DECHEMA Calendar of Events


DECHEMA Calendar of Events
DECHEMA Calendar of Events
October 2014
CABERNET 2014 - Tailored & Sustainable Redevelopment towards Zero
14 - 16 October
DECHEMA- Haus, Frankfurt am Main
7th Green Solvents Conference
19 - 22 October
Hotel Elbflorenz, Dresden/ Germany
Infoday "The future of Synthesis Gas"
29 October
DECHEMA- Haus, Frankfurt am Main/ Germany
November 2014
ISPPP 2014
34th International Symposium on the Separation of Proteins, Peptides and
Fortress Marienberg (Festung Marienberg), Würzburg
Soft Smart Particles: Preparation and Applications
05 - 07 November
19 November
DECHEMA- Haus, Frankfurt am Main
Solid- State Batteries from Fundamentals to Application
27 - 28 November
House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM), Frankfurt/ Germany
January 2015
10th Status Seminar Chemical Biology
20 - 21 January
DECHEMA- Haus, Frankfurt am Main
Infoday "Synthetic Pathways and Synthetic Enzyme Cascades"
26 January
DECHEMA- Haus, Frankfurt am Main/ D
February 2015
Non- canonical amino acids in proteins: structural investigations and
10 February
DECHEMA- Haus, Frankfurt am Main/ D
March 2015
Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppen Computational Fluid Dynamics und
Seminaris Hotel, Lüneburg
19 - 20 March
International Workshop on Molecular Modeling and Simulation 2015
23 - 24 March
DECHEMA e.V., Frankfurt Main, Germany
April 2015
3rd Workshop: The new ParadIgM – IgM from bench to clinic
21 - 22 April
DECHEMA- House, Frankfurt am Main
EBSA 2015
21 - 24 April
Austria Center Vienna, Austria
May 2015
Scale- up and scale- down of bioprocesses
11 - 13 May
Ramada Hotel Hamburg- Bergedorf
ENERGY, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - International Conference and Exhibition EST 2015
includes EnMat III - 3rd International Conference on Materials for Energy
Karlsruhe Convention Center
20 - 22 May
June 2015
15 - 19 June
Frankfurt am Main
September 2015
2nd European Conference on Natural Products
06 - 09 September
University Frankfurt, Campus Westend, Frankfurt am Main/ Germany
Bioflavour 2015
09 - 11 September
DECHEMA- Haus, Frankfurt am Main
54th Tutzing Symposion: Sustainable Phyto Extracts - Trends, Perspectives and
27 - 30 September
Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, Lake Starnberg, Germany
October 2015
1st European Conference on Metal Organic Frameworks and Porous Polymers
11 - 14 October
Kongresshotel Potsdam am Templiner See (nearby Berlin)
ESCRE 2015 - European Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering
27 - 30 October
Veranstaltungsforum Fürstenfeld, Fürstenfeldbruck (nearby Munich), Germany
EFC- Workshop: Insight, mechanisms and modelling in high temperature
28 - 30 October
DECHEMA- Haus, Frankfurt am Main/ D
November 2015
Materials Science and Engineering in Drug Development
DECHEMA- House, Frankfurt am Main
December 2015
12 - 13 November
Transition to Renewable Energy Devices and Systems
01 - 03 December
DECHEMA e. V. Frankfurt Germany
May 2016
12th International Workshop on Polymer Reaction Engineering
17 - 20 May
University of Hamburg, Germany
12th International Conference on the Fundamentals of Adsorption
Graf- Zeppelin- Haus, Friedrichshafen/ Lake Constance
29 May
- 03 June
June 2016
15th International Symposium on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the
Process Industries and accompanying exhibition
Konzerthaus Freiburg, Germany
© DECHEMA e.V. 1995-2014 alle Rechte vorbehalten
05 - 08 June

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