Weaving Relationships in Christ Through Dialog and Prayer


Weaving Relationships in Christ Through Dialog and Prayer
Weaving Relationships in Christ
Through Dialog and Prayer
Ecumenical Catholic Synod 2014
October 7 – 10, 2014
Aurora Colorado
Presiding Bishop Peter Elder Hickman
Master of Ceremonies: Fr. Scott Jenkins
Tuesday, October 7 – Travel Day
4:00 pm – 10:00 pm
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
8:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Check into hotel and pick up your 2014 Synod
Packet –
Hotel Lobby across from hotel check-in
Dinner on your own
The Welcome and the Beginning of
Room: Colorado Room
Holy Fellowship
Registration and Check-in
Wednesday, October 8th, 2014
7:00 am – 8:30 am
7:00 am – 8:00 am
8:30 am – 10:00 am
The Beginning of the Holy Work of God's People (Liturgia!)
Check-In Continues
Breakfast – Provided
Outside Jefferson & Douglas rooms
We nourish our bodies together
Gathering Rite:
- Greeting by the Host Community: Fr.
Scott – Church of the Holy Family
- Communal Gathering Song with
Procession: "Gather Us In"
- Invocation
- Kyrie: Bishop Peter Elder Hickman and
- Gloria: Bishop Peter Elder Hickman and
Mirella: the Kyrie
- The Opening Prayer
- Message by Bishop Peter Elder Hickman
Song of conclusion-Communal Song:
“We Belong to You”
Room: Colorado Room
Joint Session – Jefferson & Douglas
Weaving Relationships in Christ – Through Dialog and Prayer
Wednesday, October 8th, 2014 (Continued)
The Beginning of the Holy Work of God's People (Liturgia!)
10:00 am – 10:40 am
10:40 am – 10:45 am
10:45 am – 11:25 am
11:25 am – Noon
Noon – 1:00 pm
1st Reading and reflection of the word
- Acts 2:42-47
- Lay lector from Church of the Beloved,
Joint Session – Jefferson & Douglas
- Reflection by Mother Kae Madden
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 149
Joint Session – Jefferson & Douglas
- Paraphrased by Fr. Michael Nicosia and
composed by Denise Roberts
2nd Reading and reflection of the word
- Ephesians 4:1-16
- Lay lector from Sts. Francis and Claire, St. Joint Session – Jefferson & Douglas
- Reflection by Father Frank Krebs
Break – Resting in the Spirit
Lunch – Provided
"They ate their meals with exultation and Room: Colorado Room
sincerity of heart."
1:00 pm – 1:45 pm
1:55 pm – 2:40 pm
2:40 pm – 3:00 pm
3:00 pm – 3:45 pm
3:45 pm – 4:30 pm
4:30 pm – 5:00 pm
5:00 pm – 5:30 pm
The lay delegates and the pastoral
delegates gather in their respective
Houses. The Candidates will switch
rooms at 1:50 PM and Candidates
Q & A Session with Candidates
change rooms
Room - Arapahoe
HOL Room - Jefferson & Douglas
HOP/EC Room - Arapahoe
Break – Resting in the Spirit
HOL – Jefferson & Douglas
Meeting of the House
EC – 6th Flr. Hospitality Suite
HOP – Room - Arapahoe
Deacons candidates presentation
- Gospel Reading: Deacon David Dunn
Joint Session – Jefferson & Douglas
- Homily - Bishop Peter Elder Hickman
- +Peter’s reflection of his journey
Break for Prayerful Consideration silence requested
Voting for our next Presiding Bishop
Q & A Session with Candidates
Room - Jefferson & Douglas
Additional prayerful background music
- Song : “Most High and Glorious God”
sung by Fr. Michael Nicosia
- Note: there will be up to three votes this
evening until 2/3 majority is reached. If
not reached in three votes then the voting
will carry over to Thursday
Joint Session – Jefferson & Douglas
- House Leaders will count votes – over
seen by George von Stamwitz
Weaving Relationships in Christ – Through Dialog and Prayer
Wednesday, October 8th, 2014 (Continued)
The Beginning of the Holy Work of God's People (Liturgia!)
5:30 pm – 6:00 pm
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Break – Resting in the Spirit
Dinner – Provided
We nourish our bodies and souls together
The Proclamation of the Holy Election for the
Second Presiding Bishop of our Beloved
Communion (Results of voting announced)
- George von Stamwitz
Thursday October 9th, 2014
7:00 am – 8:30 am
7:00 am – 8:00 am
8:30 am – 9:30 am
9:30 am – 9:45 am
9:45 am - Noon
Noon – 1:00 pm
Room: Colorado Room
Joint Session – Jefferson & Douglas
The Continuation of the Holy Work of God's People (Liturgia!)
Check-In Continues
Breakfast – Provided
We nourish our bodies together
Outside Jefferson & Douglas rooms
Room: Colorado Room
Transitional Rites – Bishop Peter
- Song: “Take My Hands”
- The Rite of Ordination for the
- Introduction
- Homily / Responsorial
- The calling of the Candidates
- Presentation of the Candidates
Joint Session – Jefferson & Douglas
- Election by the People
Newly elected PB joins in prostration
- Examination of the Candidates
- Prostration
- Litany of the Saints sung
- Laying on of Hands/Bestowal of
- Investiture with Stole and Bible
- Sign of Peace
- Song: “Take My Hands”
Break – Resting in the Spirit
HOL – Jefferson & Douglas
Meeting of the House
EC – 6th Flr. Hospitality Suite
HOP – Room – Arapahoe
Lunch – Provided
“We eat together and enjoy holy
Room: Colorado Room
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Workshop: “Here I am among you as
one who serves”: Rev. Thomas S.
Room: Jefferson
Holy Instruction for ministry to the Church and the World
Workshop: Prayer: "I look at the good
God and the good God looks at
me" (St. John Vianney): Mthr Kae
Room: Douglas
Workshop: Preach/Teach Your Best! –
A Suggested Methodology: George
von Stamwitz
Room: Arapahoe
Weaving Relationships in Christ – Through Dialog and Prayer
Thursday October 9th, 2014 (Continued)
The Continuation of the Holy Work of God's People (Liturgia!)
2:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Break – Resting in the Spirit
2:45 pm – 4:15 pm
Holy Instruction for ministry to the Church and the World
Workshop: The Once and Future
Church--Learning from the Church of
Utrecht, Its History and Current Life:
Rev. Frank Krebs and Rev. Fred Ball
Room: Jefferson
Workshop: 16th Century Linguistic and
Mysticism Roots: Pastor Kate Lehman
Room: Douglas
4:30 pm – 5:00 pm
We Profess our Faith
- Creed
Housekeeping announcements prior to
departing for the evening. Dinner out.
Transportation provided.
Workshop: What is the Good News
about God or from God that Jesus
proclaims?: Fr. Don Pachuta
Room: Arapahoe
Joint Session – Jefferson & Douglas
Rest of the evening is on your own – Enjoy Weaving Relationships
Please take this opportunity to get to know others throughout the ECC
Friday October 10th, 2014
7:00 am – 8:30 am
7:00 am – 8:00 am
8:00 am – 9:30 am
9:30 am – Noon
The Continuation of the Holy Work of God's People (Liturgia!)
Check-In Continues
Breakfast – Provided
We nourish our bodies together
Outside Jefferson & Douglas rooms
Room: Colorado Room
Reflection by +Peter on Reconciliation
within the Communion of Saints
Joint Session - Jefferson & Douglas
Meeting of the House
HOL – Jefferson & Douglas
EC – 6th Flr. Hospitality Suite
HOP – Room - Arapahoe
Lunch – Provided
Noon – 1:15 pm
1:15 pm – 2:45 pm
Workshop: Preach/Teach Your Best!
– A Suggested Methodology:
George von Stamwitz
Room: Jefferson
2:45 pm – 3:00 pm
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
We eat together "Blest be the tie
that binds..."
Room: Colorado Room
Workshops: More Instruction for Ministry
Workshop: Using the internet, social media
and other modern technologies to
Workshop: What is the Good News
evangelize and teach people within your
about God or from God that Jesus
local communities and around the world:
proclaims?: Fr. Don Pachuta
Rev. Andy Bills
Room: Arapahoe
Room: Douglas
Break – Resting in the Spirit
HOL – Jefferson & Douglas
Final Meeting of the House
EC – 6th Flr. Hospitality Suite
HOP – Room - Arapahoe
Weaving Relationships in Christ – Through Dialog and Prayer
Friday October 10th, 2014 (Continued)
The Continuation of the Holy Work of God's People (Liturgia!)
4:30 pm – 4:45 pm
4:45 pm – 5:15 pm
Break – Resting in the Spirit
Rite of Ordination of new Presiding Bishop
- Hymn, “Come, Sophia
- Presentation of the Bishop-Elect
- Consent of the people
- Address
- Examination of the Candidate
- Laying on of hands
- Book of the Gospels
- Prayer of Consecration
- Anointing of the Bishop’s Head
- Investiture with Ring, Miter, and
Joint Session – Room
Jefferson & Douglas
Pastoral Staff
5:15 pm – 6:00 pm
- Seating of the Bishop
- Kiss of Peace
The Liturgy of the Eucharist
We celebrate with the Newly Ordained
Presiding Bishop, the real Presence of the
Risen Christ Among Us (We see Him in the
breaking of the One Bread and the sharing
of the One Cup)
Dinner – Provided
We nourish our bodies and souls
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Dismissal Rites – Bishop Peter
- Signing of new legislation
- Hymn Thanksgiving and Blessing
- New Presiding Bishop addresses the
- People’s blessing of +Peter and the
9:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Joint Session – Jefferson & Douglas
Room: Colorado Room
Joint Session - Jefferson & Douglas
newly Elected Bishop
Solemn Blessing
Commissioning and Dismissal of the
Church Gathered
Room: Colorado Room
Weaving Relationships in Christ – Through Dialog and Prayer
Workshop Descriptions
(In Workshop Title alphabetical order)
Brief Descriptions
Pastor Kate Lehman
St. Teresa Avila, Phoenix, AZ
16th Century
Linguistic and
Mysticism Roots
Rev. Thomas S. Altepeter,
Rev. of St. Clare Ecumenical
Catholic Community, Spokane
Valley, WA
George von Stamwitz
Chancellor of the ECC, and
Coordinator of the Preaching
Team at Sts. Clare & Francis,
St. Louis, MO.
“Here I am among
you as one who
Preach/Teach Your
Best! – A Suggested
Sixteenth century Spain presented a strong religious
dichotomy – it was the land of the Inquisition as well as the
place that mysticism took strong root. The reasons for the
latter are many. We will explore the cultural, political,
economic, and religious climate of 16th and early 17th
century Spain that spawned such mystics as St. Teresa of
Avila, St. Ignatius Loyola, and John of the Cross. We will also
explore the ways in which the cultural environment led to a
significant rise in the number of women who claimed mystic
revelations, some apparently real; some false.
We come to our current situations from a particular past.
And, we bring ideas, feelings, and expectations that have
been shaped by that past. We respond to life out of these
expectations; and these expectations can limit our capacity
to let something new to emerge. Among Catholics, perhaps
nothing reveals this more than the words ‘Bishop’ and
‘Diocese.’ These words can carry emotional nuances and
give rise to certain expectations! And, these expectations
may limit our capacity to allow something new to emerge
among us! Would you like to join us in a conversation about
this? Is the ECC vision of church similar or different than
what you have experienced in the past? What is the ECC
vision of a bishop? What is the nature of their ministry
among us? Is this similar or different than what you have
experienced in the past? What do you want from a bishop
in the ECC? It is time for grown-ups to have a grown up
conversation! And, you are invited to join us!
People retain pictures much better than concepts. Weak
homilies have too many ideas and not enough depth.
Explore a public speaking technique that helps us paint one
inspired picture that people will want to ponder afterwards.
Weaving Relationships in Christ – Through Dialog and Prayer
Rev. Frank Krebs and Rev. Fred
Rev. Frank Krebs: Saints Clare
and Francis Ecumenical
Catholic Community, St. Louis,
The Once and
Future Church-Learning from the
Church of Utrecht,
Its History and
Current Life
Rev. Fred Ball: San Damiano
Church, Little Rock, AR
The ECC traces its spiritual heritage back to the ancient Church
of Utrecht, center of the Old Catholic Churches of the Union of
Utrecht. Frank Krebs and Fred Ball have each attended an
intensive summer school course on Old Catholic theology
presented by the Old Catholic Seminary at the University of
Utrecht in the Netherlands.
The Church of Utrecht’s self-understanding is that they
represent both a return to the original expression of Catholic
Christianity in the first centuries and are committed
profoundly to Christian unity today. What can we learn from
this historic and dynamic church? Our presenters will attempt
to offer some of the treasure that they learned in Europe.
Mthr. Kae Madden
Pastor, Church of the Beloved,
Northglenn, CO
Prayer: "I look at
the good God and
the good God looks
at me" (St. John
Rev. Andy Bills
Pastor of Victory Fellowship
Church of Orange,
President & Bible Teacher of
“The Victory Report Hour”
Internet radio and Internet TV
broadcasts, CEO of ABM
Publications, and associated
with Saint Matthew
Ecumenical Catholic Church in
Orange, CA. with Bishop Peter
Using the internet,
social media and other
modern technologies
to evangelize and
teach people within
your local communities
and around the world.
These areas include
internet radio, internet
TV broadcasting, book
publishing, email
campaigns, blogging
and more.
Fr. Don Pachuta
Community of St. Luke,
Framingham, MA
An inter-active, experiential opportunity to "come away for a
while" to explore what is prayer, how we pray, and a brief
overview of how our temperaments may affect our prayer.
Together we will "taste and see" a variety of prayer forms.
While the Apostles and early Church Saints lacked our
modern technologies, they successfully took the Gospel
throughout their world during those times. Today, we have
the capability to reach, preach, teach and effectively impact
our world for Christ by using some of the most cost
effective methods and techniques available.
I will reveal and explain 4 of these areas, demonstrate their
operations, demographics and their effectiveness.
The First Gospel was basically ignored until the last century.
Since then it has become a hot topic in scripture research.
All scholars agree that Mark is the closest we will ever get to
the real, historical Jesus.
Mark uniquely opens the public ministry of Jesus with:
"After John's arrest, Jesus appeared in Galilee, proclaiming
the Good News from (about) God. Some versions say Good
News about the Kingdom of God. Just what is this Good
News from or about God, about the kingdom that Jesus
proclaims? We will explore this question and examine the
profound influence of Mark on Matthew and Luke; and
perhaps even occasionally, John. We will look at Mark's
blunt account of the historical Jesus.
What is the Good
News about God or
from God that Jesus