Part qualified application form


Part qualified application form
Part qualified application form
Please return your completed application, together with the additional information as highlighted in the checklist at the end of this
form, to the Membership Support team at Association of Accounting Technicians, 140 Aldersgate Street, London, EC1A 4HY.
Alternatively, email us at [email protected]
You must complete all sections to avoid delaying your application. Please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS.
Your details
Reference number (if known)
First name(s)
Surname / last name
Daytime telephone number
Mobile number
Email Date of birth
dd / mm / yyyy
Please tick here if you are happy for us to contact you by email about your application.
Please tell our Membership Support team immediately if you change your address, quoting your reference number.
Educational history
Please indicate below which professional body you are associated with.
Professional body Membership number
Tick if you hold the ICEAW CFAB certificate. please see the professional bodies guidance for the unit prerequisites. For office use only
Post approval
Your employment
Are you in employment? Yes
Does your role involve finance or accounting related activities?
Do you undertake accounting work on a self-employed basis?
If you are not employed, please tell us your current status
Your job title Department
Start date
dd / mm / yyyy
Company / business name
Telephone number
Work email
Hours worked per week
Salary (for statistical purposes only)
Which sector best describes your organisation? Please tick one box only.
Central government
Ministry of Defence (MoD)
Banking / finance / insurance
National Health Service (NHS)
Local government Accountancy practice
Other (please specify)
If you undertake any self employed work, you will be required to join the AAT members in practice scheme.
Employer contact
If you would like us to tell your line manager about your success when you become a full member, please complete their details below.
If you would prefer us not to contact them, please tick this box.
Please tell us the name of your immediate line manager to help us promote your achievement.
Other (please specify)
First name(s)
Surname / last name
Job title
Daytime telephone number
Designatory letters of professional membership held (if applicable)
AAT membership number (if applicable)
Your line manager can also receive regular updates on AAT products and services. If you do not want your line manager to receive
this information please tick this box. Your employer will be contacted to confirm their acceptance.
Your professional reference
You need to provide a third party professional reference of your suitability for full membership and commitment to AAT. Your nominated referee
will need to complete and sign the professional reference below. Your referee must have worked in a position which is immediately senior to
you for a period of at least six months in either your current or most recent position.
I can confirm that I have known the applicant for at least six months in a professional capacity and I can recommend the
applicant for full membership of AAT. I can confirm that the applicant displays the characteristics necessary to meet AAT’s Code of Professional Ethics
You can view this by visiting
Before adding your signature, please make sure that you have ticked the appropriate boxes above.
dd / mm / yyyy
Complete contact details for professional referee if different to Employer contact section above
Other (please specify)
First name(s)
Surname / last name
Job title
Company / business name
Daytime telephone number
Professional relationship to applicant*
Designatory letters of professional membership held (if applicable)
AAT membership number (if applicable)
*For example: Line manager, Head of Department, AAT member in practice, chartered/certified accountant (if applicant is self-employed).
Work experience
You will need show your competence in the workplace. Please download the Workplace competence guidance and examples and complete
the Workplace competence form.
Book your professional competence test
For you to sit the PCT, your line manager (or another appropriate contact) will need to:
• provide a quiet location for you to complete the test, equipped with a suitable internet enabled computer with AAT’s client software installed
• enter an access code (provided via email by AAT) at the start of your test
• verify, on completion, that you sat the test personally and without assistance.
We will need to contact the person administering and invigilating your PCT before you sit the test.
Tick if your PCT invigilator is the same as your employer contact Tick if your PCT invigilator is the same as your professional referee
If neither of the above, please provide details of your PCT invigilator.
Other (please specify)
First name(s)
Surname / last name
Job title
Daytime telephone number
Designatory letters of professional membership held (if applicable)
AAT membership number (if applicable)
Please agree with your PCT invigilator when you would like to sit the PCT. You can sit the PCT at any time of day, but restricted to Tuesdays,
Wednesdays and Thursdays. Your chosen date should be at least 12 working days after submission of your application form.
PCT date dd / mm / yyyy
Alternatively, you may wish to visit the AAT head office to be invigilated for the PCT. If interested, tick here.
Data Protection Act
By registering as a full member with AAT, you consent to the use of any data you provide (including name, address, phone numbers and email
addresses) for the purpose of administering your membership and providing you with information about AAT.
Your details may also be used to provide you with opportunities from other carefully selected third party organisations and companies.
Please tick this box if you do not wish to receive these communications. You can also opt out at a later date.
Suitability assessment
If you tick ‘Yes’ for any of these statements, please send full written details with your application. For guidance on the information you will
need to provide, visit
I have been declared bankrupt
I have been subject to a debt relief order Yes
I have entered into an agreement with my creditors
I have been convicted of a criminal offence which is not spent under The Rehabilitation of Offenders ActYes
I have been found guilty of a civil offence
I have been issued with a County Court Judgment
I have been found guilty of misconduct by another awarding or professional body
(Examples of civil offences include those under the Companies Act, health and safety legislation or UK tax laws.)
If you have ticked ‘Yes’ to one or more of the statements above and have previously disclosed this
information to AAT, please tick this box to confirm your circumstances have not changed.
To read a copy of our Disciplinary Regulations and the wider policy framework, please visit
Scheme for members in practice
I am providing accountancy (including bookkeeping), taxation or related consultancy
services on a self-employed basis.
If you answered ‘No’, please tick this box to confirm you understand that you must be registered on the scheme
for members in practice prior to offering any accountancy (including bookkeeping), taxation or related consultancy services.
Your declaration
I confirm that the information in this application (or supporting it) is
true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I agree that:
detection of and prevention of criminal activities, AAT may disclose
information about me to the relevant Government agencies.
i.if at any time I become aware that any information in this
application (or supporting it) is incorrect or if it changes in any way,
I will notify AAT immediately
I understand fully how information provided on this form, or in other
correspondence with AAT will be used, particularly any sensitive data
pertaining to my health, ethnicity, criminal or civil offences, disciplinary
record and employment details.
ii.if any information in this application (or supporting it) is incorrect,
the application may be invalid and AAT’s Council shall not be
bound by any decision it has reached based on such information
iii.AAT shall be entitled to suspend any membership granted on the
basis of information in the application (or supporting it) whilst it
investigates any reasonable concerns about my eligibility for
such membership
iv.I may be liable to disciplinary action by AAT in respect of any
information in this application (or supporting it) which is incorrect.
I agree that as part of any disciplinary investigation or proceedings
carried out by AAT, it may use the information in this form, contact
relevant third parties to request information, and disclose to
governmental and other professional bodies: the alleged misconduct,
the findings of its investigations, and the outcome of disciplinary
proceedings. I agree that AAT may publicise disciplinary orders and the
facts relating to them in accordance with the Disciplinary Regulations in
force from time to time.
I agree that as long as I remain an AAT full member, I shall abide by
the provisions of the Articles of Association, the Code of Professional
Ethics, the Disciplinary Regulations, the byelaws and all other policies
and regulations of AAT in force from time to time, and that I will use
the designatory letters ‘MAAT’ only while I remain an AAT full member.
I understand that the words ‘full member’ in this application shall refer
to the capacity of member, as defined in the Articles of Association.
I understand if I become self-employed during the course of my
membership I will register on the scheme for members in practice,
in accordance with the Member in practice regulations and guidance.
I agree to comply with AAT’s CPD policy for the duration of my
membership and to demonstrate such compliance when requested
to do so by AAT. If I fail to comply or demonstrate such compliance,
l will be liable to disciplinary action. AAT’s CPD policy and
accompanying guidance are available at
I agree that when necessary to fulfil its role as a supervisory authority
pursuant to The Money Laundering Regulations 2007 or for the
I agree to inform AAT, within 30 days, if I become insolvent and/or
convicted under The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act. I understand
that failure to do so shall amount to misconduct.
dd / mm / yyyy
Application fees
The one-off admission fee of £45, includes the PCT assessment cost.
The 2014 AAT full membership fee is £136. This is renewable annually on the first day of the month you are elected.
Your payment
AAT accepts all Mastercard, Visa, Maestro and Electron cards. We do not accept American Express or Diners. To pay by credit/debit card,
please complete the following details. Please note we cannot accept application forms containing credit card details via email or fax.
All card details are handled in accordance with PCI compliance and destroyed confidentially after use.
I authorise you to charge my credit/debit card with the amount of
Cardholder’s name
Card number
Card type (please tick one)
CCV/CVC no. (last three digits on reverse) Issue no. (if applicable)
Visa Debit
Cardholder’s signature
Start date mm / yy
Expiry date
mm / yy
dd / mm / yyyy
Tick this box if you would like a receipt
Register to pay by Direct Debit
All initial admission and membership fees are collected in full upon joining. If you would like your future annual membership fees to be
collected in installments by Direct Debit, please indicate the number of installments below and complete the Direct Debit instruction opposite.
I would like to pay my future annual membership fees in: (tick one box only)
One instalment
Three instalments
Four instalments
(Additional instalments will be collected over consecutive months when the fee becomes due.)
This page has been left blank intentionally.
Instruction to your
bank or building society
to pay by Direct Debit
Please fill in the whole form using a ball point pen and send it to:
Association of Accounting Technicians
140 Aldersgate Street
Service user number
Name(s) of account holder(s)
Reference (AAT membership)
Bank/building society account number
Instruction to your bank or building society
Please pay AAT Direct Debits from the account detailed in this
Instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit
Guarantee. I understand that this Instruction may remain with AAT and, if
so, details will be passed electronically to my bank/building society.
Branch sort code
Name and full postal address of your bank or building society
To: The Manager
Bank/building society
Banks and building societies may not accept Direct Debit Instructions for some types of account
This guarantee should be detached and retained by the payer.
Direct Debit
• This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits
• If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit AAT will notify you 3 working days in advance of
your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request AAT to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and
date will be given to you at the time of the request.
• If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by AAT or your bank or building society, you are entitled to a full and
immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society
– If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when AAT asks you to
• You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be
required. Please also notify us.
Your checklist
Application section
I have completed, signed and dated the declaration.
Professional reference section
My professional referee has completed, signed and dated the professional reference section.
Workplace competence form
I have completed and attached my separate Workplace competence form, with verification from my employer.
Professional competency test
I have completed the request for my PCT, providing my preferred date and contact details for my invigilator.
Payment section
I have filled in my credit/debit card details for payment of my admission fee and first year of membership.
Direct Debit
I have completed the Direct Debit instruction and I agree for my future annual payments to be paid this way.
Evidence of qualification
I have enclosed evidence of my prior qualifications with an AAT recognised professional body.
We will confirm receipt of your application within 10 working days.
Returning your form
Association of Accounting Technicians 140 Aldersgate Street London EC1A 4HY
If you have any questions, please contact our Membership Support team on +44 (0)20 3735 2401.
Lines are open 09.00 to 17.00 (UK time), Monday to Friday.
Alternatively, email us at [email protected] or visit
Registered charity no. 1050724
Part qualified application form 70221014 - V3 - PDF