Our House October 2014 NHC Maryland Heights Monthly Publication


Our House October 2014 NHC Maryland Heights Monthly Publication
Our House
NHC Maryland Heights Monthly Publication
October 2014
Care Is Our Business
October is a month of change. The leaves on the trees
begin to change into their beautiful colors as the
weather starts to cool and Fall sets in. Already I see
Christmas decorations creeping into the stores, a sure
reminder that the holiday season is close at hand. I
love the holidays and look forward to these special
times of the year.
We are gearing up for all the holidays here at NHC,
starting with our Safe Trick or Treat event for
Halloween. We encourage our staff and residents to
dress up for the occasion. I would like you to do the
same and stop by. Just think, it would be your chance
to dress up as your favorite character...to be a kid
again for a few hours. We will be helping residents
with some costumes, however your input and help
would be greatly appreciated. Our residents love it
when all the children come to NHC. We have had
many successful “Safe Trick or Treats” over the years.
So join us for the fun. You can talk to our Activity
Department about any questions.
As some of you already know, the surveys from our
home office have changed. Now you can rate the
different areas of care as excellent, good, etc. These
surveys are very important to us at Maryland Heights.
Of course, we always hope and strive to earn those
excellent scores daily. Our goal is always to do our
very best for our residents.
Every place you go nowadays, especially restaurants, they ask you to fill out a survey on customer
satisfaction. In the past, if I even did the survey, I
usually rated every category as good. I remember
my husband looking over my shoulder to say,
“Why did you only give that rating, everything
went well there and you know that we will go
back...we like that place.”
Now here I am on the other side of the fence and I
realize how important those scores can be. If you
don’t feel like you can rate any area of the survey
as excellent, please come talk to me or the appropriate department manager to address your concern before you respond to the survey. I know in
the future I will be looking at those store or restaurant surveys a little-bit differently myself, because
that “good” should have been an “excellent.”
Take care…..
Looking forward to your Halloween costumes,
Til next month…
Susan Taylor
Men’s Club Sets New Wii Records
On a Thursday afternoon each month, the Men’s Club
meets (see the activities calendar) to handle the most critical business of the month which usually comes down to
ice cream, root beer, and attempts at improving scores on
certain Wii video games of choice. Some men are fans
and others are players. But everyone supports the efforts
of those who golf, bowl or play baseball. And plenty of
guests come and join in the fun. And (shh!!) sometimes
the guests are women who lend their cheering voices to
the scene. Currently the leading golfer is Ron Odell. He
shot 42 on the nine-hole course at September’s club. That
is six over par and really hard to do. And Gene Goodson,
our best bowler, bowled a 210 at that same meeting. It
might look easy, but it isn’t. These men have game!
Resident of the Month
Whether you come to just watch or to compete, guests
Congratulations to Lois Hogan! She is the NHC
always add to the fun, and fun is the name of the game!
Maryland Heights Resident of the Month. She
resides in Ivy House and is in many of the activities
Healthcare Directive Day
offered by the activities department. She has also
Come join us on Tuesday, 10/14/14 and fill out your own
been a part of a number of the off-grounds outings
Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
And/or a Health Care Directive
this year. Lois says she is happy at NHC.
Event is to be held between 10am and 3pm
No appointment necessary
Social Workers and Notaries will be available
2920 Fee Fee Road
Maryland Heights, Mo 63043
Results From “Walk To End Alzheimer’s”
The NHC Maryland Heights team raised $7,462 from the
Walk To End Alzheimer’s!!! That’s a record for our
team. Congratulations to everyone who helped raise
money to fight this devastating disease. Fight, Honor,
and Respect were the words going across the screen at
the walk. Remember these three words as we continue to
fight Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimer’s Association Support Group Meeting
October 16th, 7-8:30pm at NHC
Multi-Purpose Room
The Alzheimer’s Association Support Group meets monthly, led by
Social Services Director, Maria McAllister. This group is open to
all who are care-givers for someone with dementia.
NHC wishes to express our deepest sympathies for the family
and friends of the residents who have recently passed.
She grew up and lived in St. Louis and was truly a
“soccer mom.” Her family of six children was a
serious sports family. The boys played high school
and college soccer and one played professionally.
Lois was so busy getting her sons and daughters to
their various sporting events that she says, “I didn’t
see a complete soccer game until my son, Patrick,
was playing at UMSL.” Amazing! That’s a busy
mom. She says she was also president of the
Women’s Society for about nine years. And she
worked at Stix, Baer and Fuller for a number of
years. It sounds like she was very involved in
fashion sales. Her Stix, Baer and Fuller duties also
included work on the display windows, some
photography, helping models with new clothing
choices, and teaching about fashion. No surprise that
she says, “I’m interested in getting things done.”
Coco and Friends
As I write this (I’m a talented horse!) the rain is
really coming down. Even though it is Fall,
some things still turn green and perk-up when
watered. Can’t help thinking how we all need a
little watering, no matter what season or time of
life we are in. Of course, I’m not talking about
going around dumping ice-water on everyone.
Although I have to say that has been wonderful
fun and for a great cause. But here, it is always
good when friends and family take time to be
part of the showers of blessings. Visits are so
good for all of us. Hope to see you soon!
Partner of the Month
She has done it again! Congratulations to Shanise
Williams, the October Partner of the Month at NHC
Maryland Heights. This is the second time Shanise has
been voted this honor by staff—this year! She
continues to do personal care and delivery of the
residents clothes and the residents nominated her.
Shanise is from St. Louis. She is mother of two boys
and one girl. Her mother-in-law has been an important
influence and source of support over the years. Shanise
enjoys Fall and wearing jackets and hats. Sitting on the
porch with a cup of coffee and some quiet is all good
for her. When it comes to having some fun she enjoys
cards, live music, a nice meal out, and she has game
playing darts!
One of Shanise’s job strengths is the easy manner she
has with the residents as she delivers clothes to their
rooms. There are also some interesting challenges,
especially on Ivy House and Meadows, where her easy
manner gets tested by residents who want to pirate her
clothes cart while she is putting clothes in residents
closets and drawers. She says a couple of the male
residents really like to take her cart. One on Ivy House
frequently “tippy-toes” behind her to try and make the
snatch. At times she has to get help from another staff.
And at times she has to bring her cart into a room and
close the door when one resident on Meadows has
spotted her cart...hopefully out of sight, out of mind.
She takes it all in stride and with good humor.
Making those daily connections with residents and
staff is something Shanise continues to enjoy. It makes
a difference as she does her daily duties. And Shanise,
you make a difference in the lives of the residents.
Activities Department News
These Fall months are some of the best. Festivity is in
the air. Arts and crafts, pumpkin patches, Halloween
and Thanksgiving decorations, and much more are part
of the scene. So get ready...after an outing for some to
a pumpkin patch, and other meaningful events in
house, the activities staff will put on the annual Safe
Trick or Treat here, Halloween night. And then it is on
to Thanksgiving. A great big thank you goes to all our
volunteers who help with our r esidents in so many
ways. But special mention goes to Wilma Moore, 88
years old, who volunteer ed her time to sew about a
dozen great looking personal carrying bags for residents to use on wheelchairs or walkers. Wilma put her
heart into this thoughtful project. Thanks Wilma!
2920 Fee Fee Road,
Maryland Heights, MO 63043
People in the Know
Susan Taylor
Stephen Vicalvi
Jeff Loraine
Tom Gianino
Sheri Terry
Phil Barker
Maria McAllister
Kasie Seigler
Lori Thacker
Rebecca Goedeker
Megan Jameson
Nancy Maurer
Martin Barry
Mark Arroyo
Robin Sopshire
LaVerne King-Geralds
Cyndi Dimicelli
Administrator in Training
Director of Nursing
Assistant Director of Nursing
Facility Rehab Coordinator
Social Services
Admissions Coordinator
Business Office Manager
Recreation Director
Dietary Manager
Dietary Manager
Maintenance Director
Enviro/Laundry Supervisor
Health Information
Care Plan Coordinator
Resident Birthdays
Pauline Gallaway
Gladys Robinson
Bernice Jenkins
Ruth Feldmann
Harry Donovan
Lois Hogan
Dorothy Boly
James Marler
Helen Mauller
Alice Wyatt
Ellen Delafuente
Janet Nevin
Non-Discrimination Policy
As a recipient of federal financial assistance, NHC
Maryland Heights does not exclude, deny benefits
to, or otherwise discriminate against any person on
the grounds of race, color, national origin, religion,
sex, gender, or on the basis of disability or age in
admission to, participation in, or receipt of their services and benefits of any of its programs and activities or in employment.
Partner Anniversaries
Arlene Tonogbanua
Wendy Hamilton
Delaine Atkins
Cassandra Alexander
Norman Njihi
Colleen Cuenca
Melanie Scorfina
Deion Logan
Zipporah MacHaria
Megan Puckett
Rosemarie Dungo
Tonya Williams
Stephen Vicalvi
Rebecca Goedeker
Ibtissam Mohssen
Apologies To Those Missed
Mindy McFarland — 3 year work Philip Barker
Charles Ngugi
anniversary was September 28th!
Demeka Taylor
Lindsey Williams — 8 year work Anette Fields
Laura McMahon
anniversary was August 14th!
Shantelle Barbour
Sougand Jazbani-I
Santokh Kainth
Thomas Difatta
Jessica Hammond
Decater Wilson
18 years
11 years
10 years
9 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
6 years
6 years
6 years
5 years
5 years
5 years
4 years
4 years
4 years
4 years
4 years
3 years
2 years
2 years
2 years
2 years
1 year
1 year
1 year
Partner Birthdays
Diane Kell
Cynthia Dimicelli
Holly Hamilton
Toni Boyd
Angela Chapple
Alondra Brand
Antoine Amos
Margaret Meier
Tressie Spears
Rickell Miller
Anthony Silver
Florentino Agasino
Arlanders Silver
Jasmine Jones
Ebony Sudduth
Deborah Callaway
Thomas Gianino
Faben Ali
Lareka Reed
Roshelle Payeru
Delaine Atkins
Shacana Thomas
Decater Wilson
Jeffrey Loraine
Mindy McFarland
Beverly Barnes
Laranda Cooper
Welcome to Ivy House
October 2014
As you can see, Ivy House residents have many
opportunities to be creative. They are talented!
The activities department has started rotating one
partner every three months to give their pr imary focus to activities in Ivy House and Meadows to keep things fresh for the residents.
Welcome to Meadows
October 2014
Meadows residents love the chance to be outside. The sunshine and cooler breezes are so great for their spirits. This is a
great time of the year. There is a new initiative being tried to
improve the quality and freshness of the activities. For three
months the activities department is making Meadows and Ivy
House the primary focus of one worker. Then they rotate.
Alzheimer’s Association
Give yourself credit, not guilt!
People with Alzheimer’s can lose track of dates,
seasons and the passage of time. People with
Alzheimer’s may forget where they are or how
they got there.