01. Conventional & Non Conventional Approach for Crop
01. Conventional & Non Conventional Approach for Crop
List of Abstracts accepted for poster presentation for Symp Hort -2014 and their presenting author 01. Conventional & Non Conventional Approach for Crop Improvement and Biodiversity Conservation Sl.No. 1 Frist auther B. S. Asati Title EVALUATION OF TOMATO PARENTS AND THEIR HYBRIDS AGAINST BACTERIAL WILT (Ralstonia solanecearum) Flowering and Fruiting Characteristics of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) Cultivars Under Himalayan Terai Region of West Bengal STUDY ON GENE ACTION AND COMBINING ABILITY IN BITTER GOURD (Momordica charantia L.) Poster Presentation Poster Presentation 2 Nilesh Bhowmick 3 K. Radha Rani 4 R.K. Jat Genetic variability, correlation and path analysis in Valan Kakri (Cucumis sativus var. utilismus L.) Poster Presentation 5 Brijesh Kumar Singh Genetic variability of quantitative trails in fenugreek (Trigonellafoenum-graecum L.) Poster Presentation 6 Madhumita Mallick Leaf gas exchange parameters of selected clones and induced mutants of Kinnow mandarin Poster Presentation 7 Anant Singh Studies on genetic variability and character association in Taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) var. antiquaram] Poster Presentation 8 Vinayendra Pratap Singh Studies on correlation and path analysis in turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) Poster Presentation 9 Abhijeet Poster Presentation 10 Narendra Kumar Tiwari Screening for yield and its attributing traits in sponge gourd (Luffa cylindrica (L.) Roem.) Heterosis analysis for quantitative traits in Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) 11 Awadhesh kumar HERITABILITY AND GENETIC ADVANCE STUDIES IN OKRA (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) UNDER SUBTROPICAL CLIMATIC CONDITION Poster Presentation 12 K. A. Gaikwad Genetic Variability in pummelo genotypes (Citrus grandis L.) under Konkan Conditions Poster Presentation 13 Deepak Kumar Gautam Studies on genetic diversty in garden pea (Pisum sativum L. var hartens) Poster Presentation 1 Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation 14 DeveshPratap Singh Studies on Correlation and path coefficient analysis insweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L) Lam.) germplasm Poster Presentation 15 Patil R.A. PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROFILING OF GUAVA GENOTYES GROWN IN SEMIARID CLIMATIC CONDITIONS OF VIDARBHA REGION Poster Presentation 16 Pooja Sharma High frequency plant regeneration form leaf and petiole explants of lettuce ( Lactuca sativa L.) Poster Presentation 17 Sourabh Garg Genetic divergence analysis for vegetative, flowering, fruit quality and yield characters in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) Poster Presentation 18 ASHOK YADAV VARIABILTY AND CORRELATION ANALYSIS IN GRAPEFRUIT CULTIVARS UNDER SUBTROPICAL CONDITIONS OF HIMACHAL PRADESH Poster Presentation 19 Anil Garid Evaluationof coriander (Coriandrumsativum L.) varieties for growth,quality, economics and seed yield Poster Presentation 20 H.P.SUDEEP Evaluation of gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus Hort.) genotypes under hill zone of Karnataka Poster Presentation 21 K R Meena ethno-botanical study of papaya Poster Presentation 22 Tejbir Singh Combining ability and heterosis for yield, quality and disease resistance in muskmelon (Cucumis melos L.) Poster Presentation 23 Manish Patida Study on heterosis, growth and yield traits in hybrid Brinjal (Solennummelongena L.) in Madhya Pradesh Poster Presentation 24 D. Siddeswara Reddy Role of Vegetable Breeding in Food Security Poster Presentation 25 Priyabrata Ray Potential Application of Genetic Modifications to Ornamental Horticulture Poster Presentation 26 Pankaj Dogaya Transgenic Vegetable breeding for Nutritional quality and Health benefits Poster Presentation 27 NEELAM THAKUR ASSESSMENT OF GENETIC VARIABILITY AND CORRELATION IN GLADIOLUS GERMPLASM 2 Poster Presentation 28 KhushbooKathayat 29 Nagendra Rai 30 Kusum Meena Multiplication of Fruit Crops through Micro-Propagation 31 R C Nainwal Genetic characterization and performance of diverse cultivars of Rosa damascena in sodic soil 32 R S Katiyar Genetic Studies in Relation to Improvement of Gladiolus, Grown on Partially Reclaimed Sodic Soil 33 D. S. Mishra 34 Sonam Verma EVALUATION OF LITCHI CULTIVARS IN TARAI REGION OF UTTARAKHAND, INDIA DIURNAL VARIATIONS IN MITOTIC CYCLE OF ALLIUM CEPA ROOTS TREATED WITH AMMONIUM NITRATE 35 Biswajit Das Variability of spine gourd and Dolichos bean in Tripura Poster Presentation 36 Pawan Kumar Poster Presentation 37 Amit Visen Use of Biotechnology in AgricultureMerits and Demerits Embryo Rescue: A Technique to Overcome the Breeding Barriers in Fruit Crops STUDY OF GENOTYPIC AND PHENOTYPIC CORRELATION COEFFICIENT IN TOMATO Molecular approach coupled with biochemical attributes to elucidate the presence of DYMV in leaf samples of Indian bean (Lablab perpureus L.) genotypes Delegates are requested to kindly register at the earliest please. 3 Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation List of Abstracts accepted for poster presentation for Symp Hort -2014 and their presenting author 02. Plant Protection and Biotic and Abiotic Stress Management of Horticultural Crops Sl.No. Frist auther 1 Nirvesh Singh Title COMMON BENEFICIAL PREDATORS AND PARASITOIDS IN MANGO ORCHARDS Postharvest diseases is the worldwide problem of storage crop materials Poster presentation Poster presentation 2 Narender Kumar 3 Mohan Lal To study the powdery mildew disease of pea caused by Erysiphe pisi Poster presentation 4 Ramawatar Bajia Poster presentation 5 Amit Yadav MANAGEMENT OF TOMATO FRUIT BORER, HELICOVERPA ARMIGERA HÜBNER (BIOTIC STRESS) THROUGH BIO INTENSIVE APPROACH IN TOMATO ECO-SYSTEM EFFECT OF NEWER INSECTICIDES ON INSECT PEST COMPLEX OF BRINJAL, SOLANUM MELONGENA L. 6 Sandeep Chaudhary ABIOTIC STRESS: THE FIELD ENVIRONMENT AND STRESS COMBINATION Poster presentation 7 Jayprakash Poster presentation 8 Kantipudi Rajesh kumar 9 U. Sai sravan Plant Protection of Horticultural Crops Management Through Non- Conventitional Tools Use of Novel insecticides in Horticultural crops PLANT DROUGHT STRESS: EFFECTS, MECHANISMS AND MANAGEMENT 10 G.S. Jasu dasu IMPROVEMENT OF HORTICULTURAL CROPS FOR ABIOTIC STRESS TOLERANCE Poster presentation 11 Sudhakar Pandey Poster presentation 12 H. Kesava Kumar Screening of snapmelon genotypes for drought stress on the basis of enzymatic activities A new record of thread lace wing (Neuroptera: Nemopteridae: Crocinae) from Uttar Pradesh, India 13 Prananath Barman Improved Physiological Adaptation to Drought Stress in Cleopatra Mandarin by AM Fungal Inoculation Poster presentation 14 Ranjeet singh Augmenting yield of Guava Through Bio control of Guava Fruit fly to Ensure Nutritional Security Poster presentation 4 Poster presentation Poster presentation Poster presentation Poster presentation Poster presentation 15 Dr Arvinder Kaur Strenghthing IPM model in Brinjal through promotion of pheromone trap Poster presentation 16 K. Parsad Lenticel Browning in Mango and its control Poster presentation 17 LALTA PRASAD MISHRA SOIL SOLARIZATION IN RELATION TO PLANT DISEASE MANAGEMENT Poster presentation 18 Shinde S. R Evaluation of newer molecule of insecticides against citrus leaf miner Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton in nursery Poster presentation 19 Abhishek Singh Poster presentation 20 Omprakash Bharti Response of Inorganic, Organic and Biofertilizers on the Production and Quality of Onion Evaluation of different inoculums levels of root knot nematode on soybean cultivars 21 Pratibha ISOLATION AND CHARACTARIZATION OF PROTEASE AND LIPASE PRODUCING BACTERIA ISOLATED FROM AGRICULTURAL SOIL AND ICE PRODUCT FROM MARKET Poster presentation 22 Sitanshu Silicon in enhancing the resistance of plants to biotic and abiotic stresses Poster presentation 23 Sitanshu SCREENING OF SOME PROMISING PIGEONPEA GENOTYPES AGAINST MAJOR INSECT PESTS Poster presentation 24 P.K. SHUKLA EVALUATION OF NEWER FUNGICIDES AND BIO-AGENTS FOR MANAGEMENT OF MANGO GRAFT ROT Poster presentation 25 H.C. Verma AN EXPERT SYSTEM FOR MANGO DISEASE DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT Poster presentation 26 Ashu Singh Role of Brassinosteroids inResponses to Environmental stresses in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Poster presentation Delegates are requested to kindly register at the earliest please. 5 Poster presentation List of Abstracts accepted for poster presentation for Symp Hort -2014 and their presenting author 03. Precision Farming: Protected Cultivation and Organic Horticulture Sl.No. Frist auther 1 R. S. Chovatia Title EFFECT OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATORS ON GLADIOLUS CV. AMERICAN BEAUTY IN PROTECTED CONDITION Effect of vermicompost, sulphur and micronutrients on growth and yield of garlic (Allium sativum L.) var. ‘G-282.’ Poster Presentation Poster Presentation 2 Praveen Kumar Hatwal 3 Sanjay Kumar Impact of NAA and GA3 on growth, yield and quality of onion (Allium cepa L.) cv. NHRDF-RED - 2 Poster Presentation 4 Neeraj Kumar Tiwari Poster Presentation 5 6 Harit Kumar Sageer Khan 7 Atul Singha Effect of enriched material (Tata Geo Green) & FYM along with graded level of chemical fertilizer on the quality and yield of potato (Solanumtuberosum L.) Precision Horticulture and Sustainability Effect of mulches on growth and yield of Sponge gourd (Luffa clyndrica L.) cv. Pusa chikni Seasonal variations of dehydrogenase activity and soil organic carbon in high density guava orchard 8 M.N. Baviskar Effect of Bio-organics and Mineral Fertilizers on Soil Biological Properties, Fruit Yield and Quality of Sapota Poster Presentation 9 R. K. Dewangan EFFECT OF DIFFERENT MULCHES ON GROWTH, YIELD AND QUALITY OF FIG Poster Presentation 10 Jagadeesha. Mulagund EFFECT OF POST-SHOOTING SPRAYS OF SULPHATE OF POTASH AND GROWTH REGULATORS ON BUNCH CHARACTERISTICS AND YIELD OF BANANA CV. NENDRAN Poster Presentation 11 Raghuveer M Precision Farming: Scope, present status and strategies for horticultural crops Poster Presentation 12 Bandana, J. S. Chandel Effects of foliar spray of gibberellic acid, CPPU and urea on apple nursery production under protected conditions Poster Presentation 6 Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation 13 Neeraj Kumar Effect of different sources of organic manures and biofertilizers on growth, yield and quality of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) Cv. Chandler Poster Presentation 14 Vikas Kumar Precision Farming in Horticulture: an innovative tool for higher crop production Poster Presentation 15 Amit kumar verma Effect of organic manures and biofertilizers on growth and quality of black carrot (Daucus carota L.) Cv Pusa Ashita Poster Presentation 16 Sandeep Kumar Rajvanshi ROLE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY FOR DEVELOPMENT OF HORTICULTURE Poster Presentation 17 V. K. Sharma Soil Test Based N, P and K Fertilizer Prescription under Integrated Plant Nutrient System for Cowpea in Delhi Poster Presentation 18 Tarun Adak Assessment of pore water conductivity in different fertigation regimes in Dashehari mango orchard Poster Presentation 19 Dr.B.S.Rajput EFFECT OF VARIOUS ORGANIC MANURES ON GROWTH, YIELD, QUALITY AND STORAGE LIFE OF ONION (Allium cepa L.) Poster Presentation 20 Amar Singh Poster Presentation 21 Priyamvada Sonkar 22 Saurabh Kumar EFFECT OF FOLIAR SPRAY OF NUTRIENTS ON FRUIT DROP, YIELD AND QUALITY OF MANGO (Mangifera indica L.) FRUTS CV. AMRAPALLI To screen out the promising mulch material and ideal spacing for runner productioninstrawberry cv. Chandler under Lucknow conditions EFFECT OF FOLIAR FEEDING OF NUTRIENTS AND PLANT GROWTH REGULATORS ON PHYSICOCHEMICAL ATTRIBUTE OF PHALSA (Grewia subinaequalis D.C.) 23 Bijendra Kumar Singh Poster Presentation 24 B. Rajasekhar Reddy Effect of Irrigation and fertigation in highdensity mango (Mangifera indica L.) Variation for fruit characters under polyhouse and open field conditions in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) 7 Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation 25 Kulveer Singh Yadav Cultivation of floricultural crops under Protected or Greenhouse condition Poster Presentation 26 Satish Chand Performance of Air Layering in Litchi cultivars as Influenced by IBA Concentrations and Application Dates Poster Presentation 27 VISHWANATH EFFECT OF LOW TUNNEL POLYHOUSE ON RAISING OF Poster Presentation EARLY SEEDLINGS OF WATER MELON (Citrulluslanatus THUMB) Cv.MADHURI 28 Anil Kumar 29 DileepkumarTiwari 30 Effect of Organic manures, Bio-fertilizer and Micronutrients on Growth, Yield and Quality of Onion (Allium cepa.) cv. NHRDF red-2 Effect of foliar feeding of nutrients on yield and quality of aonla (Emblica officinalisGaertn) cv. Chakaiya Poster Presentation Ahamad Hassan Effect of micro nutrients on yield and quality of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassaDuch) cv. Chandler Poster Presentation 31 Abha Mishra Poster Presentation 32 PurnimaGautam 33 RubeeLata 34 Jagadeesha. Mulagund 35 Sudhir Singh ASSESSMENT OF INTERACTIONS OF PLANT GROWTH WITH FISH GUANO, AN ORGANIC FERTILIZER Yield and quality response of aonla (EmblicaofficinalisGaertn) cv. Chakaiya to foliar application of plant growth regulators and micro-nutrients Integration of biofertilizers to Ensure Fresh Strawberry Production in Central Uttar Pradesh EFFECT OF POST-SHOOTING SPRAYS OF SULPHATE OF POTASH AND CERTAIN GROWTH REGULATORS ON BUNCH CHARACTERS AND FRUIT YIELD OF BANANA CV. NENDRAN (AAB) Biofertilizers in vegetable cultivation 36 D. Singh Poster Presentation 37 Shakti 38 A. Kumar ECONOMIC UTILIZATION OF SODIC LAND THROUGH OFF SEASON VEGETABLE CULTIVATION UNDER PROTECTED CONDITION Organic Food: New Way Of Healthy Living Effect of Bio-Fertilizer on Morphological and Nutritional Status of Aonla (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) Seedling and Grafted Plants 8 Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation List of Abstracts accepted for poster presentation for Symp Hort -2014 and their presenting author 04. Post-harvest Handling, Food Technology and Value Addition in Horticultural Crops Sl.No. Frist auther 1 Shivanand Rayar 2 Shivanand Rayar 3 M. L. Meena 4 M.L. Meena 5 Ramesh Kumar Maurya 6 Anupam Tiwari 7 Ramvachan 8 RAM KUMAR YADAV 9 Chandrahas R. Vishwasrao 10 Satyendra Singh Narvariya 11 D. Navya Sri 12 N. Vasure 13 Rakesh Kumar Meena 14 Hari Ram Title Poster Presentation Effect of pre-treatments on quality and stability of dehydrated red onion slices Cv. Arka Kalyan during storage Influence of varieties on physical characteristics of dehydrated red onion slices Postharvest Physiology of Jamun (Syzigium cumini Skeels) under Modified Atmosphere Packaging Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Jamun-Fruits to Different Storage Conditions Poster Presentation Scope and Future prospects of Post harvest technology (PHT) in Horticultural crops in India Processed horticultural waste – a hope for future To preparation of Guava jelly and its Nutrition analysis Horticultural beverages are alternative to synthetic drinks Poster Presentation Studies in post-harvest ripening-associated changes in fruit of Manilkarazapotavar. Kalipatti without and with edible coating Effect of cushioning and wrapping materials during post harvest storage for extending shelf life of mango (Mangiferaindica L.) Improvement in Quality and colour of guava fruit bar with red fleshed variety ‘Lalit’ INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT VARIETIES AND DRYING METHODS ON QUALITY OF AONLA POWDER Unnecessary Harmful Chemical Preservatives Poster Presentation STANDARDIZATION OF RECIPE AND JUICE EXTRACTION METHOD FOR PREPARATION OF READY-TO-SERVE BEVERAGE FROM SAPOTA (Achras sapota L.) cv. KALIPATTI Poster Presentation 9 Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation 15 Rachna Singla 16 K. Dhinesh Babu 17 Dhiru Kumar Tiwari 18 Rajni Goel 19 Akhilendra Verma 20 PRIYA AWASTHI 21 A. D. Mhaske 22 K. Rama Krishna 23 Rajendra Kumar 24 Deepa Lal 25 Ila Gaur 26 Pranav Kumar Mishra 27 Asmita 28 Pintu lal Meena 29 Ankit Pandey 30 DayalBhawana Storage performance of hot water and sodium bicarbonate treated Kinnow mandarin fruits under ambient conditions Determination of maturity indices for harvesting of pomegranate Studies on development and storage of value added Bael syrup beverages incorporated with Aloe vera Studies on processing and storage of bael beverages Poster Presentation Response of Different Concentration of Gasses on Storage Life of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) Post harvest management of guava cv. Sardar by enhancing shelf- life through the application of different nutrients PREPARATION OF HONEY BASED HERBAL BANANA POWDER BY OSMOAIR DRYING Effect of chitosan coating on the physical characteristics of guava (Psidiumguajava L.) fruits during low temperature storage Storage studies of aonla fruit products for quality traits Maturity and shelf-life of Kinnow mandarin as influenced by plant bio-regulators and nutrient application IMPORTANCE OF LYCOPENE FOR PASTE FORMATION Minimizing post harvest losses of horticultural crops through better postharvest techniques Influence of foliar application of zinc and copper on growth and post-harvest life of Asiatic lily Effect of Different Packaging Materials on Shelf Life of Guava Cultivars Poster Presentation Development of protocols for successful production of Tomato Powder CURING ROLE OF UNDERUTILIZED PLANTS AT HOUSEHOLD LEVEL Poster Presentation 10 Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation 31 Om Singh 32 MunniGond 33 PRASHANT PRIYADARSHI 34 NEEHARIKA KANTH 35 Daniel Madhvi Evaluation of Sugar and Stevia Ratio and Standardization of recipe for preparation of low calorie beverages Principles and Practices of Preservation in relation to Horticultural crops INNOVATIONS IN REDUCING WASTAGE OF AGRICULTURE PRODUCE POST HARVESTING Effect of post harvest dip treatments on physico- chemical characteristics and shelf life of litchi fruits (Litchi chinensisSonn.) cv. Rose Scented VITAMIN-A FORTIFICATION OF A DAIRY PRODUCT USING UNDERUTILIZED BEETROOT LEAVES Delegates are requested to kindly register at the earliest please. 11 Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation List of Abstracts accepted for poster presentation for Symp Hort -2014 and their presenting author 5. Underexploited and Exotic Horticultural Crops Sl.No. Title Morphological Changes during different stages of fruit development in date palm cultivars ExploitingNutritional Security from Underutilized Vegetables MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF JACK BEAN – AN UNDER EXPLOITED VEGETABLE EFFECT OF FOLIAR APPLICATION OF DIFFERENT CHEMICALS ON YIELD AND QUALITY OF POMEGRANATE (Punica granatum L.) Cv. Bhagawa Morphological and Physical Changes Associated with Growth and Development of Pomegranate Fruit (Punica granatum L.) Effect of IBA Concentrations on The Rooting of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) cv. Ganesh Hardwood Cuttings Under Mist house Condition Promising Annona genotypes selection from Western Maharashtra Poster Presentation Poster Presentation 1 Frist auther B.M. Muralidhara 2 Jagdeep Chaurasiya 3 Pradeepthi L 4 Manish Dewangan 5 V. S. Supe 6 K K Singh 7 Y. S. Saitwal 8 Shiv Shankar Verma Salinity tolerance studies in ber (Zizyphus mauritiana Lamk.) Poster Presentation 9 R.S. Boora Diversity in Ber Varieties in Irrigated Ecosystem of Northern India Poster Presentation 10 Abhishek Singh Underexploited Vegetable Biodiversity in India Poster Presentation 11 TsewangRinchen Study of indigenous leafy vegetables of cold desert-Ladakh (Jammu & Kashmir), India Poster Presentation 12 Hemlata Pandey Nutritional Qualities of Lesser Known GLV Molokhia Poster Presentation 13 KushwahaShalini Combating micronutrients deficiencies through underutilized green leafy vegetables Poster Presentation 14 Tara Chandra Ram Biochemical and morphological characterization of some varieties ofClitoriaternatea(L.) a multipurpose legumecollected from AchanakmarAmarkantak Biosphere reserve- Central highland, India. Poster Presentation Delegates are requested to kindly register at the earliest please. 12 Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation List of Abstracts accepted for poster presentation for Symp Hort -2014 and their presenting author 6. Horticulture for Environment and Society Sl.No. 1 Frist auther Deepa H. Dwivedi Title A CASE STUDY ON THE FLOWER MARKET OF LUCKNOW Performance of chrysanthemum varieties in Saurashtra region of Gujarat RESPONSE OF CARNATION (DIANTHUS CARYOPHYLLUS L.) VARIETIES TO FOLIAR SPRAY OF NUTRIENTS (NPK) UNDER PROTECTED CONDITION Effect of Chemical solutions on Vase life, Quality Parameters and Biochemical Parameters of Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii Bolus ex. Hooker F.) cv. Pink and Red Star Effect of Organic Manures and Inorganic Fertilizers on Growth and Flowering in Gladiolus Cv. Tiger Flame Poster Presentation Poster Presentation 2 K. D. Patel 3 Madhuri, G 4 ChouhanPreeti 5 Anurag Bajpay 6 Palmsey Sangma Evaluation of warm season turfgrasses under Delhi agro-climatic conditions Poster Presentation 7 P. K. Kejkar Poster Presentation 8 DarshanShashankKadam 9 Santosh kumar 10 Mukesh Babu Effect of NPK on growth and flower yield of ratoon spider lily (Hymenocallislittoralis L.) cv. Local Exotic Heliconias a speciality cut-flower and ornamental for landscaping IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN INDIAN HORTICULTURE Water chestnut: A potential crop for management of wetlands and food security 11 T.CHOUDHARY Poster Presentation 12 D. V. S. Raju 13 Prabhat Kumar 14 Govind Vishwakarma1 EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE, PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL TREATMENTS ON DORMANCY BREAKING, GERMINATION AND VIGOUR OF GLORIASA SUPERBA Plant architecture management for scheduling flowering in Tageteserecta cv. PusaNarangiGainda Weed manangement in Tagetes patula cv. Pusa Arpita IMPACT OF GLOBAL WARMING ON PRODUCTION AND QUALITY OF FRUITS 13 Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation 15 Rati Ram 16 A.Girwani 17 M. K. Mahadik 18 Mital Vaghasia 19 K. Pavan Kumar1 20 P. Pavan Kumar 21 SAIDULU YELUGURI 22 A.K. Singh1 23 Raimani Hembrom 24 Ritu Jain 25 RESPONSE OF NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND SPACING ON GROWTH, FLOWERING AND BULB PRODUCTION OF HEMEROCALLIS (Hemerocallis fulva) Effect of staggered planting on round the Year Production of Gladiolus Under Deccan plateau INFLUENCE OF NITROGEN AND POTASSIUM ON GROWTH AND YIELD OF GLADIOLUS CORMS Effect of plant growth retardants on growth, flowering and yield of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.) cv. IIHR-6 Effect of planting distance and pinching on flowering and yield in Cina aster (Callistephus chinensis L. Nees) cv. Kamini Maintenance, Conservation and Morphological Characterization of Elite Bougainvillea Germplasm Poster Presentation EFFECT OF PRE-HARVEST FOLIAR SPRAYS, PACKAGING AND STORAGE TEMPERATURES ON STORABILITY OF MARIGOLD LOOSE FLOWERS (Tagetes erecta L.) CV. PUSA NARANGI GAINDA Response of pinching and nitrogen to growth, flowering and seed yield in African marigold Response of foliar application of iron and zinc to growth, corm and cormel yield in gladiolus cv. American Beauty Dwarfing bougainvillea for pot purpose Poster Presentation Sandeep Kumar Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth behaviour of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa Linn) cv. Hyderabad Double. Poster Presentation 26 S.K. Sharma Nutrient management practices for cultivating Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.) in partially degraded sodic land Poster Presentation 27 Dhram Buddhi GREEN CLOD CHAIN SOLUTION Poster Presentation 28 Namita Water use efficiency in Turfgrasses using superabsorbent polymers Poster Presentation Delegates are requested to kindly register at the earliest please. 14 Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation List of Abstracts accepted for poster presentation for Symp Hort -2014 and their presenting author 07. Horticultural Crops as Nutraceuticals and Pharmaceuticals Sl.No. 1 Frist auther AMARESWARI.B Title CULTIVATION OF MEDICINAL PLANTASHWAGANDHA (WITHANIA SOMNIFERA) Nutraceutical Properties of Pineapple Guava (Feijoa sellowiana berg.) Observation on Horticultural Plants as Neutraceuticals and Pharmaceuticals of District Hamirpur – A sub Himalayan Tropical Region of Himachal Pradesh (India) Post Harvest Management in Stevia for obtaining High Percentage of Steviol Glycoside Content Health Benefit of Cowpea Effect of different row ratio on yield and economics in intercrops (Maize) with citronella (Cymbopogon winterianus) Poster Presentation Poster Presentation 2 G.L. Veena 3 Gulshan kumar 4 Prawal Pratap Singh Verma 5 6 Pushkar singh patel Brijesh Kumar Verma 7 Pooja Verma Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG) - A Cardioprotective Component of Flaxseed Poster Presentation 8 Mula Pratapa Reddy Linseed- a nutritional punch (Omega–3, Omega–6 Fatty Acids and SDG) Poster Presentation 9 10 Md. Abu Nayyer Bhagauti Prasad Neutraceutical phytochemicals of fruit crops Nutraceutical values of coriander Poster Presentation Poster Presentation 11 Nirmal Singh Poster Presentation 12 Ram, D A Medicinal and Neutraceutical Potency of Genus Momordica EFFECT OF FYM AND SPACING ON HERBAGE YIELD AND OIL QUALITY OF OCIMUM (OCIMUM BASILICUM L.) 13 Asha, K.M Edible flowers a potential source of mineral elements in human nutrition Poster Presentation 14 Debendra Biswal Bitter gourd and its Nutraceutical Importance Poster Presentation 15 Amit Alexander Charan1 Antibacterial activity of Methanolic and Diethylether extracts of Piper betle and Zanthoxylumkhasianum Poster Presentation 16 Abhijeet Srivastava NATURAL ESSENTIAL OILS: A COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL Poster Presentation 17 18 Shashankverma Kanaram Sodh Uses of Pomegranates Medicinal properties & spice value of Ginger (Zingiber officinalis) Poster Presentation Poster Presentation 19 Amit Kumar Medicinal properties & spice value of Cumin (cuminum cyminum) Poster Presentation 15 Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation Poster Presentation List of Abstracts accepted for poster presentation for Symp Hort -2014 and their presenting author 08. Entrepreneurship for Farmers, Self Employment and IPR Sl.No. 1 Frist auther N. A. Ganai Title Vegetable Growing in Kashmir: A Profitable Enterprise Poster Presentation Poster Presentation 2 Laxmipriya sahoo Poster Presentation 3 Rajneesh Srivastava Strengthening farmwomen’s role in quality seed production of vegetables Popularizing Vegetable Hybrids: A Challenging Scenario for Public Sector 4 Manoj Kumar Sahu Yield performance of Onion var. Nasik Red Multilocation Demonstration Under Narayanpur District of Chhattisgarh. Poster Presentation 5 Asim Kumar A WELL-KNITTED AGRO SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT AS A PRECURSOR TO GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF HORTICULTURE: Poster Presentation 6 Raj Narayan Urban Farming though Horticulture Needed an Urgent Attention Poster Presentation 7 K.K.Pramanick Strawberry Cultivation – A boon to the Home Garden and Urban Development Poster Presentation 8 9 R. A. Lone Laxmipriya sahoo Preference of farmers for flower cultivation Strengthening farmwomen’s role in quality seed production of vegetables Poster Presentation Poster Presentation 10 TEJRAJ SINGH HADA FOLIAR FEEDING OF DIFFERENT LEVELS OF BORON AND ZINC ON FRUITING, YIELD, ECONOMICS AND QUALITY PARAMETER OF WINTER SEASON GUAVA Poster Presentation Delegates are requested to kindly register at the earliest please. 16 Poster Presentation List of Abstracts accepted for poster presentation for Symp Hort -2014 and their presenting author 09. Innovative Technologies in Horticulture Sl.No. 1 Frist auther T. Padmalatha Title Effect of foliar sprays of plant growth regulators on corm production and vase life in gladiolus Poster Presentation Poster Presentation 2 Manoj Kumar Maurya Bio-priming of horticultural crop seeds through biocontrol agents (BCAs) Poster Presentation 3 Amar singh Poster Presentation 4 BRIJESH RANJAN Advantages of Micro-propagation Technology in Fruit Crops ROLE OF ENDOPHYTES AS ANTIOXIDANT AND ITS USED IN THE CROP PRODUCTION 5 Anita Gautam Solar Box: An Innovation in Safe Drying of Fresh Vegetables Through Low Cost Solar Box Poster Presentation 6 Anjali Tiwari Effects of Agro-forestry systems in improving soil health Poster Presentation 7 Narendra Singh Effect of genotypes and planting date on the yield and quality of onion bulb produced through sets at high altitude Poster Presentation 8 Shweta Singh Innovative Production System for Betelvine (Piper betle L.) Poster Presentation Delegates are requested to kindly register at the earliest please. 17 Poster Presentation List of Abstracts accepted for poster presentation for Symp Hort -2014 and their presenting author 10. Innovation in Production Technology Sl.No. Frist auther 1 Rahul Maurya Title Impact of Climate Change on Production and Productivity of Mango Poster Presentation Poster Presentation 2 Chandan Kumar Characterization of salt-affected soils of Main Experiment Station of the University Poster Presentation 3 Vedprakash Sen Effect of potash and varietal response on growth and yield attributes in brinjal(Solanummelongena L.) Poster Presentation 4 Jagendra Pratap Singh Poster Presentation 5 Satyendra Tiwari EFFECT OFDIFFRENT SOURCES OF POTASSIUM AND UREA ON FRUIT YIELD AND QUALITY OF AONLA (Emblica officinalis Gaertn) CV. CHAKAIYA EVALUATION OF SUMMER GREENGRAM (VIGNA RADIATA L.) FOR THEIR ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY, NUTRIENT CONTENT AND SOIL FERTILTY 6 M. K. Sahu Yield Performance of Amorphophallus Variety under Multilocational Demonstration in Narayanpur District of Chhattisgarh Poster Presentation 7 Naga Sivaiah K INFLUENCE OF MICRONUTRIENTS APPLICATION ON GROWTH AND SEED YIELD IN TOMATO (Lycopersicon esculentum MILL.) Poster Presentation 8 V. K. Tripathi Poster Presentation 9 D. C. Meena Efficacy of integrated nutrient management in ratoon of tissue cultured banana Improvement of growth, yield and quality of tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L.) cv. Azad T-6 with foliar application of Zinc and Boron 10 Raut Shriruddha Aniruddha EFFECT OF TIME AND INTENSITY OF PRUNING ON YIELD AND QUALITY OF GUAVA (Psidium guajava L.) Cv. Sardar. Poster Presentation 11 Dhirender Pratap Singh Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on Growth, Yield and Quality of Carrot (Daucus carota L.) cv. Pusa Rudhira Poster Presentation 12 Harikanth Porika Effect of pruning severity on quality of grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) cv. Red Globe in winter season. Poster Presentation 13 NavaldeyBharti Estimation of Growth and Quality of Onion in Response to Three Planting Dates and Sulphur Fertilization Poster Presentation 18 Poster Presentation Poster Presentation 14 Madhubala Thakre Effect of Nutritional Doses and Canopy Position on Fruit Quality of Kinnow Mandarin Harvested in Mid January Poster Presentation 15 NavPrem Singh Effect of Girdling on leaf nutrient status in pear cultivars ‘Patharnakh’ and ‘Punjab Beauty’ under sub tropics of North India Poster Presentation 16 Tanjeet Singh Chahal STUDY ON PROPAGATION OF CARRIZO ROOTSTOCK THROUGH CUTTING Poster Presentation 17 Krishna Kumar Mishra Studies on changes during growth and development of phalsa (Grewia subinaequalis D.C.) fruit Poster Presentation 18 Dileep Kumar STUDIES OF INTEGRATED NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT ON PHYSICO-CHEMICAL CHARECTERS OF STRAWBERRY (Fragaria x ananassa Duch) Cv. CHANDLER Poster Presentation 19 Namrta Singh IMPORTANCE OF WATER MANAGEMENTS FOR QUALITY PRODUCTION OF NURSERY PLANTS IN HORTICULTURE Poster Presentation Delegates are requested to kindly register at the earliest please. 19