontinued.’ See examples below: Duplicate Therapy RX #2710 CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB NOT Discontinued. Duplicate Therapy Pending Order RANITIDINE 150MG TAB NOT Discontinued. Once the order being processed is accepted and there were orders selected for discontinuation, the system shall inform the user when the discontinuation occurs. The message displayed to the user shall contain: • Indicate that discontinuance was for Duplicate Therapy • The prescription number or text ‘Pending order’ if order status is pending. • Dispense Drug (Orderable item if dispense drug not assigned to order) • Ending with text ‘has been discontinued.’ See examples below. Duplicate Therapy RX #2549 CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB has been discontinued... Duplicate Therapy Pending Order RANITIDINE 150MG TAB has been discontinued… See Therapeutic Duplication examples below: Example: Finishing pending order – Therapeutic Duplication with Non-VA med and discontinued order -No discontinue action allowed. *(1) Orderable Item: FAMOTIDINE TAB ***(N/F)*** <DIN> (2) CMOP Drug: FAMOTIDINE 20MG TAB ***(N/F)*** <DIN> (3) *Dosage: 20 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: TABLET *Route: ORAL + Enter ?? for more actions BY Bypass DC Discontinue ED Edit FN Finish Select Item(s): Next Screen// FN Finish ============================================================================= *** THERAPEUTIC DUPLICATION(S) *** FAMOTIDINE 20MG TAB with November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 91 Local Rx#: 2561 Drug: CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB (DISCONTINUED) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME QTY: 30 Days Supply: 30 Processing Status: Released locally on 3/4/08@08:55:32 (Window) Last Filled On: 11/08/06 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Non-VA Med: CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB Dosage: 300MG Schedule: TWICE A DAY Class(es)Involved in Therapeutic Duplication(s): Peptic Ulcer Agents, Histamine-2 Receptor Antagonists (H2 Antagonists) =============================================================================== Press Return to Continue: Rx # 2570 03/07/08 PSOPATIENT,ONE #180 TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY FAMOTIDINE 20MG TAB PSOPROVIDER,ONE # of Refills: 3 PSOPHARMACIST,ONE SC Percent: 80% Disabilities: NONE STATED Was treatment for a Service Connected condition? YES// Are you sure you want to Accept this Order? NO// Example: New Order Entry Backdoor – Therapeutic Duplication with pending and active order. Discontinue action shown. PU Patient Record Update PI Patient Information Select Action: Quit// no NO SO New Order Select Order New Order Eligibility: SERVICE CONNECTED 50% to 100% SC%: 80 RX PATIENT STATUS: SC// DRUG: Nizatidine Lookup: DRUG GENERIC NAME NIZATIDINE 150MG CAP GA302 ...OK? Yes// (Yes) ============================================================================ *** THERAPEUTIC DUPLICATION(S) *** NIZATIDINE 150MG CAP with Local Rx#: 2549 Drug: CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB (ACTIVE) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME QTY: 30 Days Supply: 30 Processing Status: Released locally on 3/4/09@08:55:32 (Window) Last Filled On: 11/08/06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pending Drug: FAMOTIDINE 20MG TAB SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY TWICE DAILY Class(es)Involved in Therapeutic Duplication(s): Peptic Ulcer Agents, Histamine-2 Receptor Antagonists (H2 Antagonists) ============================================================================== Discontinue order(s)? Y/N No Press Return to Continue... Available Dosage(s) 1. 150MG 2. 300MG Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose 92 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: . . . OR Discontinue order(s)? Y/N Y es 1. Pending Order FAMOTIDINE 20MG TAB 2. RX #2549 CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB Select (1-2): 2 RX #2549 CIMDTIDINE 300MG TAB will be discontinued after the acceptance of the new order. Available Dosage(s) 1. 150MG 2. 300MG Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: 1 150MG You entered 150MG is this correct? Yes// VERB: TAKE DISPENSE UNITS PER DOSE(TABLET): 1// 1 Dosage Ordered: 150MG YES NOUN: TABLET ROUTE: PO// ORAL PO MOUTH Schedule: This is a required response. Enter '^' to exit Schedule: BID (TWO TIMES A DAY) LIMITED DURATION (IN DAYS, HOURS OR MINUTES): CONJUNCTION: PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS: (TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWO TIMES A DAY) DAYS SUPPLY: (1-90): 60// QTY ( ) : 360// 180 COPIES: 1// 1 # OF REFILLS: (0-3): 3// PROVIDER: PSOPROVIDER,ONE CLINIC: BARB'S CLINIC 2 MAIL/WINDOW: WINDOW// WINDOW METHOD OF PICK-UP: REMARKS: ISSUE DATE: TODAY// (MAR 12, 2008) FILL DATE: (3/12/2008 - 3/13/2009): TODAY// Nature of Order: WRITTEN// W WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// NO Do you want to enter a Progress Note? No// (MAR 12, 2008) NO Rx # 2580 03/12/08 PSOPATIENT,ONE #180 TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWO TIMES A DAY NIZATIDINE 150MG CAP PSOPROVIDER,ONE # of Refills: 3 PSOPHARMACIST,ONE SC Percent: 80% Disabilities: NONE STATED Was treatment for a Service Connected condition? This is a required response. Enter '^' to exit Was treatment for a Service Connected condition? NO Is this correct? YES// November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 93 -Duplicate Therapy RX #2549 CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB has been discontinued... Another New Order for PSOPATIENT,ONE? YES// Example: Finishing Pending Order – Therapeutic Duplication with Non-Verified and Active orders. One drug is involved in both therapeutic duplications. One duplication allowance value is greater than ‘0’. -------------------------------------ACTIVE---------------------------------1 2577 AMLODIPINE 5MG/ATORVASTATIN 10MG TAB 90 A 03-07 03-07 3 90 2 2578 ITRACONAZOLE 100MG CAP 60 A 03-07 03-07 0 30 3 2576 SUCRALFATE 1MG TAB 120 A 03-07 03-07 0 30 ----------------------------------NON-VERIFIED------------------------------4 2581 CHOLESTYRAMINE 9GM PACKETS 60 N 03-12 03-12 11 30 ------------------------------------PENDING---------------------------------5 SIMVASTATIN 20MG TAB QTY: 30 ISDT: 03-12 REF: 6 Enter ?? for more actions ED Edit Pending OP Orders (ROUTINE) OPPATIENT, THREE PID: 666-44-4444 DOB: JUL 3,1949 (58) FN Finish Mar 12, 2008@07:54:21 Page: 1 of 3 <A> Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): 51.36 (10/01/1996) CPRS Order Checks: CRITICAL drug-drug interaction: ITRACONAZOLE & SIMVASTATIN (ITRACONAZOLE CAP,ORAL 100MG TAKE ONE CAPSULE BY MOUTH EVERY 12 HOURS [ACTIVE]) Overriding Provider: PSOPROVIDER,ONE Overriding Reason: TESTING CRITICAL drug-drug interaction: ITRACONAZOLE & SIMVASTATIN ITRACONAZOLE CAP,ORAL 100MG PO BID [ACTIVE]) Overriding Provider: PSOPROVIDER,ONE Overriding Reason: TESTING Duplicate drug class order: ANTILIPEMIC AGENTS (CHOLESTYRAMINE 9GM PACKETS TAKE ONE PACKET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY DISSOLVE IN WATER OR JUICE. [PENDING]) + Enter ?? for more actions BY Bypass DC ED Edit FN Select Item(s): Next Screen// FN Finish Discontinue Finish ============================================================================= THERAPEUTIC DUPLICATION(S) *** SIMVASTATIN 20MG TAB with Local Rx#: 2577 Drug: AMLODIPINE 5MG/ATORVASTATIN 10MG TAB (ACTIVE) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING QTY: 90 Days Supply: 90 Processing Status: Released locally on 3/7/08@08:55:32 (Window) Last Filled On: 03/07/08 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Local Rx#: 2581 Drug: CHOLESTYRAMINE 9GM PACKETS (NON-VERIFIED) SIG: TAKE ONE PACKET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY DISSOLVE IN WATER OR JUICE. QTY: 60 Days Supply: 30 Processing Status: Not released locally (Window) Last Filled On: 11/08/06 Class(es)Involved in Therapeutic Duplication(s): HMGCo-A Reductase Inhibitors, Antihyperlipidemics ============================================================================== Discontinue order(s)? Y/N Y es 94 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 1. RX #2577 AMLODIPINE 5MG/ATORVASTATIN 10MG TAB 2. RX #2581 CHOLESTYRAMINE 9GM PACKETS Select (1-2): 1 RX #2577 AMLODIPINE 5MG/ATORVASTATIN 10MG TAB will be discontinued after the acceptance of the new order. Rx # 2582 03/12/08 TEST,D #30 TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY EVENING SIMVASTATIN 20MG TAB PSOPROVIDER,ONE # of Refills: 6 PSOPHARMACIST,ONE This Rx has been flagged by the provider as: NO COPAY Was treatment related to Agent Orange exposure? YES// Are you sure you want to Accept this Order? NO// YES METHOD OF PICK-UP: WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// NO Do you want to enter a Progress Note? No// NO -Duplicate Therapy RX #2577 AMLODIPINE 5MG/ATORVASTATIN 10MG TAB has been discontinued... Press Return to Continue: Example: Renewing an order –Therapeutic Duplication involving 5 drugs, one therapy class and only one order can be discontinued. + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR Partial ED Edit RF Refill Select Action: Next Screen// rn Renew FILL DATE: (3/12/2008 - 3/13/2009): TODAY// MAIL/WINDOW: WINDOW// WINDOW METHOD OF PICK-UP: Nature of Order: WRITTEN// W WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// NO Do you want to enter a Progress Note? No// Now Renewing Rx # 2580 RL RN Release Renew (MAR 12, 2008) NO Drug: SUCRALFATE 1GM TAB =============================================================================== *** THERAPEUTIC DUPLICATION(S) *** SUCRALFATE 1GM TAB with Local Rx#: 2574 Drug: CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB (DISCONTINUED) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY QTY: 180 Days Supply: 90 Processing Status: Released locally on 3/7/08@08:55:32 (Window) Last Filled On: 03/07/08 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Local Rx#: 2573 Drug: NIZATIDINE 150MG CAP (HOLD) SIG: TAKE ONE CAPSULE BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY QTY: 180 Days Supply: 90 Processing Status: Released locally on 3/7/08@08:55:32 (Window) Last Filled On: 03/07/08 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------LOCATION: <VA OR DOD FACILITY> Remote Rx#: 65343 Drug: RANITIDINE HCL 150MG TAB (EXPIRED) November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 95 SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY QTY: 180 Days Supply: 90 Class(es)Involved in Therapeutic Duplication(s): Peptic Ulcer Agents, Histamine-2 Receptor Antagonists (H2 Antagonists) ============================================================================== Discontinue RX #2573 NIZATIDINE 150MG CAP? Y/N No Press Return to Continue: 2580A SUCRALFATE 1MG TAB QTY: 360 # OF REFILLS: 3 ISSUED: 03-12-08 SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH FOUR TIMES A DAY FILLED: 03-12-08 ROUTING: WINDOW PHYS: PSOPROVIDER,ONE Edit renewed Rx ? Y// n NO SC Percent: 80% Disabilities: NONE STATED Was treatment for a Service Connected condition? NO// Example: Verification of Non-Verified Order OP Medications (NON-VERIFIED) Dec 20, 2011@14:45:54 Page: 1 of PSOPATIENT,ONE <A> PID: 666-00-0000 Ht(cm): _______ (______) DOB: JAN 1,1945 (66) Wt(kg): _______ (______) 2 Rx #: 2382$ (1) *Orderable Item: NIZATIDINE CAP,ORAL (2) Drug: NIZATIDINE 150MG CAP (3) *Dosage: 150 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: CAPSULE *Route: ORAL *Schedule: BID (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: TAKE ONE CAPSULE BY BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY (5) Patient Status: OPT NSC (6) Issue Date: 12/20/11 (7) Fill Date: 12/20/11 Last Fill Date: 12/20/11 (Window) + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR (Partial) RL (Release) ED Edit RF (Refill) RN (Renew) Select Action: Next Screen// VF VF RX: 2382 PATIENT: PSOPATIENT,ONE (666-00-0000) STATUS: Non-Verified CO-PAY STATUS DRUG: NIZATIDINE 150MG CAP QTY: 180 90 DAY SUPPLY SIG: TAKE ONE CAPSULE BY BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY LATEST: 12/20/2011 # OF REFILLS: 3 REMAINING: 3 ISSUED: 12/20/11 PROVIDER: LOGGED: 12/20/11 CLINIC: NOT ON FILE EXPIRES: 12/20/12 DIVISION: HINES (499) CAP: SAFETY ROUTING: WINDOW ENTRY BY: PSTECH,ONE VERIFIED BY: EDIT: (Y/N/P): N// O PSOPATIENT,ONE ID#:666-00-0000 RX#: 2382 ISSUE LAST REF DAY RX # DRUG QTY ST DATE FILL REM SUP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACTIVE------------------------------------2380$ ACETAMINOPHEN 325MG TAB U.D. 540 A 12-20 12-20 3 90 96 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 2379$ WARFARIN 2.5MG TABS 90 A 12-20 12-20 3 90 ----------------------------------DISCONTINUED---------------------------------2378$ INDOMETHACIN 25MG CAP 270 DC 12-20 12-20 3 90 2377$ WARFARIN 10MG TABS 2160 DC 12-20 12-20 3 90 ----------------------------------NON-VERIFIED---------------------------------2382$ NIZATIDINE 150MG CAP 180 N 12-20 12-20 3 90 2381$ SUCRALFATE 1 GM TAB 360 N 12-20 12-20 3 90 Press Return to continue: Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now doing allergy checks. Please wait... Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please Wait... =============================================================================== *** THERAPEUTIC DUPLICATION(S) *** NIZATIDINE 150MG CAP with Local RX#: 2381 Drug: SUCRALFATE 1 GM TAB (Non-Verified) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY BY MOUTH FOUR TIMES A DAY QTY: 360 Days Supply: 90 Processing Status: Not released locally (Window) Last Filled On: 12/20/11 Class(es) Involved in Therapeutic Duplication(s): Peptic Ulcer Agents =============================================================================== Press Return to continue: Discontinue Rx #2381 SUCRALFATE 1 GM TAB Y/N ? NO PSOPATIENT,ONE NIZATIDINE 150MG CAP ID#:666-00-0000 RX#: 2382 VERIFY FOR PSOPATIENT,ONE ? (Y/N/Delete/Quit): Y// ES Example: Copying an Existing Order New OP Order (COPY) PSOPATIENT,TWO PID: 000-00-0000 DOB: JAN 1,1945 (63) Mar 12, 2008@09:15:48 Page: 1 of 2 <A> Ht(cm): 182.88 (04/13/2005) Wt(kg): 77.27 (04/13/2005) Orderable Item: AMLODIPINE/ATORVASTATIN TAB (1) Drug: AMLODIPINE 5MG/ATORVASTATIN 10MG TAB (2) Patient Status: OPT NSC (3) Issue Date: MAR 12,2008 (4) Fill Date: MAR 12,2008 Verb: TAKE (5) Dosage Ordered: ONE TABLET Route: ORAL Schedule: QAM (6)Pat Instruction: SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING (7) Days Supply: 30 (8) QTY ( ): 30 (9) # of Refills: 11 (10) Routing: WINDOW (11) Clinic: (12) Provider: PSOPROVIDER,ONE (13) Copies: 1 + Enter ?? for more actions AC Accept ED Edit Select Action: Next Screen// AC Accept ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Duplicate Drug in Local Rx: Rx #: 2584 Drug: AMLODIPINE 5MG/ATORVASTATIN 10MG TAB SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 97 QTY: Provider: Status: Processing Status: 30 Refills remaining: OPPROVIDER, ONE Issued: ACTIVE Last filled on: Released locally on 03/12/07@08:55:32 Days Supply: 11 03/12/07 03/12/07 (Window) 30 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Discontinue Rx #2584 AMLODIPINE 5MG/ATORVASTATIN 10MG TAB? Y/N YES Rx #2584 AMLODIPINE 5MG/ATORVASTATIN 10MG TAB will be discontinued after the acceptance of the new order. =============================================================================== *** THERAPEUTIC DUPLICATION(S) *** AMLODIPINE 5MG/ATORVASTATIN 10MG TAB with Pending Drug: LOVASTATIN 20MG TAB SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME FOR HIGH CHOLESTEROL Pending Drug: NIFEDIPINE 10MG CAP SIG: TAKE ONE CAPSULE BY MOUTH THREE TIMES A DAY Class(es)Involved in Therapeutic Duplication(s): Calcium Channel Blockers, HMGCo-A Reductase Inhibitors ============================================================================== Discontinue order(s)? Y/N Y es 1. Pending Order NIFEDIPINE 10MG CAP 2. Pending Order LOVASTATIN 20MG TAB Select (1-2): 1-2 Pending Order NIFEDIPINE 10MG CAP will be discontinued after the acceptance of the new order. Pending Order LOVASTATIN 20MG TAB will be discontinued after the acceptance of the new order. Nature of Order: WRITTEN// W WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// NO Do you want to enter a Progress Note? No// NO Rx # 2585 03/12/08 PSOPATIENT,TWO T #30 TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING AMLODIPINE 5MG/ATORVASTATIN 10MG TAB PSOPROVIDER,ONE PSOPHARMACIST,ONE # of Refills: 11 SC Percent: 40% Disabilities: NONE STATED Was treatment for Service Connected condition? NO// Is this correct? YES// ... Duplicate Drug Rx 2584 AMLODIPINE 5MG/ATORVASTATIN 10MG TAB has been discontinued… Duplicate Therapy Pending Order NIFEDIPINE 10MG CAP has been discontinued… Duplicate Therapy Pending Order LOVASTATIN 20MG TAB has been discontinued… Example: Reinstating a Discontinued Order Rx #: 2586 (1) *Orderable Item: CIMETIDINE TAB (2) Drug: CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB (3) *Dosage: 300 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: TABLET *Route: ORAL *Schedule: QHS 98 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME (5) Patient Status: OPT NSC (6) Issue Date: 03/12/08 (7) Fill Date: 03/12/08 Last Fill Date: 03/12/08 (Window) + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR (Partial) RL Release ED (Edit) RF (Refill) RN Renew Select Action: Next Screen// dc Discontinue Are you sure you want to Reinstate? NO// y YES Comments: testing duplicate therapy check Nature of Order: SERVICE CORRECTION// S ============================================================================== *** THERAPEUTIC DUPLICATION(S) *** CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB with Local Rx#: Drug: SIG: QTY: Processing Status: Last Filled On: 2576 SUCRALFATE 1GM TAB (ACTIVE) TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH FOUR TIMES A DAY 1200 Days Supply: 30 Released locally on 3/7/08@08:55:32 (Window) 03/07/08 Class(es)Involved in Therapeutic Duplication(s): Peptic Ulcer Agents ============================================================================= Discontinue RX # 2576 SUCRALFATE 1GM TAB? Y/N NO - Prescription was not discontinued... Prescription #2586 REINSTATED! Prescription #2586 Filled: MAR 12, 2008Printed: Released: Either print the label using the reprint option or check later to see if the label has been printed. Example: Creating a New Order – Editing the Orderable Item Rx #: 2594 (1) *Orderable Item: ENALAPRIL TAB ***(N/F)*** (2) Drug: ENALAPRIL 5MG TAB ***(N/F)*** (3) *Dosage: 5 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: TABLET *Route: ORAL *Schedule: QAM (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING (5) Patient Status: SC (6) Issue Date: 03/12/08 (7) Fill Date: 03/12/08 Last Fill Date: 03/12/08 (Window) + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR Partial RL Release ED Edit RF Refill RN Renew Select Action: Next Screen// 1 Current Orderable Item: ENALAPRIL TAB Select PHARMACY ORDERABLE ITEM NAME: ENALAPRIL// dip 1 DIPHENHYDRAMINE CREAM,TOP 2 DIPHENHYDRAMINE CAP,ORAL 3 DIPYRIDAMOLE TAB CHOOSE 1-3: 3 DIPYRIDAMOLE TAB New Orderable Item selected. This edit will create a new prescription! Press Return to Continue... DRUG NAME REQUIRED! November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 99 Instructions: The following Drug(s) are available for selection: 1. DIPYRIDAMOLE 25MG TAB 2. DIPYRIDAMOLE 50MG TAB Select Drug by number: (1-2): 1 ============================================================================== *** THERAPEUTIC DUPLICATION(S) *** DIPYRIDAMOLE 25MG TAB with Local Rx#: Drug: SIG: QTY: Processing Status: Last Filled On: 2560 WAFFARIN 5MG TAB (ACTIVE) TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY EVENING 90 Days Supply: 90 Released locally on 3/4/08@08:55:32 (Window) 03/04/08 Class(es)Involved in Therapeutic Duplication(s): Antiplatelet Drugs, Antithrombotic Drugs =============================================================================== Discontinue RX # 2560 WAFFARIN 5MG TAB? Y/N NO -Prescription was not discontinued... You have changed the Orderable Item from ENALAPRIL to DIPYRIDAMOLE. Do You want to Edit the SIG? NO// y Available Dosage(s) 1. 25MG 2. 50MG YES Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: 1 25MG You entered 25MG is this correct? Yes// VERB: TAKE// TAKE DISPENSE UNITS PER DOSE(TABLET): 1// 1 Dosage Ordered: 25MG YES NOUN: TABLET// TABLET ROUTE: ORAL// ORAL Schedule: QAM// tid (THREE TIMES A DAY) LIMITED DURATION (IN MONTHS, WEEKS, DAYS, HOURS OR MINUTES): CONJUNCTION: New OP Order (ROUTINE) PSOPATIENT,ONE PID: 666-00-0000 DOB: JAN 1,1910 (98) Mar 12, 2008@10:58:24 Page: 1 of 2 <A> Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) Orderable Item: DIPYRIDAMOLE TAB (1) Drug: DIPYRIDAMOLE 25MG TAB (2) Patient Status: SC (3) Issue Date: MAR 12,2008 (4) Fill Date: MAR 12,2008 (5) Dosage Ordered: 25 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: TABLET Route: ORAL Schedule: TID (6)Pat Instruction: SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH THREE TIMES A DAY (7) Days Supply: 90 (8) QTY (TAB): 180 (9) # of Refills: 3 (10) Routing: WINDOW + This change will create a new prescription! AC Accept ED Edit Select Action: Next Screen// ac Accept Nature of Order: SERVICE CORRECTION// S WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// NO 100 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Do you want to enter a Progress Note? No// NO Rx # 2595 03/12/08 PSOPATIENT,ONE #180 TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH THREE TIMES A DAY DIPYRIDAMOLE 25MG TAB PSOPROVIDER,ONE # of Refills: 3 PSOPHARMACIST,ONE The Pharmacy Orderable Item has changed for this order. Please review any existing SC or Environmental Indicator defaults carefully for appropriateness. SC Percent: 80% Disabilities: NONE STATED Was treatment for a Service Connected condition? YES// Is this correct? YES// ... Example: Cancel drug in same class parameter set to No PSOPATIENT,ONE PID: 666-00-0000 DOB: JAN 1,1910 (98) SEX: FEMALE CrCL: <Not Found> # RX # DRUG <A> Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) Non-VA Meds on File Last entry on 03/03/08 BSA (m2): ISSUE LAST REF DAY QTY ST DATE FILL REM SUP -------------------------------------ACTIVE---------------------------------1 2562 AMINOPHYLLINE 200MG TAB 360 A 03-04 03-04 3 90 2 2567 CAPTOPRIL 12.5MG TAB 180 A 03-06 03-06 3 90 3 2563 CISAPRIDE 10MG 90 A 03-06 03-06 3 90 4 2568 DIGOXIN 0.125MG 30 A 03-06 03-06 3 90 5 2550 IBUPROFEN 600MG TAB 270 A 03-03 03-04 3 90 6 2560 WARFARIN 5MG TAB 90 A 03-04 03-04 3 90 ----------------------------------DISCONTINUED------------------------------7 2561 CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB 90 DC 03-04 03-04 3 90 --------------------------------------HOLD----------------------------------+ Enter ?? for more actions PU Patient Record Update NO New Order PI Patient Information SO Select Order Select Action: Next Screen// NO New Order Eligibility: SERVICE CONNECTED 50% to 100% RX PATIENT STATUS: SC// DRUG: NIZATIDINE Lookup: GENERIC NAME NIZATIDINE 150MG CAP GA301 ...OK? Yes// (Yes) SC%: 80 ======================================================================= *** THERAPEUTIC DUPLICATION(S) *** NIZATIDINE 150MG CAP with Local Rx #2561 (ACTIVE) for CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB Local Rx #2572 (PROVIDER HOLD) for SUCRALFATE 1MG TAB Remote Rx #2571 (DISCONTINUED) for RANITIDINE HCL 150MG TAB Pending Order FAMOTIDINE 20MG TAB Non-VA Med Order for CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB Class(es) Involved in Therapeutic Duplication(s): PEPTIC ULCER AGENTS, HISTAMINE-2 RECEPTOR ANTAGOINSTS (H2 ANTAGONISTS) ============================================================================= VERB: TAKE Available Dosage(s) November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 101 1. 150MG 2. 300MG Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: Example: Entering a New Order – Not accepting order, duplicate therapy not discontinued Select Action: Quit// NO New Order Eligibility: NSC SC%: 5 RX PATIENT STATUS: OPT NSC// DRUG: FAMOTIDINE Lookup: GENERIC NAME FAMOTIDINE 20MG TAB GA301 ...OK? Yes// (Yes) Restriction/Guideline(s) exist. Display? : (N/D/O/B): No// NO Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now doing allergy checks. Please wait... Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please Wait... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*** THERAPEUTIC DUPLICATION(S) *** FAMOTIDINE 20MG TAB with Local RX#: 2586A Drug: CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB (DISCONTINUED) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME QTY: 90 Days Supply: 30 Processing Status: Released locally on 3/12/08@08:55:32 (Window) Last Filled On: 03/12/08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Press Return to Continue: Local RX#: 2710 Drug: RANITIDINE HCL 150MG TAB (ACTIVE) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY QTY: 60 Days Supply: 30 Processing Status: Released locally on 6/1/09@08:55:32 (Window) Last Filled On: 06/01/09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Press Return to Continue: Class(es)Involved in Therapeutic Duplication(s): Peptic Ulcer Agents, Histamine-2 Receptor Antagonists (H2 Antagonists) =============================================================================== Press Return to Continue: Discontinue Rx #2710 for RANITIDINE HCL 150MG TAB Y/N ? YES Duplicate Therapy RX #2710 RANITIDINE HCL 150MG TAB will be discontinued after the acceptance of the new order. =============================================================================== VERB: TAKE Available Dosage(s) 1. 20MG 2. 40MG Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: 1 20MG You entered 20MG is this correct? Yes// 102 YES Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 VERB: TAKE DISPENSE UNITS PER DOSE(TABLET): 1// 1 Dosage Ordered: 20MG NOUN: TABLET ROUTE: PO// ORAL PO MOUTH Schedule: BID// QAM (EVERY MORNING ) LIMITED DURATION (IN DAYS, HOURS OR MINUTES): CONJUNCTION: PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS: (TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING ) DAYS SUPPLY: RX DELETED (1-90): 30// ^ Duplicate Therapy RX #2710 RANITIDINE HCL 150MG TAB NOT Discontinued. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 103 (This page included for two-sided copying.) 104 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 16: Dosing Order Checks MOCHA v2.0 implements the first increment of dosage checks and introduces the Maximum Single Dose Check for simple and complex orders for both Outpatient Pharmacy and Inpatient Medications applications. MOCHA v2.0 uses the same interface to First Databank (FDB) as MOCHA v1.0. NOTE: Please refer to the Dosing Order Checks User Manual for a detailed description of dosing order checks. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 105 (This page included for two-sided copying.) 106 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 17: Pull Early from Suspense This chapter describes the option for pulling prescriptions early from the SUSPENSE file. Pull Early from Suspense [PSO PNDRX] This option is used to pull a specific prescription or all prescriptions for a patient early. If a prescription is pulled early using this option, it will not be associated with any printed batch. A label cannot be reprinted with the Reprint Batches from Suspense option if the prescription has been pulled early suspense. In addition, Method of Pickup can be edited. Also, there is no longer a "DELETE FROM SUSPENSE PROMPT." That prompt has been changed to "Pull Rx(s) and delete from Suspense." Yes must be answered to this prompt to pull the prescriptions, and they will always be deleted from suspense. Since prescriptions that are pulled early from suspense do not belong to any printed batch and cannot be reprinted from suspense, there is no reason to leave them in suspense. If the prescription being pulled from suspense has an FDA Medication Guide associated, the user will be required to enter a valid FDA Medication Guide printer. If the routing is changed to “Window” when pulling from suspense early, and the bingo board is being used, those prescriptions will be sent to the bingo board. If the patient has remote prescriptions, then the text “THIS PATIENT HAS PRESCRIPTIONS AT OTHER FACILITIES” will appear on the report as shown in the following example. PRESCRIPTION PROFILE AS OF 12/30/2008 NAME: PSOPATIENT,ONE THIS PATIENT HAS PRESCRIPTIONS AT OTHER FACILITIES PHARMACIST: __________________ DATE: ________ If a prescription is determined to be an ePharmacy prescription (e.g., third party electronically billable), an electronic claim will be sent by ECME to the third party payer. The communication events between Outpatient Pharmacy and ECME are recorded in the ECME Log section of each prescription. The ECME log can be viewed in the patient Medication Profile screen (Activity Log option - AL) and also from the View Prescriptions option. If the claim submission returns a Refill Too Soon (79) or Drug Utilization Review (88) reject, the label is not printed for the prescription and it is moved to the Refill Too Soon/DUR section of the patient Medication Profile screen until the user resolves the reject. The prescription will also display on the Third Party Payer Reject worklist. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 107 This page included for two-sided copying.) 108 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 18: Queue CMOP Prescription This chapter describes the option for suspending prescriptions for mail-routed CMOP drugs. QUEUE CMOP Prescription [PSO RX QUEUE CMOP] The Queue CMOP Prescription option allows the users (including pharmacy technicians) to put mail-routed prescription(s) for CMOP drugs on suspense for CMOP. Example: Queue CMOP Prescription Select Suspense Functions Option: QUEUE CMOP Prescription Enter the Rx # to queue to CMOP: 300486 If the prescription does not have a routing of Mail, has already been released, or is not for a CMOP drug, and does not pass all the other normal checks for CMOP, it will not be put on suspense for CMOP. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 109 (This page included for two-sided copying.) 110 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 19: Releasing Medication This chapter describes the option used for releasing medications. Release Medication [PSO RELEASE] The Release Medication option is used at the time the prescription is filled and ready to be given to the patient. Inventory is decreased, certain fields in the file are updated, and a copay is generated if the action is applicable to the prescription. With this option, prescriptions can be batch processed. Communication is made with the Integrated Funds Control, Accounting and Procurement (IFCAP) and Integrated Billing (IB) software to generate copay charges. IFCAP and IB software handle patient billing, tracking of charges, and payment received. The copay status of a prescription is re-evaluated whenever a fill is released. Various actions can occur based on changes to the criteria that determine the copay status of a prescription. The actions that may result at the time a fill is released are described below. 1. No action is taken. No changes to the criteria that determine copay status of a prescription have occurred. 2. The copay status of the prescription is automatically reset and an entry is placed in the copay activity log. Example: The drug for which the prescription is written is no longer marked for investigational use. The copay status of the prescription is reset from No Copayment to Copay. 3. The copay status of the prescription is automatically reset, an entry is placed in the copay activity log, and a MailMan message is generated detailing missing information required for user follow up. Example: The drug for which the prescription is written is no longer marked for investigational use. The copay status of the prescription is reset from No Copayment to Copay. The patient has been documented as being exposed to Southwest Asia Conditions during Persian Gulf War service since the last fill. A MailMan message will be generated informing the user that the ‘Is this Rx for treatment related to service in SW Asia?’ question must be addressed and documented using the Reset Copay Status/Cancel Charges option. 4. A MailMan message is generated detailing missing information required for user follow-up. Example: A veteran is documented as having Agent Orange exposure. Refill #2 for a prescription entered into the system before the new medication copay exemptions took November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 111 effect on January 1, 2002 is released. The prescription is copay eligible. A MailMan message will be generated informing recipients that the ‘Is this Rx for treatment of Vietnam-Era Herbicide (Agent Orange) exposure?’ question must be addressed. The copay status of the Rx may change based on the response entered using the Reset Copay Status/Cancel Charges option. If a MailMan message is generated at the time a prescription fill is released, the recipients of the message will be the provider of record, the pharmacy user who finished the order, and holders of the PSO COPAY key. The message lists the patient name, prescription number, and medication ordered, current copay status, and applicable copay exemption questions that need addressing to determine the prescription’s copay status. The Reset Copay Status/Cancel Charges option must be used to enter the responses to the medication copay exemption questions listed in the MailMan message. If responses are not entered for the applicable medication copay exemption questions, any subsequent refills when released for this prescription and possibly other prescriptions for this patient will continue to generate the same MailMan message. Example: MailMan Message Subj: PRESCRIPTION QUESTIONS REVIEW NEEDED (500) [#30364] 10/11/05@19:56 35 lines From: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY PACKAGE In 'IN' basket. Page 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------OPPATIENT29,ONE (6543P) CHEYENNE VAM&ROC Eligibility: SC LESS THAN 50% SC%: 20 REIMBURSABLE INSURANCE Disabilities: ARTHRITIS-10%(SC), FOREARM CONDITION-5%(NSC), FOREARM CONDITION-4%(NSC), BENIGN EYE GROWTH-0%(NSC), LOSS OF FIELD OF VISION-20%(SC), Rx# 102006 (1) COPAY ALBUTEROL SO4 0.083% INHL 3ML Due to a change in criteria, additional information listed below is needed to determine the final VA copay and/or insurance billable status for this Rx so that appropriate action can be taken by pharmacy personnel. Is this Rx for a Service Connected Condition? Is this Rx for treatment related to service in SW Asia? This message has been sent to the provider of record, the pharmacist who finished the prescription order, and all holders of the PSO COPAY key. Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit: <Enter> 112 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Example: MailMan Message (continued) Subj: PRESCRIPTION QUESTIONS REVIEW NEEDED (500) [#30364] Page 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Providers: Please respond with your answer to the question(s) as a reply to this message. The prescription will be updated by the appropriate staff. Staff assigned to update the Prescription responses: Please use the RESET COPAY STATUS/CANCEL CHARGES option to enter the responses to the questions above, which may result in a Rx copay status change and/or the need to remove VA copay charges or may result in a charge to the patient's insurance carrier. Note: The SC question is now asked for Veterans who are SC>49% in order to determine if the Rx can be billed to a third party insurance. These Veterans will NOT be charged a VA copay. Supply, nutritional and investigational drugs are not charged a VA copay but could be reimbursable by third party insurance. Enter message action (in IN basket): Ignore// An annual copayment cap is applied to patients in specific priority enrollment groups. Once a patient reaches the annual copayment cap, no further medication copay charges will be billed for the calendar year. An entry to that effect is made to the Copay Activity Log. The ‘$’ indicator remains next to the prescription number to indicate that the prescription is still copay eligible. Integrated Billing software keeps track of all prescription fills not billed due to the annual cap. Example: Copay Activity Log When Annual Cap Reached Copay Activity Log: # Date Reason Rx Ref Initiator Of Activity =============================================================================== 1 10/23/01 ANNUAL CAP REACHED ORIGINAL OPPHARMACIST11,THREE Comment: NO BILLING FOR THIS FILL If for whatever reason (e.g. prescription fill is returned to stock and copay charges cancelled), a patient falls below the annual copayment cap, the Integrated Billing package can initiate copay charges to bring the patient back up to the annual copayment cap. Integrated billing software will go back and bill a copay charge for those fills previously not charged due to the annual cap, bringing the patient’s total copayment up to the cap. Whenever this occurs an entry will be placed in the copay activity log. Example: Copay Activity Log With IB-Initiated Charge Copay Activity Log: # Date Reason Rx Ref Initiator Of Activity =============================================================================== 1 10/23/01 ANNUAL CAP REACHED ORIGINAL OPPHARMACIST11,THREE Comment: NO BILLING FOR THIS FILL 2 10/23/01 IB-INITIATED COPAY ORIGINAL OPPHARMACIST11,THREE Comment: PARTIAL CHARGE If a prescription is not in a releasable status, the user will be given an error message, such as: • Prescription has a status of (status) and is not eligible for release. • Prescription was deleted. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 113 • Improper barcode format. • Non-existent prescription. Copay is not charged for a partial fill. Important: This is a mandatory function that must be used by the pharmacy. Changes to Releasing Orders function - Digitally Signed Orders Only The release function in the Patient Prescription Processing option has been modified with patch PSO*7*131 to require that all digitally signed orders for Schedule II controlled substances (CSII orders) be released through the Outpatient Rx option in the Controlled Substances (CS) menu. If DEA/PKI is activated and an order is digitally signed, the user will be advised that the order must be released through the Outpatient Rx option in the Controlled Substances (CS) menu. The same message will display if a user attempts to release a digitally signed CSII order during Speed Release or when using the Release Medications option. A new security key named "PSDRPH", was introduced by the Controlled Substances patch PSD*3*76 that authorizes pharmacists to finish/verify digitally signed Schedule II-V CS orders placed via CPRS. When processing a digitally signed pending order, the integrity of the original order placed in CPRS is now being checked to ensure that the data fields listed below are not altered from the time the order is signed in CPRS and later selected for processing in backdoor pharmacy. This is done by passing the data elements listed below to a Kernel Application Programming Interface (API), Integration Control Registration (ICR) #3539 along with the CPRS hash count provided by ICR #5709. The Kernel API compares these two hash values and returns an "OK" if the pending order is unaltered; otherwise, a "1^error code^error message" is returned. Example: "-1^89802016^Mismatched digital signature hash values." The following fields are used in the hash check: 114 • Date of Issuance • Full Name and Address of the Patient • Drug Name • Quantity Prescribed • Directions for Use • Prescriber Name • Prescriber Address (site address) • Prescriber DEA / VA Registration Number • Order Number (CPRS) Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 The Kernel API will also check for the validity of the DEA certificate. If the certificate is revoked or expired, the API will return the appropriate error code. If the error code is related to hash mismatch, or the DEA certificate is revoked, the following events will be triggered during pending order processing: • The order will be auto discontinued. • First line of the pending order screen will have the message "Digital Signature Failed: Corrupted (Hash mismatch)" or "Certificate revoked" concatenated with "Order Auto Discontinued", and the message will be highlighted. • The status bar of the screen will have the message "Signature Failed: Corrupted (Hash mismatch)" or Certificate revoked." A mail message will be generated to the holders of the PSDMGR key notifying that the order has been auto-discontinued (similar to the example listed below). If the discontinuation is due to a hash mismatch as a result of altering one of the fields listed above, the mail message will show the altered fields with the discrepancies as shown in the following example. Example: Mail Message of Discontinuation Due to Hash Mismatch Subj: DIGITALLY SIGNED NEW ORDER AUTO DISCONTINUED 03/20/12@17:1024 lines From: POSTMASTER In 'IN' basket. Page 1 *New* [#196353] ----------------------------------------------------------------------Following order was auto discontinued when finishing a pending order due to Corrupted (Hash mismatch) - 89802016 Division CPRS Order # Issue Date Patient Address : : : : : Drug : Dosage Ordered: Dosage Form : Quantity : Provider : DEA# : Site Address : GREELEY CLINIC 5587651 MAR 7,2012 TEST,PATIENT (0908) P.O. BOX 31 LAPORTE, CA 95981 CODEINE SULFATE 60MG TAB 120(MG) TABLETS 54 TEST,PROVIDER TA1234563 2360 E PERSHING BLVD 2360 East Pershing Boulevard CHEYENNE Differences in CPRS and Pharmacy Pending File Data Name --------- CPRS File --------- Pharmacy Pending File --------------------- QTY PRESCRIBED 15 30 If the error code is related to 'certificate expired', the pending order will be processed (will not be auto-discontinued), and a notification will be sent to the provider with the message "DEA certificate expired. Renew your certificate." The following changes have been made for finishing a CS order: November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 115 • When finishing a pending CS order, if the user does not hold the new PSDRPH security key, the order will be marked as 'Non-Verified'. To verify a 'Non-Verified' CS order, the PSDRPH security key is now required. To discontinue a pending CS order, the PSDRPH security key is now required. • The pending order screen will now display the provider's DEA/VA #, the DETOX# (if available), and the site address. • When finishing a new pending CS order, the dosage, provider name, or the number of refills will not be allowed editing; however, the user will be allowed to select other possible dosages for the same drug if available. If the changes to the dispense drug results in creating a new order, the user will be notified by the message " Digitally Signed Order - No such changes allowed." If pharmacy wants to make such changes, then they have to discontinue (DC) the pending order and start a new order. However, the user will be allowed to select other possible dosages for the same drug that does not change the prescribed dosage. • When finishing a new pending CS order, the day supply or the quantity will not be allowed to increase but can be decreased. If the day supply is decreased, the number of refills will also be adjusted accordingly depending on the drug setup (maximum refills, not refillable, etc). The quantity may be auto-calculated to a higher quantity by the system only when the dosage remains the same, but the dispense drug strength is changed – i.e. 2mg tablets #30 is changed to 1mg tablets, the Sig is updated, and the system changes the quantity to 60. A manual change to a higher quantity is not allowed. • When finishing a pending CS order or verifying a CS order by the PSDRPH key holder, any edit to some of the key fields, such as dispense drug, dosage, dispense units, issue date, day's supply, quantity or number of refills, will now be captured and stored in the activity log. In patch PSO*7*99, a change was made for pending orders not to recalculate the quantity for CS drugs on selecting a different strength of the same drug and resulting in the same prescribed dosage. This change is removed in patch PSO*7*391. Changes to Releasing Orders function - ScripTalk The release function in the Patient Prescription Processing option has been modified to display a message to the user when the site is using a Bingo Board and when the patient is enrolled in ScripTalk. This message will alert the user that the patient is enrolled in ScripTalk and may need to have a verbal announcement that the prescription(s) is ready, instead of a visual announcement. Example: Releasing Medication to a ScripTalk Patient Prescription Number 400693 Released No Refill(s) to be Released No Partial(s) to be Released OPPATIENT16,ONE added to the WAITING display. This patient is enrolled in ScripTalk and may benefit from a non-visual announcement that prescriptions are ready. Press Return to Continue: 116 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Changes to Releasing Orders Function – Signature Alert With Patch PSO*7*385, the release function in the Patient Prescription Processing option has been modified to display a message to the user when an ECME-billable prescription is being released as a window fill. This message will alert the user that the patient’s signature must be obtained. The user is not required to press <Enter> to continue or respond to the alert in any other manner. Example: Releasing an ePharmacy Window Fill Prescription Number 100003853 Released No Refill(s) to be Released No Partial(s) to be Released Changes to Releasing Orders function – HIPAA NCPDP Global The release function has been modified with patch PSO*7*148 to perform National Drug Code (NDC) validation for ePharmacy prescriptions. These changes also affect the Controlled Substance prescription release, which is performed through the Controlled Substances package. The user releasing the third-party electronically billable prescription will be prompted for the NDC for the drug being dispensed to the patient. The NDC code previously retrieved when the prescription was finished will be presented as the current (default) NDC for the prescription. The other possible values that the user will be able to choose from are: • NDC field value in the DRUG file, if valid and different than the current prescription NDC. • LAST LOCAL NDC field value in NDC BY OUTPATIENT SITE sub-file in the DRUG file for the division filling the prescription, if valid and different that the current prescription NDC. • NDC CODE field values in the SYNONYM sub-file in the DRUG file, if valid and different that the current prescription NDC. If the NDC dispensed is not on the list to select, the user must contact the ADPAC or other designated person to add the NDC in a synonym multiple for that drug in file 50. If the NDC code selected matches the current NDC in the prescription no further NDC processing is required. However, if the user selects a different NDC, the following steps will occur: 1. Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 will instruct ECME to reverse the previous claim for the previous NDC code and submit a new claim for the newly selected NDC code. 2. The newly selected NDC code will be saved in the LAST LOCAL NDC field in NDC BY OUTPATIENT SITE sub-file in the DRUG file for the division filling the prescription. The following examples show the new prompt for NDC validation during the release process. Example: Releasing an ePharmacy Order – Selecting Default NDC Select Outpatient Pharmacy Manager Option: RELEASE Medication November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 117 Enter PHARMACIST: OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Enter/Wand PRESCRIPTION number: 100003853 NDC: 00580-0277-10// ? Select one of the following valid NDC code(s) below: 1 - 00580-0277-10 NDC: 00580-0277-10// <Enter> 00580-0277-10 Prescription Number 100003853 Released No Refill(s) to be Released No Partial(s) to be Released Example: Releasing an ePharmacy Order – Selecting Different NDC Select Outpatient Pharmacy Manager Option: RELEASE Medication Enter PHARMACIST: OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Enter/Wand PRESCRIPTION number: 100003853 NDC: 00580-0277-10// ? Select one of the following valid NDC code(s) below: 1 - 00580-0277-10 2 - 00580-0277-14 NDC: 00580-0277-10// 2 00580-0277-14 Prescription 100003853 successfully submitted to ECME for claim generation. Claim Status: Reversing and Rebilling a previously submitted claim... Reversing... IN PROGRESS-Waiting to start IN PROGRESS-Waiting for packet build IN PROGRESS-Waiting for transmit IN PROGRESS-Transmitting Resubmitting... IN PROGRESS-Waiting to start IN PROGRESS-Waiting for packet build IN PROGRESS-Waiting for transmit IN PROGRESS-Transmitting IN PROGRESS-Waiting to process response E PAYABLE Prescription Number 100003853 Released No Refill(s) to be Released No Partial(s) to be Released 118 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 20: Returning Medication to Stock This chapter describes the option used for returning medication to stock. Return Medication to Stock [PSO RETURNED STOCK] This option is used when a prescription has been released, but has been refused, not picked up, or not given to the patient for some reason. Comments can be entered to explain why the medication was returned to stock. A prescription can only be returned to stock if the prescription status is Active, Discontinued, or Expired. If the prescription is not released, there is no need to return it to stock. This function increases the inventory so that a more current level is maintained by the Outpatient Pharmacy package and removes the copay charge if it is applicable to the prescription. It is highly recommended that this option be used. When an ePharmacy prescription is returned to stock, the software checks if the it has a PAYABLE claim, if so, a request is sent to ECME to electronically reverse the claim with the third party payer. Also, if the prescription contains any unresolved DUR or REFILL TOO SOON reject, it will be marked resolved with the reason ‘Prescription Returned To Stock’. If a copay charge is removed by returning a prescription fill to stock, an entry will be placed in the copay activity log documenting the action. Example: Returning Medication to Stock Copay Activity Log: # Date Reason Rx Ref Initiator Of Activity =============================================================================== 1 11/21/01 REMOVE COPAY CHARGE REFILL 1 OPPHARMACIST9,THREE Comment: RX REFUSED Returned to stock If an original fill is returned to stock and reprinted, it can be released again. If a refill is returned to stock, the refill is deleted so the patient will not lose it. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 119 (This page included for two-sided copying.) 120 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 21: Ordering/Processing a Prescription This chapter describes the menu and options used in processing prescriptions. Rx (Prescriptions) [PSO RX] The Rx (Prescriptions) menu allows the pharmacist to manipulate information that pertains to prescriptions. Actions are taken on prescriptions via this menu. Some previous options, such as renew, refill, edit, release, are now actions in the Patient Prescription Processing option found on this menu. Also, data now must be entered for the individual fields that are used to build a Sig. Default values display for possible dosages, schedules, med routes, and patient instructions. When possible, default quantities are calculated using data entered into specific fields during medication order entry. The following options are available on this menu: • Patient Prescription Processing • Barcode Rx Menu ... • Check Drug Interaction • Complete Orders from OERR • Discontinue Prescription(s) • Edit Prescriptions • ePharmacy Menu ... • List One Patient's Archived Rx's • Manual Print of Multi-Rx Forms • Reprint an Outpatient Rx Label • Signature Log Reprint • View Prescriptions Patient Prescription Processing [PSO LM BACKDOOR ORDERS] This option is used to process outpatient medication through OERR V. 3.0. The Patient Prescription Processing option is found on the Outpatient Pharmacy Manager Menu and the Pharmacist Menu under the Rx (Prescriptions) option. This option uses List Manager features to allow the outpatient pharmacy manager and pharmacist to perform the following actions on a prescription without leaving this option. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 121 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Enter a new Rx Discontinue Edit Refill Renew Hold Unhold Order a partial Release Reprint Copy Verify a prescription Show a profile View activity log Pull early from suspense When a new drug order is processed (new, renewal, finish, verify, copy, or an edit that creates a new order), order checks are performed. These include checking for Duplicate Drug, Maximum Single Dose, Duplicate Drug Therapy, Drug-Drug Interaction, and Drug-Drug Allergy. With the introduction of enhanced Order checks (PSO*7*251) , Outpatient Pharmacy generated order checks are displayed in this sequence: • System Errors • Duplicate Drug • Clozapine • Allergy/ADR (local & remote) or Non-Assessment • CPRS checks generated backdoor (3 new checks) • Drug Level Errors • Local & Remote Critical Drug Interactions • Local & Remote Significant Drug Interactions • Local & Remote Duplicate Therapy Additionally, the order check display sequence is applied to the following processes: • Backdoor new order entry • Finishing a pending order • When renewing an outpatient medication order • Creating a new order when editing an outpatient medication order • Verifying an outpatient medication order. • Copying an outpatient medication order • Reinstating a discontinued outpatient medication order. There are three levels of error messages associated with Enhanced Order Checking (Drug Interactions, Duplicate Therapy, and Dosing): 122 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 1. System - When such an error occurs, no Drug Interaction, Duplicate Therapy, or Dosing order checks will be performed. Other order checks that do not use the COTS database (FDB) will still be performed such as allergy/ADRs, duplicate drug (for outpatient only), and new CPRS order checks, etc. 2. Drug - The second error level is for the drug and no Drug Interaction, Duplicate Therapy, or Dosing order checks will be performed for a specific drug. Drug level errors can occur for the prospective drug (drug being processed) or the profile drug. If a drug level error occurs on the prospective drug, no profile drug errors will be displayed. The only exception to this is when you are processing an IV order with multiple prospective drugs (i.e. multiple IV Additives). Profile drug level errors will only be shown once per patient session. 3. There are two reasons that a drug level error is generated; the drug is not matched to NDF or the drug is matched to NDF, but the VA Product to which it is matched does not have a GCNSEQNO assigned or the GCNSEQNO assigned does not match up to the GCNSEQNO in the COTS database. The latter (GCNSEQNO mismatch) is rare. 4. Order - The third error level is for the order. Order level errors will only occur with dosing order checks. Please see the Dosing Order Check User Manual for more information. See table below for an explanation of the errors: Error Level Error Message Reason Why message is being displayed. System No Enhanced Order Checks can be performed. Vendor Database cannot be reached. The connectivity to the vendor database has gone down. A MailMan message is sent to the G. PSS ORDER CHECKS mail group when the link goes down and when it comes back up. System No Enhanced Order Checks can be performed. The connection to the vendor database has been disabled. A user has executed the Enable/Disable Vendor Database Link [PSS ENABLE/DISABLE DB LINK] option and disabled the interface. System No Enhanced Order Checks can be performed Vendor database updates are being processed The vendor database (custom and standard data) is being updated using the DATUP (Data Update) process. System No Enhanced Order Checks can be performed An unexpected error has occurred. There is a system network problem and the vendor database cannot be reached or a software interface issue. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 123 Error Level Error Message Reason Drug Enhanced Order Drug not matched Checks cannot be to NDF performed for Local or Local Outpatient Drug: <DRUG NAME> The local drug being ordered/ or on profile has not been matched to NDF. Matching the drug to a VA Product will eliminate this message. Drug Order Checks could not be done for Remote Drug: <DRUG NAME>, please complete a manual check for Drug Interactions and Duplicate Therapy. Remote order indicator If this error message is displayed, it means that the VA product that the local or remote drug being ordered/or on the local or remote profile does not have a GCNSEQNO or in rare cases, the GCNSEQNO assigned to the VA Product does not match up with a GCNSEQNO in the vendor database. Drug Enhanced Order Checks cannot be performed for Orderable Item: <OI NAME> No active Dispense Drug found Why message is being displayed. Highly unlikely that this error would be seen. At the time the order check was being performed the orderable item did not have an active dispense drug associated. See Examples below to illustrate error sequences. Example: New Order Entry – System Level Error Select Action: Quit// NO New Order Eligibility: SC LESS THAN 50% SC%: 40 RX PATIENT STATUS: SC LESS THAN 50%// DRUG: AMLOD Lookup: GENERIC NAME 1 AMLODIPINE 10MG/BENAZAPRIL 20MG TAB 2 AMLODIPINE 5MG/ATORVASTATIN 10MG TAB CHOOSE 1-2: 1 AMLODIPINE 10MG/BENAZAPRIL 20MG TAB CV400 CV200 CV400 Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please wait... No Enhanced Order Checks can be performed. Reason: Vendor database cannot be reached. Press Return to Continue... Available Dosage(s) 1 TABLET 2 TABLETS Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: 1 1 TABLET 124 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 You entered 1 TABLET is this correct? Yes// YES VERB: TAKE ROUTE: PO// 1 PO ORAL (BY MOUTH) PO 2 PO ORAL PO CHOOSE 1-2: 1 ORAL (BY MOUTH) PO MOUTH Schedule: Q4H (EVERY 4 HOURS) LIMITED DURATION (IN DAYS, HOURS OR MINUTES): CONJUNCTION: Example: Drug Error Message – Finishing Pending Outpatient Order + Enter ?? for more actions BY Bypass DC ED Edit FN Select Item(s): Next Screen// FN Finish Discontinue Finish Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please wait... Enhanced Order Checks cannot be performed for Local Drug: WARFARIN 5MG TAB Reason: Drug not matched to NDF Press Return to Continue... Was treatment for Service Connected condition? YES// Are you sure you want to Accept this Order? NO// Example: Renewing an Order – Therapeutic Duplication – Drug Level Error + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR Partial ED Edit RF Refill Select Action: Next Screen// rn Renew FILL DATE: (3/12/2008 - 3/13/2009): TODAY// MAIL/WINDOW: WINDOW// WINDOW METHOD OF PICK-UP: Nature of Order: WRITTEN// W WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// NO Do you want to enter a Progress Note? No// Now Renewing Rx # 2580 RL RN Release Renew (MAR 12, 2008) NO Drug: SUCRALFATE 1GM TAB Press Return to Continue... Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please wait… Order Checks could not be done for Drug: RANITIDINE 150MG TAB, please complete a manual check for Drug Interactions and Duplicate Therapy. =============================================================================== *** THERAPEUTIC DUPLICATION(S) *** SUCRALFATE 1GM TAB with Local Rx#: 2574 Drug: CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB (DISCONTINUED) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY QTY: 180 Days Supply: 90 Processing Status: Released locally on 03/07/08@08:55:32 Last Filled On: 11/08/06 (Window) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Local Rx#: 2573 Drug: NIZATIDINE 150MG CAP (ACTIVE) SIG: TAKE ONE CAPSULE BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY QTY: 180 Days Supply: 90 Processing Status: Released locally on 03/07/08@08:55:32 (Window) Last Filled On: 11/08/06 November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 125 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Local Rx#: 2599 Drug: FAMOTIDINE 20MG TAB (PROVIDER HOLD) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY QTY: 180 Days Supply: 90 Processing Status: Released locally on 03/07/08@08:55:32 (Window) Last Filled On: 11/08/06 Class(es)Involved in Therapeutic Duplication(s): Peptic Ulcer Agents, Histamine-2 Receptor Antagonists (H2 Antagonists =============================================================================== Discontinue RX #2573 NIZATIDINE 150MG CAP? Y/N No Press Return to Continue: 2580A SUCRALFATE 1GM TAB QTY: 360 # OF REFILLS: 3 ISSUED: 03-12-08 SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH FOUR TIMES A DAY FILLED: 03-12-08 ROUTING: WINDOW PHYS: PSOPROVIDER,ONE Edit renewed Rx ? Y// n NO SC Percent: 80% Disabilities: NONE STATED Was treatment for a Service Connected condition? NO// Duplicate Drug Order Check The Duplicate Drug warning displays the following information for a local or remote outpatient medication order: Example: Local Rx Duplicate Drug in Local Rx: Rx #: Drug: SIG: QTY: Provider: Status: Processing Status: 2608 ASPIRIN 81MG EC TAB TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING 30 Refills remaining: 11 PSOPROVIDER,TEN Issued: 03/24/08 Active Last filled on: 03/24/08 Released locally on 3/24/08@08:55:32 (Window) Days Supply: 30 Example: Remote Rx Duplicate Drug in Remote Rx: LOCATION NAME: Rx #: Drug: SIG: QTY: Provider: Status: <NAME OF FACILITY> 2608 ASPIRIN 81MG EC TAB TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING 30 Refills remaining: 11 PSOPROVIDER,TEN Issued: 03/24/08 Active Last filled on: 03/24/08 Days Supply: 30 Duplicate Drug Order Check for Pending Orders: Example: Pending Order DUPLICATE DRUG in a Pending Order for: Drug: ALLOPURINOL 300MG TAB 126 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 SIG: QTY: Provider: Provider Comments: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING 180 # of Refills: 3 PSOPROVIDER,TEN Issue Date: 03/24/08@14:44:15 <only if data present> Duplicate Drug order check for Non-VA Medications Example: Non-VA Med Order Duplicate Drug in a Non-VA Med Order for Drug: Dosage: Schedule: Medication Route: Start Date: Documented By: CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB 300MG AT BEDTIME MOUTH <NOT ENTERED> CPRS Order #: 13554 PSOPROVIDER,TEN on Mar 24, 2008@14:44:15 Duplicate Drug Order Check business rules: • If the DRUG CHECK FOR CLERK outpatient site parameter is set to NO, the system will not prompt a clerk (no PSORPH key) to discontinue the order when a Duplicate Drug order check occurs. • If the DRUG CHECK FOR CLERK outpatient site parameter is set to NO, and a new order is being entered by a clerk (no PSORPH key) via the pharmacy backdoor, the order being processed will be deleted by the system immediately after the duplicate drug warning is displayed. • If the duplicate drug is a remote order, the system will allow the clerk to process the new order after the display of the duplicate drug warning. • If the DRUG CHECK FOR CLERK outpatient site parameter is set to NO, and a clerk (no PSORPH key) is finishing a pending order: o When the VERIFICATION outpatient site parameter is set to YES and the duplicate drug is a local order, the system will return the user back to the detailed order ListMan display with the available actions of Accept/Edit/Discontinue. o When the VERIFICATION outpatient site parameter is set to YES and the duplicate drug is a remote order A duplicate drug warning will be displayed The clerk will be allowed to finish the order The finished order will have a status of non-verified o When the VERIFICATION outpatient site parameter is set to NO, the clerk will not be allowed to finish the order. o If the DRUG CHECK FOR CLERK outpatient site parameter is set to Yes, a clerk (no PSORPH key) will see the same discontinue prompts as a pharmacist. • If the VERIFICATION outpatient site parameter is set to YES when reinstating an order, no duplicate message will be displayed and the reinstated order will have a non-verified status. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 127 • No discontinuation prompt will be displayed for a duplicate Non-VA medication order in any situation. After the Duplicate Drug warning is displayed, the system will ask the user if they wish to discontinue the order. Active Order Discontinue RX #2580A SUCRALFATE 1GM TAB? Y/N Pending Order Discontinue Pending Order for ALLOPURINOL 300MG? Y/N If the user chooses not to discontinue the displayed order when entering a new order via the pharmacy backdoor, the system will delete the order being entered (prospective drug). If the user chooses not to discontinue the displayed order when finishing a pending order, the system will redisplay the pending order and prompt them to accept, edit or discontinue the order. If the DRUG CHECK FOR CLERK outpatient site parameter is set to NO, and if the clerk (no PSORPH key) is copying an order, the system will return them back to the detailed order ListMan display where the copy action was initiated. If the DRUG CHECK FOR CLERK outpatient site parameter is set to NO and the VERIFICATION outpatient site parameter is set to YES when a clerk (no PSORPH key) is reinstating a discontinued order for a medication for which an active local order exists, the system will delete the active order and reinstate the discontinued order. If the DRUG CHECK FOR CLERK outpatient site parameter is set to NO and the VERIFICATION outpatient site parameter is set to NO when a clerk is reinstating a discontinued order for a medication for which an active local order exists, the system will display a duplicate drug warning, but the order will not be reinstated. If the DRUG CHECK FOR CLERK outpatient site parameter is set to YES or NO and the VERIFICATION outpatient site parameter is set to NO when a clerk is reinstating a discontinued order for a medication for which a remote order exists, the system will display a duplicate drug warning and the reinstated order will be assigned an active status. If the DRUG CHECK FOR CLERK outpatient site parameter is set to YES or NO and the VERIFICATION outpatient site parameter is set to YES when a clerk is reinstating a discontinued order, the system will not display a duplicate drug warning and the reinstated order will be assigned a non-verified status. If a duplicate drug warning is displayed for a medication order, it will not be included in a duplicate therapy order check. The following examples illustrate the conditions described above. 128 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Example: Duplicate Pending Order Pending OP Orders (ROUTINE) PSOPATIENT,FOUR PID: 000-00-0000 DOB: MAY 20,1966 (41) Mar 24, 2008@13:52:04 Page: 1 of 2 <NO ALLERGY ASSESSMENT> Ht(cm): 168.91 (04/11/2006) Wt(kg): 68.18 (09/06/2006) Order Checks: Duplicate drug order: ASPIRIN TAB,EC 325MG TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING [ACTIVE] Overriding Provider: PSOPROVIDER,TEN Overriding Reason: TESTING DUPLICATE THERAPY FUNCTIONALITY *(1) Orderable Item: ASPIRIN TAB,EC (2) Drug: ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB <DIN> (3) *Dosage: 325 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: TABLET *Route: ORAL *Schedule: QAM + Enter ?? for more actions BY Bypass DC Discontinue ED Edit FN Finish Select Item(s): Next Screen// FN Finish ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Duplicate Drug in Local Rx: RX #: Drug: SIG: QTY: Provider: Status: Processing Status: 2603 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING 30 Refills remaining: 11 PSOPROVIDER,TEN Issued: 03/24/08 Active Last filled on: 03/24/08 Released locally on 3/24/08@08:55:32 (Window) Days Supply: 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discontinue RX #2603 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB? Y/N NO -Prescription was not discontinued... Pending OP Orders (ROUTINE) PSOPATIENT,FOUR PID: 000-00-0000 DOB: MAY 20,1966 (41) Mar 24, 2008@13:52:45 Page: 1 of 2 <NO ALLERGY ASSESSMENT> Ht(cm): 168.91 (04/11/2006) Wt(kg): 68.18 (09/06/2006) Order Checks: Duplicate drug order: ASPIRIN TAB,EC 325MG TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING [ACTIVE] Overriding Provider: PSOPROVIDER,TEN Overriding Reason: TESTING DUPLICATE THERAPY FUNCTIONALITY *(1) Orderable Item: ASPIRIN TAB,EC (2) Drug: ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB <DIN> (3) *Dosage: 325 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 NOUN: TABLET *Route: ORAL *Schedule: QAM + Enter ?? for more actions AC Accept ED Edit Select Item(s): Next Screen// . OR Discontinue RX #2603 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB? Y/N DC Discontinue YES RX #2603 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB will be discontinued after the acceptance of the new order. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 129 Rx # 2604 03/24/08 PSOPATIENT,FOUR #30 TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB PSOPROVIDER,TEN # of Refills: 11 PSOPHARMACIST,ONE SC Percent: 100% Disabilities: NONE STATED Was treatment for a Service Connected condition? YES// YES Are you sure you want to Accept this Order? NO// YES WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// NO Do you want to enter a Progress Note? No// NO -Duplicate Drug Rx #2603 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB has been discontinued... Press Return to Continue: Example: New Order Entry Backdoor – Duplicate Drug Eligibility: SERVICE CONNECTED 50% to 100% SC%: 100 RX PATIENT STATUS: OPT NSC// DRUG: aspirin Lookup: DRUG GENERIC NAME 1 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB CN103 2 ASPIRIN 325MG SUPPOSITORY CN103 3 ASPIRIN 325MG TAB CN103 4 ASPIRIN 650MG/BUTALBITAL 50MG TAB CN103 5 ASPIRIN 81MG EC TAB CN103 Press <RETURN> to see more, '^' to exit this list, '^^' to exit all lists, OR CHOOSE 1-5: 1 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB CN103 Restriction/Guideline(s) exist. Display? : (N/D): No// NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Duplicate Drug in Local Rx: RX #: Drug: SIG: QTY: Provider: Status: Processing Status: 2604 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING 30 Refills remaining: 11 PSOPROVIDER,TEN Issued: 03/24/08 Active Last filled on: 03/24/08 Released locally on 3/24/08@08:55:32 (Window) Days Supply: 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discontinue RX #2604 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB? Y/N NO -Prescription was not discontinued... RX DELETED OR Discontinue RX #2604 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB? Y/N YES RX #2604 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB will be discontinued after the acceptance of the new order. VERB: TAKE Available Dosage(s) 1. 325MG 2. 650MG Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: 1 325MG You entered 325MG is this correct? Yes// VERB: TAKE DISPENSE UNITS PER DOSE(TABLET): 1// 1 Dosage Ordered: 325MG 130 YES Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 NOUN: TABLET ROUTE: PO// ORAL PO MOUTH Schedule: bid (TWICE A DAY) LIMITED DURATION (IN DAYS, HOURS OR MINUTES): CONJUNCTION: PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS: (TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY) DAYS SUPPLY: (1-90): 30// QTY ( TAB ) : 60// 60 COPIES: 1// 1 # OF REFILLS: (0-11): 11// PROVIDER: PSOPROVIDER,TEN CLINIC: MAIL/WINDOW: WINDOW// WINDOW METHOD OF PICK-UP: REMARKS: ISSUE DATE: TODAY// (MAR 24, 2008) FILL DATE: (3/24/2008 - 3/25/2009): TODAY// Nature of Order: WRITTEN// W WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// NO Do you want to enter a Progress Note? No// (MAR 24, 2008) NO Rx # 2605 03/24/08 PSOPATIENT,FOUR #60 TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB PSOPROVIDER,TEN # of Refills: 11 PSOPHARMACIST,ONE SC Percent: 100% Disabilities: NONE STATED Was treatment for a Service Connected condition? n Is this correct? YES// NO -Duplicate Drug RX #2604 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB has been discontinued... Another New Order for PSOPATIENT,FOUR? YES// Example: Editing Dispense Drug – Create New Order Rx #: 2605A (1) *Orderable Item: ASPIRIN TAB,EC (2) Drug: ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB <DIN> (3) *Dosage: 325 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: TABLET *Route: ORAL *Schedule: BID (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY (5) Patient Status: OPT NSC (6) Issue Date: 03/24/08 (7) Fill Date: 03/24/08 Last Fill Date: 03/24/08 (Window) + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR Partial RL Release ED Edit RF Refill RN Renew Select Action: Next Screen// ED Edit Select fields by number: (1-19): 2 DRUG: ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB// ASPIRIN 8 Lookup: GENERIC NAME November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 131 ASPIRIN 81MG EC TAB CN103 ...OK? Yes// (Yes) TRADE NAME: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Duplicate Drug in Local Rx: Rx #: Drug: SIG: QTY: Provider: Status: Processing Status: 2606 ASPIRIN 81MG EC TAB TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING 30 Refills remaining: 11 PSOPROVIDER,TEN Issued: 03/24/08 Active Last filled on: 03/24/08 Released locally on 03/24/08@08:55:32 (Window) Days Supply: 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discontinue RX #2606 ASPIRIN 81MG EC TAB? Y/N NO -Prescription was not discontinued... . OR Discontinue RX #2606 ASPIRIN 81MG EC TAB? Y/N YES RX #2606 ASPIRIN 81MG EC TAB will be discontinued after the acceptance of the new order. You have changed the dispense drug from ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB to ASPIRIN 81MG EC TAB. Current SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY Do You want to Edit the SIG? YES// Available Dosage(s) 1. 81MG 2. 162MG Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: 1 81MG You entered 81MG is this correct? Yes// YES This edit will discontinue the duplicate Rx & change the dispensed drug! Do You Want to Proceed? NO// YES VERB: TAKE// TAKE DISPENSE UNITS PER DOSE(TABLET): 1// 1 Dosage Ordered: 81MG NOUN: TABLET// TABLET ROUTE: ORAL// ORAL Schedule: BID// QAM (EVERY MORNING) LIMITED DURATION (IN MONTHS, WEEKS, DAYS, HOURS OR MINUTES): CONJUNCTION: New OP Order (ROUTINE) PSOPATIENT,FOUR PID: 000-00-0000 DOB: MAY 20,1966 (41) Orderable Item: (1) Drug: (2) Patient Status: (3) Issue Date: (5) Dosage Ordered: Verb: Dispense Units: Noun: Route: Schedule: (6)Pat Instruction: SIG: (7) Days Supply: (9) # of Refills: + This change 132 Mar 24, 2008@14:10:20 Page: 1 of 2 <NO ALLERGY ASSESSMENT> Ht(cm): 168.91 (04/11/2006) Wt(kg): 68.18 (09/06/2006) ASPIRIN TAB,EC ASPIRIN 81MG EC TAB OPT NSC MAR 24,2008 81 (MG) TAKE 1 TABLET ORAL QAM (4) Fill Date: MAR 24,2008 TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING 30 (8) QTY (TAB): 60 11 (10) Routing: WINDOW will create a new prescription! Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 AC Accept Select Action: Next Screen// AC ED Edit Accept Nature of Order: SERVICE CORRECTION// WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// NO S Do you want to enter a Progress Note? No// NO Rx # 2607 03/24/08 PSOPATIENT,FOUR #60 TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING ASPIRIN 81MG EC TAB PSOPROVIDER,TEN # of Refills: 11 PSOPHARMACIST,ONE SC Percent: 100% Disabilities: NONE STATED Was treatment for a Service Connected condition? YES// Is this correct? YES// ... -Duplicate Drug RX #2606 ASPIRIN 81MG EC TAB has been discontinued... Example: Clerk Entering New Order via Backdoor – Drug Check for Clerk Parameter set to No PI Patient Information Select Action: Quit// NO SO Select Order New Order Eligibility: SERVICE CONNECTED 50% to 100% RX PATIENT STATUS: OPT NSC// DRUG: ASPIRIN 81 Lookup: GENERIC NAME ASPIRIN 81MG EC TAB CN103 ...OK? Yes// (Yes) SC%: 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Duplicate Drug in Local Rx: Rx #: Drug: SIG: QTY: Provider: Status: Processing Status: 2608 ASPIRIN 81MG EC TAB TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING 30 Refills remaining: 11 PSOPROVIDER,TEN Issued: 03/24/08 Active Last filled on: 03/24/08 Released locally on 3/24/08@08:55:32 (Window) Days Supply: 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------RX DELETED Another New Order for PSOPATIENT,FOUR? YES// Example: Clerk Entering New Order via Backdoor – Drug Check for Clerk Parameter set to No – Duplicate Drug – Discontinued Status Eligibility: SERVICE CONNECTED 50% to 100% SC%: 100 RX PATIENT STATUS: OPT NSC// DRUG: ASPIRIN Lookup: GENERIC NAME 1 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB CN103 2 ASPIRIN 325MG SUPPOSITORY CN103 3 ASPIRIN 325MG TAB CN103 4 ASPIRIN 650MG/BUTALBITAL 50MG TAB CN103 5 ASPIRIN 81MG EC TAB CN103 Press <RETURN> to see more, '^' to exit this list, '^^' to exit all lists, OR CHOOSE 1-5: 1 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB CN103 Restriction/Guideline(s) exist. Display? : (N/D): No// NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Duplicate Drug in Local Rx: November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 133 Rx #: Drug: SIG: QTY: Provider: Status: Processing Status: 2605A ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY 60 Refills remaining: 11 PSOPROVIDER,TEN Issued: 03/24/08 Discontinued (Edit) Last filled on: 03/24/08 Released locally on 3/24/08@08:55:32 (Window) Days Supply: 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Press Return to Continue: . Example: Clerk Finishing Pending Order – Drug Check for Clerk parameter set to No ED (Edit) Pending OP Orders (ROUTINE) PSOPATIENT,FOUR PID: 000-00-0000 DOB: MAY 20,1966 (41) FN Finish Mar 24, 2008@14:35:21 Page: 1 of 3 <NO ALLERGY ASSESSMENT> Ht(cm): 168.91 (04/11/2006) Wt(kg): 68.18 (09/06/2006) CPRS Order Checks: Duplicate drug order: ASPIRIN TAB,EC MORNING [ACTIVE] Overriding Provider: PSOPROVIDER,TEN Overriding Reason: TESTING 81MG TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY Duplicate drug class order:(ASPIRIN TAB,EC 325MG TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING [UNRELEASED]) Overriding Provider: PSOPROVIDER,TEN Overriding Reason: TESTING *(1) Orderable Item: ASPIRIN TAB,EC (2) Drug: ASPIRIN 81MG EC TAB (3) *Dosage: 81 (MG) + Enter ?? for more actions BY Bypass DC ED (Edit) FN Select Item(s): Next Screen// FN Finish (Discontinue) Finish ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Duplicate Drug in Local Rx: Rx #: Drug: SIG: QTY: Provider: Status: Processing Status: 2608 ASPIRIN 81MG EC TAB TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING 30 Refills remaining: 11 PSOPROVIDER,TEN Issued: 03/24/08 Active Last filled on: 03/24/08 Released locally on 3/24/08@08:55:32 (Window) Days Supply: 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pending OP Orders (ROUTINE) PSOPATIENT,FOUR PID: 000-00-0000 DOB: MAY 20,1966 (41) Mar 24, 2008@14:35:25 Page: 1 of 3 <NO ALLERGY ASSESSMENT> Ht(cm): 168.91 (04/11/2006) Wt(kg): 68.18 (09/06/2006) CPRS Order Checks: Duplicate drug order: ASPIRIN TAB,EC MORNING [ACTIVE] Overriding Provider: PSOPROVIDER,TEN Overriding Reason: TESTING 81MG TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY Duplicate drug class order: NON-OPIOID ANALGESICS (ASPIRIN TAB,EC TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING [UNRELEASED]) Overriding Provider: PSOPROVIDER,TEN Overriding Reason: TESTING 325MG *(1) Orderable Item: ASPIRIN TAB,EC (2) Drug: ASPIRIN 81MG EC TAB (3) *Dosage: 81 (MG) 134 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 + Enter ?? for more actions AC Accept ED Edit Select Item(s): Next Screen// DC Discontinue Nature of Order: SERVICE CORRECTION// DC Discontinue S Requesting PROVIDER: PSOPROVIDER,TEN// Comments: Per Pharmacy Request Replace LBB 119 Press Return to : PI Patient Information PU Patient Record Update PI Patient Information Select Action: Quit// 2 Medication Profile PSOPATIENT,FOUR PID: 000-00-0000 DOB: MAY 20,1966 (41) SEX: MALE # RX # SO Select Order NO SO New Order Select Order Mar 24, 2008@14:36:28 Page: 1 of 1 <NO ALLERGY ASSESSMENT> Ht(cm): 168.91 (04/11/2006) Wt(kg): 68.18 (09/06/2006) DRUG QTY ST ISSUE DATE LAST REF DAY FILL REM SUP -------------------------------------ACTIVE-----------------------------------1 2608 ASPIRIN 81MG EC TAB 30 A 03-24 03-24 11 30 ----------------------------------NON-VERIFIED--------------------------------2 2609 ASPIRIN 325MG EC TAB 30 N 03-24 03-24 5 30 Example: Duplicate with Non-VA Med – No Action Required DRUG: CIMETIDINE Lookup: GENERIC NAME 1 CIMETIDINE 100MG TAB GA301 2 CIMETIDINE 200MG TAB GA301 3 CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB GA301 90 DAY SUPPLY 4 CIMETIDINE 400MG TAB GA301 5 CIMETIDINE 800MG TAB GA301 CHOOSE 1-5: 3 CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB GA301 90 DAY SUPPLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Duplicate Drug in a Non-VA Med Order for Drug: CIMETIDINE 300MG TAB Dosage: 300MG Schedule: AT BEDTIME Medication Route: MOUTH Start Date: CPRS Order #: 13554 Documented By: PSOPROVIDER,TEN on Mar 24, 2008@14:44:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Press Return to Continue: VERB: TAKE Available Dosage(s) 1. 300MG 2. 600MG Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: 1 300MG You entered 300MG is this correct? Yes// Example: Duplicate Drug with Pending Order Another New Order for PSOPATIENT,FOUR? YES// November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 135 Eligibility: SERVICE CONNECTED 50% to 100% SC%: 100 RX PATIENT STATUS: OPT NSC// DRUG: ALLOPURINOL Lookup: GENERIC NAME 1 ALLOPURINOL 100MG TAB MS400 2 ALLOPURINOL 300MG TAB MS400 CHOOSE 1-2: 2 ALLOPURINOL 300MG TAB MS400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------DUPLICATE DRUG in a Pending Order for: Drug: ALLOPURINOL 300MG TAB SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING QTY: 180 # of Refills: 3 Provider: PSOPROVIDER,TEN Issue Date: 03/24/08@14:44:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discontinue Pending Order for ALLOPURINOL 300MG? Y/N YES Pending Order for ALLOPURINOL 300MG will be discontinued after the acceptance of the new order. VERB: TAKE Available Dosage(s) 1. 300MG 2. 600MG Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: 1 300MG You entered 300MG is this correct? Yes// VERB: TAKE DISPENSE UNITS PER DOSE(TABLET): 1// 1 Dosage Ordered: 300MG YES NOUN: TABLET ROUTE: PO// ORAL PO MOUTH Schedule: QAM// (EVERY MORNING) LIMITED DURATION (IN DAYS, HOURS OR MINUTES): CONJUNCTION: PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS: (TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING) DAYS SUPPLY: (1-90): 30// QTY ( TAB ) : 30// 30 COPIES: 1// 1 # OF REFILLS: (0-11): 11// PROVIDER: PSOPROVIDER,TEN CLINIC: MAIL/WINDOW: WINDOW// WINDOW METHOD OF PICK-UP: REMARKS: ISSUE DATE: TODAY// (MAR 24, 2008) FILL DATE: (3/24/2008 - 3/25/2009): TODAY// Nature of Order: WRITTEN// W (MAR 24, 2008) Rx # 2610 03/24/08 PSOPATIENT,FOUR #30 TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING ALLOPURINOL 300MG TAB PSOPROVIDER,TEN # of Refills: 11 PSOPHARMACIST,ONE SC Percent: 100% Disabilities: NONE STATED Was treatment for a Service Connected condition? y Is this correct? YES// YES - Duplicate Drug Pending Order for ALLOPURINOL 300MG has been discontinued... 136 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Example: Copying an Existing Order RN Renew Select Action: Next Screen// CO OP Medications (ACTIVE) PSOPATIENT,TWO PID: 000-00-0000 DOB: JAN 1,1945 (63) CO Mar 12, 2008@09:15:48 Page: 1 of 2 <A> Ht(cm): 182.88 (04/13/2005) Wt(kg): 77.27 (04/13/2005) Rx #: 2584$ (1) *Orderable Item: AMLODIPINE/ATORVASTATIN TAB (2) Drug: AMLODIPINE 5MG/ATORVASTATIN 10MG TAB Verb: TAKE (3) *Dosage: ONE TABLET *Route: ORAL *Schedule: QAM (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING (5) Patient Status: OPT NSC (6) Issue Date: 03/12/08 (7) Fill Date: 03/12/08 Last Fill Date: 03/12/08 (Window) Last Release Date: (8) Lot #: Expires: 03/13/09 MFG: + Enter ?? for more actions AC Accept ED New OP Order (COPY) PSOPATIENT,TWO PID: 000-00-0000 DOB: JAN 1,1945 (63) Edit Mar 12, 2008@09:15:48 Page: 1 of 2 <A> Ht(cm): 182.88 (04/13/2005) Wt(kg): 77.27 (04/13/2005) Orderable Item: AMLODIPINE/ATORVASTATIN TAB (1) Drug: AMLODIPINE 5MG/ATORVASTATIN 10MG TAB (2) Patient Status: OPT NSC (3) Issue Date: MAR 12,2008 (4) Fill Date: MAR 12,2008 Verb: TAKE (5) Dosage Ordered: ONE TABLET Route: ORAL Schedule: QAM (6)Pat Instruction: SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING (7) Days Supply: 30 (8) QTY ( ): 30 (9) # of Refills: 11 (10) Routing: WINDOW (11) Clinic: (12) Provider: PSOPROVIDER,ONE (13) Copies: 1 + Enter ?? for more actions AC Accept ED Edit Select Action: Next Screen// AC Accept ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Duplicate Drug in Local RX: Rx #: Drug: SIG: QTY: Provider: Status: Processing Status: 2584 AMLODIPINE 5MG/ATORVASTATIN 10MG TAB TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING 30 Refills remaining: 11 OPPROVIDER, ONE Issued: 03/12/07 ACTIVE Last filled on: 03/12/07 Released locally on 3/12/07@08:55:32 (Window) Days Supply: 30 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Discontinue Rx #2584 AMLODIPINE 5MG/ATORVASTATIN 10MG TAB? Y/N YES Rx #2584 AMLODIPINE 5MG/ATORVASTATIN 10MG TAB will be discontinued after the acceptance of the new order. Nature of Order: WRITTEN// W WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// NO November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 137 Do you want to enter a Progress Note? No// NO Rx # 2585 03/12/08PSOPATIENT,TWO T TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY MORNING #30 AMLODIPINE 5MG/ATORVASTATIN 10MG TAB PSOPROVIDER,ONE PSOPHARMACIST,ONE # of Refills: 11 SC Percent: 40% Disabilities: NONE STATED Was treatment for Service Connected condition? NO// Is this correct? YES// ... - Duplicate Drug Rx #2584 AMLODIPINE 5MG/ATORVASTATIN 10MG TAB has been discontinued... The CPRS Auto Refill field can be updated using the Pharmacy Systems Parameter Edit [PSS MGR] option. This parameter works in conjunction with the PSOUATRF security key. • When the CPRS Auto Refill field is set to YES and the PSOAUTRF security key has been assigned to at least one user, all refills placed in CPRS by the provider are processed and suspended with the next fill date and all routing is set to Mail automatically. • When the CPRS Auto Refill field is set to NO or if the PSOAUTRF security key is not assigned, the manual refill process is required. If the auto refill process fails, the order will not be processed and will require manual refilling. A MailMan message will be sent to the holders of the PSOAUTRF key describing the reason for not filling the auto refill. All of the refill activity, manual or automatic, is recorded in the Activity Log entry notes. With Patch PSO*7*233, when a name is selected, if the patient’s address is flagged with a Bad Address Indicator, a warning message is displayed. If the user has proper authorization (i.e., the PSO SITE parameter “EDIT PATIENT DATA” is set to Yes or the user holds the new PSO ADDRESS UPDATE security key), a prompt appears asking if the user wants to update the address. Also, for the Patient Prescription Processing, Complete Orders from OERR, and Action Profile (132 COLUMN PRINTOUT) options, if a temporary address has no end date, the following text is now displayed: “(Temp address from XXX 99,9999 till (no end date))”. Following the installation of patches PSO*7*207 and OR*3*238 (Remote Data Interoperability (RDI) trigger patch), order checks will be made using additional data from the Health Data Repository Interim Messaging Solution (HDR-IMS) and the HDR-Historical (HDR-Hx). This will contain both Outpatient orders from other VAMCs as well as from Department of Defense (DoD) facilities, if available. All remote prescription statuses will be included in order checking for a new order being processed from within backdoor outpatient pharmacy and for new orders being placed by CPRS or by Inpatient Medications. Any remote Outpatient order that has been expired or discontinued for 30 days or less will be included in the list of medications to be checked. 138 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 The check for remote data availability is performed upon entering the patient’s profile, rather than on each order, to ensure that both remote data and local data are used for order checking. Once the above patches have been installed, a new comment for remote order checks, "Now doing remote order checks. Please wait..." has been added to the screen. The previous comment, "Now doing order checks. Please wait… " is replaced by: "Now doing drug interaction and allergy checks. Please wait..." The following will not be included in order checks (after patch PSO*7*243): • Prescriptions with a status of “DELETED” in the STATUS field in the PRESCRIPTION file from a remote facility • Prescriptions with a missing expiration date, unless the ISSUE DATE field of the PRESCRIPTION file is within the past year Remote order checking added (after patch PSO*7*243): • For drug class when orders are placed for locally defined drugs • allergy Analgesic class order checks only match against the specific 5-character class if the class begins with “CN10” If for any reason remote order checks cannot be performed, the following message displays: Remote data not available - Only local order checks processed. For remote order checking, if the remote order does not have a VA PRODUCT file VUID, then it will not be included in drug-drug order checks. However, future patches are planned to send/receive the drug class to the HDR, and then it will be possible to use non-standardized remote orders for duplicate drug class checks. When an order is an ePharmacy order (determined to be third party billable), the billing data is sent to the Electronic Claims Management Engine (ECME) when an order is finished. ECME sends a message back to Outpatient Pharmacy displaying the status of the claim. This message displays for new, edited, copied, and renewed ePharmacy orders. Is this correct? YES// <Enter> -Rx 100003869A has been discontinued... Prescription 100003919 successfully submitted to ECME for claim generation. Claim Status: IN PROGRESS-Waiting to start IN PROGRESS-Waiting for packet build IN PROGRESS-Packet being built IN PROGRESS-Waiting for transmit IN PROGRESS-Transmitting E PAYABLE Entering a New Order Actions display in the action area of the screen. Actions with parentheses ( ) around them are invalid actions for that order. A double question mark (??) displays all the actions available, November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 139 including the Outpatient Pharmacy actions described in the section "Using List Manager." If one of the hidden actions is selected and it is invalid, a message will display in the message window. Example: Entering a New Order Select Option: RX (Prescriptions) Orders to be completed for all divisions: 14 Do you want an Order Summary? No// A summary list of the number of pending orders can be displayed by Division or by each Clinic within the Division where the user is signed on. This is helpful when completing batch orders. In this example, an individual patient name is entered. Patient Prescription Processing Barcode Rx Menu ... Check Drug Interaction Complete Orders from OERR Discontinue Prescription(s) Edit Prescriptions List One Patient's Archived Rx's Manual Print of Multi-Rx Forms Reprint an Outpatient Rx Label Signature Log Reprint View Prescriptions Select Rx (Prescriptions) Option: PATient Prescription Processing Select PATIENT NAME: OPPATIENT16,ONE OPPATIENT16,ONE 4-3-41 000246802 YES SC VETERAN Patient is enrolled to receive ScripTalk ‘talking’ prescription labels. Eligibility: SC RX PATIENT STATUS: SERVICE CONNECTED// <Enter> A detailed explanation of the different parts of the screen can be found under “List Manager Options” at the beginning of this manual. The Patient Information screen displays the information on two pages. Only the second screen is shown in this example. Example: Entering a New Order (continued) Patient Information May 22, 2001 10:44:38 Page: 2 of 2 OPPATIENT16,ONE PID: 000-24-6802 Ht(cm): 177.80 (02/08/1999) DOB: APR 3,1941 (60) Wt(kg): 90.45 (02/08/1999) SEX: MALE + Allergies: Remote: ASPIRIN, NON-OPIOID ANALGESICS Adverse Reactions: Enter ?? for more actions EA Enter/Edit Allergy/ADR Data PU Patient Record Update DD Detailed Allergy/ADR List EX Exit Patient List Select Action: Quit// <Enter> Although the default option is “Quit” at the "Select Action" prompt, pressing the Enter key here quits the Patient Information screen and displays the Medication Profile. This Medication Profile includes any Non-VA Med orders documented via the CPRS GUI application. Medication Profile OPPATIENT16,ONE 140 May 22, 2001 10:44:56 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual Page: 1 of 1 November 2010 PID: 000-24-6802 DOB: APR 3,1941 (60) CrCL: <Not Found> # RX # Ht(cm): 177.80 (02/08/1999) Wt(kg): 90.45 (02/08/1999) BSA (m2): 2.11 DRUG QTY ST ISSUE LAST REF DAY DATE FILL REM SUP ------------------------------------ACTIVE---------------------------------1 503902 ACETAMINOPHEN 500MG TAB 60 A> 05-22 05-22 3 30 2 503886$ DIGOXIN (LANOXIN) 0.2MG CAP 60 A> 05-07 05-07 5 30 ------------------------------------PENDING-----------------------------------3 AMPICILLIN 250MG CAP QTY: 40 ISDT: 05-29 REF: 0 Enter ?? for more actions PU Patient Record Update PI Patient Information Select Action: Quit// NO SO New Order Select Order If a double question mark (??) is entered at the above “Select Action” prompt, the following hidden actions display in the action area. The following actions are also available: RP Reprint (OP) OTH Other OP Actions RN Renew (OP) DN Down a Line DC Discontinue (OP) RD Re Display Screen RL Release (OP) PT Print List RF Refill (OP) PS Print Screen PP Pull Rx (OP) > Shift View to Right IP Inpat. Profile (OP) < Shift View to Left RS Reprint Sig Log SL Search List IN Intervention Menu CM Manual Queue to CMOP UP Up a Line Select Action: Quit// OTH OTH --- Other OP Actions --- DR QU LS FS GO + ADPL RDD Display Remote Quit Last Screen First Screen Go to Page Next Screen Previous Screen Auto Display(On/Off) Fill/Rel Date Disply Typing in the letters NO creates a new order. Example: Entering a New Order (continued) Medication Profile Mar 29, 2011@14:34:27 (Patient information is displayed here.) : Enter ?? for more actions PU Patient Record Update NO New Order PI Patient Information SO Select Order Select Action: Quit// NO New Order Eligibility: RX PATIENT STATUS: SC LESS THAN 50%// DRUG: ACETAMINOPHEN Lookup: GENERIC NAME 1 ACETAMINOPHEN 160MG/5ML LIQUID CN103 L/BT (NDC) 2 ACETAMINOPHEN 325MG TAB CN103 TS OF 100 ONLY *** AUTOMED & SCRIPTPRO *** 3 ACETAMINOPHEN 325MG/BUTALBITAL 50MG TAB ATL N/F 4 ACETAMINOPHEN 500MG TAB CN103 TS OF 100 ONLY*** AUTOMED & SCRIPTPRO *** 5 ACETAMINOPHEN 650MG RTL SUPP CN103 CHOOSE 1-5: 5 ) ACETAMINOPHEN 650MG RTL SUPP CN103 Page: 1 of 1 NATL FORM; 480 M NATL FORM; DU: INCREMEN CN103 N/F N NATL FORM; DU: INCREMEN NATL FORM (IEN) NATL FORM (IEN Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 141 Now doing allergy checks. Please wait... Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please Wait... Press return to continue: =============================================================================== *** THERAPEUTIC DUPLICATION(S) *** ACETAMINOPHEN 650MG RTL SUPP with Local RX#: 2054930 Drug: ACETAMINOPHEN 500MG TAB (Active) SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY FOUR HOURS AS NEEDED QTY: 180 Days Supply: 30 Processing Status: Not released locally (Window) Last Filled On: 03/29/11 Class(es) Involved in Therapeutic Duplication(s): Non-Narcotic Analgesic/Antipyretic, Non-Salicylate =============================================================================== Press Return to continue: Discontinue Rx #2054930 ACETAMINOPHEN 500MG TAB Y/N ? The system checks the medication selected for any duplicate drugs or classes, interactions, or allergies that are noted in the patient’s local and remote record. This also includes any local NonVA Meds. See the following example of local and remote order checking. If the new order is for Clozapine, there are additional restrictions for filling a prescription. See “Chapter 8: Controlling the Dispensing of Clozapine” for more information. Note: More than one ingredient and more than one VA Drug Class may be associated with an Allergy/ADR. See output below: A Drug-Allergy Reaction exists for this medication and/or class! Prospective Drug: Causative Agent: Historical/Observed: Severity: Ingredients: Signs/Symptoms: DILTIAZEM 120MG SA CAP DILTIAZEM OBSERVED MODERATE DILTIAZEM (LOCAL), ITCHING,WATERING EYES, ANOREXIA, NAUSEA,VOMITING, ANXIETY, DROWSINESS, DRY MOUTH, DRY NOSE, RASH, Drug Class: CV200 CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS (LOCAL), Provider Override Reason: N/A - Order Entered Through VistA After the Allergy/ADR warning is displayed, the system ask the user if they want to intervene. If the user chooses to intervene after the Allergy/ADR warning is displayed, the intervention dialog will launch. If the user chooses not to intervene after the Allergy/ADR warning is displayed, the order entry dialog will start. 142 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Example: Remote Allergy/ADR – New Order Entry Backdoor – Both Ingredient and Drug Class defined for Allergy/ADR Select Action: Quit// NO New Order PATIENT STATUS: SC// DRUG: DILTIAZEM Lookup: GENERIC NAME 1 DILTIAZEM (DILACOR XR) 240MG SA CAP CV200 N/F This drug will not be processed without Drug Request Form 10-7144 2 DILTIAZEM (INWOOD) 120MG SA CAP CV200 3 DILTIAZEM (INWOOD) 180MG SA CAP CV200 4 DILTIAZEM (INWOOD) 240MG SA CAP CV200 5 DILTIAZEM (INWOOD) 300MG SA CAP CV200 Press <RETURN> to see more, '^' to exit this list, '^^' to exit all lists, OR CHOOSE 1-5: 1 DILTIAZEM (DILACOR XR) 240MG SA CAP CV200 N/F This drug will not be processed without Drug Request Form 10-7144 Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now doing allergy checks. Please wait... Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please Wait... A Drug-Allergy Reaction exists for this medication and/or class! Prospective Drug: DILTIAZEM 120MG SA CAP Causative Agent: DILTIAZEM Historical/Observed: OBSERVED Severity: MODERATE Ingredients: DILTIAZEM (LOCAL), Signs/Symptoms: ITCHING,WATERING EYES, ANOREXIA, NAUSEA,VOMITING, ANXIETY, DROWSINESS, DRY MOUTH, DRY NOSE, RASH, Drug Class: CV200 CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS (LOCAL), Provider Override Reason: N/A - Order Entered Through VistA Do you want to Intervene? Y// NO VERB: TAKE Available Dosage(s) 1. 240MG 2. 480MG Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: . . . OR Do you want to Intervene? Y// ES Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for DILTIAZEM (DILACOR XR) 240MG SA CAP PROVIDER: PSOPROVIDER,THREE RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE TPP 119 See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O VERB: TAKE Available Dosage(s) 1. 240MG 2. 480MG Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 143 Example: Local Allergy/ADR – New Order Entry Backdoor - Only Drug Class defined Another New Order for PSOPATIENT, TEN? YES// Eligibility: NSC RX PATIENT STATUS: OPT NSC// DRUG: SEPTRA Lookup: GENERIC NAME SEPTRA DS TAB AM650 ...OK? Yes// (Yes) Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now doing allergy checks. Please wait... Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please Wait... A Drug-Allergy Reaction exists for this medication and/or class! Prospective Drug: Causative Agent: Historical/Observed: Severity: Signs/Symptoms: SEPTRA DS TAB SULFADIAZINE/SULFAMERAZINE/SULFAMETHAZINE HISTORICAL Not Entered ITCHING,WATERING EYES, ANOREXIA, NAUSEA,VOMITING, ANXIETY, DROWSINESS, Drug Class: AM650 SULFONAMIDE/RELATED ANTIMICROBIALS (LOCAL), Provider Override Reason: N/A - Order Entered Through VistA Do you want to Intervene? Y// ES Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for SEPTRA DS TAB PROVIDER: PSOPROVIDER,FOUR RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE FPP 119 See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you Available 1. 2. like to edit this intervention ? N// O Dosage(s) 1 TABLET 2 TABLETS Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: 1 1 TABLET You entered 1 TABLET is this correct? Yes// YES VERB: TAKE ROUTE: PO// ORAL PO MOUTH Schedule: BID (TWICE A DAY) LIMITED DURATION (IN DAYS, HOURS OR MINUTES):. Example: Local & Remote Allergy/ADR – Multi-ingredients, Pending Order ED Edit Select Item(s): Next Screen// Pending OP Orders (ROUTINE) PSOPATIENT,THREE PID: 000-00-0000 DOB: FEB 2,1939 (69) + FN Finish NEXT SCREEN Mar 24, 2008@21:56:03 Page: 2 of 3 <A> Ht(cm): 167.64 (06/10/1993) Wt(kg): 68.18 (06/10/1993) *(1) Orderable Item: SULFAMETHOXAZOLE/TRIMETHOPRIM TAB (2) Drug: SULFAMETHOXAZOLE/TRIMETHOPRIM DS TAB Verb: TAKE 144 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 (3) *Dosage: 1 TABLET *Route: ORAL *Schedule: Q12H (4) Pat Instruct: Provider Comments: Instructions: TAKE 1 TABLET PO Q12H SIG: TAKE 1 TABLET BY MOUTH (5) Patient Status: OPT NSC (6) Issue Date: MAR 24,2008 (7) + Enter ?? for more actions BY Bypass DC ED Edit FN Select Item(s): Next Screen// FN Finish EVERY 12 HOURS Fill Date: MAR 24,2008 Discontinue Finish Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now doing allergy checks. Please wait... Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please Wait... A Drug-Allergy Reaction exists for this medication and/or class! Prospective Drug: Causative Agent: Historical/Observed: Severity: Ingredients: Signs/Symptoms: SULFAMETHOXAZOLE/TRIMETHOPRIM DS TAB SULFADIAZINE/SULFAMERAZINE/SULFAMETHAZINE HISTORICAL Not Entered SULFAMETHOXAZOLE (LOCAL), TRIMETHOPRIM (LOCAL) ITCHING,WATERING EYES, ANOREXIA, NAUSEA,VOMITING, ANXIETY, DROWSINESS, Drug Class: AM650 SULFONAMIDE/RELATED ANTIMICROBIALS (LOCAL), Provider Override Reason: N/A - Order Entered Through VistA Do you want to Intervene? Y// ES Now creating Pharmacy Intervention for SULFAMETHOXAZOLE/TRIMETHOPRIM DS TAB PROVIDER: PSOPROVIDER, 11 RECOMMENDATION: NO CHANGE PP 119 See 'Pharmacy Intervention Menu' if you want to delete this intervention or for more options. Would you like to edit this intervention ? N// O Rx # 2611 03/24/08 PSOPATIENT,THREE #20 TAKE 1 TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY 12 HOURS SULFAMETHOXAZOLE/TRIMETHOPRIM DS TAB PSOPROVIDER, 11 PSOPHARMACIST,TWO # of Refills: 1 Are you sure you want to Accept this Order? NO// Y CPRS Order Checks Three CPRS order checks have been added to the list of order checks performed within the Outpatient Pharmacy application. • Aminoglycoside Ordered • Dangerous Meds for Patient >64 • Glucophage –Lab Results November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 145 The CPRS order checks shall be incorporated in the following Outpatient Pharmacy order entry processes: • Entering a new order via backdoor pharmacy options • Finishing a pending order • Renewing an order • Editing an order which results in a new order being created. • Verifying an order • Copying an order • Reinstating a discontinued order No user action/intervention shall be required after a CPRS order check warning is displayed. The following information is displayed for the Aminoglycoside Ordered order check: • Order Check Name • Text message displaying an estimated CrCL if available or a message that it is not. ***Aminoglycoside Ordered*** Aminoglycoside - est. CrCl: <VALUE> (CREAT: <result> BUN: <result>) [Est. CrCl Based on modified Cockcroft-Gault equation using Adjusted Body Weight (if ht > 60 in)]. -OR***Aminoglycoside Ordered*** Aminoglycoside – est. CrCl: <Unavailable> (<Results Not Found>) [Est. CrCl Based on modified Cockcroft-Gault equation using Adjusted Body Weight (if ht > 60 The following information is displayed for the Dangerous Meds for Patient >64 order check: • Order Check Name • Text message displaying a message if patient is greater than 64 and has been prescribed Amitriptyline. ***Dangerous Meds for Patient >64*** Patient is <age>. Amitriptyline can cause cognitive impairment and loss of balance in older patients. Consider other antidepressant medications on formulary. -ORText message displaying a message if patient is greater than 64 and has been prescribed Chlorpropamide. ***Dangerous Meds for Patient >64*** 146 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Patient is <age>. Older patients may experience hypoglycemia with Chlorpropamide due do its long duration and variable renal secretion. They may also be at increased risk for Chlorpropamide-induced SIADH. -ORText message displaying a message if patient is greater than 64 and has been prescribed Dipyridamole. ***Dangerous Meds for Patient >64*** Patient is <age>. Older patients can experience adverse reactions at high doses of Dipyridamole (e.g., headache, dizziness, syncope, GI intolerance.) There is also questionable efficacy at lower doses. The following information is displayed for the Glucophage Lab Results order check: • Order Check Name • Text message displaying a serum creatinine does not exist or it is greater than 1.5 ***Metformin Lab Results*** Metformin - no serum creatinine within past 60 days. -OR***Metformin Lab Results*** Metformin – Creatinine results: <creatinine greater than 1.5 w/in past <x> days> Examples of CPRS Order Checks Example: New Order Entry – Backdoor – Dangerous Meds for Patient >64 for Dipyridamole Select Action: Quit// NO New Order Eligibility: NSC RX PATIENT STATUS: OPT NSC// DRUG: DIPYRIDAMOLE Lookup: GENERIC NAME 1 DIPYRIDAMOLE 25MG TAB 2 DIPYRIDAMOLE 50MG TAB CHOOSE 1-2: 1 DIPYRIDAMOLE 25MG TAB BL117 BL117 BL117 Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now doing allergy checks. Please wait... ***Dangerous Meds for Patient >64*** Patient is 78. Older patients can experience adverse reactions at high doses of Dipyridamole (e.g., headache, dizziness, syncope, GI intolerance.) There is also questionable efficacy at lower doses. Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please wait... VERB: TAKE Available Dosage(s) 1. 25MG 2. 50MG November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 147 Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: 1 25MG You entered 25MG is this correct? Yes// VERB: TAKE DISPENSE UNITS PER DOSE(TABLET): 1// 1 Dosage Ordered: 25MG YES NOUN: TABLET ROUTE: PO// Example: Finishing a Pending Order – Dangerous Meds for Patient >64 for Amitriptyline Pending OP Orders (ROUTINE) PSOPATIENT,NINE PID: 000-00-0000 DOB: JAN 1,1930 (78) Mar 25, 2008@15:29:09 Page: 1 of 2 <A> Ht(cm): 177.80 (10/14/2005) Wt(kg): 136.36 (10/14/2005) *(1) Orderable Item: AMITRIPTYLINE TAB (2) Drug: AMITRIPTYLINE 25MG TAB (3) *Dosage: 25 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: TABLET *Route: ORAL *Schedule: QHS (4) Pat Instruct: Provider Comments: Instructions: TAKE ONE TABLET PO QHS SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME (5) Patient Status: OPT NSC (6) Issue Date: MAR 25,2008 (7) Fill Date: MAR 25,2008 + Enter ?? for more actions BY Bypass DC Discontinue ED Edit FN Finish Select Item(s): Next Screen// FN Finish Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now doing allergy checks. Please wait... ***Dangerous Meds for Patient >64*** Patient is 79. Amitriptyline can cause cognitive impairment and loss of balance in older patients. Consider other antidepressant medications on formulary. Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please wait... Rx # 2612 03/25/08 PSOPATIENT,NINE #30 TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME AMITRIPTYLINE 25MG TAB PSOPROVIDER,TEN # of Refills: 3 PSOPHARMACIST,22 Are you sure you want to Accept this Order? NO// YES WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// Example: Renewing an Order – Dangerous Meds for Patient >64 for Chlorpropamide Rx #: 2613$ (1) *Orderable Item: CHLORPROPAMIDE TAB (2) Drug: CHLORPROPAMIDE 25OMG TAB (3) *Dosage: 250 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 148 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Noun: TABLET *Route: ORAL *Schedule: BID (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY (5) Patient Status: OPT NSC (6) Issue Date: 03/25/08 (7) Fill Date: 03/25/08 Last Fill Date: 03/25/08 (Mail) + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR Partial RL Release ED Edit RF Refill RN Renew Select Action: Next Screen// RN Renew FILL DATE: (3/25/2008 - 3/26/2009): TODAY// MAIL/WINDOW: WINDOW// WINDOW METHOD OF PICK-UP: Nature of Order: WRITTEN// W WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// NO Do you want to enter a Progress Note? No// Now Renewing Rx # 2613 (MAR 25, 2008) NO Drug: CHLORPROPAMIDE 25OMG TAB Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now doing allergy checks. Please wait... ***DANGEROUS MEDS FOR PATIENT >64*** Patient is 78. Older patients may experience hypoglycemia with Chlorpropamide due do its long duration and variable renal secretion. They may also be at increased risk for Chlorpropamide-induced SIADH. Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please wait... 2613A CHLORPROPAMIDE 25OMG TAB QTY: 60 # OF REFILLS: 3 ISSUED: 03-25-08SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY Example: Creating New Order from Edit – Glucophage Lab Results for Metformin *(1) Orderable Item: METFORMIN TAB,ORAL (2) Drug: METFORMIN 500MG TAB (3) *Dosage: 500 (MG) Verb: TAKE ED Edit FN Finish Select Item(s): Next Screen// NEXT SCREEN BY Bypass DC Discontinue Pending OP Orders (ROUTINE) Mar 25, 2008@15:33:47 Page: 2 of 3 PSOPATIENT,NINE <A> PID: 000-00-0000 Ht(cm): 177.80 (10/14/2005) DOB: JAN 1,1930 (78) Wt(kg): 136.36 (10/14/2005) + Dispense Units: 1 Noun: TABLET *Route: ORAL *Schedule: Q12H (4) Pat Instruct: Provider Comments: Instructions: TAKE ONE TABLET PO Q12H SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY 12 HOURS (5) Patient Status: OPT NSC (6) Issue Date: MAR 25,2008 (7) Fill Date: MAR 25,2008 (8) Days Supply: 30 (9) QTY (TAB): 60 Provider ordered 2 refills (10) # of Refills: 2 (11) Routing: MAIL (12) Clinic: BARB'S CLINIC + Enter ?? for more actions ED Edit FN Finish Select Item(s): Next Screen// ED Edit * Indicates which fields will create an new Order November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 149 Select Field to Edit by number: (1-15): 3 Press Return to : Available Dosage(s) 1. 500MG 2. 1000MG Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: 500MG// 2 1000MG You entered 1000MG is this correct? Yes// VERB: TAKE// TAKE DISPENSE UNITS PER DOSE(TABLETS): 2// 2 Dosage Ordered: 1000MG YES NOUN: TABLETS// TABLETS ROUTE: ORAL// ORAL Schedule: Q12H// QHS (AT BEDTIME) LIMITED DURATION (IN DAYS, HOURS OR MINUTES): CONJUNCTION: Pending OP Orders (ROUTINE) PSOPATIENT,NINE PID: 000-00-0000 DOB: JAN 1,1930 (78) Mar 25, 2008@15:34:08 Page: 1 of 3 <A> Ht(cm): 177.80 (10/14/2005) Wt(kg): 136.36 (10/14/2005) CPRS Order Checks: Duplicate drug class order: ORAL HYPOGLYCEMIC AGENTS,ORAL (CHLORPROPAMIDE TAB 250MG TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY [PENDING]) Overriding Provider: PSOPROVIDER,TEN Overriding Reason: testing Metformin - no serum creatinine within past 60 days. Overriding Provider: PSOPROVIDER,TEN Overriding Reason: testing *(1) Orderable Item: METFORMIN TAB,ORAL (2) Drug: METFORMIN 500MG TAB (3) *Dosage: 1000 (MG) Verb: TAKE + This change will create a new prescription! AC Accept ED Edit DC Discontinue Select Item(s): Next Screen// AC Accept Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now doing allergy checks. Please wait... ***Metformin Lab Results*** Metformin - no serum creatinine within past 60 days. Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please wait Rx # 2614 03/25/08 PSOPATIENT,NINE #1440 TAKE TWO TABLETS BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME METFORMIN 500MG TAB PSOPROVIDER,TEN # of Refills: 2 PSOPHARMACIST,22 Are you sure you want to Accept this Order? NO// YES Nature of Order: SERVICE CORRECTION// 150 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Example: Verifying an Order – Dangerous Meds for Patient >64 for Dipyridamole OP Medications (NON-VERIFIED) Mar 25, 2008@15:39:03 Page: 1 of 2 PSOPATIENT,NINE <A> PID: 000-00-0000 Ht(cm): 177.80 (10/14/2005) DOB: JAN 1,1930 (78) Wt(kg): 136.36 (10/14/2005) Rx #: 2615$ (1) *Orderable Item: DIPYRIDAMOLE TAB (2) Drug: DIPYRIDAMOLE 25MG TAB (3) *Dosage: 25 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: TABLET *Route: ORAL *Schedule: QHS (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME (5) Patient Status: OPT NSC (6) Issue Date: 03/25/08 (7) Fill Date: 03/25/08 Last Fill Date: 03/25/08 (Mail) + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR (Partial) RL (Release) ED Edit RF (Refill) RN (Renew) Select Action: Next Screen// VF VF RX: 2615 PATIENT: PSOPATIENT,NINE (000-00-0000) STATUS: Non-Verified CO-PAY STATUS DRUG: DIPYRIDAMOLE 25MG TAB QTY: 30 30 DAY SUPPLY SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME LATEST: 03/25/2008 # OF REFILLS: 3 REMAINING: 3 ISSUED: 03/25/08 PROVIDER: LOGGED: 03/25/08 CLINIC: BARB'S CLINIC EXPIRES: 03/26/09 DIVISION: HINES (499) CAP: SAFETY ROUTING: MAIL ENTRY BY: PSOPROVIDER,TEN VERIFIED BY: ACTIVITY LOG: # DATE REASON RX REF INITIATOR OF ACTIVITY =============================================================================== 1 03/25/08 PATIENT INST.ORIGINAL COMMENTS: Patient Instructions Not Sent By Provider. PATIENT STATUS : OPT NSC COPIES : 1 Press RETURN to Continue: Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now doing allergy checks. Please wait... ***DANGEROUS MEDS FOR PATIENT >64*** Patient is 78. Older patients can experience adverse reactions at high doses of Dipyridamole (e.g., headache, dizziness, syncope, GI intolerance.) There is also questionable efficacy at lower doses. Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please wait... EDIT: (Y/N/P): N// O VERIFY FOR PSOPATIENT,NINE ? (Y/N/Delete/Quit): Y// ES Example: Copying an Order – Aminoglycoside Ordered – Gentamicin Select Action: Next Screen// CO OP Medications (ACTIVE) PSOPATIENT,NINE PID: 000-00-0000 DOB: JAN 1,1930 (78) November 2010 CO Mar 25, 2008@15:46:18 1 of 2 <A> Ht(cm): 177.80 (10/14/2005) Wt(kg): 136.36 (10/14/2005) Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual Page: 151 Rx #: 2616$ (1) *Orderable Item: GENTAMICIN INJ,SOLN (2) Drug: GENTAMICIN 40MG/ML 2ML Verb: INJECT (3) *Dosage: 80MG *Route: INTRAMUSCULAR *Schedule: Q8H (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: INJECT 80MG IM EVERY 8 (5) Patient Status: OPT NSC (6) Issue Date: 03/25/08 Last Fill Date: 03/25/08 (Window) Last Release Date: Expires: 04/24/08 + Enter ?? for more actions AC Accept ED New OP Order (COPY) PSOPATIENT,NINE PID: 000-00-0000 DOB: JAN 1,1930 (78) VI HOURS (7) Fill Date: 03/25/08 (8) Edit Mar 25, 2008@15:46:18 Orderable Item: GENTAMICIN INJ,SOLN (1) Drug: GENTAMICIN 40MG/ML 2ML (2) Patient Status: OPT NSC (3) Issue Date: MAR 25,2008 Verb: INJECT (5) Dosage Ordered: 80MG Route: INTRAMUSCULAR Schedule: Q8H (6)Pat Instruction: SIG: INJECT 80MG IM EVERY 8 (7) Days Supply: 10 (9) # of Refills: 0 (11) Clinic: SHIRL-2 (12) Provider: PSOPROVIDER,TEN + Enter ?? for more actions AC Accept ED Select Action: Next Screen// AC Accept Lot #: MFG: Page: 1 of 2 <A> Ht(cm): 177.80 (10/14/2005) Wt(kg): 136.36 (10/14/2005) VI (4) Fill Date: MAR 25,2008 HOURS (8) QTY (VI): 10 (10) Routing: WINDOW (13) Copies: 1 Edit ***Aminoglycoside Ordered*** Aminoglycoside - est. CrCl: <Unavailable> (<Results Not Found>) [Est. CrCl based on modified Cockcroft-Gault equation using Adjusted Body Weight (if ht > 60 in)] Nature of Order: WRITTEN// W WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// NO Do you want to enter a Progress Note? No// Rx # 2617 03/25/08 PSOPATIENT,NINE #10 INJECT 80MG IM EVERY 8 HOURS GENTAMICIN 40MG/ML 2ML VI PSOPROVIDER,TEN # of Refills: 0 NO PSOPHARMACIST,22 Is this correct? YES// Example: Reinstating a Discontinued Order – Glucophage Lab Results for Metformin Rx #: 2614$ (1) *Orderable Item: METFORMIN TAB,ORAL (2) Drug: METFORMIN 500MG TAB 152 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 (3) *Dosage: 1000 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 2 Noun: TABLETS *Route: ORAL *Schedule: QHS (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: TAKE TWO TABLETS BY MOUTH AT BEDTIME (5) Patient Status: OPT NSC (6) Issue Date: 03/25/08 (7) Fill Date: 03/25/08 Last Fill Date: 03/25/08 (Mail) + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR (Partial) RL Release ED (Edit) RF (Refill) RN Renew Select Action: Next Screen// DC Discontinue Are you sure you want to Reinstate? NO// YES Comments: TESTING Nature of Order: SERVICE CORRECTION// S ====================================================== 2614 METFORMIN 500MG TAB Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please wait... Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now doing allergy checks. Please wait... ***Metformin Lab Results*** Metformin – Creatinine results: <creatinine greater than 1.5 w/in past <x> days> Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please wait... Prescription #2614 REINSTATED! Prescription #2614 Filled: MAR 25, 2008Printed: MAR 25, 2008Released: Either print the label using the reprint option or check later to see if the label has been printed. Clinic Orders Clinic orders are created via CPRS generally using the Meds Inpatient tab or the IV Fluids tab. Drug orders that have a clinic and an appointment date and time are considered clinic orders. The clinic must be defined with ‘ADMINISTER INPATIENT MEDS?’ prompt answered YES under the SETUP A CLINIC [SDBUILD] option in the Scheduling package. Defining the clinic in this manner ensures that an appointment date and time are defined. Orders placed via backdoor inpatient medications are not considered clinic orders. MOCHA 1 Enhancement 1 adds drug interaction and therapeutic duplication order checks for clinic orders to Outpatient Pharmacy. Previously Inpatient Medications package performed order checks on active, pending and non-verified clinic orders. With the MOCHA 1 Enhancement 1, Inpatient medications will perform enhanced order checks for recently discontinued and expired inpatient medications clinic orders. For both packages, the system will display clinic orders in a standard format to differentiate them from Inpatient Medications and Outpatient Pharmacy order checks. Discontinued/expired orders must have a stop date within the last 90 days to be evaluated during enhanced order checks. For pending clinic orders, a variety of start and stop dates are available based on the information that the provider enters during initial order entry. The following are the scenarios that drive which dates will be displayed for the clinic order: • If there are start/stop dates defined, they are displayed. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 153 • If there are no stop/start dates defined, the ‘requested start/stop dates’ will be displayed with the word “Requested” prior to the start/stop date header. • If there are no requested start/stop dates defined, the order date will be displayed and the start/stop date headers will be displayed with “********” for the date. • If there is either a requested start date or a requested stop date, the available date will be displayed and “********” will be displayed for the undefined date. Unit Dose Clinic Order Check example: Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please wait... This patient is receiving the following order(s) that have a CRITICAL Drug Interaction with CIMETIDINE 300 MG: Clinic Order: PHENYTOIN 100MG CAP (DISCONTINUED) Schedule: Q8H Dosage: 100MG Start Date: FEB 27, 2012@13:00 Stop Date: FEB 28, 2012@15:22:27 Concurrent use of cimetidine or ranitidine may result in elevated levels of and toxicity from the hydantoin.Neutropenia and thrombocytopenia have been reported with concurrent cimetidine and phenytoin. IV Clinic Order Check example: This patient is receiving the following order(s) that have a CRITICAL Drug Interaction with WARFARIN 2MG TAB: Clinic Order: POTASSIUM CHLORIDE 20 MEQ (ACTIVE) Other Additive(s): MAGNESIUM SULFATE 1 GM (1), CALCIUM GLUCONATE 1 GM (2), HEPARIN 1000 UNITS, CIMETIDINE 300 MG Solution(s): DEXTROSE 20% 500 ML 125 ml/hr AMINO ACID SOLUTION 8.5% 500 ML 125 ml/hr Start Date: APR 05, 2012@15:00 Stop Date: APR 27, 2012@24:00 The pharmacologic effects of warfarin may be increased resulting in severe bleeding. Therapeutic Duplication - IV and Unit Dose clinic order therapeutic duplications display in the same format as drug interactions. Unit Dose Clinic Order Check Example: ================================================================================ This patient is already receiving the following INPATIENT and/or OUTPATIENT order(s) for a drug in the same therapeutic class(es): Drug(s) Ordered: POTASSIUM CHLORIDE 30 MEQ Clinic Order: POTASSIUM CHLORIDE 10MEQ TAB Schedule: BID Dosage: 20MEQ Requested Start Date: NOV 20, 2012@17:00 Stop Date: ******** (PENDING) Class(es) Involved in Therapeutic Duplication(s): Potassium ================================================================================ Do you wish to continue with the current order? YES// 154 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 IV Example: ================================================================================ This patient is already receiving the following INPATIENT and/or OUTPATIENT order(s) for a drug in the same therapeutic class(es): Drug(s) Ordered: CEFAZOLIN 1 GM Clinic Order: Solution(s): Order Date: Start Date: Stop Date: CEFAZOLIN 2 GM (PENDING) 5% DEXTROSE 50 ML NOV 20, 2012@11:01 ******** ******** Clinic Order: Solution(s): Start Date: Stop Date: CEFAZOLIN SOD 1GM INJ (EXPIRED) 5% DEXTROSE 50 ML OCT 24, 2012@16:44 OCT 25, 2012@24:00 Class(es) Involved in Therapeutic Duplication(s): Beta-Lactams, Cephalosporins, Cephalosporins - 1st Generation ================================================================================ Do you wish to continue with the current order? YES// The list of available possible dosages shown after order checks is linked to the drug ordered. One of the dosages listed may be chosen or a different, free text dosage may be entered. Confirmation of the dosage is required and the value entered is displayed again to allow the user to confirm that it is correct. Available 1. 2. 3. Dosage(s) 250MG 500MG 1000MG Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: 3 500MG You entered 500MG is this correct? Yes// <Enter> YES For numeric dosages, the Dispense Units Per Dose value is calculated based on the strength of the dosage ordered divided by the strength of the medication ordered. The 500 mg Dosage Ordered will require two 250 mg capsules. The Dosage Ordered is re-displayed after the Dispense Units to allow the entry to be double-checked. DISPENSE UNITS PER DOSE(CAPSULES): 2// <Enter> 2 Dosage Ordered: 500MG If a Route has not been associated with the Dispense Drug, the default Route of PO or Oral will be displayed. A different Route can be entered or it can be deleted at this point if needed. The Route is not required to complete a prescription. If the abbreviation entered is in the MEDICATION ROUTES file, the entry will be expanded in the Sig based on the OUTPATIENT EXPANSION field. ROUTE: PO// <Enter> ORAL PO MOUTH or ROUTE: PO// @ <Enter to delete> November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 155 A default schedule associated with the Orderable Item of the drug ordered is displayed at the “Schedule:” prompt. The default can be accepted or a different free text schedule can be entered. Free text entries cannot contain more than two spaces or be more than twenty characters long. Entries will be compared against a list of common abbreviations, first in the ADMINISTRATION SCHEDULE file and then in the MEDICATION INSTRUCTION file, and expanded if the entry matches. Any entry not found in the list of common abbreviations will be displayed in the Sig as entered. Schedule: QID// (FOUR TIMES A DAY) The LIMITED DURATION field is used only when a medication should be taken for a limited period of time. Days are assumed for numeric entries. The user should follow the number with an “H” to specify hours or an “M” to specify minutes. Do not use the LIMITED DURATION field for Days Supply. Example: Entering a New Order (continued) LIMITED DURATION (IN DAYS, HOURS OR MINUTES): 10 (DAYS) The CONJUCTION field is used to join dosing sequences in complex orders. Entries are limited to AND, THEN, or EXCEPT. AND is used for concurrent doses, such as “Take 1 tablet every morning AND take 2 tablets at bedtime.” THEN is used for consecutive doses, such as “Take 2 tablets daily for one week THEN take 1 tablet for five days.” EXCEPT is used to describe any dosing sequence that is not routine, such as “Take 1 tablet every day EXCEPT take no tablets Wednesday.” See Chapter 2 in the User Manual - Supplemental for examples. CONJUNCTION: <Enter> Any entry in the PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS field will first be checked to see if it contains any abbreviations that can be expanded. The entry will be added to the end of the Sig, after the dosing information, and the entire Sig will be displayed. PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS: WF WITH FOOD (TAKE TWO CAPSULES BY MOUTH FOUR TIMES A DAY FOR 10 DAYS WITH FOOD) OTHER PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS: WF CON ALIMENTO Two optional fields, OTHER LANGUAGE PREFERENCE and PMI LANGUAGE PREFERENCE in the PHARMACY PATIENT file, store if a patient has another language preference and if the patient’s PMI sheets should print in English or Spanish at the CMOP. The CMOP functionality was requested for future CMOP use. When printing locally from Outpatient Pharmacy this parameter is not used. These fields are accessed through the Update Patient Record option and the protocol Patient Record Update [PSO PATIENT RECORD UPDATE]. If the other language preference is indicated for a patient, the user will be prompted to enter OTHER PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS after selecting the PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS field to enter/edit. If a quick code is entered at the OTHER PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS prompt, the expansion entered at the OTHER PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS EXPANSIONS will print on the prescription label. 156 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 A default value for Days Supply based on patient status is displayed. A default quantity is calculated when possible. See Chapter 2 in the User Manual - Supplemental for more information on QUANTITY calculations. DAYS SUPPLY: (1-90): 30// 10 QTY ( CAP ) : 80// <Enter> 80 Example: Entering a New Order (continued) COPIES: 1// <Enter> 1 # OF REFILLS: (0-11): 11// 0 PROVIDER: OPPROVIDER4,TWO CLINIC: OUTPT NURSE GREEN TEAM MAIL/WINDOW: WINDOW// <Enter> WINDOW METHOD OF PICK-UP: <Enter> REMARKS: <Enter> ISSUE DATE: TODAY// <Enter> (MAY 30, 2001) FILL DATE: (5/30/2001 - 6/9/2001): TODAY// <Enter> Nature of Order: WRITTEN// <Enter> W WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// Y YES WAS COUNSELING UNDERSTOOD: NO// Y YES (MAY 30, 2001) An option to add a progress note has been added. If “Yes” is entered at this prompt, the progress note entry will begin after the order information has been displayed and confirmed. The order is redisplayed, along with information on any service-connected disabilities on record. Do you want to enter a Progress Note? No// <Enter> Rx # 503906 05/30/01 OPPATIENT16,ONE #80 TAKE TWO CAPSULES BY MOUTH FOUR TIMES A DAY FOR 10 DAYS WITH FOOD AMPICILLIN 250MG CAP OPPROVIDER1,TWO # of Refills: 11 OPPHARMACIST4,THREE SC Percent: 40% Disabilities: NONE STATED Was treatment for Service Connected condition? To determine if the order should be charged copay, eligible copay exemptions for the order are displayed one at a time. The user is asked if it the first applies to the order. In this example, the user is first asked if the order is being prescribed for any of the service-connected conditions displayed. If yes had been entered at this prompt, the fill would have been set for No Copay and no other exemption questions would have been asked. In this example, the patient has reported exposure to herbicides during Vietnam-era service. Was treatment related to Agent Orange exposure? NO Is this correct? YES// <Enter> Another New Order for OPPATIENT16,ONE? YES// Medications with non-numeric dosages, such as ointments and creams, will display non-numeric possible dosages as a default. Because the dosage is non-numeric, values for dispense units per dose and quantity cannot be calculated. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 157 Example: Entering a New Order (continued) DRUG: HYDROCORTISONE 0.5% CREAM ...OK? Yes// (Yes) Now doing order checks. Please wait... Available 1. 2. 3. 4. DE200 VISN FORM; 30 GM/TUBE (IEN) Dosage(s) SMALL AMOUNT MODERATE AMOUNT LIBERALLY LARGE AMOUNT Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: 2 MODERATE AMOUNT You entered MODERATE AMOUNT is this correct? Yes// <Enter> YES ROUTE: TOPICAL// <Enter> TOPICAL During prescription processing, if the label printer selected has an Automated Dispensing Device (ADD) defined, then Rx will be routed to the appropriate automated dispensing devices. A message will be displayed indicating the automated dispensing devices where the Rx will be routed. Below is an example of the routing message. PRESCRIPTIONS SENT TO: OPTIFILL1 100002815 100002816 100002824 SCRIPTPRO1 100002844 ACETAMINOPHEN 325MG C.T. AMOXICILLIN 250MG CAP AMOXAPINE 50MG TAB CIMETIDINE 200MG TAB Entering a New Order --ePharmacy (Third Party Billable) For patients who have active third party insurance and have the appropriate eligibility requirements, the software will submit electronic claims to their insurance companies when prescriptions for billable drugs are ordered. After a WINDOW order is entered and finished, the billing data is sent to the Electronic Claims Management Engine (ECME). ECME sends a message back to Outpatient Pharmacy displaying the status of the claim. For MAIL orders, the communication between Outpatient Pharmacy and ECME happens either during the Local Mail Label Print or during the CMOP transmission. The following example shows the creation of a new WINDOW order starting with the "DRUG:" prompt. Example: Entering a New Order for ePharmacy Billing DRUG: PREDNISONE Lookup: GENERIC NAME 1 PREDNISONE 1MG TAB HS051 2 PREDNISONE 20MG S.T. HS051 3 PREDNISONE 5MG TAB HS051 CHOOSE 1-3: 3 PREDNISONE 5MG TAB HS051 Now doing order checks. Please wait... Previously entered ICD-9 diagnosis codes: <Enter> Select Primary ICD-9 Code: <Enter> VERB: TAKE Available Dosage(s) 1. 20MG 2. 40MG 158 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: 1 20MG You entered 20MG is this correct? Yes// <Enter> YES VERB: TAKE DISPENSE UNITS PER DOSE(TABLET): 1// <Enter> 1 Dosage Ordered: 20MG NOUN: TABLET ROUTE: PO// <Enter> 1 PO ORAL (BY MOUTH) PO 2 PO ORAL PO CHOOSE 1-2: 2 ORAL PO BY MOUTH Schedule: TID (THREE TIMES A DAY) LIMITED DURATION (IN DAYS, HOURS OR MINUTES): 10 (DAYS) CONJUNCTION: <Enter> PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS: WF WITH FOOD (TAKE ONE TABLET BY BY MOUTH THREE TIMES A DAY FOR 10 DAYS WITH FOOD) DAYS SUPPLY: (1-90): 30// <Enter> QTY ( TAB ) : 30// <Enter> 30 COPIES: 1// <Enter> 1 # OF REFILLS: (0-5): 5// <Enter> PROVIDER: OPPROVIDER4,TWO CLINIC: <Enter> MAIL/WINDOW: WINDOW// <Enter> WINDOW METHOD OF PICK-UP: <Enter> REMARKS: <Enter> ISSUE DATE: TODAY// <Enter> (NOV 02, 2005) FILL DATE: (11/2/2005 - 11/3/2006): TODAY// <Enter> (NOV 02, 2005) Nature of Order: WRITTEN// <Enter> W WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// YES WAS COUNSELING UNDERSTOOD: NO// YES Do you want to enter a Progress Note? No// <Enter> NO Rx # 100003840 11/02/05 OPPATIENT,FOUR #30 TAKE ONE TABLET BY BY MOUTH THREE TIMES A DAY FOR 10 DAYS WITH FOOD PREDNISONE 5MG TAB OPPROVIDER4,TWO # of Refills: 5 OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Is this correct? YES// <Enter> YES Prescription 100003840 successfully submitted to ECME for claim generation. Claim Status: IN PROGRESS-Waiting to start IN PROGRESS-Gathering claim info IN PROGRESS-Packet being built IN PROGRESS-Waiting for transmit IN PROGRESS-Transmitting E PAYABLE Another New Order for OPPATIENT,FOUR? YES// NO View of RX: Medication Profile OPPATIENT,FOUR PID: 000-01-1322P DOB: JAN 13,1922 (83) SEX: MALE CrCL: <Not Found> # RX # November 2010 DRUG Nov 02, 2005@07:33:29 Page: 1 of 1 Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) BSA (m2): _______ ISSUE LAST REF DAY QTY ST DATE FILL REM SUP Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 159 -------------------------------------ACTIVE-----------------------------------1 100003840e PREDNISONE 5MG TAB 30 A> 11-02 11-02 5 30 Denotes ePharmacy Rx Enter ?? for more actions PU Patient Record Update PI Patient Information Select Action: Quit// NO SO New Order Select Order If a new order is rejected due to a Drug Utilization Review (DUR) ), Reject Resolution Required, or Refill Too Soon, the prescription will be marked as “REJECTED”, and the user will have the opportunity to resolve before continuing. The following example shows a sample ECME transmission rejection, and how to resolve the rejection error. Example: Handling a Rejected New Order for ePharmacy Billing Prescription 999999 successfully submitted to ECME for claim generation. Claim Status: IN PROGRESS-Waiting to start IN PROGRESS-Waiting for packet build IN PROGRESS-Waiting for transmit IN PROGRESS-Transmitting E REJECTED *** REJECT RECEIVED FROM THIRD PARTY PAYER *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------Division : ALBANY NPI#: 1234567890 NCPDP: 4150001 Patient : OPPAT.,FOUR(000-01-1322P) Sex: M DOB: JAN 13,1922(83) Prescription : 99999999/0 - TESTOSTERONE (ANDROD ECME#: 000001234567 Reject Type : 88 - DUR REJECT received on FEB 27, 2006@10:58:25 Payer Message: DUR Reject Error Reason : ER (OVERUSE PRECAUTION) DUR Text : ANDRODERM DIS 5MG/24HR Insurance : TEST INS Contact: 800 555-5555 Group Name : RXINS Group Number: 12454 Cardholder ID: 000011322P ------------------------------------------------------------------------Select one of the following: O I Q (O)VERRIDE - RESUBMIT WITH OVERRIDE CODES (I)GNORE - FILL Rx WITHOUT CLAIM SUBMISSION (Q)UIT - SEND TO WORKLIST (REQUIRES INTERVENTION) (O)verride,(I)gnore,(Q)uit: Q// O OVERRIDE When a claim is rejected, typically the Payer provides a “Reason for Service Code”, which displays on the reject as “Reason”. The user can use this reason to then select which code is entered for “Professional Service Code” and “Result of Service Code”. To see a list of service codes, enter ? at the specified prompt. Reason for Service Code : ER - OVERUSE Professional Service Code: RT RECOMMENDED LABORATORY TEST Result of Service Code : 1G FILLED, WITH PRESCRIBER APPROVAL 160 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Reason for Service Code : ER - OVERUSE Professional Service Code: RT - RECOMMENDED LABORATORY TEST Result of Service Code : 1G - FILLED, WITH PRESCRIBER APPROVAL Confirm? ? YES// <Enter> Prescription 99999999 successfully submitted to ECME for claim generation. Claim Status: IN PROGRESS-Waiting to start IN PROGRESS-Waiting for packet build IN PROGRESS-Packet being built IN PROGRESS-Waiting for transmit IN PROGRESS-Transmitting IN PROGRESS-Waiting to process response E PAYABLE For Refill Too Soon rejects, the same choices apply. Example: Handling a Reject Resolution Required rejected New Prescription for ePharmacy Billing. For VETERAN prescriptions, a reject code can be specified in the Reject Resolution Required section of the ePharmacy Site Parameter screen to stop a prescription from being filled. The Reject Resolution Required reject codes will prevent a prescription from being filled during any claims processing under the following conditions: • VETERAN eligibility • The prescription is an original fill • The prescription is not released • The reject is on the Reject Resolution Required list for the division • The total gross amount of the prescription is at or above the specified threshold amount For VETERAN prescription rejections that have Reject Resolution Required rejects, the user will be able to select from (I)gnore, which bypasses claims processing and allows the prescription to be filled, or (Q)uit which sends it to the Third Party Payer Rejects – Worklist. Prescriptions with these type rejects cannot be filled until the reject is resolved. See following example. Example: Handling a Reject Resolution Required rejected New Order for ePharmacy Billing (continued) Claim Status: IN PROGRESS-Waiting to start IN PROGRESS-Building the claim IN PROGRESS-Building the HL7 packet IN PROGRESS-Transmitting IN PROGRESS-Processing response E REJECTED *** REJECT RECEIVED FROM THIRD PARTY PAYER *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------Division : ALBANY NPI: 1234567890 NCPDP: 4150001 Patient : OP,FOUR(000-01-1322P) Sex: M DOB: JAN 13, 1922(83) Rx/Drug : 99999999/0 – TESTOSTERONE (ANDROD ECME#: 000001234567 Reject(s): 76 - Plan Limitations Exceeded Received on JUN 07, 2013@11:26:05 Payer Message: DAYS SUPPLY IS MORE THAN ALLOWED BY PLAN November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 161 Insurance : TEST INS Group Name : RXINS Cardholder ID: 0000011322P Contact: 800-555-5555 Group Number: 12454 Reject Resolution Required Gross Amount Due ($34.42) is greater than or equal to Threshold Dollar Amount ($0) Please select Quit to resolve this reject on the Reject Worklist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------Select one of the following: I Q (I)GNORE - FILL Rx WITHOUT CLAIM SUBMISSION (Q)UIT - SEND TO WORKLIST (REQUIRES INTERVENTION) (I)gnore,(Q)uit: Q// Example: Handling a TRICARE Rejected New Order for ePharmacy Billing Rejected TRICARE claims will be denoted with “TRICARE” during submission to ECME and within the subsequent reject notification screen. Also, the reject codes will be displayed in both places. The following example shows a prescription being submitted to ECME and this process occurs directly following the “Is this correct? YES//” prompt during finish. Where DUR or RTS are one of the reject codes, the user will be able to select from (D)iscontinue the prescription, submit (O)verride codes, or (Q)uit which sends the rejection to the Third Party Payer Rejects Worklist. A TRICARE rejection may not be (I)gnored. TRICARE Prescription 101110 submitted to ECME for claim generation. Claim Status: IN PROGRESS-Waiting to start IN PROGRESS-Building the claim IN PROGRESS-Transmitting IN PROGRESS-Processing response E REJECTED 79 - Refill Too Soon 14 - M/I Eligibility Clarification Code *** REJECT RECEIVED FOR TRICARE PATIENT *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------Division : ALBANY ISC NPI#: 5000000021 Patient : OPTRICARE,ONE(666-55-4789) Sex: M DOB: OCT 18,1963(44) Rx/Drug : 101110/0 - NAPROXEN 250MG S.T. ECME#: 000000112303 Reject(s): REFILL TOO SOON (79), 14 - M/I Eligibility Clarification Code (14). Received on MAR 03, 2008@14:40:57. Insurance : TRICARE Contact: Group Name : TRICARE PRIME Group Number: 123123 Cardholder ID: SI9844532 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Select one of the following: O D Q (O)VERRIDE - RESUBMIT WITH OVERRIDE CODES (D)iscontinue - DO NOT FILL PRESCRIPTION (Q)UIT - SEND TO WORKLIST (REQUIRES INTERVENTION) (O)verride,(D)iscontinue,(Q)uit: Q// Example: Handling a non-DUR/RTS or non-clinical TRICARE rejected New Order for ePharmacy Billing 162 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 For TRICARE prescription rejections that have non-DUR/RTS or non-clinical rejects, the user will be able to select from (D)iscontinue the prescription or (Q)uit which sends it to the Third Party Payer Rejects - Worklist. TRICARE prescriptions with these type rejects cannot be filled until the rejection is resolved. Example: TRICARE Prescription 101113 submitted to ECME for claim generation. Claim Status: IN PROGRESS-Waiting to start IN PROGRESS-Building the claim IN PROGRESS-Building the HL7 packet IN PROGRESS-Transmitting E REJECTED 07 - M/I Cardholder ID Number 14 - M/I Eligibility Clarification Code *** REJECT RECEIVED FOR TRICARE PATIENT *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------Division : ALBANY ISC NPI#: 5000000021 Patient : OPTRICARE,ONE(666-55-4789) Sex: M DOB: OCT 18,1963(44) Rx/Drug : 101113/0 - SIMETHICONE 40MG TAB ECME#: 000000112306 Reject(s): M/I Eligibility Clarification Code (14), M/I Cardholder ID Number (07). Received on MAR 03, 2008@14:43:42. Insurance : TRICARE Contact: Group Name : TRICARE PRIME Group Number: 123123 Cardholder ID: SI9844532 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Select one of the following: D Q (D)iscontinue - DO NOT FILL PRESCRIPTION (Q)UIT - SEND TO WORKLIST (REQUIRES INTERVENTION) (D)iscontinue,(Q)uit: Q// For non-billable TRICARE prescriptions, an abbreviated version of the reject notification screen will be displayed. Because the prescription is non-billable, the insurance and ECME information that's currently provided for DUR/RTS rejects will not be displayed (i.e. insurance, group name, group #, ECME #, contact, cardholder ID). In this case, the prescription must be discontinued. Is this correct? YES// ... *** TRICARE - NON-BILLABLE *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------Division : ALBANY ISC NPI#: Patient : OPTRICARE,ONE(666-55-4789) Sex: M DOB: OCT 18,1963(44) Rx/Drug : 102058/0 - ABSORBABLE GELATIN S Date/Time: AUG 27, 2008@16:49:46 Reason : Drug not billable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a non-billable TRICARE prescription. It cannot be filled or sent to the reject worklist. It must be discontinued. Press <RETURN> to continue... Nature of Order: SERVICE CORRECTION// Requesting PROVIDER: OPHARM November 2010 OPPHARM,ONE S OO Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 163 Labels will not print for discontinued TRICARE prescriptions, and reprint label will not be allowed for TRICARE rejected prescriptions. Select Rx (Prescriptions) Option: REPrint an Outpatient Rx Label Reprint Prescription Label: 101113 SIMETHICONE 40MG TAB Number of Copies? : (1-99): 1// Print adhesive portion of label only? ? No// NO Do you want to resend to Dispensing System Device? No// NO Comments: REPRINT Rx # 101113 OPTRICARE,ONE 03/03/08 #180 ONE MOUTH TWICE A DAY SIMETHICONE 40MG TAB OPPHARM,ONE # of Refills: 3 Select LABEL DEVICE: NULL OPPHARM,ONE Bit Bucket No Label(s) printed. Reprint Prescription Label: Suspended TRICARE prescriptions will remain on suspense when a reject occurs, when the prescription is non-billable, or when the third party claim remains in an 'IN PROGRESS' status in ECME. Labels will not print. Once the reject is resolved, the user may pull the prescription early from suspense or wait for the next scheduled Print from Suspense option runs at which time labels will print accordingly. This includes CMOP and local suspense. TRICARE Prescription 101607 submitted to ECME for claim generation. Claim Status: IN PROGRESS-Building the claim IN PROGRESS-Transmitting IN PROGRESS-Parsing response *** TRICARE - 'IN PROGRESS' ECME status *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------Division : ALBANY ISC NPI#: 5000000021 Patient : OPTRICARE,ONE(666-55-4789) Sex: M DOB: OCT 18,1963(44) Rx/Drug : 101607/0 - ACETAZOLAMIDE 250MG Date/Time: APR 20, 2008@20:11:17 Reason : ECME Status is in an 'IN PROGRESS' state and cannot be filled ------------------------------------------------------------------------This prescription will be suspended. After the third party claim is resolved, it may be printed or pulled early from suspense. Press <RETURN> to continue... A rejected TRICARE prescription may not have a partial fill ordered until the reject is resolved. OP Medications (SUSPENDED) OPTRICARE,ONE 164 Apr 18, 2008@19:10:16 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual Page: 1 of 2 November 2010 PID: 666-55-4789 DOB: OCT 18,1963 (44) Rx #: (1) *Orderable Item: (2) Drug: Verb: (3) *Dosage: *Route: *Schedule: (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: (5) Patient Status: (6) Issue Date: Last Fill Date: Last Release Date: Expires: Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) 101526e ACETAZOLAMIDE PILL ACETAZOLAMIDE 500MG SEQUELS TAKE 1 PILL ORAL BID TAKE 1 PILL BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY OTHER FEDERAL 04/18/08 (7) Fill Date: 04/19/08 04/19/08 (Window) (8) Lot #: 04/19/09 MFG: + DC Discontinue PR Partial ED Edit RF (Refill) Select Action: Next Screen// p Partial OP Medications (SUSPENDED) OPTRICARE,ONE PID: 666-55-4789 DOB: OCT 18,1963 (44) RL RN Apr 18, 2008@19:10:16 Release Renew Page: 1 of 2 Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) Rx #: 101526e (1) *Orderable Item: ACETAZOLAMIDE PILL (2) Drug: ACETAZOLAMIDE 500MG SEQUELS Verb: TAKE (3) *Dosage: 1 PILL *Route: ORAL *Schedule: BID (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: TAKE 1 PILL BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY (5) Patient Status: OTHER FEDERAL (6) Issue Date: 04/18/08 (7) Fill Date: 04/19/08 Last Fill Date: 04/19/08 (Window) Last Release Date: (8) Lot #: Expires: 04/19/09 MFG: + Partial cannot be filled on TRICARE non-payable Rx DC Discontinue PR Partial RL Release ED Edit RF (Refill) RN Renew Select Action: Next Screen// If ECME's status on the claim remains in an "In Progress" state past the processing timeout during finish of the prescription, TRICARE prescriptions will not be allowed to be filled. Instead it will be placed on suspense until the rejection is resolved. Below is an example of this screen: TRICARE Prescription 101607 submitted to ECME for claim generation. Claim Status: IN PROGRESS-Building the claim IN PROGRESS-Transmitting IN PROGRESS-Parsing response *** TRICARE - 'IN PROGRESS' ECME status *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------Division : ALBANY ISC NPI#: 5000000021 Patient : OPTRICARE,ONE(666-55-4789) Sex: M DOB: OCT 18,1963(44) Rx/Drug : 101607/0 - ACETAZOLAMIDE 250MG Date/Time: APR 20, 2008@20:11:17 Reason : ECME Status is in an 'IN PROGRESS' state and cannot be filled ------------------------------------------------------------------------- November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 165 This prescription will be suspended. After the third party claim is resolved, it may be printed or pulled early from suspense. Press <RETURN> to continue... If a pharmacy is active for ePharmacy processing but an insurance plan is not linked or not active, TRICARE prescription will be allowed to be filled without third party claim submission. The phrase "Inactive ECME TRICARE" will be displayed during Finish and an ECME log entry will be added stating such. Example of message during finish: Do you want to enter a Progress Note? No// Rx # 102046 OPTRICARE,TEST ONE MOUTH TWICE A DAY NO 08/27/08 DANTROLENE 25MG CAP OPPROVIDER,ONE # of Refills: 3 #180 OPPHAR,ONE Is this correct? YES// ... -Rx 101921 has been discontinued... Inactive ECME TRICARE Example of ECME Activity Log entry: ECME Log: # Date/Time Rx Ref Initiator Of Activity =============================================================================== 1 8/27/08@11:07:45 ORIGINAL OPPHARM,ONE Comments: TRICARE-Inactive ECME TRICARE Example: Handling a CHAMPVA Rejected New Order for ePharmacy Billing Rejected CHAMPVA claims will be denoted with “CHAMPVA” during submission to ECME and within the subsequent reject notification screen. Also, the reject codes will be displayed in both places. The following example shows a prescription being submitted to ECME and this process occurs directly following the “Is this correct? YES//” prompt during finish. Where DUR or RTS are one of the reject codes, the user will be able to select from (D)iscontinue the prescription, submit (O)verride codes, or (Q)uit which sends the rejection to the Third Party Payer Rejects - Worklist. A CHAMPVA rejection may not be (I)gnored. CHAMPVA Prescription 101110 submitted to ECME for claim generation. Claim Status: IN PROGRESS-Waiting to start IN PROGRESS-Building the claim IN PROGRESS-Transmitting IN PROGRESS-Processing response E REJECTED 79 - Refill Too Soon 14 - M/I Eligibility Clarification Code *** REJECT RECEIVED FOR CHAMPVA PATIENT *** 166 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Division : ALBANY ISC NPI#: 5000000021 Patient : OPCHAMPVA,ONE(666-55-4789) Sex: M DOB: OCT 18,1963(44) Rx/Drug : 101110/0 - NAPROXEN 250MG S.T. ECME#: 000000112303 Reject(s): REFILL TOO SOON (79), 14 - M/I Eligibility Clarification Code (14). Received on MAR 03, 2008@14:40:57. Insurance : CHAMPVA Contact: Group Name : CHAMPVA PRIME Group Number: 123123 Cardholder ID: SI9844532 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Select one of the following: O D Q (O)VERRIDE - RESUBMIT WITH OVERRIDE CODES (D)iscontinue - DO NOT FILL PRESCRIPTION (Q)UIT - SEND TO WORKLIST (REQUIRES INTERVENTION) (O)verride,(D)iscontinue,(Q)uit: Q// Example: Handling a non-DUR/RTS or non-clinical CHAMPVA rejected New Order for ePharmacy Billing For CHAMPVA prescription rejections that have non-DUR/RTS or non-clinical rejects, the user will be able to select from (D)iscontinue the prescription or (Q)uit which sends it to the Third Party Payer Rejects - Worklist. CHAMPVA prescriptions with these type rejects cannot be filled until the rejection is resolved. Example: CHAMPVA Prescription 101113 submitted to ECME for claim generation. Claim Status: IN PROGRESS-Waiting to start IN PROGRESS-Building the claim IN PROGRESS-Building the HL7 packet IN PROGRESS-Transmitting E REJECTED 07 - M/I Cardholder ID Number 14 - M/I Eligibility Clarification Code *** REJECT RECEIVED FOR CHAMPVA PATIENT *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------Division : ALBANY ISC NPI#: 5000000021 Patient : OPCHAMPVA,ONE(666-55-4789) Sex: M DOB: OCT 18,1963(44) Rx/Drug : 101113/0 - SIMETHICONE 40MG TAB ECME#: 000000112306 Reject(s): M/I Eligibility Clarification Code (14), M/I Cardholder ID Number (07). Received on MAR 03, 2008@14:43:42. Insurance : CHAMPVA Contact: Group Name : CHAMPVA PRIME Group Number: 123123 Cardholder ID: SI9844532 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Select one of the following: D Q (D)iscontinue - DO NOT FILL PRESCRIPTION (Q)UIT - SEND TO WORKLIST (REQUIRES INTERVENTION) (D)iscontinue,(Q)uit: Q// For non-billable CHAMPVA prescriptions, an abbreviated version of the reject notification screen will be displayed. Because the prescription is non-billable, the insurance and ECME information that's currently provided for DUR/RTS rejects will not be displayed (i.e. insurance, November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 167 group name, group #, ECME #, contact, cardholder ID). In this case, the prescription must be discontinued. Is this correct? YES// ... *** CHAMPVA - NON-BILLABLE *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------Division : ALBANY ISC NPI#: Patient : OPCHAMPVA,ONE(666-55-4789) Sex: M DOB: OCT 18,1963(44) Rx/Drug : 102058/0 - ABSORBABLE GELATIN S Date/Time: AUG 27, 2008@16:49:46 Reason : Drug not billable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a non-billable CHAMPVA prescription. It cannot be filled or sent to the reject worklist. It must be discontinued. Press <RETURN> to continue... Nature of Order: SERVICE CORRECTION// Requesting PROVIDER: OPHARM OPPHARM,ONE S OO Labels will not print for discontinued CHAMPVA prescriptions, and reprint label will not be allowed for CHAMPVA rejected prescriptions. Select Rx (Prescriptions) Option: REPrint an Outpatient Rx Label Reprint Prescription Label: 101113 SIMETHICONE 40MG TAB Number of Copies? : (1-99): 1// Print adhesive portion of label only? ? No// NO Do you want to resend to Dispensing System Device? No// NO Comments: REPRINT Rx # 101113 OPCHAMPVA,ONE 03/03/08 #180 ONE MOUTH TWICE A DAY SIMETHICONE 40MG TAB OPPHARM,ONE # of Refills: 3 Select LABEL DEVICE: NULL OPPHARM,ONE Bit Bucket No Label(s) printed. Reprint Prescription Label: Suspended CHAMPVA prescriptions will remain on suspense when a reject occurs, when the prescription is non-billable, or when the third party claim remains in an 'IN PROGRESS' status in ECME. Labels will not print. Once the reject is resolved, the user may pull the prescription early from suspense or wait for the next scheduled Print from Suspense option runs at which time labels will print accordingly. This includes CMOP and local suspense. CHAMPVA Prescription 101607 submitted to ECME for claim generation. Claim Status: 168 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 IN PROGRESS-Building the claim IN PROGRESS-Transmitting IN PROGRESS-Parsing response *** CHAMPVA - 'IN PROGRESS' ECME status *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------Division : ALBANY ISC NPI#: 5000000021 Patient : OPCHAMPVA,ONE(666-55-4789) Sex: M DOB: OCT 18,1963(44) Rx/Drug : 101607/0 - ACETAZOLAMIDE 250MG Date/Time: APR 20, 2008@20:11:17 Reason : ECME Status is in an 'IN PROGRESS' state and cannot be filled ------------------------------------------------------------------------This prescription will be suspended. After the third party claim is resolved, it may be printed or pulled early from suspense. Press <RETURN> to continue... A rejected CHAMPVA prescription may not have a partial fill ordered until the reject is resolved. OP Medications (SUSPENDED) OPCHAMPVA,ONE PID: 666-55-4789 DOB: OCT 18,1963 (44) Rx #: (1) *Orderable Item: (2) Drug: Verb: (3) *Dosage: *Route: *Schedule: (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: (5) Patient Status: (6) Issue Date: Last Fill Date: Last Release Date: Expires: Apr 18, 2008@19:10:16 Page: 1 of 2 Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) 101526e ACETAZOLAMIDE PILL ACETAZOLAMIDE 500MG SEQUELS TAKE 1 PILL ORAL BID TAKE 1 PILL BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY OTHER FEDERAL 04/18/08 (7) Fill Date: 04/19/08 04/19/08 (Window) (8) Lot #: 04/19/09 MFG: + DC Discontinue PR Partial ED Edit RF (Refill) Select Action: Next Screen// p Partial OP Medications (SUSPENDED) OPCHAMPVA,ONE PID: 666-55-4789 DOB: OCT 18,1963 (44) RL RN Apr 18, 2008@19:10:16 Release Renew Page: 1 of 2 Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) Rx #: 101526e (1) *Orderable Item: ACETAZOLAMIDE PILL (2) Drug: ACETAZOLAMIDE 500MG SEQUELS Verb: TAKE (3) *Dosage: 1 PILL *Route: ORAL *Schedule: BID (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: TAKE 1 PILL BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY (5) Patient Status: OTHER FEDERAL (6) Issue Date: 04/18/08 (7) Fill Date: 04/19/08 Last Fill Date: 04/19/08 (Window) Last Release Date: (8) Lot #: Expires: 04/19/09 MFG: + Partial cannot be filled on CHAMPVA non-payable Rx DC Discontinue PR Partial RL Release November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 169 ED Edit RF Select Action: Next Screen// (Refill) RN Renew If ECME's status on the claim remains in an "In Progress" state past the processing timeout during finish of the prescription, a CHAMPVA prescription will not be allowed to be filled. Instead it will be placed on suspense until the rejection is resolved. Below is an example of this screen: CHAMPVA Prescription 101607 submitted to ECME for claim generation. Claim Status: IN PROGRESS-Building the claim IN PROGRESS-Transmitting IN PROGRESS-Parsing response *** CHAMPVA - 'IN PROGRESS' ECME status *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------Division : ALBANY ISC NPI#: 5000000021 Patient : OPCHAMPVA,ONE(666-55-4789) Sex: M DOB: OCT 18,1963(44) Rx/Drug : 101607/0 - ACETAZOLAMIDE 250MG Date/Time: APR 20, 2008@20:11:17 Reason : ECME Status is in an 'IN PROGRESS' state and cannot be filled ------------------------------------------------------------------------This prescription will be suspended. After the third party claim is resolved, it may be printed or pulled early from suspense. Press <RETURN> to continue... If a pharmacy is active for ePharmacy processing but an insurance plan is not linked or not active, the CHAMPVA prescription will be allowed to be filled without third party claim submission. The phrase "Inactive ECME CHAMPVA" will be displayed during Finish and an ECME log entry will be added stating such. Example of message during finish: Do you want to enter a Progress Note? No// Rx # 102046 OPCHAMPVA,TEST ONE MOUTH TWICE A DAY NO 08/27/08 DANTROLENE 25MG CAP OPPROVIDER,ONE # of Refills: 3 #180 OPPHAR,ONE Is this correct? YES// ... -Rx 101921 has been discontinued... Inactive ECME CHAMPVA Example of ECME Activity Log entry: ECME Log: # Date/Time Rx Ref Initiator Of Activity =============================================================================== 1 8/27/08@11:07:45 ORIGINAL OPPHARM,ONE Comments: CHAMPVA -Inactive ECME CHAMPVA 170 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Displaying a Patient’s Remote Prescriptions If a patient has prescriptions at another location, when the user selects the patient to enter a new order from Patient Prescription Processing, the following message appears. REMOTE PRESCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE! Display Remote Data? N// If the user responds NO, then the normal procedure occurs for entering prescriptions. If the user responds YES, the “Remote Facilities Visited” screen appears such as the following example. Remote Facilities Visited Dec 30, 2008@17:26:47 Patient: PSOPATIENT,ONE (000-00-0000) Page: 1 of 1 DOB: 01/02/1967 Station HDR CHEYENNE Enter ?? for more actions DR Display Remote Pharmacy Data Action:Quit//DR DB Display Both Pharmacy Data To display the prescriptions at the remote pharmacy location, enter DR at the “Action” prompt. The “Medication Profile – Remote” screen appears such as the following example. . Medication Profile - Remote Patient: PSOPATIENT,ONE RX# HDR CHEYENNE 712885 712886 712888 712887 + DRUG Dec 30, 2008@17:29:43 (000-00-0000) Page: 1 of 2 DOB: 01/02/1967 ST QTY ISSUED LAST FILLED AMOXICILLIN TRIHYDRATE 250MG CAP A 90 11/06/08 11/06/08 SIG: TAKE ONE CAPSULE BY MOUTH THREE TIMES A DAY PROVIDER: MCKAY,ELMER DILTIAZEM (INWOOD) 240MG CAP,SA A 30 11/28/08 11/28/08 SIG: TAKE ONE CAPSULE BY MOUTH EVERY DAY PROVIDER: MCKAY,ELMER LABETALOL HCL 200MG TAB A 60 12/30/08 12/30/08 SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY PROVIDER: MCKAY,ELMER SIMVASTATIN 20MG TAB A 15 12/09/08 12/09/08 SIG: TAKE ONE-HALF TABLET BY MOUTH EVERY EVENING TESTING FOR PATTESTING FOR PATIENT TESTING FOR PATTESTING FOR PATIENTENT INTRUCTION ON SIG1 TESTING FOR PATIENT INTRUCTION ON SIG1 TESTING FOR PATIENT REPLACE IENT WITH IENT TESTING FOR PATIENT Enter ?? for more actions Select Action:Next Screen// Editing a New Order An asterisk or star (*) is shown in front of each field that will create a new order if it is changed. The Sig field cannot be edited directly, but it will change if the fields used to construct the Sig are edited. When editing fields preceded by an asterisk (*) in an ePharmacy order (or electronically third party billable prescription), upon acceptance of the edited order the original prescription will be discontinued and a new order created. If the latest fill of the original order has not been released November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 171 and is E Payable, the claim for that fill will be reversed. A new claim is submitted for the new prescription. For more information, see the example Editing an ePharmacy Order. Note: Do not use the up-arrow (^) after editing one field to jump past the rest of the fields. Using just the up-arrow results in the changes just entered being deleted. The user must press <Enter> through all the order fields when editing to save the changes. Example: Editing a New Order OP Medications (ACTIVE) OPPATIENT16,ONE PID: 000-24-6802 DOB: APR 3,1941 (60) May 30, 2001 16:48:05 Page: 1 of 3 <A> Ht(cm): 177.80 (02/08/1999) Wt(kg): 90.45 (02/08/1999) Rx #: 503908 (1) *Orderable Item: AMPICILLIN CAP,ORAL ***(N/F)*** (2) Drug: AMPICILLIN 250MG CAP ***(N/F)*** (3) *Dosage: 500 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 2 Noun: CAPSULES *Route: ORAL *Schedule: QID *Duration: 10D (DAYS) (4)Pat Instructions: with food SIG: TAKE TWO CAPSULES BY MOUTH FOUR TIMES A DAY FOR 10 DAYS WITH FOOD (5) Patient Status: SERVICE CONNECTED + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR Partial RL Release ED Edit RF (Refill) RN Renew Select Action: Next Screen// ED Edit Select fields by number: (1-19): 4 PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS: WITH FOOD// WITH FOOD AVOIDING DAIRY FOODS If a new order is created due to the editing of a field that affects copay, like Duration, the values previously entered display as defaults. Edits to fields that are not starred (*), like Patient Instructions, will not create a new order. Note that the new Patient Instruction text now appears at the end of the Sig. Example: Editing a New Order (continued) OP Medications (ACTIVE) OPPATIENT16,ONE PID: 000-24-6802 DOB: APR 3,1941 (60) May 30, 2001 16:54:25 Page: 1 of 3 <A> Ht(cm): 177.80 (02/08/1999) Wt(kg): 90.45 (02/08/1999) Rx #: 503908 (1) *Orderable Item: AMPICILLIN CAP,ORAL ***(N/F)*** (2) Drug: AMPICILLIN 250MG CAP ***(N/F)*** (3) *Dosage: 500 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 2 Noun: CAPSULES *Route: ORAL *Schedule: QID *Duration: 10D (DAYS) (4)Pat Instructions: WITH FOOD AVOIDING DAIRY FOODS SIG: TAKE TWO CAPSULES BY MOUTH FOUR TIMES A DAY FOR 10 DAYS WITH FOOD AVOIDING DAIRY FOODS (5) Patient Status: SERVICE CONNECTED + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR Partial RL Release 172 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 ED Edit RF Select Action: Next Screen// (Refill) RN Renew When a starred field, like Dosage, is changed, a new order is created. The dispense units per dose and quantity are recalculated, if possible, and the new order includes a remark noting the original prescription number. Select from list of Available Dosages, Enter Free Text Dose or Enter a Question Mark (?) to view list: 500// 750MG 750MG You entered 750MG is this correct? Yes// <Enter> YES VERB: TAKE// <Enter> TAKE DISPENSE UNITS PER DOSE (CAPSULE(S)): 3// <Enter> 3 Dosage Ordered: 750MG NOUN: CAPSULE(S)// <Enter> CAPSULE(S) ROUTE: ORAL// <Enter> ORAL Schedule: QID// <Enter> (FOUR TIMES A DAY) LIMITED DURATION (IN DAYS, HOURS OR MINUTES): 10D// <Enter> 10D (DAYS) CONJUNCTION: <Enter> New OP Order (ROUTINE) May 30, 2001 17:11:44 Page: 1 of 2 OPPATIENT16,ONE <A> PID: 000-24-6802 Ht(cm): 177.80 (02/08/1999) DOB: APR 3,1941 (60) Wt(kg): 90.45 (02/08/1999) Orderable Item: (1) Drug: (2) Patient Status: (3) Issue Date: (5) Dosage Ordered: Verb: Dispense Units: Noun: Route: Schedule: *Duration: (6)Pat Instruction: SIG: AMPICILLIN CAP,ORAL ***(N/F)*** AMPICILLIN 250MG CAP ***(N/F)*** SERVICE CONNECTED MAY 30,2001 (4) Fill Date: MAY 30,2001 750 (MG) TAKE 3 CAPSULE(S) ORAL QID 10D (DAYS) WITH FOOD AVOIDING DAIRY FOODS TAKE THREE CAPSULES BY MOUTH FOUR TIMES A DAY FOR 10 DAYS WITH FOOD AVOIDING DAIRY FOODS : (7) Days Supply: 10 (8) (9) # of Refills: 0 (10) (11) Clinic: OUTPT NURSE GREEN TEAM (12) Provider: OPPROVIDER4,TWO (13) (14) Remarks: New Order Created by editing Entry By: OPPROVIDER4,TWO Entry QTY (CAP): 120 Routing: WINDOW Copies: 1 Rx # 503908. Date: MAY 30,2001 17:11:44 This change will create a new prescription! AC Accept ED Edit Select Action: Edit// AC If the DAYS SUPPLY field is edited, the QTY field is recalculated. If the QTY field is edited, the DAYS SUPPLY field value does not change, but a message is displayed warning the user of the change and recommending that the value be checked. New OP Order (ROUTINE) May 31, 2001 12:57:06 Page: 2 of 2 OPPATIENT16,ONE <A> PID: 000-24-6802 Ht(cm): 177.80 (02/08/1999) DOB: APR 3,1941 (60) Wt(kg): 90.45 (02/08/1999) + (7) Days Supply: 30 (8) QTY (CAP): 120 (9) # of Refills: 0 (10) Routing: WINDOW (11) Clinic: OUTPT NURSE GREEN TEAM (12) Provider: OPPROVIDER4,TWO (13) Copies: 1 (14) Remarks: New Order Created by editing Rx # 503910. Entry By: OPPROVIDER4,TWO Entry Date: MAY 31,2001 12:57:06 November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 173 Enter ?? for more actions AC Accept ED Select Action: Edit// <Enter> Edit Select Field to Edit by number: (1-14): 7 DAYS SUPPLY: (1-90): 10// 7 Edit Once changes are entered the screen redisplays with the changes and the order can be accepted or edited again. If the order is accepted, the prescription is checked for drug/drug interactions and, if none exist, prompts follow for nature of order and whether the patient was counseled. Example: Editing a New Order (continued) Now doing drug interaction and allergy checks. Please wait... Nature of Order: WRITTEN// ?? Nature of Order Activity -----------------------WRITTEN VERBAL TELEPHONED SERVICE CORRECTION POLICY DUPLICATE SERVICE REJECT Require E.Signature ----------x x Print Chart Copy ---------x x x x Print on Summary -------x x x x x Nature of Order: WRITTEN// <Enter> WRITTEN WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// Y YES WAS COUNSELING UNDERSTOOD: NO// Y YES Editing an ePharmacy Order When editing fields preceded by an asterisk (*) in an ePharmacy order (or electronically third party billable prescription), upon acceptance of the edited order the original prescription will be discontinued and a new order created. If the latest fill of the original order has not been released and is E Payable, the claim for that fill will be reversed. A new claim is submitted for the new prescription. If the original claim was E Payable, and edits are made to any of these fields – Provider, Qty, Days Supply, Division, Fill Date, NDC, or DAW Code – then the original payable claim is reversed and a new claim is submitted to ECME. If the original claim was rejected, then a reversal is not necessary, and a new claim is submitted to ECME. Medication Profile OPPATIENT,FOUR PID: 000-01-1322P DOB: JAN 13,1922 (83) SEX: MALE CrCL: <Not Found> # RX # DRUG Nov 03, 2005@12:33:29 Page: 1 of 1 <A> Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) BSA (m2): _______ ISSUE LAST REF DAY QTY ST DATE FILL REM SUP -------------------------------------ACTIVE-----------------------------------1 100003840e PREDNISONE 5MG TAB 30 A> 11-02 11-02 5 30 174 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Enter ?? for more actions PU Patient Record Update PI Patient Information Select Action: Quit// 1 NO SO New Order Select Order Press <Enter> twice to scroll to page 3 of the Medication Profile. Notice that a new field displays on the profile: DAW Code. DAW stands for “Dispense as Written” and refers to a set of ten NCPDP codes (0-9) that tells third party payers why a brand or generic product was selected to fill a prescription. When a new prescription is entered for a specific drug, the DAW code from the drug is stored in the PRESCRIPTION file (#52) for each fill. This field is solely being used for electronic billing purposes. It communicates to the third party payer that a drug has a special characteristic, which may prevent the payer from rejecting the claim. The available codes include: Code Description 0 NO PRODUCT SELECTION INDICATED 1 SUBSTITUTION NOT ALLOWED BY PRESCRIBER 2 SUBSTITUTION ALLOWED-PATIENT REQUESTED PRODUCT DISPENSED 3 SUBSTITUTION ALLOWED-PHARMACIST SELECTED PRODUCT DISPENSED 4 SUBSTITUTION ALLOWED-GENERIC DRUG NOT IN STOCK 5 SUBSTITUTION ALLOWED-BRAND DRUG DISPENSED AS A GENERIC 6 OVERRIDE 7 SUBSTITUTION NOT ALLOWED-BRAND DRUG MANDATED BY LAW 8 SUBSTITUTION ALLOWED-GENERIC DRUG NOT AVAILABLE IN MARKETPLACE 9 OTHER The DAW Code default is 0 – No Product Selection Indicated, unless the DAW Code has been set for this drug at the DRUG file level. Enter 21 to edit the field. Example: Editing an ePharmacy Order (continued) OP Medications (ACTIVE) OPPATIENT,FOUR PID: 000-01-1322P DOB: JAN 13,1922 (83) Nov 03, 2005@12:51:52 Page: 3 of 3 <A> Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) (19) Counseling: YES Was Counseling Understood: YES (20) Refill Data (21) DAW Code: 0 - NO PRODUCT SELECTION INDICATED Entry By: OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Entry Date: 11/03/05 12:50:51 November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 175 + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR Partial ED Edit RF Refill Select Action: Next Screen// 21 Select fields by number: (1-21): 21 RL RN Release Renew DAW CODE: 0// ?? Answer with BPS NCPDP DAW CODE Choose from: 0 NO PRODUCT SELECTION INDICATED 1 SUBSTITUTION NOT ALLOWED BY PRESCRIBER 2 SUBSTITUTION ALLOWED-PATIENT REQUESTED PRODUCT DISPENSED 3 SUBSTITUTION ALLOWED-PHARMACIST SELECTED PRODUCT DISPENSED 4 SUBSTITUTION ALLOWED-GENERIC DRUG NOT IN STOCK 5 SUBSTITUTION ALLOWED-BRAND DRUG DISPENSED AS A GENERIC 6 OVERRIDE 7 SUBSTITUTION NOT ALLOWED-BRAND DRUG MANDATED BY LAW 8 SUBSTITUTION ALLOWED-GENERIC DRUG NOT AVAILABLE IN MARKETPLACE 9 OTHER Dispensed As Written code. This information is used for electronic claim transmi ssion to third party payers (insurance companies). DAW CODE: 0// 5 - SUBSTITUTION ALLOWED-BRAND DRUG DISPENSED AS A GENERIC Are You Sure You Want to Update Rx 100003853? Yes// <Enter> The field is updated and displayed in the Medication Profile. OP Medications (ACTIVE) OPPATIENT,FOUR PID: 000-01-1322P DOB: JAN 13,1922 (83) Nov 03, 2005@12:51:52 Page: 1 of 3 <A> Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) (19) Counseling: YES Was Counseling Understood: YES (20) Refill Data (21) DAW Code: 0 - NO PRODUCT SELECTION INDICATED Entry By: OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Entry Date: 11/03/05 12:50:51 + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR Partial RL Release ED Edit RF Refill RN Renew Select Action: Quit// New OP Order (ROUTINE) Nov 04, 2005@08:36:29 Page: 2 of 2 OPPATIENT,FOUR <A> PID: 000-01-1322P Ht(cm): _______ (______) DOB: JAN 13,1922 (83) Wt(kg): _______ (______) + (7) Days Supply: 30 (8) QTY (TAB): 30 (9) # of Refills: 5 (10) Routing: WINDOW (11) Clinic: (12) Provider: OPPROVIDER4,TWO (13) Copies: 1 (14) Remarks: New Order Created by editing Rx # 100003840. Entry By: OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Entry Date: NOV 4,2005 08:36:06 176 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 This change will create a new prescription! AC Accept ED Edit Select Action: Edit// AC Accept Nature of Order: SERVICE CORRECTION// <Enter> S WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// YES WAS COUNSELING UNDERSTOOD: NO// YES Do you want to enter a Progress Note? No// <Enter> NO Rx # 100003852 11/04/05 OPPATIENT,FOUR #30 TAKE ONE TABLET BY BY MOUTH FOUR TIMES A DAY FOR 30 DAYS WITH FOOD AVOIDING DAIRY FOODS PREDNISONE 5MG TAB OPPROVIDER4,TWO # of Refills: 5 OPPHARMACIST4,THREE This status refers to the original prescription. Is this correct? YES// <Enter> YES... Claim has status E REJECTED. Not reversed. Prescription 100003852 successfully submitted to ECME for claim generation. Claim Status: IN PROGRESS-Waiting to start IN PROGRESS-Waiting for packet build IN PROGRESS-Packet being built IN PROGRESS-Waiting for transmit IN PROGRESS-Transmitting E PAYABLE This status refers to the newly created prescription. Using the Copy Action If a double question mark (??) is entered at the “Select Action" prompt above, the hidden actions below will display in the action area. The following actions are also available: AL VF CO RP HD UH PI PP IP Activity Logs (OP) Verify (OP) Copy (OP) Reprint (OP) Hold (OP) Unhold (OP) Patient Information Pull Rx (OP) Inpat. Profile (OP) OTH REJ DIN + < > ADPL DN Other OP Actions FS View REJECT GO Drug Restr/Guide (OP)LS Next Screen PS Previous Screen PT Shift View to Left QU Shift View to Right RD Auto Display(On/Off) SL Down a Line UP First Screen Go to Page Last Screen Print Screen Print List Quit Re Display Screen Search List Up a Line Copy is a hidden action used to create a new order exactly like the original order. Any field of the new order can be edited. This action does not affect the status of the original order but the duplicate order checks will occur. Example: Using the Copy Action Medication Profile OPPATIENT6,ONE PID: 000-13-5790 DOB: FEB 8,1922 (79) CrCL: <Not Found> November 2010 Jun 04, 2001 15:49:09 1 of 1 <A> Ht(cm): 175.26 (08/10/1999) Wt(kg): 75.45 (08/10/1999) BSA (m2): 1.92 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual Page: 177 # RX # DRUG QTY ST ISSUE DATE LAST REF DAY FILL REM SUP -------------------------------------ACTIVE-----------------------------------1 503911$ AMPICILLIN 250MG CAP 80 A 05-25 06-01 0 10 2 503901 LISINOPRIL 10MG TAB 150 A> 05-17 05-17 2 30 Enter ?? for more actions PU Patient Record Update NO New Order PI Patient Information SO Select Order Select Action: Quit// SO Select Order [Or enter the order number here, e.g. 1] Select Orders by number: (1-2): 1 Actions in parentheses, like Refill in the example below, are not available for the order. OP Medications (ACTIVE) OPPATIENT6,ONE PID: 000-13-5790 DOB: FEB 8,1922 (79) Jun 04, 2001 15:50:49 Page: 1 of 3 <A> Ht(cm): 175.26 (08/10/1999) Wt(kg): 75.45 (08/10/1999) Rx #: 503911$ (1) *Orderable Item: AMPICILLIN CAP,ORAL ***(N/F)*** (2) Drug: AMPICILLIN 250MG CAP ***(N/F)*** (3) *Dosage: 500 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 2 Noun: CAPSULES *Route: ORAL *Schedule: QID (4)Pat Instructions: Prov Comments Provider Comments: Prov Comments SIG: TAKE TWO CAPSULES BY MOUTH FOUR TIMES A DAY PROV COMMENTS (5) Patient Status: OUTPT NON-SC (6) Issue Date: 05/25/01 (7) Fill Date: 06/01/01 + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR Partial RL Release ED Edit RF (Refill) RN Renew Select Action: Next Screen//CO CO After “CO” is entered, the heading on the screen changes to “New OP Order (COPY)” and the available actions are limited to “Accept” or “Edit”. Example: Using the Copy Action (continued) New OP Order (COPY) OPPATIENT6,ONE PID: 000-13-5790 DOB: FEB 8,1922 (79) Jun 04, 2001 15:51:32 Page: 1 of 2 <A> Ht(cm): 175.26 (08/10/1999) Wt(kg): 75.45 (08/10/1999) Orderable Item: (1) Drug: (2) Patient Status: (3) Issue Date: (5) Dosage Ordered: Verb: Dispense Units: Noun: Route: Schedule: (6)Pat Instruction: SIG: AMPICILLIN CAP,ORAL ***(N/F)*** AMPICILLIN 250MG CAP ***(N/F)*** OUTPT NON-SC JUN 4,2001 (4) Fill Date: JUN 4,2001 500 (MG) TAKE 2 CAPSULES ORAL QID Prov Comments TAKE TWO CAPSULES BY MOUTH FOUR TIMES A DAY PROV COMMENTS (7) Days Supply: 10 (8) QTY (CAP): 80 + Enter ?? for more actions AC Accept ED Edit 178 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Select Action: Next Screen// AC Accept Once the copied order is accepted, the previous order information displays. Duplicate Drug in Local Rx: Rx #: Drug: SIG: QTY: Provider: Status: Processing Status: 503911 AMPICILLIN 250MG CAP TAKE TWO CAPSULES BY MOUTH FOUR TIMES A DAY PROV COMMENTS 80 Refills remaining: 0 OPPROVIDER4,TWO Issued: 05/25/01 Active Last filled on: 06/01/01 Released locally on 06/01/01@11:34:13 (Window) Days Supply: 10 Discontinue Rx # 503911? YES Duplicate Drug will be discontinued after the acceptance of the new order. Now doing order checks. Please wait... Nature of Order: WRITTEN// <Enter> WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// <Enter> W NO Do you want to enter a Progress Note? No// <Enter> NO The new order information is displayed and, once verified, the old order is discontinued. Example: Using the Copy Action (continued) Rx # 503913 06/04/01 OPPATIENT6,ONE #80 TAKE TWO CAPSULES BY MOUTH FOUR TIMES A DAY PROV COMMENTS AMPICILLIN 250MG CAP OPPROVIDER4,TWO # of Refills: 0 OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Is this correct? YES//<Enter> ... -Rx 503911 has been discontinued... SC Percent: 10% Disabilities: PROSTATE GLAND CONDITION INGUINAL HERNIA 10% - SERVICE CONNECTED 0% - SERVICE CONNECTED Was treatment for Service Connected condition: N The Medication Profile screen is redisplayed at this point. The dollar sign after the first prescription number means that a copay charge is associated with that order. The default printer is displayed and the user can queue the label to print, change the default printer, or hold, suspend, or bypass printing. Medication Profile OPPATIENT6,ONE PID: 000-13-5790 DOB: FEB 8,1922 (79) CrCL: <Not Found> # RX # Jun 04, 2001 16:03:55 1 of 1 <A> Ht(cm): 175.26 (08/10/1999) Wt(kg): 75.45 (08/10/1999) BSA (m2): 1.92 DRUG Page: QTY ST ISSUE DATE LAST REF DAY FILL REM SUP -------------------------------------ACTIVE-----------------------------------1 503913$ AMPICILLIN 250MG CAP 80 A 06-04 06-04 0 10 2 503901 LISINOPRIL 10MG TAB 150 A> 05-17 05-17 2 30 November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 179 Enter ?? for more actions PU Patient Record Update PI Patient Information Select Action: Quit// <Enter> NO SO New Order Select Order Label Printer: TELNET LABEL: QUEUE/CHANGE PRINTER/HOLD/SUSPEND or '^' to bypass Q//<Enter> LABEL(S) QUEUED TO PRINT Select PATIENT NAME: <Enter> Copying an ePharmacy Order When copying an ePharmacy order, upon acceptance of the copied order the original prescription will be discontinued and a new order created. If the latest fill of the original order has not been released and is E Payable, the claim for that fill will be reversed. A new claim is submitted for the new prescription. Patient Information OPPATIENT,FOUR PID: 000-01-1322P DOB: JAN 13,1922 (83) SEX: MALE Nov 04, 2005@09:19:26 Page: 1 of <A> Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) 1 Eligibility: NSC, VA PENSION Disabilities: 123 ANY STREET BIRMINGHAM ALABAMA Prescription Mail Delivery: Regular Mail HOME PHONE: CELL PHONE: WORK PHONE: Allergies: Adverse Reactions: Enter ?? for more actions EA Enter/Edit Allergy/ADR Data PU Patient Record Update DD Detailed Allergy/ADR List EX Exit Patient List Select Action: Quit// <Enter> QUIT Medication Profile Nov 04, 2005@09:23:47 Page: 1 of 1 OPPATIENT,FOUR <A> PID: 000-01-1322P Ht(cm): _______ (______) DOB: JAN 13,1922 (83) Wt(kg): _______ (______) SEX: MALE CrCL: <Not Found> BSA (m2): _______ ISSUE LAST REF DAY # RX # DRUG QTY ST DATE FILL REM SUP -------------------------------------ACTIVE------------------------------------1 100003852e PREDNISONE 5MG TAB 30 A> 11-04 11-04 5 30 PU Patient Record Update PI Patient Information Select Action: Quit// 1 180 NO SO New Order Select Order Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Medication Profile OPPATIENT,FOUR PID: 000-01-1322P DOB: JAN 13,1922 (83) SEX: MALE # RX # Nov 04, 2005@09:24:04 Page: 1 of <A> Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) ISSUE QTY ST DATE DRUG 1 . LAST REF DAY FILL REM SUP -------------------------------------ACTIVE------------------------------------OP Medications (ACTIVE) Nov 04, 2005@09:24:17 Page: 1 of 3 OPPATIENT,FOUR <A> PID: 000-01-1322P Ht(cm): _______ (______) DOB: JAN 13,1922 (83) Wt(kg): _______ (______) Rx #: 100003852e (1) *Orderable Item: PREDNISONE TAB (2) CMOP Drug: PREDNISONE 5MG TAB (3) *Dosage: 20 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: TABLET *Route: ORAL *Schedule: QID *Duration: 30 (DAYS) (4)Pat Instructions: WITH FOOD AVOIDING DAIRY FOODS SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY BY MOUTH FOUR TIMES A DAY FOR 30 DAYS WITH FOOD AVOIDING DAIRY FOODS (5) Patient Status: OPT NSC Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR Partial ED Edit RF Refill Select Action: Next Screen// CO CO RL RN Release Renew Once “Copy” is entered, the heading on the screen changes to “New OP Order (COPY)” and the available actions are limited to “Edit” or “Accept.” New OP Order (COPY) OPPATIENT,FOUR PID: 000-01-1322P DOB: JAN 13,1922 (83) Nov 04, 2005@09:24:17 Page: 1 of <A> Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) 2 Orderable Item: (1) CMOP Drug: (2) Patient Status: (3) Issue Date: (5) Dosage Ordered: Verb: Dispense Units: Noun: Route: Schedule: *Duration: (6)Pat Instruction: SIG: PREDNISONE TAB PREDNISONE 5MG TAB OPT NSC NOV 4,2005 (4) Fill Date: NOV 4,2005 20 (MG) TAKE 1 TABLET ORAL QID 30 (DAYS) WITH FOOD AVOIDING DAIRY FOODS TAKE ONE TABLET BY BY MOUTH FOUR TIMES A DAY FOR 30 DAYS WITH FOOD AVOIDING DAIRY FOODS + Enter ?? for more actions AC Accept ED Edit Select Action: Next Screen// AC Accept ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Duplicate Drug in Local Rx: Rx #: 100003852 Drug: PREDNISONE 5MG TAB SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY BY MOUTH FOUR TIMES A DAY FOR 30 DAYS WITH FOOD AVOIDING DAIRY FOODS QTY: 30 Refills remaining: 5 Provider: OPPROVIDER4,TWO Issued: 11/04/05 November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 181 Status: Active Last filled on: 11/04/05 Processing Status: Released locally on 11/04/05@11:34:13 (Mail) Days Supply: 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discontinue Rx # 100003852? YES Duplicate Drug will be discontinued after the acceptance of the new order. Now doing order checks. Please wait... Nature of Order: WRITTEN// <Enter> WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// YES WAS COUNSELING UNDERSTOOD: NO// YES W Do you want to enter a Progress Note? No// <Enter> NO Rx # 100003853 11/04/05 OPPATIENT,FOUR #30 TAKE ONE TABLET BY BY MOUTH FOUR TIMES A DAY FOR 30 DAYS WITH FOOD AVOIDING DAIRY FOODS PREDNISONE 5MG TAB OPPROVIDER4,TWO # of Refills: 5 OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Is this correct? YES// YES... Reversing prescription 100003852. Claim Status: Reversing and Rebilling a previously submitted claim... Reversing... IN PROGRESS-Waiting for transmit IN PROGRESS-Transmitting IN PROGRESS-Waiting to process response E REVERSAL ACCEPTED -Rx 100003852 has been discontinued... Prescription 100003853 successfully submitted to ECME for claim generation. Claim Status: IN PROGRESS-Waiting to start IN PROGRESS-Waiting for packet build IN PROGRESS-Waiting for transmit IN PROGRESS-Transmitting E PAYABLE View of RX: Medication Profile OPPATIENT,FOUR PID: 000-01-1322P DOB: JAN 13,1922 (83) SEX: MALE CrCL: <Not Found> # RX # DRUG Nov 04, 2005@09:25:14 Page: 1 of 1 Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) BSA (m2): _______ ISSUE QTY ST DATE LAST REF DAY FILL REM SUP -------------------------------------ACTIVE------------------------------------1 100003853e PREDNISONE 5MG TAB 30 A> 11-04 11-04 5 30 182 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Enter ?? for more actions PU Patient Record Update PI Patient Information Select Action: Quit// NO SO New Order Select Order Holding and Unholding a Prescription If a double question mark (??) is entered at the “Select Action” prompt, the hidden actions on the following page will display in the action area. The following actions are AL Activity Logs (OP) VF Verify (OP) CO Copy (OP) RP Reprint (OP) HD Hold (OP) UH Unhold (OP) PI Patient Information PP Pull Rx (OP) IP Inpat. Profile (OP) also OTH REJ DIN + < > ADPL DN available: Other OP Actions FS View REJECT GO Drug Restr/Guide (OP)LS Next Screen PS Previous Screen PT Shift View to Left QU Shift View to Right RD Auto Display(On/Off) SL Down a Line UP First Screen Go to Page Last Screen Print Screen Print List Quit Re Display Screen Search List Up a Line Use the Hold (HD) action to put a prescription on hold. Use the Unhold (UH) action to remove a prescription from hold. Only key holders of the PSORPH security key or the PSO TECH ADV security key can hold or unhold a prescription. PSORPH security key holders are allowed to put a prescription on hold using the following HOLD reasons: 1 INSUFFICIENT QTY IN STOCK 2 DRUG-DRUG INTERACTION 4 PROVIDER TO BE CONTACTED 6 ADVERSE DRUG REACTION 7 BAD ADDRESS 8 PER PATIENT REQUEST 9 CONSULT/PRIOR APPROVAL NEEDED 98 OTHER/TECH (NON-CLINICAL) 99 OTHER/RPH (CLINICAL) HOLD reasons 98 and 99 require the user to enter a HOLD comment. PSO TECH ADV security key holders are allowed to put a prescription on hold using the following HOLD reasons: 1 INSUFFICIENT QTY IN STOCK 7 BAD ADDRESS November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 183 8 PER PATIENT REQUEST 98 OTHER/TECH (NON-CLINICAL) HOLD reason 98 requires the user to enter a HOLD comment. While PSORPH security key holders are allowed to remove a prescription from HOLD under any HOLD reason, PSO TECH ADV security key holders are only allowed to remove a prescription from hold under the above HOLD reasons (reasons 1,7, 8, and 98). Example: HOLD with PSORPH Security Key or PSO TECH ADV Security Key OP Medications (SUSPENDED) PAGPATNM,M PID: 666-00-0286 DOB: DEC 1,1900 May 11, 2012@10:12:56 Page: 1 of <A> Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) 3 Rx #: 100002926 (1) *Orderable Item: FLUOXETINE CAP,ORAL (2) CMOP Drug: EFFEXOR (3) *Dosage: 10 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: CAPSULE *Route: ORAL *Schedule: QAM (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: TAKE ONE CAPSULE MOUTH EVERY MORNING (5) Patient Status: OPT NSC (6) Issue Date: 02/14/12 (7) Fill Date: 05/09/12 Last Fill Date: 05/29/12 (Mail) + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR Partial RL Release ED Edit RF (Refill) RN Renew Select Action: Next Screen// HD HD Nature of Order: WRITTEN// W If the user has the PSORPH security key, the following HOLD reasons are available: HOLD REASON: ? Enter reason medication is placed in a 'Hold' status. Choose from: 1 INSUFFICIENT QTY IN STOCK 2 DRUG-DRUG INTERACTION 4 PROVIDER TO BE CONTACTED 6 ADVERSE DRUG REACTION 7 BAD ADDRESS 8 PER PATIENT REQUEST 9 CONSULT/PRIOR APPROVAL NEEDED 98 OTHER/TECH (NON-CLINICAL) 99 OTHER/RPH (CLINICAL) If the user has the PSO TECH ADV security key, the following HOLD reasons are available: HOLD REASON: ? Enter reason medication is placed in a 'Hold' status. Choose from: 1 INSUFFICIENT QTY IN STOCK 7 BAD ADDRESS 8 PER PATIENT REQUEST 184 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 98 OTHER/TECH (NON-CLINICAL) The same conditions apply for Unholding a prescription. Users with the PSORPH security key can unhold for the following reason: 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 98 99 INSUFFICIENT QTY IN STOCK DRUG-DRUG INTERACTION PROVIDER TO BE CONTACTED ADVERSE DRUG REACTION BAD ADDRESS PER PATIENT REQUEST CONSULT/PRIOR APPROVAL NEEDED OTHER/TECH (NON-CLINICAL) OTHER/RPH (CLINICAL) Users with only the PSO TECH ADV security key can unhold for the following reasons: 1 7 8 98 INSUFFICIENT QTY IN STOCK BAD ADDRESS PER PATIENT REQUEST OTHER/TECH (NON-CLINICAL) If a user does not have a PSORPH security key and tries to unhold a prescription, the message “The HOLD can only be removed by a pharmacist” is displayed. Each time a user holds or unholds a prescription, an entry is created in the Activity Log. These entries include HOLD COMMENTS and the HOLD REASON when a prescription is placed on HOLD and UNHOLD COMMENTS when the prescription is removed from HOLD. Again, HOLD reasons 98 and 99 require the user to enter a HOLD comment. Example: Activity Log with HOLD/UNHOLD Comments Activity Log: # Date Reason Rx Ref Initiator Of Activity ... 8 05/10/12 HOLD REFILL 1 USER,PHARMACY Comments: Rx placed on HOLD (Reason: BAD ADDRESS) and removed from SUSPENSE - HOLD COMMENTS ENTERED BY THE USER MANUALLY. ... 9 05/10/12 UNHOLD REFILL 1 USER,PHARMACY Comments: Rx Removed from HOLD - UNHOLD COMMENTS ENTERED BY THE USER WHEN REMOVING THE RX FROM HOLD.Renewing a Prescription This action allows the pharmacy manager, pharmacist, or pharmacy technician to process renewals for existing orders. Example: Renewing a Prescription [This example begins after an order is selected from the Medication Profile screen.] OP Medications (ACTIVE) OPPATIENT29,ONE PID: 000-87-6543 DOB: SEP 12,1919 (81) Jun 04, 2001 16:14:40 Page: 1 of 3 <A> Ht(cm): 175.26 (06/07/2000) Wt(kg): 79.09 (06/07/2000) Rx #: 503910 (1) *Orderable Item: AMPICILLIN CAP,ORAL ***(N/F)*** (2) Drug: AMPICILLIN 250MG CAP ***(N/F)*** (3) *Dosage: 500 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 2 Noun: CAPSULES November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 185 *Route: *Schedule: *Duration: (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: ORAL QID 10D (DAYS) with food TAKE TWO CAPSULES BY MOUTH FOUR TIMES A DAY FOR 10 DAYS WITH FOOD (5) Patient Status: SERVICE CONNECTED Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR Partial RL Release ED (Edit) RF (Refill) RN Renew Select Action: Quit// RN Renew FILL DATE: (6/4/2001 - 7/4/2001): TODAY// <Enter> (JUN 04, 2001) MAIL/WINDOW: WINDOW// <Enter> WINDOW METHOD OF PICK-UP: <Enter> Nature of Order: WRITTEN// <Enter> W WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// <Enter> NO Do you want to enter a Progress Note? No// <Enter> Now Renewing Rx # 503910 NO Drug: AMPICILLIN 250MG CAP Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now doing allergy checks. Please wait... Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please wait… 503910A AMPICILLIN 250MG CAP QTY: 80 # OF REFILLS: 0 ISSUED: 06-04-01 SIG: TAKE TWO CAPSULES BY MOUTH FOUR TIMES A DAY FOR 10 DAYS WITH FOOD FILLED: 06-20-01 ROUTING: WINDOW PHYS: OPPROVIDER4,TWO Edit renewed Rx ? Y// If the order is not edited, the order is renewed and the display returns to the Medication Profile screen. Example: Renewing a Prescription (continued) (To save space, only the second Prescription Renew screen is displayed in this example.) Prescription Renew Jun 04, 2006 16:18:17 Page: 2 of 2 OPPATIENT29,ONE <A> PID: 000-87-6543 Ht(cm): 175.26 (06/07/2000) DOB: SEP 12,1919 (81) Wt(kg): 79.09 (06/07/2000) + SIG: TAKE TWO CAPSULES BY MOUTH FOUR TIMES A DAY FOR 10 DAYS WITH FOOD Days Supply: 30 QTY (CAP): 80 (3) # of Refills: 0 (4) Routing: WINDOW (5) Clinic: OUTPT NURSE GREEN TEAM (6) Provider: OPPROVIDER4,TWO (7) Copies: 1 (8) Remarks: RENEWED FROM RX # 503910 Entry By: OPPROVIDER4,TWO Entry Date: JUN 4,2006 16:16:27 Enter ?? for more actions AC Accept DC Discontinue BY Bypass ED Edit Select Item(s): Quit// ED Edit [Or enter the field(s), e.g., 1,5,7] Select Field to Edit by number: (1-8): 5 CLINIC: OUTPT NURSE GREEN TEAM //OUT 1 OUTPT NURSE BLUE TEAM 2 OUTPT NURSE GREEN TEAM 3 OUTPT NURSE YELLOW TEAM CHOOSE 1-3: 1 OUTPT NURSE BLUE TEAM 186 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Prescription Renew Jun 04, 2006 16:24:32 Page: 2 of 2 OPPATIENT29,ONE <A> PID: 000-87-6543 Ht(cm): 175.26 (06/07/2000) DOB: SEP 12,1919 (81) Wt(kg): 79.09 (06/07/2000) + SIG: TAKE TWO CAPSULES BY MOUTH FOUR TIMES A DAY FOR 10 DAYS WITH FOOD Days Supply: 30 QTY (CAP): 80 (3) # of Refills: 0 (4) Routing: WINDOW (5) Clinic: OUTPT NURSE BLUE TEAM (6) Provider: OPPROVIDER4,TWO (7) Copies: 1 (8) Remarks: RENEWED FROM RX # 503910 Entry By: OPPROVIDER4,TWO Entry Date: JUN 4,2006 16:23:56 Enter ?? for more actions AC Accept BY Bypass Select Item(s): Quit// AC Accept DC ED Discontinue Edit RX# 503910A has been suspended until 06-20-01. The user may renew more than one order on the same patient by typing the desired order numbers separated by a comma (for example:. 1,3,5). Original provider comments are not carried over to any renewals in Outpatient Pharmacy. Renewing an ePharmacy Order When renewing an ePharmacy order, upon acceptance of the renewed order the original prescription will be discontinued and a new order created. If the latest fill of the original order has not been released and is E Payable, the claim for that fill will be reversed. A new claim is submitted for the new prescription. [This example begins after an order is selected from the Medication Profile screen.] OP Medications (ACTIVE) OPPATIENT,FOUR PID: 000-01-1322P DOB: NOV 12,1075 (29) Nov 04, 2005@11:48:14 Page: 1 of 3 Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) Rx #: 100003642$e (1) *Orderable Item: SIMETHICONE TAB,CHEWABLE (2) Drug: SIMETHICONE 40MG TAB (3) *Dosage: 40 (MG) Verb: CHEW Dispense Units: 1 Noun: TABLET *Route: ORAL *Schedule: TID (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: CHEW ONE TABLET BY BY MOUTH THREE TIMES A DAY (5) Patient Status: OPT NSC (6) Issue Date: 08/11/05 (7) Fill Date: 08/11/05 Last Fill Date: 08/11/05 (Window) + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR Partial RL Release ED Edit RF Refill RN Renew Select Action: Next Screen// RN Renew FILL DATE: (11/4/2005 - 11/5/2006): TODAY// <Enter> (NOV 04, 2005) MAIL/WINDOW: WINDOW// <Enter>WINDOW METHOD OF PICK-UP: <Enter> November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 187 Nature of Order: WRITTEN// <Enter> W WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO//<Enter> NO Now Renewing Rx # 100003642 Drug: SIMETHICONE 40MG TAB Now doing remote order checks. Please wait... Now doing allergy checks. Please wait... Now Processing Enhanced Order Checks! Please wait… 100003642A SIMETHICONE 40MG TAB QTY: 90 # OF REFILLS: 5 ISSUED: 11-04-05 SIG: CHEW ONE TABLET BY BY MOUTH THREE TIMES A DAY FILLED: 11-04-05 ROUTING: WINDOW PHYS: OPPROVIDER4,TWO Edit renewed Rx ? Y// <Enter> ES Example: Renewing an ePharmacy Order (continued) (To save space, only the second Prescription Renew screen is displayed in this example.) Prescription Renew Jun 04, 2001 16:18:17 Page: 2 of 2 OPPATIENT,FOUR PID: 000-01-1322P Ht(cm): _______ (______) DOB: NOV 12,1075 (29) Wt(kg): _______ (______) + Days Supply: 30 QTY ( ): 90 (3) # of Refills: 5 (4) Routing: WINDOW (5) Clinic: (6) Provider: OPPROVIDER4,TWO (7) Copies: 1 (8) Remarks: RENEWED FROM RX # 100003642 Entry By: OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Entry Date: NOV 4,2005 11:56:31 Enter ?? for more actions AC Accept BY Bypass Select Item(s): Quit// 5 DC ED Discontinue Edit CLINIC: 3EN Prescription Renew Jun 04, 2001 16:24:32 Page: 2 of 2 OPPATIENT,FOUR PID: 000-01-1322P Ht(cm): _______ (______) DOB: NOV 12,1075 (29) Wt(kg): _______ (______) + Days Supply: 30 QTY ( ): 90 (3) # of Refills: 5 (4) Routing: WINDOW (5) Clinic: (6) Provider: OPPROVIDER4,TWO (7) Copies: 1 (8) Remarks: RENEWED FROM RX # 100003642 Entry By: OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Entry Date: NOV 4,2005 11:56:31 Enter ?? for more actions AC Accept BY Bypass Select Item(s): Quit// AC Accept SC Percent: 40% Disabilities: NONE STATED DC ED Discontinue Edit Was treatment for Service Connected condition? NO// <Enter> Reversing prescription 100003642. Claim Status: 188 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Reversing and Rebilling a previously submitted claim... Reversing... IN PROGRESS-Waiting for transmit IN PROGRESS-Transmitting IN PROGRESS-Waiting to process response E REVERSAL ACCEPTED -Rx 100003642 has been discontinued... Original provider comments are not carried over to any renewals in Outpatient Pharmacy. Flagging and Unflagging Pending Orders Flagging a pending order allows you to prevent an order from processing and attach a note known as a flag to the pending order. Flag/Unflag functionality is only available for Pending new orders and Pending renewals; only holders of the PSORPH security key can flag or unflag an order. The following provides examples of how to flag and unflag a pending order from a medication profile within Patient Prescription Processing. If a pending order is flagged, the row number is highlighted on the Medication Profile screen (shown in the following example). Select the order to view the flag or to flag the new pending order. Example: A Flagged Pending Order Medication Profile OPPATIENT16,ONE PID: 000-24-6802 DOB: APR 3,1941 (66) SEX: MALE CrCL: <Not Found> # RX # DRUG Mar 13, 2008@16:31:24 Page: 1 of 1 <NO ALLERGY ASSESSMENT> Ht(cm): 177.80 (02/08/2007) Wt(kg): 90.45 (02/08/2007) . BSA (m2): 2.08 ISSUE LAST REF DAY QTY ST DATE FILL REM SUP ------------------------------------ACTIVE------------------------------------1 100002518 PENICILLAMINE 250MG TAB 31 A 02-29 02-29 5 31 ------------------------------------PENDING-----------------------------------2 ACETAMINOPHEN 500MG TAB QTY: 60 ISDT: 03-13 REF: 3 Enter ?? for more actions PU Patient Record Update NO New Order PI Patient Information SO Select Order Select Action: Quit// SO Select Order Select Orders by number: (1-2): 2 From the Pending OP Orders screen, you can flag and unflag an order, as well as view the flagged reason. To flag the order, enter FL and then enter a “REASON FOR FLAG”, alert the proper individual that the flag has been added by pressing <Enter> to select the default name or entering a different user name and pressing <Enter>, and the flagging process is complete. Example: Flagging an Order REASON FOR FLAG: DOUBLE CHECK WITH PATIENT FOR HEART CONDITION BEFORE DISPENSING. Send alert to: PSOUSER,ONE// BIRMINGHAM ALABAMA OP PHARMACIST ... order flagged. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 189 When an order is flagged, “FL-” is placed in front of “Pending OP Orders” in the upper left corner, and the flagged reason is listed below the patient identifying information. Example: A Flagged New Pending Order FL-Pending OP Orders (ROUTINE)March 13, 2008 16:31:33 Page: 1 of 2 OPPATIENT16,ONE <NO ALLERGY ASSESSMENT> PID: 000-24-6802 Ht(cm): 177.80 (02/08/2007) DOB: APR 3,1941 (66) Wt(kg): 90.45 (02/08/2007) Flagged by OPPHARM,TWO on 03/13/08@23:14: BEFORE DISPENSING. DOUBLE CHECK WITH PATIENT FOR HEART CONDITION *(1) Orderable Item: ACETAMINOPHEN TAB * Editing starred fields will (2) CMOP Drug: ACETAMINOPHEN 500MG TAB create a new order Drug Message: NATL FORM (3) *Dosage: 500 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 *Route: ORAL *Schedule: BID (4) Pat Instruct: Provider Comments: ProvComments SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY (5) Patient Status: SERVICE CONNECTED (6) Issue Date: MAR 13,2008 (7) Fill Date: MAR 13,2008 (8) Days Supply: 30 (9) QTY (TAB): 60 + Enter ?? for more actions BY Bypass DC Discontinue FL Flag/Unflag ED Edit FN Finish Select Item(s): Next Screen// FL Flag/Unflag Example: A Flagged Renewel FL-Prescription Renew PAGPATNM,M PID: 666-00-0286 DOB: DEC 1,1900 Jun 12, 2012@14:00:51 Page: 1 of <A> Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) 2 Flagged by PHARMACY,USER on 6/12/12@14:00: test Rx#: 100001943A Orderable Item: ACETAMINOPHEN TAB CMOP Drug: THIORIDAZINE 30MG/ML CONC. Patient Status: OPT NSC (1) Issue Date: JUN 12,2012 (2) Fill Date: JUN 12,2012 Dosage: 20 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 2 Noun: TABLETS Route: ORAL (BY MOUTH) Schedule: BID-PRN + Enter ?? for more actions AC Accept DC Discontinue BY Bypass ED Edit Select Item(s): Next Screen// FL Flag/Unflag To unflag an order, enter FL at the “Select Item(s)” prompt, and then enter your “COMMENTS”. When you press <Enter>, the order is no longer flagged. Example: Unflagging an Order FLAGGED: 03/13 23:14 by OPPHARM,TWO DOUBLE CHECK WITH PATIENT FOR HEART CONDITION BEFORE DISPENSING. COMMENTS: CHECKED WITH PATIENT. NO HEART CONDITION. ... order unflagged. 190 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 At that point, the flag from the Medication Profile is removed, but the flagged/unflagged reason remains on the Pending OP Orders screen unless you reflag the order. Note: If a user does not have the PSORPH security key, they cannot unflag an order and will receive the following message when selecting the Accept (AC) action: + Enter ?? for more actions AC Accept DC (Discontinue) BY Bypass ED (Edit) Select Item(s): Next Screen// AC Accept FL (Flag/Unflag) Order must be unflagged by a pharmacist before it can be finished. Enter RETURN to continue: Example: An Unflagged Order Pending OP Orders (ROUTINE) OPPATIENT16,ONE PID: 000-24-6802 DOB: APR 3,1941 (66) March 14, 2008 09:16:33 Page: 1 of 2 <NO ALLERGY ASSESSMENT> Ht(cm): 177.80 (02/08/2007) Wt(kg): 90.45 (02/08/2007) Flagged by OPPHARM,TWO on 03/13/08@23:14: DOUBLE CHECK WITH PATIENT FOR HEART CONDITION BEFORE DISPENSING. Unflagged by OPPHARM,TWO on 03/14/08@09:26: CHECKED WITH PATIENT. NO HEART CONDITION. *(1) Orderable Item: ACETAMINOPHEN TAB * Editing starred fields will (2) CMOP Drug: ACETAMINOPHEN 500MG TAB create a new order Drug Message: NATL FORM (3) *Dosage: 500 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 *Route: ORAL *Schedule: BID (4) Pat Instruct: Provider Comments: ProvComments SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY (5) Patient Status: SERVICE CONNECTED (6) Issue Date: MAR 13,2008 (7) Fill Date: MAR 13,2008 (8) Days Supply: 30 (9) QTY (TAB): 60 + Enter ?? for more actions BY Bypass DC Discontinue FL Flag/Unflag ED Edit FN Finish Select Item(s): Next Screen// Example: An Unflagged Renewel Prescription Renew PAGPATNM,M PID: 666-00-0286 DOB: DEC 1,1900 Jun 12, 2012@14:02:18 Page: 1 of <A> Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) 2 Flagged by PHARMACY,USER on 6/12/12@14:00: test Unflagged by PHARMACY,USER on 6/12/12@14:02: testing unflag Rx#: Orderable Item: CMOP Drug: Patient Status: (1) Issue Date: (2) Fill Date: Dosage: Verb: Dispense Units: Noun: November 2010 100001943A ACETAMINOPHEN TAB THIORIDAZINE 30MG/ML CONC. OPT NSC JUN 12,2012 JUN 12,2012 20 (MG) TAKE 2 TABLETS Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 191 Route: ORAL (BY MOUTH) + Enter ?? for more actions Accept DC Discontinue FL BY Bypass ED Edit Select Item(s): Next Screen// Prescription Renew 8 Page: 1 of 2 AC Flag/Unflag Jun 12, 2012@14:02:1 After pending orders have been unflagged, they can be processed. If you attempt to process a flagged order and are a user with a PSORPH security key, you are prompted “Unflag Order? NO//”. If you respond YES, enter comments to unflag the order and continue with processing. If you respond NO, you cannot process the order because it is still flagged. Users with only the PSO TECH ADV security key cannot unflag an order and will receive the following message when selecting the Accept (AC) action: + Enter ?? for more actions AC Accept DC (Discontinue) BY Bypass ED (Edit) Select Item(s): Next Screen// AC Accept FL (Flag/Unflag) Order must be unflagged by a pharmacist before it can be finished. Enter RETURN to continue: Barcode Rx Menu [PSO BARCODE MENU] Use this menu to batch barcode refills and renewals of prescriptions, and check the quality of the barcode print. The menu contains the following options: • Barcode Batch Prescription Entry • Check Quality of Barcode • Process Internet Refills Barcode Batch Prescription Entry [PSO BATCH BARCODE] Enter refills or renewals by batch entry using barcodes with this option. Select either refills or renews. Then fill in information for the prescriptions to be batch barcode, i.e., fill date, route, etc. Next, use a barcode wand to enter the barcodes for the prescriptions to be refilled or renewed. Check Quality of Barcode [PSO BARCODE CHECK] No action is taken on the prescription by using this option. Use this option to check the quality of the printed barcodes or use it to practice using the barcode reader. After the barcode is scanned the barcode number will echo back on the screen and the screen will return to the "Read Barcode" prompt. No action is taken on the prescription by using this option. 192 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 The following are some common causes for failure of the barcode reader and how they can be corrected. 1. Barcode too faint (change printer ribbon) 2. Improper scanning (move the wand at a steady rate) 3. Defective barcode reader (replace the reader) Process Internet Refills [PSO INTERNET REFILLS] This option allows the pharmacist to process prescription orders entered on the Internet through My HealtheVet. The system will prompt the user for the information as shown in the following example. The user enters the appropriate response for each prompt by pressing Enter on the keyboard to accept the default setting for a prompt. The user must type the appropriate word or letter to enter a response contrary to the default. The recommended usage of this option is three times a day to ensure the requested refills are processed in a timely manner. Example: Process Internet Refills Screen FILL DATE: (1/28/2005 - 12/31/2699): TODAY// <Enter> (AUG 11, 2005) MAIL/WINDOW: MAIL// <Enter> MAIL Will these refills be Queued or Suspended? Q// S <Enter> USPENDED Allow refills for inpatient ? N// <Enter> O Allow refills for CNH ? N//<Enter> O Allow early refills? N// <Enter> O Process internet refill requests at this time? YES// <Enter> YES Process internet refills for all divisions? NO// <Enter> O Users can process refills for their division or all divisions within a site. However, sites can set parameters in the PHARMACY SYSTEM file for the INTERDIVISIONAL PROCESSING and DIVISION PROMPT ASKED fields that control responses to user input on the Internet Refills Screen. Note that site control parameters override any entries made by the user in the Process Internet Refills screen. If the INTERDIVISIONAL PROCESSING parameter is set to No, regardless of the user’s input at the “Process internet refills for all divisions?” prompt, only the refills for the user’s division will be filled. If the INTERDIVISIONAL PROCESSING parameter is set to Yes and the DIVISION PROMPT ASKED parameter is set to No, then the refill orders are processed for all divisions without any additional user input. If the INTERDIVISIONAL PROCESSING parameter is set to Yes and the DIVISION PROMPT ASKED parameter is set to Yes, refills for the user’s division will be processed without any additional input. If unprocessed refills outside the user’s division exist, the “Continue?” prompt displays, allowing the user to confirm each refill, as shown in the example below. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 193 Example: Process Internet Refills for all Divisions? Process internet refills for all divisions? Now refilling Rx# 100002310 Qty: 60 NO// Y YES Drug: CAPTROPRIL 100MG TABS Sig: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY Rx # 100002310 is for (ALBANY) division. Continue? N// Y YES This refill is outside the user’s division. If the user enters Yes at the “Continue?” prompt, the refill will be processed. If the user enters No at the “Continue?” prompt, the refill will not process at this time, and the refill request will remain in the PRESCRIPTION REFILL REQUEST file. These refill requests may be processed later by a user in the same division, or any division, depending on the PHARMACY SYSTEM file parameters. Refills processed successfully are flagged as FILLED in the RESULTS field of the PRESCRIPTION REFILL REQUEST file. Refills not processed due to conditions such as: Rx Expired, Discontinued, On Hold, Deleted, are flagged as NOT FILLED in the RESULTS field of PRESCRIPTION REFILL REQUEST file. Complete Orders from OERR [PSO LMOE FINISH] When a clinician has created an order for a patient, the pharmacist then completes and verifies the order. The Complete Orders from OERR option is used to complete orders entered into the patient record through Order Entry Results Reporting (OERR) V. 3.0. This option uses the List Manager features. PSO*7*391 added a new sort selection, 'CS' enabling users to select digitally signed CS orders separately. The user may select orders by patient, route, priority, clinic, flag, or controlled substances. If Clinic is selected, the user may then choose to select by Clinic or Clinic Sort Group. In any sort, orders are completed on a first-in/first-out basis by patient. Clinic Sort Groups can be added or edited in the Enter/Edit Clinic Sort Groups option, found under the Maintenance (Outpatient Pharmacy) menu option. Orders entered before implementation of patch PSO*7*46 (Pharmacy Ordering Enhancements (POE)) must have the fields used to build the Sig filled in before processing can be completed. If a temporary address has no end date, the following text is now displayed: “(Temp address from XXX 99,9999 till (no end date))”. For ePharmacy orders, after an order is finished, the billing data is sent to the Electronic Claims Management Engine (ECME). ECME sends a message back to Outpatient Pharmacy displaying the status of the claim. For an example, see “Finishing an ePharmacy Order” in this section. 194 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Example: Finishing an Order from OERR Select Outpatient Pharmacy Manager Option: RX (Prescriptions) Orders to be completed for all divisions: 16 Do you want an Order Summary? No// <Enter> NO Patient Prescription Processing Barcode Rx Menu ... Check Drug Interaction Complete Orders from OERR Discontinue Prescription(s) Edit Prescriptions ePharmacy Menu... List One Patient's Archived Rx's Manual Print of Multi-Rx Forms Reprint an Outpatient Rx Label Signature Log Reprint View Prescriptions Select Rx (Prescriptions) Option: Complete Orders from OERR There are multiple Institutions associated with this Outpatient Site for finishing orders entered through CPRS. Select the Institution for which to finish orders from. Enter '?' to see all choices. Select CPRS ORDERING INSTITUTION: ALBANY// <Enter> NY VAMC 500 You have selected ALBANY. After completing these orders, you may re-enter this option and select again. Select By: (PA/RT/PR/CL/FL/CS/E): PATIENT// <Enter> All Patients or Single Patient: (A/S/E): SINGLE// <Enter> Select Patient: OPPATIENT16,ONE OPPATIENT16,ONE 4-3-41 YES SC VETERAN 000246802 Do you want to see Medication Profile? Yes// The user may enter a question mark at the “Select Patient” prompt to view a list of patients with pending orders. A single patient may be selected for processing, or pending orders for all patients may be processed in sequence by the time of each order’s entry into the system. Flagged orders will not be processed. They are not a part of any pending orders. To process flagged orders, you should enter FL at the “Select By” prompt. This ensures you will view all patients with flagged pending orders, allowing you to address their flagged orders; however, if you know which patients have flagged orders, you can access the flagged orders through the Medication Profile. If the user answers YES to “Do you want to see Medication Profile?” and the patient has remote prescription(s), the following prompt appears. REMOTE PRESCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE! Display Remote Data? N// If the user answers YES to “Display Remote Data?” then the “Remote Facilities Visited” screen appears, allowing the user to see what facilities the patient has prescriptions at and what those prescriptions are. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 195 After the user answers the medication profile prompt, a warning displays if no allergy assessment has been made. The patient’s eligibility and RX patient status also displays. Example: Finishing an Order from OERR (continued) OPPATIENT16,ONE YES SC VETERAN 4-3-41 0004246802 Press Return to continue: <Enter> Eligibility: SC RX PATIENT STATUS: SERVICE CONNECTED// <Enter> (The Patient Information and Medication Profile screens display next, but are not shown in this example.) Pending OP Orders (ROUTINE) OPPATIENT16,ONE PID: 000-24-6802 DOB: APR 3,1941 (66) March 13, 2008 16:31:33 Page: 1 of 2 Ht(cm): 177.80 (02/08/2007) Wt(kg): 90.45 (02/08/2007) *(1) Orderable Item: ACETAMINOPHEN TAB * Editing starred fields will (2) CMOP Drug: ACETAMINOPHEN 500MG TAB create a new order Drug Message: NATL FORM (3) *Dosage: 500 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 *Route: ORAL *Schedule: BID (4) Pat Instruct: Provider Comments: ProvComments SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY (5) Patient Status: SERVICE CONNECTED (6) Issue Date: MAR 13,2008 (7) Fill Date: MAR 13,2008 (8) Days Supply: 30 (9) QTY (TAB): 60 + Enter ?? for more actions BY Bypass DC Discontinue FL Flag/Unflag ED Edit FN Finish Select Item(s): Next Screen//// FN Finish After “Finish” is selected, the user is prompted to fill in any information missing from fields needed to complete the order. If you attempt to process a flagged order, you are prompted “Unflag Order? NO//”. If you respond YES, enter comments to unflag the order and continue with processing. If you respond NO, you cannot process the order because it is still flagged. If an order is sent from OERR without a Dispense Drug selected, and there is only one Dispense Drug tied to the Orderable Item, that drug will be inserted in the DRUG field (#2 on the screen). If there is more than one Dispense Drug tied to the Orderable Item, a “No Dispense Drug Selected” message will display in the DRUG field (#2 on the screen) and a Dispense Drug must be selected to complete/finish the order. The following Drug are available for selection: 1. ACETAMINOPHEN 325MG 2. ACETAMINOPHEN EXTRA STR 500MG If the drug list is empty, the user should select a new orderable item or the order can be discontinued. 196 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Example: Finishing an Order from OERR (continued) Select Drug by number: (1-2): 1 If the user chooses to copy Provider Comments into the Patient Instructions, they will be displayed on the end of both the Patient Instructions and the Sig. If the patient has been identified as having another language preference, the Provider Comments will not be appended to the other language Sig. Provider Comments: WITH A FULL MEAL Copy Provider Comments into the Patient Instructions? No// Y YES (TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY WITH A FULL MEAL) Rx # 503902 05/22/01 OPPATIENT16,ONE #60 TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY WITH A FULL MEAL ACETAMINOPHEN 500MG TAB OPPROVIDER4,TWO # of Refills: 3 OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Are you sure you want to Accept this Order? NO// Y YES After an order is accepted, the user will be prompted to enter the missing information. METHOD OF PICK-UP: WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// Y WAS COUNSELING UNDERSTOOD: NO// Y YES YES Do you want to enter a Progress Note? No// <Enter> SC Percent: 20% Disabilities: KNEE CONDITION TRAUMATIC ARTHRITIS SEPTUM, NASAL, DEVIATION OF RESIDUALS OF FOOT INJURY NO 10% 10% 0% 0% - SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE CONNECTED CONNECTED CONNECTED CONNECTED This Rx has been flagged as: SC Was treatment for Service Connected condition: YES// <Enter> Press Return to Continue: Flagging and Unflagging Pending Orders Flagging a pending order allows you to prevent an order from processing and attach a note known as a flag to the pending order. Flag/Unflag functionality is only available for Pending new orders and Pending renewals; only holders of the PSORPH security key can flag or unflag an order. Flagged orders will not be processed. They are not a part of any pending orders. When you have flagged orders to process from the Complete Orders from OERR option, you should enter FL at the “Select By” prompt (shown in the following example). This ensures you will view all patients with flagged pending orders, allowing you to address their flagged orders; however, if you know which patients have flagged orders, you can access the flagged orders through the Medication Profile. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 197 The following provides examples of how to flag and unflag pending orders from a medication profile within the Complete Orders from OERR option. Example: Finishing an Order from OERR Select Outpatient Pharmacy Manager Option: RX (Prescriptions) Orders to be completed for all divisions: 16 Do you want an Order Summary? No// <Enter> NO Patient Prescription Processing Barcode Rx Menu ... Check Drug Interaction Complete Orders from OERR Discontinue Prescription(s) Edit Prescriptions ePharmacy Menu... List One Patient's Archived Rx's Manual Print of Multi-Rx Forms Reprint an Outpatient Rx Label Signature Log Reprint View Prescriptions Select Rx (Prescriptions) Option: COMPlete Orders from OERR There are multiple Institutions associated with this Outpatient Site for finishing orders entered through CPRS. Select the Institution for which to finish orders from. Enter '?' to see all choices. Select CPRS ORDERING INSTITUTION: ALBANY// <Enter> NY VAMC 500 You have selected ALBANY. After completing these orders, you may re-enter this option and select again. <There are 3 flagged orders for ALBANY> Select By: (PA/RT/PR/CL/FL/E): PATIENT// FL <Enter> Do you want to see Medication Profile? Yes// <Enter> After answering the “Medication Profile” prompt, a warning displays if no allergy assessment has been made. The patient’s eligibility and RX patient status also displays. OPPATIENT16,ONE 4-3-41 YES SC VETERAN No Allergy Assessment! 000246802 Press Return to continue: <Enter> Eligibility: SC RX PATIENT STATUS: SERVICE CONNECTED// <Enter> If a pending order is flagged, the row number is highlighted on the Medication Profile screen (shown in the following example). Select the order to view the flag or to flag the new pending order. Example: A Flagged Pending Order Medication Profile OPPATIENT16,ONE PID: 000-24-6802 DOB: APR 3,1941 (66) SEX: MALE 198 Mar 13, 2008@16:31:24 Page: 1 of 1 <NO ALLERGY ASSESSMENT> Ht(cm): 177.80 (02/08/2007) Wt(kg): 90.45 (02/08/2007) . Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 CrCL: <Not Found> # RX # BSA (m2): _______ ISSUE LAST REF DAY QTY ST DATE FILL REM SUP DRUG ------------------------------------ACTIVE------------------------------------1 100002518 PENICILLAMINE 250MG TAB 31 A 02-29 02-29 5 31 ------------------------------------PENDING-----------------------------------2 ACETAMINOPHEN 500MG TAB QTY: 60 ISDT: 03-13 REF: 3 Enter ?? for more actions PU Patient Record Update NO New Order PI Patient Information SO Select Order Select Action: Quit// SO Select Order Select Orders by number: (1-2): 2 From the Pending OP Orders screen, you can flag and unflag an order, as well as view the flagged reason. To flag the order, enter FL and then enter a “REASON FOR FLAG”, alert the proper individual that the flag has been added by pressing <Enter> to select the default name or entering a different user name and pressing <Enter>, and the flagging process is complete. Example: Flagging an Order REASON FOR FLAG: DOUBLE CHECK WITH PATIENT FOR HEART CONDITION BEFORE DISPENSING. Send alert to: PSOUSER,ONE// BIRMINGHAM ALABAMA OP PHARMACIST ... order flagged. When an order is flagged, “FL-” is placed in front of “Pending OP Orders” in the upper left corner, and the flagged reason is listed below the patient identifying information. Example: A Flagged Order FL-Pending OP Orders (ROUTINE)March 13, 2008 16:31:33 Page: 1 of 2 OPPATIENT16,ONE <NO ALLERGY ASSESSMENT> PID: 000-24-6802 Ht(cm): 177.80 (02/08/2007) DOB: APR 3,1941 (66) Wt(kg): 90.45 (02/08/2007) Flagged by OPPHARM,TWO on 03/13/08@23:14: BEFORE DISPENSING. DOUBLE CHECK WITH PATIENT FOR HEART CONDITION *(1) Orderable Item: ACETAMINOPHEN TAB * Editing starred fields will (2) CMOP Drug: ACETAMINOPHEN 500MG TAB create a new order Drug Message: NATL FORM (3) *Dosage: 500 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 *Route: ORAL *Schedule: BID (4) Pat Instruct: Provider Comments: ProvComments SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY (5) Patient Status: SERVICE CONNECTED (6) Issue Date: MAR 13,2008 (7) Fill Date: MAR 13,2008 (8) Days Supply: 30 (9) QTY (TAB): 60 + Enter ?? for more actions BY Bypass DC Discontinue FL Flag/Unflag ED Edit FN Finish Select Item(s): Next Screen// FL Flag/Unflag To unflag an order, enter FL at the “Select Item(s)” prompt, and then enter your “COMMENTS”. When you press <Enter>, the order is no longer flagged. Example: Unflagging an Order FLAGGED: 03/13 23:14 by OPPHARM,TWO DOUBLE CHECK WITH PATIENT FOR HEART CONDITION BEFORE DISPENSING. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 199 COMMENTS: CHECKED WITH PATIENT. NO HEART CONDITION. ... order unflagged. At that point, the flag from the Medication Profile is removed, but the flagged/unflagged reason remains on the Pending OP Orders screen unless you reflag the order. Example: An Unflagged Order Pending OP Orders (ROUTINE) OPPATIENT16,ONE PID: 000-24-6802 DOB: APR 3,1941 (66) March 14, 2008 09:16:33 Page: 1 of 2 <NO ALLERGY ASSESSMENT> Ht(cm): 177.80 (02/08/2007) Wt(kg): 90.45 (02/08/2007) Flagged by OPPHARM,TWO on 03/13/08@23:14: DOUBLE CHECK WITH PATIENT FOR HEART CONDITION BEFORE DISPENSING. Unflagged by OPPHARM,TWO on 03/14/08@09:26: CHECKED WITH PATIENT. NO HEART CONDITION. *(1) Orderable Item: ACETAMINOPHEN TAB * Editing starred fields will (2) CMOP Drug: ACETAMINOPHEN 500MG TAB create a new order Drug Message: NATL FORM (3) *Dosage: 500 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 *Route: ORAL *Schedule: BID (4) Pat Instruct: Provider Comments: ProvComments SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY (5) Patient Status: SERVICE CONNECTED (6) Issue Date: MAR 13,2008 (7) Fill Date: MAR 13,2008 (8) Days Supply: 30 (9) QTY (TAB): 60 + Enter ?? for more actions BY Bypass DC Discontinue FL Flag/Unflag ED Edit FN Finish Select Item(s): Next Screen// After pending orders have been unflagged, they can be processed. If you attempt to process a flagged order, you are prompted “Unflag Order? NO//”. If you respond YES, enter comments to unflag the order and continue with processing. If you respond NO, you cannot process the order because it is still flagged. Changes to Finishing Pending Orders Process - Digitally Signed Orders Only Digitally signed orders will be identifiable by the “Digitally Signed Order’ message in reverse video on the message bar. If the terminal in use is set up as a VT-100, there may be problems with this message display and the “Processing Digitally Signed Order” message. Updating the VistA terminal session to use VT-320 will avoid this problem. The provider’s PKI certificate is re-validated when accessing a digitally signed order. If the validation check is unsuccessful, an error code is sent to the pharmacist and an entry is made in the Rx Activity Log. The error code type will result in either the order being automatically rejected/discontinued or the pharmacist being given the choice to finish, bypass, or discontinue the order. Digitally signed prescriptions that have been discontinued cannot be reinstated. The Speed Discontinuation functionality will no longer delete unverified prescriptions. 200 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Finishing an Order from OERR with Multiple Institutions Multiple Institution entries can be added using the Site Parameter Enter/Edit option. If the local site has multiple entries in the CPRS ORDERING INSTITUTION field the user will be prompted for an Institution when entering the Complete Orders from OERR option. After an Institution is selected, then the Pending Orders that will be shown for completion will be those Pending Orders from clinics that are associated with the Institution selected. Example: Finishing an Order from OERR with Multiple Institutions Select Outpatient Pharmacy Manager Option: RX (Prescriptions) Orders to be completed for all divisions: 21 Do you want an Order Summary:? No// <Enter> NO Select Rx (Prescriptions) Option: COmplete Orders from OERR There are multiple Institutions associated with this Outpatient Site for finishing orders entered through CPRS. Select the Institution from which to finish orders. Enter '?' to see all choices. Select CPRS ORDERING INSTITUTION: BIRMINGHAM, AL.// <Enter> BIRMINGHAM, AL.521 You have selected BIRMINGHAM, AL.. After completing these orders, you may re-enter this option and select again. Select By: (PA/RT/PR/CL/E): PATIENT// PA [See the previous example for completion of this option.] Finishing an ePharmacy Order After the user reviews the ePharmacy order and chooses to accept the order, the billing data is sent to ECME, which sends a message back to Outpatient Pharmacy displaying the status of the claim. The ECME section of the Activity Log is also updated. Is this correct? YES// <Enter> -Rx 100003869A has been discontinued... Prescription 100003919 successfully submitted to ECME for claim generation. Claim Status: IN PROGRESS-Waiting to start IN PROGRESS-Waiting for packet build IN PROGRESS-Packet being built IN PROGRESS-Waiting for transmit IN PROGRESS-Transmitting E PAYABLE Activity Log Multiple Activity Logs exist for a completed or finished order. Any single activity log or all activity logs can be viewed. Use the hidden action (AL) to view the activity log once a completed or finished order is selected. Example: Activity Log OP Medications (ACTIVE) OPPATIENT29,ONE November 2010 Jun 08, 2001 11:01:29 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual Page: 1 of <A> 3 201 PID: 000-87-6543 DOB: SEP 12,1919 (81) Ht(cm): 175.26 (06/07/2000) Wt(kg): 79.09 (06/07/2000) Rx #: 503915 (1) *Orderable Item: AMPICILLIN CAP,ORAL ***(N/F)*** (2) Drug: AMPICILLIN 250MG CAP ***(N/F)*** (3) *Dosage: 750 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 3 Noun: CAPSULE(S) *Route: ORAL *Schedule: QID *Duration: 10D (DAYS) (4)Pat Instructions: WITH FOOD AVOIDING DAIRY FOODS SIG: TAKE THREE CAPSULES BY MOUTH FOUR TIMES A DAY FOR 10 DAYS WITH FOOD AVOIDING DAIRY FOODS (5) Patient Status: SERVICE CONNECTED + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR Partial RL Release ED Edit RF (Refill) RN Renew Select Action: Next Screen// AL Select Activity Log by number 1. Refill 2. Partial 3. Activity 4. Labels 5. Copay 6. ECME 7. All Logs: (1-7): 7// <Enter> The prompt for the selection of the Activity Log depends on what type of prescription is selected. For example, if the prescription is an ePharmacy prescription, ECME displays as item #6. If the prescription is a CMOP prescription, CMOP displays as item #6. Example: Activity Log (continued) Rx Activity Log OPPATIENT16,ONE PID: 000-24-6802 DOB: APR 3,1941 (60) Jun 08, 2001 11:02:51 Page: 1 of 2 Ht(cm): 177.80 (02/08/1999) Wt(kg): 90.45 (02/08/1999) Rx #: 503904 Original Fill Released: 5/25/01 Routing: Window Finished by: OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Refill Log: # Log Date Refill Date Qty Routing Lot # Pharmacist ====================================================================== There are NO Refills For this Prescription Partial Fills: # Log Date Date Qty Routing Lot # Pharmacist ====================================================================== There are NO Partials for this Prescription Activity Log: # Date Reason Rx Ref Initiator Of Activity ====================================================================== 1 05/25/01 ORIGINAL Comments: Patient Instructions Not Sent By Provider. 2 05/25/01 PROCESSED ORIGINAL OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Comments: Label never queued to print by User Label Log: # Date Rx Ref Printed By ====================================================================== 1 09/25/06 ORIGINAL OPPHARMACIST31,THREE Comments: ScripTalk label printed 2 09/25/06 ORIGINAL OPPROVIDER,ONE Comments: ROUTING=WINDOW (BAD ADDRESS) Copay Activity Log: # Date Reason Rx Ref Initiator Of Activity ====================================================================== 202 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 There’s NO Copay activity to report ECME Log: # Date/Time Rx Ref Initiator Of Activity =============================================================================== 1 11/30/05@18:38:29 ORIGINAL OPPHARMACIST,ONE Comments: No claim submission made. Billing Determination was: DRUG NOT BILLABLE. [This shows an extended view of what displays on the screen.] Enter ?? for more actions Select Action:Quit// <Enter> The Activity Logs will appear the same as the OP logs with the exception of the addition of a CMOP Event Log. Here is an example of a sample CMOP Event Log: Rx Activity Log OPPATIENT2,ONE PID: 000-23-4567 DOB: DEC 14,1060 (34) Jul 06, 2006 09:54:24 Page: Ht(cm): Wt(kg): 188.40 109.10 2 of 2 (12/02/00) (12/02/00) CMOP Event Log: Date/Time Rx Ref TRN-Order Stat Comments ============================================================================== 09/17/00@1526 Ref 1 267-4 DISP NDC: 1234TEST5678 CMOP Lot#/Expiration Date Log: Rx Ref Lot # Expiration Date ============================================================================== Ref 1 1234TST 07/07/00 Enter ?? for more actions Select Action:Quit// <Enter> If this were an ePharmacy prescription, the prompt will display as follows: Select Activity Log by number 1. Refill 2. Partial 5. Copay 6. ECME 3. 7. Activity All Logs: 4. Labels (1-7): 7/// 6 For an ePharmacy prescription, the ECME Event Log displays before the CMOP Event Log. Example: ECME Event Log of an ePharmacy prescription Rx Activity Log OPPATIENT,FOUR PID: 000-01-1322P DOB: NOV 12,1075 (29) Rx #: 100003861 Routing: Window Nov 07, 2005@12:23:37 Page: 1 of 1 Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) Original Fill Released: Finished by: OPPHARMACIST4,THREE ECME Log: # Date Rx Ref Initiator Of Activity =============================================================================== 1 5/16/07@14:40:40 ORIGINAL OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Comments: ECME:WINDOW FILL(NDC:00058-2467-05)-E PAYABLE-pOPP INSURANCE 2 5/16/07@14:40:40 ORIGINAL OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Comments: Billing quantity submitted through ECME: 25.000 (ML) 3 5/20/07@14:21:52 ORIGINAL OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Comments: ECME:REJECT WORKLIST-DUR OVERRIDE CODES(AD/AS/1B)-E REJECTED-pOPP INSURANCE 4 5/20/07@14:21:52 ORIGINAL OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Comments: Billing quantity submitted through ECME: 25.000 (ML) =============================================================================== Enter ?? for more actions November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 203 Select Action:Quit// <Enter> The activity log has an entry indicating that the Rx has been sent to the external interface. With patch PSO*7*354, this activity entry is enhanced to indicate the routing automated dispensing device. The Domain Name Server (DNS) information of the automated dispensing device is appended to the Comment field of the activity log. This is usually an IP address or the DNS name. The activity log was also updated to display the mail tracking information available in the RXD13 segment of the HL7 message received by VistA from the external dispensing interface. Example: Activity Log with Multiple Dispensing Devices Rx Activity Log May 23, 2011@12:30:12 Page: 2 of OUTPATIENT,SIX <A> PID: 355-43-4343 Ht(cm): _______ (______) DOB: OCT 29,1932 (78) Wt(kg): _______ (______) + 1 05/04/11 REPRINT ORIGINAL OPPHARMACIST4,FOUR Comments: TESTING MULTIDEVICES (1 COPIES) 2 05/04/11 X-INTERFACE ORIGINAL OPPHARMACIST4,FOUR Comments: Prescription (Reprint) sent to external interface. 3 05/04/11 X-INTERFACE ORIGINAL POSTMASTER Comments: HL7 ID - 50073974 MESSAGE TRANSMITTED TO 4 05/04/11 X-INTERFACE ORIGINAL POSTMASTER Comments: HL7 ID - 50073975 MESSAGE TRANSMITTED TO 5 05/04/11 DISP COMPLETED ORIGINAL Comments: External Interface Dispensing is Complete. Filled By: OPTECH,ONE Checking Pharmacist: OPPHARMACIST4,FOUR Mail Tracking Info.: USPS #123456789 received at 05/04/11@15:32:23 3 Label Log: # Date Rx Ref Printed By =============================================================================== 1 05/02/11 ORIGINAL OPPHARMACIST4,FIVE Comments: From RX number 100002987 2 05/04/11 ORIGINAL OPPHARMACIST4,FOUR Comments: From RX number 100002987 (Reprint) + Enter ?? for more actions Select Action:Next Screen// For HOLD/UNHOLD of prescriptions, the activity log entries include HOLD COMMENTS and the HOLD REASON when a prescription is placed on HOLD and UNHOLD COMMENTS when the prescription is removed from HOLD. Example: Activity Log with HOLD/UNHOLD Comments Activity Log: # Date Reason Rx Ref Initiator Of Activity ... 8 05/10/12 HOLD REFILL 1 USER,PHARMACY Comments: Rx placed on HOLD (Reason: BAD ADDRESS) and removed from SUSPENSE - HOLD COMMENTS ENTERED BY THE USER MANUALLY. ... 9 05/10/12 UNHOLD REFILL 1 USER,PHARMACY Comments: Rx Removed from HOLD - UNHOLD COMMENTS ENTERED BY THE USER WHEN REMOVING THE RX FROM HOLD. 204 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Discontinue Prescription(s) [PSO C] This option is used either to discontinue a prescription without deleting its record from the files, or to reinstate a prescription discontinued by pharmacy. Example: Discontinuing a prescription Select Rx (Prescriptions) Option: DISCONTINUE Prescription(s) Discontinue/Reinstate by Rx# or patient name: (R/P): PATIENT NAME Are you entering the patient name or barcode: (P/B): Patient Name Select PATIENT NAME: OPPATIENT16,ONE YES SC VETERAN OPPATIENT16,ONE 9-7-52 000246802 ISSUE LAST REF DAY RX # DRUG QTY ST DATE FILL REM SUP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACTIVE------------------------------------1 100003218 AMPICILLIN 500MG CAP 10 A 05-11 05-11 5 30 2 100003238 PREDNISONE 5MG TAB 30 A 05-30 05-30 3 10 3 100003205$ TRIPROLIDINE & PSEUDOEPHEDRINE 10 A 05-01 05-01 5 31 ----------------------------------DISCONTINUED---------------------------------4 100003216$ AMPICILLIN 10GM INJ. M.D.V. 30 DC 05-07 05-07 5 30 5 100003214 PREDNISONE 1MG TAB 30 DE 05-07 05-07 3 10 Press RETURN to continue: <Enter> Discontinue all or specific Rx#'s?: ENTER THE LINE #: (A/S): SPECIFIC Rx's (1-5): 2 Comments: RESTRICTED/NF MED Nature of Order: SERVICE CORRECTION// ?? Nature of Order Activity -----------------------WRITTEN VERBAL TELEPHONED SERVICE CORRECTION POLICY DUPLICATE SERVICE REJECT Require E.Signature ----------x x Print Chart Copy ---------x x Print on Summary -------x x x x x x x Nature of Order: SERVICE CORRECTION// SERVICE REJECT Requesting PROVIDER: OPPROVIDER30,TWO // <Enter> 100003238 PREDNISONE 5MG TAB Rx to be Discontinued R TO OPPATIENT16,ONE Press Return to Continue: <Enter> OK to Discontinue? N// YES When a prescription is discontinued, the software checks for any unresolved ECME rejections for that prescription. If a DUR REJECT or REFILL TOO SOON REJECT is found, it will be marked resolved with the reason PRESCRIPTION DISCONTINUED. When an ePharmacy prescription is discontinued, the software checks for any unreleased fills with a PAYABLE claim. If found, a reversal request is sent to ECME, which forwards it on to the third party payer. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 205 When a pending renewal order is discontinued, Outpatient Pharmacy verifies if there is an active prescription for the same drug. If an active prescription is found, you are prompted with “There is an active Rx for this pending order, Discontinue both (Y/N)?” If you respond YES, both the pending order and the active order are discontinued. If you respond NO, only the pending order is discontinued and the active order is not discontinued. Edit Prescriptions [PSO EXEDIT] This option allows changes to be made to entered orders. Newly entered orders can be edited before release by typing in the corresponding field number. Previously entered orders can be edited by entering the prescription number, then specifying the field to be edited. An asterisk or star (*) is shown in front of each field that will create a new order if it is changed. See the section “Editing an Order” for an example. When editing fields preceded by an asterisk (*) in an ePharmacy order (or electronically third party billable prescription), upon acceptance of the edited order the original prescription will be discontinued and a new order created. If the latest fill of the original order has not been released, the claim for that fill will be reversed. A new claim is created for the new prescription. See “Editing an ePharmacy Order” for an example of editing ePharmacy orders. DAW/NDC Edit The Dispensed As Written (DAW)/National Drug Code (NDC) field for discontinued and expired orders can be edited. For ePharmacy prescriptions, the DAW/NDC field for discontinued and expired orders can be edited. The following statuses are editable. • 11 – EXPIRED • 12 – DISCONTINUED • 14 - DISCONTINUED BY PROVIDER • 15 - DISCONTINUED (EDIT). These are additional status results from the prescription being discontinued from CPRS. For status 14 - DISCONTINUED BY PROVIDER, the user can choose to discontinue the prescription in CPRS by selecting “Requesting Physician Cancelled” for the reason. The following is an example of the activity log entry stored on the prescription for this type of discontinue: 1 06/20/08 DISCONTINUED ORIGINAL Comments: Discontinued by OE/RR. 206 OPPHARM,ONE Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 For status 15 - DISCONTINUED (EDIT), the user can edit a prescription in CPRS which discontinues the prescription being edited resulting in status 15 in the Outpatient Pharmacy package. The following is an example of the activity log entry on the prescription in OP: 2 06/05/08 DISCONTINUED ORIGINAL OPHARM,ONE ePharmacy Menu [PSO EPHARMACY MENU] The following menu items are locked with the PSORPH key: ePharmacy Medication Profile Division Preferences, Third Party Payer Rejects – View/Process and Third Party Payer Rejects – Worklist. The following menu item is locked with the PSO TRICARE/CHAMPVA MGR key: TRICARE CHAMPVA Bypass/Override Report. The ePharmacy Site Parameters [PSO ePHARM SITE PARAMETERS] menu is locked with the PSO EPHARMACY SITE MANAGER Key. The following menu items allow the user to perform ePharmacy specific functions including rejections by third party payers including DUR/RTS and has the following options: • Ignored Rejects Report • ePharmacy Medication Profile (View Only) • NDC Validation • ePharmacy Medication Profile Division Preferences • ePharmacy Site Parameters • Third Party Payer Rejects – View/Process • Third Party Payer Rejects – Worklist • TRICARE CHAMPVA Bypass/Override Report • View ePharmacy Rx DURs can occur when a third party determines there are safety issues involved with an Rx claim submission, and they can be due to high dose, drug interaction, and excessive utilization. The third party payer returns an NCPDP rejection code of 88 to indicate a DUR. Refill Too Soon rejections happen when a third party payer determines that a prescription is being processed too early compared to the last time the prescription was filled. This can occur for several reasons, including third party payer’s policy differs from VA policy, patient receiving medication at another pharmacy, or the provider may have increased the dosage or frequency of the medication. The third party payer returns an NCPDP rejection code of 79 to indicate a Refill Too Soon. Prescriptions rejected as DUR, Reject Resolution Required, and Refill Too Soon are moved to the REFILL TOO SOON/DUR REJECT RESOLUTION REQUIRED (Third Party) section of the Medication Profile. Prescriptions rejected as Reject Resolution Required, TRICARE and CHAMPVA are displayed in the OTHER REJECTS PENDING RESOLUTION section of the November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 207 Medication Profile. The user must resolve a rejected prescription before other actions such as release, label print, renew, and refill, among others, can be performed on it. Actions may still be taken on these prescriptions through CPRS. Ignored Rejects Report [PSO IGNORED REJECTS REPORT] This option gives the user the ability to run a report for third-party rejects that have been ignored and consequently closed by the pharmacy users. The user can select one of the following parameters to filter the data in the report: • DIVISION: Allows the user to select one, some or all divisions. • DATE RANGE: Allows the user to select a date range. • SORT BY: Allows the user to choose different fields to sort the report by. Any combination can be selected: • PATIENT: Allows the user to select a single, multiple or all patients • DRUG: Allows the user to select a single, multiple or all drugs. • USER: Allows the user to select a single, multiple or all users that have ignored third party rejects. Example: Ignored Rejects Report Select ePharmacy Menu Option: IR Ignored Rejects Report You may select a single or multiple DIVISIONS, or enter ^ALL to select all DIVISIONS. DIVISION: ^ALL BEGIN REJECT DATE: 030606 (MAR 06, 2006) END REJECT DATE: 061407 (JUN 14, 2007) Enter the SORT field(s) for this Report: 1 - PATIENT 2 - DRUG 3 - USER Or any combination of the above, separated by comma, as in these examples: 2,1 - BY PATIENT, THEN DRUG 3,1,2 - BY USER, THEN BY PATIENT, THEN BY DRUG SORT BY: PATIENT// 1,2 SORT BY PATIENT THEN BY DRUG You may select a single or multiple PATIENTS, or enter ^ALL to select all PATIENTS. PATIENT: ^ALL You may select a single or multiple DRUGS, 208 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 or enter ^ALL to select all DRUGS. DRUG: ^ALL DEVICE: HOME// [Select Printer Device] Ignored Rejects Report Page: 1 Sorted by PATIENT, DRUG Division: ALBANY Date Range: 03/06/2007 - 06/14/2007 Run Date: Jun 15, 2007@15:26:35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rx# DRUG PATIENT IGNORE DT IGNORED BY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1192029A SODIUM CHLORIDE 0.9% OPPATIENT,ONE(9999) 04/18/07 OPUSER,ONE Comments: PATIENT WAS RUNNING OUT OF DRUG. Payer Message: NEXT RFL 041907,DAYS TO RFL 1,LAST FILL 112706 VIA MAIL,REFILL TOO SOON. 2990211 ALENDRONATE 70MG/75M OPPATIENT,TWO(0000) 05/20/07 OPUSER,ONE Comments: NEXT POSSIBLE FILL WAS TOO FAR OUT. Payer Message: PLAN LIMIT EXCEEDED. NEXT POSSIBLE FILL: 05/29/2007 TOTAL: 2 Patients. ePharmacy Medication Profile (View Only) [PSO PMP] Although the name indicates “ePharmacy Medication Profile”, this option can be used to list the medication profile for any patient on file. It will be used mostly by ePharmacy users for claims research purposes. This functionality is also available from the Reject Worklist through the Medication Profile (MP) action. Example 1: Medication Profile with default view Patient Medication Profile OPPATIENT,ONE PID: 000-12-5678 DOB: NOV 28,1946 (60) SEX: MALE # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Jun 04, 2007@19:22:16 Page: 1 of 1 <A> HEIGHT(cm): 175.26 (11/21/2006) WEIGHT(kg): 108.18 (08/09/2007) EXP/CANCEL CUTOFF: 120 DAY ISSUE LAST REF Rx# DRUG [^] QTY ST DATE FILL REM 100004112e ALBUTEROL INHALER 1 A 04-21-07 04-21-07 11 300483e ALPRAZOLAM 0.25MG TABS 30 DC 06-14-07 06-14-07 11 100004113e AMITRIPTYLINE 10MG TAB 60 A 04-21-07 04-21-07 11 100004075e CABERGOLINE 0.5MG TAB 7 E 05-18-05 05-18-05 6 100004155 DESIPRAMINE 25MG 90 S 02-23-07 02-11-07 11 100004022$e DIGOXIN 0.05MG/ML ELIX (60CC) 30 A 02-01-07 02-20-07 10 100004081 METAPROTERENOL 5% SOLUTION 10ML 15 DC 06-02-07 06-03-07 11 100004082 METAPROTERENOL 5% SOLUTION 10ML 10 DC 06-02-07 06-03-07 11 100004083e METAPROTERENOL 5% SOLUTION 10ML 15 A> 06-02-07 06-23-07 11 100004079e NICOTINE 10MG/ML SOLN NASAL SPRAY 1 A> 06-02-07 06-23-07 11 100003298 SIMVASTATIN 20MG TAB 5 DC 05-28-05 04-27-07 3 100003298A SODIUM CHLORIDE 0.9% NASAL SOLN(O 1 A 05-10-07 05-10-07 11 100004070e VALSARTAN 80MG TAB 5 S 06-28-07 05-31-07 11 PENDING (2 order) ALBUTEROL INHALER RF 06-03-07 2 AMITRIPTYLINE 10MG TAB RN 06-02-07 3 Non-VA MEDS (Not dispensed by VA) (1 order) TAMOXIFEN CITRATE 10MG TABS Date Documented: 06/04/07 . DAY SUP 7 30 30 7 90 90 15 10 15 15 30 30 30 30 10 Enter ?? for more actions CV Change View PI Patient Information SIG Show/Hide SIG GS Group by Status PU Patient Record Update Select: Quit// The following options are available as Hidden Menu actions on this screen. DR - Sort by Drug November 2010 LF - Sort by Last Fill Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 209 RX - Sort by Prescription RDD ID - Sort by Issue Date - Switch between LAST FILL and LAST RELD (release date) After selecting a prescription on this screen, the REJ option is available on the “RX View” screen’s hidden menu. This action displays third party reject information for the prescriptions with third party rejects. The CV (Change View) option allows the user to change some characteristics of the screen above. The user can also save and/or delete preferences, which will be used every time the user runs the Medication Profile option or invokes it from the Reject Worklist. The users can have one set of preferences for each Division defined. Example 2: Change View action Enter CV at the “Select:” prompt to change the view preferences. OPPROVIDER,ONE's current default view (ALBANY): --------------------------------------EXP/CANCEL CUTOFF : 120 DAYS SORT BY : DRUG NAME SORT ORDER : ASCENDING DISPLAY SIG : NO GROUP BY STATUS : YES DISPLAY ORDER COUNT: YES Delete this default view? NO// <Enter> EXP/CANCEL CUTOFF: 120// 120 DAYS SORT BY: DR// DRUG NAME SORT ORDER: ASCENDING// ASCENDING DISPLAY SIG: OFF// OFF GROUP BY STATUS: OFF// ON DISPLAY ORDER COUNT: ON// OFF Save as your default View? NO// YES Saving...OK! Example 3: Display SIG action Enter SIG at the “Select:” prompt to toggle the Sig display on or off. Patient Medication Profile PID: 000-12-5678 DOB: NOV 28,1946 (60) SEX: MALE # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 210 Jun 04, 2007@19:22:16 Page: 1 of 1 HEIGHT(cm): 175.26 (11/21/2006) WEIGHT(kg): 108.18 (08/09/2007) EXP/CANCEL CUTOFF: 120 DAY . ISSUE LAST DAY Rx# DRUG [^] QTY ST DATE FILL SUP 100004112e ALBUTEROL INHALER 1 A 04-21-07 04-21-07 7 SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY 300483e ALPRAZOLAM 0.25MG TABS 30 DC 06-14-07 06-14-07 30 SIG: TAKE 2 CAPSULES BY MOUTH TAKE 100004113e AMITRIPTYLINE 10MG TAB 60 A 04-21-07 04-21-07 30 SIG: TAKE TWO BY MOUTH EVERY DAY 100004075e CEFOPERAZONE 7 E 05-18-05 05-18-05 7 SIG: TAKE 1 TABLESPOONFUL BY MOUTH Q4-6H AS NEEDED 100004155 DESIPRAMINE 25MG 90 S 02-23-07 02-11-07 90 SIG: TAKE ONE TABLET BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY 100004022$e DIGOXIN 0.05MG/ML ELIX (60CC) 30 A 02-01-07 02-20-07 90 SIG: 300 LB BY MOUTH EVERY FOUR HOURS 100004081 METAPROTERENOL 5% SOLUTION 10ML 15 DC 06-02-07 06-03-07 15 SIG: TAKE 1 TABLESPOONFUL BY MOUTH Q4-6H AS NEEDED Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 8 100004082 METAPROTERENOL 5% SOLUTION 10ML 10 DC 06-02-07 06-03-07 SIG: TAKE 2 TABLESPOONFUL BY MOUTH Q4-6H AS NEEDED 9 100004083e METAPROTERENOL 5% SOLUTION 10ML 15 A 06-02-07 06-23-07 SIG: TAKE 3 TABLESPOONFUL BY MOUTH Q4-6H AS NEEDED Enter ?? for more actions CV Change View PI Patient Information SIG Show/Hide SIG GS Group by Status PU Patient Record Update Select: Quit// 10 15 NDC Validation The initial validation of the NDC can be performed by a pharmacy technician. This functionality only applies to local fills that are not sent to OPAI. This function provides a pharmacy technician the ability to manually enter the prescription number or scan the bar code of the existing prescription label. Then the user may manually enter or scan the NDC of the stock bottle used to fill the prescription. When the system matches the NDC, confirmation is provided to the pharmacy tech and allows the technician to continue processing. However, if the system detects a mismatch and the NDC of the stock bottle has an associated entry in the synonym file, the NDC will be updated in Prescription file (#52) for the fill. The system will then prompt the technician to press enter to continue, a new label will be printed, the original electronic claim reversed, and a new claim submission will be transmitted with the new NDC. In the event that the revised NDC prompts a RTS/DUR rejection, the system will immediately send the item to the Reject Worklist. In a case where the NDC entered is not defined for the drug in the Drug File, the system prompts the technician that a mismatch has occurred and the prescription needs to be validated by a pharmacist. The system notes that the NDC had not been validated and allows the pharmacy tech to move to the next prescription. In the event of a change of NDC prompted a rejection, the system immediately sends the item to the Reject Worklist. The releasing pharmacist will receive a notation that NDC has been validated by technician when processing. If the NDC change has prompted a claim reversal and produced a RTS/DUR rejection, the pharmacist will be presented with a Reject Processing screen at release. Example:Matched NDC: Select ePharmacy Menu Option: NV NDC Validation Prescription: 101310 DIPYRIDAMOLE 25MG TAB Rx: 101310 Fill: 0 Patient: OPPATIENT,ONE Drug: DIPYRIDAMOLE 25MG TAB NDC: 00597-0017-10 Prescription label NDC: 00597-0017-10 Stock NDC: 00597001710 NDC match confirmed Prescription: Example: Non-matched NDC: Prescription: 101341 BIPERIDEN 2MG TAB Rx: 101341 Fill: 0 Patient: OPPATIENT,ONE Drug: BIPERIDEN 2MG TAB NDC: 00044-0120-05 Prescription label NDC: 00044-0120-05 Stock NDC: 00044012006 Due to a change in NDC, a claims reversal and resubmission will be performed. Prescription 101341 successfully submitted to ECME for claim generation. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 211 Claim Status: IN PROGRESS-Building the claim IN PROGRESS-Transmitting E PAYABLE Prescription: ePharmacy Medication Profile Division Preferences [PSO PMP SITE PREFERENCES] This option allows the user to specify certain settings that will control how the ePharmacy Medication Profile option works for that user. Below is the list of settings that can be specified through this option: • EXP/CANCEL CUTOFF: Indicates the maximum number of days for an expired and/or discontinued prescription to be cut from the profile. • SORT BY: Indicates the default sorting column. The options are: Rx#, Drug Name, Issue Date or Last Fill Date. • SORT ORDER: Indicates the order in which the column above will be sorted: Ascending or Descending. • DISPLAY SIG: Indicates whether the SIG should be displayed under each prescription or if it should be hidden. • GROUP BY STATUS: Indicates whether the list should be grouped by status (Active, Discontinued, Hold, etc…) or not. • DISPLAY ORDER COUNT: Indicates whether the number of orders under each group should be displayed beside the group name. Example ______ACTIVE (3 orders)_____ Select ePharmacy Menu Option: PF ePharmacy Medication Profile Division Preferences ALBANY ISC's current default view: --------------------------------EXP/CANCEL CUTOFF : 200 DAYS SORT BY : Rx# SORT ORDER : ASCENDING DISPLAY SIG : ON GROUP BY STATUS : OFF DISPLAY ORDER COUNT: OFF Delete this default view? NO// <Enter> EXP/CANCEL CUTOFF: 200// <Enter> DAYS SORT BY: RX// <Enter> Rx# SORT ORDER: ASCENDING// ^EXP EXP/CANCEL CUTOFF: 200// 120 DAYS SORT BY: RX// <Enter> Rx# SORT ORDER: ASCENDING// <Enter> DISPLAY SIG: ON// <Enter> GROUP BY STATUS: OFF// <Enter> DISPLAY ORDER COUNT: OFF//<Enter> Saving...OK! If there is a set of preferences already on file for the division the user is logged under, the option to delete such preferences is presented to the user as seen above. 212 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 ePharmacy Site Parameters The ePharmacy Site Parameters file (#52.86) has been added to store ePharmacy Site parameters by division. Along with this, a new EPHARMACY SITE PARAMETERS [PSO ePHARM SITE PARAMETERS] option has been added to the existing ePharmacy Menu [PSO EPHARMACY MENU]. This new option requires the PSORPH security key. The following site parameters are definable using this option: • ALLOW ALL REJECTS: Requires a YES or NO answer. It is highly suggested that NO be answered at this prompt. Answering YES to this prompt will signify that all prescription fills with ePharmacy rejected claims will automatically be placed on the Third Party Payer Rejects - Worklist, also known as the Pharmacy Reject Worklist. This is in addition to Refill-Too-Soon (79), Drug Utilization Review (DUR/88), CHAMPVA rejects and TRICARE rejects, which are automatically placed on the Pharmacy Reject Worklist. Any individually defined reject codes in this file will be overridden when a “YES” answer is given. • REJECT WORKLIST DAYS: This is the number of days an uncommented reject can remain on the reject worklist without being included in the nightly reject worklist alert mail message. The following prompts appear consecutively and the user may enter as many reject codes as they desire along with the manner in which each will be allowed to be placed on the reject worklist. • REJECT CODE: A valid third party claim reject code should be entered. A listing of these codes is provided when double question marks (??) are entered for this prompt. Valid codes are contained within the BPS NCPDP REJECT CODES file (#9002313.93). Also, a value defined in this field triggers definition of USER field (#2) and DATE OF LAST UPDATE field (#3). Any individually defined codes will be overridden when the ALLOW ALL REJECTS prompt is answered as YES. • AUTO SEND: This prompt is a companion to the REJECT CODE prompt. Enter YES to allow the entered REJECT CODE to be automatically placed on the Pharmacy Reject Worklist or NO to require Outpatient Pharmacy Electronic Claims Coordinator (OPECC) intervention to do so. A null value will be treated the same as entering NO in this field. The following is an example of definition of ePharmacy Site Parameters: Select ePharmacy Menu Option: SP ePharmacy Site Parameters Regardless of any parameters defined, Refill-Too-Soon, Drug Utilization Review(DUR), CHAMPVA and TRICARE rejects will always be placed on the Third Party Payer Rejects - Worklist, also known as Pharmacy Reject Worklist. These parameters are uneditable and are the default parameters. Division: ALBANY ISC ...OK? Yes// November 2010 500 (Yes) Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 213 ALLOW ALL REJECTS: NO// REJECT WORKLIST DAYS: 7 Select REJECT CODE: DAW ?? Select REJECT CODE: ?? Choose from: (The following are previously defined reject code(s)) 22 M/I Dispense As Written (DAW)/Product Selection Co YES You may enter a new REJECT CODE, if you wish *** Enter a valid third party reject code from the previously entered codes *** above, enter a new code, or enter one from the provided listing below. *** Valid codes are those defined in BPS NCPDP REJECT CODES file (#9002313.93). A valid third party claim reject code should be entered. A listing of these codes is provided when double question marks are entered for this field. Choose from: 10 M/I Patient Gender Code 11 M/I Patient Relationship Code 12 M/I Place of Service 13 M/I Other Coverage Code 14 M/I Eligibility Clarification Code 15 M/I Date of Service 16 M/I Prescription/Service Reference Number 17 M/I Fill Number 18 M/I Metric Quantity 19 M/I Days Supply 20 M/I Compound Code 21 M/I Product/Service ID 22 M/I Dispense As Written (DAW)/Product Selection Code 23 M/I Ingredient Cost Submitted 24 M/I SALES TAX 25 M/I Prescriber ID 26 M/I Unit Of Measure 27 (FUTURE USE) ^ Select REJECT CODE: 22 M/I Dispense As Written (DAW)/Product Selection C ode ...OK? Yes// (Yes) CODE: 22// AUTO SEND: NO// Y YES Select REJECT CODE: 75 ...OK? Yes// Prior Authorization Required (Yes) CODE: 75// AUTO SEND: NO// Select REJECT CODE: Division: Third Party Payer Rejects - View/Process [PSO REJECTS VIEW/PROCESS] This option provides information about rejects that have been on the Third Party Payer Rejects – Worklist. This option allows the user to find, display and reopen rejects previously resolved from the Third Party Payer Rejects – Worklist in order to take action on them again. The user can choose to view rejects for one, multiple, or all Outpatient Pharmacy Divisions. 214 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Example: Viewing and Resolving Open Rejects Select ePharmacy Menu Option: VP Third Party Payer Rejects - View/Process You may select a single or multiple DIVISIONS, or enter ^ALL to select all DIVISIONS. DIVISION: ^ALL The user can select one of the following selections to filter the data displayed: • DATE RANGE: Selects a date range (Default: Last 90 days). BEGIN REJECT DATE: T-90// <Enter> (MAR 09, 2007) END REJECT DATE: T// <Enter> (JUN 07, 2007) • (P)ATIENT: Selects a single patient, multiple patients, or all patients. • (D)RUG: Selects a single drug, multiple drugs, or all drugs. • (R)x: Selects a single prescription number, or multiple prescription numbers. • (I)NSURANCE: Selects a single insurance, multiple insurances, or all insurances. Select one of the following: P D R I PATIENT DRUG Rx INSURANCE By (P)atient, (D)rug, (R)x or (I)nsurance: P// INSURANCE Enter the whole or part of the Insurance Company name for which you want to view/process REJECTS. INSURANCE: TEST INS ANOTHER ONE: <Enter> Next, the user can choose to display either Unresolved, Resolved, or Both types of rejects. Select one of the following: U R B UNRESOLVED RESOLVED BOTH (U)NRESOLVED, (R)RESOLVED or (B)OTH REJECT statuses: B// <Enter> BOTH Please wait... Example: Viewing and Resolving Open Rejects (continued) Rejects Processing Screen Nov 21, 2005@08:27:37 Page: 1 of 1 Divisions: ALL Selection: ALL REJECTS FOR TEST INS # Rx# PATIENT(ID)[^] DRUG REASON 1 100003872 OPPATIENT,FOUR(1322P A AND Z OINTMENT DUR: Payer Message: 2 100003873 OPPATIENT,FOUR(1322P PHYTONADIONE 5MG TAB 79 :REFILL TOO SO Payer Message: 3 100003873 OPPATIENT,FOUR(1322P PHYTONADIONE 5MG TAB DUR: Payer Message: 4 100003785 OPPATIENT,TEN(3222) ALBUMIN 5% 250ML DUR: Payer Message: November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 215 5 100003882 OPPATIENT,TEN(3222) Payer Message: 6 100003884 OPPATIENT,TEN(3222) Payer Message: ALBUTEROL INHALER DUR: TEMAZEPAM 15MG CAP DUR: Select the entry # to view or ?? for more actions DR Sort by Drug RE Sort by Reason RX Sort by Prescription PA Sort by Patient RF Screen Refresh GI Group by Insurance Select: Quit// The following options are available on the screen above: • DR – Sorts the list by the drug name. • PA – Sorts the list by the patient’s last name. • RE – Sorts the list by the reject reason. • RF – Refreshes the screen. (This selection retrieves DUR/ REFILL TOO SOON rejects that happened after the screen was originally populated.) • RX – Sorts the list by Prescription number. • GI – Groups the rejects by Insurance Company name. The following two sets of characters denote the order by which the list is being sorted: [^] for ascending and [v] for descending. The order inverts every time the user selects the same column by which the list is already ordered . Thus, if the list is currently ordered by Patient in ascending order ([^]) and the user types “PA”, the list will be re-sorted in descending order and the order indicator will change to ([v]). The user selects a specific record to display all relevant information about the prescription and the claim submitted to the payer. Example: Viewing and Resolving Open Rejects (continued) Reject Information(UNRESOLVED)Nov 21, 2005@08:29:30 Page: 1 of 2 Division : ALBANY NPI#: 1234567890 NCPDP: 4150001P Patient : OPPATIENT,FOUR (000-01-1322P) Sex: M DOB: JAN 13,1922(83) Rx# : 100003873/0 ECME#: 000000504455 Date of Service: Nov 15, 2005 CMOP Drug: DOCUSATE NA 100MG CA NDC Code: 54629-0600-01 ________________________________________________________________________________ REJECT Information______________________________________________________________ Reject Type : 79 - REFILL TOO SOON received on NOV 15, 2005@14:13:51 Reject Status : OPEN/UNRESOLVED Next Avail Fill: NOV 20,2005 Payer Addl Msg : NEXT RFL 111805,DAYS TO RFL 3,LAST FILL 101805 AT YOUR PHARM,REFILL TOO SOON Reason Code : ER (OVERUSE PRECAUTION ) DUR Text : RETAIL DUR Add Msg : THIS IS THE DUR ADDITIONAL TEXT._______________________________ OTHER REJECTS___________________________________________________________________ 29 - M/I Number Refills Authorized 39 - M/I Diagnosis Code_________________________________________________________ INSURANCE Information___________________________________________________________ Insurance : TEST INS Contact : 1-800-555-5050 BIN : 741852 __________________________________________________________ + Enter ?? for more actions 216 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 VW View Rx IGN Ignore Reject MP Medication Profile RES Resubmit Claim Select: Next Screen// IGN Ignore Reject OVR Submit Override Codes CSD Change Suspense Date These options are available on the screen above: • VW (View RX) – Takes the user to the View Prescription option to review details for that prescription. • MP (Medication Profile) – Invokes the patient’s list of medication. • IGN (Ignore Reject) – Allows the user to close or resolve the DUR/REFILL TOO SOON/REJECT RESOLUTION REQUIRED Reject without resubmission to the payer. The user will be required to enter a free-text comment and his/her electronic signature. • RES (Resubmit Claim) – Allows the user to re-submit the claim to the payer. This will automatically mark the reject resolved. • OVR (Submit Override Codes) – Allows the user to re-submit the claim by entering NCPDP override codes, which shall trigger a new claim submission be sent to the payer. • CSD (Change Suspense Date) – Allows the user to change the fill date for suspended prescriptions. Hidden actions: • COM (Add Comments) – Allows the user to add reject specific comments. This comments are local to the Reject Worklist and View/Process options and are not transmitted to ECME. • CLA (Submit Clarif. Code) – Allows the user to re-submit a claim with Clarification Codes. • ED (Edit Rx) – Allows the user to edit the prescription. • PA (Submit Prior Auth.) – Allows the user to re-submit a claim with Prior Authorization information. • ARI (View Addtnl Rej Info) – Allows the user to display additional reject information from the payer, if available. • SDC (Suspense Date Calculation) – Allows the user to calculate a new suspense date based on Last Date of Service and Last Days Supply. • SMA (Submit Multiple Actions) – Allows the user to resubmit a claim with multiple actions, including the following information: Prior Authorization, Submission Clarification Code, Reason for Service Code, Professional Service Code, and Result of Service Code. Example: Viewing and Resolving Open Rejects (continued) Enter your Current Signature Code: SIGNATURE VERIFIED Comments: changed quantity When you confirm this REJECT will be marked RESOLVED. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 217 Confirm? ? NO// Y YES [Closing...OK] The following is a sample of the ECME Activity Log update that occurs when a reject is resolved: Example: ECME Activity Log entry: Reject Resolved Rx Activity Log Nov 21, 2005@09:43:33 Page: 3 of 3 OPPATIENT,FOUR PID: 000-01-1322P Ht(cm): _______ (______) DOB: JAN 13,1922 (83) Wt(kg): _______ (______) + . 1 11/15/05@14:13:52 ORIGINAL OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Comments: Submitted to ECME:REJECT WORKLIST-DUR OVERRIDE CODES(DD/M0/1B)-E PAYABLE ECME REJECT Log: # Date/Time Rcvd Rx Ref Reject Type STATUS Date/Time Resolved =============================================================================== 1 12/11/05@19:03:31 ORIGINAL DUR RESOLVED 12/12/05@16:45:21 Comments: CLAIM RE-SUBMITTED 2 5/30/06@19:13:57 REFILL 2 DUR RESOLVED 5/31/06@15:58:32 Comments: CLAIM RE-SUBMITTED Enter ?? for more actions Select Action: Quit// Third Party Payer Rejects - Worklist [PSO REJECTS WORKLIST] This option gives the user the ability to process Third Party Payer Rejects, CHAMPVA Nonbillable rejects and TRICARE Non-billable rejects for one, multiple, or all Outpatient Pharmacy Divisions. Only OPEN/UNRESOLVED rejects that have clinical significance, such as DUR and Refill Too Soon, and rejects transferred from the ECME user screen, are added to the Worklist. Once the reject is marked CLOSED/RESOLVED, it is automatically removed from the Worklist. Discontinued TRICARE and CHAMPVA prescriptions no longer appear on the Third Party Payer Rejects - Worklist [PSO REJECTS WORKLIST]. Example: Resolving Open Rejects Select Rx (Prescriptions) Option: EPHARMACY Menu IR MP NV PF SP VP WL TC VER Ignored Rejects Report ePharmacy Medication Profile (View Only) NDC Validation ePharmacy Medication Profile Division Preferences ePharmacy Site Parameters Third Party Payer Rejects - View/Process Third Party Payer Rejects - Worklist TRICARE CHAMPVA Bypass/Override Report View ePharmacy Rx Select ePharmacy Menu Option: WL Third Party Payer Rejects - Worklist You may select a single or multiple DIVISIONS, or enter ^ALL to select all DIVISIONS. DIVISION: ^ALL 218 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Insurance Rejects – Worklist Nov 09, 2010@11:24:10 Page: 1 of 1 Divisions: ALL Selection: ALL UNRESOLVED REJECTS # Rx# PATIENT(ID)[^] DRUG REASON 1 100003521 OPPATIENT,TWELVE(5444) ACETYLCYSTEINE 20% 3 79 :REFILL TOO SO Payer Message: PLAN = 8906 NEXT FILL: 20050429 2 100003521 OPPATIENT,TWELVE(5444) ACETYLCYSTEINE 20% 3 79 :REFILL TOO SO Payer Message: RTS – Rx: 9306343 DT: 31-MAR-2005 DS: 30 RD: 23-APRIL 2005 3 100003872 OPPATIENT,FOUR(1322P) A AND Z OINTMENT DUR: Payer Message: DUR Reject Error REJECT RESOLUTION REQUIRED 4 100003872 OPPATIENT,FOUR(1322P) A AND Z OINTMENT 07 :M/I Cardholde Payer Message: CHAMPVA - Non-DUR/RTS 5 101358 OPCVACARE,ONE(7895) BACLOFEN 10MG TABS 07 :M/I Cardholde Payer Message: 6 100923 OPCVACARE,TWO(4933) LORAZEPAM 1MG TAB 07 :M/I Cardholde Payer Message: TRICARE - Non-DUR/RTS 7 101359 OPTRICARE,ONE(7894) BACLOFEN 10MG TABS 07 :M/I Cardholde Payer Message: 8 100924 OPTRICARE,TRI(4932) LORAZEPAM 1MG TAB 07 :M/I Cardholde Payer Message: OTHER REJECTS 9 101173 OPPATIENT,THREE(9877) FENOPROFEN 300MG CAP 08 :M/I Person Co Payer Message: DR PA Select the entry # to view or ?? for more actions Sort by Drug RE Sort by Reason RX Sort by Prescription Sort by Patient RF Screen Refresh GI Group by Insurance Hidden actions: • TRI (Show/Hide TRICARE) - When toggled to Show, TRICARE Non-DUR/RTS rejects will be automatically displayed at the end of the listing. Toggling the TRI action to Hide will remove them from the screen. • CVA (Show/Hide CHAMPVA) - When toggled to Show, CHAMPVA Non-DUR/RTS rejects will be automatically displayed at the end of the listing. Toggling the CVA action to Hide will remove them from the screen. These options are available on the following screen: • VW (View Rx) – Takes the user to the View Prescription option to review details for that prescription. • MP (Medication Profile) – Invokes the patient’s list of medication. • IGN (Ignore Reject) – Allows the user to close or resolve the DUR/REFILL TOO SOON Reject or the Reject Resolution Required Reject without resubmission to the payer. The user will be required to enter a free-text comment and his/her electronic signature. • RES (Resubmit Claim) – Allows the user to re-submit the claim to the payer. This will automatically mark the reject resolved. • OVR (Submit Override Codes) – Allows the user to re-submit the claim by entering NCPDP override codes, which shall trigger a new claim submission be sent to the payer. This option is active for DUR rejects only. • CSD (Change Suspense Date) – Allows the user to change the fill date for suspended prescriptions. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 219 Hidden actions: • COM (Add Comments) – Allows the user to add reject specific comments. These comments are local to the Reject Worklist and View/Process options and are not transmitted to ECME. • CLA (Submit Clarif. Code) – Allows the user to re-submit a claim with Clarification Codes. • ED (Edit Rx) – Allows the user to edit the prescription. • PA (Submit Prior Auth.) – Allows the user to re-submit a claim with Prior Authorization information. • ARI (View Addtnl Rej Info) – Allows the user to display additional reject information from the payer, if available. • SDC (Suspense Date Calculation) – Allows the user to calculate a new suspense date. • SMA (Submit Multiple Actions) – Allows the user to resubmit a claim with multiple actions. Example: Resolving Open Rejects (continued) Reject Information(UNRESOLVED)Nov 21, 2005@09:51:15 Page: 1 of 1 Division : ALBANY NPI#: 1234567890 NCPDP: 4150001 Patient : OPPATIENT,FOUR(000-01-1322P) Sex: M DOB: JAN 13,1922(83) Rx# : 100003872/0 ECME#: 000000504454 Date of Service: Nov 15, 2005 CMOP Drug: DOCUSATE NA 100MG CA NDC Code: 54629-0600-01 ________________________________________________________________________________ REJECT Information______________________________________________________________ Reject Type : 88 - DUR REJECT received on NOV 15, 2005@14:11:51 Reject Status : OPEN/UNRESOLVED Next Avail Fill: NOV 20,2005 Payer Addl Msg : DUR Reject Error Reason Code : DUR Text :________________________________________________________________ INSURANCE Information___________________________________________________________ Insurance : TEST INS Contact : BIN : 741852 Group Number : 12454 Cardholder ID : 000011322P_____________________________________________________ Enter ?? for more actions VW View Rx IGN Ignore Reject MP Medication Profile RES Resubmit Claim Select: Quit// OVR Submit Override Codes OVR Submit Override Codes CSD Change Suspense Date When a claim is rejected, typically the Payer returns a “Reason for Service Code”, which becomes the default for the “Reason for Service Code” prompt. The user can use this reason to then select which code is entered for “Professional Service Code” and “Result of Service Code”. Available codes for “Professional Service Code” include: Code 00 220 Description NO INTERVENTION Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 AS CC DE DP FE GP M0 MA MB MP MR P0 PA PE PH PM PT R0 RT SC SW TC TH ZZ PATIENT ASSESSMENT COORDINATION OF CARE DOSING EVALUATION/DETERMINATION DOSAGE EVALUATED FORMULARY ENFORCEMENT GENERIC PRODUCT SELECTION PRESCRIBER CONSULTED MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION OVERRIDING BENEFIT PATIENT WILL BE MONITORED MEDICATION REVIEW PATIENT CONSULTED PREVIOUS PATIENT TOLERANCE PATIENT EDUCATION/INSTRUCTION PATIENT MEDICATION HISTORY PATIENT MONITORING PERFORM LABORATORY REQUEST PHARMACIST CONSULTED OTHER SOURCE RECOMMENDED LABORATORY TEST SELF-CARE CONSULTATION LITERATURE SEARCH/REVIEW PAYER/PROCESSOR CONSULTED THERAPEUTIC PRODUCT INTERCHANGE OTHER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Available codes for “Result of Service Code” include: Code 00 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 1G 1H 1J 1K 2A 2B 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E November 2010 Description NOT SPECIFIED FILLED AS IS, FALSE POSITIVE FILLED PRESCRIPTION AS IS FILLED, WITH DIFFERENT DOSE FILLED, WITH DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS FILLED, WITH DIFFERENT DRUG FILLED, WITH DIFFERENT QUANTITY FILLED, WITH PRESCRIBER APPROVAL BRAND-TO-GENERIC CHANGE RX-TO-OTC CHANGE FILLED, WITH DIFFERENT DOSAGE FORM PRESCRIPTION NOT FILLED NOT FILLED, DIRECTIONS CLARIFIED RECOMMENDATION ACCEPTED RECOMMENDATION NOT ACCEPTED DISCONTINUED DRUG REGIMEN CHANGED THERAPY CHANGED Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 221 3F 3G 3H 3J 3K 3M 3N 4A THERAPY CHANGED - COST INCREASE ACKNOWLEDGED DRUG THERAPY UNCHANGED FOLLOW-UP REPORT PATIENT REFERRAL INSTRUCTIONS UNDERSTOOD COMPLIANCE AID PROVIDED MEDICATION ADMINISTERED PRESCRIBED WITH ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Available codes for “Reason for Service Code” include: Code AD AN AR AT CD CH CS DA DC DD DF DI DL DM DR DS ED ER EX HD IC ID LD LK LR MC MN MS MX NA NC ND NF NN 222 Description ADDITIONAL DRUG NEEDED PRESCRIPTION AUTHENTICATION ADVERSE DRUG REACTION ADDITIVE TOXICITY CHRONIC DISEASE MANAGEMENT CALL HELP DESK PATIENT COMPLAINT/SYMPTOM DRUG-ALLERGY DRUG-DISEASE (INFERRED) DRUG-DRUG INTERACTION DRUG-FOOD INTERACTION DRUG INCOMPATIBILITY DRUG-LAB CONFLICT APPARENT DRUG MISUSE DOSE RANGE CONFLICT TOBACCO USE PATIENT EDUCATION/INSTRUCTION OVERUSE EXCESSIVE QUANTITY HIGH DOSE IATROGENIC CONDITION INGREDIENT DUPLICATION LOW DOSE LOCK IN RECIPIENT UNDERUSE DRUG-DISEASE (REPORTED) INSUFFICIENT DURATION MISSING INFORMATION/CLARIFICATION EXCESSIVE DURATION DRUG NOT AVAILABLE NON-COVERED DRUG PURCHASE NEW DISEASE/DIAGNOSIS NON-FORMULARY DRUG UNNECESSARY DRUG Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 NP NR NS OH PA PC PG PH PN PP PR PS RE RF SC SD SE SF SR SX TD TN TP UD NEW PATIENT PROCESSING LACTATION/NURSING INTERACTION INSUFFICIENT QUANTITY ALCOHOL CONFLICT DRUG-AGE PATIENT QUESTION/CONCERN DRUG-PREGNANCY PREVENTIVE HEALTH CARE PRESCRIBER CONSULTATION PLAN PROTOCOL PRIOR ADVERSE REACTION PRODUCT SELECTION OPPORTUNITY SUSPECTED ENVIRONMENTAL RISK HEALTH PROVIDER REFERRAL SUBOPTIMAL COMPLIANCE SUBOPTIMAL DRUG/INDICATION SIDE EFFECT SUBOPTIMAL DOSAGE FORM SUBOPTIMAL REGIMEN DRUG-GENDER THERAPEUTIC LABORATORY TEST NEEDED PAYER/PROCESSOR QUESTION DUPLICATE DRUG Example: Resolving Open Rejects (continued) Professional Service Code: MR Result of Service Code : 1D MEDICATION REVIEW FILLED, WITH DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS Professional Service Code: MR - MEDICATION REVIEW Result of Service Code : 1D - FILLED, WITH DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS When you confirm, a new claim will be submitted for the prescription and this REJECT will be marked resolved. Confirm? ? YES// <Enter> Prescription 100003872 successfully submitted to ECME for claim generation. Claim Status: IN PROGRESS-Waiting to start IN PROGRESS-Waiting for packet build IN PROGRESS-Packet being built IN PROGRESS-Waiting for transmit IN PROGRESS-Waiting to process response E PAYABLE The following is a sample of the ECME Activity Log update that occurs when a reject is resolved. Example: ECME Activity Log entry: Reject Resolved Rx Activity Log November 2010 Nov 21, 2005@11:11:53 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual Page: 3 of 3 223 OPPATIENT,FOUR PID: 000-01-1322P Ht(cm): _______ (______) DOB: JAN 13,1922 (83) Wt(kg): _______ (______) + # Date/Time Rx Ref Initiator Of Activity =============================================================================== 1 5/16/07@14:40:40 ORIGINAL OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Comments: Submitted to ECME:WINDOW FILL(NDC:00058-2467-05) 2 5/16/07@14:40:40 ORIGINAL OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Comments: Billing quantity submitted through ECME: 25.000 (ML) 3 5/20/07@14:21:52 ORIGINAL OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Comments: Submitted to ECME:REJECT WORKLIST-DUR OVERRIDE CODES(AD/AS/1B)-E REJECTED 4 5/20/07@14:21:52 ORIGINAL OPPHARMACIST4,THREE Comments: Billing quantity submitted through ECME: 25.000 (ML) ECME REJECT Log: # Date/Time Rcvd Rx Ref Reject Type STATUS Date/Time Resolved =============================================================================== 1 5/16/07@14:40:40 ORIGINAL DUR RESOLVED 5/20/07@14:21:52 Comments: CLAIM RE-SUBMITTED Enter ?? for more actions Select Action:Quit//TRICARE CHAMPVA Bypass/Override Report [PSO Bypass/Override Report] This menu option is locked with the PSO TRICARE/CHAMPVA MGR security key. This option provides information in a detail or summary report format that will list prescriptions where the Bypass or Override was performed to enable processing of these TRICARE and CHAMPVA prescriptions. The user has the ability to list (I)npatient; (N)on-Billable Product; (R)eject Override; or(A)ll. Besides allowing the selection of all types, the report allows the selection of one or two types. For example, the user can select Non-billable and Reject for the same report. Example: Accessing the TRICARE CHAMPVA Bypass/Override Report Select Rx (Prescriptions) Option: epharmacy Menu IR MP NV PF SP VP WL TC Ignored Rejects Report ePharmacy Medication Profile (View Only) NDC Validation ePharmacy Medication Profile Division Preferences ePharmacy Site Parameters Third Party Payer Rejects - View/Process Third Party Payer Rejects - Worklist TRICARE CHAMPVA Bypass/Override Report You've got PRIORITY mail! Select ePharmacy Menu Option: TC TRICARE CHAMPVA Bypass/Override Report Select one of the following: D A 224 DIVISION ALL Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Select Certain Pharmacy (D)ivisions or (A)LL: Example: TRICARE CHAMPVA Bypass/Override Report Filters and Data Elements Select one of the following: D DIVISION A ALL Select Certain Pharmacy (D)ivisions or (A)LL: DIVISION Select ECME Pharmacy Division(s): BATTLE CREEK Selected: BATTLE CREEK Select ECME Pharmacy Division(s): GRAND RAPIDS MI CBOC 515BY VA GRAND RAPIDS OPC Selected: BATTLE CREEK VA GRAND RAPIDS OPC Select ECME Pharmacy Division(s): 515BY VA GRAND RAPIDS OPC Select one of the following: T C A TRICARE CHAMPVA ALL Select Eligibility (T)RICARE, (C)HAMPVA or (A)LL Entries: ALL// ALL Select one of the following: S D Summary Detail Display (S)ummary or (D)etail Format: Detail// START WITH TRANSACTION DATE: T-1// T-10 (APR 30, 2010) GO TO TRANSACTION DATE: T// T-9 (MAY 01, 2010) Select one of the following: I N R P A INPATIENT NON-BILLABLE REJECT OVERRIDE PARTIAL FILL ALL Select one of the following: **Can select multiples - limit of 2** : <no default> ALL Select one of the following: S A SPECIFIC PHARMACIST(S) ALL PHARMACISTS Select Specific Pharmacist(s) or include ALL Pharmacists: ALL// Select one of the following: S A SPECIFIC PROVIDER(S) ALL PROVIDERS Select Specific Provider(s) or include ALL Providers: ALL// Select one of the following: R P Pharmacist Provider/Prescriber Name Group/Subtotal Report by Pharmacy (R)Pharmacist or (P)rovider: <no default> Pharmacist Do you want to capture report data for an Excel document? NO// WARNING - THIS REPORT REQUIRES THAT A DEVICE WITH 132 COLUMN WIDTH BE USED. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 225 IT WILL NOT DISPLAY CORRECTLY USING 80 COLUMN WIDTH DEVICES DEVICE: HOME// 0;132;99 INCOMING TELNET Please wait... ** When selecting from above, Specific Pharmacist(s), the user will be able to continue selecting Pharmacist(s) as necessary. This filter will have the same functionality as the Division/Insurance Company selection filters. ** When selecting from above, Specific Provider(s), the user will be able to continue selecting Provider(s) as necessary. This filter will have the same functionality as the Division/Insurance Company selection filters. 226 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Example of TRICARE CHAMPVA Bypass/Override Report Summary TRICARE CHAMPVA BYPASS/OVERRIDE AUDIT REPORT SUMMARY Print Date: NOV 10, 2010@10:05:26 DIVISION(S): ALL ELIGIBILITY: ALL TC TYPES: INPATIENT, NON-BILLABLE PRODUCT, PARTIAL FILL, REJECT OVERRIDE ALL PRESCRIPTIONS BY AUDIT DATE: From 10/31/10 through 11/10/10 ============================================================================================================== PAGE: 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DIVISION: DIVISION ONE ***************************** CHAMPVA INPATIENT PHARMACIST: PHARMACIST,ONE SUB-TOTALS RX COUNT MEAN ------------45.00 1 10.00 PHARMACIST: PHARMACIST,TWO SUB-TOTALS RX COUNT MEAN ------------30.00 1 30.00 ------------- CHAMPVA INPATIENT SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN ***************************** 75.00 2 37.50 CHAMPVA NON-BILLABLE PRODUCT PHARMACIST: PHARMACIST,THREE SUB-TOTALS RX COUNT MEAN CHAMPVA NON-BILLABLE PRODUCT SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN ****************************** ************************* ------------20.00 1 20.00 20.00 1 20.00 CHAMPVA PARTIAL FILL PHARMACIST: PHARMACIST,FOUR SUB-TOTALS RX COUNT MEAN PHARMACIST: PHARMACIST,FIVE November 2010 ********************************** ************************************* ------------16.20 2 8.10 ------------- Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 227 SUB-TOTALS RX COUNT MEAN PHARMACIST: PHARMACIST,SIX SUB-TOTALS RX COUNT MEAN 8.00 1 8.00 ------------23.58 1 23.58 CHAMPVA PARTIAL FILL SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN ******************************* 47.78 4 11.95 CHAMPVA REJECT OVERRIDE CHAMPVA REJECT OVERRIDE SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN ****************************** TRICARE INPATIENT SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN ****************************** PHARMACIST: OPPHARM,ONE SUB-TOTALS RX COUNT MEAN TRICARE NON-BILLABLE PRODUCT SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN ****************************** 228 **************************** 0.00 0 0.00 TRICARE INPATIENT **************************************** 11.93 1 11.93 TRICARE NON-BILLABLE PRODUCT ***************************** ------------8.03 1 8.03 8.03 1 8.03 TRICARE PARTIAL FILL ************************************* PHARMACIST: OPPHARM,FOUR SUB-TOTALS RX COUNT MEAN ------------8.54 1 8.54 PHARMACIST: OPPHARM,FIVE ------------- Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 SUB-TOTALS RX COUNT MEAN 16.20 2 8.10 TRICARE PARTIAL FILL SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN ****************************** 24.74 3 8.25 TRICARE REJECT OVERRIDE ********************************** PHARMACIST: OPPHARM,TWO SUB-TOTALS RX COUNT MEAN ------------29.17 3 9.72 PHARMACIST: OPPHARM,THREE SUB-TOTALS RX COUNT MEAN ------------10.38 1 10.38 TRICARE REJECT OVERRIDE SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN DIVISION DIVISION ONE SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN GRAND TOTALS RX COUNT MEAN 39.55 4 9.89 ------------154.51 9 17.17 ------------------------154.51 9 17.17 ------------- REPORT HAS FINISHED Press Return to continue, '^' to exit: November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 229 Example of TRICARE CHAMPVA Bypass/Override Report Detail TRICARE CHAMPVA BYPASS/OVERRIDE AUDIT REPORT DETAIL Print Date: OCT 31, 2010@11:59:22 DIVISION(S): DIVISION ONE, DIVISION TWO ELIGIBILITY: ALL TC TYPES: INPATIENT, NON-BILLABLE PRODUCT, PARTIAL FILL, REJECT OVERRIDE ALL PRESCRIPTIONS BY AUDIT DATE: From 09/01/10 through 09/30/10 ============================================================================================================== BENEFICIARY NAME/ID RX# REF/ECME# RX DATE RX INFO ACTION DATE USER NAME $BILLED QTY NDC# DRUG ============================================================================================================== Page: 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DIVISION: DIVISION ONE ***************************** CHAMPVA INPATIENT CVAPATIENT,TWO/xxxx 02/13/10 POSTMASTER CHAMPVA INPATIENT/DISCHARGE 10750570B$ CVAPATIENT,THREE/xxxx 02/13/10 POSTMASTER CHAMPVA INPATIENT/DISCHARGE 10750570B$ CHAMPVA INPATIENT SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN ***************************** 10750570B$ C RT 06524328809 AC/N 0/000009300476 30.00 02/13/10 180 C RT 06524328809 AC/N METFORMIN HCL 500MG TAB METFORMIN HCL 500MG TAB 0/000009300476 20.00 02/13/10 180 C RT 06524328809 AC/N DOCUSATE NA 100MG CA 20.00 1 20.00 CHAMPVA NON-BILLABLE PRODUCT SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN 230 02/13/10 180 CHAMPVA NON-BILLABLE PRODUCT********************************* PSOUSER,ONE SUB-TOTALS RX COUNT MEAN OPCVA,TWO/272P 0/000009300476 45.00 75.00 2 37.50 CVAPATIENT,ONE/xxxx 02/13/10 POSTMASTER ec CHAMPVA DRUG NOT BILLABLE Fill Per Provider ****************************** ********************************** 20.00 1 20.00 CHAMPVA PARTIAL FILL 2719140 ************************************* 0/N/A 07/27/11 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual W ** AC/N November 2010 07/27/11 PSOUSER,THREE eC:CHAMPVA-DRUG NON BILLABLE CHAMPVA Partial Fill 8.18 OPCVA,TWO/272P 2719141 07/27/11 PSOUSER,THREE 79:Refill Too Soon CHAMPVA Partial Fill PSOUSER,ONE SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN TCOUSER,TWO/265P 09/08/11 PSOUSER,FOUR CHAMPVA Partial Fill PSOUSER,TWO SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN 0/000004315966 8.02 CHAMPVA PARTIAL FILL SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN ******************************* CHAMPVA REJECT OVERRIDE SUBTOTALS RX COUNT November 2010 51111048893 ACETAMINOPHEN 325MG TAB 07/27/11 1 W ** AC/N 58177032404 NITROGLYCERIN 0.4MG SL T 09/08/11 1 W ** AC/N 51111048893 ACETAMINOPHEN 325MG TAB 09/08/11 30 W ** AC/N 00052047260 CALCIFEDIOL 20MCG CAPS 16.20 2 8.10 2719348 0/N/A 8.00 8.00 1 8.00 TCOUSER,TWO/265P 2719354 0/000004316183 09/08/11 PSOUSER,FOUR 23.58 79:Refill Too Soon 22:M/I Dispense As Written (DAW)/Product Selection Code 23:M/I Ingredient Cost Submitted 24:M/I SALES TAX 25:M/I Prescriber ID 26:M/I Unit Of Measure CHAMPVA Partial Fill PSOUSER,FIVE SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN 60 23.58 1 23.58 47.78 4 11.95 CHAMPVA REJECT OVERRIDE **************************** 0.00 0 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 231 MEAN 0.00 ****************************** TRICARE INPATIENT OPPATIENT,TRIONE/XXXX 09/10/10 POSTMASTER TRICARE Inpatient/Discharge 10750XXXX$ TRICARE INPATIENT SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN ***************************** 1075XXXXX$ 232 0/00000930XXXX 20.00 AC/N METFORMIN HCL 500MG TAB 09/10/10 180 C RT 06XXX3XXXXX AC/N DOCUSATE NA 100MG CA 20.00 1 20.00 TRICARE REJECT OVERRIDE OPPATIENT,TRIFOUR/XXXX 09/10/10 OPPHARM,ONE 50:Non-Matched Pharmacy Number 25:M/I Prescriber ID DIVISION: DIVISION ONE SUBTOTALS C RT 06XXX3XXXXX 20.00 1 20.00 TRICARE NON-BILLABLE PRODUCT SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN TRICARE REJECT SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN 09/10/10 180 TRICARE NON-BILLABLE PRODUCT********************************* OPPHARM,ONE SUB-TOTALS RX COUNT MEAN OPHARM,ONE SUB-TOTALS RX COUNT MEAN 0/000009300XXX 45.00 45.00 1 45.00 OPPATIENT,TRITWO/XXXX 09/10/10 OPPHARM,ONE eT TRICARE DRUG NOT BILLABLE Fill Per Provider ***************************** ********************************** 107XXXX0B$ *********************************** 0/00000930XXXX 20.00 09/10/10 180 C RT 06524328809 AC/N DOCUSATE NA 100MG CA 20.00 1 20.00 20.00 1 20.00 ------------180.00 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 RX COUNT MEAN 6 30.00 ------------- DIVISION: DIVISION TWO ***************************** CHAMPVA INPATIENT ********************************** CVAPATIENT,TWO/xxxx 10750570B$ 0/000009300476 02/13/10 C RT 02/13/10 POSTMASTER 10.00 180 06524328809 CHAMPVA INPATIENT/DISCHARGE SUB-TOTALS 10.00 RX COUNT 1 MEAN 10.00 CVAPATIENT,THREE/xxxx 02/13/10 POSTMASTER CHAMPVA INPATIENT/DISCHARGE 10750570B$ SUB-TOTALS RX COUNT MEAN AC/N METFORMIN HCL 500MG TAB CHAMPVA NON-BILLABLE PRODUCT********************************* 10750570B$ OPUSER,SIX SUB-TOTALS RX COUNT MEAN 0/000009300476 60.00 02/13/10 180 C RT 06524328809 AC/N DOCUSATE NA 100MG CA 60.00 1 60.00 CHAMPVA NON-BILLABLE PRODUCT SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN 60.00 1 60.00 CHAMPVA PARTIAL FILL OPCVA,TWO/272P 07/27/11 OPUSER,THREE eC:CHAMPVA-DRUG NON BILLABLE CHAMPVA Partial Fill November 2010 C RT 06524328809 50.00 2 25.00 CVAPATIENT,ONE/xxxx 02/13/10 POSTMASTER ec CHAMPVA DRUG NOT BILLABLE Fill Per Provider ****************************** 02/13/10 180 METFORMIN HCL 500MG TAB 40.00 1 40.00 CHAMPVA INPATIENT SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN ***************************** 0/000009300476 40.00 AC/N 2719140 ************************************* 0/N/A 8.18 07/27/11 60 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual W ** AC/N 51111048893 ACETAMINOPHEN 325MG TAB 233 OPCVA,TWO/272P 07/27/11 OPUSER,THREE 79:Refill Too Soon CHAMPVA Partial Fill 2719141 0/000004315966 8.02 OPUSER,TWO SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN 16.20 2 8.10 CHAMPVA PARTIAL FILL SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN 16.20 2 8.10 ******************************* CHAMPVA REJECT OVERRIDE CHAMPVA REJECT OVERRIDE SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN ***************************** 07/27/11 1 W ** AC/N 58177032404 **************************** 0.00 0 0.00 TRICARE INPATIENT ********************************** OPPATIENT,TRISIX/XXXX 107XXXXXX$ 0/00000930XXXX 09/10/10 09/10/10 POSTMASTER 10.00 180 PATIENT IS CURRENTLY ON A WEEKEND PASS AND WILL RETURN ON MONDAY 09/13/2010. C RT 06XXXXXXXXX AC/N OPPATIENT,TRISEVEN/XXXX 107XXXXXB$ 0/0000093XXXXX 09/10/10 09/10/10 POSTMASTER 40.00 180 PATIENT IS CURRENTLY ON A WEEKEND PASS AND WILL RETURN ON MONDAY 09/13/2010. C RT 06XXXXXXXXX AC/N TRICARE INPATIENT SUB-TOTALS RX COUNT MEAN ***************************** OPPATIENT,TRIEIGHT/XXXX 09/10/10 OPPHARM,THREE eT TRICARE DRUG NOT BILLABLE Fill Per Provider OPHRAM,THREE SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN 234 NITROGLYCERIN 0.4MG SL T METFORMIN HCL 500MG TAB METFORMIN HCL 500MG TAB 50.00 2 50.00 TRICARE NON-BILLABLE PRODUCT 107XXXXXX$ *********************** 0/000009300XXX 60.00 09/10/10 180 C RT AC/N 06XXX3XXXXX DOCUSATE NA 100MG CA 60.00 1 60.00 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 TRICARE NON-BILLABLE PRODUCT SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN ***************************** 60.00 1 60.00 TRICARE REJECT OVERRIDE OPPATIENT,TRININE/XXXX 107XXXXXX$ 09/10/10 OPHARM,TWO Claim ID: VA2005-056XXXX-XXXXXX-0007XXX 50:Non-Matched Pharmacy Number 25:M/I Prescriber ID OPPHARM,TWO SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN TRICARE REJECT SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN DIVISION: DIVISION TWO SUBTOTALS RX COUNT MEAN GRAND TOTALS RX COUNT MEAN ***************************** 0/00000930XXXX 20.00 09/10/10 180 C RT 06XXXXXXXXX AC/N METFORMIN HCL 500MG TAB 20.00 1 20.00 20.00 1 20.00 ------------200.00 7 28.57 ------------------------380.00 13 29.23 ------------- REPORT HAS FINISHED Press RETURN to continue, '^' to exit: November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 235 (This page included for two-sided copying.) 236 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 TRICARE/CHAMPVA Reject Processing The Third Party Payer Rejects - Worklist [PSO REJECTS WORKLIST] and Third Party Payer Rejects - View/Process [PSO REJECTS VIEW/PROCESS] options have been modified in the following manner: 1. Display of non-DUR/RTS rejects • Non-DUR/RTS TRICARE and CHAMPVA rejections each will be segregated at the end of the displayed information. They will be denoted with a "TRICARE - Non-DUR/RTS" or "CHAMPVA - Non-DUR/RTS" header. This header remains regardless of whether the GI - Group by Insurance action is toggled on or off. The TRICARE and CHAMPVA sections sort in the same manner as the main sort for non-TRICARE/CHAMPVA prescriptions (by Rx, drug, patient). Insurance Rejects-Worklist Aug 13, 2008@16:04:05 Page: 1 of 1 Division : ALBANY ISC Selection : ALL UNRESOLVED REJECTS # Rx# PATIENT(ID) [^] DRUG REASON 1 101238 ECMEIBTEST,ONE(5566) MEDROXYPROGESTRONE 1 79 :REFILL TOO SO Payer Message: 2 100739 ECMEPAT,TWO(8887) BENZTROPINE 2MG TAB 79 :REFILL TOO SO Payer Message: 3 101960 OPTRICARE,ONE(4789) ACETAZOLAMIDE 250MG 79 :REFILL TOO SO Payer Message: CHAMPVA - Non-DUR/RTS 4 101358 OPCVACARE,ONE(7895) BACLOFEN 10MG TABS 07 :M/I Cardholde Payer Message: 5 100923 OPCVACARE,TWO(4933) LORAZEPAM 1MG TAB 07 :M/I Cardholde Payer Message: TRICARE - Non-DUR/RTS 6 101980 OPTRICARE,ONE(4789) DANTROLENE 25MG CAP 14 :M/I Eligibili Payer Message: Select the entry # to view or ?? for more actions DR Sort by Drug RE Sort by Reason RX Sort by Prescription PA Sort by Patient RF Screen Refresh GI Group by Insurance Select: Quit// • TRICARE and CHAMPVA DUR/RTS rejects display with all other DUR/RTS rejects. See the boxed text in the example below. Sequences 5 and 9 are rejects for the same prescription. Also note that in the following example GI - Group by Insurance action is toggled OFF. Insurance Rejects-Worklist Aug 13, 2008@16:10:22 Page: 1 of Division : ALBANY ISC Selection : ALL UNRESOLVED REJECTS # Rx# PATIENT(ID) [^] DRUG REASON 1 101238 ECMEIBTEST,ONE(5566) MEDROXYPROGESTRONE 1 79 :REFILL TOO Payer Message: 2 100739 ECMEPAT,TWO(8887) BENZTROPINE 2MG TAB 79 :REFILL TOO Payer Message: 3 101358 OPCVACARE,ONE(7895) BACLOFEN 10MG TABS 07 :REFILL TOO Payer Message: 4 101960 OPTRICARE,ONE(4789) ACETAZOLAMIDE 250MG 79 :REFILL TOO November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual 1 SO SO SO SO 237 Payer Message: 5 101981 OPTRICARE,ONE(4789) ATENOLOL 100MG TAB Payer Message: CHAMPVA - Non-DUR/RTS 6 101358 OPCVACARE,ONE(7895) BACLOFEN 10MG TABS Payer Message: 7 100923 OPCVACARE,TWO(4933) LORAZEPAM 1MG TAB Payer Message: TRICARE - Non-DUR/RTS 8 101980 OPTRICARE,ONE(4789) DANTROLENE 25MG CAP Payer Message: 9 101981 OPTRICARE,ONE(4789) ATENOLOL 100MG TAB Payer Message: 79 :REFILL TOO SO 07 :M/I Cardholde 07 :M/I Cardholde 14 :M/I Eligibili 14 :M/I Eligibili Select the entry # to view or ?? for more actions DR Sort by Drug RE Sort by Reason RX Sort by Prescription PA Sort by Patient RF Screen Refresh GI Group by Insurance Select: Quit// When GI - Group by Insurance action is toggled ON, the headers "TRICARE" and “CHAMPVA” display, and these "TRICARE" and “CHAMPVA” sections sort alphabetically within RTS/DUR insurances. These TRICARE/CHAMPVA sections are separate from the NonDUR/RTS section that displays at the end of the listing. Example with GI action toggled on: Insurance Rejects-Worklist Aug 13, 2008@16:12:46 Page: 1 of Division : ALBANY ISC Selection : ALL UNRESOLVED REJECTS GROUPED BY INSURANCE # Rx# PATIENT(ID) [^] DRUG REASON BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD 1 100739 ECMEPAT,TWO(8887) BENZTROPINE 2MG TAB 79 :REFILL TOO Payer Message: CHAMPVA 2 101358 OPCVACARE,ONE(7895) BACLOFEN 10MG TABS 07 :REFILL TOO Payer Message: TRICARE 3 101960 OPTRICARE,ONE(4789) ACETAZOLAMIDE 250MG 79 :REFILL TOO Payer Message: ZENITH ADMINISTATORS 4 101238 ECMEIBTEST,ONE(5566) MEDROXYPROGESTRONE 1 79 :REFILL TOO Payer Message: 5 101981 OPTRICARE,ONE(4789) ATENOLOL 100MG TAB 1 SO SO SO SO 79 :REFILL TOO SO Payer Message: CHAMPVA - Non-DUR/RTS 6 101358 OPCVACARE,ONE(7895) BACLOFEN 10MG TABS 07 :M/I Cardholde Payer Message: 7 100923 OPCVACARE,TWO(4933) LORAZEPAM 1MG TAB 07 :M/I Cardholde Payer Message: TRICARE - Non-DUR/RTS 8 101980 OPTRICARE,ONE(4789) DANTROLENE 25MG CAP 14 :M/I Eligibili Payer Message: 9 101981 OPTRICARE,ONE(4789) ATENOLOL 100MG TAB 14 :M/I Eligibili Payer Message: Select the entry # to view or ?? for more actions DR Sort by Drug RE Sort by Reason RX Sort by Prescription PA Sort by Patient RF Screen Refresh GI Group by Insurance Select: Quit// The TRI - Show/Hide TRICARE and CVA - Show/Hide CHAMPVA toggle actions appear on the hidden menu on the Insurance Rejects screen. When the TRI action is toggled to Show, TRICARE Non-DUR/RTS rejects will automatically display at the end of the listing. Toggling 238 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 the TRI action to Hide will remove them from the screen. The CVA action behaves likewise for CHAMPVA Non-DUR/RTS rejects. Example with TRICARE and CHAMPVA rejects displayed: Insurance Rejects-Worklist Aug 13, 2008@16:04:05 Page: 1 of 1 Division : ALBANY ISC Selection : ALL UNRESOLVED REJECTS # Rx# PATIENT(ID) [^] DRUG REASON 1 101238 ECMEIBTEST,ONE(5566) MEDROXYPROGESTRONE 1 79 :REFILL TOO SO Payer Message: 2 100739 ECMEPAT,TWO(8887) BENZTROPINE 2MG TAB 79 :REFILL TOO SO Payer Message: 3 101960 OPTRICARE,ONE(4789) ACETAZOLAMIDE 250MG 79 :REFILL TOO SO Payer Message: CHAMPVA - Non-DUR/RTS 4 101358 OPCVACARE,ONE(7895) BACLOFEN 10MG TABS 07 :M/I Cardholde Payer Message: TRICARE - Non-DUR/RTS 5 101980 OPTRICARE,ONE(4789) DANTROLENE 25MG CAP 14 :M/I Eligibili Payer Message: Select the entry # to view or ?? for more by Drug RE Sort by Reason RX Sort PA Sort by Patient RF Screen Refresh Select: Quit// ?? The following actions are also available: TRI Show/Hide TRICARE CVA Show/Hide CHAMPVA + Next Screen LS Last Screen Previous Screen GO Go to Page UP Up a Line RD Re Display Screen DN Down a Line PS Print Screen actions by Prescription GI Group by Insurance FS SL ADPL PT QU DR Sort First Screen Search List Auto Display(On/Off) Print List Quit Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit: Example of TRICARE and CHAMPVA rejects removed from display: Insurance Rejects-Worklist Aug 13, 2008@16:04:05 Page: 1 of Division : ALBANY ISC Selection : ALL UNRESOLVED REJECTS # Rx# PATIENT(ID) [^] DRUG REASON 1 101238 ECMEIBTEST,ONE(5566) MEDROXYPROGESTRONE 1 79 :REFILL TOO Payer Message: 2 100739 ECMEPAT,TWO(8887) BENZTROPINE 2MG TAB 79 :REFILL TOO Payer Message: 3 101960 OPTRICARE,ONE(4789) ACETAZOLAMIDE 250MG 79 :REFILL TOO Payer Message: Select the entry # to view or ?? for more DR Sort by Drug RE Sort by Reason PA Sort by Patient RF Screen Refresh Select: Quit// ?? The following actions are also available: TRI Show/Hide TRICARE CVA Show/Hide CHAMPVA + Next Screen LS Last Screen Previous Screen GO Go to Page UP Up a Line RD Re Display Screen DN Down a Line PS Print Screen November 2010 1 SO SO SO actions RX Sort by Prescription GI Group by Insurance FS SL ADPL PT QU Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual First Screen Search List Auto Display(On/Off) Print List Quit 239 Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit:Processing of TRICARE and CHAMPVA Rejections – TRICARE/CHAMPVA Eligible Bypass/Override Functions • A bypass function is provided to allow continued processing of prescriptions for TRICARE and CHAMPVA eligible inpatients who’s Patient status = Inpatient at the time the prescription is issued. In the following example a patient who has been admitted into a VA hospital (Patient status = Inpatient) is allowed to go on a weekend “pass” and issued outpatient medications such as OTC drugs or supplies for the weekend. The system displays the Non-Billable Reason “TRICARE INPATIENT/DISCHARGE” on the screen. The display of this Non-Billable Reason is due to the patient having Patient status = Inpatient, the patient is a TRICARE patient with TRICARE Insurance and an outpatient medication, OTC or Supply was issued. ISSUE DATE: OCT 31,2010// (OCT 31, 2010) FILL DATE: (10/31/2010 - 11/01/2011): OCT 31,2010// Nature of Order: WRITTEN// W WAS THE PATIENT COUNSELED: NO// NO Do you want to enter a Progress Note? No// (OCT 31, 2010) NO Rx # XXXX885 10/31/10 TRICARE,ONE(XXX-XX-XXXX) #3 TAKE 1 BY MOUTH 9 ACETAMINOPHEN 160MG/5ML ELIXIR (OZ) VHAPROVIDER,ONE JOHN,DOE # of Refills: 5 Is this correct? YES// TRICARE INPATIENT/DISCHARGE Another New Order for TRICARE,ONE? YES// The following is a sample of the View Prescription ECME Log update. The Non-Billable Reason “TRICARE INPATIENT/DISCHARGE” is now displayed on the View Prescription ECME Log. The TRICARE INPATIENT/DISCHARGE status allows the system to record why a TRICARE prescription was allowed to be bypassed. Example: View Prescription ECME Log entry: TRICARE INPATIENT/DISCHARGE Rx View (Active) Oct 26, 2010@17:07:34 Page: 4 of TRICARE,ONE <NO ALLERGY ASSESSMENT> PID: XXX-XX-XXXX Ht(cm): ______(_____) DOB: MAR 16,19xx (xx) Wt(kg): ______(______) +__________________________________________________________________________ 4 Label Log: # Date Rx Ref Printed By ============================================================================= There are NO Labels printed. ECME Log: # Date/Time Rx Ref Initiator Of Activity ============================================================================== 1 10/26/10@16:04:50 ORIGINAL JOHN,DOE 240 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Comments: TRICARE-Not ECME Billable: TRICARE INPATIENT/DISCHARGE Enter ?? for more actions Select Action:Quit// In a similar situation where a prescription is issued to a CHAMPVA patient with Patient status = Inpatient, the Non-Billable Reason “CHAMPVA INPATIENT/DISCHARGE” would be displayed on the reject processing screen and in the View Prescription ECME Log. TRICARE/CHAMPVA Eligible Outpatient Override Function • An override function is provided to allow continued processing of prescriptions for TRICARE or CHAMPVA eligible outpatients when a rejected response is received from the TRICARE or CHAMPVA payer/PBM. • The Reject Action prompt will default to “Quit”. If the Q (Quit) action is selected, the rejected claim will go to the TRICARE or CHAMPVA section, as appropriate, of the Pharmacy Third Party Payer Rejects – Worklist. If the D (Discontinue) action is selected, the next prompt “Nature of Order” will default to “Service Reject”. The I (Ignore) action is available if the user holds the “PSO TRICARE/CHAMPVA” security key and if selected, continued processing will occur. • The Reject Action prompt will be updated to a default of “Quit”. Example of Reject Notification Screen Non-DUR/RTS with the default action of D (Discontinue) IN PROGRESS-Transmitting IN PROGRESS-Parsing response E REJECTED 21 - M/I Product/Service ID *** TRICARE - REJECT RECEIVED FROM THIRD PARTY PAYER *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------Division : XXXX DIVISION NPI#: XXXXXXXXXX Patient : TRICARE,ONE(XXXX) Sex: M DOB: OCT 1,19XX(XX) Rx/Drug : XXX5341/0 - AMOXICILLIN 250MG CA ECME#: 000002345678 Reject(s): M/I Product/Service ID (21) Received on NOV 01, 2010@09:30:03. Insurance : EXPRESS SCRIPT Contact: Group Name : TRICARE Group Number: DODA ---------------------------------------------------------------------Select one of the following: I D Q (I)GNORE – FILL Rx WITHOUT CLAIM SUBMISSION (D)iscontinue - DO NOT FILL PRESCRIPTION (Q)UIT - SEND TO WORKLIST (REQUIRES INTERVENTION) (I)gnore,(D)iscontinue,(Q)uit: Q//Discontinue Nature of Order: SERVICE REJECT// Requesting PROVIDER: VHAPROVIDER,ONE November 2010 111 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual PHYSICIAN 241 In the following example a prescription is rejected from the Third Party Payer with a reject code of (88) DUR REJECT. The pharmacist has the option to Discontinue, Ignore, Override or Quit. The Ignore action is only displayed for holders of the PSO TRICARE/CHAMPVA security key. Example of Reject Notification Screen DUR/RTS 88 - DUR Reject Error *** TRICARE - REJECT RECEIVED FROM THIRD PARTY PAYER *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------Division : XXXXXX NPI#: 9999999999 Patient : OPPATIENT,TRICARE (XXXX) Sex: F DOB: OCT 17,19XX(XX) Rx/Drug : 2718XXX/0 - BALNETAR 7.5 OZ ECME#: 00000431XXXX Reject(s): DUR REJECT (88). Received on NOV 01, 2010@07:08:44. Insurance : EXPRESS SCRIPTS Contact: Group Name : TRICARE Group Number: DODA ------------------------------------------------------------------------Select one of the following: O I D Q (O)VERRIDE - RESUBMIT WITH OVERRIDE CODES (I)GNORE - FILL Rx WITHOUT CLAIM SUBMISSION (D)iscontinue - DO NOT FILL PRESCRIPTION (Q)UIT - SEND TO WORKLIST (REQUIRES INTERVENTION) (O)verride,(I)gnore,(D)iscontinue,(Q)uit: Q// i (I)GNORE - FILL Rx WITHOUT CLAI M SUBMISSION You are bypassing claims processing. Do you wish to continue? NO// y YES • For Non-Billable TRICARE or CHAMPVA rejects, a Non-Billable Notification Screen is provided to allow continued processing of prescriptions. The Reject Action prompt will default to“Discontinue”. If the action D (Discontinue) is selected, the prompt “Nature of Order” will default to “Service Reject”. The I (Ignore) action is available if the user holds the “PSO TRICARE/CHAMPVA” security key and if it is selected, continued processing will occur. If the action Q (Quit) is selected, the Non-Billable TRICARE or CHAMPVA eligible prescription will go to the Pharmacy Third Party Payer Rejects – Worklist utilizing either Reject Code “eT” with reject description “TRICARE-DRUG NON BILLABLE” or Reject Code “eC” with reject description “CHAMPVA-DRUG NON BILLABLE.” (The reject codes “eT” and “eC” are for use internal to the VistA system only and have no relation to any NCPDP reject code listing.) The new entry will be displayed in the TRICARE or CHAMPVA section of the Pharmacy Third Party Payer Rejects – Worklist, as applicable. In the following example a TRICARE Active Duty patient with Outpatient status submits an OTC, NonBillable drug or supplies prescription for dispensing. The pharmacist will have the option of Discontinuing the Rx, Ignoring the Rx or Quitting. Discontinue is the option displayed below. Example of Non-Billable Notification Screen Is this correct? YES// DRUG NOT BILLABLE *** TRICARE - NON-BILLABLE *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 242 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Division : XXXX DIVISION NPI#: XXXXXXXXXX Patient : TRICARE,ONE(XXX-XX-XXXX) Sex: M DOB: JAN 1,19XX(XX) Rx/Drug : XXX5339/0 - DOCUSATE NA 100MG CA Date/Time: OCT 31, 2010@12:22:10 Reason : Drug not billable ---------------------------------------------------------------------This is a non-billable TRICARE prescription. Select one of the following: D (D)iscontinue - DO NOT FILL PRESCRIPTION Q (Q)UIT - SEND TO WORKLIST (REQUIRES INTERVENTION) I (I)gnore – FILL Rx WITHOUT CLAIM SUBMISSION (D)iscontinue,(Q)uit, (I)gnore: D// Discontinue Nature of Order: SERVICE REJECT// Requesting PROVIDER: VHAPROVIDER,ONE 111 PHYSICIAN In the following example a TRICARE Active Duty patient with Outpatient status submitted an OTC, Non-Billable drug or Supplies prescription for dispensing. The pharmacist selected the Quit option to send the prescription to the worklist for further review. The Non-Billable drug is displayed on the Pharmacy Third Party Payer Rejects – Worklist with a reason code “eT”. Example of Pharmacy Third Party Payer Rejects – Worklist Insurance Rejects-Worklist Oct 31, 2010@09:15:58 Page: 2 of 5 Division : ALBANY ISC Selection : ALL UNRESOLVED REJECTS # Rx# PATIENT(ID) [^] DRUG REASON Payer Message: TRICARE - Non-DUR/RTS 13 102xxx OPTRICARE,ONE(4789) DIAZOXIDE 300MG INJ eT :TRICARE-DRUG NON Payer Message: 14 102xxx OPTRICARE,ONE(4789) MANNITOL 15% S.S. LV 22 :M/I Dispense Payer Message: 15 1028xxx OPTRICARE,ONE(4789) METHOCARBAMOL 750MG 34 :M/I Submissio Payer Message: 16 103xxx OPTRICARE,ONE(4789) BENZTROPINE 2MG TAB 07 :M/I Cardholde Payer Message: 17 103xxx OPTRICARE,ONE(4789) DEXAMETHASONE 0.5MG 07 :M/I Cardholde Payer Message: 18 102xxx TRICARE,ONLYTRICAR(3939) NEODECADRON OPHTMALI 07 :M/I Cardholde Payer Message: 19 102xxx TRICARE,ONLYTRICAR(3939) GENTAMICIN OPHTHALMI 07 :M/I Cardholde Payer Message: + Select the entry # to view or ?? for more actions DR Sort by Drug RE Sort by Reason RX Sort by Prescription PA Sort by Patient RF Screen Refresh GI Group by Insurance Select: Next Screen// • The Non-Billable TRICARE prescriptions will appear on the Reject Information screen shown in the example below once the TRICARE Non-Billable claim has been selected from the Pharmacy Third Party Payer Rejects – Worklist. The screen will display: • ECME# field – will be blank • Insurance Information – will be blank • Reject code section will have the reject code eT and status will state “NO CLAIM SUBMITTED” November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 243 • Available Actions will be DC – Discontinue Rx, VW -View Rx, MP – Medication Profile, FIL – Fill Rx and IGN Ignore Reject (FIL and IGN will require PSO TRICARE/CHAMPVA Security key) • Available Hidden Actions will be COM – Add Comments, ED – Edit Rx and all other standard List Manager hidden actions • If the action DC is chosen, the system will discontinue the prescription and the prompt “Nature of Order” will default to “SERVICE REJECT” • The following actions will not be selectable when processing a TRICARE or CHAMPVA eligible Non-Billable reject: Resubmit Claim (RES)/Change Suspense Date (CSD)/Submit Override Codes (OVR)/Submit Clarif Code (CLA)/Submit Prior Auth (PA)/Suspense Date Calculation (SDC)/Submit Mult Actions (SMA).. If selected for a TRICARE reject, an error message will appear: “[action] not allowed for TRICARE Non-Billable claim”. If selected for a CHAMPVA reject, an error message will appear: “[action] not allowed for CHAMPVA Non-Billable claim”. The only actions available are to Discontinue, Fill the prescription, View prescription or Medication Profile. Example of Non-Billable Product Reject Information Screen Reject Information (TRICARE) Oct 30, 2010@10:15:01 Division : ECME DIVISION Patient : TRICARE,TWO(XXX-XX-XXXX) Sex: M Rx# : ###4928/0 ECME#: CMOP Drug: DOCUSATE NA 100MG CA Page: 1 of 1 NPI#: XXXXXXXXXX DOB: JUL 1,19XX(XX) Date of Service: Mar 16, 2009 NDC Code: 54629-0600-01 . REJECT Information (TRICARE) . Reject Type : TRICARE DRUG NOT BILLABLE(eT) received on OCT 17, 2010@13:19:22 Reject Status : NO CLAIM SUBMITTED Payer Addl Msg : Not ECME Billable: DRUG NOT BILLABLE Reason Code : DUR Text :____________________________________________________________________ COMMENTS - AUG 25, 2010@13:25:07 - Transferred by OPECC. (OPCLERK,ONE) . INSURANCE Information Insurance : Contact : BIN : Group Number : Cardholder ID : . . Enter ?? for more actions VW View Rx FIL Fill Rx MP Medication Profile DC Discontinue Rx RES Resubmit Claim OVR Submit Override Codes Select Item(s): Next Screen // . CSD Change Suspense Date IGN Ignore Reject Example of Non-Billable Product Reject Information Screen displaying the action RES (Resubmit Claim) error message Reject Information (TRICARE) Nov 11, 2010@12:37:30 Division : ECME DIVISION Patient : OPPATIENT,TRICARE(XXX-XX-XXXX) Sex: F Rx# : 27XXXXX/0 ECME#: Drug : ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE GEL 320MG/5ML SUSP Page: 1 of 2 NPI#: DOB: OCT 7,19XX(XX) Date of Service: Sep 16, 2010 NDC Code: 00054-3035-63 REJECT Information (TRICARE) Reject Type : TRICARE DRUG NOT BILLABLE(eT) received on SEP 16, 2010@13:07:12 Reject Status : NO CLAIM SUBMITTED 244 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual . November 2010 Payer Addl Msg : Not ECME Billable: DRUG NOT BILLABLE Reason Code : DUR Text :____________________________________________________________________ COMMENTS - SEP 16, 2010@13:07:12 - Transferred by INSURANCE Information Insurance : Contact : BIN : Group Number : + RES not allowed for VW View Rx FIL MP Medication Profile DC RES Resubmit Claim OVR Select Item(s): Next Screen// . (XXXXXXXX,XXXX) . TRICARE Non-Billable claim. Fill Rx CSD Change Suspense Date Discontinue Rx IGN Ignore Reject Submit Override Codes Reject Information Screen – Electronic Signature and TRICARE/CHAMPVA Justification This action requires the security key PSO TRICARE/CHAMPVA. A user must hold the “PSO TRICARE/CHAMPVA” security key to perform the Fill Rx (FIL) and Ignore Reject (IGN) actions on the Third Party Payer Rejects – Worklist and the “Ignore” action on the TRICARE or CHAMPVA Reject Notification screen. If the user holds the security key “PSO TRICARE/CHAMPVA”, the prompt will display: “You are bypassing claims processing. Do you wish to continue?” If the user enters (No=Default), the user will return to the reject notification screen. If the user selects Yes to continue, the system will mimic the current Ignore action/functionality and allow processing of the prescription. The user will be prompted to enter their electronic signature code and asked to enter data into the TRICARE Justification or CHAMPVA Justification field, which is required. The user will be allowed to “^” out of the process. If the user opts to “^” out of the process, they will be taken back to the Reject Information screen prompt. In the following example a TRICARE patient with Outpatient status submits a prescription for processing and a rejected response is received from the TRICARE payer/PBM. The pharmacist initially sends the prescription to the Third Party Payer Rejects – Worklist then later decides to finish processing the prescription and chooses the FIL action. Example of Reject Information Screen – Electronic Signature and TRICARE Justification Reject Information (TRICARE) Sep 30, 2010@10:25:13 Page: 1 of 1 Division : ECME DIVISION NPI#: XXXXXXXXXX Patient : TRICARE,TWO(XXX-XX-XXXX) Sex: M DOB: JAN 1,19XX(XX) Rx# : XXX4928/0 ECME#: 000001231234 Date of Service: Feb 08, 2009 CMOP Drug: ACARBOSE 25MG TAB NDC Code: 00026-2863-52 REJECT Information (TRICARE) . Reject Type : M/I Cardholder ID (07) received on JUL 10, 2010@12:22:10 Reject Status : OPEN/UNRESOLVED - E REJECTED Payer Addl Msg : Reason Code : DUR Text :____________________________________________________________________ COMMENTS - AUG 25, 2010@13:25:07 - Transferred by OPECC. (OPCLERK,ONE) . INSURANCE Information Insurance : EXPRESS SCRIPTS . November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 245 Contact BIN Group Number Cardholder ID : : 741852 : DODA : XXXXXXX Enter ?? for more VW View Rx FIL MP Medication Profile DC RES Resubmit Claim OVR Select Item(s): Quit//FIL . actions Fill Rx Discontinue Rx Submit Override Codes . CSD Change Suspense Date IGN Ignore Reject You are bypassing claims processing. Do you wish to continue (Y/N)? No//Yes Enter your Current Signature Code: SIGNATURE VERIFIED TRICARE Justification: Patient required medication • If the user does not hold the security key “PSO TRICARE/CHAMPVA”, an on screen alert to the user will display “Action Requires <PSO TRICARE/CHAMPVA> security key” as displayed in the below example. The user will need to press any key to return to the Reject Information screen. Example of Reject Information Screen – Security Key – ALERT Reject Information (TRICARE) Sep 30, 2010@10:25:13 Page: 1 of 1 Division : ECME DIVISION NPI#: XXXXXXXXXX Patient : TRICARE,TWO(XXXX) Sex: M DOB: JAN 1,19XX(XX) Rx# : XXX4928/0 ECME#: 000001231234 Date of Service: Feb 08, 2009 CMOP Drug: ACARBOSE 25MG TAB NDC Code: 00026-2863-52 REJECT Information (TRICARE) . Reject Type : M/I Cardholder ID (07) received on JUL 10, 2010@12:22:10 Reject Status : OPEN/UNRESOLVED - E REJECTED Payer Addl Msg : Reason Code : DUR Text :____________________________________________________________________ • COMMENTS - AUG 25, 2010@13:25:07 - Transferred by OPECC. (OPCLERK,ONE) . INSURANCE Information Insurance : EXPRESS SCRIPTS Contact : BIN : 741852 Group Number : DODA Cardholder ID : XXXXXXX + Action Requires <PSO TRICARE/CHAMPVA> Security Key VW View Rx FIL Fill Rx CSD Change Suspense Date MP Medication Profile DC Discontinue Rx IGN Ignore Reject RES Resubmit Claim OVR Submit Override Codes Select Item(s): Next Screen// . The person that resolves TRICARE and CHAMPVA non-DUR/RTS rejects is dependent upon the type of reject. Dispense As Written (DAW) reject code 22 can be resolved by the pharmacy staff by editing the prescription and entering the appropriate DAW code which results in a claims resubmission. Other insurance-related rejects (missing eligibility or cardholder ID number) are resolved by the Outpatient Pharmacy Electronic Claims Coordinator (OPECC). Once the rejection has been resolved, the Reject Information screen under the pharmacy reject worklist shows the status of the prescription as E PAYABLE. At this point the user may select the FIL action that will prompt for label print. Reject Information (TRICARE) Division : ECME DIVISION 246 Sep 30, 2010@10:25:13 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual Page: 1 of NPI#: XXXXXXXXXX 1 November 2010 Patient : TRICARE,TWO(XXXX) Sex: M Rx# : XXX4928/0 ECME#: 000001231234 CMOP Drug: ACARBOSE 25MG TAB DOB: JAN 1,19XX(XX) Date of Service: Feb 08, 2009 NDC Code: 00026-2863-52 REJECT Information (TRICARE) . Reject Type : M/I Cardholder ID (07) received on JUL 10, 2010@12:22:10 Reject Status : OPEN/UNRESOLVED - E REJECTED Payer Addl Msg : Reason Code : DUR Text :____________________________________________________________________ COMMENTS - AUG 25, 2010@13:25:07 - Transferred by OPECC. (OPCLERK,ONE) . INSURANCE Information Insurance : EXPRESS SCRIPTS Contact : BIN : 741852 Group Number : DODA Cardholder ID : XXXXXXX Enter ?? for more actions VW View Rx FIL Fill Rx OVR Submit Override Codes MP Medication Profile DC Discontinue Rx CSD Change Suspense Date Select Item(s): Quit// FIL Fill Rx [Closing all rejections for prescription 102059: 07 - ...OK] . . Print Label? ? YES// Select LABEL PRINTER: HOME// • UCX/TELNET Right Margin: 80// For rejects that remain in suspense, the user will be allowed to process the rejection as indicated above; however no labels will be printed until the prescription is pulled early or printed from suspense. Upon resolving the reject, the user will be notified of this information. CMOP prescriptions will function in the same manner. Other Rejects [PSO REJECTS WORKLIST] Rejects under the OTHER REJECTS section of the screen contain non-clinical rejects and are resolved in the same manner as DUR/RTS rejects. The comments section denotes whether the reject was transferred automatically as is the case in the example below or “Transferred by OPECC” will denote those rejects where the OPECC manually transferred them to pharmacy for resolution. The following example shows the user selecting to resolve sequence 16 from the Third Party Payer Rejects - Worklist option shown above. The user selects ED to edit the DAW code for the prescription, then resubmits the claim afterward. Since the claim was payable, both the RTS reject in sequence 13 and the DAW reject in sequence 16 were marked resolved. Also both are removed from the worklist after submission. The user then proceeds to Patient Prescription Processing option to view the ECME logs which show that claim resubmission was payable and that both rejects have been resolved. Reject Information(UNRESOLVED)Jul 30, 2008@14:54:51 Page: 1 of 2 Division : CHEYENNE VAM&ROC NPI#: 1164471991 Patient : OPPATIENT,FOUR(666-55-9987) Sex: M DOB: OCT 20,1965(42) Rx# : 2055203/1 ECME#: 000001615102 Date of Service: Jul 15, 2008 CMOP Drug: DANAZOL 50MG CAP NDC Code: 00024-0304-06 November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 247 REJECT Information Reject Type : 22 - M/I Dispense As Written- received on JUL 30, 2008@14:32:16 Reject Status : OPEN/UNRESOLVED Payer Addl Msg : Reason Code : DUR Text : OTHER REJECTS 79 - Refill Too Soon COMMENTS - JUL 30, 2008@14:32:16 - Automatically transferred due to override for reject code. (OPHARM,ONE) + Enter ?? for more actions VW View Rx IGN Ignore Reject MP Medication Profile RES Resubmit Claim Select: Next Screen// ed ED OVR Submit Override Codes CSD Change Suspense Date Jul 30, 2008@14:54:53 Rx #: 2055203$e (1) *Orderable Item: DANAZOL CAP,ORAL (2) CMOP Drug: DANAZOL 50MG CAP (3) *Dosage: 50 (MG) Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: CAPSULE *Route: ORAL (BY MOUTH) *Schedule: BID (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: TAKE ONE CAPSULE BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY (5) Patient Status: OUTPT NON-SC (6) Issue Date: 07/11/08 (7) Fill Date: 07/11/08 Last Fill Date: 07/15/08 (Window) Select Action: Next Screen// NEXT SCREEN Last Release Date: (8) Lot #: Expires: 07/12/09 MFG: (9) Days Supply: 3 (10) QTY (CAP): 6 (11) # of Refills: 11 Remaining: 10 (12) Provider: OPPROVIDER,ONE (13) Routing: MAIL (14) Copies: 1 (15) Clinic: Not on File (16) Division: CHEYENNE VAM&ROC (442) (17) Pharmacist: (18) Remarks: New Order Created by copying Rx # 2055182. (19) Counseling: NO (20) Refill Data (21) DAW Code: 0 - NO PRODUCT SELECTION INDICATED Finished By: OPHARM,ONE + Enter ?? for more actions DC (Discontinue) PR (Partial) RL (Release) ED Edit RF (Refill) RN (Renew) Select Action: Next Screen// 21 DAW CODE: 0// ? OP Medications (SUSPENDED) OPPATIENT,FOUR PID: 666-55-9987 DOB: OCT 20,1965 (42) + Jul 30, 2008@14:54:55 Page: 2 of 3 Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) Answer with BPS NCPDP DAW CODE Choose from: 0 NO PRODUCT SELECTION INDICATED 1 SUBSTITUTION NOT ALLOWED BY PRESCRIBER 248 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SUBSTITUTION SUBSTITUTION SUBSTITUTION SUBSTITUTION OVERRIDE SUBSTITUTION SUBSTITUTION OTHER ALLOWED-PATIENT REQUESTED PRODUCT DISPENSED ALLOWED-PHARMACIST SELECTED PRODUCT DISPENSED ALLOWED-GENERIC DRUG NOT IN STOCK ALLOWED-BRAND DRUG DISPENSED AS A GENERIC NOT ALLOWED-BRAND DRUG MANDATED BY LAW ALLOWED-GENERIC DRUG NOT AVAILABLE IN MARKETPLACE DAW CODE: 0// 1 - SUBSTITUTION NOT ALLOWED BY PRESCRIBER Are You Sure You Want to Update Rx 2055203? Yes// YES OP Medications (SUSPENDED) Jul 30, 2008@14:55:21 Page: 2 of OPPATIENT,FOUR PID: 666-55-9987 Ht(cm): _______ (______) DOB: OCT 20,1965 (42) Wt(kg): _______ (______) + Last Release Date: (8) Lot #: Expires: 07/12/09 MFG: (9) Days Supply: 3 (10) QTY (CAP): 6 (11) # of Refills: 11 Remaining: 10 (12) Provider: OPPROVIDER,ONE (13) Routing: MAIL (14) Copies: 1 (15) Clinic: Not on File (16) Division: CHEYENNE VAM&ROC (442) (17) Pharmacist: (18) Remarks: New Order Created by copying Rx # 2055182. (19) Counseling: NO (20) Refill Data (21) DAW Code: 1 - SUBSTITUTION NOT ALLOWED BY PRESCRIBER Finished By: OPHARM,ONE + Enter ?? for more actions DC (Discontinue) PR (Partial) RL (Release) ED Edit RF (Refill) RN (Renew) Select Action: Next Screen// ^ 3 Reject Information(UNRESOLVED)Jul 30, 2008@14:55:28 Page: 1 of 2 Division : CHEYENNE VAM&ROC NPI#: 1164471991 Patient : OPPATIENT,FOUR(666-55-9987) Sex: M DOB: OCT 20,1965(42) Rx# : 2055203/1 ECME#: 000001615102 Date of Service: Jul 15, 2008 CMOP Drug: DOCUSATE NA 100MG CA NDC Code: 54629-0600-01 REJECT Information Reject Type : 22 - M/I Dispense As Written- received on JUL 30, 2008@14:32:16 Reject Status : OPEN/UNRESOLVED Payer Addl Msg : Reason Code : DUR Text : OTHER REJECTS 79 - Refill Too Soon COMMENTS - JUL 30, 2008@14:32:16 - Automatically transferred due to override for reject code. (OPHARM,ONE) + Enter ?? for more actions VW View Rx IGN Ignore Reject MP Medication Profile RES Resubmit Claim Select: Next Screen// RES Resubmit Claim November 2010 OVR Submit Override Codes CSD Change Suspense Date Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 249 When you confirm, a new claim will be submitted for the prescription and this REJECT will be marked resolved. Confirm? YES// Prescription 2055203 successfully submitted to ECME for claim generation. Claim Status: IN PROGRESS-Waiting to start IN PROGRESS-Transmitting E PAYABLE Please wait... Insurance Rejects-Worklist Jul 30, 2008@14:38:38 Page: 2 of 3 Division : CHEYENNE VAM&ROC Selection : ALL UNRESOLVED REJECTS # Rx# PATIENT(ID) [v] DRUG REASON Payer Message: 13 2055202 OPPATIENT,FOUR(9987) BACLOFEN 10MG TAB 79 :REFILL TOO SO Payer Message: 14 2055155 OPPATIENT,FOUR(9987) BENAZEPRIL HCL 40MG 79 :REFILL TOO SO Payer Message: OTHER REJECTS 15 2055134A OPPATIENT,FOUR(9987) CALCIUM GLUCONATE 65 22 :M/I Dispense Payer Message: + Select the entry # to view or ?? for more actions DR Sort by Drug RE Sort by Reason RX Sort by Prescription PA Sort by Patient RF Screen Refresh GI Group by Insurance Select: Next Screen//^ Below is taken from Patient Prescription Processing option for the Rx in this example: Medication Profile OPPATIENT,FOUR PID: 666-55-9987 DOB: OCT 20,1965 (42) SEX: MALE CrCL: <Not Found> # RX # Jul 30, 2008@15:03:25 Page: 1 of 2 Ht(cm): _______ (______) Wt(kg): _______ (______) . BSA (m2): _______ ISSUE QTY ST DATE DRUG LAST REF DAY FILL REM SUP -------------------REFILL TOO SOON/DUR REJECTS (Third Party)-------------------1 2055202$e BACLOFEN 10MG TAB 14 S> 07-08 12-12 11 3 2 2055155$e BENAZEPRIL HCL 40MG TAB 1 S> 06-24 06-26 10 1 3 2055134A$e CALCIUM GLUCONATE 650MG TAB 4 A> 06-16 07-30 10 2 -------------------------------------ACTIVE------------------------------------4 2055174$e ACEBUTOLOL HCL 200MG CAP 1 S> 06-26 06-27 11 1 5 2055123$e BACITRACIN 500 UNT/GM OPHTHALMIC OINT 1 AT 06-13 06-14 10 30 6 2055203$e DANAZOL 50MG CAP 6 S> 07-11 07-15 10 3 7 2055183$e FAMCICLOVIR 125MG TAB 2 AT 06-26 06-26 11 2 8 2055215$ GABAPENTIN 100MG CAP 6 S> 07-30 07-30 11 3 9 2055186$e HALOPERIDOL 0.5MG TAB 2 AT 06-26 06-26 11 4 + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR Partial RL Release ED Edit RF (Refill) RN Renew Select Action: Next Screen// AL AL OP Medications (SUSPENDED) Jul 30, 2008@15:03:25 Page: 1 of 3 OPPATIENT,FOUR PID: 666-55-9987 Ht(cm): _______ (______) DOB: OCT 20,1965 (42) Wt(kg): _______ (______) Rx #: 2055203$e (1) *Orderable Item: DANAZOL CAP,ORAL (2) CMOP Drug: DANAZOL 50MG CAP (3) *Dosage: 50 (MG) 250 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Verb: TAKE Dispense Units: 1 Noun: CAPSULE *Route: ORAL (BY MOUTH) *Schedule: BID (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: TAKE ONE CAPSULE BY MOUTH TWICE A DAY (5) Patient Status: OUTPT NON-SC (6) Issue Date: 07/11/08 (7) Fill Date: 07/11/08 Last Fill Date: 07/15/08 (Window) + Enter ?? for more actions DC Discontinue PR Partial RL Release ED Edit RF (Refill) RN Renew Select Action: Next Screen// AL AL Select Activity Log by number 1. Refill 2. Partial 5. Copay 6. ECME Rx #: 2055203 Routing: Mail 3. 7. Activity CMOP Events 4. 8. Labels All Logs: (1-8): 8// 6 Original Fill Released: Finished by: OPPHARM,ONE ECME Log: # Date/Time Rx Ref Initiator Of Activity =============================================================================== 1 7/11/08@10:13:11 ORIGINAL OPPHARM,ONE Comments: ECME:PULLED FROM SUSPENSE(NDC:00024-0303-06)-E PAYABLE-p OPP INSURANCE 2 7/30/08@14:32:17 REFILL 1 OPPHARM,TWO Comments: ECME:PULLED FROM SUSPENSE(NDC:00024-0303-06)-E REJECTED-p OPP INSURANCE 3 7/30/08@14:55:56 REFILL 1 OPPHARM,TWO Comments: Submitted to ECME:REJECT WORKLIST-E PAYABLE ECME REJECT Log: # Date/Time Rcvd Rx Ref Reject Type STATUS Date/Time Resolved =============================================================================== 1 7/30/08@14:32:16 REFILL 1 M/I Dispense As RESOLVED 7/30/08@14:55:40 Comments: AUTOMATICALLY CLOSED (CLAIM RE-SUBMITTED) 2 7/30/08@14:32:16 REFILL 1 REFILL TOO SOON RESOLVED 7/30/08@14:55:40 Comments: AUTOMATICALLY CLOSED (CLAIM RE-SUBMITTED) Enter ?? for more actions Select Action:Quit// Reject Resolution Required Rejects [PSO REJECTS WORKLIST] Rejects under the REJECT RESOLUTION REQUIRED section of the screen are resolved in the same manner as DUR/RTS rejects. The comments section will denote that the reject was transferred automatically to the Third Party Payer Rejects – Worklist for resolution. The following is an example of the Reject Information Screen for Reject Resolution Required rejects. Reject Information(UNRESOLVED)Jun 05, 2013@07:46:18 Page: 1 of 1 Division : DAYTON NPI: 4050000015 NCPDP: 4150001 Patient : OPORVET,J-CNF(061P) Sex: M DOB: NOV 20,1961(51) Rx# : 2720321/0 ECME#: 000004317186 Date of Service: May 28, 2013 Drug : AMPICILLIN 1GM INJ NDC Code: 00015-7404-99 November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 251 REJECT Information BACK-BILL Reject Type : 76 – Plan Limitations Exceeded - received on MAY 28, 2013@08:59 Reject Status : OPEN/UNRESOLVED - E PAYABLE Payer Addl Msg : EMD 1000: CLAIM PAID RX:000004317186FILL:2013-05-28 BIN:610144 PCN:TEST Reason Code : +DUR Text : INSURANCE Information Insurance : EPOR7 Contact : 333-444-5555 BIN : 610144 Group Number : 777 Cardholder ID : 152364859 Enter ?? for more actions Cardholder ID : 152364859 Enter ?? for more actions VW View Rx IGN Ignore Reject MP Medication Profile RES Resubmit Claim (I)gnore,(Q)uit: Q// Coord. Of Benefits: PRIMARY OVR Submit Override Codes CSD Change Suspense Date COMMENTS - JUN 11, 2013@11:181 – Automatically transferred due to Reject Resolution Required reject Code. (POSTMASTER) View ePharmacy Rx [BPS RPT VIEW ECME RX] The View ePharmacy Rx option allows you to view information for one prescription, combining information from Outpatient Pharmacy, Integrated Billing and ECME. More information on this report is available in the Electronic Claims Management Engine (ECME) User Manual. MailMan Message for Open/Unresolved Rejects When prescriptions remain on the Third Party Payer Reject – Worklist over the specified number of days, the system will send a Mailman Message. This message will be sent to the PSO REJECTS BACKGROUND MESSAGE mail group. Those users needing access to this information will need to be added manually to this mail group The specified number of days referred to above is the number of days an uncommented reject can remain on the reject worklist without being included in the nightly reject worklist alert mail message. The number of days are defined in the EPHARMACY SITE PARAMETERS file (#52.86) in the REJECT WORKLIST DAYS field. The following are the criteria for generating a Mailman message regarding a rejected claim: • Prescription is active • Prescription is unreleased • Claim is on the Reject Worklist for specified number of days or greater, and • Claim has no comments added within date range. Adding a comment to the reject will automatically reset the clock for the alert. The specified number of days will be site configurable and stored in EPHARMACY SITE PARAMETERS file (#52.86). The initial patch default setting will be five (5) days; however, the site will be able to reset the parameter between one (1) and thirty (30) to generate the alert message. MailMan 252 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 message will be sent as a Priority message, and there will be a separate MailMan message for each division. The following is an example of the message: Subj: ePharmacy - OPEN/UNRESOLVED REJECTS LIST for ALBANY ISC [#2680833] 07/25/08@11:52 53 lines From: OUTPATIENT PHARMACY PACKAGE In 'IN' basket. Page 1 *New* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The prescriptions listed below are third party electronically billable and can not be filled until the rejection is resolved. No action to resolve the rejection has taken place within the past 1 days. Please use the THIRD PARTY PAYER REJECTS WORKLIST option to resolve the rejection or add a comment to the rejection. Unresolved rejects will not be sent to CMOP or the local print queue for filling. They will continue to show on the rejects list until acted upon. FILL REJECT # RX/FILL PATIENT(ID) DRUG DATE DATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 100805/1 IBSCDC,TWO(2828) SIMETHICONE 40MG TAB 6/5/08 6/5/08 Reason: 79 :Refill Too Soon 2 101149/0 OPPATIENT,TH(7789) DIAZEPAM 10MG S.T. 6/9/08 Reason: 75 :Prior Authorization Required COMMENT: JUN 09, 2008@18:04:35 - Automatically transferred due to Override for reject code. (PHARM,ONE) 3 100928/0 IBPATIENT,QFO(567) ETHACRYNIC ACID 50MG S. 5/7/08 Reason: 31 :Submission Clarification Code COMMENT: JUN 23, 2008@15:02:11 - Transferred by OPECC. (OPECC,ONE) Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit: 6/9/08 6/23/08 Alerts for Discontinued CMOP Prescription Discontinued by a Background Process When a CMOP prescription with a status of Transmitted or Retransmitted is discontinued by a background process to the Outpatient Pharmacy options, e.g. CPRS or Registration V. 5.3 packages, an email will be sent to the PSX EXTERNAL DISPENSE ALERTS mail group. If no recipients are defined in the new mail group, the message will be sent to PSXCMOPMGR key holders stating that a prescription was just discontinued and that the CMOP status for the discontinued prescription was either Transmitted or Retransmitted. Subj: TROY - DC Alert on CMOP Rx 123456789 TRANSMITTED [#90494] 03/03/09@17:37 8 lines From: POSTMASTER In 'IN' basket. Page 1 *New* -----------------------------------------------------------------------Rx #: 123456789 Fill: 0 Patient: OUTPATIENT,DCONE (6660) Drug: TAMOXIFEN CITRATE 10MG TABS Rx Status: DISCONTINUED BY PROVIDER Processing Status: TRANSMITTED to CMOP on 02/27/09 Provider: OPPROVIDER, PROV ******** Please contact CMOP or take appropriate action ******** Enter message action (in IN basket): Ignore// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 253 Discontinued by a Foreground Pharmacy Process When a CMOP prescription with a status of Transmitted or Retransmitted is discontinued by a foreground Pharmacy process due to a duplicate drug scenario that would trigger the duplicate to be discontinued, then the Processing Status field of the duplicate drug message is highlighted to alert the user. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Duplicate Drug in Local Rx: Rx #: 123456789 Drug: A AND Z OINTMENT SIG: APPLY 1 TUBE TO AFFECTED AREA TWICE A DAY QTY: 1 Refills remaining: 5 Provider: OPPROVIDER, PROV Issued: 11/27/09 Status: Active Last filled on: 11/27/09 Processing Status: Transmitted to CMOP on 11/27/09 Days Supply: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the above example, the line “Processing Status: Transmitted to CMOP on 11/27/09” is bold. List One Patient's Archived Rx's [PSO ARCHIVE LIST RX'S] This option shows the basic patient demographics and the prescription numbers and dates of archiving for archived prescriptions for this patient. Manual Print of Multi-Rx Forms [PSO LM MULTI-RX PRINT] This option allows the user to reprint the Multi-Rx Refill Request form on laser label stock without having to reprint the entire prescription labels. The user will receive a system confirmation that this form has been queued to print. Example: Manually Printing Multi-Rx Forms Select Rx (Prescriptions) Option: MANual Print of Multi-Rx Forms Enter patient to reprint Multi-Rx refill form for: OPPATIENT2,ONE Select LABEL DEVICE: LEX2 LEX2$PRT Bay Pines Multi-Rx form queued to print Reprint an Outpatient Rx Label [PSO RXRPT] The label reprint function allows a single label or many copies of the same label to be reproduced. When the patient is enrolled in ScripTalk, a message is displayed to the user indicating this and prompting the user to use the ScripTalk label for the prescription bottle. Example: Reprinting an Outpatient Rx Label Select Rx (Prescriptions) Option: REPRINT AN OUTPATIENT RX LABEL Reprint Prescription Label: 400693 254 ADHESIVE TAPE WATERPROOF 1IN ROLL Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Patient is a ScripTalk patient. Use ScripTalk label for prescription bottle. Number of Copies? : (1-99): 1// <Enter> Print adhesive portion of label only? N// <Enter> O Reprint the FDA Medication Guide? No// YES Comments: Rx # 400693 OPPATIENT16,ONE 06/27/03 #1 AS DIR ON AFFECTED AREA ADHESIVE TAPE WATERPROOF 1IN ROLL OPPROVIDER3O,TWO OPPHARMACIST4,THREE # of Refills: 2 Select LABEL DEVICE: L8150$PRT COPY ROOM 1A ALBANY's FDA Medication Guide Printer(s) on file: BIRM1$PRT(Default) L8150$PRT Select FDA MED GUIDE PRINTER: BIRM1$PRT// <Enter> LABEL(S) QUEUED TO PRINT When reprinting, you can choose whether or not you want to resend to a dispensing device using an external interface. If you do choose to resend, then the prescription will be sent to the dispensing system, and an entry will be made in the label log. This documents that this was a reprint and also resent to the dispensing system device. If you do not resend the prescription to the dispensing device, then only one entry is made in the label log. Example: Reprinting an Outpatient Rx Label – Multiple Dispensing Device Select Rx (Prescriptions) Option: REPRINT AN OUTPATIENT RX LABEL Reprint Prescription Label: 100002987 BACLOFEN 10MG TABS Number of Copies? : (1-99): 1// Print adhesive portion of label only? ? No// NO Do you want to resend to Dispensing System Device? No// y YES Comments: Multipe dispensing devices Rx # 100002987 OPPATIENT,TEN 05/02/11 #7 TAKE ONE TABLET BY BY MOUTH EVERY DAY FOR 7 DAYS BACLOFEN 10MG TABS OPPHARMACIST,FOUR # of Refills: 7 OPPHARMACIST,NINE Select LABEL DEVICE: LEXMARK5$PRT LABEL(S) QUEUED TO PRINT PRESCRIPTIONS SENT TO: SCRIPTPRO1 100002987 BACLOFEN 10MG TABS STORAGE DEVICES SCRIPTCENTER 100002987 November 2010 BACLOFEN 10MG TABS Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 255 Signature Log Reprint [PSO SIGLOG REPRINT] This option allows the user to reprint the Signature Log for a prescription. The system will prompt for a prescription number and printer device. The user will receive a system confirmation that this log has been queued to print. Example: Reprinting a Signature Log Select Rx (Prescriptions) Option: Signature Log Reprint Reprint Signature Log for Prescription: Select LABEL DEVICE: LEX2 LEX2$PRT 100002277A PREDNISONE 20MG S.T. Bay Pines Signature Log Reprint queued View Prescriptions [PSO VIEW] View the most complete information available for a specific prescription. The activity log lists the date, reason, prescription reference (Rx Ref), the initiator of the activity, and comments. The label log lists the date, prescription (Rx Ref), the person who printed it, and comments. Prescriptions with a deleted status cannot be viewed. Restrictions to Providers on Controlled Substances Orders As part of patch PSO*7*391, the Kernel patch XU*8*580 introduced new fields to the NEW PERSON file (#200). Apart from the DEA#/VA# requirement, DEA further classifies what CS schedule a provider is authorized to write. These new fields are: 55.1 55.2 55.3 55.4 55.5 55.6 SCHEDULE II NARCOTIC (S), [PS3;1] SCHEDULE II NON-NARCOTIC (S), [PS3;2] SCHEDULE III NARCOTIC (S), [PS3;3] SCHEDULE III NON-NARCOTIC (S), [PS3;4] SCHEDULE IV (S), [PS3;5] SCHEDULE V (S), [PS3;6] If one of the above fields is populated for a provider, then when placing a new order in backdoor pharmacy, the software will now check for the drug schedule with the provider privileges. If the provider does not have schedule II privileges, the software will display the following message: "Provider not authorized to write Federal Schedule 2 prescriptions." When placing an order for a CS Detoxification drug, the software will now check for a valid Detoxification number for the provider. If the provider does not have a Detoxification number, the software will display the following message: "Provider must have a DETOX# to order this drug." 256 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Prior to PSO*7*391, the default days supply for all drugs was based on Patient Rx Status. PSO*7*391 changes the default for CS schedule II drugs to be set to 30 (or to the current Patient Rx Status if lower than 30). The Integration Control Registration #3278 that returns day supply (DSUP^PSOSIGDS) is modified to return 30 for CS schedule II drugs. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 257 (This page included for two-sided copying.) 258 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 22: Updating a Patient’s Record This chapter describes the option used for updating a patient’s record. Update Patient Record [PSO PAT] Use this option to update the patient information currently in the computer. Patient records can also be updated while being viewed by using the Patient Record Update screen action. If implementing Other Language Modifications, use either to set a patient’s other language preference. In support of Registration patch DG*5.3*522, the Outpatient Pharmacy software provides for the automatic population of city, state, and county based on entry of a zip code. Example: Updating a patient record Select Outpatient Pharmacy Manager Option: UPDATE Patient Record Select Patient: OPPATIENT,ONE OPPATIENT, ONE 4500 S MAIN ST ADDRESS LINE2 LINE 3 OF ADDRESS MADISON WISCONSIN 53705 12-4-53 ID#: DOB: 000007890 YES SC VETERAN 000-00-7890 DEC 4,1953 PHONE: 555-555-1653 ELIG: SC LESS THAN 50% SC%: 10 WEIGHT(Kg): HEIGHT(cm): DISABILITIES: ARTHRITIS-10% (SC), FOREARM CONDITION-5% (NSC), FOREARM CONDITION-4% (NSC), BENIGN EYE GROWTH-0% (NSC), LOSS OF FIELD OF VISION-20% (SC), ALLERGIES: ADVERSE REACTIONS: If the PSO site parameter is set to allow editing of patient data, this prompt, “Do you want to update the Permanent address/phone? //N”, is displayed. If the user enters “NO”, then the software will not allow the user to update the permanent address and Bad Address Indicator fields. Do you want to update the address/phone? N// Y YES Update (P)ermanent address, (T)emporary, or (B)oth: BOTH// <Enter> STREET ADDRESS [LINE 1]: 4500 S MAIN ST// 4800 S MAIN ST STREET ADDRESS [LINE 2]: ADDRESS LINE2// <Enter> ADDRESS LINE2 STREET ADDRESS [LINE 3]: LINE 3 OF ADDRESS// <Enter> LINE 3 OF ADDRESS ZIP+4: 53705// <Enter> 53705 Select one of the following: 1 MADISON* CITY: MADISON// <Enter> * STATE: WISCONSIN COUNTY: DANE PHONE NUMBER [WORK]: November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 259 BAD ADDRESS INDICATOR: ? <Enter> Please enter 1 if the address is 'UNDELIVERABLE', 2 if the patient is 'HOMELESS', or 3 for 'OTHER' bad address reasons. Choose from: 1 UNDELIVERABLE 2 HOMELESS 3 OTHER Are you sure that you want to save the above changes? YES Change saved. Changes to the permanent address/Bad Address Indicator will not be saved until the prompt “Are you sure that you want to save the above changes?” is answered YES. Press ENTER to continue: Temporary Address: TEMPORARY ADDRESS ACTIVE?: NO// <Enter> NO Press Return to continue: <Enter> PHONE NUMBER [CELLULAR]: CNH CURRENT: FEE HOSPITAL I.D.: TEMPORARY ADDRESS ACTIVE?: NO// REMARKS: >>PHARMACY PATIENT DATA<< CAP: MAIL: MAIL STATUS EXPIRATION DATE: DIALYSIS PATIENT: NARRATIVE: Eligibility: COLLATERAL OF VET. Disabilities: PATIENT STATUS: SERVICE CONNECTED// COMMUNITY NURSING HOME: NURSING HOME CONTRACT: LAST DATE OF CONTRACT: RESPITE PATIENT START DATE: RESPITE PATIENT END DATE: OTHER LANGUAGE PREFERENCE: PMI LANGUAGE PREFERENCE: 260 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 23: Verifying Prescriptions This chapter describes the option and methods used for verifying prescriptions. Verification [PSO VER] The Verification menu is used by pharmacists to verify prescriptions with a non-verified status; obtain a listing of those remaining non-verified prescriptions; or calculate the number of nonverified prescriptions by entering the patient or the clerk. The following options are available on the Verification menu: • List Non-Verified Scripts • Non-Verified Counts • Rx Verification by Clerk If the verification site parameter is set to yes, new prescriptions entered by a non-pharmacist (i.e., someone who does not hold the PSORPH key) will be put in a non-verified status, entered into the non-verified orders file, and will not be made active (nor will labels be printed) until they are reviewed and verified by a pharmacist. Once new and renewed prescriptions for a patient are verified, all labels for that patient will be printed together. If a patient has refills only, these labels will be printed as they are entered. A pharmacist may choose to verify all entries made by a particular technician rather than all the prescriptions for an individual patient. Prescriptions in a non-verified status cannot be canceled, edited, or deleted through the usual options. If a non-verified prescription is autocanceled on admission, it can be reinstated, but it returns to the non-verified status. When the VERIFICATION outpatient site parameter is set to ‘No’, a user who does not hold the PSORPH key will not be allowed to finish a pending order. The Patient Prescription Processing [PSO LM BACKDOOR ORDERS] and Complete Orders from OERR [PSO LMOE FINISH] options have been modified to incorporate the above functionality. List Non-Verified Scripts [PSO VRPT] This option allows the user to obtain a list of all scripts remaining in a status of 'Non-Verified' by either patient or entering clerk. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 261 Example: Non-verified prescriptions (sorted by patient) Select Outpatient Pharmacy Manager Option: Verification Select Verification Option: List Non-Verified Scripts Sort By Patient or Clerk: P// <Enter> ATIENT DEVICE: HOME// [Select Print Device] NON-VERIFIED PRESCRIPTIONS AS OF JUL 16,2007@14:49:54 SORTED BY PATIENT (# indicates Critical Drug Interaction) Patient name Page: 1 Rx # Issued Drug Entry By -----------------------------------------------------------------------------OPPATIENT,FIVE 100001860A 04/01/04 ACETAMINOPHEN 1000MG TABLET OPPATIENT,FOUR 100001591A 07/27/98 ASPIRIN BUFFERED 325MG TAB OPPATIENT,ONE 100001853 10/23/02 ERYTHRITYL TETRANIT. 10MG TAB 10000000022 OPPATIENT,TWELVE 100001854 11/25/02 100001798A 04/19/99 ACETAMINOPHEN 1000MG TABLET INSULIN NPH U-100 INJ (PORK) 10000000022 100 10000000028 11733 Select Verification Option: Non-Verified Counts [PSO NVCNT] This option allows the user to obtain a count of the number of prescriptions remaining in a status of non-verified. Example: Total of Non-verified prescriptions Select Verification Option: NON-Verified Counts DEVICE: HOME// [Select Print Device] NON-VERIFIED PRESCRIPTION COUNTS JUL 16,2007@14:57:34 TOTAL NUMBER OF NON-VERIFIED PRESCRIPTIONS : 12 NUMBER OF PATIENTS WITH ONE OR MORE NON-VERIFIED PRESCRIPTIONS : 9 (NOTE: Total number of patients listed here may not always equal the number at the bottom, since some patients at the bottom may be counted more than once, possibly having non-verified Rx's entered on different days.) Date ---- # of Non-verified Rx's ----------------- # of Different Patients ------------------ 07-27-98 05-18-99 06-22-00 1 2 2 1 1 2 5 4 TOTAL 262 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit: Rx Verification by Clerk [PSO VR] This option verifies prescriptions in the non-verified status by entering the clerk. Verifying ePharmacy Orders Verifying an ePharmacy order is similar to finishing an order. After the user reviews the ePharmacy order and chooses to accept the order, the billing data is sent to ECME, which sends a message back to Outpatient Pharmacy displaying the status of the claim. The ECME section of the Activity Log is also updated. RX: 101435 PATIENT: OPPATIENT,FOUR (000-01-1322P) STATUS: Non-Verified DRUG: ENTEX CAP QTY: 10 10 DAY SUPPLY SIG: TAKE 25MG BY BY MOUTH EVERY DAY FOR 10 DAYS WITH FOOD LATEST: 11/05/2005 # OF REFILLS: 0 REMAINING: 0 ISSUED: 11/05/2005 PROVIDER: LOGGED: 11/05/2005 CLINIC: NOT ON FILE EXPIRES: 11/15/2005 DIVISION: ALBANY ISC (500) CAP: NON-SAFETY ROUTING: WINDOW ENTRY BY: OPPHARMACIST,ONE VERIFIED BY: PATIENT STATUS : SC LESS THAN 50% COPIES : 1 EDIT: (Y/N/P): N// NO VERIFY FOR OPPHARMACIST4,THREE ? (Y/N/Delete/Quit): Y// <Enter> Prescription 100003840 successfully submitted to ECME for claim generation. Claim Status: IN PROGRESS-Waiting to start IN PROGRESS-Gathering claim info IN PROGRESS-Packet being built IN PROGRESS-Waiting for transmit IN PROGRESS-Transmitting E PAYABLE Another New Order for OPPATIENT,FOUR? YES// November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 263 (This page included for two-sided copying.) 264 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 24: CPRS Order Checks: How They Work Introduction In CPRS, Order Checks occur by evaluating a requested order against existing patient data. Most order checks are processed via the CPRS Expert System. A few are processed within the Pharmacy, Allergy Tracking System, and Order Entry packages. Order Checks are a real-time process that occurs during the ordering session and is driven by responses entered by the ordering provider. Order Check messages are displayed interactively in the ordering session. Order Checks review existing data and current events to produce a relevant message, which is presented to patient caregivers. Order Checks use the CPRS Expert System (OCX namespace), to define logical expressions for this evaluation and message creation. In addition to the expert system Order Checks have some hard-coded algorithms. For example, the drug-drug interaction order check is made via an entry point in the pharmacy package whereas Renal Functions for Patients 65 and Over is defined as a rule in the CPRS Expert System. Order Check Data Caching Data caching was recently added to improve the speed of order checks. Before data caching, order checks could be slow because each order check retrieved data from the other VISTA packages—even if the order checks used the same data. With data caching, the first order check in an ordering session retrieves data from other VISTA packages, uses the data to evaluate whether it should display a warning, and then stores the retrieved data in the ^XTMP(“OCXCACHE” global for five minutes. The order checks that occur in the next five minutes can use the cached data, if it is the appropriate data, instead of retrieving data from the other packages. After five minutes, the cached data expires, and order checks must retrieve new data from the VISTA packages. For example, before data caching was implemented, if an order check took 3 seconds to retrieve data from other VISTA packages, and there were 12 order checks, clinicians might wait 36 seconds to sign orders. With data caching, the first order check might take 3 seconds to retrieve the data, but subsequent order checks could use the cache and might take only .03 seconds each. That would be 3.33 seconds compared to 36 seconds. The numbers in this example are for illustration only and do not reflect real system speed. However, data caching should speed up order checks. To avoid using all available disk space for storing data from order checks, there are several ways to clear the ^XTMP(“OCXCACHE” global. ORMTIME removes data from the global when it runs. The suggested frequency for running ORMTIME is every 30 minutes, but not every site runs it that frequently. Kernel clean up utilities also remove data from the cache when they run, which is usually every 24 hours. If needed, users that have access to the programmer’s prompt can manually clear the cache from that prompt by using PURGE^OCXCACHE. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 265 Hash Counts and DEA Certification When processing a digitally signed pending order, the integrity of the original order placed in CPRS is now being checked to ensure that the data fields listed below are not altered from the time the order is signed in CPRS and later selected for processing in backdoor pharmacy. This is done by passing the data elements listed below to a Kernel Application Programming Interface (API), Integration Control Registration (ICR) #3539 along with the CPRS hash count provided by ICR #5709. The Kernel API compares these two hash values and returns an "OK" if the pending order is unaltered; otherwise, a "-1^error code^error message" is returned. Example: "-1^89802016^Mismatched digital signature hash values." The following fields are used in the hash check: • Date of Issuance • Full Name and Address of the Patient • Drug Name • Quantity Prescribed • Directions for Use • Prescriber Name • Prescriber Address (site address) • Prescriber DEA / VA Registration Number • Order Number (CPRS) The Kernel API will also check for the validity of the DEA certificate. If the certificate is revoked or expired, the API will return the appropriate error code. If the error code is related to hash mismatch, or the DEA certificate is revoked, the following events will be triggered during pending order processing: • The order will be auto discontinued. • First line of the pending order screen will have the message "Digital Signature Failed: Corrupted (Hash mismatch)" or "Certificate revoked" concatenated with "Order Auto Discontinued", and the message will be highlighted. • The status bar of the screen will have the message "Signature Failed: Corrupted (Hash mismatch)" or Certificate revoked." A mail message will be generated to the holders of the PSDMGR key notifying that the order has been auto-discontinued (similar to the example listed below). If the discontinuation is due to a hash mismatch as a result of altering one of the fields listed above, the mail message will show the altered fields with the discrepancies as shown in the following example. Example: Mail Message of Discontinuation Due to Hash Mismatch Subj: DIGITALLY SIGNED NEW ORDER AUTO DISCONTINUED 03/20/12@17:1024 lines 266 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual [#196353] November 2010 From: POSTMASTER In 'IN' basket. Page 1 *New* ----------------------------------------------------------------------Following order was auto discontinued when finishing a pending order due to Corrupted (Hash mismatch) - 89802016 Division CPRS Order # Issue Date Patient Address : : : : : Drug : Dosage Ordered: Dosage Form : Quantity : Provider : DEA# : Site Address : GREELEY CLINIC 5587651 MAR 7,2012 TEST,PATIENT (0908) P.O. BOX 31 LAPORTE, CA 95981 CODEINE SULFATE 60MG TAB 120(MG) TABLETS 54 TEST,PROVIDER TA1234563 2360 E PERSHING BLVD 2360 East Pershing Boulevard CHEYENNE Differences in CPRS and Pharmacy Pending File Data Name --------QTY PRESCRIBED CPRS File --------15 Pharmacy Pending File --------------------30 If the error code is related to 'certificate expired', the pending order will be processed (will not be auto-discontinued), and a notification will be sent to the provider with the message, "DEA certificate expired. Renew your certificate." The following changes have been made for finishing a CS order: • When finishing a pending CS order, if the user does not hold the new PSDRPH security key, the order will be marked as 'Non-Verified'. To verify a 'Non-Verified' CS order, the PSDRPH security key is now required. To discontinue a pending CS order, the PSDRPH security key is now required. • The pending order screen will now display the provider's DEA/VA #, the DETOX# (if available), and the site address. • When finishing a new pending CS order, the dosage, provider name, or the number of refills will not be allowed editing; however, the user will be allowed to select other possible dosages for the same drug if available. If the changes to the dispense drug results in creating a new order, the user will be notified by the message " Digitally Signed Order - No such changes allowed." If pharmacy wants to make such changes, then they have to discontinue (DC) the pending order and start a new order. However, the user will be allowed to select other possible dosages for the same drug that does not change the prescribed dosage. • When finishing a new pending CS order, the day supply or the quantity will not be allowed to increase but can be decreased. If the day supply is decreased, the number of refills will also be adjusted accordingly depending on the drug setup (maximum refills, not refillable, etc). The quantity may be auto-calculated to a higher quantity by the system only when the dosage remains the same, but the dispense drug strength is changed November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 267 – i.e. 2mg tablets #30 is changed to 1mg tablets, the Sig is updated, and the system changes the quantity to 60. A manual change to a higher quantity is not allowed. • When finishing a pending CS order or verifying a CS order by the PSDRPH key holder, any edit to some of the key fields, such as dispense drug, dosage, dispense units, issue date, day's supply, quantity or number of refills, will now be captured and stored in the activity log. In patch PSO*7*99, a change was made for pending orders not to recalculate the quantity for CS drugs on selecting a different strength of the same drug and resulting in the same prescribed dosage. This change is removed in patch PSO*7*391. 268 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 25: Error Messages Error Information The text in the error message and reason column will be displayed to the user. The type of error is displayed in column 1. Three Levels of Error Messages System When such an error occurs, no Drug Interaction, Duplicate Therapy, or Dosing order checks will be performed. Other order checks that do not use the COTS database (FDB) will still be performed such as allergy/ADRs, duplicate drug (for outpatient only) and new CPRS order checks, etc. Drug The second error level is for the drug and no Drug Interaction/Duplicate Therapy or Dosing order checks will be performed for a specific drug. Drug level errors can occur for the prospective drug (drug being processed) or the profile drug. If a drug level error occurs on the prospective drug, no profile drug errors will be displayed. The only exception to this is when you are processing an IV order with multiple prospective drugs (i.e. multiple IV Additives). Profile drug level errors will only be shown once per patient session. There are two reasons that a drug level error is generated; the drug is not matched to NDF or the drug is matched to NDF, but the VA Product to which it is matched does not have a GCNSEQNO assigned or the GCNSEQNO assigned does not match up to the GCNSEQNO in the COTS database. The latter (GCNSQENO mismatch) is rare. Order The third error level is for the order. Order level errors will only occur with dosing order checks. Please see the Dosing Order Check User Manual for more information. Error Level Error Message Reason Why message is being displayed. System No Enhanced Order Checks can be performed. Vendor Database cannot be reached. The connectivity to the vendor database has gone down. A MailMan message is sent to the G. PSS ORDER CHECKS mail group when the link goes down and when it comes back up. System No Enhanced Order Checks can be performed. The connection to the vendor database has been disabled. A user has executed the Enable/Disable Vendor Database Link [PSS ENABLE/DISABLE DB LINK] option and disabled the interface. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 269 Error Level Error Message Reason Why message is being displayed. System No Enhanced Order Checks can be performed “Signatured FailedOrder Auto Discontinued” Vendor database updates are being processed The vendor database (custom and standard data) is being updated using the DATUP (Data Update) process. Hash Mismatch Original digitally signed CS order placed in CPRS is checked to ensure data fields are not altered from the time the order is signed in CPRS and later selected for processing in backdoor pharmacy. System “DEA certificate expired. Renew your certificate.” Validity of the DEA certificate. Kernel API check for the validity of the DEA certificate. If certificate is revoked or expired, the API will return the appropriate error code. System No Enhanced Order Checks can be performed An unexpected error has occurred There is a system network problem and the vendor database cannot be reached or a software interface issue. Drug Enhanced Order Checks cannot be performed for Local or Local Outpatient Drug: <DRUG NAME> Drug not matched The local drug being ordered/ or on to NDF profile has not been matched to NDF. Matching the drug to a VA Product will eliminate this message. Drug Order Checks could not be done for Remote Drug: <DRUG NAME>, please complete a manual check for Drug Interactions and Duplicate Therapy. System If this error message is displayed, it means that the VA product that the local or remote drug being ordered/or on the local or remote profile does not have a GCNSEQNO or in rare cases, the GCNSEQNO assigned to the VA Product does not match up with a GCNSEQNO in the vendor database. Remote order indicator Drug 270 Enhanced Order Checks cannot be performed for Orderable Item: <OI NAME> No active Dispense Drug found Highly unlikely that this error would be seen. At the time the order check was being performed the orderable item did not have an active dispense drug associated. Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 26: FDA Medication Guides Medication Guides are paper handouts that come with many prescription medicines. These guides address issues that are specific to particular drugs and drug classes, and they contain FDA approved information that can help patients avoid serious adverse events. The FDA requires that medication guides be issued with certain prescribed drugs and biological products when the agency determines that: certain information is necessary to prevent serious adverse effect; patient decision-making should be informed by information about a known serious side effect with a product; or patient adherence to directions for the use of a product are essential to its effectiveness. The VA maintains a web-enabled repository of all approved FDA Medication Guides, both current and archived versions of the documents. Following is the link to this repository: http://vaww.national.cmop.va.gov/FDAMedGuides/ Displaying an FDA Medication Guide The system provides users the ability to display individual FDA Medication Guides for a specific prescription when one is available. Outpatient Pharmacy provides an option under the OTH hidden action within the Patient Prescription Processing [PSO LM BACKDOOR] option, aka ‘Backdoor Pharmacy’, allowing users to retrieve the Medication Guide associated with a prescription similar to the reprint of the PMI. Users may retrieve an FDA Mediation Guide for a specific prescription by invoking the OTH (Other OP Actions) hidden action and selecting the new action, MG Display FDA Medication Guide. A Java software component running on the user’s PC will then display the FDA Medication Guide Adobe Acrobat document (.pdf) by automatically opening it through the Adobe Acrobat reader via Microsoft Internet Explorer. Example 1: Displaying an FDA Medication Guide --- Other OP Actions --PN Progress Note (OP) AP Action Profile (OP) MI Print Medication Instructions DO Display Orders' Statuses MG Display FDA Medication Guide Select Item(s): MG Display FDA Medication Guide The following URL provides the link to the FDA Medication Guide associated with this medication: Thin Client users; copy/paste the URL below into a browser to access the FDA Medication Guide for this drug: vaww.national.cmop.va.gov/FDAMedGuides/Lindane_(Generic)_(2008).pdf Please wait... Enter RETURN to continue, '?' for HELP, or '^' to exit: November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 271 The following Internet explorer browser will open automatically: Example 2: Displaying an FDA Medication Guide for an Rx when the Java Software Component is not installed. If a user tries to use this option from a computer which does not have the required Java software component installed, the following message will display: Select Item(s): MG Display FDA Medication Guide The following URL provides the link to the FDA Medication Guide associated with this medication. Thin Client users: copy/paste the URL below into a browser to access the FDA Medication Guide for this drug: vaww.national.cmop.va.gov/FDAMedGuides/Lindane_(Generic)_(2008).pdf Please wait... The system is unable to display FDA Med Guide automatically. The FDA Medication Guide will not automatically open on Thin Client and some types of encrypted sessions. If you do not believe this is the reason contact your local technical support for assistance. You can copy/paste the link above into your browser's address bar to retrieve the FDA Medication Guide. Enter RETURN to continue, '?' for HELP, or '^' to exit: ? When unable to get the FDA Medication Guide to display, review the following suggestion(s) for troubleshooting potential problems: 1) The browser did not open automatically. This may be due to the following: 272 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 - You might be connected to VistA via Thin Client or an encrypted session that prevents the FDA Med Guide from automatically displaying. Please copy and paste the URL link below into your browser's address bar to retrieve the FDA Medication Guide: vaww.national.cmop.va.gov/FDAMedGuides/Lindane_Lotion_(Generic)_(2008).pdf - The computer might not have the required Java software component installed or the software might not be functioning properly. Please, contact technical support for assistance. 2) When doing a copy/paste of the link into the browser's address and an HTTP 404 - File Not Found error is received. This may be due to the following: - A common issue exists when the link is displayed in two lines in the terminal screen. When you copy both lines at the same time and paste it into the browser's address, the second line is ignored by the browser resulting in a 'broken' link. To resolve this issue, copy and paste one line at a time from the terminal screen into the browser's address to make sure the complete link is used. - The FDA Medication Guide Server may be down at the moment. Please, wait a few minutes and try again. If the problem persists, contact technical support for assistance. 3) The browser opened automatically, however you receive an HTTP 404 - File Not Found error. This may be due to the following: - The FDA Medication Guide Server may be down at the moment. Please, wait a few minutes and try again. If the problem persists, contact technical support for assistance. Example 3: Displaying an FDA Medication Guide for a medication that does not have an FDA Medication Guide on file. If a user tries to use this option for a medication that does not have an FDA Medication Guide on file, the following message will display: Select Item(s): MG Display FDA Medication Guide There is no FDA Medication Guide associated with this medication. Enter RETURN to continue, '?' for HELP, or '^' to exit: ? When unable to get the FDA Medication Guide to display, review the following suggestion(s) for troubleshooting potential problems: 1) If no FDA Medication Guide exists for a product that you believe should have one, confirm that one is required by visiting the FDA website (www.fda.gov). If one is required, log a support ticket to request its addition. Please understand that there may be a delay between the time that a new Medication Guide is posted to the FDA website and when it is made available in VistA through a National Drug File data update patch. Printing an FDA Medication Guide The Outpatient Pharmacy application automatically prints an FDA Medication Guide on a separate, designated printer after printing the prescription label and PMI sheet, if one is available, for the medication being dispensed. Anytime a label is printed, the system ensures that if the specific drug has an associated medication guide, it will be printed whether the script is a normal fill, a partial fill or a refill. When an FDA medication guide is sent to the printer, information is included in the footer of the document to identify the Patient, the Rx# and the date it was printed. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 273 The system indicates when an associated medication guide exists on the prescription label printout. The printout contains the following statement on the same line where Additional Warnings appear: “Read FDA MED Guide.” Site Parameters [PSO SITE PARAMETERS] There are new site parameters related to the automatic printing of FDA Medication Guides. Example 1: Updating the FDA Medication Guide Print Server URL Select Outpatient Pharmacy Manager Option: MAINtenance (Outpatient Pharmacy) Select Maintenance (Outpatient Pharmacy) Option: SITE Parameter Enter/Edit Select SITE NAME: ALBANY 500 Would you like to see all site parameters for this division? Y// NO NAME: ALBANY// MAILING FRANK STREET ADDRESS: 114 HOLLAND AVE// AREA CODE: 518// PHONE NUMBER: 472-4307// MAILING FRANK ZIP+4 CODE: 12180// SITE NUMBER: 514// NCPDP NUMBER: ^FDA 1 FDA MED GUIDE PRINT SERVER URL 2 FDA MED GUIDE PRINTER CHOOSE 1-2: 1 FDA MED GUIDE PRINT SERVER URL FDA MED GUIDE PRINT SERVER URL: ?? This is the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) and Port Number for the Print Server running the Java Application responsible for automatically printing of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Medication Guides for the division (e.g., ''). FDA MED GUIDE PRINT SERVER URL: FDA Medication Guide Printer Selection Upon logging into outpatient pharmacy, in addition to selecting the Label and Profile printers, the user is prompted to select the FDA Medication Guide printer as well. Only devices with a WINDOWS NETWORK PRINTER NAME field (#135) defined in the DEVICE file (#3.5) are selectable. The FDA Medication Guide printer can be changed at any point of the dispensing process. The user can also change the FDA Medication Guide printer through the Change Label Printer option [PSO CHANGE PRINTER]. Example 2: Selecting the Printer Select OPTION NAME: PSO MAN 1 PSO MANAGER Outpatient Pharmacy Manager 2 PSO MANUAL AUTO EXPIRE Manual Auto Expire Rxs CHOOSE 1-2: 1 PSO MANAGER Outpatient Pharmacy Manager Outpatient Pharmacy software - Version Division: ALBANY 500 You are logged on under the ALBANY division. Select PROFILE PRINTER: HOME// Select LABEL PRINTER: HOME// 274 GENERIC INCOMING TELNET GENERIC INCOMING TELNET Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 OK to assume label alignment is correct? YES// ALBANY's FDA Medication Guide Printer(s) on file: BIRM1$PRT L8150$PRT Select FDA MED GUIDE PRINTER: HINES FDA MED GUIDE PRINTER// HINES Bingo Board Display: OUTPATIENT// The Default FDA Medication Guide Printer [PSO SITE PARAMETERS] Only one printer from the PHARMACY DIVISION file (#59) list of available printers used to print FDA Medication Guides may be selected as the default printer. The use of the list by the sites is optional. The user also has the ability to change the default FDA Medication Guide printer through the Site Parameter Enter/Edit option [PSO SITE PARAMETERS]. Example 3: Setting the Default FDA Medication Guide Printer Select Outpatient Pharmacy Manager Option: MAINtenance (Outpatient Pharmacy) Select Maintenance (Outpatient Pharmacy) Option: SITE Parameter Enter/Edit Select SITE NAME: ALBANY 500 Would you like to see all site parameters for this division? Y// NO NAME: ALBANY//MAILING FRANK STREET ADDRESS: 114 HOLLAND AVE// AREA CODE: 518// ^FDA 1 FDA MED GUIDE PRINT SERVER URL 2 FDA MED GUIDE PRINTER CHOOSE 1-2: 2 FDA MED GUIDE PRINTER Select FDA MED GUIDE PRINTER: BAY PINES FDA MED GUIDE PRINTER // ? Answer with FDA MED GUIDE PRINTER Choose from: SUPPORT LINE PRINTER BIRM1$PRT HINES FDA MED GUIDE PRINTER BAY PINES MED GUIDE PRINTER You may enter a new FDA MED GUIDE PRINTER, if you wish Enter the FDA Medication Guide printer for the division. Only devices with a Windows Network Printer Name are allowed. Answer with DEVICE NAME, or LOCAL SYNONYM, or $I, or VOLUME SET(CPU), or SIGN-ON/SYSTEM DEVICE, or FORM CURRENTLY MOUNTED Do you want the entire DEVICE List? N (No) Select FDA MED GUIDE PRINTER: BAY PINES MED GUIDE PRINTER // BIRM1 BIRM1$PRT BHM |PRN|\\VHAISPLAB5\BIRM1 ...OK? Yes// (Yes) FDA MED GUIDE PRINTER: BIRM1$PRT// DEFAULT PRINTER: ? Indicate whether the printer is the default FDA Medication Guide Printer for the division. Choose from: 1 YES DEFAULT PRINTER: 1 YES Select FDA MED GUIDE PRINTER: November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 275 Reprinting an FDA Medication Guide [PSO LM BACKDOOR ORDERS] The system allows the user to reprint the associated FDA Medication Guide for a given prescription fill (or the latest FDA Medication Guide available for the medication on the prescription when reprinting a prescription label) and for prescription fills sent to CMOP by invoking the RM action under the OTH (Other OP Actions) after selecting a specific prescription in Backdoor Pharmacy, as seen below. The system prompts the user whether to reprint a medication guide, if an FDA Medication Guide is associated with a Prescription, when reprinting a label. The Default is set to ‘NO’. Example 4: Drug Not matched to National Drug File If a user tries to use this option for a medication that is not matched to the National Drug File, the following message will display: --- Other OP Actions --PN Progress Note (OP) AP Action Profile (OP) MI Print Medication Instructions DO Display Orders' Statuses MG Display FDA Medication Guide RM Reprint FDA Medication Guide Select Item(s): RM Reprint FDA Medication Guide ACETAMINOPHEN 325MG C.T. not matched to the National Drug File (NDF) Enter RETURN to continue: Example 5: No FDA Medication Guide Associated with Drug If a user tries to use this option for a medication that does not have an FDA Medication Guide on file, the following message will display: --- Other OP Actions --PN AP MI DO MG RM Progress Note (OP) Action Profile (OP) Print Medication Instructions Display Orders' Statuses Display FDA Medication Guide Reprint FDA Medication Guide Select Item(s): RM Reprint FDA Medication Guide No FDA Medication Guide on file for this Rx. Enter RETURN to continue: Example 6: Reprinting an FDA Medication Guide for a Medication that has an FDA Medication Guide on File --- Other OP Actions --PN AP MI DO 276 Progress Note (OP) Action Profile (OP) Print Medication Instructions Display Orders' Statuses Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 MG RM Display FDA Medication Guide Reprint FDA Medication Guide Select Item(s): RM Reprint FDA Medication Guide ALBANY's FDA Medication Guide Printer(s) on file: BIRM1$PRT L8150$PRT Select FDA MED GUIDE PRINTER: SUPPORT LINE PRINTER// ROOM 234 Select FDA Medication Guide to reprint: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------# FL FDA MED GUIDE FILE NAME TYPE DATE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 0 Lindane_Lotion_(Generic)_(2008).pdf WINDOW 07/02/11 2 P1 Lindane_Lotion_(Generic)_(2008).pdf WINDOW 08/16/11 3 1 Lindane_Lotion_(Generic)_(2008).pdf WINDOW 09/21/11 4 Lindane_Lotion_(Generic)_(2008).pdf LATEST Select FDA Med Guide (1-4): 3 Lindane_Lotion_(Generic)_(2008).pdf FDA Medication Guide sent to printer. Enter RETURN to continue:Example 7: Reprinting FDA Medication Guide from Profile OP Medications (ACTIVE) Oct 04, 2011@10:52:23 Page: 1 of 2 OUTPATNM,CATHLEEN <NO ALLERGY ASSESSMENT> PID: 666-00-0704 Ht(cm): _______ (______) DOB: FEB 1,1955 (56) Wt(kg): _______ (______) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rx #: 300411$ (1) *Orderable Item: LINDANE SHAMPOO (2) Drug: LINDANE 1% SHAMPOO Verb: SHAMPOO (3) *Dosage: 1 *Route: ORAL (BY MOUTH) *Schedule: QD (4)Pat Instructions: SIG: SHAMPOO 1 BY MOUTH EVERY DAY (5) Patient Status: SC LESS THAN 50% (6) Issue Date: 09/02/11 (7) Fill Date: 09/02/11 Last Fill Date: 09/02/11 (Window) Last Release Date: (8) Lot #: Expires: 09/02/12 MFG: +---------Enter ?? for more actions--------------------------------------------DC Discontinue PR Partial RL Release ED Edit RF Refill RN Renew Select Action: Next Screen// rp RP Number of Copies? : (1-99): 1// Print adhesive portion of label only? No// NO Reprint the FDA Medication Guide? No// YES Comments: TESTING SINGLE RX REPRINT Rx # 300411 09/02/11 OUTPATNM,CATHLEEN #1 SHAMPOO 1 BY MOUTH EVERY DAY LINDANE 1% SHAMPOO ROBERTSON,MARK # of Refills: 5 ROCHA,MARCELO Press Return to Continue: November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 277 Changing the FDA Medication Guide Printer [PSO CHANGE PRINTER] Users have the ability to change the currently selected FDA Medication Guide printer through the Change Label Printer option [PSO Change Printer.] Example 8: Changing the FDA Med Guide Printer Select Outpatient Pharmacy Manager Option: Change Label Printer Select PROFILE PRINTER: TELNET-IN// GENERIC INCOMING TELNET Select LABEL PRINTER: TELNET-IN// GENERIC INCOMING TELNET OK to assume label alignment is correct? YES// ALBANY's FDA Medication Guide Printer(s) on file: BIRM1$PRT L8150$PRT Select FDA MED GUIDE PRINTER: BIRM1$PRT// hines NES HINES FDA MED GUIDE PRINTER HI Prompt During Label Print The system prompts the user to select a different FDA Medication Guide printer when printing labels, if at least one FDA Medication Guide is associated with a Prescription label being printed. Label Log and CMOP Event Log Display The Label Log as well as the CMOP Event Log displays the FDA MED Guide URL under the Comments line to denote that an FDA Medication Guide printed along with the label or that there was one associated with the medication when the prescription fill was transmitted to CMOP. Example 9: Label Log and CMOP Event Log Display Label Log: # Date Rx Ref Printed By =============================================================================== 1 10/04/11 ORIGINAL ROCHA,MARCELO Comments: From RX number 300418 FDA Med Guide: Lindane_Lotion_(Generic)_(2008).pdf CMOP Event Log: Date/Time Rx Ref TRN-Order Stat Comments =============================================================================== 10/04/11@0943 Orig 15-1 TRAN FDA Med Guide: NSAIDs_(Class)_(2009).pdf Audit Trail for FDA Medication Guide Printing The system stores the unique FDA Medication Guide document name for each fill being transmitted to CMOP in the PRESCRIPTION file (#52). Automatically Printing FDA Medication Guides is Optional The FDA Medication Guide automatic printing functionality is an optional functionality. Each pharmacy division may choose to turn this functionality ON or OFF. Reasons a pharmacy 278 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 division might choose to turn the FDA Medication Guide automatic printing functionality OFF are: FDA Medication Guides print on a different printer than the prescription labels. High-volume window prescription dispensing sites may not have the necessary resources for collating FDA Medication Guides with their corresponding prescription labels. Automated-dispensing systems such as Optfill also perform the prescription label printing, which usually happens at a later time than when the labels are printed in VistA. Since FDA Medication Guides automatically print at the same time labels print from VistA, medication guides may print too early in the dispensing process, causing confusion. To turn the FDA Medication Guide automatic printing functionality OFF or to not turn it ON for a specific pharmacy division, make sure the FDA MED GUIDE PRINT SERVER URL field has no value. This field can be edited via the Site Parameter Enter/Edit [PSO SITE PARAMETERS] option, as shown below. Whether the functionality is being turned ON or OFF, the prescription label printed from VistA will still include the note “Read FDA Med Guide” when one is associated with the medication being dispensed. Example 10: Updating the FDA Med Guide Print Server URL Field Select Outpatient Pharmacy Manager Option: SUPERvisor Functions Add New Providers Daily Rx Cost Delete a Prescription Edit Provider Initialize Rx Cost Statistics Inter-Divisional Processing Inventory Lookup Clerk by Code Lookup National Clean-Up Utility Data Monthly Rx Cost Compilation Patient Address Changes Report Pharmacist Enter/Edit Purge Drug Cost Data Recompile AMIS Data Site Parameter Enter/Edit View Provider Select Supervisor Functions Option: SITE Parameter Enter/Edit Select SITE NAME: ALBANY 500 Would you like to see all site parameters for this division? Y// NO NAME: ALBANY// MAILING FRANK STREET ADDRESS: 114 HOLLAND AVE// AREA CODE: 518// PHONE NUMBER: 472-4307// MAILING FRANK ZIP+4 CODE: 12208// SITE NUMBER: 500// NCPDP NUMBER: ... LOGICAL LINK: PSO DISP// PROCESS AUTO REFILLS FOR INPAT: PROCESS AUTO REFILLS FOR CNH: November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 279 FDA MED GUIDE PRINT SERVER URL: ?? This is the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) and Port Number for the Print Server running the Java Application responsible for automatically printing of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Medication Guides for the division (e.g.,''). FDA MED GUIDE PRINT SERVER URL: 280 Make sure this field is blank (no value). Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Chapter 27: Security Keys A security key is a unique entry in the Security Key file (^DIC(19.1,) which may prevent access to a specific option or action by including the key as part of the option’s entry in the Option file (^DIC(19,). Only users entered in the Holder field of the Security Key file may access the option or action. Security Keys PSO TRICARE/CHAMPVA PSO*7*385 renamed the PSO TRICARE security key to PSO TRICARE/CHAMPVA. Please see TRICARE/CHAMPVA Eligible Outpatient Override Function for further information on this security key. PSO TRICARE/CHAMPVA MGR PSO*7*385 renamed the PSO TRICARE MGR security key to PSO TRICARE/CHAMPVA MGR. Please see TRICARE CHAMPVA Bypass/Override Report for further information on this security key. PSO TECH ADV PSO*7*386 added the PSO TECH ADV security key for use of holding and unholding prescriptions. Please see Holding and Unholding a Prescription for further information on this security key. PSO EPHARMACY SITE MANAGER PSO*7*421 added the PSO EPHARMACY SITE MANAGER security key for use of changing ePharmacy Site Parameters. Please see ePharmacy Site Parameters for further information on this security key. November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 281 Glossary The following table provides definitions for common acronyms and terms used in this manual. Acronym/Term Definition Action Profile A list of all active and recently canceled or expired prescriptions for a patient sorted by classification. This profile also includes a signature line for each prescription to allow the physician to cancel or renew it. Activity Log A log, by date, of changes made to or actions taken on a prescription. An entry is made in this log each time the prescription is edited, canceled, reinstated after being canceled, or renewed. An entry will be made into this log each time a label is reprinted. A CMOP activity log will contain information related to CMOP dispensing activities. ADD Automated Dispensing Device Allergy/ADR Information Includes non-verified and verified allergy and/or adverse reaction information as defined in the Adverse Reaction Tracking (ART) package. The allergy data is sorted by type (DRUG, OTHER, FOOD). If no data is found for a category, the heading for that category is not displayed. AMIS Automated Management Information System Answer Sheet An entry in the DUE ANSWER SHEET file. It contains the questions and answers of a DUE questionnaire. This term is also used to refer to the hard copy representation of a DUE ANSWER SHEET entry. API Application Programming Interfaces APSP Originally Indian Health Service Pharmacy's name space now owned by the Outpatient Pharmacy software. BSA Body Surface Area. The Dubois formula is used to calculate the Body Surface Area using the following formula: BSA (m²) = 0.20247 x Height (m)0.725 x Weight (kg)0.425 The equation is performed using the most recent patient height and weight values that are entered into the vitals package. The calculation is not intended to be a replacement for independent clinical judgment. Bypass Take no action on a medication order. CHAMPVA CHAMPVA (Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs) is a cost-shared health benefits program established for the dependents and survivors of certain severely disabled and/or deceased veterans. 282 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Acronym/Term Definition CMOP Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacy. CPRS Computerized Patient Record System. CPRS is an entry point in VistA that allows the user to enter all necessary orders for a patient in different packages (e.g., Outpatient Pharmacy, Inpatient Pharmacy, etc.) from a single entry point. CrCL Creatinine Clearance. The CrCl value which displays in the pharmacy header is identical to the CrCl value calculated in CPRS. The formula approved by the CPRS Clinical Workgroup is the following: Modified Cockcroft-Gault equation using Adjusted Body Weight in kg (if ht > 60in) This calculation is not intended to be a replacement for independent clinical judgment. Critical Interactions with severe consequences that require some type of action (finding facts, contacting prescribers) to prevent potential serious harm. DATUP Data Update (DATUP). Functionality that allows the Pharmacy Enterprise Customization System (PECS) to send out custom and standard commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) vendor database changes to update the two centralized databases at Austin and Martinsburg. DEA Drug Enforcement Agency DEA Special Handling The Drug Enforcement Agency special Handling code used for drugs to designate if they are over-the counter, narcotics, bulk compounds, supply items, etc. DHCP See VistA. DIF Drug Information Framework Dispense Drug The Dispense Drug name has the strength attached to it (e.g., Acetaminophen 325 mg). The name alone without a strength attached is the Orderable Item name. DNS Domain Name Server DoD Department of Defense Dosage Ordered After the user has selected the drug during order entry, the dosage ordered prompt is displayed. Drug/Drug Interaction The pharmacological or clinical response to the administration of a drug combination different from that anticipated from the known effects of the two agents when given alone. DUE Drug Usage Evaluation November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 283 Acronym/Term Definition Enhanced Order Check Drug – Drug Interaction, Duplicate Therapy, and Dosing order checks that are executed utilizing FDB’s MedKnowledge Framework APIs and database. ETC Enhanced Therapeutic Classification Expiration/Stop The date on which a prescription is no longer active. Typically, this date is 30 days after the issue date for narcotics, 365 days after the issue date for other medications and 365 days after the issue date for supplies. FDB First DataBank Finish Term used for completing orders from Order Entry/Results Reporting V. 3.0. GUI Acronym for Graphical User Interface. HDR-Hx Health Data Repository Historical HDR-IMS Health Data Repository- Interim Messaging Solution Issue Date The date on which the prescription was written. This date is usually, but not always, the same as the first fill date. This date cannot be later than the first fill date. HFS Host File Server. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of1996 (HIPAA) A Federal law that makes a number of changes that have the goal of allowing persons to qualify immediately for comparable health insurance coverage when they change their employment relationships. Title II, Subtitle F, of HIPAA gives HHS the authority to mandate the use of standards for the electronic exchange of health care data; to specify what medical and administrative code sets should be used within those standards; to require the use of national identification systems for health care patients, providers, payers (or plans), and employers (or sponsors); and to specify the types of measures required to protect the security and privacy of personally identifiable health care information. Also known as the KennedyKassebaum Bill, the Kassebaum-Kennedy Bill, K2, or Public Law 104-191. JCAHO Acronym for Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations Label/Profile Monitor A file for each printer which records, in the order in which they were printed, the last 1000 labels or profiles printed on that printer. This allows a rapid reprint of a series of labels or profiles that were damaged by a printer malfunction or other event. Local Possible Dosages Free text dosages that are associated with drugs that do not meet all of the criteria for Possible Dosages. Medication Instruction File The MEDICATION INSTRUCTION file is used by Unit Dose and Outpatient Pharmacy. It contains the medication instruction name, 284 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Acronym/Term Definition expansion and intended use. Medication Order A prescription. Medication Profile A list of all active or recently canceled or expired prescriptions for a patient sorted either by date, drug, or classification. Unlike the action profile, this profile is for information only and does not provide a signature line for a physician to indicate action to be taken on the prescription. Medication Routes File The MEDICATION ROUTES file contains medication route names. The user can enter an abbreviation for each route to be used at the local site. The abbreviation will most likely be the Latin abbreviation for the term. Med Route The method in which the prescription is to be administered (e.g., oral, injection). NCCC Acronym for National Clozapine Coordinating Center. Non-Formulary Drugs The medications, which are defined as commercially available drug products not included in the VA National Formulary. Non-VA Meds Term that encompasses any Over-the-Counter (OTC) medications, Herbal supplements, Veterans Health Administration (VHA) prescribed medications but purchased by the patient at an outside pharmacy, and medications prescribed by providers outside VHA. All Non-VA Meds must be documented in patients’ medical records. OPAI Outpatient Pharmacy Automated Interface Order Request for medication. Order Check Order checks (drug-allergy/ADR interactions, drug-drug, duplicate drug, duplicate therapy, and dosing) are performed when a new medication order is placed through either the CPRS or Outpatient Pharmacy applications. They are also performed when medication orders are renewed, when Orderable Items are edited, or during the finishing process in Outpatient Pharmacy. This functionality will ensure the user is alerted to possible adverse drug reactions and will reduce the possibility of a medication error. Orderable Item An Orderable Item name has no strength attached to it (e.g., Acetaminophen). The name with a strength attached to it is the Dispense drug name (e.g., Acetaminophen 325mg). Partial Prescription A prescription that has been filled for a quantity smaller than requested. A possible reason for a partial fill is that a patient is to return to the clinic in ten days but the prescription calls for a thirtyday supply. Partials do count as workload but do not count against the total number of refills for a prescription. Payer In health care, an entity that assumes the risk of paying for medical November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 285 Acronym/Term Definition treatments. This can be an uninsured patient, a self-insured employer, or a health care plan or Health Maintenance Organization (HMO). Pending Order A pending order is one that has been entered by a provider through CPRS without Pharmacy finishing the order. Once Pharmacy has finished the order, it will become active. Pharmacy Narrative OUTPATIENT NARRATIVE field that may be used by pharmacy staff to display information specific to the patient. Polypharmacy The administration of many drugs together. POE Acronym for Pharmacy Ordering Enhancements (POE) project. Patch PSO*7*46 contains all the related changes for Outpatient Pharmacy. Possible Dosages Dosages that have a numeric dosage and numeric dispense units per dose appropriate for administration. For a drug to have possible dosages, it must be a single ingredient product that is matched to the DRUG file. The DRUG file entry must have a numeric strength and the dosage form/unit combination must be such that a numeric strength combined with the unit can be an appropriate dosage selection. Prescription This term is now referred to throughout the software as medication orders. Prescription Status A prescription can have one of the following statuses. Active - A prescription with this status can be filled or refilled. Canceled - This term is now referred to throughout the software as Discontinued. (See Discontinued.) Discontinued - This status is used when a prescription was made inactive either by a new prescription or by the request of a physician. Discontinued (Edit) - Discontinued (Edit) is the status used when a medication order has been edited and causes a new order to be created due to the editing of certain data elements. Deleted - This status is used when a prescription is deleted. Prescriptions are no longer physically deleted from the system, but marked as deleted. Once a prescription is marked deleted no access is allowed other than view. Expired - This status indicates the expiration date has passed. *Note: A prescription that was canceled or has expired more recently than the date specified by the cutoff date, typically 120 days in the past, can still be acted upon. Hold - A prescription that was placed on hold due to reasons determined by the pharmacist. Non-verified - There are two types of non-verified statuses. Depending on a site parameter, prescriptions entered by a technician do not become active until a pharmacist reviews them. Until such 286 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Acronym/Term Definition review, they remain non-verified and cannot be printed, canceled or edited except through the Verification menu. The second non-verified status is given to prescriptions when a drug/drug interaction is encountered during the new order entry or editing of a prescription. Pending - A prescription that has been entered through OERR. Refill - A second or subsequent filling authorized by the provider. Suspended - A prescription that will be filled at some future date. Progress Notes A component of Text Integration Utilities (TIU) that can function as part of CPRS. Provider The person who authorized an order. Only users identified as providers who are authorized to write medication orders may be selected. Reprinted Label Unlike a partial prescription, a reprint does not count as workload. Questionnaire An entry in the DUE QUESTIONNAIRE file. This file entry contains the set of questions related to a DUE as well as the drugs being evaluated. Schedule The frequency by which the doses are to be administered, such as Q8H, BID, NOW, etc. Sig The instructions printed on the label. Significant The potential for harm is either rare or generally known so that it is reasonable to expect that all prescribers have taken this information into account. Speed Actions See Actions. Suspense A prescription may not be able to be filled on the day it was requested. When the prescription is entered, a label is not printed. Rather, the prescription is put in the RX SUSPENSE file to be printed at a later date. Third (3rd) Party Claims Health care insurance claims submitted to an entity for reimbursement of health care bills. Time In This is the time that the patient's name was entered in the computer. Time Out This is the time that the patient's name was entered on the bingo board monitor. TIU Text Integration Utilities; a package for document handling, that includes Consults, Discharge summary, and Progress Notes, and will later add other document types such as surgical pathology reports. TIU components can be accessed for individual patients through the CPRS, or for multiple patients through the TIU interface. TRICARE TRICARE is the uniformed service health care program for: November 2010 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 287 Acronym/Term Definition • active duty service members and their families • retired service members and their families • members of the National Guard and Reserves and their families • survivors, and • others who are eligible There are differences in how prescriptions for TRICARE beneficiaries are processed versus how prescriptions are processed for veterans. Units per Dose The number of Units (tablets, capsules, etc.) to be dispensed as a Dose for an order. Fractional numbers will be accepted for medications that can be split. VistA Acronym for Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture, the new name for Decentralized Hospital Computer Program (DHCP). Wait Time This is the amount of time it took to fill the prescription. It is the difference between Time In and Time Out. For orders with more than one prescription, the wait time is the same for each. 288 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010 Index 3 3/4 Days Supply Hold, 42 A Alerts for Discontinued CMOP Prescription, 253 B F Barcode Batch Prescription Entry, 192 Barcode Rx Menu, 192 Batch Print Questionnaires, 22 Flagging and Unflagging a New Pending Order, 189, 197, 252 H C Hash Counts, 266 Host Errors, 42 Change Label Printer, 15 Change Suspense Date, 17 Check Quality of Barcode, 192 Complete Orders from OERR, 194 CPRS Order Checks I Ignored Rejects Report, 208 Introduction, 1 How They Work, 265 Create/Edit a Questionnaire, 21 L D DAW Code, 175 DAW/NDC Edit, 206 DEA Certification, 266 Delete Intervention, 40 Discontinue Prescription(s), 205 Discontinued by a Background Process, 253 Discontinued by a Foreground Pharmacy Process, 254 Dispense as Written, 175 Display Patient's Name on Monitor, 13 DUE Report, 22 DUE Supervisor, 21 E Edit an Existing Answer Sheet, 21 Edit Pharmacy Intervention, 39 Edit Prescription(s), 206 Enter a New Answer Sheet, 21 Enter New Patient, 13 Enter Pharmacy Intervention, 39 Enter/Edit Clinic Sort Groups, 23 Entering Actions, 6 November 2010 ePharmacy Medication Profile Division Preferences, 212 ePharmacy Menu, 207 ePharmacy Site Parameters, 213 Error Information, 269 Error Messages, 269 Evaluating Drug Usage, 21 External Interface Menu, 25 List Manager, 3 List Non-Verified Scripts, 261 List One Patient's Archived Rx's, 254 M MailMan message for Open/Unresolved Rejects, 252 Manual Print of Multi-Rx Forms, 254 Medication Profile, 29 Medication Reconciliation, 37 N NDC Validation, 211 New or Modified Security Keys, 281 Non-VA Meds Usage Report, 8 Non-Verified Counts, 262 O Order Check Data Caching, 265 Ordering/Processing a Prescription, 121 Other Outpatient Pharmacy ListMan Actions, 9 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7 Pharmacist’s User Manual 289 Other Rejects, 247 Other Screen Actions, 9 Outpatient Pharmacy Hidden Actions, 7 S Security Key, PSO EPHARMACY SITE MANAGER, 281 Security Keys, 281 Speed Actions, 8 Status of Patient's Order, 14 P Patient Lookup, 11 Patient Prescription Processing, 121 Pharmacy Intervention, 39 Print from Suspense File, 41 Print Pharmacy Intervention, 39 Process Drug/Drug Interactions, 45 Process Internet Refills, 193 Pull Early from Suspense, 107, 109 Purge External Batches, 25 T Therapeutic Duplication, 87 Third Party Payer Rejects - View/Process, 214 Third Party Payer Rejects - Worklist, 218 TRICARE Reject Processing, 237 U R Reject Resolution Required Rejects, 251 Release Medication, 111 Remove Patient's Name from Monitor, 14 Reprint an Outpatient Rx Label, 254 Reprint External Batches, 23, 25 Resolving Open Rejects, 218 Return Medication to Stock, 119 Rx (Prescriptions), 121 Rx Verification by Clerk, 263 290 Update Patient Record, 259 Using List Manager with Outpatient Pharmacy, 6 Using the Interface Menu, 25 V Verifying Prescriptions, 261 View External Batches, 26 View Intervention, 40 View Prescriptions, 256 Viewing and Resolving Open Rejects, 215 Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 Pharmacist’s User Manual November 2010