Course FM Manual 2014 Edition Errata


Course FM Manual 2014 Edition Errata
Course FM Manual
by Dr. Krzysztof Ostaszewski, FSA, CERA, FSAS, CFA, MAAA
2014 Edition
Posted October 9, 2014
The solution of Problem 5 in Practice Examination 18 should be:
Let us write p for the risk-neutral probability of the stock going up. Then, based on the
value of the call option, we must have
30 − 25
50 − 25 5 − 5p + 25p 5 + 20 p
20 = (1− p ) ⋅
+ p⋅
so that p = ( 20 ⋅1.07 − 5) / 20 = 0.82. Therefore, the value of the one-year European put
with a strike price of 40 is
0.82 ⋅ ( 0 / 1.07 ) + (1− 0.82 ) ⋅ ( 40 − 30 ) / 1.07 ≈ 1.68224299.
Answer B.
Posted June 2, 2014
Some printing of the manual may have items on page misplaced due to displacement
of a graph. You can find a correct version of page 36 at:
Posted May 14, 2014
The answer choice in Problem 2 in Practice Examination 2 is B, not C, as indicated.
Posted April 19, 2014
In the solution of Problem 30 in Practice Examination 8, the beginning of the
sentence following the first displayed equation should be:
The exchange rate is then 0.80 dollars per franc
instead of
The exchange rate is then 0.80 francs per dollar
Posted April 9, 2014
In the solution of Problem 25 in Practice Examination 19, the last part of the second
displayed formula should be 750 + 350 ⋅1.04− n. Furthermore, the last displayed
formula should be
P = 750 + 350 ⋅1.04 − n = 750 + 350 ⋅ ⋅1.04 −15 ≈ 819.41.
The correct answer choice is E.
Posted March 20, 2014
In the solution of Problem 26 in Practice Examination 4, the calculated value for
alpha has a decimal point in a wrong spot, it should be:
0 1.05
7 0.95
−7 ⋅1.05
≈ 71.3592233,
1.03⋅ ( 0.95 − 1.05 )
1.03 1.05
1.03 0.95
and the resulting amount invested in a riskless bond is approximately $71.36. The
solution and answer choice are unaffected, because the question asked about the
number of shares, which is calculated correctly.
Posted March 12, 2014
Analysis of answer E in Problem 1 in Practice Examination 17 should be:
For E, s3 = (1+ i ) + (1+ i ) + 1 > (1+ i ) + 1+ 1 = s2 + 1, so that the numerator in E is smaller
than the numerator in C, while the denominator in E is clearly larger than the
denominator in C. This makes E smaller than the correct answer C, so E is not true.
Posted March 5, 2014
The last sentence of the solution of Problem 1 in Practice Examination 17 should be:
For answer D, note that for any positive interest rate
s3 = (1+ i ) + (1+ i ) + 1 > (1+ i ) + 1+ 1 = s2 + 1,
so that answer D,
1+ a2 + s2
a3 + s3
, is smaller than answer C,
a2 + s3
a3 + s3
, and D is therefore
Posted January 15, 2014
In the solution of Problem 22 in Practice Examination 1, the value of present value
of annuity due should be: a10 10% ≈ 6.75902382. This changes the subsequent
calculation to
15.5 − 12
≈ 40.04129432%
15.5 − 6.75902382
and answer choice is B.
Posted January 15, 2014
The first displayed formula in the solution of Problem 11 in Practice Examination 1
should be
⎛ i( 2 ) ⎞
i = ⎜ 1+ ⎟ − 1 = (1+ 0.04 ) − 1 = 8.16%.
2 ⎠
Posted November 2, 2013
For Problem 13 in Practice Examination 12, the answer choices should be:
A. $65 or more
B. Less than $65 but more than $55
C. Less than $55 but more than $45
D. Less than $45 but more than $35
E. Less than $35
and the solution should be:
Given that the futures price is $660, spot price is $645, cost of carry is 2% (effectively, a
negative dividend), if we write r for the current risk-free force of interest, we must have
−δ t
660 =
= 645 ⋅ e0.02⋅1 ⋅ er⋅1 = 645 ⋅ e0.02 ⋅ er .
Forward price
Ex-dividend spot price Accumulated at risk-free rate
= er+0.02 , and
⎛ 660 −0.02 ⎞
r = ln ⎜
⋅ e ⎟ = ln 660 − ln 645 − 0.02 ≈ 0.2989518%.
⎝ 645
An ounce of gold costs now $645, but whoever owns it will have to pay storage cost, and
the price with that storage cost included is $645 ⋅ e0.02 . An investor who buys an ounce of
gold pays that and at the end of one year will either have one ounce worth $700 with
probability pUP or once ounce worth $600 with probability 1− pUP , where probabilities
are risk-neutral. Since these probabilities are risk-neutral, we must have
$645e0.02 = pUP ⋅ r + (1− pUP ) ⋅ r .
645er+0.02 − 600 645 ⋅ 645 − 600
pUP =
= 0.6,
700 − 600
and 1− pUP = 0.4. One year from now, the futures price will be either
FUP = 700 ⋅ er+0.02 = 700 ⋅
≈ 716.28,
FDOWN = 600 ⋅ er+0.02 = 600 ⋅
≈ 613.95.
The European call with the strike price $650 will pay $716.28 - $650 = $66.28 in the up
state, and 0 in the down state, resulting in the price of the European call being
645 0.02
pUP ⋅ 66.28 ⋅ e− r = 0.6 ⋅ 66.28 ⋅
⋅ e ≈ 39.65.
Answer D.
Based on this,

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