Configuring the Content Type Hub


Configuring the Content Type Hub
Configuring the Content Type Hub
Content Type Syndication is new feature that is part of the Managed Metadata
service in SharePoint 2010. It solves a long-standing problem from SharePoint 2007,
which is how do I create an enterprise library of content types and synchronize them
amongst many different site collections. We often had to design and build solutions
to work around this issue in SharePoint 2007, but now we have something that we
can use out of the box. It's may not seem super intuitive in terms of setting this little
gem up though, so use this document as a guide to get you moving in the right
MOSS 2007
Say for example you have a Site Collection Web Application1 and you have created a series of
content types to use. Now, you create Web Application2 and find the necessity to reuse the content
types created in Web Application 1. There is no way you could share or reference those content
types created in Web Application1 in Web Application2. The only way possible is to create or write
an application which would install those content types. This situation is pretty common in large
organizations. This can be even considered for exposing base content types you use across multiple
web applications in the farm.
SharePoint 2010
SharePoint 2010 now introduces a new feature called Content Type Hubs. Content Type Hub is a
central location where you can manage and publish your content types – so now web applications can
subscribe to this hub and pull down the published content types from the hub. Even receive updates
on the published content types!
1) Create the web application and the root site which you want it to be the Hub
For eg:- http://avachn8easd001:22222/
2) Now open the Central Administration, Click the Application Management. Under Service
Applications, Click the Manage Service Applications
For more details visit or mailto:[email protected]
3) Select the Managed Metadata Service and then Click properties as shown below
4) You will get one Text box under the Content Type hub, Enter the URL of the Web App which
you created in the first step [This Site Collection will acts as Content Type hub]
For more details visit or mailto:[email protected]
Also Check the box below as shown in figure and Click OK.
5) Now select the Managed Metadata Service Connection, and then click Properties as shown
For more details visit or mailto:[email protected]
6) Check the box of Consumes Content Types from Content Type gallery at [Your Web App which
we configured in previous step]
This is for we explicitly tell to consume content types from the hub.
7) Now, go to our content type hub site [which created in first step], Go to Site Actions and then
Site Settings. Under Galleries click on Site Content Types, you will find default Content Type
8) Click on any Content Type where you can see Manage content type publishing option or
else create a new Content Type by clicking Create option [ Recommended to create a new one
to get clear idea]
For more details visit or mailto:[email protected]
5) Click the Manage content type publishing and Check the Publish Radio button and say OK.
6) This will publish the content types
For more details visit or mailto:[email protected]
Timer Jobs
In order to receive the published content types immediately, you can go and run two timer jobs
1) Content Type Hub
2) Content Type Subscriber (of the web application which is going to receive the content types
Published Content Types
After running the timer jobs, the content types should be published. Go to Site Settings | Site
Collection Administration | Content Type Publishing. Check the Refresh all Published Content
types on next update and Say OK
Remember, as long as the Web Application use the same Metadata Service Application the content
type hub is using, it can receive the content types from the hub.
To Verify
1) Create a Site collection of same or different Web Application
2) Go to the Site Actions -> Site Settings. Under the Galleries click the Site Content Types you will
be finding the Site Content type which we created in above Site Collection.
For more details visit or mailto:[email protected]
The First Site Collection [Content Type Hub]
The different Site Collection under different Web App, able to see the same Content Type
For more details visit or mailto:[email protected]