Concierge Administration Guide May 2014


Concierge Administration Guide May 2014
Concierge Administration Guide
May 2014
Configuration Wizard
First time use of the panel
Straight out of the box, a Wizard will appear through which basic settings can be set directly.
Clear instructions are presented onscreen in a step-by-step fashion to get the panel online and
exchanging booking information. These settings include:
 WiFi settings
 Microsoft Exchange server connection
 User credential verification
 Mailbox selection
If the settings need to be adjusted or verified at a later stage, a special USB-key can be inserted
into USB 1 with a text-file named InstallationMode.txt present in the root directory. A USB-key
is normally packaged together with the panel.
Using the network settings menu
1. Ensure “Wi-Fi” is turned on.
2. Tap the “Wi-Fi” option to reveal the Wi-Fi dialogue.
3. Use the dialogue to “Scan” for networks if required, or select listed Wi-Fi networks to
enter user credentials, passwords and the required WiFi network security settings.
a. use ‘Add network’ to manually specify a Wi-Fi network from scratch.
NOTE: The Back button on the back of the panel is used to exit the network settings menu.
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Splash screen
After successful configuration, a splash-screen is displayed for 15 seconds displaying useful
information including the panel’s IP address and firmware information.
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Admin website
Detailed configuration of the Concierge panel is done via its Admin website which is accessible
via a web browser using the following address:
(See Configuration Wizard or Splash Screen sections above for obtaining the panel’s IP
The default username/password is admin/admin.
Minimum configuration
The minimum configuration requires at least one ‘resource’ to be added to the panel.
If not using the Configuration Wizard, to do this manually:
1. Use a browser to open the ‘admin website’ (see admin website section)
2. Scroll down to the ‘Booking resources’ section. Click the section to expand.
3. Click the ‘add’ button.
4. Fill in the required configuration options. For example, a connection to an Exchange
Calendar will require the following steps:
a. Enter a ‘title’ (displayed as the room name on the panel)
b. Set ‘connector type’ to ‘EWS’ (Exchange Web Services)
c. In ‘connector address’, enter the EWS address of your Exchange server which is
usually in the form:
(See Determining your EWS Connector address section below.)
d. Set ‘connector username’
e. Set ‘connector password’
f. If required, set the calendar resource name in ‘Connector mailbox address’,
otherwise the user calendar will be used.
5. Click ‘save’ at the bottom of the admin website. The panel will now automatically restart
using the new configuration options.
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Admin website configuration options
Admin password
A password used to secure the Admin website.
A general purpose label used to distinguish this panel from others.
Time server
A time-server supporting NTP, e.g. ''.
Time zone
For time-zone sensitive calculations and daylight-savings adjustment, a time-zone can be
specified from an option list. e.g. 'Australia/Melbourne'
Skin package URL
A URL pointing to a ZIP package containing the content. The package can be updated at any
time and will be pulled down and extracted automatically. The Companion website is normally
useful for this function (see Companion website below).
Companion website
Holds Concierge companion specific configuration.
Companion website - Check-in address
The Concierge Companion check-in address (provided by Lumicom).
Companion website - Network
The 'network' for grouping purposes.
Holds HTTP/HTTPS proxy specific configuration.
Proxy - Host
A proxy host for HTTP and HTTPS connections.
Proxy - Port
A proxy port for HTTP and HTTPS connections.
Proxy - Username
A username if the proxy requires it.
Proxy - Password
A password if the proxy requires it.
Resource defaults
Holds default values when “Booking Resources” specifics are left unspecified.
Resource defaults - 'Book now' subject
The default 'BookNow' subject when none is specified.
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Resource defaults - Meeting titles
"Subject" or "Organiser" - Controls how meeting titles are displayed for this resource i.e. show
only the subject or only the organiser.
Resource defaults - Minimum booking block
The default minimum block allowed (in minutes) to be booked (default is 5, must not be
Resource defaults - Booking block
The default booking block (in minutes) to use when 'BookNow' is called (default is 30, must not
be negative).
Resource defaults - Booking resolution
The default booking block resolution (in minutes) to use when 'BookNow' is called (default is 15,
must not be negative)."
Resource defaults - Minimum gap
The default minimum gap to use when none is specified (default is 5, must not be negative).
Resource defaults - Start of booking window
The default start of the booking window for determining availability information (default is 8 AM).
Resource defaults - End booking window
The default end of the booking window for determining availability information (default is 6 PM).
Resource defaults - Subjects
The default quick-booking subjects list.
Resource defaults - Automatic mode
"Finish meetings", "Delete meetings" or "Disabled" - The method to use when a meeting is not
confirmed and automatic cancellation takes place:
1) 'Finish' by truncating the end OR
2) Completely delete the meeting instance OR
3) disable automatic cancellation (default).
Resource defaults - Confirmation period
If an automatic cancellation mode is active, controls the period after which automatic
cancellation takes place (in minutes; default 5).
Resource defaults - Disallow BookNow
Disallow immediate use of the BookNow function i.e. being able to make instant one-touch
Resource defaults - Disallow BookFuture
Disallow immediate use of the BookFuture function i.e. being able to make bookings into the
Resource defaults - Disallow Extend
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Disallow immediate use of the Extend function i.e. being able to extend current meetings.
Resource defaults - Disallow FinishNow
Disallow immediate use of the FinishNow function i.e. being able to truncate the end of the
current booking.
Resource defaults - Disallow CancelNow
Disallow immediate use the CancelNow function i.e. being able to completely remove the
current booking.
Resource defaults - Custom config
Any persistent custom data that may be used by custom UI packages.
Booking resources
The section contains specific resource configuration for one to four (multi-screen) panels.
Booking resources - Title
The main title to be displayed.
Booking resources - Connector type
"EWS" or "Google" - The Calendar connector type to use.
Booking resources - Connector address
The connector URL (For 'EWS' only).
Booking resources - Connector username
The connector username or calendarID (for 'EWS' and 'Google' respectively).
Booking resources - Connector password
The connector password ('EWS' only).
Booking resources - Connector mailbox address
Optional mailbox SMTP address (EWS only) if username is not mapped to unique mailboxes.
Booking resources - Connector options
Any advanced connector-specific options.
Booking resources - 'Book now' subject
The default 'BookNow' subject to use.
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Booking resources - Meeting titles
"Subject" or "Organiser" - Control how meeting titles are displayed for this resource i.e. show
only the subject or only the organiser.
Booking resources - Minimum block
The minimum block allowed (in minutes) to be booked (must not be negative).
Booking resources - Booking block
The booking block (in minutes) to use when 'Book now' is called (must not be negative).
Booking resources - Booking resolution
The booking block resolution (in minutes) to use when 'Book now' is called (must not be
Booking resources - Minimum gap
The minimum gap allowed (must not be negative).
Booking resources - Start of booking window
The start of the booking window for determining availability information.
Booking resources - End booking window
The end of the booking window for determining availability information.
Booking resources - Subjects
Quick-booking subjects list.
Booking resources - Automatic mode
"Finish meetings", "Delete meetings" or "Disabled" - The method to use when a meeting is not
confirmed and automatic cancellation takes place:
1) 'Finish' by truncating the end OR
2) Completely delete the meeting instance OR
3) Disable automatic cancellation (default).
Booking resources - Confirmation period
If an automatic mode is active, controls the period after which automatic cancellation takes
place (in minutes).
Booking resources - Disallow BookNow
Disallow immediate use of the BookNow function i.e. being able to make instant one-touch
Booking resources - Disallow BookFuture
Disallow immediate use of the BookFuture function i.e. being able to make bookings into the
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Booking resources - Disallow Extend
Disallow immediate use of the Extend function i.e. being able extend meetings by set periods.
Booking resources - Disallow FinishNow
Disallow immediate use of the FinishNow function i.e. being able to truncate the end of the
current booking.
Booking resources - Disallow CancelNow
Disallow immediate use the CancelNow function i.e. being able to completely remove the
current booking.
Booking resources - Custom config
Any persistent custom config that may be used by custom user-interface packages.
Custom config
Holds global custom configuration that may be used by custom user-interface packages. This
setting is reserved for non-standard configurations.
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Determining your EWS Connector address
Microsoft Exchange uses a special programming interface for third-party integration called
Microsoft Exchange Webservices.
For Concierge to work with a Microsoft Exchange system, it needs the URL (address) of the
EWS end-point.
Example Outlook Web Access (OWA) URL
Example Exchange EWS URL
As shown above, both Office 365 (Microsoft’s cloud solution) and internally hosted Exchange
servers (Exchange 2010 and onwards) typically host EWS interfaces with or alongside their
Outlook Web Access servers however it is at the discretion of the relevant IT department so
may not be immediately obvious.
In some cases, it might not be obvious what EWS Connector to specify however, the Microsoft
Outlook Client can help determine the correct address as follows:
1) Launch Microsoft Outlook (2010 or later)
2) Hold Ctrl while right-clicking the Outlook icon in the task tray and choose “Test Email
AutoConfiguration” as shown below:
3) Determine the SMTP address of an Exchange resource being booked against, e.g. user
or room or simply use the credentials of a known user.
4) Fill in the credentials, uncheck all options but “Use AutoDiscover” and perform the test
as shown below:
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5) The Availability Service URL field (see highlighted line) is what Concierge requires as
its Connector address.
The above example is from a managed Exchange installation in the “cloud”.
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An example showing a full blown Office 365 installation looks like this:
Please consult your IT department if you still cannot determine your EWS Connector
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