NEWS Friday 10th October 2014


NEWS Friday 10th October 2014
Friday 10th October 2014
Heywood and Middleton By-election result
Conservative: Iain Gartside - 3,496
Green: Abi Jackson - 870
Labour: Liz McInnes - 11,633
Liberal Democrats: Anthony Smith - 1,457
Ukip: John Bickley - 11,016
Labour hold
A big thank you to all the volunteers who came and helped with the campaign.
Road Trip 2015 to Stockton South - Saturday 11th October
Come and join us to support the great James Wharton hold his seat. This is the man who introduced the Bill to give our country a referendum on getting out of the
EU. Let's show him how grateful our activists are for his leadership.
How the campaign day on Saturday will unfold.
We will be meeting at Tesco car park, Ingleby Barwick TS17 0WA at 12:30. We’ll aim to get going no later than 13:00
2) At 15:00 we will end the Ingleby Barwick session and head over to St Francis of Assisi Church Hall (Barwick Way, Ingleby Barwick, TS17 0WS) for quick
refreshments. The Church has a small car park, but is walking distance from Tesco which has a much larger car park.
3) While at the Church Hall, material for the next stage of canvassing will be handed out. We should aim to leave the Church Hall by around 15:30 and head to
the next campaign points around Stockton which will be outlined on maps provided.
We will finish campaign activity no later than 18:00 and regroup by The Elm Tree Community Centre.
Considering the scale of this campaign day, we will be putting on food and a drink as a way of showing thanks to all volunteers once we’ve wrapped up the
campaigning. This will take place at the Elm Tree Community Centre. Elm Tree Avenue, Stockton, TS19 0UW.
To help with the planning for the 11th October, I would be grateful if you could let me know whether you are coming and if you would like to stay for food and drink
once the campaigning has finished.
Stefan Houghton
Campaign Manager for James Wharton MP
07887 943 126
Campaign Days this weekend
- Dewsbury
- Pudsey
See the 'Action Days' section for further details
Northumberland and Tyne & Wear celebrates membership & national excellence award
President of the National Convention and Chairman of this year’s Party Conference, Rob Semple received a wonderfully warm welcome when he joined
members at The Celebration of Membership hosted by the Area Management Executive of Northumberland and Tyne and Wear Conservatives.
The Area Management Executive NTWC, Guests, President of the National Convention Rob Semple & AME Officer Bev Nelson.
President of the National Convention Rob Semple & AME Officer Bev Nelson
Members travelled the length & breadth of the North East Region to join in the festivities and were delighted to meet Rob who generously expressed great
appreciation of and support for, the tremendous contributions members make to our Party and the successes achieved in a particularly challenging area politically.
Over welcome drinks in the beautifully wooded surrounding of the garden at The Parlour at Blagdon, members gathered, chatted with friends old and new and
enjoyed discussing with Rob, a variety of subjects including Party activities taking place in the Area, the forthcoming General Election and Party
policy. Afterwards in the Old Smithy, a sumptuous savoury supper followed by a delicious selection of sweets and cakes enticed the taste buds of guests.
Following the raffle offering a medley of prizes including Champaign, a hamper of wine and afternoon tea for two, members were delighted to hear Rob’s
assessment of the progress of the Party nationally, from which gently emerged strategies and ideas to promote and increase membership along with illustrations of
successful ventures in Rob’s home county of Yorkshire.
An interactive instance of the members reward programme which enveloped every member in the room was the great surprise of the evening. A few days of
incredibly delicate and strategic manouevering, achieved with the generous help of Rob, the AME, Angus Nelson, Ken Barrie and the Voluntary Party Manager
Maurice Cook; culminated in Officer of the Area Management Executive, lifelong devotee of the Conservative Party and member of Hexham Association; ‘The’ Bev
Nelson being absolutely overwhelmed when presented by Rob with a Conservative Party National Excellence Award for Campaigning. An incredibly well
deserved award and extraordinary event which saw recipient and audience thrilled to share. On recovering from her astonishment Bev commented, “When Rob
read my nomination, I felt terribly embarrassed. . . . It is most important that we share in each others successes and achievements. This is a perfect example of
the Area team’s strategy working to include everyone and show members that our efforts are recognised and rewarded.”
Members questions; now a flourishing staple of events for members hosted by the Area Management Executive, produced a profusion of topical and fruitful
debates, which snowballed into an Area wide forum that continued to gratify the tactical brains of Party activists well into last week.
From beginning to end, the event was saturated with conviviality, warmth and friendship. The Area Management Executive is thrilled and humbled by the
incredibly kind post-event reviews received from members. Commenting after the event, Area Chairman Sheila Luck remarked, “The excitement this event
generated was astonishing. Feedback from Rob and our members has been sensational. Rob was a great hit from the outset and geniality permeated the
evening. The AME is extremely grateful to members for their phenomenal support. They are amazing.”
Philip Davies MP Over 65s Fair
The event was attended by over 350 constituents, and 30 organisations ranging from Age UK, Gala Bingo, West Yorkshire Police, Yorkshire Water, Metro,
Bradford Council were on hand to give advice and information to those who attended.
Andrew Percy MP samples new free school meals
Andrew joined pupils and Headteacher, Mr Sibley, for lunch recently at Boothferry Primary School, to mark the start of the free school meals for all infant-age
pupils recently introduced by the Coalition Government. As part of the new initiative, the government provided additional money to improve the kitchen facilities at
local schools. In the case of Boothferry Primary, this included new ovens and a dishwasher; something the school previously did not have.
Andrew says, "This was really an opportunity for me to sample the meals and also to say a big thank you to the kitchen staff at the school for all their efforts in
making this new initiative work.
Obviously, with all infant-age pupils now entitled to free school meals, school canteens are having to cater for more pupils and produce more meals. The canteen
staff at Boothferry Primary have adapted really well and worked hard to cater for pupils and I thank them for making this work.
I enjoyed mince, Yorkshire puddings and carrot and turnips. The food was really well prepared, and I'm told the new ovens, which inject moisture into the cooking
process, have really helped improve the meals. Certainly, the one I had was very tasty and pupils seem to enjoy them too.
We introduced these free meals for all pupils to help boost nutrition and healthy eating, and it also helps parents with the cost of living. Kids who eat healthy
nutritious lunches have better concentration and get more out of the school day."
Andrew Stephenson MP helps set up All Party Parliamentary Group for Water Safety and Drowning Prevention
Pendle MP, Andrew Stephenson, confirmed this week that steps to create an All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Water Safety and Drowning Prevention
have taken a big step forwards. The inaugural AGM will take place on Tuesday 14th October in Parliament, and the Royal Life Saving Society will make a short
presentation about their work. Nadhim Zahawi, the Member of Parliament for Stratford-on-Avon, is taking a lead on creating the group assisted by Andrew
Stephenson and other MP’s from across the political spectrum.
The news follows the tragic downing in 17 year old James Goodship in Lake Burwain back in June an incident which Andrew Stephenson MP raised in the House
of Commons during Prime Ministers Questions (PMQ’s).
Andrew Stephenson MP said, “Sadly every year, we hear of dreadful stories of people drowning in open waters – dams, reservoirs, and canal locks. Each of these
deaths represents a heart-breaking individual story – it could be your son or daughter, your brother or sister, it could be you. Last year I met Beckie Ramsay,
whose son Dylan died aged 13 in a disused quarry near Chorley and since then has become a water safety campaigner across Lancashire. We then had the
tragic news of James Goodships death, which left his family, friends and the community in shock. This new Parliamentary Group will bring together MP’s
concerned about water safety and drowning prevention and provide a platform we can use to push for change. I am pleased to be working with Nadhim and
others to get this group up and running.”
In the past 3 years Lancashire Fire and Rescue service have been called out to 60 water rescues.
Lancaster University Fresher’s Fayre
At the recent event 66 students signed up to join Conservative Future.
General Election 2015 Agents Training
A series of training meetings is being arranged, across the North of England, for those likely to be acting as Election Agents to Parliamentary
Candidates in the General Election in 2015. The course will cover all legal aspects of the role of the Agent and advice upon the latest Campaign
The schedule of meetings is shown below. Please register to attend with your Regional Campaign Centre through Dorothy (NE) - 0191 286 4141, Jane (NW) 0161 736 6571 or Caroline (Yorkshire) - 01274 363000.
North East:
Saturday 25th October - NE Regional Office
Saturday 8th November - James Wharton’s office, Stockton
North West:
Saturday 18th October - Kendal
Saturday 15th November - NW Regional Office
Saturday 11th October - South Yorkshire Campaign Centre
Saturday 1st November - The Courtyard, Boothferry Road Community Project, Boothferry Road, Goole
Public Speaking Course for Councillors with The Roe Project: Stage I
The CCA is pleased to announce further sessions of our popular Public Speaking Course for Councillors: Stage I in conjunction with the Roe Project.
This will be held on Friday 21st November at the Conservative Campaign Office in Salford.
The training course will look at how to deliver a presentation, how to make an impact and dealing with difficult questions.
The training day costs £80 including lunch and refreshments. To book, please download the booking form for 21st November and return it to the CCA.
Numbers on this popular course are limited, so please book soon to avoid disappointment.
Conservative Policy Forum events
Saturday 1st November - Regional Conference at The Bridge Inn at Walshford, Wetherby, North Yorkshire LS22 5HS
Price £25 full day with lunch and drinks reception, £20 concession for CF’s. £17.50 for Gala Dinner.
Places are limited for both events and must be reserved in advance. Cheques payable to Conservative Policy Forum Y&H, and sent to address below, pay
online to HSBC Code: 40-46-21 Account: 71466232
M J Payne (Regional Coordinator), Sleepy Willow, 2 Willow Clough, Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire, HX6 4SA.
Northumberland and Tyne & Wear Conservatives - Saturday 11th October - 12.30pm
Guest Speaker: Lord Michael Bates Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Criminal Information at the Home Office.
The Constitutional & Unionist Club, 5 Park Drive, Forest Hall, Newcastle upon Tyne. Parking available: East Forest Hall Road NE12 9AU
Luncheon buffet including vegetarian options followed by coffee. Raffle & Pay Bar
£10.00 per person. Please make cheques payable to: “AME NTWC”
Receipt of bookings & payments will be acknowledged via email or telephone.
Applications & further Information available from:
The Area Chairman Sheila Luck, [email protected] or 07989 764296 or The Area Deputy Chairman (Membership) Paul
Sterling, [email protected]
Annual General Meeting of the Area Council - Northumberland and Tynr & Wear - Saturday 11th October - 11.00am
The Constitutional & Unionist Club, 5 Park Drive, Forest Hall, Newcastle upon Tyne
Parking available: East Forest Hall Road NE12 9AU
Formal notification has been provided to all registered Members of the Area Council of Northumberland and Tyne & Wear Conservatives
Further Information available from:
Applications & further Information available from:
The Area Chairman Sheila Luck, [email protected] or 07989 764296 or The Area Deputy Chairman (Membership) Paul
Sterling, [email protected]
Blackpool South - Saturday 11th October - 10.30am
Coffee Morning at Claremont Conservative Club - £3 a ticket - raffle.
To book your ticket please email [email protected] or call 01253 473071.
Lancaster and Fleetwood - Saturday 11th October - 7pm
Baroness Thatcher Tribute Dinner
With guest speaker, Conor Burns MP, Ex Secretary to Baroness Thatcher
Fleetwood Masonic Hall
Tickets £21 - contact Susan Hunt 01995 672977
Morley & Outwood - Sunday 12th October - 12noon - 2pm
Lunch with Sir Rodney Walker, Chairman of TDF 2014, the organisation that co-ordinated the Yorkshire start of the 2014 Tour de France.
Kindly hosted Elizabeth Peacock, former MP for Batley and Spen.
Tickets are £25. Call Chris on 07846 320330 or email [email protected] for further details.
Morley & Outwood - Tuesday 14th October - 10am - 2pm
Jobs and Skills fair.
Andrea Jenkyns is organising the Morley and Outwood Jobs and Fair. If anyone is looking to recruit employees or apprentices, or is a provider of training we'd love
to hear from them.
Contact Chris Rowell on 07725906593 or email [email protected] for further details.
Scarborough & Whitby - Wednesday 15th October
Ladies Tea Club
“Smiles to Tanzania” a talk and slide show by Derek Edwards
With tea and scones at £3.85
At the Red Lea Hotel, Scarborough from 2.00pm
Scarborough & Whitby - Wednesday 15th October
Whitby Coast and Moors Branch
Quiz Night at Whitby Conservative Club
Charges are £5 per team of 4 with curry available at £3
From 7.00pm.For further details contact Joe Plant on 01947 821159
Richmond - Friday 17th October - 6.30pm - 10.30pm
Antiques Evening
Hunton Moor Branch would like to invite you to An Antiques Evening at Tennants Auctioneers
Tickets: £35. Other Details to be confirmed.
Please contact Association Office on 01609 772060 for further information
Congleton - Friday 17th October - 7.15pm for 8.00pm
Dinner with Bill Cash MP (Stone)
Manor House Hotel, Audlem Road, Alsager ST7 2QQ
Tickets: £22.50. Dress Code: Black Tie
Contact Peter Kolker on 01477 533834 or [email protected] to book tickets.
West Lancs - Saturday 18th October - 7.30pm till late
Tribute Evening with Neil Diamond
Parbold Conservative Branch Invites you to a Tribute Evening with Neil Diamond
Blackpool South - Sunday 19th October - 10.30am
Brunch Club at Blackpool North Shore Golf Club, £10 for a full English, Raffle, talk and Q&A.
To book your ticket please email [email protected] or call 01253 473071.
Bishop Auckland Conservative - Sunday 19th October - 7.30pm
Autumn buffet with guest speaker Guy Opperman MP for Hexham.
Venue: The Laurels Coffee Shop, Staindrop, Darlington.
Please telephone John Gasston on 01388 459092 for tickets.
Bolton West - Friday 24th October - 7.30pm
Curry night with Edwina Currie
Westhoughton Conservative Club, Tithe Barn Street, Westhoughton, Bolton BL5 3TF
Tickets: £20. Contact [email protected] for tickets
Dewsbury - Friday 24th October - 7.30pm
Grand Designer Ladies and Gents Fashion Show
Mirfield Constitutional Club, St Pauls Road, Mirfield
Tickets £15 pp, includes glass of bubbly and snacks during the break.
Tickets from Almond Fashion Kirkburton and Holmfirth, Barbara Harrison 07860 897025 or Alan Burton 07860 795008
Keighley & Ilkley - Friday 24th October - 6.45pm
Constituency Dinner
Venue: The Craiglands Hotel, Moorside Room Cowpature Road, Ilkley
Guest Speaker - Rt. Hon. Sir George Young MP
For more details and to apply download an application form here
Ribble Valley - Friday 24th October 7.00pm
Cheese & Wine Evening at Samlesbury Memorial Hall with Graham Brady MP, Chairman of the 1922 Committee
Tickets are £10 and are available from the Association Office 01200 425939/428011 or Mrs Pat Young Chairman of Mellor Branch 01254 812336
Thirsk and Malton - Friday 24th October - 6.30pm - 8.00pm
Autumn Drinks Reception
Sutton Park, Sutton-on-the-Forest, York YO61 1DP, by kind permission of Sir Reginald and Lady Sheffield
Drinks and Canapes
Tickets £12.50 each
Please apply for tickets to [email protected] or 01653 693502
South Shields - Wednesday 29th October - 10.30am - 12 noon
Coffee Morning
Westoe Rugby & Cricket Club, Dean Road, South Shields
Tea, Coffee, Cakes. £2.00 each
All Welcome
Whisky Tasting Extravaganza - Thursday 30th October - 7.30pm
Join Alwoodley, Councillor Dan Cohen for a night to remember
Generous tasting of 5 never to be seen again single cask Scotch Malt Whiskies
Where: Marjorie and Arnold Ziff Centre, Moortown, Leeds
Tickets: £30 including a souvenir whisky tasting glass. Contact Dan for tickets
Scarborough & Whitby - Thursday 30th October
Whitby Ladies Luncheon Club
At the Saxonville Hotel , Whitby from 12.30pm. Tickets £16.
Speaker Mrs. Wendy Barker.
"A Prison Officer in the Male Maximum Security Prison, Full Sutton
For further details contact Mrs. Hilda Gregson on 01947 821591.
Tatton Conservatives - Friday 31st October
Downton Abbey Dinner
With special guests Julian Fellowes, awarding winning writer & creator of Downton Abbey, and Rt Hon George Osborne MP
Venue in Knutsford, Cheshire.
Dress: White Tie & Tiaras
This is a special event to raise funds for the 2015 elections. Special profit sharing packages for 40/40 seats.
For more information and tickets, email Hayley at [email protected] or call 01565 632181
Blackpool South - Saturday 1st November - 10.30am
Coffee Morning by kind permission of Anne Parmley at her home 636 Devonshire Road, Blackpool. £3 a ticket - raffle.
To book your ticket please email [email protected] or call 01253 473071.
North East - Friday 7th November
James Wharton MP, Chairman of the UNITED & CECIL CLUB requests the pleasure of your company at a seventh NORTH EAST DINNER raising funds for North
East General Election campaigns.
Guest of Honour Dr Liam Fox MP. For more details click here
Scarborough & Whitby - Wednesday 12th November - 7.00pm
Whitby Coast and Moors Branch
Fish and Chip Night at the Magpie Restaurant
Ticket price £12.50
For further details contact Joe Plant on 01947 821159
Blackpool South - Friday 14th November - 7.00pm
Dinner with special guest speaker, full details to be confirmed.
Altrincham & Sale West - Friday 21st November
Constituency Dinner with the Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport and Graham Brady MP
For more details click here
Yorkshire Region Conservative Women's Organisation - Friday 21st November
Annual Christmas Luncheon 2014
Guest Speaker: Emma Pidding CBE, Chairman of the Conservative National Convention
Venue: The Bridge, Walshford, Wetherby LS22 5HS J46 A1(M)
Time: 12 noon for 12.30 pm
Cost: £22. Application form here
Wyre and Preston North - Friday 21st November
Party Patrons 'Christmas Dinner'
Garstang Golf Club
Guest speaker - Home Secretary Theresa May MP
Tickets £35. Contact Lynden Walthew on 01253 893654 or [email protected]
Scarborough & Whitby - Friday 5th December 12.30pm for 1.00pm
Conservative Women’s Organisation Christmas Luncheon
At Red Lea Hotel, Scarborough at 12.30pm for 1.00pm. Ticket price £18.50
For further details contact Mrs Hilda Gregson on 01947 821591.
Wyre and Preston North - Friday 12th December - 7pm for 7.30pm
'Masque Ball' - Garstang Branch
Garstang Golf Club
Contact Alice Collinson 01995 602198 or Lady Atkins 01995 602225
Results - Thursday 9th October
Berwick upon Tweed
Friday 12th December 11:00am to 15:00pm.
Waterloo | Blackpool South
Ind - 372
Lab - 347
Lib Dem - 34
BNP - 17
Con - 406
Con hold
Thursday 16th October
Harper Green | Bolton South East
Helmshore | Rossendale and Darwen
Westfield | York Central
Register here
Saturday 11th October - Morning Canvass session - 10am
Venue TBA
Details from Alan 07860 795008
Saturday 18th October - Street Stall South - 9.30am
Kirkburton, Denby Dale and Scissett meet at Almon Fashions North Rd
Kirkburton at between 9.30am and
10.45am followed by a canvass session Clayton West from 2pm
Details from Alan 07860 795008
Thursday 23rd October
Burnopfield & Dipton | North West Durham
Evenwood | Bishop Auckland
Bridlington Central and Old Town | East Yorkshire
Howdenshire | Haltemprice and Howden
Willerby and Kirk Ella | Haltemprice and Howden
Pudsey Campaign Day
Saturday 11th October - Stuart Andrew, MP for Pudsey, Horsforth and
Aireborough will be holding a campaign day.
The day will be starting at 11am and finishing around 18:00. The only meeting
point is 94a Town Street, Horsforth, Leeds, LS18 4AP.
Stuart's seat is a 40:40 target seat so any help would go a long way. If you
can make it or would like to ask any questions please call, 01132 2819992 or
email [email protected].
Lancaster and Fleetwood Campaign Days
Action Day in Fleetwood for Eric Ollerenshaw MP Saturday 4th October
Saturday 18th October - Training Students
For further details please contact Stephen Thompson 07867 545348 or
[email protected]
North East Conservatives
0191 286 4141 [email protected]
North West Conservatives
0161 736 6571 [email protected]
Yorkshire Conservatives
01274 363 000 [email protected]
Promoted by Diane Clarke on behalf of the Conservative Party in the North, both at Cumberland House, Greenside Lane, Bradford BD8 9TF
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