The St. Peter Baptist Church


The St. Peter Baptist Church
St. Peter Baptist Church
Organized 1882
2040 Mountain Road
Glen Allen, Virginia 23060
Church Office: (804) 262-0230 Fax: (804) 262-4651
E-Mail: [email protected]
Kirkland R. Walton, B.S., M. Div., D. Min., Pastor
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Unity Worship ~ Baptism ~ Communion
The Christian Arts Ministry is looking for persons who are interested
and committed to minister in our annual Christmas play. Rehearsals
every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Old Sanctuary. Please fill out this
information sheet and give it to any member of C.A.M.,
or put it in our Christian Arts mailbox.
We need Children, Youth, and Adults for the production.
--------------------------------------------Name: _____________________ Phone: ______________________
Cell: ________________________
Email: ________________________________________
Age Group (C-Children, Y-Youth, A-Adult): ___________
Thank you for your support,
The Christian Arts Ministry
“Who Are The Meek?”
Matthew 5:5
SPBC 2014 Theme:
“Proclaiming and Practicing Fruitfulness”
John 15:8
“We are a people of God committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ.”
Enter to Worship………Sunday, October 12, 2014
10:00AM Worship Observance
Unity Worship ~ Baptism ~ Communion
The Worship Prelude………………………...Ms. Juana E. Thompson,
Church Music Coordinator
HomeAgain has two clients who are in need of the following:
Sofa and Baby Items
(Porta-Crib, swing, baby bed, mattress, stroller, clothing for newborn,
towel/wash cloth sets, etc.)
If you would like to donate any of the above, clothing or other
household items, please contact Richard Hamm at [email protected]
or (804) 301-0739.
*The Call to Worship…………………………………..(Congregation Stands)
*The Invocation………………………………………..(Congregation Stands)
The Holy Baptism
**The Opening Hymn/Praise Song…...The Worship & Praise Ministry
The Pulpit Greetings & Announcements
The Choral Selection…………...The S. H. Thompson Memorial Choir
The Altar Prayer
The Offertory/Response………………Diaconate & Ushers Ministries
The Choral Selection…………………………………..The Senior Choir
The Sermonic Scripture/Preached Word……….Dr. Kirkland R. Walton
“Who Are The Meek?”
Matthew 5:5
The Invitation to Christian Discipleship
The Right Hand of Fellowship
The Church Covenant
The Holy Communion/Inspirational Songs
The Closing Selection…………………………...Choir & Congregation
The Benediction…………………………………………..Pastor Walton
Depart to Serve
*Congregants Stand **Congregants Stand/Late Worshippers May Enter
The Missions Ministry will meet on Wednesday, October 15th at
6:30 p.m. in the Large Multi-Purpose Room. We continue to work on
the HomeAgain/St. Peter Partnership that is focusing on assisting HA
clients so that they will be successful in moving from homelessness to
maintaining a home for themselves and their families. Please come out
and join in these discussions as we become more active in helping the
homeless men, woman and children of our community. If you are
unable to attend the October 15th meeting, please consider helping in
any of the following areas:
1. Marriage and Healthy Relationships, Positive Role Models
2. Conflict Resolution for adults and youth
3. Tutors for children/adults -- math, reading, English, PC skills, etc.
4. Mentor/encourage clients as they try to improve circumstances
5. Training/Mentor on Money Management (1-on-1 and/or a group)
6. Guidance/support for clients moving into their own place
7. Smart Shopping
8. Job search, career building, etc.
9. Mentor and encourage clients as they work on improving their
10. Marriage, Healthy Relationships and Positive Role Models
11. Spiritual Growth
12. Parenting skills, i.e., for fathers and mothers (1 on 1 and group)
13. Assist with Collection/Donation Drive for household items (See
Mr. Hamm)
If you would like to volunteer in any of the above areas or wish to
receive electronic notices of HA’s client needs, please send request
to [email protected].
Looking Ahead
Sunday, October 12th - 11:30AM…………………………………Prayer Time with the Intercessors
- 3:00PM………………………..S. H. T. Memorial Choir 60th Anniversary
Wednesday, October 15th - 7:00PM……………………………………………Young Adult Bible Study
Thursday, October 16th - 12:00PM & 7:00PM……………………………………….Adult Bible Study
Saturday, October 18th - 10:00AM to 12:00 Noon……………...Young Adult Women’s Forum
Sunday, October 19th - 10:00AM…...Unity Worship/Diac./Yoke./Trust./Finance Emphasis
- 5:00PM………….Extended Ministry - S.H.T. to Bethel A.M.E. Church
Wednesday, October 22nd - 7:00PM…………………………………………..Young Adult Bible Study
Thursday, October 23rd - 12:00PM & 7:00PM……………………………………….Adult Bible Study
The Call to Worship
Leader: God has saved us and called us with a holy calling.
People: We come to remember God’s calling!
Leader: God has entrusted us with a good treasure.
People: We come to hear about God’s gift!
Leader: God invites us to gather around the table of life.
People: We come to answer God’s invitation!
All: Let us sing our praises to God who saves, calls,
and invites!
The Invocation (In Unison)
Father God, what we thought was ours is truly yours. Help us to
live this truth in all our relationships. We thank you for freeing us
from roles and relationships that enslave and distract us from your
will. Bless all that we dedicate to you this day, and make us fit
vessels for your service. In Jesus’ name we pray.
B.Y.O.B. ~ “Bring Your Own Bible”
O Lord, I’m Armed & Ready; Got My Bible in My Hand;
Help Me Remain Steady & Obey Your Commands.
Daily Bible Readings . . .
Monday, October 13..…..……..…..……..…..….……………………………………………………..Job 14:7-13
Tuesday, October 14.....…..……..…..……..…....……..………………………………………….Job 14:14-22
Wednesday, October 15…..……..…..……...…..……..…............................Jeremiah 15:10-18
Thursday, October 16...............…..……..…..……………………………………….Jeremiah 14:14-22
Friday, October 17……….……….…………….…………….…………………………………………..Psalm 55:1-8
Saturday, October 18............…….…………….……………...................................Psalm 55:12-23
Sunday, October 19……………………………………………………………………..Job 24:1, 9-12, 19-25
Men’s Fellowship Ministry
Couples Ministry
Save the date! Couples Ministry Fellowship
When: Friday, October 24, 2015---7PM at the Church.
We’ll kick off the fellowship sessions with the topic, Intimate Mysteries in
Marriage: leaving, weaving, and cleaving (excerpts from the book The
Intimate Marriage: Creating Strength and Beauty in Your Marriage by
Dan Allender and Tremper Longman III).
Bring your favorite snack food to share! Water and ice provided.
Men’s Fellowship Weekend
Calling All Men…The Men's Fellowship Weekend is coming upon us!
The dates are October 30th to November 2nd. Our theme this year is “Men,
What Kind of Religion Do You Have?” The scripture is Matthew 11 verse
7 to 11. We are asking all men to wear black and white, and sit together as
one body in Christ.
Our Itinerary:
Friday Night Bowling: Friday, October 24, 2014 at 8:00 p.m.
AMF Shrader Lanes, 8037 Shrader Rd., Richmond, VA 23294
Men’s Bible Study: Thursday, October 30, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
Our leader for the evening will be our very own Dr. Adam Bond.
Women’s Ministry Planning Council
Young Adult Women’s Forum
The Women's Ministry Planning Council is sponsoring a Young Adult
Women's Forum entitled, "You Are Amazing! Do You Know That?"
When: Saturday, October 18, 2014 from 10 to 12 noon. Brunch will be
served. All ages are invited, especially young ladies ages 16 to 25.
You don't want to miss this!
Brenda Walton, Chairperson
Welfa Blount & Nancy Revish, Co-Chairs
Finance Ministry
$204, 000
Saturday Morning Fellowship Breakfast: Saturday, November 1, 2014
at 9:00 a.m.
Southern Season, 2250 Staples Mill Rd., Richmond, VA 23230
Men’s Emphasis Sunday – Unity Worship: Sunday, November 2, 2014
at 10:00 a.m.
*All men are asked to wear black and white,
and sit together as one body in Christ.
Our leader for service will be Rev. Cordell Archer of
Mt. Carmel Baptist Church. Our Male Chorus will be celebrating their
45th Anniversary as well.
Over 5
years or
$20, 636 As of 9/28/14
Video Media System Debt Retirement
We kindly thank you for all of
your support thus far, as we
continue forward with this
Remember to address your
envelopes accordingly so that they
may be properly recorded.
Thank you!
St. Peter Baptist Church
Organized 1882
2040 Mountain Road
Glen Allen, Virginia 23060
Church Office: (804) 262-0230 Fax: (804) 262-4651
E-Mail: [email protected]
Youth Ministry
Light The Night
Save the Date….Friday, October 31st from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m.
“LIGHT THE NIGHT” - Matthew 5:16
Kirkland R. Walton, B.S., M. Div., D. Min
Director of Ministries
Reverend Steve D. Parker, M. Div.
[email protected]
Financial Operations Administrator
Mrs. Mary Ann Johnson
[email protected]
Minister of Youth
Reverend Shirley M. Stanley, M. Div.,
[email protected]
Operations Administrative Clerk
Mrs. Mary Ann Coleman
[email protected]
Chairperson of the Diaconate
Deacon Betty L. Pinn
Ms. Renee C. Sledge
[email protected]
Chairperson of the Trustees
Mr. Calvin D. Farr
[email protected]
Culinary Procurement Coordinator
Mrs. Bernice Branch
[email protected]
Church Music Coordinator
Ms. Juana E. Thompson
[email protected]
Church Clerk
Mrs. Courtney M. Butler
[email protected]
Assistant Church Music Coordinator
Mr. Christopher A. Redd
[email protected]
Assistant Church Clerk
Mrs. Quanda L. Baker
Office Administrator
Ms. Pamela E. Moseley
Child Development Center Director
Mrs. Lavasia Williams
[email protected] 804-262-6562
Fun, food, games, and Christian fellowship in a safe environment for
children ages 12 and under. We need all SPBC Ministries and members
to assist by volunteering your time, donating candy and decorating a
room in the church education wing using our “Light the Night”
theme. Community Service hours opportunities are available for high
school students. Contact Rev. Stanley for info: (804) 218-3076.
Health & Wellness Ministry
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Did you know…
Cancer is a disease in which cells in the body grow out of control. When cancer
starts in the breast, it is called breast cancer. Except for skin cancer, breast cancer is
the most common cancer in American women.
Some things that may increase your risk for breast cancer include:
Reproductive risk factors
• Being younger when you had your first menstrual period.
• Never giving birth, or being older at the birth of your first child.
• Starting menopause at a later age.
• Using hormone replacement therapy for a long time.
Other risk factors
• Getting older.
• A personal history of breast cancer, dense breasts, or some other breast
• A family history of breast cancer (parent, sibling, or child).
• Changes in your breast cancer-related genes (BRCA1 or BRCA2).
• Getting radiation therapy to the breast or chest.
• Being overweight, especially after menopause.
Mammograms are the best way to find breast cancer early, when it is easier to
treat and before it is big enough to feel or cause symptoms. Have you had a
mammogram lately? Talk with your healthcare provider to determine when to
start and how often to have mammograms. Encourage someone you love to
have a mammogram today!
For more information, go to
Saint Peter will go pink on October 26th. Please plan to wear your favorite
shade of pink in recognition of breast cancer awareness.
Social Justice Ministry
Important Dates For Voters
Important Dates for Voters:
October 14th - Last day to register to vote in November's General Election.
October 28th - Last day to request an Absentee Ballot by mail.
November 1st - Last day to request an Absentee Ballot in person.
November 4th - Election Day
Attention Voters!!
Annual Freedom Fund Banquet - Thank You Note
The Henrico County Branch NAACP wishes to thank you for your attendance and donations to the Annual Freedom Fund Banquet on September 27h.
Ms. Clayola Brown, our keynote speaker, stated that the NAACP is the
largest civil rights organization and that it continues to be “vigilant and on
the battlefield for justice and equality for everyone”. We could not have had
such a big success without you and your support.
Thanks again
Henrico County Branch NAACP
Virginia General Assembly
Page Program
Want to be a Page in the Virginia Senate? Senator A. Donald McEachin
has openings for 2 students, 13-14 years old, who would be interested in
working at the Capitol during the 2015 General Assembly Session
(January and February). Online application due November 1, 2015.
For application and further info, go to
Sick & Shut-In
#2-Miss Cameron Atkins………………...11420 Sadler Walk Ln., Glen Allen, Va. 23060
*Mrs. Grace Baccus………………(Mother of Mrs. Jeraelyn Jude; Beth Sholom Nursing Home)
*Mrs. Gloria Collins……………………………………………….(Mother of Marcetta Lucas)
*Mr. Roy Davis, Sr…(Brother of Deacon Mary Greene; 1 Navajo Rd., East Brunswick, Nj. 08816
*Ms. Carolyn Dixon……………………………...4602 Hill Brook Ave., Henrico, Va. 23231
#2-Mrs. Sylvia Felker………..Manor Care Health Services, 1719 Bellevue Ave., Richmond, Va.
#2-Rev. Arthur Freeman, Jr
#2-Ms. Alicia Funches
#3-Mr. Junius Garlick………………………….1971 Mountain Rd., Glen Allen, Va. 23060
#3-Mrs. Victoria Goode…………………..10833 Good Oak Lane, Glen Allen, Va. 23060
*Mr. Robert Greene, Jr.………………………………………..(Son of Dr. Delores Greene)
#3-Mrs. Audrey Houston…………….7600 Parham Rd., Apt 121, Richmond, Va. 23294
#2-Deacon Patricia Howard-Dabney…….2404 Laurandrew Cir., Henrico, Va. 23228
#4-Mrs. Frances Hughes…………....6637 Pebblespring Dr., N. Chesterfield, Va. 23234
#1-Ms. Darlette Johnson………………..5003 Brightridge Way, Chesterfield, Va. 23832
#2-Mrs. Sandra Johnson………………………..4701 Packard Rd., Glen Allen, Va. 23060
*Mrs. Doris Jones…………………………………………………….(Mother of Natalie Jones)
#1-Mr. Andre King, Sr………………………...7307 Fort Alvis Lane, Richmond, Va. 23231
#1-Mrs. Virginia King………..……………….13691 Mountain Rd., Glen Allen, Va. 23060
*Mr. Albert Lee.…………………………..…..…………..(Brother of Dea. Mary Studevant)
#3-Mrs. Rosalie Lockwood…..…Parham Rehab Center, 2400 E. Parham Rd., Richmond, Va.
*Mrs. Benzina Mazyck…………………………………….(Mother of Alecia & Jan Mazyck)
#4-Mrs. Annette Moore………………………………….……Manor Care, Va. Richmond
#4-Mr. John Mosby……….….……………….3003 Parkwood Ave., Richmond, Va. 23220
*Ms. Sheronda Nicholson……………………………………...(Niece of Kelly Bloomfield)
#3-Mrs. Almeta Porter……………………….5745 Maple Run Dr., Richmond, Va. 23228
#2-Mrs. Linda Reid………Sunrise of Bon Air, 2105 Cranbeck Rd. Apt 120, Richmond, Va. 23235
#3-Ms. Carisa Simmons………………..9500 Hungary Woods Dr., Glen Allen, Va. 23060
#4-Mr. Wayne Snead……………………………….6751 Third Ave., Richmond, Va. 23231
#3-Mr. Robert Streater, Jr……………………3621 Whitlock Ave., Richmond, Va. 23223
#2-Mrs. Vashti Taylor……..……………..10300 Three Chopt Rd., Richmond, Va. 23233
*Mr. Theodore Tillar………………………………………..(Brother of Joyce Tillar Watson)
#3-Mrs. LaVerne Turpin…………………………..3714 Traylor Dr., Richmond, Va. 23235
*Mr. Marc Turpin………………………………………………..(Son of Mrs. LaVerne Turpin)
*Mrs. Delores Moore Walker
#3-Dr. LaKeita Smith-Waller……….719 Brookwood Glen Terr., Glen Allen, Va. 23060
*Mr. Merv Williams………………………………………….(Husband of Veraline Williams)
#3-Mrs. Veraline Williams
#1-Mr. Russell Willis…….Vibra Hosp., 2220 Edward Holland Dr., Richmond, Va. 23230
Please notify your Diaconate Team or the Church Office of Sick & Shut-in additions, deletions,
or status/address changes. Thank you in advance!