1 X-Treme Team Agreement
1 X-Treme Team Agreement
X-Treme Team Agreement 1 X-Treme Team Agreement 1616 E Truman Dr MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 Reaching America For Jesus, One Crusade At A Time Dear Senior Pastor, Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I have been doing evangelism for over 10 years and have traveled nationally and internationally preaching the "Message of the Cross.” As you already know and have observed, we are living in the last days and our approach to evangelism must be able to equal the "changing times.” Non-churched, unsaved families do not just readily come to church on any given Sunday morning, nor do they just come to church when a sole evangelist is in town. This is a different day! What is needed today is a Godinspired, God-called, evangelistic "tool" to draw these families into the church. I have seen such a “tool” work in the lives of hundreds of people who otherwise would have never darkened the door of a church. I would like to introduce you to the evangelistic "tool" of which I speak. God has birthed a unique ministry, The X-Treme Team, for such a time as this! My assurance that this tool works is due to the countless thousands of people who have committed their lives to Christ at our crusades. Through our follow-up research, we have found that many of those new converts have been baptized, became members of the local church and are living victoriously. "We are a ministry with a message for the entire family." We have participated in crusades in foreign countries where the Senior Pastors were believing, not just for their community to be reached, but their entire country to be affected through The X-Treme Team Crusade! We are now looking for Senior Pastors in America that want to reach the families in their communities, and therefore, their nation by partnering with us to do a crusade, making this vision come to pass. God has called us to do exactly what the statement at the top of letter says: "Reaching America For Jesus, One Crusade At A Time." In closing, I hope this letter has shown that the heartbeat of our ministry is for the conversion and discipleship of souls, and that we have a deep passion for the tasks the Lord has given us. Together we can accomplish much for the Kingdom of God. The Word of God says life is like a vapor, we are here today and gone tomorrow. Knowing this, I have learned that the only things that last are the things we do for Christ! What incredible words to hear, "Well Done My Good and Faithful Servant!" In HIS Grip, Evangelist Rick Willison President/Founder The X-Treme Team (509) 855-6000 2 Www.TJMI.com [email protected] X-Treme Team Agreement Who is the X-Treme Team? The X-Treme Team is a part of the evangelistic ministries of T.E.A.M. Jesus Ministries, Inc. T.E.A.M. Jesus Ministries was founded in 1990 by Rick Willison. The sole purpose behind this ministry is to Tell Everyone About My Jesus (thus the name T.E.A.M. Jesus). Our commitment is to reach the lost, challenge the convinced and equip the committed. The avenue for doing this has been through sponsorship of sports teams, seminars, retreats, camps, mission trips, school assemblies, street evangelism, and Gospel Breaks. This is a faith missions organization that produces evangelistic and educational programs and seminars. The X-Treme Team has become the most effective way of fulfilling the purpose of T.E.A.M. Jesus Ministries, Inc. The X-Treme Team is made up of radically saved men of God. This Team has been put together to be used as a “tool” to reach the entire family for Jesus. We live in an ever-changing time that is requiring unique ways of presenting the Gospel. The Team has a God-given ability to share the Gospel in a powerful, clear and concise way that everyone can understand and respond to. They show the power of God, over sin, by doing incredible feats of strength, speed and endurance. The purpose behind this is to show the audience that all things are possible through Christ who strengthens us. (Philippians 4:13). The response is incredible as we see hundreds give their life to the Lord.. The X-Treme Team is committed to the spreading of the Gospel to all people in all nations. They are willing to do whatever it takes to get the Good News of Jesus to a lost and dying world. The Team has made this commitment to God, knowing that He alone will fulfill this purpose. Determination to be in God’s Will is what drives this incredible Team of Evangelists to Excellence! T.E.A.M. Jesus Ministries, Inc. & The X-Treme Team Providing Explosive Evangelistic & Educational Resources to Reach a Contemporary World with the Never-Changing Message of Jesus Christ! For Scheduling Information and Available Dates Call: 509-855-6000. E-mail us at [email protected]. You can also write us at: X-Treme Team – 1616 E Truman Dr, Moses Lake, WA 98837 or visit us on the web at www.tjmi.net. 3 X-Treme Team Agreement The X-Treme Team Crusade The following pages will describe to you, in full detail, each part of an X-Treme Team Crusade. What a Crusade consists of is School Assemblies, Nightly Gospel Breaks, Radio, TV and Newspaper interviews, and Pastor Rick preaching in your Sunday Morning Services. The entire week’s goal is to reach as many people for Jesus as is possible. The Church must come together as one in order to be as affective as possible. The Church is the X-Treme Team that will be there long after we leave. THE GOSPEL BREAK This is the Main Event that the X-Treme Team does when we come to your area. This is the nightly Evangelistic Outreach. It is a high-energy, deep impacting move through the power of God to overcome the sin in our lives. The crowd is a big part of what we do. All the credit is given to God! The Team shares testimony, breaks boards, shares Jesus, crushes walls of concrete, shares the saving power of God, and does incredible feats of physical strength. Everything they do is related to the Word of God. It is an Explosive time that glorifies God. Everyone will be impacted by what God can do in their lives. The results from the Gospel Message being delivered this way are incredible. You will see hundreds of people surrender their lives to the Lord. PHYSICAL ARRANGEMENTS for gospel breaks: The following Physical Arrangements are requested for all Members of the X-Treme Team: [ ] INTEGRITY POLICY: It is the policy of T.E.A.M. Jesus Ministries, Inc. and The X-Treme Team that our staff not be placed in a situation where they are alone with a member of the opposite sex. Thus, as you are planning The X-Treme Team’s lodging accommodations, meal arrangements, and even possibly transportation concerns; please do not house The X-Treme Team with a single female (even if she is your great, great, grand-mother); do not have a female staff member pick The Team up at the airport by herself, etc. [ ] TRAVEL LOG INFORMATION: Please make The X-Treme Team’s lodging arrangements at least 4 weeks in advance. Fill out the attached TRAVEL LOG INFORMATION SHEET and send the completed form to our office at that time. 4 X-Treme Team Agreement [ ] LODGING ACCOMMODATIONS: The X-Treme Team is more than happy to stay in private homes as guests. However, please make sure that they have a private room. If accommodations will be in a hotel/motel (Preferred), secure two double occupancy, non-smoking rooms. You can get discounted rates and even complimentary rooms by letting the Hotel know what you are doing. Also, if making hotel reservations, please make sure that payment for the rooms has been made prior to The X-Treme Team’s arrival in order that they can be checked in quickly and without difficulty. This will require physically going to the hotel in advance and paying for the rooms. Hotels will reserve rooms over the phone via the use of a credit card; but the actual payment for the rooms must be done in person. So, please visit the hotel prior to The X-Treme Team’s arrival and make sure that they will be able to check in without any delay. When handling accommodation arrangements, please note that IT’S MORE THAN A NIGHT’S SLEEP FOR THE TEAM, IT’S THEIR HOME ON THE ROAD! [ ] MEAL ARRANGEMENTS: You are responsible for all meals while The X-Treme Team is in your care. The XTreme Team is pretty easy to feed. Their only requirements are nutritious foods. Try not to take them out for fast food too often. Home cooked meals are great. You can also ask restaurants to comp meals while the Team is there as a donation to your event. The Team will eat a light breakfast, lunch, a light meal at 5 pm at the Church, and a light meal after the program, again at the Church. The breakfast meal can be cereal or eggs, etc. The lunch meal should be sandwiches or a burger. The evening meals need to have a meat (chicken, beef or pork), salad, potato, vegetable and a light dessert. Be sure to have bottled water, ice tea, Gatorade, or pop available to drink at meals. [ ] OFFERINGS: Each night during the Gospel Program and in the Sunday morning service, Pastor Rick Willison, will receive an offering for the Team. This is NOT a high pressured time of uncomfortable feelings. Pastor Rick simply explains the reason for the offering and asks all in attendance to prayerfully consider being a part of what God is doing through the X-Treme Team. The offering will be counted by a minimum of two of your most trusted people. Usually the Finance Captain and one other person. All checks will be made payable to the hosting Church. The Hosting Church will be responsible for all accounting. On the last night of the Crusade, after the final Gospel Break, the Finance Captain will present Pastor Rick with one check (Payable to The X-Treme Team) for the full amount of all the offerings. [ ] EXPENSES: Our expenses are kept to a minimum. All we ask you to provide is the cost of transportation to your area and back (i.e. airline tickets, gas, etc.), meals, materials for your event (bricks, boards, steel bars, etc.), event facility and lodging. 5 X-Treme Team Agreement [ ] STAGING: The stage needs to be at least 20 feet deep by 24 feet wide and raised off the floor 3 to 4 feet high (most Church stages work out just fine). Please make sure the stage area has been completely cleared of all props, pianos, scenery, etc. Please cover your entire stage and steps with plastic and then plywood. Be sure to Duct Tape all the seams. This will protect your carpet from any kind of damage. All of these stage preparations need to be completed before The X-Treme Team’s arrival. [ ] STAGE TIME & ARRIVAL ORIENTATION: The X-Treme Team will need to have exclusive use of the stage and auditorium for 4 hours prior to the event. Upon their arrival they will need to meet with the Team Captains of the Crusade to walk through a checklist (normally 7:00 pm on Tuesday night). [ ] SECURITY: NO ONE will be allowed on-stage (except stage crew), or in the dressing room, once The X-Treme Team is set-up. Before the doors are open to the public, during the Gospel Break and until the public has left someone will need to be designated for security. Security personnel need to make sure that no one goes onto the stage, into the back stage area or into the dressing room. The X-Treme Team also requests that everyone remain in their seats during the entire program. In other words, no children sitting on the floor or in the aisles. We don’t want anyone to get hurt or hit by flying debris. [ ] Autographs: Please set up a table in your foyer, in a well-lit area, where the Team can sign autographs each night. 6 X-Treme Team Agreement TEAM CAPTAINS & Other Helpers It is important to enlist the help of your Church Family as you plan, execute and evaluate your X-Treme Team Crusade. It will overwhelm you if you try to do this on your own. Enlist the following leaders to help you put your Crusade together: Counselor Captain – In charge of recruiting, training, and scheduling counselors. Be there for questions. Follow-up Captain – In charge of putting together the follow up team that will contact each person that comes down and fills out a card. (Sending out a letter of congratulations and encouragement, calling to invite them to church, etc.) Materials Captain – In charge of securing all the materials for the night meetings and school assemblies. Stage Crew Captain – In charge of recruiting 10 stage crew for each night and 4 for each day at the assemblies. Will need to be there early with stage crew to set up and will need to make sure everything is cleaned up each night. Will be setting up school assemblies and tearing them down. Will need to be able to transport the materials to schools. Ushers Captain – Will head up the team of ushers he recruits. Finance Captain – Will oversee financial area. Will count offerings with 2 other people. Will be the person responsible for settling accounts with Pastor Rick. Hospitality Captain – Will arrange all meals, lodging and work out facility. Prayer Captain – In charge of the Prayer Challenge. Will organize a prayer team that will meet weekly to pray for the Crusade and the Team. Public Relations Captain – In charge of getting the word out. Also in charge of setting up School Assemblies, Radio, TV, Newspaper interviews, etc. Each Captain will put a Team of people together to help them get their part of the Crusade done. Each Captain is important. Meet with them at least once a week and even more as the Crusade date nears, to make sure everything is on track. Pastor Rick will meet with Team Captains the night before the Crusade begins (usually Tuesday night). 7 X-Treme Team Agreement [ ] SOUND EQUIPMENT & OPERATOR: Your church sound equipment will be fine. We do need the following: - One hand held microphone (wireless) - The ability to play CD’s (We need the same for School Assemblies) Secure the services of an experienced sound technician. This is a very intense and demanding job and requires a trained and very capable operator. The sound technician must arrive at the auditorium no later than 2 hours prior to The Gospel Break in order to go over sound cues with the Team. He/she must also be available for the school assemblies. [ ] SPOT, STAGE & HOUSE LIGHT OPERATORS: If your auditorium is equipped with theatrical lighting, The X-Treme Team will make the best use of what is available. If a spotlight is available, they will also make use of it. [ ] The stage light operator should arrive 2 hours prior to the event in order to adjust, focus, gel lights, and go over cues. [ ] The house light operator needs to meet with The X-Treme Team 1 hour prior to the event to go over cues. [ ] STAGE Crew: Please designate ten individuals to work with The X-Treme Team on-stage. These people will be assisting The X-Treme Team in set-up and clean-up of the stage. The Stage Hands must be in good physical condition (able to lift 40 lbs repeatedly). They should dress in dark clothing. The Stage Hands need to be at the church 4 hours prior to the Gospel Break starting time. We will also need four stage hands traveling with us for School Assemblies. [ ] USHERS: Be sure to appoint an Usher Captain to oversee the team of ushers. You will need to provide ushers for the seating of audience members. They are also the people who can answer questions or help people find things (e.g. Bathrooms, nursery, etc.). The offerings will be collected by them as well. SEATING – Ushers need to bring people to the front of the auditorium; filling in all the seats starting with the first row and working back. This is very important for general admission seating. Do not let ushers allow people to sit just anywhere in the auditorium. Control the seating and keep it packed starting with the first row. This will help with the performance dynamics of the evening as well as assist in starting the Gospel Break on time if you have capacity attendance. 8 X-Treme Team Agreement [ ] COUNSELORS: It is important that you have counselors who can share the Gospel, answer questions and help fill in response cards. You will need to have a Counselor Captain who will train, organize and lead the counselors. The counselors are to come down front with the people who respond to the alter call. [ ] RESPONSE CARDS: You have been provided with a slick of the RESPONSE CARD. Please make as many copies as needed on card stock. At the end of each nightly presentation, The Team will do an altar call. At this time, we will have the counselors come down. The counselors will spend time with those who come forward, helping them to fill out the Response Cards. The Counselor Captain will collect the cards, count the responses, report the results to Pastor Rick, and give the cards to the Follow-up Captain. Date:___________________ X-Treme Team Crusade RESPONSE CARD Name:_______________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________ City, State:__________________________Zip Code:__________ Phone:________________________ Married Single Age: 12-under 13-17 18-22 23-30 30’s 40’s 50+ Decision: Profession of Faith Re-commitment to Christ Baptism Are you currently a member of a church: Yes No If yes, Name and address of church:________________________ _____________________________________________________ Counselor’s Name:______________________________________ [ ] FOLLOW-UP TEAM: Be sure to appoint a Follow-up Captain to oversee the Follow-up Team. A Follow-up Team must be provided to personally contact all those who respond to the Gospel presentation. The follow-up must take place during the week immediately following the presentation date. The X-Treme Team typically witnesses anywhere from 10-30% (sometimes more) of their audiences requesting follow-up. Therefore if your auditorium holds 500 people your Team should be prepared to personally contact and disciple 50 to 150 individuals. 9 X-Treme Team Agreement Additional Arrangements for an X-Treme Team Gospel Break: [ ] PRAYER CHALLENGE: You have been provided with a slick of the PRAYER CHALLENGE Card. When hosting a Crusade, please enlist as many people as possible to participate in the PRAYER CHALLENGE. The PRAYER CHALLENGE is the key strategy, and single most important factor in preparing for a successful Crusade. You need to encourage your entire church family to catch a vision for this unique evangelistic opportunity. 1. Have PRAYER CHALLENGE cards printed up and distribute them to everyone in your church. 2. Have your congregation write down the names of 5 people that they would like to see come to the Lord. 3. Have them pray for opportunities to invite these people to the Crusade. TAKE THE PRAYER CHALLENGE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Prayerfully list the names of 5 people who you would like to invite to hear and see The X-Treme Team. Remember to consistently pray for them. Ask them to attend the Crusade. Yield them over to God. “Brethren, my heart’s desire and my prayer to God for them is for their salvation.” Romans 10:1 10 X-Treme Team Agreement [ ] LUNCHEON OF CHAMPIONS: This lunch is to be done on a Sunday after church services. This is to honor those who responded to the Call of Jesus in their lives. We want the church to be involved. This is to let the new children of God know they are truly Champions for choosing to follow Jesus! Plan on doing a potluck or formal luncheon. Decorate the hall with posters, bright colors and make sure you surround the new believers with love and fellowship. This is a time to celebrate! [ ] MATERIAL List: There are different Material Lists for different events. Often times, hardware stores will sponsor events or give discounts on the materials since they will be used in outreaches to the community. The concrete blocks and plywood can usually be borrowed. With the exception of a few blocks everything will be returnable (in perfect shape). [ ] PUBLICITY MATERIALS: Contact our office for information. [ ] LENGTH: Unless otherwise requested “Gospel Breaks” will consist of a 90 minute presentation without an intermission. [ ] EVALUATION FORM: Please complete the enclosed EVALUATION FORM following The X-Treme Team’s time with you and return it to our office at your earliest convenience. We truly look forward to your evaluation and appreciate any comments or criticisms you may have. 11 X-Treme Team Agreement SCHOOL ASSEMBLIES "X-Treme Talk for an X-Treme Generation" We truly believe that we have a vital message for the young people of this day. The School Assembly not only allows us to share a great message with the students, but it gives exposure to the fact that we are in town and allows us to invite them to your Church’s Crusade. It is important that you contact schools as far in advance as possible for scheduling purposes. We have an assembly for Elementary, Middle, Jr. High and Sr. High Schools. Our School Assembly takes 45 minutes. We need to be in the Gym or Auditorium 45 minutes before the start time for set-up. It is important to have 4 to 6 Stage Crew with us for set up and tear down. Try to schedule a minimum of two and a maximum of four assemblies per day. Take in consideration travel time between schools. ARRANGEMENTS For School Assemblies [ ] Assembly Fee: The standard fee for this high energy, high impact assembly is $500. Please have the School make all checks payable to: The X-Treme Team. [ ] Recommendation letters: We have provided recommendation letters, along with the "X-Treme Talk for an X-Treme Generation" letter, for you to take to the schools. These items, along with some flyers and posters, will help you in securing assemblies. The X-Treme Team puts on one of our Nations best School Assemblies. We receive praises wherever we go for the assembly we bring. [ ] Materials: The Materials needed for Assemblies are included in the Material List for the entire Crusade. You will need to pull from them the following: 1 each—1/2” x 5’ rolled steel or rebar 2 each—Baseball bats 3 each—Phone books 1 each—1/2” x 12” x 12” pine board 12 X-Treme Team Agreement 1616 E Truman Dr MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 "X-Treme Talk for an X-Treme Generation" The main purpose of the "X-Treme Talk Assembly" is to make the students keenly aware of the fact that they have a destiny and a purpose for their life. This realization will more than likely open the door to the awareness that there then can be things that could steal or destroy that destiny or purpose. Just being challenged to say "No" is not enough to bring revelation to the hearts and minds of today's youth. They need to realize that the decisions they make today will determine their tomorrow. Once destiny and purpose have been dealt with initially then the talk begins to cover the other pressing issues. Remember, that the assembly is handled with seriousness and humor and always with a desire to help and challenge but not judge the students. The content of each assembly is geared toward the grade levels that are in attendance. The talk covers things like drugs and alcohol where we DO NOT talk about drinking responsibly. We challenge the students to be drug and alcohol free! We teach them to not be a follower, but to stand up and be a leader in their generation. We might say something like, "A real man is not someone who can drink the most or party the most or be the toughest…No, a real man is someone who can stand up and be man enough to say, No! Anybody can get high, anybody can get drunk but it takes a young person of great integrity, character and backbone to say, I don't want any part of it!" We tell true stories of friends and loved ones we have seen hurt by drugs or alcohol. The assembly also covers peer pressure, pursuing their education, integrity and character. We will always continue to weave the aspect of destiny and purpose throughout the talk. The subject of violence is also dealt with appropriately. Depending on the grade level we’re addressing, we will cover the subject of abstinence. We use humor and hard driving facts and challenges to the students. We DO NOT talk about safe sex. We discuss teen pregnancy and touch on AIDS and STD's (when age appropriate). We challenge the young ladies to be women of character and not to fall to the peer pressure of friends. We discuss the possible consequences of their actions and do everything possible to deliver a message that will make them think twice before they make a wrong decision. Please understand that to just write these words describing what goes on in an assembly does not do it justice. We hear the same things at every school. The principals, counselors and teachers are always amazed at how the students listen intently to the talk portion of the assembly. The reason the assemblies are successful is because we are passionate about helping the young people of this generation. These talks are not robotic but sincere and again I use the word, passionate. Because of those reasons, the young people hear our hearts, realize we are there to help and not point fingers, and hear the passion in our voices. Lastly, these are not light and fluffy talks that are nothing but jokes and frivolity. They are powerful, eyeopening, 45-minute dramas that move the student's hearts and minds to contemplate change and new direction for their lives! (509) 855-6000 13 Www.TJMI.com [email protected] X-Treme Team Agreement FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONs & SCHEDULED DATE(S) T.E.A.M. Jesus Ministries, Inc. and The X-Treme Team agrees to present for the Sponsor named below the following program(s): [ [ [ [ [ [ ] 5 Day Crusade ] 4 Day Crusade ] ___ day Mission Trip ] 2-4 day “Breaking Down the Barriers” Retreat ] 4-6 day “X-treme Faith” Camp ] ___ School Assembly(ies) The X-Treme Team agrees to appear on the following date(s) for the Sponsor named below: DATE(S):_________________________________ The Sponsor of the presentation(s) noted above on the date(s) listed is: CONTACT:______________________ HOME PHONE:_______________________________ SPONSORING ORGANIZATION:____________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS:______________________________________________________________ OFFICE PHONE:________________FAX:_________________E-MAIL:____________________ The above named Sponsor agrees to provide all provisions and personnel as detailed in the attached Agreement. In addition to these considerations the Sponsor agrees to provide the following: [ ] The X-Treme Team Expenses: Travel, Lodging, Meals and Materials [ ] Offerings & Speaking Fees: The X-Treme Team will be receiving an offering at all the nightly programs, as well as in the Sunday morning service that Pastor Rick will be preaching in. The full amount given will be presented to Pastor Rick before his departure. One check will be presented for all the offerings, payable to The X -Treme Team. All School Assembly checks will be presented to Pastor Rick, payable to The X-Treme Team as well. [ ] Any required liability coverage for performances in public auditoriums as well as any applicable ASCAP or BMI music licensure. In order to secure your presentation date(s) – please sign, date and return a copy of this Agreement along with your, non-refundable $150 deposit, within 15 days of receipt to: The X-Treme Team – 1616 E Truman Dr – Moses Lake, WA 98837. (Please make check payable to: The X-Treme Team—Thank you). _______________________________________ T.J.M.I. - Administrator Date ______________________________________ Sponsor Date 14 X-Treme Team Agreement Example Crusade schedule Tuesday: 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm Team Arrives Check into Hotel or Homes Captain Meeting with Pastor Rick Wed—Fri: 7:00 am 7:30 pm 8:00 am 8:45 am 10:00 am Noon 1:15 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:30 pm 11:00 pm Breakfast * Radio Interview Set up School Assembly School Assembly Team Workout Lunch Set up School Assembly School Assembly Take Team to Church for set up Dinner at the Church Gospel Break Light Meal Return Team to Hotel or Homes Saturday: Noon 1:00 pm 3:00 pm 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:30 pm 11:00 pm Lunch Team Workout Take Team to Church Dinner Gospel Break Light Meal Take Team to Hotel or Homes Sunday: 9:00 am 11:00 am Noon 3:00 pm 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:30 pm 11:00 pm ** Church Service ** Second Service Luncheon of Champions Take Team to Church Dinner at the Church Gospel Break Light Meal Take Team to Hotel or Homes Monday: Take Team to the Airport _____________________________________________________________________________ * Radio, Television or Newspaper interviews can be squeezed in at any time that is convenient for your local media companies. ** The Sunday morning service is a very important part of the Crusade. It is a time where Pastor Rick can “Spur on” your church family. A time of ministry that is sure to encourage the congregation. It is also a time to recognize the work God has done over the past 4 nights. It is important to have Pastor Rick preach on Sunday morning. He will also receive an offering that morning from the Church. This is a very special time of ministry. 15 X-Treme Team Agreement Travel Log Information Sheet [ ] DATE(S) & TIME(S): [ ] Date(s) of the Event(s):_________________________ Time(s) of the Event(s):_________________________ [ ] Date of Arrival:_______________________________ Time of Arrival:_______________________________ [ ] transportation To The Event: [ ] The X-Treme Team will drive themselves to the event location. [ ] Flight Information PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT 509-855-6000 WITH FLIGHT INFORMATION. [ ] Lodging [ ] Hotel/Motel [ ] Hotel/Motel Information:_______________________________________________ [ ] Check-in:_______________________________ [ ] Check-out:______________________________ [ ] Private Home [ ] Name:_______________________________________________________________ [ ] Address:_____________________________________________________________ [ ] Phone #:_____________________________________________________________ Unless it is a local event that the Team drives to, we ask that a van be provided with a driver. Since Rick and Tim are both legally blind and do not drive, and because of the liability of using someone else’s vehicle, we ask that a driver be provided. The driver needs to be familiar with the locations of the events and where the Team is staying. This will be a great blessing to the Team. 16 X-Treme Team Agreement Evaluation Form In our efforts to become the very best that we can be in Christ Jesus, we are providing you with this evaluation form. Please take time to answer the following questions as completely and honestly as possible. This will help us as we continue sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You may use the back of this form if necessary. Please return this evaluation form within seven days. Thank You! 1. Was the Gospel message clear and complete? Why or Why Not? 2. Did the members of the Team reflect Jesus Christ at all times? (Be specific) 3. What did you like best about working with the X-Treme Team? What did you like least? 4. How do you think the Team can improve their message or presentation? 5. Rate the effectiveness of our ministry to you on a scale of 1 – 10. 17 (1 Weak, 10 X-Tremely Effective)