VA Resources for Veterans and Families


VA Resources for Veterans and Families
Making a Difference in Oregon City, OR
VA Resources for Veterans and Families
Reprinted from Guide to Mental Health Services for Veterans & Families
The Veteran’s Health Administration (VHA) provides mental health services at
its medical centers and community-based outpatient clinics. In addition, readjustment
counseling services are available for Veterans and their Families at Vet Centers across
the nation. For more information, visit the VA Mental Health website at or the Vet Center website at
Make the Connection ( is a public awareness
campaign by the department of Veteran Affairs that provides personal testimonials and
resources to help Veterans and their Families and friends learn from each other’s
experiences and discover ways to improve their lives.
Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their Families and friends with
qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll
-free hotline, online chat, or text. Veterans and their loved ones can call
(800) 273-8255 and Press 1, chat online at, or send a text
to 838255 to receive confidential support 24/7, 365 days a year.
Coaching into Care is a free and confidential coaching service to help callers
discover new ways to talk with a veteran about their concerns and treatment options.
VA works with Family Members or friends who become aware of a Veterans’ postdeployment difficulties, and supports their efforts to find help for the Veteran. Callers
can reach the service at 888-823-7458. More information can be found at
VA Resources for Veterans and Families ..........1
Vietnam 25th Infantry Div 1st Cavalry Meeting .....2
American Women Veterans Assoc Meeting ......2
Douglas County Veterans Forum .....................2
Portland Veteran Job Fair ...............................2
10th Mountain Div Group Meeting ..................2
Think It’s E—Z ................................................3
Breast Cancer Awareness Month ....................3
Spouse Education & Career Opportunities ......3
National Cyber Security Awareness Month.......4
Domestic Violence Awareness Month..............5
11 Ways to Save When You’re Broke ...............6
Clackamas Community College, CC140
19600 Molalla Ave
Oregon City, OR 97045
Contract Customer Support Coordinator
Office: 503-594-6215
[email protected]
Contract Customer Support Coordinator
Office: 503-594-6215
[email protected]
Monday—Friday, 8am—5pm
Closed Monday, October 13
National Center for PTSD is VA’s center of excellence for research and education
on the prevention, understanding, and treatment of PTSD. The mission of the
National Center is to advance the clinical care and social welfare of America’s Veterans
through research, education, and training in the science, diagnosis, and treatment of
PTSD and stress-related disorders. For more information, visit
For more information, contact the ASCC.
The information presented in this newsletter is for informational awareness only and does not represent
endorsement, sponsorship, recommendation, or promotion of any commercial event(s), commercial names
or brands by the editors of this Newsletter, the Department of Defense, US Army, US Navy, US Air Force,
US Coast Guard, National Guard or Reserve, and the federal government. Usage of commercial or trade mark
names is for identification purposes only.
Vietnam 25th Infantry Division,
1st Cavalry Veterans Meeting
Sunday, October 12, 2014| 12:00 PM
Superking Buffet
5015 SE 82nd Avenue | Portland, OR 97266
All Veterans are welcome to meet for lunch and
conversation on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
For more information, contact Gary Hartt at
(503) 632-6955 or Terry Low at (503) 210-5558.
American Women Veterans
Association Monthly Meeting
Portland Veteran Job Fair
Tuesday, October 23, 2014 | 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
The Atrium at Montgomery Park
2701 NW Vaughn Street, #210
Portland, OR 97210
Recruit Military is hosting a veteran’s job fair in October
free for military members and spouses to find jobs and or
learn about employment and education programs for
veterans in the Portland area. If interested please register
online at the address below.
For more information, visit
Tuesday, October 14th, 2014 | 5:00 PM
The American Legion, Post 16
406 SE Oak Avenue | Roseburg, OR 97470
Meet with other Female Veterans from all US service
branches/eras every 2nd Tuesday of each month to
become better informed, get involved with service
projects, and enjoy camaraderie.
For more information, contact Dona Brewer at
(541) 391-9813.
Douglas County Veterans
Monthly Forum
10th Mountain Division Group
Monthly Meeting
Tuesday, October 21, 2014 | 5:00 PM
Roseburg American Legion Post 16
406 SE Oak Street | Roseburg, OR 97470
Sunday, October 26th, 2014 | 1:00 PM
Eastmoreland Golf Course Club House
2425 SE Bybee Blvd | Portland, OR 97202
Veteran organization leaders discuss and develop
common support issues for all veterans in SW Oregon.
Briefings from VA Roseburg Healthcare Systems, county
veteran service officer and veteran's agencies. Meetings
are held on the third Tuesday of each month.
Newcomers, WWII comrades and descendants
are invited to lunch. They conduct group planning for
the 10th Mountain Memorial Grove, picnics and other
events. The group meets on the last Sunday of each
For more information, contact John McDonald at
(541) 580-6178 or [email protected].
For more information, contact Jim Bray at
(503) 913-7058.
Think It’s E-Z?
Love breezing through tollbooths with your E-Z Pass? A
new scam is taking advantage of that. Here’s how it
works: You get an email that appears to be from E-Z
Pass. It has the E-Z Pass logo, and says you owe money
for driving on a toll road. It also provides a link to click
for your invoice. Guess what? The email isn’t from E-Z
Pass. If you click on the link, the crooks running this
scam may put malware on your machine. And if you
respond to the email with your personal information,
they’re likely to steal your identity.
This E-Z Pass email is the latest in a long line of phishing
scams, where fraudsters pretend to be legitimate
businesses as a way to get access to people’s personal
information. But adopting a few online security habits
can help you avoid phishing scams:
Never click on links in emails unless you’re sure
who sent you the message.
Don’t respond to any emails that ask for personal or
financial information. Email isn’t a secure way to
send that information.
Type an organization’s URL yourself, and don’t
send personal or financial information unless the
URL begins with https (the “s” stands for secure).
If an email looks like it is from E-Z Pass, contact
E-Z Pass customer service to confirm that it is
really from them.
Keep your computer security software current.
Have You been tricked by a phishing email?
Forward it to [email protected] and to the company
impersonated in the email.
File a complaint with the Federal Trade
Commission at
Visit the FTC’s Identity Theft website at
For more information, visit
Breast Cancer Awareness
Month 2014
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a chance to
raise awareness about the importance of early detection
of breast cancer. Make a difference! Spread the word
about mammograms and encourage communities,
organizations, families, and individuals to get involved.
Breast cancer is the second most common kind of cancer
in women. About 1 in 8 women born today in the United
States will get breast cancer at some point.
The good news is that many women can survive breast
cancer if it’s found and treated early. A mammogram –
the screening test for breast cancer – can help find breast
cancer early when it’s easier to treat.
If you are a woman age 40 to 49, talk with your
doctor about when to start getting mammograms
and how often to get them.
If you are a woman age 50 to 74, be sure to get a
mammogram every 2 years. You may also choose
to get them more often.
Talk to a doctor about your risk for breast cancer,
especially if a close family member of yours had breast or
ovarian cancer. Your doctor can help you decide when
and how often to get mammograms.
For more information, visit
Spouse Education and Career
Opportunities (SECO)
To help military spouses reach their education and career
goals as they balance work-life priorities and interests,
DoD has established a comprehensive, holistic, spousecentered program called SECO. The program seeks to
strengthen the education and career opportunities of
military spouses worldwide.
For more information, visit
or call (800) 342-9647.
National Cyber Security Awareness Month
The Internet is part of everyone’s life, every day. We use the Internet at work, home,
for enjoyment, and to connect with those close to us.
However, being constantly connected brings increased risk of theft, fraud, and abuse.
No country, industry, community, or individual is immune to cyber risks. As a nation,
we face constant cyber threats against our critical infrastructure and economy. As
individuals, cybersecurity risks can threaten our finances, identity, and privacy. Since
our way of life depends on critical infrastructure and the digital technology that
operates it, cybersecurity is one of our country’s most important national security
priorities, and we each have a role to play—cybersecurity is a shared responsibility.
National Cyber Security Awareness Month is designed to engage and educate
public and private sector partners through events and initiatives with the goal of raising
awareness about cybersecurity and increasing the resiliency of the nation in the event of
a cyber incident. October 2014 marks the 11th Annual National Cyber Security
Awareness Month sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security in cooperation
with the National Cyber Security Alliance and the Multi-State Information Sharing and
Analysis Center.
For tips and resources you can use and share throughout the year, visit the DHS
Stop.Think.Connect. Toolkit and find resources for the following demographics:
Students K-8, 9-12, and Undergraduate
 Parents and Educators
 Young Professionals
 Older Americans
 Government
 Industry
 Small Business
 Law Enforcement
For more information on how to practice cybersecurity during National Cyber Security
Awareness Month and throughout the year, visit Stop.Think.Connect at
Tips for keeping your
personal information safe,
your Family protected, and
our nation security intact.
STOP hackers from
accessing your accounts—set
secure passwords.
STOP sharing too much
information. Keep your personal information personal.
STOP—trust your gut.
If something doesn’t feel right,
stop what you are doing.
THINK about the information
you want to share before you
share it.
THINK how your online actions can affect your offline
THINK before you act—don’t
automatically click on links.
CONNECT over secure networks.
CONNECT with people you
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Intimate Partner Violence: Let VA Help
Intimate partner violence (IPV), which is often called domestic violence, occurs when a current or former intimate partner
(e.g., boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse) harms, threatens to harm, or stalks their partner. While domestic violence does
include IPV, it refers to any violence that occurs in the home. Domestic violence includes child abuse, elder abuse, and
other forms of interpersonal abuse. IPV refers specifically to violence between intimate partners. IPV can happen to
anyone. It can happen no matter your age, income, race, ethnicity, culture, religion, or disability.
IPV is prevalent among women Veterans, active duty women, and women living in the U.S. overall. One-third of women
Veterans experience IPV in their lifetime compared to less than a quarter of civilian women. Women who have
experienced IPV may have short and long-term health effects. They may experience short-term health effects such as
physical injuries like stab wounds or broken bones or sexually transmitted infections. They may also experience long-term
health effects such as obesity; problems with their heart, stomach, or digestive systems; difficulties with pregnancy or
unwanted pregnancies; chronic pain; and other stress-related difficulties such as headaches. They may also experience
mental health issues such as depression, substance abuse, posttraumatic stress disorder, and thoughts of hurting themselves.
Has your partner: Emotionally mistreated you (e.g., called you names, tried to embarrass, or intimidate you)? Tried to
control where you go, who you talk to, what you can wear, or what you can do? Told you that you are “crazy” or
“worthless"? Stolen or tried to control your money? Looked at you or acted in ways that scare you? Threatened you, your
possessions, your pets, or loved ones? Physically hurt you or tried to hurt you? Forced you to engage in sexual activities?
Threatened to commit suicide or kill you if you left them?
If you answer yes to any of the questions above or identify with any of the behaviors detailed above, VA can help.
Some people experience only one of these forms of violence while others may experience more than one. IPV can be a
single event or can last for many years. No matter what, no one deserves to be treated this way.
If you are in immediate danger, call 9-1-1.
Contact the National Domestic Hotline at 1-800-799- SAFE (7233) or on the web at for
24-hour confidential support, local referrals, safety planning, housing options, and legal resources.
Contact your local VA hospital and ask to speak with the Women Veterans Program Manager.
Develop a safety plan.
VA employees who are impacted by IPV can contact their Employee Assistance Program or visit it on the web at
Talk to your primary care provider, who can refer you to a specialist if needed.
Check out Futures Without Violence at to learn about educational programs
designed to end violence against women.
An IPV Webinar training conference is scheduled for October 9. For information on how to attend, visit
11 Ways to Save When You're Broke
We always want what we don't have, and for most Americans it's a full savings account. The national saving rate was less
than .5 percent in 2013 but most Americans still choose to live beyond their means, until they have nothing to live on. So if
you're ready to tighten the purse strings, the Illinois CPA Society developed 11 ways to help you save during tough times:
1.) Avoid Paying Fees.
2.) Take advantage of sales and use coupons.
3.) Shop around and compare prices.
4.) Evaluate your cable/satellite TV package.
5.) Eliminate magazine subscriptions or reduce the amount of magazines you receive.
6.) Calculate the cost of your commute.
7.) Scale back on the vacation.
8.) Alter your attitude about saving.
9.) Experiment with less expensive products and places.
10.) Eat meals at home and prepare a lunch to take to work.
11.) Change the 'need it now' mentality.
If you follow these steps and save money on the little expenses you could prepare yourself for any big financial emergencies
that could arise.
Additional Resources
Military Saves is a campaign coordinated by the nonprofit Consumer Federation of America (CFA) and is dedicated to
helping servicemembers and their families save money, reduce debt, and build wealth.
Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is a Federal Government-sponsored retirement savings and investment plan. It offers the same
type of savings and tax benefits that many private corporations offer their employees under "401(k)" plans.
Choose to Save® national public education and outreach program is dedicated to raising awareness about the need to plan
and save for long-term personal financial security.
Consumer Federation of America (CFA) is an association of non-profit consumer organizations that was established to
advance the consumer interest through research, advocacy, and education. is an online resource to help invest wisely and avoid fraud. is a product to strengthen financial capability and increase access to financial services for all Americans.
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) works to prevent fraudulent, deceptive and unfair business practices in the marketplace
and to provide information to help consumers spot, stop and avoid them.