MANUAL THERAPY Cairo-Egypt April-August 2014
MANUAL THERAPY Cairo-Egypt April-August 2014
PRIMEPHYSIO PROFESSIONAL DIPLOMA IN MANUAL THERAPY Cairo-Egypt April-August 2014 4th Intake The aim of this diploma program is to provide physiotherapists and medical doctors with a clear and simple framework of clinical reasoning to apply a wide range of manual therapy assessment and treatment techniques for patients with musculoskeletal conditions. The program will stimulate your thinking to reflect on and improve your current clinical practice by adding more practical skills that could be used, for a reason, to maximize the treatment outcomes. The program is structured and planned according to the guidelines of the international federation of orthopedic manual therapy. Program Tutors: Dr. Ross Mallet Ross is a HPC registered physiotherapist and member of the chartered society physiotherapy-UK. He is a manual therapist and visiting lecturer physiotherapy at the manual therapy course at post graduate level at Sheffield Hallam University. He works as senior physiotherapists at National Health Service in the UK for many years with interest in spinal problems. He is a member of the manual therapy society in the UK a membership that only granted to those with highly recognized qualification in manual therapy within the United Kingdom. Dr. Wael Shendy: Wael is lecturer physiotherapy at Cairo University. He has a PHD in Physiotherapy from Cairo University. He is a co-founder of McKenzie institute Egypt and delivered many workshops in the concept of mechanical diagnosis and therapy. He is certified medical taping tutor with medical taping of Netherlands. Wael manage a caseload of musculoskeletal and Neurological conditions and passionate about role of mechanical therapy and self-management in successful treatment program. Dr. Mahmoud Saad: Mahmoud is a HPC registered physiotherapist and member of the chartered society physiotherapy- UK. He is a Physiotherapy Senior Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University-UK teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate level also he is owner and clinical Director of HC Physiotherapy clinics in Sheffield-Manchester in the UK. His clinical interest is Musculoskeletal and sports injuries management he was working as a senior physiotherapist with Rotherham united football club in the FA league-UK. Mahmoud is also a certified medical taping tutor with medical taping of Netherland. He has delivered over 50 courses and workshops in UK-Egypt-Oman-Kuwait and Jordan. He leads the musculoskeletal module at the post graduate physiotherapy course. PRIMEPHYSIO Teaching Schedule Title Date Tutor Foundation of MSK Practice 25-26 April Dr Wael Shendy Assessment and management of MSK problems 17-18 May Dr Mahmoud Saad Reasoning and techniques for spine 7-8 June Dr Ross Mallet Advanced treatment techniques and reasoning. 1,2,3 August Dr Mahmoud Saad MCQ and Practical Exam 3 August 70 hours of Teaching and 100 hours of distance learning This program runs for the fourth time in Cairo, Two other programs are planned for colleagues in Kuwait and Oman. Total number of participants in the previous programs is 75 The amount of theory to practical is 30/70. Priority for those in our waiting list from last program. So limited places. There is an opportunity for one candidate to attend two weeks clinical placement in the UK with one of the program tutors. Partial fund will be provided by primephysio. Ask organization team for details Topics to be covered in the face to face teaching days (All Practical) 1. Spine and joints biomechanics. 2. Red flags 3. Subjective examination 4. Objective examination-Validity 5. Treatment planning 6. Treatment approaches- clinical reasoning 7. Mechanical treatment 8. Mobilisation and manipulation techniques 9. Exercise therapy 10. Taping techniques. 11. Neurodynamics 12. Soft tissue management (Friction massage-loading strategies- facilitation techniques) Distance Learning Component will cover the following topics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Reading research article Pain Neurodynamics Outcome Measures Elective topic PRIMEPHYSIO Example of the practical Techniques to be covered (total number of techniques is 70 +) Joints Assessment and treatment : Soft Tissue Assessment and treatment : Accessory and Physiological mobilization for peripheral joints Assessment and management of tendonpathy Accessory and physiological mobilization techniques for cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. Core stability principles Scapular stabilization techniques Differential diagnosis for peripheral joints conditions Rotator cuff activation Proximal control activation differential diagnosis for spinal problems Deep friction massage Assessment techniques for Sacro-Iliac Joint PNF principles and application. Mobilization techniques for Sacroiliac joint Neurodynamics techniques Manipulation techniques for thoracic and lumbar spine Principles of effective rehabilitation Mechanical Treatment of Spinal and peripheral joints. Mechanical treatment for soft tissues Mobilization with movement. Education techniques Taping techniques Taping techniques Rehabilitation principles : Exam: Practical exam: To evaluate your handling skills in relation to assessment and treatment techniques MCQ exam: 40 MCQ questions to evaluate your understanding of the basics of clinical reasoning within musculoskeletal physiotherapy practice. PRIMEPHYSIO Diploma Fees: Early Bird: Before 10th April 4200 Egyptian Pound After 10th Apri l 4600 Egyptian pound Fees funded by primephysio and HC physiotherapy services (Original fees were: 8000 Pound).Payment could be made over two instalments. Please note,Due to the time limitation and the complicated logistic of the program, the course fees are non-refundable This cost covers: Distance learning program Attendance of All the teaching blocks Certificate of attendance for each teaching block Certificate of attendance for the diploma program Handout (150 Pages) Soft copy of all learning materials Practical kit (Mobilization belt-Lumbar Roll) Lunch breaks Exam fees How to Register: Please call primephysio organization team for details: Dr Haitham Elessawy: 01002087891 Dr Sawsan Abd ElAl: 01008616829 Dr Sarah Magdy: 01226675050 Dr Aya Elnour: 01099057404 Registered training provider in wales and England
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