Willoughby Public School Newsletter DATES FOR THE COMING WEEK
Willoughby Public School Newsletter DATES FOR THE COMING WEEK
Willoughby Public School Newsletter Thursday 16 October 2014 Term: 4 Week: 2 DATES FOR THE COMING WEEK Thursday 16 October Friday 17 October Sunday 19 October Monday 20 to Fri 31 October Thursday 23 October Friday 24 October Wednesday 29 October Thursday 30 October Friday 31 October Monday 3 November Tuesday 4 November Wednesday 5 November Thursday 6 November Friday 7 November Monday 10 November Thursday 11 November Thursday 13 November Monday 17 to 28 November Monday 24 November Friday 28 Nov to 3 December Friday 5 December Monday 8 December Year 2 Band Blow Test Year 3 - 6 assembly - 3M & 3T Year 1 Symphony Concert - Ultimo WPS P&C Grounds Working Bee. 10am – 12pm classes: KM + 5D, KI + 4I, KG + 3T, KS + 3M, 1AC + 3U, 1T + 4D, 1D + 5M, 2R + 6R, 2T + 6S, 2MK + 4L Year 1 Group 1 1T, 3-6 MW, 4D, 4I, 4L, 4M, 4T Badger Swim School - North Sydney Year 2 Group 1 (2G, 2MK, 2R, 2S, 2T) Badger Swim School Kindy 2015 Information Night 6 pm in hall K - Year 2 assembly 1T - 9.00 am - 9.45 am Kindy Teddy Bear’s Picnic - Field of Mars Kindy Teddy Bear’s Picnic - Field of Mars Count Us In Music Event K - 6 Year 3 - 6 assembly - 5M World Teachers’ Day Kindy Orientation Day A - K - 9.30 to 10.45am Dr Shoe at Uniform Shop Mums’ Melbourne Cup Luncheon - Laurelbank Cottage Year 6 Long Reef Excursion with AUSECO Kindy Orientation Day L - Z - 9.30 to 10.45am Dr Shoe at Uniform Shop K - 2 assembly - KM & KS Year 6 Fete Kindy Orientation Day A - K - 9.30 to 10.45am Dr Shoe at Uniform Shop 8.30 - 9.30 am Year 5 End of Year Picnic Bowling and Movie at Chatswood Kindy Orientation Day L - Z - 9.30 to 10.45am Dr Shoe at Uniform Shop 8.30 - 9.30 am Year 3 - 6 assembly - 3D Year 1 Group 2 (1AC, 1BR, 1D, 1L, 1W) Badger Swim School Year 2 Group 2 (2W) Badger Swim School Year 3 Group 2 (3D, 3L, 3M, 3S, 3U, 3T) Kindergarten 8 day Swimming Program at Lane Cove Year 5 & Year 6 - Surf Education at Collaroy for 5 sessions Dr Shoe at the Uniform Shop 8.30 to 9.30am Annual School Chess Championship Year 6 End of year Picnic - Manly Kayak Centre Year 6 Dinner Dance 30-34 Oakville Road, Willoughby NSW 2068 Ph 9958 1355 Fax 9967 2381 Newsletter submissions by Monday 5.00 pm to: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Website: www.willoughby-p.schools.nsw.edu.au P&C Website: www.wpspandc.com.au PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE No one fails when they do their best. Anon Welcome back to term 4 and a special welcome for our new students and parents/carers. Teachers will be completing assessments in preparation for report writing, students will be involved in various activities such as swim school, surf education and various other sporting activities. Please read the diary at the front of the newsletter each week for important dates and information. The term 4 invoices and excursion notes will be given out shortly. A big thank you to Michelle Verhagen for doing a great job as relieving Principal while I was away and thank you to our other staff for their great jobs in relieving positions -- Klair Mikhael, Deanne Wedmore, Mandy Rodgers and Juliet Spence. K-2 Athletics Carnival The last Friday of last term K-2 had their Athletics Carnival. It was a terrific day filled with fun, sunshine and plenty of exercise. We had running races and relays on the high school oval, Rose Garden games and lots of other fun activities. A big thank you to Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 teams of dedicated teachers, Fran Graham – team leader, Harry, student helpers and parents/carers who worked so hard to make this a special day for all our students. Artworks Hugues Sineux has been working hard on our two new art installations and don’t they look fabulous. The gorgeous mural in area 2 brightens up the area and the area outside the K – 2 toilets will be a joy to walk through. Thank you Hugues for your outstanding artistic work. Spelling Star Congratulations to Andrew Zhou for reaching the Senior State Finals of the Premier’s Spelling Bee. Andrew will be competing Wednesday 5 November from 2pm to 6pm at Ultimo. Good luck Andrew – we are all behind you. Police Band The rain held off and we had a very entertaining concert from the Police Band on Tuesday morning. They played fabulous tunes from cartoons, videos and movies and their lead singer was terrific – thank you to the Police Band for coming to Willoughby, putting on a concert and workshopping with our students. Thank you to Lynn Donohue, Carolyn Brasher, the concert band coordinators and the team for organising this special event -- great job. Visiting Principals On Monday morning we will have a number of Principals from around the state visiting our school. There is a State conference later in the week for all Principals and I have been asked to show a group of them around our fabulous school and talk about what we do at Willoughby. Willoughby is held in very high regard throughout our community and the wider community. Principal’s Message After eight years at wonderful Willoughby and with a great deal of thought it is with mixed emotions that I announce that I will be retiring at the end of the year. I have always said that when my husband retires I will retire and now that time has come. I am giving plenty of notice so that there will be lots of time for the selection of a new Principal for Willoughby. I will let everyone know about the process as soon as I can. I look forward to working with our fabulous community for the remainder of the year. Patricia Petterson DEPUTY PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Staffing News At the end of last term Jenny Kirk, Phil Skurrie and I, completed the merit selection process and interviews for three permanent teaching positions in 2015. Two of the successful candidates are current Willoughby teachers, congratulations to Leigh Denton and Kylee Morgan and the third is Cassandra Stericker from Ermington PS. We look forward to welcoming Cassandra at the commencement of 2015. Uniform eStore The new uniform shop estore is open for business. For the convenience of those families who may not be able to shop personally, online shopping is now available at: https://wps-uniform-shop.myshopify.com/ The complete uniform is available. A huge thank you to Janice Choy and Lynda, Farzana and May for all their hard work in getting the eStore up and running. The Uniform Shop is located at the end of the wooden classroom opposite the entrance to the Kindergarten and Year 1 building. It is open each Wednesday and Friday from 8.30am to 9.30am. Preloved items are available at very reasonable prices. Students Leaving or Returning Late in 2015 At this time of year we start to plan for 2015. It is very important that we are able to determine an accurate number of student enrolments as this number impacts directly on the classes we form for the next year. If your child is leaving Willoughby in 2015 could you please write a note to your child’s teaching informing them of the date of their last day and the school they will be attending in 2015. Some families take extended holidays in January and February. If this is the case for your child and they will be returning late after the school commencement date, please also write a note to your child’s class teacher. Enrolment Dates for 2015 are: Year 1-6 Wednesday 28 January 2015 (New students will be given an appointment time) Kindergarten Monday 2 February 2015 (Kindy Best Start interviews from Tues 27 to Fri 30 Jan) Kindergarten 2015 Our Parent/Carer Information Night is on Monday 20 October at 6pm in the school hall. At this evening parents/carers will meet some of our current Kindergarten teachers and other staff, find out about the Kindergarten Program for 2015 and receive a school information booklet. Information about the Kindy Orientation Days in 2014 and enrolment will also be given. Dates for Kindergarten Orientation are: Monday 3 and Monday 10 November for those children with A-K surnames. Thursday 6 and Thursday 13 November for those children with L-Z surnames. All Kindy Orientation times start at 9.30am and finish by 10.45am. Students are encouraged to wear their Willoughby uniform and will meet outside the hall . Values Education This term we will focus on the importance of integrity. The value and indicators will be displayed in each classroom. We encourage all students at Willoughby: ● To be honest to yourself and trustworthy in the classroom, doing your work and attending to the task to the best of your ability. ● To be honest about the rights and responsibilities of yourself and others. ● To be a good friend, including others and being able to be trusted as a friend. ● To be trustworthy on messages, on excursions or representing the school in the community. Assemblies Our roster of K-2 and 3-6 assemblies will continue each week from 2pm. Parents and carers are welcome to attend these assemblies in the hall. Any changes to these times will be published in the Newsletter. Week Date Class 1T 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Thursday 23 October Please note the time is 9 to 9.45am. Thursday 30 October Thursday 6 November Thursday 13 November Thursday 20 November Thursday 27 November Thursday 4 December Tuesday 9 December 10 Thursday 11 December K-2 Presentation Day Assemblies: Kindy 9.10-10.00 am WPS hall Year 1 10.10-11.00 am WPS hall Year 2 11.30-12.30 pm WPS hall 3 5M KM & KS 3D No Assembly 4T No assembly 3-6 Presentation Day WGHS hall 9-11am Reduce, reuse, recycle Australians throw away 3.3 million tonnes of food every year – up to a quarter of the country's food supplies - mainly because we purchase too much. Consider planning your meals and only buy what you need. Reduce packaging in your child’s lunchbox and use re-usable containers rather than plastic wrap where possible. It also leaves our school grounds much cleaner! Michelle Verhagen CHRISTMAS CARD COMPETITION The Hon. Joe Hockey MP is running his annual Christmas card competition for students in the North Sydney area. There are three winners and these cards are used by Joe Hockey to send to community leaders across Australia. Winners will receive a gift voucher, a framed copy of their printed Christmas card with their artwork and extra copies of the printed cards to give to their own family and friends. This year’s theme is Friendship. Entries need to be on A4 sized paper and must have the student’s name, their class and their school written on the back. Pictures can be painted or drawn with pencil. If you would like to enter please give your entry to Mrs Leslie (3L) by Friday 7 November. No late entries will be collected. Margaret Leslie WPS P&C CHESS CLUB NEWS The 2014 edition of the annual Willoughby Public School Chess Championship will be held on Friday 5th December (Week 9) in the School Hall. Entry is open to everyone, so please put this date in your diaries now! Registration will open on the Chess Club website very soon. Got a question? Feel free to email us at [email protected] or visit our website http://www.wpspandc.com.au/chess/ Chess Club roster Tuesday 21st October: Dance / Newham / Saunders / Metcalfe WPS P&C BAND NEWS Band News and Rehearsal Supervision for Week Commencing 20 October Training Band Concert Band Performing Band Tuesday 21 October Monday 20 October Thursday 23 October Wednesday 22 October Friday 24 October F Crowther, B Hall, T Dellit S Best, P Basser (Walsh), W Li (Dong) A Hudson (Nouri-Azari), P Measday, K Howard A Constantian, M Cummins J Clear, J Grieves For details of the weekly rosters, please see the WPS P&C website: www.wpspandc.com.au/band/ Convenor – Caroline Herrman [email protected] Secretary – Nikki Templeton 0488 660816 [email protected] www.upstairsdownstairs.net.au WPS UNIFORM SHOP NEWS LAST CHANCE TO DONATE GIRLS’ UNIFORMS With the change of season and so many students wearing the new uniform, we’d love to help those in need by donating our preloved uniforms to Cana Communities, before Christmas. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Summer & winter dresses, white short sleeve shirts & maroon skorts. Clean, ironed, neatly folded and no plastic bags please. Good condition/no large paint stains. Please check the pockets. Use the box in the Office. (All other items should go directly to the uniform shop.) Thanks for your support. DR SHOE WILL BE AT THE UNIFORM SHOP ON THE FOLLOWING DATES Kindergarten orientation days Monday 10 November Thursday 13 November Friday 5 December 8.30-9.30 WPS BAND INFORMATION NIGHT Wednesday 29 October 6.30 pm in the WPS School Hall All parents/carers and children welcome Would your child like to join the WPS Training Band in 2015? Come along and find out more… The WPS band program is run by a happy, dedicated group of parents, with significant support from the school. The program gives children in Year 3 and up the opportunity to discover music and learn a musical instrument in a fun, group setting. The information night on Wednesday, 29 October is open to all interested parents and their children. The main intake for Training Band is children currently in Years 2 and 3 at Willoughby Public School, but older children are welcome. The Information Night will start at 6:30pm sharp and finish around 7:15pm. Parents will hear our Performing Band play, learn more about the instruments available and be introduced to what you need to know about the band program (such as costs, commitment, instrument choices and the process) plus, you can ask any questions you might have and meet some of the conductors. If you are unable to make it on the night, the information will be available on the Band section of the P&C website: www.wpspandc.com.au . For any queries, please contact: Nikki Templeton - Band Secretary Ph. 0488 660 816 [email protected] Caroline Herrman – Band Convenor Ph. 0414 414 466 [email protected] WILLOUGHBY PUBLIC SCHOOL P& C GROUNDS COMMITTEE YOUR SCHOOL NEEDS YOU Make sure WPS is a school we can all be proud of School Grounds Working Bee Sunday 19 October 10am - 12pm Come along and help our school look fabulous. No prior gardening experience necessary! The following classes are asked to come along to help out at the grounds working bee: KM + 5D, KI + 4I, KG + 3T, KS + 3M, 1AC + 3U, 1T + 4D, 1D + 5M, 2R + 6R, 2T + 6S, 2MK + 4L Bring: Shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, gloves, hats and a drink. Kids can bring bikes, scooters, skates and lots of energy. Morning tea will be provided and of course the ‘Big Lolly Hunt’ for the kids! (Cancelled if wet weather) Any questions contact [email protected]