Motor Drive Board, Ver.5 Assembly Manual Micon Car Kit, Ver.5.1
Motor Drive Board, Ver.5 Assembly Manual Micon Car Kit, Ver.5.1
Micon Car Kit, Ver.5.1 Motor Drive Board, Ver.5 Assembly Manual Microcontroller "R8C/38A" on "RY_R8C38" board was changed with "R8C/38C" in 2013. There is no changes of the program because "R8C/38C" is approximately compatible with "R8C/38A" functionally. In this manual, the name of "R8C/38A" remains, but it means "R8C/38A" or "R8C/38C". Microcontroller "RX62T" on "RMC-RX62T" board was changed with "RX62G" in 2013. There is no changes of the program because "RX62G" is approximately compatible with "RX62T" functionally. In this manual, the name of "RX62T" remains, but it means "RX62T" or "RX62G". Version 1.03 April 10, 2014 Renesas Micom Car Rally Secretariat Important Notice (Revision 1.2) Copyright Copyright of this manual and its contents belongs to the Renesas Micom Car Rally Secretariat. This manual is protected under copyright law and international copyright conventions. Prohibited Use The user is prohibited from doing any of the following: Sale of the manual to a third party, or advertisement, use, marketing, or reproduction of the manual for purpose of sale Transfer or reauthorization to a third party of usage rights to the manual Modification or deletion of the contents of the manual, in whole or in part Translation into another language of the contents of the manual Use of the contents of the manual for a purpose that may pose a danger of death or injury to persons Reprinting and Reproduction Prior written permission from the Renesas Micom Car Rally Secretariat is required in order to reprint or reproduce this manual. Limitation of Liability Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this manual. However, the Renesas Micom Car Rally Secretariat assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage that may arise due to errors this manual may contain. Other The information contained in this manual is current as of the date of publication. The Renesas Micom Car Rally Secretariat reserves the right to make changes to the information or specifications contained in this manual without prior notice. Make sure to check the latest version of this manual before starting fabrication. Contact Information Micom Car Rally Secretariat, Renesas Solutions Corp. MN Building, 2-1 Karuko-saka, Ageba-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 162-0824, Japan Tel. (03) 3266-8510 E-mail: [email protected] All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual Contents 1. Outline .................................................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Specifications ...................................................................................................................................................... 2 2.1. Specifications ................................................................................................................... 2 2.2. Circuit Diagram ................................................................................................................ 3 2.2.1. In the case of RY_R8C38 board version .......................................................................... 3 2.2.2. In the case of RMC-RX62T board version ...................................................................... 4 2.3. Board Dimensions ............................................................................................................. 5 2.4. Appearance ..................................................................................................................... 6 3. Assembling the Board ...................................................................................................................................... 9 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.8. 3.9. 3.10. 3.11. 3.12. 3.13. 3.14. 3.15. 3.16. 3.17. 3.18. 3.19. 3.20. 3.21. 3.22. 3.23. 3.24. 3.25. 3.26. 3.27. Table of Parts ................................................................................................................. 10 Other Necessary Parts Besides the Set ................................................................................ 14 Part Side ........................................................................................................................ 15 Mounting the Resister(2.2kΩ) ............................................................................................ 16 Mounting the Resister(10kΩ) ............................................................................................. 18 Mounting the Resister(1kΩ) ............................................................................................... 19 Mounting the Resister (9.1kΩ) ........................................................................................... 20 Mounting the IC(74HC14AP) ............................................................................................. 21 Mounting the IC(74HC08AP) ............................................................................................. 22 Mounting the IC(74HC32AP) .......................................................................................... 23 Mounting the Diode(10DDA10) ....................................................................................... 24 Mounting the Laminated ceramic capacitor (0.1μF) ............................................................ 25 Mounting the Ceramic capacitor(4700pF) ......................................................................... 26 Mounting the Resistor array ........................................................................................... 27 Mounting the LED (red)................................................................................................. 28 Mounting the Pushbutton switch ..................................................................................... 29 Mounting the XH connector (2 pins) ................................................................................ 30 Mounting the 3-pin conector .......................................................................................... 31 Mounting the 10-pin connector ....................................................................................... 32 Mounting the FET(2SJ530) ............................................................................................. 33 Mounting the FET(2SK2869) .......................................................................................... 34 Mounting the FET(2SK975) ............................................................................................ 35 Mounting the Electrolytic capacitor(100μF/16V) ............................................................... 36 Mounting the Electrolytic capacitor(1000μF/10V).............................................................. 37 Mounting the Electrolytic capacitor(1000μF/16V).............................................................. 38 JP2 Jumper Insertion ..................................................................................................... 39 Completed................................................................................................................... 40 - I - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 1. Outline This is the Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual for MCU Car Kit Ver.5.1. This board is mounted in the MCU car kit and has the following features: It can drive two motors in forward, reverse, or brake mode. ● It can control one servo. ● It can control the on/off states of two LEDs. ● It can detect the state of a single pushbutton switch. ● It can increase the number of batteries added to the motor drive board ver.5 up to eight by adding the part “LM350 Add-On Set (sold separately) .” The standard configuration of the MCU car kit supplies four batteries to the motor drive board. Motor rotation speed is proportional to the voltage, so if the motor drive board is supplied the voltage of eight batteries in series by adding this add-on set, the motor rotation speed will be two times faster. ● Motor Drive Board Ver.5 has two kinds of sets. The following table shows descriptions of the sets: Set Name Motor Drive Board Set Ver.5 1. LM350 Add-On Set Description Reference Page for Assembly The basic board set Board Assembly The standard power configuration of the MCU car kit has four batteries in the control system (MCU board) and four batteries in the drive system (motor drive board ver.5). If you want faster motor rotation speed, make the voltage applied to motor drive board ver.5 7.2 – 9.6 V supplied from six to eight batteries in series. Since the maximum voltage of the MCU board is 5.5 V and that of the servo is 6 V, it will break if these voltages are applied directly. Therefore, use a three-terminal regulator to keep 5 V applied to the control system (including the MCU board) and 6 V applied to the servo. This set provides the circuit for implementing the above. LM350 Add-On Set (Using 6 or more Batteries in Series) - 1 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 2. Specifications 2.1. Specifications The following shows specifications of motor drive board ver.5. Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Abbreviated Number of Parts Drive Board 5 Parts with lead wire: Approximate 66 The interval between the pins of the parts is more than 2.54 mm. Controllable Motors 2 (Left motor and right motor) Controllable Servo 1 LEDs that can be turned on/off by program 2 Pushbutton Switch 1 Control System Voltage (Voltage that can be added to the CN2) Drive System Voltage (Voltage that can be added to the CN1) Servo, Motor Control Period DC5.0V±10% 4.5 - 5.5 V or 7 - 15 V If over 7 V, need to use the LM350 Add-On Set to make the voltage applied to the servo 6 V and the voltage applied to the MCU board 5 V. Motor: 16 ms Servo: 16 ms Unable to set individually Board dimensions W80 × D65 × T1.6 mm Completed dimensions (Actual measured dimensions) W80 × D65 × H20 mm Weight Approximate 35 g *Varies depending on amount of solder and lead wire length - 2 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 2.2. Circuit Diagram The circuit diagram of RMC-RX62T board version is almost same as RY_R8C38 board version, only different the port number. 2.2.1. In the case of RY_R8C38 board version - 3 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 2.2.2. In the case of RMC-RX62T board version - 4 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 2.3. Board Dimensions There are 6 mounting holes on the board. Use these mounting holes to mount Motor Drive Board Ver.5 to the MCU Car Kit. - 5 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 2.4. Appearance The figure below shows the visual appearance of the board. LED1 Always on when power is applied CN3 CN2 Motor Drive board control connector Motor free-running control connector 2 1 10 9 JP1 PWM signal selection CN1 Power supply connector LED3 ON/OFF Controllable 1 (-) 2(+) programmatically LED2 3 (-) 2(+) 1(PWM) ON/OFF Controllable programmatically CN4 Servo connector SW1 Push switch 1 2 JP2 Servo power supply selection 1 2 CN5 Left motor connector CN6 Right motor connector - 6 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual The following table lists the connector connections and the contents carried by these signals. Part No. CN1 CN2 CN3 CN4 Connection Pin 1 GND 2 The + power supply connection (4.5 - 5.5 V or 7 V - 15 V) If over 7 V, need to insert “LM350 Add-On Set.” Power supply input Connected to the microcontroller board Connected to the microcontroller board Servo Description 1-10 See next item 1 +5V 2 Left motor stop state selection. 1: Free, 0: Brake 3 Right motor stop state selection. 1: Free, 0: Brake 4 GND 1 Servo PWM signal output 2 Servo power supply (6 V output) 3 GND CN5 Left motor 1,2 Left motor output CN6 Right motor 1,2 Right motor output This jumper switches PWM output terminal and direction selection terminal. ●RY_R8C38 Board Short (done on the solder side) ・Between pin 1-3 ・Between pin 2-4 ・Between pin 3-5 ・Between pin 4-6 JP1 PWM signal selection of left motor 1-6 short short no connection no connection Note: It has been short-circuited on the solder side. No need to do in anything in particular. ●RY3048FoneBoard Cut (solder side) ・Between pin 1-3 ・Between pin 2-4 ・Between pin 3-5 ・Between pin 4-6 - 7 - pattern cut (solder side) pattern cut (solder side) short short Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual This jumper switches the source for power supply to the servo power supply pin (pin 2 on CN2). JP2 Servo power supply switching 1-3 ●If the supply voltage supplied to CN1 is less than 6 V Short between pins 1 – 2. CN1 power is connected to pin2 of CN2 directly. ●If the supply voltage supplied to CN1 is more than 6 V Install the parts from the “LM350 Add-On Set” (sold separately) and short between pins 2 – 3 because this exceeds the voltage that can be applied to the servo. Voltage of 6 V will be supplied to pin2 of CN2 through LM350 (three-terminal regulator). - 8 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 3. Assembling the Board The items required to assemble the sensor board Ver.5 are listed below. Miniature nippers Used to cut lead wires. Miniature cutting pliers Used to bend lead wires and hold parts in place. Wire stripper Used to peel the covering of the wires. Crimping pliers Used to crimp of the contact pin of the connector. Tweezers Used to hold parts. - 9 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual Used to solder parts to the board. A soldering iron rated at about 50~100 watts should be sufficient. Soldering iron Scissors Used to cut the bag of the set. Used to adjust the servo voltage when added the LM350 additional set. Tester 3.1. Table of Parts Part No. Name Model Photo Manufacturer Q’ty Main Board 80×65×1.6t R1 Resistor CFS1/4C 2.2kΩ (red-red-red-gold) KOA Corporation 1 R2,3,4,7,8, 13,14,15,17, 18,19,21 Resistor CFS1/4C 10kΩ (red-black-orange-gold) KOA Corporation 12 R5,6,10,16, 20 Resistor CFS1/4C 1kΩ (brown-black-red-gold) KOA Corporation 5 1 - 10 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual R11,12 U2 Resistor IC (DIP) CFS1/4C 9.1kΩ (white-brown-red-gold) 1 74HC14AF The pin in front of the KOA Corporation 2 Renesas Electronics Corporation 1 Renesas Electronics Corporation 1 Renesas Electronics Corporation 1 Nihon Inter Electronics Corporation 1 indentation (marked ○) is 1pin U3 IC (DIP type) 1 74HC08AF The pin in front of the indentation (marked ○) is pin 1 U4 IC (DIP type) 1 74HC32AF The pin in front of the indentation (marked ○) is pin 1 K D1 Diode A 10DDA10 The marked end is K C1,3,4, 6,7,11 Laminated ceramic capacitor RPEF11H104Z2K1A01 B 0.1 μF (104) 5.08 mm pitch Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 6 C9,10 Ceramic capacitor 4700 pF (472) 2.54 mm pitch Available from various manufacturer 2 RA1 Resistor array RKC8BD102J 1 kΩ (102) 8 elements, 1 common KOA Corporation LED1,2,3 LED EBR3338S 3 mm diameter, red 123456789 The● mark at the 1pin A(long) (short)K - 11 - 1 Stanley Electric Co. 3 Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual Pushbutton switch Note: This switch is B3F-1050 Omron Corporation 1 XH connector (2 pins); straight convex B2B-XH-A J.S.T. Mfg., Ltd. 3 CN4 3-pin connector XG8V-0331 Omron Corporation 1 CN2 10-pin connector straight convex HIF3FC10PA2.54DSA Hirose Electric Co., Ltd. 1 Renesas Electronics Corporation 4 Renesas Electronics Corporation 4 Renesas Electronics Corporation 13 Nippon Chemi-Con Corporation 1 SW1 also called a tactile switch. This manual uses the term push button switch. CN1,5,6 FET1,3,5,7 FET 1 2 Pin 1 is indicated by a mark ▼ 2SJ530(L) S G FET2,4,6,8 FET D 2SK2869(L) S G FET9,10,11, 12,13,14,15, 16,17,18,19, 20,21 FET D 2SK975 G D S C13 Electrolytic capacitor ESMG160E101ME11D 100uF/16V +(long) (short) - - 12 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual C8 C2 Electrolytic capacitor ESMG100ELL102MJC5S 1000μF/10V Electrolytic capacitor SMG160E102MJ16S 1000μF/16V +(long) (short) - +(long) (short) For mounting on the motor (These capacitors are not mounted on the board) Ceramic capacitor 0.01 μF (103) 5.08 mm pitch - 13 - Nippon Chemi-Con Corporation 1 Nippon Chemi-Con Corporation 1 Available from various manufacturer 6 Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual ●Parts list Attach six ceramic condenser 0.01μF(103) to a motor directly, not to a board. Refer to "Micon Car Kit Body Assembly Manual" for how to attach it to the motor. Note: It may turn into a compatible part by the lot. (The fact may be different from the photograph mentioned above) 3.2. Other Necessary Parts Besides the Set Name Solder Model Specifics The necessary length varies depending on the thickness; if the diameter is 0.6 mm a length of 5 m should be sufficient. - 14 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 3.3. Part Side The parts side has white character on it. Attach the parts from this side. ▲completed part - 15 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 3.4. Mounting the Resister(2.2kΩ) Part No. R1 Name Resistor Model Photo CFS1/4C 2.2 kΩ (red-red-red-gold) Manufacturer KOA Corporation Q’ty 1 Solder one resister (2.2kΩ). The resistors will be bent. Place a resistor with the leads pointing left and right. 1 Bend the resistor into a U shape as shown in the photo. The gap between the leads should be 5 mm. (Do this for all resistors R1 to R21.) 2 5 mm - 16 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual Mounting the resistors: let the lower left corner of the board be the origin. Mount the resistors with the end that has the gold color code away from the origin. 3 Gold end is away from origin Origin In the case of R1, the gold end is pointed up, away from the origin, as shown in the photo. 4 - 17 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 3.5. Mounting the Resister(10kΩ) Part No. R2,3,4,7,8, 13,14,15,17, 18,19,21 Name Resistor Model Photo CFS1/4C 10kΩ (brown-black-orange-g old) Solder the resistors (10 kΩ). - 18 - Manufacturer KOA Corporation Q’ty 12 Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 3.6. Mounting the Resister(1kΩ) Part No. R5,6,10,16, 20 Name Resistor Model Photo CFS1/4C 1kΩ (brown-black-red-gold) Solder the resistors (1 kΩ). - 19 - Manufacturer KOA Corporation Q’ty 5 Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 3.7. Mounting the Resister (9.1kΩ) Part No. R11,12 Name Resistor Model Photo CFS1/4C 9.1kΩ (white-brown-red-gold) Solder the resistors (9.1 kΩ). - 20 - Manufacturer KOA Corporation Q’ty 2 Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 3.8. Mounting the IC(74HC14AP) Part No. U2 Name Model IC (DIP type) Photo Manufacturer Renesas Electronics Corporation 1 74HC14AP The pin in front of the Q’ty 1 indentation (marked ○) is pin 1 Solder the 74HC14AP. Pay attention to its orientation. 1 Implement it so that dent (○ part) of the IC matches a dent of the silk. 1 - 21 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual When mounting the IC, push the legs of all the pins as far down as possible. The photo is an example of INCORRECT mounting. 2 3.9. Mounting the IC(74HC08AP) Part No. U3 Name IC (DIP type) Model Photo 74HC08AP 1 The pin in front of the indentation (marked ○) is pin1 Solder the 74HC08AP. Pay attention to its orientation. 1 - 22 - Manufacturer Renesas Electronics Corporation Q’ty 1 Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 3.10. Mounting the IC(74HC32AP) Part No. U4 Name IC (DIP type) Model Photo 74HC32AP 1 The pin in front of the indentation (marked ○) is pin 1 Solder the 74HC32AP. Pay attention to its orientation. 1 - 23 - Manufacturer Renesas Electronics Corporation Q’ty 1 Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 3.11. Mounting the Diode(10DDA10) Part No. Name Model Photo K D1 Diode Manufacturer A 10DDA10 The marked end is K Nihon Inter Electronics Corporation Q’ty 1 Solder the diode (10DDA10). Pay attention to its orientation. Bend both sides of the diode to 90 degrees so that the distance of the lead becomes 10mm. 1 10mm - 24 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual Implement it with matching the direction of K and A. A K 2 3.12. Mounting the Laminated ceramic capacitor (0.1μ F) Part No. C1,3,4, 6,7,11 Name Laminated ceramic capacitor Model Photo RPEF11H104Z2K1A01B 0.1 μF (104) 5.08 mm pitch Manufacturer Q’ty Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 6 Solder the laminated ceramic capacitors (0.1 μF). There is no difference between either end. Position the capacitors so that it easy to see the marking “104”. - 25 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 3.13. Mounting the Ceramic capacitor(4700pF) Part No. C9,10 Name Ceramic capacitor Model Photo 4700pF (472) 2.54 mm pitch Manufacturer Q’ty Available from various manufacturer 2 Solder the ceramic capacitors (4700 pF). There is no difference between either end. Position the capacitors so that it easy to see the marking “472”. - 26 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 3.14. Mounting the Resistor array Part No. RA1 Name Resistor array Model Photo RKC8BD102J 1kΩ (102) 8 elements, 1 common Manufacturer 123456789 KOA Corporation Q’ty 1 ● mark at the pin 1 side Solder the resistor array. Pay attention to its orientation. Attach a part so that a white ● mark of the resistor array becomes the FET21 side. White● 1 - 27 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 3.15. Mounting the LED (red) Part No. LED1,2,3 Name Model Photo EBR3338S 3 mm diameter, red LED A(long) (short)K Manufacturer Q’ty Stanley Electric Co. 3 Solder the LEDs (red). Match the pins to A and K. K A K K - 28 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 3.16. Mounting the Pushbutton switch Part No. Name Pushbutton switch Model Photo Note: This switch is SW1 also called a tactile Manufacturer Omron Corporation B3F-1050 switch. This manual Q’ty 1 uses the term push button switch. Solder the push switch. There is no difference between either end, so mount it according to the land. Make sure it remains flat while soldering. - 29 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 3.17. Mounting the XH connector (2 pins) Part No. CN1,5,6 Name XH connector (2 pins); straight convex Model Photo Manufacturer J.S.T. Mfg., Ltd. B2B-XH-A 2 Solder the XH connectors (2-pin). Match the pins to 1 and 2. 1 2 1 2 1 2 - 30 - 1 Q’ty 3 Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 3.18. Mounting the 3-pin conector Part No. CN4 Name 3-pin connector Model Photo Manufacturer Omron Corporation XG8V-0331 Q’ty 1 Solder the 3-pin connector. There is no difference between either end. Solder the short side of 3 pin connectors. 1 Solder the short side - 31 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 3.19. Mounting the 10-pin connector Part No. CN2 Name Model Photo 10-pin connector straight convex HIF3FC10PA2.54DSA Manufacturer Q’ty Hirose Electric Co., Ltd. 1 Pin 1 is indicated by a mark ▼ Solder the 10-pin connect (straight convex). When viewed from above, the pins are numbered as shown below. Match the pin numbers when mounting on the board. 2 4 6 8 10 1 3 5 7 9 Overhead view of the connector - 32 - 2 10 1 9 Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 3.20. Mounting the FET(2SJ530) Part No. FET1,3,5,7 Name FET Model Photo Manufacturer 2SJ530(L) S G Renesas Electronics Corporation Q’ty 4 D Solder the FETs (2SJ530). Match the pins to G and S. The 2SJ530(L) and 2SK2869(L) FETs are identical in appearance, so make sure to use the correct ones. G G G G S S S S - 33 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 3.21. Mounting the FET(2SK2869) Part No. Name FET2,4,6,8 Model FET Photo Manufacturer 2SK2869(L) S G Q’ty Renesas Electronics Corporation 4 D Solder the FETs (2SK2869). Match the pins to G and S. The 2SJ530(L) and 2SK2869(L) FETs are identical in appearance, so make sure to use the correct ones. G G G G S S S S - 34 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 3.22. Mounting the FET(2SK975) Part No. Name FET9,10,11, 12,13,14,15, 16,17,18,19, 20,21 FET Model Photo Manufacturer 2SK975 G Renesas Electronics Corporation Q’ty 13 D S Solder the FETs (2SK975). Pay attention to their orientation. S G G G S S Cut thirteen FETs from the sheet and mount them on the board. Cut 1 - 35 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 3.23. Mounting the Electrolytic capacitor(100μF/16V) Part No. Name Electrolytic capacitor C13 Model Photo ESMG160E101ME11 D 100uF/16V +(long) (short)- Solder the electrolytic capacitor (100 μF/16 V). Match the pins to + and -. + - 36 - Manufacturer Nippon Chemi-Con Corporation Q’ty 1 Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 3.24. Mounting the Electrolytic capacitor(1000μ F/10V) Part No. C8 Name Electrolytic capacitor Model ESMG100ELL102MJC5S 1000μF/10V Photo + (long) (short) - Solder the electrolytic capacitor (1000 μF/10 V). Match the pins to + and -. + - 37 - Manufacturer Nippon Chemi-Con Corporation Q’ty 1 Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 3.25. Mounting the Electrolytic capacitor(1000μ F/16V) Part No. Name Model Photo + (long) C2 Electrolytic capacitor SMG160E102MJ16S 1000μF/16V (short) - Solder the electrolytic capacitor (1000 μF/16 V). Match the pins to + and -. + - 38 - Manufacturer Nippon Chemi-Con Corporation Q’ty 1 Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 3.26. JP2 Jumper Insertion Part No. JP2 Name Model Photo Manufacturer Q’ty Jumper About 2.5 mm Use a section of left over lead wire to create a U-shaped jumper with a 2.5 mm lead spacing, and solder it to the JP2 jumper connector between pins 2 and 3. ●LM350 Add-On Set not used ●LM350 Add-On Set used Connect pins 1 Connect pins 2 and 2 with the and 3 with the jumper and solder jumper and solder it in place it in place *If soldering is difficult due to coming in contact with another component, solder from the solder side (reverse side). - 39 - Motor Drive Board Ver.5 Assembly Manual 3.27. Completed It is completed. Visually confirm certainly that failure of the soldering, mistake in mounting the parts, and the direction of the parts. Refer to “Operation Test Manual Micon Car Kit, Ver.5.1” for the operation test. - 40 -