Clinical Directorates Clinical Director Operations Director Grouping


Clinical Directorates Clinical Director Operations Director Grouping
Clinical Directorates
From 01/10/14
Clinical Director
Operations Director
Nurse Director
Emergency Care
Dr Mark Donnelly - Gastroenterology
Dr Jennifer Hill - Respiratory Medicine
Dr Adrian Scott - Diabetes and Endocrinology
Dr Francis Morris - A&E
Mr Damian Child - Pharmacy
Marie Mckenniff
Jane Hopkins
Chris Powell-Wiffen
Rachel Cooper
Dr Christine Bowman - Communicable Diseases
and Specialised Medicine
Dr Andrew Beechey - Spinal Injuries/Rehabilitation
Dr Patricia Fisher - Specialised Cancer Services
Ian Scott
Martin Salt
Mr Peter Braidley - Cardiothoracic Services
Mr Ed Mulkern - Vascular Services
Dr Sarah Jenkins - Renal Services
Jacky Rawlins
Helen Brown
Operating Services, Critical
Care and Anaesthesia
Specialised Cancer
Medicine and Rehabilitation
South Yorkshire
Regional Services
Diagnostic and
Therapeutic Services
Head and Neck Services
Surgical Services
Combined Community and
Acute Care Group
Dr Nicholas Barron - Operating Services, Critical
Care and Anaesthesia
Dr Branko Perunovic - Laboratory Medicine
Dr Matthew Bull - Clinical Director,
Medical Imaging and Medical Physics
Professor Wendy Tindale - Scientific Director,
Medical Imaging and Medical Physics
Mr Andrea Galimberti - Obstetrics,
Gynaecology & Neonatology
Paula Bailey
Maternity leave from 1/12
Dotty Watkins
Professor Alison Loescher - Oral & Dental
Dr Richard Grunewald - Neurosciences
Professor Jaydip Ray - ENT
Mr Stephen Winder - Ophthalmology
Una Cunningham
Victoria Leckie
Gill Meek
Ruth Brown
Mandy Yates
Simon Boyes - General Surgery
Simon Buckley - Orthopaedics
David Dujon - Plastic Surgery
Ken Hastie - Urology
Ms Penny Brooks - Clinical Director
Rev Dr Mark Cobb - Professional Services
Dr Peter Lawson - Care of Elderly

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