CS488 A5 Project Manual: Enhanced Raytracer Alex Lake ajlake 20354795
CS488 A5 Project Manual: Enhanced Raytracer Alex Lake ajlake 20354795
CS488 A5 Project Manual: Enhanced Raytracer Alex Lake ajlake 20354795 July 30, 2014 Table of Contents 1 Purpose 1 1.1 Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.3 Objectives Overview 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 User Guide 1 3 2.1 Project Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.2 Program IO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.3 Executable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.4 Lua Callbacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Implementation 8 3.1 Code Layout 3.2 Non-Objective Technical Details 3.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 9 3.2.1 Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3.2.2 Decorator Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3.2.3 Ray Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.2.4 Memory Leak Fixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.2.5 Additional Mesh Optimizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.2.6 Additional Optimizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Objective Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.3.1 Objective 1: Adaptive Anti-alising 11 3.3.2 Objective 2: Reection and Refraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.3.3 Objective 3: Mesh Uniform Space Partitioning 12 3.3.4 Objective 4: Phong Normal Interpolation 3.3.5 Objective 5: Texture Mapping 3.3.6 Objective 6: Perlin Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.3.7 Objective 7: Caustics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.3.8 Objective 8: Soft Shadows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.3.9 Objective 9: Constructive Solid Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.10 Objective 10: Final Scene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3.3.11 Objective 11 (Extra): Skybox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3.3.12 Objective 12 (Extra): Gui Previewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 3.3.13 Objective 13 (Extra): Fresnel Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3.3.14 Objective 14 (Extra): Revised Final Scene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4 Bibliography 20 5 Objectives Sheet 21 i 1 CS488/688 1 Spring 2014 ajlake 20354795 Purpose The main purpose of this project was to learn ray tracing techniques and to practice implementing them. The techniques covered both functional improvements as well as eciency improvements. The end goal was to have a reasonably photorealistic image. Additionally, some practice was gained building an interactive OpenGL application which interacts with the raytracer code. 1.1 Topics • Raytracer optimizations • Raytracer light and shadow techniques • Texture mapping and perlin noise • Constructive solid geometry • Interactive OpenGL applications using gtkmm 1.2 Statement The core of this project and all objectives involved extending the ray tracer from A4. The modeling language used to dene the scene to render was implemented as a set of Lua callbacks, similar to that in A4 but with extensions and changes. An OpenGL application using gtkmm was also built around the raytracer which allows users to watch the target image be raytraced in front of them in real time. The original project vision was to have the OpenGL application also preview the scene to be rendered using the OpenGL pipeline (3D to 2D), but be devoid of features such as reection, refraction, textures, and shadows. The user could then use the virtual trackball interface from A3 to adjust the perspective for the scene and then render from that perspective (and watch it be rendered in real time). Additional extensions to the OpenGL interactions would allow users to add, change, and remove light sources and objects in the scene. Even further extensions would allow users to assign velocities to objects in the scene (including lights), and have the application simulate time and raytrace an image 30 times per emulated second of time. These raytraced images could then be used to produce a short animation. Unfortunately, time constraints limited the OpenGL component of the project to only being able to watch the image be raytraced in real time. The project was both challenging and interesting. First, the raytracer enhancements proved to be algorithmically interesting and signicant eciency gains were had; this allowed a more complex scene to be rendered. The choice of enhancements was also such that greater photorealism could be achieved (ie: soft shadows and phong normal interpolation). The OpenGL application built around the raytracer also proved to be a valuable objective that made the raytracer far more interactive and enjoyable to watch. 2 CS488/688 1.3 Spring 2014 Objectives Overview • Objective 1: Adaptive Anti-aliasing • Objective 2: Reection and Refraction • Objective 3: Mesh Uniform Space Partitioning • Objective 4: Phong Normal Interpolation • Objective 5: Texture Mapping • Objective 6: Perlin Noise • Objective 7: Caustics (ANBANDONED) • Objective 8: Soft Shadows • Objective 9: Constructive Solid Geometry • Objective 10: Final Scene • Objective 11 (Extra): Skybox • Objective 12 (Extra): GUI Previewer • Objective 13 (Extra): Fresnel Equations • Objective 14 (Extra): Revised Final Scene ajlake 20354795 3 CS488/688 2 Spring 2014 ajlake 20354795 User Guide The entirety of the project is located in the A5 directory. 2.1 Project Structure Source Code: Data Files: All source code and the Makele are located in the A5/src/ directory. All data les, such as demonstration scenes (Lua scripts), textures, and models will NNdemo.lua be located in the A5/data/ directory. For each implemented objective, there is a corresponding demonstration scene in the data directory named (NN is the objective number) which renders one or more scenes that demonstrate the objective. Root Directory: rt • README • The root directory contains: : The raytracer executable (this should be run in the root level directory with ./rt). : A short guide on the raytracer program execution and the command line options. screenshot01.png • screenshot02.png • render_all.sh • : The nal scene (renderable with ./rt -alsamples 8 -ss 4 data/10demo.lua : The revised nal scene (renderable with ./rt -alsamples 8 -ss 4 data/14demo.lua : Renders all demonstration scenes in order (for objectives 1-14). When the GUI launches, press 'R' to render and 'Q' when the rendered image is complete (or use the Application Menu). 2.2 Program IO Input: • Wavefront .OBJ les to describe polygonal mesh objects. • Lua les to describe the scene to render Interaction: • The raytracer cannot be interacted with unless the GUI is launched. • The GUI has an Application Menu with two options: Render (shortcut R) and Quit (shortcut Q). While the image is rendering, pressing Q or closing the window will prevent the image from rendering and no PNG le will be written to. Output: • An image in PNG format; the dimensions and write location are specied by the input LUA le. 4 CS488/688 2.3 Spring 2014 ajlake 20354795 Executable Invocation: Options: • -gui: ./rt [options ...] [a-zA-Z0-9]+.lua [ [a-zA-Z0-9]+.lua ... ] Launch the raytracer GUI (default o ) • -ss N: Use NxN ray samples per pixel for the anti-aliasing pass (default 3) • -reflect-limit N: Limit the number of times a ray can reect to N (default 2) • -refract-limit N: Limit the number of times a ray can refract to N (default 4) • -write-aa-targets X: For a given render job writing to foo.png, this will cause the raytracer to write to Xfoo.png as well. This image will be the rst pass image but with all pixels that have been marked for anti-aliasing in red (default o ) • -write-pre-aa X: For a given render job writing to foo.png, this will cause the raytracer to write to Xfoo.png as well. This image will be the rst pass image prior to the anti-aliasing pass (default o ) • -side_tolerance N: Sets the threshold for the colour dierence for directly adjacent pix- els. This threshold denes which pixels get marked for anti-aliasing (default 0.005) • -corner_tolerance N: Sets the threshold for the colour dierence for diagonally adjacent pixels. This threshold denes which pixels get marked for anti-aliasing (default 0.01) • -use-tir: Consider total internal reection when computing refraction (default o ) • -al-samples N: For area lights, 2.4 sample them using a grid of NxN shadow rays (default 4) Lua Callbacks The set of Lua callbacks is largely the same as in A4 but with many extras. There are four types of objects: 1. Primitives A primitive describes a 3D solid • gr.cube(<Material>): Create a cube primitive from the origin (0,0,0) to (1,1,1) with a particular surface material. • gr.sphere(<Material>): Create a sphere primitive at the origin (0,0,0) with radius 1 with a particular surface material. • gr.mesh(<Material>, <table of 3-tuples>, <table of n-tuples>): Create a solid out of a polygon mesh with the rst argument designating the surface material, the second argument designating the vertices, and the third argument designating the faces (each tuple is a set of vertices making up the face, specied by their index in the table of vertices). • gr.fast_mesh(<Material>, <table of 3-tuples>, <table of n-tuples>): Func- tionally equivalent to gr.mesh but signicantly more performant and memory intensive. 5 CS488/688 Spring 2014 ajlake 20354795 • gr.vn_mesh(<Material>, <table of 3-tuples>, <table of 3-tuples>, <table of n-tuples>, <table of n-tuples>): Create a solid out of a polygon mesh with the rst argument designating the surface material, the second argument designating the vertices, and the third argument designating the vertex normals. The fourth argument designates the faces and the fth argument designates the vertex normals for the faces. The fourth and fth argument are specied in the same was as in gr.mesh. • gr.fast_vn_mesh(<Material>, <table of 3-tuples>, <table of 3-tuples>, <table of n-tuples>, <table of n-tuples>): Functionally equivalent to gr.vn_mesh but signicantly more performant and memory intensive. 2. Materials A material describes the surface properties of a primitive • gr.material(<3-tuble of [0,1]>, <3-tuple of [0,1]>, <number [0, inf )>): Re- turns a Phong material whose diuse colour (RGB) is given by the rst argument, specular colour (RGB) given by the second argument, and shininess given by the third argument. • gr.rr_material(<3-tuple of [0,1]>, <3-tuple of [0,1]>, <number [0, inf )>, <number [0,1]>, <number [0,1]>, <number [1, inf )>): Returns a Phong material whose diuse colour (RGB) is given by the rst argument, specular colour (RGB) given by the second argument, shininess given by the third argument, reection amount given by the fourth argument, refraction amount given by the fth argument, and refractive index given by the sixth argument. • gr.marble_pnd_material(<Material, <number>, <number>, <number>, <number [0 or 1]>, <3-tuple of [0,1]>): Returns a modied version of the material given as an argument whose diuse colour is modied to have a marble-like texture. The generated texture is aected by arguments 2-6. The second argument aects the noisiness of the veins, the third argument aects the overall noise, the fourth argument aects the vein frequency, the fth argument species whether to use linear interpolation (0) or cosine interpolation (1), and the sixth argument species which RGB colour to use to blend with the underlying colour of the rst argument. • gr.wood_pnd_material(<Material>, <number>, <number>, <number [0 or 1]>, <3-tuple of [0,1]>): Returns a modied version of the material given as an argument whose diuse colour is modied to have a wood-grain-like texture. generated texture is aected by arguments 2-5. The The second argument aects the noisiness of the pattern, the third argument aects the frequency of the grain, the fourth argument species whether to use linear interpolation (0) or cosine interpolation (1), and the fth argument species which RGB colour to use to blend with the underlying colour of the rst argument. • gr.td_cube_material(<Material>, <string>): Returns a modied version of the material given as an argument whose diuse colour is modied such that the image texture specied by the second argument is mapped onto each face of the cube. • gr.td_sphere_material(<Material>, <string>): Returns a modied version of the material given as an argument whose diuse colour is modied such that the image texture specied by the second argument is mapped onto the surface of the sphere. 6 CS488/688 Spring 2014 • gr.difresnel_material(<Material>): ajlake 20354795 Returns a modied version of the material given as an argument that exhibits the behaviour of a dielectric, but otherwise has the same properties. 3. Nodes • gr.node(<string>): Creates a node at the origin (0,0,0) with the given name • gr.geometry(<string>, <Primitive>): Creates a geometry node at the origin (0,0,0) with the given name and with 3D geometry given by the second argument. • gr.csg_difference(<string>, <GeometryNode>, <GeometryNode>): Creates a ge- ometry node at the origin (0,0,0) with the given name whose 3D geometry is given by subtracting the geometry of argument 3 from that of argument 2. • gr.csg_union(<string>, <GeometryNode>, <GeometryNode>): Creates a geome- try node at the origin (0,0,0) with the given name whose 3D geometry is given by performing the union of the geometry of argument 2 with that of argument 3. • gr.csg_intersection(<string>, <GeometryNode>, <GeometryNode>): Creates a geometry node at the origin (0,0,0) with the given name whose 3D geometry is given by performing the intersection of the geometry of argument 2 with that of argument 3. 4. Lights • gr.light(<3-tuple>, <3-tuple of [0,1]>, <3-tuple>): Creates a point light source at the position specied by the rst argument, with the RGB colour of the light given by the second argument, and with the attenuation values given by the third argument. • gr.area_light(<3-tuple>, <3-tuple>, <3-tuple>, <3-tuple of [0,1]>, <3-tuple>): Creates an area light source (rectangle) whose corner is specied by the rst argument, with the second and third argument specifying two vectors such that when both are added to the given corner the opposite corner is produced. The fourth argument species the RGB colour of the light and the fth argument species the attenuation values. Both Node and GeometryNode also support the following member methods: • :add_child(<Node or GeometryNode>): Adds the argument as a child of the calling node. All transformations (scales, rotations, and translations) performed on the calling node will also be applied to its children (note: the children themselves will not actually be modied). When a node is rendered, itself plus all of its children are rendered. Node objects have no 3D geometry therefore they simply render their children after applying any local transformations. • :scale(<number>, <number>, <number>): Scales the node in the x, y, and z dimensions respectively. • :rotate(<string>, <number>): The rst argument species an axis (one of 'x', 'y', or 'z'). The second argument species the angle in degrees to rotate the node by. • :translate(<number>, <number>, <number>): Translate the node in the x, y, and z 7 CS488/688 Spring 2014 ajlake 20354795 direction respectively. There are two options for rendering: 1. gr.render(<Node>, <string>, <number>, <number>, <3-tuple>, <3-tuple>, <3-tuple>, <number>, <3-tuple of [0,1]>, <n-tuple of Light>): Renders the scene given by the rst argument with the second argument specifying the write destination for the rendered image. The third and fourth argument are the image width and height in pixels. The fth argument is the view position, the sixth argument is the view direction, the seventh argument is the Up vector, and the eigth argument is the eld of view in degrees. The ninth argument is the ambient light factor, and the tenth argument specify the lights in the scene. 2. gr.render_skybox(<Node>, <string>, <string>, <number>, <number>, <3-tuple>, <3-tuple>, <3-tuple>, <number>, <3-tuple of [0,1]>, <n-tuple of Light>): Identical to gr.render but with an additional argument inserted after the second argument which species a path to a skybox texture. 8 CS488/688 3 Spring 2014 ajlake 20354795 Implementation The project is written in C++ using gtkmm for the OpenGL interface. Scene information is provided using LUA les. The general technical details resemble that of A4. 3.1 Code Layout Lua • lua488.hpp: Lua library header le • scene_lua.hpp/scene_lua.cpp: Lua driver Scene Specication • scene.hpp: • light.hpp: Node and GeometryNode Lights • material.hpp: • primitive.hpp: Materials Primitives Input/Output • image.hpp/image.cpp: The code for writing to/from PNG les. • image_writer.hpp/image_writer.cpp: A wrapper around the Image class. GUI • rtgui_window.hpp/rtgui_window.cpp: • rt_viewer.hpp/rt_viewer.cpp: The main gtkmm GUI window The OpenGL Viewer • gl_image_writer.hpp/gl_image_writer.cpp: Allows the GUI to read the rendered image so far. Program Init • main.cpp: Program entry point • rtoptions.hpp/rtoptions.cpp: Handles CLI parsing/options • rt_bootstrap.hpp/rt_bootstrap.cpp: Bootstraps the raytracer Core Raytracer Code (meat and potatoes) • algebra.hpp/algebra.cpp: Code for using and manipulating 3D matrices, 3D vectors, and RGB colours. • polyroots.hpp/polyroots.cpp: • raytracer.hpp/raytracer.cpp: • ray.hpp/ray.cpp: • collision.hpp: Polynomial solver. The core raytracer algorithm. The Ray class. This class encapsulates information about a ray. The Collision class. This class encapsulates information about a ray 9 CS488/688 Spring 2014 ajlake 20354795 interaction. • mesh.hpp/mesh.cpp: Implementation of polygon meshes. • perlin.hpp/perlin.cpp: • csg.hpp/csg.cpp: Implementation of perlin noise. The implementation of constructive solid geometry. • fresnel.hpp/fresnel.cpp: Mostly just a class denition. Implementation of fresnel equa- tions is in raytracer.cpp. • skybox.hpp/skbyox.cpp: • solid.hpp/solid.cpp: Implementation of skyboxes. Implementation of the cube and sphere primitives. • texture_mapper.hpp/texture_mapper.cpp: Implementation of cube and sphere texture mapping. • light.cpp: • scene.cpp: Implementation of lights and area lights. Implementation of scene nodes. • material.cpp: 3.2 Implementation of Phong materials. Non-Objective Technical Details 3.2.1 Tools Git was used for source control. gdb was used to debug (often with TUI mode). A typical debugging workow was identifying artifacting in images and then locating exactly which pixels have artifacts. Then, using gdb, breakpoints were set to trigger only on the particular pixels with artifacts. From there, gdb can be used to identify the cause of the artifacting (often epsilon errors!). 3.2.2 Decorator Pattern A decorator pattern was used for all materials except for The idea is that materials expose a getTexture gr.material and gr.rr_material. method. Materials using this pattern are con- structed by being given a base material in addition to their regular arguments. Their getTexture method follows this following pattern: Texture tex = m_baseMaterial->getTexture Modify some aspect of tex ... return tex The advantage of this is it allows simple composition of texture behaviours without having combinatorially more commands, classes, code, or member variables. slightly reective texture mapped cube could be achieved by decorating gr.td_cube_material. For example, a gr.rr_material with 10 CS488/688 Spring 2014 ajlake 20354795 3.2.3 Ray Trees The Ray class (ray.hpp) encapsulates all pertinent information about a ray (reect depth, refract depth, colour, ray component, ray children, etc.). When secondary rays are casted, they are added as children of the primary ray with their respective components set. For example, if a material is 50% reective and 50% refractive, then two secondary rays will be created, their components will be set to 0.5 and 0.5 respectively, they will be added as children of the primary ray, and then pushed on the queue of rays to process. The usage of queues prevents unnecessary stack frames from being created during raytracing which saves computational time. When the primary ray is asked what its colour is, it returns it's own colour (default black) plus all of the contributions of its children rays (multiplied by their respective components). This has streamlined and simplied a lot of behaviour: • Reection and refraction (simply spawn a new ray, add it as a child, and push it on the ray queue) • Supersampling (ie: For 4x supersampling, create 4 rays with components 0.25 and add them as children of a primary ray. Then cast the 4 rays and then ask the primary ray what its colour is. The averaging work will be done for free!) 3.2.4 Memory Leak Fixes The original Lua driver code in A4 leaked memory. Some cleanup code and containers were added to scene_lua.cpp. Each time an object is allocated by the Lua driver, it adds the pointer to one of the relevant containers. Before returning, the Lua driver deletes all of the allocated objects in the containers. Additionally, signicant use of auto pointers and stack objects were used to ensure proper cleanup of memory (see gl_image_writer.hpp as an example). 3.2.5 Additional Mesh Optimizations First, for reasons later explained, all polygon mesh faces are triangulated. Then, for each face, as much as possible is pre-computed such as the area of the triangle (used for Phong normal interpolation), the surface normal, the normals of each side, and the vectors for the vertices A, B , and C. ~ , BC ~ , AB and ~ CA Coupled with the mesh optimization, this has brought mesh intersection times to be on approximately the same order as primitive intersections! 3.2.6 Additional Optimizations • In the Makele, the -O3 option is used to perform optimizations such as function inlining. This has improved the raytracer performance by a constant factor of around 3 to 5 in most cases. • The scene hierarchy is attened before raytracing. This is done to speed up scene transformations into a single matrix multiplication in the GeometryNode object. 11 CS488/688 3.3 Spring 2014 ajlake 20354795 Objective Implementation 3.3.1 Objective 1: Adaptive Anti-alising Code Location: raytracer.cpp Initially, one ray per pixel is used to generate an image. Then, for each pixel in the image, it is compared against its (up to) 8 neighbouring pixels (4 adjacent, 4 diagonal). A dierence value is computed for adjacent and diagonal pixels by treating the two RBG colours of the test pixel and the neighbouring pixel as 3D points and computing the squared distance between them. If the squared distance is greater than the provided threshold (which can be set by -side-tolerance and -corner-tolerance CLI options), the pixel is marked for resampling and changed to pure red. This allows the GUI to show viewers which pixels are being resampled. Pixels marked for resampling are then supersampled using an evenly spaced grid of rays (the number of rays is set by the -ss CLI option). For example, if a pixel was the square (0,0) to (1,1) and the number of samples was 4, the 4 rays would be shot through (0.25, 0.25), (0.25, 0.75), (0.75, 0.25), and (0.75, 0.75). Also note that the -write-aa-targets and -write-pre-aa CLI options are considered and the image will be saved accordingly before resampling and pixel agging respectively. 3.3.2 Objective 2: Reection and Refraction Code Location: raytracer.cpp Relevant Lua Commands: gr.rr_material When a collision occurs, the Collision object contains information about the nature of the surface texture that the ray is interacting with. This includes the reection and refaction coecient. If the refraction coecient is greater than 0: First, the refract depth of the current ray is checked to see if the refraction limit has been reached (congurable with the -refract-limit CLI option). If it has not, then the refractive index of the surface texture is equal to rt , rt exiting is retrieved. If the refractive index of the current ray then it is assumed the ray is the solid and rt ri (starts as 1.0) is set to 1.0. Note that this assumption has aws as it assumes that air is the medium after exiting an object. It also falls apart when refractive objects are inside of other refractive objects. computed. The surface normal the ~i ~n The ratio r = ri rt is then and the incident angle ~ i are also computed. It is worth noting θt be the angle of transmission. The cos2 θt < 0 then we have total internal is from the point of collision to the ray origin. Let 2 class notes then give cos θt = 1− n2r ∗ (1 − (~n · ~i)2 ). If reection (however this must be enabled with the -use-tir CLI option). In this case, the refraction coecient is added to the reection coecient. Otherwise, a secondary ray is casted whose origin is the point of collision and whose direction is given by t = (−nr ∗ ~n · ~i − √ 2 cos2 θt ) ∗ ~n + nr ∗ ~i (from class notes). The secondary ray is added as a child of the primary ray with its refract depth equal to its parent depth - 1, with it's ray component equal to the refraction coecient, and with its refractive index equal to nt . If the reection coecient is greater than 0: First, the reect depth of the current ray is checked to see if the reection limit has been 12 CS488/688 Spring 2014 ajlake 20354795 reached (congurable with the -reect-limit CLI option). If it has not, then the surface normal ~n and incident vector ~i are computed. It is worth noting that the incident vector is from the point of collision to the ray origin. The reection vector ~r = (2 ∗ ~n · ~i) ∗ ~n − ~i is then computed and a secondary ray is casted in the same way as in the refraction case. Additionally, Phong highlights are applied with (1 - refraction coecient) as a coecient. Therefore, the more refractive a material, the less specular highlights are visible. This makes sense since specular highlights are due to reection. Also, on reection and refraction cases, the origin of the secondary Ray that is spawned is nudged along the path of reection or transmission by a distance of 0.01. This is to help prevent artifacting due to Rays colliding with the same surface location multiple times. 0.01 is arbitrary and loses eectiveness when geometry is very small or very large! Another feature worth discussing is the specular lter colour (default (1,1,1)) in the Ray class. How this works is that when a Ray is refracted or reected, it takes on the specular colour of the object that it interacted with and applies that colour multiplicatively to its nal colour. For example, suppose there was a refractive object that only allowed blue light to be transmitted. It's specular colour would be set to (0,0,1) so that when a secondary Ray refracted through it, it's specular lter would be set to (0,0,1). When the Ray is then asked what its colour is, it will return its nal colour multiplied by (0,0,1), only allowing the blue component of the light to pass through. This feature allows more interesting materials to be expressed and had the caustics objective been implemented, it would have allowed coloured caustic patterns (ie: a green glass solid having green caustics). 3.3.3 Objective 3: Mesh Uniform Space Partitioning Code Location: mesh.cpp Relevant Lua Commands: gr.fast_mesh, gr.fast_vn_mesh Given a bounding box for a mesh, it's reasonable to assume that in many cases the distribution of geometry within that box is fairly uniform. In particular, it is probably not the case that the A Fast Voxel Traversal Algorithm for Ray Tracing bounding box contains a small cluster where the majority of geometry exists, and everywhere else is empty. Thus, the technique outlined in performs quite well. This mesh optimization was performed using the technique in this paper. First, all faces of the polygon mesh are triangulated if they are not already triangles. Then, the bounding box is uniformly subdivided into Voxels (a Voxel is a list of faces). The number of voxels is given by n3 where n= √ 3 numf aces (the x, y, and z dimensions of the bounding box are partitioned the same number of times). Then, each face is assigned to the voxels that it falls into. This is done by using a 3D triangle scanline algorithm. Beginning at two vertices of the triangle, two points A and B are incrementally advanced along towards the third vertex of the triangle (the increment is one half of the minimum voxel dimension). Then, using the same increment value, points are interpolated between A and B. Each point is checked which Voxel it is in. If that Voxel is not currently in the set of voxels that is being recorded, it is added to the set. When the scanline algorithm nishes, each Voxel in the set adds the current face to its list of faces. When performing collision detection, the algorithm from the paper is used. First, it is determined which voxel the ray origin is located in or at which edge voxel the ray will enter. The 13 CS488/688 Spring 2014 ajlake 20354795 voxels are then traversed in a linear fashion according to the direction of the ray (3D DDA algorithm). Each polygon face in the traversed voxel is tested against and added to a set (to prevent repeated testing). If a face is collided with, the voxel containing the intersection point is recorded. If n is the number of polygon faces in the mesh, then the runtime (in practice) is √ O( 3 n). This is because there are two cases: 1. No collisions: Since the line is linear, √ O( 3 n) voxels will be tested. There will be at most k < ≈ 20 faces (in practice) in a given voxel and testing an intersection with a face requires √ 3 constant time. Therefore, the total complexity is O( n). 2. There is a collision: Same rationale as in case 1, but potentially more performant due to the early exit. Furthermore, if it is assumed that n ≤ 100000, then √ 3 n ≈ 46 which can be considered constant time, hence the claim that mesh intersection times are roughly the same complexity as primitive intersection times. 3.3.4 Objective 4: Phong Normal Interpolation Code Location: mesh.cpp Relevant Lua Commands: gr.vn_mesh, gr.fast_vn_mesh First, data/readobj.lua was enhanced with a method to read in vertex normal information in the same way as other information. The extra information is consequently passed on to the Lua command. Implementation-wise, if using Phong Normal Interpolation, a boolean ag is set to true in the mesh object. When returning the collision information, the vertex normals of the triangle face are interpolated in the same way as in Gouraud shading in the course notes (Barycentric Coordinates and area rations of triangles) to compute the surface normal. 3.3.5 Objective 5: Texture Mapping Code Location: texture_mapper.cpp Relevant Lua Commands: gr.td_sphere_material, gr.td_cube_material Texture mapping was implemented for the sphere and cube primitives (unit cube and unit sphere) The mapping system is straightforward (due to unit sphere and unit cube) and as described in class (UV mapping). format. Acceptable textures are rectangular images in the PNG Interpolation and ltering are not used (supersampling ends up doing a lot of that work, although more expensively). Cubes have the texture applied to each face. The front, back, and sides of the cube have the same orientation (note: front face is considered to be the one with the normal (0,0,1) assuming a right-handed system). Therefore, if the cube is rotated about the y axis by 90 degrees, the face that the viewer sees looks the same. The top is mapped such that if the viewer was directly above the cube with (0,0,-1) as the up vector, the top face looks the same as the front face. The bottom face is mapped in the same way as the top face. This was designed intentionally 14 CS488/688 Spring 2014 ajlake 20354795 so that seamless textures would appear more contiguous along the edges (assuming the viewer views the front region of the cube and not the back region). Spheres were texture mapped by converting x,y,z to spherical coordinates and then using φ and θ to determine the UV coordinates. φ = acos(y) θ = atan2(−z, −x) + π θ u = 2π φ v=π A signicant improvement would be to use interpolation (ie: bilinear or trilinear). This would improve the mapping and reduce supersampling in many cases. 3.3.6 Objective 6: Perlin Noise Code Location: perlin.cpp Relevant Lua Commands: gr.marble_pnd_material, gr.wood_pnd_material To simulate grainy wood and marble textures, procedural texturing using perlin noise was used. The implementation for the noise function was based on Ken Perlin's 2002 SIGGRAPH paper: http://mrl.nyu.edu/~perlin/paper445.pdf http://mrl.nyu.edu/~perlin/noise, from which http://freespace. virgin.net/hugo.elias/models/m_perlin.htm. Perlin provides a sample implementation at the code is heavily templated. Inspiration for the textures was also from Perlin noise works by interpolating between noise. In the 3D case, the idea is that there exists a 3D lattice where each point has a noise value. To determine the value for an arbitrary point, it is determined which cube in the lattice the point is in and then its value is interpolated from the 8 corners across each dimension. The wood grain texture is parameterized by four arguments: m_noiseFactor, m_density, m_interpolationMethod, and m_mixColour. The following is pseudo-code for the wood grain (let noise be linearly interpolated noise or cosine interpolated noise depending on whether m_interpolationMethod is 0 or 1): p = surface point totalNoise = noise(m_noiseFactor*p[0], m_noiseFactor*p[1], m_noiseFactor*p[2]); totalNoise = m_density*totalNoise; totalNoise = totalNoise - std::floor(totalNoise); double mixRatio = c_inter(0.5 + 0.5*totalNoise, 0., 1.); baseTexture.diffuse_colour = mixRatio*baseTexture.diffuse_colour + (1-mixRatio)*m_mixColour; The reason m_noiseFactor increases the noise is that it causes the surface points to move around in the lattice more quickly. The reason m_density increases the grain density is because it shortens the interval before the noise value gets oored again. The marble texture is parameterized by ve arguments: m_noiseFactor, m_noiseMultiplier, m_veinFrequency, m_interpolationMethod, and m_mixColour. The following is pseudo-code for the marble (let noise be linearly interpolated noise or cosine interpolated noise depending on whether m_interpolationMethod is 0 or 1): 15 CS488/688 Spring 2014 ajlake 20354795 int numOctaves = 4; double persistence = 4.; double currP = 1.; double basePM = m_noiseFactor; for (int i = 0; i < numOctaves; i++) totalNoise += (1./currP)*noise(basePM*p[0], basePM*p[1], basePM*p[2]); currP *= persistence; basePM *= persistence; end double mixRatio = c_inter((1. + cos(m_veinFrequency*p[1] + m_noiseMultiplier*totalNoise)) * 0.5, 0., 1.); baseTexture.diffuse_colour = mixRatio*baseTexture.diffuse_colour + (1-mixRatio)*m_mixColour; The idea is that cos(y) is used as the base pattern which yields smooth stripes. By adding noise, a marbly vein texture is produced. Four octaves of noise are added together with each octave having a smaller amplitude. This makes the distorted veins have additional smaller veins and distortions adding realism. The reason m_noiseFactor increases the noise is the same reason as with the wood grain. m_noiseMultiplier makes the marble more noisy by increasing the ratio of noise to stripe pattern. m_veinFrequency increases the vein frequency by reducing the period required so that cos(y) repeats more often. 3.3.7 Objective 7: Caustics A Ray Tracing Method for Illumination Calculation in Diuse-Specular Scenes This objective was aborted and is not implemented. Originally, the plan was to use the method described in . An illumination map would have been created for any diuse surface for which caustics are desired. The illumination map would act as a sort of texture map for these surfaces. To construct the illumination map, rays would need to be casted from each light source and illumination information would be saved for diuse surfaces whenever light is reected or refracted before hitting it. This illumination information is later used to create caustics when rendering the surfaces. 3.3.8 Objective 8: Soft Shadows Code Location: light.cpp Relevant Lua Commands: gr.marble_pnd_material, gr.wood_pnd_material Support was added for area lights. Instead of casting a single shadow ray as with point light sources, multiple shadow rays (congurable with -alsamples CLI option) are casted in a grid pattern over the area of the light with slight jittering. The jittering of the points will never cause the point on the area light to leave its subsection. For example, given a hypothetical area light from (0,0) to (1,1) with 4 samples, the bottom left point will be in the range [0,0.5] for both x and y. The surface point for which visibility is being tested is also hashed and the RNG is seeded with that hash. This causes the jittering to be reproducably pseudorandom. The percentage of shadow rays which have no intersections is used as the percentage of the diuse light component and specular highlight component to apply. 16 CS488/688 Spring 2014 ajlake 20354795 To streamline raytracer logic, the shadow ray logic was delegated to the derived class AreaLight. A method computeVisibility Light class and its is exposed which returns a double between 0 and 1. Point light sources return either 0 or 1 whereas area light sources can return anywhere in that range. 3.3.9 Objective 9: Constructive Solid Geometry Code Location: csg.cpp Relevant Lua Commands: gr.csg_union, gr.csg_difference, gr.csg_intersection To create more complex objects from simple primitive solids, CSG techniques were used as GeometryNode class was subclassed into three CSGUnionNode, CSGDifferenceNode, and CSGIntersectionNode which support described in section 18.6 of the course notes. The derived classes a tree like structure to enable the union, intersection, and dierence of spheres and cubes. Before computing the union, intersection, or dierence of two solids A and B, a series of line segments are computed for A and B which represent the intersection of the ray and the solid. t1 and t2 which represent the end points (p1 = ~ ray _origin + t1 ∗ ray _dir; p2 = ray _origin + t2 ∗ ray~_dir) as well as the texture information Each intersection is represented as two values for each end point. A new list of intersections is then produced based on the operation and the list of intersections for A and B. Case 1: Union (A OR B): The new list is simply the union of the lists from A and B Case 2: Intersection (A AND B): To compute the new list, the following is performed: • For each line segment a in A For each line segment b in B ∗ • If a and b have overlap, push the overlapping segment onto the new list Return the new list Case 3: Dierence (A AND NOT B): To compute the new list, the following is performed: • For each line segment a in A For each line segment b in B ∗ If b fully contains a, break ∗ If b overlaps a on the edge, truncate a ∗ If b divides a into two segments, push the 2 new segments to the list in A and break • Push a onto the new list if previous loop did not break early Return the new list The top level CSG Node uses its list of intersections to compute the collision information. It does this by iterating through the intersections and selecting the smallest non-negative and then returning that collision information. t value 17 CS488/688 Spring 2014 ajlake 20354795 3.3.10 Objective 10: Final Scene Creating the nal scene was dicult and was probably the second most time-consuming objective. The goal was a visually pleasing and photo-realistic scene that demonstrated every objective. An indoor scene with a warm and calming theme was selected. Consequently, a light green was selected for the wall colour (there is respectable research indicating green is a calming colour) and wood ooring was selected to complement it. There is also a lot of usage of browns to complete the green and brown nature combination. The tea is warm and calming and the rug and soccer ball give the room a youthful character. The overhead lights are a slightly orange colour giving a warm hue to the room (the type of light an incandescent bulb would emit) and the soft shadows complete the scene. Finally, an Easter egg on the left wall was added for a bit of wit and personal touch. Objectives 1-12 (except 7) are present in the nal scene: • Adaptive Anti-aliasing: 16% of pixels in the nal scene were supersampled instead of 100 • Reection and refraction: The marble table top is slightly reective, the window panes are refractive and slightly reective, and the mirror on the right exhibits pure specular reection. • Mesh Uniform Space Partitioning: The table base, mirror frame, teapot, and teacups are all meshes. The table base and mirror frame are particularly high polygon count (71280 and 27278 polygons respectively). The scene would never had rendered in a reasonable amount of time without this optimization. • Phong Normal Interpolation: The teapot and vase use normal interpolation to give the appearance of a smoother solid. • Texture Mapping: The rug, the oor, and the note are all texture mapped cubes. The soccer ball is a texture mapped sphere. • Perlin Noise: The window frame, the panels, and the mirror frame all use a wood grain texture that was procedurally generated with perlin noise. The marble table top is also procedurally generated with perlin noise. • Soft Shadows: All shadows in the scene are soft. • Constructive Solid Geometry: The mirror in the mirror frame was created using CSG. A sphere was intersected with a cube to create a cylinder approximation. The result was then positioned into place. The light xture on the ceiling was created by hollowing out a semi-sphere in (dierence) and placing a light inside the hole. • Skybox: The skybox texture can be seen refracted through the window and reected o of the marble table top. • GUI Previewer: The nal scene was rendered in the GUI. 3.3.11 Objective 11 (Extra): Skybox Code Location: skybox.cpp Relevant Lua Commands: gr.render_skybox 18 CS488/688 Spring 2014 ajlake 20354795 The idea of the Skybox is that the viewer and the scene are small compared to the world and regardless of the camera position and the scene position, it can be supposed that they are located at approximately the origin (0,0,0) which can be assumed to be the center of the world. The Skybox class therefore exposes the method: virtual Colour getSkyboxColour(const Vector3D& dir); The reason the method only considers the direction the viewer is facing is because of the assumption that the viewer is located at approximately the center of the world (0,0,0). The default Skybox implementation simply creates a blue/black gradient based on the y-coordinate of the view direction. However, the TexturedSkybox class overrides the default getSkyboxColour method and instead computes the intersection of a cube and performs a texture mapping. To determine where in the world the viewer is looking, a cube dened from (0,0,0) to (1,1,1) is intersected with the line with origin (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) and direction dir, and the closest intersection point is recorded. From there, standard UV mapping for cubes is used to determine the pixel x and pixel y in the texture image (PNG). The front of the Cube is considered to be the face with normal (0, 0, 1) assuming a right-handed system. No ltering or interpolation (ie: bilinear or trilinear) is used. Unlike cube texture mapping in Objective 5, a dierent part of the texture image is mapped to each cube face. The texture image is expected to have a width that is a multiple of 4 and a height that is a multiple of 3. The faces are expected to be aligned in the following way (T top, B = bottom, F = front, L = left, R = right, K = = back): #T## LFRK #B## 3.3.12 Objective 12 (Extra): Gui Previewer Code Location: rt_bootstrap.cpp / rt_viewer.cpp / rtgui_window.cpp / gl_image_writer.cpp If the -gui option is set, a gtkmm GUI (a Window) is launched. The GUI contains an OpenGL Viewer which is used to display the image as it is being rendered. The constructor for the Viewer takes in a wrapper class (OpenGLImageWriter) around the image being written to that allows the Viewer to access an array of oats which represent the RGB values of the pixels. This array of oats is passed to the glDrawPixels method to display the image. The main gtkmm Window's constructor takes in a Raytracer object as well as all of the relevant arguments (such as Lights, a pointer to the SceneNode, etc.). It also starts a timer which executes every 30ms which causes the Viewer to refresh the image. When a user begins rendering, the Raytracer render method is called in a seperate thread with all of the relevant arguments. When the rendering is done, the thread exits. As an improvement, the glDrawPixels method should be replaced as it is deprecated. Instead, a textured quad should be displayed to the Viewer area. 19 CS488/688 Spring 2014 ajlake 20354795 3.3.13 Objective 13 (Extra): Fresnel Equations Code Location: fresnel.cpp / raytracer.cpp Relevant Lua Commands: gr.difresneld_material In Physically Based Rendering, p.434-435 , Pharr states that for unpolarized light, a close ap- proximation for the Fresnel reectance for dielectrics is rk = ηt cosθi −ηi cosθt ηt cosθi +ηi cosθt r⊥ = ηi cosθi −ηt cosθt ηi cosθi +ηt cosθt 2 + r2 ) Fr = 12 (r⊥ k where: θi = incident angle θi = transmission angle ηi = refractive index of incident material ηt = refractive index of transmission material For materials that use this behaviour, these equations are used to determine the amount of reected and refracted light (it is assumed that light is unpolarized). Once the reection and refraction coecient are set, the regular code pathways for reection and refraction are executed. Note: normally, this objective's functionality would be mostly located in fresnel.cpp following the pattern of perlin.cpp and texture_mapper.cpp. However, most of the computations that are needed to compute the amount of reected and refracted light are duplicated by raytracer.cpp (in particular θt ). To save computational work, raytracer.cpp has a seperate branch for the Fresnel Equations logic and all of the heavy lifting takes place there. 3.3.14 Objective 14 (Extra): Revised Final Scene The nal scene was revised to incorporate Objective 13 by angling the right shutter. otherwise identical. It is 20 4 CS488/688 Spring 2014 ajlake 20354795 Bibliography The following references were used. [1] John Amanatides and Andrew Woo, Eurographics '87, 1987, pp. 310. Perlin noise [2] Huge Elias, htm, , A fast voxel traversal algorithm for ray tracing , In http://freespace.virgin.net/hugo.elias/models/m_perlin. [Online; accessed 18-July-2014]. Cs488/688 course notes Improved noise reference implementation [3] School of Computer Science, [4] Ken Perlin, noise/, , 2014. , http://mrl.nyu.edu/~perlin/ [Online; accessed 4-July-2014]. [5] Ken Perlin, Improving noise to implementation , ACM Trans. Graph. [6] Matt Pharr and Greg Humphreys, 2010. [7] Peter Shirley, 21 (2002), no. 3, 681682. Physically based rendering, second edition: From theory , 2nd ed., Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA, A ray tracing method for illumination calculation in diuse-specular scenes , In Proceedings of Graphics Interface '90, 1990, pp. 205212. ray-box intersection algorithm [8] Amy Williams, Steve Barrus, R. Keith, and Morley Peter Shirley, , Journal of Graphics Tools An ecient and robust 10 (2003), 54. 21 5 CS488/688 Spring 2014 ajlake 20354795 Objectives Sheet Due: Wednesday, July 23, 2014 Name: User ID: Student ID: 1: Adaptive Anti-aliasing: Jaggies and colour edges are demonstrably smoothed by the adaptive anti-aliasing algorithm. 2: Reection and Refraction: Secondary rays are casted for objects to account for transmission and reection: Snell's Law is used to compute the angle of transmission and the Law of Reection is used to compute the angle of reection. 3: Mesh Uniform Space Partitioning: The eciency gains using this technique are well demonstrated with before and after timings for a sample mesh. 4: Phong Normal Interpolation: surface normals for meshes. Vertex normal interpolation is performed to compute The result is a demonstrably smoother-looking polygonal mesh. 5: Texture Mapping: At minimum, PNG textures can be applied to the surfaces of spheres and cubes. 6: Perlin Noise: At minimum, a variety of procedurally generated Perlin noise textures can be applied to spheres and cubes. 7: Caustics: Caustics has been demonstrably implemented. 8: Soft Shadows: Area lights and averaging of shadow rays are used to produce soft shadow eects. 9: Constructive Solid Geometry: At minimum, union, dierence, and intersection operations are demonstrated with spheres and cubes. 10: Final Scene: A unique nal scene is created which demonstrates features of the raytracer. A4 extra objective: Supersampling Declaration: I have read the statements regarding cheating in the CS488/688 course handouts. I arm with my signature that I have worked out my own solution to this assignment, and the code I am handing in is my own. Signature:
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