Amy Krings, MSW
Amy Krings, MSW
Amy Krings, MSW 890 Edison Street Detroit, MI 48202 [email protected] 513-602-2390 EDUCATION University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Michigan Doctoral Degree in Social Work and Political Science (expected) May 2015 Dissertation: Building Bridges Where There’s Nothing Left to Burn: The Campaign for Environmental Justice within a Southwest Detroit Border Community Dissertation Committee Members: Lorraine M. Gutiérrez and Gregory B. Markus (Co-Chairs), Donald R. Kinder, Michael Spencer Master of Social Work (MSW) 2003 Community Organization (Concentration), Management of Human Systems (Minor), Communities and Social Systems (Practice Area) Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio Bachelor of Social Work (BSW), Peace Studies and Minority Studies (Minors). 2002 Cemanahuac Educational Community, Cuernavaca, Mexico Spanish language immersion 2001 The International Partnership for Service Learning and Leadership, Kingston, Jamaica Service learning semester. 2000 RESEARCH AND TEACHING INTERESTS Community organization, social movements, civic engagement and political participation, urban politics, economic and political inequality, environmental justice, social justice education, research methods, social policy, program evaluation, grant writing. FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship, Rackham Graduate School, University of Michigan. 2014 - 2015 Association for Community Organization and Social Administration (ACOSA) Emerging Scholar Annual Award 2014 Sweetland/ Rackham Dissertation Writing Institute Fellowship Amy Krings. Fall 2014. Page 1 2014 Irene and William Gambrill Fellowship, The University of Michigan School of Social Work Rackham Regent’s Fellowship 2014 2013 - 2014 Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) Outstanding Research Mentor Award Gerald R. Ford Fellowship, Department of Political Science. Rackham Centennial Spring / Summer Fellowship 2013 2012 - 2013 2012 Rosemary Sarri Scholarship in Management, Social Policy or Community Organization, The University of Michigan School of Social Work 2011 Margaret Dow Towsley Scholar Award, The Center for the Education of Women, The University of Michigan 2010 Regent Fellowship Award, Rackham Graduate School, The University of Michigan 2009 Kennedy Heights Community Council Resident of the Year 2006 The University of Michigan School of Social Work Merit Scholarship Graduated Magna Cum Laude, Xavier University 2002 – 2003 2002 Xavier University Service Fellowship 1998 – 2002 Charlotte Trowle Social Work Student of the Year Award, Xavier University 2002 Gudorf Women and Minority Studies Award, Xavier University 2002 National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Region VI Student of the Year 2002 GRANTS Rackham Graduate Student Doctoral Candidate Research Grant, The University of Michigan 2014 Rackham Spring / Summer Research Grant, The University of Michigan (declined) 2012 Rackham Conference Travel Grant 2011, 2012 Rackham Graduate Student Pre-Candidate Research Grant, The University of Michigan 2011 Rackham Spring / Summer Research Grant, The University of Michigan 2011 Amy Krings. Fall 2014. Page 2 RESEARCH EXPERIENCE The Southwest Detroit Community Benefits Coalition: A Case Study 2011 - present Principle Investigator. Dissertation Research. • Developed and implemented the three-year ethnographic research design. • Collected, transcribed, and analyzed original data including in-depth interviews, field notes, and historical archives. • Supervised and mentored a team of research assistants. Michigan Multicultural Education Evaluation Program 2010 – 2013 Project Manager and Research Assistant for Social Work Professor Lorraine Gutiérrez • Funded in year one by the School of Social Work, year two by a Rackham Spring / Summer Research Grant, and year three by the Rackham Centennial Award. • Collected and analyzed quantitative and qualitative data using SPSS and NVivo. • First author of an article about the effects of social justice education pedagogies including service learning, intergroup dialogues, and lecture courses on political participation, civic engagement and multicultural activism (under review). • Co-author of article about what motivates young people to engage in community service (in preparation). • Oriented, trained, and supervised a team of MSW and undergraduate research interns in research skills including interviewing, transcribing, qualitative data, and how to complete a literature review. Shrinking Detroit: The View From Below Research Assistant for Political Science Professor Gregory B. Markus 2013 • Conducted in-depth, semi-structured interviews with elected officials, city planners, and non-profit managers, and community activists. • Trained and supervised a team of twelve undergraduate students in research skills including interviewing, transcription, and content analysis. • Publication in process. Organizing for Environmental Justice: A Comparative Study 2011 - 2012 Research Assistant for Social Work Professor Michael Spencer • Developed literature reviews summarizing social movement theories and empirical studies about community organizations and environmental injustice • Co-authored a published book chapter comparing environmental justice organizing in Hawaiian island of ‘Oahu with that of Southwest Detroit, Michigan. PUBLICATIONS Krings, A., Spencer, M.S., & Jimenez, K. (2014). Chapter 10 Organizing for environmental justice: From bridges to taro patches. In S. Dutta and C. Ramanathan (Eds.), Governance, Development and the Human Service Professions in the 21st century. 186-200. Rutledge Publishing. Krings, A. (2013). Rhomberg, C. (2012). Book Review of “The Broken Table: The Detroit Newspaper Strike and the State of American Labor”. Journal of Community Practice. 21(1-2), 162-164. Amy Krings. Fall 2014. Page 3 WORKING PAPERS Krings, A., Gutiérrez, L. M., Meier, E., & Webster, K. (revise and resubmit). The Effect of Social Justice Education on Political Participation, Civic Engagement, and Multicultural Activism. Krings, A. (intended submission October 2014). The Reproduction of Environmental Injustice: An Analysis of Power Dynamics within a Southwest Detroit Neighborhood’s Community Benefits Agreement Campaign. Mustafa, A., Krings, A., & Gutiérrez, L. M. (intended submission November 2014). What Motivates Young People to Engage in Community Service? Krings, A. (intended submission January 2015). Deciding to Build or Burn Bridges: Strategic Goal-Setting within an Environmental Sacrifice Zone. (in progress) Markus G. B. & Krings, A. (intended submission March 2014). Planning, Participation, and Power: The Struggle for the Soul of Detroit. CONFERENCE PAPERS AND POSTERS (PEER REVIEWED) Krings, A. (2014). “Local ‘Re-sistance’ within a Context of Extreme Inequality: The Promise and Limitations of Community Benefits Agreements for Making Economic Redevelopment Accountable.” Wayne State University ‘Re: The City’ Symposium. Panel Presentation. Detroit, MI. Krings, A. (2014). “Place-Based Community Organizing: Implications for Social Work Education.” Council for Social Work Education (CSWE) Annual Meeting. Panel Presentation and Panel Organizer. Tampa Bay, FL. Krings, A. & Gutiérrez, L. M. (2014). “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Scholarship and Education for Community Development Practice.” Paper Presentation. Community is the Answer Conference. Glasgow, Scotland. Krings, A. (2014). “How Power Dynamics Influence the Role of Social Work Community Practice in Sacrifice Zones.” Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Annual Meeting. Paper Presentation. San Antonio, TX. Krings, A. & Markus G. B. (2013). “The Provision of Goods and Services in Detroit: An Analysis of the Detroit Future City Plan”. Conference on Transnational Vulnerabilities in Governance, Employment, Health, and Education: Exploring Integrated Solutions for the US and Africa. Paper Presentation. Ann Arbor, MI. Krings, A. & Dowis S. (2013). “Decision-Making within Low-Income Communities Facing Undesirable Development: A Case Study from Southwest Detroit (2008 – 2012).” American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting Paper presentation. Chicago, IL. Amy Krings. Fall 2014. Page 4 Dowis, S. & Krings, A. (2013). “How Collective Historical Consciousness Shapes Political Rationality among Marginalized and Low-Resourced Community Organizations”. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Paper presentation. Champaign, IL. Krings, A., Markus, G. B., Grosso, B., & Karnovsky, S. (2013). “How Communities Strategically Adapt to ‘Shrinking’ Cities: A Comparative Case Study of the Detroit Works Project.” Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) Annual Meeting. Paper presentation. Chicago, IL. Krings, A., Matlen, S., & Velencia, J. (2012). “How a Marginalized Community Negotiates a Community Benefits Agreement.” National Institute of Health (NIH) Summit on the Science of Eliminating Health Disparities. Paper presentation. Washington, DC. Krings, A., Matlen, S., & Velencia, J. (2012). “Building Power and Critical Consciousness within a Context of Extreme Inequality.” National Institute of Health (NIH) Summit on the Science of Eliminating Health Disparities. Poster presentation. Washington, DC. Krings, A. & Spencer, M. “Organizing for Environmental Justice: From Bridges to Taro Patches.” (2012). Council for Social Work Education (CSWE) Annual Meeting. Paper presentation. Washington, DC. Krings, A., Gutiérrez, L. M., Meier, E., & Webster, K. (2012). “Does Social Justice Education Influence Political Participation, Civic Engagement, and Multicultural Activism?” Council for Social Work Education (CSWE) Annual Meeting. Paper presentation. Washington, DC. Krings, A. & Markus G. B, Russ, S., & Velencia, J. (2012). “Community Organization, Participatory Democracy, and Political Power: Insights from Participatory Action Research in Detroit.” American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting. Poster presentation. New Orleans, LA. Krings, A. & Spencer, M. (2012). “An Application of Social Movement Theory: Organizing for Environmental Justice.” American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting. Collective Behavior and Social Movements Roundtable. Denver, CO. Krings, A., Gutiérrez, L. M., Meier, E., & Webster, K. “APA Symposium: Engaging Students in Community Research and Action.” (2012). American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention. Paper presentation. Orlando, FL. Krings, A. (2012). “How Do Low-Resourced Community Organizations Build (Equitable) Strategic Alliances?” Symposium on Interdisciplinary Scholarship for Community Practice in the 21st Century. Poster presentation. Ann Arbor, MI. Krings, A., Kingra, A., & McClain, N. (2012). “How can a Low-Resourced Community Organization Build Allies, Neutralize Opponents and Influence Decision Makers? The Story of the Southwest Detroit Community Benefits Coalition.” Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) Annual Meeting. Poster presentation. Chicago, IL. Amy Krings. Fall 2014. Page 5 Krings, A., Gutiérrez, L. M., Meier, E., & Webster, K. (2012). “The Effect of Social Justice Education on Political Participation, Civic Engagement, and Multicultural Activism.” Ball State Diversity Research Symposium. Paper presentation. Muncie, IN. Pandit, S., Krings, A., & Gutiérrez, L. M. (2012). “What motivates young people to engage in community service?” Ball State Diversity Research Symposium. Poster presentation. Muncie, IN. SELECTED INVITED TALKS “Dialogue on Detroit: Learning from and with the Motor City”. (2014). University of Michigan Detroit School Series. Ann Arbor, MI. “Out of the Office and Into the Field: A Roundtable Discussion of Fieldwork in the Humanities and Social Sciences.” (2014). Wayne State University Humanities Center. Detroit, MI. “The Future of Detroit: Challenge, Promise, Opportunity.” (2013). Rackham Graduate School Donor Luncheon. Ann Arbor, MI. “Mentoring and the Joint Program in Social Work and Social Science.” (2013). University of Michigan School of Social Work Panel for First-Year Students. Ann Arbor, MI. “Mentoring Undergraduate Research Assistants.” (2013). The University of Michigan Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program orientation for new research sponsors. Ann Arbor, MI. “An Introduction to Community Based Qualitative Research.” (2013). The University of Michigan Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program Community Based Research Program. Detroit, MI. “An Introduction to Undergraduate Research in the Academy: The Do’s and Don’ts of Research Assistantship.” (2013.) The University of Michigan Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program Orientation for Research Assistants. Ann Arbor, MI. “Making Poverty and Inequality Visible: Doing Research That Matters.” (2013.) Panel Presentation. The Interdisciplinary Group on Poverty and Inequality Annual Conference. Ann Arbor, MI. “Gun Violence Reduction and Social Work: The Role of Community Based Practice.” (2013). Keynote speaker. Xavier University Social Work Department Annual Alumni Night. Cincinnati, OH. “Preventing Gun Violence: Implications for Social Work”. (2013). Panel Presentation. The University of Michigan School of Social Work Community Organization and Child Welfare Learning Community. Ann Arbor, MI. “Social Justice 101: Putting the Pieces Together.” (2012). Symposium for the South Asian Action Network, Growing Allies, and Human Rights Through Education student groups. Ann Arbor, MI. “Community & Family Violence: Breaking the Cycle.” (2008). A Community Forum Sponsored by the Cincinnati YMCA and University of Cincinnati. Panelist. Cincinnati, OH. Amy Krings. Fall 2014. Page 6 WORKSHOPPED PAPERS “Local Resistance and the Reproduction of Environmental Injustice within Sacrifice Zones”. (2014.). Social Movements Workshop, The University of Michigan Sociology Department. Ann Arbor, MI. “Planning, Participation, and Power: The Struggle for the Soul of Detroit”. 2013. Interdisciplinary Workshop on American Politics, The University of Michigan Political Science Department. Ann Arbor, MI. “The Politics of Local Organizing to Reduce Environmental Injustice: An Analysis of a Community Benefits Agreement Negotiation Process.” The University of Michigan School of Social Work Qualitative Methods Workshop. Ann Arbor, MI. “Dynamic Relationships and the Negotiation of a Community Benefits Agreement”. 2013. Interdisciplinary Workshop on American Politics, The University of Michigan Political Science Department. Ann Arbor, MI. “Why and how do marginalized community members come together, strategically and collaboratively, to influence public policy?” 2012. The University of Michigan School of Social Work Doctoral Student Brown Bag. Ann Arbor, MI. “How can a low-resourced community organization build allies, neutralize opponents, and influence decision makers? The case of the Southwest Detroit Community Benefits Coalition.” 2011. Interdisciplinary Workshop on American Politics, The University of Michigan Political Science Department. Ann Arbor, MI. “Case Study: The Southwest Detroit Community Benefits Coalition.” 2011. Social Movements Workshop, The University of Michigan Sociology Department. Ann Arbor, MI. TEACHING EXPERIENCE The University of Michigan, Political Science Department - Graduate Student Instructor Politics of the Metropolis (Urban Politics). The Theory and Practice of Community Organization. Fall 2011 Winter 2012 Xavier University, Social Work Department - Adjunct Teacher Theories and Methods of Social Work Practice II / Macro Social Work. Community Organizing. Fall 2007 and Fall 2008 Winter 2008 Community Building and Social Change. Team-taught. Fall 2008 Community and Electoral Organizing. Team-taught. Fall 2003 Amy Krings. Fall 2014. Page 7 University of Michigan Athletic Department, Student Athlete Tutor 2011 – 2013 • Courses included Introduction to Sociology, Sociology of Inequality, and Sociology of Marriage and the Family • Student-athletes were primarily first-generation college students from marginalized backgrounds. Independent Study Supervision The Promise and Limitations of Community Practice in a Globalized World. Winter 2013 Research Methods in Political Science. Winter 2013 Sustainability and Development in Urban Areas. Fall 2012 Community Action and Social Change: The Southwest Detroit Community Benefits Coalition. Fall 2012 Invited Guest Lectures (Selected Presentations) “Social Work, Community Practice, and Activism Inside and Outside of the Academy.” (2014.) Masters of Social Work course “Theory and Practice of Community Building and Development”. Wayne State School of Social Work. Detroit, MI. The Southwest Detroit Community Benefits Coalition: Investing in a Bridge to a Healthy Community. (2014 & 2013). Masters of Social Work course “Introduction to Social Welfare Policy and Services”. University of Michigan School of Social Work. Ann Arbor, MI. An Application of Social Movement Theories: Organizing for Environmental Justice in Southwest Detroit. (2013). Masters of Social Work course “Human Differences, Social Relationships, Well-Being, and Change Through the Life Course”. Ann Arbor, MI. Social Work Research and Social Policy Analysis: Power Dynamics within a Campaign for a Community Benefits Agreement. (2013.) Masters of Social Work course “Introduction to Social Welfare Policy and Services”. University of Michigan School of Social Work. Ann Arbor, MI. Qualitative Methods and Social Work Research: The Case of the Southwest Detroit Community Benefits Coalition. (2013). Social Work Research Methods. Wayne State School of Social Work. Detroit, MI. An Introduction to Community Organizing and Social Change. (2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, & 2010.) University of Michigan Department of Psychology. “Detroit Initiative Service Learning Class.” Ann Arbor, MI. MENTORSHIP EXPERIENCE Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) • Anisha Kingra, Erin Bozek-Jarvis, Candace Curtis. o Ms. Bozek-Javis and Ms. Curtis won “Best Research Poster” Awards. Amy Krings. Fall 2014. Page 8 2012 – 2013 • Anisha Kingra, Joel Klann, and Nolan McClain. o Mr. Klann won a “Best Research Poster” Award. 2011 – 2012 Undergraduate Community Based Research Summer Program • Stacey Matlen. Summer of 2012. o Ms. Matlen won a “Best Research Poster” Award. 2012 Southwest Detroit Community Benefits Coalition Case Study Research Team • Sian Dowis, Sam Russ, Xhensila Velencia, and Heekyoung Lee. 2012 Michigan Multicultural Education Evaluation Research Team 2011 - 2012 • Surabhi Pandit, Kaleigh Webster, Miranda Struck, Aesha Mustafa, and Frances Gonzalez. POST-MSW PRACTICE EXPERIENCE The Center for Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Michigan / Ann Arbor, Michigan 2014 United States – Indonesia Study Tour Project Planner • Planned and organized the Detroit segment of a multicultural, multi-site study tour involving American and Indonesian college students • Created a syllabus to compliment the tour’s theme of “Democracy and Pluralism” The University of Illinois at Chicago. / Chicago, Illinois 2014 Grant Writer for Chancellor Paula Allen-Meares • Researched, developed, reviewed, and organized grant opportunities to expand support for racial minority student recruitment and retention The Community Police Partnering Center / Cincinnati, Ohio 2009 Grants and Development Director • Wrote and received grants from the City of Cincinnati, the Macy’s Foundation, the Cincinnati Bar Foundation, the Better Together Cincinnati Funders Collaborative, and the United States Congressional Appropriations Committee • Created and managed a direct mail campaign • Wrote and presented reports to the organization’s board and funders Interim Executive Director • Developed annual budget in collaboration with the Board of the organization • Completed annual reviews with all staff • Managed fundraising and development efforts 2009 Trainer and Senior Community Safety Specialist 2005 - 2008 • Community Coordinator for CeaseFire Cincinnati campaign, a community-based effort to reduce gun violence • Directed and organized the Annual CPOP (Community Problem Oriented Policing) Summit Amy Krings. Fall 2014. Page 9 • • • Developed evidence-based curriculum in partnership with criminal justice scholars and police officers on crime and safety concerns ranging from gun violence reduction to engaging youth Organized and presented in trainings on best practices in problem solving and asset based community development to more than 1,000 citizens and police per year Supervised staff and AmeriCorps interns Community Safety Specialist 2004 – 2005 • Recruited and supported community stakeholders as they worked in partnership with the police to implement effective problem solving strategies • Developed curriculum for staff and community members on the theories and methods of community organization and problem solving. The David Pepper for City Council Campaign / Cincinnati, Ohio 2003 Manager of Volunteers and Community Engagement • Recruited and managed campaign volunteers with special attention to high school and college students • Assisted with strategic planning and campaign fundraisers PRE-MSW PRACTICE EXPERIENCE Bridgewatch Detroit Campaign, / Detroit, MI 2003 MSW Student Intern, The Mexicantown Community Development Corporation • Recruited and organized residents, businesses, and faith groups as part of a campaign to improve public health within this multi-ethnic, multi-lingual neighborhood • Lobbied city, state, and federal officials with neighborhood leaders to prevent the encroachment of the neighborhood by a growing interstate system Keep Cincinnati Beautiful / Cincinnati, Ohio Community Outreach Worker • Organized and implemented campaigns to decrease littering in urban areas The NAACP Cincinnati Branch / Cincinnati, Ohio BSW Student Intern • Researched policing and criminal justice reforms to be implemented • Participated in the Mayor’s Community Action Now Committee on Criminal Justice The Courtis Fuller for Mayor Campaign / Cincinnati, Ohio Campaign Staff • Interviewed policy makers and synthesized their findings into policy briefs • Recruited and managed campaign volunteers 2002 2001 - 2002 2001 Seasongood Foundation / Cincinnati, Ohio 2001 Research Assistant • Interviewed community leaders to assess proposed changes to the council-manager form of city government and local election rules Amy Krings. Fall 2014. Page10 SERVICE WITHIN THE ACADEMY Member, ACOSA Special Commission to Advance Macro-Practice in Social Work 2014 Reviewer, The Journal of Community Practice 2014 Discussant, Interdisciplinary Workshop on American Politics, The University of Michigan Political Science Department. 2013 Member, Community Organization Learning Community. The University of Michigan. 2012 Member, Community Organization Symposium Planning Committee. The University of Michigan. 2012 Panel Chair, “Mobilization in the U.S”. Midwest Political Science Association. 2012 Co-Chair, Conversations Across Social Disciplines, The University of Michigan. 2010 – 2011 Co-Chair, Political Science Department Women’s Caucus. 2009 – 2010 Team Member, Political Science Department Student Recruitment Committee Team Leader, University of Michigan U-Move Program 2010 2009, 2010 President, Alpha Sigma Nu, Xavier University Chapter 2002 SELECTED SERVICE WITHIN THE COMMUNITY Detroit Community Land Trust Coalition / Detroit, Michigan 2014 Volunteer and Member • Researched and disseminated information about community land trust development models and other policies intended to stabilize neighborhoods while protecting affordable housing. Michigan United / Detroit, Michigan 2013 Volunteer and Member • Participated in grassroots organizing campaigns to raise the minimum wage, reduce housing foreclosures, and develop pathways to citizenship within Michigan The YMCA of Ann Arbor / Ypsilanti, Michigan Youth Basketball Coach • Volunteered to coach a (undefeated) youth basketball team with under-privileged children. • Organized a fundraiser on behalf of the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign. 2010 Refugee Resettlement Program, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati / Cincinnati, Ohio 2001 - 2002 Student Intern • Taught a class to immigrants and refugees on the written section of the State of Ohio Drivers’ Licensure Exam Amy Krings. Fall 2014. Page11 • Assisted refugees in navigating human services departments. The Drop Inn Center Homeless Shelter 2000 – 2001 Community Organizer • Collaborated with residents to create and implement a campaign to prevent the forced relocation of the shelter. Washington Park Elementary School / Cincinnati, Ohio 1998 - 2000 After School Tutor Program Director • Organized and coordinated an after school homework club for students of Washington Park Elementary School with volunteer tutors from Xavier University. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Center for Teaching and Learning Faculty Mentorship Program, Mentor Ann Rosegrant Alvarez, Wayne State University 2014 Intermediate Spanish Classes 2013 - present Research Trip to Kerala, India on Women’s Empowerment Programs, University of Michigan School of Social Work 2013 Center for Teaching and Learning, “Teaching Writing in the Disciplines” Course 2011 NVivo Training, The University of Michigan Center for Statistical Consultation and Research 2010 Advanced Fundraising and Sustainability Planning, The Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati 2008 Demystifying Evaluation, The Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati 2008 Strategic Thinking and Planning, The Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati 2008 Coaching and Team Building Skills, The Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati 2008 Asset Based Community Development, The Leadership Institute 2007 Community Organizing, Midwest Academy 2006 Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Seminar, American Crime Prevention Institute 2006 National Crime Prevention Council National Conference 2005 Center for Problem Oriented Policing National Conference 2004 Camp Wellstone, Wellstone Action 2004 Amy Krings. Fall 2014. Page12 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Political Science Association (APSA) 2009 - present Association for Community Organization and Social Administration (ACOSA) 2010 - present Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) 2012 - present Society for Work and Research (SSWR) 2013 - present Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) 2011 - 2013 American Sociological Association (ASA) 2010 – 2012 National Association of Social Workers (NASW) 2001 – 2003, 2008 - 2009 POPULAR PRESS FEATURING MY WORK Klineflelter, Quinn. (April 30, 2012). “Detroit-Windsor Needs Second Bridge”. Morning Edition. National Public Radio. Interview. Ritter, Jessica, Halaevalu Vakalahi, and Mary Kiernan-Stern. (2009). 101 Careers in Social Work. Springer Publishing. Featured on page 216: “Social Worker Spotlight: Amy Krings-Barnes, BSW, MSW, Community Police Partnering Center, Cincinnati, Ohio”. Little, Aesha D. (November 2007). “Into the Crossfire.” Cincinnati Magazine. Interview. Orr, Katie. (June 17, 2007). “CeaseFire Cincinnati.” Cincinnati Edition. WVXU Cincinnati. Interview. Trong, Quan. (August 15, 2007). “Avondale Dismayed, Determined”. The Cincinnati Enquirer. Interview. Kelley, Eileen. (August 14, 2007). “Killing won’t end ‘Peace Bowl’”. The Cincinnati Enquirer. Interview. Richardson, Rachel. (April 10, 2007). “Summit to focus on community safety, crime reduction.” The Cincinnati Enquirer. Interview. Coolidge, Sharon. (August 18, 2006). “Out of ‘the life’, they learn to live.” USA Today. Interview. Arnold, Christy. (November 13, 2005). “’Bumps’ on bridge deter drug dealers”. Cincinnati Enquirer. Interview Downs, Maggie. (November 3, 2003). “Student volunteers get full exposure to campaign”. Cincinnati Enquirer. Interview. Amy Krings. Fall 2014. Page13 PROFESSIONAL REFERENCES Lorraine M. Gutiérrez, PhD, LCSW Arthur F. Thurnau Professor (Dissertation committee co-chair) School of Social Work and Department of Psychology The University of Michigan Phone: (734) 936-9124 Email: [email protected] Gregory B. Markus, PhD Professor Emeritus and Research Professor Emeritus (Dissertation committee co-chair) Department of Political Science The University of Michigan Phone: (734) 763-2222 Email: [email protected] Donald R. Kinder, PhD Research Professor, Center for Political Studies (Dissertation committee member) Philip E. Converse Professor, Department of Political Science Professor, Department of Psychology The University of Michigan Phone: (734) 936-1771 Email: [email protected] Michael Spencer, MSW, PhD Associate Dean and Professor (Dissertation committee member) School of Social Work The University of Michigan Phone: (734) 764-7224 Email: [email protected] Amy Krings. Fall 2014. Page14